#lm obsessed with cat for one
hirvigo · 8 months
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moreofthatdrowse · 2 years
As 2022 comes closer, we focus on new beginnings - anything that is new, really - but I’d like to take a break from the demands of change and look at old favourites. List some of your oldies but goldies, such as things that you turn to when you’re in a bad mood and need cheering up, or just things that are close to your heart. Doesn’t matter how many or what kind of things you list, I just think it would be nice to share what makes us happy and cosy. Here are mine:
Folklore. In need, I always turn to music. The Beatles, George Harrison, Arctic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets, Harry Styles, Lady Gaga, Måneskin... But folklore came at a time when nothing happened and things were dreary. It is my sanctuary, and one of my biggest inspirations.
Joe Thomas’s Lamb Story. Comedians James Acaster and Ed Gamble have a podcast called Off Menu where guests get to talk about their dream menus. Joe Thomas tells a story about how he one Christmas buried a lamb in a garden with his friend’s middle-aged dad. It’s such a good story it demanded an entire Christmas special. I often listen to just that bit to smile for a while. The story begins at 39:49, but the whole episode is stellar. 
Född fenomenal. My favourite book. It’s written by one of Sweden’s most prominent comedic actors/writers as a diary of a girl who’s obsessed with Anne Frank. I read about five times a year.
The Mamma Mia movies (2008) (2018). Look, I’m Swedish. I’m required to like ABBA. But I can objectively say these movies are the best comfort watches possible. The actors to the music to the jocular ambition... everything’s just great, and the second one is so much about motherly love it hurts.
Little Women (2019). I can draw a distinct line from watching Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird (2017) and Little Women and reading Little Women by LM Alcott to me starting writing and actually continuing. I love the whole Little Women things for what it is and isn’t, for what it couldn’t be when Louisa wrote the book and what it should have been.
John Mulaney’s New in Town bit. Okay, I could have put anything down here by John Mulaney (’Hello? Hush!’ ‘I was over on the bench!’) but this bit is just... God, he’s so good at telling stories.
Walks and runs. I go for a walk when I need to think, and I go for a run when I don’t want to think. The best medicine for a muddled brain.
The Last Shadow Puppets interview with Yahoo. Yahoo described this interview as “a cat-herding-like exercise in futility” and Alex and Miles’s banter always makes me laugh. ‘Trying for another babeh’ and ‘Finish each other’s falafels! Don’t you mean?’ are classics. 
Moonage Daydream cover by The Last Shadow Puppets. Alex singing to Cam who takes his sweet time getting to the stage. Miles strutting. Alex, holding a cup, dancing jerkily. Cam taking one giant sideways leap from one microphone to another. Them playing the song in a way Bowie would have been proud of. Everything’s just great.
Anything with the Beatles. They always make me happy :)
I don’t know if this is too big a thing to tag people in but @dovez-yum @imaybeasleep @arctic-monkcys @bidet-and-legolas @skinmane @rock-n-roll-fantasy if you want to do this, please go ahead, otherwise, just see this as a hi! Anyone who’d like to share their favourite things are welcome to do so as well, of course! I’d love to see everyone’s lists!
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Rules: tag 10 mutuals you wanna know better.
Tagged by @thehundredtimesobsessed! 💗💗💗
(nick)Name: Erin
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 5′7″
Play your playlist on shuffle, what are the first five songs that come up?
Pretty Handsome Awkward - The Used
No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
Sit Next to Me - Foster the People
The Math of Love Triangles - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Soundtrack
All Falls Down - Alan Walker, Noah Cyrus, Digital Farm Animals, & Juliander
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
Not that I know of.
When was the last time you played the guitar?
It’s been years. String instruments are not my strong suit.
Who is your celebrity crush?
So many... obviously Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor. Travis Willingham. Laura Bailey. Noah Centineo. Jordan Bolger. And I think I’ll stop there, because this list could go on forever.
What’s a sound you love?
Rain, cars driving by, my cat purring (Toni, that one was too good not to copy)
What’s a sound you hate?
The creepy string instrument thing they do in horror movies makes me really uncomfortable. OH and the noise that cardboard makes when it rubs against itself. I can’t handle that.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I’m not sure if I actually believe in them, but I’m certainly convinced that they exist when I’m alone in the dark. Or when my cat stares off into space and I’m home alone.
How about aliens?
Yeah, there’s no way we’re alone in a universe this big.
Do you drive?
Sometimes? I really like driving longer distances if I have a good playlist, but I usually prefer to be in the passenger seat. My commute for work is 45 minutes both ways and I don’t really mind that, because singing gets me pumped up (which is why I need the good playlists).
What was the last book you read?
Anne of the Island by LM Montgomery. (And currently reading Night Session by Ken MacLeod because my book club is Sunday and I forgot)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I haven’t had any really awful injuries that I can remember. Although, I guess when I was almost 2, I climbed up on a chair and fell off and hit my face on a hearth. It was apparently very bad and half my face was bruised up for weeks. I’ve still got a scar on my cheek, but people don’t really notice it unless I point it out and it’s pretty well hidden when I’m wearing makeup. 
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Critical Role and Anne with an E. I can also feel the Veronica Mars pull with the tease of an 8-episode revival on Hulu. Beware everyone when that is officially announced. I’ll lose it.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Yeah... I hold really weird grudges.
In a relationship?
Tagging: @hostagetakerandhistraitor, @dracoterrae9099, @nvermindiseeyou, @freckldbellamy
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voltronseatbelts · 6 years
this essay doesn’t have a proper intro bc it’s actually just a bunch of brainstorming while writing on 750words dot com but it’s basically about how voltron treats romance and relationships in the show and how certain fans are treated outside of the show, specifically the teenage demographic. just voltron fan culture in general. 
can't believe that voltron ended after six seasons! this is so sad. alexa play the form voltron sequence.
i don't know what to type since i should write like an actual 750 words but i only have like thirty minutes to do so and uuuh i'm not sure what to write. i'm not sure if i want to write prose after watching voltron season seven lmao. wow can't believe i finally watched voltron season seven and keith is straight.
actually that's definitely not the only thing i took from season seven, but it's the one i'm thinking about right now because uh i fucking predicted keith an axca?? uh paralelles???? that's not how u spell that. it's comedic. what i'm saying is i predicted keith and axca and even so they have barely any chemistry and season 7 episode whatever the fuck is like the first time they even had a conversation. what i'm saying is that i'm kind of floored that the romance truly is kind of half-assed in this show.
and i get it! i get it! this is definitely a show about war and it's impact. it's less about individual characters and their romantic relationships (especially that) and more about whatever the fuck atlas and their thick thighs are. u know? i understand that constructing meaningful relationships is kind of thrown to the wayside and not as important as like everything else. and to some extent i agree like romantic relationships aren't everything, and they're definitely not the first thing i think of when i'm constructing my own stories. from an original creator point of view, i understand it. in clearer waters, it's not about the romance as much as it is about power structures, pollution, and whatever else is important. but from a fan point of view (and like also kind of an original creator point of view?) the romantic relationships leave me unfulfilled. i'm wanting. and that's not necessarily a good thing, bc i'm NOT wanting lance and allura and axca and keith, because neither of them are... how do u say.... that well written.
what was i talking about today? in a show about war, about mecha, about something that feels so disconnected from my life (because space u know), romantic relationships in a western culture are a point of connection for the audience, especially an audience composed of teenagers. maybe the creators of VLD didn't expect teenagers (specifically teenage girls, a lot of them part of the LGBT+ community, but i can't be sure without official statistics. my perspective as one of them probably skews the demographic in my eyes). a story about romance isn't one they wanted to tell -- i can see it clearly by how they handle the romances. u know, throwing them in in the last few seasons as just a little bit of an afterthought. with an audience like teenage girls, who are definitely a touch stone for the values of western culture (being the dominant target for a western show like VLD), romantic relationships and general relationships are going to be an important point of interest. space and war is cool and interesting, but the different types of relationships -- familial, romantic, platonic -- are the real stars of the show in my eyes, and in the eyes of a demographic like teenage girls, for whom romance and relationships dominate. it's in high school culture, pop culture, and media and entertainment. whether that's nature or nurture is not the argument right now (altho if i may, i think it's nurture); the point is that that's the CULTURE. and that's why fans of VLD are in such an uproar over relationships and friendships that in many ways aren't satisfying or in character. because while the show is about war, ultimately what's important to a very vocal part of the fan base is the relationships between characters.
another point i can make about that is that in the beginning of the show, seasons 1-3, that WAS important to the show, too. the enormous cast wasn't built up yet, so there was plenty of time to fill, and that time was filled by constructing those meaningful relationships. when the cast grew, the bigger purpose of the show was emphasized -- whether because war was what the show was about all along or whether the cast became too big to focus on individual characters for longer than 1.5 seconds, i don't know. what i mean is that as the show progresses, relationships become less meaningful and the war message more meaningful, and the shift is jarring enough to be noticed. so, uh, i noticed. a lot.
another thing to touch on... is the response of the crew, cast, and others to the uproar over characters and relationships. lol. obviously, again, teenagers (again mostly girls and a lot of the time LGBT+) are an extremely vocal part of the fan base because of our easy use of the internet and its online communities and our social natures. and we've already established that for this demographic characters and relationships are important --  because they're a reflection of the tumultuous time in a teenager's romantic and social life, because they're touchstones of connection in a show that discusses pretty alien subjects. when the crew and cast and others respond in kind with dismay and defense, i think they kind of lose that connection to the fan base. it's a little ridiculous, and i've seen it all before. time and time again, teenage girls are dismissed as a demographic; wanted for their revenue, but ignored in the true nature of their complexity and ability to i dunno function in society.
the writer's room of voltron is all men, all a little older. lauren montgomery is the only woman. it's safe to say that the crew of voltron are a little out of touch with the demographic of teenage girls. actually, fucking everyone is. i've written a goddamn expos about this in my speech and debate club! here, let me find a part of it. i'm gonna quote myself from senior year of high school, bc this is a subject i've thought about a LOT. this expos as a whole is about the psychology and impacts of fans -- this section comparing football fans and one direction fans.
"Well, despite the stark similarities, fan groups are given intense stereotypes and tend to be treated disparately, mostly based on two factors, gender and age. Let’s not beat around the bush here: the factor is sexism.  Jackie Stacey, the author of Star Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship, analyzes the beginnings of movie fan culture in the 1910’s, depicting fans as an archetype of a “hysterical, starstruck teenage girl”, an image that has actually been around since Ancient Egypt all the way to Freud. Since then, the stereotype has perpetrated through all of pop culture. Think about it, when I began this speech, my mention of One Direction and Harry Styles’ hair style created an immediate emotion of disdain. Football fans have stereotypes too: supportive, confident, and loyal, according to the many NFL fan websites and their commentators. As teen girls, a marginalized group and stereotype, the things we often love - boy bands, pop stars, reality TV - are perceived as less important, and we are looked at as more crazy and obsessive than our equally obsessive football loving men counterparts. It’s the teen girl epidemic: though we are a cornerstone of modern media and economics, our fanaticism is more consistently deprecated than others. But who are we kidding? We both love watching cute men run around in tight pants."
sorry that's a long quote, but i think it's important! and i think it applies here! our interests are perceived as less important, and when our interests coincide with the interests of OTHER more important demographics -- 5-8 y.o. children, 30 y.o. men who watched DOTU – our perspectives are viewed as less important. Hysterical. And our means of communication, e.g. social media like tumblr, and methods of communication, e.g. scream-typing and general teenage culture, don’t do anything to legitimize the teenage girl perspective in the eyes of the creators.
it's probably maybe kind of not this deep. JDS and LM and crew wanted to write a story about war and mecha; they didn't know that their story would resonate so much with the teenage girl demographic, and they didn't know how to deal with that when it came time for their show to turn to it's true purpose and the teenage girls were like "hey wait a minute what about the magic of friendship?" and because we all know how teenage girls are treated, we all know the outcome of this... we can see it in the negative responses to season seven and fucking kacxa, which sounds like my cat barfing in the next room. i kid, but i don't.
anyway, i don't know how to conclude this and i'm so tired because i watched season seven 1.5 times today as well as the pilot, the conjuring, and 28 minutes of boss baby. what i'm saying is that relationships aren't the point of the show and that's cool, but keith and axca literally had like one conversation and now she's in love with his flippy hair, and my first reaction was "not this straight shit again". ah, max, u never learn. it's always the straight shit.
i'm negating my own points by not drawing them into a proper conclusion but i think u can extrapolate what i'm saying. also, when atlas's legs split into two i cried for five minutes. why doesn't atlas have feet. why are mecha so ugly. why doesn't anyone hug lance. He’s been sad since season 4 and it hasn’t been resolved yet. Someone should hug lance.
Oh my fucking god I HAVEN’T EVEN TALKED ABOUT ADAM AND SHIRO. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? I can’t even think about that right now i’m so mad and everyone else has already talked about that so just trust me adam and shiro are a part of this conversation too. Bc guess what LGBT+ fans are another marginalized demographic wanted for revenue and not perspective! Lol.
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ot5 · 3 years
hi ❣️🥰 ndjdndn it’s the suspense of it all!! my friend actually already messed up and forgot to send it on anon soo fingers crossed that’s not gonna happen to me but it’s a real fear ngl 😬
omg rip for when you have to return that next order 😭💀 what is it you ordered there? and yeah I meant no tree at all, last year we had like a small replacement but it was this soft fuzzy material? my cat doesn’t let us have nice things unfortunately 🥴 do you have any pets? I haven’t done any decorating yet but i think i’m gonna one of these evenings, lmk if you put up the decorations in your room!! just had a bunch of christmas candy so far tbh ndjsjsn and no we don’t regularly get snow which is ironic bc I live in sweden but like all the way south so we mostly just get rain 😐 but when I first moved here two years ago it actually snowed for only one day and that was the day before my first christmas so that was kinda magical!! here’s to hoping for a repeat this year ✨ do you still get snow?
and omg I didn’t like properly follow lm like I wasn’t a fan in that sense but yeah war flashbacks :/ I just hope she’s doing alright and that the others are ok too tbh 🤭 are you a lm fan? 🥰
also I downloaded the trial version of photoshop today and now I feel stupid af ndnsjsjs I don’t get anything and like I have no attention span so I can’t just sit and watch tutorials 💀 fun times! - 🎅
omg i feel that!! the PANIC i experience every single time immediately after i hit send, thinking i forgot to turn on anon</3.rip to your friend😭😭 i ordered perfumes bc ive been on a bit of a perfume streak and finally found a place where you can actually open the bottle and still return it so ive been going it a bit crazy ever since🥰 also the irony of me also making a shein order right after i answered your previous ask saying no more buying things💀 omg im so sad you dont have a tree???:( i get it tho, 2 years ago when we jsut got conch (my cat) and he was still a wild kitten my mom didnt wanna get the tree up either. i still forced it❤️ and no major disasters so! dkfjsdk id say its possible😌
you live in sweden????? omg my mom wants what you have she’s obsessed with scandinavia and esp sweden wig so did you move from another country? miss worldwide?? and do u speak the language it always sounded impossible to me to learn👀👀 whenever ive been there it has always rained so im not particularly fond djdfsjk but i guess its the same here i cant even rmr the last time we had proper snow tbh💔
and no im not a fan either it just makes me sad for her and the whole concept of members leaving a group is😔😔😔 scream i rmr downloading the trial version of photoshop and being so intimidated that i didnt do anything about it for the whole month😭 i hope u find the motivation to watch some tutorials and make better use of it than i did jskdnfk
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 7 years
82 Truths Tag
I was tagged by @bhartsfield  thank you! :) 
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 82 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people (Let’s be honest, I’m not gonna tag 25 people)
Since this is a long one, I’m putting my actual answers under the line :)
My Favourites:
Animal: Foxes
Colour: Blue
Drink: Tea
Food: Soup 
Time of year: Christmas time
Films: The Mummy (the 1999 version, not the crappy 2017 remake), Stardust, LOTR
Book: Too many to list, but if I had to pick just one it would be The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery
Subject in school: At university probably Anthropology. Back in high school it would probably have been classical studies
Flower: Forget-Me-Nots
Fruit: Grapes or Mango 
About Me:
My name is Anna
I’m 21 years old 
I live in New Zealand
I’m studying to be a lawyer 
I love to bake 
I know a lot of random and mostly useless facts
I want to see the Northern Lights 
I’m lactose intolerant 
I love vintage shoes
I’m obsessed with musicals and I sing all the time even though I’m not very good at it
Most recent:
Phone call: My mum
Text: My Dad (I ran out of lactose free milk)
Food: Museli
Drink: Water
Book: Last book I read was The Fate of The Tearling (still reading it)
Purchase: A criminal law textbook which I needed for class
Song I listened to: A cover of Uma Thurman performed by Vitamin String Quartet
Reason to be excited: I’m going to a show this week :)
TV show: The Handmaid’s Tale 
Obsession: Scented candles...I like to burn them while I study
Happiest: Getting my first bike for Christmas when I was 5
Saddest: Probably when both my grandparents died only a few months apart three years ago
Strangest: Probably the time I got tossed into a tree by superman and a unicorn
Scariest: Almost drowning on a beach on New Year’s Day in 2013, it was the single most traumatic moment in my life. 
Funniest: I can’t think of a specific one, just general hilarity with friends I guess
Exciting: Recently, probably getting tickets to a show I didn’t think was going to come to New Zealand
Proudest: When I got an A+ in a law paper I thought I had failed
Boring: I think I’ve deliberately blocked out all my most boring memories so I don’t have to relive them
Biggest Fears
Small spaces
Excited for in Life:
Graduating law school
Finally finishing a book one day 
Getting to travel
Hopefully having a family one day 
Having my own house and a cat
Being able to afford Netflix
Being able to use the stuff I’ve studied to get a real job 
I am always
Worrying about things
Eating dairy and then wondering why I feel sick 
Starting new cross-stitches
Singing along to Broadway musicals
Thinking about how I should be doing work and not procrastinating on the internet
Trying to find more vintage clothes
I wish I was, and I eventually will be
Able to write without procrastinating for hours
Reading more
More motivated to get fit 
A published author 
A lawyer 
A cat owner 
Less anxious 
A homeowner
A more patient person 
Favourite Things about Myself:
My eyes
I can speed read
My ability to keep going in difficult situations 
My cooking skills 
I’m pretty good with money 
I’m good at making friends
My creativity 
My hair, even though sometimes I think it’s too thin, its a pretty color
My ability to stand up for myself
Finally, my blog:
Lots of book pictures, discussion and random unrelated pictures etc. which catch my attention at the time 
Is trying to be more of an active booklr, and do actual reviews, haha I’m getting there
I kind of want to change the name but idk
I’m going to tag @shadowtearling @rat-librarian @relevy @izzytheheartbrekker @thepaige-turner @a-marvellous-miscellany @bindings-and-beginnings @theinkstainsblog and anyone else who wants to do it. Absolutely no pressure to do this, especially considering it is quite a long one :)
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ksfd89 · 7 years
What would someone need to watch, read, or listen to in order to really know and understand you? Basically, what media defines you and made you who you are today? this is super fun!! I was tagged by @glitteratiglue - thank you! I tried to think back as far as I could! I tag whoever wants to do this!
Clueless -  I watched this endlessly growing up and I still love it
Little Miss Sunshine - this is probably my favourite film
Pitch Perfect
Donnie Darko - I went through a phase of being really obsessed with this when I was fourteen, and I don’t watch it much now but I’m still very fond of it
The Secret Garden (1993 version)
A Little Princess
In America - another film I was really obsessed with as a teen
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and its sequel
Mean Girls
Bring It On
Brick - I had a big crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt but it’s a great film anyway
Night of the Hunter
500 Days of Summer - Joseph and Zooey Deschanel are both great in this but I love this film because it’s such an antithesis to most love stories
My Neighbour Totoro
Kiki’s Delivery Service
When Marnie Was There
Only Yesterday
Your Name
The Wizard of Oz
Harry Potter films
Pretty in Pink
Definitely, Maybe
Now and Then
Home Alone
The Parent Trap
The Aristocats
Harriet the Spy
Withnail and I
Gilmore Girls
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Twin Peaks
early seasons of How I Met Your Mother
Parks and Recreation
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Grace and Frankie
Malcolm in the Middle
The Killing (original version)
Veronica Mars
Joan of Arcadia
New Girl
Desperate Housewives
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Clarissa Explains It All
The Raccoons
The Magician’s House
The Famous Five
The Queen’s Nose
Bernard’s Watch
Home Farm Twins
Live and Kicking and SM TV Live
Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark 
The Simpsons
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Doctor Who (mid reboot)
Sex and the City
Black Books
Father Ted
All of Judy Blume
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin
Eve Green by Susan Fletcher.  I read this religiously at one point
Windfalls by Jean Hegland.  I haven’t read this in years but it was very formative to my teenage years, and made me very pro choice
Into the Forest by Jean Hegland
Frost in May by Antonia Barber.  Another one I haven’t read in years, but made a big impression on me
The Greengage Summer by Rumer Godden
The Story of Holly and Ivy by Rumer Godden
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The Anne and Emily series by LM Montgomery, and The Blue Castle
The Babysitters Club books
Point Horror books
Milly-Molly-Mandy stories by Joyce Lancaster Brisley
The Georgia Nicholson books by Louise Rennison
The Puddle Lane series - I was taught how to read from these
The Harry Potter series
His Dark Materials
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants series.  The last book was atrocious, but anyway
The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot
The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson
The Family From One End Street by Eve Garnett
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild
The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
Walk Two Moons, The Wanderer and Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech
Raspberries on the Yangtze by Karen Wallace
Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf
The Waves by Virginia Woolf
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
The Diary of Anne Frank
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Feeling Sorry for Celia and its sequels by Jaclyn Moriarty
The Ramona Quimby series by Beverly Cleary
The Zillah books by Helen Dunmore
The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Anything by Alice Munro
Shelter by Frances Greenslade
The Firekeepers by Margaret Laurence
Come Back to Sorrento by Dawn Powell
Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
The Dive From Clausen’s Pier by Ann Packer.  Another teenage love
Lost It by Kristen Tracy
The True Meaning of Cleavage by Mariah Fredericks
What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones
Pippi Longstocking and Lotta by Astrid Lindgren
Maisie Middleton by Nita Sowter
The Jennings series by Anthony Buckeridge
Lucy Runs Away by Catherine Storr
Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr
Once in a House on Fire by Andrea Ashworth
Beatrix Potter stories
Enid Blyton mystery and school stories
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Bad Blood by Lorna Sage
A Ring of Endless Light by Madeleine L’Engle
Be True to Yourself by Amanda Ford
I’m really bad at identifying musical taste.  It’s easier just to pick out songs which I dislike.  But as an attempt, I was very into Placebo as a teenager, Avril Lavigne and Coldplay, and I still enjoy 80s pop and artists which were very popular in the mid-2000s for nostalgia.  Random albums I love include Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming by M83, Parallelograms by Linda Perhacs, The Free Design and anything by Sam Phillips.
Plays - Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest and a Midsummer Night’s Dream
Musicals - The Buffy Musical
Poetry - Ariel by Sylvia Plath, Is That the New Moon? by Wendy Cope, Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake and Practical Cats by T Eliot
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livneedsfood · 7 years
Things I've Said This Week
Hey guys its Friday so here's some of my lovely quotes from this week. (I put friends as their intitials so I don't release their names ya know)
Random Person: I'm a holosexual.
Random Person: It's my sexuality.
Me: *sees friend in the distance*
Me: *runs up to CH*
Me: bonjour bitch
Me: Why are all the 6th graders white?
JB: This is a dancing competition so why isn't anyone twerking.
JB: I want to see 6th graders twerk.
Me: That's called pedophilia.
Me: You already look like a pedophile though.
Guy Sitting In Front Of Me In Class: *watching desert how-tos*
Me: *points to guy*
Me: Why is he watching desert how-tos?
KJ: Women like a man who can cook/bake.
Me: I'm good if he can make ramen noodles.
Me: *holds up poster for school pep rally*
Teacher: *glares at me*
*at school pep rally*
Pep Rally: *airhorn noises*
Me: *screams of anguish*
Teacher: Where is LM?
LM: My head hurts.
Me: Okay.
Me: I'll join you in the pain.
Me: *bangs head against table*
KJ: Hey Liv.
KJ: What time is it?
Me: *smirks*
CH: 6 boys have asked me out because of Oreo.
Boy: Hey Liv!
Boy: Will you go-
Me: NO
TC: *steals my cat headband*
Me: Give 'em back!
TC: *hands them back*
ZN: *tries to grab out of my hand*
ZN: *jerks hand away*
Me: *from other side of the gym* FOR THAT YOU SHOULD BE DEAD
Together: BUT BUT BUT
Me: Some states have less power in elections due to population and THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE.
Me: *flips down sunglasses*
CH: I'm bored.
CH: *runs away*
Teacher: Describe yourself in one POSITIVE word.
Me: There is nothing positive about me.
JB: *scribbles on Sticky Note*
JB: *hands me note*
Me: *reads* OBSESSIVE
Me: okay
Me: *gets on bus after being gone for a day*
Me: I just watched a bird fly into another bird but now I can't see.
Me: *doing Duolingo German Bots*
Bots: (english translation) Do you want this table?
Bots: *shows drawing of nasty table*
Me: (english translation) No, please.
Bots: (english translation) Okay, please sit down.
Me: *screams*
Okay that's about it. I didn't have wifi for most of the week so I was super loopy. I don't know what happenned.
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notcaycepollard · 7 years
tagged by @sonatine
1 twelve pm or twelve am? 
twelve am, I enjoy the soft and sleepy quiet of it and also the outraged-husky howling I do when it’s supposed to be my bedtime
2 what tv shows can you fall asleep to? 
any David Attenborough documentary, although my personal favourite is the Ocean Deep episode of Planet Earth. Also: any episode of Time Team which is talking about the Paleolithic/Bronze Age era.
3 are you picky about your environment when you write / draw? describe
not overly picky, but, like, ideally? soft lighting, nobody looking over my shoulder, some gentle background noise. coffee at hand. I either write on my couch (reclined so far I am basically lying down) with a cat draped across my shins and headphones on, or at my local cafe, getting overly wired on ethiopian drip filter and hazelnut brioche.
4 describe your nighttime rituals
1) outraged husky howling that it is actually bedtime
2) dragging myself off the internet
3) brushing my teeth and washing my face: almond oil cleanse to take off my makeup, hot flannel, sometimes lush ultrabland if I’m in the mood for double-cleansing. toner spray and moisturiser and lip balm. dry shampoo in my hair if I’m not gonna wash it the next morning.
4) meds, water, final goodnight to the internet
5) rain sounds app
5 what was that one thing you were obsessed with as a child? (can pick as many as you want)
the secret garden/a little princess/lm montgomery. I desperately wanted to be a victorian orphan, my dad indulged me by letting me dress in floral pinafores. also, the flower fairies. later: the spice girls.
6 what’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
star wars ep 1
7 what’s one small thing you’re proud of this week?
we actually did chores and cleaned the house! clean sheets! a feather duvet aired outside in the sun! vacuuming! I put away most of my Depression Pile and actually did some laundry! congratulations us at making the very minimum of effort.
8 sheets+blanket or duvet?
sheets plus duvet. top sheets are non-negotiable, because fuck if I’m washing and changing a duvet cover every two weeks.
9 preferred perfume / cologne?
comme des garcons kyoto edt
10 rec that one fic you read that’s constantly rattling around in your head
I’ll build a house inside of you by @redstarwhitestar. Natasha-centric, lyrical, hard, beautiful.
Yelena collected bullets instead of wildflowers. Her mother, her father, her brothers – all arrested for seditious behaviour, but Yelena is the most dangerous of all.
Yelena is an optimist.
Yelena genuinely believes in the power of the individual to change the world. Small actions, she says, performed by the right people at the right time, can change history. That is what they are doing here: changing history.
“We're learning how to kill people,” Natalia says.
“Exactly,” says Yelena.
my questions:
1 your favourite comfort snack?
2 dogs or cats? 
3 where would you like to visit that you have never been?
4 what’s your favourite painting/sculpture/piece of artwork?
5 do you wear any jewellery daily? what is it?
6 how do you take your coffee?
7 what position do you sleep in?
8 what’s the best gemstone?
9 what’s in your bag?
10 if someone gave you five grand right now, what would you spend it on?
tagging @vinterfalcons @nehirose @nevermindirah @amidnightvoyage @aimmyarrowshigh @cabloom @thisbluegirl @door @thigm0taxis @itsvarza
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Supriya Anand
We recently sat down with CJ Moses, Deputy, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), to learn about his day-to-day as a cybersecurity executive. He also shared more about his passion for racecar driving and why AWS is partnering with the SRO GT World Challenge America series this year.
How long have you been with AWS, and what is your role?
I’ve been with AWS since December 2007. I came to AWS from the FBI, along with current AWS CISO Steve Schmidt and VP/Distinguished Engineer Eric Brandwine. Together, we started the east coast AWS office. I’m now the Deputy CISO and VP of Security Engineering at AWS.
What excites you most about your role?
I like that every day brings something new and different. In the security space, it’s a bit of a cat and mouse game. It’s our job to be very much ahead of the adversaries. Continuing to engineer and innovate to keep our customers’ data secure allows us to do that. I also love providing customers things that didn’t exist in the past. The very first initiative that Steve, Eric and I worked on when we came from the government sector was Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), as well as the underlying network that gives customers virtually isolated network environments. By the end of 2011, the entire Amazon.com web fleet was running on this VPC infrastructure. Creating this kind of scalable offering and allowing our customers to use it was, as we like to say, making history.
We continue to work on new features and services that make it easier to operate more securely in the cloud than in on-premises datacenters. Over the past several years, we’ve launched services like Amazon GuardDuty (threat detection), Amazon Macie (sensitive data classification), and most recently AWS Security Hub (comprehensive security and compliance status monitoring). I love working for a company that’s committed to paying attention to customer feedback—and then innovating to not only meet those needs, but exceed them.
What’s the most challenging part of your role?
Juggling all the different aspects of it. I have responsibility for a lot of things, from auditing the physical security of our data centers to the type of hypervisor we need to use when thinking about new services and features. In the past, it was a Xen hypervisor based on open source software, but today AWS has built hardware and software components to eliminate the previous virtualization overhead. The Nitro system, as we call it, has had performance, availability, and security engineered into it from the earliest design phases, which is the right way to do it. Being able to go that full breadth of physical to virtual is challenging, but these challenges are what energize and drive me.
You’re an avid racecar driver. Tell us a bit about why you got into racing. What are the similarities between racecar driving and your job?
I got into racecar driving years ago, by accident. I bought an Audi A4 and it came with a membership to the Quattro club and they sent me a flyer for a track day, which is essentially a “take your streetcar to the track” event. I was hooked and began spending more and more time at the track. I’ve found that racecar drivers are extremely type A and very competitive. And because Amazon is very much a driven, fast-moving company, I think that what you need to have in place to succeed at Amazon is similar to what you need to be great on the racetrack. I like to tell my AWS team that they should be tactically impatient, yet strategically patient, and that applies to motorsports equally. You can’t win the race if you wreck in the first turn, but you also can’t win if you never get off the starting line.
Another similarity is the need to be laser-focused on the task at hand. In both environments, you need to be able to clear your mind of distractions and think from a new perspective. At AWS, our customer obsession drives what we do, the services and offerings we create, and our company culture. When I get in a racecar, there’s no time to think about anything except what’s at hand. When I’m streaming down the straightaway doing 180 mph, I need to focus on when to hit the brakes or when to make the next turn. When I get out of that car, I can then re-focus and bring new perspective to work and life.
AWS is the official cloud and machine learning provider of the SRO GT World Challenge America series this year. What drove the decision to become a partner?
We co-sponsored executive summits with our partner, CrowdStrike, at the SRO Motorsports race venues last year and are doing the same thing this year. But this year, we thought that it made sense to increase brand awareness and gain access to the GT Paddock Club for our guests. Paddock access allows you to see the cars up close and talk to drivers. It’s like a backstage pass at a concert.
In the paddock, every single car and team has sponsors or are self-funded—it’s like a small business-to-business environment. During our involvement last year, we didn’t see those businesses connecting with each other. What we hope to do this year is elevate the cybersecurity learning experience. We’re bringing in cybersecurity executives from across a range of companies to start dialogues with one another, with us, and with the companies represented in the paddock. The program is designed to build meaningful relationships and cultivate a shared learning experience on cybersecurity and AWS services in a setting where we can provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for our guests. The cybersecurity industry is driven by trust-based relationships and genuinely being there for our customers. I believe our partnership with the SRO GT World Challenge series will provide a platform that helps us reinforce this.
What’s the connection between racecars and cloud security? How are AWS Security services being used at the racetrack?
With racing, there are tremendous workloads, such as telemetry and data acquisition, that you can stream from a car—essentially, hundreds of channels of data. There are advanced processing requirements for computational fluid dynamics, for example, both of air dynamics around the outside of the car and of air intake into and exhaust out of the engine. All these workloads and all this data are proprietary to the racing teams: The last thing you want is a competing racing team getting that data. This issue is analogous to data protection concerns amongst today’s traditional businesses. Also similar to traditional businesses, many racing teams need to be able to share data with each other in specific ways, to meet specific needs. For example, some teams might have multiple cars and drivers. Each of those drivers will need varying levels of access to data. AWS enables them to share that data in isolation, ensuring teams share only what’s needed. This kind of isolation would be difficult to achieve with a traditional data center or in many other environments.
AWS is also being used in new ways by GT World Challenge to help racecar drivers and partners make more real-time, data-driven decisions. For the first time, drivers and other racing partners will be able to securely stream telemetry directly to the AWS cloud. This will help drivers better analyze their driving and which parts of the course they need to improve upon. Crew chiefs and race engineers will have the data along with the advanced analytics to help them make informed decisions, such as telling drivers when it’s the most strategic time to make a pit stop.
This data will also help enhance the fan experience later this year. Spectators will be privy to some of the data being streamed through AWS and used by drivers, giving them a more intimate understanding of the velocity at which decisions need to be made on the track. We hope fans will be excited by this innovation.
What do you hope AWS customers will gain from attending GT World Challenge races?
I think the primary value is the opportunity to build relationships with experts and executives in the cybersecurity space, while enjoying the racetrack experience. We want to continue operating at the speed of innovation for our customers, and being able to build trust with them face-to-face helps enable this. We also keenly value the opportunity for customers to provide us feedback to influence how we think and what we offer at AWS, and I believe these events will provide opportunities where these conversations can easily take place.
In addition, we’ll be teasing out information about AWS re:Inforce (our upcoming security conference in Boston this June) at the GT Paddock Club. This includes information about the content, what to expect at the conference, and key dates. For anyone who wants to learn more about this event, I encourage them to visit https://reinforce.awsevents.com/, where you can read about our different session tracks, Steve Schmidt’s keynote, and other educational experiences we have planned.
How are you preparing for the races you’ll be in this year?
I’ve never raced professionally before, so driving the Audi R8 LMS GT4 this season has been a new experience for me. I’ve got my second race coming up this weekend (April 12th-14th), at the Pirelli GT4 Challenge at Long Beach, where AWS is the title sponsor. To prepare at home, I have a racing simulator that uses AWS services, as well as three large monitors, a steering wheel, pedals, and a moving and vibrating seat that I train on. I take what I learn from this simulation to the track in the actual car any chance I get. As the belated Jacob Levnon, a VP at AWS, was famous for saying, “There is no compression algorithm for experience.” I also do a lot of mental preparation by reading lap notes, watching videos of professional drivers, and working with my coaches. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be able to race this season and thank those that have helped me on this journey, both at AWS Security and on the racetrack.
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Go to Source Author: Supriya Anand AWS Security Profiles: CJ Moses, Deputy CISO and VP of Security Engineering Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Supriya Anand We recently sat down with CJ Moses, Deputy, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), to learn about his day-to-day as a cybersecurity executive.
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