#lmkk what u think
ravenclod · 1 month
thinking of dumping a kinda cringe poem here i wrote last month, thats inspired a little by kyosaya and also my own emotions at the time
→ my friends have been amazing at providing constructive criticism; but i wanted an outward view
→ might post it tomorrow
→ i dont write poems btw so its quite bad i think i just really enjoy reading poetry and had a surge of inspiration
→ i have an art piece i want to make based on it but i was just thinking of getting peoples critiques first
→ ill reblog this post with the poem when i post it tomorrow
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simpinberry · 1 year
Hii xx
could you do bella ramsey hcs where reader is jealous of bella because shes with other girls but then they end up together in the end 🫶
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heyyyy, i’m backk. i tried to make this as healthy as possible while also adding a bit of spice to it. i hope i interpreted this correctly <3 should i also write jealous!bella hcs? hehe lmkk
established relationship, jealous!reader, kisses and cuddling
bella is fine as hell (we all agree, can i get an amen) so naturally lots of people want them. bella is very much in the public eye and has got promotional duties as an actor. she has to go to lots of events like fashion shows, premiers, award shows and interviews. they’re gonna meet lots of ppl and you’re usually extremely proud and happy for them! u pride yourself on not being the jealous type.
usually bella doesn’t text when she’s working/at events, mostly because she gets too overwhelmed and would rather be focused and present where they are. so you decided to go on twitter and check up on how it was going. unfortunately smth about a video of bella with a bunch of girls at a fashion show didn’t sit right with you. they were surrounding her and getting too close. bella didn’t do anything wrong and was being super polite as usual but the girls were all extremely pretty. they were all so elegant and looked so incredibly cool. it was both dumb and understandable at the same time. you trusted bella for gods sake. you shrugged the thought away and tried to go on about your day.
you ended up calling your best friend to rant about the whole situation because you couldn’t get it out of your head, “listen it’s not like i wanna go to these events and it’s fine that she talks to other girls i just ugh, i’m so jealous and i hate it”. your best friend told you exactly what you expected her to, “bitch just talk to them istg, you’re overthinking it too much”. ofc you spent another 30 mins ranting about it but you knew you were gonna do the healthy thing at the end of the day.
“honeeeyy i’m homeee” you hear bellas mocking american accent before you even see her. she finds you curled up on the couch binge watching willow. with a quick kiss to your forehead she heads upstairs to take a shower after such a long day. god, u have to talk to them about this.
by the time bella gets out of the shower you’re already settled into bed, comfy as hell tbh. crawling her way into bed, they lay next to you, facing you. “babe, you awake?” “MHMMM” you had to make your move now. “how was the fashion show today?” bella being the cutie she is, tells you everything. talks about her favorite looks, a fit she took a picture of because they thought it would look good on you and how she ran into her past costars. as much as you love hearing about her day you’re overthinking and trying to find the perfect moment to talk to her abt ur jealously and all the girls and how pretty they are and how you’re scared and worried and god so so jealous and how you feel- “can i confess smth?” bellas face drops and she’s full of concern. “DID U EAT MY LAST MUFFIN CUZ ISTG” oh, that’s what they’re worried about. “no, not this time….. i’m, i mean i was, kinda super jealous today. cuz like you were with all these pretty girls at the show and they were surrounding you and god- ik how fine you are and how lucky i am but i just felt,,,, like rlly jealous”
iwl bella was a bit shocked by your sudden outburst. you’re rarely ever jealous so this was a first, maybe a second. “mhmm i understand, i didn’t think you were the jealous type but i get it” she takes your face into her hands, you snuggle into her touch. “i know it’s hard dating someone in the public eye, i’ve actually embarrassingly asked pedro for advice on this before. thank you for telling me though, my love. a little bit of jealousy is normal. in myyyy expert opinion it means you need some reassurance and lottts, lottts and lottssss of kisses”
this idiot. they always know how to turn smth like this into a good thing. “yeah sure i mean those girls were nice and everything but at the end of the day i only want you and i’m just as lucky to have you darling” they bring you into a sudden kiss. melting into the kiss, you tangle your legs together to be as close as possible. It was a tense, reassuring and urgent. she poured a lot into that kiss and you gladly accepted it all.
i’d like to think she’d make an extra little effort in the future to make you feel more secure. whether that’s with physical affection, words, time or gifts. bella is yours and they wanna make sure you always remember that.
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dollyiia · 2 months
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warnings: cursing, slight bullying, degradation(reader degrades herself), and smoking..i think that’s it if there’s anything else lmkk
a/n: this is a long one um if you see any errors don’t be afraid to lemme know!! the needing is super rushed btw i just wanted to get this over with and i didn’t want to make ppl wait more than two days anywho i hope u guys enjoy!!
paring: fem!reader x modernau!sam monroe.
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i woke up around 7:30..five more minutes wouldn’t hurt right. five minutes turned into 30 minutes. i checked my phone and it was “eight o’clock?!” i whisper-screamed. i only had thirty minutes to get ready.
i quickly got up and practically ran to my bathroom and began brushing my teeth. as i was brushing my teeth i thought to myself would i have time to shower? probably not so i’ll just shower when i get home makes more sense right? since im going to sam’s thing tonight. ugh sam the love of my lif- oh my god what am i thinking about right now i need to hurry up and get ready.
i did my skincare routine as quickly as i could. then i started debating if i should put on makeup or not. no. it was already what eight fifteen i had checked my phone. yeah no, i need to go get dressed, and that's exactly what i did. once i reached my room and opened my closet i threw on any shirt and skirt i could find and with that, i headed downstairs to my surprise, my mom had baked cinnamon rolls.
if there was one thing my mom was good at it was baking. let me tell you this. that woman is one hell of a baker. almost makes me wonder why she didn’t pursue a baking career. oh wait..she had me. my whole life she told me i was a mistake and that if she never got knocked up by my “deadbeat dad” her words not mine she would’ve become a baker. i think my dad is the only person that cared for me. i wonder what time my mom woke up in the morning to make these. it pained me to think that i was going to be the one to clean up this cinnamon mess. my mom never cleans up after herself. i cannot talk. have you seen my room it’s self-explanatory. were these cinnamon rolls even for me? oh well, it’s whatever. who makes cinnamon rolls and expects someone not to eat them.
i walked around the counter and grabbed a paper towel and then used my fingers to grab one cinnamon roll took a bite and then i headed straight for the door. as soon as i shut the door about to lock it then i realized i had forgotten my fucking backpack. i ran back inside at the speed of light. quickly going upstairs back into my room and grabbing my backpack then sprinting back downstairs towards the front door. i then shut it and began my walk to school as i walked to school i had already finished my cinnamon roll.
i checked my phone and it was eight twenty. thank god i wasn't late. the second i stepped into school i saw her. marie. she was the perfect girl ever. with her hair in two cute pigtails while mines looks like i just got electrocuted because i had forgot to brush it this morning. she was walking around with her perfect friends. her perfect body. her perfect everything. she probably has both of her parents in her life who loved her dearly..oh who am i kidding she definitely has both parents in her life.
she was rich and pretty everything that i wasn’t. she probably has so much ahead of her while i had nothing ahead of me. i snapped back to reality once i realized marie and her friends were walking towards me. why..why!! out of all the days they walk up to me on this day. i had no makeup on and my hair wasn’t even brushed. i desperately removed my backpack off of my back and searched my bag for a brush. of course i didn’t have one just my luck.
marie and her friends reached me rather quickly.
“what’s going with your hair y/n? it looks like a birds nest.” marie snicked and her minions laughed as well
“i uh didnt have anytime to brush it this morning.” i paused “i was in a rush” my lips pursed
“like your dad was rushing to leave your mom” marie said as she laughed extremely loud
“what” i muttered. that was the only thing i was able to get out of my mouth
“you heard me. you’re going to end up just like your mom or even your dad. don’t go walking past any gun store who knows what you might do” she paused then laughed and continued “maybe you’ll finally kill yourself and go join your dad..everyone wants you to” marie barked as she and her goons walked away
it was no secret that my dad had killed himself. why? we don’t know well i don’t know yet when he died he wrote a note and i had begged my mom to let me read it because i wanted to know what his last words were. maybe he had said something about me but i’ll never know because my mom refuses to let me read it.
after marie said..what she had said i sat down by a tree. i felt like crying because the tears had already started to brew that was until sam walked up to me and sat right beside me.
“what’d marie want” he asked
“nothing” i said as my voice cracked a bit
sam looked at me like he was looking for something.
“something…you look like you’re about to cry y/n are you okay??” sam said softly
“yes, sam im fine. i promise you i am” i answered
“okay..” he said hesitatingly
a small silence engulfed us before sam reached into his bag.
“i have something for you” sam announced
“oh yeah? what is it” i answered
“i want you to wear it tonight to the concert” sam said softly
sam pulled out a small pin and handed it to me.
i gave the pin a closer inspection and upon looking at it up close it said “I ❤️ SAM MONROE” i laughed after reading and looked up at him. he had never looked at me like this before. well, maybe it’s because all the other times he’s looked at me they were just glances.
“i would love to wear this but it’s going to ruin my outfit..then i won’t look good.” i pouted
sam slowly got up and moved his head side to side as he started laughing.
“you look good in anything baby,” sam said calmly as he began to walk off but then turned back around
“oh also i don’t what you did today but you look beautiful” and with that the love of my lif- sam had walked away.
did he just call me beautiful? i was star-struck. wait am i not beautiful and every day..uh rude? he also called me baby! i came right then and there. as i sat there daydreaming about sam the bell rang twice already meaning it was time to go to class. i quickly got up and hauled my ass to the first class of the day.
my first class was english and it was excruciating. i looked at the clock it was currently eight forty. cool. i slowly closed my eyes and then by the time i woke back up school was over. guess i sleep through pretty much all of my classes. as i headed for the school entrance to walk back home someone had called my name. i paused and looked back to see who it was. it was sam. i started grinning as he ran towards me.
“you’re still coming tonight right?” he asked
“yea” i replied
“do u still have the flier?” questioned
“ ‘mmm…” i begun. i definitely had the flier somewhere in my room but, what if he had asked for my number or something to send me the address.
“ ‘mmm it’s probably in my bag somewhere” i answered.
“well, just in case it isn’t here’s my number..text me if you don’t find the flier and need the address” he said as he handed me a small paper with his phone number on it.
called it!!! i gladly took the small paper and smiled at him.
“will do.” i said with the biggest smile on my face and with he walked away. he so likes me well im not one hundred percent sure yet but that’s definitely a sign.
as i opened my front door and made my way into the kitchen the cinnamon mess my mom had made was gone. i walked around the kitchen and it was squeaky clean.
“hi” my mom greeted
i jumped and turned out to see my mom who was home. she usually doesn’t get home until seven o’clock.
“geez mom they should really put a bell on you” i said as i slightly chuckled “um what’re doing home so early” i asked
“well i came home early and wanted to know if you wanted to have a mommy and daughter day but at night” my mom announced
“oh mom i would love to hang out with you today but im going to my friend thing tonight,” i said “ speaking of my friends thing can i go?” i asked
the second those words left my mouth i swear steam start to come out of my mom's ears.
“i always try to do nice things for you and yet you still treat me like this” my mom barked “god i wish you were never born” she exclaimed and with that she walked upstairs stomping her feet like she was five then her stomping came to a stop.
“and if you even think you’re still going to friends thing tonight you can forget you ungrateful little shit” my mom exclaimed.
i was most definitely still going to sam’s going tonight whether she allowed me to go or not i was just letting her know. i sighed and ran my hand through my hair. once i heard her room door closed i made my way upstairs and towards my room as i walked towards my room and opened the door i pulled out the small paper sam had handed me with his phone number on it. then i pulled out my phone and typed his number into my phone and saving his contact under the name sam.
is this sam
hey y/n
so what time is ur gig
it’s at 8pm
at the grizzly bar
okay cool
are u coming
are u going to wear the pin i gave you
i would
but i wouldn’t want it to ruin my outfit yk 😬
you’ll wear it
and what are u gonna do if i don’t
you’ll see
im soo scared rn
shaking in my boots rn sam
i’ll see u soonn
read at 7:02pm
i turned my phone off after seeing that he had left me on read and walked over to my closet pulling out an outfit i was going wear i ended up pulling out a light wash denim mini skirt and a black satin long sleeved blouse with a pair of black high heeled boots. i layes thé outfit down and walked over to my bathroom to go shower.
once i showered i wrapped myself in my towel and began to do my makeup once i was done with my makeup i walked over to my room to go get dressed. once i was done getting dressed i walked back into my bathroom and curled my hair. i looked hot i thought. i slowly walked back into my room and grabbed a small black purse and crept down the hall pass my moms room and down the stairs. i checked my phone it was seven fifty. i should probably start walking so i pulled my the grizzly bar on my phone and it was only a five minute walk. thank god if it was any longer than that i don’t what i’d do.
so i walked out of my house put on my gps and began walking. after about five minutes of walking i was finally there and the line was that long so i waited and a big burley guy gave me a stamp on my hand and then told me to enjoy the show. once i walked in it reeked of weed. i checked phone and it was seven fifty eight. oh good the show was about to start. i was getting kind of lonely standing by myself so i started looking around for someone i knew and then i saw marie and her friends.
what is she doing here. she probably doesn’t even like rock music. i mean i dont either but- oh who cares what is she doing here. did sam invite her. no he couldn’t have i mean i had heard rumors about them dating but i wasn’t sure if they were true because she doesn’t seem like sam’s type. am i even sam’s type? before i could finish my thought the lights dimmed i checked my phone and it was eight o’clock it was starting.
sam starting singing his voice cuts through each line like shattered glass, raw and captivating. sam had such a beautiful voice. even though i didn’t really like rock music i felt every single word that came out of his mouth.
the first song the band played was so intense, really makes me think why people like rock music as i was thinking about this sam finally locked eyes with me across the sea of faces. it’s like he was looking for me but then he quickly looked away. i was pouting for a few seconds then realized if he made eye contact with me whole time it would just be weird.
finally, the band had played their final song and sam takes his bow to wild cheers and whistles. i had finally allowed myself to breathe and as people were leaving the small bar. sam had hopped off of the stage to look for me or so i hope. as i was looking for sam i bumped into someone as i turned around to quickly apologize i realized i had bumped into sam.
“hey gorgeous. come here often?” sam drawls with a wry smirk, snuffing out his smoke against the wall without a care. i laughed. “only when you’re playing rockstar”
“missed me, baby?” he rumbles lowly, leaning down to bury his face in my neck, inhaling deeply. i sighed threading fingers through inky hair matted with sweat to hold him close. “you know i did.”
i don’t know what had possessed me to flirt back with him but im kind of glad i did. i bet from far it probably looked like we’re dating. i pulled away from the embrace first to get a good look at him. he looked so pretty. i swear if men could get pregnant i would get him pregnant so fast.
“hey, you wore it” sam said pointing to the pin he had gave me earlier today.
i looked down at my chest and smiled. “yeah i did”
“it looks good on you. i told you” sam said in a sing songy tone while dragging the u out
i giggled and then shyly said thanks
“do you wanna go somewhere” he asked
“don’t you have to clean up” i retorted as i pointed behind him. he turned around and saw his bandmate picking up and putting the equipment away.
“ ‘mmm they should be fine” he rejoiced as he said that my mom had texted me.
Where are you.
in my room
i didn’t know if my mom was home or not so i might as well test my luck.
No, You’re not
I just checked your room and you’re not in there
So Im going to ask you again
Where are you
i hesitated before typing so i decided to turn off my phone shoved it in my pocket and looked back up at sam.
“everything alright?” he asked
“uhh yea but uh i can't hang out with you today..my moms mad at me so i should probably get home” i said with a slight smile
“oh okay” sam said with a hint of sadness in his tone
“but we can definitely hang out tomorrow” i cheered
“yeah?” he questioned
“yeah” i said as i pulled him in for a hug. “okay i better get going now or else my ass is grass”
he laughed and said okay and with that i walked away as i was out of his sight and away from the bar i ran like my life depended on it. i was so fucked.
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
zadiee ml 🤍🤍 ich weiß nicht, ob du dich an mich erinnerst aber halloo :)) i was the one who sent u an ask saying im trying to learn german haha 😌 but omg i‘ve been looking at your recent asks that were in german and im actually able to understand them what the fuckk 🫶🫶 LIKE I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED YKNOW??? anyways i think i should start sending u asks in my rusty german so i can practice lol 😭 to start it off i have a question for u!! here in poland, when someone combines both polish and english, we call it ponglish 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ is there something like that in germany?? i’ve been really curious because we also have something like that in my native language (tamil, so tanglish lol) and it seems like most countries have it 😌 LMKK PLEASEE <33 and while i’m here, i’ll just lyk that cold hearts is literally my favourite smau on tumblr (poison coming a close second 🤗) and i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing style so here’s a big kiss for your brain mwa 🤍🤍 ich liebe dich <3
hallo mein schatz!!! natürlich erinnere ich mich an dich!!! so so so so proud of you for understanding everything!! German really is a difficult language and youre fucking rocking it!!!
to answer you questions!!!!
we actually call it denglish which I love!!!! and omg you speak Tamil too??? that's SO fucking cool!!1 also as a Turkish speaker, when you combine turkish and German its called türkmanca which I lit love bc it feel sos close to what that combo is actually like!!!
thank you so much for this ask baby, I love talking to you and appreciate your words and messages so much!!!<3
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brandycranby · 8 months
brandy!! i love ur sleepover idea eeee!!!
fav snack for our sleepover? are u a sweet or savory person? (or both like me? hehe)
also what are we watching?? these are some of my all time fav tv shows but lmkk: the good place, the end of the fckn world, bobs burgers, black mirror, rick and morty, shameless, brooklyn nine-nine, new girl, theres so many lmaooo
i love u hope you're having the best weekend ever!! <33
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hi hi omg i'm so happy to have a sleepover w uuuu
hehe i can do both savory and sweet, it depends on what i've been deprived of lately. it also depends on the snack too!! but i think we should have some classic cheesy popcorn, some oreos, maybe some chocolate rolled wafers (cronch cronch), and some cheese curls. maybe some cupcakes too, themed ones!! i really like the ones that come with cute toppers or rings, it reminds me of elementary school
brooklyn nine-nine, parks n rec, abbott elementary, all the great comedies!! ooo futurama? i do like bobs burgers, i haven't watched a lot though, OMG WAIT NEW GIRL. what about psych? do you know about psych!!!
saturday sleepover (come distract me)
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snailslunchpail · 1 year
hihi snail! how are U. let me know. tell me how you’ve been doing. i am so curious!! and i’ve missed dming u i’ve been so ia recently T^T. i also have a SUPER! important question cause i’m very nosy (if you want to answer through the dms that is perfect too!!) but i keep seeing tiktoks that are like people’s dream christmas lists or ‘unrealistic’ ones depending what they want and i wanted to know what your list would be (๐॔˃̶ᗜ˂̶๐॓) i feel like it would be super fun and cute cause your style and interests are so cool !~
CAPYBLAPYYY CASPYBEAR CASPYBARA !!! *i am jumping up & down at u excitedly* (((o(°▽°)o)))
ive missed u too!!!! you're the absolute sweetest ever GRAHH !!! tbh last week was super rough but i had a much better weekend + week so far and i ended up making some banana muffins! :3 + my winter break is coming up reeallyyy soon and im very much looking forward to that ^__^ but wbu!!?!?! have u been up to anything fun recently?? (▔∀▔) LMKK!!! i hope you've been doing okay also!!
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(im stealing star's usage of cute gifs shhh dont tell ^)
but OOOOOO! this is such a fun question tysm!!!! & ur not being nosy at all, im happy to answer! ( ´ ▽ ` ) u have to let me know what urs would be as well if you'd like !!
buuut i think the first thing on my list would be the Len Kagamine Tony Ver. figure, i just love this figure sooo much i think he looks so cool!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ id also LOVE to have the Megpoid Gumi figure bc i love my girl gumi and the 2019 Happy Birthday Miku figure bc !!!!! EEEE HER LITTLE SMILE!!! also also the splatoon dress up figures or the splatoon figmas in general !!! bc GUH!!! brain is so full of sploon theyre so cute!
i reeally love collecting toys & figures so my list could go on and on with all the dolls and figures id one day love to own.. not to mention the re-ment food sets !?! grahhh r u kidding ! another thing on my list would be a big cutesy doll house that i could decorate & set my figures in so they're eating cakes and drinking tea together like.. thats my absolute dream aGSHSJD XD
honestly my entire unrealistic christmas list would just be tamakid's room.. it's everything i want to achieve im sure u understand !!! (ノ´ з `)ノ
BUT YAH!!! lmk what ur list would look like if ya want! or !!! what r some of ur favorite figures if u have any?
here r some pics of mine !! :3
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ywyunho · 4 years
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     *     hewwo so late but just finished an exam and this intro will reflect the exhaustion i currently feel so please excuse me but yw’s open ! ! 🥳🥳🥳 will list a couple points down below and some plot ideas until i can get a proper page up but here’s his profile for some stats and that’s about all i got. please feel free to like this if you’d like for me to roll into ur ims or please. also feel free to just roll into mine, i also have discord if that’s easier, just lmkk. but anyways this is kim yunho, km2 canon, a bro that pretends he has a personality. 
kim family, influential, involved in local politics and yunho doesn’t get the hype?? but it instills the belief in him he’s always got to be the polished, good-mannered son bc he is a reflection of his family and doesn’t wanna let them down................. or so he says
indecisive as shit, grows up doing a multitude of things in hopes of finding a definitive passion, is a quick study so its easy to go thru the motions w different hobbies or interests but boredom is like a disease that never stops giving . 
one hobby that happens to stick the handcrafted violin his grandfather gives him and he accepts it with an :o *insert sparkles all around his face* expression bc this feels like trust . this feels like a sign .
breaks said thing but initially in fear and desire to make reparations to grandfather (and himself) begins to look into violin-making and the craft of lutherie and there begins his first long-term interest, something he still does in spare time to calm himself when feelings n existence is too much
is a bit of a (used lightly) delinquent growing up, but nothing serious . more like following rules??? when u can ignore responsibilities and explore as a child???? its all done in the name of boredom!!!!!!! and privilege can make one very. haughty
but is a good boy, as seen thru his innocent features that old ppl just luv ok, overall despite dramatic tendencies when things don’t go his way, excessive pouting, silent treatment, brief phases of anger that don’t last long and are quick to exhaust him and have him wondering what was the point of feeling that much
leaves for university, forced to take something not. crafts related basically bc his parents dont trust him NOT to get bored and stress the vital importance in finishing THIS degree (major in business administration, minor in political science) before he can do much else, hoping it’ll make him settle down and stop chasing wanderlust 
makes it three years in, loses grandfather mid-way thru but pushes it all down, after the third comes the loss of a friend that he will basically never talk about now (tho people probably know ig?? considering. small town and his family at the very least were told), leading to him citing life is short and drops out to go on a backpacking trip thru europe like he thinks rich kids do and then stays with a couple friends in the states and basically . months pass and what was supposed to be his final year comes and passes before he finally promises parents to come home. its all very controversial
he is a disappointment and he knows it (so he says and thinks quite bitterly)
now works as desk clerk @ hot springs to get away from being at home at the time,  does not talk much about his time away, is a little more detached in hopes it’ll keep people from talking to him / about him when he’s still around . knows rumours probably fly around about the potential he had and the lack of results but . he pretends he simply does not care 
the end this was long and boring
to SUMMARIZE: boy doesn’t know what to be, is told to fit family mold, fails that and comes back a little broken.
possible connections???
childhood friends he used to hang around with until he left for university, probably awkward now and yes its prob entirely his fault, sue him
he used to declare u public enemy #1 and was so goddamn annoying........... except now he’s completely forgotten who u are and it’s ANNOYING.
he goes on morning jogs and maybe u join him . or maybe he joins u. maybe its cute. maybe it becomes a challenge and both tries to out-sprint the other . or maybe its just yunho 
parents once entertained/joked about the idea of the two of u getting married when yall grew up and excuse me. its like. 2020 . but hello could’ve been betrothed, how are u
you’re good at something and he wants to master it now. he is annoying.
you both used to share everything w each other and maintained contact when he left yangwon until he disappeared over the grid and now that he’s back u keep asking him how time outside of yangwon was and he keeps tries to actively get away from u with very badly exercised excuses . little do u kno its bc hes not ready to talk about his feelings and every time he sees ur face he wants to do just that
alternatively he sprints in the opposite direction every time he sees u and u dont know if he hates u for some reason or if hes full of himself or if u smell (cue edward cullen montage here) but god forbid........ its a cr*sh?
high school exes................... there is a lot of ways this could go
pseudo siblings, older or younger, bc yunho loves the concept of family
ur so c*te he literally trips when he sees u. insert a million other embarrassing events here
slightly antagonistic, but for the 100th time, yunho is annoying growing up with bc he oozes ‘im a good son, please love me’ pheromones with that disgustingly sweet smile of this but now that he’s back and not so faux perfect and theres some talk and u find maybe he’s not So annoying anymore
he likes to walk thru the rain and let himself get soaked and u are genuinely concerned bc what the f*ck dude . or u join him. what happens next may or may not warm ur heart .
works @ hot springs....... maybe he sees smth....... he shouldnt........?????????/ or maybe........ u want him to............????????/ god idk
this is so hard ill take anything .
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