#loan limits
mariewaltonrealtor · 2 years
New Loan Limits
With the increase in conventional loan limits, you now have more buying power, a lower down payment requirement, and overall less restrictive guidelines – which could mean a faster closing.   If you’re on the fence about buying, or you’re curious how much home you can afford, I would love to provide a complimentary analysis to help you decide if now is the right time. Contact me…
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ace-and-ranty · 3 months
Legit cannot wrap my head around my bank messaging me constant, "DO YOU WANT MONEY??" ads that are really advertising lending options.
That's not?? Money?? That's DEBT?? That's not money, you're not offering me money, you're asking if I want to go in debt, THAT'S NOT THE SAME.
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sexynetra · 3 months
rachel !!!!!! 2, 5, 14, and 18 please :)
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
Idk if it counts as “next” if I’ve already started it but I’m working my way through “things have gotten worse since we last spoke and other misfortunes” by Eric Larocca, and I have 3 weeks to finish reading “a memory called empire” by Arkady Martine. I know I have fanfics I need to/want to read but I don’t have a running list off the top of my head, I think I’ve already read all the dame content out there 😂 does whatever pip is going to post when she completes her newest draft count?
5. What’s a crackship you love
Honestly idk I feel like most of my ships are kinda mainstream atm? Or if they aren’t mainstream they are at least one of the predictable ships for said person. That being said, I had altogether too much fun writing Anetra x Sugar, and I think I was onto something when I made Sasha x Kylie
14. (For authors) Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
“Well aren’t you just an absolute doll.”
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine
Hmmm not really I am kinda messy about it 😅 generally for shorter unedited fics I write a sentence or two of idea at the top of the page and then just dive in (usually on my work computer don’t come for me they have way stronger WiFi). Honestly for longer fics I do similar I just might have more info written out either on the top, or on my notes app with a few bigger points I want to hit. Sometimes I try to do a real outline but those can give me anxiety because I like to see where the characters lead me and not feel boxed in. For reading? Open up a fic on my phone, devour it as quickly as possible, enjoy, almost always try to leave a comment if I have the energy, repeat with next fic when something comes out I’m excited about.
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prince-liest · 5 months
new year's resolution: stop trying to muscle through books just because they're well-acclaimed and go back to just reading the weird combination of trauma memoirs, gay historical romances, and the murderbot diaries like I actually want to
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Unmitigated and unreasonable distress!!!!!!! An incomplete list of things that did not fix it: crafting, tge audiobook, TWO mangas, a coffee, a snack, laying outside in the 40C humidity in direct sun like god intended and absorbing all the sunlight to store up for the Long Winter ahead, a shower, so much water
I'm just. AH.
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moonlessbeast · 9 months
Considering starting a gofundme or something for top surgery bc I genuinely cannot keep living like this
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 months
oh yeah I was talking with a younger coworker and she was showing how high her student loans have gotten and yall it was. bad. I need to take this kid on a vacation. I need to give her a spa day. like man what the fuck
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rohirric-hunter · 10 months
What on earth is the point of having a good credit score if everybody still wants a cosigner on everything
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avenirdelight · 1 year
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huh they just let fuckin anyone have a grownup credit card these days huh. and apparently that was a huge source of my moving worries solved in under thirty seconds. upsetting how completing the tasks actually works
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shummthechumm · 6 months
car shopping while everything is inflated to hell is torture actually. do i drop 5k on a well-used car and risk getting shackled to a bad vehicle; or do i take several more months to save up 10k (at minimum) to get a less-well-used car but also restricting my university progression because my campus is 40+ minutes away + im not paying for a dorm
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etoile-gracieuse · 11 months
why. why does it take a masters to become a librarian. my bachelors is LITERALLY 90% of what the #1 program in the states is. so like let me pick up the 10% on the way i just want to be Happy
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bloody-shadow666 · 9 months
Hobbies I would have if money, space and physical ability were not limitations: weaving, pottery, glassblowing, woodworking, whatever the hell making things out of lace is called
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lokh · 7 months
me: ohhhh i have nothing to do i just want to sleep ='( <- books and books and books UNREAD
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tchaikovskaya · 2 years
idk i just.... i definitely understand those who say its wrong to be upset over the student debt forgiveness, especially the ones arguing that on principle you should want and be working toward a better future for the people coming after you, but i also sympathize with the people who are bitter about having to pay their loans off before all this. like.... $10k in principal debt is a fucking lot for most people, not just to be wiped but also thinking about the interest that would have accrued otherwise. and i think the trolley problem memes and the "i dont want a cure for cancer bc its unfair to me who endured chemo and beat cancer before the cure was a thing" comics etc etc etc miss the mark a little bit like... you can agree on principle that its good and still be bitter that you had to, even shortly before all this.
i just think those analogies are quite reductive and are missing a big component that i cant quite put my finger on, but i certainly understand why some people are a little upset about having missed the boat, even if they agree that the people coming after them should have their debt forgiven.
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
I'm really fucking terrified of quitting my job. kind of fucking awful how being jobless even briefly can be utterly catastrophic
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