#locked and loaded fic
k0mmari · 1 day
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Locked and Loaded — Life Support
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Steddie Upside-down AU Part 5
Part 1 Part 4
Eddie’s filled a shitty back-to-school backpack with anything useful he can find. There’s more wet wipes, and gauze, antiseptic, and a hammer. He’s got a lighter, a few newspapers, and a few shitty plastic cups. In a fit of whimsy, he stuffs a pack of playing cards in there as well. 
They go.
Hawkins is bigger than he remembers. Eddie’s not sure if it’s just the fatigue, the general atmosphere of this place, or it’s just another fucked-up thing that’s just a little off about this place. Hawkins, but not.
And god, he didn’t ever think he’d be homesick for Hawkins. His trailer, sure. Wayne, of course. But Hawkins? No way.
But he’s pretty sure he’d give his left kidney to be walking down 2nd street with all its residences clutching their pearls and crossing the street to avoid him. 
The street stretches out before him unnaturally. It’s quiet. There’s ash in Harrington’s hair where he walks by his side. Eddie’s never felt more out of place in his life.
“Do you think we’ll make it back?” he whispers. It’s so quiet, it feels like his words bounce across the town, anyway.
Harrington’s gait stutters. It could be from his fucked up feet. Eddie doesn’t think so. His brows pinched, lips pursed, skin golden under its ashen sheen.
“Someone will have noticed us missing by now, right?” He doesn’t sound sure. Eddie can’t fathom why.
“It’s…Sunday, Right?” Eddie asks, not waiting for an answer before continuing, “I’m supposed to be at band practice. The guys will notice.”
Harrington nods, starts walking again. 
“What about you?” Eddie asks.
Harrington’s eyes are shifting back and forth like he’s watching the ghosts of the real world in this fucked up mirror dimension. Hell, maybe he can. 
“Nancy noticed,” he says, quiet enough that Eddie barely picks up on it. He’s looking down at his feet and he looks small. Unsure. Before he looks up at Eddie from the corner of his eye. “Right?”
Eddie looks at this guy he’s hated for years, this guys who Eddie’s sure didn’t even notice him enough to hate him back, and says the only thing he can, “Right.”
“She’s smart.”
“Wheeler seems like a baddess,” Eddie says, even though she doesn’t. It makes Harrington smile down at his borrowed shoes. 
Eddie reaches out, squeezing lightly at Harrington’s elbow in comfort before skipping a few steps ahead, feeling his ears burn red. Harrington jogs to catch back up. They walk in silence after that.
The walk down the winding path surrounding the quarry is harrowing. It’s long, sure, but the way the red sky is reflecting back off the water’s surface has his gut sinking into his boots and weighing his feet down. It doesn’t look promising.
It looks even less promising up close. But beggars can’t be choosers, and Eddie feels one second away from falling to his knees and begging to a deity he doesn’t believe in.
He pulls out one of the stupid plastic cups, toes of his boots dipping into the red water as he bends over the reservoir and fills the cup, handing it to Harrington. Might as well take advantage of his tagalong jock test dummy,, and all that. 
Harrington grabs it from him, staring down at it dubiously. He tips it sideways, eyeing the liquid speculatively as it pours out of the cup and onto the concrete at his feet. 
It’s hard to tell if it’s actually red, even watching it drip onto the ground. The light’s too fucked, but it’s at least transulscent. It’s not blood, or at least not only blood. Eddie’s more concerned about the ash mixed in, to be honest.
Harrington’s still staring down at the remains of his cup like he’s not sure what to do with it. 
“Don’t drink that,” Eddie says.
Harrington doesn’t reply, but he can feel him watching as Eddie digs through his bag, pulling out a drugstore T-shirt and the second cup. He snatches Harringtons cup from his fingers, puts the T-shirt overtop, and then puts the other cup on top of that, before flipping the cups quickly.
Some of the liquid splashes out as it pours into the second cup, but most of it makes it to its rightful destination. Eddie pulls the T-shirt away and eyes the cup. He pours it out again, humming in pleasure and there’s no ash floating in the puddle at his feet.
A glance in the original cup makes him gag. Harrington siddles up to peer over his shoulder at the congealed black sludge left at the bottom, smeared with ash and dirt.
“I’m glad I didn’t drink that,” Harrington says.
Eddie laughs, handing the remnants of the second cup back over to Harrington. The look in the other boy’s eyes tells Eddie he knows he’s the guinea pig in this arrangement, but he gamely takes a sip. Eddie holds his breath when Harrington makes a disgusted face, but when he doesn’t keel over and die, he takes another sip. 
“Tastes like shit,” Harrington says, downing the rest. 
When Eddie filters the next cup, he can’t help but agree. It tastes like too-strong coffee mixed with blood, and Eddie’s never liked coffee. 
“How’d you learn to do this?” Harrington asks as the squat next to each other, Eddie filtering water, and Harrington filling the water bottles they’d collected from Melvald’s.
“I didn’t,” Eddie says, wringing the T-shirt out. When Harrington scoffs, he continues. “I just read about it in a book one time, and thought maybe it’d work.”
Harrington snorts. It sounds like a pig. Eddie hates himself for finding it endearing.
“You’re such a nerd,” he says, nudging his shoulder into Eddie’s. From his crouched position, Eddie almost goes tumbling into the water, but Harrington snags his shoulder and yanks him abc, laughing all the while.
“Fuck off, man,” he says, but it lacks its usual heat. 
It’s hard to completely hate a guy who dragged you bodily out of a window and away from your untimely demise. It’s hard, but damn if Eddie’s not going to try.
They fill the water bottles. It takes longer than it should, as Eddie tries to find clean enough spot on the T-shirt to make filtering the water any more even possible, but they manage.
Eddie doesn’t put the soiled garment in his backpack before slinging it onto his shoulders. It’s heavier now, but something in him eases with the time they’ve gained with the water. Days of survival has now stretched out to weeks.
He thinks of that Thing again and wonders if that’s a good thing at all. With the way Harrington is grimacing as he slings his own pack onto his shoulders, he’s having similarly grim thoughts.
They both stare up at the steep path they’d come down, hours before.
“What now?” Eddie asks.
Steve sighs, and starts trekking back up the hill. Without any better ideas, Eddie follows.
Part 6
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gutterfuuck · 2 months
i currently have 5 mark grayson pieces in my drafts… 3 of which are sinister mark, all of which are smut 💀
i’m also taking reqs rn, i’d love to write through the week!
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destinysbounty · 4 months
I'd like to think that after Crystalized, Zane and Nya bonded over shared experiences with memory loss, amnesia, and identity issues. Because let's not forget how Nya merging with the sea caused her to lose herself, and at that point in the series Zane would've been able to understand her situation better than quite literally anyone. Just saying
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petricorah · 1 year
humble offer of an au instead of (a continuation of) divorced zukka
Zuko fakes his death:
Someone's been trying to assassinate him. It's long after Sokka leaves, and they aren't together. Maybe they had something once, and Sokka always thought they'd end up together, but they aren't together. And he hears word of the fire lord's death all the way back in the water tribe. How there was nothing the Kyoshi Warriors or the palace guard could do, and he was killed.
There are no remains.
He goes to the funeral, and it's this big dramatic ordeal (because they're trying to really hammer in that he's "dead") and Sokka's a mess. A complete and utter mess. He can barely function, and he's angry, especially at Suki, because he doesn't understand how she isn't more upset (she knows Zuko's still alive. She tries to talk to him, but he pushes her away, and they're never able to talk in a private place.) But more than that, he's angry with himself. Because if he hadn't left, he could have saved him. He could have been there. He thought they had a future together, that they couldn't be together now, but someday they would, and that all goes up in smoke.
And then Zuko's alive. They were able to apprehend the mastermind with the guise, and Sokka should be happy, but all he feels is emotions he can't understand. He feels betrayed.
"You were in the water tribe," Zuko said. "I couldn't tell you--"
"You died. You were dead. I-I went to your funeral, I mourned you."
And he wants to be angry, he wants to hit him, to make him feel a fraction of the pain he felt, but he can't hurt him, not ever, and the only thing he can do is crumble at his feet because Zuko is alive.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 10 months
man. being an artist/writer on the internet is HARD sometimes. gaining a following for doing this one thing and then changing it up/doing it less/being busy etc etc and feeling the guilt of not delivering what your audience came here for. you can choose to let go and draw for yourself exclusively but its really not that easy in this economy with likes and algorithm and traction and shit. to artists who truly have a "fuck it we ball" mentality i salute you i wish i were as strong as you
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Fictober 2023: Week 4
First Fictober, fourth and final week!
Days 22-31
"Life’s Just a Path”-- If Melissa were alive post Fight the Future and Millennium, she'd never let her sister live it down.
"I Think He’s a Hard Kid to Love”-- Post Schizogeny Scully is sent on a case with Mulder to unofficially help Skinner's friends, one of which is a bear. (Prompts and artwork contributed by my two sisters.)
"Mulder Will Be Back”-- Jeffrey Spender sneers at Mulder's "hubris."
"Easy for You to Say”-- Post First Person Shooter Mulder is enamored with his little battle girlfriend.
"No More Paranormal than a Change of Wardrobe”-- Freshly-dating Mulder and Scully's lifestyles don't quite match yet; but it's worth it.
"What Must a Mother Go Through”-- Post Emily Mulder reasons Scully out of her Mrs. Peacock comparisons.
"Watch Over You Wherever You Go”-- One Breath Maggie ruminates on the many reinterpretations of her daughter's necklace.
"Your Ideas Are Weirder than Ours”-- The Lone Gunmen are woken by two very grumpy-with-each-other special agents.
"Doesn’t Make Him Less of a Miracle”-- AU Mulder tries to fight colonization and wrangle his "sea monster" child at the local ball pit.
"Sooner or Later a Man’s Gotta Face His Demons”-- Post Amor Fati Scully prods Mulder on a stakeout about his lack of Samhain hunting.
Title References
Day 22, Quote: Melissa Scully, A Christmas Carol.
Day 23, Quote: Mulder, Schizogeny.
Day 24, Quote: Jeffrey Spender, The Beginning.
Day 25, Quote: Scully, First Person Shooter?
Day 26, Quote: Scully, Chimera.
Day 27, Quote: Scully, Home.
Day 28, Quote: Maggie Scully, A Christmas Carol.
Day 29, Quote: Byers, E.B.E.
Day 30, Quote: Mulder, Existence.
Day 31, Quote: Mulder, Fire.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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strangersatellites · 6 months
trouble's always gonna find you, baby (but so am i) - CHAPTER SIX
be careful what you wish for
read on ao3
snippet below the cut!
His and Robin’s apartment is nowhere near Eddie’s. 
He didn’t walk either. 
He walked the few blocks he knows are visible over Eddie’s balcony, just in case. Then he hailed a cab a took the ride the rest of the way.
When he unlocks his door and walks in nothing is amiss. 
He checks his corners. Toes off his shoes. Doesn’t turn on any lights. 
Realistically, he doesn’t think anyone is here, but he also didn’t know they were bugged. Anything is possible. 
He starts with the obvious places. Checks all the corners of the TV, the record player Robin has on a shelf. Between all of the books and the trinkets and the plants they’ve used to make this place feel homier. He checks between couch cushions and under pillows; under blankets and rugs.
He takes stock of the things he knows. He knows it’s somewhere where he can hear the living room TV. He wasn’t home and Robin wouldn’t have been in his room without him there. She doesn’t watch TV in her own room. He also knows it’s somewhere that she walked away from when she went to the front door, which rules out the far wall of the apartment. 
Steve moves into the kitchen, open enough to hear the TV if it was turned up loud, and far enough away from the door that he has to strain to hear when someone knocks. He checks under all the appliances. Inside the drawers and in the cabinets. He even sticks his hand down the garbage disposal that they've never turned on. An unlikely location but a stone to turn regardless. 
He takes out the phone that he’d snuck into his pocket and sees that the device is still connected. Clicking the volume up a bit he reaches a hand in the air and snaps. Hears the sound echo, tinny and distant through the speakers. He whips his head back toward the living room and walks around the bar. 
Snaps again. Louder.
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hamburgrr · 10 months
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science-lings · 11 months
honestly I’m so disappointed in the fic I wrote doing poorly (with not even a single comment at this point) when I thought the ideas it’s based on were so interesting. So I’m going to rant about it here.
So the fic (this one) is based on the parallels Link and Zelda have in common with the dynamic mythical duo of the Dragon and the Phoenix. Zelda isn’t just literally a dragon, but also symbolically, she’s powerful and divine and the king of the land and all it’s people. Her mythical counterpart is Link as the phoenix, the creature defined by it’s ability to be reborn through flames, and if Link is known for anything in botw/totk it’s dying (and almost dying) and somehow surviving. They’re the queen of the skies, and Link can fly as well as any Rito and is even the only one to be able to keep up with the sage of wind himself when gliding straight into a hurricane of a snowstorm. 
The best part of all, is that due to the nature of the two divine beings, they’re also the symbol for being the peak couple. So not only do the parallels make sense, but also in a shipping lense. 
They are the embodiment of the power of love which is the whole heart of both botw/totk. In botw it’s implied that Zelda’s power is unlocked because of her love for Link, and throughout totk you can see how obvious Link’s devotion to her was. He gave her a home and was never seen without her, he follows any trace of her all across the kingdom, and the first thing he asks anyone, despite them having more urgent problems, is always ‘Have you seen her?’ Especially when the evil they fight against is referred to as the embodiment of hatred who uses goo named ‘malice’ and ‘gloom’ which seem to be as opposite of Link and Zelda’s love as you can get. 
So you have a feminine guy (?), with an odd relationship towards death, who has to continue to rise from the ashes on multiple occasions, who flies through the sky like a bird and tames the wilderness like he was made for it, and you have a regal woman with inconceivable power at her fingertips, but will still sacrifice it all for love, who saved a world of people and is hailed as a hero, who is loved and a protector of all under her care. Like tell me I’m crazy for making this kind of connection.
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nimblermortal · 7 months
Bad things about editing: rereading the same pages over and over and over and over again
Good things about editing: hehe this guy makes such bad decisions :)
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k0mmari · 23 days
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Update #2 on the sillies, now with more stuff!! yay!!!!!!!!!!
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one thing you gotta know about me is that i'm gonna write a last chapter of a fic that's so fucking long
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
from what i know of yosuke and yu theyre sooo funny i hope yu thinks they've been dating for half the game already. i hope they both have VERY different definitions of the word partner. atlus cant take this from me
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, Chapter 7 WWDITS | Nandor/Guillermo | Mature | 5600 words
Guillermo’s eyes are an inky, smoky black and he has two little holes in his throat and Nandor would do anything to wake him up.
Chapter Summary: You knew he was gonna go in the room. (added tags: implied suicidal behavior)
I keep saying I'm going to slow down my posting of this fic, but I just got too excited about the s5 promo so here's the next chapter.
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shizuoi · 2 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: is there a character or fandom you’d want to create for but haven’t yet? If so, why?
hmmm recently i've been toying with writing fic for detroit: become human fic just because i love the game (despite its flaws) and i also love robots so it just scratches that itch in my brain. wait. now that i think of it i've never written a robot piece. and i love robots?? need to reevaluate some things...
but yeah that's one fandom i haven't broken the ice on yet, i just don't have an idea that would really make me want to put in the effort to try? like if i'm going to create for it, i want it to be unique to me and so far nothing has really emerged yet. maybe someday!
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