#liver heat & congestion
sybilsherbal · 2 years
Liver heat + congestion
symptoms: PMS, depression, moodiness, irritability, hypertension, migraines and other headaches, vaginal infections, genial itching, herpes, insomnia (esp troubles falling aseelp) or restless sleep, breast cancer, fibroids and cysts, alternating constipation and diarrhea, flank pain, gallbladder stones, irregular and/or painful menstruation, recurring bladder infections or leukorrhea.
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
Why Is My Dog Not Eating?
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Decreased appetite (hyporexia), or loss of appetite (anorexia) in dogs can be stressful for pet parents, and can sometimes indicate an underlying medical condition. Anorexia for more than 24 hours should not be ignored, as it is often a warning that something else is going on.
Here’s some insight on why your dog is not eating, including a questionnaire that can help you get to the root of the issue and some tips for what you can do to help.
Reasons Why Dogs Won’t Eat
There can be many reasons why a dog won’t eat, but they generally fall into three major categories:
Issues with the food itself
The list of possible medical causes for dog anorexia or hyporexia is very long and can include anything that might cause pain, nausea, lethargy, or stress:
Dental disease
Oral pain
Intestinal parasites
Stomach upset (eating table scraps or something else they shouldn’t have, or a sudden change in food or treats)
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Congestive heart failure
Lung disease
These are only some examples of medical issues that can lead to a loss of appetite in dogs; there are many more possible reasons.
Anxiety, stress, or fear can cause decreased appetite in some dogs, just like it can in people. Keep in mind that what you think is stressful is different from what your dog may see as stressful, and even small things can produce anxiety and cause them to not want to eat.
Changes in a dog’s routine or environment, such as new people or pets in the house, traveling, or loud noises such as construction, storms, or fireworks can trigger anxiety. Even something as simple as changing the time or location of a meal can cause more sensitive dogs to feel stressed, and it may make them less likely to eat.
Intimidation from another pet in the household can also cause a dog to avoid his or her food bowl. Many dogs do not like eating right next to housemates, as there can be intimidation that we, as humans, don’t pick up on. It is recommended that dogs be separated for feedings in order to decrease any resource guarding or intimidation.
Generally, if the issue is related to stress or anxiety, dogs will begin eating again after a day or two, once they have adjusted to the change. Some dogs may need behavioral modification or medical treatment to decrease stress and anxiety if it is frequent.
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Issues With the Food
The issue might be with the food itself—it could be old, expired, stale, or spoiled. While some dogs, such as happy-go-lucky Labrador Retrievers, might eat anything in sight, others, such as Yorkshire Terriers, may be a little more particular.
If a dog has been on the same food for a while and has always eaten it well, take a look at the expiration date on the bag or can, and check to make sure that it is stored in an airtight container.
All dog food containers and bags should be sealed, and the food should be thrown out if the expiration date has passed. Open canned food can be sealed with plastic wrap or a lid that’s made to fit dog food cans, and it can be kept in the refrigerator for two to three days.
Many pet parents wonder if their dog may simply be tired of their food if they stop eating it. While some dogs may be picky, a healthy, hungry dog should not stop eating a certain food simply because they’ve eaten it for a while.
Sometimes it takes a few tries to figure out which dog food your dog likes best, but if your dog seems to get tired of food after food, it may be because they are getting too many treats or human food, or they might have a medical condition.
Dogs are smart and quickly learn that if they don’t eat their kibble right away, they might get some tasty treats instead. Rather than jumping right to table scraps or a new food, see if mixing kibble with canned food, or gently heating the canned food is helpful.
Switching foods suddenly often leads to stomach upset (decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea), so it can be very counterproductive. It would be very unusual for a dog to go hungry for several days just because they are picky, so it is important to rule out underlying medical conditions with your veterinarian if this happens.  
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Why Won’t My Dog Eat? Questionnaire
Use this questionnaire to help determine possible causes for your dog’s loss of appetite.
Will Your Dog Drink Water?
If your dog will drink water but won’t eat, it may be due to nausea, stress, or mouth pain. If they are able to keep the water down, that is a good sign. However, if they are vomiting after drinking water, they should be seen by a veterinarian right away, as this could indicate severe nausea or an intestinal obstruction. If they go longer than 24 hours without eating, even if they are still drinking, they should be examined by their vet to determine the underlying cause of their inappetence.
If your dog has not eaten or drank in 24 hours or more, they should be seen by a veterinarian right away in order to be assessed and treated for likely dehydration, and to investigate the underlying cause of their unwillingness to eat or drink.
Anything that can cause a dog to feel ill, such as kidney disease, pancreatitis, intestinal parasites, liver disease, cancer, infection, intestinal obstruction, etc., can lead a dog to refuse food and water. Like humans, dogs cannot go for more than a few days without water, so this should be treated seriously.
Does Your Dog Eat Treats But Not Food?
If your dog is refusing dinner but saying yes to treats or table scraps, they may be filling up on “junk food” rather than their own dog food. However, if your dog has other symptoms of not feeling well, a medical condition could be to blame for their altered appetite.
For example, if your dog is happy, energetic, drinking water, playing, and not having any vomiting or diarrhea, it may be that they are simply getting too many calories per day in treats and aren’t hungry for their meal. They may also have outsmarted you, knowing that if they refuse to eat their food, they’ll get tasty chicken and dog treats instead.
However, if your dog is lethargic, having any vomiting or diarrhea, starting to eat a bit then stopping, or drooling or licking their lips, they may not be feeling 100% well. Treats are higher rewards, so many dogs will be more likely to eat those rather than their food, even if they aren’t feeling the best. Think of a time when you’ve had an upset stomach but powered through to have your favorite treat while passing up the salad bar.
It is always best to be on the safe side and have any possible medical conditions ruled out if getting your dog to eat is becoming a frequent challenge.
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Is Your Dog Not Eating Dry Food?
Does your dog turn up their nose at dry food, only to wolf down canned food the minute you set it down? This is a common complaint from pet parents, and it can mean a few different things.
It may be that your dog has dental or oral pain. Many pet parents believe that if their pet is eating, they must not have oral pain, but that’s not the case. They have to eat, so many dog struggle silently with oral pain for months or years until a dental procedure is done to extract any rotten or infected teeth.
While some dogs will still eat dry food even with severe oral pain, many prefer canned food, as it’s easier to chew. If your dog is no longer wanting to eat dry food but will eat canned, they should be seen by their veterinarian for an oral examination.
It may also be that your dog prefers canned food to dry food, as it often smells stronger and may be seen as more of a “treat.” Try mixing canned food with the dry kibble to encourage your dog to eat, and gradually transitioning to a higher ratio of dry food, until your dog is back to eating dry kibble.
Some dogs simply refuse to eat kibble in favor of canned food. While this can have some negative consequences, such as worse dental disease or a higher food bill, it may not be a problem to have your dog on canned food long-term. Talk to your veterinarian to see if feeding your dog an all-canned diet may be the best option for them.
Is Your Dog a Senior?
While senior dogs may have lower caloric requirements than young dogs, and therefore may eat less than they used to, marked weight loss or a refusal to eat is not normal and can indicate serious underlying health conditions.
These can include, but are not limited to:
Dental disease
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Stomach upset (eating something they shouldn’t have or a sudden change in diet)
Cognitive decline, mobility issues, or vision loss can also cause a dog to not eat if they are unable to find or get to their food bowl. It is important for senior dogs to have a feeding routine, that the food bowl remain in the same area of the house so that they know where to find it, and that they have a rug or yoga mat to stand on while eating to avoid slipping or having trouble standing on hard floors.
If your senior dog has gone longer than 24 hours without eating, they should see their veterinarian for a thorough physical examination and possible diagnostics to investigate the cause of their loss of appetite.
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Is Your Dog a Puppy?
A young, healthy puppy shouldn’t go more than a few hours without eating.
Small breed puppies, especially, are at a high risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and should be watched closely for signs of lethargy or collapse if they are not eating. If this happens, they should be treated on an emergency basis.
Some puppies may not like larger kibble, as it can be hard for their puppy teeth to chew, especially if they are just transitioning to solid food. This can be remedied by mixing in water and letting it soak to create more of a porridge consistency, or the kibble can be mixed with canned food as well.
If your puppy still will not eat, they should be seen right away by a veterinarian. If they are also lethargic, vomiting, or having diarrhea, they should be seen on an emergency basis.
Did You Just Adopt Your Dog Recently?
A newly adopted dog can take days or weeks to settle into their new home. Anxiety is a common cause of temporary inappetence, so it’s not unusual for a new addition to the household to refuse food for the first day or two.
It is important to ensure that they are given a quiet place to eat, away from other pets or children that may interrupt them. As long as they are otherwise energetic and not having vomiting or diarrhea, it’s okay to give them a day or two to get used to their new home before worrying about them not eating.
However, if they are lethargic, vomiting, or having diarrhea, or go more than 48 hours without eating anything, they should be examined by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.  
Did Anything Change in Your Household?
Some dogs may be sensitive enough that a change in their environment may cause inappetence. Examples include a new addition to the family (whether a new pet or a new baby), construction, having people over, or even a change in the location of the food and water bowls.
While noise phobias aren’t specific to your household necessarily, things like thunderstorms and fireworks can also cause enough anxiety to discourage your dog from eating.
Could Your Dog Have Separation Anxiety?
Many dogs with separation anxiety refuse to eat while their pet parent isn’t home. Some dogs with separation anxiety even expect their loved one to be in the room while they eat, and will stop eating if their human leaves the room.
While this is not necessarily a health concern, it is a sign that your dog may have severe anxiety that needs to be addressed. Calming chews such Composure may be helpful, and calming pheromone collars can be beneficial as well.
However, if you are concerned that your dog may have severe separation anxiety, consider consulting with a board-certified veterinary behaviorist for help.
Did You Switch Dog Foods?
Transitioning from one dog food to another too quickly can cause stomach upset, which may mean that your dog doesn’t feel like eating. It’s important to transition foods gradually over 7-10 days in order to avoid stomach upset. This also allows your dog to get used to the new food over time, rather than making a sudden switch.
Is Your Dog Pregnant or in Heat?
Early in pregnancy, your dog may have a reduced or absent appetite. If your dog is in the middle or late part of her gestation, she may eat less because her stomach has less room to expand due to the presence of puppies, but she should make up for this by eating a smaller amount more frequently.
Regardless of what point of gestation your dog is in, if she has not eaten in over 24 hours, your veterinarian should be called right away to ensure that everything is okay.
Dogs in heat may also have a decreased appetite, which is considered normal. However, if she goes longer than 48 hours without eating anything, she should be checked by her veterinarian. If she is lethargic, vomiting, having diarrhea, or drinking and urinating more than usual, she should be seen by her veterinarian right away, as this could indicate an infection in the uterus known as pyometra.
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Is Your Dog Diabetic?
If your dog is diabetic and will not eat, this could be an indication that something is seriously wrong. Ask your veterinarian what they recommend doing if your dog won’t eat at the time of your dog’s diagnosis.
As a general rule, dogs should not be given as insulin if they aren’t eating, as this can cause dangerously low hypoglycemia. If your veterinarian advised you to give a half dose of insulin if your dog skips one meal, do so, but alert your veterinarian immediately if your dog skips another meal.
If your diabetic dog skips a meal, is lethargic, nonresponsive, or vomiting or having diarrhea, they should be seen by a veterinarian immediately, as this could be an indication of hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis, both of which are life-threatening if not treated right away.
Did Your Dog Just Have Surgery?
It is not unusual for your dog to skip a meal or two after a surgery. The medications used for sedation and anesthesia commonly cause nausea and a decreased appetite, and medications that they may go home on, such as pain medications and/or antibiotics can also suppress the appetite.
You may try tempting your dog to eat with a spoonful of canned food or boneless, skinless, boiled chicken on top of their kibble. Better yet, ask your veterinarian for a few cans of a prescription gastrointestinal diet to feed for the first few days after surgery. These foods are highly palatable, are easily digestible, and can help counteract some of the gastrointestinal upset that can happen after surgery and anesthesia.
If your dog had oral or facial surgery, your veterinarian may recommend feeding only canned food for two or more weeks. This also means that your dog should not receive hard treats or chew on hard toys until they are declared healed at their recheck appointment. If your dog is refusing to eat the prescribed canned food, reach out to your veterinarian in case there are any post-operative complications.
What to Do When Your Dog Won’t Eat
If your dog is lethargic, vomiting, or having diarrhea in addition to not eating, see your veterinarian right away. If you don’t see any of these, here are some ways to try to entice your dog to eat:
Add water or no-sodium chicken broth to the dog food and let it soak for several minutes to soften it.
Heat canned food for a few seconds in the microwave (make sure to take it out of the metal can and put it into a microwave-safe bowl). Canned food can become scorching hot quickly, so feel the food first to avoid any burned tongues.
Try mixing some plain, boneless, skinless boiled chicken and rice with their kibble to encourage them to eat.
Add a probiotic such as Purina Fortiflora or Advita on top of the food. Not only can this make the food more palatable, but it can also help any inflamed or irritated intestine heal by rebalancing a healthy gastrointestinal flora.
If you have tried these tricks and your dog continues to refuse his food, he should be seen by his veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Unless explicitly prescribed by your veterinarian, your dog should not be given any over-the-counter gastrointestinal medications like Imodium or Pepto Bismol, as these could cause serious side effects or even interact with medications that your veterinarian may want to give. It is best to consult with your veterinarian before attempting to treat symptoms at home.
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bagerburch56 · 1 month
Vitamin And Mineral Information You Did Not Know About
Your body needs vitamins and nutrients for so many reasons. Vitamins and minerals help your body perform daily functions that you take for granted. Understanding how vitamins work and what vitamins help with what functions is important when planning a healthy diet. Keep reading to learn more about giving your body the nutrients it needs. When buying fat-soluble vitamins, like omega-3, it is a good idea to store them in the refrigerator. Since they contain fat, improper store can cause them to become rancid. Also, make sure to keep them away from heat and light because this can break them down and make them ineffective. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, deficiency can cause neurological and psychiatric symptoms. These symptoms can include weight loss, weakness, irregular heart rate and psychosis. A vitamin B complex can ensure you receive the vitamin B1 you need, or you can eat pork, brown rice, liver, oatmeal, leafy vegetables, eggs and potatoes. If you decide to take a multivitamin, be sure you are choosing the right one. Some multivitamins do not contain all of the vitamins and minerals that truly benefit a person. Be sure to look for a multivitamin that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. It should also have minerals zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, and magnesium. Coenzyme Q-10 is used to treat heart and vessel conditions, including angina, congestive heart failure, diabetes, gum disease and high blood pressure. This potent formula strengthens immune systems and increases energy. Patients can get the substance naturally in seafood and meat; however, most prefer to take a Coenzyme Q-10 supplement. Track the number of vitamins and minerals you take. If you're a person that takes a lot of supplements, you could be getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals. This is usually the case with fat-soluble vitamins like K, D, A, and E. If the risks worry you or if you take prescriptions, you should talk to a physician. To give רפואת האמהות שלנו , consider taking Ginseg. Ginseng can help your body to regulate its hormones. This will help influence your insulin production, blood pressure, and metabolism. As a result, you will also find yourself thinking more clearly and having more energy to get through your day. Not all multivitamins are created equal. In fact, you need to be checking to ensure that the list of vitamins and minerals included in the multivitamin account for 100 percent of your daily allowances. Therefore, you are ensuring that you are getting all the essential nutrients that you should be getting from a multivitamin. Include more manganese in your diet. Manganese provides many functions, but primary ones include formation of bones and the speedy healing of wounds. It has also been shown to speed up the metabolism of protein, cholesterol and carbs. This is something you can find in teas, both black and green, most whole grains, almonds, and many beans. You can find manganese supplements online or in drug stores. Stress is something that is harming the quality of life in millions of people world wide and there is a simple solution for a good percentage of those people. By adding vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and choline to your diet, you will eliminate some of the stress as C is an anti-stress vitamin and choline does some fantastic things to help the mind and nerves. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is found in B complex supplements, meat, fish, eggs and cereals. This vitamin has been used to treat high cholesterol, dizziness, migraines and other circulation problems, Deficiencies in Vitamin B3 causes aggression, dermatitis, edema, insomnia, mental confusion, diarrhea, weakness, dilated cardiomyopathy and even death. The fact is that nutrients which come in supplement form are just as good for you as those which come in the food you eat. While you can't absorb a supplement as easily, it can still produce positive results. Try a multivitamin today, so go pick up a bottle! As it was stated previously, vitamins and nutrients are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Eating well is an important part of getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but there are other ways. Use the information and tips listed above to make sure your body is nourished like it should be.
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pillsblue · 2 months
Buy Malegra 200 Mg Online In Canada | USA | Belgium
Sildenafil Citrate 200mg tablet works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps you improve erectile function. It contains the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate, which is a type of medication known as a PDE5 inhibitor. 
When you become sexually aroused, your body releases nitric oxide, which stimulates the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This chemical helps to relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and resulting in an erection.
How to use Malegra 200mg?
You can take Malegra 200 dosage orally approximately 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity.
Should be taken with a full glass of water, and may be consumed with or without food.
Don't consume alcohol or grapefruit because maybe can increase the risk of side effects.
It's important to not take more than one dose of Sildenafil Citrate Malegra 200mg in 24 hours.
What are the benefits of using Malegra 200?
Increased Erection Strength: Malegra helps improve the strength and hardness of erections, making it easier to achieve and maintain.
Enhanced Sexual Performance: It can boost sexual performance by increasing confidence and stamina during intimate moments.
Improved Sexual Satisfaction: It can lead to increased satisfaction for both partners by addressing erectile dysfunction effectively.
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Convenience: Malegra 200 comes in tablet form, making it easy to use discreetly and conveniently before engaging in sexual activity.
Malegra 200 Side effects
Common side effects of 200mg Malegra include headache, dizziness, flushing, indigestion, nasal congestion, diarrhea, vision changes, and hearing loss.
Malegra 200 mg Dosage
Missed Dose
Take the missed shot as soon as you remember. It can be skipped if it is nearly time for the next scheduled dose. This applies to conditions like Pulmonary Hypertension where the shot regimen is fixed.
Contact Erectile Dysfunction Consultation or doctor immediately if an overdose is suspected. You might require immediate health check attention if the overdose is severe.
Other Dosage
Malegra 25mg
Malegra 100mg
Malegra Oral Jelly 
Malegra Professional
Who should avoid taking Malegra 200 mg?
If you've had allergic reactions to sildenafil or similar drugs in the past, it's best to avoid this tablet.
Avoid 200mg Sildenafil pill if you are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or heart conditions.
Individuals with severe liver or kidney issues should steer clear of Malegra.
People with low blood pressure or uncontrolled high blood pressure should not take medicine.
If you have specific eye conditions like retinitis pigmentosa, it's advisable to avoid 200mg malegra.
Those who have recently experienced a heart attack or stroke should not use Malegra 200 mg.
Individuals with hereditary degenerative retinal disorders should refrain from taking tablet.
If you are prone to priapism (prolonged erection), it's recommended not to use viagra.
Avoid Malegra if you are using protease inhibitors for HIV treatment.
Malegra 200mg is not suitable for women and children under 18 years old.
How to store Malegra 200
It's should be stored at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C)
It should be kept in its original packaging, away from moisture and heat.
Keep Malegra 200 out of reach of children and pets.
Do not store the 200mg diamond Viagra pill in the bathroom or other damp or humid areas, as moisture can affect its effectiveness.
Don't flush them down the toilet or throw them in the trash. Instead, talk to your pharmacist or healthcare provider for guidance on how to safely dispose of the medication.
Is Malegra 200 safe for everyone?
Yes, 100% safe & fully FDA-verified.
Can I split or crush Malegra 200 tablets?
You should not split or crush Malegra tablets, you take them whole as directed by a healthcare provider.
Is it safe to buy Malegra 200 online?
It's important to exercise caution and ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable and licensed online pharmacy. 
Does Malegra 200 improve sexual stamina?
No, malegra does not increase sexual stamina, it primarily helps with erectile dysfunction by aiding in achieving and maintaining an erection.
Can Malegra 200 be taken with food?
Yes, you can take this tablet with food.
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anantam-ayurveda · 8 months
Health Benefits of Shalparni
It has earned its place as a botanical treasure, brimming with a multitude of health benefits.
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1. Liver Health
Shalparni is celebrated for its potent hepatoprotective properties. The herb's bioactive compounds work synergistically to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver. This cleansing effect aids in the elimination of toxins from the body, paving the way for enhanced overall health.
2. Respiratory Support
Shalparni's role in supporting respiratory well-being is noteworthy. Its pungent and heating qualities work in tandem to alleviate congestion and promote clear breathing. The herb's ability to balance Kapha dosha makes it a valuable asset in addressing respiratory concerns. Its bronchodilatory and expectorant effects make it effective against conditions like asthma and bronchitis.
3. Digestive Harmony
Shalparni's influence extends to the digestive system, where it kindles the digestive fire and enhances metabolism. This not only aids in efficient nutrient absorption but also supports overall digestive comfort.
4. Immunomodulation
Shalparni's nutrient-rich composition, including antioxidants and vitamins, bolsters the immune system's defenses. Regular consumption supports the body's ability to ward off infections and maintain vitality.
5. Stress Reduction
Ayurveda praises Shalparni for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and maintain physiological balance. Its ability to pacify Vata dosha aids in reducing anxiety, restlessness, and promoting a sense of calmness.
6. Joint Comfort and Mobility
In the pursuit of optimal joint health, Shalparni emerges as a natural ally. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties contribute to the alleviation of discomfort, promoting ease of movement. Regular incorporation can be particularly beneficial for those seeking joint vitality.
How to Use Shalparni:
read more
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ayumantraca · 1 year
Cleanse Your Lungs Naturally with Ayurvedic Medicine for Lung Detox
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Ayurvedic medicine offers a natural and effective way to cleanse the lungs and promote lung detoxification. In this article, we will explore the principles of Ayurveda and how they can be applied to support healthy lung function and enhance respiratory health. We will also discuss some of the best Ayurvedic medicine for lung detox and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.
Allergonil Tablets
Allergonil is a versatile remedy that can be used both for curing and preventing allergic disorders. It can be used in combination with other anti-allergic remedies and effectively addresses skin, bronchial, and digestive allergies. Additionally, it is anti-Ama, anti-Pitta, balancing, and detoxifying for the skin and lungs. This makes it a valuable aid in the treatment of skin allergies and offers relief from common symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes and throat. 
Amalaki Capsules (Emblica Officinalis)
Amalaki Capsules, on the other hand, are a gentle yet potent way to detoxify the body by purifying the blood and supporting regular elimination. They have also been shown to rejuvenate the entire body, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and improve cellular regeneration. Moreover, they support the proper functioning of vital organs like the liver, spleen, heart, and lungs while providing natural antioxidants, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and strengthening bones, teeth, and hair.
Sitopaladi Powder
AyuMantra’s Sitopaladi powder is an exceptional Ayurvedic remedy that can naturally address both respiratory and digestive problems. Its unique formulation contains potent healing properties that help restore immunity in the body. In addition to aiding chronic fever, coughs, and colds, Sitopaladi powder has detoxifying qualities that eliminate impurities from the lungs and stomach. 
By promoting healthy digestion and respiration, it helps reduce mucus production and chest congestion. The combination of herbs used in this powder is highly effective in fighting viral infections, while also aiding in the reduction of heartburns, gas, and strengthening the body's ability to fight several problems without medication. With its natural healing properties, Sitopaladi powder is a great alternative for those seeking a holistic approach to maintaining their respiratory and digestive health.
Peepali Tablets ( Piper Longum )
Peepali SPL is a remarkable herbal remedy that can help alleviate stomach and lung disorders while promoting better sleep and overall health. This Ayurvedic formulation is rich in nutrients that aid in healthy weight loss without compromising organ function, energy levels, or immunity. Peepali SPL is a popular recommendation for eliminating waste from the body and gradually transporting nutrients throughout the bloodstream. Its calming effects can also help relieve stress and improve digestion and appetite, leading to overall better body health. Whether you're struggling with stomach or lung issues or looking to improve your sleep and weight management, Peepali SPL is a natural and effective way to support your body's health and wellness.
Shatavari Powder ( Asparagus Racemosus )
Shatavari is a highly beneficial herb that strengthens and nourishes the tissues in the body. It has also been known to soothe the membranes of the lungs, kidneys, stomach, and reproductive organs, making it a great aid for digestion. In addition, By promoting the health of reproductive organs, lungs, and kidneys, this herb is an excellent addition to any wellness regimen.
Triphala Powder
Triphala is a powerful remedy with rejuvenating properties that can help improve the overall health of the body. By detoxifying and nourishing the body, it can have positive effects on the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. Triphala works by removing excess heat and mucus from the respiratory system, which can balance the system and improve breathing. Additionally. If you're looking for a natural way to support your body's health and well-being, Triphala is a great option to consider.
Ayurvedic medicine provides a holistic approach to lung detoxification that emphasizes the importance of balancing the body and mind. By incorporating Ayurvedic medicine for lung detox such as herbs, spices, and breathing techniques into your daily routine, you can support healthy lung function and enhance respiratory health. 
However, it's important to note that Ayurvedic remedies should be used in conjunction with medical treatment, especially if you are experiencing respiratory problems or have a chronic lung condition. Always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before trying any new remedies or treatments. With consistent effort and the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner, you can take steps towards achieving optimal lung health and overall wellbeing.
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat sweet Peppers? How to give precautions Nutritious peppers are an essential part of the human diet, but are they safe to feed to dogs as well? During this article, we will discuss the benefits of eating peppers and how to give them to your dog. Dogs love sweet peppers! sweet peppers are a type of vegetable that is rich in nutrients and delicious to humans. As it has a unique bitter flavor, your dog may not be able to smell it and want to eat it. Cooked peppers, however, are deliciously seasoned or heated so they have a sweet taste, so dogs may be attracted to them. If you have taken a bite of the plot, you may have taken your eyes off the prize. It is generally considered safe for dogs to eat sweet peppers. You don't have to worry about poisoning if your dog steals and eats you. For homemade rice that is rich in nutrients, owners should use sweet peppers as ingredients. Give your dog a small amount of something good for him if he likes it to top the food. As sweet peppers can be eaten raw or heated, it is recommended to give them heated. Dogs are more prone to indigestion than humans, so feed them easily digestible foods. In addition, bell pepper seeds are not good for digestion and have a bad texture, so be sure to remove them before giving them. The seeds should not be left if they are black and ripe because they will rot. If you accidentally eat raw peppers and seeds, there is no big problem. You shouldn't be too stressed about eating, and you shouldn't burden it too much. Effects of sweet peppers on dogs? Here are some side effects to mention below Preventing cancer is possible Maintains liver health Eliminates bad breath Blood flow at its smoothest Keep your skin clean and strong Enhance dieting results The best way to feed peppers to your dog Dogs can eat sweet peppers, but there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding them. Let's figure out how to give it to your dog so that it can eat it deliciously and digest it well. Frequently Asked Questions Can dogs eat raw pepper? There will be no major problems such as getting sick if your dog eats raw peppers, but raw peppers are harder to digest and absorb than heated peppers, which strains their stomachs. Especially weak dogs can experience indigestion from them, so make sure you cook them before giving them to make them gentle. When feeding sweet peppers to dogs Whenever you feed dog food, make sure it suits its constitution. In this article, I will explain the points to keep in mind when giving it to your dog so that he doesn't get sick from eating peppers. Be aware of allergies Don't feed unfamiliar food to your dog if it has food allergies. You should be especially careful when giving unexpected foods for the first time. When you have allergies to the same nightshade foods as peppers, likely, you will also have allergic symptoms to peppers. Whenever you have been allergic to eggplants, tomatoes, or potatoes, it is better to stop giving them peppers. Feed peppers very small amounts at first and see how they go. Observe closely for allergic symptoms such as vomiting, Vegetables such as sweet peppers are safe for dogs to eat. The nutrients in it help prevent cancer, support liver function, smooth blood flow, prevent blood clots from forming, and keep the skin clean and healthy. It can, however, cause indigestion and allergic symptoms, so it must be given with caution. To avoid throat congestion, remove the stems and seeds after finely chopping. , itching, dandruff, and red eyes after eating. In case of suspected allergies, don't feed them any more peppers. If the symptoms are severe, consult a veterinary clinic. To determine whether your dog is allergic, it is recommended that you have an allergy test at a veterinary clinic. Indigestion, such as vomiting and diarrhea, should be avoided Don't get your throat stuck Alkaloids that cause arthritis should be avoided
Summary Vegetables such as sweet peppers are safe for dogs to eat. The nutrients in it help prevent cancer, support liver function, smooth blood flow, prevent blood clots from forming, and keep the skin clean and healthy. It can, however, cause indigestion and allergic symptoms, so it must be given with caution. To avoid throat congestion, remove the stems and seeds after finely chopping. Heating peppers makes them easier to digest, so it is recommended to cook them for your dog and make homemade rice. There is a recipe using sweet peppers for dogs, so be sure to look for it. Peppers provide your dog with healthy nutrients efficiently.  
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callesenbekker91 · 1 year
Vitamin And Mineral Information You Did Not Know About
Your body needs vitamins and nutrients for so many reasons. Vitamins and minerals help your body perform daily functions that you take for granted. Understanding how vitamins work and what vitamins help with what functions is important when planning a healthy diet. Keep reading to learn more about giving your body the nutrients it needs. When buying fat-soluble vitamins, like omega-3, it is a good idea to store them in the refrigerator. Since they contain fat, improper store can cause them to become rancid. Also, make sure to keep them away from heat and light because this can break them down and make them ineffective. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, deficiency can cause neurological and psychiatric symptoms. These symptoms can include weight loss, weakness, irregular heart rate and psychosis. A vitamin B complex can ensure you receive the vitamin B1 you need, or you can eat pork, brown rice, liver, oatmeal, leafy vegetables, eggs and potatoes. If you decide to take a multivitamin, be sure you are choosing the right one. Some multivitamins do not contain all of the vitamins and minerals that truly benefit a person. Be sure to look for a multivitamin that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. It should also have minerals zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, and magnesium. Coenzyme Q-10 is used to treat heart and vessel conditions, including angina, congestive heart failure, diabetes, gum disease and high blood pressure. This potent formula strengthens immune systems and increases energy. Patients can get the substance naturally in seafood and meat; however, most prefer to take a Coenzyme Q-10 supplement. Track the number of vitamins and minerals you take. If you're a person that takes a lot of supplements, you could be getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals. This is usually the case with fat-soluble vitamins like K, D, A, and E. If the risks worry you or if you take prescriptions, you should talk to a physician. To give your immune system a boost, consider taking Ginseg. Ginseng can help your body to regulate its hormones. This will help influence your insulin production, blood pressure, and metabolism. As a result, you will also find yourself thinking more clearly and having more energy to get through your day. Not all multivitamins are created equal. In fact, you need to be checking to ensure that the list of vitamins and minerals included in the multivitamin account for 100 percent of your daily allowances. Therefore, you are ensuring that you are getting all the essential nutrients that you should be getting from a multivitamin. Include more manganese in your diet. Manganese provides many functions, but primary ones include formation of bones and the speedy healing of wounds. It has also been shown to speed up the metabolism of protein, cholesterol and carbs. This is something you can find in teas, both black and green, most whole grains, almonds, and many beans. You can find manganese supplements online or in drug stores. Stress is something that is harming the quality of life in millions of people world wide and there is a simple solution for a good percentage of those people. By adding vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and choline to your diet, you will eliminate some of the stress as C is an anti-stress vitamin and choline does some fantastic things to help the mind and nerves. Is Glyphosate Safe? , also known as niacin, is found in B complex supplements, meat, fish, eggs and cereals. This vitamin has been used to treat high cholesterol, dizziness, migraines and other circulation problems, Deficiencies in Vitamin B3 causes aggression, dermatitis, edema, insomnia, mental confusion, diarrhea, weakness, dilated cardiomyopathy and even death. The fact is that nutrients which come in supplement form are just as good for you as those which come in the food you eat. While you can't absorb a supplement as easily, it can still produce positive results. Try a multivitamin today, so go pick up a bottle! As it was stated previously, vitamins and nutrients are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Eating well is an important part of getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but there are other ways. Use the information and tips listed above to make sure your body is nourished like it should be.
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amberwellnessgroup · 1 year
Home Hydrotherapy Treatments
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It’s that time of year, when we maybe indulge a little more and sleep a little less. This can set you up for lowered immune response to the cold and flus that also circulate this time of year.
Did you know there’s some easy and convenient home therapies that you can do yourself? Most of what you’ll need is already in your home or easily available at our clinic or local pharmacies.
Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil has many beneficial properties. It is anti-inflammatory, promotes circulation, and supports liver function. It’s also known to support hormone metabolism and detoxification. These are some ways to use it. Please do not take castor oil internally.
Apply ⅛ cup to wool flannel. Then place wool flannel over your abdomen and cover with heat and leave on for 30 minutes. You may want to put Syran wrap / towel over the flannel to protect your shirt from castor oil. Once done, put the flannel in a ziplock bag and store in the refrigerator. Do 4 times a week for best results.
Apply to your abdomen and anywhere that is sore and climb in an epsom salts bath. Soak for 30 minutes and then wash off.
Apply to the pelvis or other affected areas and get in a warm shower. Aim the showerhead on the affected area for 3-5 minutes before cleaning off with soap.
Wet Sock Treatment
This is an amazing, easy to do treatment that only requires socks and water. The wet sock treatment helps to decrease congestion by redirecting circulation downward. It also helps support a fever, the body’s #1 immune fighting mechanism. Use at first sign of a cold or onset of a fever.
Start with warm feet, if they’re not warm then do a quick foot soak to warm them up.
Then take a pair of thin cotton socks and get them wet with cold water. Then wring them out and put on warm feet.
Cover with a dry thicker sock, like wool. Then get into bed and sleep. The socks will be dry when you wake up.
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eastsidewriters · 1 year
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omkarahillss · 3 years
Guide to Herbal Remedies & Magic with Practical Recipes
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Cinnamon is a warming tonic & great source of magnesium, fibre, iron & calcium. It is a powerful antiseptic, with antiviral & antifungal properties & is often indicated in cases of viral infections, fungal infections & colds & flu. It is a mild emmenagogue, making it useful in cases of sluggish & painful menstruation. Cinnamon can be used as an appetite enhancer. It can also lower cholesterol & thin blood clots and best immunity booster products in Jaipur. It chases chills, prevents colds & warms the hands & feet of those who feel cold all the time. Cinnamon is used to enhance digestion, prevent nausea, treat coughs & generally for health problems of the respiratory & the circulatory system.
A cup of cinnamon tea, made by steeping a cinnamon stick or a scant teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, is a good way to prevent the flu. Cinnamon tea also eases menstrual cramps, soothes sore joints, relieves gas pain & allays that feeling of fullness after a big meal. A sip or two of cinnamon tea before meals improves digestion & prevents acid reflux. Those who drink cinnamon tea regularly will have less cavities, stronger gums & fewer insect bites. Cinnamon tea is a gentle but effective remedy for both childhood diarrhea & infestations of worms. In India, cinnamon tea is regarded as a remedy against halitosis, nausea & vomiting. It is a strong stimulant for the glandular system & is very warming, so it is good for relieving the symptoms of colds, flu & sore throats. Cinnamon can be taken internally for fibroids, flatulence, intestinal cramping, inflammation, rheumatism, oral infections caused by candida. The bark of the stem & the oil obtained from it are useful as antiseptics, astringents & carminatives; the oil obtained from the leaves is used as a flavoring agent & for local application on certain rheumatic pains. Essential oil of Cinnamon has anti-coagulating, anti-microbial & antioxidant properties. Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels. The essential oil of cinnamon is a good substitute for clove oil in treating toothache. It is particularly effective in killing the organisms that cause periodontal disease. Inhaling the warm, spicy & sweet scent of this spice can boost brain activity & memory. In China, Japan & Far-East countries, women who do not conceive & wish to strengthen the uterus take cinnamon powder. In such cases, you should take a pinch of cinnamon powder in 1/2 tsp of honey & apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day so that it slowly mixes with the saliva & enters the body.
Polycystic ovary syndrome can also be cured by using cinnamon daily, which will help jump start a woman’s period/cycle & promote fertility.
Because of its warming & stimulating properties, cinnamon is used to boost vitality, improve circulation & clear congestion. It is a well-respected digestive aid, particularly for cases of overeating, bloating & sluggish digestion & one of the best herbs around for stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Honey & cinnamon is used as a cancer treatment which kills microbes inside the cancer cells.
To be safe, caution is advised for anyone with liver problems. Due to its blood-thinning effects, people should stop taking cinnamon in quantities greater than use as a spice at least one week prior to surgery. Close monitoring of blood sugar levels in diabetics is warranted to avoid unsafe lowering of blood sugar. People with prostate problems should avoid cinnamon. Large doses of cinnamon bark can cause changes in breathing & dilation of blood vessels. Once pregnant, you should not take cinnamon because it stimulates premature labor & uterine contractions. Very large amounts of powdered cinnamon can cause poisoning. Symptoms begin with central nervous system sedation, characterized by sleepiness & depression. This is followed by tachycardia & stimulation of the vasomotor center, which causes increases in intestinal peristalsis, respiration & diuresis.
The flavor of cinnamon complements cooked apples, fresh fruit, fruit punches or mulled wine & is also very tasty in spice cakes & cookies.
Simmer Cinnamon sticks with milk & honey for a warming beverage.
Mix 1–3 tsp of ground Cinnamon powder in 1 cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain & drink to cure diarrhea.
For Cough:
Make a tea with ½ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp cinnamon & 1 clove per 1 cup of water. Sweeten with 1 tsp honey & drink.
Expectorant Cough Syrup:
120 ml water 120 ml honey 1–2 tsp dried mullein leaves 1–2 tsp dried white horehound herb 1–2 tsp dried rosemary leaves 1–2 tsp powdered or chopped cinnamon bark 1–2 tsp dried chopped ginger 1 pinch of cayenne Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat. Simmer, uncovered, until the mixture has reduced by about one-half. Remove from the heat & strain. Cool to room temperature. Take 1 tsp as often as every 2 hours. Store in the refrigerator.
Cinnamon & Scallion Tea for Cold & Flu:
Finely chop one scallion. Put it into a teacup & add 2 slices of raw ginger & dash of powdered cinnamon. Fill the cup with hot water, let the herbs steep & drink the tea. Cinnamon & ginger induce sweating, while scallion clears sinuses.
Cinnamon for diabetes 2:
Take at least 1/2 teaspoon a day, which is critical to “soften” the cell membranes. Cinnamon mimics insulin, thus it may lower your need for insulin immediately.
Cinnamon-Ginger Tea for Menstrual Difficulties:
1 tsp chopped cinnamon bark 1 tsp chopped dried ginger or freshly grated ginger root Pour 1 cup boiling water over the herbs. Cover & let steep for ca 30 minutes. Strain & sweeten with honey. Sip slowly. Prepare & drink as often as needed, until cramps subside. Both cinnamon & ginger are reliable aids for relieving stomach & menstrual cramps. A warm poultice or hot-water bottle placed over the pelvic area can also be helpful.
Herbal Decoction for Uterine Tumors:
1 part turmeric 1 1/2 parts licorice root 4 parts cinnamon bark 5 parts peach seed Simmer slowly 30 g of dried herbs in 700 ml of water for 30–60 minutes in a covered pot. Strain & drink 1/2 cup 2 -4 times a day, between meals. Take 6 days a week. Tumors of the uterus, including uterine fibroids & cancers, very often involve blood stagnation. Ovarian cysts can also be placed in this category. Turmeric in diet helps dissolve these growths. Since the uterus & ovaries are not well-circulated area & growths there resist treatment, this decoction is invaluable for speeding the re-absorption of tumors, cancers & similar growths in the lower abdominal region.
Cinnamon Honey:
½ cup honey 1–2 tbsp cinnamon powder Gently warm the honey & then stir in the cinnamon. Stir a teaspoon of the honey into warm water or herb tea.
Cinnamon Tincture for Stabilizing Blood Sugar:
100 ml chopped cinnamon bark 80-proof alcohol (brandy, vodka) Place the cinnamon in a glass jar. Cover with alcohol. Let steep for 4- 6 weeks, shaking daily. Strain through a fine-mesh, stainless-steel strainer lined with cheesecloth. Discard the cinnamon, then bottle the liquid. Take ½ tsp 2x a day for 5 days. Continue in this manner for several weeks, or until blood sugar levels normalize.
A Soup for Joint Pain:
Cook until done 1 cup pearl barley with 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 pinch saffron & 1 piece Dong Quai (tang kuei) Add a pinch of following herbs as needed. For water retention: 10 juniper berries For weakness & chills: fenugreek or ginger
Warming Happiness Tea:
handful of lime flowers 1 orange,wash & slice sprinkle of cinnamon or bit of cinnamon bark Place the herbs & orange & cinnamon into the heat proof jug. Pour over ~1 l boiling water, let infuse, covered 5–10 min. Drink while warm with honey.
For Bad Breath boil 1 tsp cinnamon in 1 cup of water. Cool. Use frequently as a mouthwash.
Warming Cinnamon Bath Salts:
3 tbsp cinnamon powder 1 tbsp ginger root powder 1 cup sea salt Stir the powdered herbs into the salt. Store in a sealed glass container. Add ¼ cup of the bath salts to a bathtub filled with warm water. Stir well.
For acne, blackheads & pimples mix finely ground cinnamon powder in 1 tsp lime juice & apply on affected areas frequently.
To improve the complexion add a pinch of cinnamon powder to ¼ tsp honey & apply on the face. Let it dry then wash it with water.
Cinnamon is used in magic for deep spirituality & healing, protection, scrying & power. Its can retain energy.
Cinnamon can be burned for protection & to attract money, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers & aid in healing. Cinnamon when burned as an incense, raises high spiritual vibrations, aids in healing, draws money, stimulates psychic powers & produces protective vibrations.Cinnamon incense is one of the most common & probably the most used form of cinnamon for protection. Burning the incense works in a similar way as using it as a charm except you are converting it by burning it. To unleash its power, you can also put a pinch in your food, tea or hot cocoa. Laying cinnamon sticks along window sills will protect from the unwanted energy. You can put cinnamon sticks or fresh powdered cinnamon in your purse or a pouch to carry with you, it works in the same way & act as a protection charm.
Cinnamon has a high vibration & can be used to increase our own vibration. It can be used in this way to reach our higher selves, a higher state of spirituality. While the cinnamon spice is related to the fire element, the tree itself is ruled by the moon. The moon with her loving Lunar energy stimulates our higher selves & thinking. Cinnamon, being ruled by fire & the moon elements can provide protection as well as assist us in increasing our psychic or clairvoyant energies.
Cinnamon is great for drawing love & money & it also adds speed/force to your workings. Cinnamon can be good for bringing quick cash. Put a pinch in your wallet or your spare change jar or attach a dollar bill to it & watch your money grow.. Shop-keepers can sprinkle cinnamon chips & sugar on their door-step to encourage good trade. Cinnamon can bring luck in games & gambling.
Fill a green or gold sachet with Cinnamon to draw money & success or to use as a healing charm. A purple sachet can be used to increase your magickal &/or psychic powers. A pink or red sachet of Cinnamon can be worn, carried with you, or placed under your bed to draw love or to promote lust. Use a white sachet filled with Cinnamon to increase your spirituality & to confer protection.
Cinnamon is a very powerful herb for prosperity. You can also take this bath for five consecutive days & pray for financial improvement. Do not be specific about the amount of money or from where it should come from. Let the universe do what it wills & bring you the solution.
Prosperity Bath:
1 cup of cinnamon powder 2 cups of parsley (dried or fresh) This bath uses cinnamon to attract prosperity & money into your life. Take this bath during the waxing phase of the moon for maximum effect.
Protection Amulet:
Tie 9 cinnamon sticks together & hang them above your doors to protect your home from unwanted people & energy. As always, intention is key here. With every step you take in tying the cinnamon to placing it decoratively or not above your doors imagine what it is you want. We communicate with our energy & not so much with our verbal or mental intellect. This must come from a deep desire in your heart to will this into being. Remember that the cinnamon is a constant reminder of this desire for protection, for wealth, for strength or whatever it is that you desire the cinnamon to help you with.
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celosiaa · 4 years
that’ll do
a little ficlet I couldn’t resist doing for @justletmeremember​ :)
“I’m so LONELY!” calls Martin’s rather small-sounding voice from the bedroom of their tiny apartment, breaking off into a coughing fit at the effort of complaining loudly enough for Jon to hear him.
For his part, Jon has been bent over his desk for nearly two hours now, grading papers in between answering emails from his very stressed students. Just one more term, and he’ll have finished with his doctorate, finish that next step in his dream of becoming a full professor.
Well, his new dream, that is.
Life with Martin will always be his first, and best.
“That’s not funny, habibi,” Jon calls back, a smile evident in his tone all the same.
“You know what I—“ he breaks off to cough again rather painfully, causing Jon to wince in sympathy. “—know what I meant.”
It had been a battle to get him to relax in bed for a bit, under the pretense of having a nap to sleep off whatever illness he’d managed to pick up at work. Truth be told, some pressure Jon had not realized he’d been holding in his chest eases at the fact that Martin is joking with him, whining even—something he would only ever do in jest. Everything that was a legitimate complaint or worry tended to register itself in Martin’s head as whining, no matter how much Jon tried to assure him of the contrary.
So, as some sort of transactionary measure to balance out whatever burden he felt he was placing on Jon’s shoulders by existing, Martin had made sure to drape the electric blanket over Jon’s legs with a kiss on the head before heading off to have a lie down.
And the cats? The cats are in heaven.
Currently, Jon has Martin’s cat—Salem—curled up in his lap with her head pressed rapturously into his thigh. His own kitten—the Duquessa, for of course, she must have a proper name—sleeps in the pocket by his feet, purring nonstop ever since she had found her splendid little hideaway. It’s perfect, it’s lovely, it’s distracting him from grading—and Martin is unbearably jealous.
“Why don’t they love me,” he says dramatically, words just a bit slurred and pulling Jon’s lips into a frown.
That’ll be the fever, then.
“They do love you, they just like the blanket,” he calls back, already closing his laptop and arranging himself to get up.
“Chopped broccoli, I am to them,” he laments as Jon enters the room, sniffing both for accent and against his congestion.
“Broccoli?” Jon asks with a smile as he bends down to sweep away Martin’s fringe and kiss his forehead—finding it pouring off heat, even against his shivering frame.
“Yeah. Broccoli,” he pouts, fever-glassed eyes searching for Jon’s as he plugs in the electric blanket again. “Chopped liver, at least they would eat.”
God, I love you.
Turning back to him with a smile and a shake of the head, Jon tumbles into bed next to him, pulling the electric blanket over them both. Naturally, the cats are soon to follow—Salem padding her paws into the crinkling fabric before settling directly on Martin’s chest, while the Duquessa curls up near their feet.
“See?” Jon giggles, stroking a thumb over the line of Martin’s jaw. “All about the warmth. Though I would have thought you had enough to share on your own.”
“Hmm. Suppose this means I’m not getting a kiss then?”
“Perhaps not,” he murmurs, kissing the top of Martin’s shoulder, his cheek, lingering on his forehead once again. “Will this do?”
“That’ll do,” he whispers, letting his eyes fall closed as Jon begins to run fingers through his hair. “That’ll do excellently.”
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A Springtime Favorite: Pollen Allergies Essence Blend
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The start of spring brings warmer weather, sunshine, flowers... and sadly, for many of us, allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may find that along with May flowers, the April showers also bring reddened or watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, sore throat, and even headaches or migraines. Luckily, our Pollen Allergies Essence Blend is here to help. This blend contains a collection of flower essences that strengthen the adrenals and immune system to help the body handle the intensity of pollen in the air, and also cool the body to clear the toxic heat that often accompanies allergy symptoms. The blend includes echinacea to strengthen the body's immune function, Oregon grape and horehound to detoxify the liver, sitka spruce to strengthen the adrenals, and purple deadnettle to balance the kidney function and help the body handle exposure to natural mold and fungi in the environment. Together, this blend of flower essences can help you to feel healthy and clear-headed while enjoying the outdoors all season long. Pollen Allergies is available as a tincture, an unscented aura mist, or a scented aura mist with the addition of invigorating lemon peel and spearmint oils.
Learn more at www.pnwessences.com.
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anantam-ayurveda · 9 months
Health Benefits of Patala
Patala, a plant deeply rooted in Ayurvedic tradition, offers a wealth of health benefits that are attributed to its unique qualities and therapeutic properties. Let's explore the remarkable advantages that Patala can provide:
1. Digestive Support
Patala's astringent and bitter tastes contribute to its effectiveness in supporting healthy digestion. It aids in alleviating issues such as indigestion, bloating, and excessive acidity, promoting a balanced digestive system.
2. Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Properties
The plant's active compounds endow it with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This makes Patala a natural choice for managing conditions characterized by inflammation and pain, such as arthritis and joint discomfort.
3. Respiratory Wellness
Patala's therapeutic attributes extend to the respiratory system, where it can provide relief from respiratory ailments like cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Its ability to clear congestion and soothe the airways enhances overall respiratory health.
4. Skin Care and Healing
Patala's extracts possess soothing properties that make them beneficial for skincare. It can help alleviate skin irritations, rashes, and itching, making it a valuable addition to natural skincare regimens.
5. Immune Support
The plant's antioxidant content contributes to its potential in bolstering the immune system. Regular consumption of Patala can help the body fend off oxidative stress and maintain overall immune health.
6. Liver Function Enhancement
Patala is known to support liver function, assisting in detoxification and promoting the health of this vital organ. Its properties aid in maintaining optimal liver performance.
7. Metabolism Boost
The heating potency of Patala ignites the digestive fire, enhancing metabolism. This effect aids in efficient nutrient absorption and contributes to maintaining a healthy weight.
8. Cardiovascular Well-Being
Patala's multifaceted benefits extend to cardiovascular health. It promotes circulation, aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure, and supports the cardiovascular system's optimal functioning.
9. Anti-Microbial Properties
Patala's extracts have shown antimicrobial activity, making it a potential ally against various infections. It can aid in combating harmful microorganisms and supporting the body's defense mechanisms.
10. Fever Management
Patala's properties have made it a key component in Ayurvedic formulations aimed at managing fevers. Its ability to support the body's natural defense mechanisms and promote fever reduction has earned it a place in traditional remedies.
11. Anti-Rheumatic Properties
Individuals grappling with rheumatic conditions can find relief in Patala's anti-rheumatic effects. Its natural properties aid in managing pain and discomfort associated with such ailments.
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How to Use Patala
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tired-sunwitch · 5 years
Herbs/spices A-z
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Anise - wards evil, happiness, divination, protection. Treats cough and cold, helps headaches and hangovers. (avoid with slow blood clotting meds)
Agrimony (churches steeple, cocklebur, holly rope, st. john herb) - protection, banishment. Aids sleep and diarrhea. (don’t take if diabetic, or pregnant/breastfeeding)
Alfalfa - prosperity, money, fortunes, sun. Energy booster, laxative, cleanser, prevents cholesterol absorption. (avoid with slow blood clotting meds, immune system suppressants, or on birth control pills)
Ashwagandha ( Withania, poison gooseberry, winterberry) - adaptogen, treats fatigue, helps with memory and mental clarity, mild sedative, somnifera (soporific) (don’t take if diabetic or if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Astragalus (Huang Qi) - banishments. aids fatigue, anti-inflammatory
Basil (st. john wort) - dispells confusion, love, projection, wishes, luck, success, protection, banishment, fidelity, trust, money, trust, deception, clarity. Calms, relieves pain, fatigue, improves clarity, eases a headache, antibacterial, aids bug bites
Bay - divination, purification, protection, vision, wisdom, strength. Eases indigestion, coughs, colds, and fever (don’t take with narcotics or sedatives)
Bladderwrack (fucus vesiculosus, black tang, cudweed, rockwork,) protection, sea, and wind, travel, money. Aids arthritis, joint pain, digestive disorders, heartburn and anxiety (external use only)
Boneset (eupatorium perfollatum) - protection, exorcism, treats cold, cough and constipation. (don’t use if pregnant/breastfeeding, severe diarrhea w long term use)
Black peppercorn - exorcism, protection, curses. Anti-inflammatory, heals ulcers, arthritis
Borage (starflower, Bannon, bugloss, bee bread, ox tongue, cool tankard) - power, courage. Treats colds and bronchitis (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding, seizures, don’t give to children)
Broom (genistein, lupine gorse, laburnum, blood from a head) - protection, money, purification, wind, divination,. Diuretic, cathartic (top only, poisonous in large amounts, vomiting, lowers blood pressure, extreme upset stomach)
Buchu (agathosma betulin, bookoo, diosma) - prophetic dreams. Diuretic, antiseptic, antiinflammatory (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding, stomachache, hepatoxic)
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) - love, luck, optimism, quarrels, mind control. Reduces stress, aids mood and sleep, soothes teething, colic, diarrhea, and anxiety. (causes drowsiness, don’t take with lithium/sedatives)
Chives (Kudda, Nira, Allium Schoehpprasum) - love, protection, divination, hex breaking. Reduces blood pressure, vitamin A K B-complex, copper, zinc, calcium, aids digestion (Poisonous to dogs)
Chickory (blue dandelion, succory) - grounding, health, protection, vitality. Therapeutic, aids digestion
Comfrey (Symphytum, ass’s ear, soapwort) - money, safe travel, stability, endurence, protection. (poisonous and toxic - liver and kidney failure, cancer, can be absorbed through the skin, don’t give to children)
Calamus (dragons blood, sweet edge, sweet flag) luck, healing, money, protection. (external use only, poisonous in large amounts - hallucinations, vomiting, nausea)
Caraway (meridian fennel, Persian cumin) - luck, blessings, courage, love, protection, lust, health.
Cardamon - clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, lust, love. Relieves pain, uplifts mood, improves digestion, mental clarity, and memory
Calamintha - healing, optimism, High in methanal, treats contusions and bruising, depression, and grief
Cilantro - money, healing, love. Folates, vitamin c, a k, b6, antiseptic, antispasmodic
Cinnamon (winter wood) - protection, money, lust, wealth, prosperity, healing, strength. relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, natural disinfectant, improves digestion and appetite, Bark: soothes sore throat and cough, antiinflammatory, (avoid taking with antibiotic meds)
Clove - protection, exorcism, love, money, purity, business, relieves digestion, pain, uplifts mood, improves clarity, helps bronchitis (don’t take with slow blood clotting meds, liver changing meds, anticoagulants)
Coriander - health, healing. relives pain, fatigue, improves digestion and mental clarity, reduces nausea
Deer Tongue (Dichanthelium Cladestinum) - luck, love, psychics, legal matters
dutchman's breeches - love
Devils bit (succisa pratensis) - Exorcisms, love, protection, lust. Diaphoretic, demulcent, febrifuge, properties, aids cough and fever
Dill - protection, fortune, lust, love money. Vitamine c, a, aids insomnia, hiccups, diarrhea, mental problems, boosts immunity, anti-inflammatory, aids arthritis, increases apatite
Dittany of crete - spirit work, divination,, astral projection
Dock - healing, fertility, money, laxative, astringent (poisonous to chickens, horses, and cattle)
Dodder (Cuscuta) - love, divination, knot magic
Elecampane (inula helenium, horse heal, elf dock) - love, protection, divination, clairvoyance, kills worms in the stomach (don’t take in large amounts, if pregnant/breastfeeding, diabetic, or allergic to ragweed.)
Epazote (Mexican tea, dysphonia, ambrioids, wormwood, Jesuits tea, payau mastruz, herba Sancta maria) -health, protection, aids digestion and flatulence
Feverfew - protection, prevents migraines and headaches, arthritis, fever, muscle pain/tension, lowers blood pressure, increases apatite (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Frankincense - protection, courage, luck, spirit work, exorcisms. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, improves digestion, expectorant, sedative
Galangal - protection, lust, health, money, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, pyroxene, vitamin c, iron, potassium, heart-healthy, aids cough and cold and sore throat ( don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Gotu kola (centella asiatica, astatic, pennywort, herb of longevity, Brahmi, tiger herb) - stamina, health, calming, focus
Ginger - bitterness, love, money, success, power, treats cramps, nausea, flu treatment, diarrhea, and fever (avoid with slow clotting meds)
Goldenseal (eye root, orange root, yellow puccoon) - healing, money, divination, anti-viral, anti-biotic, aids digestion, eases cold and fever, minor cuts/bruises, congestion (don’t take with liver meds, are pregnant/breastfeeding, or have high blood pressure)
Horehound (bull blood, the seed of Horus, marrubium Vulgare) - protection, mental powers, exorcisms, antiseptic, expectorant, vermifuge, aids nausea and vomiting
Horsetail (equisetum) - Fertility, charming
Hounds tongue (beggars lice, dog tongue, rat and mice, Cynoglossum officinale) - curses, surprises, healing
Hyssopus officinalis - purification, protection, divination, astral projection, soothes cold and fever, sore throats, asthma, rheumatism, indigestion, expectorant
Kava Kava - visions, protection luck (fatigue, deep depression, don’t take pregnant/breastfeeding)
Licorice - love, lust, natural sweetener, aid menstrual cramps, boosts the immune system, relieve pain/stress, prevents heart disease.
Majoram - healing, protection
Meadowsweet (meadwort, queen of the prairies, filipendula ulmaria, bride of the meadow, queen of the meadow) - love, peace, divination, happiness, aids rheumatism, soothes stomach and acid reflux, astringent, antibacterial anti-inflammatory (don’t take with warfarin)
Mint (Mentha Piperita) - strength, arguments, virtue, vision, money, luck, love, exorcism, travel, protection, aids anxiety, colic, flatulence, indigestion, IBS
Mistletoe (devils fuge) - difficulties, fertility, health, protection
Morning glory - affection, happiness, peace
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus, clot, hag taper) - courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism, aids cough, earache, sore throat, analgesic, antibacterial, relieves asthma, burns, insect bites, and diahrea.
Mustard - health, fae magic, fertility, protection
Myrrh - protection, wards, banishments, love, death, weddings, luck, money
Myrtle (murtus) - love, death, weddings, luck, money, youth, fertility, peace, meditation, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin
Paprika - heat, fire
Parsley - festivity, protection, death, bad luck, helps with anemia, diuretic, fatigue, (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Patchouli - invisibility, fertility, lust, money
Peppercorn - protection, banishments, courage, love, relieve nausea, anxiety, indigestion, IBS, colic, diarrhea, cough and cold, anti-inflammatory (avoid if you have acid reflux disease, take cyclosporine, or liver meds)
Ramson (allium ursinum, bear paw, eagle) - festivals, creativity, health, antibiotic, antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, heart attacks, and stroke
Rosemary -beauty, feminity, empowerment, protection, love, lust, willpower, memory, nightmares, cloud vision, curses, improves focus, and memory, blood pressure, circulation, antiseptic, antidepressant, eases indigestion
Saffron - warnings, mirth, love, healing, wind magic, psychics, strength
sage - cleansing, virtue, immortality, longevity, wisdom, wishes. Aids cold and fever, hot flashes, cramps, rashes, and sore throat
sagebrush - purification, exorcisms
sandlewood- purification, love, protection, wishes, spirituality
sea salt - cleansing, purification, consecration, grounding, protection, sea magic, mermaids
Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum) - protection, exorcism
spearmint - healing, love, energizer, uplifts mood, relieves pain and fatigue, breaks up congestion, improves appetite, soothes itchy skin, anti-inflammatory (wear gloves when dealing with raw spearmint)
sugarcane - love, lust
Tansy - health, longevity
Tarragon - healing, protection, consecration, iron-rich, aids circulation, vitamin c, a, calcium
Tea - fortune, courage, strength
tea tree - relieves pain, natural disinfectant, vapors help with breathing
Thyme - courage, healing, sleep, loyalty, strength, courage, purification, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, eases cough and cold, expectorant, relaxes muscles, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion and appetite, natural disinfectant (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Tormentil (potentilla erecta) - protection, love
Tumeric - purification, strength, anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Urva Ursa (ursi) - psychic increase, earth, grounding
vervain (enchanters plant, verbena, yerba de Santa ana, cross plant, Juno’s tears, pidgeon grass/weed, herb of grace) - enchantment, bindings, blessings, peace, fortune, youth, fear, nightmares, curses, wisdom, sleep, banishments, love eases tension and stress (Poisonous in large amounts)
Witch hazel (hamamelis) - protection, clarity, aids acne, cuts and bruises, insect bites, minor burns/sunburns, colitic, antiseptic
Wood aven (geum urbanum) - earth, grounding, meditation, astral projection
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Cenforce 200 Mg
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Cenforce 200 tablet increases blood flow to the penis and creation it solid. Cenforce 200 mg covers an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE5 inhibitor). Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors) stop the act of type 5 phosphodiesterase enzymes. Cenforce 200mg is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is a situation in which a man is powerless to maintain an erection.
Cenforce remedies that should be taken in one drug with a glass of water. It must take at least 15 minutes in advance. The drug must not be chewed, broken, or crumpled. It can be consumed on an unfilled belly or after meals. Do not take this preparation if you have heart, liver, or kidney problems. Before taking this medication, refer a physician. Consume Cenforce 200 mg orally with a glass of water 30 minutes or an hour before having sexual effort. Its effects begin within 15 minutes after taking the medicine and remains for four to five hours after the intake of it.
Since Cenforce drug comes in many differences, it is suggested to start the dosage with low result, so that, the effectiveness of the drug can be analysed. The stated dosage of the medication is 100mg a day, but it is healthier to refer a doctor about the correct & suitable strength and the dose of the drug. The dose of the Cenforce medication depends on the defencelessness of males. subsequently, refer the physician for its ideal dose before overwhelming it. Often, Cenforce 200 mg should not be used for extra than once in a daytime. Ask your physician about the right control and dose of remedy. Always follow the doctor's instructions. The dose of the cure mainly depends on the patient’s incapability. It is suggested to refer a physician earlier taking the medication for the appropriate dosage.
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