#liveblogging dead cells
foxstens · 10 months
playing dead cells again
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godslittlesadge · 2 years
*enters the scene with a conspiracy board* so i was thinking-
that its so interesting and absolutely not coincidental that both instances when NotThem possessed a person it was when they were near that weird Web table. which probably means that the table somehow stores NotThem's hhhh aura but also how is that possible since they're an avatar of the Stranger??? are these Fears pals do they work together????
which lead to my second realization which is that the reason that the table was in the Institute in the first place is that it was brought in by two other avatars of the Stranger Breekon & Hope
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akane171 · 5 months
­­­Things about Ron Speirs that live rent free in my head
I don’t know what I like most about this scene. The fact Dick just furiously passed Sink and ignored his commander, because his boys were getting screwed? Speirs running to him and then without a single word sprinting to do the job? Or Nixon with his binoculars liveblogging the whole  battle? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-The change in his voice and intonation between “I’m taking over” and “First Sergeant Lipton!”.
-The church scene, when Lipton says Easy men didn’t care about the gossips… It was HILARIOUS. Like, Lip? Sweetheart? Ron scared the shit out of Christenson and some poor innocent kids in the same damned ep. I could hear Pat’s sobbing in the background during that scene, mixed with the nuns’ chorus.
-A man needs a hobby and his was trolling people. Aside of the whole “did he or did he not shot the prisoners”, he enjoyed the gossips, appearing suddenly out of nowhere, while giving creepy speeches and traumatizing people. And he did it fabulously. Legend.
-His little, millisecond pause, when we watch his back while Lipton says “Well, maybe they keep talking about it because they never heard Tercius deny it”.
-And two things about this scene. Lipton knows Speirs was trolling people and it was amusing him. And Ron’s answer “Well, maybe that’s because Tercius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman legion” - he knows Lip knows he was trolling people and (not directly) admits it. He never did that to anyone else, what also means he really respected Lipton (gross sobbing).
-Anyway, this whole church scene is a pure love and I adore every second of it.
-He was a history nerd ;_; I’m kind of sad, we didn’t see him and Buck taking about some ancient battles in Gaul.
-He kept tabs on Easy xD how much he’s learnt from creeping in the shadows and eavesdropping – no one knows xD
-The fact real Speirs was shot in the ass on some of his solo patrols proves he was just meant to be Easy’s CO. Fucking destiny.
-His favourite sergeant was Grant (ok, ok, put the pitchforks DOWN, I said sergeant NOT lieutenant, geez).
-The fact no one called him “Sparky” in the show is a crime against humanity. But at least we got one “Ron” from Winters. Still…
-I think I read somewhere here, that he wore his helmet so low, because it was too big and… yes? Absolutely? Whoever noticed it – I bow to you.
And it reminds me all the promo pics where we have most of the characters standing together and he stands on the side, a little farer and looking awkwardly like “mom said I have to socialize more, so here I am, ugh…”.
-Also, he looks tiny compared to the other guys on many shots/pics, what is hilarious on many levels.
-I realized it after the second watch, that he not only stole cigarettes from Buck, but he offered them to the German POWs. Not his cigarettes, but the shit he stole. I don’t know why, but it’s just so super HIM xD
-I wonder when exactly Easy Company did realize that their new CO is not exactly the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the army, but a big ass weirdo, with poor social skills, suspicious hobbies and sticky hands.
-Ep 8 look >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.
-The moment when Webster throws himself to the ground and Ron just stands in the background, watching the missile like it was meh (he had a personal ranking of “Things that almost killed me” and that missile was not even on the Top 10).
-“No. You don’t have any experience.” How the fuck Jones didn’t drop dead right after is beyond me. Also, A+++ acting.
-The fact is that Lipton was his social-skills-only-working-brain-cell and it’s beautiful.
-The moment Perconte asked him to give him back his lighter, I guess it was the moment Speirs knew his reputation crumbled to dust xD
-Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Malarkey scared him on a purpose. I think it was accidentally, what for me, makes it even funnier. But the fact Don started as someone who was scared of Speirs like no one else and ended scarring him – it just warms my heart.
-And that pure annoyance on Ron’s face when Malarkey’s approaches him a second after he scared him, will never stop making me laugh. It the look could kill the bottle in Don’s hands would explode.
-On some point Lipton was sitting with his head in his hands and moaning that he was not paid enough to keep his crazy CO with suicidal tendencies alive and Luz was there-thereing him.
-All the things he's done to keep Grant alive.
-Basically, Speirs gives me a stray cat vibes and the fact he kind of, adopted Lipton and whole Easy proves it.
-And finally, the way he went from “we are all dead, just accept it” to “ok, I guess I’m going to stay in the army to keep the idiots alive (sighs)” is one of the best character developments and is so… sooo … you know? ;_;
Anyway, the thing I like the most about his character is how unexpected he is. I didn’t expect to like him so much. I didn’t expect him to change so much in such splendid way. But here I am.
We meet him in the show as  “a cold blooded soldier” stereotype and we learn in the end he was just deeply compassionate man (and a weirdo), who applied being a sociopath to be a better man of war. It just makes him very human - thanks to the fact his character was based on a real man, I guess. And that applies to all BOB’s characters.
And BIG kudos to Matthew Settle for doing such a great job and creating an iconic character. I read and watched some interviews, where he admitted he had a big problems with grasping the role, but damn, in the end he absolutely NAILED IT.
EDIT: Part II (x)
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Ok hi no more constantly spamming u w liveblogs. Heres one big dgs liveblog
God this game fucking loves the rumble controller. It's so so constant I'm thinking of turning it off... I'm a ds girlie I'm not used to this terror
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[ID: Ryuunosuke Naruhodou's blank face.]
^ help me when he went from supremely nervous to still waters when he realised he didnt know your mans name... not a single brain cell in there
Also I'm playing w the jp voices because duh (asougi would NEVER be british) and I love ryuus 'HAI' so much... hes so intense
Asougi hates the British it's awesome <3 go king criticise the government for caving to pressure in order to appease global superpowers
Also I cant help it whenever the asougi dating sim image (you know the one) comes up I Cannot take it seriously.... bro I remember the gimmick blog it's over at that point
Also asougi literally calling ryuu 'partner'... usually I'm not one for 'theyve been dating the whole time' but truly asoryuu boyfriends is the realest... they have a bond found only between 2 gay people from before the stonewall inn was even a twinkle in the mob's eye
HOSONAGA ALERT!!!! HOSONAGA IS HERE!!! now to attempt to disentangle him from my minds main impression of him, from a bad imagines post where hes a catboy maid mewling into the bedsheets
Also I love that the first witness we get is straight up dying of tuberculosis. 'This is what the olden days were like, right. Everyone coughing up blood'
Oh boooo the 'pun' Japanese names... I'll kill u dead his is khura'in all over again
Also you just know asougi would love unionising. Yes boy exercise every right you are given regardless of the pushback from those for whom it is inconvenient
God ryuu is so nervous and sweaty... when he slams his hands on the bench and they make an audible splat becsuee of how sweaty he is and he nervously looks at them to make sure hes not fucked up...
Also I love how hes always raising his hand... hes so proper
I dont think any of these guys know what a beef cutlet is. Tho nosa giving ryuu food recs for after prison is fun
God I love ryuus default fact he has the gentle and loving eyes of a cow
Help me examining the medical card is so funny... ryuu vc I Hate Doctors I Havent Been Sick Since I Was 5 I Am Immune To Every Disease
Also bubbles is lying down near me shes so cute sleeping... conked out
Also elaborating on the gayness of rhe 'partner' thing, it's mostly bcos of the little pause asougi always does before saying it... its novel and risque innit
Ok I just got up to the first trial break and according to this YouTube video that's only like halfway thru the trial... its nearly midnight I am Not continuing until tomorrow... see u fucks then <3
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blackjackkent · 4 months
OK, beginning what I sincerely hope is the last bit of exploration before we can finally go into Baldur's Gate proper: *trumpet fanfare* the basement of that one blacksmith we ran into.
I legitimately don't know if there's anything important down here but I'm being thorough damn it. My liveblogging integrity is important to me.
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There's a waterfall, which automatically makes it more interesting than my basement.
There are several deep gnomes milling around in a room up ahead, one of whom speaks up as Hector and Co approach:
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"The boss is expecting you - hasn't forgotten what you did for him at Moonrise."
Yo, what?? This is Wulbren's hideout?
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The room is a workshop area, full of blacksmithing tools and scattered pieces of scrap metal. Several of the gnomes say vague things about Steel Watch parts when spoken to, leading me to believe Wulbren may be trying to reverse-engineer the automatons currently protecting the city.
Nickels, one of Wulbren's buddies from Moonrise, is here and not enjoying himself:
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"It's stopped - but it'll happen again. It keeps happening! The shivering-shaking-quaking! Don't you feel it?"
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"Yes!" Hector agrees, eager for information. "It keeps happening - what is it?"
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But Nickels has no info to offer. "There's something underneath the city - inside the rock! But when I ask the stone why it shakes, it only screams." His face twists and his voice turns to a pained whimper. "I want to go home..."
Poor guy. :( Hector didn't actually have context the way we did for what was causing the quakes, so I think this might be the first moment where he puts two and two together and connects this to the Wall Meat from Moonrise and knows for certain that the Absolute is what is causing the quakes. Very bad news.
On a lighter note, the lady we saved from being poisoned in the Underdark is here! Nice to see she got reunited with her friends. All she says, though, is that we'll catch up later and that we should go see Wulbren.
So let's go do that!
Hector's opinion on Wulbren at this point is decidedly middling - he seemed OK in Moonrise, then was a dick at Last Light, and then tried to smooth things over again later on because he realized Hector could be useful to him. So Hector is treading carefully here.
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"Good to see you. Wasn't sure you'd make it to the city. Regretting it yet?"
Wulbren always speaks in a very clipped-off tone, matter-of-fact, every syllable flat with determination. But there's a note of anger under it now, and frustration. "I spent a lot of time thinking of worst-case scenarios while I was locked in that cell you plucked me out of at Moonrise," he goes on. "I didn't imagine anything as bad as this. The Gondians have handed Enver Gortash the means to bring about the end of liberty in Baldur's Gate. And the citizens have rolled out the red carpet for their new tyrant!"
His voice lifts angrily. "Resistance fighters are few and far between - my Ironhands, what's left of the Harpers, and you." He raises an eyebrow questioningly at Hector. "I hope."
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Hector debates trying to explain all the elements of the situation that Wulbren has no idea of - the Absolute, the Elder Brain, the trio of Chosen (now down to two)... but then thinks better of it. Perhaps it's better if Wulbren thinks this is only a fight for the fate of the city, and not for the minds of its inhabitants. "Gortash is a dead man," he says instead, matching his matter-of-fact tone to the gnome's. "I have reasons of my own for taking him down."
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Wulbren's jaw sets and he nods, satisfied. "As long as our objective is the same," he says harshly, "the reason doesn't matter to me. We have a common enemy." He stabs out a finger in Hector's direction. "But neither of us gets what we want until we deal with our biggest obstacle."
It's like watching the fuse run down on a powder keg. As if even thinking of the struggle ahead incenses him, Wulbren suddenly explodes with anger, his words coming faster now, almost tripping over each other. "The Steel Watch! They're a threat to you, me, and every man woman and child in the city. They act all civilized - servants of the people - but they only serve one man. When he becomes Grand Duke, it'll only get worse. Laws will change, freedoms will vanish, and soon you'll be accursed and sentenced before you've even committed a crime!"
Hector listens impassively as the other man rages. He has not yet encountered one of these Steel Watch automatons, but everything Wulbren is saying reflects his own worries based on what he's heard so far. Extremely powerful mechanical weapons under the control of an incredibly dangerous man who is poised to get more powerful than ever and is carrying a juggernaut of destruction behind him.
"And the fucking Gondians are to blame for all of it!" Wulbren finishes with a snarl.
Hector blinks. Well, that part of Wulbren's tirade is a little out of left field. He knows Wulbren's antagonism towards this other clan of gnomes - that he considers them responsible for the Ironhand's fall from grace - but thus far he has heard nothing to indicate a connection to Gortash beyond the fact that Wulbren hates both of them.
"Why put the blame on the Gondians?" he asks curiously.
"They invented the Steel Watchers," Wulbren hisses. "And they're building an army of them. They've always been happy to provide their technology to despots in exchange for a stipend and the freedom to work in peace. They would have licked Sarevok's boots, given the chance, and now they'll kiss Gortash's ring while the city screams."
Weren't you the one who said *your* ancestors worked with Sarevok? Hector thinks dryly, though he doesn't speak this thought aloud.
Wulbren, unheeding of any potential hypocrisy he might be indulging in, continues, "I had a plan to put a stop to them. But the way things are now, if we stick our heads above ground, the Watchers are on us like flies on shit."
This is all very useful intelligence, regardless of Hector's personal feelings on Wulbren. And no matter how... intense... the gnome is about his own vendettas, he's right about one thing - he and Hector have a common enemy. And Hector needs allies.
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"Maybe I can help," he says carefully.
"I'm sure you can," Wulbren says at once. "You just need a little assistance, and I can provide it. The Gondians are ingenious. But we're more than equal to them. There's nothing they can build that the Ironhands can't tear down." He rubs his hands together eagerly. "I've built something unique just for that purpose. A runepowder bomb - first of its kind. Fifty wizards high on the Weave couldn't summon this kind of firepower."
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"Get the bomb inside the Gondian facility and... boom. Problem solved."
A long silence. Hector shifts uncomfortably. He does not like what Wulbren is describing at all. First of all - he has immediate skepticism of any philosophy that takes more pride in destroying than creating. But more to the point, Wulbren is talking about tasking him with setting off a bomb of unprecedented power in a major manufacturing facility in the middle of a city center. And he wants all the gnomes inside that facility to die.
"Maybe the Gondians are victims, not oppressors," he points out, deliberately placid against Wulbren's anger. He does not consider Wulbren's outlook at all unbiased here, and he considers Gortash fully capable of using unwilling labor in his plots.
"The Gondians picked their side the minute they took orders from Gortash," Wulbren says coldly. "If they had any courage, they'd have refused him and died like heroes, spitting in his face. Now they'll die like the dogs they are."
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Hector feels a strange prickling up the back of his spine as he is reminded, abruptly, of the uncompromising rage of He Who Was, back in the shadowlands. He remembers the raised spirit of Madeline, whose crime was rooted in fear of the overwhelming power steamrolling through her life - and who Hector allowed the possibility of forgiveness, out there in the darkness.
Wulbren is no creature of the Shadowfell, but this is the same question, Hector is sure of it. Some of those people could be lost in a terrible situation not of their own making. And he will not kill them so brutally without knowing more of the situation than Wulbren's limited perspective. "I'll make contact with the Gondians," he says firmly. "Maybe they'll see reason."
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Wulbren scowls. "Fine. You want to try flapping your gums in the belly of the beast, be my guest. But their idea of diplomacy is a steel fist shoved where the sun don't shine. So take the bomb - just in case I'm right and you're wrong."
Hector nods. "Fine," he says. "I'll take it - but I'll only use it as a last resort." He fully intends not to use it - but Wulbren will be pacified, for now at least, by his taking it.
"As long as you see sense, I don't care when you see it," Wulbren says coolly, handing the device over. "The foundry is in the Lower City, down by the docks. Beautiful building, belching smoke into the sky day and night. Getting inside won't be easy, but when you do, place the bomb at the heart of the facility and get yourself back to street level." His lip curls with a sort of violent glee. "The streets will be clear of Watchers in no time!"
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duhragonball · 8 months
Dragon Ball Super Movie 2: Super Hero (1/5)
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Finally, finally, it's time to talk about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. I've been waiting a long time to do this. First I had to wait for the movie to come out, then I had to wait a while for the rest of the fandom to go see it so I wouldn't spoil anything, then I had to wait for the DVD release so I could take screenshots, and by the time I was ready to do that, I was waist-deep in the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. So the DVD has been sitting on my table for months waiting for me to get to this point, and now I'm finally here.
It's probably just as well, since blogging about the other stuff has helped me figure out how to tackle this movie. Like a rhinocerous sandwich, this thing is pretty big and dense, and I'm not really sure where to begin, and now Tumblr only lets me put 30 images in each post, so I have to think ahead a little. So I'm going to split this up into five installments and hopefully that will give me the room I need.
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Super Hero opens with a flashback/recap focusing on the Red Ribbon Army. Real quick: the Red Ribbon Army was a mercenary group that dominated much of the world, until their hunt for the Dragon Balls put them into conflict with Son Goku, who destroyed their headquarters in Age 750. Seventeen years later, the Red Ribbon scientist Dr. Gero launched a campaign of revenge, using several cyborgs and androids of his own design. Gero failed, but his final experiment, Cell, managed to travel back in time from the future, where he nearly destroyed the whole world before Goku's son Gohan defeated him.
If you're a Dragon Ball fan, you probably already knew all of that, but what this movie reveals is that the Red Ribbon Army still lives on through its parent organization, the Red Pharmaceutical Company. When Commander Red died, his son Magenta inherited control over RPC, and he's been building up funds ever since, hoping to restore the Red Ribbon Army to its former glory. From behind the scenes, it was RPC that financed Dr. Gero's cybernetics research, but with Gero's death, there was really nothing more Magenta could do.
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And that's what I really love about this shot of Magenta looking at a scale model of the old RR HQ. His father ran the Army from the real thing, but Magenta can't build a new one because Goku would just wreck it like he did before, and he can't beat Goku because Dr. Gero was the only one smart enough to build android warriors to kill that guy, and Gero's dead now. Magenta ought to be satisfied running the RPC, but what he really wants to do is rule the world, and he can't. Without Gero, the closest he can come to that dream is hanging around in this private little war museum he seems to have, and he probably can't even show it to anyone since it would expose the RPC's secret.
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But then Magenta learned of Dr. Gero's grandson, Hedo. The movie opens with Magenta's right-hand-man, Carmine, giving a briefing on Hedo, so I assume Carmine was the one who discovered him. Better throw up the Carmine screenshot...
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Man, these look great. Unfortunately only the bad guys seem to get them. Would have been neat if they made one for Goku or whatever. Yeah, everyone knows who Goku is, but who cares? I want to see an obnoxious still with his name in big letters.
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This movie is chocked full with little gags and Easter eggs and such, so there's a lot to cover. Part of the reason for this is that the first twenty minutes of the movie is really heavy on exposition. The plot isn't all that complicated. The bad guys want to make some evil robots to kill the good guys, but to get there we have to explain who the bad guys are and how they joined forces, which takes a while. So there's a lot of visual things happening while they talk. For example, in this scene where Carmine has an overproduced powerpoint presentation playing while he explains who Dr. Hedo is. While he talks, Magenta has some sort of difficulty with hot beverages.
And while Carmine's video plays, we see Dr. Gero's family tree, including his wife, Vomi, and his son, Gevo. This is the first direct appearance of either character, although we've known about Gevo for some time. Several years ago, Akira Toriyama did an interview where he explained that Dr. Gero had a son in the Red Ribbon Army, and that son was killed during the battle with Goku, and so Gero modeled Android 16 after him. In the video game Dragon Ball Fighterz, we meet Android 21, who looks a lot like the image of Vomi in Carmine's video. I forget how and when these details were established, but the idea seems to be that Gero modeled #21 after his wife.
So does this mean Hedo is the son of Gevo? No, Gero had a second son, and that was Hedo's father. Hedo's parents died during his childhood, and he then went on to become a great scholar, earning his doctorate by age 14.
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Today, Dr. Hedo is 24, and he's in prison, because he's a little too smart for his own good. Recently, he dug up some corpses and turned them into primitive androids, then he got them jobs at a convenience store to earn money for Hedo's research. I'm not exactly sure which laws were broken here, but it was enough to put him in jail. In the dub, Magenta observes that Hedo would have made more money with less fuss if he had simply robbed the store.
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But Magenta doesn't care if Hedo is a little goofy. His talent for cybernetics is even greater than Dr. Gero's, which is pretty scary considering how close Gero came to destroying the Earth. Magenta needs those talents if he's ever going to bring back the Red Ribbon Army, so he waits three months for Hedo to get released from prison, then swings by to offer him a lift. To Magent's surprise, Hedo already knows who he is and has a pretty good guess as to what he wants.
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This is because Hedo's been tracking Carmine with a surveillance device. It looks similar to the ones Dr. Gero used to study the Z-Fighters and collect genetic samples for Cell's creation. The difference is that Hedo claims it's a cyborg he built from a live bee. Maybe I shouldn't take this too literally, but it sure sounds like Hedo vivisected a bee in his prison cell and installed cameras and robot parts into its body. And for all I know, Gero did the same thing to make all of his spy robots, but I always assumed they were purely mechanical. Anyway, Carmine's been monitoring Hedo for a while now, driving by the prison yard whenever Hedo's out there, and Carmine's limo has a dome in the roof for his pompadour, so it was conspicuous enough for Hedo to notice. He built the bee, then had it trail Carmine until he found out who he was working for.
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And the bee also gives us a great shot from behind Magenta's desk, where he has two framed photos. One is his dad, Commander Red, while the other is Colonel Violet. So we pretty much have to assume Violet is his mom, right? Kind of wild that Red and Violet were a thing, considering that one of the last times we saw Violet was when she looted the Red Ribbon vault during Goku's attack on their HQ. And she even did it in full view of the security cameras, probably knowing that Red would be watching.
So I wonder what Magenta and Violet's relationship must have been like? Is she still alive? Does Magenta know about her betrayal? How could he not? And considering how devoted he is to his father's dreams, how could he let her treason slide? Or maybe he recognizes that Red was a bad leader, and he means to succeed where Red failed. It's interesting stuff, that's all I'm trying to say.
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Anyway, Hedo isn't too impressed with Magenta, but he has snacks, so Hedo gets in the car. Magenta asks if he got picked on during his prison sentence, and Hedo says everyone who gave him a trouble would always meet with "mysterious deaths". That column of black smoke behind them is the prison, by the way. The other inmates (and probably some guards) were chewing out Hedo as he left, so Hedo tossed a bomb inside as a final parting shot.
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Magenta tries to sweet-talk Hedo by explaining their family connections. Gero once worked for Red, then Magenta inherited the RPC and continued to fund Gero's research. But Hedo isn't moved, since he never met his grandfather, and Hedo's parents hated Gero for his association with the Red Ribbon.
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More importantly (to Hedo), he finds the Red Ribbon Army unappealing, because they resemble villains, while Hedo is a connoisseur of superheroes. That's why he's wearing the purple bodysuit, by the way. From what I can tell, Hedo's a fan of a TV show or something that features a character in a similar outfit.
So if Hedo's all into heroes, why did he... you know... desecrate those graves? I'm pretty sure that contradiction is the point of the character. He likes certain genres of entertainment, and he likes and identifies with heroic characters and their exploits, but he seems pretty much devoid of morals himself. He's like a Star Wars fan who loves the Jedi but has no qualms about harassing people who liked Episode VIII. He's one of those... oh, what's the word?
Asshole. Yeah, Hedo's an asshole.
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So now Magenta has to convince Hedo that he's not an asshole, which is pretty stupid since they're clearly both assholes. Hedo just wants Magenta to pretend his asshole-ery is the same flavor as his own. So Magneta weaves this whole tale of how he wants to use his power and wealth to improve the world and stamp out evil. While he says all of this, Carmine cuts off the car ahead of him for driving too slow. But it's not just any civilian he did this to...
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It's Janet! We'll meet Janet later on, but she gets a cameo here at the start of the movie, which is awesome to spot when you rewatch it. Fuck you, Carmine, for passing on the right and scaring Janet. Carmine doesn't had a big impact on the movie's plot, but he does generate nuclear heel heat simply because the things he does are very obnoxious. One thing I have to respect is that he's the one bad guy who doesn't try to rationalize or disguise his villainy. Carmine's a prick and he doesn't care who knows it.
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For example, even after Magenta explains how he's a "champion of justice", and raises his offer to one billion zeni per android, Hedo still isn't convinced, so Carmine brandishes a gun just to make it clear that they won't take 'no' for an answer. Magenta may haggle, but Carmine is too direct for that.
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So Hedo accepts Magenta's offer, but not because of the gun, since he enhanced his body to make it bulletproof some time ago. Also, his cyber-bee is armed with a toxic venom so deadly that it can kill any biological life with a single sting. So Carmine's threats are useless. Hedo is only taking the job because he's fascinated by the challenge of creating the ultimate android with an unlimited budget.
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So he asks for background on Magneta's enemy, and Magenta explains that it wasn't Mr. Satan who defeated Cell at the Cell Games. He's part of the "organization", but the real ringleader is Bulma of the Capsule Corporation. Magenta says that her confederates appear to be aliens, which explains how Capsule Corp. got the technology for miniaturization and spaceflight. I'm not sure how much of this Magenta actually believes, and how much is a spin he's putting on things to make Dragon Team look like a gang of villains.
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Magenta says that Capsule Corp is collaborating with aliens to pacify the Earth, then subjugate it for colonization. Hedo finds this hard to believe, until Magenta shows him footage of Future Trunks killing Mecha-Frieza. I'm not sure how he could have gotten that footage, unless it was recorded by Gero's spy robots.
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In this twisted scenario, Gero created Cell to take the fight to Bulma's "organization", but he just couldn't get the job done. 17 and 18 turned against Gero, and Dragon Team was just too powerful that day. Hedo asks if Bulma is an alien, and Magenta's like "sure, why not?"
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Then Hedo eats his Oreo all weird. Like, who does this? He takes apart the cookie, which is pretty standard, then he uses the one side to scrape the cream off the other, and he eats this part. Why? You already had a cookie with cream filling on it! This is just a duplication of effort!
The absolute best way to eat an Oreo is to dunk it in milk until it gets so soggy that it almost falls apart. When I was a kid I designed a device that would allow you to immerse the entire cookie in milk for maximum sogification without having to get your fingers wet. In hindsight, this was a stupid idea, because you can just do that with a spoon.
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All this talk of alien conspiracies and Cell's heroic last stand get Hedo fired up, and he pulls up the hood of his costume and declares that the world needs a hero to design the ultimate android. I mean, he just got done saying he didn't buy into Magenta's good guy bit, but he does buy into his own good guy bit, and Magenta's story seems to suit this. For Hedo, it's less about being a hero and more about playing a hero. Magenta has created the role, and Hedo is eager to fill it.
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And they finally arrive at a Red Ribbon base out in the middle of nowhere. Then the movie flashes forward to six months later, so I guess this a good place to sign off. Next time, we'll get into Piccolo and Gohan, and see what they're up to.
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ohgghh i’m on the season finale. mind if i liveblog in ur inbox?? i’m doing it
this is already fucking insane. i have no idea whose side will is on. he’s giving information to both jack and hannibal before they meet for dinner. what is he doing. WHAT IS HIS PLAN
god i love freddie lounds. have i mentioned that?? i love her. morally fucked up women my beloved <3 she makes the narrative so interesting
hannibal is literally asking will to run away with him. my god. how much fucking gayer can this get. they need to make out sloppy style covered in blood right now immediately
ALANA’S HERE ALANA’S HERE AAAAAAA GIRLIE RUN ohhhhhh no jack is bleeding from the neck oh no oh no i don’t want him dead please no :( ALANA OH NO. OH NO SHE HAS NO BULLETS. OH NO GIRL RUNNNNN oh she found more oh thank god
alana don’t die noooo no no no :( i love her i don’t want her dead!!! oh god jack is probs dying too NOOOOOOOO
omg will saw abigail,,,,,, sobbing. wailing even. screaming and crying.
“we couldn’t leave without you” okay. gayass. my heart is already shattered what the fuck am i supposed to do about this
tenderly touching the side of will’s face. dude come on
“do you believe you could change me the way i changed you?” “i already did” OKAY. ALRIGHT. I’LL JUST SIT WITH THIS NOW. WHAT THE HELL DUDE
HE’S KILLING ABIGAIL FOR REAL. DUDE. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. yeah no way everyone here is surviving this. oh fuck oh fuck jack is totally dead oh fuck ok time to cry. he called his wife in his last moments. stop. i’ve cried over bella twice before i don’t need to again ok
Tumblr media
"you were supposed to leave." "we couldnt leave without you". will run away with me. will we can escape but only if we do it together. unfortunately i cannot trust you and you cannot trust me. we work perfectly together and thats exactly why we can never work together. the way he fucking.. caresses wills face before he stabs him and then immediately just.. holds him. girls when they say they want to be held (me im girls). "DO YOU BELIEVE YOU COULD CHANGE ME THE WAY I CHANGED YOU" "I ALREADY DID" WHSIKEY CAN YOU HEAR ME . CAN YOU FUCKING HEAR ME. THEY SHOULD HAE MADE OUT SPLOPPY STYLE. "you would deny me my life?" "no no no" "my freedom, then? confine me to a prison cell?" << this dialogue. ugh. ughghghghghghhghghhghhgh. man what the fucj. im literally always thinking about hannibal season 2 finale. any time i need to do a factory reset on my brain i pull up my favorite youtube video conveniently titled "hannibal stabs will scene". fellas is it gay to gut another man like a fish. (the answer is yes)
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nochi-quinn · 9 months
campaign 3 episode 68: I'm not making the 'nice' joke about next episode bc last time I did that someone died
okay let's see if I can get through this one without having a panic attack ten minutes in
(that's why there wasn't a liveblog last week)
I was making a sandwich during sam's ad and came back to Suddenly Bear
and then I saw "Baldur's Gate 3" in the subs and it all made sense
"that is your wife" which wife, laura, marisha or liam?
a teensy weensy little demon pact
oh, we have that autobots shirt sam's wearing
kiddo wears it to school for jersey days :D
throw it in the hole
talking weapons: not even once
ashley what
per spoilers in the group chat, Sword Bad
that thing is twice his size isn't it
ashton has the brain cell
"I don't care about you" letters
King of Fuckingwhere
travis' face
but who's on the council
ashton: please hold
grizzly man
ashton is the best narrator in this moment
yeah yeah hell yeah
fcg in his mind palace
matt doing the mass effect codex voice
prince fruitoftheloom
s a m u e l
both of you
fresh cut "I can fix him" grass
fcg: the vibes are rancid
nigerian demon prince
"you can eat my ass, this is my card right now"
king butterknife
oh hell
hate THAT
"he barely listens to us"
liam :(
how fuckin old is ludinis
kiki :(
keyleth pace urself
I love that cloak so fucking much
the Hand of the Tempest does sound really fucking cool
liam you can't make me cry that's illegal
everybody hates the raven queen but keyleth especially hates the raven queen
(okay they don't all HATE the raven queen, I'm just saying)
liam: that winged man, that beautiful angel, that absolute specimen of masculinity -
matthew so help me god not the tr - I HATE YOU
"those who call themselves gods" dang
it must be nice, it must be nice, to have asmodeus on your side
but no dogs. no dogs on the moon.
they just run right off the damn thing
just do dark moon magic in the room of the head of state who just recovered from an assassination attempt, nbd
until her what now
travis and marisha
"I've got wind chimes where my name should be"
"fuck off, ghost!"
oh y'all were gonna get blood fountain'd
vox machina road trip
"there was an accident and here I am"
ashton lore ashtON LORE
travis: that was me! :D
oh we got chair perch
"vast and frightening"
the key is to stop trying to apply logic to your friends
I'm assuming this is the blight tree from - IT IS THE BLIGHT TREE
"the enemy of my enemy is a dick"
marisha: you KNOW what I'm saying, just TELL ME
"all our allies are dead or doin' stuff"
what IS dorian doing. give me my boy back.
liam and his tea
keyleth's BEEN elementals. several of them!
"how are we gonna make fun of that name, it's too hard to pronounce"
oh kiki :(
stop saying entities
quick go find milo
cut ludinis off at the root
highlander the bitch
"you battled an earth titan" "I mean TECHNICALLY"
delilah alarm weewooweewoo
fearne would be a choice chaos deity
milo-joe dream team
"don't tell him I said that"
"he is a brilliant mind with specific limitations"
"I can feel my heart rate rising!" and then he went into cardiac arrest
I fully recognize ashton's tone re: fcg trying to contact dancer, that is a parent's "redirecting a child away from an inappropriate choice" tone
I feel like it's dancer tbh
it's time to d-d-d-d-duel
"oh changebringer, what the FUCK does that mean"
it IS dancer
"the changebringer…..sucks"
listen, I remember some of those vm planning sessions, this is high strategery
marisha: leave me aLONE
you're gonna carry that weight
oh no I'm gonna cry again
oh shut the fuck up
just put me in the fucking ground
can laudna get a tattoo? would the skin just kind of. fall off?
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bruce-wayne-simp · 1 year
Like Minds
Hey hi hello im about to watch Like Minds (aka Murderous Intent) and apparently the only way i can watch movies now is by liveblogging them so 🤷‍♀️
(Maybe expect the LotR trilogy next idk)
Like with Remainder i have a vague idea what this movie is about. Well, maybe a bit more of an idea what this is about. All i know is there are 2 teenage murderers and a TON of homoeroticism (not canon i think but youre crazy if you dont see it)
Also this liveblog/my watching of Like Minds was heavily sped up by @catlovingwitch who sent me a lovely ask which fuckign FUELED me to do this so thank you v v much ❤️❤️❤️
Once again, i am a T Sturridge stan so this will probably be very heavy on him. Unless over the course of this i become an Eddie Redmayne stan
Spoilers be ahead
Idk why im like. Anxious? Whatever.
Its starting aaaaaa
Eddie R screaming on a train (hes thrilled)
Ooh theyre stealing stuff?? T Sturridge isnt here yet
(The way its set up is Alex (Eddie) is captured by the police and is basically giving them The Backstory™️ which is where Nigel (Tom) comes in)
Oh shit he killed Nigel
Ok so psychiatry lady is here and her name is Sally
God Alex looks so young
Ooh this is interesting and actually really good
Flashback starting
THERES NIGEL god hes pretty
Lmaooo Nigel is the new kid and hes Alex's roommate and Alex is kinda pissed lol
Thats what you get when you snoop. Alex was looking in Nigels trunk and found a taxidermied cat(??)
Lmao Nigels in the doorway like 'Do you mind?'
Oh hes so concerned about his taxidermy
'Hes weird' they say as they explode a cockroach for fun
Lmao Nigel reads books about anatomy/autopsies?? yikes
Oof Alex is pulling the misogyny card. Hes telling the psychiatrist lady shes running out of time to have kids 💀 sir youre not helping your case
"Nigel got what he wanted." "And what was that?" "Eternity."
Sally is Over It. She doesnt think Alex is guilty
Shes listening to the tape she recorded from her talk with Alex and is like 'hmmmm'
Back to flashbackss
Oh god Nigels dissecting a bird IN THE DORM ROOM
Lmaooooo i love Nigel
Alex is PISSED and is like 'the least you can do is show me some common courtesy' and Nigels like '??? K.'
Well that interview just went to shit
So Alex was kinda taunting Sally but mostly the detective dude. So detective guy comes in and is like 'Gunshot residue says you were holding the gun when it went off'
Alex asks to see his father, the detectuve is like 'he cant help you', Alex panics a little, grabs Sallys wrist snd is like 'Nigel was holding the gun when it went off, i didnt do this' and the detective dude loses it and punches him and Alex is dragged off to lockup kicking and screaming
Apparently Nigel ALSO had GSR on his hands so anybody couldve pulled the trigger
Yall need to watch this fucking movie
Ok so basically a guard runs back in and is like 'He wants to talk'. Well actually hes holding 2 guards hostage w a police baton and is pleading to be let out of the cell. He fights the guards, loses and Sally shows up as hes on the ground being cuffed again. They sit him on the bed, Alex insists he didnt kill Nigel and then starts talking about someone being 'here' and 'listening' and Sallys like '???'
Ooh ok so Alex thinks someone is talking to him im his head?? Does he think Nigel is?? We are at a flashback btw
Wait did they already steal stuff off the train??
Alex youre a bit of a brat lmao
Wait was he stealing stuff for his dad????
Ok Alex and his friends are kind of dicks
Ooh Alex is challenging the pastor dude who is teaching religious history i assume
Nigel is looking at him like hes kinda in love
Lmaooo Nigel keeps dead things in jars. He has a big thing of formaldehyde hanging up lmaoooo
You know what i actually kind of agree with Alex. I mean thats p reasonable
(The Headmaster (who seems to be fond of Alex) sees Nigels collection of dead animals and is trying to justify why Nigel is there and allowed to stay. Alex is the first quote)
"He's a part of your club and nobody else wanted him so youre doing the 'brotherly' thing. Yeah well does my future depend on that?"
"Thats enough-"
"No, you dont give a fuck about me or this guy the only thing that you care about-"
"Thats enough!"
"-is the amount of kudos his father's-
"I said enough!"
"No, which is fine, but just dont give me the 'brotherhood' bullshit."
Then the headmaster slaps him and is like 'This boy will be made welcome' and walks out lol
Oooh theres Nigel
Lmao he walks in, slides in behind Alex, grabs his notebook off the desk and walks out, visibly amused.
Jfc Nigel is making psychological notes on Alex and his friends
"This little shit needs to be taught a lesson"
Alex's friend, Josh, is a pos. He just made a literal Nazi joke. To Alex's credit he tells him to knock it off
At least one of his friends has 2 braincells.
Are they straight up chloroforming Nigel??? Wtf
They dragged him onto the train unconscious
Oh shit Alex is like holding him outside of the door while the steel beams to the side are rushing past them. Nigel seems out of it tbh cause hes not freaking out
Josh is lighting firecrackers and tossing them out of the train and he dropped one and freaked so Alex and Nigel got back in. Nigel went to walk away and Alex pushed him up against the wall like 'Where do you think youre going??'. Nigel just spit in Alex's face and Alex punched Nigel
Oooooohhhh shit Alex leaned Nigel out of the door again and Josh started freaking out and told him to let Nigel go and the handle Josh was holding onto the train with BROKE
Oh shit Nigel just let him fall
Like he straight up waved his hand over Josh's hand to taunt him i guess and he got sucked out of the train wtf
I feel like the thing to keep in mind here is all of this is being told by Alex and hes Not a reliable narrator
Oh yeah Alex is an unreliable narrator for SURE. Besides some fondness there was 0 mention of him being Alex's father. Or maybe im just dumb which is entirely possible. Likely, in fact.
Lmao Nigel staring at Alex like a freak at Josh's funeral until his dad nudges him like 'Knock it off'
Alex's dad eyeing Nigel as he walks away
Alex and Nigel arent roommates anymore
Nigel reading basically smut in front of class (in front of Alex 😏😏) classy smut im sure but still
Alex is watching rehearsals of the play and Nigel comes up super close like 'sorry about ur friend' and is kinda. Creepy and morbid about it. Which tracks
I think its interesting that TS's facial expressions and delivery here is SO reminiscent of his role as Dream. Ive seen him make these EXACT expressions in The Sandman while talking. Its odd seeing them on a younger face tho (not in a bad way)
Oh my god Alex just got a human hand in a package. 3 guesses as to who its from? (I assume. I dont actually know. Im not gonna do my boy Nigel dirty like that)
Alex vomited and hes telling Sally that when he got back it was gone
Nigel comes into Alex's room, gives him some papers to help with his essay while Alex is yellimg at him to get out and leaves lmaoooo
My boy Nigel doesnt deserve the slander 😤😤
"How did he know i was struggling with my essay?" Youre a dumbass and hes smart
"How did he know my topic?" Idk maybe if you made an effort to know him youd find out. Im sure Nigel can be charming when he wants to be but hes not gonna be on guard 24/7 so you got to see the spooky shit hes into when you were roommates
"I mean he had answers to questions i hadnt even thought of yet." Omg could Nigel be... Smart?? Impossible. Only idiots study anatomy and dissect things. 🙄 CMON ALEX
Jfc Alex you are dramatic as hell. Hes comparing using Nigels notes to 'selling his soul'. Just get the easy A my guy
Me every time Nigel comes on screen: 🥰🥰🥰
Nigel and the dog im DECEASED
The dog doesn't like ALEX oooooo
Dogs know who you really are 🧐🧐🧐
"I've never brought anybody here before. You're the first. Okay? First."
Nigel just wants to be friends 😭😭 he brought Alex to his hideout and the first thing he asks is 'Do you like it?' 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh jfc Nigel is as crazy as Alex
God that LOOK he gives when Alex is flipping through the book. You cannot convince me Nigel isn't in love with Alex
"An implement for killing. That's what I am." N I G E L
Jesus. Alex thinks Nigel is in his head.
Alex just asked a girl (Susan) out on a date and Nigel came up afterward all friendly and tried to give him a book and Alex completely cut him off
Poor Nigel :(
Ok also poor Alex but i don't feel as bad for him cos hes an ass
Holy shit did Nigel kill someone?? Alex woke up and someone threw a knife on his desk stuck to a Jack playing card with blood
Oh my god its Susan (that girl Alex was gonna go on that date with)
Nigel this doesnt look good for you buddy
Nobody's accusing him but she was kinda.... dissected. Its pretty graphic if you watch this movie just be aware
Oh shit she was in the school greenhouse
I think Alex did it. Hear me out. Hes the one telling this story. If he did it, hes gonna tell the story in a way that makes Nigel look bad. Nigel, conveniently enough, cannot say anything otherwise. Cause he's dead. I think at the very least he did kill Nigel but telling the story this way makes him the hero for killing the big bad serial killer.
Ok back to the movie the knife and the card are gone from his desk and Alex is looking for Nigel.
Now the detective is getting statements from all the students who saw Susan before she was killed
Oooooh Alex got caught in a lie
'Ooh I sense some hostility' just kiss him already JESUS
OH SHIT. Nigel is remorseful about what happened and Alex was like 'You did it. Didn't you?' And Nigel says 'No, Jack. You did.'
(Jack is a nickname. It's explained in the movie i just don't feel like rehashing it sorry)
Alex punched him
"Well im sorry Jack but you were the one who got inside my head." OHHHHH FOLIE A DEUX
Nigel: You can fix him? I can make him worse <3
And we love him for it
Something something criticism of upper class structures (see: quote above about 'brotherhood'), parents being not involved in their kids lives and not seeing obvious signs of mental illness due to that (Nigel's... everything and Alex's authority issues, sense of grandeur and family issues)
This scene is where Alex's dad tries to get the detective to drop the charges and tries to use his connections to the detectives father to do so but he refuses to drop it.
Oh shit apparently theres no evidence Nigel did anything to Susan
Also apparently the detectives cant find Nigels parents so 🤨
Sally is gonna look at Nigels hideout
Damn Nigel had a TON of notebooks
Oh SHIT Nigel had photos of a sleeping girl
Nigel its really hard to defend this i hope you know that
Oh fuck theres a dead body under Nigels house
Apparently 2??
Nigel showed Alex the hideout!! Alex was the FIRST and ONLY person (besides Nigel) who knew about it!!! The bodies were fresh!!!! Alex did it. Nigel my babe ill defend you to the death Alex is a psycho
Its ride or die for Nigel Colbie in this house
Aww Nigel introduced Alex to his parents
"Helen and John, this is my best friend Alex. Hes working on the play." Oh yah rich ppl are fucked up. Imagine introducing your parents to your friend by their FIRST NAMES 🤮
Ooh he just read Nigels bible
Nigel thinks hes directly descended from the Knights Templar
See, Alex seems to be reading this like it's his first time seeing all of it. But HE BROUGHT IT UP FIRST. In that class with the pastor earlier. Nigel was watching him. This was right before Nigel started pursuing him (and i don't think this was how it happened. Hold on i'll talk about it later. I think Alex went after Nigel. And I've seen other people think this as well)
Alex's mother died while giving birth to him and he told his father that her death was his fault since he got her pregnant 😬
Oh god
Ok so
Sally found a card that said 'My beloved Maraclea' and Alex is telling her who Maraclea is
Maraclea was the lover of a knights templar in the 13th century who died and the knights templar. Uh. Had sex with her dead body. And basically 9 months later he goes back and her skull is moved from her shoulders to on top of her thigh bones which are crossed. He has to protect the skull bcs itll give them grest fortune or whatever
While hes telling her this theres a flashback to Nigel and Alex meeting up at night and uh. Theyre in a morgue.
I dont like where this is going 😣
Oh fuck its Susan
Is. Is Alex gonna necrophile Susans body
Did he do it???
Hes saying Nigel took him there to basically recreate the whole Maraclea thing but its ambiguous as to if he actually did it
Holy shit thats fucked up
So Alex is watching through the window
Nigels father found those photos that Sally found and. Um. I think those are of Nigels mother actually.
Implied incest/CSA warning (im gonna italicize it. Skip the italicized part. Nothing graphic and not even really explicitly abuse but theres an accusation being made basically. CSA bcs Nigel is 17)
Nigel is in his bed and so is his mother. Shes in a slip and hes in pajamas and his father is holding a gun and yelling and basically accusing them of sleeping together (tho Nigel is 17 and also thats his mother so uh. Yeah.)
Tbf it only incidentally looks like that and she claims they were just talking. But also i have no reason to trust her so uh. Yeah.
Oh my god
Nigels father just shot his mother right next to him.
Holy fuck.
Alex came in and grabbed the gun and asked Nigel what hes done and Nigel said she was 'chosen'
Alex points the gun at Nigel and Nigels dad gets in between them and is shot by Alex
Oh my god wtf
'Ill have my Maraclea' What. In the actual. Fuck.
And he just. Casually dumps his fathers organs into the fire.
"Dont you think they're gonna be missed?"
"Well as long as they dont find her nine months it doesnt really matter, does it?"
Nigel i cant defend this.
Oh god Alex did it too with Susan
Tom Sturridge angry with a shotgun is something i didnt know i needed but im glad i have it
Oh shit they both did it
Nigel used Alex to kill himself
Holy shit
Alex had the shotgun pointed at Nigel and Nigel is very obviously upset and doesnt understand why Alex thinks hes the crazy one.
He told Alex to pray for him, reached up and pulled the trigger while Alex was holding the gun
Holy fuck he broke into Susans tomb and took her skull
Holy shit hes doing the same thing Nigel did to him to someone else
Roll credits
Ok ok ok wow so um.
I dont think Nigel did it
Well ok. I think the truth is somwhere in the middle. Alex is putting a lot of blame on Nigel for someone who may or may not have killed 2 people to Nigel's 1
God its so hard to collect my thoughts about this film. Also its like 2 am so uh. That doesnt help.
I think Alex had a more dominant role than he let on. Also considering how quick he was to pick up the mantle, idk. I just know while watching this i was surprised by how much Alex killed even as Nigel called himself an instrument for killing. All Nigel did that we know for certain was let a kid fall out of a train. Alex straight up shot Nigels father.
Nigel is more quiet and reclusive and morbid and Alex is more intelligent and outgoing.
Of course Alex makes a point to emphasize how morbid Nigel is and ive already pointed out how i think Alex is an unreliable narrator. Alex is smart. He knew how he needed to tell the story and he succeeded. He got off scot free.
Unfortunately i dont think Nigel would have been able to do that. Nigel was smart but not as smart as Alex. He would have slipped up
So what happened to Susan? I keep going back and forth on this. I think it could go either way. But i hate to say it. I think Nigel did it. This whole thing kinda goes back to the Maraclea thing and Nigel knew about it already. So he kills Susan and guts her so Alex has his Maraclea and he goads his father into killing his mother so he 🤮 has... his...
Basically i think Nigel is more evil but Alex had a bigger part than he lets on
Its v v complicated. Or its just 2 am idk. (respectfully) Leave your thoughts if you feel so inclined
Oh my god he said Alex killed her because in Nigels mind he chose Susan as his Maraclea oh good lord
(But Nigel is pretty and fictional so we'll give him a pass)
Im definitely rewatching this at some point. Its actually really good
Ok thats all lol bye im gonna go see if theres Like Minds fanfic
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ohheyidothat · 7 months
I will now liveblog me reading this because writing it down and then writing down my thoughts helps me process it, and I could use paper but I would wake up my wife with a light.
The nervous system regulates immunity and inflammation.
I suppose that makes sense. Most things are regulated by the nervous system--if not the brain, then the other areas of it (which relates to my theory of Somatic Cognition).
But I always thought the immune system was more mechanical than neural. Pathogens alert the immune system in the same way a key alerts a lock--by mechanically fitting into a slot. How is the immune system regulated by neurons? How do they communicate with the nervous system? Are they able to communicate via the blood, sending chemical messages long-distance? Are some immune cells solely created to ferry messages to neurons? Is there a part of the nervous system that is specifically designed to serve as a translator between the dutiful immune cells and the overseeing, entire nervous system?
The molecular detection of pathogen fragments, cytokines, and other immune molecules by sensory neurons generates immunoregulatory responses through efferent autonomic neuron signaling.
The molecular detection of...stuff...by sensory neurons generates a response. Mmmm :/ A response is generated when sensory neurons detect molecules such as pathogen fragments, cytokinesis, and other immune molecules (slightly rephrasing it to trick my brain into trying to comprehend it twice lol).
Detection of immune molecules by neurons generates responses through efferent autonomic neuron signaling >:/ Detection generates responses through efferent autonomic neuron signaling! >:3
What is "efferent autonomic neuron signalling?" Well, it at least includes the immune system's reaction to detecting molecules that warrant a response! I see!!
And these molecules can include pathogen fragments, from pathogens already partially destroyed or otherwise dead. It can include cytokines too. And others :3
The functional organization of this neural control is based on principles of reflex regulation.
Reflex regulation :0 I do not have this vocabulary term in my database. Also, why did they specify that it's the functional organization? As opposed to what? Theoretical? Oh, opposed to form! To structure! As in, the structural organization isn't necessarily based on the reflex regulation. The hardware and software aren't necessarily intertwined or similarly organized. Fascinating--i love to study boundary between form and function.
Reflexes involving the vagus nerve and other nerves have been therapeutically explored in models of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, and recently in clinical settings.
Reflexes have been therapeutically explored for inflammatory and autoimmune conditions? :0 I'm not certain I've heard of that!
(Hmmm... Inflammation is definitely related to immune system stuff, but it feels closer to the nervous system for some reason... Is that based on knowledge I have, or just a random hunch? Oh! It's because *pain* is associated with inflammation, and pain is definitely neurological. Oh gosh, is it? I might be obfuscating some valuable nuances by assuming pain is not immunological.)
The brain integrates neuro-immune communication, and brain function is altered in diseases characterized by peripheral immune dysregulation and inflammation.
:O brain function is altered?? Did I know that?? That feels like novel information!
...Well, of course the brain can react to immune issues, right? There is a conscious reaction to being sick. A person can try to hide it to avoid negative consequences, or be open about it to receive care. That seems more like a conscious or subconscious choice than "brain function alteration," but I shouldn't trust any preconceived ideas without at least a cursory glance at the data source and associated logic.
I wonder if the SNS or PNS gets involved? It would make sense if the "something is dangerous, shut off all excess functionality and focus on survival" system activated; but equally I would think it logical if the "it's time to rest and recover and maintain homeostasis, time to employ the full body towards the task of life; digest things, heal wounds, use minimal energy to conserve it for tasks that increase longevity" system was in charge. I think I'll keep reading the article rather than looking it up.
Oh, I understand this next part and don't have any extra thoughts on it. I'll skip ahead to the next part I wish to spend extra time on.
Studying neuro-immune interactions and communication generates conceptually novel insights of interest for therapeutic development.
I sure hope it does!
:3 My brain has worked up an appetite. Snack time hehe.
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twotailednekomata · 1 year
Liveblogged Adventures of the Super Sons Reactions Masterlist
The list will be under the cut. (Part 2)
The Temptation
This Dang Cover
Jon Is Holding a Car
Why is Dami Fighting a Bronze Statue of Superman!?
Don't Forget the Hawk
Oh, There's a Mini Story!
Action Detectives, Part One: Bad Guise (ghees, that's a long title):
'Sorry That Took So Long'
Jon Gets to Tease Dami, as a treat
'Stop Stuffing your Damn Face and Help Me!'
The Villain of Today is Found!
Damian is Done with Villain's Bullshit
(Damian) Another Job Well Done
'...That Kid I think Used to Work for Batman!'
The Fun's Now Over
Why Are We on the Dark Side of the Fucking Moon!?
*sarcastic & deadpan* Super-Dead is Verrry Clever
Edgelord, Star-Student Vibes
An End-of-School Pool Fucking Party
Confused About the Timeline
‘Summer of Super, Summer of Super, Summer of Super, Summer of Su-' 'Please Stop!'
The 'Supplies'
'There's a Monster at the Metropolis Mall' 'You Know What That Means!' '*tt* Please no...'
What Has Damian Been Shot With!?
Jon's Concern for Dami's Wellbeing
Jon Trying to Protect Dami & Damian Getting Covered in Bandages
Jon's and Damian's Relationship (Jon Caring for Dami and Ensuring his Safety)
Let Me Introduce You to My Gang - 'Tarzan'
Correction, it's Rex Luthor
No! Don't Drain One of My Boys!
Action Detectives, Part Two:
The 'Aliens' are Just Make-Up-ed Humans
I Think I've Connected the Cubes
Is The Hypercube Inside Jon?
Damian's Inner Turmoil
Ya! Get Their Asse- Oh Nevermind
Fucked Up Jon-Puppet
Don't Fight or Blammo
Interruption! Extra Jon Panel, as a threat
Terrified Faces
*curious* What's This New Development?
We're At the Fortress of Solitude!
… I Did Connect Shit but At Least I Understand
Jon Breaks Free to Prevent a Shot
Welp. The Puppeteer is Dead
Jon Getting Dragged Away By 'Joker Jr.'
(Damian's Characterising) 'JJ' Approaches his Cell
My Poor Boy, Jon! ˚‧º·(˃̣̣̥o˂̣̣̥)‧º·
Interruption! A Sketch of Me Hugging the Super Sons 。゚+.(・ω・)゚+.゚
Helping a Drained Bestie Out
Why A Corpse of a Kryptonian!?
Jon Red & Blue (- o -)
Action Detectives, Part Three:
R.I.P 'Joker Junior'
Now, There Is Two of Them
Break! Soon..
Returned! 'You Faker!' 'Faker? I think you're the fake one around here'
Damian Has to Babysit these Bitches (neutral)
What's that Powder Thing!? & Rex L.'s Comment
Let's Do the OIdest Trick in the Book: Killing a Robin
Geez, 'JJ'! You Jumpscared Me!
Yes! Blue Jon Saved Them! ٩(^ᗜ^*)و
Damian is Sick and Tired of This Twin Jon Shit
Interruption! Just Damian doing Flippy Tricks ฅ ̳͒•ˑ̫• ̳͒ฅ
Break! An Extra Panel for Y'all •⩊•
Returned! Not cool, Rex bro
Burning Facts from one Damian Al Ghul Wayne
'Your Mom's Dumb!' 'She's our Mom!'
Is Push & Pulling a Falling Space Ship a Metaphor Of Some Kind?
'I'm Sorry, Rob, but We Gotta Juice!'
'*deadpan to the point of hilarity* Hay! Are those the kids that stole the ship?'
'We did it! We saved the city!' '*concerned* What do you mean!?'
Damian Does Care for His Companions, even if they are currently split into Red & Blue counterparts that hate each other
BTW, Red Jon is Not Feeling Too Good
Blue Jon... Are you alright?
Oh, Fuck-a-doodle
Haha! The Boys are Saved! (˃ᆺ˂✿)
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foxstens · 2 years
lmao every survival weapon sucks against the giant
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
bbc merlin liveblog - s1 ep3: the mark of nimueh
she may be evil but like...nimuehs hot
gwen and merlins friendship is actually the cutest i swear to god her giving him a flower and him wearing it 😭😭
"just something to cheer you up, i know you haven't been sleeping well". "oh, you cheer me up." AND THEN THE WAY MORGANA LOOKS AT HER THEYRE GIRLFRIENDS IM TELLING YOU
"you'd be a dead servant." gaius is the funniest mf in this whole show
gaius: the most likely cause is...sorcery. me and my mom simultaneously: sOrCErY!
i want arthurs rly long brown coat so bad (im once again obsessing over the costumes)
arthur is literally the dumbest bitch in camelot that magic book was right in front of his face and still he was like 'ah, sarcastic remark about a cupboard'
any episode with gwen and her dad always has me crying they're so sweet
merlin risking basically everything to keep gwen and her family happy even though they only met like 2 episodes ago...what if i cried over them
what i would have given for gwen to have known abt merlin's magic, just imagine them in the later seasons just making fun behind arthurs back and acting like nothing was happening
morgana immediately being at gwen's defence when she's arrested...she KNOWS it wasn't her
side note: morgana in that blue dress holy shit i'm gay
ooh the irony of uther saying you can't tell someone's magic just by looking at them...to morgana, who no one knows has magic
i feel like there's an easy way to determine which characters are evil in this show: they don't like gwen. there's gotta be something evil in u if u don't like gwen
morgana being abt to cry walking away from gwen's cell :((
gwen telling merlin not to worry about her LET PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT U GWEN
"remember me." hear that? it's me sobbing.
merlin: **literally admits to being a sorcerer** arthur: you fucking dumbass no ur not
"merlin is a wonder" arthur why are u looking him up and down as you say that huh 🤨
merlin and gaius sassing each other is pure comedy
morganas cloak...i want it...i also want her
"im telling you morgana, turn back. you could get hurt." "so could you...if you don't get out of my way." SHE (also her accent is so hot i can't adhfhshdhsh)
merlin my guy ur not even whispering atp how does everyone not know ur magic
why does uther just look like 🧍🏻‍♂️
merlin thinking morganas figured him out but she actually just thinks he likes gwen 😭
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sebbyisland · 1 year
mob psycho ep 9 + 10 + 11 live reaction here we go
i'm going to be annoying!!! because i'm excited and this is my treat to myself after a very hellish 3 weeks!!!
i just wanna say i love when the op is like "DISTORTION" and you hear here the guitar distortion aahgfdl;skj
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this part reminds me of when all the dead characters from Gurren Lagann came back to cheer on the protag and the guy in the focus of the frame was the protag's older bro figure. cries. ugh shit like this is why i love Shonen T__T
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ugh i wanna draw this so bad
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[yes i know what's about to happen im so. I'm so not okay]
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i really really really REALLY LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK FROM THIS EPISODE I DEF NEED TO FIND IT LATER! It does such a good job taking us through Teru's whole emotional journey ugh
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also lol did anyone make "yeet" memes about when Teru got tossed like a ragdoll or are we too cool for yeet memes now
i knew bones would pull through but ahhhhh Mob gradually losing his human form has been really cool to see animated <3
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the animation for this episode is so insane like if gurren lagann actually had a budget. sorry for constantly comparing to gurren lagann but like. pls if you are reading this PLEASE WATCH GURREN LAGANN I PROMISE IF U LIKE MOB PSYCHO 100 OR MY HERO ACADEMIA OR CHAINSAW OR ANY OTHER THING I SCREAM ABOUT ON THIS BLOG. YOU WILL LIKE GURREN LAGANN. anyways.
The performance in ep 10....absolutely stunning from every possible angle...down to everything..this episode..the pacing...the voicE ACTING UGH.....wow... WOW!!! AMAZING!!!! I'm probably really bias because i emotionally love this part in the story but haha yeah....yeahh i love ep 10.
Ritsu once again the only one with brain cells and puts together what's going on SO quick cause even though he doesn't "understand" his brother he knows his brother like no one else. i'm never not emo about Ritsu. i love Ristu and Mob's relationship. ugh ugh ugh
the opening to s3 is so wild i notice something new every time i watch it. love that. reminds me of s1 <3
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aw i like the detail that Ritsu left his coat for Teru......
lol they censored the fact Kageyama's friend almost got totally stabbed through a vital point by replacing the rod with a flat surface
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i cant fucking DO THIS ANYMORE
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wow i don't even have the energy to liveblog this episode it's so amazing and gorgeous and creative and emotional it's everything everything everything
good night! time to see if i manage to brainstorm a decent fanart idea
also i just want to say i really love reading the animation breakdown analysis over here for each episode, it's been really funny and i highly recommend!
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castle-dominion · 8 months
7x2 montreal
ugh MORE plot heavy stuff? Oops I forgot to tag the last post with plot heavy.
the montreal episode or the toy store episode liveblog
Ooh gonna be a dead body obv
Yay he DID bring back derrick storm!
his face is so "ugh"
RC: I CAME here to talk about your books!
*calls her by her first name*
that is a LOT of money!
The masculine boring little handshake of welcoming back castle but still nice welcome.
RC: No, to find a needle in a haystack do we not first need a haystack?
KB: Yeah, but not a haystack full of nutjobs.
why would u wrap it in plastic wrap?
Love the hot cold esparish, lanie & javi are together again for now jksdfhkjsdfksl
RC: *jokingly complaining* Disappear for two months.
Samantha Williger: I had that sick feeling when he didn’t come home. I – you hope.
RC: ...
He made toys for a living, he was a decent man, but how much profit was he making? a ton or enough to live comfortably.
Beckett is wearing light stuff, Esposito is wearing a dress shirt & crap, nice grey, I love it, looks good on him, & ryan is wearing a nice suit. too nice. why must he always look so perfect? let your tie go sometimes man.
Soldier: Sun tzu said that!
VG: Mr. Castle!
Me: she sounds mad but is probably going to welcome him back with a huge hug
VG: >:(
RC: Did you hear that? Ringing off the hook?
He grabs GATES’ face and kisses her. In her shock he grabs the stack of papers.
Me: !?!?!?!?!
Pretty place tho, look at those raggedy anne stuff
Such an awesome kid man.
The hardest evidence to find is that is not there.
Leaving early? affair?
love how castle is just playing in the back. Ryan & castle are the same person
Esposito mad at ryan for mentioning castle.
(could clip)
Castle in s1 used to be so smart, figured out important stuff abt beckett's backstory... now he's just insane.
Ew poor alexis.
They’re interrupted by ESPOSITO’S phone ringing. Except instead of a normal ringtone, it’s LANIE’S voice repeating “hey sexy” over and over. BECKETT gives him an amused look & he laughs in embarrassment as he answers the phone.
girl you call him for WORK!!! (unless HE did it in which case: dumbass)
I love the way ryan leans over to look yk what? I might clip
(ryan SO looks like he's going to tease esposito as they're walking away.)
was that paisosa (passion) or preciosa (precious)?
also I always love lanie's glittery phone case. (she DEF called HIM specifically to embarrass him)
The door buzzes.
MR: Ah ha! That will be my date.
RC: Ooh, you have a date?
MR: Uh huh. Robert. We met at the grief counseling group when you were presumed … (she gestures to him)
RC: You – you picked up a man at grief counseling?
MR: Yes. Now I will thank you to go into the other room.
RC: Why?
MR: Because at the moment, our relationship is based on mutual loss and if he finds out that you have returned and are alive it would just – it will ruin everything.
RC: Mother, you realize I was on television this morning.
MR: Luckily Robert is a cultured man, he does not watch television. They only newspaper he reads is The Wall Street Journal, which thankfully, did not carry news of your return. So, go. Go. Go, go.
She shoos him away as the door buzzes again. He goes, reluctantly.
Sus phone call on his personal cell not the landline or precinct phone
does or doesn't seem like his style? couldn't hear & was typing during the captions so I didn't see.
Looks a bit like fenkins...
Love "walk with me"
That makes sense for the dinghy
clipping this scene here love love love (will comment too I hope bc I ain't commenting now)
Poor doggo
Castle *tries knob*
She gon be dead
Oh blood. Ofc she dead.
Looks odd tho
Me: trans
Alexis already smart geolocating stuff <3 no wonder she hires herself at rick's office.
Alexis walking in mad
yay interracial couples
Yay they get $250k just for being on honeymoon & watching TV.
Nice little treasure chest...
Yeah don't go alone.
"I'll go with you!" Love these two
RC: It’s Canada. How risky could it be?
NF, SK, & me: *canadian born*
RC: And need I remind you, I’m a grown man. I don’t need to ask your permission. That being said, please, please, please can I (c-can i go)?
Rick being insane.
The keys were never used tho? why would wally/joe stay here? Oh wait it's makeup place.
retired k9 dog?
Esposito sounded so happy to spend some quality time with the dog.
*all french accented*
GEORGE do you remember dgeorge & gjeorge from murdoch? ye
he looks are castle all sus like.
Which way does it go?
you could have said "No" & saved face, asked him to try doing both keys for you.
was castle....???? doing that to prank his daughter?
(or not spiders lol)
Love alexis' nails
she's so tall & sexy & beside her ryan is just there
Beckett driving ryan out there love it, I want more ryckett moments & more castito/espostle moments esp this season bc esposito is constantly distrustful of castle this season.
*flips the picture over a bunch*
"that thing" *boss looks at him angrily* KR: "uh, what thing ':)"
Back at the precinct but where is esposito still off to?
KR: Aside from our country outsourcing all its manufacturing needs to Asia, everything seems to be in order.
Oh THERE he is! & he has the doggo!!!
*everyone watching him*
Ryckett watching with big smiles
(why his pants so shiny?)
*ryan asks the dog to follow him to look at street cam footage*
the three most important people in my life, the three women I love most.
Nice jacket btw
Doggo <3 (I'm not even a dog person)
Where is he at?
Always <3
The way he sayd "kate what did I do" is just SOOOOOO GOOD
don't look for it don't find it don't don't he doesn't want you to find out. When did he record it tho? when?
I wish this detective was one of the regular background artists but idk if I recognize him. pls pls pls let me see my background lovelies.
Doggo runnin'! (a nun in a previous life XD)
Drugs? Drugs. What's this drug detective doing on homicide?
LT *petting the dog*
RC: I think I have a crazy theory for you.
Cut to JE: Well that’s the craziest theory I’ve ever heard.
I like how the picture is NOT very good, it is digitally enhanced & looks like my photos in pixlr when idk what I'm doing
Lol love the music & animation
Ellis has other work to do y'all!
Scrabbling, that's what scrabbling is. Dog run running dog fast fast! Ryan!
Esposito *knifes open the box*
Dog *is quiet*
JE *cuts open the doll easily!??? I work with fabric. nah. Well maybe, depending on how good his knife is*
*& that's a pretty nice knife, definitely the kind esposito would have*
Nooo dog! *flintstones running sound*
JE's voice is so deep sometimes
Castle don't GO there!
*searches B*
Beckett (no first name), bed bath & beyond, bedford falls (all caps), ingred behrens, liberty bell, bella, See? we don't know half these people yet they are in Castle's phone! He knows more ppl than are shown onscreen! (he doesn't have her desk phone in her contact?)
Oh no not the wife!
who is "they"?
she said cordinated not cowordinated...
"I brought you detectives up here, I figured you would no longer need me..."
Ryan *flips around the paper again*
*throws him across the piano keys* priceless.
Tory <3
Montreal AGAIN? Do you at least have your daughter w u?
oh NOT the end of the ep!
Take his word Castle. Take his word. Go home, live your life, know that it was ok.
RC: I know you’re involved. I know wh.. you know what happened to me. Who are you?
Don't ask "or what" with a gun pointed at you
Who is "we"?
I've heard of hollander's woods in fanfic.
Martha is right. Don't open the box. You have the closure of knowing SOMETHING happened & you CHOSE to forget.
but then like an alcoholic, beckett opened back up to her mom's murder.
KB: Oh, Castle. (she pulls away so she can see him) This is completely different. Whatever happened to you, you already knew the truth and you decided you didn’t want to remember it anymore. And as much as we wanted to know the answers, if you decided that then there had to have been a reason.
She's so right.
I was THINKING a month. that sounds about right. Are they going to plan it again tho?
Yay spontaneous marriage!
Or not
SHEA BREAKING UP W HIM oh no thank goodness
You can see castle isn't planning on forgetting this tho
WOohoo I love having some time before school starts for real! tho I should print off my practicum agreement thing. but there's CAASTLLE TO WATCH
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wyverewings · 1 year
nintendo direct liveblog
tbh the gameplay of pikmin is just way too confusing for me, but I'm happy for pikmin fans at least
don't care much for xenoblade
I have never heard of this third game and I've never wanted to play
who the fuck is gonna play this one
huh, I might play Dead Cells someday because it does seem interesting, impressive that it
I may also play Ghost Trick eventually, I liked experiencing the Ace Attorney games but I forgot to get back to them
...okay this one is confusing, why the fuck did they gloss over the player character becoming a cat man
I've never played any of the Bayonetta games (partially because I am not the appropriate age for it) but this game has a cool style
fuck Disney, also did they really think they could top THAT
I... am unsure if I'll ever end up playing Engage, but of fucking course Camilla is here
I still love the designs of the Fell Dragons in the game though.
okay this one's confusing too
octopus traveller 2
huh. okay
I like the visual style of this Sea of Stars game even if I won't play it probably
Why is there a slime girl.
eh not interested in this one though I like how there was a girl with the trans color scheme
also not interested in Advance Wars too much, but I'm happy for fans of that series
Tetraminos lmao. also. why is Wario Land 3 coming before the first 2 Wario Lands?
at least people are gonna play game boy advance stuff, gives a bit more motive to pay for the premium membership
glad that Metroid has been getting more love lately, even if I haven't played it yet
also not interested in the detective game, looks like it was made by the Danganronpa people
I have no idea what these games are lmao
animal crossing high fantasy au
they're gonna end with zelda aren't they (they are)
WAIT THAT'S LAYTON ISN'T IT? happy for layton fans at least
why are there different colors of Birdo? I don't think Birdo is a species
these games are going to fast but I like the one with the grim reaper
of course we end with Zelda
I really need to play BotW again huh
still SUPER hyped for Splat DLC, can't wait for that!
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