#lookit him in the right light and you can see right into his eye sockets (same)
simptasia · 1 year
i feel like ken coulda passed for 27 if his hair was longer because, like, he’s asian. and miles has a bitchy attitude. but jeremy could not pass for 26. that’s not me dunking, that’s just a fact. oh well. for what it’s worth, i imagine in universe, they look the right age (adding another reason people have trouble taking daniel seriously. that and the ableism)
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shyneanon · 3 years
There is only one bed with red
I bet you thought I was never gonna respond to this one, huh, anon? Nope! I just had to rewrite it like five million times before I felt like it was actually not terrible. lol
Hope you enjoy this even though it’s been foreeeeeever.
“Well. Lookit that.”
You stared at the single available bed in the single available room, pretty immaculately kept.
“There’s only one bed,” said Red, leaning against the wall. “How unfortunate.”
You stared at it for a while, then looked back at him. He was flashing his gold tooth at you in a smug grin.
“It’s fine,” you said. “I can sleep on the floor.”
His smile vanished.
“Hey,” he said, “hold on, sweetheart. I c’n sleep on the floor.”
Actually kind of nice of him to offer, but as much as he annoyed you… no. “It’s cool, I can do it.”
“Nah, it’s gonna make me feel like trash if I letcha sleep on the floor.”
“Well, ditto.”
He grinned. “Ooh, I gotta solution. How ‘bout we both sleep on the floor?”
You held in a laugh, trying your best to give him a deadpan look. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh….
He waggled his brows at you.
And you let out a snort.
You started to set your things down and move onto the floor but Red shoved you towards the bed. “No,” he said, “I don’ wanna feel like an asshole.”
“You are an asshole,” you said.
“Sure but I don’ wanna feel like one…!”
“OK,” you said, “fine.” Whatever, his loss. You climbed into the bed and got under the covers, and you turned a bit as Red lay down on the floor.
… Dammit.
You sighed. I’m going to regret this.
“Red,” you said.
He turned with an oddly soft smile. “Yeah, beautiful?”
Your face turned warm. His nicknames are more effective than they should be. “Just get in the stupid bed.”
“Oh?” A brow rose, and the soft smile was gone. “Feeling bonely?”
“Don’t,” you said, moving over. “You just look so pathetic on the floor, I can’t do it.”
“Sure, sure.” He moved the covers aside and slid under them with you. “You tell yerself that.”
“I will shove you back onto the floor, Red.”
He shut his mouth (figuratively speaking), and you shut your eyes. He was surprisingly warm for a skeleton, perhaps due to wearing a jacket all day. Since he didn’t have the jacket on, though, you were far more aware of the fact that he was literally just… bone. You could feel his actual spine… It was kind of weird, but not weird enough to keep you up. You were just glad he wasn’t getting handsy. Though the truth was that him getting touchy hadn’t been your main concern. In reality, you tried to avoid having to share a bed with anyone. There was a, um, bad habit of yours that people had informed you of.
But hopefully you wouldn’t do anything crazy tonight.
Red was awoken by the feeling of something lying across his whole body.
What the hell?
He was on his side, and he attempted to push it off, but it didn’t budge. Groggy and annoyed, he awkwardly twisted and wriggled until he was on his back and could see what the fuck it was….
It was you.
He squinted, thinking he might be insane, but yeah. It was you. You were lying on top of him. A bit awkwardly, one of your legs was pointing in the direction of your side of the bed, but your head was where the crook of his neck would be, and you were breathing softly.
Red’s face lit on fire instantly.
“Sweetheart?” he mumbled, even though he was pretty sure you couldn’t hear him. When had this happened? Had it happened in your sleep? Had you done this on purpose?
You sighed in your sleep.
Oh… oh my God.
What if she likes me?
Had you instinctively cuddled up to him in your sleep because you… liked him? Or… maybe you liked his smell, or the way lying on him felt… Red was a bit embarrassed to find that he felt giddy, but the giddiness overrode the embarrassment.
“Sweetheart,” he repeated softly, gently wrapping his arms around you. You snuggled closer and he felt his soul start to hum.
We’re… so close….
She’s so cute when she’s asleep….
“You are the most adorable thing,” he said. He knew you couldn’t hear. That was the nice part; he could say whatever he wanted. He started to readjust your stray leg with his own, and his face warmed up even more when you curled your leg around his. He let out a small sound of surprise.
“Baby, you’re uncooperative…. Hah….”
Not that he, uh, minded… having your legs like this….
“Aren’t you just the sweetest,” he purred, pulling you closer. His soul was picking up. While you were asleep he felt no need to maintain his tough guy persona, so he cooed. “Yer cute as hell.”
He nuzzled you, holding you close.
He never wanted to let go….
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, lifting one finger and stroking your cheek. “I’ll keep you safe.” He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling washing over his soul while the two of you were so near each other. “Jus’ stay right here… with me, yeah?”
One hand tangled in your hair and he sighed. It was so soft…. You moved closer to him, making a soft hum, and Red’s grin widened, his soul melting into a puddle.
This was the best night of his life.
When your mind started to barely lift out of its unconscious state, the first thing you noticed was that it did not feel like you were lying on the mattress.
The second thing you noticed was that a pair of arms were around you. What the… Red? Why was he…
Oh. Oh no.
I climbed on him in my sleep, didn’t I?
It was a weird habit you’d never would’ve known about were it not for the unlucky victims who had told you about it. You had never woken up on top of someone before— you always woke up next to the person in the morning, in the same spot where you’d fallen asleep, and then they would tell you about how they’d woken up in the dead of night to find your entire body lying on top of them. It also apparently took a lot of effort to push you off, especially since attempts would usually result in you immediately trying to climb back onto them.
Red, uh, didn’t seem to be making any attempts to push you off, though.
“Hah, sweetie… You look so stupid when yer asleep….”
Did he know you were awake? Judging from his low volume, you were pretty sure that no, he didn’t.
His finger wiped the side of your mouth and then immediately withdrew, and you heard him laughing as quietly as possible. Yep, he was trying not to wake you up.
“Gross!” he whispered, and you heard the sound of his hand brushing against the fabric of, presumably, his clothes. “You drool in your sleep!”
More quiet laughter. If you blushed visibly you’d give yourself away, so you just buried your face in his collarbone. Embarrassing.
“... Ah… doll….”
A hand was gently placed on your back.
“I wish we could do this all the time,” he said softly. If he thought you were asleep he wasn’t saying this to flirt with you.
He meant it, then?
“Why’ve you gotta be so damn adorable, huh? M… My soul’s going crazy over here….”
A hand ran through your hair. He was being unusually gentle….
“Then again, that happens a lot when I’m with you.”
Your face got hotter; thank goodness he couldn’t see it from this angle.
His teeth pressed against your forehead. A kiss?
“I wish… I had the guts tah tell ya how I feel.”
Huh? Not… not like… romantically, right?
“You make me feel amazing. Like… really amazing, I… I dunno how t’put it in words cuz I’m real bad with words. S’why I can’ bring myself to tell you, I wanna tell you but every time I open my goddamn mouth all I say is somethin’ suggestive.”
Some silence. Should you tell him that you were awake? You were basically eavesdropping right now.
But at the same time…
“‘N, admittedly… I wish I was good fer you. Which I’m not, I’m… I’m fuckin’ me.”
Why did your heart suddenly ache?
“I’m lazy, I’m sleazy, I dress stupid, I act stupid, I can’t communicate like an adult to save my damn life…. An’ I… I’ve done a lotta bad things. Y… ya should get with some sweet guy who’s responsible ‘n shit.” He muttered: “Lookit me, fuckin’ swearing while I’m tryna talk about my feeli— Fantastic, I did it twice.”
It took all the effort you had to not giggle.
“I wish I was good for you. Ah, sweetie, I’d… I’d take such good care of you, I really would. Or, I’d try. Tryin’ is… really all I could do, t’be honest.”
Trying is all anyone can do.
“... Too bad I suck, yeah?”
Your heart ached again. Red didn’t suck, he was a good guy…. It was probably best to tell him that you were awake before he spilled any more personal information.
“You don’t suck,” you mumbled, turning your head.
“‘M sorry, dollface, did I wake you up with my rambling? I’ll be quiet.”
“No, I’ve been awake for a while.”
His whole body froze up.
“... Ya have?”
“H… How much of what I was just saying did you—“
“All of it.”
There was a long, awkward silence.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I should’ve said something—“
“Fuck,” he said, and you lifted your head. His eye sockets were squeezed shut.
“No, Red, it’s OK—“
“No it’s not, I’ve been makin’ a sappy ass outta myself an’ now I prob’ly made you feel guilty—“
“You didn’t make me feel guilty—“
“Jus’ please don’t say that we should go on a date cuz I know you’re only doing it to make me feel better ‘bout myself—“
“Shut up, Red.”
His eye sockets opened and he looked down at you. You could see the two red lights standing out in the darkness. “... Huh?”
“Stop wallowing in self-hatred and listen to me.”
He said nothing. You would take that as cooperation.
OK, he was listening. So, uh… what should you say?
You actually didn’t know.
So you just kissed him.
Initially he just froze up, but after a moment his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close, kissing back. W… Wow, this feels really good…. You moved into a better position and felt your hair spill down onto him.
“Sorry,” you said as the kiss parted.
“Sorry?” Red cupped the back of your head and gave you a second fervent kiss. “What the hell for? Ya just kissed me.”
“My hair is kinda touching you.”
“Oh no,” he said in monotone, “how awful. Kiss ruined.”
You snickered and leaned down to press your forehead against his. He looked up at you with fuzzy eyelights.
“I don’ deserve your love,” he said quietly. You smiled back.
“Nobody deserves love, Sans. That’s why it’s so special when someone loves us anyway.”
“You deserve love,” he said, “from somebody better than me.”
“That’s awfully vague.” You kissed his cheek. “And besides, I don’t want love from this person you call ‘somebody better than me.’”
He smiled.
“I want love from you.”
“Hah,” he said, and you saw his eyelights change… They were like hearts now. “Sweetheart, trust me, you already have all my love.”
Your face heated up. “That’s really romantic,” you told him.
“... It is?”
A giggle escaped you. “Yes, Sans.”
You kissed his nasal ridge.
“So?” you said with a smile. “You gonna ask me out or not?”
His eyelights got fuzzy again. “Ya think maybe we could go out sometime, beautiful?”
After kissing his cheek, you said, “I’d love that.”
“So, uh…” He looked at the way you two were positioned. “You think… we could do this more?”
You lay your head down on his ribcage.
“We should fall back asleep,” you told him.
“Sure thing, angel.”
Drifting off took no time at all.
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fire-the-headcanons · 4 years
Follow the Beacon Qrow—A Way Out
[Link to Masterpost]
[tw: this chapter is disturbing. I’m putting up several today, so skip if you need to]
Qrow woke to a blinding light and the sensation of nails digging into his eye sockets. He cringed away, curling into a ball and shielding his head and face with his arms.
"Hey, it's just me," Tai said. "Come on, you'll be late for class."
He groaned, pressing his face back into the pillow.
"O...Okay. Feel better." The door closed behind him, ringing like a gunshot. Qrow nestled further down in the blankets, further from the light and the cold.
He rolled over and went back to sleep.
He rolled over and went back to sleep.
He rolled over but he couldn't sleep.
The light streaming in through the window wasn't as blinding, and the room was still empty. He fumbled with his scroll for a moment. It was well into the afternoon—he'd missed the entire day. Guess it doesn't matter. Rolling over, he reached into their stash, straining after the jug of Vanta's moonshine. No point if I'm never gonna graduate. Something twisted in his stomach, but he managed to get a grip on the ceramic. He sat up with his prize, wincing as the throbbing in his head increased, and uncapped it.
...The other three would be back soon, especially if Summer and Tai wanted to change before dinner like usual. Last thing he needed was a bunch of questions. Careful not to spill, he slid onto his feet and shuffled over to the closet, taking out the long-empty flask. Perfect.
The jug went back in its hiding place, and the flask went into the back pocket of his uniform. Not the most comfortable thing to have slept in… at least he'd taken off his tie at some point before passing out last night.
He wandered out of their room, throwing on a jacket as an afterthought. It wasn't as biting cold as it had been for the past couple of weeks, but he still shivered as he left the heated building.
Maybe he should eat something? He glanced at the mess hall, full and loud… ehh. Not really hungry. Booze would work quicker on an empty stomach too.
Turning in the opposite direction, he almost reached for the flask before remembering he wasn't supposed to have it. He'd head into the woods a little ways and find some quiet. Weird how Beacon somehow had more and less privacy than camp. On one hand, solid walls. On the other… he hadn't hidden his scars very well.
As soon as he'd reached the treeline, he grabbed the flask and took a shot.
It was warm for February, almost like fall again. Probably just Vale's freaky weather. The Emerald Forest was green as ever when he emerged onto Beacon Cliff. It was even nicer here, with an updraft carrying summery air from the woods over the edge.
Qrow dropped onto the grass and took another gulp. He didn't miss Vanta, but he had really missed her booze. Stolen whiskey just didn't have the same kick. Though, the jug wasn't that big… He was going to run out in less than a week at this rate. If he lived that long.
It won't hurt. He took a smaller sip, staring out at the trees. That's why you stayed, remember? It would have been better if Raven had just left him behind when Bones died. Wasn't like saving him did either of them any good. Though... it had been nice to have—to pretend to have friends, for a few months. They probably wouldn't… ask to…
He couldn't finish the thought. They'd definitely hate him, though. They should.
Liquor burned his throat again before he pressed his face into his knees, hugging them. It's okay. It's okay. You deserve it. You don't need them to like you, you just need them to bury you.
Did he even deserve that? He'd killed his own father and left him there.
It doesn't matter. None of it matters. You. Won't. CARE. It wouldn't hurt, and then he wouldn't care, and he never had to go home again. No more Vanta, no more Sanguin, no more tribe. The warmth spread from his stomach, dulling the ache and driving away the last of the cold. No more Dan. No more Raven. No more Semblance, or nightmares, or scars.
No more Qrow.
...He'd never hurt anyone again.
The wind picked up for a moment, setting the leaves hissing below and washing a warm gust of air up from the forest. It's okay. This time he believed it. It's okay.
Being at Beacon had always felt so wrong. It wasn’t the fear of discovery, or their teammates' kindness—it was him. He didn't belong here. If he actually cared about his friends, or even his sister, it was time to stop hurting them. Nothing would undo the harm he already caused but the least he could do was avenge his victims. He'd go back up to the school and hand himself in.
But—then Summer and Tai would definitely know. And if Raven tried to save him again, the Huntsmen could kill her. Could he warn her first? She'd try to drag him back… His stomach twisted as if the portal had already opened under him. There had to be a way to make sure she was safe. There had to be a way out...
Slowly, he raised his head to stare over his arms at the quiet trees below.
…It would look like an accident. Right? No one would even suspect anything—he got drunk and wandered off somewhere dangerous. Mistakes happen. They'd mourn for a while, maybe, and then they'd move on.
He could have privacy. Die alone, with no one laughing or screaming at him. Raven would leave as soon as the link snapped—think the Huntsmen had done it. Wouldn't know how weak he really was. Then she could go home, and the tribe wouldn't hate her anymore. Tai and Summer might not even find out the truth—
—and if they did, he'd never know.
He jumped, nearly toppling over as his head snapped toward the sound. Summer stood on the path a few paces away, one hand clenched over the other. "What are you doing out here?"
He didn't trust his voice, so he just offered her the flask.
"No, I don't want any," she said, voice higher than usual. "We're not supposed to be here without a teacher."
"Jus' wanted some air." It was like trying to talk around a gag. The booze was definitely kicking in.
"Let's get some air in the courtyard."
"S' fine," he insisted, gesturing at the horizon. "I us'ta live out here."
She stepped off the path, closing the distance, and sat down almost leaning against him. When she spoke again, her voice was much softer. "Do you miss it?"
"...What's the best thing about the castle?"
He pondered that for a minute. "Mmm… sleeping through the night."
"You had to sit watches before?"
"Yeah. Long time."
She leaned forward, resting her arms on her crossed legs and twisting her head to keep sight of his face. "Anything interesting ever happen?"
It took a minute and a couple more sips to think of something. "Once, we both fell asleep and Sanguin tried t'cut my ear off."
"No, really," he insisted, pulling the edge down and leaning in so she could see. "I can still feel the scar, lookit—"
"You sat watches to protect each other from the other farmhands?!"
Why was she angry? What did he do wrong? She reached for him and he flinched, shoving the flask into her hand. Satisfied, she returned to her seat and he relaxed again.
"Qrow, where are you staying this summer?"
Either way, he'd be dead long before then. He just shrugged.
"I—I'm going to ask my mom if you can both stay. Or, or our uncle is headmaster at Signal—well, he's not our uncle exactly, our parents were on his team at Haven—but the school always has room over the break. Even with summer camps and stuff. If Mom doesn't want to they definitely can. Just… just please, don't go back there."
Gods, she was so kind and wonderful and she didn't deserve to have to deal with him and his shitty curse. He glanced over, accidentally meeting her eyes for a moment. In the last light of the day they sparkled like the broken fragments of the moon.
He looked back down at the grass. "...Thank you for being so nice to me."
"C-come on," she stammered, gently curling her fingers around his upper arm. "Let's go inside."
He couldn't stand the thought of her hating him.
Slowly, the knots in his stomach evaporated with a pleasant tingling that spread all the way through his abdomen and up his spine, into his whole body. Wave after wave of sickening relief.
Qrow looked up at her again, smiling a little. "I'll come in in a few minutes. It's nice out."
"Please." Summer's eyes glittered fuzzily as her hands tightened on his arm.
If he fought too much, they'd know it wasn't an accident. "Okay," he sighed, and let her pull him to his feet and up toward the castle. There was always tomorrow.
Next Chapter: Summer—Help
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yxlenas · 6 years
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.” Damerey please
Ambiguous timeline. OT4 background, damerey focused. 
Poe watches in abject horror as the black Y Wing shoots Rey right out of the sky. It’s not a First Order ship, too sleek and nondescript. The First Order opts for a little more flash in their designs.
It’s Rose, over the commlink. He doesn’t respond, just streaks through the sky in Black One towards the crash site. There’s a plume of smoke coming up from the copse of trees she went down in, and the Y wing has disappeared from his line of sight. Cloaking device, if he had to guess. He lands carelessly, throwing himself from the cockpit before the ship is all the way still. Rey is gone, no trace of her except a few scraps of her flight suit. Poe approaches cautiously, sticking his head into the cockpit. There’s a pool of blood on the seats and some smeared on the cracked windshield.
“Poe, is she alright? POE?”
Rose, again. Finn isn’t on this particular training exercise. Poe is thankful for it. He can only deal with one panicked life partner at a time in crisis situations.
“She’s- she’s gone.”
“What the fuck do you mean, she’s gone?”
“I mean I’m staring into the cockpit of her totaled X Wing and she’s not in said cockpit, my flower.”
Rose sobs drily over the commlink, just once, and then he can hear the change in her demeanor.
“I saw that ship shoot her down, Poe. I think I got an image of it in my dashcam.”
“Dameron, pull it together.”
Rose is steel on the other side of the commlink. Poe shakes himself upright and looks around the cockpit one more time. Rey’s saber is still tucked in the pocket under the seat and he gathers it up gently, like he does with Rey when she’s ill, injured, or tired. He tucks it into his flight suit, clambering back over to Black One.
“Head back towards base, babe. We gotta talk to Leia and our force sensitive boyfriend.”
“On it. And Poe?”
“We’re going to find her.”
Rey comes back to consciousness in pieces. There’s pain, everywhere, coursing through her body. There’s the feeling of being suspended, of ropes tugging her wrists upwards. There’s a voice, whispering to her quietly. It sounds like Finn, but it can’t be Finn. Finn isn’t in the cell she’s trapped in, the one she’s seen when she can tug her itchy, tired eyes open.
Wake up, sweetheart.
His voice comes again. Somehow her foggy brain realizes he’s talking to her through their Force bond.
I’m here. I need you to open your eyes and look around, my love. Do it for me.
“It hurts.”
I know. God, Rey, I know. I can feel it through the bond. But I need you to fight it and open your eyes. I have to see what you see.
“C-coming to get me?”
Yes. But only if I can see where you are.
Rey opens her eyes. The light burns and swims in front of them, and she nearly retches. Her head pounds, and she swings it up weakly from her chest to stare blearily out the bars of her cell.
Good job, love.
There’s sand. Too much fucking sand. It’s not Jakku but it’s the same sort of hellish shitpile as Jakku. She groans. Her mouth is entirely dry and her head throbs again. She drops her chin to her chest again and then throws up without warning. Bile drips down her chin and soaks into her tattered flight suit.
A concussion. That’s one injury checked off. Rey lets her eyes drift shut again. Finn’s voice doesn’t come over the Force bond again. She misses him. Her stomach throbs. She can smell blood.
She’s not sure how long she dangles there, in the cell, the light battering her unfocused eyes, but eventually the door to the cell slams open and something jabs her in the ribs.
“Wakey wakey, little Jedi.”
She vaguely remembers the woman in front of her, both from Takodana and from when she crashed her X Wing.
“Eyebrows,” she mumbles. That earns her a slap to the face. Long, dark nails sink into her cheek and force her head to turn.
“None of that now, princess. Supreme Leader Ren will be here soon, to claim his prize.”
“You just focus on staying alive.”
There’s water being forced down her throat and she chokes on it. Long taloned fingers grip her chin and force her head up, pouring more water down her throat.
“Fuck you.”
Those long nails gouge splits in her cheek. Rey shuts up. Her head falls back to her chest and she closes her eyes wearily.
She fucking hates bounty hunters.
“Baby, wake up.”
She has to be hallucinating. That’s Poe’s voice, and that’s Poe’s hand cupping her cheek, but Poe can’t be here. She has to be hallucinating.
“Come on, Rey, open your goddamn eyes. Work with me here, kid.”
She forces her eyes open. Poe is standing in front of her, a knife working at the ropes holding her upright. She squeezes her eyes shut.
“Nooooo. Not real.”
“I assure you, I am very real. Now help me out.”
Rey opens her eyes again. Her wrists drop from their position above her head and she slumps forward into Poe’s sturdy chest. A lance of fire shoots through her abdomen and she screams. Poe’s flight glove lodges itself into her mouth and she bites down on it to stifle her agony.
“You got a piece of an X Wing control panel lodged in your stomach. Don’t lean forwards, alright? Let me get you against my side.”
“She’s here. She’s with Finn, keeping lookout. You’re alright.”
“Want Finn.”
“Soon, kiddo. Soon. Here, lean on me.”
She does. She opens her eyes. She doesn’t remember closing them. Poe’s outline glimmers in the twilight filtering through the bars of her cell.
“Poe. Rose and Finn.”
“Kriff, Rey, work with me here. Five minutes, alright? I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me. Lean a little more, that’s it.”
Her arm gets tugged up over a shoulder. She begins to stumble forward, her heavy boots catching on themselves. She almost goes down. Poe swears. She moans out her discontent and pain.
“Alright, kiddo. Step up, that’s it. Good girl.”
The shitpile glimmers in the moonlight.
“Fucking sand.”
Poe barks out a laugh. His grip tightens against her waist. He’s warm. She’s cold.
“Tatooine isn’t exactly paradise, ey?”
Rey groans. Her head hurts again. She can see a Resistance transport up ahead. Finn and Rose are in front of it, looking nervous. She grins lopsidedly.
“Lookit, Poe.”
“I see. A few more feet, that’s it. Up we get.”
She’s not sure how she ended up on her ass in the sand. Poe heaves her back up. She goes without a struggle. Her abdomen aches.
“Ok, we’re going to lay down now.”
Her head hits a pillow. She feels boneless and heavy.
“Poe, she’s soaked in blood.”
“I know. We need to hurry.”
“Is that part of her X Wing?”
Rey lets herself fall asleep.
Poe looks down at Rey’s sleeping form, scrubbing a hand down his face. He needs a shave. Rose is asleep with her head in his lap, and Finn is facedown on Rey’s mattress.
Rey’s head rolls across the pillow. The edge of her bandages peeks out from under the shitty blanket Leia had scrounged up. The base is underfunded, overcrowded, and kind of a piece of shit. They don’t even have bacta patches. They’d had to stitch Rey up from the inside out. Poe hadn’t eaten for the rest of the day after that mess.
Rey whimpers, her head tossing again. Oh, he realizes. She’s waking up.
Her eyes drift open before he can even move to fetch a med droid. She smiles up at him dopily, her brown eyes rolling in their sockets.
“Hi, baby girl.”
“Hey. I feel funny.”
“I bet. Kalonia pumped you full of the good stuff.”
He leans down, kissing Rey’s cheek. She mewls happily.
“You kept me safe.”
He smiles at her, stroking his thumb over her forehead and brushing some of her hair from her temple. Rey is practically purring underneath his touch.
“I told you I would, babe.”
Her eyes are fluttering again. She’s sleepy.
“Go to sleep, Miss Jedi. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
“All of you?”
He strokes his finger down her nose and watches as her lids fall shut completely.
“All of us.”
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vampirezelda · 7 years
Birthday Gift Ficlet
I created a little Edge Fluff for @mellamew because she’s a great friend and it’s her birthday today! I hope you enjoy it mella, happy birthday!
Edge and Cat hc can be found here, and the pictures that go with said ficlet can be found here! all by @vividlylost who was also the beta reader for the ficlet <3
You were bored. Like, seriously bored. How anyone could be this bored was beyond you. All your friends were too far away to go out and do things normal people do, like gush over the latest chapter in that fanfic you all liked while at the mall, or rant about your newfound hatred of peaches while painting each other’s nails and watching cheesy movies. Yes, you saw right, peaches! They wronged you in that way they looked uncannily like a rear end. So naughty.
Sitting up in your bed to check the soul-sucking social sites you frequent and see nothing of note has occurred for quite a while, a feat you deem impressive. Suddenly your phone starts ringing across the room, so you just flop on the floor from the bed with a “oof!” and roll to it, picking the annoying contraption up and answering it.
“Human escort service, we service all manner of people be it human, monster, or former Captain of the Royal Guard.” You answer with a teasing lilt to your voice.
“I MUST HAVE THE WRONG---WAIT A MOMENT, IS THIS A JAPE? YOU ALMOST FOOLED ME, BUT I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS CANNOT HAVE THE WOOL PULLED OVER MY EYE SOCKETS SO EASILY!” Papyrus says in a slightly embarrassed and rushed tone. You were sure you were going to fool him this time.
“Ha, you got me Papyrus. Tis I, the short and bored human! Whatever have you called me for on this fine summer afternoon?”
Papyrus huffs over the phone and then clears his non-existent throat, which you have come to learn is an indicator he’s about to reveal something he deems very interesting. “I KNEW YOU WOULD BE BORED TODAY, AND AS SUCH HAVE CREATED AN OUTDOOR ACTIVITY I AM POSITIVE YOU WILL ENJOY. NOW, PLEASE DRESS IN CLOTHES YOU ARE COMFORTABLE IN BECOMING SLIGHTLY MESSY AND I SHALL BE AT YOUR DOOR IN TEN MINUTES SHARP. SEE YOU SOON, HUMAN!” He promptly hangs up and you’re left wondering what sort of shenanigans of terror he’s going to have you running through this time.
With ten minutes to become presentable, though, you’re rushing to slip on a pair of jeans and a tank top. Then you nearly trip over your shoes situated in the middle of the room, discarded there last night in a haze of sleepiness.
Fully clothed and with four minutes to compose yourself; easy-peasy. You dance over to the small bathroom and furiously brush those pearly whites while also brushing your hair, something you’ve perfected over the time you’ve known Papyrus.
With one-minute to spare you’re forced to just tie your hair up in a messy ponytail, as you dash into the main area looking any and everywhere for your purse. Under that side table? No. Maybe the kitchen counter has it? No. You spot it hanging on the coat rack for some reason just as there are three concise knocks on the door to your apartment, and you quickly snatch your purse up as you open the door.
“H-hey Pap! On time, just like you said you would be! Ready to go?” You say with perhaps too much enthusiasm, grabbing onto his arm, locking your door, and walking in a random direction.
“……DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE WE’RE GOING?” Papyrus says with a certain gruffness to his voice, knowing full well you do not know where you’re going.
You stop and think for a moment, then turn to him. “Nah. I was just walking in a direction and hoping it was the correct choice for our little adventure. Lead on, dear Captain!” You take his hand and raise it in the air, while passersby look at you oddly.
He shakes his head at you and groans, but brings you along, hand-holding and all, to the large park nearby. In the middle of the park is a very large picnic blanket, complete with a cute little basket that has...holes in it? All-in-all, it was an odd sight to see.
“So……you wanna tell me what this is all about? Not gonna run me through another one of your challenges you deem soothing for the soul, right?” You sass. Papyrus just rolls his eye lights and brings you closer to the container, urging you sit on the blanket with him. Ok, maybe not a crazy challenge? He would have been pulling equipment out willy nilly and strapping it on you.
“I Can Assure You That This Is Not Another One Of My ‘Crazy Challenges’ You Will Be Experiencing Today.” He announces not as loudly as before. “Now, For The Main Activity! Sit Here And Just Relax. You Shall Know Why Soon Enough, Nyeh Heh Heh.”
Papyrus turns and blocks off your view of the basket, and you trust him enough to just close your eyes and revel in the feel of the sunshine on your skin.
…What? You look at Papyrus, but he’s still turned away and you can’t see quite what he’s doing.
There it was again! That sounded exactly like a kitten. Papyrus turns around and there is a litter of kittens hanging from his arms, scrabbling for purchase amongst his turtleneck sleeves.
“Oh my Gosh! Lookit the cute little kitties! Is this what my edgy boy has been doing all day? Rounding up poor innocent kittens in his scheme for making his datemate feel better?” You gently scoop up one of the kittens into your arms, snuggling it against your face.
“I Did Not Do Anything Nefarious In Order to Lead These Fanged Felines Here! I Simply Asked A Human Veterinarian For A…Favor. Yes, That’s What It Is Called Here On The Surface,” is the response you hear from beyond the mass of fluff climbing his arms, making you giggle quietly into the kitten’s fur.
A couple kittens decide to abandon their quest at climbing Mount Papyrus to investigate what the other moving object in the vicinity is, and you were now sprawled on your back with kittens making a bed of your stomach, chest, and thighs. Suffice to say, you felt happier than you have in a long while, and Papyrus seemed to notice, if the slight nod to himself is any indication.
You doze off, a combination of the sun’s warmth and kitten purrs vibrating through your body lulling you to sleep.
Papyrus takes this opportunity to relax a bit and and let his “terrible” facade drop, observing the scene with fondness. He may have snuck a picture of you, but you’ll never know unless he sends it to you of course. He spends this time letting the kittens use him as a climbing tower, enjoying the ministrations of one specific feline, which was all black except for white patterns along their stomach that vaguely could be thought of as skeletal like patterns
“Feline, Do Not—” is what wakes you up after who knows how long, the sun a bit lower than before and some kittens having vacated your body in favor of the tower than is Papyrus. “—That Is Not A Proper Lounging Spot! Oh For…..Fine, You May Stay There Until I Say So, Devious Fanged Feline.”
The sight that greets you is too precious to bear. Papyrus is sitting cross legged on the blanket like before but with numerous kittens perched on various spots among his body. What takes the cake though, is the kitten that has found its home in the scarf bunched against his neck, dozing silently.
He seems content to stay as still as a statue, not noticing you are awake until you make a high pitched “awww”.
“DO NOT ‘AW’ ME! I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING CUTE! THESE FELINES HAVE SIMPLY BESTED ME IN COMBAT, AND SO I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO BOW TO THEIR WHIMS.” At the outburst most of the kittens scatter to your lap, the exception being the one settled in his scarf. It seems that little one has claimed Papyrus as his own.
Seeing this Papyrus blushes red and stammers; caught off guard once again.
You giggle and take a picture, hiding it from sight. “That one seems pretty attached to you. Wanna take him home?” She watched with interest, throwing some toys back and forth for the others to interact with. She was definitely revitalized after a day out and about with this little surprise.
Papyrus stilled even more, if that were even possible. “N-NO! SANS POSITIVELY DESPISES CATS WITH A BURNING PASSION. I AM AFRAID IT WOULD NEVER WORK OUT.” He glances down to the kitten sleeping in his scarf and gently picks it up, gaining a protesting meow in return. "LISTEN DATEMATE, I INSIST YOU TAKE THIS SMALL FELINE.  I CAN NOT ALWAYS BE THERE, BUT THIS SMALL FANGED FELINE WILL MOST CERTAINLY GROW INTO A FEARSOME PROTECTOR FOR WHEN I CAN'T. I SHALL FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK FOR ITS ADOPTION."  The kitten takes this moment to try and bite the hand that is holding it, but the dull fangs do nothing against his bone.
You take your new kitten from him and hold it close, squinting up at him in the process. “No teaching the kitty to harass the neighbors. Final Decision.”
“YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY NO FUN. ‘DON’T BUILD TRAPS TO PROTECT MY APARTMENT PAPYRUS, DON’T IMPROVE ANY OF MY KITCHEN EQUIPMENT TO MAKE IT EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE PAPYRUS.’ WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER?!” He gripes but relents, gathering the kittens and herding them into the basket they were in before, cleaning up the picnic area he set up before your arrival.
“COME DATEMATE, I SHALL ESCORT YOU HOME AND THEN GO OUT TO BUY ITEMS OUR—I MEAN YOUR NEW FELINE COULD POSSIBLY NEED.” With your kitten secured in your arms Papyrus squishes you close to his side, staying that close the entire way back to your apartment.
When you step up to your door and unlock it Papyrus turns you around and gives you a skeletal kiss to the forehead, the audible “MWUAH” inevitably following it. “I HOPE YOU ENJOYED OUR TIME TOGETHER TODAY, DATEMATE. IF YOU EVER NEED CHEERING UP AGAIN, KNOW I AM ALWAYS WILLING TO CRUSH THOSE PESKY NEGATIVE EMOTIONS FOR YOU. OR BRING YOU ANOTHER FELINE. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY FELINES.” He walks off after that heart warming speech to gather the required supplies at the store and finalize the adoption of your new found friend,  leaving you to snuggle your shared kitten with Papyrus. Looks like nothing can stay wrong for long when you’re around him.
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redeyedryu · 7 years
Apathy & Happenstance
Chapter 4 - Perception and Peculiarity [Ao3] | 1 | 3 | x | 5
Catching up on posting these chapters to tumblr! Here’s 4. 5′ll be posted once I’m finished editing it. c:
Summary: These guys are weird. Seriously, who doesn't know monsters have relocated to the surface by now?
“no way.” Sans says in disbelief.
You note with a bit of curiosity that those little pinpricks of red light in his eye sockets have disappeared. Weird.
“HUMAN…” Papyrus starts, taking a heavy step toward you. What, did he forget your name already or is he just being obstinate? You see his arm moving, shifting to reach for you. To Papyrus’s surprise, you twist and bend to avoid his grasp, taking the opening to slip between him and Sans.
“Nope.” you say as you maneuver into your apartment, intent on relocating to the living room. “Nice try, but you do not lay hands on me. If you have something to say you can use your words.”
You reclaim your corner seat on the couch from when this all first started, depositing the paper bag on the coffee table, right next to your laptop, and pull your phone into your hands. At least they hadn't messed with your computer—as far as you can tell, anyway.
You hear a very frustrated growl, some whispered arguing, and then, after a couple minutes, you're rejoined by the skeletons in the living room. Papyrus is standing right in front of you, blocking you on the couch from the front, and Sans unceremoniously plops himself in the space beside you. Subconsciously, the muscles on that side of your body tense, as if flinching away without actually doing so.
Papyrus is looking down at you, arms once again crossed. His gloved fingers seem to be twitching, as if he's holding himself back from making another grab at you. The earlier thought that he's probably used to getting his way is reinforced and in that moment, you decide you're going to indulge your petty side—you're going to give this particular skeleton hell and bask in every single second of doing so.
“So?” you prompt, unperturbed. “What was it that you wanted to say?”
His sockets squint, and he's surprisingly quiet for a beat, before he finally decides to break the silence that has settled.
“IT WOULD BE UNWISE FOR YOU TO LIE TO ME.” he starts. “IT IS INCONCEIVABLE THAT WE WOULD BE ABOVEGROUND.” You don't understand how that can be so, but whatever, Edgelord. “TELL US THE TRUTH, HUMAN. WHERE ARE WE?”
You roll your eyes with a long suffering sigh and start fussing with the phone in your hands, twisting it this way and that, running your fingers along the black screen.
“Alright, first of all, Edgelord, in case you forgot, it's Y/n, not ‘human’. I'll thank you to remember that.” You have to bite your cheek to keep the grin from your lips at the way he bristles at your attitude, at your unwillingness to let yourself be subjected to his demands. “Second, did neither of you so much as look outside while I was gone?” You have to wonder what they had been doing in here, all that time you were out. Surely they hadn't just been sitting in the living room, twiddling their thumbs, right? “I assure you, the windows are real and functional.”
Papyrus glares down at you, silent and unblinking. Perhaps he thinks he’s intimidating, that he can scare you into telling the ‘truth’. Fat chance there, mister.
To your side, you feel the couch shift, can hear the sound of bone scratching against bone. In your peripheral vision you can see more red sweat beading along Sans’s skull, he's scratching at the back of his neck (...spine?) and… is that a red tinge to his face or just a trick of the light? Weird. Sans is weird.
“Look,” you begin, leaning back into the plush cushion of the couch. “Don't get mad at me because you're too scared to confirm it yourself. The proof is literally right there.” You tilt your chin, indicating the window again.
Papyrus seems to twitch, fingers clenching, bunching the fabric where they lay. You merely quirk a brow.
And cue another staring match. Spiky, loudmouthed Halloween decoration versus one human that couldn't care less.
You're unsure how much time passes—if it's very much at all—before Sans’s voice cuts across your childish display.
“uh… b-boss,” his voice calls from across the room, “you gotta lookit this.”
Your attention snaps to him and you see the smaller skeleton at your window, bathed in golden sunlight. He has peeled back the heavy fabric of your curtains to reveal a late afternoon day, the sun working its way in a downwards arch towards the horizon. You cast a quick glance to your side and sure enough, that's empty space next to you. When the hell had he gotten over there?
Papyrus clicks his tongue again (does that mean he has one? What does it look like? Is it made of bone???) as he does an abrupt about face. He's at the window in only a couple quick strides.
Silence settles in the room as the two monsters stare out your window in reverence.
What a strange reaction, you think. It's like this really is their first time seeing the sun and the sky. You have to wonder if they've been living under a rock or something, under that mountain, to only now , practically a decade later, be seeing the sun. It begs the question of where the hell did they come from before they poofed into your apartment?
Unable to continue watching the two (something uncomfortable twists and knots in the pit of your stomach the longer you do), you take the opportunity to look at your phone. Flicking the screen on shows a push notification from none other than ‘THE GREAT PAPYRUS’. You open the message.
You huff a breath of air through your nose, a very subdued laugh, as the thought what an adorable bean flickers across your mind. You read on.
You can’t help but to snicker at the pun, deciding that that's it, ‘THE GREAT PAPYRUS’ is, without a doubt, a cinnamon roll. Entirely too pure, too good for this world. You do find it interesting, however, that this Papyrus uses ‘human’ in much the same was as the spiky Papyrus—as if it was a title or something. You wonder if it's a skeleton thing, as any monster you've socialized with has never referred to you by your species before. Is it specific to Papyruses? ...Papyri. ???
You shake the thought away. You can inquire about it later, when this mess is all figured out and sorted.
You tap the entry field of the messenger, ready to type out a response, but before you can so much as enter a letter, the screen lights up with a call, a little tune slicing through the silence of your apartment.
You furrow your brows at your phone just as the skeletons at your window startle, their attention shifting back to you.
“wha… the heck’s that?” Sans is the first to speak, his little red eye lights wandering the room in search of the source of the noise. He quickly settles his gaze on you, on the little device clutched between your hands. “s’that yer phone?”
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?” Papyrus shouts, sounding almost personally offended by the ringing. “WHAT IS THAT INFERNAL RACKET?!” He shoots a heated glare your way, clearly blaming you. You barely contain the urge to roll your eyes. “HURRY UP ALREADY, HUMAN! EITHER ANSWER OR HANG UP! I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR IN MY PRESENCE!” This time, you roll your eyes.
Glancing back at the ringing device in your hands, you see that you’ve got a call from ‘THE GREAT PAPYRUS’. Kind of weird. And out of the blue. And a little out of your comfort zone—you only just started talking to the guy today, after all. Why is he calling you now? Doesn't texting suffice?
As Papyrus begins to impatiently tap his foot, waiting for you to act, you decide to:
* Answer the call. Maybe he has something important to tell you? Why else would he call you, a practical stranger?
* Ignore the call. Papyrus might be a precious bean but that's still a little too much, too soon for you.
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How To Be A Wizard: Chapter One-Welcome To Wizard City
A Wizard101 fanfiction
I don’t own anyone except my own characters!
Chapter one: welcome to wizard city!
A wise old man leaned on his staff in exhaustion, peering into the crystal ball on his desk as if it held the answers to the universe. A gray owl wearing a cap flew onto his staff, peering into the crystal as well.
“Whooo are they, headmaster Ambrose?” the owl asked in a throaty voice.
“These seven teenagers are the key to stopping Malistaire once and for all, Gamma.” the aforementioned wizard teacher stated, stroking his beard in thought. “They come from a world that has magic, yet they don’t even believe in it! How unusual…” he murmured.
“Then we should bring them to Wizard City as soon as magically possible to teach them how to use their magic! There isn’t a moment to lose, headmaster!” The gray owl cried.
The old man sighed and adjusted the monocle on his left eye, “I suppose you are right, Gamma. The fate of the Spiral rests in their, albeit inexperienced, hands.” The owl flew off the staff and hid behind a stack of books, peeking his little grey head out to watch his master perform the spell that would bring the teenagers into their world.
In a matter of minutes and in a flash of light, there in his office stood seven teenagers. Three boys and four girls, all looking confused, worried, and scared.
The tallest boy, a latino with startling grey eyes spoke first. “Ay, what’s going on, ese?!”
“What the hell is going on…??” a girl with brown hair and light blue eyes questioned, examining her surroundings and her new comrades.
“Whoa! Check out the threads we’ve got!” a girl with tanned skin and amber eyes grinned and fingered the hem of her maroon sleeves.
Indeed, as soon as they set foot in this new world, their clothes changed from typical jeans and sneakers to cotton robes and soft but sturdy boots.
The commotion continued amongst the teenagers, as they examined themselves and questioned their whereabouts, their voices growing louder in panic.
This continued until the headmaster slammed the butt of his staff into the ground beneath him, sending out a blast of air and silencing the new students. Seven shocked faces finally acknowledged the person that brought them to Wizard City.
“I understand that you must be confused at the least, but if you will allow me to explain, then I shall.” He straightened up as much as possible, “I am Headmaster Merle Ambrose, of Ravenwood school of magical arts. This is my assistant, Gamma.” He motioned to the now revealed grey owl, who bowed in greeting. “Now, as for why I’ve brought you all here.” He gestured to the crystal ball on his desk and displayed a picture of a man with long black hair and beard. He had beady black eyes and a scowl on his face. “This is Malistaire,” he explained, “a dark wizard who seeks to destroy Wizard City for reasons unknown. He hasn’t done much yet, but he will eventually. And while I pride my school in teaching the wizards of the next generation, I fear that none of them are ready to stop this menace.” He swept a hand over the crystal and the image of Malistaire disappeared.
“Okay, that’s all well and good but…” the boy with gold eyes and long brown hair gestured amongst himself and the others, “…what makes you think that we can stop him? I mean we’re just simple humans, not mages or wizards or whatever.”
“Ah, but that is where you are mistaken.” headmaster ambrose waved his hand over the crystal ball again, this time displaying moving images of the seven teens before him. “You see, you all display great magical power that has been shown in your actions.” he turned to the latino boy. “You, young man, are Antonio Suncatcher. Your intense will and respect for others gives you the ability of divination. Storm magic.” the latino, now named Antonio, glanced at the crystal showing him at a young age sticking his finger in an electrical socket, giggling as his dark hair stood on end. He blushed in embarrassment at the image.
Merle then turned to a girl with black hair pulled into a ponytail and pretty violet eyes. “You are Angela Darkcaller, a woman whose love for others goes beyond even the grave. In turn, you have been given the ability of necromancy, the magic of the dead.” the crystal ball then showed her talking to a ghost standing above its grave. Angela smiled sweetly and forlornly, as the ghost was the spirit of her late mother.
“You, young lady, are Rowan Dragonblood,” said short-haired brunette girl with light blue eyes jumped at her name being called suddenly. “You have a cold soul yet have a warm heart, thus granting you ice magic, or thaumaturgy.” she turned to the crystal ball, which now featured her with longer hair and playing in the snow…in a tee shirt and shorts. Rowan blushed heavily, shielding her face with the hood of her robe.
The headmaster turned to the boy with lime-green eyes and disheveled blond hair. “You, my friend, are Blake Ironheart. Your spirit thrives with light and life, which is the magic you have been given. The magic of life, the theurgist’s magic.” Blake gazed fondly at the crystal ball now displaying a scene where he was making his aunt’s old withered rose bushes thrive with new life.
“You, are Calamity Moonhunter, a girl who was gifted with the magic of balance. You were given this magical talent due to your ability to adapt easily and to see things from all points of view.” the girl with amber eyes and dark brown curly hair grinned childishly as she peered into the crystal, showing her manipulating sand at the beachside.
“Oh, I remember that! You see, I was entering a sandcastle building contest and I was so desperate to win, so I tried my hardest to build the best sandcastle ever and I mean EVER, but it was still kinda disappointing and I was about to give up but then all of a sudden, I was CONTROLLING THE SAND! Can you believe it? I mean, everyone was staring at me like I was crazy, I mean, of course I’m crazy, who isn’t nowadays? And I-”
“Oh for the love of god, shut up!” the shortest girl with blonde hair and ruby red eyes shouted.
“You!” ambrose pointed to the girl who had shouted. “You, Iridian Flamerunner, have a fire in your heart that reflects your magical gift. You will have to learn to take control of your fire before it burns you.”
“Um…yes sir?” she bit her lip as she glared at the crystal ball displaying a memory of her as an infant playing with hot embers from the fireplace. The headmaster placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry young one. You are among friends who can help you master pyromancy. You won’t be alone anymore.” iridian smiled weakly as ambrose moved on to the boy with the gold eyes and long brown hair. “And lastly, Kane Wolftail. You have been given the gift of conjuring, of taming and befriending mythical beasts. You have a heart of gold and a great sense of responsibility.” the crystal ball pictured Kane helping an elderly woman walk her dogs, comforting a little girl who had scraped her knee, coming home with a straight A report card.
Ambrose stepped away from the new students and addressed them all as one. “You are the key to Wizard city’s survival. You were chosen to come to Ravenwood for a reason, to assist each other in the fall of Malistaire.” he gestured to Gamma. “It’s getting late. I will have Gamma show you to your shared room for tonight. Starting tomorrow, you will be attending classes based on your schools. But for now, I suggest you all get some sleep.”
“Wait, I’m sure we all still have questions!” Blake said, stepping forward.
“Questions I am afraid will have to wait for now,” the headmaster said. “Now, off you go. Tomorrow is a big day, after all.”
“Wow, this is soo cool!” Calamity jumped on her maroon-colored bed in excitement.
“No, this is so NOT cool!” Iridian stormed around the large, circular room in a fiery rage. “We’re stuck here with no idea why, a crackpot old man thinking we’re wizards, we don’t even know each other and we’re expected to work together to take down some guy for whatever reason!” unbeknownst to her, her feet started flickering and leaving scorched footprints in her wake.
“Uh, Iridian, you might want to calm down…” Blake said worriedly. Iridian stopped her pacing and whirled to face the Life mage.
“I’M COMPLETELY CALM!!!” she roared as flames shot out of her open mouth and hit Antonio’s long purple and gold robes.
“Ay! Caliente! Someone help!” Rowan shot a blast of ice at the latino, effectively putting out the fire. Unfortunately, it also froze his feet to the ground. “Eh…gracias, Chiquita,” he muttered.
“Ooh, so we’re practicing? Okay!” Calamity jumped off her bed and started waving her hands above her head like a madman. “Lookit what I can do!” out of thin air, it seemed, a mini tornado formed above her head and exploded into what looked like mock fireworks, getting everyone dirty with sand.
“Gah! Hey, care to cool it with the sandstorm, chica?” Antonio, who had successfully smashed the ice around his feet enough to walk, said in exasperation.
“Oopsie, my bad!” the Balance mage giggled cutely.
“Okay, everyone STOP!” Kane’s voice boomed in the large room and like he commanded, everyone stopped what they were doing as if someone had paused a movie. He took a deep breath and sat on his yellow and blue colored bed. “Look, I know this seems…well, insane to say the least,”
“Understatement of the year,” Rowan muttered.
“But we were all brought here for a reason, and that reason is to save this world.” Kane continued.
“But what about our families? Our friends, our LIVES? Do you really think we can just up and leave that behind?” Angela asked worriedly, fingering the skull brooch on her collar.
“I…” Kane hesitated. He took a great interest in his boots.
Rowan saw his hesitation and picked up where he left off. “Listen, we may be stuck here for now, but that doesn’t mean we probably won’t go home once all this is over.”
“So what you’re saying is that if we just off this Mal-whatever dude, we can go home?” Iridian interrupted.
“Yes, exactly!” Rowan said, throwing her hands in the air, accidentally freezing the ceiling in the process. “Oops…”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Kane spoke up, “but for now, let’s just get some sleep,” he pulled back the covers on his bed. “Like the old man said, we’re gonna start classes tomorrow, and we’ll need all the help we can get.”
“Okie Dokie, artichokie! G’night!” No sooner had Calamity plopped onto her own bed, she started snoring.
“Jeez, she falls asleep fast,” Iridian muttered as she took off her red and orange hat and set it beside her similar-themed bed. “But the dork’s right,” she followed Kane’s example, “The sooner we stop this guy, the sooner we can go home.”
The rest of the wizards decided to just leave it at that and call it a night.
As Rowan was removing her pale blue cloak, Kane spoke up. “Hey, Rowan?” the brunette turned and saw him sitting up, tugging on his fringe. “Thanks. For speaking up for me…I appreciate it,” His face warmed up as he glanced away from the ice mage.
“Hey, it’s no big deal. It was just impulse, y’know?” Rowan shrugged and got into bed.
“Still, it means a lot to me. Not a lot of people would do that for me.” Kane explained.
“How come?” she questioned, “you seem like a nice enough guy,”
Iridian spoke up from under her covers, “Hey if you two are done flirting yet, some of us are trying to get some sleep.”
The duo blushed and said a hasty “good night” to each other before diving under their own covers.
Tomorrow would hopefully be a bit better.
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