#long time no ragbros everyone
cspcrashing · 2 months
slowly learning how to be your brother again
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i can't get my mind off of kaeya's hangout. kaeya's unending thoughtfulness and kindness. kaeya thinking of everyone from back home while he was away, missing them and going out of his way to get all of them personalized gifts. kaeya missing his family and them missing him even more. kaeya directly quoting shakespeare and thus pleasing my classic lit enthusiast self. adelinde answering the long debated question of which ragnvindr sibling was a little menace and which was the one following said menace in every step (turns out i was right amongst many who thought the same). kaeya most certainly knowing of venti's identity and venti struggling to keep his act up around him. kaeya getting albedo and klee matching gifts, a set, further emphasizing their great found family bond and his own belonging to it. crepus indulging in kaeya's shenanigans and making him his own semi-alcoholic drink as a treat. kaeya playing all the characters (the bandit, the prince...) without needing to stay in character, for it is he himself that speaks from them. adelinde knowing exactly how kaeya likes his food. kaeya - unable to get diluc's name out of his mouth - alberich. my personal headcanon of kaeya being fond of birds (enjoying birdwatching and singing to them) proving to be true. diona wanting to curse every drunkard with anemo archon's wrath not knowing that her beloved archon is a drunkard himself. kaeya's endearing and genuine love for people and being around them. the foreshadowing for kaeya's own story in the play he acted in and him admitting it resonates with him deeply, thus explaining why he knows it by heart. kaeya canonically embodying his nickname 'prince charming' and serving as an eye candy for many. kaeya's wish to rid himself of the shackles of fate, to rise above it and challenge his destiny. kaeya proudly stating his connection to diluc and crepus, without batting an eye. adelinde reminding him that he has always been one of their own, and that he always shall be. kaeya dancing the night away in a land far from home and having genuine fun. hoyoverse giving us a jeanlisa, kaebedo and kaejean moment all in the same scene. kaeya's and klee's shared childlike wonder and mutual understanding. kaeya revealing the secret behind the coin he constantly plays with. diluc memorizing every lie and excuse of kaeya's that he uses to spend time and indulge in pleasure in his rightful home. kaeya subtly implying that he only acts part-time currently (if you understand what i'm hinting at). the ending 'the grapes of warmth' being a reference to steinbeck's 'the grapes of wrath', once again pleasing my nerdy ass. diluc being protective over his staff and dawn winery family. kaeya being a typical younger sibling and taking every chance to tease the older one. venti sneezing around diona. klee's misunderstanding of the events surrounding kaeya making the situation twice as wholesome. kaeya, once more, doing everything in his power to help jean and make her work life easier. kaeya knowing the schedule of the winery staff members and diluc despite not being around as much. diluc willing to openly display another one of kaeya's gifts inside the winery. adelinde serving us a ragbros childhood story along with a nice, home-cooked meal each time we meet her. kaeya being a beloved son not only to his adoptive father, but to many. diluc's staff trying to cover for his darknight hero vigilante persona as if kaeya doesn't know about it. kaeya helping out the people in need, out of the good of his heart, no questions asked and not needing anything in return. the ragbros nation predicting plenty of scenarios, one of them being grape picking that, as it turns out, kaeya indeed participated in. venti writing kaeya a personalized poem, once again accepting him as a child of mondstadt.
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frozenambiguity · 1 month
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Anonymous asked:
Hey, mun. What are your thoughts on heavier/proship content?
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Ah. The question everyone keeps wondering about. Answer under read more because it got long.
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Ooc; Hi there. Sorry it took me a while to reply, I have been a bit busy asdfgfds. To put it simply: I have no issues whatsoever with portraying heavier or darker concepts in fiction. I roleplayed for an entire decade in a fandom widely known as highly "problematic" content-wise, and I absolutely loved the characters and how wicked the plot could get (and if you know Diabolik Lovers, then you really know how wicked it can get). 
I think the main point here is the ability to distinguish fiction from reality. Writing a gruesome scene does not make you a violent person, for example. So, really, it is all about knowing your preferences and your partners' and respecting boundaries.
I strongly believe that, even if you enjoy something and someone else does not, that fact alone should not taint your entire relationship as a whole. You can still find other points of interest, without reducing your entire friendship to a specific topic you disagree about. But, again, I speak for myself. I know that, unfortunately, some people disagree and this is a red line for them. And that is okay — if so, we can go our separate ways.
As for the proship part, listen — I have been around for a long time. As such, I also know that people have different interpretations about what being "proship" means. Too many, in fact, to keep track of. So what I will say is that I follow the "ship and let ship" policy. Of course, people can have ships that they cringe a bit thinking about. But does that mean that one should straight up harass people or vague about them for it? No. Far from it. Again, it is all about knowing your boundaries. Will you stop being friends with an amazing person just because they view or write X and Y romantically? Not me. I can just — skip those types of posts in the dash, for example. Try to curate my space a little, because I can appreciate whatever else that person is bringing to the table. 
What I mean to say is, sincerely, I do not think our tastes in fiction define us as people. And another big sensitive topic here is that interpretations can be different. Cultures are different. People are different. I will write about this because it is relevant when it comes to Kaeya and I am pretty sure that is what you want to know: I do not care about fandom discourse, i.e. Ragbros vs KLK.
Some can view it as a familial type of bond and that is okay (though, please bear in mind that the entire thing about Kaeya being adopted is not real. It is a mistranslation, as they are sworn brothers and not adopted brothers. And I am being impartial here).
Why am I talking about this? Because of objectivity. You may view them as familial because that is your personal experience and you play the English version of the game and that is what you are comfortable with. And that is okay. But that does not mean that people who view them romantically are wrong or should be crucified or considered monsters.
I have seen KLK enjoyers being bullied to the point that they stopped writing the characters. Stopped drawing them. Lost their passion for something just because they knew they would be met with anger and intolerance. And now, just to be safe, they prefer not to create any content or address this type of topic because of backlash. They have to censure themselves because of others. And that is absolutely devastating. If you ever took part in any of this, I hope you reconsider your actions thoroughly. Fandom spaces are to be shared, not to be owned, "cleansed" or dominated.
To this day, in asian communities, KLK is considered the original BL clickbait couple of the game. And, to this day, they still are a very famous ship in those communities. 
This is to say: do I have an issue with Kaeluc//Luckae? No. Not at all. I write KLK with a very dear friend and we are happy in our little own bubble. Isn't that what writing is about? To feel emotion in and through our interactions?
However. Does that mean that I will approach every single Diluc with the intent to ship? No, not really. The fact that some people may think so is... astonishing. I, too, appreciate the familial aspect of their bond. Because, romantic or platonic, they are each other's home. They are important to each other, to the point it almost transcends friendship or a romantic relationship. To quote Kaeya: "Perhaps we're fated to be doomed together".
Regardless of the nature of their relationship, their fates are bound.
And, to put a bit of perspective on the matter, I, too, started in the "ragbros" team, even before creating this blog. To the point when my friend told me they were shipped a lot, I remember staring deeply into nothing for a few moments. Only to let out a dramatic "HUH?????" afterward. Laughs. But then I started to talk with more people, started getting more insight, to the point where I don't really mind the ship. And that, if you choose to view them as a ship, they are one of the strongest and most complex ships out there — right next to Haikaveh. Trust me. Even as platonic, their relationship is very deep and meaningful.
Now, I realize that having this sort of view on the matter may be considered a "sensitive" topic (although, sincerely, I don't understand why). And following this philosophy also brings other types of questions along: when people have "if you write incest, dni" in their rules, do they mean KLK? I assume they do, just to be safe. But again. They are objectively not related nor incest, so the seed of doubt is always planted there. 
TLDR: People have boundaries, and it is important to respect them mutually. However, one should not reduce friendships to something they disagree about, nor end them because of that. Also, I hate that this sort of topic has become something seen as "taboo" or "drama". Please. There are more important things to care about than silly little pixels.
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wiklm · 4 months
hello everyone!! i’ve compiled some genshin age headcannons with the help of @interstate35south !!!! because you’re all wrong and i’m SICK of every character only being in their early 20s or several thousand years old with no in between. this will not be nearly the whole cast it’ll probably be like 10 characters or so bc i don’t have time for all that (i’m a liar). ok here we go
- first up let’s talk about ragbros!! this post is gonna be mostly bullet points but we had more to say about these 2. FIRST of all: Diluc was missing for 10 years after Crepus’ death instead of 4. How do i know this?? he told me himself trust me. No but actually him being missing much longer feels more impactful for Diluc and Kaeya’s festering issues they’ve got going on ykwim?? as a wise man (intertstate35south) once said, he’s been gone for 4 years starting at 18?? big whoop that’s just college. Second: Diluc is like 43 ish, kaeya is 40 ish. Diluc came back to mond at ~28 and kaeya was ~25! between then by the time traveler arrives in mond it’s been about 15 years.
- next up cyno tighnari and collei!! i’m ill about them!! i actually have no clue at all what their approximate ages are BUT i’ve seen enough people hc them as being in their mid 20s that i felt the need to make this post in the first place (i am a drama queen)!! in my head i have decided that at the time cyno went to mondstadt to seal collei’s archon residue collei was ~12 (with some wiggle room b/c of how long she was with dottore) and cyno and tighnari were 36 and 34 respectively. as of traveler arriving in sumeru ik sayinf it’s been 3 years and cyno is at 39 and tighnari at 37 and BEFORE YOU TELL ME cyno is the youngest general mahamatra in ages YES that’s true but he could’ve still been the youngest and just been on the job for 15 or so years since being appointed!! he was still appointed young but he wasn’t made general mahatma last week ykwim??
- ok i’m done with the super long ones i’m so sorry for that!! next up we got beidou and ningguang. if i see one more of you call them milfs and then in the same breath say they are twenty seven it will cause the heat death of the universe. to be honest i can see them anywhere in the range of 35-47 i don’t really have a specific one for them!! but seriously stop calling them milfs and also 27 years old you can’t do that
- albedo!! i do think him being immortal and some unspecified very large age would be fun but in the case of him being a normal age even if he is immortal i give him a solid 34-37
- jean and lisa early-mid 40s!! it’s just more fun when lisa has substantially less time left yk it ups the stakes
- less of an age headcanon more of a dumb pet peeve of mine but if ONE more of you mfs calls zhongli an old man and then gives him anime baby face.. lord.
-wriothesley 32 trust trust trust . he’s on the younger side for my age hcs bc i think he is still young just not like early 20s young yk
-thoma is in the same age range as diluc/kaeya/jean/lisa bc i am a diluc jean and thoma childhood friends truther
ok that’s all!! may reblog with more some day but for now this is all i got!! don’t take this too serious i’m goofing around and i think about this god awful game FAR too much it’s terrible actually
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leap-loves · 6 months
The Earth Promises the Wind - Genshin Impact [For You, Always]
First drabble I did for Jean and Jia, aka For You, Always! This also serves as some backstory stuff, with how Jia gets her Vision! I think I figured this was around when the Ragbros are about 16-ish! Jean and the twins I see as being a bit older than the Ragbros, so ye! Have some banter!
Growing up in Mondstadt, there's no denying that everyone knows everyone to some degree. But even in such a close knit community, there are still smaller groups of friends. One of the most well known ones, and most talked about, are a promising group of friends from various clans. 
Jean Gunnhildr, expected to serve Mondstadt as her family has before her. Even her younger sister, Barbara, is already showing interest in serving the church, like their father. 
Diluc and Kaeya Raginvindr, each already promising Knights in their own right. Prodigal and charismatic. Heirs to the Dawn Winery and Angel’s Share tavern. 
Calla and Jia Yan, while not from any notable clan of Mondstadt, are well known all the same due to their unique upbringing, split between Mondstadt and Liyue. 
Diluc had long since recieved his Pyro Vision, being blessed by the Archons. Jean had just recently recieved her own Vision. Anemo, blessed by Barbatos himself. As of yet, the rest of their group has yet to earn Visions of their own, however no one in Mondstadt would be surprised if they did. They were clearly a league of their own. 
Not that that exceptionalism is entirely inherent, or else Jean and Jia wouldn't be here. Outside of the Knights of Favonius, with Jean practicing her swordswork to better figure out how to incorporate her newfound powers and make the best use of them. 
Jia was seated on the stone wall for the moment, a practice sword propped up beside her. She was far more comfortable with a bow, but couldn't deny the importance of having even a passing familiarity with close combat, and who better to train with than the best swordsman in the city? 
Though sometimes, Jia feels bad for asking Jean for her help. She's busy enough as is, such a heavy weight on her shoulders. Rising in the ranks of the Knights, already Master of Knights. Expected to give her everything to and for Mondstadt, by demand of her last name. Now she has the pressure of having a Vision, living up to the ideal of Freedom, despite having far less freedom herself than she realized. 
Jia cupped her cheek in her hand, watching Jean go through her usual drills, this time with Anemo infused strikes. She was focusing hard, her eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed at invisible enemies. She'd forgone her jacket, getting too hot in the afternoon sun for so many layers. Though, Jia certainly wasn't going to complain, finding that it was easier to admire her longtime friend's hard work this way. The muscles built up over the years, difficult to see when she was in full uniform. A sign of her physical strength, which still paled in comparison to her mental strength. To withstand such constant observation and critique, it takes confidence not many have. 
There's no one quite like Jean. 
But that also means no one fully realizes the pressure she's under. How sometimes she struggles to stand her ground, to prove she has earned her station. Even Jia, who's spent years earning her trust to be her confidant, may never fully understand. But she knows about the sleepless nights studying up on codes and laws by candlelight, the long hours spent training. 
Oh how she wishes she could spare Jean some of the strain. Share some of the burden…
“-vat to Jia?”
Jia say up straighter, blinking to focus as a flush quickly spread across her cheeks. “Huh?”
Jean was now facing towards her, her eyebrows furrowed in concern now, instead of concentration. She still held her sword, though it now hung simply next to her side, her other hand resting casually on her hip. “Are you alright? It's not like you to zone out like that… it's okay if you're bored, you dont have to stay.” 
Jia shook her head, laughing as she tightened her ponytail, embarrassed at being ‘caught’. “I’m fine, don't worry. And I'm certainly not bored.” She reassured, flashing her friend a playful grin. “I was just debating my odds of getting a proper sparring out of you.” 
Jean seemed to consider the answer before her shoulders relaxed, and she let out a small laugh. “I shouldn't be surprised. But are you sure you're up for it?” 
“Are *you*?” Jia countered, standing up and stretching out some. “You're the one who's been training for so long with hardly a break.” Her tone had softened to genuine concern, watching Jean’s expression closely. She'd never want to push her more than she has to. 
Jean hesitated some, at least seeming to consider. “I'll be fine. I still have room to improve, after all. And I can't say no to a good sparring partner.” She answered, adjusting her grip on her sword. 
Accepting that for now, Jia chuckled out a sigh as she picked up her sword, futzing with it some to get familiar with it in her hand again. “Alright… but say something the *second* you need a break, okay?” She insisted, walking over to Jean. 
When Jean nodded, Jia smirked and held out her free hand, pinkie lifted. “Promise?” 
Jean laughed softly, lifting her own hand to hook her pinkie with Jia’s. “Promise.” 
“Then I can live with that.” Jia beamed, backing up a few steps after they dropped their hands, lifting up her sword. Jean lifted her own, letting Jia take the first move. 
Jia was far from as fluid as Jean, her movements sharper and less precise. But she made up for it somewhat with her strength, helping to pose some semblance of a challenge for Jean. They kept it simple to begin with, a back and forth, rather like a dance. 
If only they could dance properly, to proper music, instead of the rhythm of flashing swords. 
Jia spun out of the way of Jean’s next attack, grinning as she got an idea. She easily moved behind Jean, lowering her own sword to not risk hitting Jean as she reached up, undoing her signature black bow from her ponytail. She quickly stumbled away to avoid the sword swinging behind Jean next to try and make contact. 
Jia just laughed, holding up the ribbon triumphantly, ignoring how her cheeks flushed slightly darker as she watched Jean's blonde locks fall down along her shoulders. 
“Jia!” Jean ‘scolded’ through surprised laughter, pushing some of the hair out of her face. 
Jia beamed innocently in response, dangling the ribbon teasingly. “Well? You gonna come take it back?”
“You *brat*!” Jean laughed, lunging towards Jia to continue their sparing session, and try to get her hair tie back. 
Jia didn't falter, managing to block the attack while still holding the ribbon out of Jean’s reach, if just barely. 
Hopefully Jean couldn't hear her heart trying to beat out of her chest having her so close that they were practically cheek to cheek. 
Jia was snapped out of her thoughts again by the feeling of the ribbon slipping through her fingers, and Jean’s triumphant cheer as she backed off to quickly tie her hair back up. 
“I can't *believe* you did that while we were in the middle of training.” Jean laughed, shaking her head as she set her sword aside for the moment.
There it is. This is the moment that Jia wishes she could trap in a bottle and keep forever. This is how Jean should be, getting to laugh and relax and play around. Getting to simply be. 
In that moment, Jia made a promise to herself. To stay by Jean’s side no matter what. Jean’s goal may be to protect Mondstadt, but Jia is going to protect *Jean*. To get to keep seeing her smiling and laughing. 
As Jia turned to grab water for her and Jean, she paused at the unfamiliar flash of metal next to her water bottle. Upon closer inspection, Jia couldn't help but gasp in surprise, picking up the brand new Geo Vision. 
“Is something wrong?” Jean asked, looking over to Jia as she finished tying her hair up, pausing mid-tie. 
Jia beamed excitedly as she turned, grabbing the waters quickly before going over to Jean and offering out the Vision for her to see. 
Jean stood straighter in her surprise, quickly finishing with her hair to instead reach out and gently touch the Vision, as if to confirm that it was real. Then she beamed, her hand under Jia's and giving it an excited squeeze. “You’ve earned your own Vision!” She cheered. “The strength and steadfastness of Geo, how fitting!” 
Jia was far too excited to explain why she thinks she earned her Vision now if all times. She'll just keep it her little secret. Her Vision is a physical manifestation of her most important promise. She will be a safe haven for those she loves, a sturdy pillar to support them.
To protect Jean, be the shield to her sword. To help her stand, even when the weight of the world hangs heavy. For you, Always.
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mists-reading-nook · 1 year
So about the nightmares reader has, since Kaeya likely knows, do they suspect the dreams are a result of body swapping, the tether or do they think it's just Abyss Trauma and fear left over from when Reader first woke up in Kaeya's body?
Does Reader have a nightmare diary? Confide in Kaeya occasionally or always?
When they have the nightmare about Diluc dying, do they think it's just a bad dream and brush it off and not tell Kaeya or even write it down cuz they don't wanna hit Kaeya where it hurts? Or if they suspect their dreams are real, do they wanna protect Kaeya from even more hurt regarding his brother and keep his death to themselves?
Damn, living with the knowledge that Kaeya traded a brother he loved and confided in, but was tossed away by, for another he tossed away but shoehorned themselves into Kaeya's life and then grew a sibling bond with them. And it cost his first sibling's life.
Now Kaeya is on the other side of what happened the day the ragbros bond broke apart, but this time it's truly permanent and he doesn't even know. The again, this was the Reader's doing sort of, but can it be called their fault when they had no idea wtf was going on?
Chances are neither of the two wanna download Genshin Impact again after the body swapping and Abyss bs so the world's leaking into one another and the nightmares would be their only means of knowing wtf is going on within Teyvat.
Also you mentioned thar the Traveler, not being from Teyvat, gets affected by the planet dying the least out of everyone else, but what about their sibling?
How is Celestia faring?
They think the dreams are because of the body swapping,and reader usually keeps a diary about thier dreams,especially after realizing what's happening in Tevyat. They don't tell Kaeya about Diluc for a long while,especially once they realize that what they saw was actually real. They don't want to hurt Kaeya more,because they know that even though Kaeya says he hates everyone from his old world,he still deeply cares for them. At this point,Kaeya doesn't know about Tevyat dying,and reader had no idea if they should tell him or not. In fact,they still think thier Nightmares are just dreams at this point!
Neither of them touch genshin after everything,so both have no idea what's causing all these odd things. (The Nightmares and the "chronic illness")
Both traveller and thier sibling are least affected,but the abyss twin is affected a lot more than the traveller. (Thinking of having the abyss twin stumble upon the pathway,not sure about that though)
Celestia was the first to be affected by the entire thing,so it's not doing too well.
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 8 months
there’s a knife in your hand
Read on AO3
by yelanfruit
When sightings of the notorious Doctor are reported in Mondstadt, the residents are in turmoil. Fear is spreading like a virus and people are worried something diplomatically wrong is going to happen. The last time the Doctor had been frequenting Mondstadt, several deaths had occurred, such as that of Master Crepus.
But when wind of the situation reaches that of Diluc, a flame in him he thought had perished ignites once more.
Amber keeps watch over her long friend Collei as she visits the city, Lisa mentally prepares herself, Jean stresses over how things can possibly get worse, Barbara worries for her sister, most residents cannot handle the daunting pressure of these issues and stay inside, and Bennett’s misfortune ties him into a terrible predicament.
But most importantly, Kaeya worries about his not-so-level-headed brother.
Words: 1110, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Other
Characters: Diluc (Genshin Impact), Adelinde (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Collei (Genshin Impact), Jean (Genshin Impact), Lisa (Genshin Impact), Il Dottore (Genshin Impact), Tighnari (Genshin Impact), Elzer (Genshin Impact), Amber (Genshin Impact), Varka (Genshin Impact), Rosaria (Genshin Impact), Bennett (Genshin Impact), Barbara (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Crepus & Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Ragbros - Relationship, Diluc/Jean (Genshin Impact), Jean & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Jean/Lisa (Genshin Impact), Kaeya & Lisa (Genshin Impact), Collei & Diluc (Genshin Impact), Amber & Collei (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Amber & Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya/Rosaria (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Jean and Kaeya are Childhood Friends (Genshin Impact), Khaenri'ah Royalty Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya Reconciliation (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is Bad At Feelings (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is So Done (Genshin Impact), Rosaria is So Done (Genshin Impact), Past Kaeya/Rosaria (Genshin Impact), Jean is So Done (Genshin Impact), Past Diluc/Jean (Genshin Impact), Married Jean/Lisa (Genshin Impact), Bennett Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), Parental Varka (Genshin Impact), Good Friend Amber (Genshin Impact), Knights of Favonius (Genshin Impact), Diluc Hates the Fatui (Genshin Impact), Cyno and Tighnari Adopt Collei (Genshin Impact), Collei is a Mess (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), Diluc Needs Therapy (Genshin Impact), Diluc Needs Sleep (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Needs Sleep (Genshin Impact), Jean Needs Sleep (Genshin Impact), Hurt/Comfort, Diluc Has PTSD (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Has PTSD (Genshin Impact), Everyone Has Issues, Mondstadt (Genshin Impact), Fluff and Angst, Blood and Violence, i hate my life, I added the wrong tags sorry
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roguebox-writes · 2 years
Headcanons for Elara & Kaeya
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Some wholesome headcanons for Elara and Kaeya :)
Elara is one of my original characters.
You can read more about her here.
You can find "The Story of One" on my masterlist.
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Elara definitely enables Kaeya to cause mischief.
Everyone thinks she's sweet and innocent when she's the one casually chuckling at the ideas she's given her lover.
“wouldn't it be funny if–”
Diluc definitely hates when the pair of them show up at the tavern together. He thought Kaeya gave him a migraine, but now Elara is there to make it worse.
Albedo follows around Elara from time to time after finding out she was a fairy.
Elara please let him draw your wings.
He's never seen a fairy before and he's interested in everything his master has created.
Lisa ended up banning Kaeya from entering the library more than once a day.
However, that didn’t stop Elara from visiting him in his office when he was there.
Never mind, Jean also ended up banning Elara from going into his office more than once a day. :\
After a work day, depending on who’s working last, they’ll wait for their lover to finish so they can walk home together.
Kaeya always tells Elara he can’t sleep, but in reality, he knows she has trouble falling asleep due to her time in the Abyss and keeps himself awake until she falls asleep first.
On days he genuinely can’t get to sleep, he admires the peacefulness on her face as she sleeps.
He used to struggle with his loneliness, but when he observes his lover's peaceful features, his heart never felt more whole.
Though there are times he misses his brother, and Elara sees it.
Gently tries to get them to talk.
They don’t.
Stubborn asses…
Until the day Elara and Kaeya ran into the traveler and Diluc doing some commissions together.
The brother’s bickering almost got Lumine killed.
She’s fine, don’t worry.
However, Elara was pissed.
And like a mother taking care of two stubborn children, dragged them by their ears when they got back to the tavern before shoving them into one of the back rooms and locking it.
“Neither one of you are coming out of there until you talk like the grown adults you are!”
Diluc suggests burning the door down instead.
But Kaeya knows his wife. She means it.
Decides to steal one of the wine bottles cuz he’ll be damned if he was having this talk sober.
Actually gets Diluc to have a glass.
My love for ragbros content is showing. I momentarily forgot this was about Kaeya and Elara.
Might write a drabble about this later.
Long story short, the brothers hugged it out, and Elara reluctantly let them out.
Kaeya lays his head on Elara’s lap when they sit at home together while she asks him various questions about Teyvat.
Has to thoroughly explain to her that, no, “sunburns” do not mean that you burn alive if you stay in the sun too long.
“However, have you ever heard of the lamps in Mondstadt?”
It takes a week before Elara confronts Lisa, who caught on quickly to what the cavalry captain had told her.
Needless to say, Lisa definitely played along.
Kaeya eventually tells her the truth because poor Elara was starting to become afraid of the lamps now.
Can't have her afraid of the dark AND the lamps. :(
She playfully smacked his shoulder.
Don't worry she would find a way to get him back for that later.
Kaeya and Elara visit Starsnach Cliff whenever either one of them feels stressed.
Elara finds peace in stretching her wings, while Kaeya finds peace in watching her dance through the sky. :)
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
The Sands of Time
AO3 || RagBros || Fluff, Minor Angst, Kidya + Kidluc, Seashell Hunting || 3,370 words
How do you cope with memories washed up against the shore of the sands of time?
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Kaeya wakes up as he normally does, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and putting on his eyepatch right away. The knot is loosely tied, white straps entangled with blue locks. He tries not to cry for the nth time since he’s been living here, finding it so much more difficult to adjust to the new culture and language than anybody could have ever warned him. 
He jumps out of bed, wandering over to the window and looking out at the vineyard where he was once abandoned. A couple months had passed since then but the fear had yet to leave him. That didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the help from the kind pair of redheads who so kindly took him in. It just meant he lived every waking moment in perpetual fear that they would throw him out as quickly as they took him in. 
When he feels a little more ready for the day he decides to go visit Diluc. Kaeya still prefers not to talk too much to the staff, but Diluc’s ever chatty nature makes it easier for him to just sit and observe, learning a fair amount from the redhead’s rambling. He knows that Diluc should be awake right now and knocks on the door, stepping back to wait for Diluc to come to the door. 
“Kaeya? Is that you?” Diluc calls from in front of him, opening the door for Kaeya. 
“Good thing you got here early! Father wanted me to keep this a surprise but I’m doing a very bad job of that.” 
Kaeya sighs a little. Diluc was very honest. Perhaps Kaeya could eventually teach him how to be a little more sneaky, knowing that his time at the manor would be much easier if Diluc could keep a secret or two. 
“But so that we don’t waste time I’ll help you pick what clothes to wear.” At this Kaeya tilts his head. 
“I can’t wear normal clothes?” he asks, still timid by virtue of being a shy kid.
“You can but they might get dirty. Father had one of the maids make you something recently and they put it in my room by accident. I was going to go over to your room to give it to you but you came here first.” Diluc pulls Kaeya into the room after his explanation, narrowing his eyes at his eyepatch. 
“Why does it look funny?” he asks him, Kaeya bringing his hand up to cover his eye insecurely. 
“I just tied it,” he pouts, beginning to untie it to try again. 
“Let me do it! I’m good at tying things. Father said so. Just sit down, right here.” 
Diluc pulls a pillow off his bed and throws it onto the ground, pushing Kaeya down slightly by his shoulders. He obeys and sits down, keeping his eye closed. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t look. I’m just making sure this is tied right. Plus, you tied some of your own hair into it,” Diluc laughs, re-securing the knot behind Kaeya’s head. 
“Your hair is getting long. Do you want to cut it?” Diluc pokes over back into Kaeya’s line of sight, letting him look over at Diluc’s little ponytail. He thinks it’d be nice to look like that too so Kaeya shakes his head, looking at Diluc expectantly.
“You know I can’t talk for you all the time,” he sighs good naturedly, much too pure of heart to truly reject Kaeya. 
“But you’re good at it,” Kaeya rebukes. “Your dad owns all of this so everyone listens to you.” 
“He’s your dad now too,” Diluc responds quickly, now going to look for the clothes he promised Kaeya. 
“So you need to start calling him Father because he’s yours too and you’re my little brother so I have to take care of you.”
Diluc doesn’t really know what being a big brother entails, but from the books he’s read he knows that he has to take care of Kaeya, and that includes making him feel comfortable in the home. And also taming Kaeya’s wild beast of locks he calls hair. 
“Is that mine?” Kaeya asks once he sees Diluc holding something that looks like it’ll be a little short for him. 
“I think it is,” Diluc responds, mussing over the clothes in his hands. 
“It’d make more sense for them to sew our names into the tags or something now that there’s two of us,” he says absently, looking to see if he can indeed locate “Diluc” written somewhere on the fabric. 
Kaeya kicks his legs against the bed as he waits for Diluc to make his verdict on the clothes, looking out the window before asking the other boy a question. 
“Can we go outside today?” 
“Hmm? Outside? Father said he was going to take us to the beach. Have you been yet?”
Diluc walks over as he speaks, finally deciding that yes, this was Kaeya’s and putting it in his lap. 
“The beach?” Kaeya mirrors, prompting Diluc to nod. “What’s that?” 
“It’s where a whole bunch of water meets the land. There’s sand and it gets everywhere and lots more fish if you want to look at them. We can swim, or maybe Father can teach you how to swim if you don’t know how to. I can swim a little but I have to be careful or else Father will get mad at me.” 
Diluc continues to ramble, talking on and on as Kaeya holds the new clothes to his chest. When he first came here he was so overwhelmed by the abundance that existed. He never knew that people could have so many things, eat meals when they were hungry, go to sleep without the fear that they’ll never wake up. Now he’s living a life he never thought was possible, still having a hard time adjusting but doing his best for the sake of the reason he was put here. 
That is if he even understands why. 
“But anyway we should get breakfast soon so go back to your room and get dressed and meet me downstairs, okay?” Diluc ends, shaking Kaeya out of his thoughts. 
“Wait, I don’t want to go by myself,” he says in a mild panic, hands clenching the clothes tightly in his grasp. 
“You’re still not used to the mansion?” Diluc’s words aren’t harsh or exasperated, more just curious. Regardless, Kaeya’s sensitive and takes it as rejection, ready to high tail it out of the room before Diluc grabs him by the shoulder. 
“I’m not trying to hurt your feelings,” he says slowly, forcing Kaeya to process the words. “I just was wondering is all.”
“It’s big…” 
“I guess it is. I live here all the time so I can’t tell,” Diluc shrugs, walking Kaeya back to his room. 
“It’s good our rooms are so close. That way if you have nightmares you can come into my room and we can sleep together to make them go away. Or we can go find Father and he can make them go away.” Kaeya stops in his steps, making Diluc stop. 
“I can go to you if I have a bad dream?”
“Of course you can!” Diluc seems offended that Kaeya would think of anything on the contrary, pouting. 
“If you need someone to protect you just come to me. I’ll make sure you’re safe!” 
Diluc looks so sure of himself, fists balled up and resting on his hips with a maniacal grin, surely one that only the most confident of people would wear. Kaeya feels the fear in his heart ebb away a little more, biting his lip. 
For the first time in a while, Kaeya gives a genuine smile, fidgeting a little at the bubble of warmth that rises up in his chest at Diluc’s reassurances. 
“Woah…” Kaeya’s eye lights up as he looks out into the ocean. 
The water is so blue, a blue he’s only seen when buried in the hair of the woman who birthed him or against the back of the man who left him but now those thoughts are replaced instead with Diluc trying to grab more fish out of the water and Crepus trying to stop him from doing so. Kaeya timidly steps up where the water licks up against the sand and does his best not to get his shoes wet. 
Crepus looks back and sees Kaeya’s intense focus on the endeavour, laughing at how adorable he looks with scrunched brows and a deep set pout on his round cheeks. 
“Kaeya? Is something wrong?” Crepus asks, ready to look to Diluc if Kaeya refuses to talk to him. 
“I don’t want my shoes to get wet,” he responds, hopping backwards when the water comes up closer to him than he anticipated. 
“You can take them off. Look, Diluc already did,” Crepus points out, Diluc’s shoes indeed haphazardly thrown around for Crepus to pick up. 
“But I’ll get sand inside. And then I’ll have to clean it.” 
Kaeya’s rationalisation is simple but reveals to Crepus that the boy hasn’t been able to relax in the slightest. He frowns a little and sighs, unsure how to get Kaeya to loosen up around them when an opening seems to appear. 
“Diluc!” Kaeya shrieks a little, running over to the redhead and clinging onto him. Diluc hugs him back, looking around. 
“What? What’s wrong?” Diluc says, trying to see if he can spot the issue.
Neither father nor son can see what scared Kaeya so much, but soon enough Kaeya lets go of Diluc and steps closer to where he was standing before. Diluc follows suit, anticipating meeting the entity that made his brother cling onto him so hard before Kaeya stops and points. 
“What’s that?” 
Diluc looks down at the creature and bounces happily, kneeling down and putting his hand out for what he has now determined is a snail. When seeing Diluc being friendly with the creature and Crepus not trying to stop him, Kaeya kneels down with him, watching as the snail leaves its shell and begins to crawl up Diluc’s hand. 
“It’s a snail Kaeya,” Diluc confirms, holding it in front of Kaeya’s face. 
“It looks gross,” Kaeya says pointedly, staring so hard at the snail it’s almost as though he thinks he can rid the world of the mollusk’s existence through sheer willpower. 
“It’s not gross. It’s cool. Look! The eyes are retracting!” 
Diluc tries to show Kaeya who only begins to step further away. 
“Fine, but you have to admit the shell is cool right? Look at the pattern!” Diluc tries instead, pulling Kaeya’s attention back. 
“Yeah…” Kaeya stares at the shell and nods as though confirming what he just agreed to. 
“Do you want to go collect some shells with me then?” 
“We can do that?!” Kaeya asks, sounding excited for the first time since he’d moved in with them. He seems to catch himself, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down his happiness at the prospect. 
Diluc takes note of this and puts the snail down, offering his hand to Kaeya. 
“I’ve been here before with Father so I know all the best places to find shells!” 
Kaeya looks down at the hand offered to him with a scrunched brow, making Diluc huff. 
“I don’t want you to get lost. Just take it.” He shakes his hand a little more, trying to get Kaeya to take it.
“The snail was on there,” Kaeya responds instead, words trailing off the slightest bit as he stays transfixed on the slight glimmer of the snail’s remains. 
Diluc grabs Kaeya’s hand with his other, hopefully inoffensive hand and drags him along, careful not to actually pull him too hard. Soon enough they reach Diluc’s destination, a part of the beach he knows isn’t too frequented by other people so it should give them the ability to have first choice over what shells they can pick. Diluc immediately starts scrounging around for some shells, humming happily to himself. 
“Look how many there are! Look Kaeya! It’s blue and gold, like your eye!” 
Diluc brings him a shell with a blue body and gold streaks, looking very proud of himself. 
“It’s just like you! You should keep it then, as a memory of the first time you went to the beach with Father and I!” 
Kaeya looks down at the shell in awe, never having expected such a beautiful thing to come from the ground around them. The best experiences he had with nature were dismal at best and downright terrifying on average. He turns the shell in his hand, not sure what kind of animal it came from and almost half expects something to jump out of the shell. 
“I already checked to make sure there’s nothing in there since you don’t like them. That’s okay with you, right?” Diluc seems a little unsure, still trying to learn Kaeya’s boundaries. He didn’t want to make him feel silly after all, just cared for. 
Kaeya turns the shell over a few more times, fingers gently running over every ridge and bump on the object. A cursory peek into the shell confirms Diluc’s words and Kaeya puts the shell into his pocket. 
“Thank you Diluc,” he says shyly, now wanting to find a shell to return the favour. 
He turns around and heads a little ways away from Diluc, not sure what he’s looking for but knowing that he wants to find one as pretty and meaningful to Diluc as it was for himself. Diluc steps back a little as well, going off to his own space to look for more shells. 
Kaeya sifts through the fine sand, finding it pleasant to feel the mineral slip through his fingers. He gets a little distracted, sitting down and playing with the sand. Soon enough, there’s a hole sat in front of him between his legs, little hands continuing to mess around. Shells buried a little further in the ground begin to be revealed, Kaeya slowly sorting through them as he continues digging until he finally spots it. 
A gasp slips past his lips when he finally spots it. A red shell that matches the vibrancy of Diluc’s hair, perfect and completely free of any fractures and only marked by similar gold streaks the same way the Diluc gave Kaeya was. He runs his fingers over the object a couple of times, really making sure that it was perfect before offering it to Diluc. 
Kaeya thinks for a second to give it to him right away, getting ready to head over to Diluc before he remembers Crepus is there with them. Now with a renewed sense of urgency he begins to look around for another shell. In his mind, he’d prefer they be matching, allowing father and son to be represented by these pretty things. 
After a couple more minutes of rooting around Kaeya finds not just the one shell he wishes to offer to Crepus but a couple more he wants to take back. He makes a mental list of which ones are his favourites, hoping that he’ll be able to keep one at most. Honestly, he’s ready for Crepus to say no but a part of him still hopes, citing the man’s unusual kindness to a strange boy. 
Seeing that Diluc is busy hunting down his own shells right now Kaeya decides to swallow his fear and walks over to Crepus, sitting down on the beach and supervising the boys. When Crepus sees Kaeya approaching he gives him a soft smile and looks at the shells Kaeya’s got sitting on his makeshift table of a shirt, as well as the strangely shaped lumps in his pockets. 
“How clever!” Crepus says once Kaeya’s close enough, noting the way the boy stepped carefully and held tightly to the hem of his shirt to make sure all the shells are kept in place. 
“That’s a smart idea Kaeya. I should have brought you boys buckets or something along those lines to help you carry everything.” 
Kaeya shakes his head and kneels down, staying just as careful as he was when he walked over and puts all the shells down in neat rows in front of Crepus. Diluc, finding that his shell hunting buddy has disappeared, wanders over himself, much less careful but still able to keep all his shells. 
“Whatcha doing Kae?” he asks curiously, dumping the shells unceremoniously onto the ground and crawling over to sit with him. 
“Thank you Master Crepus,” Kaeya says first in response to the man, missing the slight frown on his face at the title. Crepus just wanted him to feel comfortable after all. 
“And I wanted to show you both all the shells I found.” 
Kaeya’s very proud of his selection, eye roaming over the impressive looking spread but also knowing he shouldn’t come off as too confident. That might annoy the others after all. He starts to worry over his lip when they don’t respond, about to reach out and pack them all up again when Crepus stops him. 
“Thank you for showing me all the shells you found. I’m very happy you did so,” he reassures, smiling happily to himself when he sees the ends of Kaeya’s lips going upwards just the slightest bit. 
“Yeah! You found so many cool ones!” Diluc gasps, looking at all of them and doing his best not to disrupt the way Kaeya sort them out. 
Now with the approval of them both, Kaeya picks out the two he chose for them, giving them to their respective owners. 
“Uhm. I found these ones for you two,” he says, words trailing off as he nears the end of them. 
“Really? Thanks!” Diluc says happily, putting it into his pocket right away. “I’m gonna keep it with me forever since it came from you! Promise!” He throws his arms around Kaeya’s shoulder, giving him a tight hug to further cement his words. 
“I will as well,” Crepus says, tucking it into his shirt’s pocket. 
“You two have done very well today,” Crepus praises, ruffling both the boys’ hair. 
Kaeya stares at him, shock thinly veiled on his face before it gives way to a look of absolute joy. He leans into Crepus’ touch almost like a cat, bouncing in place just the slightest bit in the same way Diluc does when he’s excited, already beginning to mirror the other boy. 
“Captain Kaeya, what’s this?” 
Noelle picks up a small box, opening it all the way after seeing that it was already ajar. Her eyes twinkle excitedly when she sees the beautiful shell on the inside in pristine condition, turning it up to the light. 
“It’s in such good shape! Should I clean this as well? How would you like me to do it?” 
Kaeya glances over and gives a light chuckle, sitting up from reviewing his paperwork. 
“My, how awkward this is,” he muses, stepping over and taking a closer look at it. 
“This isn’t mine,” Kaeya tells her while taking the shell out of her hands. “I think it belongs to the previous Cavalry Captain.” 
“Really? It doesn’t seem like Master Diluc to be so forgetful he’d forget something like this while packing up. Perhaps I should bring this to him and ask him about it,” she offers, standing off to the side as Kaeya admires the gold streaked red shell. 
“Considering how much of a rush he was to get out of here I wouldn’t put it past him.” 
Kaeya closes his eye, taking a deep breath as the familiar surface of the shell dances across the tips of his fingers before handing it back to Noelle. 
“Return this to Master Diluc. It’s his after all,” Kaeya says with a slight chuckle, leaning against the desk his brother used to work at to find some semblance of balance as the world spins around him. 
Noelle notices the slight shift in Kaeya’s mood and decides to drop it, curtsying lightly before exiting the office. He’s glad for it, collapsing into his chair and resting his palms against his eyes tightly as he wills himself not to fall apart at the indisputable fact of a broken promise between small children. 
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Of Hands Intertwined
AO3 || RagBros || Fluff, Kidya + Kidluc || 1,106 words
Kaeya's having a hard time sleeping but he should have known Diluc would have been there to help him.
(a/n - kidya and kidluc are adorable and nothing will change my mind)
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The night runs long, especially for little boys who can’t sleep. 
Kaeya sits up in his bed, clutching tightly at the sheets against his waist and trying his best to catch his breath. In his chest are barely concealed screams, eyes bleary with sleep. 
Everything feels like it’s too much for him, the fabric against his body, the hair resting against his collar, the weight of the blanket on his legs. It’s suffocating, all of it is suffocating and he wants to run away, find his home and bury himself in his mother’s chest because at least she would give him comfort. 
Instead, he’s stuck trying to catch his breath in a land that he doesn’t belong to. He knows if he runs to Father he’ll help him, calm him down and tell him it’s okay. But he also knows that Father was busy today, overseeing the replacement of a big shipment that was destroyed in transit. 
Kaeya tries to calm himself down, taking deep breaths and practicing the techniques Diluc told him to. Focus on his breathing, on the way his chest fills then deflates before trying to name things in his room. 
He tries. 
And tries. 
And tries. 
And tries and tries and tries and tries and tries -
Kaeya opens his eyes, seeing Diluc holding him by the shoulders. 
“Luc?” he whimpers, breathing getting shallow. 
“Kaeya, you’re going to hyperventilate, you need to listen to me to stop, okay?” Diluc tries to keep Kaeya calm, not wanting to show him just how much he’s panicking right now. 
“I can’t breathe - I’m scared,” Kaeya continues to panic, beginning to thrash around in his sheets. 
“It’s okay! It’s okay, I’m here Keaya. I need you to focus on me, okay? Just me.” 
This wasn’t the first time Kaeya worked himself up into a fit of anxiety and nerves but every other time Crepus was here to help. Diluc was here on his own but he was determined to make it work, wracking through his brain to see what he could do. 
“I’m going to hold you okay?” Diluc says, receiving a slight nod from Kaeya. 
He pulls Kaeya into his arms, resting his head on the top of Kaeya’s. 
“It’s okay Kae. You’re safe. I’m here to take care of you,” Diluc says over and over, making sure Kaeya can hear him over whatever is happening in his brain. 
“I love you Kaeya, okay? I promise you’re okay.” 
Kaeya finally manages to breathe, resting his face against Diluc’s collar and sinking into him.
“You love me?” 
The last time he heard those words it was from his mother, a woman who tried her very best to keep Kaeya at her side. She begged and pleaded with a cold presence, someone who Kaeya was quickly forgetting. His face eluded him no matter how hard he tried to remember but the thought of forgetting her face, her warmth scares him so much but Diluc’s words of reassurance makes him think it’ll be okay. 
“Of course I do!” Diluc scolds, hugging Kaeya tightly. 
“I do, Father does, all of the staff do! Did you know that just the other day two of the maids were fighting over who would give you breakfast? They ended up racing all the way here! That’s why your juice was half empty. They made me promise not to tell you because they didn’t want to make you feel bad, but everyone here loves you!”
“But why?” Kaeya asks, shaking with tears. 
“I’m just a burden.” 
“You are not a burden! You are Kaeya, my little brother and Father’s adopted son. I will tell you that until the day we die. You will always be my brother, no matter what happens. Do you understand me?” 
In the pale light of the moon Diluc almost looks like a ghost but Kaeya can see the slight flush of his cheeks. Whether it’s from anger or passion he can’t tell but he can tell that Diluc’s going to lose his patience with him if he keeps pushing this topic. 
“I understand,” he settles for instead, sniffling lightly and wiping away his own tears. 
Diluc reaches over Kaeya to the nightstand, grabbing a handkerchief from the drawer and rubbing Kaeya’s face with it. Kaeya giggles a little at how it feels, Diluc not being careful enough to actually wipe away his tears and snot. When he sits back a little he can see the trail of tears he left on the other boy’s shirt, touching it gingerly. 
“I’m sorry. I got your shirt dirty.” Diluc shrugs. 
“I can just get it washed. Or I’ll go play in the mud tomorrow morning so that nobody can tell you were crying on me.” 
“How’d you know I was crying?” Kaeya asks now, feeling steadier now that Diluc helped calm him down. 
“I was going to get something to drink because I was thirsty and I heard you crying so I came in. I told you already that if you were having a hard time sleeping, come and sleep with me.” Diluc starts getting ready for bed in Kaeya’s room, throwing the sheets over both of them. 
“But I don’t want to bother you,” Kaeya sniffles, following Diluc’s lead. 
“But look now, we’re going to go to bed right here so you can sleep.” 
Diluc pats Kaeya’s head, smoothing out his hair so the two can look at each other. Kaeya finds himself feeling significantly better, now knowing he wasn’t going to have to deal with his nightmares by himself. 
“I’m sorry for making you do this,” Kaeya apologises, still very happy to have Diluc staying the night. 
“You need to stop saying sorry Kaeya. I’m not going to say no to you when you need help,” Diluc scolds again, making Kaeya laugh a little. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll try to stop.” 
“Good,” Diluc huffs. 
He puts his hand on the pillow in front of them, opening his palm.
“Do you wanna hold hands Kae? It might make you feel better.” 
Without hesitating Kaeya reaches out for Diluc’s hand, locking their fingers together. He looks at Diluc, making sure it’s okay with him and Diluc just smiles, squeezing his hand lightly. 
“Feel better yet?” 
Kaeya can hear the sleepiness in Diluc’s voice, beginning to feel more and more lethargic himself now that he is calm. He nods slowly, yawning. 
“I’m sleepy Luc,” he mutters, trying not to fall asleep right away. 
“That’s okay Kae. I’ll protect you.” 
The words bring him peace unlike any other he’s felt before and for the first time in a long time, Kaeya has a restful night. 
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