#little ramble
fights4users · 9 months
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I had said it as a joke at first that Tron really gives the vibes of a Tiger trapped in a cage, he stalks back and forth with these wild eyes. Any second about to break, then I thought of the poem that six year old wrote. That’s Tron.
Program had absolutely zero enrichment in his enclosure, the reds get to deal with defiant 2am zoomies.
How is he a dog , a Tiger and babygirl all at once?
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scarefox · 1 year
btw. it annoys me when people reduce Bed Friend to just showing homophobia, trauma and child abuse or NC scenes. 
When it is actually ALSO about finding / getting help, self acceptance and about healing and leaving toxic relationships behind.
And sometimes it might do that in an anti-example. Like the whole Uea and Krit situation. (confirmed by Ueas actor James) Uea KNOWS what Krits deal is, he is afraid of him, knows that he can’t do anything against him since he is his boss. He’s a bit stuck there. Because he doesn’t want to show fear, wants to stay strong on his own. Getting help is / was weakness in Ueas opinion, it would make Krit win. But in this case we all learn (he too), that this isn’t the best way, that he should have asked for help. Uea realizes that at the end. That there are indeed people who want to help him, people he can trust despite his bad experiences with other people. Therapy and talking about it helps him in the end too. And I think that is an important message. 
And yes, the NC scenes are crucial to the plot and character development for both Uea and King as well (despite the sex positivity which is a contrast to Ueas moms negativity).
It starts as a mistake with overstepping. Uea then gives into not the bets coping at the beginning at least (sex can be used for coping since it makes you feel better / high for a moment but can turn into an addiction or bad coping) and lowkey self destructive tendencies. Which gets shown or addressed in some of the NC scenes, when Uea gets overboard. Ueas mom taught him that he’s a dirty homosexual, a slut and so on. He internalized that shit to an extend that he hates King for being a player at first. But every time Uea has conflicts with his mom he goes like “well guess I behave in the worst way mom hates and I will love it”. But eventually this develops into him realizing with help of King, that it’s not bad and dirty. That people can love him not just for his body. (tbh I would have loved a little insight into Uea and his ex relationship. We only know that he was just ‘unknowingly’ his affair. So again might have been just reduced to his body again)
And did someone notice the theme of the alcohol issue? Their first hook up was a drunken one which ended in regret and the feeling of being used. The next time the same situation started, King denies any sexual activity with Uea. Cause he learned the lesson. And at the end they do have sex with alcohol involved but with both their consent to involve it when they were still sober!
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still-cookiedough · 4 months
I want to caveat this by saying that I actually do like most of Taylor Swift’s music. But SOS was clearly the best album up for nomination and I say this as a big fan of both boygenius and Janelle Monae. That album was THE album last year and SZA was robbed.
We all know that the Grammys are a bit of a joke but it’s annoying because they still matter. The same goes for when Beyoncé didn’t win last year.
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c0pperhe4rts · 15 days
Orange of neon lights in a cyber city or an alley lighting up a club
The warmness of a sunset in all its shades, rich in the sky
A soft colour of welcoming and plushness
The deep coppers of autumn, crunching leaves, and cold days where all you want is comfort
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sprinklenoodles · 4 months
My second biggest issue with DR:T is the whole subplot with Suzuhiko, like, Kijo may have been an inattentive shit but he would at least known he had gotten kicked out and that it was for abusing his sibling.
That would have immediately disqualified him from being heir because if it got out, that would be disasterous PR for the Togami name.
He would have also been watching him like a hawk considering he's one of the oldest and therefore would have had a higher chance at becoming heir and he needs to be sure the heir isn't a fucking freak (derogatory).
Yeah, like Kijo would've kept tabs on all of his kids and made sure that only the real worthy ones had a chance to enter.
Someone like Suzuhiko wouldn't have made the cut at all. Canon Kijo may be shitty as one can be, but I doubt he'd condone anything relating to incest. If anything, the moment he knew of it, he would've had Suzuhiko killed.
But, drama was needed, so the whole plot of Suzuhiko was created and DR: Togami became even worse than it already was.
It could've been something so good, yet it (in my opinion) came out no better than a piece of trash. It only gave us potential for something good since it couldn't be that.
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terry-gator · 6 months
I am unreasonably upset that I'm probably one of the very small percentage of people who headcanons Monty as AroAce in the sense of not experiencing romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone and don't ship him with anyone.
I don't even ship the guy with myself or anons, I love him sure but it's purely platonic tbh.
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Is there something about your favorite book that you don't like?
To answer this question, I would have to know which book is my favorite. Hmmm… Nope, I can't remember a single book that I liked more than the other fantastic books I've read. There are way too many, you know? I mean, I could pick out one series that really blew me away for the first time, but... well, like I said, it's a series. And I haven't even finished it yet because the last book hasn't been translated (which, to answer your question, is one of the things I don't like ;).
Anyway, the series I'm referring to is the "Shadowleague" series by Maggie Furey (who sadly has already died). And it was so incredibly boring at the beginning. You can't imagine what a struggle it was to keep reading the first book. So many points of view, so many main characters, so many plot lines - I read two pages, complained about how boring it was, read two more pages, and complained again. For at least two hundred pages.
But holy shit. After that interminably long introduction, it's so damn good. Sometimes, at least. The pacing is bad, the descriptions way too broad and there is a lot to keep in mind, but once I started to care about the characters, I was in love with the books. The whole series has its ups and downs, but all in all it can be seen as one of my favourite book series. And in the end, in the last book, everyone came together and played their part, which was so freaking brilliant. Or they, well, died beforehand. That happened a lot too, but more characters came along, so it balanced out.
Oh, and it definitely wasn't appropriate for my age (I was eleven when I first read it, and I'm still traumatized because I realized too late that I could just skip some parts. I am (or was until this book) a very dedicated reader). So I wouldn't recommend it for minors.
…Wow. It started with a "Hm, I don't know" and ended with a ramble about Shadowleague. Thanks for the question! It was very interesting (and I think a part of me was just waiting for an opportunity to talk about this unpopular series ;).
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mouthofsillyness · 11 months
i been playing hl2 ep2 again, and i forget that hunters are not only my favorites because of its design but also because it is so fun to fight against it, i love to use the gravity gun against it, oh and with the .357 and is an ez fight /hj
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whereismyhat5678 · 9 months
Hey y’all!! Straight to the point!-
I should say that the asks I do will most likely take longer on week days!! 😓😓
Since on weekends I have more time (I mostly stay home-) to do asks there really is no problem but on school days I don’t have as much time, I don’t bring my tablet to school (I REFUSE) and when I get home sometimes I have homework to do (which I try to avoid but at times it’s unavoidable 😮‍💨)
I’m really sorry if I end up answering your request late!! I really don’t want to, and they’re super fun to do!! I hope you understand 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙏🙏
I’m again so sorry!!! 😓😓
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hanchandraws · 2 years
The Room of Swords finale,,,,, wow it was so good <333 (I’m already imagining post canon scenarios lmao the episodes were just top tier 10/10)
I’m so sad to see this comic end, but it was such a great experience from start to finish <333 RoS has been my obsession for just about two years now, and it’s still going strong even now that it’s over :) good thing I have a fic in progress to keep me busy haha
I’ve met so many cool people through this fandom and it’s been such an awesome community to be a part of <3333 y’all are great :D
As for the comic itself, I could go on for a while about all the things I love about it from the complex plot lines to how natural and well done the romance aspect was (seriously strawbarrow is my otp; I’ve never seen a ship done so well before in something like this) I’m so so glad my friend recommended me to read this :D
I’ll still probably be posting RoS content here (like I mentioned before I do have a fic in progress :D the first chapter was supposed to be out weeks ago but an unexpected surgery put it off >:P ) however I’ll probably also be adding some other art into the mix like an original story I’ve been working on for a while too :D my OCs are my beloveds and I’ve been neglecting them bc of my ros obsession lmao
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in-brainrot-hell · 2 years
Ok but this Splatfest is WAY more fun than the last one
I picked Team Gear last time unaware of how many also picked it cause it was my very first Splatfest and I barely knew anything about the game. It was tiring playing against your team all the time and when you were up against another I had hackers so freaking much
This time it's a lot more balanced from what I've seen and it's so refreshing. Battles are way more fun to do :D Kinda feel bad for Big Man's team having to defend again but boi- you guys are strong! And Team Fire is also amazing at attacking (Fire and Water teaming up against grass-._.)
With that being said, Good luck to everyone! May the best ones win
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dressedinleather · 1 year
i love ivo graham as a bloke but i went on a date with a boy that looks Uncannily like him who 1. forced me to carry the conversation and 2. left his pizza crusts so i went right off him and, unfortunately, ivo too. also doesn't help that they are both skull crushingly awkward
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dreamtydraw · 2 years
i mean this in the nicest way possible but please increase your commission prices! your art is so pretty and you're really underselling yourself!!
Hi whoever you are, first i thanks you for your nice comment it's always sweet, but secondly let me explain my prices. ╭( ๐_๐)╮♥
This is my curent comission shift. I inform evreryone who may DM but sketch and digital art will now cost 2 to 4 usd more depending on the request.
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I don't worth my art this much, to be honest i would myself value the full color comission a good 50 usd price but here it is at half what i think it's worth.
Let me explain why i did it then. Thing is, i'm not a popular artist and i don't have enough engagement for my art to be seen by potential client outside of my few followers and somtimes whoever my post reached thanks to the hashtags. This mean i have very little commission ( i had my commission open since jun and very few request and i previously had it open for a periode of 6 months with no request wich mean my paypal was stuck at 0,46 usd for months...) .The only way i can compensate this small reach is by accessiblity.
As someone who's broke ( 0,46 usd lmao.... ) i know not everyone can pay tons for a comission. With a low price like that i have more chance people can afford it and so may want it. I also take a bit of time to make them since i'm a student and you can't imagine how many people wants a comission made for a specific event and ask it to be done quickly wich i can't do. You combine all of that, i'm an artist with a slow reach, few followers, no main fandom focus art that attract people for comission, and i take a time to do my art. If you want to nicely say "but your artstyle is pretty" i thanks you sweetheart but so is any other good artist who may have comission open. My style by itself isn't good enough to stand out so i do it by my price.
In conclusion, repost people's commission sheet because we all are broke and lowering the price is the best we can do. I'm not in any urgent need so i'm ok with things as it is, but i hope one day i'll have enough engagement security to have higher price of comission.
Lot of kiss to you anon and to everyone who made it this far. 💕
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134340am · 2 years
the first thing hajime buys after he moves out and starts earning his own Adult Money™️ is his favourite childhood toothpaste.
because his parents made him switch to their super strong, super minty toothpaste—that left seven year old hajime tearing up as the mint coats his little mouth—before he was ready for the transition.
and now that he’s all grown up with no one around to dictate his toothpaste choices, he can go back to his roots; to the rubber-handled shinkansen toothbrush that made him the coolest boy in class, to the sweet burst of grape in his mouth that he looked forward to every bedtime.
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april-doodles · 2 years
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A new college semester is coming up for me and I feel like I’ve already got artblock / a general lack of wanting to draw because of it, so apologies if posts here slow down because of that.
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temporalteardrop · 4 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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