#lizzie shelby x fem!reader
notyour-valentine · 2 years
Being Lizzie's lesbian lover ~ Lizzie Stark Headcanon
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Notes: This is part 2 to this request
Warning: Sexual content, mention of past sexual assault (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
You two meet when she is already married to Tommy for a significant amount of time
Unlike her, you are born into this life and so it comes natural to you. Like her, you are also married and in a rather traditional marriage, although traditional in the sense that you and your husband had had the much desired ‘heir’, the insuring ‘spare’ and a third child for good measure, during which he, as a gentleman had been true to you.
But when you informed him that you were done having children, you decided to move on, after all, you had never been in love in that way, but had decided to build your marriage on friendship, and the fact that everyone on both sides were incredibly happy about it so now you just added honesty to the mix. He was free to do what he liked with whom he liked and so were you.
Of course, your husband was a little concerned about unfortunate consequences on your part at first, but when you informed him that that was not something he ought to concern himself with, he had scoffed, smiled and only said “How very Greek of you”. From then on your marriage was built on honesty, friendship, companionship, devotion to your children and the kind of love that wrapped itself in and around two people, tying them together but didn’t extend to the bedroom. It was perfect. 
Together you navigated the social and political dance floor with ease, and in truth your marriage was better than most others that had started in infatuation, including the one of Mr and Mrs Shelby. 
Business brought your husbands together, and convenience to two of you. In truth, while admiring Lizzie’s beauty, you approached her because you pitied her. She was a fish out of water if ever you saw one and even though she was the elder, you decided to take her under your wing under the guise of playdates between your three and her two. It took her a long while for her to trust you and you find out the reason why when you make a visit to one of the charities she supported, one that helped women who had ‘fallen into hardships’, as your mother would say, although most others would use far less flowery terms. 
It is only then, after one of the women being helped recognised Lizzie from her old life, that she decides to tell you. You can’t lie, it is a shock, and you do need to have a rather strong cup of tea to calm your nerves but after a sleepless night of thinking everything through, you arrive with the children to the next playdate, finding an utterly shocked Lizzie, who had fully expected you to turn on her. When she tells you that even her husband weaponises her past in moments of rage, you want to strangle him, after all, there wouldn’t need to be sellers if there wouldn’t be buyers. It is that silent strength and resilience that attracts you to her, and the fact that she had refused to let her past make her into a hard and vengeful woman. It makes you admire and want to protect her even more. 
It is not too long later when she catches you with another lover at a weekend retreat when she wanted to return some gloves she had borrowed (having mixed up the proper attire). Now it was you who expected judgement, but instead you get a lot of questions, almost childlike, but not about the physicality of things, rather about the emotional side, and about genuine attraction to women and so you give her a stack of books, Poems by Sappho, Emily Dickinson, and even some works by Charlotte Brontë
Before long she is not content with just reading and wants to try it out for herself and she finds that female pleasure is a whole different thing when it is not demanded by a male customer. 
For that, you invite her on a holiday to a villa your father in law had bought you and your husband after the birth of your second child. You husband hated France and despised the French, so it was practically your own unless lent out to friends, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Vita Sackville-West or Viginia Woolf. You spend a two week holiday there which is more than enough time to try out all sorts of things. And you two return at least twice a year. 
The first few weeks of your affair, you are the more guiding partner, but bit by bit Lizzie starts to gain confidence and enjoyment from taking the lead in your bedroom activities
She is incredibly good in bed and can make you melt with just a few touches, even if they seem benign and meaningless. She is also a very, very giving person, but she also derives a lot of pleasure from having control, something she has never had in any physical relationships before that. And you don’t mind giving her that, not when you know the amount of pleasure you will get from it and from knowing how much she likes it
Lizzie enjoys watching your every reaction and eye- contact, especially when you try (and more than often fail) to hold it. She loves knowing what kind of effect she has on you, both in private and in public. She will pull you aside during dinner parties, charity events and the like, just to make a point and leave you hanging. But she would always make sure it would be worth your while in the end. 
There would also be presents (with the money taken from Tommy’s account) day clothes but also expensive Parisian lingerie, sometimes with personalised lace that has her initials in it, but also jewellery, mainly necklaces, or a personalised bracelet which has a tiny lock so only she could take it off. There is also a kind of jewellery which can be worn under clothes, which you didn’t even know existed. It is often the last thing you will be wearing after some fancy event that ended with you and Lizzie in one bed. 
She would never hurt you, neither emotionally nor physically, even though some people do derive pleasure from pain - not in any way, but after a while in your relationship she does like to push your limits with sensory play and deprivation, restricted movement and overstimulation. While a bit of bondage and blindfolds are a go for you, they are hard nos for Lizzie. Situations in which she feels like she is feeling restricted in any way bring back too many bad memories. 
Lizzie is the absolute Queen of aftercare, like you never could have imagined, warm baths with scented oils, where she would get in with you, wash you, massage your tired limbs and take the time to wash your hair and comb it dry, even if you are dozing off during jt. She will make sure to keep you hydrated (on something other than the expensive champagne). 
That level of care had been unknown even to you, and so you try to return it in any way you can, with or without the connection to sex. Sometimes you will just talk, or you will read to her all night long. Sometimes she just needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to hold her who won’t put out demands or ask questions. 
The realisation that you love her is bittersweet- in a way, you are happy together, but you can’t really be together. Not in that way. 
Whenever things went bad with Tommy, she would come to you. You know she can’t leave him, not legally and not emotionally either, which makes you hate the man even more. Every pain he inflicted on her, every betrayal cuts twice as deep and unlike Lizzie, you refuse to forgive. She told you everything, about his affairs, about the way he treated her as his employee, and before that. You know about the nights he used her to sooth his grief, and about the day he used her as bait. You know, and the only reason for you not going through with that terrible, though thoroughly planned accident, is that Lizzie still cares for him, and that he is the father of her child. But in your eyes, she would make a far better widow than a wife. 
Your own husband knew of your liaison fairly early on, and he doesn’t mind as it fits perfectly in the framework of your arrangement (and because there would never be consequences in form of other children). He also rather likes Lizzie, as she is a very polite and apolitical person, unlike some of your former lovers who had been far more scandalous and out there than she was and he had his own ever changing affairs. He is not at all opposed to seeing her at the dinner table or in your bed (although by now he had probably forgotten where your bedroom even was) and didn’t mind Lizzie and her children joining you and your on holidays together. 
You don’t know exactly when Tommy finds out, but you do notice dark glares and glances coming from him, not that you would ever care what he thinks. He may be Lizzie’s husband, but you are her lover. You can’t get rid of him, but he can’t get rid of you either. She chose him once upon a time, but she chooses you time and time again. 
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Thank you for requesting and participating in my celebration - I hope you liked what I wrote.
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
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cosmic-crybaby · 9 months
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 16: 'You're No Good For Me'
Warnings In This Chapter: Hinted affair, mentions of blood, manipulation etc etc. ANGST
It took you almost twenty minutes to calm your children down.
Reassuring them that things were going to be okay. But even you yourself were unsure. Giving them a tight hug and a kiss goodnight, making sure to tell Frances to stay with them until they fell asleep, before you entered the bedroom.
You didn't want them to hear the absolute terror you were about to unleash.
Thomas sat on the bed, his jacket discarded and his white shirt somewhat unbuttoned. His hand was still wrapped in the blood-stained cloth from the dining table. You harshly slammed the door behind you, making the room rattle, approaching him and stopping to stand in front of him with your arms crossed.
“You lost your temper with my kids, Thomas…That can never happen again, do you understand?” 
He only nods once before he purses his lips and looks up at you.
“Your kids are out of control,” He stated with raised brows and condescension behind his words. Your brows furrowed in confusion. 
“They’re fuckin’ kids! That is how kids behave when they’re tired, hungry, and disappointed,” You listed. He arched a brow at you. 'Disappointed' he repeated with a bitter laugh.
“I told you I wasn’t ready for this, didn’t I? I warned ya…I fuckin’ warned ya,” He pointed a finger at you with his non-injured hand before he stood up and struggled to unknot his tie with one hand, taking strides to his wardrobe. You stood in your place as you stared at him, bewildered.
“It’s not that hard to ask for help, you could have asked your Aunt or your sister for help, but it’s a little too late to turn back now,” You shook your head in disbelief.
“Yeah, I am sure Aunt Pol would have some great advice on how to discipline your kids for you,” He simply said with a small glance. Perplexed, you screwed your brows together. 
“Don’t you dare,” You seethed.
“What?” He taunted, walking to his wardrobe to put his clothes away. 
“Don’t you dare blame my kids, the only person acting like a child tonight was you!” 
He exhales heavily as he slammed the door to the wardrobe shut before turning to you, the obvious frustration on his face. His normal glacier eyes were dark like the darkest depths of the ocean as he wore a stern look on his face. He approached you, at least a few inches away from your face. Under any other circumstances, he would just be a kiss away. And everything would have been forgotten.
“I’m acting like a child?” Shock laced his question.
“Yes, you are,” You argued. You looked down and reached for his wrist, bringing it up to show him. “You slammed your hands so hard, that you broke a fucking glass and you cut yourself…you threw a tantrum just like a fuckin’ baby,” He jerked his hand away from you. He wasn’t in any pain, his anger numbed it.
“I have made big sacrifices for you…huge fuckin’ sacrifices, I am behind on my work because I spent all my time with you-” 
“And you think I haven’t? I have to commute at least forty minutes back and forth everyday,” You interrupted. 
“And that wouldn't have been a problem if you just took everyone’s advice and hired someone to help you,” He said quietly. 
You took a deep breath before speaking again. 
“You walked into my family…my beautiful family that took years to grow and create, one that you would have started by now if you had any strength, courage, or restraint,” You stepped back from him, glaring at him with disgust. “Esme was right, you’re unstable…I get it…work is hard but that does not give you the right to act the way you do,” 
“And how is that, (Y/n)?” His condescending tone was pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Your blood boils with every second. 
“Oh, would you like me to list it off for you, Thomas?” You asked. “Your terrible temper, your unstable mood, your drinking problem, and the fact that I found snow in your office and opium in your nightstand!” You yelled. 
He chuckled.
“Ah, after all this time…I still stand by what I assumed,” 
“Which assumption would that be? Because you’ve made so many,” You laughed. You stood far away from each other. You were by your vanity while he leaned against the bedpost. 
“You pretended to be drunk to get me to fuck you, get you pregent,” 
You both fell silent. The only noises in the room were your heavy breaths and the crackling of the wood in the fireplace as the flames cast an intimidating shadow upon your face. Your chest heaved up and down rapidly as you gulped down the lump in your throat as your hands moved to rub your stomach, protectively as the baby began to move about and kick. 
“Oh God…How could you say that?” You asked yourself as you turned away from him. You held your hand over your mouth to side the sobs as you bent over, one hand leaning on the vanity. Thomas slowly approaches you and attempts to hold you. 
“This is just an obstacle…eh? Listen to me…Listen to me (Y/n), I am sorry I shouldn’t have said that, this was only a setback,” 
You pulled your arms away from his touch. Overwhelmed by everything around you. His smell, his touch, his voice, the hot temperature of the room, the weight of the baby, everything had you wanting to just tear your hair out and scream. 
“No…No this isn’t a setback, Thomas…this is a fuckin’ disaster!” 
“I warned you that the stress of what I do and the stress of this is going to ruin our relationship-” 
“The stress of what?” You asked, turning to him with tears in your eyes. 
“Having a baby together,” He answered. You shook your head. 
“No…Three…” You held up your shaky hand, showing three fingers. “Thomas…Three children!” 
“I didn’t even ask for one!” His voice boomed.
“You act like you’re the only one who fucked up their life,” 
He shook his head before he sat down at your vanity chair, picking up a cigarette to rub it across his lips before lighting it.  
“I guess that’s what happens…” He took a deep breath. “When strangers get drunk and fuck,” he exhales the smoke. 
You paused and swallow thickly. Your eyes scanned him. Until you spotted the red smudge on the collar of his shirt, the red and purple spots on his clavicle. Everything seems so clear now. Your eyes began to tear up as you gasp in doubt.
"I knew it," You muttered as you looked away. Thomas lifted his head to look at you.
"I fucking knew it!" You shouted, picking up a glass perfume bottle and raising it to throw it at him, Thomas quickly leaves the vanity chair and rushes to the washroom, dropping the cigarette as the glass bottle shattered against the hardwood as it merely missed him.
"What the fuck?!" He shouted from behind the door. He could only hear you shouting, crying and the loud crashing of only what he assumed was you breaking the valuables on the vanity. He scrambles to look in the mirror, cursing to himself as he looked at the love-bites and the lipstick that were evidently clear now that he was sober.
"You're a fucking coward Thomas Shelby!" You cried as you leaned against the door.
"It was nothing (y/n), you're overreacting!"
You chuckled sourly. leaving the door to sit on the bed. Thomas cautiously opened the door, looking out into the room, the broken glass of the beauty products were haphazardly spread across the floor. There you sat, tears glistening on your cheekbones as you looked down at the floor.
"(y/n)…please," He held his uninjured hand out as if you were a wild animal. You tsked and roll your eyes at him.
"Oh please, Thomas..." You mumbled.
He threw his hands up, breathing heavily.
"Humor me, Thomas..." You started, slowly standing up. "Who was it?"
"I don't know what you're-"
"Stop lying for one second and tell me!" You snapped. He blinks, his body seemed less tense as he conjured up the courage to tell you.
"You know who," He simply stated.
"At least have some courage and say her fuckin' name...you owe me that at least,"
Thomas licks his lips and looks down. Suddenly feeling brave he says her name. It felt like a curse leaving his lips.
"Lizzie Stark,"
You nod bitterly, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I’m packing my shit and I’m leaving…tonight,” You told him, turning back around to pack whatever little you had left into a trunk. He watched as you then went into your children's room to wake them up and help them pack a small bag, fetching some maids to help you take them to the car as you threw whatever gifts, dresses, jewelry, other materialistic things he got for you onto the floor. Throwing your coat on as you made your way down the stairs with Frances’s help. Your children, although confused and still tired, sat in the backseat of the company car, knowing this was the last time you would have that kind of luxury. You sat in the middle as they rested their heads on your shoulders and cuddled into your sides. A single tear escaped your eye as the car began to take off down the long entry path. If only Thomas knew of the agony you felt in your heart.
Thomas stood outside, watching in somberness as you left. Without a goodbye and second glance. You and Thomas had argued before, of course but it never got this bad. It was always resolved by the morning, but he feared that this was the last time. 
He wanted to cry, scream, and yell over the fact that he really fucked up his last chance with you. He loved you more than words could say. As the car disappears into the dark distance he retreats back inside. 
"Should I assume she is coming back, sir?" Frances asked. 
"That...I am unsure, Frances..." He shook his head. 
"Please get some rest, Mr. Shelby...have some peace of mind," 
And so he did. He tried at least. He cleaned up most of your mess but as he laid in bed he held the engagement ring between his fingers. You had left it on your vanity before you took off. 
Oh how beautiful it would have looked on your finger when you got married. 
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cyberrgirlsblog · 10 months
ok so i have been working on n off of the fic i dont have a good excuse besides lazyness but im working on it know and i think this story will be a slow burn in a sense idk how many parts it will have but ill try to make a good timeline. i really wanna just rush shit so i can have them like meet agian but i feel like its important for (y/n) to go throught the motions of the story in some way along with duke but for him its from more of an outside perspective. <3
oh also im kinda use sum ai for some of the writing so just wanted to let yall know but majority of the writing is done by me
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 2 months
Hi I hope you’re well 😊 I’m here to request your thoughts on Tommy Shelby as a father. Like how many kids you’d think he would have had if he only had one love interest (no falling in love with Grace or marrying Lizzie). Or if you think he’d be a girl or boy dad (personally i’d like to think he’d be a girl dad and have a big family haha). You can make this headcanon or just simply respond to this ask however you’d like! Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 🥰
Thomas Shelby as a Father
Tommy x Fem!Reader
Trope: Wait till your father gets home Warnings: Angst, spoilers for most of the series, period-typical sexism, references to past ab-se.
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What we see of Tommy as a father is that he's distant and seemingly detached. This, I feel, is because of his trauma in losing Grace and his growing obsession with obtaining power.
We do see that Tommy is aware of his children's emotional state but seems unable to comfort his son. He goes as far as to have Arthur be the one to talk to his son about why he had to shoot his horse.
Tommy clearly cares about his children. He runs through a field of landmines to save his son, when he had almost stepped on one to purposely end his own life. Tommy goes nearly mad when he finds out Alfie Solomons was involved with the enemy that kidnapped his son. He shot Alfie for that betrayal with the intent to kill.
When Ruby became ill and he thought was all due to a curse, Tommy hunted the woman down. He went on a bloody rampage because he thought it would save her. With all of this, we know he is a loving father. But without Grace, he doesn't seem to know how to show that love.
Let's say that there is no Grace, only you, and that no sapphire is ever put around your neck.
That Thomas might be different than the one we saw parenting Charles and Ruby. I think he would want more than two children. I think he would be the sort of man who would say "one is enough," but really he wants four.
He would never raise his voice in his home without good reason. Tommy knows what its like to have a father that rules through fear and honey. He won't be kind only when he wants something. He won't make his children afraid of him.
Personally, I do see him as prime girl-dad material. Like he would have one son and three girls. Regardless of the birthing order, he calls the boy his "heir," but spoils the girls. They each have their own horse, a wardrobe of beautiful clothing, and freedom to do literally whatever they want. He has opened his briefcase to find dollies and teacups from your youngest girl's tea set before. She thought he would be lonely at work.
His girls would be the sort to follow around staff and ask them intrusive questions. Tommy would not be immune. His daughters would probably ask him questions like: "Do you not grow hair on the back of your hand daddy? Is that why it's only on top?" At least one of his daughters would have a "I'm totally a witch," phase where she's flinging curses just like he used to. Only with her, it's cute because she's only nine.
The only son of Thomas Shelby would be safely tucked under his wing. At your imploring, he would take your boy on long car rides or out into town without his sisters to bond. The boy has a lot of pressure on him to succeed, Tommy doesn't always sympathize with that.
All four of his children would be little hellions. He would be dragged to see their school's headmaster on a near weekly basis. To the point where he isn't always sure which of his kids is in trouble sometimes. He just drops a donation to the school and the problem goes away. That's not to say your children are bratty or terribly spoiled. Well, they are, but not unbearably so...
Tommy makes sure his children understand where he came from. He brings them all to the Cut to watch the ships come through. Loves to leave them at Charlie's yard for an afternoon of mischief and bonding time with "Grandpa Charlie." They also get dropped off at Aunt Polly's home for weekends every now and again. The girls always come back with a new swear word.
They are new money, not old money. There are those who will look down upon them based on this alone. He makes sure his children are educated and well-rounded individuals. Tommy often worries about the state of the Shelby Empire after he dies. You remind him that he "isn't allowed to die," before you say so.
Tommy is still more distant than you would like him to be. He's so focused on his goals, it's like he forgets all about Arrow House and the family that lives there. The oldest two girls have said as much to his face once before. He took the family on holiday after that. You knew he would go right back to long nights in the office, but it was still sweet.
Life with him is hardly perfect, but it's closer to it than you could have with anybody else. And that's enough.
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acewritesfics · 1 month
The Clap | Tommy Shelby 
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader 
Request: No.
Warnings: Swearing. False accusations. People spreading rumours. For the sake of the fic there is some slight Lizzy bashing.
Word Count: 1,325
Tommy Shelby Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Tommy sat enraged as he watches Y/N sitting at a table in the centre of the restaurant, laughing and smiling while having dinner with a man he's never met before. He is having a dinner meeting with a potential ally in an up and coming business deal and couldn't afford for anything to go wrong. But through out the meal he couldn't take his eyes off Y/N. He hasn't seen her since before she left Small Heath a month ago. She looks absolutely beautiful in the royal blue silk and beaded dress she's wearing. It's the same dress she wore when he first took her to the races. It looked so good on her that he spent a majority of the day watching her instead of the horses.  
To say he is jealous of the man in her company would be the understatement of the century. He didn't often get jealous and when he did, he could hide it in his stoic expression and thinly veiled threats. But he couldn't deny his jealousy in this moment. He was jealous that it is no longer him sitting across from her, making her laugh and smile. He was jealous that it wouldn't be him taking her home tonight. 
Before he can stop himself, he's excusing himself from the table, ignoring the confused looks the potential ally was directing towards him, and walked over to the table Y/N was sat at with her date. Her look of shock didn't deter him either. "You don't want this one, mate." 
"Tommy!" she gasps, her eyes filled with confusion, anger and bewilderment.  
"And why's that?" the man replies standing up from his seat, not thinking about who he is standing up to. He's a good few inches taller than Tommy but the Shelby man isn't the slightest bit intimidated. He's dealt with taller and meaner looking blokes than Harold before.  
"She's beautiful to look at, but that's as far as it goes, trust me," Tommy's eyes dart towards her, taking in how beautiful she looks even when she looks like she's about to kill him, before looking back at the man in front of him. "Because she has the clap."  
Y/N's eyes grow wide with shock and rage as the patrons around them start to murmur to each other. Her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as angry tears build up in her eyes. 
"Fuck you, Thomas Shelby!" Y/N shouts at him and storms away from her date and the Peaky Blinder. She walks as hastily as she can away from the restaurant wanting to get as far away from Tommy and the embarrassment she is now feeling.  
But God wasn't on her side tonight because Tommy quickly caught up with the angry woman. "Y/N, wait!"  
"I've had enough of your shit, Thomas!" she growls as she continues walking, "I never want to see or speak to you again!" 
Tommy stops her by grabbing her arm and turning her to face him, his face remaining calm but she could see the agitation in his eyes. He wasn't going to let whatever was bothering him alone. She's going to hear about it, whether she wants to or not. 
"You end our relationship so you can go on dates with other men?" Tommy glares at his former love. 
She glares back, not believing what he was saying. This wasn't like Tommy at all. He's making a fool out of himself as people found what's going on between them more entertaining than what they were doing.  
"You're the one who ended our relationship when you went and fucked Lizzie Stark," she says smacking him in the chest with her handbag, when he wouldn't let go of her arm. "I told you Thomas, the one thing I won't tolerate is you fucking cheating on me!" 
Y/N was born to two parents who didn't love each other. They'd been forced to marry because of an unexpected pregnancy but neither of her parents wanted to end it officially. She watched many women as well as men come into her home as both parents had their fair share of affairs. Y/N didn't want to end up like them, she refused proposals from decent men because she was afraid of becoming her mother and marrying someone like her father. But from the moment she met Thomas Shelby, everything shifted. She fell head over heels for the intelligent and dashing but sometimes stupid Birmingham gangster. She opened up to him more than she did with anyone else. It was the same for him. The two found solace within each other as well as a peace that they never found before.  
And then it all ended a month ago, when she heard rumours that Tommy had spent a few hours in the company of the local whore, Lizzie Stark. When Y/N went to confront Lizzie, the tall woman gave her a triumphant look proud that she had come between Birmingham's most powerful couple. Unable to confront Tommy, her heart too shattered and broken, she went to stay with her sister out in the country for two weeks. It would have been longer but she longed to be back in Small Heath for reasons unknown to her, whether it was with or without Tommy. 
"I never fucked Lizzie fucking Stark!" Tommy yells at her after she manages to yank her arm out of his grip. "You are the only one who I have been with since we got together. I would never do that to you because I love you too much." 
"Then why is every body talking about it?" she yells back at him. "Now they're going to be talking about me having the fucking clap, thanks to you." 
"I'll let every body know it isn't true because it's not," he tells her. "You don't have the clap and I never slept with Lizzie. I went to ask her if she had a client by the name of Andrew Jenkins, that's all. I was with her no longer than a minute."  
She looks into his eyes, seeing no trace of a lie. Despite who he was, Tommy had never lied to her about his feelings or what he's done. "It's been a month, why didn't you say something?"  
"Because I'm a fool," he tells her. "and got inside me own head. Told myself this was your chance to find someone better, someone who doesn't have blood on his hands and someone who can bring you more happiness than heart ache." 
She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I shouldn't have listened to a bunch of rumours and believed Lizzie over you," She apologises. It was her fault they broke up. She should have faced Tommy instead of running away. "I should have stayed, spoken with you and listened." 
"I shouldn't have let you walk away," he begins to apologise also. "I am sorry for saying you have the clap, but I am not sorry for interrupting your dinner," he continues, moving his hands to her hips and pulling her close. "I'm a selfish man. I get what I want and what I want is you. It's always going to be you." 
"I only went on a date with him to shut my sister up," she admits. Her sister was happy when Y/N told her that her and Tommy were no longer together. She didn't wait a day before she was setting Y/N up with one of her friend's brothers. "All the dates I've been on have been to keep her quiet. They have taught me one thing, though." 
"Yeah? What's that, eh?" Tommy asks, cupping her face, his thumb stroking her cheek.  
"No other man could ever compare to you, Mr Shelby," she smiles softly looking into his intense blue eyes. 
"I'm one of a kind, love," he returns her smile, looking back into her eyes as he brings her into a kiss, expressing how much he loves her and missed her. 
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babybluebex · 11 months
rememories | tommy shelby x fem!reader
summary: the lee family trashed your betting room, including your most prized possessions, and tommy does everything in his power to soothe you and right the wrongs that the rival gang caused. pairing: tommy shelby (peaky blinders) x fem!reader tags: s1!tommy, tommy being a sweetheart, your daughter's name is thomasine (thanks @lost-in-sokovia for that one), no real warnings for this other than like angst? brief emotional distress? idk author's note: it's come to this lol. i'll be fixing my cillian masterlist later and reblogging it, so y'all can read all of my old tommy fics (and a few other cillian characters lmao) but i hope you enjoy this one!
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The backroom was in total disrepair. Chairs were tipped over, things were thrown from tables, coins scattered everywhere and marks of bludgeonings on the walls. The poor little room was merely a shell of itself, its personality and life battered away. You could still hear your husband’s jaded laughter as he made fun of John for wanting to marry Lizzie Stark, but mere minutes ago now seemed like a lifetime away.
Scudboat sat as Arthur poured him whisky, and he explained how the Lees, “the whole lot of ‘em”, came in and destroyed the betting backroom. He was ambushed, he said, or he would have done a better job defending it. You held Tommy’s hands as fear made your own shake, and your husband sighed. “Find what can be salvaged,” he said, narrowly missing John’s angry fit as he kicked a box over. “Anything is better than nothing.”
“This is terrible,” you sniffled, and Tommy extracted his handkerchief for you. It was one that you had bought for him right after you had gotten married and just before he went to war, and you were always amazed that the silky cloth made it as far as it did. You dabbed at your eyes, scowling at your dark makeup that came off, and your heart beat fiercely against your ribcage for a moment. “The children. Was Finn here for this, Scudboat? Or Thomasine?”
“Nah,” he said. “Finn was off in town; Thomasine ain’t come home from school yet.”
“Oh, Tommy, they can’t see the house like this!” you whimpered and clutched your husband’s arm. “It’ll upset Thomasine too much. I’ll fetch her from school and keep her away from the house for a while until this is mostly fixed.”
Tommy nodded wordlessly in agreement, and he began to take off his cap, but he quickly stopped. He was fixated on something on the floor at his feet, and you looked down to match his gaze, only to be greeted with the big leather book that held your most prized possessions: your photographs. You kept the album in the betting room because it was always filled with people, witnesses in case something happened, and, really, who would want to ruin Tommy Shelby’s wife’s photographs?
Your knees crunched on glass as you lowered yourself to the album, and you took it in your shaking hands. The dark green leather was stained black with spilled ink and oil, obscuring your gold-foiled name on the spine, and you opened the book with a creak of the old pages. You didn’t want to have to assess the damage, but the first page already had you weeping pathetically again. The first photograph, the first one ever taken of you and Tommy, sitting and laughing together as Ada tried out her new camera, years and years ago at fifteen and thirteen. It was gone. The page was yellowed all around where the photograph should be, but the picture itself was gone. You wanted to throw the book across the room and scream; you weren’t concerned with material things, many girls from Small Heath were the same way, but those photographs were your pride and joy. The next page was a formal picture taken of Tommy wearing his Army uniform, his lanky seventeen-year-old build a little too small for the uniform that he would grow into. The corner of the photograph was torn but, thankfully, mostly intact.
The third page made you press the book to your chest. Your wedding photographs. You and Tommy had gotten married quickly, two days before he had to go to France, and, in your haste, you hadn’t been able to afford much. You could only afford a single copy of each photograph: one of you in your Sunday best that was your wedding dress, one of Tommy in his uniform, and one of you together. All three photographs were torn to shreds, settled in the spine of the book, waiting for you to find them. Those wedding photographs were the most important thing in the world to you, and now they were gone. Not even pasting glue could fix it. “Tom!” you sobbed, pressing the back of your wrist to your mouth. “O-Our wedding photographs! Th-They’re all ripped up!”
Your husband’s attention went from Scudboat to you, and he walked over to you and knelt down next to you. He took the small bits of photographs in his fingers, examining them intently, and he sighed heavily. “Fuck, love,” he whispered, and your sobs grew heavy. If Tommy was resigned to fate, then there was no chance of them being fixed. “I’m sorry.”
“We-We don’t have any extras, do we?” you stuttered. Your mouth felt dry as your fingers tried to match the ripped edges of photographs up, but they were too far gone. “Tom, d-do we have any others? Th-These aren’t the only ones we have, right?”
Tommy sat down next to you and put an arm around you, and he watched you frantically sob for just a second more before he used his strength to pull you into his chest. The photo album fell out of your hands, and you clutched your husband as you wailed in sorrow. Your wedding photos were gone.
“Mummy?” you heard a little voice call from the doorway, and you turned to see your wee daughter, Miss Thomasine Sophia Shelby, standing at the door. She was holding her school books in her arms, the pink ribbon in her hair coming loose. Thomasine was born just after Tommy come home from France, five years ago, and she looked like a Shelby, dark hair and bright eyes, but she had her father’s smile. “Mummy, why’re you crying?”
You sniffled and wiped at your eyes, not caring that you streaked your makeup to hell and back, and you mumbled, “People came into the house, did us over. I-I’m just sad, that’s all.” You didn’t want to worry your daughter with the real reason why you were so upset, because, truly, you felt silly for being so distraught at fucking photographs. It felt ridiculous for you, as a grown woman, a mother, to be crying over photographs.
Thomasine ran to you and sat her small body in your lap, and she wrapped her small arms around you. “Don’t be sad,” Thomasine told you, and you laughed humorlessly. “It’s okay, Mummy.”
You sniffled and soothed your hand down Thomasine’s hair— the ends of her long hair were turning a little ginger, just the same as her father’s tended to do in the sun— and you kissed her forehead. “Thank you, love,” you whispered. “Hug your father, he’s sad too.”
Thomasine crawled out of your lap and into Tommy’s, and Thomasine started to suck her thumb as Tommy stood up and settled his daughter firmly on his hip. He offered you a hand to stand up, and you sniffled as you gathered the soiled photo album up in your grip and stood up on your own. “If you find any of ‘em,” Tommy called to the room, and he gestured to the album in your arms. “Bring ‘em to her, don’t waste time. Yeah?”
You hardly slept that night. After securing the house and making sure that there wasn’t any other part of it that the Lees had touched, you had tried to go about your life normally, but it was difficult to pretend like you didn’t know that, at any time, rivals could enter your home and slaughter every last one of you. You put Thomasine to bed after dinner, and your girl fell asleep quickly, but you yourself were awake for hours. Tommy had taken your photo album and put it away in his wardrobe; “If you keep it, you’ll fret over it forever.” He was right, of course, because, when the sun came up, you had tugged it out and was trying to sort through the scraps of photographs on your bedroom floor. The room was cold and part of you wished that you could be in bed, holding your husband close, but you needed to do it for yourself. You had managed to salvage a single photograph by the time Tommy was blinking himself awake, and you sniffled as you beckoned him over. “Tommy, look!” you exclaimed. “I-It’s Thomasine!”
“Jesus, woman,” Tommy sighed groggily. “Have you been at this all night?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed. “Her baby picture, look!”
Tommy reached down for you and he took your hand, and he helped you stand up, his hands going to hold your cheeks. “I know you’re having a hard time with this,” he whispered. “But obsessing over it is only going to make it worse. They’re as good as gone, darling.”
“B-But—” you sniffled, and Tommy shook his head.
“You have to let it go,” He told you firmly. “Come back to bed, you don’t have to be awake for hours.”
“Oh, Tommy,” you sighed, shuffling back up to bed. Your joints hurt from sitting on the floor practically all night, and your vision watered up as you watched Tommy gather up the album and photograph scraps and set them back in his wardrobe. “What am I going to do? All of my favorite memories are lost.”
“You still have the memories in your head, love,” Tommy told you, sitting next to you. You leaned into him and pressed your cheek to his warm chest, and you sniffled as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“I just…” you mumbled. “Our wedding pictures is the thing I’m most upset about. We were so young, and that was before everything went to shit, and we were so happy…”
“We’re still happy,” Tommy assured you. “We’re happier now, because we have Thomasine. We’re a complete family now.”
“You know what I mean,” you said. “We were poor kids, and-and looking at those pictures gave me hope that you’d come home when you were in France. They were my lifeline for a long time, and to have them ruined like this…”
Tommy’s lips formed into a thin line, and he rubbed your back comfortingly as you finally laid down and tried to settle into sleep. Your sleep was thin, hardly even deep enough to call proper sleep, but you finally woke up and got out of bed when you heard shouting down in the bottom of the house. You were used to that, but you still felt like you ought to make sure everything was alright, so you pulled yourself from bed and went about groggily getting ready for the day, slipping on a dress and spraying on perfume before descending the stairs.
The noise seemed to be coming from the back room, the ruined betting room, and you carefully pushed back the plush curtains and opened the doors to see a sight. Your eyes first landed on your husband, dressed in his old uniform. It certainly looked too small for him, tugging a little at his chest, but you clenched your teeth together at the sight. How long has it been since you saw him in the pea-soup-green uniform? Five years, at least. “Tommy,” you said softly. You couldn’t help yourself from stepping closer to him as his head snapped to look at you, and his hard gaze softened in the way it always did when he saw you. He never subjected you to his steely gaze, and, whenever you saw it, it always reminded you of what a feared man he was.
“Fuck, love, what’re you doing down here?” Tommy asked. “You’re supposed to be asleep still.”
“Heard shouting,” you said softly. The other men were bustling around the room as you smoothed your hands up Tommy’s chest, and your eyes went all watery again. “This isn’t happening, please, no.”
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked. “Talk to me, darling, what’s the matter?”
“How long have you known?” you asked, sniffling. “Leaving us like this, how could you?”
“The uniform, Tommy!” you cried. “You’re being called to the war again, why else would you have this shit on?”
Tommy grabbed your cheeks and kissed your forehead, and he angled your head to the side. Arthur stood there, behind a massive camera, angled at a blank space on the wall, and your breath caught in your throat. “What is this?” you asked.
“I’m not being called back,” Tommy explained. “I got to thinking about our wedding pictures, and I went to see the photographer who made them. He said the film was too old and that they couldn’t make you new copies, so the next best thing was to retake them.”
“Oh?” you asked. You sniffled and wiped your nose, and you gently reached out to touch the camera. “We… We’re retaking our wedding pictures?”
“With a few adjustments,” Tommy said. “Back then, I couldn’t afford to even get you so much as a bouquet, but now… Well, I took your measurements to a dress shop, and even though the dress was pre-made and only adjusted to you…”
“Tommy?” you whimpered.
“I got you a wedding dress, love,” Tommy told you. “Better than the flour-bag Sunday best that you had on.”
You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands, and you sobbed once before flying to your husband and crushing him in a hug. “Oh, Tommy!” you cried. “Thank you! Can I see it?”
“Pol’s got it in the kitchen,” Tommy told you. “Go put it on, why don’t you let me see it?”
The dress was beautiful. Eggshell-colored silk that fell below your knees with long sleeves and deep neckline, very fashionable and pretty, and it fit you like a glove as Polly helped you into it. She primped you a little, fixing your hair and patting red rouge onto your lips, and she upturned a vase next to the stove and handed you the bouquet of wildflowers that Thomasine had picked a few days earlier. You felt timid and almost nervous as Polly escorted you back to the betting room, and you cleared your throat once you passed the threshold, afraid that, if you spoke, your voice would give up on you.
Tommy looked to you in an instant, and he gave you a small smile as he stepped towards you. “Aren’t you a sight?” he said in his rumbling timbre, putting his hands on your hips, and he kissed your lips for a moment before he added, “Thomasine might get a brother before the day’s over, if you keep looking that beautiful.”
“Oh, shut up,” you giggled, and he steered you in front of the camera as you smoothed down your dress. You were suddenly nervous, and you clutched Tommy’s hand as Arthur cranked the camera, preparing it to go off. “Tom?”
“M’right here, pet,” Tommy said, squeezing your hand. “Just smile; everything will be fine.”
By the time night fell, you had a whole slew of new film, new pictures to replace the ruined ones. Recreations of your wedding pictures, an updated picture of a smiling Thomasine, even one of Tommy kissing you when the camera went off on accident. Thomasine was tangled in your skirts then, gazing up at her daddy, and you looked at the film as you sat by the fire that night, smiling and admiring it. That was your favorite memory; you, your husband, and your daughter, smiling, laughing, loving. It was perfect.
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xoxoavenger · 6 months
I Can't Imagine
pairing: Michael Gray x Fem!Reader
summary: Michael and Y/N have a fight, one that seems like the most important thing until the Shelbys are served a black hand.
word count: 4549
warnings: canon typical injuries, canon typical gang violence, major character death (cannon, not michael or reader)
12 Days of Christmas main masterlist
"3-5-5 Small Heath," Y/N said into the telephone, playing with the ring on her left hand. Michael had proposed not even a week ago, she had moved in not even a week ago, and yet he had only been home when she was going to sleep about two times. It made Y/N livid, and she wasn't going to stand for it. It was almost Christmas, for Christ's sake.
"Shelby Company Limited," Michael answered, and Y/N sighed.
"Mr. Gray," Y/N spoke, listening to Michael's quick intake of breath.
"Y/N," He greeted back, his voice static over the phone. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He asked, obviously pulling out the pocket watch and looking at the time.
"Aren't you supposed to be home?" She shot back, leaning against the desk he had at home.
"I'll be there soon. I promise." His words made Y/N want to scream, because she knew she wouldn't see him until the morning.
"Why don't you tell Tommy Shelby that your wife wants you home." She spoke angrily, closing her eyes in annoyance.
"You aren't my wife." Michael shot back quickly, making Y/N take in a sharp breath. She thought about saying something snarky back, thought about going to the office in Japanese silk - and idea she had overheard Polly and Esme talking about.
Instead she angrily hung up the phone on Michael's quick apologies.
She hadn't fallen asleep but when she heard the door downstairs shut, she closed her eyes and pretended. She heard Michael come into the bedroom, heard his sigh as he took off his jacket and shoes, the clink of metal from his cuff links, the ruffle of cotton as he took off his shirt and then pants, leaving him only in his undershirt. He walked to the bed, gently laying down on his side before he put an arm around Y/N and pulling her close. She didn't snuggle closer like she would have normally, but instead stayed rigid and faced away from him.
"I know you're awake." Michael muttered into her shoulder, kissing the bare skin her night gown provided.
"Do you not understand why I would pretend?" She whispered, trying to ignore the flutter in her heart as he moved closer to her body, the hand that was around her waist feeling around to grab her hand.
"No," Michael's voice was soft and quiet, much different than it had been over the phone.
"Liar." She let go of his hand and rolled away slightly, onto her stomach, making it harder for him to cuddle her.
"Y/N," Michael said, leaning up in bed. Y/N closed her eyes, as if she could fool him now. "Y/N, please. I don't want to go to bed while we're fighting." He reached out for her again, and she pushed him off.
"We can stop fighting when you come home at a reasonable time." She told him, still not facing him.
"I'm doing important work." Michael said as he rolled onto his back.
"For Tommy Shelby? The man who put you on a noose?" She finally moved to her side to face him, barely able to see him in the dull light.
"He's the one who got me off the noose." Michael fired back, making her roll her eyes.
"You wouldn't have been on the noose if it weren't for Tommy!" She was yelling now, and Michael sat up. They had fought before, sure, but she never brought up the time he had almost died. It seemed she was saving it for a rainy day.
"We wouldn't have met if I didn't work for him." It was true; Y/N and Lizzie had worked together, so when Thomas had brought Michael around for some fun Y/N was the one who gave it to him. Michael quickly became a regular, and soon she was payed handsomely and told that she wouldn't need to see anyone else - it wasn't long before her and Michael were official and she learned the Shelby ways.
"Well, what would I know? I'm not your wife, after all." She turned over silently, closing her eyes for the final time that night.
She woke up when Michael had gotten out of bed, kissing her forehead as he stood up and then again when he left. She wasn't going back to sleep, so after she knew he was gone she got up and got ready herself. She did a couple chores around the house that the maid didn't do, like cleaning Michael's office and their room. It had been quite awhile when she collected the mail. She went through it, not opening much because it was for Michael. She did pause on the last one, which was sent from New York. America.
"What the hell?" Y/N muttered, putting the other mail down and going into Michael's office for the letter cutter. She opened a couple drawers before she found it, rummaging around and almost cutting her finger on it. She opened the envelope to a card, the content of which was a black hand.
What was that supposed to mean?
She shoved the card back into the envelope, heart racing. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.
She grabbed the telephone, pressing the small button twice before she was connected.
"3-5-5 Small Heath," Y/N waited to be connected, leaning on the desk and looking at the envelope once more. She didn't fully recognize the name, even if it did seem familiar, but she had never been to America, so she didn't know where it was anyway.
"Hello," Well that was not Michael.
"Tommy Shelby," Y/N said with malice. She hated Tommy for what he did to Michael, to his own flesh and blood. He was a slimy man, and Y/N refused to put up with him.
"Y/N," Tommy greeted her back, and Y/N just sighed.
"Where's Michael?" She asked before he could say anything else. She didn't want to listen to the leader of the Shelby clan; in fact, she would rather never think of the man again.
"He's on his way to Polly's right now. Had to give him a couple pointers on how to get her back to being Poll." Y/N sighed - she knew that Michael's mum wasn't doing well; her time in prison and in the noose had effected her badly, and Y/N and Michael went to visit her at least once a week. She was surprised that Michael went without her this time, especially because he hadn't even told her.
"Did you tell him to go see her? Because you can't fix problems on your own?" She wondered, brows furrowed and her face hurting from it's frown.
"This problem is better suited for Michael." Tommy told her, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Well, it is a problem that you created, furthering my point." Y/N shot back, trying to keep herself from crinkling the envelope in her hand.
"Did you need something?" Tommy asked through a sigh. Y/N took a deep breath - they were practically family now, and Michael respected him. Although she would never respect Thomas Shelby, she would try to act civil.
"I just got a letter in the mail. From America." The line was silent, and she thought it was disconnected for a second until she heard Thomas breathing. "It's from an Italian name. The card was just a black hand." She told him. She hadn't even finished talking before Tommy was swearing.
"Pack a bag and bring some stuff for Michael. We all need to be in Small Heath." He told her, which made her even more pissed.
"We got this house so that we wouldn't have to live in Small Heath." She hoped Tommy could hear her annoyance, could hear her wanting to punch him multiple times.
"I know, but this is the Mafia. The Changretta's are coming after us." He told her quickly, and she heard rustling paper on the other line. Y/N's eyes widened. She didn't work for the Shelby Company Limited, but Michael practically told her everything that Polly, Lizzie and Esme didn't. She knew that Arthur had killed Mr. Changretta, the name she now recognized on the envelope, and she knew that the Mafia was bad news.
"Fuck," She whispered, staring at the envelope. The envelope that was addressed to their house. "They know where we live," She thought aloud, everything coming crashing down.
"Yes, which is why we need to get to Small Heath."
"Well then," Y/N sighed, setting the envelope down. "Guess we'll all be together for Christmas after all, Tommy."
"I'll be back soon, I promise. I have to go get John." Michael told her as they put their bags into one of the upstairs rooms.
"I'm coming with you," Y/N told him. By now it was early in the morning, the sun rising on Christmas. They hadn't slept, both of them worried about the anvil that seemed to loom over the Shelbys.
"No, Y/N, you aren't. If John was served a black hand they know where he lives too, and I don't want you to get hurt." Michael told her, taking his gun out of the holster, checking it, and putting it back in.
"Well, I don't want you getting hurt." Y/N fired back, raising her chin as they stared down at each other. Michael knew he didn't have time for this, so the best he could do was hope the mafia hadn't gotten to John's yet.
"Fine. But you stay next to me at all times and do exactly as I say alright?" He agreed, opening the door of the room for her before leading her down the stairs and out of the house, right to their car.
"Of course, Michael." She smiled as he helped her in, sliding all the way to the passenger side. "I know you can protect me." She put a hand on his thigh as he started the car and watched as his face heated with blush. He turned to kiss her quickly before pulling out onto the road.
"So," Michael started as he began driving out of the small town. Y/N turned to look at him. "I didn't mean what I said on the phone the other night." Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned against her door, sighing. Part of her wanted to forget about their fight.
"I don't believe that." She said quietly, waiting for him to either shut up or lash out.
"I wouldn't have asked you to move in if I didn't feel that way." He told her sincerely, turning out into the country roads. "I wouldn't have proposed if I didn't want you to be my wife."
"It still hurts! I was just asking for you to be home and you decided to use my feelings against me." She shot back, heart racing. She didn't like fighting with Michael, but she also didn't like when he treated her like that.
"Your feelings? I was speaking the truth." Michael told her, and she shook her head, looking out the window.
"You clearly do not understand, so let's talk about it later." She told him, effectively ending the fight. They were almost to John's house anyway. They were even on his road when a slow horse pulling hay practically stopped them.
"Come on!" Michael shouted, hitting the steering wheel. It was obvious he was stressed, and Y/N hoped she was hiding her own emotions. John had kids and a wife, he had a family. She hoped he was fine. "Move!" Michael shouted, causing her to jump slightly as he hit the horn. The man with the hay eventually did move, and Michael quickly swerved around the trailer, making his way all the way to John's.
Once they pulled in behind John's car, Y/N went to open her door. "Stay in the car." Michael told her, hopping out.
"No! I'm not leaving your side, remember," She was still pissed, so even if she had made an opposite promise she wouldn't have stayed in the car. She practically had to jog to keep up with Michael, resisting the urge to grab his arm as they walked through the driveway. The two walked around the side, going through the gate before they heard a shotgun reloading.
"Oh, fuck, it's you two." John said as he came out of his small hiding hole, putting down his gun. "Got nothing better to do on Christmas morning?" John asked, looking down at them. Michael grabbed Y/N's hand, holding it tightly. She let it happen, because she needed some strength to get back to Small Heath.
"Tommy wants everybody at Charlie's yard now. Come on," Michael dipped his head toward the cars, speaking quickly to show his urgency.
"Get in. Get in!" John yelled at the dogs, who walked back through the door right as John shut it. He jumped down from the ledge, leading Y/N and Michael to the front of the house. "Nice to see you, Y/N." John tipped his head to her as they walked, and Y/N just smiled. She hadn't seen the Shelby brothers since Thomas had sent them to the gallows, and she had to say that she regretted it. John had always been nice to her, even if they didn't talk much.
"Is Esme here?" Y/N asked, knowing it was a stupid question. Even if Esme hadn't been one of Y/N's closest friends, it was Christmas Day. Of course Esme was at home.
"Of course she is. It's fucking Christmas Day. What does Tommy want, a fucking family reunion?" John asked, turning onto the patio.
"Look, John, we don't have time for this." Michael said, clearly getting more and more stressed just by being there.
"Alright, come into the house," John spoke just as Michael was finishing, "Just come to the meeting."
"Come on, John," Y/N begged as they walked up to the door.
"Have some food." John continued to ignore them, opening the door. Just as he did, Esme came running out. Instead of going toward Y/N like they all thought she would, she walked straight up to Michael.
"Tell Tommy Shelby we can look after ourselves." She seethed, making Y/N sigh.
"Tommy says they could come for us today." Michael spoke, but Esme was taunting him before he had even finished.
"'Tommy says, Tommy says'. Are you his fucking parrot?" She yelled. Y/N grabbed her arm, turning her toward herself.
"It's the Mafia, Esme! The New York fucking Mafia!" She watched Esme just shake her head, and Y/N's heart sunk. She had to get through to them.
"And we're the Peaky fucking Blinders." John said, gun still slung over his shoulder.
"No, we're not, John. We're not the Peaky fucking Blinders unless we're together." Michael told them, obviously losing his patience.
"You were together on the gallows, with one man missing." Esme turned back to Michael, getting into his face in rage.
"Esme, I know you're upset because trust me, I am too. But in the city we have more protection, more people. We can't risk death just because of a stupid man like Tommy." Y/N tried, but Esme wasn't listening. "Just come to the meeting, at least. Think about the kids." Y/N took her hand from Michael and put it on Esme's shoulder now, and everyone turned slightly at a slight noiseto see the hay horse that Michael had passed on the way passing by the house.
"If you want to leave after, that's fine. Just come with us." Michael begged, and Esme turned her head back.
"No. It's Christmas Day. We're the family now. We're staying at home." She got closer to Michael and Y/N pushed her back slightly, not wanting a fight to break out.
"Get in the fucking house!" John shouted as he loaded his gun. Y/N looked over to see men jumping out of the hay, guns firing. Esme began to run, grabbing Y/N and forcing her to follow into the house. She heard the deafening gunshots, and her heart began to pump faster.
"Michael!" She yelled, reaching out for him. He pushed her away, and Y/N stumbled as Esme dragged her. She couldn't catch herself in time, her knees hitting the concrete just before her her head smacked. She hit hard, jarring her. She could hear the guns and screaming and she knew Esme was now yelling at her, pulling her further toward the house by her under arms. She blinked quickly, trying to regain her senses. Her jaw, cheekbone and eye socket screamed in pain, and she groaned as Esme let her fall. She turned to sit up, head rolling as she took in the scene in front of her. Esme was screaming, holding John close to her. She felt her heart race as she realized there was blood staining John's white shirt. She looked over to see Michael, on the ground.
Y/N's heart plummeted.
"Michael," She groaned, pushing herself to stand. Esme's screams were piercing, and Y/N could barely focus. Everything was blurry, and she wasn't sure if it was because of her head or the fact that she was sobbing uncontrollably. She could barely see as she stumbled around, falling to her knees when she was close enough to Michael. The pain shot all the way up her legs and down to her toes, and she felt bile rise in her throat as a surge of pain when through her head.
"Call someone! John!" Esme screamed as Y/N reached for Michael. She used her might to pull him over, trying to figure out how much he was shot.
"Oh God," Y/N retched, turning her head to throw up. Blackness was consuming her, and her head become fuzzy as she fell right next to Michael, still trying to grab him. He shakily grabbed her hand as she dropped her head to his shoulder, feeling him move around in pain.
"Y/N," He groaned. She lifted her head, realizing her face was now wet from tears.
"Michael, oh my," Y/N's throat was tight, her breath was heaving in and out. More bile was rising to her throat from the pain and the horror of seeing the Shelbys being shot. She turned again, letting go of his hand and throwing up. It felt like her heart had just stopped beating, that her insides had knotted together and her throat was swelling. The right side of her face throbbed, and she just wanted to go home.
One of the kids must have heard Esme, because soon enough an ambulance was pulling into the front yard.
"Help!" Esme screamed, and Y/N turned her head to see four men get out of the ambulance. Two went to John, and two came to Michael.
"Please move so we can help him, miss." A man said, gently pushing her back. When she looked up at him, his eyes widened. Y/N wasn't sure why he was looking at her like that, so she moved back to Michael's side. He was breathing still, but it was pained and his eyes were closed.
"He's gone," Another man said as he came up to Y/N and Michael. Esme's screams were louder, and Y/N felt her heart sink; John was dead.
"We need to get these two to a hospital." The first man said, nodding toward the car. The two men who had been looking at John first left, and Y/N turned to see them going to the car to grab out a stretcher.
"Is he gonna be alright?" Y/N asked, tears in her eyes. She didn't want to lose Michael. She didn't want to be left alone.
Oh God, and they had just fought, too.
"We'll try our best." The man nodded. Y/N tried to calm her breathing, because it was hurting her face, but she couldn't.
The men came out with a stretcher, helping Michael onto it. He groaned out, and Y/N winced they picked him up and took him into the car.
"Why don't you come with us, miss? We need to check out your head." A man held his arm out to her. Y/N looked over to see the other man talking to Esme, who was still screaming and crying.
"My head?" She asked as she grabbed the man's arm. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion - she could only see flashes, like one second she was on the patio and the next she was in the front of the ambulance. The man was asking questions, but Y/N wasn't answering. She could barely hear his words. When she went to lay against the door, her head so fuzzy her eyes were closing, she was instantly brought back to the present. Pain surged all the way across her face, practically rattling her teeth. She jarred awake, blinking quickly.
"Are you alright?" The man driving asked, and Y/N sat up, looking around. They were at the hospital in Small Heath, and she jumped out when they stopped. She stumbled, however, falling to the ground and scraping her hands, her knees crying out. She let out a gasp in pain, about to get up when someone grabbed her and helped her up.
Thomas Shelby.
"You," Y/N seethed, seeing red as he looked at her.
"Y/N, what happened?" Tommy asked. This was one of the only times Y/N had ever seen Tommy afraid, and it made her even more mad.
"What happened?" She repeated, grabbing his biceps as he pulled her up. "What happened was you, Thomas Shelby! What happened was you can never inflate your own ego enough!" She screamed, tears falling out of her eyes as she hit him. She clawed at his face, smacking his chest with open hands and fists. She was angry and upset and tired and hurt and she was taking it all out on him.
"Y/N, please," He begged, grabbing her arms. They were locked like that when the men pulled Michael out, who was groaning in pain, eyes squeezed shut.
"Michael," Y/N muttered going to her fiancé. Tommy grabbed her however, which caused her to hit his arm in an attempt to make him let go. His grip was unwavering, and when he pulled her into him she realized she was screaming, face pressed against his suit. When she finally stopped screaming, her head pressed against Tommy's chest as he cradled her head, she heard Esme's horrified cries.
"No," Tommy said, his grip tightening on Y/N as he realized why Esme was screaming. "No, please," He was begging, and all Y/N could do was cry and lash out.
"He's dead!" She cried as she pushed Tommy away, her head spinning as he let go of her, numb. "And now Michael," Her voice was breathy and she was stumbling, not able to hold herself up.
"They're going to take care of Michael," Tommy promised, shooting a hand out to steady her as she began to fall to the ground. "Are you alright?" He asked, but then she began to lose her balance even more, bringing him down on the muddy ground with her.
"I need to see Michael." She said her breathing getting more labored. Tommy helped her lean against him so her head didn't hit the mud, using the opportunity to examine her bruise.
"He's going to be okay. We need to get you in, your face," He trailed off, not sure how to describe it. Her jaw and cheekbone were swollen, and although she probably hadn't noticed her eye was also almost swollen shut.
"Michael," She breathed, and Tommy's thoughts jumped to the fact that if he were to marry again, this would be the kind of girl he didn't want; one who didn't even care that half her face was smashed in because he was shot.
"Y/N, come on," Tommy tried to pull her up, but she was practically dead weight.
"Fuck you, Tommy." She muttered out, grabbing his jacket. She was shaking, and Tommy was worried about her. "Fuck you." Her eyes were closing, her grip loosening.
"I need help!" Tommy yelled, watching a couple men come out of the building.
"I hate you, Thomas!" Her voice croaked. It wasn't louder than her breathing, and her voice was cracking.
"How did you hit your head?" He asked, moving her hair out of her face and using the hand on the back of her neck to move her head and see the extent of her bruise.
"Get the fuck off me!" She hit him, but it was more of a tap. "Let go of me," She rolled over and onto the mud, coughing as if she were going to throw up. It took Tommy a couple seconds too long to realize she really was dry heaving. The two men had come over to her, grabbing her arms and picking her up to take her into the hospital.
"Make sure she gets the bed next to Michael Gray." Tommy said as he got up, pretending like he hadn't noticed the mud caked into his pants.
"Thomas Shelby is a coward!" Y/N yelled weakly as she was carried in. "He's a coward and he will do anything for his own gain. Even kill his own family!" And he hated to admit to himself that it was true.
"Why aren't you laying with me?" Y/N woke up to Michael's voice behind her. She had been laying towards the wall, because she didn't like sleeping on her back and she couldn't put pressure on the right side of her face. She sat up to turn, and she knew when Michael as realized the bruise. She realized belatedly that she couldn't open her eye all the way, and that her head was throbbing in pain.
"You were shot," She muttered, sitting up all the way and pushing off her bed. Her dressing gown fell short,  much before her knees, her feet completely bare. Her cheeks heated as she realized someone would have had to undress her, and she hoped it was Ada or - more likely - Polly.
"Yes," His voice was gravelly, but he seemed awake, and she wondered how long he had been awake. "My mum came by, she said to tell you she was the one who undressed you. That she fought with physicians to get them away from you." Michael was reaching for her now, and she moved to grab his hand, letting him pull her close and arrange her so that they could lay together.
"When I saw you on the ground - oh God, Michael." Her breaths were short, and although his eyes were closed he was rubbing her back. "I was so afraid you were dead. Before we even got married." He let out a small breath of laughter, still not opening his eyes.
"I can't imagine how Esme feels." He muttered, making Y/N's heart drop.
"I'm sure Tommy is getting a good picture." She said, thinking back to when she had gone crazy as Michael was taken into the hospital.
"He told me about your episode." Michael said softly, and she just closed her eyes. It was embarrassing to think about the way she had screamed at him the way she had thrown a fit outside the hospital and completely collapsed.
"I thought you were dead." She whispered, eyes closed for fear of what he would say.
"If I were you, I probably would have given Tommy a new scar." Michael rubbed her back a couple more times before they settled into bed to sleep.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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queenshelby · 1 year
Forbidden Desire (Part Two)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
Warning: Incest (at this stage implied), Age Gap, PTSD, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Fluff, Mild Smut
Words: 4,878
This plays after Grace’s death but before Tommy becomes a politician. Lizzie is pregnant with Tommy’s child, so it is somewhere around season four.
In this fic, Tommy suffers from episodes of PTSD and so does the reader, resulting from trauma and abuse. They will help and save each other without realising that their connection is much stronger than they could have anticipated.
There will be love, fluff and smut as well as a highly taboo relationship.
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The following morning…
The following morning, you woke up at 4 o’clock after hearing a loud bang, followed right by another. Your neighbour was clearly beating on his wife again and you wondered when she would finally leave him and this awful marriage of hers behind.
She reminded you of your mother. Your very own mother who, for almost eighteen years, had failed to protect you and protect herself from the monster who was your stepfather.
He was the cause of your pain and suffering, hurting you and abusing you, physically and mentally, until you ran away. But still, you were one of the lucky ones having been spared the sexual abuse and assault on your womanhood. He tried, but never quite got there. Thank God.
God? What God? Was there something like a God? You decided, probably not and then there it was again, the darkness which consumed you. You had no faith and the quiet sobs at night time that no one knew about came on creeping in. The urges that overwhelmed you started to haunt you once more and the intrusive thoughts and the fear of physical contact became a stark reminder of what you have been through.
You hated every god damn moment of this but, at least today, you had something to look forward to. There was someone who was giving you a chance, an opportunity and legal employment. Although, really, the legality of this man’s businesses was questionable and you knew that. But you did not care.
He was the kind of man your mother had warned you about and yet, there was something which intrigued you about him.  His demure, his attitude and his intelligence stood out to you and so did his god damn blue eyes.
Thus, with some reluctance, you eventually rolled out of bed and turned on the light. You looked down on yourself, still wearing your nightgown and, for the first time in a very long time, you saw a woman who was willing to change. It was not just about surviving anymore. It was about gaining something. Something important and real, whatever that may be.
A week ago, when you looked at yourself in the mirror, all you could see were your scars. Even now, having tattooed over some of them, the scars were still visible and you knew that they would always be.
But, this may not necessarily be a bad thing as the scars no longer defined who you are but, rather, were the remainder of times during which you were in an enormous amount of emotional pain.  
On your wrist, you featured a tattoo with the words “this story isn’t over” and, whilst in today’s society, pre 1930, tattoos were frowned upon if worn by women, on the days when shame overwhelmed you, and when you felt like you could no longer go on, you looked at your tattoo and reminded yourself that your story certainly was not over yet. In fact, it had only just begun as, clearly, today was going to be the day your life would change and you felt strongly about it. You had a feeling that, today, something great would happen to you and, with that in mind, you put on a dress which, too, was stolen, and a pair of heels which were just a little too high for you to walk in. You even wore a hat which, again, you misappropriated from a small shop downtown and tugged your hair back into a neat bun with some pearl clips.
For your first day at work, you wanted to look professional even though you had no experience in administerial work whatsoever and did not quite understand what your role at Shelby Company Limited would entail.
Later at the Small Heath Gambling Den…
“That’s her, surely” Lizzie spat as Linda and her watched you walk through the door of the gambling den which, to you, was hard to find. You heard them talk about you and were nervous like a young girl on her first day of school. This was your first proper job and you were excited about it.
“You must be Y/N, Thomas’s new secretary” Lizzie then said before assessing you from top to bottom. The fact that she used his first name to refer to him surprised you but when she told you that she was about to be laid up, the situation became much more obvious to you. She was carrying his child, but he clearly did not love her enough to marry her. Typical.
“I am Y/N, but did you just say that I will be the new secretary?” you asked with great surprise while a cold shiver ran down your spine. You could neither read nor write, so how on earth would you be able to fulfill this role you wondered?
“Yes, you will be a secretary to Thomas Shelby who, I may add, is very demanding in many ways” Lizzie exclaimed in response to your question.
“No doubt he is” you simply responded while glancing at her growing bump with a little jealousy perhaps, seeing that you took at least a mild interest in your new employer.
“I assume you have experience and this is why he hired you?” was the next question Lizzie asked you and she now spoke to you in an almost snobbish way, looking down on you which, of course, was not too difficult. She was much taller than you after all and absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous.
“Actually, no, I do not! I have no experience in this line of work. I only met Mr Shelby last night and he offered me a job. I didn’t even know what the job would entail but, stupidly enough, I accepted anyway as I need the money” you explained with honesty and this surprised Lizzie who, clearly, was expecting some competition at the den.
“Where did you meet?” another woman then asked before shaking your hand and introducing herself as Polly Gray. She was clearly of authority around here and took a good look at you as well.
The way she looked at you however was different to the way Lizzie looked at you. Lizzie’s looks were filled with anger, fear and concern as well as some jealousy, whereas Polly’s looks were filled with questions about your identity. She saw a familiarity inside of you which she could not explain.
“Have we met before? You seem familiar” she observed but you shook your head.
“Not that I know off” you told her but Polly’s intuition told her to keep an eye on you and figure out to whom you belonged. She felt a connection towards you and this was not necessarily a good thing.
“Very well, so tell me again, where did you and Tommy meet last night?” she then asked and you swallowed harshly.
“At Madam Juans” you then admitted, causing Polly to roll her eyes and laugh while Lizzie stormed off and took a seat behind her desk which, apparently, would become your desk soon.
“Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me” Polly chuckled while giving you a sorry pat on the back and you were quick to shake your head in order to correct her.
“Oh no. You misunderstand. We did not have intimate relations” you blurted out quickly without admitting that, in fact, you had never even been kissed before. Intimacy was alien to you and you were afraid of being hurt by a man in any physical kind of way after your stepfather had beaten the living hell out of you for years.
“You did not have sex?” Lizzie asked, confused. “But you are a whore?” she then queried and you shook your head.
“No. I am not. I am waitress there. That is all” you explained while Polly chuckled again.
“Interesting, but unfortunately, I must go now. I have several meetings to attend to Lizzie will show you the robes around here and, no doubt, Thomas will be in his office sometime today, or not. You never know with him” Polly said before making an elegant exit from the den while pondering on about your identity and Tommy’s urge to employ you without consulting with her first.
Several hours later…
Several more hours had passed and you were shown how to take calls and take notes which, luckily for you, Lizzie still had control over.
You had not yet admitted to her that you could neither read nor write and you knew that, as soon as she would find out, all hell would break loose.
Since you started at nine o’clock that morning, Tommy too had arrived in his office but, without even greeting you or Lizzie, he closed the door behind him and you had not heard from him since.
Lizzie informed you that, on occasion, he likes to keep to himself and, clearly, today was one of those occasions.
“Can you type?” she eventually asked and you shook your head before, finally, she saw you to her desk.
“Of course you can’t. That is not why he hired you” she then murmured under her breath and you queried what she had meant by that.
“Pardon?” you began to say and Lizzie sighed while setting up the typewriter for you.
“Never mind. I will have to fucking show you how to type then, don’t I?” she spat and then began dictating a letter to you which, clearly, you failed to transcribe properly.
“You can’t write” she then observed angrily and you nervously shook your head. You were embarrassed and nervous about loosing this job, the money for which you needed so desperately.
“Well, then me teaching you is absolutely pointless” Lizzie then said before storming off and into Tommy’s office without even bothering to knock first.
Several minutes later, and after some shouting and yelling from behind closed doors, you saw Lizzie again but she did not speak with you. She simply reached for her coat and bag, before storming off and leaving the den a little less graciously than Polly Gray did earlier that day. Clearly, she was angered by the fact that you were working here and you well and truly hoped that Tommy would not fire you over this.
But then again, who were you kidding, right? You could neither read nor write, so what would he do with you? Put you up in a factory, perhaps?
And then, there it was…the moment you feared…
“Y/N, a word please” Tommy said to you while poking his head through the door and you immediately jumped up from your seat and stumbled towards his office.
The height of your new heels certainly did not help with your trembling legs and, as you were fidgeting nervously when entering his office, you tripped and almost twisted your ankle.
‘I am sorry Mr Shelby’ you huffed out with embarrassment as you watched him watching you stumbling into the side of the bookshelf.
It was obvious to you that he tried hard not to laugh about what had just happened, but a small chuckle escaped him nonetheless.
‘Love, please take them off before you hurt yourself, eh’ Tommy said with a half-smile but it was when he looked at you directly that you felt your hands inevitably began to shake slightly. You weren’t that intimidated by him when you saw him at the brothel last night and you wondered yourself what had changed since then, within a span of twenty hours. He was your employer now, sure, but was that it? Or was there something more to it? Maybe it was the fact that he was about to fire you which made you nervous or maybe it was him, his eyes and his intoxicating scent.
Even though Tommy was slightly amused by your little accident, his eyes were both your favourite and least favourite feature about him. You noticed them last night too, so intimidating and yet soothing all at the same time. They were deep blue, and absolutely piercing when he made direct eye contact. It gave you a strange sense of fear, and you now found yourself looking down when you spoke to him, afraid that, if you made direct eye contact, you might lose your train of thought.
‘Have a seat next to me’ Tommy then instructed after you took off your shoes and approached his desk, tippy toeing across the very cold wooden floor.
He then glanced at your shoes again and smirked. “You stole them, didn’t you?” he asked and you nodded shyly.
“Yes. I did” you said, chuckling nervously.
“Well, perhaps next time, you should steal some shoes you can actually walk in Love” Tommy said with a great sense of amusement before asking you a very important question.
“Do you know what I do for a living?” he wanted to know and you shook your head.
“I have heard stories, but I don’t believe them to be true. I know that you own factories and gambling dens, but that is all” you said shyly, causing Tommy to cock his eyebrows.
“Tell me honestly Love, do you not believe them to be true or do you not want them to be true. Because, the way I see it, there is a distinct difference between those two scenarios” Tommy then said before pulling a chair to his side and gesturing for you to sit down.
“Okay. I know that some of what you do is probably illegal, but I do not care. I just want this job” you told Tommy who smirked before giving you a slight nod.
“You want the job, eh?” Tommy asked with a smirk on his face before handing you his pen. “Then write down the names of every mistress taking pay offs from my customers at Madam Juans” Tommy then said and you immediately had to grasp for air.
“I can’t” you said, fidgeting again before realising quickly how terribly embarrassing you must have looked in front of this man right now. This was not the look you were aiming for.
‘Do I intimidate you Love? Is that why you cannot write down the names?’ Tommy then asked bluntly, looking at you with a slight smirk on his face again as you continued to fidget even more nervously now.
‘No Mr Shelby’ you said nervously, causing him to chuckle.  
‘No?’ he then asked with a smug smile and you immediately looked away from him. This was too much for you and, if he had not asked you another question right away, drilling you for an answer, you would have stood up and left.
‘Look at me and tell me the truth Y/N. Do I intimidate you?’ Tommy asked again and you complied with his request and told him the truth.
‘Yes, you intimidate me. But that is not the reason I cannot write down the names’ you said shyly while looking into his piercing blue eyes.
‘You can’t write or read, can you?’ Tommy then said almost gently and it was clear to you that he already knew. Lizzie must have told him and he was simply teasing you now, playing a game of some sort.  
“No, I can’t write and I can’t read” you admitted reluctantly and it was at this point that Tommy lid himself a cigarette and leaned back into his chair.
“In that case, you are fired as a secretary” he smirked, causing you to gasp for air again. You were devastated, needing this job and the money he had offered you.
“I understand” you said nonetheless and Tommy smiled.
“But, I have another job for you Love” he then said, taking you by surprise. “Just because you did not learn how to write or read doesn’t mean that you are not smart and smart people is what I need right now as my export business is expanding” he then said before asking you to pour him and yourself a glass of whiskey.
‘You think that I am smart, do you?” you asked, causing Tommy to chuckle once more.
“I know that you are smart. You stole from my patrons and you got away with it for several months. You just couldn’t fool me, eh” Tommy observed before making another sly remark. “In fact, no one can fool me” he determined and you broke out in a giggle.
“Really? No one?” you asked as you stood up and walked over towards the desk on which the whiskey bottles were standing and, just as you walked there, you could feel Tommy’s eyes on you, watching you as you walked across his office barefooted.
“No, no one I have met so far” Tommy said while taking in your natural beauty and the scent you left behind.
“You are very full of yourself” you then said as you took hold of a whiskey bottle and poured two glasses from it before walking back with them to where Tommy was sitting.
“And you do not believe in yourself or your abilities Love. We need to change that” Tommy then said as you sat back down and handed him a glass while taking the other for yourself.
Just as you were sipping on your whiskey while talking with Tommy about the mistresses at Madam Juan and the job he had for you, you began to relax a little. Your mind was clearly eased by the effects of the alcohol you consumed and you began to realise why Lizzie took a liking in this man.
He was incredibly attractive but also charming in his very own and somewhat brutal way. Then there was his voice, low and gruffy, making it difficult for you to concentrate. He was burdened with intellect and, for some reason, he spoke to you as if you were his kin.
You drank and spoke for hours. You talked about your life which Tommy seemed to be interested in. He asked you about your family ties, doing his research on your background before revealing more of his businesses to you.
You told him about your mother but purposely omitted reference to your father.
“What about your father?” he thus asked and you sighed deeply.
“I never knew my father. My mother always said that he was a dangerous man so she kept me away from him. All I know is that he went to France with his two younger brothers and never came back” you said, causing Tommy to furrow his eyebrows. This, he did not know about you but, before he could question you about your biological father again, you explained to him that you grew up with your mother and your stepfather who you considered to be an evil man.
“Did he do this to you?” Tommy then asked while trying to get hold of one of your wrists but you pulled away abruptly in fear.
“Please don’t” you said and Tommy was quick to apologise. Your wrists were clearly off limit and he respected that.  
“I am sorry Love. I did not intend to hurt you” he was then quick to say after seeing your reaction. You had almost dropped your glass to the floor and started fidgeting again.
“It’s fine…and no, I did this to myself” you told him, which is when he recalled that, at the brothel, you too were afraid of his touch and he knew that there must have been a reason for this. There was something that bothered you. You clearly did not like to be held or restrained and he wondered what it was that made you so fearful.
In addition to that, Tommy remembered that, at the brothel, you were wearing long satin gloves, seemingly in an attempt to hide your scars, of which he got a closer look now. Your arms were covered in them and, once again, you tried to cover them up with your jacket.
“Let’s talk about something else, eh” Tommy eventually suggested after you began to feel rather vulnerable around him and, with that, you nodded before simply listening to Tommy’s ideas about how to improve his businesses and how he thought you could help him with that. This conversation took at least another hour and you were in a cheerful mood again. You were laughing and, much to his very own surprise, Tommy did the same. He laughed, genuinely, for the first time in two years.
As you were talking about business, you stammered out some ideas as well, easing into the conversation as you scribbled down a point in your notebook that you were sure would make no sense to your later.
“So you can write” Tommy then observed sarcastically and you shook your head.
“Barely and not without spelling mistakes” you chuckled just before Tommy asked you to pour the two of you some more whiskey.
‘Yes, of course Mr Shelby’ you said, looking at your watch before walking back over towards the sideboard and pouring Tommy and yourself another glass of Irish single malt.
‘Please, just call me Tommy, eh’ he said as you handed him back his glass, causing you to smile.
‘Okay, Tommy, but if this is your way of making an advance towards me, then I must disappoint you…” you teased and, whilst this was meant to come across as a joke, Tommy did not see it that way and cut you off.
“Love, if I was to make an advance towards you, then I would not be doing it through words” Tommy chuckled before moving on. “I would be doing this instead…” he then said before, ever so gently, caressing your face and then, in a careful but calculated move, pressing his soft lips against yours in order to see how you would react.
You immediately froze but allowed the kiss to happen nonetheless. It was your very first kiss and it happened so suddenly; with a man you barely knew but who, for whatever reason, you trusted enough to take this further.
You just had a feeling about him. It was a feeling of comfort and safety and you knew that, provided that his hands remained where they were now, namely caressing your cheeks, you would be able to tolerate his touch, and perhaps even enjoy it.
When he kissed you passionately, you could sense that he was taking it slowly. As such, the kiss was reluctant at first and you could taste the remnants of smoke and whiskey on his lips.
 His lips were so surprisingly soft and smooth against your own and, as Tommy moved them sensually, a warmth flooded your body, causing you to feel desired for the time in your life.
 There was no pressure or force in this kiss. It was tender and calm and you felt Tommy’s lips massage every inch of your mouth in the most sensual way.
 His rough thumbs moved over the soft skin on your cheeks, over and over again and, without hesitation, you responded to his touch, your passion increasing the longer it went on.
 With every second that passed, there was a new sensation you had to take in and it was after at least a minute that Tommy reached out slightly with his tongue. He ran the tip along the length of your lips, probing away where you joined, seeking an opportunity to dip inside. By now, your mind was awash with arousal, a sensation which, too, was alien and foreign to you. Any apprehension you had just vanished, and you just wanted more.
 You gasped under your breath and your hands eventually found their way into Tommy’s hair. No sooner had you parted your lips, no sooner had you given him an opening, than you felt the tip of his tongue ease inside. You gasped once more as your tongues touched, a sense of electricity passing through you.
 The more you kissed, the more you relaxed. The more you relaxed, the more you wanted him. And, the more you wanted him, the more you felt your arousal stir.
 What on earth was this feeling? So strange. So alien. So goddamn amazing…until, suddenly Tommy pulled away. He broke the kiss, leaving you wanting for more. You started to protest, but Tommy simply brought a finger to your lips urging you not to continue.
 "I am sorry Love” Tommy spoke softly.
 “For kissing me?” you queried while shyly bringing your middle and index finger to your lips, feeling them after they have been kissed for the very first time. They felt swollen and moist and you bit your lower lip inadvertently, wanting to feel Tommy’s mouth against yours again.
 “No, that I am not sorry for” Tommy chuckled. “But I am sorry for my motive having been two-fold when offering you employment at my company. So, I must ask, do you still want the job knowing that I have taken an interest in you?” Tommy then asked and you blushed.
“Well, Tommy…” you began to say while trying to find your words. “Yes. In fact, I believe that my appetite for the position in your company has just increased quite drastically” you then said shyly while Tommy caressed your cheek again.
 “Good. I am glad” Tommy smiled before kissing you once more, this time more briefly. He knew that this must have been a first for you and he also knew that you must have been about fifteen years younger than him. He could tell by the way you had reacted to his onslaught and, with that in mind, he didn’t take it any further than that. He was patient, giving you time, regardless of how much he wanted you and, the truth was, that he wanted you a lot. He wanted you more than anyone else since the day he had met Grace. He was in awe with you and, feeling that way again, worried him. He felt alive and when he felt alive, he knew that he would do dangerous things.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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636 notes · View notes
evita-shelby · 1 year
Aight so fem!reader won, and now for the next part
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 2 years
Tragic Love
Summary: You were Alfie Solomons little sister and Tommy Shelby’s ex girlfriend.
It had been three years since you last saw your ex. Until your brother sent you on a mission to kill Father Hughes and you came face to face with Thomas Shelby, causing old feelings to resurface again.
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Language, 
Previous Chapter
Chapter 14-
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Tommy was sitting in a chair at the far end of the room opposite your brother. They both turned in your direction when they heard your gun cock and you raised it in Tommy's direction.
His piercing blue eyes locked with yours before glancing down at the barrel of the gun cautiously and lowering the cigarette from his lips.
After all these years, you thought you had gotten over Tommy Shelby, but now as you stood in the doorway staring at him, you realised that wasn't true.
He was still as handsome as ever. The sides of his hair were cut shorter than you had ever seen it, but it somehow suited him. He still wore the same clothes, smoked the same cigarettes and you hated the way your heart was screaming at you, telling you how much you had missed him.
You did. You missed him. But, at the same time, you fucking hated him for everything that he had done.
For nearly killing your brother. For choosing Grace over you. For choosing Lizzie over you. For everything. But you still missed him and you hated yourself for it.
"Easy there, sister. Don't go shooting holes in my fucking house, yeah?" Alfie suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"He shot you last time we saw him. He tried to fucking kill you and now he's working with people like Oswald Mosley and getting into fucking fascism." You glanced over at Tommy who was looking at you with an impressed expression. "I read the papers, so don't even try to lie to me-"
"Tommy and I have already been through all this. He ain't working with that fucking fascist." Alfie said, cutting you off.
You looked back at your brother, shocked that he was defending him. After everything that had happened, you thought your brother would hate him. Why was he trying to defend the man that had tried to kill him?
"I'm gonna shoot Oswald Mosely." Tommy informed, lifting his cigarette to his lips and taking a drag, his eyes never leaving yours.
You scoffed, "really?"
"I hope you do a better job on him than the one you done on me, yeah?" Your brother said as he looked over at him. "I mean, what were you thinking? Was your mind somewhere else, Tommy?"
Tommy looked back over at you, "yes, it was, actually."
You stared right back at him, but knew you could never pull the trigger and sighed, lowering your handgun.
"I need to organise a riot." Tommy continued to say a few seconds later, looking over at your brother. "And I hear you still have some... standing in the Jewish community."
"Let me be clear, alright?" Alfie began to say as he leant forward. "Since my resurrection, I am considered to be a god, alright? In the Holy Land, someone has made an image of me out of rock embedded in the sand, so I am told, and I am planning to make a pilgrimage to stand in my own shadow. Are you gonna shoot him because this man is evil?"
"I need men who can fight. Mosley uses men from Glasgow. So, if the men causing the trouble are Jewish, it will be... explicable." Tommy explained, not answering your brothers question.
"Since when do you need explanations, Tommy?" Alfie asked.
"Since I entered politics."
You were shocked when you first heard that he had entered politics. You honestly didn't see that coming, but he seemed to be good at it none of the less.
"So, you think if you kill him, you will kill the message, yeah?" Your brother responded.
"I will kill the man, then I will kill the message." He nodded before turning back towards you. "I need your help too."
Oh, that was fucking rich coming from him.
"After everything you put me through, you come here and ask for my fucking help? How dare you."
Tommy's expression dropped and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Y/N, I never meant to hurt you or-"
"You keep saying that, yet you keep hurting me anyway."
"You keep coming and going from my life whenever you please and it fucking hurts when you leave! Don't you get that? It happened with Grace, and it hurt. It happened after Father Hughes and I had a fucking miscarriage and you weren't there! Then it happened with Lizzie, and it hurt. And it keeps hurting and now you're back again! If you come back into my life it's only a matter of time before you leave again and it will hurt again!" You shouted, tears now burning in the back of your eyes.
Tommy quickly stood from his chair, his eyes full of guilt and sadness. He took a step towards you, opening his mouth, but no words came out as he stared at you helplessly.
"You've done this to me again, and again, Tommy. I can't live like this. I-I can't."
Silent tears began to trickle down your face as you shook your head at him.
"Alright, I think it's time for you go." Alfie suddenly said, standing up and putting himself between you and Tommy protectively. "Come on, let's go."
"Wait, just let me talk to her." Tommy argued, trying to step around your brother, who grabbed his arm, stopping him from getting any close to you.
"Nah, mate. You've already done enough."
You turned away, unable to look at him as your brother started to usher Tommy out the room.
"Y/N, please, I need you." Tommy said, ignoring your brother completely. "You deserve better, you deserve so much better than a man like me, I know you do. But, I need you."
"Yeah? Well, there was a time when I needed you too." You said, turning back towards him, wiping the tears from your eyes. "But, not anymore."
"You fucking heard her. Time to go."
Alfie grabbed his arm again, but Tommy shook his head, yanking his arm free from your brothers grasp.
"Y/N, I still love you. I never stopped loving you."
"Don't." You warned, shaking your head.
You had heard this before. And it still ended the same way because no matter how much Tommy claimed to love you, it was never enough. You were never enough.
"It's the truth. And not a single fucking day has gone by where I don't think about you. I miss you, Y/N." Tommy said, stepping forward and cupping the side of your face with his hand. "I missed you so much."
You closed your eyes and leant into his touch with a deep sigh.
"What about, Lizzie? You're married to her now, right?" You asked, after a few seconds.
Tommy nodded, "I am. But, fuck Lizzie. Fuck everyone else, okay? Because I want you. It's always been you, Y/N."
What the hell were you meant to do now?
You stilled loved him. You knew you did and you could never say no to those begging blue eyes, but after everything that's happened, could you trust him again?
"Say the word, kid, and I'll throw his gypsy ass out the fucking door." Alfie said sternly, standing behind Tommy with his arms crossed over his chest.
You glanced over at your brother who was glaring a hole through the back of Tommy's head, just waiting for you to tell him to do it, but you shook your head.
"No, it's okay." You replied, catching Tommy by surprise as his eyes widened a little, a glimmer of hope flashing across his face. "You're not just saying all that because you need my help?"
"No, no. God, no." He quickly said, shaking his head, lowering his hand. "Everything I just said was the truth. I fucked up so many times with you, but I never once lied to you, Y/N."
You stood there for a moment, contemplating everything before you eventually nodded.
"I'm so going to regret this, but, what do you need my help with?"
Your brother looked between the two of you for a moment before deciding that he didn't need to kick Tommy's ass and instead wandered back over to his chair and sat down with a grunt.
"You used to be one of the best shooters I know. How's your aim with a sniper rifle these days?" Tommy asked, catching you by surprise.
"It's good." You answered slowly, trying to figure out why he needed to know that before it suddenly hit you. "You want me to assassinate Oswald Mosely, don't you?"
"Not exactly."
You raised your eyebrows, "care to elaborate?"
"I already have a man with exceptional sniper skills to take the shot. But, he's, uh, well, I don't exactly trust him to get the job done. So I need you there with him to take the shot if he doesn't."
"And who is your exceptional sniper?" You asked curiously.
"A man I fought with back in France."
"Why don't you trust him to take the shot?" Alfie asked sceptically from his seat.
"Because I recently broke him out of a mental asylum. He's a good man, but the war fucked him up and he's not all there anymore."
Alfie shook his head, "and you want my sister to be near some fucking nut job with a sniper, who you don't even trust?"
Tommy sighed, "yeah."
"I can take care of myself." You said, making a point to stare at your brother who looked ready to argue, but thought better of it. "If he doesn't take the shot, I'll make sure it gets done."
"This weekend, there's a big event. Mosely will be making a speech. That's when it needs to happen. Alfie's riot group will cause a scene and that's when the shot will be taken and-"
"How much you paying?" Alfie questioned, cutting him off.
Tommy turned around, looking over at your brother. "Thought you might do it for the cause, Alfie."
"Go on, fuck off." Your brother muttered, causing Tommy to smile, expecting that answer.
"Each man will get 20 pound. You'll both get 5,000."
"You know, as a god, Tommy, right, I am now able to just rise above those kinds of insults, mate."
You chuckled softly, shaking your head as the corners of Tommy's mouth twitched up in a small smile.
Your brother stared at him for a moment before nodding. "Where do you want the men?"
"No. No. That 20 will not be enough for my lads to step inside that fucking shithole. It'll have to be 25, at least."
"Alfie-" You warned, looking over at him before Tommy raised his hand.
"No. It's okay. 25 it is."
"So, you're still at it, eh, Tommy? Hmm. Ain't got no Margate to go to." Alfie said, looking over at him and you knew your brother had missed this.
He missed negotiating deals. He missed being part of the action. He missed it all.
"No. I have no interest in shooting seagulls." Tommy answered, motioning to the one seagull sitting on the balcony railing outside.
"Oh, but you have in shooting cabinet minsters."
That caused Tommy to smile again. God, you had missed seeing that smile. It looked good on him.
Neither of you said anything for a moment as you stared at each other and for a second you thought he was going to kiss you before your brother started to talk again.
"I was on a lot of drugs at first, right, due to the pain, you know, on account of it... well, you know, being shot in the face by some cunt."
You rolled your eyes as Tommy shook his head before Alfie continued.
"I won't bore you with the details. It'd chill ya. Nonetheless, I had a recurring dream." He started to say causing you to look over at him in confusion. "I saw you in a field, right, with a big black horse, and you said, 'goodbye', and then, bang."
Your blood turned to ice when you realised what he was trying to say.
Alfie had dreamt that Tommy died.
Oh, god.
Your brother never got those kind of dreams wrong. He always said it was those damn glasses that helped him see into the future, you had no idea whether to believe him about that or not. But, the one thing you did know was that, Alfie, was never wrong. Not with that kind of stuff.
Tommy didn't seemed fazed by it in the slightest as he just raised his eyebrow at your brother who stared at him for a moment before continuing.
"Alright, then, well... what now?"
"I will continued... 'till I find a man that I can't defeat." He answered, staring at Alfie for a moment before he turned back towards you. "I need to get back to Birmingham. There's some stuff I need to take care of before it goes down. The event is this weekend, any chance you can come to Birmingham on Friday?"
You nodded, "I'll see you then."
"You be careful, yeah? Call me the second it's over and tell me that you're safe. Okay?" Alfie said, wrapping his arms around you.
"I will." You promised, hugging him back before you climbed into the car, waving goodbye as you started the long drive to Birmingham.
You used to think that the drive from London to Birmingham was bad enough, but Margate to Birmingham was even longer.
Eventually though, you pulled up on the side of the main street in front of the Shelby's old house that you had spent many nights at. You weren't entirely sure if they still owned the place, you figured they did because it was where they did most their business, fixing races and collecting money.
You climbed out the car and knocked on the front door.
For the longest time, you thought that nobody was home, but just as you were about to go back to your car, the door suddenly opened and you came face to face with a grown up, Finn.
Holy shit.
"Y/N?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening in utter shock.
"Hey, kid." You said, unable to stop yourself from smiling. "Well, you aren't exactly a kid anymore, are you?"
"Just turned 21." He responded proudly before he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you.
You chuckled softly and hugged him back, trying to think of the last time that you had actually seen him.
He used to be this small little boy who'd follow his brothers around like a lost sheep and now, he was all grown up.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, letting go of you.
"Here to help for the weekend. Is Tommy here?"
"He and Arthur just left. I think they went to Uncle Charlie's yard."
You nodded, "thanks, Finn. I'll see you around."
"Don't be a stranger. My brother really misses you." He called out as you walked back to the car before stopping and turning back to him. "We all really miss you."
"I missed you guys too."
With that, you climbed back into your car and began driving to Charlie Strong's yard.
It had been a long time since you were last at his yard, but it wasn't difficult to find as you pulled up to the front gates, spotting Curly brushing one of the horses inside.
"Good afternoon, Curly." You greeted, climbing out he car and walking towards him.
You watched as the man froze, hearing your voice before his head snapped in your direction, a grin spreading across his face.
"Miss Solomons! Tommy said you'd be dropping by, didn't believe him at first." He said causing you to chuckle softly. "I'm glad I was wrong."
"Me too. Do you know where Tommy is hiding?"
"He's out the back with the others, doing some target shooting." The man answered and you nodded your thanks before you wandered around to the back of the yard.
It wasn't hard to find them, not when you could hear the gunshots leading you straight to them. You walked around the back of one of the warehouses to find Tommy, Arthur and Johnny Dogs standing beside a man with a rifle.
That must be Tommy's exception sniper.
"Friendly." You called out, walking around the corner, not wanting to startle the sniper into accidently shooting you as you raised your hands.
The men all looked in your direction and Tommy's face broke out into a smile when he saw you walking towards them.
"Is that Y/N Solomons?" You heard Johnny Dogs question in shock.
"It sure is." Tommy said, taking a step towards you before he pulled you into a tight hug. "God I missed hugging you."
You smiled, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you hugged him back before he kissed the top of your head and pulled away, his arm still wrapped around your shoulders, not wanting to let you go.
"Well, as I fucking live and breathe." Arthur suddenly said, walking over to you. "Never thought I'd see you again."
"It's good to see you too, Arthur." You replied with a smile. "I'm sorry about what happened last time I saw you."
He just shook his head, "nah, that's all water under the bridge, right, Tom? I should, uh, thank you for saving my life though. Woulda been dead if it wasn't for you."
"Yeah, well, you wouldn't have been put in that situation if it wasn't for my brother, so call it even."
The eldest brother smiled, but nodded in agreement before you looked over at the other man who was kneeling behind a wooden crate that he was using as a mount for his bolt-action sniper. 
"Barney, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my friend, Barney Thompson, he's an old comrade from France." Tommy introduced, motioning towards the man sitting down.
"Nice to meet you." You said, giving him a small smile.
Barney smiled shyly back, seeming a little overwhelmed with meeting a stranger, his eyes flicking between you and Tommy cautiously.
"Y/N is a good woman. I trust her with my life, and she's going to be with you when you take the shot." Tommy explained, trying to ease his old friends nerves.
"A fresh target is set up. Let's see what you got." Johnny Dogs suddenly said, walking back over after he finished nailing a new paper target to the barrel across the yard.
You stood back and watched as Barney grabbed the rifle, leaning on top of the crate to steady his aim before he squeezed the trigger.
From the distance, you had no idea where on the target he had hit, so Johnny Dogs jogged back over to the barrel and cheered, yelling that he had hit the bullseye.
"You didn't need all them tablets. You just needed another fucking war, eh?" Tommy said, patting Barneys back happily as the man grinned, pleased with himself.
"What about you, Solomons? Think you can hit the target from this distance?" Arthur challenged, glancing over at you in amusement.
"That's not even a question." You responded, looking over at Barney who held the rifle up towards you.
You took the gun with a nod, but didn't take Barneys place by the crate. Instead you just actioned the bolt, ejecting the empty casing before loading a bullet into the chamber.
Once Johnny Dogs had gotten out the line of fire, you raised the rifle, pressing the butt of the gun into your shoulder firmly before resting your cheek against the stock as you lined up the sights.
You heard Arthur mutter something along the lines of 'she'd never hit it free hand' before you took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger.
"You lads are never going to believe this!" Johnny Dogs shouted as he rushed over to the target, ripping the paper off the barrel and jogging back over to you, holding up the target so you all could see.
"She missed." Arthur observed.
"Look again." Barney said, staring at the target with wide eyes.
You couldn't help but grin as Arthur and Tommy took a step towards the target, frowning in confusion, but you could pinpoint the exact moment they saw it as their heads snapped back towards you.
"Holy shit. She shot straight through Barneys bullet hole." Arthur exclaimed, turning towards his brother, grabbing Tommy's shoulder. "Don't you let this girl go. She is fucking rare, Tom. Rare, I tell you."
You chuckled softly at Arthurs reaction as Tommy looked over at you with soft eyes.
"I don't plan on letting her go, Arthur. I made that mistake before, I won't do it again."
Next Chapter
Yes, I'm still here.
I'm sorry I vanished for a couple of months, but real life has been really kicking my ass lately and work has been stressing me out and I'm trying to apply for a new job which is also stressing me out and, yeah, just a lot of shit is going down atm but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so please be patient. I'm really trying.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
One Thousand Follower Celebration ~ Masterlist
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[Celebration] [Overall Masterlist]
This is the Masterlist for my One Thousand Follower Celebration of both my works and the incredibly contributions of others:
👠Ask me to Dance👠 (Blurb/One Shot)
"They are all looking" - Tommy Shelby x Reader
"People are always more honest at night" - Tommy Shelby x Reader
"I live, which is the main point" - Tommy Shelby x Reader
"I want to understand you." - Dad!Tommy Shelby
"Money is the God of our time" - Tommy Shelby x Reader
"Never kiss a fool" - Tommy Shelby x Reader
"There is only one thing on earth worse than English Music and that is English Painting" - Tommy Shelby & Reader
"You are haunted by your dreams" ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader (Fluff/Angst)
"My child, I fear it will end horribly" ~ Tommy Shelby
"To speak and to speak well are two different things " ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader
"Champagne - it's like a mistress: sparkling, flighty, vivacious, wayward - and not to be trusted" ~ Tommy Shelby & daughter!Reader
"It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man" - modern!Tommy x Reader
"The question remains: how?" - modern! Tommy x Reader
"God will forgive me. It is his job" ~ Alfie Solomons x Reader
"I was born for a peaceful life" - Arthur Shelby & Reader
"Never let a fool kiss you" ~ John Shelby & Reader
"The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs" - Polly Gray x fem!Reader
"No Talent, yet a character" ~ Polly Gray x fem!reader
"A woman is at once the apple and serpent" ~ Lizzie Stark & fem!Reader
"They drink wine and preach water" ~ Lizzie Stark & fem!reader
A moment's peace ~ Gif Blurb: Tommy x Reader
🍷Join me for a Drink 🍷(Headcanon)
Modern!Tommy Shelby
John x aristocratic!Reader
Ada x female lover
Lizzie x female lover
Arthur's happy life in the country
TBITW: What the family thinks
TBITW: Horse riding lessons
TBITW: Tommy comforting Emma
TBITW: Calling them Mummy/Daddy
TBITW: Marriage
TBITW: Another child
TBITW: Grown Emma and Charlie
WTDMS: Wildcard Headcanon Charlotte
✨Be the Belle of the Ball✨ (Submission)
Moonboard Submissions
The Boy in the Window ~ by @polishcrazyone
Story Submissions
A reveal ~ "As good a place as any" (Tommy Shelby x Reader) by @runnning-outof-time
A forever memory ~ "Ain't she sweet" (Tommy Shelby x Reader ft. Charlie) by @look-at-the-soul / @thats-what-cill-said
A place one is not supposed to be ~ "An unexpected guest" (Tommy Shelby x Solomons!Reader) by @cillmequick
A promise ~ "Hide 'n' seek" (Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader) by @raincoffeeandfandoms
An admission ~ "Tip of my Tongue" (Tommy Shelby x Reader) by @gypsy-girl-08
A creepy portrait/ a rumour ~ "The Portrait" (Tommy Shelby) by @zablife
A risk ~ "Risk Taker" (Tommy Shelby x Reader) by @noforkingclue
An inappropriate giggle ~ "The Funny Girl" (Tommy Shelby x OC) by @thebathatter
A place one is not supposed to be ~ "An unholy Alliance" (Tommy Shelby x OC by @evita-shelby
Thank you so much for participating in my celebration - I hope you enjoyed!
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cosmic-crybaby · 9 months
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 17: 'On My Own Again'
Warnings In This Chapter: Nothing much, just some fluff. Lowkey filler chapter.
When you awoke the next morning, you were in your bed alone.
The first thing you remembered was the fight you had the night before. And just how scary it had gotten. 
Looking around the room, not used to how lackluster it all looked compared to Thomas’ room. The only thing you really missed was the luxury of sleeping in a large bed with only the finest silk sheets to keep you warm at night. You didn’t miss Thomas. Not one bit after last night. Every time he ran across your mind, you felt a small kick to your side, sometimes you even felt nauseated. However, the somber feeling resonated within your chest as the tears threatened to fall and soak the pillow under your cheek. You had made a call to Alfie that morning, asking to take the children a few days earlier than usual so they wouldn’t have to see you in your condition. Alfie didn’t ask any questions, not having to even ponder what had happened, as the sadness in your voice when you said his name gave it all away. You tried your best to stay strong in front of your children when they were picked up. Elizabeth noticed right away, but didn’t say a word, as to not worry her younger brother. 
"I love you, mum..." She whispered to you, her hand squeezing yours. Within a few moments, they were gone to London. You had locked yourself in your room, not bothering to go to work that day. You rewarded yourself with a day off, you needed it. 
Rubbing a comforting hand over your stomach, knowing the baby might feel all of the emotions you were going through. It was an attempt to soothe it and bring it the comfort you didn’t have at the moment. The more you sat in your silence, the more you began to realize something about your relationship with Thomas. For the most part, he showed you how to love again. Showed you how to remember after all those years of almost forgetting what love was. But Thomas Shelby also brought you so much pain and anger. You didn’t expect Thomas to hurt you the way he did, but you knew deep down that you were thinking too highly of him. This made you feel even more upset with yourself, knowing that Esme was just trying to warn you. But of course, you overlooked them. 
Your resentment for Tommy dominated the fact that the both of you did the ten things you had discussed the night you first met.
It took a few days for you to get back on your feet again, finally feeling some kind of motivation to work. 
It was the middle of the day, you were just cleaning up some tables and taking the dirty tea cups into the back sink to clean them. Your task had to come to a stop once you heard the familiar bells chime as the heavy wooden door opened and slammed shut. 
"I'll be right with you!" You called, groaning a bit as you opted to just place the cups in the sink, reminding yourself to finish it up later when you had the chance. 
"What can I get for-" Your words got caught in your throat once you exited the back kitchen. Your eyes went wide as you looked at the person you'd least expect. 
"Hi love," Her voice was calm. Her hands were clasped one over the other in front of her. 
"Esme," You were surprised. The two of you stood there for a moment until she opened her mouth to speak first. 
"I just wanted to ap-" 
"No," You stopped her, moving past the back counter to stand in front of her. Taking slow steps towards her. 
"I should be the one apologizing, Esme...I am so sorry for not believing you..." You shook your head as you felt yourself choking up already.  "I should have listened to you, I don't know how I could be so selfish," You rambled. 
Esme took fast steps towards you, noticing how your eyes glossed and your nose turned red. Engulfing you into a tight, and much needed hug and closing the space between you. Hushing you as you allow her embrace and wrap your arms around her. 
"You're not selfish, (Y/n) you were in love," She paused. "Ada was asking about you and when Tommy told her what happened, she told Polly and Polly told me...If it makes ya feel any better they're angry with him right now, especially Polly...you might be expecting a visit from her soon," Her voice filled you with warmth as she pet your hair. You sniffled, resting your head on her shoulder. 
"I don't have the heart to face them again, Esme..." You meekly replied. 
"What do you mean?" She asked, pulling away from you. 
"It broke my heart when my parents died before I could even say good-bye, it's breaking my heart again that my new family is forced out of my life because of him," Your voice was full of pain, yet the spite was still evident in your tone. 
"Even if that is the case, the Shelby's will never truly leave your life...Even if you aren't with Tommy anymore, they adored you and they will never leave your side," She comforted you. You look up at her finally. 
"Should I move so he can't fine me...or-" 
"Even if you did leave he would still find a way to find you..." 
"What should I do now?" 
She took a deep breath and held your face with her small hands. Looking at her made you feel at ease, for once. Her kind eyes and warm smile gave you a sense of safety. 
"Live your life...You can still do that, can't you?" 
You nod. 
"With or without him, I will still be by your side through this...okay?" She asked. 
After what felt like days, you finally made up your mind about Thomas. You had told Esme to relay the message to Thomas. That was the last and final straw. You felt desolation after you came to the realization that you and your children would never see him again. You loved him too much for his own good and he ruined that. It took you days to finally feel normal in your life without him.
 Esme was proud of you and therefore you were proud of yourself. 
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shadowofyourheart · 2 years
brightest daylight after the darkest night ━ lizzie stark x fem!reader
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The pouring rain painted shadows in the desolated city as the sky soared bleaker. She arrived upon the woman's apartment steps completely drenched, black hair framing her face covered in tears paired up with a reddening nose. A broken heart that desperately needed mending presented itself that night.
"What is wrong with me?" Lizzie expressed holding a tissue to her nose, while the woman was adding firewood to the presently burning fire warming up the room, "Nothing is!"
"Sure there is! I'm an idiot that's what I am. Why do I always end up in the same place?" she kneels before Lizzie, holding her cold palms wishing she could mend her dejected heart. The fireplace offered enough warmth but the comfort Lizzie was seeking didn't come from the fire but from her.
"Where? In my arms?" The woman asked as she sat on the couch and was gifted an endearing smile for the first time that dark night. Lizzie held no remorse against the rain as it reminded her of the first time she met the woman whose arms were holding her tightly.
Unbeknown to the solitary woman entering the bustling bar, she was about to be asked to leave. Now, if Lizzie Stark was to be asked why on earth she decided to interrupt her fun with her current companions only to save the solitary woman she would have no answer. Perhaps it was the woman's marvelled expression at her surroundings, or perhaps she has grown weary of familiar faces that didn't fill her heart. Lizzie didn't wear the last name Shelby as other threatening people in town did, but she has been seen enough times with the brothers to let it be known she is under their protection. As she approached the unknown woman with a recently filled glass of champagne, she mustered her nicest smile and handed the newcomer a sweet welcome.
She was everything Lizzie has lost over the years, all the bits that have been ripped away from an early age, bright sincere smiles and ardent laughter; the woman’s lively nature reminded her of innocence. Dressed with gold sequences she shined brightly under the shimmering lights of the chandelier, "Come! Dance with me," she expressed enthusiastically to Lizzie who has been sitting with her drink entertained with the performance she couldn't tear her eyes off. She was offered a hand and, despite being almost completely absorbed by the woman´s rosy cheeks, she extended her own to take it.
Lizzie's reluctant actions almost made the woman reconsider her invitation, but the warmth feeling of her hand was enough to deflect any nervous sentiment. She was closer now, easily identifying the details of the piece of art Lizzie Stark is. Immersed in the sweet scent of her fragrance she almost missed the jewellery that embellishes her body.
"That's a lovely bracelet Miss Stark," the woman offered a compliment in return for the kindness Lizzie has shown her since the night sky befell on them.
"It's Lizzie, and thank you," finding no need for formalities, she continued to sway her body trying to follow the drunken guidance the woman offered. Not a professional dancer by far but this was the most fun Lizzie has had in a while.
"Oh and matching earrings that go with it, so thoughtful. From a lover perhaps?" It was an innocent inquiry the woman thought, no more than a friendly interest, but Lizzie dropped her hand while dancing.
No, not at all. But those words were left unsaid, as Lizzie wasn't sure what the gift meant in her heart.
The soothing motion on her back was lulling her to sleep so she laid her head on the woman's shoulder and sighed, "Can I stay tonight?" There was no need to ask, the woman dropped a soft kiss on Lizzie's forehead and answered with a barely audible of course. Her lips were soft, Lizzie noted, it felt as no man that has ever caressed her before. Wandering thoughts led her to ponder how those lips would feel on hers and if the woman would be willing to even reciprocate her longing. Lizzie is not a coward, she has never shied away from anyone in her life and yet the words were trapped in her throat.
After leaving Lizzie to accommodate in the guest room, the woman returned with a warm cup of honey tea in her hands. A hot water bottle was put under the velvet covers and a myriad of candles were lit filling the room with scents of lavender and vanilla.
"Don't trouble yourself for me, there is no need," like a burden on someone's shoulders, Lizzie has never felt wanted or needed and, before her thoughts got the best of her, she received a response, "and there's no trouble."
Lizzie Stark realised she wasn't used to this, to being seen eye to eye. Too accustomed to men turning her around just to satisfy their needs, leaving her unloved, undeserved of the honesty their eyes could never give her. But there is honesty in her sweet words and in her eyes, Lizzie bets in her heart too. She wishes she could be kept there, closer to the woman's heart, perhaps in a locket as she has never been before. As if she has been voicing her thoughts out loud the woman says "you were never meant to be hidden Lizzie Stark, you shine brighter than any sapphire." She crumbles at the woman's words, no longer containing the pain in her heart instead she pours it out as she sits on the bed.
"I'm sorry I'm such a fucking mess," tears continue to fall from her rapidly blinking eyes intending to appease the downpour as the woman approaches her, positioning her hands on Lizzie's face offering a comforting smile, a smile that says everything will be alright. Yes, please, Lizzie begged inside her mind, just hold me and don't leave.
"Don't apologize," she wipes her tears away in hopes of soothing her disheartening state, "let's go to sleep, tomorrow will be better."
She lays down on the bed first and Lizzie follows a heartbeat later with curiosity on her tongue, "and you will be here?" Fearful of the answer she would receive, her pulse starts to fasten, longing to light a cigarette and feel how her problems fill her lungs like the smoke she is used to inhale until there is nothing pure inside of her. Such emotions get buried as the woman reassures Lizzie she will be there in the morning too.
"You give too much of yourself Lizzie but what is there left for you?" Speechless by her companion's question, she closes her eyes and avoids facing the reality of the path she walks on. A path where she displays herself as it's convenient to others, whoever they desire for her to be. Deciding not to press on the matter she drops a kiss on Lizzie's forehead and pulls the warm blankets over their bodies, protecting them from the cold.
Morning comes and it's brighter now, rain no longer dreading the Lizzie's heart. The sun filters through the white curtains, illuminating the woman's face still deeply asleep, still there after the night; her arm is draped over Lizzie's waist giving a sense of comfort, protection.
A cascade of emotions runs through Lizzie for she found herself in the unknown, completely out of her senses. The rise of terror overcoming her comes to a halt when she feels movement. The sleeping woman moves closer until her breathing rests in the crook of Lizzie's neck, "slept well?" Mouth opening in an attempt for an answer, or an excuse perhaps, a plan to free herself from this feeling clutching at her heart but all she manages to whisper is a soft "yes."
The woman withdraws from the warmth of her neck and touches Lizzie's cheeks with a tender hand, "want to have breakfast now?" Yet it's not food that she craves but her, this source of light that comes from her words and warm hands. Lizzie wants that light to seep through the cracks of her heart, those soft touches on her skin. She wants those night-time dances full of smiles they exchange privately in the company of others; just as the night before, evoking the memory of when the woman whispered in her ear "you dance so beautifully" like a secret she wanted to keep only between them.
Close to her, she finds peace. Lizzie decides right there and then, that this is where she would put her love.
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 2 months
Hello! May I request a headcanon for how Tommy Shelby would pine/crush over a reader maybe one who has rejected him in the past because she worked for him or because she wants to keep their relationship as friends/professional! (Since you’re writing you can make the scenario as to why she said no whatever you like) but truly i’d just love to see a headcanon on him falling in love and longing for someone who he can’t have so easily :)
Imagine Rejecting: Thomas Shelby
Tommy x fem!reader
Trope: Right person, wrong time. Warnings: Angst, pining, toxic romantic tendencies, infidelity.
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You worked under him as Lizzie's replacement as his secretary, you saw his books and you knew the red on his suit collar wasn't always lipstick. You went with him almost everywhere, memorized his schedule, and completed small tasks that often caused him headaches. Long hours in the office stopped feeling so lonely. And that's where the trouble started.
When he found himself growing fond of you, he tried to fight it. He really did. But feelings grow over time and before he knew it, he started to see you as a partner. At first, he told himself that you reminded him of Grace. It was easier to tell himself that he was projecting her image onto you. However, there came a point where he couldn't lie to himself anymore.
His eyes would follow you as you left a room. His head would turn upon hearing your voice. The smell of your perfume was enough to give him pause at times. When he was at home, he would sometimes go into his office to call you from your desk in Birmingham. Just to have a conversation, even if it was to go over a detail for a meeting he "forgot."
Tommy confessed his feelings to you one late night at the Midland Hotel. You sat with him at the hotel bar, not a soul around except for the two of you and half a bottle of whiskey. Maybe is was the whiskey that did it, but he took your hand and said: "I've been trying to think of what to do about you. The things that you make me want to feel, make me want to do. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. I want you."
You slowly took your hand from him, and stood. The look in your eyes was enough to make him sober. Quietly, you gave your reply, "I'm going to call for two cars to take us home. I'll see you Monday morning, Mr. Shelby."
Thomas Shelby is not unused to rejection. It hasn't bothered him in years. With you, however, it's different. You aren't a political rival, a gang leader, or a position he's being blocked from obtaining. You are a person. A woman who has denied him access to your heart.
That is very, very different.
Not to mention a blow to his ego. Tommy knows he's attractive, and he knows that most of the women he interacts with are more than a little interested in him. Ladies from poor families see a man that can provide. Ladies from wealthy families see a man of danger that can make them feel alive. You didn't seem to fall into either category. You didn't seem to need him the way most people did.
He wouldn't discuss that night at the Midland with you for several months. When it finally did get addressed, you seemed surprised. Had you assumed he was drunk? It hardly mattered. You tried to turn him down, again "We can't, Tommy."
"Of course we can."
You scoffed, "We shouldn't. You have a wife and two children, and I am merely your employee."
Tommy got closer to you, his eyes caught between staring at your rosy painted lips and the look in your eyes. His fingertips gazed your wrist. It would be so easy to just kiss you. To take you into his arms and just hold you. Did you truly not want him? As he stared you down, the answer was found in the tears that welled in your eyes. No, you were just as sick in the heart as he was.
"Lizzie understands. Or marriage is a partnership, nothing more. We can be as we like, she wants nothing to do with it," Tommy takes your chin in between his thumb and index finger. "Tell me you don't want me, and I'll leave you alone. Tell me that."
Tears stained by your dark mascara roll down your cheeks, a shudder runs through you. "Tommy," you sigh "that's precisely why I'll never give in. I can't live my life as your whore. It's almost as cruel as being your wife."
He let you go. You took two steps back, then left him there. As the door to his office slammed shut, Tommy almost chased after you. But, he didn't. Because you were right.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
This isn’t goodbye
Tommy Shelby x Greta x Lizzie x Grace x Mum x Grandma Birdie
Summary: Babba is an elderly gypsy who lost her vision a long time ago, but now she can ‘see’ through her hands. It’s a gift that allows her to know your deepest secrets. Tommy asks for her help because he can’t sleep, the Grace hallucinations are becoming too much, but instead he will find out something he didn’t know about his first love, Greta.
✨It starts with a scene between Lizzie & Tommy, then switch to the story…
A/N: It took me a while to finish this one shot, I started it in November but finally, thanks to a fan art I saw, that inspired me, I found the perfect way to end this story ♥️ I hope you like it.
It’s related to S4 E2. That’s where the story start, right after Tommy is talking to Lizzie in his office about how to get Finn a “nice girl”.
But let me explain something important so you won’t get confused, this story is a mix of ‘present time’, visions from the past and flashbacks, so I will mark the start and the end for each; (End of Flashback) (Vision), etc… nevertheless, if this confuses you, don’t hesitate to ask and I will explain 😉
Don’t forget to tell me what you think!
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Old memories kept coming back at him as he stared at the canal.
Bored, Lizzie looked at the place, it was humid, there was nothing to do there. “Are we expecting somebody?” Her eyes moving around, trying to find something, anything. Tommy had been quiet. “Tommy, I’m fucking freezing here.”
“We used to come here.” His gaze fixed somewhere in front of him. “She’d wait for hours for me, when I couldn’t make it. And I’d wait for her when her family kept her in.”
A subtle shook of his head, her name at the tip of his tongue. “Some girl.” He replied instead. “Some girl before France.” Finally, Tommy turned around to find Lizzie seating on top of some hay bales. Throwing his cigarette to the ground, he walked in her direction. “I’ve not been back here since.” Parting her legs to step between them, he started caressing her arms. “Wanted to come here with you.” His hands on her face as he leaned down to kiss Lizzie.
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Just one kiss and he pulled away.
Lizzie didn’t expect it, confused, she asked: “Are you kissing her or me?”
It was just a second, just a fraction of time while he closed his eyes, that he was able to see her.
Right there, in front of him… still the nineteen-year-old girl he had fallen in love with.
Flashback (1915)
Tommy kissed her before pulling out.
“I don’t want to keep hiding” he said while she was fixing her clothes. “Let me talk to your parents. I want to do the right thing.”
“Tom” nobody called him like that, just Greta. Approached him, gently brought her palm to his cheek. “My father will kill you.”
Tommy smiled widely. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Leaning forward to give her a kiss. Then another, and another one until she ended smiling against his lips.
“Need to get back before they realize I’m gone.” Bringing her arms around Tommy, she let out a loud sigh.
The thought of Greta lying to her parents amused him. “Where are you supposed to be?”
“Reading to my aunt Daphne, she can’t see anymore.” She stole his flat cap, to put it on her own head.
A fake expression of shock appeared on his face, as his fingertips started caressing her chin. “You left your poor aunt for me?”
“I want us to spend as much time as possible together before you go.” Greta didn’t want to talk about France, they had an agreement about it, and the last thing she wanted was to make him upset. “I will see you tomorrow Tom, same time. If I can’t make it, just wait for me.” Her finger pointing to their spot in front of the canal. Their secret place, under the bridge.
“I will be here, like I always do.” Solemnly, Tommy placed his right hand over his heart.
“I have something for you. Close your eyes.” When she saw him hesitate, she stole him a quick kiss. “Go on.”
“No cheating?” she got small envelope she had made and sew out of a scrap of fabric her sister gave her.
“Cross my heart.” A small smirk forming on his lips. He felt her touching his hand, turning it around so his palm was upside.
“You can see now.” Opening his eyes, Tommy found a rectangle of fabric on his hand. Greta unfolded it to show him that inside was a picture. “Whenever you miss me, you can see our picture.”
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Feeling his chest expand with all the love he felt for her, Tommy held her face in his hands, a genuine smile on his lips, the same smile on hers as they kissed. He loved her innocence, her big dreams, the way she tried to make the world a better place. Out of the blue her small house was full with four cousins, her aunt and uncle had passed away and the government would have taken the kids to an orphanage if it wasn’t for her parents who welcomed them with open arms. She wanted to help other kids in a similar situation.
“Promise me you will write, whenever you can.” Tommy demanded. “Then we will get married, yeah? Will you wait for me?”
His voice broke a little. He hadn’t left yet, and he was already making promises.
“Always.” She managed to give him a half smile.
(End of flashback)
That was the last time Tommy saw Greta for months, until her death.
“You.” He lied to Lizzie.
Tommy knocked on the door and waited until it someone opened it.
He didn`t know if this would help or the woman would just tell him lies, but he was on the edge and it wouldn`t hurt to give it a try.
The old lady was blind, some people said it was a curse, some others assured her vision transmuted, allowing her to see you through her hands.
She couldn’t see the world around her, at least not the same way as we all know it. But she was able to see your heart and your deepest desires. Once she puts her hands over your heart, it is almost as if she connects to your soul and you just can`t help it but give her those secrets that you wouldn`t dare to say out loud.
Tommy waited in the room until the woman entered with someone else for assistance, her eyelids were closed. She invited him to take a seat with her crooked fingers.
“Your soul is restless” she stated. “You’re looking for peace at the wrong place” the old lady said without touching him, or asking for his name. “You are a generous man.” She added gently.
Tommy leaned back in the chair. “I can’t sleep” he admitted.
“A woman is keeping you up”
“I dream of my late wife constantly, day and night… I see her.” What was the point on denying the truth? But he was afraid maybe he wasn’t letting Grace rest. “She passed away a few mon-
“No” the woman interrupted him. “It’s not your wife who is keeping you awake.”
“I see her daily” he repeated in case she didn’t listen.
“I heard you.”
Clearing his throat, he asked: “Who is it then?” Tommy dragged his eyes from the window to look at her.
“You know who she is”
“Right, I won’t take this bull” banging on the table, Tommy got up. The woman didn’t even flinch by his sharpness.
“I have to ask you to watch your manners”.
“Listen to me, I loved my wife, haven’t been thinking of any other woman” he felt the need to let that clear.
“She is still sorry she betrayed you, but your wife is not the woman on the back of your mind.”
A shiver ran through his body. There was no way this woman knew about that.
“Fine, I’m not on the mood to solve riddles” Tommy lost his last ounce of patience and he was about to leave when the woman spoke again.
“She needs you.” the woman said “That’s why you can’t sleep. You were the last person with her.”
¿Polly? ¿Ada? ¿Lizzie? ¿Esme?
Tommy made a mental list of the women in his life.
“No.” She said reading his mind.
Tommy looked at her startled. She held one of her arms in the air for him to get close again. Like a magnet he couldn’t fight, Tommy found himself approaching her. In a gentle motion, Babba covered his eyelids with her fingertips.
“It’s someone who never left you alone during the war. Her spirit protected you. Your love transcended, she left something of herself for you.”
Her father heard of their secret romance and as soon as Greta entered her house, she was welcomed by her father ready to beat her for sneaking around with that Gypsy trash as he called him.
He waited days for her at the canal, but she never showed up again.
He tried to reach her, but it was impossible. Until one day, Greta’s sister, Kitty Jurossi found him to deliver the worst news… Greta was really sick and had been asking to see him to say good bye. Kitty mentioned it was consumption.
“That’s not the truth” the old lady pointed now touching his heart, making him jump since he was lost in thoughts.
Tommy closed his eyes and swallowed.
“She died after giving birth to your kid.” He heard her whisper.
That couldn’t be possible. “I was there, I saw her die.”
For the first time, the Babba decided she would allow him to see what really happened. One of her gifts, he needed this to clear his heart. Her hands found their way to touch his forehead so she could share her visions from that moment.
Like a picture in front of him, he stared at his surroundings, it was a room he couldn’t recognize, but the faces were familiar. A heavy breathing came into his ears, a woman in front of him moved from the bead and finally he was able to see her… Greta, she had passed out after letting out a cry that filed the room. “Something is wrong” someone voiced while the other women moved around, apparently none of them could see him.
He tried to move, but he couldn’t. Tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out.
“Hold the baby close to her.” Kitty asked to her oldest sister. “Can you feed her?” Anne nodded.
“Do you think dad will give the baby away like he threatened?”
His baby, he thought.
“Would you shut up Anne?” Their mother hissed, she could feel Greta was in a bad state, but her husband would never allow a Doctor. No, ¿How would anyone know what his little girl did? Sleeping with a gypsy, getting pregnant. He hadn’t talken to Greta even when they were in the same room since he learned she was expecting Tommy’s child.
The worst dishonor of his life, he said.
“Can’t believe she never showed the bump. Where did she hide the baby?”
“I still think Tommy should know, but I know dad won’t let it happen.” They kept cleaning Greta.
“Please don’t make this any worse Anne. We will stick to your fathers’ orders; tell Tommy she’s out, Kitty will keep the baby as hers, since her husband recent passing nobody will question if she was expecting.”
Tommy gasped. All of this time…
“And all of that to keep my little sister’s reputation intact.” Anne rolled her eyes.
“She’s warm Mum.” Worry in Kitty’s voice was evident.
(End of vision)
They all lied to him, they let Greta die.
And they kept his child away from him.
Tommy felt sick suddenly at the thought.
“Grace?” He couldn’t see anything around, he had been walking around for what it seemed like an eternity. “Grace?” He asked one more time.
It’s been a while since the last time he saw her, maybe he would be able to see her again.
Or… Was he ready to let her go?
But this wasn’t a hallucination, no, as the blurry vision around him dissipated, he saw himself sleeping in his bed, the house was quiet.
Without fully understanding what was happening, he was pulled from his bedroom and found himself in an open field.
The day was beautiful, sunny and the clouds in the sky seemed like made by a brushstroke.
The sound of water running soothed his worries away. This was the calmest he had ever been, the fresh air cleaning his lungs.
As he kept walking next to the river, he found the most beautiful white horse he had ever seen.
The animal as if sensing his presence, turned around to see him. Almost… almost as if it was soul recognition.
Something not a single word in the books could describe.
He approached the horse to caress the animal.
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The horse bowed its head and Tommy approached. The most natural thing was riding the animal.
“Do you have any idea what it’s going on?” Tommy asked.
He had had dreams of black cats, and hallucinations about Grace and the German soldiers behind the wall.
But he had never dreamed of white horses.
Was this even possible?
When she passed away, he wasn’t able to say goodbye, to tell her one more time he loved her, to hug her tighter.
Of course, the horse wouldn’t answer his questions, but even without an answer, Tommy just had a feeling of peace, calmness, he was safe here.
Closing his eyes, he decided if he could trust someone, it was this horse. That’s why he chose to not ask any more questions and just enjoy the ride and the way he felt.
He didn’t know how much time had passed, the three times he checked his pocket watch it had stopped working. As if he was stuck in time.
But no long after, he found a familiar place in front of him.
The canal and bridge where he used to see Greta in secret.
Getting off the horse, on the other side of the canal he could see three female figures, their features slowly showing up.
“Grandma… Mom… Grace.”
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Grace was holding something covered in her arms.
Blinking a couple of times, he couldn’t believe what he was watching. “John?” He was there too, a step behind the women, as if watching over them. He was holding a toothpick in his mouth, John nodded in his direction. He had a three-piece suit and flat cap in perfect white color.
His grandma, Birdie smiled at him. She was wearing an immaculate white Romani dress, she also had a white headscarf.
Then his eyes went to his mother, her dark hair around her shoulders, she was wearing a dark grey skirt and blouse.
“I love you Tommy… please forgive me.”
“Mom…” he felt a tight lump in his throat. After uncle Charlie told him what really happened, he silently asked her why she drowned herself, he needed her in his life, he felt like he failed her when he wasn’t able to save her.
“I need you to forgive me, my sunshine.” That was the nickname for him, said he brightened her day. Her blue eyes sparkled at him.
He nodded, unable to say the words out loud. They were stuck, at the tip of his tongue, but struggling to slip from his lips. He looked at the white horse, who’s eyes were on him, after some time that seemed like an eternity, he looked back at her. “I forgive you, Mum.”
“I love you so much my sunshine.”
I love you too Mum. He thought.
Then he saw how the grey color in her clothes began to turn lighter, until it was completely white. Perfectly white, it even lighted her features.
She looked radiant, exuding peace, love and joy, just like she used to do when she was alive.
Finally, his eyes went to Grace. She was wearing the same dress from the Shelby Foundation Fundraising Dinner, also in color white, she had her hair pin, he couldn’t see the sapphire around her neck anymore.
“It wasn’t your fault, Tommy. I will always love you.” She then moved the blanket from the bundle she was holding in her arms, to show him a beautiful baby.
His baby.
She was pregnant when she died, no one knew.
He couldn’t stop the tears now, sobbed loudly.
“Tommy.” It was Greta’s voice behind his back.
Turning to the side, there she was, also dressed in white with her favorite hat on, it had a ribbon with flowers.
“I have to go Tommy. You need to find our daughter, she has your eyes.”
“Take good care of my little girl.”
“Greta, wait!”
But she was already on the other side of the canal. The white horse was there as well.
They all smiled at him and waved to say goodbye from the other side of the canal.
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As the most important woman in his life turned around and started to walk away together, he needed answers, needed more time with them… he needed to hold them one last time.
Tommy tried to cross the canal, but there was no way.
Feeling desperate to watch them go, he needed to try to reach them.
Tell them one more time he loved them.
“Come back!”
He would have to jump.
“Don’t go please.”
His eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t leave me yet.”
He finally jumped, ready to get wet to go after them.
But instead of falling, the sensation of jump into the void woke him up, he was laying on his bed, back in reality. It had been a dream.
He needed to find his daughter. Greta had asked him to take care of her.
But for once in his life, he felt calm, knowing they were together, they were alright. They were in their own way, watching over him.
And he was able to say good bye.
For now.
(D)* ~This is where the dream starts, but I didn’t want to give away it was a dream.
Inspiration and massive thank you for the fan art to: @sybilmarlowe maybe you don’t know this, but thanks to your art I was able to finish this story 🤍 you are really talented!
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fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
Cillian Murphy (Characters) Masterlist
Thomas Shelby
Makeshift Mistletoe- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas finds his wife in the kitchen, and in the absence of mistletoe, he gets creative with a bit of parsley
First Christmas- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas’ gift to Y/n promises that their first Christmas together is only the first of many.
Snow Day- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas and his wife take a walk in their garden after a night of heavy snow fall.
Baby, Please Come Home- Thomas Shelby x Reader. A late night call between Y/n and her estranged husband, Thomas may lead to the start of mending their relationship. Warnings- Angst
Only if Its With You- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas and the reader fantasize about a future where their relationship is more than just an affair.
Tolerate It- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas’ wife feels like her husband becomes more and more of a stranger to her everyday. Warnings- Angst
One More Time- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas hopes for one more night with Y/n after telling her that he's chosen to marry Lizzie after all Warnings- SMUT, Angst
Nobody Moves Me Like You- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Thomas realizes that he doesn't love anyone else the way he loves Y/n. Warnings- Angst with a happy ending.
Lucky- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Set in the 'Only if its With You' Universe. Thomas and Y/n share a sweet, private moment on their wedding night.
Angelica- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Set in the 'Only if its With You' Universe. Y/n receives some news that she's excited to share with Thomas.
The Beauty of a Long Night- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Set in the 'Only if its With You' Universe. Y/n and Thomas spend their first moments with their newborn daughter, Angelica.
Is That Alright?- Thomas Shelby x Reader. After years together, an evening spent at Thomas' office leads to something Y/n has been waiting for.
Satisfied- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Even with riches at their reach and the people they ones loved at their side, Thomas and Y/n are never satisfied. Warnings- Angst
Gone- Thomas Shelby x Unnamed OFC (can be read as reader insert). Thomas visits his wife and shares everything everything he's been holding onto, even if she's long gone. Warnings- Angst
Undisclosed- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Y/n's secret kept from her husband ends in tragedy. Warnings- Angst, mentions of gun, descriptions of gunshot, miscarriage.
The Girl at the Factory- Thomas Shelby x Unnamed OFC (can be read as reader insert). On a stormy night spent drinking, Thomas has a strange encounter with a mysterious woman.
The Secretary- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Y/n knows that she's Mr. Shelby's favorite employee, and she always does her best to keep it that way. Warnings- SMUT/NSFW, oral sex (fem receiving), brief mentions of vaginal fingering, infidelity, brief use degrading language, abuse of power(?)
Wrapped Around Your Finger- Professor!Thomas Shelby x Student!Reader. Inspired by Wrapped Around Your Finger- The Police After months of wondering if her attraction to Professor Shelby is mutual, Y/n takes some initiative during one of their private tutoring sessions. Warnings- SMUT/NSFW, student/professor sexual relationship, slight power play, vaginal fingering.
Miss America- Thomas Shelby x Reader. When grief and a lifeless marriage push Thomas and Y/n together, they find more than they were expecting in each other. Warnings- brief mentions of character death, angst
Silence- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Three times silence was enough for Tommy and Y/n and one time it wasn't. Warnings-Angst, mentions of character death, mentions of illness.
Bed Time- Thomas Shelby x Reader. Drabble. Y/n finds a way to get her husband to bed. Warnings- brief reference to SMUT
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Mr. Gallagher and Me- Jim x Reader. Professor!Jim AU. Five years after his divorce, Jim, now a lecturer at Trinity College Dublin, meets Y/n, a new T.A, pursuing her master's degree under his supervision. When tensions rise between the two, they find themselves caught up in a relationship that everyone else may deem unsavory. Playlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Interlude Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22
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Available on Ao3 only
Reckless-Thomas Shelby x OFC (Sara Mosley). When Thomas meets the mysterious Sara Mosley at a ballet party, a forbidden attraction ensues, even if he knows he shouldn’t trust the woman with the devil’s last name. (Series)
Ghosts of Christmas- Thomas Shelby x OFC (Charlotte Shelby). A fight with his wife on Christmas Eve leads to Thomas being visited by the ghosts of Christmas. (Mini Series) Completed.
The First Move- Rpf. Cillian Murphy x Reader. Cillian is nervous about asking out his friend and costar, Y/n. (Oneshot)
Like Night and Day- Thomas Shelby x OFCs (Vivian and Annalise Graham). At a party thrown by their father, Thomas meets Vivian, a young socialite who’s being pressured to marry and her younger sister, Annalise. When the girls’ father suggest a marriage to join their companies, Thomas must chose between the sister he truly loves and the one he’s proposed to. (Series)
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Other links
Ao3 12 Days of Christmas Writing Event Keanu Reeves/Characters Masterlist
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