#long walk to freedom
ordinary-beautiful · 2 years
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June 16th commemorates Youth Day, memorialising a student uprising against racial and social injustice that set in motion the machinery of change in South Africa. That protest met with violent resistance and opposition by the political establishment of the day. Students lost their lives.
The older face looking back from the mirror is no longer quite as youthful. White hair marks the passage of time. But I'm here, a person of colour who is, today, decades later, an heir and beneficiary of the freedoms so hard won by those who have gone before.
Their sacrificial work is not yet done. The walk to full freedom is long.
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badlypackedtraveller · 9 months
The day the world changed for the better.
Book 7: Long Walk To Freedom, Nelson Mandela.
My son was born on 11/2/1990, the day Nelson Mandela was released from gaol. I've always impressed on him that the day he was born the world changed for the better. You can't say that about every day in history so he was born with a legacy to live up to.
I'm very proud of him. I like his politics.
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notsohots-blog · 1 year
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear , but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear"
From: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
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respecthumanity · 1 year
The Iconic Leader: A Tribute to Nelson Mandela
Introduction: Nelson Mandela, born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa, is widely considered one of the greatest leaders of modern times. He was a symbol of peace, reconciliation, and human rights, who inspired millions of people around the world with his unwavering commitment to justice and equality. From a young man fighting against apartheid to a global icon, Mandela dedicated his entire life to…
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twicedailyquotes · 2 years
No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom
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symphonyoflovenet · 2 years
I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.
Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
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lucid-fate-if · 1 year
1 - happy birthday me yay
2 - Happy birthday @villains-promise (ha, i said it first birthday rival 🤭🤭)
3- updates and asks will be attended to after exams (yes this crap is like a non ending forever draining subquest filler scene-)
4- yes. Khalas, Idk what else to say.
(and yes I'm rushing cuz my wifi got cut and I'm using someone's data :-:)
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ordinary-beautiful · 2 years
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Long Walk
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wlw-cryptid · 4 months
If you were to live anywhere with complete access for your disability, would you rather live somewhere urban or rural?
ohhh thats such a good question. but my heart belongs to wherever i can see trees. lots of trees. where you can see rabbits and deer come out at dusk every so often if youre lucky
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okay we have officially entered the Winter Break Is Driving Me Mad zone
#djhahdjhkashdash i have sat still as in not moving as in not going anywhere as in Still for too long#but it's too cold and dark to run around or go somewhere#and everyone is conspiring against me (there is someone in every single room so i am effectively cornered)#i was not built for this i feel like i'm going to explode they should release me into the wild so that i can experience freedom before#my untimely death by nature's hand but it will be oh so beautiful it will be yuri too btw#at least during the summer i can go to parks and walk through the forests or go in the caves or something but i can do nothing#during the cold dark winter#i am trapped in this tiny house with these people and i cannot leave i am going stir-crazy and it has been exactly 5 days since#school has officially ended#mayhaps i shall test if the rock climbing gym is open during winter break#we have one at my school and technically i get free access but i never go in bc i know too many gym rats and i hate seeing ppl i know#in different locations#but damn rock climbing sounds good rn#[insert google search] noooo they're closed on the weekends for winter break noooooooo#and their hours suck noooooo#u know what i may just say fuck it and go to a park or smth we have a hilly one that i bet no-one will be at bc it's fucking cold#i am going to go mad staying here i am going to be sick#where are the beautiful trees and fresh air and sunshine where did it all go why am i stuck in this house#i have no room to move all i can do is wait for the main room to be vacated so i can have space to dance but this is not enough#i need to climb something i need to be given more space to do something but noooooo#u know what i will unbecome nocturnal just to go places during the day#i will go to the sad cold riverside park and i will run from whatever geese are still around. maybe i'll bring a dog#if i do not i am going to scratch up these walls and YES they are yellow but they are not wallpaper it is paint. if u even care
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lilmisswhyso · 11 months
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gepazu · 6 months
pspspspsps,, coney island by taylor swift w (again) the godheim boys,,,
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
"Emrys and the Once and Future King shall unite Albion" is legit the only true part of the prophecy, everything else is Kilgharrah's last three marbles rolling around because he's old as balls and has been in the draconic equivalent of a padded room for 20+ years.
Merlin: Great Dragon, I need your help, Arthur is-
Kilgharrah: Who is the emperor today?
Merlin: We don't have an emperor anymore, now-
Kilgharrah: Oh they followed through on that Julius fellow, did they?
Merlin: ffs
why does he sound like my grandpa
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chaoticsoft · 1 month
i love my new hell divers shirt!!!!!!!!! 💛🖤
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fragrantpines · 11 months
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I have a lot mixed feelings about the second part of the event.
#it's both good and bad feelings#warning for spoilers below about story so i will take about the grinding stages first#bad: i'm going to strangle cherry with my own hands#what do you MEAN he heals 50% of his hp after his passive aoe hits#excuse my language but what the FUCK#thought second grinding stage would be as easy as first grinding stage but nooooo#as expected of the man who took 120+ pulls and refused to come home#okay story spoilers below proceed with caution#good: i adore loulan's main story a lot; the concept of evil and good which gets blurrier the more someone tries to differiate them is hnggg#also the fact that dongbi is obsessed with catching a-yu is because a-yu is what he wants to be but could never become#a fugitive who fights for his own principles in the shadows; someone who doesn't think twice before following what he thinks is right#he envies that a-yu has the freedom to do what he wants so he's desperately trying to capture him in order to prove to himself that#the path he walked down was right.... even though that costed him so many things.... too many things#meanwhile a-yu envies that dongbi has an identity; a set of principles that he will stick to no matter what#everything a-yu ever wanted was lost in that fire so he has nothing left to fight for#the thrills of theiving and the amusement of this cat and mouse chase is only to distract him from the fact that he will never get-#-what he truly wants for they've long slipped out of his grasp before he realised how truly precious they were to him#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god i love this event so much it's so good#please read the story with cn dubbing for full immersion it's so so good#now back to the grind for a-yu and shifu#tale of food#the tale of food#▪︎ edits#cherry biluo
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