#literally bs in historical films about shitty people is basic practice
sleepynegress · 2 years
Okay... ABOUT The Woman King...
This is just my yelling into the void about internet stupidity, the gullibility of black folks, falling for and proliferating Nazi-ass propaganda... etc. etc... So, I'll keep this short.
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I LOVE sword and sandal movies. When I hear that Persian woman singing on the soundtrack (you know the one) and see muscle men wearing some sandals with a short sword in hand, I snuggle into the couch with a snack and await a good-ass hero's journey and some chopped heads... I'm also AWARE of the fact that pretty much every powerful culture we observe through an entertainment lens, espec. back in those days (and those fantasy inspired narratives too), was actually involved in some cultural genocide, enslavement, subjugation, misogyny, and much much more... I'm grown enough and just plain have enough regular-ass logic to be able to seperate those facts from the media (FICTIONAL MEDIA AT THAT! hun what you think based upon mean?!) NOW, that black women are centered I see them Nazi fucks, Hotep-head-ass bm, and bw pick-mes not reading the fact that none of these "here's the real evil behind the fictional movie." takes, never happened for the all those other movies... in which black woman did not star and weren't centered. Really, think about how weird and actually sad in a Mean Girls "Why are you so obsessed w/ us?" way that these weak-ass Nazi bitches are basically keeping a burn-book about black women's stuff... Black women stuff... In other words, you got to go out of your way, which is the majority, to insert yourself into what you see as a niche to just hate on it. ...Imagine the energy? It's like having every flavor of ice cream known to man in your possession. catered to your tastes... only to walk your ass across the street and down the block, with that melting cone of ice cream (of which is always available to you) that is your favorite flavor. .. to knock that one cone that somebody else is holding to the ground, a flavor you don't even like, and wasn't planning on eating, just because. You know how weird it would be if black women were making bots, and spreading disinformation about Northman?? Like... we didn't because we. don't. give afUUUUUU.... So why do they??? Weirdos. Anyway. The Woman King kicks ass, block or report all the obsessed ass haters and gulliables.
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