#little nuggies
bejeweled-wahlberg · 5 months
Me babies for meh berfdeh
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Varina belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Meme Prompt 10
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sunnibits · 3 months
loving reminder as someone who struggles with food: you are allowed to add joy to your food. you are allowed to add a little joy even if it’s a tiny thing, something silly or something weird. you are allowed to do it whenever you want, as many times as you want. anything that makes food easier and more enjoyable for you is worth it!! it’s your food, you can decide what to do with it!! you can add rainbow sprinkles to your ice cream. you can cut your food into little heart shapes. you can pack your snacks into cute little bento boxes. it is not pointless or childish, it is an effective and active coping tool that you are allowed to use.
give yourself a little joy. the little things add up.
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seabeck · 11 months
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It’s like when the barber scrubs the shampoo out of your hair, but worse
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Sweet Baby Billy gets the cuddles and affection he deserves.
Flurries of snow fell to the ground as Billy trudged up the walkway to Steve's house, the air was harsh when he breathed in. 
He wasn't sure which hurt more, the sting of his steadily bruising ribs, or the cold, sharp intakes of breath. It didn't matter in the end, because everything just hurt, his body was alight with different aches on a good day. 
Today wasn't a good day, the aches were replaced by searing pain, an unfortunate side effect of discussions with his father.
Neil was pissed at Billy because Susan gave Max permission to spend the weekend with her nerd squad. Despite having nothing to do with his step-mothers decision, Billy still found himself on the receiving end of Neil's anger. It was better him than her or Max, at least that's what he told himself as his dad rounded on him, swiftly knocking the air out of his body.
He was demanding Billy bring Max back home, however Billy had no intentions of doing so. 
It didn't matter if Max came home today, or Sunday, because in the end; it was Billy who would end up bloody and broken, so he opted out of ruining her weekend and subsequently his own any further than Neil already had.
 This meant he couldn't go home for the next few days as well, leaving him with nowhere to escape the storm that was rapidly picking up momentum. 
There was one place, though. One place he was always welcomed, always safe.
This is what landed him at Steve's front door, his eye was swollen shut, the right side of his face aches and burns from where his father's wedding ring undoubtedly made a gash, if the dried blood on his jacket was any indication. He should've called first, or even texted. 
Max and her friends were probably all in Harrington's den, playing that fucking fantasy game that she claimed was stupid, but he had found her learning more about in free time.
Any other time, Billy would've gone anywhere besides where Max was, especially with his face busted. Not to mention her nosy friends, but this time was different. He had nowhere else to go, not that he'd choose to be anywhere else. 
When he finally gathered the courage to knock, the door swung open and revealed a smiling Steve Harrington, though said smile quickly dropped as he took in Billy's appearance, his warm hands reaching out to pull the younger boy into the familiar household. 
Before the door had fully clicked shut, Billy was letting himself fall into Steve's embrace, a welcomed fog creeping into his mind as the other wrapped his arms around Billy. 
"Hey, Sweet Boy...I've got you…" That was all it had taken for Billy to dissolve into a heap of silent tears, his face pressed into the crook of Steve's shoulder, as he breathed in his boyfriend’s comforting scent.
It didn't take a genius to figure out Billy's father hurt him again, Steve could feel the anger shimmering inside of him, but he forced it down in favor of comforting the boy in his arms.
Billy had all but molded their bodies together with a pained whimper, his face pressing into the crook of Steve's neck.
Soft sniffles could be heard as Steve guided the smaller boy to the couch, his body shaking from the cold or maybe something else; Steve couldn't pinpoint. 
It had taken Billy a while, but his tears eventually subsided. 
He was situated in Steve's lap, wrapped in a fuzzy throw blanket as the elder rubbed soothing circles along his back; burrowing closer, he hid his face in Steve's neck with a small whine.
A whine. Steve knew that meant Billy had dropped, which would explain why the blond was attempting to turn their two bodies into one. It wasn't unusual for Billy in his regular headspace, he just approached cuddling differently. In little space, Billy was quick to manhandle Steve to get the position he wanted, but outside of it, he would just stare at Steve until the elder boy got the hint. 
"Hurts, Dada." Another whine left the boy, his fingers painfully curled into the fabric of the latter's shirt. Steve was quick to run a hand up the boy's back, softly cooing as he buried his nose into Billy's curls, "I know, baby. Can Daddy get up to get you some medicine?" Billy immediately shook his head hysterically, a small cry bubbling from his lips, "N-no, Daddy. C-can't leave Billy-Bee!"
Steve would gently shush Billy, his tone soft. "I'm not gonna go anywhere without you, Sweet Boy. You can always come with me." Billy looked up at Steve with watery eyes, his bottom lip wobbling, "B-Billy go wit' Daddy?"
Steve would hurriedly nod his head, and scoop Billy into his arms the moment his own feet hit the ground.
Billy's arms wrap around his Caregivers neck as he moves to bury his face in the crook of Steve's neck once more. 
It wasn't the easiest task, but eventually Billy was cleaned up, all evidence of a run in with his father washed away by soft kisses to his nose and cheeks, and the sting of antiseptics. Obviously, his eye was still swollen, angry reds and purples covering smooth skin. His lip, while no longer bleeding, posed the all too real threat of opening back up.
It wasn't until he had Billy dressed in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants and an oversized sweater, his pacifier dangling dangerously from his lips, that the kids had finally trailed out the den to find Steve and demand food. 
They found him rummaging through the freezer.
When Max's eyes landed on Billy, she immediately gasped and rushed over to him, her hand gently reaching out to cup his bruising cheek. His lack of resistance informed her that her brother had dropped, something she'd only witnessed twice since their parents had married. She didn't have a chance to speak before Billy was clinging to her, mindlessly nuzzling against her shoulder. "H-Hi, Maxie! D-daddy is makin' dinos!" To say Max was confused was an understatement, but she knew better than to let it show, if she'd learned anything about Littles in school, it was that their emotions were often a mess, and any signs of discomfort would weigh heavily on them. "Oh, really? Stevie knows how to make the best nuggets!" This had Billy nodding as he peered up at Max, his blue eyes wide and shining with an innocence she'd never known her abrasive older brother to have.
"N-not Stevie! D-daddy!" He spoke slowly, as if to emphasize that Max had called Steve by the wrong name, but a giggle followed his words. "He's your Daddy, Bubba. He's Stevie to us."
"Uh, what the fuck?" It was Mike who spoke, his confusion clear as day. Immediately Max whipped her head around to glare at him, her fiery locks all but slapping her in the face, "don't curse in front of him, idiot!"
At that, Billy giggled again, a finger pointed at Mike as he spoke, "i-idiot!" His smile after was so big, so warm, that neither Max nor Steve made any move to correct him, both in fact just let out a coo, ignoring the sounds of indignation from Mike.
The kids were all learning about Classification in school, though only Will had ever met a Little. His brother was a Little, but it wasn't often he saw him regressed. He was usually with Nancy. 
They were all shocked to learn Billy Hargrove was a Little, but the shock wore off the moment Billy began doling out nicknames for his new 'Fwends". 
Mike was Mickey, and when asked why the boy simply declared that he didn't like Mickey Mouse, and he didn't like Mike. Mike was upset, but quickly got over it when Billy gave him one of his nuggets.
Lucas was Lu-Lu. Billy seemed proud of himself for the name, especially when Lucas beamed at him, and reached over to high five him, stating the name fit him perfectly.
Dustin was Bunny, because he looked "'xactly like a Bunny! Jus' a Dust Bunny!" No one had the heart to tell him that dust bunnies didn't look like actual bunnies, especially with the way his blue eyes seemed to shine with something akin to pride.
Will was dubbed Bee-Bee, once Billy had learned they shared the same name and had then decided they needed a similar nickname.
Jane was simply Janey, but she had adored hearing the name from Billy, a lisp to his words when he called out to her.
Naturally, Max had become Maxie, but no one was surprised as he had yelled it upon seeing her.
Instead of returning to their game, everyone spilled into the living room, where Steve put on The Nightmare Before Christmas, and scooped Billy up into his arms, much to the displeasure of Dustin who had been curled up with Billy's head on his lap.
"Get your own Little, this one is mine." He punctuated his words by tightening his arms around Billy's waist. 
"Don't be an ass, Steve! You see him this way all the time."
From his place on Steve's lap, Billy peered up at Dustin and gasped, "N-no say that, D-daddy is not ass!"
Steve was torn between scolding the boy for cursing, and praising him for his quick defense. He hadn't needed to do either before Max was ruffling Billy's hair, cooing her own praise, and Jane was gently reminding him he shouldn't use bad words.
Dustin silently apologized to both Steve and the regressed boy, the latter leaning over to hug him in acceptance.
It was clear that Billy was tactile in his headspace, which came as no surprise to The Party as they knew Billy's father wasn't the warmest person.
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hwaitham · 5 months
making chicken nuggiez for dinner *shakes tushie* ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ .. making chimkin nuggiez for dinner ! ! ! ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪
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Sister Imperator: "When Nihil's boys were younger, they would often fight amongst each other, to the point that he actually had to step up and parent his children. Meanwhile, my dear Copia once wandered over to me asking if he could call Terzo a 'meanie', to which I promptly told him no, and recommended he use the word 'asshole' instead. Can you imagine, little Cardi saying such a thing... 'Meanie' as an insult? Absolutely dreadful."
One of Sister's ghouls: "You always were the more involved parent, Ma'am. Truly an example to all."
Sister Imperator, sighing: "I know."
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Everyone’s hearts as one has given Sniff the chicken nuggest courtesy of Snufkin who stole them
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"Oh i like the idea of traitor Charlie!" "Oh i like the idea of traitor Erin mahmahmahama" ok but what if all of them were traitors/working for Du'met? Like one twisted little murder family! And all of them have their own unique little mask and outfit and each of them has their own little role like one of them is constantly watching the cameras and keeping track of the victims locations and another is like Du'met and just chasing them the whole time and luring them into traps? I think that would be pretty cool! Kind of like the jigsaw apprentices!
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littlekibbykat · 1 year
Little dinner!
Mac n cheese with some veggie dino nuggies I finally found! And a pouch of pear puree for dessert. 🦕🦖🍐
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pizzaback · 9 days
why are people so against seed oils all of a sudden?
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crybabypupper · 12 days
A Couple of Quick Food Tips For Y'all:
- Use cream cheese in your grilled cheese instead of mayo, as well as provolone or shredded Mexican cheese (just try not to use too much). For the oil, use olive oil or canola oil to make it taste even better.
- If you love Cheetos mac and cheese like I do (or mac and cheese in general), I would recommend only using one or two tablespoons of butter. Also, instead of milk, use a couple of scoops of sour cream or yogurt. Both will make your macaroni really creamy, but the yogurt will be a bit more noticeable in regards to taste, than sour cream. Personally, I like both.
- I like to make mimic pizza whenever I'm really hungry but don't know what to eat. It's just a tortilla with sour cream smeared on it, as well as some shredded cheese, mild taco sauce, and pepperoni. It's a very simple thing to make, and I personally think it tastes good.
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sunnibits · 18 days
hey, if you have arfid/any ed/any food sensitivity issues in general, do me a favor and reblog this and tell me these in the tags!: (as many or as little as you’d like - this is just for fun :))
- your current favorite safe food
- your favorite food in general
- one food that you can always manage to eat no matter what (if you have one!)
- one food that isn’t currently safe, but that you WANT to like or think you would like if you tried it
- the most recent new food that you have tried, and did you like it? (I’m so so proud of you either way!)
#I’ll go first!#my current favorite safe food is wellshire dino chicken nuggies oh my god they are SO good AND gluten free?? an actual miracle#genuinely idk what they put in that shit but it is way better than a chicken nugget has any right to be. ungodly. absolutely luxurious umami#anyways moving on 💀#my favorite food and the one food I can always eat is popcorn!#although brownies and ice cream are probably close second faves on the favorites category#one food that isn’t currently safe but that I WANT to love is stuffing :O#I think it smells great and I’ve been taking little bites of it recently whenever my dad makes it#and I enjoy the bites! I think I will rlly like it some day! but for some reason by the time I’m eating it on my plate I don’t like it#we’re working on it tho 🙏🙏 I WILL become a stuffing girly I WILL#and lastly the most recent new food I tried was a black raspberry chocolate ice cream from the place my friend works at#not that scary but still proud of myself for how casually I just took that whole bite down without being afraid!#it’s definitely not my thing but i would say it was a stress free experience#also. now that I’m thinking about it it’s kind of wild that I tried it in the first place??#like? that I WANTED to try it even after I found out it definitely wasn’t a flavor I would like?? I still just wanted the experience#that’s actually crazy wtf I didn’t think about that.#progress!!!!!#baby steps. baby steps.#tw ed#tw ed mention#gem don’t look#this is such a random post I just wanted to talk about recovery and have some community bonding yknow#we’re allll in thissss together 🕺💃🕺💃🕺
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seabeck · 1 year
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Thank you Willow, very helpful
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
some food related thoughts under the readmore
brave new venture: trying intuitive eating for real this time (with a side of easy ground rules: 1 meal before work so my brain doesn't malfunction and one meal after work so i won't wake up in the middle of the night with hunger cramps), inspired by my nostalgia for the 5 day school trip to Amsterdam where we were only provided breakfast at the hostel and had to organise other meals ourselves, and spend 10+ hours exploring the city and studying the history/culture/architecture. loved buying little treats like baby carrots and cold cuts and crispbread and small boxes of fruits and veggies that were close to going bad for lunch/dinner from the supermarket sale sections each evening <3
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li-esonthefloor · 8 months
most kids' embarrassing childhood memories: ran around naked, wet the bed
ludger's embarrassing childhood memories: microwaved a pack of veggies, burned some dino nuggies and some boxed pasta and was proud of it at 7 years old
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