#local puppy groomers
chiefsublimeanchor · 2 years
French Bull Dog Puppies For Sale
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Dog Care Tips For Pet Parents This Winter
Skincare for dogs is important all year round. While concerns such as summer’s itches, allergies, heat, and matting may be more common in warmer months, there are specific matters to be aware of when the temperature drops.
Keep in mind the following tips to stay on top of your dog’s skin and health care this winter:
Stay inside: Some dog breeds with long and thicker coats may be more tolerant to cold weather. However, no dog should be left outside for long periods of time in cold weather.
Be mindful of fleas: Fleas can live at temperatures as low as 33 degrees. They can survive in a dormant state, so they may still be present in the winter. Be sure to practice pet skin care for flea protection.
Choose warm clothing: A sweater or coat can help protect your furry friend from colder temperatures and snow.
Avoid heavily salted areas: Rock salt is a danger to your dog’s paws, so be sure to avoid areas in your neighborhood that are heavily salted. You may also choose to purchase boots to protect your dog’s paws.
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Use pet-safe ice melters: On your property, you may choose to use pet-safe ice melters to protect the skin care and health of your dog’s paws.
Be mindful of bodies of water: If you are near ponds, lakes, streams, or other bodies of water, keep an eye on your dog’s whereabouts. Don’t let your dog on the ice.
Prepare an emergency kit: Ensure your household has an emergency kit with supplies for your pet as well as family members, including food, water, and any medication. It will be critical in the event of power outages, blizzards, and untravellable roads.
Take care of your dog’s skin: Learn more about how often you should wash your dog based on its coat type, health, and lifestyle.During bath time, focus on pet skin care by using a moisturizing shampoo.
Address skin care issues: If you have concerns about your dog’s skin, be sure to consult with your groomer and veterinarian. They can advise how often you should bathe your pet and recommend products to use.
Support Your Best Friend with Skin Care for Dogs in Indiana
Caring for your dog’s skin and health isn’t something you need to manage alone. At Smoochie Pooch, we offer professional grooming services in Northwestern Indiana. This includes dog grooming, skin care, and additional services. Plus, new client consultations are always free!
Connect with us for more information and to discuss your pet’s needs.
Source: https://smoochie-pooch.com/dog-care-tips-for-pet-parents-this-winter/
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thewolvesshade · 10 months
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A small break from your weekly horrors for a bit of dopamine - Shade in dumbass mode!
While it isn't canon to the main story, I like to imagine that werewolf puppies (aka any werewolf under the age of 12) are super playful and affectionate.
While they do undergo monthly transformations, werewolf pups are far more versatile and tend to bounce back more quickly. They are energetic, loving, and enjoy going on walks with their caretakers.
Werewolves are omnivores, and thus are capable of eating any food a human can eat. Werewolf pups have often shown a liking for orange juice, beef jerky, hot dogs - and most importantly: Fruit Snacks.
However, it is important to note that too much sugar can cause a werewolf to have a tummy ache. Parents of werewolves are advised to reduce the amount of sugar intake on full moons, as it can lead to indigestion.
In the event your werewolf pup returns with a kill (such as a bird, rabbit, or other small animals), do not panic! This is merely a hunting instinct and a sign that they care about you - rather than violent intent. They are young and still learning to fend for themselves, so they will often give their caretakers "gifts" - both as a sign of thanks, and an attempt to contribute to the household.
Werewolf pups are most notable for their soft, downy fur - compared to the coarse and somewhat greasy hide that their adult counterparts have. This fur requires consistent brushing and grooming to prevent matting. A local dog groomer will suffice, but it can be an embarrassing conversation to have. Just be sure not to shave their coat, as werewolves are double-coated!
Finally, werewolf pups are full of love - and require consistent attention. Just like humans, they are a social species and rely heavily on family and friends. Some theorize that a born werewolf will behave in a docile or even protective manner around their loved ones provided enough care, even leading into adulthood.
Caring for a werewolf is a lot of work, but worthwhile. They are loyal providers and very intelligent, both in human and wolf form. What you give to them, they will return tenfold.
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the-fo0l · 2 years
Being Yandere Will Graham's darling would inculde:
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Notes: i love him so much so i hope this did Will justice, even if it's a bit out of character
Warnings: kidnapping, otherwise it's just pure fluff, Will is a simp
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It doesn't really matter how he met you. You could have been a coworker, a witness at a crime scene, a cashier at his local supermarket, friend of a friend, dog groomer- it's not important
Will's love grows more and more obsessive over time and soon enough he can't handle being away from you
He will most likely kidnap you
But he'll feel so bad about it (as he should)
He knows how wrong it is, both to you and to the law but he can't help it
Being his darling isn't all that bad though, since he's taking your freedom away he wants to make everything as nice as possible for you, and all he asks for in return is that you don't try to leave and don't push him away when he's cuddling up to you
His house has always had a basement that he didn't ever use until he began renovating it to the perfect room to keep you locked up in while he's at work. We're talking a TV, books, a soft bed, a bathroom and a mini fridge for when your hungry and he's at work
Speaking of which, he gets really anxious about leaving you to go somewhere, he might even install a camera in your room if you're more defiant
He was never the best cook but learns cause he wants to be the perfect partner for you, so that you'll always be happy with him
Because his work is so intense when he's already plenty unstable he needs at least a little comforting nearly every day after work
It's hard to not feel bad for him when he looks so pathetic with that kicked puppy look
And let me tell you, every ounce of a affection you initiate is euphoric for him
Even something as simple as smiling when you see him automatically makes him wants to climb into your embrace and never leave
He unlocks the basement door and finds you laying in bed, surrounded by soft pillows and blankets as some show you've been binge watching plays in the background. You take notice of his sunken tired eyes and stiff stance as he comes over to sit next to you. He tiredly greets you and after a moment you respond by gently pulling him in to lay on you chest, knowing it's one of his favorite ways to relax. Almost immediately he wraps his arms around you and snuggles up as close as physically possible, as if trying to crawl inside you
He does his best to make sure no one finds out about you, especially not Hannibal. (Even though Hannibal would most likely help keep you a secret, might fuck around and fall for you himself idk)
He definitely would not keep you locked up for long though, as soon as he feels comfortable you won't run away he starts bringing you outside hand in hand with him. You get more and more freedom overtime, well, as free as you can be with him constantly following you like a lost puppy
You're everything to him, his world, his god/ess, the only person he can truly rely on and the one he wants to start and end every day with. Please let him, he can't live without you
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abirddogmoment · 5 months
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Thinking about my Rory goals again and its been a minute since I updated on her progress so here are some thoughts:
Tomorrow will be seven weeks of Rory! I've been working really hard to convince her to be a good citizen and we've had some big successes:
She is fully crate trained, very rarely if ever makes noise in her crate.
She is housetrained and fully understands how to ask to go outside. Only one accident since I've brought her home!
She sleeps really well and will put herself back to sleep if I'm not ready to get up (provided she doesn't have to go outside).
She can maintain her path walking past people on the sidewalk, some wiggles and staring but no attempts to jump on them.
She has never met a stranger and was excited to meet her vet, groomer, misc trainers, etc.
She is neutral to excited around strange dogs of all shapes, sizes, and behaviours.
She rarely alarm barks and her demand barking is way down.
She's eating reasonably consistently and understands how to ask for food.
She's a really cool dog and has a lot of potential. I've been thinking a lot about our goals for competition. I got her "as a friend to dabble with" so there's a tiny bit of pressure to perform, but not much.
I want to get her CKC CH since I've never had a show prospect and we have so many local shows (and lots of competition locally in the breed).
I want to run puppy stakes to learn more about CKC pointing field trials.
I want to work through the trick dog program as something easy and low pressure to do while she grows up.
So no huge goals for her first year or two. As for upcoming outings:
Confo debut at two semi-local shows at the end of March and beginning of April.
Field trial at the beginning of May (if they hold puppy stakes).
Big road trip at the end of May.
Local shows in June and August if we're feeling it.
So anyway, we have some plans but mostly we're just chilling. She's a cool little dog and I'm trying to keep the pressure off her.
Can't wait for the spring and summer though, it'll be so fun to get her out! 💜
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bacchicly · 2 months
AKA Chapter 3 - Mountain Air (originally posted on Fanfic.net in 2021)
OR read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54640615/chapters/138581950
Summary: What really happened after Luke and Penelope gave Phil is his puppy!
NOTE: Thank you to everyone who reads this and especially those who leave comments! This chapter has mixed POVs and is set just after 13x07. It is just lots of lots of connection and lovely fluff...nothing particularly smutty for those who are here for mostly that. Don't worry more will come. Hope you enjoy!
Neither Penelope nor Luke have stopped smiling since they left a very happy but tired Phil and a happy but even sleepier Lou.
After the big reveal at Phil's physical therapy appointment, and once it was established that Lou was going to ride home with Phil in his usual pre-arranged taxi, they had made a quick plan to rendez-vous at Phil's place. Luke and Pen had then spent a more than just a few hours helping Phil set up his house as a doggie paradise. While Luke installed a doggie door to the backyard and made sure there was no way the puppy could escape the small yard by mending the fence in a couple places, Penelope and Phil got to work finding the perfect places for the about a million things that they had brought in from Luke's truck.
There was enough food for Lou's first week (similar to Roxy's diet but modified for Lou's puppiness), organic dog biscuits, food and water bowls, a slightly sparkly but still butch doggie placemat, a crate for home, a travel carrier, a grooming kit, two different pooper scooper contraptions, a rainbow of differently patterned poop bags, several themed leash / collar sets, doggie booties for rain and different ones for winter, a doggie raincoat, a doggie winter coat, three doggie sweaters in progressively bigger sizes, one doggie Christmas stocking, no less than five different doggie beds, and at least one of one of every type of doggie toy available at the local pet store.
Luke and Penny had basically conducted a raid of the establishment earlier that day before picking up Lou as arranged with a local breeder. The two FBI agents had been like kids in a candy store - laughing and joking - eventually each were pushing an overflowing cart. Penelope swears she saw Luke skip a few times... and the result was that Lou may be the most recent winner of "dog with the most things" award. The eyes of the lady at the checkout had been as big as saucers as she rang up the giant bill; which was then paid for by Luke with a laugh and flourish of his charge card.
The last thing they presented to Phil was a gift certificate for puppy obedience lessons and another equivalent to three doggie spa sessions with a local groomer. Penelope had, of course, checked that both businesses would be fully accessible to Phil whether he was in a wheelchair or not. As they left, Luke promised to drop in tomorrow to see how man and puppy were doing - while Penelope programmed her cell number into Phil's phone and demanded to be texted doggie photos DAILY.
Luke places his hand on Penelope's lower back as she boosts herself into the passenger seat of his truck. Not only could he not seem to stop touching her today - a palm to her lower back, his fingers on her elbow as he guided her to the truck as she carried Lou, an arm slung over her shoulder as they stood watching Phil get to know his new buddy - he knew he couldn't remember a better day. He was so glad he had gone against his first instinct to do it all himself - even when his first Google search for a puppy came up snake eyes - and had instead asked the BAU's resident tech genius and all around expert in pet things to help him. Together they had been able to find the perfect puppy for his best friend. Plus, on top of the joy of finally feeling like he had done something good for his best friend, doing it with her made the whole experience extra incredible.
As Luke jumped into his side of the car, he looked over at the beaming blond and felt his heart beat a bit harder. He really didn't want the day to end. So as he is backing out of Phil's driveway he asks...
"Hey, I'm starving - do you want to go grab something to eat before I drop you home?"
"um...I should probably get home...I need to feed Sergio...and um turn in."
"We don't have to work tomorrow - or at least hopefully - let me say thank you for all your help today. If you want we can stop by your place first and feed Sergio... and..." he glanced at the dashboard clock "..in fact, um it's later than I thought it would be...Roxy's due home in less than an hour...how about we feed Sergio - then pick up some food and go back to my place? Pretty please? With sugar on top?" He reaches over and squeezes her knee over her skirt "You can choose what we order...I just really don't want today to end."
"I get to choose what we order? And we stop in to check on Sergio? And I get to see your sweet girl?"
"Scouts honour, Chica."
"Oh alright. You've caught me in a weak moment."
She puts both of her hands over the one he's put on her knee. His insides do a giant somersault.
He can't help but glance at her quickly as he asks:
She nods and grins.
He flips his hand on her knee over so he's holding her hand.
She's laughing and nodding now. She intertwines her fingers with his.
He squeezes her hand and smiles at her quickly.
"Cool. We'll eat."
She's squeezes back and smiles and nods some more.
They both look straight ahead grinning ear to ear.
After a few minutes she turns her head cheekily...
"I'm still never going to stop giving you crap."
They laugh and hold hands all the way to her place.
Sergio is on the top of his new super glam cat tree. It's clear from the fur all over it that it is a well used and loved addition to the apartment. He opens one eye when he hears "Ok we've got 15 minutes to devote to Sergio then we gotta split if we're going to be back in time to meet Roxy's sitter!" from down the hall outside the apartment "So no dillydallying Ms Garcia!" then there's a much more feminine and familiar "I bet I am faster than you! Race you to the door!" then a deep "You're on!" followed by a squealed "Wait! Alrighty Mr. Super Special Agent...1,2,3..." then a low-ish kinda squealy "Hey!" then a high breathy giggly "Go!" and then the sound of running heeled-footsteps and Penelope's screaming laugh in the hall... .
Now Sergio picks up that the deep human voice is also laughing and there are more footsteps - no heels - "Tickling is cheating! Oh no you don't! I'm going to get you Penelope Garcia!" It sounds like she's being chased down the hall but in way that Sergio might describe as kitten-ish since she sounds to be enjoying it.
Next thing Sergio knows, there is a thump against the door and her laughter gets more and more wild and breathless "Stop it! I need to find my key!" more giggling and then "Stop! Stop!" "Ok, Chica but no more cheating in foot races!" then a triumphant "Found it!" and the key can be heard in the lock.
Humans! Sergio stretches but stays on his perch so that he can be ready for whatever mayhem Penelope has brought home. Although it had better include dinner and an ear scratch or he'll have to think up some suitable revenge.
The two humans practically fall into the apartment when the door opens. His Penelope, of course, addresses him right away as is proper and crosses to reach up and scratch his head. Sergio notes that the man is the one who delivered his current throne - so he supposes he's allowed to stay for at least a few moments.
"Hey Sergio! Good day, little man? Scritch then dinner?"
Sergio meows assent, so she gives one last round of ear scritches and then heads to the kitchen. Sergio, for his part, starts to make his way down the tree - pausing to sharpen his claws a bit on one of the posts and then again to let the man stroke him a couple times.
"See how much Sergio loves his tree you got him? I still don't know how I will ever thank you enough, Luke!"
"Penelope - first of all you have given Roxy like a billion things and second of all even of you had never done anything nice for me or Roxy ever before today - which we both know is not the case - I'm pretty sure you've paid your debt today!"
"Today was wonderful. I should be thanking you for letting me a part of it! Who knew giving puppies to good homes would be my jam?"
"Survey says...ding ding ding ding..In number one place for "Penelope's Jams", that was our number one answer, folks!"
"Oh shush."
But their eyes catch and they are both smiling again at each other for a long moment.
Luke is the first to break the moment and asks:
"So...can I do anything to help? Do you need to change or grab anything before we go out again? We've got..." he looks at his watch "exactly 7 minutes until we should be back on the road."
"Um if you could refresh Sergio's water - I'll just run and make sure his box is tidy and maybe I'll just throw on something a bit cozier? We're just going to hang out eat and maybe watch some TV or um something right?"
"That was what I was thinking."
He's got that look that she'd begun to think of as his heart-eyes again...but she doesn't want to think too hard about it. Today has been too special - so she smiles and spins off to make sure Sergio has nice clean litter. She doesn't have much time - so she can't freak out or fret too much about finding the perfect outfit. She wants to be comfy and sure a bit cute...but also she doesn't want it too look too much like she's trying...honestly she has no idea exactly what is happening between the two of them - which would normally freak her out - but for some reason it's not. She quickly settles on a nice lacy copper and teal underwear and bra set...trying not to think about why that pair appeals to her in this moment - then a favourite pair of pink polka dot fleece pants and a lilac t-shirt with a wide neck that shows her bra strap. The front has a line drawing of a winking cat and coppery purple curly letters shouting out "Cats are better than people - but you're alright". She puts on a comfy but cute pair of runners - they will probably take Roxy for a walk - does a lightning quick hair accessory and glasses change - both frames and hair bow are coppery and teal and sort of steampunk inspired but not over the top - and gives herself a quick once over in the mirror - perfect. At the last minute, she bites her lip and then makes a decision. She grabs a little wooden box from the drawer of her bedside table.
She's back out in the living room in 6 minutes and 30 seconds flat.
"Ta da!"
She does a little pirouette, grabs her purse and slips the box in quickly, then chooses a coat, bends over to give a quick but loving goodbye pat to Sergio, and then, as she heads for the door, calls over her shoulder to a staring Luke Alvez with a wink:
"Whatcha waiting for, Newbie? We don't want to be late! To the truck! No dillydallying now, Mr. Alvez."
The evening was pretty much the definition of awesome perfectness. They arrived at Luke's house just moments before Roxy and her sitter, ate an amazing meal ordered from an amazing Thai place she loved - and Luke even ordered all vegetarian without her even needing to remind him that she didn't eat meat. They had all then taken a walk around the neighbourhood and when the three of them got back - man, dog, and woman - sat together and watched a new movie none of them had seen yet. The movie was definitely what Spencer would call a film not a movie - and turned out to be as engaging, thought provoking, and even funny and sweet as the previews had promised. During the movie - ahem film - she had rested her head on his shoulder and put a hand on his thigh. He had put his arm around her shoulders - his fingers drawing circles on her upper shoulder just under where the neckline crosses her arm.
As the credits roll, Luke marvels at how in this moment everything felt very - what could describe it... adult and comfortable seemed to be in the right ballpark. What was it about her that made him feel so particular about words? It had felt like they were a couple today - an old married couple who forgot their cues and got annoyed and forgave small transgressions and touched and smiled and laughed and worked together as a team. He was still very aware of her and how sexy she was - how part of him was having a total body freak out party just because she was in the room ...not to mention he was touching her. He was still very aware of how much he wanted to do things with her - but another part of him felt a different type of joy that left him at peace and whole. There had been hints of this before between them - but nothing compared to what he was feeling now. So what was next? What to do with all of this?
He didn't know but for some reason he also wasn't in a hurry to solve the riddle. He was ok with letting things be. That didn't mean what he was feeling wasn't intense or even a bit scary - but it did mean he was willing to trust this strange new in-between.
Penelope was having similar thoughts. The fact that her mind felt calm and clear in this moment - comfortable rather than anxious was novel and gently addictive. She too was aware of his body and strength and her fierce attraction to him that stemmed from the realm of physical but was coloured with many more layers. Today had been momentous - she had known for awhile that Luke was a truly remarkable - respectable - man, but today she had seen that it went even deeper. Oh, she knew neither of them were perfect, but somehow they made a very good team. They seemed to balance each other and bring out the best qualities they each had to offer. She was in awe of this man for what he brought to the world: the battles he had faced and the heart that he was still willing to open. She knew it was love she was feeling - but she wasn't quite sure yet what type of love. After all didn't she love every single member of her BAU Family and Luke was part of that.
One thing she knew was that there wasn't the panicky showy insecurity that often ran through her with potential romantic partners...the feeling that she usually took as evidence she was interested in someone. That feeling had raced through her when she first met this man - this man she was comfortably and without fear sitting beside - it was those feelings that had caused her to fight or scurry away whenever he was near.
No, that near-panic-easily-confused-as-lust-or-love-or-anger-or-danger was no longer what she felt around this man...but she wasn't sure what it meant - except she knew it was somehow sacred and precious. So what to do? What would adult Penelope do now?
Finally the last of the credits have run and the screen goes to black. They sit there for another few minutes not moving or speaking. Just being with each other and their thoughts. Penelope surprises even herself when she looks up at him - pulling back slightly so she can see his eyes - and speaks quietly and confidently but in a voice that is still true sparkly blue Penelope:
"I did a thing."
To be continued...
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Solar Opposites: The Misadventures of The Solars Episode #2: Localization F%#ks!
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The episode opens with Cooke was busy fixing a drill. *just like Korvo did in the first episode*
Shlorpian Cooke: Dig dang it! *uses the fixer* stupid thing!
Sandra: *an Earth-4 neighbor* Mmm, build better drills Cooke. Work those red arms.
Shlorpian Frankie: Hey! He’s mine you seducing bitch!
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah! Stop addressing me your eyes Sandra! That is fucking creepy!
Human Korvo shows up
Human Korvo: Excuse me, the Replicants missed the bus. Can you take them to school? Terry and I have stuff to do. *notices Sonya is not here and sighs* Where the hell is Sonya?
Sonya is then heard screaming. Human Korvo gasps.
Human Korvo: Sonya?! Hang on Sonya, daddy’s coming.
The rest of the family rushes back inside only to gasp in shock. Sonya is now a replicant, grinning in joy upon seeing her transformation.
Replicant Sonya: This is awesome!
Human Solars: Sonya?
Replicant Sonya: Guys! Guys! I’m a Replicant and I got two toes!
Human Korvo laughs
Human Korvo: Aw, you still look pretty honey. Even as a Replicant. You’re even a Shlorpian just like your dads and older siblings.
Replicant Sonya giggles
Human Terry: Hey come you guys missed the bus? You’re gonna be late!
Replicant Stacy G: We didn’t miss it! They purposely skipped our house!
Human Korvo: I'm sure it was an accident.
Replicant Stacy G: Ugh! The bus driver hates us because I accidentally made an explosion in the sample override with my electric hair groomer!
Replicant Sonya: Can we please go? Home room is when I decided which boy I’m gonna crush on for the day!
Shlorpian Cooke: Seriously?! Does the dog park seem so important to you today?!
Human Terry: Yeah. It's where Korvo and I are gonna have our date.
Human Korvo smiles and blushes.
Shlorpian Cooke: I’m busy.
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: Oh come on Cooke. Don’t be like that.
Shlorpian Cooke: Well one of you guys should be helping me construct our drill!
Human Korvo: Come on Cooke. I just got into dog parks. Terry and I don’t want to miss the labordoodles.
Shlorpian Cooke: Oh is the dog park more important than Nikol Aloid so he can help turn us back to normal!
Human Terry: Uh I don’t know Cooke. Could Nikol Aloid catch a frisbee in the air?
Shlorpian Cooke: You won’t know until we get there! You know sometimes it feels like I’m the only one who is having a terrible time on this planet.
Human Korvo: Well I don’t blame you. I was the one who wanted to land here.
Shlorpian Cooke: Well your stupid scanners didn’t indicate it was craphold without a single redeeming value, Korvo! We have been stranded here for two months! How is that not a problem for all off you? *heads inside the drill*
Human Korvo sighs
Human Korvo: This won’t end well like last time with the drill.
Human Terry: Yeah. It won't...
Shlorpian Cooke started the drill. The drill’s reactions ends up causing devastation around Earth-4 as the residents run for their lives. Shlorpian Cooke made it to the core and uses a claw to grab a sample.
Shlorpian Cooke: *leans the cran over* Okay… alright… come to papa… *suddenly lavas spews into the cockpit* Oh no! No no no no no! *lava burns his legs and screams in pain*
Shlorpian Cooke teleports back to the surface. Earth-4 dogs and Human Pupa appears and starts licking him as Human Korvo and Human Terry gives him a dismayed and annoyed look.
Human Korvo: *deadpanned* I warned ya!
Shlorpian Cooke growls
Shlorpain Randall: Wow! You guys should’ve seen that dog park that looks like the one back on Earth! *looks down at the puppies* You cute puppies love those nubs? You like to like them, yes you do?
Human Terry notices Human Korvo's distress
Human Terry: Korv? What's wrong?
Human Korvo: Hmm?
Human Terry: You look upset. Wanna talk?
Human Korvo sighs sadly and nods. The two human husbands head inside and turn into their Shlorpian forms.
Terry: Honey, are you okay? What is it you want to tell me?
Korvo: I can't believe all this happened...I don't know what to do. It's bad enough I'm pregnant- *covers mouth in shock*
Terry: Wh-what?
Korvo sighs
Korvo: I'm pregnant. I know you're probably mad but-
Terry: *gasp in joy* Oh my God! We’re having a baby! I am so happy for you! *kisses Korvo on the lips as Korvo smiles*
Korvo giggles and moans lovingly
Korvo: Thank you Terry. *sighs* But I am still not giving up hope! I must do whatever it takes to get our friends back to normal!
Terry: That's the Korvo I know.
The two alien husbands kiss again. The scene then cuts to school where the Replicants are walking through the halls.
Replicant Stacy G: You ever have the feeling everyone thinks we're weird.
Human Jesse: Of course not. This school might be better than our old one.
Suddenly, Replicant Stacy G gets hit by a spitball.
Sidney: Go back to Earth, you former human shit!
Human Jesse: Hey! Don’t talk to my GF like that!
Human Yumyulack gets hit by a spit ball
Replicant Sonya: Hey! Don’t do that to my big brother you jerk! *kicks Sidney in the leg*
Sidney: Ow! Why you little psychotic-
Human Jesse then punches Sidney in the nose like violently protective girlfriend and sister she is.
Human Jesse: Fuck off!
Human Yumyulack: Yeah! That’s right! Now get!
Sidney and the rest of the bullies run off in fear.
Replicant Stacy G: Man, is that how you guys felt back on Earth?
Human Jesse: Yep.
Miss Cranberry: Are you humans and Shlorpians fighting the hall? *suddenly reveals to be nicer and sweet* Why don’t you four take anger management class?
The scene then cuts to Replicant Stacy G venting while the human Replicants and Replicant Sonya watch
Replicant Stacy G: And not only did Victoria Limburger humiliate me today at home economics, but she also stole my spot at the spot for voting for prom Queen! *screams in rage and breaks a vase*
Human Jesse smiles as she blushes and sighs lovingly at her girlfriend’s rage.
Human Jesse: I love it when she gets angry…
The scene then cuts back to the house where Shlorpian Cooke’s foot is starting to regrow.
Korvo: *walks in* Looking good.
Shlorpian Cooke: Thanks. *notices Korvo’s pregnant belly* What the fuck happened to you?!
Korvo: Uh...well...
Terry: Korvy is pregnant!
Shlorpian Cooke: What?! How is that-
Korvo: Well to be honest, this is a new thing. There hasn’t been records of this back on Shlorp.
Korvo starts weeping
Terry: Oh honey what’s wrong?
Korvo: *weeping* I've never been pregnant before. I don't know what to do!
Terry: Hey hey shh… it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.
Korvo: *eyes turn aquamarine* NO! IT'S NOT OKAY!
Terry: *gasp* Oh shit honey… *whispering* You eyes.
Korvo gasps and shakes his head, causing his eyes to turn back to normal.
Korvo: *takes a deep breath then his fingertips turning black* Uh… be right back!
Korvo and Terry rush to the bathroom as Korvo falls to his knees
Terry: Honey, are you about to-
Korvo turns black and then grows bigger and muscular as he rips apart his robe after stretching his back. Then, his horns pop out on his head and his voice becomes distorted. After receiving his bat wings, Korvo roars and fully becomes a Super Shlorpian. Then, he breaks down in tears while holding his pregnant belly.
Super Shlorpian korvo: *tearfully* What am I gonna do?!
Terry: Hey it’s okay. The new baby is gonna be amazing and don’t worry. We’ll wait until it is the right time to tell the gang about your Super Shlorpian form. Besides, you know we always wanted to have a baby since we got married…
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah...but what if-
Terry: Listen.
Super Shlorpian Korvo sniffles as Terry put his hand on Korvo’s.
Terry: I know things have been happening so fast. And I know you’re having a hard time turning the humans back to normal. But, it’s gonna be okay. With all of the family together, we got this. I don’t know what this new life is gonna bring, but whatever comes, we’ll get through it. Together.
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiles tearfully
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh Terry.
The two husbands kiss and moan lovingly as they start having sex. The scene then cuts to the Principal Mowbar’s office where the Replicants are in.
Principal Mowbar: Well, one to be fair, it’s okay for to have sci-fi since this is a free country planet. And two, we are really amazed by your grades.
Replicant Sonya: Wait? So we’re not in trouble?
Principal Mowbar: *chuckles* Of course not.
Miss Cranberry: Well to be honest, it wasn’t fair for these girls to bully you. *gets out a folder* Plus, your grades are really improving. Especially for you three Solar siblings.
Human Jesse smiles.
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Replicant Sonya: Thanks Miss Cranberry.
Miss Cranberry: Plus Jesse, we are very amazed by your report based on your favorite creature… the… Mundane?
Principal Mowbar: Yeah. We haven’t heard about this in awhile. How did you know about this interesting monster?
Human Jesse: Oh… since I was a baby… when I was still a baby, I was playing in my crib…
A flashback plays as baby Jesse plays with her hangar. Terry approaches her.
Terry: Hey there Jesse-bear… how’s my cute baby doing? *tickles baby Jesse’s belly*
Baby Jesse: *coos and touches Terry's face*
Suddenly, Terry hears something and puts baby Jesse down in her crib as she coos. Terry kisses baby Jesse on the forehead and leaves as he runs out of the apartment.
Human Jesse: *voiceover* Suddenly, Terry left. And I was still fiddling around.
An hour later, Baby Jesse is fast asleep. Until, suddenly, baby Jesse heard a growling sound and crawls out her crib and starts crawling.
Human Jesse: *voiceover* An hour passed and Terry still hasn’t come back… *baby Jesse laughs as she tries to reach for her favorite teddy bear* Until, I heard the Mundane!
A roar is heard
Baby Jesse: *gets confused and babbles*
Baby Jesse kept crawling to the teddy as she gets up on the couch and laughs. But then, she heard the roar again.
Human Jesse: *voiceover* I tried to ignore the roaring at first...but then...
Baby Jesse finally reaches for the teddy as she laughs and squeaks it.
Mundane: *roars*
Baby Jesse turns around and sees the Mundane
Baby Jesse: *babbles*
Mundane: *roars*
Baby Jesse: *squeals in joy and starts coming up to it*
The Mundane grunts in confusion
Baby Jesse: *stands up after dropping her teddy bear and starts to stand up as she tries walking towards the Mundane*
The Mundane gasps and picks up Baby Jesse
Baby Jesse: *giggles as she touches the Mundane’s face but then starts getting fussy*
Human Jesse: *voiceover* I started to get fussy but then suddenly, he starts soothing and cradling me…
Mundane: Shh… shh…
Baby Jesse stops crying and whimpers
Mundane: *muffling comforting voice*
The flashback ends
Human Jesse: Then after that, the Mundane was gone and I was suddenly on the floor in Terry’s arms. I never saw the creature again for years.
Miss Cranberry: Very fascinating. It’s great to know you have some guardians to keep an eye on you, especially your parents.
Human Yumyulack: Damn...
Replicant Sonya: Well, should we head out now Principal Mowbar?
Principal Mowbar: *wipes away tears* Yes, you may...
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Replicant Sonya and Replicant Jesse: Thank you! *leaves the office*
Later with Korvo and Terry
Korvo: *sighs* Should we tell our kids about this?
Terry: When they're ready, okay?
Korvo: *sighs in relief* Okay. Wait that reminds me. We have to tell them about the-
Jesse: *offscreen* Baby?!
The adults turn around and the Replicants are shocked upon seeing Korvo’s pregnant belly.
Korvo: Uh-
Yumyulack: Korvo! You’re pregnant?!
Replicant Stacy G: Holy cow! How?!
Terry: It's complicated...
Yumyulack, Jesse, Replicant Sonya, Pupa and Replicant Stacy G: *adored by cuteness* Aaaaw. You guys are having a baby? So cute. Aw, what a whittle cutie patootie. So cute! Baby!
Korvo chuckles
Korvo: *rubbing his pregnant belly* Yep. That’s right. In a few days, you kids are gonna have a new sibling.
Pupa: *hugs Korvo’s pregnant belly* Baby!
Terry: Hmm… you know I wonder how the others are doing.
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Ms. Perez walking by.
Alien Kid: Move it hippie!
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: Sorry.
Alien Kid: Stupid hippie!
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: Hey! I resent that!
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Frankie walking, until two alien women laugh at her while talking secretly about her behind their backs.
Shlorpian Frankie: *annoyed* Aw really funny!
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Darcy and Shlorpian Jamie heading to a house until some of the residents insulted them.
Earth-4 Hot Woman: Oh my God! What the fuck are you guys wearing?!
Shlorpian Jamie growls
Earth-4 Hot Guy: Just go to hell you stupid bitch cunts!
Earth-4 Resident: Nobody wants you here!
The Earth-4 Residents starts throwing stuff at Shlorpian Jamie and Shlorpian Darcy as they ran for their lives. The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Louise grocery shopping.
Shlorpian Louise: *to an employee* Excuse me, can you show me where the vegetable isle is?
Employee: Hmph! *walks away*
Shlorpian Louise: Okay…
Then, one by one, Shlorpian Louise tries to talk to the employees.
Shlorpian Louise: Sid? Marsha? Karen? Mikey? Sid? Kirt?! Larry! *breaks down as Shlorpian Trevor comforts her* Won’t someone vouch for me?
The scene cuts back to the house, where Shlorpian Cooke is reading a book while the rest of the Shlorpians came in sadly.
Shlorpian Cooke: Hey, guys. What's going on? Everything-
Shlorpian Frankie: Horrible day. Aliens hates me? *turns to the rest of the Shlorpians* What about you guys?
All: Same.
Shlorpian Randall: Aw man. This being Shlorpian stuff sucks ass. There’s gotta be a way for the town to like us.
Shlorpian Frankie: But how?
Korvo: *offscreen* I know how.
Then the tv starts playing with a commercial for a block party downtown.
Tv Announcer: *on tv* Come on down to the Earth-4 Annual Rock Fest with so many guests, music performances and special accolades for the whole family!
Korvo: Guys! I have an idea that might help all of us-
Shlorpian Cooke: Guys! I just had a crazy idea!
Korvo: Huh?
All: Oooh!
Shlorpian Randall: Let’s hear it!
Shlorpian Cooke: What if we show ourselves off at that party? We could use sci-fi stuff to help impress those guys! People will love us!
Korvo: *horrified and shock* Wait! What?!
Shlorpian Randall: Hey! I think that’s a great idea!
Korvo: What?! No it isn’t it. The last time my family and I did that, it ended in disaster!
Shlorpian Cooke: Oh that’s bullshit! I’m sure everything will be fine Korvo. Sometimes, your sci-fi shenigans backfire! But they always work out in the end.
Korvo groans in frustration
Korvo: Fine! But if a huge disaster happens at the festival and all hell breaks loose, don’t come crying to me.
Shlorpian Cooke: Thanks Korv. Let’s do this guys!
All: Yeah.
Solars and Replicant Stacy G: Oh boy.
Later, Korvo is in his room crying while rubbing his pregnant belly softly while looking at opened locket with a picture of Replicant Janiz holding baby Korvo. Terry comes in.
Terry: Hey honey. You feeling okay?
Korvo: NO!
Terry: Hey hey. Easy boo. Can you please tell me why?
Korvo breathes in and out as he then breaks down in tears while clenching the locket.
Terry: Oh Korvo... *had an idea* Will sex help?
But then, Terry notices the locket in Korvo’s hand with the picture and gasp.
Terry: Korvy… is that… you when you were a baby with your sister?
Korvo nods
Korvo: I just… I just… I JUST MISS HER SO MUCH! *breaks down in tears while rubbing his pregnant belly*
Terry: Hey hey. It's okay...
Terry consoles Korvo as he continues crying.
Terry: Shh… sh… it’s okay Korvy… I’m here…
Terry notices Korvo's fingertips going black.
Korvo gasps
Korvo: No! Not again!
Korvo’s skin turns black as he grows bigger and muscular and rips apart his clothes as he roars once his wings and horns pop out. He suddenly moans in pleasure
Terry: K-Korvy?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *moans lovingly* I feel so goooooooood.
Terry: *blushes* Holy shit...
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *seductively walks towards Terry* Oh Terry-bear, this beast needs to be tamed…
Terry: Uh...why? *nervous chuckle*
Suddenly Terry realized what Korvo meant and grows smitten.
Terry: Oh ho ho. Korvo, *had his clothes taken off by Korvo* you dirty slut.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Come here you!
Super Shlorpian Korvo then dominates Terry as they moan lovingly.
Terry: *moans* Yes! Take me away! *moans* Take me to mound town, you beautiful shimmering blue bitch!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *moans* Yes! Feel it my sexy Terry-bear! *moans lovingly*
Terry: Ooooooh! I’m getting fucking close! *moans*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yes! Oh yes! Me too!
The two alien husband cum as they moan lovingly and kiss each other on the lips while moaning. Super Shlorpian Korvo flaps his wings.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thanks for being there for my handsome Terrybear!
Terry laughs
Terry: Anytime Korvy…
The two husbands kiss as Korvo turns back to normal
Korvo: *moans in relief* That’s much better… *rubbing his pregnant belly*
Korvo smiles tearfully because the baby will be born soon
Korvo: *smiles tearfully; to his pregnant belly* Hey there lil sweetheart… I can’t wait to see you soon.
Terry: Me neither...
The two husbands kiss as they moan lovingly. The scene then cuts to the festival where the Shlorpians get ready.
Shlorpian Frankie: I am so excited!
Shlorpian Louise: I know! This is our chance to finally it in!
Korvo watches from the distance and sighs
Korvo: Oh boy… this won’t end well…
We then cut to the festival
Shlorpian Cooke: Alright guys, just like we planned!
All: Right!
Then hilarity ensues. First, Shlorpian Ms. Perez tries to talk to the local while making a strange sci-fi cocktail. But then it starts spewing
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: Oh shit, sorry!
The glass exploded as it knocks towards a BBQ Grill that started a fire!
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: That's not good.
Then, the scene cuts to the music performance where Shlorpian Cooke interrupted the audience.
Shlorpian Cooke: Hey Earth-4! If you love this performance, check this out!
Shlorpian Cooke uses the crystal ray but then it a hits a giant wooden warrior that turns into a crystal and shatters into pieces. The audience’s flame torches go out upon this reaction and they all turn to Shlorpian Cooke, Shlorpian Trevor and Shlorpian Randall in fury.
Shlorpian Cooke: Uh...
Shlorpian Randall: *tries to cool things down* Hey! Let’s hear it for the song… “Closing Time”!
The audience starts yelling angrily. The audience then forms into a mob as they summon weapons and jeers at the three human men turn Shlorpians.
Shlorpian Trevor: Oh shit.
Shlorpian Randall: Fucking run?
Shlorpian Cooke: Oh hell yeah! Fucking run!
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Frankie trying to fix a broken carousel.
Shlorpian Frankie: Alright… almost there… just have to get the screw loose and-
Suddenly, the screw comes out and it hits a fruit punch truck that explodes into the senior home.
Senior Home Staff Member: Alright seniors, *opens the window* Let’s open these windows so the world can see your nice white clothes.
The fruit punch flood heads into the senior home as the seniors gets caught it in. The scene then cuts to a janitor who is mopping as the fruit flood spills out punch, but ignores it because he is listening to music. The scene then cuts an old man finishing a memoir in red ink.
Old Man Alien: Oh, it’s finally finished. A memoir of my life, written in red ink. *fruit punch flood comes in and covers up the memoir* Oh… barnacle chips.
Shlorpian Louise: *looks at the destruction of the flood* Uh… Frankie?
Shlorpian Frankie notices the destruction and gasps
Shlorpian Frankie: Oh…. Shit.
Old Woman Alien: Get them!
The senior aliens form a mob that attack the humans turned Shlorpians
Shlorpian Frankie: Fucking run guys!
The Shlorpians kept running as fast as they can as the mob kept throwing stuff at them.
Shlorpian Cooke: Aw man, is this how the Solars felt?!
Shlorpian Frankie: I think so.
Shlorpian Randall: Aw man, forget eating like a local! Forget partying like a local! We should’ve have listen to Korvo!
Shlorpian Louise sighs.
Shlorpian Louise: Yep. This our life now.
Suddenly... The Shlorpians see a ship crashing near their house and gasp.
Shlorpian Cooke: What the fuck? Is that a spaceship?!
Shlorpian Trevor: I think so. Let’s follow it and- *screams one of the mob throws a bottle at him but luckily he dodged it*
The Shlorpians arrive at the ship.
Human Korvo: *arriving with his family* What’s going on?!
Shlorpian Louise: We're being chased!
Shlorpian Randall: Today was horrible! We try to fit in better, but we fucked things up!
Human Terry: Don't worry. I got this.
Human Terry heads out and decided to deal with the mob.
Human Terry: SHUT IT!
The mob is silence. Human Terry breathes heavily.
Human Terry: What the fuck is wrong with you people?! I know these Shlorpians screw up but, they were just trying to fit in on this planet ever since they came here. Just like me and my family did? I know what they did was wrong but, they were just trying to make Earth-4 feel like home. You should all be ashamed of yourselves! So what are you gonna do about it?!
Mob Member: Well-
Suddenly, the door opens from the ship as it reveals a purple Shlorpian that surprisingly looks like Korvo. Human Korvo turns around and gasps.
Human Korvo: It-it can’t be… Janiz?
Human Yumyulack: Auntie Janiz?
Janiz: Korvo? Is that you? What happened to you?
Human Korvo burst into tears of joys and embrace his big sister while the Shlorpians grow surprised. Human Terry smiles.
Human Korvo: *sniffles* I-I thought I lost you forever…
Janiz: I'm so glad you're alive...
Shlorpian Louise: Wait. Korvo, you know this Shlorpian?
Human Korvo: Yeah, she's my sister.
The Shlorpians froze in shock and surprise
Shlorpians: YOUR WHAT?!
Then, a pink AI appears.
Pink AI: *sing-songy* Hello!
Human Korvo: *gasps* EVA?!
EVA: Korvo! You’re here and… *notices Korvo’s human form* wow. You look different since the last time I saw you.
Human Korvo: Thanks. I learnt to shapeshift when I was on Earth...
Human Jesse turns to face the mob with an angry expression
The mob leaves in fear as Human Terry puts a hand on Human Jesse's shoulder
Human Terry: Nice going honey.
Human Jesse smiles and turns back into her Shlorpian form
Jesse: Thanks daddy.
Jesse hugs Human Terry, who turns back into his Shlorpian form. Then, the scene cuts back to Janiz overjoyed to see her brother again while AISHA appears. The rest of the family turns into their Shlorpian forms.
AISHA: Hey dummies. What up and- *recognizes EVA and gasp* EVA?! You’re here?!
EVA: Hey, cous!
AISHA smiles in tears of joy and laughs as she embraces her cousin.
AISHA: Oh God, I missed you so much.
EVA: D'aw, I missed you too!
Then, Janiz notices Yumyulack.
Janiz: Yumyulack?! *squeals in joy* Oh my god! *hugs Yumyulack tightly but carefully* Look how big you grown! I haven’t seen you since you were a baby!
Yumyulack *laughs* Good to see you too!
Janiz then gasp in joy upon seeing Terry, Jesse and the Pupa.
Janiz: Oh my God. Is this your lifemate?
Terry blushes and smiles
Korvo: Terry is more than actually. He is also my husband.
Korvo shows his wedding ring
Janiz: *gasp in joy and hugs Terry* Then that makes you my handsome brother in law. Thank you for taking care of my little brother.
Terry: *laughs* Anytime.
Jesse: Yay! *hugs Janiz* I always wanted a aunt! Hi Auntie Janiz! I’m your niece!
Janiz laughs. Then, Janiz sees Replicant Sonya holding Pupa.
Janiz: Oh and who is this Replicant holding your Pupa?
Replicant Sonya: Oh, I'm not a replicant. I'm a human who turned into a replicant. I'm Sonya, by the way.
Janiz: Wait? What?!
Korvo: Oh don’t worry. That’s actually your human niece and our daughter, Sonya. We adopted her.
Janiz gasps.
Janiz: As in… I’m an aunt?! Again?! *hugs Replicant Sonya, who giggles* Oh my God! I can’t believe I got a brother-in-law, a niece, human niece and a baby nephew! *notices the other Shlorpians* Wait, who are these other Shlorpians?
Shlorpian Cooke: We were humans too. *laughs nervously*
Janiz: What?! You guys were once humans?! What happened?!
Shlorpian Cooke: Some crazy woman stole samples of your brother and your family’s blood DNA and created a powerful mist that turned us into Shlorpians!
Janiz gasps
Shlorpian Phoebe: Oh and hey. I’m your family’s nanny Phoebe. I was human once too.
Janiz: Oh no. I am so sorry.
Shlorpian Phoebe: It's okay.
Shlorpian Frankie: We don’t even know who that woman is but luckily Korvo is finding a way to turn us back, which is very hard because that woman took all of his testings. So we have to live here now until we can be humans again.
Shlorpian Randall: We can’t even go back to Earth. The rest of the humans hates us now.
Janiz sighs
Janiz: Well as long as I am here, mind if EVA and I live with you guys?
Korvo smiles tearfully and hugs Janiz
Korvo: *crying with happiness* Of course you can. Welcome home Janiz.
Janiz smiles
Janiz: Thank you lil bro…
Later, Korvo and Terry are in bed. Korvo is reading Vogue.
Korvo: Very interesting story.
Korvo suddenly goes into labor
Korvo: *breathing in and out* Whoa. I think my water just broke.
Terry: What?! Shit! JANIZ! KIDS! GET IN HERE! HURRY!
Janiz and the kids came in.
Janiz: Korvo! What’s wrong?!
Terry: Korvo's in labor!
Janiz and the kids gasp.
Janiz: Don’t worry little bro! I’m here!
Korvo starts crying out in pain
Korvo: *breathing in and out as he started pushing* Oh god! Oh god! *cries out in pain*
Jesse: Come on, Korvo! Push!
Korvo: *grunting as he keeps pushing*
Yumyulack: Do it! You got this!
Korvo snaps
Janiz: I see the head!
Korvo: *about to finish pushing* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Suddenly, a baby crying is heard
Korvo: *gasp as tears fall form his eyes* Is that… our baby?
Janiz picks up the baby who is still crying
Janiz: Congratulations, it’s a beautiful girl!
Korvo laughs with tears in his eyes
Korvo: *reaching out for the baby* Oh, come to daddy!
Janiz hands the baby to Korvo
Korvo: Hey there sweetie…
The baby stops crying when she sees Korvo
Terry: Aw Korvy, she’s looking at you…
Korvo: She’s like a beautiful flowery sprouted with hope… I think we should name her Lili.
Terry: *sniffles* I love it.
Lili: *babbling as he touches Terry’s face*
Terry laughs
Terry: Welcome to the world Lili Solar-Opposites…
Korvo: *tears of joy* Oh Terry! I'm so happy!
Terry: *tears of joy* So am I.
The two alien husbands kiss while moaning
Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Sonya: *falling in love with their new baby sister* Aaaw…
The next morning, Korvo and Terry are sleeping with Lili sleeping between them
Lili: *cooing while sleeping*
Terry wakes up and yawns. He looks at Korvo and Lili sleeping and smiles.
Terry: Good morning…
Korvo: Mmm… good morning darling.
Korvo kisses Terry on the cheek
Lili: *coos*
Terry: Hey, Lili. *kisses Lili on the forehead*
Lili: *giggling*
Korvo: Ready to start the day?
Terry: *picks up Lili* Hell yeah I am!
Korvo and Terry kiss on the lips and head out. Terry then hands Lili over to Korvo as he smiles while Korvo starts chatting with the kids. But then, an orange colored flashback vision appears with monster sounds.
Terry: *terrified by the vision* Wh-wha?!
The monster is then seen hanging while baby Jesse is seen crying.
Terry: *breathing in and out as he suddenly sees the Mundane*
Terry screams as the vision stops. Korvo gasps and runs to his husband's side.
Korvo: Terry? It’s okay! I’m here *calms down Terry with a hug as Terry smiles and calms down* You poor thing. You must be facing a termoil. It’s okay… I’m here…
Terry: You're warm.
Korvo: Of course I am. Don’t worry Terry, there’s nothing to be scared of. Whatever comes, we’ll get through it. Together.
Terry: Thanks Korvy…
The two alien husbands kiss. Then, Korvo heads to the kids, who are playing with Lili. Terry then starts to grow nervous.
Terry: *to himself* What's wrong with me?
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monkoodog0 · 2 months
Unleashing Wellness: Your Guide to Finding the Purrfect Vet for Your Pup 
Our canine companions hold a pawsome place in our lives, showering us with unconditional love and enthusiastic tail wags. Keeping them happy and healthy is a top priority, and that means finding a veterinarian who provides exceptional care tailored to your dog's unique needs. But with a plethora of clinics in [Delhi], navigating the search for a "good veterinary doctor near me" can feel ruff. Worry not, pet parent! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources to find the perfect vet, ensuring your furry friend thrives throughout their life, even in a bustling city like [Delhi].
Understanding Your Dog's Individuality:
Before embarking on your vet hunt, consider your dog's specific needs:
Puppy Power: Think playful pups and frequent vaccinations. Research common health concerns for your breed, like [Example: hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers].
Breed Predispositions: Short-faced breeds like Pugs might require dental expertise, while giant breeds like Great Danes benefit from vets experienced with orthopedic issues.
City Slicker vs. Park Explorer: Active dogs who frequent [Example: City Park] might need a vet familiar with sports injuries. For a more laid-back pup who enjoys exploring [Example: Local dog park], the focus might be on general health and wellness.
Location, Location, Convenience:
Finding a vet in [Delhi] that prioritizes convenience is key:
Commute Considerations: Consider clinics near your home, work, or frequently visited dog parks. Balance travel time with the clinic's reputation and services offered.
Public Transport Friendly: If you rely on public transportation, are there easily accessible clinics on your route?
Parking Perks: Ample parking reduces vet visit stress, especially for anxious pups.
Researching Like a Pro:
Now, let's explore potential clinics through research:
Review Revolution: Don't just focus on star ratings. Read [Example: Nextdoor] and local Facebook groups for pet owners in [Delhi] for personalized recommendations. Look for reviews mentioning positive experiences with dogs of similar needs to yours.
Word-of-Mouth Woofs: Talk to fellow dog owners at the park, groomers, or your dog walker. Ask about their experiences with different clinics in [Delhi] and what they value most in a veterinary practice.
Local Associations: Consider contacting the [Delhi Chapter] of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) for recommendations on accredited clinics. Accreditation ensures high professional standards and adherence to ethical practices.
Beyond Location and Reviews:
There's more to consider than just location and reviews:
Clinic Facilities: A clean, modern clinic with advanced technology like digital X-rays is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Staff Expertise: Look for a clinic with veterinarians experienced in treating a variety of dog breeds and health conditions. Consider if they offer specialists in areas relevant to your dog's potential needs. Compassionate and patient veterinary technicians and support staff are also crucial.
Service Offerings: Does the clinic offer a comprehensive range of services, including routine checkups, vaccinations, surgery, dental care, boarding (if needed for city adventures!), and emergency services? Consider if the clinic offers wellness plans or discounted preventative care packages.
The Meet-and-Greet: First Impressions Count:
Once you've narrowed down your options, schedule meet-and-greet visits with top contenders:
Evaluating the Vibe: Observe how staff interacts with animals. Is the environment calm and welcoming for both dogs and owners? Pay attention to noise levels, waiting area layout, and overall stress levels in the animals.
Meeting the Vets: Ask questions about their experience, treatment philosophy, pain management approach, and communication style. Do they take the time to explain things in a way you understand and address your specific concerns?
Assessing Your Dog's Comfort Level: See how your dog reacts to the clinic environment and the staff. A positive first impression sets the stage for future visits and reduces anxiety for both of you.
Building a Long-lasting Bond:
Finding the perfect veterinarian for your dog is about establishing a long-term partnership for their health and well-being:
Open Communication: Maintain regular communication with your vet. Discuss any changes in your dog's behavior, health, or appetite. No question is too small when it comes to your dog's well-being
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bentrollio · 6 months
looks like the same handwriting too i wonder how reluctant he was to write it. frankly i was abt ready to suggest u go post anonymously on ur local FB for businesses in your town, etc, bc thats shitty.
i work at a combo cafe/gift shop/more place where we make "a living wage" (her words) so not """waitress wages""" and thus are not supposed to take tips. theres a whole rigamarole she gives abt hoe if she let us our taxes get messed up etc etc but honestly i get so many customers who side eye the reasoning when we tell them. instead we have to tell them that we encourage donations to... the k9 unit.
Apparently one of our trainers told him off and our groomer threatened to leave. And considering there’s only like 11 ppl that work there, I think he knew that he’d be screwed. We all hate him anyways, he’s honestly just a really awful person and doesn’t actually do anything for the kennel (the kennel doesn’t have many negative reviews online, but all the ones that do are people saying that he was rude or ignorant towards them, so he really does more damage than good imo).
Stereotypical white, rich boomer. Trains bird-dogs to hunt for sport, barely pays us a living wage despite the company making enough money for him to have a private “farm” and go on exotic hunting trips, overcharges clients, etc. very “old school” and by old school I mean that he is a professional dog trainer that still believes in and teaches Alpha Theory despite being told multiple times that it’s been debunked and the whole asserting dominance thing is more harmful than helpful for dogs. He just doesn’t want to change his ways or admit that he’s ever wrong.
But IMO, the worst thing he does is his treatment of his dogs. He essentially treats the kennel like his own personal nintendogs kennel. He has 4 (really 3) dogs, and sometimes he’ll just decide to drop one of them off for a few months just because. I say 3, because one of his dogs has been living at the kennel for over a year now. She’s a 9 year old pointer that he used to breed, but now that she’s too old to have puppies or hunt, I guess he just doesn’t see a point in keeping her around. He comes to the kennel every day, sometimes he interacts with her, sometimes he doesn’t. But never actually brings her home. Every single person working at the kennel would take her home if we could, because we all acknowledge that this just isn’t right. She deserves to go to a home at the end of the day, and even though we give her playtime and lots of attention, she’s clearly depressed! Her owner basically dumped her and she only gets to see her puppies/pack when he brings them to work every once in a while. He’d be furious if you ever brought up the possibility of changing ownership, but fuck. She just deserves better. And it’s infuriating that the only trying we can do is give her as much love and attention as we can during the work day.
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chiefsublimeanchor · 2 years
Pomsky Puppies For Sale
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petsdogworld · 7 months
Contrary to popular misconception, muzzles are not reserved for violent dogs. While muzzles are more frequently used to rehabilitate dogs with problem behaviors, they can also benefit well-balanced canines. We will discuss in details as How Long Can A Dog Wear A Muzzle and its effects. Whatever reason you have for using a muzzle should always be worn for a brief period to avoid causing discomfort to your dog. Continue reading to learn more about how muzzles are used and how long they can be worn. Numerous types of dog muzzles are already available, and many dog owners find themselves in need of one at some point. However, the duration of time that a dog can wear a muzzle varies according to the muzzle and the dog. So, first, you must choose the appropriate muzzle for your dog and the situation. You'll then need to train your dog to accept the muzzle and study him while wearing it to determine the optimal length of time he should wear it. Should A Dog Wear A Muzzle The use of a muzzle on dogs is a sad necessity at times. For instance, certain localities have enacted legislation mandating dogs to be muzzled on public transportation. In addition, when walking in busy locations, dogs with traumatic backgrounds or inadequate socialization may need to be muzzled. However, some people believe they should muzzle their dog when this is not essential. For instance, some individuals wish to safeguard their possessions while away from home by muzzling their dogs when leaving them alone for extended periods. Keeping a dog muzzled for an extended amount of time can be perplexing and perhaps hazardous for your dog. Therefore, it is critical to consider how long a dog can tolerate wearing a muzzle. Also Read : How To Stop a Puppy From Biting When Excited Why are muzzles necessary for dogs? It is relatively safe to conclude that most dogs would not choose to wear a muzzle. They are limited in what they can do and consume, more crucially for many dogs. While many muzzles are designed to be as pleasant as possible, some dogs may find it distressing to have anything around their face and neck. Its design and the specific dog determine the degree to which a muzzle is uncomfortable for a dog. There must be a compelling reason to wear a muzzle with these obstacles. Here are a few examples: Visiting the veterinarian Even in the best of times, visiting the veterinarian may be distressing for a dog. When a dog is terrified or requires invasive surgery, the muzzle may be utilized to protect both the veterinarian and the dog. Grooming Comparable to going to the vet, a dog may dislike getting groomed, which is why a muzzle is utilized. Additionally, it assists the groomer in performing a better job without the dog getting in the way (even if done so affectionately). Emergency If you discover an injured or abused dog, you may need to take it to a veterinarian quickly. However, shock and bewilderment can make them fearful and dangerous, necessitating the use of a muzzle for both their and the rescuer's protection. It's the law Sadly, certain localities have breed-specific laws, which require some breeds to wear muzzles in public. Additionally, some areas demand that all dogs be muzzled while on public transportation to protect humans. Aggression If a dog has been traumatized, has received inadequate socialization, or has any other cause to be aggressive, the dog may need to be muzzled while around humans they do not trust. Some dogs may require a muzzle during training until they can be trusted without one. Even well-trained security dogs will wear a muzzle to prevent them from misbehaving. Also Read : Best Muzzle For German Shepherd Misuse of dog muzzles We must exercise caution when using muzzles, as they are not always utilized appropriately. Even when used properly, there are certain disadvantages to muzzle use. One of them is wearing the muzzle for an extended period. The situation
is complicated because muzzles treat behavioral issues, but many people confuse the instrument with the treatment. Treatment of aggression with a muzzle is ineffective. You are only putting an end to associated behaviours, not resolving the underlying issue. Indeed, removing the muzzle can exacerbate the condition. Here are some of the repercussions of improper use of a muzzle: When attempting to remove it, the damage might occur, especially if it is removed by someone the dog does not know or trust. Muzzles are never completely effective, and some dogs are pretty proficient at getting out of them.The dog can develop unfavorable associations with the muzzle, causing them to respond negatively even when it is placed near them. If we put on a muzzle but do not address fundamental issues, the situation can deteriorate rather than improve over time.Certain muzzles are required for specific applications. While nylon muzzles are frequently used for brief periods during grooming or visits to the veterinarian, they are not ideal in all settings. When a dog cannot drink water or pant, this is especially problematic during the summer.If the dog views the muzzle as a punishment tool rather than a tool for training, it may result in aggression or other behavioral problems.Muzzles can exacerbate a dog's stress, decrease their immune system, make them more susceptible to illness (fungal infections or obesity, for example), depression, and reduced learning. Can I leave my muzzled dog alone at home? If you're unsure whether you may leave your dog alone at home while wearing a muzzle, there must be a reason. You should not leave them unsupervised, with or without a muzzle. If they are securely contained within the confines of your home or the boundaries of your land, there should be no reason to fear for the safety of others. What you may be concerned about is property damage while you are abroad. Dogs, particularly younger folks who have not received adequate teaching, can become destructive. Property destruction may be used as entertainment or as part of exploring behavior within their habitat. It is normal, and teaching them to stop is a critical component of their basic training and growth. Also Read : How To Get Dog To Stop Chewing Bed However, these behavioral problems are not daily if the dog is destructive because it is bored, under-stimulated, or missing its guardian (typically due to separation anxiety). There are strategies for dealing with them, but placing a muzzle on them is not one of them. It is also ineffective. The dog is still capable of scratching and knocking objects down. The following are some specific reasons why a dog may be destructive at home: Puppies: Puppies engage in play and exploration to better understand their world. They may experiment with your shoes or destroy other items in your home to better understand their surroundings.Separation anxiety occurs when a dog is cared for by a guardian. When the guardian departs for an extended period, the dog may feel abandoned or fearful that something may be stolen from them (this could be food, love, or anything they have come to rely on). Destructive activity may be motivated by irritation or fear.Dogs can become stressed for a variety of reasons. For example, there may be a stressor in the home; they may have a parasitic infestation, are not receiving enough walks, even have had inadequate socializing. In addition, stress frequently results in self-destructive conduct to express frustration.Hyperactivity: A dog's activity level is determined by some factors, including breed and individual physiology. If they are not provided with adequate outlets for their surplus energy, they might become hyperactive and disruptive.Boredom: If your dog does not receive adequate physical and mental activity, it may act out to alleviate boredom. If you leave your dog's muzzle on, you are not addressing any of the above issues. Indeed, you are likely increasing frustration and setting the stage for future behavioral problems.
In addition, if you are gone for an extended period, like an entire workday, you will prevent them from eating, and some muzzles may make drinking difficult. This can be a significant concern, particularly in warmer areas. There are various muzzles for various situations, but fabric muzzles can severely limit the dog. While wire or basket muzzles are more comfortable and allow the dog to drink water, neither is suitable for prolonged use. Also Read : Should My Dog Wear A Collar All The Time Conclusion You should never leave a dog muzzled unsupervised. It exacerbates existing problems while also creating new ones. They will almost certainly identify the muzzle with destructive emotions, making future use more difficult. You will need to determine and treat the underlying cause of the problem. The easiest method is to take them to a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues. You should then take them to a canine ethnologist or dog trainer to evaluate and treat behavioral issues. In short, Muzzles cannot be used for prolonged times as it effects the dog mentally and restricts eating and drinking. Hope this article about "How Long Can A Dog Wear A Muzzle" made things more clearer for you. https://petsdogworld.com/how-long-can-a-dog-wear-a-muzzle/?feed_id=902&_unique_id=653ac121a34c7 #Dogmuzzle #forhowlongcanadogwearamuzzle
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mspi · 9 months
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Totes love my family posts that they survived the long plane trip to the province. Teasing me by picking fruits in the yard. OMG I so want young 🥥 meat and water 💦. The stuff is refreshing and tasty. To those who don't catch my drift, feel free to enjoy the durian fruit out behind the building. Don't worry, the stray cats & dogs won't go near it.
Can you see my little punk? It's telling the people who can't taste the benefits of coconut really don't have taste to begin with. Who came up with the scale? Unsure if anyone will consider this good training or not. However I do trust a missionary from my church who has gone and been out in Myanmar for years spreading the good news and helping the locals.
Here's something she picked up, don't touch the food if even the rodents and the bugs won't touch it. They're poisonous. Wish I heard that when living with a witch of a distant aunt bent on killing me and breaking my family.
Anyways I'm so happy to be an American and am blessed to be alive today--beating out naysayers on my lifespan. That's right my sister's and I are here with careers and degrees as well as partners.
You can leave me out of the last bit. I'm not wanting to bring anyone along the painful journey that diseases and accidents have been dragging me through. It's not all bad though. Life is full of unexpected adventures.
> Lemme let you in on one
My married sis who doesn't believe having a child is in her cards looks to be open to teacup doggies. Tiny dogs have been easy for her with our last few well behaved purse dogs.
After her admission of that I let her know our Rottie loves being chased around by tiny dogs. That's when I also picked up a story on how a girl's companion cat came in handy on a bus when empty headed middle aged Karens gave her a bad time about supposedly taking their seats. Girl was wearing a lanyard that said she has a medical issue needs to stay seated.
Maybe I can get a lanyard and my own pup with an attitude to help watch out for me.
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Yes I know I live downtown where thieves hold expensive dogs for ransom. Here's the thing, I'm also never by myself. Friends, relatives, or even guards are with me. The last bit was a bonus from a thoughtful exec looking out for me.
Here's the other thing, as winter cold will be rolling in, it'll be the first time in years that I won't have my puppy foot warner. They like laying above or between my paraplegic legs.
Back to the islands, I know I wrote about it in a grade school paper about my winter vacation. All that even got updated to becoming an engineer, investing money, and getting a luxury condo close to family land. It would be where I could have a chef, housekeeper, guards, dog groomers/walkers, ManiPedi helpers on the regular, masseuse, and doctors.
There are a few big things I can't have out there. My siblings and medical specialists. Bummer, right? An old colleague I know giggled when I shared that with her.
To think about so many who want to move to the States for all the benefits, yet I'm here to stay alive. Is that a first world problem?
Staying away from negativity. I'm gleaming smiles knowing that my siblings will be okay with some hard work. They've even promised our mom that they'll always have someone they trust check on me. Ohh even if it's them kidnapping me to Tahoe to chill on the lake or in the snow.
Still wishing they could become multilingual. Maybe not to my level, but at least they can get a laugh from someone who thinks they could talk behind their backs. It's for security too.
-- dnagirl
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Crucial Dog Training Tips To Learn During National Train Your Dog Month
Have you noticed unpleasant behavior in your dog during car rides and trips going to your local dog groomer? For many dogs, stressful situations can result in naughty behavior. However, there are tactics you can work on with your puppy–and dog training is one of them.
Time spent on puppy training will be beneficial for both you and your dog. Good puppy behaviours will help your puppy have a good relationship with other animals and people that interact with them. A properly trained puppy will cause less stress when visiting their local dog grooming professional. This training will help make your furry friend a more enjoyable companion and make your time spent together a positive experience.
Best Tips and Practices for Training Your Dog
When you bring home your new dog or puppy for the first time, there are several key resources you should secure to help your new family member live a happy, healthy life.
You will need to find a dedicated vet clinic or hospital, dog training resources, and a dog groomer near you. From about the eight-week age mark, you can begin basic obedience training at home. Professional dog trainers can certainly support your pup’s training; however, you can begin with simple commands and exercises on your own.
Here are some tips to consider as you get started:
Keep sessions short: Aim for training sessions that last for approximately 15 minutes in length each day. When your dog is young, you can break this up into a few short sessions and keep them fun for your furry friend. You need to stop the training if you find that your dog is distracted or tired. Try an alternate time for your future training sessions.
Reward positive behavior: Your puppy will learn through the consequences of their behavior. If their actions result in receiving a treat, they are likely to continue with this behavior to keep getting rewarded. To enforce this, ensure your family members all react to positive behavior in the same way for consistency.
Use simple commands: When working on commands with your dog, keep them clear, short, and easy to understand. Once your dog gets the hang of a specific command, practice it in various locations, around different people, and in unfamiliar situations—like dog grooming—to reinforce the behavior.
Practice patience: It is completely normal to experience setbacks during your dog’s obedience training. Patience is key to ensuring you and your dog do not get frustrated with the process. Remember to take breaks and keep training sessions short, so that they are an experience you both enjoy.
Proper Training Is Just Part of a Good Life for Your Furry Friend
Keeping your dog happy and healthy is a multi-faceted responsibility. An effective training schedule is just one of those facets. Proper diet, regular vet checkups, and consistent dog grooming are all important as well. If you are looking to help your dog look and feel its absolute best, connect with us at Smoochie Pooch. We offer salon grooming, mobile grooming, and skin therapy treatments that focus on quality care for your pet.
Reach out to us to make an appointment.
Source: https://smoochie-pooch.com/crucial-dog-training-tips-to-learn-during-national-train-your-dog-month/
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haveyde03 · 1 year
Cats and kittens Made Simple Using These Easy to understand Tips
kissing cat mugs You may have taught several dogs in past times, but nothing could prepare you for raising the new feline good friend. Cats are nothing like dogs. They need even more attention throughout their growing years and extra personal time playing with their owner. This article will highlight some involving the main variations between the a couple of. Create a comfortable bed for a good outdoor or feral cat by lining a banana box with a dense layer of paper. Cut a piece of Mylar to suit the bottom associated with the box. Set another layer regarding newspaper on the top. Put a warm umbrella. Place the complete box inside some sort of dog house or perhaps under a porch where it cannot get wet. In the event that you have numerous cats, save cash on cat food by checking your current local dollar retail store for salsa dishes. You can generally get a package regarding three for a new dollar. These are sturdy and come in attractive colors. They are nice in your cooking area, and they are usually just the perfect size for cat food. Let cats and cat-friendly pet dogs become familiar with every other slowly. Set up a baby door to help keep dogs inside one room whilst your new cat gets used in order to its surroundings. Regulate carefully when the kitten ventures to be able to the gate to satisfy the dogs. When the kitten feels safe, it will rise the gate. In case it feels confronted, it will appear right back out and about to safety. Never ever use any product intended for puppies on a cat. Cats have really strong, negative reactions to products produced for dogs. Flea products especially. Your current cat can die when subjected to flea prevention items produced for dogs. You should keep your cats in addition to dogs separated following using a flea treatment. If the cat is expecting a baby, setup a comfy, safe place intended for her to have her kittens. A new big cardboard field equipped with a new pillow and umbrella is good. Put it at the back of the closet or various other out of typically the way place. Continue to keep food and water dishes nearby. Nourish your cats appropriate food. Remember that will cats must take in meat. Only provide your cats cat food you can eat. Carry out not feed them or let all of them eat dog foods. Cats and dogs have diverse nutritional needs and even some of the ingredients in doggy food could hurt your cat. Nourishing your cat doggie food for food may also lead to be able to malnourishment, among additional issues. Avoid enabling your cat get bored. Cats need play and workout. But many cat owners ignore of which need. Cats that will are frequently bored may develop OCD, depression or various other harmful conditions. Therefore , ensure your cat has enough room for exercising plus playing. If your current cats are retained inside, setup a carpet lined itching pad or publish. There are a lot of climbing structures that will can be bought or made intended for cats who delight in heights. Children usually take well in order to cats, but when you have a new small child, you may need in order to provide some instruction. Teach your kids how to treat a cat. You must show them everything from the way to correctly carry the cat to the ideal ways to play with it. Cats needs to be handled more softly since their bone tissues are more vulnerable than patients of puppies. To be able to let your cat outside, believe again. It can easily be unsafe. Your current cat might get fleas or even even worse parasites. Your cat could possibly be injured simply by people, other pets and in many cases vehicles about the road. If you've just got to have the cat outdoors, limit that to an surrounded area. If the cat goes outdoor a lot, the chances are good that that they come back home filthy as soon as in an although. Once your cat is definitely especially dirty or even smelling just like a skunk, you should make an appointment with the local groomer. Groomers will end up being gentle with the cat, resulting in some sort of less traumatic expertise. If you are washing a new cat litter box, it is a good option to use basic water and soap. You may well think that it would be more hygienic to use a harsh clean like bleach or even ammonia, but just about all that will perform is create a smell that will the cat will find offensive. Sometime the second cat will quiet a single damaging cat. This looks counter-intuitive, asking intended for twice the damage, but a second cat can give them both something to carry out. Introduce them slowly and gradually and expect certain initial squabbles. After a while, though, the cats will most likely get along in addition to the destructive conduct will subside. When your cat features kittens, it can certainly be tempting in order to get rid of them at the earliest opportunity, although you should hold out a reasonable sum of time. Some sort of kitten needs in order to learn a few items from mom just before going off straight into the world on your own, so give him or her six weeks to study all he is able to. Particular foods may always be fine for you to eat everyday, but not for your cat. These types of foods include grape varieties, onions green tomato plants and garlic. If the cat eats these things, they could come to be very sick. Whole milk, including milk, is also not a good thing to give your own cat. While equally animals are excellent to obtain and may peacefully exist using one another below one roof, may take adopting the new kitten also lightly. Prepare and even have enough sources in reserve want cat food and such. If you are going in order to train your cat indoors, be sure to get extra litter for the first few months because they can get unpleasant.
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Enrolling Your Dog in a Dog Training Class
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If you're looking for a way to bond with your dog, enrolling him or her in a dog training class might be the answer. Dogs need mental and physical stimulation, and a class can allow them to engage in stimulating activities while developing basic behaviors.
There are several different classes available at different facilities. Some are designed to teach your basic pet manners, while others are more specialized, such as therapy dog classes. These classes can help your dog to interact with people in hospitals and nursing homes.
A good groomer facility will have a knowledgeable instructor and a clean and sanitary environment. They should also have a class schedule, including morning and evening sessions. This allows your pet to get the most out of his or her training. You will also want to check out the training center's website to make sure they offer the classes you're looking for.
The curriculum should contain the basics, as well as the more advanced behaviors. It should cover a variety of subjects, including basic handling and grooming, as well as a variety of problem-solving and situational awareness skills. Many trainers will use clickers as a means of helping your dog learn new skills.
In a dog training class, you can also find games, puzzles, and other forms of physical and mental stimulation. This helps to prevent your dog from becoming bored and overly hyperactive. Depending on the class, your pet may even learn to do tricks.
As you look for a training facility, visit the place before enrolling your dog. Look for a facility that has plenty of parking and isn't too crowded. Be sure the instructor has a positive demeanor, as well. Also, ask for recommendations from other owners.
A training facility should also have a dog-friendly climate, as a dog's mind is a bit more sensitive to temperature than a human's. However, it is not essential to have a sterile environment. Keep in mind that dogs are prone to infections, and a clean, matted floor can go a long way toward preventing them from catching germs.
It's important to remember that your dog is also a part of your family and that he or she needs to be treated as such. Your veterinarian might be able to recommend a reputable facility in your area. Additionally, local pet organizations and shelters can also help you locate a facility that meets your needs.
The best place to start is with vet assistant course. This is especially helpful if your dog is still young. This will provide your dog with the skills he needs to become a well-mannered member of your family. Taking your puppy to a class will also help him or her to learn the basics of communication and socialization.
Another way to get your hands dirty is to enroll your dog in an obedience class. This training will teach your dog basic commands, including sit, stay, heel, and recall. Obedience exercises are useful for all types of dogs, but they are especially important for high-energy breeds. Know more about vets at https://www.dictionary.com/browse/veterinary.
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