#logan x kurt wagner
artsy0wl · 1 year
It’s Me, Leibchen
Back with another wonderful little Logurt fic of mine. While I try to plan out my next one, I thought I would share this. This takes place during and after the events of the Wolverine and the X-Men episode Hunting Grounds (I have one or two that take places around this episode lol), Kurt’s being Kurt, and Logan tries to keep his distance because he doesn’t want to hurt him again.
Also, the following are lil German phrases that Kurt’ll be using.
Leibchen: Sweetheart
Kleine blau Katzchen: Little blue kitten
Ja: yes
Ich leibe Logan: I love wLogan
Bist nicht ein Monster: You are not a monster
Ich leibe dich: I love you
Ich vergebe dir: I forgive you
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I'll think of something else.
And that's exactly what Kurt would do. He wasn't going to take Wanda's suggestion. He wasn't going to kill Logan. Not when he could be saved.
Drawing him to Kurt was a risk. In this condition, Logan was unpredictable and feral. He wasn’t in control of his actions either. One wrong move could kill Kurt, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying.
A low growl was Kurt’s only warning before Logan attacked. Adamantium claws slashed at Kurt, but missed, flying through a puff of smoke. Landing on Logan's back, Kurt tried to pry the equipment off of Logan.
Unfortunately, the electrical current from it and Logan’s struggling caused the blue mutant to retreat. What followed, was a barrage of swipes in his direction, which he dodged before teleporting again. Once again landing on Logan’s back, Kurt tried to yank the equipment off of Logan, but the electrical current send him flying.
The next thing Kurt knew, Wanda was trying to stall Logan. Dark smoke formed as Kurt moved to get her out of harm’s way. Kurt brought them to a sturdy branch high off the ground, looking for Logan. Clearly his plan wasn’t working, but he wasn’t going to give up.
“Enough hiding.” Wanda lectured. “He needs to be stopped. Permanently if need be.”
Kurt flinched at the lethal implication in her tone. She wanted him dead, despite knowing he wasn’t in control. Spotting Logan, he concocted one last ditch effort.
“I know what I have to do.” Kurt stated, jumping out from their hiding place.
“He’ll kill you!” Wanda shouted.
“He won’t!”
Kurt landed in front of Logan, not making a move as they locked eyes. He was going to have to get close if he was going to do this. Logan ran at him, claws engaged, as Kurt mirrored the action. Dodging the first few strikes, Kurt looked for an opening.
Claws dug deep into Kurt’s arm, which prompted a hiss from the blue mutant and an audible gasp from Wanda. Ignoring the sting, Kurt’s hands grabbed the sides of Logan’s face, causing the Canadian to pause.
“Leibchen, it’s me.” Kurt whispered. “Your kleine blau Kätzchen. You’re hurt. Let me help you.”
Logan didn’t seem to react, too confused or tired to do so. Or maybe he was recognizing Kurt. Kurt gently kissed Logan’s forehead, hoping it would distract Logan from his hands reaching out for the helmet.
A sharp gasp escaped Kurt as claws jabbed into his side. Logan’s face, though stuck in an eerie grin, seemed agitated.
“It’s okay.” Kurt assured, holding back the urge to cough up blood. “We’re almost there.”
Not waiting for a response, he quickly grabbed onto the helmet, ripping off of Logan. Kurt ignored the pain and electrocution, focusing on the helmet. It was immediately followed by a wave of numb relief as Kurt looked into Logan’s eyes. Blue eyes shook before focusing on Kurt.
“Elf?” Logan gasped.
“Ja.” Kurt affirmed. “It’s me liebchen.”
Kurt let out a gasp, clenching at his side. Yellow eyes dimmed as his legs gave out. Logan grabbed Kurt, picking him up. Wondering why . Blue eyes flashed between confusion, fear, and horror when he saw three deep gashes in Kurt's side. It only grew when he realized the blood on his claws. Kurt let out a harsh cough.
“Elf?” Logan gasped, not getting a response as Kurt lost consciousness. “Elf!” No response. “Kurt!”
Light dismissed darkness as Kurt slowly woke up. The first thing he realized, were the white walls and lack of trees. A dull pain in his side was the next thing he noticed, fingers inspecting the damage. They found where Kurt had been stabbed, running along the bandage softly and carefully.
Anxiety rose as he remembered what happened. He began searching the room, praying he wasn’t alone and that Wanda didn’t do something drastic. He spotted Wanda standing in the doorframe. Her eyes were sorrowful and her face grim.
“He wants you to know, you’ll never have to deal with the monster again.” Wanda stated.
“Is he…?” Kurt began.
“He’s alive. Fought tooth and nail with Mojo and Spiral, not letting anyone touch you until we got you here.”
“Then why…”
“One good look at the damage he caused, including internal bleeding and a cracked rib, he knew he couldn’t be with you anymore. For your sake.”
Dark hair flinched as Kurt shook his head. His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest and he grew more anxious. If Logan was in pain, Kurt couldn’t forgive himself for letting it happen. Kurt sat up, weakly getting off the bed.
“Are you crazy?” Wanda gasped, catching him before he lost balance. “You need rest.”
“Not when he’s hurt.” Kurt refused, pulling away from Wanda when he regained balance.
"He's not hurt. You are."
"His soul is hurt."
Kurt limped towards to the door. It was pitiful, but determined, and Wanda wasn't sure what had gotten into him. In her mind, Kurt had no reason to consul Logan. Logan had hurt him. Stabbed him. Mind control or not, that shouldn't be so freely tossed aside.
"Why do you care so much?" She asked.
"Ich liebe Logan. Er ist mein liebchen." Kurt stated, surprising her a little. She had not heard exactly what he said to Logan, so she hadn't thought they were that close. “And he’s hurt. Not in body, but in spirit. So I have to go.”
The Danger Room. No surprise. Beating things up took Logan’s mind off a lot of things. It also relieved some stress and anger. But Kurt knew better. He wasn’t here to unwind. He was hear avoiding the guilt he felt. The shame. That’s why Kurt was here.
Logan was destroying dummies left and right. No one else was in the Danger Room, probably too scared to be in the same room as Logan in his current state. He was so invested in it that he hadn’t realized he had company.
“Logan.” Kurt sighed, startling the Canadian.
Kurt took a step towards Logan, who replied by stepping back. “Stay back!” Logan gasped.
Kurt shook his head. “I can’t do that Leibechen.” He inched closer to Logan, arms open.
Logan’s heart sank, looking at Kurt’s wound. “Elf, I’m not your leibchen. I’m a monster.”
“You’re not. You’re my lovely, grumpy lone wolf. Mein Leibchen.”
“Your leibchen wouldn’t hurt you. Your leibchen wouldn’t stab you. A monster does that.”
“Bist nicht ein Monster. Mind control does not make you a monster. Mojo is.” Kurt’s legs gave out, causing him to fall.
Logan grabbed Kurt, cradling him. Kurt was unharmed, merely drained. But that did not stop Kurt from gently kissing Logan.
“Ich leibe dich.” Kurt sighed. “Ich vergebe dir.”
Logan said nothing, holding onto Kurt warmly and closely. Hearing those six words meant more to him than anything. They were calming. They were peace.
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