#look at me pretending this is ~scientific curiosity~
lilflowerpot · 2 years
So I know this is sort of an uncomfortable question, and you don’t need to answer, but what is galra dick like? I know they’re definitely huge compared to the average humans, but specifically, what’s different about galra’s? generally speaking. (I wanna be prepared for what Keith is gonna experience in the future lmao)
Anonymous(2): Can Galra get boners- does LOTOR get boners? I don’t need a response if ur not willing to give one, but just imagine the power Keith would have if he made a moan after a hard workout ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I’m so sorry
I think the fact that this blog has been active for a full three years and seven months before getting a single explicit question about galra dick is probably some sort of record tbh, but yeah sure let’s do this.
As I’ve rehashed at the beginning of many of my biology posts—and at this point that’s,,, a lot—the galra are mammals with an internal biology that must be remarkably similar to that of human beings (else two such visually different species would be unable to produce viable offspring), and must be sexually compatible with us too, for the very same reason. So, with that in mind, the structure of galra male genitalia isn’t too out there—you’d still recognise it for what it is on sight, without need of an explanation—but it is, nonetheless, distinctly inhuman.
The two creatures that I’ve explicitly drawn on in relation to galra physiology are the fennec fox (Family: Canidae) and the camel (Family: Camelidae), due to both being largely desertous mammals—though I would consider the former to be a much stronger influence than the latter—so let’s start there.
In terms of shared male traits between these two species, both have external testes that become notably enlarged during their respective breeding seasons, and a penile sheath within which the penis is contained unless aroused. Particular unshared reproductive traits of note include (1) the fact that male canids typically possess a bulbus glandis/knot that becomes engorged upon copulation, locking them inside their partner for up to an hour, and (2) the baculum: a somewhat flexible and in fact retractable bone of low mineral density located in the abdomen/penis that allows males to maintain an erection for a greater period of time, prolonging copulation to theoretically ensure reproductive success.
((Yep, you read that correctly, dick-bones are apparently a thing observed in the majority of placental mammals... humans are the outlier for evolving them out. These are the kind of weird and wonderful things you learn when addressing the science of alien dick on horny tumblr's behalf.))
So what does this mean for the galra?
When flaccid, male galra would, at a glance, not seem all that different to a modestly endowed human, however this is their appearance when—for lack of a better term—sheathed. Arousal stimulates blood-flow and triggers the extension of the baculum from where it resides in the lower abdomen, with the muscles contracting to move it into the shaft, unsheathing the erection and revealing it to be rather generously proportionate to the typical galra build. Rather than the bulbus glandis possessed by members of the Canidae Family, male galra have calcified ridges towards the root, biologically intended to assist in the removal of any recent conquest that,,, came before them (badumtss). And finally, as previously mentioned when discussing fertility, female galra are monestrus—meaning that they only have one period of fertility per planetary cycle—and in their case, this is the springtime phoeb of Eyiintak; in this same phoeb, male galra experience increased levels of testosterone production (and the galra already have generally high testosterone levels to begin with) which increases their testes size, aggression, and virility, all for the evolutionary purpose of successful conception.
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annunakitty · 11 months
"Some people will use a symbolism of the relationship of God to the universe, wherein God is a brilliant light, only somehow veiled, hiding underneath all these forms as you look around you. So far so good. But the truth is funnier than that. It is that you are looking right at the brilliant light now; that the experience you are having that you call ordinary everyday consciousness—pretending you're not it—that experience is exactly the same thing as 'it.' There's no difference at all. And when you find that out, you laugh yourself silly. That's the great discovery."
~Alan Watts
I think a lot about this quote in relation to the cave allegory; we're doomed to be chained in the cave‚ forced to experience the conceptual rather than the "real." But I motion that the cave is itself still part of the "real" and we ourselves are part of the "real," all made up of the quarks, atoms, molecules, and compounds that for the vast majority of our lives we are forced to experience only in the conceptual; as shadows on the wall. The reason for this is simple, it's what was evolutionarily advantageous; being aware of individual particles and their interactions does little to ensure our survival. And yet, we've developed the senses, through scientific inquiry, to conceptualize them, even if we're incapable of seeing them as they are in our every day life.
What I feel like most people don't realize (and what Watts is suggesting here) is that we are exactly the same as the world around us, and it is exactly the same as us; the perceived separation between us and our environment is an illusion. We are the brilliant light outside the cave.
The part that makes me endlessly sad is just how many people who dismiss this kind of revelation as "hippy dippy nonsense," and what makes it perhaps all the more frustrating is that I can remember what it's like to be content with the shadows on the wall and happily oblivious to their cause—it makes me want to grab them by the lapel and scream at them, "I am you and you are me, and we are it," but I know that's not how it works; you have to want to see the light and I wish I could foster that want in more people.
Annoying still are those who can conceptualize that what they experience is only a silhouette of reality's true visage, but refuse to acknowledge that it means anything special; or worse, believe that this revelation somehow makes us insignificant. We are star stuff that somehow discovered itself, how much more amazing and special could you get!?
Anyway, the best I can do, and I think the most that most of us can strive for, is to foster the curiosity that sparks that want to see the light, to be a guide for those who might be ready to lose their chains, and to be a warm embrace for ourselves as we discover our brilliance.
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ilydeku · 1 year
a sweet science experiment | senku x reader
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You sighed as you looked at the mess in Senku's makeshift kitchen. There were beakers and bottles everywhere, and powdery substances spilled all over the counters. "Senku, did you get carried away with an experiment again?"
He laughed sheepishly. "I may have gotten a little excited thinking about baking a cake with you." You shook your head with a smile. Baking with Senku was never simple, he always tried to apply scientific principles even to cooking. But you loved his curiosity and passion for discovery. "Alright, let's get started! I have some ideas for molecular gastronomy techniques we could try..." Senku began pulling out more tools and ingredients.
You laughed, "Or we could just follow a normal recipe this time!" Senku pretended to pout.
"But where's the fun in that?" His eyes glinted mischievously, "Don't you want to experiment with me?"
You grinned, "Oh I see, this was all a scheme to get me to experiment with you, Senku?" He smirked and pulled you into his arms. "You got me. But we can still bake a normal cake too, as long as I get to do it with you."
You smiled into his chest, "It's a deal." Baking with Senku was always an adventure, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You gathered the ingredients to make a classic chocolate cake. Senku dutifully measured out the flour and cocoa powder without complaint. As you creamed the butter and sugar, he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"The batter looks perfectly homogenized and aerated," he commented. You laughed and elbowed him playfully.
"Are you going to keep evaluating my baking techniques scientifically?"
"I can't help it," he pressed a kiss to your neck. "Everything you do is endlessly fascinating to me." You blushed and swatted him away so you could pour the batter into the cake pans. Senku obediently stepped back, but his eyes never left you. As the cakes baked, Senku pulled you into his lap. "Thank you for indulging my request for an experiment today." You kissed his cheek and nuzzled against him.
"You're welcome. I like your experiments, as long as we can do normal things together too."
"Of course," Senku smiled softly. "A good scientist knows that balance is key. You keep me grounded, and I'll make sure to pull you up to the clouds with me."
"It's a deal," you whispered and sealed it with a kiss. The cakes were probably burning in the oven, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Experimenting with Senku was always worth it.
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burningvelvet · 4 months
do you think heathcliffe can be seen as the devil (or at least the manifestation of the archetype) who loses his eden (cathy) to humanity (linton)
I LOVE THIS QUESTION! I've thought about this a lot in recent months and much has been written about this subject as you probably know. I studied a bit of Paradise Lost in a class on the Renaissance era in my last semester this past autumn, which is also when I had my Brontë class. I did an essay focusing on Edenic myth for my Ren class and now I notice it everywhere, & I've really been seeing the Miltonian Hero & themes in the Brontë works, & especially did in my re-read of Wuthering Heights about two months ago. But instead of just regurgitating all that's been written about the subject, I will discuss things simply as I understand them, although I do borrow a bit from professor Rodger Wilkie's lecture which I link below (I'm not affiliated with him in any way, I found his videos on my own when I was researching the Brontë novels).
Edenic Myth from the POVs of Cathy I & II as Eve:
I've been seeing the Edenic theme from Cathy I and Cathy II's lenses. I believe that the plotline of Cathy II being lured by Heathcliff into his "wolf's den" so to speak reminds me not only a lot of Little Red Riding Hood but also of Eve and the apple. I think there is a seductive undertone although I don't think Heathcliff is really attracted to her or vice-versa; he still attracts her using his son Linton Heathcliff. There is an essay I've been meaning to post excerpts from but haven't bc the material is triggering, but it's Juliet McMaster's "The Courtship and Honeymoon of Mr. and Mrs. Linton Heathcliff: Emily Brontë's Sexual Imagery" and discusses the weird dynamic between Cathy II, Heathcliff, & Linton II.
I find it very interesting that nature is so tied to Heathcliff that it's by disobeying her father's (God's) wishes that Cathy II meets him and ends up ensnared by him. As I see it, Cathy II "takes the apple" like Eve, because it is her overwhelming curiosity that leads her to the Heights, and Heathcliff does play the trickster with her, manipulating her and lying to her more than he does to any other character. He was upfront with his intentions to Isabella and everyone else he ever associated with. But with Cathy II, although he is partly honest about some things, he deceives her by forging Linton Heathcliff's letters to her, causing her to fall in love with "Linton" (Heathcliff pretending to write as him) — I'm glad I found McMaster's essay & that it talks about this point, because I find it to be one of the most fascinating plotlines in the whole story, and think Cathy II is the most underrated character & hate how Linton is often forgotten (I feel McMaster, like most readers, isn't as sympathetic to him as she could be). The description of Cathy I and her hair reminds me of the descriptions of Eve in Milton, and I believe both Catherines are meant to look alike.
I also think young Heathcliff and Cathy could be said to be like Adam and Eve in Eden (the moors) — the "I am Heathcliff" & other soulmate allusions are very much like Eve being made from Adam. I of course hate that aspect of this patriarchal myth perhaps more than any other aspect because it is in direct opposition to actual scientific biology with all males starting with the X chromosome of which females have two of — but I digress from my eternal feminist/atheist/evolutionist rage. When Heathcliff tells Cathy that she's damned them both, killed them both, this is very much like Adam and Eve being killed by Eve's decision (in this case, Cathy's choice to marry Linton). However, in this framework, Heathcliff would be both Adam and Lucifer, and Linton would be both civilization and to some extent a version of Lucifer, with the apple being marriage and normalcy, or maybe you could argue that Cathy also has a bit of the devil in her in that she came up with this decision herself and still wants to rebel much like Lucifer. The Fall is written all over this novel, however one may view the intricacies, which Emily was surely going off of intuitively and not racking her brain with explaining through any one official framework.
Heathcliff as Satan, Cathy as Eden or Heaven:
Yes. The metaphor works best with Heathcliff being the Miltonian Hero aka Satan, and I believe Emily was very influenced by this, especially seen by Heathcliff's exile, and the quest for vengeance which necessitates his return. However, I have never considered Cathy as being Heathcliff's Eden until now, but this works very well — what maybe works even better would be Cathy representing Heaven, which is what Satan is also barred from. However, Cathy's house is certainly like Eden, with Heathcliff having to sneak into it to escape Linton (who again, is sort of like God/a Godly, patriarchal figure). This is exactly like Satan sneaking into Eden — he's caught by the angels sort of like Heathcliff is caught by Nelly and the servants. But Cathy does die, and so she is lost, and Heathcliff can only hope to get her back one day like the promise of Paradise returning with the Second Coming or whatever (I'm not actually well versed in Christian literature). But I have read that apparently in the Bible, "paradise" can refer to both Eden and heaven, so it may be better to say that Cathy represents not only Eve but also paradise in both senses of the term. Note how both Heathcliff and Cathy say that they aren't going to Heaven, and indeed they both become ghosts damned to wander Earth -- yet ironically, that Earth is their paradise on the moors, and so they actually have gone to their own personal Heaven although it is not the Christian one.
On Linton representing humanity:
I wouldn't say that Linton represents humanity as much as he more accurately represents civilization/society as opposed to Heathcliff who represents the wild (and as his name indicates, the Heath/Moors specifically). But this fits with what you're saying as the post-Edenic world is society/civilization/humanity all at once and the distinctions between these heavy concepts are all blurry.
I find in much romance novels featuring love triangle dynamics, there is a Freudian triad of superego/ego/id going on. One love interest will represent the id (natural instincts/subconscious desires) and one the supergo (properness/upholding the status quo) to the main character's ego. To some extent this can be seen in all media ("the human heart in conflict with itself" as GRRM put it) but imo it's a great way to look at things categorically. The id and superego must be reconciled for the sake of the ego.
Example: in Titanic, Cal & her mother are the patriarchal/societally proper superego whereas Jack & the poor immigrants represent Rose's id of wanting to be free from high society women's standards. She ends up with neither Cal & co. nor Jack & co., but on her own with a newly refreshed ego that has learned not to repress the id side so much. Jack's whole role was to teach her (ie the spit practice scene) to unrepress her id, but as she demonstrates in the wild Irish party scene, she will always keep some of her high-bred characteristics (like ballet as a party trick).
Anyway, Cathy has to choose between Heathcliff and Edgar. As we learn from her speech which Heathcliff walks out on, she planned that her marriage to Edgar would benefit Heathcliff by allowing her to financially support him. She thought that by marrying Edgar she could have both men. As Nelly sort of tries to tell her, this isn't possible. In marrying Edgar and being a "proper lady" to him, Cathy has symbolically repressed her id; Heathcliff runs away as soon as he hears she makes the choice. By becoming a housewife and then a mother, she dies inside of that house, when all she wanted was to be free on the fields. It is specifically after Heathcliff comes back that she dies because he reminds her of what she's been missing.
There's a professor named Rodger Wilkie who has a Brontë lecture series from one of his classes available on Youtube — I've seen them all and they're all amazing, 10/10 recommend every single one. In his second Wuthering Heights lecture he talks about the influence of John Milton's Paradise Lost in reference to Heathcliff: (https://youtu.be/WF3DDu2cH3Q?si=yM3mNXaVgQkOqVS3)
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doublesunsets · 10 months
Experiment 003
Tech x Reader PWP - NSFW - Explicit Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: It’s time for your experiment, but even if Tech encourages your scientific curiosity, can he let you take control?
Warnings: female reader POV, smut, oral sex male receiving, vaginal sex, brief mention of scars (Tech's), I'm going to say it: unrealistic expectations of sex (really, this is purely indulgent, real sex is not like that)
Author's note: I wanted to write something else, but it didn't work, and it blocked me in such a way that it took me a month to finally be able to finish it. No beta. I hope that at least you enjoy it a little bit, please have mercy with this autistic ace girl that doesn't remember how sex works but likes to pretend she can write about it. -Sunset
part I & part II 💜
✩ AO3 link to the whole fic
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The galaxy is a vibrant never stopping place, with dangers lurking in every corner, so if someone had told you a couple of rotations ago that you would be able to pass your time sat inside the Marauder’s cockpit, listening to Tech latest obsession, you would have laughed. Mostly at the Tech part, because you were still wrapping your mind around it. After his experiments, his behaviour towards you had drastically changed. It was obvious to everyone that he felt more at ease with you, small touches were now common, and he actively sought you out to tell you facts or show you his new cool gadgets. 
For that reason, while everyone was around town enjoying their free time you had felt like it was perfectly reasonable to stay with him, just for the sake of it, no need for excuses or ulterior motives. As you suspected, he had been pleased about it, and accepted with a small smile your kiss to his forehead before seating next to him in the copilot seat. As soon as you were seated, he started talking about his topic of the day: gravity, and you listened to him eagerly. Contrary to Hunter’s belief, you didn’t think that Tech filled your head with useless information, you enjoyed learning new facts, and he always captivated your attention. The sound of his voice and being able to look at that pretty face was a pleasant bonus, of course.
For your utterly dismay this time though, after almost an hour of intermittent info-dumping, you were as confused about this topic as you were at the beginning. At first, you had managed to follow up, but at one point he had beamed at you and touched your knee because of a particular sharp question, and as he began explaining, illustrating it with his hands, your mind short-circuited like a faulty droid. He had moved one hand in front of you, while the other had stayed on your knee, fingers splayed, and a shiver had gone down your spine remembering what those fingers could do, and how they looked inside of you. By the time he finished his explanation, you were so flustered by your thoughts that you didn't dare to open your mouth in case some inappropriate sound escaped.
The issue kept happening, no matter how hard you tried to focus on what he was saying, you kept getting distracted by who was saying it. His voice, his eyes, his hands; your body reacted to him like a well-trained soldier, and apparently today it could only think about Plan 69.
“Therefore, there will be only insignificant forces of friction, and dynamic force acting on the system. It should allow me to–” his legs fell open at his sides, and your mind disconnected again, or at least the rational part of it. The only functioning one was the one capable of focusing on those ridiculously tight blue trousers which hugged those obscene long legs in such a sublime way, besides that, he was not wearing the plastoid armour which made the temptation of kneeling in front of him impossible to ignore. 
Your mouth watered at the image that formed in your mind, and by the time you managed to stop daydreaming, he had already finished his commentary and was back at looking down at his datapad. You were sure that even if he obviously found you attractive, he wasn’t as obsessed with you as you were with him. Every time he put his hand on your back, or moved your hair off your face, an aching filled your chest. You haven’t stopped thinking about that bulge you glimpsed after he touched you that first time, but couldn’t find the way of bringing it up again. It was clear that you had reached your limit today.
Maybe you didn’t have to bring it up, maybe you could just take a scientific approach. Because, scientifically speaking, what would Tech do if you just kneeled in front of him?
Only one way to find out, you told yourself. 
“I want to do an experiment.”
“That’s great, darling. I highly recommend you follow your scientific curiosity, please let me know if you need my assistance.”
“Well, I do need your assistance,” you chuckled, “you are the experiment I want to do, Tech.”
He put his datapad down and looked at you, shifting his focus from the gravitational rotatory forces of outer rim planets, to you. His eyes roamed your face, he studied your expression, noticed your small smile, and the flustered look of your cheeks, and seemed to catch up rather quickly, “Oh. That kind of experiment.”
“Yes, that kind,” your smile only grew at seeing him wet his lips and squirm on his seat.
“There were some things I would like to–,” he put aside his datapad while starting to stand up.
“Oh no, you didn’t understand,” you cut him, and put your hands on his knees, forcing him to sit back again, and looked at him through your eyelashes. “You are going to be the subject today.”
He audibly gulped and took a deep breath through his nose. It wasn’t easy to render him speechless, and pride filled your chest and encouraged you, making you bolder than you would be otherwise. 
“You don’t have to do anything at all, just allow me to explore, is that alright?” As you spoke, you leaned towards him until your lips were a breath away from his, using your hands on his legs to balance yourself.
“It seems acceptable.”
You moved your lips to his neck, trailing your path with the tip of your nose, and gave him a small peck under his jaw, carrying on down until his turtleneck blocked your path.
“Tech? Would you be so kind as to pull down your shirt? My hands are busy.” 
To make your point, you gave his glorious thighs a firm squeeze. He raised his hand and pulled down the turtleneck, and as he was about to comment something very pertinent, you had no doubt, you bit down on the tender flesh of his neck and his witty remark turned into a strangled moan.
“Were you going to say something?” You licked the spot and continued with small kisses up again, towards his ear.
“Not at all, please continue,” his voice was steady, but the hand holding down his shirt was trembling slightly under your chin. His other hand was clenched on a tight fist, and you smiled against his neck. It just occurred to you that he was not used to being the one staying still, moreover, he was not used to relinquishing control in any situation, you were mildly surprised he was not telling you how to kiss him.
You gave a last bite to his earlobe and dropped to your knees between his legs in a smooth movement. He raised his eyebrows and his chest expanded in a deep breath that he let out slowly. Oh, it was so hard for him. Speaking of which. You shifted your attention to his crotch and let out your own breath shakily at the bulge you could outline through his trousers already.
The rough fabric felt stiff under your fingers as you moved your hands up his thighs until you reached the button, which popped open easily. The utility belt was next, and judging by the squirming of his owner, or he did not agree to your actions, or you were being excessively slow undressing him. By the time you finally opened his trousers wide enough, he was fully hard and a wet patch was visible where the tip was. So probably the latter.
“I’m going to suck you off, would you like that?”
“I believe I would, yes.”
You hummed, laughing internally at his oddly polite answer but chose to not make any comment in favour of getting closer to mouth his cock through his underwear. It was warm and solid under the fabric, and you slid it down with your fingers until your lips were no longer feeling the rough material, but the velvety softness of his cock. The musky smell of his pre-cum hit your nose, and you stuck out your tongue flat, dragging it up his member until you reached the tip and could taste the saltiness as well.
Tech’s voice got you out of your reverie, and you looked up at him without moving back, your lips softly resting on the tip of his cock. He was mumbling something, but one of his hands was covering his mouth and you couldn’t hear him properly. He caught you staring and stopped, removing his hand from his face and bringing it down to yours, brushing the side of your mouth with his thumb. 
You opened your mouth and let the head of his cock pass through your lips, until you could feel the ridge with your tongue. His thumb stayed on the corner of your mouth, feeling it stretch around himself, and his eyes were fixed on you behind those tinted lenses. He looked as if he wasn't breathing and the intensity of his gaze was too much for you, so you closed your eyes and focused once again on your task. Breathing through your nose, you let it slide further into your mouth and out again repeatedly, the weight of it in your tongue making you moan, and you wondered if he could feel the vibrations. At the back of your mind, you also noticed the wetness gathering between your legs at finally having his cock in your mouth, and your left hand crawled down to your inner thighs, resting it there and pressing the back of it into yourself to relieve some tension.
When your jaw started to ache, you reluctantly moved back and let it slide out, taking it in your hand, rubbing your spit and his pre-cum all over it. You were being carefully slow, trying to make it last as much as you could. Now that you finally had the courage to do this, you were going to enjoy it. He was rock-hard and flushed, and you might have been biased, but it was the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen. His hand was still holding your jaw and didn’t allow you to move too far back.
“Are you afraid I will stop? Is that why you won’t let me go?” you asked him teasingly, looking up again. You kept pumping him, enjoying the smooth feeling of his hardness, his breath hitched in his chest every time you twisted your hand when reaching his tip.
“On the contrary, I ah– apologies,” his leg had started bouncing at some point, and it kept brushing against your shoulder. “I am stopping myself, darling.”
His statement was followed by a deep moan, triggered by your hand clenching on his cock at hearing his words. Unconsciously, your left hand pressed more insistently against your cunt, starting to rub slightly up and down.
“Stopping yourself?” your voice wavered when you finally paid attention to the man above you. His flushed face had an almost crimson shade and sweat pearled on his forehead, which, paired with his laboured breath, made him look absolutely wrecked. All because of you. You licked your lips and pushed yourself up, on the movement your breasts ended pushed against his balls and Tech closed his eyes while his hand gripped your jaw tighter. “Stopping yourself from doing what, Tech?”
“It is being excruciatingly hard to not push you to the floor of my ship and fuck you right there.” You gasped loudly at his words, and he reopened his eyes, completely black, and focused on you with an intensity that made your left hand move faster. “It was hard enough to ignore the way you were looking at me earlier.”
“Did you notice that?”
“I notice everything. Particularly if it’s about you, always if it’s about you. By how you were biting your lip while looking at my hands, I could assume exactly what you were thinking. Which, I must confess, made it impossible for me to focus on anything that wasn’t your flustered look.”
“Do you find me that irresistible?”
“I assume that’s a rhetorical question.” You had to laugh at his answer, but it came breathless and short, punctuated by a small moan when your knuckles brushed against your clit at your movement. This caught his attention and followed the motion down your body. “Are you— you are touching yourself, that’s unacceptable.”
Before you could process what he had said, he dropped to the floor with you and brought you both down, until you were laying down on your back with Tech looming over you. His arms encased your body and a thrill went down your spine at the look on his face, dark eyes, furrowed brows, he looked determined and dangerous. A soldier with a mission. Same as yours, you hoped.
“I was restraining myself because there’s nothing I respect more than the desire for knowledge, I didn't want to take control again, I was going to behave and let you do it your way,” he started to remove your clothes swiftly while talking, and you hissed when your back came in contact with the cold floor. “I was behaving, even though you were driving me crazy, but I am nothing if patient. But dank farrik, seeing you touching yourself and not doing anything? I don’t think so.”
By the time he stopped rambling, all your clothes were gone and you laid naked in front of him. He kneeled on the floor between your legs, and the vision was almost as good as before. His cock was forgotten, but still out, hard and leaking, his chest rising with every breath, the light that came from the window framing his silhouette, and he was looking at you again like the most fascinating creature in the whole galaxy. You reached for his vest and pulled him to you hastily, smashing a hard kiss to his lips. Your hands scrambled for the hem of his shirt and tried to pull it off unsuccessfully, until you realised that for that you had to stop kissing him, so reluctantly let him go and finished taking it off. When his head emerged again, you couldn’t resist giggling at seeing his goggles askew.
“Goggles stay on?” You asked, fixing them, and holding his face with both your hands.
“I would rather prefer that, yes,” he turned his face and dropped a kiss on your palm. “I prefer to see your face at the same time I hear you moan.”
You gave him one, as a treat, as he gave another open-mouthed kiss to the inside of your wrist. He lowered his head to your chest and started peppering kisses, and you tried to reach the last piece of clothing covering him, but it was too far, so you tried with your legs unashamedly, pushing his trousers down. You had managed to get them past his ass, when he lifted his head, a smirk on his face.
“Someone’s in a hurry.”
“Oh, shut up, you were just now rambling about how much you wanted to fuck me on the floor of your ship,” you lifted your hips, still trying to get leverage to keep pushing his trousers down, but his knees won’t let you go further. “You cannot say that to a lady and not expect her to become a little desperate about it, Tech.”
His smile turned sweet, and he stood up to finish lowering his trousers and removing his boots. You pushed yourself up on your elbows and enjoyed the show, those long legs looked good from every angle, and you were tempted to get to your knees again when he crouched and came back on top of you, this time completely naked. You kissed him, opening your mouth and letting his tongue in, while your hands explored the expanse of his back, his muscles shifting beneath them as he started dragging his whole body against yours, skin against skin in the most delicious friction.
He shifted and started kissing down your neck, leaving small bites, same as you did before with him. His hands moved down your body, and while one of them stayed fondling your breast, the other kept going until reaching your inner thighs. His dexterous fingers found your cunt, and he groaned deeply at how wet you were already.
“All this for me, darling?” He introduced one finger, and your hands grabbed his shoulders, trying to get him to get closer. “I think it is safe to say that you enjoyed your experiment.”
“I did, but please, now I need you, I—” your own moan cut you off when he inserted a second finger, and started to move them inside you, crooking them. “Please.”
He placed a kiss to your cheek and kneeled again between your legs, removing his fingers from inside you with an obscene wet sound, and took his cock, smearing it with your wetness. In your haze, you made a mental note to ask him to masturbate for you at some other moment because the show looked glorious, but right now you needed him inside you as soon as possible. 
Tech grabbed your hips and lifted them with his other hand until your ass was on his lap and your legs fell open at his sides. He positioned his cock at your entrance, dragging it through your slit up and down, gathering more of your wetness. Every time he pressed your clit, you tried to chase it, but his grip on your hip was firm enough that wouldn’t let you move.
“Are you ready?” His gaze was focused on your cunt, or on his cock dragging through it, you couldn’t be sure, but the image had to be good enough for his usually steady voice to sound low and breathless.
“Like a rotation a—aah.” Before you could finish your clever answer, he moved his hips and his cock penetrated smoothly inside you.
“Were you going to say something?” he repeated to you, but you were too busy enjoying the feeling of him filling you to actually appreciate the joke.
He stopped when he bottomed out, his pelvis fitted between your thighs, and took a moment to collect himself. You could see the sweat dripping down his face and the deep scowl of his eyebrows, his eyes were closed and both his hands were gripping tightly your hips now, keeping you in place and completely at his mercy. He took two deep breaths, in and out, and you let him took the obvious time that he needed to centre himself, but you also needed him to move, and soon. He felt the same way, because by the third breath his hips made a short thrusting that had both of you moaning, and he opened his eyes, as black as the void of the galaxy, and an unhinged expression crossed his face. You could almost hear his brain analysing what he was experiencing, and for a moment you thought that he was going to grab his datapad and write it down as he always did to process things, but his hips had not stopped, couldn’t stop it seemed, and his thrusts were growing in intensity, the pleasure overwhelming him.
“Tech, look at me, hey, look at me,” you grabbed his wrist and caught his attention, trying to make your voice firm, even though it came more as a desperate plea, “focus on me, don’t try to control it, it’s okay. Let it go and give it to me, I’ll take it.”
Your words seemed to snap something inside of him, his fingers digging into your flesh and the next thrust drove into you with no hesitancy, hitting a spot inside of you that made you mewl. He kept thrusting firmly against you, in powerful short lunges, and your nails scratched his forearm, trying to grab at something. There was no finesse on his thrusts right now, just an overwhelming power, but the position allowed him to go deep inside you and left your clit exposed to his blows and to the friction with his pelvic bone, making the knot inside you grow hot. 
A particular hard thrust made you gasp loudly and lose the grasp you had on his arms. Eager to do something with your hands, you grabbed your own breasts, which had been bouncing with every hard push from Tech, and started kneading them, playing with them and moaning at the added sensation of your hard nipples between your fingers. A wet and lewd noise engulfed the cockpit, the metallic walls echoing back your own moans. Tech’s movement stuttered, his gaze locked on your hands playing with your breasts, so you dropped one and motioned for him to come closer. With no hesitation, he let go of your hip and leaned towards you, your right leg dropping to the floor on the movement, while his mouth attached itself to your breast and sucked. You cradled his head, entangling your fingers with his hair and pulling softly, his moan vibrating through your skin.
The new position made him falter and for a moment he just kept thrusting superficially, out of inertia, his focus in devouring you. One hand was supporting his weight on the ship floor, while the other had travelled up, replacing your hand with his. While he was distracted, you grabbed his shoulders and flipped you both, putting yourself on top. You straightened your back and almost laughed at the offended expression on his face, if because of the switching positions or because you took your boobs away from him, you didn’t know. His face quickly changed when you spread out your hands on his strong chest, allowing your arms to push your tits together on display, and circled your hips.
“Oh,” he breathed out, his hands flying to your thighs, but only resting them there.
He seemed content with the show, so you focused on chasing your pleasure. Using his chest as leverage, you rolled and circled your hips, rutting against him at an increasing pace. The build up had you already so close that it didn’t take you long until you were panting, the edges of your orgasm present on every cell of your body, almost within your reach.
“You are almost there, aren’t you, darling?” Tech’s deep voice only pushed you closer, he sounded breathless, clearly enjoying this as much as you. “I think you would be able to bring yourself to completion just by fucking yourself on my cock, would you like that or do you want me to help?”
You clawed at his chest, your now jerking motions increasing speed, and some of the gasps leaving your throat might have sounded like a call for help because suddenly Tech’s fingers were firmly against your clit, pressing and circling in a rapid movement. Your orgasm crashed onto you, the force of it doubling you over, and collapsed against his chest, while he continued circling your clit, helping you to ride it out. Still not completely back from it, you noticed Tech’s small thrusts against you and lifted your head.
“Fuck me, don’t stop, I want you to cum in me, now.”
Your permission was all he needed, he planted his feet on the floor and started fucking you with a strength you didn’t know it was possible from his position. He surrounded your body with his arms, locking you in place, with his cock pounding against your pussy in a relentless pace, his delightful grunts reaching your ears mixed with the wet slaps. You were so sensitive from your recent orgasm that your moans turned into screams, but your body surprised you, and you felt another one rapidly growing and hitting you again. Your second orgasm dragged Tech with you, and he came with a deep and long moan that made you shiver.
You were exhausted and would have happily laid down on his chest for a nap, but the mess you both made was leaking out of you and Tech didn’t seem comfortable about it. He gave you a soft kiss and manoeuvred you back onto the floor, grabbing his own shirt, and started cleaning you methodically.
“How are you? Did I hurt you?” He anxiously inspected your body, noticing the faint marks on your hips. 
“No, but I did.” Your fingers grazed his forearm, where your nails had left your mark. There were angry red lines down his chest, as well, and they looked glorious.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, darling, these are hardly the worst injuries I have sustained,” he raised his arm, the blaster bolt scar that decorated his left side on display, and playfully hummed, inspecting closing his forearm and chest. “I rather like them.”
You chuckled, and not without effort sat up to give him a kiss on his cheek that made him smile. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you whispered cheekily, before kissing his lips this time, and putting your head on his shoulder.
For what seemed like an eternity, both of you stayed there, sitting on the floor, your fingers drawing patterns on his skin while listening to the steady rhythm of his heart against his chest. The sweat was cooling on your skin, and you were starting to feel cold. Now that you were not distracted, the floor was not exactly comfortable. But even though, it was the most perfect moment you could think of.
“Gravitational pulls,” he said, startling you.
You lifted your head and found him already looking at you with that glint in his eyes that signified that he had had a brilliant idea.
“Are you about to lecture me about what I didn’t pay attention to earlier?” You wouldn’t be surprised if that was his idea of aftercare, to be honest. You wouldn’t mind, either.
“I could, if you want, it is a fascinating topic, and very useful during interplanetary travels,” he pointed out, finger raised. “But actually, I was talking about us.”
“Indeed, I have been trying to find a suitable way to explain the way I feel about you. Simply saying that I love you does not suffice. It just came to me, it has to be a force of nature, I believe that scale does it justice. It is not a figure of speech, though, I do believe that physics might be the only way of explaining you and me.”
“Tech, I—“ you looked at him, confused for a moment, but then you thought about everything that had happened and smiled.
“Yes, darling?”
“I gravitational pull you too.”
“I know.”
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Thank you for reading! Reblogs and comments are appreciated because they keep the Dark Side at bay ✨
Taglist: (let me know if you want to be included or deleted from it)
@motte-the-goblin @fenharel-enaste @nahoney22 @stunkbiggu
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kiddressources · 1 month
commande d'avatars
Heyo there 🫶 Si jamais quelqu'un.e se sent d'humeur généreuse, et possiblement inspiré.e par Joe Alwyn, je vous pose ci-dessous une petite galerie et un moodboard pour un de mes personnages hehe. Sous le "keep reading", vous aurez aussi une petite liste de facts sur lui pour mieux saisir l'ambiance au besoin!
galerie - moodboard
Merci d'avance à celleux qui auront envie de tenter 🥰✨
Craving commitment from others so bad, but absolutely unable to commit himself, fearing he would end up hurt and suffering anyway (his abandonment issues are so bad that he doesn’t let people in, even less in his love life) — Talks a lot to himself, constantly — Used to be the weird kid at school, is now the weird colleague at work — Lives in his now deceased uncle’s barge and, for the sake of humor, has a phrenology skull named like him, proudly wearing his hat and with a cigarette stuck in his mouth — Pretends he doesn’t drink, then gets drunk — Pretends he doesn’t smoke, then wakes up in the morning coughing like hell because of cigarettes or vapes — Pretends he’s fully straight, then, well — Has a big bunch of weird books, such a “cemetery symbolism, explained and developed” in three different volumes. Yes, he read them all. — His barge looks like a cabinet of curiosities, between his stuff and his uncle’s — Collects traumas like Pokemons — Says he wanna support living arts, then illegally downloads all of the National Theatre’s professionally recorded plays because he can’t afford paying for them with just his salary — Uses wiki how, first degree, way too often — Will insult you with the scientific name just so you have to Google your own humiliation (“you absolute condyloma”)  — Wrote conspiracy theories about Kate Middleton’s disappearance, just for fun, out of boredom. Doesn't regret anything. — Doomswiping instead of doomscrolling : has 257 matchs between Tinder, Hinge and Grindr, never talks to anyone — Dinosaurs > people (he has a dinosaur’s skeleton tattoo on his left bicep) — Don’t you dare calling him georgie — Doesn’t know how to drive a car, bicycles instead — Has a group of friends strangely looking like the “Losers Club” in “It” — Plays pokemon since ‘99 — Could spend hours on Minecraft, or Reddit.
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🎶🦷🐉 (music notes, tooth/teeth, dragon)
Wei Wuxian listened, enraptured, as his beloved husband played his guqin, eyes opened just enough to see the concentration on his beloved's attractive features.
He rested on a comfortable pile of expensive pillows, pleasantly drowsy from the bath he's just shared with said husband, the ornate cave echoing the melody beautifully. Lan Zhan looked so bewitching, in his half dragon form, two jade-like, white horns peeking from his forehead, light-colored, shining scales at the base and around his eyes, like diffuse eye powder. His fingers donned slightly longer nails, only bordering on claws, and, loosely curled next to him, Lan Zhan's tail rested unmoving.
Though he couldn't see it, there was another detail to Lan Zhan's current appearance - a pair of sharp canines. Wei Ying had grown very much acquainted with those, his body bearing the sensuous evidence. He enjoyed the feeling of being bitten into like prey, of being devoured and vulnerable and hurt in the most pleasant of ways.
However, other than the erotic aspect, Wei Ying had curiosities on the dragon folk. He often asked Lan Zhan a lot of questions to quell those curiosities, ranging from whether he changed scales like snakes to whether he could lay eggs. Admittedly, he did ask some of those as a joke or to tease Lan Zhan into bed, but most of his questions were legitimate things he was wondering about.
And presently, sated and satisfied, his mind had begun conjuring a lot of curiosities about Lan Zhan's teeth in particular. By the time the song on the guqin ended, he had a whole list of them.
"Say, Lan Zhan, did you always have your dragon teeth, or did they grow later?"
Lan Zhan sighs quietly, though fondly. "They grew a bit later than my human teeth. I believe I was three years old when they started showing."
"And what was it like?"
"Brother says it was... unpleasant. I would bite into everything."
"Not much change from the present." Wei Ying winked and deliberately let his (otherwise very sheer) robe fall off his shoulder, revealing a fresh set of bites.
"Wei Ying."
He pretends not to see the way Lan Zhan's pupils darken and continues. "Did you have a set of baby dragon teeth first?"
"No, they are permanent from the moment they show."
"Aw, too bad, you would've looked super cute with a dragon tooth gap."
Lan Zhan feels his ears blush.
"So, if you were to make me lay an egg," Lan Zhan rolls his eyes in a 'this again' way that has Wei Ying barely hold in his laugh. "would our baby have dragon teeth too or not?"
"Fangs, Wei Ying, not teeth."
"You didn't answer my question! This is a legitimate scientific concern!"
Lan Zhan leans against his own pile of pillows. "I don't know the answer." Then a smile. "Would you like to test it out?"
Wei Ying's face turns red. "Lan Zhan! Insatiable!"
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
It's awfully late in the week for me to finally be getting around to the Volume 7 reading, but there's no such thing as too late in Trigun Book Club.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 7, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 7 Covers
"Happy Days," huh? Pressing X to doubt.
NGL I kinda want to gather up a bunch of instances where Vash's expression is more like what we expect from Knives and vice versa.
Who the crap are these delinquent-looking fools? Though I do like how Kuroneko's apparently joining the fun.
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Hmm. I don't feel good about that back cover image....
Chapter 1: Happy Days
CW: Dismemberment, vivisection, extreme medical malpractice, terminal cancer/cancer-like symptoms, gore
I love Wolfwood's little hunch and glare here. He absolutely looks up to no good.
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"Cautious" is a very optimistic way to phrase this scenario. I also just want to note that this optimism is coming from Knives.
Waking up to an emergency alarm is not exactly an ideal for me. I feel a bit bad for these people.
I dunno who this guy is who's insulting Rem, but I don't like him.
They're awake, but Rem's already fixed everything. She's ready for them to go away now.
Wait... did the boys fix everything??
Oh, no. They're already thinking in terms of a scientific discovery.
Oh, no. They've already had a "scientific discovery."
It's good to know she has at least one friend here. Although I wonder why she didn't take that friend up on the offer; she really could use some help with the boys.
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LOL, angry mom face.
I like how she knows the boys well enough to know it was Knives who interfered and not Vash.
Shit. William here is too smart for this.
WAIT, THIS IS CONRAD?!?! FUCK THIS GUY. (I forgot his full name was William Conrad. It's too boring of a name.)
Bless these children for immediately and enthusiastically responding to his question with affirmation of their love for Rem. Something something Knives later pretending he didn't care about her, that liar.
Knives is sooooo happy to be accepted by this new human, so relieved everything's going ok, that maybe they could be friends. Ugh.
Man, this is a pretty sharp contrast to the last time we saw him "just talking" to someone. That time, he knocked his "talking" partner unconscious, ran a bunch of tests on him, and forced him to destroy a city.
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Huh? Who are they following? Like, I suspect I know because Stampede, but... is she like an apparition? A projection into their minds?
Ok, I just wanna note this suspicious flower. There's not a lot of organic anything in this series, so it's odd for someone to take the time to place a lily in a vase somewhere like this. Why isn't it on a counter or a shelf? Isn't that where you'd put something decorative? Why's it in this unused part of the ship? It doesn't look like it's been there long enough to go all wilty, so this is something someone (Rem?) is maintaining.
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Knives has also noticed the flower is suspicious.
Just... look at the determination, curiosity, and just a bit of fear on Knives's face versus Vash's almost-deadpan expression.
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Ohhh, Vash has noticed this room is particularly suspicious.
LOL, big sibling energy breaking the tension a bit.
And we get to meet Tesla. A great scientific discovery, indeed....
The cut from, "This will be the first time humankind has ever communicated with another sapient species," to Tesla on an operating table covered in blood with people basically vivisecting her is... rough.
"Trouble" over a question of ethics on day 100. We can see which side won. Also, it's a bit problematic that it took 100 days for there to be questions. They've already taken one of her eyes.
She's only been with them 110 days and they've already performed so many tests on her that she basically has cancer.
One of the more horrifying elements of seeing her body parts in the tubes is that her head appears to be mostly intact, but... it's not, and we know this because her brain (with attached remaining eye) is in another tube.
Also, I want to note a mass in her right arm that looks a bit like an angel arm core.
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I'm sorry, what was the name of this chapter again? "Happy Days"??
At first it sounds like the hair loss is from stress... but... no, this sounds like the result of cancer/radiation treatments. Not saying it's not also stress, but the tumors plus the bone density loss (including its effect on her teeth) plus the septic odor (I know the scent can be different depending and it's not usually detectable to humans until the latest stages, but... yeah) on top of the hair loss.... Hang on, I... need to add more CW tags above.
"Specimen report." Cold.
Aight, I'm gonna take a short break and hang out with my cat for a bit.
Ok, I'm back.
Chapter 2: Separate Ways
Oh, baby Vash...
We don't specifically see a figure identifiable as Rem in the experiments on Tesla (although her friend actually does show up, so that answers that question), but even if she never put a knife to Tesla, even if she did her very very best to comfort Tesla in the midst of all of it, Rem recognizes that her inaction (or inability) to stop the procedures absolutely allowed the unfathomable cruelties to happen to Tesla. She is, whether she wants to be or not, whether she's guilty or not, representative of the humans who did all these things, and thus she realizes it's her responsibility to apologize.
It's also worth noting she hasn't actually got in the door yet. She's just guessing at what's happened. She's right, but it's still a guess.
To think, it was only... what, not even an hour before?... that they were both so hopeful.
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It's notable that the last chapter highlights that Tesla had mastered human speech. She wasn't just imitating or talking in vague language. She could communicate well. And they still went forward with the experiments.
I wonder if part of Rem's weirdness at the birthday party was her own thoughts on how Tesla could have... and should have... been there. About how the boys managed to outlive Tesla at only a year of age.
Bless Rem, that woman just blowtorched her way in.
Vash puts two and two together regarding the year mark and comes (understandably) to the worst conclusion.
This suggests she might have been the source of the "ethics trouble" referenced in the report, and why she'd decide to endure raising two Plant babies all on her own. Good for her, though. Medical research loves twin studies. It would be incredibly difficult to argue against having a "control" twin and an "experiment" twin in this situation, and she would have had to take the "by any means necessary" method. Her current choice of lone wolfing it is her "by any means necessary." It's just the pacifist route.
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Ugh, baby Vash looks like a cornered, injured animal.
Patient mother has brought new food to replace the food he threw across the room, but he still won't have any of it. So she waits. And watches. She's clearly worried, but she knows forcing things here isn't gonna help anything.
I'm not quite sure how all this got Vash so close to death so quickly, though. I'm guessing it's sort of a plant thing, like the one on the steamer back in volume 1. Like... when some level of cynicism overtakes them, it's just kinda draining. It doesn't drain their natural power such that their hair goes black, but it might explain why Knives constantly looks tired.
Rem shedding blood to save Vash. There's some religious symbolism going on here. The action seems to be affecting him, though.
(BTW, don't grab knife blades like this, folks. People do it in anime/manga and even Western media all the time, but your hand has tons of little tendons and nerves and you can do crazy levels of irreparable damage very quickly grabbing a blade roughly like that.)
Did he stab her??
Hahahahahahaha, Vash is still eating these words more than a century later.
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Ah, yeah, she's super-stabbed. Her hand is shredded, too.
Where the heck is Knives in all of this?
Oh, my bad. Baby Vash didn't even last a minute before he starts shedding tears over her.
And the first thing she sees when she wakes up is him looking after her and... eating. Or drinking. Hard to tell with some of the space food.
The blank ticket!
Daaaaang, she had a little depression apartment for a while there, didn't she? I mean, understandable. I'm just impressed that Nightow.... I mean, why am I surprised? This man gets it. He knows. He understands, either from personal experience or from those around him. Most likely a combination of the two. And he portrays it all wonderfully and horribly and I know I'm not the only one who's grateful for it.
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I hope someday Vash gets to see a train. A real train, in person. And I hope when he does, he has the freedom to admire it.
They both seem to be having a moment of, "This is weird, but ok. Things are better than they were earlier and I'm ok to move forward."
Ah, there's Knives. He looks a lot better health-wise than Vash did... what with those... puffy cheeks. I'm not big on kids, but I like that Knives once had the kind of cheeks my grandmother would have pinched while saying, "You're so cute! You're growing like a weed!"
He does look like he banged his head a bit (or... his cheek), but does he really not remember anything?
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash
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katriniac · 1 year
Ikemen Series Tiermaker
Otome game! Tag someone whose tier list you want to see!
This is the most complete one I've found. They included 8 Cybird games: Destined to Love, Midnight Cinderella, Ikemen Sengoku (missing Keiji and Kanetsugu), Ikemen Live, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Genjiden, Ikemen Vampire, and Ikemen Prince. I think it's missing only the 3 new princes, Kanetsugu, and Keiji.
Here is mine, as of January 2023 -
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💚 So far no one has been able to unthrone Sasuke. Everything about him is perfect for me. His supportive nature, humor, genius intellect, kindness, scientific bent, curiosity, bravery, sweetness, reliability, open-mindedness, understanding nature, resourcefulness, resiliency, loyalty, glasses, and .... he looks equally hot in his lab coat as in his ninja garb.
🩵 If Tears of Themis was included in this tiermaker, Artem Wing would firmly be in "Top Love Interests". WHERE he would fall in the ranking order is less certain, though. This entire section is in constant rotation of who is where, based on my mood swings or hormone horniness at any given moment.
💙 Again, if ToT was included, Vyn Richter would fit here. If I could have added Kanetsugu, he'd be here for certain (I'll wait for his route before I decide to bump him up to the turquoise tier).
💜 I hold strong feelings and connections to these guys, but I simply can't see them as potential lovers. I adore them, I would donate an organ for them, I would spend hours/days/years with them.
🩷 Oof, this category HAD to be made specifically for Mitsuhide. And then I ended up adding a few more curiosities to the collection. These are the mad lads whose stories I NEED to read because I'm so very very intrigued by them and I love how they are written. But there isn't a shred of sexual or physical attraction existing for me (okay...maybe a shred for Seth. And maybe maybe for Mitsuhide). If I could have added Keiji and the new characters from Ikemen Prince, Keith and Gilbert, this would be the best category for them.
❤ This category...? Um, I needed a place to put the dudes who are HAWT🔥 but I think are toxic or crass or just not my cup of tea. If other otome games were included in this list, I would definitely put Soichiro from "7 Hotties All My Husbands" and Rei Shindo from "Several Shades of Sadism". Takasugi would scratch a very particular itch I have if only he wasn't such an uncommunicative jerk! Faust with his glasses, stern expression, scientific curiosity, and high standards is SO MY TYPE, but the game developers decided to have him pretend to be a priest (masquerading as clergy or religious vocation is a squick for me). Those are just a few examples of men who are in that category of "you're so yummy, but you'll give me an upset stomach, so I have to control myself."
💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥
Make your own tiers!
Use the hash tag
#ikemen tiermaker
so we can all see who your husbandos are! 😘
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 5 months
What do you think is Mael’s current opinion of Marius? 🥸
God, probably same as it ever was.
Or worse.
It's hard to say because like...it's been over a year since I've really touched Blood & Gold and I know you're rereading it currently. So the entirety of the vibe is fresher in your mind than mine. I know they both had very personal beef with each other but I remember always reading Marius's beef as...pettier somehow. Maybe because Mael is so much more upfront about how their shared past effects him whereas Marius is more aloof.
It always read to me as Mael having good reasons for being upsetti spaghetti and being forthright with that, where as Marius "I bury my feelings as a coping mechanism" de Romaus's whole approach felt more like, "his vibes are rancid and he's super uncouth. Therefore, fuck Mael". Which like...THAT'S NOT ALL THAT WAS GOING ON THERE, BUD, AND YOU KNOW IT.
So I'm just trying to envision Mael finally sitting down to read Blood & Gold and just like:
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And probably also being like, "Yeah. Yeah, bud. You hate me so much but you reattached my head. Yeah. That was simply for Avicus's sake and scientific curiosity. SURE. Fuck off."
I also have to wonder how he'd feel about Marius always being pretty outwardly antagonistic towards him when Marius was so capable of pretending to play nice with Santino for so long.
And has Mael read the final three books of the series? Because like...Marius doesn't make himself look great through all of that. Dude's learned practically nothing since they last met.
So I guess my answer is: If he's not kept up with the books, probably the same. If he's read the whole series, he's probably waiting for the perfect moment to shove homeboy in a tree again.
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
Loving your blog! The Apex Legends one had me taking another look at the game - those characters have so much potential for endless fics!
May I request a TF2 short fic with Medic and the reader? Maybe where he’s totally clueless to the fact that she’s crushing on him and just when she’s given up on him he either has a lightbulb moment or the other mercs finally point it out? (Run on sentencing sorry) thanks for sharing your writing with the blogosphere!
I really enjoyed writing this, and it got me out of a bit of a slump. Thank you for the request!
Medic x Reader
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Format: Oneshot (1207 words)
Warnings: N/A
Gender-neutral Reader
Fandom Masterlist Kofi Link
It was an undeniable fact that your Medic was incredibly intelligent. Creating scientific miracles and horrors alike, he could piece together a full set of functioning organs out of anything you left him with. He was terrifyingly smart, and the whole team knew it.
Of course, this did not stop him from being one of the densest men you knew. Impressive really, given the selection that you lived with.
You had been in love with him for years. Anyone else would have figured it out by now. Living in close quarters with the Mercs meant that it was hard to hide your feelings for him. You knew that the rest of the team were very aware of it, so how come he hadn’t noticed?
It’s not like you were subtle. Even during your last check up when your heart had been racing due to his proximity, he had simply chalked it up to a medical reason, more worried about your health than anything else.
It would’ve been sweet if you weren’t ready to keel over from frustration.
It was even worse the few times you had tried to make him see. A nice candlelit dinner, just the two of you? He thanked you profusely for making time for him as a friend. Telling him how much you admired him? Only served to bolster his medical arrogance, assuming it was purely about his intelligence, a respect rather than adoration. Saying to his face that you would date him? He laughed, and made a comment about the lack of real options at the base if he would be your first choice.
You would have assumed that he was trying to let you down easy if you didn’t know him so well. There was no recognition when you tried to tell him about your feelings, just his assumptions and misunderstandings. It was infuriating really.
And if third time hadn’t been the charm, then you were kind of done with trying. All that ever happened was you getting your hopes up and then dashed when he inevitably didn’t get it, no matter how blatant you were. At some point you supposed you had to cut your losses.
So here you were, getting wine drunk with Spy and insisting that you were turning a new leaf.
"No, no, listen, I am over it. It's fine. I'm moving on and I'm gonna find someone who actually hears what I'm saying." There was a hint of a slur in your voice already but you were sober enough to catch the way Spy rolled his eyes.
"Mhm? You are simply over our doctor? Just like that? Sure, we will pretend I believe you."
He ignored the way you stuck your tongue out at him and simply took a drag from his cigar before speaking up again.
"Although, I will not discourage you from finding someone else. Your adoration for him has always been a marker of questionable taste at best. I've still not forgiven him his last experiment."
"With the cyanide? I think that was more spite than scientific curiosity. He was grumbling about how you'd taken something from his lab."
"All I ever take is you, mon cher, if he has a problem with that then he should open his eyes, no?"
You waved him off, sipping your wine. "Doesn't matter. I'm moving on, new, uh, new leaf!"
"So if the doctor asked you to dinner right now, you would say no?"
"That's different, you know it is. I just, I can't keep pining when it gets me nowhere, you know?" You sighed into your glass. "It would be better to get over it because then we can continue being friends."
"But you cannot just turn off those feelings. Despite how you wish to."
"You could be helpful instead, you know that? Tonight was for getting drunk, not moping."
He looked scandalized but you could see the smile he was holding back. "Excusez moi, I provided the wine, did I not?"
You laughed at his dramatics, nearly spilling your drink as you let the warm haze of the alcohol settle over you. There was no reason to dwell on your problems right now, all it would do was disappoint you.
Easier said than done, especially when Spy's eyes flicked up past you and you turned to see Medic coming towards you.
"Ah! There you are. I have been looking for you."
He stopped by your chair, smiling so brightly at you, and in the back of your mind, you recognized just how hard it would be to get over him. All he needed to use to melt you was a smile.
"I had an experiment I was hoping you could help me with, do you have time for it?" He asked, already offering a hand to pull you up to your feet.
"Pardon, we were having a conversation," Spy chipped in, pulling your focus back. Once again, you could see the concealed amusement as he spoke.
"Yes well, I'm sure their time is better spent helping me with this rather than listening to your inanities." Spy had seemed to be the target of Medic's impatience more often than not lately, you mused. The doctor was prone to being snappy sometimes, but it seemed like Spy was on the other end of every time you'd seen it.
"You are both ridiculous and blind. Go do your science together." The heavy stare he leveled on you was trying to convey something, but with the way the wine had muddied your thoughts, you couldn't quite parse it.
You let Medic pull you out of your chair, and stumbled into his side, unprepared for the dizzy spell. He was so terribly warm, a furnace of a man. You were still sober enough to recognize it would be a bad idea to press your face into his chest, but couldn't stop the thought from crossing your mind. You almost missed Spy's scoff as he stood as well.
"I have watched this comedy for too long, I find. Doctor, they have been in love with you for an embarrassingly long time. You are blind and oblivious to this and yet you insist on getting mad at me every time I take their attention from you. Do something about this and buy me an expensive thank you gift afterward. Bon soir."
With that, he turned on his heel, picked up the bottle of wine, and strode off, leaving the two of you in shocked silence.
"Well, that was...informative. Was it true?" Medic was looking at you, his hand still on your arm and a slow smile pulling at his features.
"I, uh, well, yeah? I wasn't really hiding it."
"I couldn't bear to hope," He said, pulling you into his arms with a wide grin. "I have been completely taken with you, you have driven me to distraction, meine liebe, if I had let myself assume and had been wrong, I don't know what I would've done with myself.
"Have dinner with me? A date," He said. He was practically buzzing with excitement, an infectious sort of joy. Indulging yourself, you pressed your face into his coat to hide your own pleased smile.
"I would love nothing more."
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Blight NSFW HC’s
Talbot has never the type who thought or even cared for sex, let alone anything romantic. Didn’t even understand some of his society’s norms that revolved around such a scandalous topic. However, this would slightly change in the Entity’s Realm
Even then, he might get the tiniest bit flustered when seeing survivors showing a good amount of leg. The ankles…scandalous. 
With an S/O, he would force himself to look away, especially as he unknowingly feels…strange…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This brings me to the point that Talbot loves legs so much, loves to caress his partner’s and squeeze their thighs
Once he becomes the Blight, he’ll still have his same priorities. Yet, because he now has a more bloodthirsty/possibly animalistic instinct, he has a new sex drive
Even then, he wouldn’t really pay any mind to such things, though it would keep him more intrigued than anything. The hormones and such are more what he cares for.
In the situation where he has a partner though, he would keep it in mind…not as much as his S/O perhaps, but it’d be there
The first time he and his S/O copulate, it would be because he was convinced by them saying that it would be for “scientific purposes”
Perhaps it actually did end up being a bit of that in the end, because Talbot learned that sex actually helps him recharge, as weird as that sounds. So he doesn’t always have to rely on his serum
Another thing he would learn is that he’s become quite sensitive, besides the fact that he rarely had sex in his previous life
Thanks to some discussion with my friend, I see Talbot having had sex at least once but it was rather weird for him because it was most likely with a prostitute who he eventually used as a test subject 
So uh, yeah. Talbot  can be considered a bottom. Although, that all depends.
During the act though, you can expect him to lose a bit control. This would come after a few times of doing, for he would be more observant than anything the first few times. Examine every reaction from his S/O, how they hold onto him, practically smell the lust on them and love every bit of it
Then he realizes: Damn, maybe he is horny after all.
Later on, he’ll actually start to enjoy it and get more into it. You can bet he’d have his hands all over his partner, even accidentally leaving marks on them.
Would eventually be a bit more dominant when the mood strikes him.
This brings me to when, where and how the deed would go down
His partner would have to be the one that initiates things often, very rarely will he start. When he does though, it would be during moments of frustration/pent of anger, now that’s when he’ll take lead. I mean, he’s not the jealous type but territorial may be what describes him best; that could be another factor to him starting making the first move.
He would never admit it, but his S/O interrupting him while he works is fucking wonderful; pretends to be annoyed but is enjoying every moment of it 
He also would be willing to try something in trial, curiosity would get the best of him and he’d realize he likes that too
Good thing he’s fast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He prefers positions in which his partner is taking control, or ones where he can really latch onto them
His partner on his lap while he’s sitting in front of his desk? His partner bent over his desk while he’s right behind them? It makes him melt
As the Blight, the bottom half of his body remained almost the same, a.k.a: his genitalia looks as normal as ever but secretes bright, glowing, orange semen. As the True Blight, his appendage would have most definitely changed up into something more like tendrils that still secrete those liquids
If ya happen to get frisky with the Blight and it gets to oral, please don’t swallow that or even let it go into your mouth(at least not a huge amount)
Speaking of, he’s gonna feel a bit bad about all the drool he’s dropping. It’s most likely gonna fall onto you, depending on the position.
Moments in which Talbot really will not give his S/O any attention at all, surprising him with oral will do the trick for sure, or even just using their hands on his appendage. He’d be fighting his hardest to not give in, clawing at whatever surface is nearest before he forces you to stop so he can fix himself and get ready.
If you haven’t read my fic where Scorched Ghostface’s S/O kicks Talbot’s ass, let me tell you that a person like that one would turn him on. Someone with so much passion and willing to go against a higher being is just oof for him
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lovevalley45 · 7 months
#fictober23 day four
"Do you know what this means?"
original fandom (follow up to this prompt)
word count: 608
Josie felt like she did after that first transformation as Rhiannon drove them home, which meant the ancient laptop to the noggin hadn’t caused her headache. She thought she’d tired Rhiannon out, scampering around the depths of the woods. 
But in the driver’s seat, her roommate sat with a big grin on her face. “That was amazing.”
“Yeah, I need a shower, and about two pots of coffee before I can function again,” Josie said. “But sure, amazing.”
“Josie. Do you even know what this means?” Rhiannon asked. 
“It means you don’t have to worry about me destroying the furniture in the apartment again?”
“No. Well, yes, but no. This is a big break-through.”
Usually, she loved to sit by and pretend she understood the lingo Rhi threw at her about her research on her lycanthropy. But now, she slumped further into her seat. “Can we not talk about science right now?”
“Fine.” She glanced over at Josie. “How are you feeling? As a friend, not a researcher.”
She smiled faintly at the distinction. “Uh, to my friendly, normal roommate? I feel tired. Every part of me kinda hurts. My head feels like shit. But at the same time, I’m kinda relieved. Like I can still live a somewhat normal life.”
“What do you mean?” Rhiannon asked. 
“I don’t know, part of me worried I’d have to move out alone to a cottage in the woods in the middle of nowhere to never hurt anyone,” Josie said. “I thought that would be my life.”
“I never would have let you do that,” she said. “I wouldn’t have let you hurt anyone.”
“I’m my own person. It’s not your responsibility to watch over me.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” She sighed. “I would never try to make you feel like you were a threat. If I thought you were, I wouldn’t have insisted on coming with you into the woods last night.”
“You sure thought I was when you hit me upside the head with a laptop.”
“I said sorry,” Rhiannon groaned. “And I obviously didn’t know it was you at the time. All I saw was an unexplained beast in our apartment and I panicked.” 
Josie rubbed the spot of her head where she’d been thwacked. There was no mark, of course, but she still remembered.
“I don’t just see you as some kind of specimen. You’re still my friend,” she continued. “And I wanted to help you. I wanted to… understand what you were going through. Not make you feel alone.” She shrugged. “It’s just that my methods also satiate my own scientific curiosity.”
“As long as you’re not writing your thesis on me, it’s fine.” Josie shot her a look. “You’re not, right?”
“No,” Rhiannon said. “My advisor would never take that seriously. Think of it as a side project. That really, I don’t have much time for.” 
“But that’s time we get to spend together,” she said. 
“Exactly! Even if my feet are killing me trying to keep up with you.”
“Four paws beat two feet,��� Josie said, a proud grin on her face. 
“I guess so.” Rhiannon fell silent. “You wanna swing by a McDonalds to get breakfast? I’m starving.”
“I think I’m good, that squirrel really filled me up,” she said.
Rhiannon winced. “Ew.”
“I’m kidding. No squirrel can deter me from the allure of a hashbrown,” Josie said. 
“Well, you’ve ruined my appetite now.” But there was still the hint of a smile of her face.
 If she couldn’t get her hashbrown, at least Josie could find comfort in the fact she didn’t have to do this lycanthropy thing alone.
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
"I've been doing some digging into Tim"
I did an almost-spit-take. Jon. Jon. Right in front of my soup.
I wonder if Jon is aware that he can just talk to his coworkers. For all intents and purposes, a question about work motivation in a bloody insane supernatural office is entirely reasonable, especially if Jon is their defacto boss.
Imagine something like this:
"Hey Tim, I'm glad i could catch you on your break."
"Oh, heya Jon, what's up?"
"I'd just been wondering... How are you holding up after the attack?"
"Oh, well, needs must and all that... Not too great, I must admit. You?"
"Well, I've certainly slept better."
"Yeah, you don't look so well, Jon. You have us all worried, you know."
"It's nothing I can't handle. I figured you'd share the sentiment."
"I suppose."
"I was just curious... I'd been thinking recently, and I was wondering... Tim, why are you stil here?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I mean, the attack was horrifying. Escpecially for you. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had quit on the spot."
"Oh. Oh you know, I... Look. Do you know why I started working at the Institute?"
"I don't think you've mentioned."
"I used to work at this publishing house before, right. Until one day, a series of strange events happened that lead to one of my coworkers going missing. I'd been told not to pursue the manner and the rest of the company seemed adamant to pretend nothing had happened, but I know what I'd seen that night. I'm an anthropologist at heart, I knew I wouldn't be able to let it go. And besides, the work her is incredibly fascinating even if I'm not finding the exact answers I'm seeking, or really, no answers at all, most of the time. But ever since then, I decided I needed to know, out of scientific curiosity for sure, but also so I could prevent someone else from just blindly stumbling into things way bigger than they can handle. ... It hit me hard to find that had happened to me, now, but that's why I can't quit now more than ever, you know?"
"Wow, Tim, I had no idea. Thank you for sharing this with me. I really feel like we've grown closer as coworkers now due to this bonding moment. I can't believe I was ready to lose sleep over this, as this is a perfectly reasonable explanation for my questions."
Aaaand scene. But no. Instead, Jon is distracted with... frankly an innocious and not really relevant question, although now I really hope I do get a statement on Tim and whatever motivated him to join the archives. Do I smell character depth? :3
Wow, Martin got a REALLY good look at that picture, huh.
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cherryozyi · 2 years
for the ask game, ✨🎥💕
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
At first it was for nostalgic purposes since I was rereading Squish Comics again and soon realized it had a show. So my curiosity drew me towards it
Now I stay because the characters are charming in their own way and that goes for side characters. They all have pretty neat personalities and just make the show enjoyable to watch.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
That's a hard one since there is so many scenes that I like either finding it funny or pretty neat. An example of many is in Card Sharks where Planaria's detention cards backfires so much, that they made a trading business out of it and Squish just flexes how much cards he's gotten. I just found that funny and quite absurd how much he's gotten.
I also like the montage of Squish and Shirley hanging out in A Very Small and Salty Story since Squish starts to know her a little more and sees what's her life like from her POV and how she just rolls with it and isn't ashamed of being small.
I also liked the scenes in Escape from Detention where Pod and Peggy just try finding ways to help Squish get out of detention and overall I just love scenes with both Peggy and Pod.
I could just go all day pointing out my favorite scenes in Squish tbh lol.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
My top favorite is Pod, second is Planaria and third is Shirley and I like them for all different reasons.
Pod is because I relate to him on a personal level and definitely more when I was younger. Especially his scientific facts stuff is something I did spewing out weird facts when I was young that relates to something or not.
Another thing is he's pretty nerdy and I had favorite characters in the past who are geniuses or smart like him (ex. Kowalski, Flint Lockwood, Sam Sparks, Sandy Cheeks, ect). Also he is just pretty great of a character overall and he's pretty fun, I like how even he has his flaws just as Squish and Peggy but he learns from it. Also he just acts what you'd normally expect from a kid. I've seen so many smarty kids in other shows who are all serious and no fun allowed which is boring (not saying it's terrible it's just my opinion) but Pod still wants to watch movies, eat cake, have a party, ect. Sure he has his special interest like that one documentary he wanted to watch in Pod Squared but he isn't a stick in the mud. Also his relationship with Peggy and Squish are genuinely great love the friendships between the three.
Principal Planaria is just a pretty good and silly character. Every time he gets peeved at something he just looks so done with it and his screaming is just funny and the VA just sounds he's having a good time voicing him. Also he just likes to secretly have fun or do his silly little pretend time in his office (kinda like in that one ep Out Of Memory where he pretend to be a knight lol). I just find it pretty neat detail for his character, and glad he isn't one dimensional strict guy. It's kinda a neat character aspect in a way if that makes sense lol
He is just pretty goofy and ngl it's funny that he gets injured alot which is pretty numerous times. Like dude, how is he still alive.
Shirley is just pretty cool and she's awesome. She's spunky and isn't afraid to throw hand at anyone who is threatening or teasing her. She's the type that doesn't care too much of what others say about her and she has a pretty strong confidence. It's something that I wish I had and could do. I kinda envy her for that/pos. She's just overall cool and I wish we had more scenes with her. She's just so full of personality and she is really great, also just like even tho she seems tough and strong, she's a bit of a softie as shown rarely.
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Random Pic for Filler
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distopea · 2 years
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When the pair end up "bumping" into each other as they were apt to do, this time, Myles had a few new bruises that were clearly not from Astra. Wrists were raw and turning from red to purple, and a bruise was peeking from beneath the collar of his shirt despite how modest his sense of fashion normally was, but only in a way that trained eyes would notice. Even when he sat down, it was with an achy tiredness that didn't have the energy to bicker with the other. "Work got a bit out of hand," fingers raise and he orders something strong from the bartender with a sigh, "I'm sure they could have taken a few lessons from you. At least you'd pretend to kiss me after you punch me." He chuckles, slipping his phone into an inner pocket to reveal a flash of fresh red at the hem of his coat. "Needless to say, it's been handled. So how has your afternoon been, hmm?"
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It was almost ridiculous the way they could casually bump into the other one, as if they weren’t provoking their own fate. Well, Astra liked to keep an eye on Myles, even if it was perhaps the unhealthiest reason. It was out of curiosity and challenge, most of the time, the head of the Cleaners was quite happy to see these emotions passing through the features of the hitman. He was a very unreadable individual after all, not fickle for sure, but enigmatic enough for Astra to be tempted to solve that puzzle.
Yet, surely, he couldn’t hide his surprise when Myles presented himself in front of him, bearing the marks of a recent fight – perhaps even worse, it was hard to say in their profession. He was both shocked and profoundly revulsed by the vision of his bruised skin, yet Astra was kind enough to hide the horrendous disgust he was experiencing. He just had a hard time with blood and injuries; it was a phobia he couldn’t control, hence the fact he was always far away whenever there was a cleaning in his own gang.
He folded the newspapers he was reading – a very cheap one he had brought from his university, a paper written by a few students who wanted to give their opinions regarding various scientific topics. He pushed it aside, along with his glass of beer – his stomach was wrenched, and he wouldn’t be able to drink anything right now. “Seems indeed you had to deal with a complicated situation.” He nodded, his golden and brown eyes gazing at his bruised wrists, as he wondered if he had been tied up for a long time.
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He offered a tired smile while he poked at the paper, his attention drifting from Myles’ beaten features to his prior reading. He didn’t wish to lie – somehow, he might call himself with a nickname, he was acting truly like himself whenever he was around the blond. “Unexpectedly eventless. There’s a tempest raging in the Pacific ocean and I’m alas waiting for a shipment to arrive. I have ordered plenty of new materials for my Cleaners.” He simply glanced over Myles’ shoulder, and eventually probed his elbow onto the table. “If your work becomes hard to handle, you might be aware I’m also selling the necessary equipment to make it… easier?”
They would rarely talk about business, but Astra wanted to slide this card on the table. Myles would never be a part of his gang, Astra didn’t wish for that, but surely, he wouldn’t want the man to show himself all bruised and injured in the nearest future. Astra felt slightly better as he was adjusting himself to this vision, before he eventually poked the table with the pad of his index, gently sliding his hand so his digits could almost brush Myles’. 
“I know a nice restaurant a bit further away, near my place.” He paused, golden eyes looking up to observe Myles with a certain kindness. “Would cleaning up a little bit and chatting about my boring afternoon with you in front of a good meal sound terrible?” 
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