#lol halp
agent-cakeshroom · 5 months
Feral Brozone au
They never lived in the tree. Their parent(s?) Escaped while JD was really little and Spruce was still an egg, so only JD has very vague memories of the rest of the pop trolls. They live out in the wild, starting out at just hard-core survivalists like canon JD. But after the passing of their parent(s) for whatever reason, critter attack or accident idk, they slowly get more and more wild. Especially Branch, who never even got to meet their parents. JD doesn't really know what he's doing, raising kids, and only has what little he picked up from his parents or the critters around them to go by. So he turns their makeshift pod into a giant nest they all sleep together in, he turns to more physical affection and they all begin speaking less. Why use unnecessary words when they understand each other just fine?
Fast forward, we're gonna pretend Viva never got separated from Poppy, and she kinda takes Branch's place in the first (possibly second) movie. She's more paranoid because she came terrifyingly close to being taken, and is traumatized. Her colors are dulled, but not gray. So qhen all the other trolls go gray in the pot, Viva is the only one with a bit of color left. So she cheers Poppy up, and then regains her full color.
After maybe the second movie, when they're exploring the other Troll Genres, they stumble across Feral Brozone. They never actually became a band, so no one knows their names but them. Poppy befriends Branch pretty quickly, and after much coercion and building trust they convince the brothers to come to Pop Village. Peppy recognized JD just enough to know who his parent(s) was, but that's it. Poppy and Viva help them adjust to society, but also start picking up some habits. Like more physical closeness, making a nest in their pod to sleep in, maybe some acapella too lmao. The boys didn't have instruments, but JD loved singing so he started vocalizing the instrumentals for his brothers to learn. I dunno.
I'm bored at work and Trolls still has a death grip on my life.
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meatsnail · 6 months
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hello, sketch comms are open because i have little money and only work part time as of right now (12/11/23)!
pricing is in USD, bust sketches are 6$ while full bodies are 15$! sketch pages (2 busts, 1 full body) are 25$! check it out!
i am only able to take payment thru p4ypal, apologies for the inconvenience.
for larger scale comms, better art examples, and more information, check out my commissions site right here!
reblogs are appreciated! thank you!
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tuuuron · 1 month
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"Everybody makes sacrifices"
(thrinking of josh and neku sticker ideas)
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darushi-chan · 1 year
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MORE HOTD REPTILES AU 🤗 EDIT: After I took a nap I checked the post on my phone and the quality of the image looked like crap, dont know if it is my damn phone or what, but just to make sure I divided the strip in parts, now it looks fine in my phone, I like looking at Vhagar the komodo dragon in good definition ok xD? Also Arrax with his cute little crown. Im in pain, I commited myself and finished this in almost 3 days, never again lol. Headcanons time: -If you follow my other posts you know Aemond and Luceyrs are roommates, Aemond lied and said Vhagar “was friendly” so Luke will stay with them, he had been very careful and nothing happenned for like 3 weeks, but the one time he went jogging and didn’t make sure Vhagar’s enclosure was properly closed something happened.  -His “Lucerys it’s in danger” sense tingled and he came back in time to prevent disaster, but Luke saw Vhagar in his room. -Lucerys knows Vhagar its not “friendly”, but he also wanted the roommates situation to work, so he feigned ignorance and trusted Aemond, after all Vhagar did listen to him, most of the time.  -Vhagar did want to have snack time so bad 😞, but she also loves her almond, so no eathing the tiny dragon, Arrax its “her friend” now, and shes also a new member of Luke’s youtube videos! Plenty of new subscribers thanks to that 😂. -Yes, their silly costumes are a little bit of an hommage to their HOTD real characters, after all we do love to make Luke and Aemond queen and king (Or kings) in a lot of fics 😋. -Also also, yes Luke its wearing crocs with cute charms on them, I also love jogging pants, very comfortable 😌. -Vhagar its inded as tall as Luke when she stands, she’s a full grown Komodo, my doberman its as tall as me when he stands, so I think that makes it possible, I’m like 1.60 m,  5.25 feet, so yeh. -After this Vhagar and Arrax become really good friends indeed, they take walks together with Luke and Aemond, they sunbathe, Luke makes videos with both of them from time to time, they also play catch and chase together, this scares Luke a little, but Vhagar will not hurt Arrax, they are important to her know, Aemond likes them, so does she. -The costumes and videos are a little bit tedious, but Luke makes sure to never do something she hates, and Aemond always gives her special treats and cuddles after them, she also gets a fanbase that sends her gifts! Luke says she’s a star now 😘. -MOre lore that keeps me awake at night: Targ special pet companions Need to be a reptile or amphibian+ blood magic with a Targ blood family member sample, usually blood+ some other secret enchantments. Usually, the parent will bring their baby or child and be shown a wide variety of options, specifically eggs, and if there’s a connection with one or more, they are taken and can go through a series of trials and blood magic rituals, and the one that hatches at the end it’s the one that goes with the client. This process can take some time and specially lots of money from the client. Also, it can only work with people from Valyria, the only ones that can really afford this type of thing are the Targs and their blood family members. They may or may not also have a very restrictive contract with the dragon keepers for this kind of service too, hehe. Driftmark incident and bonding with Vhagar!: Alicent lets Viserys have his way with Aegon and Helaena, they got their pet companions since very young, she agreed since both were also relatively safe options, but then he started to get sick and wasn’t as able as before. She never liked this tradition the Targs had, just looking at Rhaenyra’s Syrax, or even worse, Laena’s Vhagar, the seven forbid one of her kids bonds with a monster like that, so with Aemond she gets more control of what her son get access to bond with, small geckos, frogs, turtles…safe and/or small companions, but none of those take, time passes and then Aemond decides he wants to have a big crocodile like his father, Alicent hates the idea, she wasn’t a Targaryen, so she really didn’t believe it was safe. But no matter what other small safe reptiles Aemond was shown none of them reacted. Aemond knew why, he didn’t want any of those “safe” companions, Aegon and Jace won’t stop bullying him with one of those, he needed something that commanded respect, not something “small and safe”. More time pases and Aemond still doesn’t have a pet companion, Alicent stops trying, and he gives up a little. The day of the funeral the kids dare Aemond to go into Vhagar’s enclosure. He accepts and goes into Vhagar’s room at Daemon and Laena’s house, there he finds this really big lizard he has never seen before. The dragon keepers haven’t shown him anything like it, and even if it’s not a croc, he knows this would definitely do, his excitement goes away when he kind of feels the creature’s sadness. He starts to sing her a Valyrian lullaby (The one Daemon sings to Vermithor), and this catches Vhagar’s attention, she goes out from her enclosure and Aemond touches her snout (Like in how to train your dragon, hehe) while he says Lykiri and Dohaeras (Like in the show!). Vhagar can sort of feel the connection, but we still need the blood for it to be completed. Cue the other children. Aegon and Jace can be a little bit mean and feel kind of “attacked” (Inferiority complex it’s that you?), that Aemond it’s getting a good reaction from Vhagar, they weren’t expecting that after all, and because children can be little shits they enter the room and try to make fun of Aemond for singing Vhagar a lullaby, Vhagar has never seen this other children before and doesn’t like all the noise so she goes back to her enclosure. Rhaena and Baela are not vibing that much with the bullying, neither does Luke, but then Aemond gets mad and lashes at everyone, telling them they have lame companions, how they wish they could have something as cool as Vhagar, especially the idiot Strong bastards. Luke and the girls are sad and crying and answering their own mean things to Aemond and then everyone its fighting. Aegon knows their parents are gonna kill him if something happens, so he runs away in search of the adults. There is some stuff used to feed Vhagar in the room (Gloves, scissors, thongs and stuff like that) and in the struggle those things end up in the floor with Aemond and Jace, Aemond grabs the scissors and slashes them around in desperation and ends up cutting Jace a little. Its then that Luke, that was comforting Laena and Baela after they got punched in the squabble, sees this and gets scared, and ends up pushing Aemond, he trips around the mess and pierces his eye with the scissors, by then the adults arrive and all hell breaks loose. While everyone screams, Vhagar gets close to Aemond and licks some of his blood from the floor, Laena its dead, and she likes this feisty hatchling, so the bonding gets completed. Still, the adults are fighthing, but the kids get to say the truth about the taunting and the mean words and Alicent, Rhaenyra and Viserys see the damage that has been done through the adults mean remarks and hatred. So yes, they are all very mad, and are not in the very best terms then, but they all decide to start going to family therapy, so not everything goes to shit in a couple of years, this way Lucemond and Jacegon can still be a little bit toxic, but nobody needs to die, ok? Also Alicent freaks out and almost passes out when she sees the monstruosity sitting at her son’s side, that makes everyone go back to their rooms, lol. 
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rene-hl-trashcan · 27 days
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Graduated, newly-wedded and freshly moved into their own little cosy home. 🥹❤️
They not gonna be there for long tho because Sylvan suffers a serious case of wanderlust while Poppy indulges him; especially after being baited with the idea of saving beasts around the world.
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anxiety is fun
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my grandma also sees me DAILY how tf ddi she not notice??????
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demonichunny · 2 months
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*Jade 5 minutes after reading about Ming Yue's backstory* "I must add her to the family!!!"
Ming Yue belongs to the amazing @crimson-cring-art and is just too dang cute! Jade would totally kidnap adopt her lol Lexi (me) isn't having it though.
(Also fun 'propaganda' to @lmk-oc-competition with permission from Crimson to post ^^)
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fyncherly · 10 days
i wanna write and try this new nifty lil writing program thing and I'm thinking my first work to grace its new nifty lil blank screen shall be pistolwhip, but i could be persuaded by bloodshot. lend me your decision-making capabilities brethren and perhaps we can make one full decision.
Together 🤝
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impala-dreamer · 8 months
im... writing?
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sandrockers · 7 months
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I’m going coo coo crazy
(also context on the third photo HE LAUGHED AT ME AND IM PROUD LMAOO)
This was during the live Q&A in discord I had an amazing time 👻✨ Everyone was so fun HEHEE
ONE BIG HIGHLIGHT FOR ME DURINH THE Q&A IS THEM CONFIRMING THAT HARU WILL COME BACK IN A FUTURE GAMEE YAYYYY💖 a lot of other things great things happened but my mind is a mess rn but atleast there will probably be a recording out soon xD
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hobbithoes · 7 days
another day lost to baldurs gate 3 character creation screen
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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horizon zero dawn | aloy 14/?
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bmpmp3 · 10 days
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more doodles of me genbu lite design im working on <3
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sleepynegress · 2 years
Okay... ABOUT The Woman King...
This is just my yelling into the void about internet stupidity, the gullibility of black folks, falling for and proliferating Nazi-ass propaganda... etc. etc... So, I'll keep this short.
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I LOVE sword and sandal movies. When I hear that Persian woman singing on the soundtrack (you know the one) and see muscle men wearing some sandals with a short sword in hand, I snuggle into the couch with a snack and await a good-ass hero's journey and some chopped heads... I'm also AWARE of the fact that pretty much every powerful culture we observe through an entertainment lens, espec. back in those days (and those fantasy inspired narratives too), was actually involved in some cultural genocide, enslavement, subjugation, misogyny, and much much more... I'm grown enough and just plain have enough regular-ass logic to be able to seperate those facts from the media (FICTIONAL MEDIA AT THAT! hun what you think based upon mean?!) NOW, that black women are centered I see them Nazi fucks, Hotep-head-ass bm, and bw pick-mes not reading the fact that none of these "here's the real evil behind the fictional movie." takes, never happened for the all those other movies... in which black woman did not star and weren't centered. Really, think about how weird and actually sad in a Mean Girls "Why are you so obsessed w/ us?" way that these weak-ass Nazi bitches are basically keeping a burn-book about black women's stuff... Black women stuff... In other words, you got to go out of your way, which is the majority, to insert yourself into what you see as a niche to just hate on it. ...Imagine the energy? It's like having every flavor of ice cream known to man in your possession. catered to your tastes... only to walk your ass across the street and down the block, with that melting cone of ice cream (of which is always available to you) that is your favorite flavor. .. to knock that one cone that somebody else is holding to the ground, a flavor you don't even like, and wasn't planning on eating, just because. You know how weird it would be if black women were making bots, and spreading disinformation about Northman?? Like... we didn't because we. don't. give afUUUUUU.... So why do they??? Weirdos. Anyway. The Woman King kicks ass, block or report all the obsessed ass haters and gulliables.
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livelaughlovelams · 2 months
Today's 1am thought is: omg why is the nervous system so scary like actually omg get away from me I'm SCAREDDD nervous system WHYYY.
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rene-hl-trashcan · 27 days
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Gotta christen the new house and consummate the marriage. ( ‾⌣‾ )
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