#literally that is literal those repairs would have cost a fortune
iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Me, as the mechanic listed all of the work done on Rain’s car:
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Me, when Rain told it was free:
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 5 months
I have spend the past few days dying because of severe acute tooth pain. Legitimately convinced that this shit would be an extremely effective easy torture method, I'd rather break a bone over this shit ngl. That said what type of whump senerios do you think could come out with teeth as the focus?
Teef!! TEEF!!!!
We have the classic, the holy grail, of Whumper using pliers to pull out Whumpee's teeth for a myriad of reasons. Talking back? Biting? Making room for tubes to be shoved down their throat? The possibilities are truly endless, and of course, bonus points if the pliers are rusty <3
Whumpee losing a tooth from some kind of mouth trauma (a punch, a boot to the face, etc) is one thing. But what if that tooth only cracked? What if it chipped? Not only are they going to have to deal with the pain of an exposed nerve and jagged edge constantly being touched by their tongue, but literally anything is going to aggravate it. Food and water included. Yikes.
I've mentioned it before in my "gross and messy" whump post, but just general neglect would be enough of a catalyst for tooth pain. Months without brushing and constant vomiting can lead to rot and decay, which can lead to a further infection of the entire mouth. Whumpee practically feeling certain teeth disintegrate, spitting out blood and pus until finally they can pull out a blackened dead tooth from their inflamed gum for relief.
Got a vampire Whumpee? Why don't you just file those pointy chompers down, just in case :)
After Whumpee is rescued (or if...) and they finally get the care they need, they'll have to make peace with the fact their mouth is full of gaps that would cost a fortune in dental work to repair. And maybe they do and get the crowns or dentures they need. And maybe they don't. The one constant being they have to live with being self conscious over an imperfect smile. Not that they have much to smile about anymore to begin with.
This is purely aesthetic but I love the idea of a Whumper purposely replacing their own canine teeth with gold incisors to look extra menacing when they grin. Do as you will with that.
More aesthetic style, less scenario-based but:
Whumper with a mouth full of fangs that love to dig into Whumpee's skin
Teeth indentations all over Whumpee's body
Whumpee snarling with their teeth stained red from the blood pooling in their mouth
Spitting a tooth out, unperturbed by the hit
Open mouth gags being used on Whumpee that show their teeth on full display
Feral/Traumatized/Rescued Whumpee absolutely using biting as a defense on anyone that comes near them, including Caretaker
Whumpee with arms and hands full of scarred over bitemarks from where they've had to chomp down on their own skin to muffle their cries
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I'm not trying to start shit so feel free not to respond, but on your tags on your landlord post I just wanted to point out: your landlord would have to do maintenance on the property anyway. That's the reason people say it's not a job - if I own a house and something breaks, fixing it isn't my profession it's just what I do because my property is broken (plus your lease often forbids you from doing repairs). The fact that many (a majority of?) landlords don't do maintenence even if it's against the law not to, or say they'll do it but it's months later, shows that it's barely considered an essential part of the "job", yknow?
Anyway hope you're having a lovely day, and may your landlords always be tolerable~
Hi anon! I'm also answering respectfully 🙌 no one here is starting shit.
I am fortunate and actually owned my own home for a number of years, so it's been amazing to be able to tell the company to fix the water heater, the dishwasher, the washing machine, a broken light fixture, etc. and they usually get it done within a day. Plus they reroofed the entire complex and having done that process twice myself, it is GREAT to have someone else do the work. So that's the perspective I'm coming from. I want to be able to pay this company my rent + upkeep money. I actually think there are benefits to that concept (for the disabled, for single parents and others who are already incredibly busy, for the planet, for those of us who are just lazy 🤣).
The problem--and I would venture to say we're on the same page here--is that I have no power. They raised rent 10% this year, they are trying to force the apartment community to follow their standards of proper white upper middleclass behavior, they get to decide how to maintain the grounds (badly) and how to update the apartments (to make it easier to evict people and to charge more rent). If the maintenance team weren't top notch, I'd be suffering for days without hot showers.
I happened to get on a landlord advocacy email list (long story), and their attitude toward tenants as nothing more than exchangeable dollar signs sickened me.
Overall, I feel the very power structure of being a landlord corrupts. And I say that from personal experience, having briefly renting one of my houses after I moved out. >_< I'd like to see regulation/legislative changes that put a ton more power and rent control (I'd say ideally capped very close to cost) with the tenants, while still letting a landlord have rights when a tenant is actively destructive. (People can be insanely destructive, whether tenant or owner. I have seen some shit. And I mean that literally.) But really, ideally, I'd mostly like to see ownership of properties go back to the people.
Anyway, I'm nothing but an old fogey baby socialist with an unfortunately un-idealistic mindset 👌 don't mind me. And thank you for reaching out.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Building Performance Optimized: A Look at Building Analytics Software - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/building-performance-optimized-a-look-at-building-analytics-software-technology-org/
Building Performance Optimized: A Look at Building Analytics Software - Technology Org
The art and pursuit to create not just pretty buildings, but also buildings optimized for performance have assumed center stage in the never-still, changing landscape of modern architecture and engineering.
Business, enterprises – illustrative artistic interpretation. Image credit: Jeffrey Blum via Unsplash, free license
This revolutionary approach to the paradigm of how building design, operation, and maintenance approaches are perceived will unlock potential in a manner that has never been achieved before. Imagine entering a building so smart—it literally adjusts itself for the best use of energy, providing occupants with a special kind of comfort, and it can even predict when maintenance will be necessary before something expensive happens. Not a peak into a far-off sci-fi future, but reality made possible today, made real through state-of-the-art building analytic software.
Staying ahead of this technology revolution in the construction industry will be of vital importance to understand how such game-changers impact not only sustainability drivers but also smarter investment in real estate. From cutting carbon footprints to slashing operational costs, building analytics software is turning mere structures into dynamic organisms that bring our urban landscapes to life. Come join us as we dig deep into this intriguing world where data becomes the cornerstone for building performance optimization and hence promising a greener, efficient future built one brick at a time.
Exploring the Capabilities of Building Analytics Software
Breakthrough technology is now changing the labyrinthine world of building management and altering the very fabric of operational efficiency. The latest sledgehammer in an analyzer’s toolbox can dig down through layers of data to unearth insights once lost amidst the thicket of complications presented by building systems. This could do more than just recognize the problems; it could prophesy it even before they unfold and change the way facilities are maintained and energy conserved. Consider smart software that can predict a week ahead when the HVAC is going to fail, or those which can adjust lighting and heating per occupancy with a possibility to learn and adapt its behavior towards the optimization of cost savings and sustainability.
And it does more than predictive maintenance—it’s software like CIM Building Analytics that gives the viewer a panoramic window into the building’s health down to the last finite detail that would let them allocate resources like a surgeon might wield a scalpel. This helps in analyzing historical consumption patterns to advise on adjustment, peak demand curves, and trimming down utility bills using advanced algorithms and machine learning models. This is the very sort of capability that allows not just to see into the future but to change it, and this is a true paradigm shift in our approach to building performance optimization. Engaging with these analytics platforms subscribes to the future of a much more sustainable, intelligent insight-influenced environment, not an investment in smarter buildings.
Real-time Monitoring and Data Analysis
In this ever-dynamic world of building management, there always seems to be the emergence of game-changing technologies such as real-time monitoring and data analysis that keep one guessing at what level to place the working environment. This is the kind of opportunity to take action on small changes in consumption of energy or a problem with maintenance that is not scheduled, before turning into a huge repair that is going to cost a fortune. It is not just about preventing accidents but more so creating an environment that dynamically adjusts, not just to the inhabitants but also, largely, to environmental conditions that range from efficiency to comfort and sustainability.
But the real magic of this disruptive approach is in its power to synthesize huge streams of data from diverse sources—a feat akin to conducting a grand orchestra where every instrument’s tone is crucial. But these systems do not provide data themselves. It is precisely running advanced algorithms and machine learning models that they predict trends, recommend actions, and automate adjustments across myriad building systems in an amazing way. Thereafter, facility managers morph into ‘masons’—at the helm of smart buildings that do not just exist but thrive by preempting needs, optimizing operations in real-time, and charting new courses toward unprecedented energy savings and operational excellence. In this domain of proactive management, powered with state-of-the-art analytic software tools, let us together imagine buildings not as static entities but living ecosystems getting smarter every day.
Predictive Maintenance and Fault Detection
In the realm of building analytics software, predictive maintenance seems poised to be one of those game-changing approaches that peek past simple troubleshooting to redefine, from the ground up, how we anticipate and address building system inefficiencies. At the heart of this breakthrough approach are cutting-edge algorithms and models with machine learning in the analysis of historical data and ongoing performance metrics, targeting not only the incipient failure points before they reach criticality but also against the subtler inefficiencies that traditional maintenance schedules may be uneconomic. This transmogrifies the maintenance from a reactive chore into a proactive strategy ensuring systems operate at peak efficiencies, hence significantly reducing unexpected downtime and, in turn, extending the lifecycle of vital components.
In addition, fault detection in this context starts to develop into something more subtle than finding the faulty pieces of equipment. It becomes an exercise in pattern recognition and prediction, whereby the deviations flagged from the ideal or most optimal state can most often be dealt with on the spot and immediately. Designed to be highly sensitive, these systems allow facilities managers to intervene and rectify small issues before these grow into bigger problems with high repair costs and energy wastage. The accuracy of such detection in the fault does not improve only the operational model of sustainability, but also the comfort of the occupants by keeping the conditions of the environment within ideals. In essence, predictive maintenance empowered with advanced analytics software will be the game-changer toward a shift to smarter buildings, not only those that are cost-efficient but also promoting a much healthier place of work or residence.
How to install Building Analytics Software
Building analytics software is a transformational step in building performance optimization, but implementing it can be quite overwhelming at first sight. From these two words, smooth installation can be achieved: preparedness and collaboration with your software provider. Start by evaluating the building infrastructure in place to ensure a robust IT network that will cater to the flow of data required by the analytics software. Compatibility check with existing systems is of prime importance to make sure there is no service disruption and data inaccuracies post-installation.
This will be succeeded by discussing the detailed plan with your vendor, for instance, CIM, who may design the installation in accordance with his detailed requirements and offer guidance regarding settings of the sensors and their hookups included in data collection. The process of such collaboration is meant to simplify the technicalities not only of how installations should be done, but also to bring to your awareness insights into how to use the software for maximum effect in no time. The installation of building analytic software represents more than technology migration; it realizes that data drives culture and enables one to embrace continuous improvement in building performance and sustainability. Get your stakeholders on board early to ensure smooth adoption and remove barriers between you and the unparalleled efficiencies within your facilities.
Hardware component
At the heart of every building analytics software sits an unsung hero: the hardware part. In a world where every other thing is getting awash with digital, not for leisure but as a need, devices have to get strong and advanced. So, think of the sensors just like your busy worker bees, only that in this case, they will be gathering data points with important information on the variations in temperature, consumption levels of energy, and patterns of occupancy—feeding these back to the analytics engine that makes its predictive adjustments to realize significant enhancements in efficiency. These are not numbers; they are heartbeats for a building that translate into ideas on how to drive sustainability and cut costs, but at the same time perform at its best.
Plunging further into this fusion of technology, we get a rather interesting find: hardware to disrupt how buildings learn from their environment. They are just a few of the nodes of the big cognitive network that allow the building to think and respond to the world with a precision never allowed before. It’s no distant utopia, but quite the reality; IoT sophisticated devices and high-powered, edge computing platforms give birth to smarter methods of managing infrastructure. As we stand on that precipice, the future of building analytics software, what is manifest is that to take advantage of such leading hardware technologies is almost to provide intelligence to architecture—derived from bricks and mortar to sentient environments that can lead adaptability and responsiveness.
How to prepare a new facility for the employment of such software
As facilities managers and building owners walk into the realm of enhanced building performance with the help of analytics software, the commissioning of a new facility for deployment is much like laying down the digital foundation of a smart building. First and foremost, it will be highly relevant for the integrative approach by observing this kind of software as not being an add-on but as a core part of the operational blueprint of the facility. The involvement of architects, engineers, IT specialists, and sustainability consultants from the very stage of planning can assure that there is an inherent alignment of the building design to data collection points important for software function. Cross-disciplinary collaboration of this kind would allow for the installation of advanced sensors and IoT devices at the time of construction itself, much before a retrofitting exercise later.
That would also mean inculcating stringent measures for data protection right from day one, which will add to the security aspect of deploying the software. Sturdy encryption and access control techniques employed in your initial set-up in this day and age of cybersecurity threats not only will protect sensitive information but also reinforce the confidence of stakeholders toward the reliability and integrity of your operations. On the other hand, the workforce is to be readied for agility. Changes in technology make adaptability a requisite that, in turn, demands constant training of the staff in new systems and awareness of data privacy regulations on the precipice of another change. The latter is, so to speak, forward-looking: it helps in enabling a smooth transition to the use of revolutionary building analytics software but ensures that performance and safety are further enhanced once it has been put into place.
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coachgrape71 · 2 years
Ideal Poker ( Texas hold em ) Tutorial Digital video disc Conferences
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
okay listen.
i’ve been sewing for nineteen years. “but blue you’re only twenty-five!” yes exactly. i have been sewing for nineteen years, which is most of my life. i am literally going the “just make your own clothes” route personally because of inability to buy things that fit me properly in stores. and i will be the last person to ever recommend that anyone else does this.
you know why? because most people who are having issues buying clothes that fit have not been sewing for nineteen years. most people being told to “just make your own clothes” have never sewn, or have done only basic, beginner-level sewing. they don’t have the foundations, they would need to learn an entire specialized skill set from the ground up to accomplish this task. learning to sew well enough to make daily-use, regular-wear clothing that is durable enough and well-fitted enough to last you long enough to be worth the effort of making it, and to even understand which fabrics and construction methods to use for what garments in the first place, and all of that, it takes years to learn for the vast majority of people, especially for people who have to make significant alterations to the shape of a pattern in order for the garment to fit them.
not to mention that unless you are very knowledgeable about materials already in order to avoid getting price-gouged, and very lucky to have been slowly collecting fabric and other supplies at hugely discounted prices over years and years, and you’ve been incredibly fortunate enough to inherit a working sewing machine or find one inexpensively, getting into sewing your own wardrobe and starting from the beginning of your sewing journey all at once will cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. it will cost way more than settling for something that fits “close enough” from wal-mart. and the people who are expressing these grievances are often poor people who can’t find clothes that fit because specialty stores are so expensive. if they had that much money, they could have already bought clothes from those specialty stores!!
i do wholeheartedly encourage people to learn to sew. but i recommend starting with learning how to sew basic things like pillows and pillowcases, and learning how to replace lost buttons and close a small hole in a seam and make other small repairs, then work your way up to basic garment alterations like hemming pants and taking in/letting out seam allowances.
the majority of people will not be able to jump right into sewing proper garments from nothing. telling your average random person on the internet who says “it sucks that i can’t find any clothes in stores that fit me properly” to “just make their own” is patently unreasonable.
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piratesfromspace · 3 years
The Mechanic (Anakin/Reader)
Anakin Skywalker/Reader, Obi-Wan is also here
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Smut 18+, mechanical arm, Anakin is a little shit, dom/sub undertones, humiliation kink if you squint.
AFAB reader but gender-neutral pronouns MASTERLIST
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“A… mechanic??”
“Yes, that’s what I am. A mechanic. The best in town. Isn’t it what you’re looking for?”
Obi-Wan scrunches his nose and turns to the poor clone trooper who had introduced you.
“Are you serious?” he asks in a whisper.
“Do you know how hard it is to find a biomechanics surgeon around here, General? That’s the best I could find.” the trooper seems really tired you notice.
Kenobi brings his hand on his chin, silently thinking for a few seconds.
“I guess they’ll do.”
And that’s how you’re recruited for a very special task. When you’re led to their temporary base just outside of town, you thought you were going to be asked to repair a secret-weapon, or some military speeder. Oh Maker were you wrong. 
You’re pushed inside of a medical ship, and instead of a speeder, you find yourself face to face with another jedi. He’s sitting on a table, his jedi robe badly torned, already pushed down and bunched on his hips, leaving his muscular torso entirely bare. You would have noticed his perfectly drawn abs if you weren’t distracted by his right arm. From his elbow down, it is entirely made of gold and black metal, with armored panels mimicking the size of his other regular arm, complete with what look like delicate fingers. A mechno-arm. You’ve never seen one quite like it. It must cost a small fortune, and it is definitely custom. But it’s also definitely wrecked.
“So, you’re the biomechanics expert?”
“Mechanic. Just a mechanic. But I know a thing or two about cybernetics.”
“Great.” He says with a cynical tone before making a pause, eyeing you down shamelessly for a tad too long, as you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at his poor manners. He smirks at your reaction, and cocks his chin up before continuing. 
“Well, anyway, I’ll guide you, I know what’s going on with my arm, I just need a helping hand.”
He says that with a lot more confidence than what you would expect from someone his young age, almost condescending - but you can’t really be mad at him, considering the guy has the Force and looks like this. You would be insufferable as well. 
Sometimes life is unfair, you think, too bad he chose to become a warrior monk, because you wouldn’t mind tinkering with more than his arm.
You take a deep breath, and just get on with it, starting to work on his prosthetic, following his instructions. Even if he hasn’t all the correct vocabulary, the man actually knows what’s wrong with his arm, and you’re a little bit annoyed at the fact he was right. You would have gladly taught him a lesson, making his cocksure smirk and patronizing tone go away just for a second. Nonetheless, you listen to what he explains, and after a while, you realize you’re just executing his directions without second guessing him, lulled by his warm voice, scrunched over his mechanical arm, your face just inches away from his very human skin. 
After an hour, you’re done, and his fingers are back to life, the mechanism slightly buzzing while he lifts his hand to his face, watching with an honest smile as his movements resume. You’re watching as well, mesmerized by the way his metal fingers move with such great finesse. It’s almost surreal when you know the inhumane strength he could deploy thanks to the alloy ligaments, a deadly threat just lying under golden fingertips. 
Your gaze switches to his face, and you allow yourself to stare a little. He’s young but the toll of war is already showing, the kindness of his eyes hidden behind a steely veil, a scar running way too close from his right eye. His hair is a mess, long light-brownish locks with a few blond strands. His innocence is long gone, replaced by a mix of fierce resolve and cocky attitude. He’s handsome, you won’t lie to yourself. And his toned body matches his pretty face. Even the mechanical arm adds to his charm. You’re sure some would be repulsed by it, but you’re definitely not. You can’t stop wondering what it’s like for him when he touches something, when he touches someone. And you can’t stop wondering what it’s like to be touched by those fingers, to feel the smooth golden steel on your skin. Would it be warm? Or cold? 
You’re pulled out of your daydreaming by a cough. Anakin is now looking at you, and his knowing gaze is making you doubt if he’s reading your mind. There are many rumors about the powers jedi can have, and you suddenly blush at the realization he might actually be.
“Well, thanks, it works fine again.” he says with a falsely natural tone. “But I think I need to run just a few tests, you know, to make sure the sensation is back. Would you like to help me? I warn you, it can be a bit… overwhelming.” He says that as his mechanical hand grazes at your naked forearm, his self-confident grin back on his face, and you can’t miss the sexual undertone of his proposition. The feeling sends chills in your whole body, the metal of his fingertips is definitely cold — at least, for now. You’re a bit taken aback because you weren’t expecting advances from a literal monk, but at the same time you know you’re too curious and too horny already to pass down such an invitation. 
“And how can I help?” you ask not so innocently. 
“Glad you ask.” he answers, as he hops down from the table, an even bigger grin on his face. 
You don’t have the time to realize what’s going on, but he lifts you up and slams you down on the table before climbing back on top of you, resting on his knees, arms caging you. 
He hushes you when you want to protest against his manhandling, but you can’t deny the fact it’s turning you on even more. He watches your face intently as his mechanical hand is caressing your cheek, then shifting lower on your throat. He squeezes gently, just to see how you would react, and he’s pleased to hear you gasp at the tiniest of pressure. It’s making you dizzy, the knowledge he could literally crush you if he wanted to, and you’re being amazed at the control he shows instead. 
His hand doesn’t stay there for long though, and goes even lower, shortly groping your breast before sliding further down until it stops at the waistband of your pants. He waits a second here, scanning you for any form of approval, before resuming when you thrust your hips slightly up against his palm, letting him know you’re looking for more. 
He loses no time, snaking his hand under your pants and in your panties, cupping your cunt. The metal of his fingers is warmer now, thanks to your own body heat, but the feeling is still foreign although not unpleasant. He parts your folds, tracing a finger from your entrance to your clit, spreading your wetness there. The pitiful whine that escapes your lips as he starts circling the bundle of nerves makes him chuckle. He’s visibly enjoying the way you react under his touch. 
The smooth steel of his golden fingertips feels like heaven against your sensitive parts, and you already know you won’t last long. He rises a bit, sitting on his heels so he can use his left arm to pin you down, real fingers made of flesh cruelly biting in your hips to keep you in place for what’s coming next. 
He stops his ministrations and coats two of his metallic fingers in your juices before sinking them slowly inside of you. You stop breathing as you watch his fingers disappear between your legs with awe. You feel every ridges and bumps of the mechanical knuckles as they slide in and out of you, and when his thumb finds your clit again, you’re glad he’s actually pinning you down, because it’s suddenly too much to handle. Your back arches and your head slams down against the unforgivable steel of the medical table. In other circumstances, you would complain, but you just can’t find a good reason to care right now. 
Anakin keeps on moving his fingers, relentlessly bringing you closer to the edge. Your whines are now moans, and he gives you a mean look, mouthing a “shut up”. You almost forgot you were in the middle of a military base, and that anyone could enter the room you were in at any time now. You clamp your hand on your mouth, trying desperately to keep quiet as the bastard is slowing his pace but increasing the pressure of his touch, crooking the fingers inside of you to rub against that perfect spot that makes you see stars. It’s a matter of seconds before you come with a muffled whimper, eyes closed, hips rising up from the table. He doesn’t stop until you push his hand away as the pleasure-pain of overstimulation settles in. 
“It looks all good, thanks for helping.” he says with a cocky little smile, while you try to catch your breath. He wipes his mechanical arm on your pants, like it’s just a random rag, and you’re too shocked by the sheer audacity of the man to think of a retort. 
You barely have the time to get back on your feet, that the door of the room is sliding open, revealing a visibly displeased Obi-Wan. 
“You’ done yet?” 
You open your mouth to answer but Anakin is quicker. 
“Yes, Master. We were just making sure the repair is efficient.” 
He says that with his usual grin and while looking the older jedi dead in the eye. You wonder how he managed to do that when some of his fingers still smell like you. You’re also jealous of the fact his crumpled robe is making a decent job at hiding his hard-on, while the wet patch on your pants where Anakin wiped his fingers is all too visible.
“It seems your hand is working perfectly again, Anakin.” 
The tone of Obi-Wan's voice is half-amused, half-annoyed when he says that, his eyes on you, rather than on his padawan. You wonder if he knows what just happened, causing your face to grow hot under his suspicious gaze. 
“Just ask the trooper outside for your payment” he adds bluntly, before asking Anakin to follow him for a briefing where they’re both needed. 
As they exit the room, the younger jedi turns to you.
“I know I can count on you if I ever need more repairs. I’ll make sure to request you, personally.”
Your face is getting even more red as you mumble a good-bye to the two warriors. 
The paycheck was generous, but honestly? You would be lying to yourself if you would not admit you’d do it all over again for free.
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Date Night 3x4
*Check out my (long 😇) analysis/review and peep my OTH comparisons lol
1. Mats is literally falling apart at the seams. He looks a wreck. Is this his rock bottom?
2. Can you imagine playing hockey? I wouldn’t even be able to catch myself on rollerblades. I would fall on my ass repeatedly….
OMG DATE IDEA: Amie and Elias go ice skating/rollerblading! He teaches her how to skate?!! Ooo or a karaoke date!
@ Carl and Stefan
3. Felicia is posted up having last night regrets…Chile, we’d all hope this was enough to stop whatever is coming. That makes me sound like a fortune teller but I just don’t think this is the episode she decides she will become clean and sober.
4. I feel really bad for Ludde. I don’t know if he will ever be close to what he was… You know what this reminded me of, Lucas Scott when he found out about his heart condition. If you’ve watched OTH you know he eventually moved on to writing novels. Ludde likes to write music….very left field me talking about this I know but it just had me thinking
Update: “Hockey isn’t everything” well well well. I guess I’m not far off. The OTH blueprint still lives!!
5. Elias is so damn cocky lmao just like Nathan. lol
6. I am just waiting for Mats’s huge “this team is special” speech. I have faith it will come.
7. Retro in Swedish is so extra and expressive, I love it!
Oh this is fucking awkward. Ok well she’s smiling so, that’s a good sign. Things seemed to be squashed since the funeral? Am I reaching with that conclusion? Ludde looks like he’s about to choke too tf 😂……..
Ludde looking at Elias and Amie, oh my gosh 😂😂 yup, you picked up the vibes too huh? BIIIIITCH! Look at Ludde hooking a brotha UP!
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Elias is acting so anxious about asking Amie out and Amie is just chillin’! Icing on the cake if he were to turn around and bump into the beetle. But I guess he’s too suave for that 🙄😂 Definitely ‘boy likes girl more’ trope on LOCK!…
Ugh YES! Amie and Ludde are back to being friends (somewhat of that Haley and Lucas friendship)!! I liked them working on music together. I’m excited to see what they come up with. OOOOR when Amie goes back to music full time, she hires Ludde to be her collaborator and songwriter (if there is a chance Ludde doesn’t get in to the London school)?!
9. WAIT? Why didn’t I catch this earlier??? Sam is Andres’s boyfriend? I really missed that last episode? 😂…
Aw shit… why is Andreas coughing up a lung now??
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10. I need this mother/daughter relationship repaired! Y’all hate to see it but I’m siding with Petra. Idk how the laws work over there with minor’s signing contracts without legal guardian’s consent but putting my self in petra’s position, I would feel some kind of way if my child just left without a moments notice and the only times I heard about how she was was on the radio when she indirectly disses me. I am all for Amie following her dreams but not at the cost of loosing her mother.
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What prior relationship was Amie in? tf??
“We don’t need to talk to each other” Girl what the hell is going on? I’m at a cross between being irritated and being hella sad. I must have missed something because this don’t make no kinda sense…
11. Aw, look at Felicia being all romantic… I know that food is cold but at least your man showed up lmao
12. Why the hell is this girl talking about her funeral AGAIN?? This is the second time DAMMIT!! Y’all think I’m playing and kiki-ing but there is really something wrong with Felicia. Something is going to happen and I don’t think we are ready for it.
13. Amie… you really thought this was a group thing? AAAAHAHAHA! Elias said “probably just us” boy is trying to play this shit off so WEAK 😭😭 If y’all don’t stop playing… y’all know this is a date *raises eyebrows*.
Elias is so nervous, i LOVE IT! If anybody has ever been to the movie theaters, you know that the snacks always cost more, good bye 💀
Elias asked her to pick out candy he’d like? Are we serious?? Of course Amie knew what he’d like 🤪 soulmates usually do.
Holy shit, Elias is asking if Amie has a boyfriend. Guys my heart right now… CREEPER BO WAS AMIE’S BOYFRIEND?!?! (makes sense why she was playing with his fingers) THAT MAN HAD TO BE IN HIS 30’S WTF?!? The name Creeper Bo remains.
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Amie did not just call Klara the biggest bitch in their city bro SHUT UP! She ain’t wrong but my gosh girl 😂😂 I am getting my LIFE RN! She really has that “everyone can get the smoke” energy (even for her mom :((.. petty me is stopping lol) I love Amie’s character so much. she is very well rounded. she definitely has room to grow and mature but you can see she is still a good person and never wants to maliciously hurt anyone. Even calling Klara a bitch, which we all know she is, Amie still says she sees good in her.
Elias is just straight flirting with my girl oh my gosh 😭 i’m so happy.
14. Ok, great! We are getting into Felicia’s whole mindset with this social media gig. Cuz a girl has been wanting to know! Ok, i’m teetering on the line of Felicia telling Ludde, she just wants them to not have plans and dreams and stay in their town forever as selfish but honest. Only because us as the audience knows ludde actually has dreams. this all depends on her reaction when she finds out which by the tell of this current convo, her ass is definitely finding out unintentionally. she might hear an admissions voicemail, read an email or peep a submission packet. ludde’s ass is definitely not saying a damn thing.
Ludde says he doesn’t want to be a sugar baby anymore. Felicia just completely shuts down during any argument when she is being contested.
15. I’m like, nervous watching Amie and Elias on this stroll right now 😭 You see his body language. He is literally turned to her while they are walking forward. Love to see it.
16. Clearly Felicia is depressed and she turns to drugs. Sometimes a simple “promise” doesn’t help someone actually get clean.
Hold up hold up hold up… I think Ludde and Felicia are both right and conveniently none of them were thinking about the other.
Now…. if you forgive someone, you don’t bring up their past and rub it in when it suits you. Either forgive him or don’t be with him again. Felicia just copped to doing drugs and she turns it around to talk about Ludde and Amie… the deflection is wild
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17. Oh another thing Amie and Elias have in common, they both moved back home. Wowowow. Oh he is down BAAAAAAAAAAD!
18. Okay……… I had a feeling Amie’s dad might be brought up. Oh gosh 🤦🏾‍♀️ 1. We gotta verify because that voice sounded a bit off, sorry. 2. of course when we see him in person, Petra has to verify! What I think might happen is, dearest daddy is really back, with petra and amie fighting (or more, amie fighting petra) amie might stay with her dad which would be horrible. i can see it now, he would definitely play that “your mom wouldn’t let me see you” card and he would help drive the wedge further and further away. I can definitely see Petra putting things to the side with the Kroon’s and asking Elias to bring Amie back home to her. Elias could possibly see that Amie’s dad could be using her for her name and fame. Or I could just be all wrong here…
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* also, amie and elias’s first kiss better be as enthusiastic and passionate as they did with other folks prior, js (what if their first kiss is really in the rain yall..)
Tell what y’all think?! What are y’all’s predictions?
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hippychick006 · 4 years
Misha Panel 
I’ve done this summary as it helps to have what Misha actually says to hand as more often than not, his stans misquote him. It’s also useful as Misha often changes things - as he appears to have done between his last virtual panel and this one. Note, I’m only focusing on the key parts where he talks about the show/Jared/Jensen.  It is not free of anti castiel/misha comments where I disagree, though those are few and far between for a change. It’s long so putting under a cut... 
- Misha confirms his filming finished in March prior to Covid [this comes up later in more detail].  Watching the last epiosode was an emotional experience for him.  For him, it represents the end of a chapter of his life. 
- Misha says fandoms not going anywhere [*hisses]
- Misha’s future work/projects?: working on senate race in georgia, publishing a book of poetry, couple of film projects he’s trying to get off the ground, one he’s not acting/directing in, the other he may act and/or direct 
- Jack brought Cass back but we didn’t get to see it, what happened?: different ending originally that Covid restrictions made impossible to produce. Cool ending involved bringing back lots of cast members over the years.  In the original ending, Castiel hadn’t gone to rebuild heaven, there was a different conclusion for him.  Misha purposely did not read the last two episodes before they aired as he wanted to be an audience member. He knew a little about Castiel/Jack’s fate in the abstract, but because he wasn’t in it, he doesn’t know what the answer was. He thinks them rebuilding heaven was less boots on the ground and more at a spiritual level [so he’s talking at the metaphysical/spiritual plane level and not corporeal) so they are everywhere (e.g. in drops of rain as per Jack’s speech to Sam in 19). That’s what I’m understanding at least.  He says that’s pure speculation though.]
- what qualities does castiel have similar to Misha?: there are a lot of similar qualities [backstabber comes immediately to my mind tbh]. Over time he and the character melded. Over time he evolved into something that didn’t quite fit in with either angels or humanity, he felt like an outsider which Misha has felt for much of his life. He became softer, more sensitive, he tried to do the right thing and be a good person. Oh wow, he says that in order to write to play to Misha’s strengths, the character had to “morph a bit”.  I loved bad!ass Castiel, he’s my favourite Castiel!
- What one thing will he take with him from playing Castiel?: on a professional level, it was fascinating to play a character for so many years. He discussed with J2 recently that the characters really became part of them. He doesn’t think that will happen again, just due to length of time the played them. On watching Jensen’s death scene, he cried but it was more “That’s Cass’ friend Dean dying”  It was weird to have a blurring of lines between yourself and your character but he thinks that’s what happened with all of them. He’ll take the character away, which will be a part of him forever. 
- Misha made fortune cookes and put inside lewd and inappropriate fortunes
[I don’t get this next bit as earlier in the panel he says he didn’t read the last two episodes so didn’t know what was going to happen and gave the answer I documented above and now we have this next question where his answer seems to contradict that]:
- Is there anything more he can say about the originally planned finale?:  He doesn’t want to be the one to reveal these state secrets, but what are they going to do, fire him?  He feels someone might have said to him, please don’t reveal what was going to happen, but can’t remember for sure if it’s true. He says there was a version of Sam and Dean’s heaven that was populated with all of the people that were from their past that they have come to love.  They could not do that because of Covid restrictions. 
- Favourite behind the scenes memory of “The boys”: He doesn’t have a favourite memory, they were close friends for 12 years. They had laughing fits and fights and got pissed off at each other. Some of his fondest memories of being at work anywhere were working on Supernatural.  He’s never going to be on a set again where there is so much mirth so he’s going to miss that for sure.
- he’s talking about Castiel’s wardrobe which is actually funny - e.g. original suit 3 sizes to big, sometimes showing blood and holes, sometimes being magically fixed, not wearing a tie, going back to wearing a tie... “Nobody complained about that too much...” [uh because some of us were watching other things and your own stans were looking at the background.]  He stole some trenchcoats and has them in his closet.
- How do you prepare for emotional scenes?: it’s hard for him to get into that emotional state. To prepare for the Castiel’s declaration of love scene and taken by the empty, Misha needs to be off by himself and not chatting with people, so for that scene he sat on his own in a dark corner of the stage and ruminated on his own.  Rob Hayter, stunt coordinator, noticed and stood sentinel and made sure no one disturbed him which Misha said was really sweet.  Everyone stopped fucking around for that scene to allow them to do what they needed to do.
-  How did you feel when you read the script when Castiel dies?: Misha knew for a long time that ending was coming, he’d been speaking to Rob Berens about it, he was really happy with it.  It was the ending he’d wanted for Cass so when he read the script, he was really happy it had made it to the page [i bet it was Misha, how are those destiel sales going through your Stands company?]. It felt it was a little “risky and a little brave” for the show to do [on a fucking network that is number one in Glaad reviews?  Are you being fucking serious right now?] He was happy to be a part of that [again sales] and have that character express love like that so he was happy with it. 
[Okay, so notice in his last virtual panel 2 weeks ago, he was very happy, he’s now starting to do exactly what he did with Karla movie as he goes on to say...]
He’s seen “some people” [you mean lgbtq+ people?!]  “complaining” about this is playing into the “bury the gays” trope which is an insidious and real trope in film and television storytelling in h/w over the years. Misha doesn’t think that’s what was happening with Castiel’s [he died second after the confession MIsha!] First of all Castiel isn’t dead, he’s in heaven working to rebuild it... [you didn’t know this 2 weeks ago, as far as you knew Castiel died and went to the empty].  So much good came from that declaration, because Cass was able to save Dean, which was essential to saving the world, so this declaration wasn’t so then fate strikes you down and you’re done forever. The declaration literally ended up saving the world. It was of Cass’ own volition, he wasn’t forced to do it, it was his choice, and he thinks that’s important, so maybe he’s naieve and doesn’t feel they are playing into that trope. 
[You were absolutely playing into that trope Misha and you didn’t give a shit as you did no research on playing an lgbtq+ character so sincerely fuck off]
He’s glad that Castiel got to express that and have that ending. He thinks thats kind of important and he’s proud the show did that. [again fuck off, this was done for you and it showed]  He thinks its a conversation they will continue to have as they continue to dissect it going forward [nope, consigned to the dumpster fire I’ve put the majority of the rest of Drabbernatural in]
- Do you think you will ever get an SPN tattoo?:  He doesn’t have any but he’s thinking about getting tattoos relating to his children.  Is that a sign of desperation that a true hasbeen will do? Should he get a tattoo of Jared and Jensen’s face.  He could get a tattoo of Castiel’s face on his abdomen.  He’s saying probably not. If they want to get one, totally supportive of that
-  what is his favourite moment of the finale?: Dean’s death scene, masterfully executed, excellent performances from both Jared and Jensen in that scene and made him cry
- best memory of your last day on the supernatural set?: everyone being really sweet, lot of tears from cast and crew. The last scene he shot as Castiel was the last scene of the day on a Friday. Him, Alex, Richard S and Jensen all had to get to Las Vegas for a fan convention the next morning. They shot late and finished at 1.30, it was Cass goodbye and Misha’s goodbye to the show.  He said they had to get a chartered flight because of the early flight [not sure why he’s saying this as I thought it was Jared’s plane they all travelled in?] He’s talking about going back - because of the issue with the plane - and they are all texting family, saying they love them, so it was such a strange night, he’d said goodbye to Supernatural, he said goodbye to Castiel and later on said goodbye to his kids because they thought they were going to die that night. :(
[Going to add that this puts to rest that Misha was due back for 19 and 20 even before covid, it confirms he was not going to be in either episode, though I maintain, they may have shot an extra scene while they had him to slot into 19 or 20]
- do you think Cass and the other angels got their wings back?: Yes, probably, they have Jack who is the new god. What a long and miserable experience that was of not having wings. Cass was so powerful when he started, he could snap his fingers and teleport and time travel and lost that with his broken wings and they didn’t come back. He doesn’t know why they didn’t fix him as Castiel would have been a much more powerful ally if he didn’t have to drive around in the pimp mobile [uh, for the same reason Sam lost his powers, deus ex machina]. He tells the story of Jared pressing buttons in the car causing the hydraulics to fail costing $10000 of repair.
- in your opinion, what colour are Castiels wings?: shit, I don’t know, I always thought they were black, but now that you’ve said that, they are rainbow coloured, how about that?
- What is the worst joke Jared and Jensen did to you?: [*cough fans looking for things to complain about or hate Jared on]: Jared and Jensen, as you know, they are not good people.  He talks about directing an episode and they got excited in the week before, they were going to break into his apartment and steal his furniture, they had all kinds of nefarious plans, the crew tipped him off and told him to watch his home and car keys. They put a fish under the seat in his car and one of the crew told him.  Jared removed the canvas on the director’s chair and laid it across so it looked like it was still the chair. Misha fell for that at least 5 times. That was pretty frustrating. Jared kept messing up his lines (which Misha said Jared never does) and Misha was directing in another room, Misha eventually went to see what the problem was and that’s when Jared pied him in the face. Everyone in the crew was complicit in the “assault”. Jensen brought him another shirt, said, “I’m sorry man, that’s sucks, that was too much.”  Jensen then pied him in the face.
- What is the real story behind the handprint in the finale?: Um I don't know, but I think it was a nice touch, that was a really lovely callback that worked well. I can’t remember how we came up with that, or was it in the script, I can’t remember. Wasn’t it a good callback to the very beginning. [Again, this appears to differ from what was being reported two weeks ago so might need to go back to that panel if I can get access to it]
-What’s your favourite memory from offline/online panels?: It’s much more fun to be live and in person. I don’t know, I have had some really fun... [PANDERING ALERT COMING UP] Jensen and I have some really fun panels together in Rome.  I don’t know why but we always just seem to have a real hoot there, talks about the resume off, they really enjoyed that. He had pizza delivered to a creation panel once.  He talks about the Saturday night special and he can’t wait till they can get back to that. 
- What was your favourite version of Castiel to play?: he had the most fun playing Lucifer because Mark P had left a great template to play Lucifer [you took the worst parts imo but Mark fucked his character up too]. He enjoyed playing the human parts of Castiel because it was fun to explore how to be human for the first time. Overall, just regular Cass. He wouldn’t have wanted to trade regular Castiel for other iterations. [A great question would be badass Castiel v late season wooby castiel preference]
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razieltwelve · 3 years
The Cetra (Final Effect)
The Cetra are a humanoid species that are genetically compatible with both humans and Faunus. Physically, they bear a remarkably close resemblance to humans and are more than capable of passing as human based on appearance alone. However, Cetra typically have more intensely coloured eyes that humans, to the point where they sometimes seem to glow.
The main distinguishing features of Cetra relate to their Aura and their lifespan. The average Cetra lives roughly one thousand years, and there are records of some living in excess of fifteen hundred years. Typically, more powerful Cetra live longer.
The Cetra also reproduce far more slowly than humans or Faunus. It will typically take a Cetra roughly one hundred years to reach sexual maturity, and few Cetra will even think of marriage or childbearing until they are a century and a half old. Combined with the fact that Cetra usually only have three or four children over the course of their immense lifespans, and it is easy to see why their population grows so slowly.
In terms of Aura, the average Cetra possesses more than a hundred times as much Aura as the average human or Faunus. The average Cetra also possesses greater control over their Aura and can both output and regenerate Aura far faster than an average human or Faunus.
Most uniquely, Cetra are capable of perceiving and interacting with the Lifestream, which is the Aura or soul of a Living World. This allows them to literally speak to and communicate with all things that possess Aura on a Living World, regardless of the language they speak. This includes not only humans, Faunus, and other similarly intelligent beings but also animals and planets. They can even peer into and view the memories of inanimate objects that have been saturated with sufficient Aura.
Amongst Cetra are an extremely rare caste referred to as Planet Shepherds. These Cetra are the most powerful Cetra in existence. Although all Cetra can communicate with a world’s Lifestream to some extent, Planet Shepherds are capable of complete communication. This allows them to interact with a Living World as though it were another person, and they generally deep and close relationships with the Living Worlds they are assigned to watch over.
This relationship means they can call on the Living World for aid. At the behest of a World Shepherd, a Living World can easily alter its own weather and geography, creating volcanoes, hurricanes, and all manner of phenomena. A World Shepherd can even speak to the forests of a world and have them march to war on their behalf.
In general, when fighting a World Shepherd, it is necessary to assume that every single living thing will aid them and that the very land, sea, and sky will be brought to bear on their behalf. Even the weakest World Shepherd is to be considered an EX Tier threat when fighting on a Living World, particularly the one they have been assigned to watch over.
The Cetra once ruled over an advanced civilisation known as the Cetran Union. The Union presided over fifty or so world. However, at the height of their powers, they were found and attacked by the Grimm. Despite their advanced technology, which was based on Aura and biological manipulation to create ships that were alive and have their own miniature Lifestreams, the Cetra soon found themselves on the back foot.
Generally speaking, the Cetra are not a militant people. They prefer to live in peace and harmony, and their own history is punctuated by a remarkably lack of conflict. This left them poorly suited for dealing with the ravenous Grimm. Even worse, their slow rate of reproduction meant that they were unable to easily replace the losses they endured in battle.
The majority of the Cetran race was wiped out within a century of the Grimm beginning their assault. A small number managed to flee to Remnant where they would later be found and destroyed by JENOVA who had led the assault on the Union. However, Cetran blood can be found throughout Remnant as the survivors intermarried with locals before sacrificing themselves to massively injure JENOVA and force her into a healing stasis, albeit at the cost of several damaging Remnant’s moon.
The remainder of the Cetra fought as best they could, but it became evident that extinction was the most likely outcome. In desperate, they created more than a dozen colossal Ark Ships with advanced life support and stealth systems, and launched them into space.
Of these twelve Ark Ships, eight were found and destroyed by the Grimm. Of the remaining four, one was destroyed after sustaining severe damage after suffering power failure that deactivated its shields and repair system. The remaining three were eventually found by the Arendelle Empire and Schnee Mercantile Alliance.
A century of study eventually allowed them to awaken many of the Cetra in stasis on board those Ark Ships. The Cetra were then offered a hundred worlds to help them rebuild their civilisation. They gladly accepted, and the Cetran Union was reborn.
Present Day
The Cetran Union has spent the centuries since its discovery by the Empire and Alliance rebuilding. The Cetran homeward was rebuilt, as were many of their key worlds. Most importantly, the Cetra have been working hard to increase their own numbers.
Changes in culture and the simple necessity of continuing their species have led to the Cetra having more children than at any point in their history. Even so, their growth rate remains slow compared to humans and Faunus. Fortunately, the new Cetran Union is in the middle of territory held by the Empire and Alliance, so they are protected from external threats like the Grimm. As a result, the Cetran population has increased greatly.
These new Cetra are an interesting case. They consider themselves citizens not only of the Union but also of the Empire and the Alliance. They also demonstrate a different approach to conflict, being more willing to take up arms in defence of their people. Indeed, almost all young Cetra now undertake extensive military training with the Empire or Alliance. They know what happened to their people and have no desire to see it repeated.
Despite this, the Cetran culture is still strong. The old ways have been preserved, albeit updated in places, and young Cetra are proud to call themselves the successors to a cultural heritage that extends back to before the foundation of the Empire and Alliance.
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Author’s Notes
If the Cetra could reproduce faster and were more psychologically suited to all-out war, they’d probably be running the galaxy since they’ve been around for way, way, way longer than the Children of Remnant have been in space. That said, what they have now is a great deal. They live safe in the great shadows cast by their allies, and they have been able to preserve their culture as they work to bolster their numbers.
It should be noted that even in the distant future, there are aspects of Cetran technology that not even the Empire and Alliance can mimic due to their extreme expertise in Aura and how it interfaces with biological manipulation. Their ships are literally alive, and they are amongst the most efficient, pound for pound, in the galaxy. Their warships, too, are marvels of engineering, but they lack the human and Faunus knack for building weapons and using them. Still, their newest warships have been influenced by their allies, and they are deadly indeed.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here or on Audible here.
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madfantasy · 4 years
1) Oh, dear Mani, it's so devastating to read what you're writing about yourself. You're a loveliest person and a beautiful artist, and you deserve all the very best in the world. Sorry if it's dumb (I'm from Russia and maybe it's like asking if there're bears everywhere in the streets here) - but is it common in your country or it's just your family? Is it legal to prevent you from socialising etc. or is i just a tradition ?
You are so precious, thank you for your kindness.. I'm so sorry to have to trouble you.. but I can't seem to filter anything lately.. and no, it's not a dumb question at all. One is not expected to know everything, that without mentioning other people's cultures, tbh I hardly know much of mine but what I have encountered..
The simple answer would be— it is common; but it varies.. my family is probably at 8 or 9 out of ten in the extreme levels, I guess this is me numbing it down again, but... anyway, It's not even a religious thing, it's more of old cultural habits and practices—before religious times. It's even -what my family's doing- against what is considered common habits, here. As people are normally extremely, suffocating-ly sociable and curious and inviting and probably won't leave you alone if you haven't made it clear.
I don't know if it is legal or not, I'm sure it is illegal based on human rights alone? I'm always told (as a way of threatening) how parents can call the authorities on their misbehaving children. And it is a thing here, usually if the kids be abusive to their parents (as in beating up their elder parents) or troubling, police escort them to where ever. And I don't want to think of the anti...
As I am assigned at birth this gender- female- automatically I'm shut down by my family of fear of shame and whatever but told it's out of "honourable" protectiveness of their reputation and mine.
Tho they know I am far from being associated with the traits of being that gender (or any) I disliked dress, spoke with no gender pronouns, hated hair styling, make up and all.. I was still been treated as if I am a shame that needs to be kept private in all possible legal ways. As no one of any kind should be..
(Without mentioning that having female child is considered a way to heaven— religiously speaking— and in ancient times, they used to burry their infants females out of shame. How did they still exists is beyond me)
Anyway, to me it meant no contact with the opposite gender at all cost, only sticking to matchings. That means no hospitals if the doctors weren't females, no school trips, no malls, no visiting my schoolmates (next door or not), no public places, no house yard if the fence built too low, no windows (blocking them with cardboards and textured stickers). Was gonna share a pic of baby Mani in a house that has that, but. Literally I remember imaging z hanged picture with cottage in flowery field as the view outside our window, and day dreamed happily about it. (I have no pictures of me in my teenage years, cuz it was shameful to have them, even with smartphones arrived, mine was constantly searched for them) while we received pictures of the extended families children in all of their age groups..
I had to constantly come with excuses to everybody why I can't come see them or why I can't go. I thought being poor was the main reason and it was shameful, and I was embarrassed by my charity cloths and unfurnished homes, I was always told to lie about it, because people would laugh at me if they found out. So I did. And everything made sense until I grew more brain cells and realising nothing have changed, either we be dirt poor or not. People actually offered to pay me food, trip costs, give me coats for the winter, rides to school, to beat off my misfortune when they are able just to include me, yet it was still being rejected.. and I couldn't understand why anymore.
I seen married couples, when ppl forced fam to take me somewhere to enjoy and have fun, the wife is the one running the house, goes out shopping, or just go out for rides, calls the workers for repairs, go places on her own, took taxis, and it was... Normal?!
A cousin of fam came to visit and asked why your children don't go out, why don't you give them money and let them shop their heart's content? They answered, they fear society.. a lie at that time
Maybe it's not something noticeable for outsiders, but cloaks speak of the area's culture and age too. When I came 'of age' I had to cover up in the extremist of ways, ways consider only elderly ppl did, and I always got funny looks when I wore my cloak.
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I was never allowed to show my eyes, specially that I wear glasses and can't see with the cover. So I tripped alot and was humiliated for in the streets, trying to make me understand that anything I do is an ' invite' for their eyes..
I was beginning to see the flaws, the lies, the holes in reasons I was offered.. linked together the constant misery that I didn't understand it's reason, since as further as I remember.
Maybe it's not spoken in plain words (until yesterday that is) but all that is just because that I am born under that title..
Women now can drive.. can be their own legal guardian without the need of a male to confirm everything she does (which was what it used to be) she can travel abroad alone if she's over 21.
I'm fighting so hard to exist, and to have basic needs satisfied..
It almost took my soul out begging to have my ID card, until the gov announced fine to those who don't register their females.. I should had my ID 16 of age. Got it 27.. and their excuse is that I didn't have a reason to get it anyway.. as everything goes in my life I asked for... I don't need what I think I need. I don't need to drive.. I don't need to work.. I don't need clothes- I'm fashion thirsty- I don't need to have fun.. I only need to do exactly what they wish. Which drives me crazy as it contrasts with the sacrifices they made themselves for us and everything that we gone through together..
I have to fight and argue and plead to get anything.. I was able to draw while I was furiously I could not, I could speak English as I please while it offended them, still-- they can't speak it--.. and it obviously the only way to express my shut off mind without their interference..
it feels I'm losing a chunk of myself each year nothing changes... And this year everything was tossed backwards so hard I'm constantly dipping into extreme depression.. not to mention how the whole world is suffering too...
Even if I found psychologist, it wouldn't do me any good, remaining under these conditions..
it pains me to share this but I can't see no more point to hide anything or act as if I'm okay..  specially if my art reflects it... It's what I'm able to offer for now.. and I'm so sorry... bless your days with fortune.. all of u..
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jinruihokankeikaku · 4 years
Hello! I absolutely ADORE your classpecting posts. Since I trust your judgement, I was curious if you could analyze my session with a Heir of Space, Witch of Time, Knight of Void and Rogue of Mind? Thank you!!!
Oh hey, thanks!! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the content ^^^^v^^^^ And I sure could analyze that session. This is our 5th session analysis, and our third? I 8elievve, to feature a 8ard of Heart, interestingly enough.
(A/N: Wwhile I wwas wwritin this, I realized that due to the timing, phrasing, and Classpects requested that this ask and the prevvious one wwere from the same person. So I’vve included all 8 of the Classpects from the original ask just in case.)
Player Lineup
Rogue of Mind
Passive Appropriation Class; Personal-Associative Aspect
Witch of Time
Active Manipulation Class; Actual-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Heir of Space
Passive Manipulation Class; Actual-Expansive-Explosive Aspect
Knight of Void
Active Defense/Service Class; Actual-Introspective Aspect
Mage of Light
Active Comprehension/Interpretation Class; Actual-Associative Aspect
Bard of Heart
Passive Destruction Class; Personal-Introspective Aspect
Sylph of Hope
Passive Creation Class; Personal-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Prince of Doom
Active Destruction Class; Cyclical-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Session Outlook
Space and Time players present? Check. Interestingly, they’re an Active-Passive pair, which definitely means… something. We’ll get into that soon.
Active-Passive balance? 50/50. That’s always a good sign. You’ve also got three pairs of opposed Classes – the Knight and the Rogue, the Sylph and the Prince, and the Heir and the Mage. The Bard and the Witch are left unpaired, but their respective Active and Passive counterparts are both present in one of the other pairs. Very symmetrical, which on one hand means more diversity/versatility, but on the other does set up potential intra-team conflict.
Functional Balance: 2 Destroyers, 2 Manipulators, an Appropriator, a Defender, a Creator, and an Interpreter. You’ve got all 6 Class Functions covered here, and you’re doubled up on 2 of them – not the two I’d pick to double up on if I were trying to conceive of the Team Most Likely To Win, but you’re nonetheless as  well-balanced on this front as an eight-player session could be, and you’ve got some very powerful roles here.
Direction Balance: 2 Associative, 2 Introspective, 3 Culminative-Conclusive, 1 Expansive-Explosive. You’ve got everything covered here, too, with the Culminative-Conclusive Directional Trine predominating 3 to 1 (Space being your lone Expansive-Explosive Aspect. This suggests that that Trine will have a particularly strong influence on your session – Doom, Time, and Hope, a Prince, a Witch, and a Sylph. They’re going to drive the plot forward, regardless of whatever else they may do, as all of their Aspects are focused on drawing things to their conclusion. The Prince of Doom – Sylph of Hope pair are going to prove tremendously influential, especially if they’re on the same side (which is a more likely scenario than one might expect, given their Roles’ opposition. While the two may still be friendly while the Prince is ghosting Life [at a sextile relative to Hope], it’s when the Prince truly embraces Doom [at a trine relative to Hope] that they’ll start really playing off each other. The Witch of Time, arguably the most powerful Class-Aspect pair in the game (if we’re characterizing “power” as “raw ability to deliberately affect change within the session”)(cases could also be made for Witch of Hope, Witch of Space, and perhaps Witch of Rage [depending on how meta you wanna get]), is bound to do something dramatic – if you combine the Witch’s reckless experimentation with Time’s death drive will to action, that’s all but inevitable. Your Associative-Introspective Directions are balanced with one another through the Light-Void and Heart-Mind pairs, which is a good thing – The Mage will have access to the knowledge the Rogue needs in order to effectively implement their strategies, and the Bard (once fully developed) will incite the Knight to wield the power of the Furthest Ring towards ever-greater martial/destructive feats. The Rogue and the Knight, despite having opposed Classes, both have Aspects at a semi-sextile relative to the Heir (and at a sextile relative to one another), which could help the Knight fulfill their duty to protect the Heir, as those two are rather unlikely to come into direct conflict.
Source Balance: 4 Actual, 3 Personal, 1 Cyclical. Your Prince of Doom will be the only one in the session drawing on the Cyclical source, but the presence of the Sylph of Hope should help compensate for that when it comes to keeping the worst of the Prince’s destructive impulses in check. Otherwise, you’re fairly balanced on this front, and the presence of all four Actual Aspects means that you’ll be able to draw on all four axes of in-Game reality (timelines, physical space, Skaia, and the Furthest Ring).
Possible Events
Well, as I think my rambling meander above made clear, this is sure to be an eventful session. Here are some briefish notes on the individual players and their relationships with one another.
Rogue of Mind [Pe-As | Passive Relocation/Appropriation]
Your Rogue of Mind is tasked with redistributing and balancing justice, planning, and consistency, where in your session they have fallen out of balance. They’ll likely be a rather shy player, with many great ideas but little confidence or motivation with which to share them. They’ll likely get along with the Bard well enough prior to their crisis; however, said crisis could well damage their relationship beyond repair. They’ll be a crucial support player for the Heir, giving them “peace of mind” and strategic aid when they need it most, so long as they can overcome their inhibitions when it comes time to express their ideas.
Witch of Time [Ac-Cu | Active Manipulation/Transformation]
Witches are given the most raw power to change their Aspect, but not the wisdom to know when and how their Aspect ought to be changed. Their challenge within the session is to acquire patience and temperance, and, in the case of the Witch of Time, to avoid dooming the Timeline by flying too close to the proverbial sun with their temporal shenanigans. They’re very likely to resent the Heir’s leadership, when the Heir rises to that role, which may become problematic; ideally, the Sylph will be able to help the Witch’s energies be directed in a positive light, because Inversion or Over-embracing on the Witch’s part would almost certainly doom the session (as the Witch would be unable or unwilling to close the loops they had initiated).
Heir of Space [Ac-Ex | Passive Manipulation/Transformation]
Heirs are gifted with or surrounded by their Aspect from the beginning, and this can lead to their being capricious, complacent, or confused early in a session’s progress. However, as they come into their own and allow themselves to merge into their Aspect, they will (ideally) prove themselves as leaders, and play that part effectively. The Heir of Space in particular is going to start out from a position of physical and perhaps emotional isolation from the rest of their team; in order to step into their role as leader, they’ll have to traverse great distances, and to allow the journey to transform them. Because of the uncertainties surrounding the Heir early on, and the fact that their presence is necessary to successfully complete the Game, it will be crucial for the Knight have the Heir’s back while the Heir is developing their talents.
Knight of Void [Ac-In | Active Defense/Service]
The Knight of Void is tasked with protecting the session, and especially the Space player, by wielding and extensively utilizing the quantity of their Aspect available to them (which is likely Not Very Much). To wield the Void might mean “to literally weaponize shadows, silence, or secrets”, but it may also mean “to call on Unknown Powers to defend your session” – Unknown Powers being, as we know, the Horrorterrors of the Furthest Ring. They’re likely to present to the world, and even to most of their friends, an enigmatic and/or secretive image that isn’t entirely authentic. Indeed, our Knight may often feel overstimulated and overexposed, and use this image as armor to ward off the eyes of the world.
Mage of Light [Ac-As | Active Comprehension/Interpretation]
The Mage of Light is one who fully experiences both the costs and the benefits of Light and its domains, which include fortune, knowledge, revelation, attention, and of course, literal light. They’ll know a whole lot to begin with, and come to learn a whole lot more, but they’ll likely suffer for their knowledge, and they won’t have the knack for communication and education that a Seer might. Ideally, they’ll be able to work with the Rogue, providing them with the raw information they need to form effective plans with the session’s leader. They may draw untoward attention in their quest for greater knowledge or fortune, however, and they’ll likely have (and openly express) disagreements with the Knight, which could prove harmful to group cohesion in the long run.
Bard of Heart [Pe-In | Passive Destruction]
The Bard of Heart is one who causes identity, performance, soul, and romance to decay by their very presence. Like the Prince, they’ll begin the session ghosting their opposite Aspect, which Aspect is in this case Mind. Their calculating yet casual demeanor may make them seem initially impressive to the Rogue, and the two may well be friends early on – but the Bard’s manifestation of Mind is merely a defense mechanism against the overwhelming presence of Heart in their identity which they’ve hated or been afraid to confront. The Bard cannot repress their nature like this forever, however, and will ultimately face a crisis that causes them to lash out against Mind with all their pent-up Heart, shattering the veneer they’ve hitherto maintained of rationality and impartiality. This will push them away from the Rogue, but may bring them closer to the Witch and the Mage, and will in any case lead to widespread chaos as the rest of the team is forced to confront the truth and falsity of various facets of their identity in a manner very similar to the Bard. Bards are always a force of chaos, and combined with Heart’s tendency towards selfishness and/or impetuousness, you’ve got a player to watch out for.
Sylph of Hope [Pe-Cu | Passive Creation]
The Sylph of Hope is the one who will, hopefully, hold this team of dynamic and often clashing personalities together. As the Role destined to repair, correct, or heal faith, credulousness, and positive emotion, the Sylph should bind the team together by fortifying their shared beliefs despite their differences, unifying the team’s differing facets and splintered in a single focused direction. They’ll be a sort of balancing force to the powerful yet volatile Witch and the well-intentioned but wrathful Prince, both of whom share an Aspect Trine with the Sylph. Because they not only passively create Hope but also passively create through Hope, they’ll have the incredibly useful ability conferred to all players – the ability to create matter and energy through pure force of will. While they won’t force the hands of Hope in the way a Maid or Witch might, they will nonetheless be a beacon of Hope, finding themselves in and calling to their allies brief but valuable moments of serenity and serendipity.
Prince of Doom [Cy-Cu | Active Destruction]
Princes have a (somewhat justified) bad reputation, due to the tendency of their good intentions to derail into wanton destruction and resulting chaos and intra-team conflict. Like their Passive counterpart, the Bard, they’ll manifest their opposite at first, and if they fail to grow beyond this initial ghosting phase, the consequences may well be dire. In this case, we have a Prince of Doom whose opposite Aspect is Life; this means that their ghosting phase will manifest as petulant rebellion, covetousness, and spiraling out into chaos and disarray. If anyone can help the Prince correct their course, it’s the Sylph, who may be the only other player capable of seeing the Prince for the Doom-bound player they are, reminding them through subtle yet compelling intervention that their soul is older than the shouting demons in their mind, and that to fulfill their role as an authority figure, they must be a symbol of law and order, rather than random tyranny. Unfortunately, even if they succeed in this transformation, the odds of their surviving into the new universe aren’t great – it’s hard to imagine Doom’s burden of suffering and the Prince’s self-destructive tendencies combining in any positive way.
Some Final Notes
Your session outlook is generally very strong, so long as your Hope, Space, and Time players stay alive and fulfill their roles. As always, the presence of a Bard makes any session that much more chancy / complicated, but the Sylph’s intervention should prove to be a sufficient countervailing force to the havoc wrought by the newly self-aware Bard.
I hope you found this analysis useful or at least interestin!! Thanks again for yr message, it means a lot that ya trust my judgment despite the fact that I’m rather neww at this ^^^^v^^^^
~ P L U R ~
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scnlit · 4 years
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【 karl urban, cismale, 48 】this just in - august lewis ‘lou’ jones has been in wickway for fifteen years. apparently he is an owner of anglers anonymous and a civilian or so his passport says. so far it’s known that he favors the docks, and resides at west port. he is also said to be empathetic & trustworthy, but also anxious & paranoid at the end of the day, he can be described as weatherworn sails, delicately strung sea glass & never ending paranoia of being watched. 
( tw: alcoholism, emotional abuse, death )
It was always a wonder how August was born with an obsession of large bodies of water. He could never fully explain it, but there was something about them that always drew him in with the utmost fascination. If there any time or way for him to spend his recreational time at a pool, creek or lake - he’d be there knee deep and as happy as can be. Though it was arguably odd, his parents never saw any harm in it and was glad that their son was so fond of being active outside instead of piling on hours upon hours with inside technology.
When August’s mother and him moved out of Wickway and to California ( his father stayed behind to run the family diner ), it only furthered his passion. No one was surprised that he aspired to have a career that had to do with large bodies of water. He had always been a strong swimmer, was a part of the high school swim team, and was certified to scuba diver early on. Everyone in his hometown used to joke about how he was part fish, because of how often he would swim. So it was only fitting that he ended up setting his mind to become a deep sea diver. Soon enough, he landed himself the job of his dreams when he was 18. It was almost outrageous how fast he had accepted a high risk occupation, but nothing could stop him from moving away from home in order to achieve his dreams.
By 23 he was deeply in love and married to a woman he thought he knew to a T. They have a child shortly after, and August strove to be the best father he could be. Granted he wasn’t able to be around as often as he would’ve liked. What with the locations of the long dives. Still, he always tried his best. Even when his marriage grew more and more openly strained. 
The dangers of being a deep sea saturation diver came in several shapes and form, but none of them shook him up enough to make him quit. August was always extremely careful whenever he was on duty, but death’s hands were never far away. He witnessed his fair share of the deceased at random, but what really broke him was the life of his best friend. The two of them had been working on a repair when there was a malfunction with his friend’s respiratory device. In layman’s terms - that terrible instance resulted in his friend’s death, and August had been there to witness the entire drowning. It was an awful, tragic accident that the local news ate up and spat out to every single outlet they could get their hands on. Yet with time, the news of how his friend died fizzed out into the background noise of town life. Yet August couldn’t forget what happened no matter how much time passed.
There was hardly any support from his wife in his period of grief. She had never truly approved of his career choice, and was more than happy when he ended up doing the seemingly impossible. August chose to resign from his position without any prompting, and for the first time in his life - he was completely, and utterly, lost. The surefire ambition he had been born with fell short for years, and the loss of his friend clouded every single one of his decisions. The consumption of alcohol became a vice for him, and it nearly costed him his own life several times. It wasn’t until a hard felt intervention from his parents and son did he start to see the wrongs of his grief filled ways. Little by little, the grief became more bearable and he managed to get back onto his feet with the support of his family, friends, and therapy.
 August quit drinking as a whole when he decided to start his life anew. He finally braved the necessary steps to file for a divorce to separate himself from the toxic relationship. August was then fortunate enough to acquire a psychiatric service dog to aid him in bouts of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The move back to Wickway had admittedly been a tough choice, but he decided to do so upon the passing of his father. Although the two of them had never been close, August still grieved the loss ( without using alcohol as a vice ). The family’s fishing pro shop was left in his name, and it was up to him to execute the business’ future. Originally he was going to sell it, but the community and staff grew on him. So the shop stayed open, and the well being of his life stabilized as he does his best to give back every day. Even if the Wickway community is plagued with trouble.
Hates being called August, and prefers to go by Lou or even Lewis.
There are several rumors about August. Literally anything small or extreme - please feel free to go wild with these assumptions. August is very well aware of what people are saying to him, but he never bothers to clarify details simply because it takes a lot of energy to do so.
He has definitely come by very suspicious things during his years in Wickway. Said things were always reported to the police, and he was probably labeled as suspect a few times. 
Diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Takes medication for anxiety.
Has a psychiatric service dog, Howdy, nicknamed Howes, ( belgian malinois ).
Arguably has the biggest heart for those in need, and will always do whatever he came to help out ( even if it hurts him in the process ).
Ironically enough, has thalassophobia (  fear of deep bodies of water such as the ocean or sea ), and is really sad about it.
Isn’t a regular at AA meetings, but still tries to go once every month or so.
In regards to his ex-wife - she had been constant with emotional manipulation ( especially in regards to him not acting ‘manly enough’ i.e. August is a fairly emotional person and has openly cried ). She had cheated on him a few times, and would always twist the reasoning back onto him. 
Has a fairly okayish relationship with his son. Arguably, he wasn’t around as much as he should’ve been during his son’s youth, but he has / will continue to make up for lost time. 
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gymincome71 · 2 years
Flipping Houses Is Not Your Average Reality Show
I guess the a lot more that travels the easier it makes. Surely I will lose someone else before I die, so, it start all once again. That would make all the memories clearer again. I am think common actions like ever overlook that. Those close to us that we lost continue to have a a part of our bears. First, will need to stop looking in city centers and check out going symptomatic out. Some other words, drive out of town till you pass leading last billboard sign in the area. Select one road just on the outskirts of town within an area where other advertisers may not think to appear. Subsequently, establish along with the who owns the land, sign a ground lease with the owner, and erect your billboard over there. It is important that take period when choosing the area how to place your billboard, weighing the prospects for future growth and development. Some employers will check a credit rating to find out if the job applicant reliable. Many banks will not hire an attorney who has filed bankruptcy or had other financial problems. Additional companies offer the same way. These are companies in that the job applicant will be handling money or this would definately be in control over finances. dịch vụ cho thuê tivi
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steadycoffeeflow · 6 years
Day 4. Spell | Werewolf AU
Casual reminder that the last time I wrote werewolves I was in high school. NBD. No flashbacks to a happier time here, nope.
It was a ritual of exchange, built up every month with the usual excuses, the off-hand comments and questions, the rising tensions and building anxieties the more full the moon got with each passing night.
“Chains were weakened last time. Did we get those replaced?”
“Yup. They’re already in the garage, Hank.”
“Chew toys and crate all made up?”
“You could say that,” Connor replied, the image of a tire flashing in his mind.
Almost as if these pieces needed to be set in place to make up a singular whole, each month. Components cast in a moon-bound spell.
But, of course, the transformation came unbidden whether they did this dance or not.
Connor had found out the hard way. He’d have given the CyberLife engineers some difficulty with that unit replacement report.
A large dog. Not a bear? Data a bit fuzzy? Memory recall has it looking like a big dog at least. Said he had a St. Bernard? Huh…
Of course, Sumo hadn’t torn Connor to shreds when he fell through Hank’s window. It had been a completely different beast. And memory recall hadn’t been fuzzy enough to remove the hulking image of the creature lunging forward - nor erase the final thoughts of Connor’s programming that he needed Hank Anderson to be okay.
What Connor’s programming hadn’t accounted for was the creature being Hank Anderson. That had been a shock that almost required a full reset of several internal systems.
The relationship between the two of them had changed entirely from that point on. Hank trusted Connor more, almost had to with the nature of that secret. And then, Connor had a secret to trade with Hank, even if it was only for a short time: his deviancy.
This current full moon, things had proceeded as normal. Work, unhealthy eating habits, and then the casual checking of Hank’s setup in the garage when they both got home.
“You know,” Connor said as Hank slid into the wall restraints. “I always did wonder why you never parked your car in here.”
“Yeah well,” Hank muttered. The restraints were able to be tightened and loosened by the wearer. Connor was just there for assistance. “Couldn’t have the neighbors getting a peek and thinking I was into some kinky shit.”
“Literal whips and chains lifestyle.”
Connor had seen Hank transform once, and out of a polite respect for the man, he never did again. The noises picked up around 7:57pm. Connor watched a movie on the couch with Sumo, who whimpered but otherwise seemed used to these nights. Then, they watched another movie. It was a marathon on TV, Hallmark, because Connor enjoyed a glutton of easily solved cases even if the police-work left something to be desired.
Things quieted down from the garage just minutes before 2am. Sumo remained on the couch as Connor slid off it, advancing on the garage door. “Hank?” Connor leaned into the darkness.
The chains were hanging on the wall, empty.
Connor barely had time to process “Shit,” and step back into the house before he was hauled roughly into the dark. He pitched forward, slamming onto the concrete, and he rolled.
Hank snarled above him, breathing heavy.
It wasn’t that Hank was always dangerous. There was usually a cool down period where the aggression had to be worked out of him. But other times, the beast was content to nap throughout the night.
This didn’t seem to be one of those nights as Connor pushed off the concrete to his feet. Hank swatted his back, even as Connor spun to avoid it, knocking him into the opposite wall. Tools rattled and fell off the shelf.
Hank stood at least a foot and a half taller than Connor like this, easily dwarfing him. All softness was removed from the human, every muscle taut, shaped by nature and violence. There was still a lot of bulk to Hank, and his size made his speed and agility all the more surprising to deal with.
“Hank, it’s me,” Connor tried shouting, and he threw up a defensive arm.
Hank lunged and caught the arm between his teeth, snarling and wrenching back and forth. Connor was lifted and jostled by the force of it, but brought up a left arm to hold onto the were’s hulking shoulder. Made it so his right arm wasn’t completely torn apart free from his body. The wolf let go, taking a ragged claw and slashing down Connor’s front, pushing the android’s grip off of Hank’s body.
Connor rolled to the center of the room, error messages flashing. The skin on his arm had peeled back exposing the white chassis beneath, cracked and leaking rivulets of thirium onto the concrete. “Hank, please,” Connor tried again, pushing up with his good hand.
Hank was advancing, step by step. His fur, grey and matted, shimmered even in this dim light. His whole form lit up, captivating Connor even like this, monstrous. Jagged teeth of yellowed ivory bared at him, peeled back and away with thick black lips. Thirium dripped from the maw, drops falling just by Connor’s hands. His fingers curled away from it, and he tried one last tactic - Connor rolled onto his back, exposing his belly.
He could still fight if it came to it. Likely would as panic settled in. There was no replacing him, not if he was destroyed completely. And Hank’s bite mark already was going to cost a great deal, the limb cost of a considerable fortune. Connor held up his undamaged hand. “Hank, please, it’s me. Easy, Hank.”
Hank lowered his face to Connor, mouth parting. Heavy, hot and heated breath rolled over Connor, picked up and then lost in the sea of warnings and proximity alerts going off in his mind. But instead of snapping, those teeth clamping down on Connor’s hand, the werewolf suddenly lurched back.
A small boof could be heard from the garage door.
“Sumo,” Connor shouted, sitting upright in alarm.
The werewolf staggered, snarling and snapping at Connor, teeth grasping nothing but air. A warning not to move so quick.
But Sumo just tilted his head, tail wagging limply as he descended the steps into the garage. He sniffed at Hank, then made his way over to Connor where he sniffed and licked Connor’s uninjured, offered hand. Then he whined. “Oh do you...do you need to go out, boy?” Connor asked, watching Hank carefully.
The werewolf was retreating with each second, slightly shifting on the pads of his feet as he stared at both android and dog. Sumo reacted to the word “out” and laid a heavy paw on Connor’s chest. Confirmation. “Oh well. Then okay then let’s. Let’s take you for a walk.”
Connor rose to his feet slowly, holding out his still functioning hand and never taking his eyes off of Hank. “Sorry for intruding Hank,” he said, backing up toward the door. For his part, Hank never took his eyes off of Connor. The beast’s expression was unreadable as he just breathed, body straining against something unseen.
Sumo surged back into the house, trailing prints of Connor’s spilled thirium. Connor foot stepped on carpet and he began to pull the reinforced door shut. “I’ll see you in the morning, then.”
The only response he got was a snort before the door clicked shut.
In the serene moonlight, Connor stood with Sumo’s leash wound around his hand, struck in a daze. The violence that had just happened had only taken seconds. Sumo’s business took three times as long as Hank’s attack did, the dog kicking his back legs over his work before guiding Connor back into the house. Connor moved, steps staggered, as he devoted more of his failing energy to his processors, trying to understand what had happened.
Had he really been that stupid? Had Hank really done damage to him?
The flash of alerts as he tried to use his right hand told him yes to both of those questions.
Connor sank back onto the couch, staring at the TV. Even more dissonance, the leading lady was putting the small town detective in his place as she violated two police protocols in a single scene.
Sumo sat at Connor’s feet, tail wagging expectantly. “Right. A treat for being a good boy. Give me. Give a moment, Sumo,” Connor was saying in a voice he didn’t have full control over. Sumo never got his treat, for as Connor rose to stand, he was overwhelmed by a new flashing series of messages, his vision going awash in red static before descending completely to black.
“Connor? Oh my God, Connor no. Connor! Son wake up- Connor!”
Hank was jostling Connor, not quite shaking him. A slap would have been appropriate, Connor thought dimly, or he thought he did, as Hank stopped a moment.
“A slap? I think I did more than a slap, Jesus fucking hell and Mary, Connor.”
A rough hand on his face. Connor tried to lift his right hand, had to settle for reaching across with his left. A new wave of alerts had him wincing. He was operating on failing energy. Emergency self-repairs had been made while he was down, but there was only so much his state-of-the-art programming and software could manage before professional repairs needed to be made.
“I’m.” Hank’s hands wound into Connor’s stained and shredded shirt. “Oh God, I’m so sorry Connor. Connor please. What do I do.”
Do? Nothing. Connor would be just fine. They’d get him repaired. And then they’d go to work like they always did. Same song and dance. Same monthly spell. Routine and simple and so beautiful in how normalcy wrapped around this weirdness between them.
He had to make Hank understand that. Had to tell him so.
Connor raised a hand to pat Hank’s quivering back. It took focus to make the errant limb to cooperate, but when he got it to, Connor turned his head to the side and broke out in a relieved grin. “See. Everything’s just fine, Hank.”
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listing-to-port · 6 years
Seven dread infrastructures
1. In order to keep a handle on That Which Must Not Be Named it is necessary to list it somewhere; otherwise, we might go about naming it all the time without realising. This is the function of the Library of the Unnameable. It contains a number of Catalogues That Must Not Be Read, an underground repository for Books that Must Not Be Opened and a small cafe where one may purchase a Bun That Must Not Be Eaten. In recent years, an ongoing dispute between management and Those Librarians Who Must Not Be Paid has led to the library being unstaffed much of the time, and as a consequence several surreptitious naming incidents are thought to have occurred.
2. If you have ever been in a building whose very angles sent a shiver through your innocent soul and whose geometry was not readily comprehensible to the sane, you will have realised that non-traditional construction techniques must have been used. In fact, there is a thriving eldritch construction business which caters to such locations. Aspriring owners of disturbing buildings must first submit a remit to a suitable non-Euclidian architect, before contracting one of several specialised building entities. If it is necessary to use weirdly glowing stone from another dimension, you may also need to make use of an inter-dimensional transshipment agent as well.
3. Similarly, much-haunted locations can rarely generate all their own ectoplasm. Instead, a piping system is usually installed. Ectoplasm harvested from net-generating places (for example, graveyards, sunken ships, sinister temples and the like) is stored in a regional reservoir, usually beneath interstitial places such as traffic intersections or service stations. From there, pumps transport it as required to where it is needed (for example, old houses up on the moors). Once used, ectoplasm needs to be fully filtered before it can be recycled. This is handled by a second system of pipes, broadly the equivalent of a mystical sewage system. Used ectoplasm should never be dumped as it can have unintended consequences on local weather systems.
4. How are locality-based dark secrets maintained in the face of an increasingly global world? The answer, as it turns out, is to compartmentalise your dark secrets: in many cases quite literally, using devices similar to a pill organiser. For example, consider the case of a town that carries out a mysterious sacrifice at Midsummer, half of whose inhabitants commute daily to another town that is overrun by batrachian gallivants on the night of the new moon. By separating out your secrets into an attractive moulded plastic container, you can make sure that you are only subject to one at once and no overlaps occur.
5. Then there is that other system, with its cables and its buzzing and its complex topologies; but I cannot divulge further information on it, for the horror of its revelation has been known to burn pixels out of screens, necessitating the settlement of a large lawsuit on repair costs.
6. Reaching one's vast tentacles forth from the depths of the ocean can be rough on the skin. The combination of dry air, low atmospheric pressure and ineffective missiles from national defence systems can cause painful cracks and blisters; in a recent survey, three quarters of inhabitants of the deep had cancelled or postponed their awful trips to the surface because of skincare concerns. Fortunately, an innovative system to distribute kelp-enriched barrier creams upon the hulls of cultist cruise liners has recently been implemented. As a result, we should expect more pain-free cultural exchange with the deep in future.
7. The terror of the void would be trivial were it not for the teaching and licensing efforts of the abyss training school. Abysses in training spend their days in a calm, monastic environment where they may stare into each other for up to twelve hours a day, perfecting the uncompromising dread of their gaze and learning not to yawn. If you encounter a yawning void, you have probably stumbled on a junior or unqualified abyss and you may be entitled to a refund.
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