#literally majority of the frames
twirlymarimo · 2 months
i already watched 4 one piece movies and i noticed zosan is always right next to each other 🤔
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
Marcille didn’t use illegal magic to resurrect Falin bc she just loves Falin that much, she was able to resurrect Falin bc she already knew illegal magic bc she doesn’t respect elf cops.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Honestly, it is so funny remembering that Annabeth Chase's literal, stated, canonical fatal flaw is hubris.
Rick Riordan was like, "This clever, neurodivergent preteen girl believes that she is smarter than the gods, and she will get the chance to prove herself right," and he was correct. 😌
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
theo and liam always getting paired together in 6b during episodes where all of the other storylines focus on couples going through stuff together is so funny because when you look at it, the only episode where they really get split up is genotype, which is one of the rare episodes where scott ISN’T paired with malia (because he’s with liam) and mason isn’t with corey (because he’s with theo) aka the canon love interests. like these episodes were cutting from shit like scalia almost dying together to thiam having intimate conversations about how liam processes emotions and morey saying i love you to thiam swearing that neither of them are dying for each other 😭 just very amusing to me. theo raeken: the accidental love interest.
#like 😭#6b eps post theo getting kidnapped go pressure test -> triggers -> werewolves of london -> genotype -> 6.19 which i barely remember ->#then wolves of war aka the finale#pressure test: mason & corey are at deatons. theo shows up at the police station w everyone & shoves liam in the bathroom to berate him for#not being worried ab his own safety enough ??? 😭 & hes pretty much attached to liams hip in the group shots#also while theo & scott are outside doing their lil body bag trick malia and liam are pressed right against the window watching both of them#& during triggers we dont see corey but mason leaves theo & liam alone . & its a major bonding ep for them….#while scalia are also having their major bonding moment when they both almost Die#then during werewolves of london theo just shows up at the school and they end up calling scalia for help 😭#and again genotype breaks all the couples off from each other so its mason n theo / scott n liam / malia with her dad#and during wolves of war i literally laughed out loud because it bounces around from jethan to morey to thiam all having heart to hearts#not saying it was intentional but it was very funny framing TO ME#that ao3 tag thats like ‘they are dating in secret but only one is aware’ LIEKDJENEBR#they basically made theo liam’s love interest on accident just bcuz everyone else was already paired off w someone 😭#thiam#saw someone the other day say they just dont get how people Came Up with thiam and its like#ok if you dont ship it whatever but if you say you cant see why youre just lying 😭 look at the material
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savrenim · 3 months
watched the first 30 minutes of the new live action ATLA bc I was Curious and they have already committed three different mortal sins that I can't Not Rant about, spoilers for the first 30 minutes below the cut
1. They rearranged the order of storytelling to open with the Fire Nation attacking the Air Nomads.
And I'm not.... totally sure why? Like, my guess is either "we need to make an immediate dramatic hook for the people who have never seen ATLA before!" or "we need to explain the background for the people who have never seen ATLA before!" But the truth is, people never saw ATLA before it came out, and they were perfectly fine catching on to learning about what happened to the Air Nomads and the geopolitical state of the world in media res!! That is not an excuse!
By opening with The Attack On The Air Nomads, not only do they rob the audience of getting to do my favorite thing throughout, which is the ability to piece together backstory via being told details as the story goes on, but it also..... vastly undermines the impact that That Attack Happening is going to have later in the story. Instead of piecing together tragedy from 100-year-old ruins and getting the moment of "oh god" and imagining it, we're shown it directly upfront onscreen, which not only to me comes across as unnecessary and gratuitous violence, but it means that every time in the story that The Air Nomads Are All Dead is going to come up, instead of it being this weighty thing that we can only imagine that each small detail adds even more to that weight, the payoff was all upfront. We've seen it, there's nothing to imagine, any detail they give us is not adding to our understanding of the tragedy and increasing the tragedy to us at all, it's just a reference to the opening scene.
2. STATUS!!!!!
So 'Status' is a concept that I rant about a lot and am highly sensitive to in writing, probably bc in the gay theater camp day camps the first thing you need to teach your 8-year-olds in improv workshop is How To Respect Status if you want to have at all a reasonable adventure game; otherwise you have kids interrupting the king's big dramatic speech and hence Undermining The King's Authority and the adventure game falls apart but also so you don't get trapped in scenes where you've got two characters yelling back and forth "well I'm [this thing] so you should respect me!!" and the complete lack of respect between them totally undermines what both of them are saying and the fiction falls apart. I kind of joke but not really that I stopped watching Supernatural in like. season 8?? 9?? because there was some episode with Greek Gods and you got to the finale of the episode and Zeus was going "dO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? I'M ZEUS. I'M A GOD. PUNY MORTAL" and Sam and Dean went "dO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE??? WE'RE THE WINCHESTERS. WE TOOK DOWN SATAN AND ALSO SATAN'S MORE EVIL OLDER COUSIN. PUNY MONSTER OF THE WEEK" and I went "by day three of camp my nightmare 8-year-olds can do Status better than this. Why am I even watching this?"
In the first scene, the live-action ATLA severely undermines the status of the Fire Nation and Fire Lord and then continuous to do so throughout the entire opening.
The initial scene is some random Earth Kingdom spy running away with Fire Nation plans to attack the Earth Kingdom and getting captured and dragged before Fire Lord Sozin (to be?? monologued at by Fire Lord Sozin of 'HAH you fell into my TRAP, those plans were FAKE, we're attacking the AIR NOMADS' which is just. dumb. kill the spy, don't monologue at him and kill him, but also why the fuck are you letting an Earthbender spy into your presence in the first place???????) which besides the aforementioned letting?? an earthbender spy??? into his presence in the first place????? He:
is not wearing particularly fancier clothes than the other people around him; like, they're okay, but the 'total desaturation of all colors including/especially in the clothing' aesthetic that Netflix has going makes it not look very royal. that shit should have been BRIGHT red or 10x fancier to make up for the fact that it wasn't Bright Red
and then beyond the absolute idiocy and letting a nobody no-name spy into his presence like that and dramatically revealing battle plans fucking idiot deserves to be assassinated for letting a spy earthbender get within three feet of him that's just extremely bad royal security, Sozin personally Murders this Random Spy. with his own firebending hands.
One of the whole things that makes ~the Fire Lord~ so terrifying is the sheer amount of weight around The Institution Of The Fire Lord, the courts and the backstabbing nobles of the fire nation, both the extreme imperial politics and complications there but also the almost deification of the office itself. The Fire Lord is untouchable, I forget if it's fanon or canon that they've got a 'descended directly from Agni / divine right' thing going but if it's fanon at least canon has those vibes, and one of the biggest aspects of the finale of the whole show is the combination of Azula's meltdown making it so that even though she was 'Fire Lady' she.... wasn't particularly scarier because in panicking and banishing everyone she'd totally undermined her own power structure, but also realizing that Ozai was Actually Just Some Dude Who Sure Was Pretty Good At Firebending And A Really Shit Person And Terrifying For What He'd Done With His Power but he wasn't a god, he wasn't impossible to defeat, when push came to shove he was just a firebender and as such his power could be stripped.
Fire Lord Sozin standing on the same level as his advisors and a random earthbender spy, and then doing things with his own hands, instead of, you know, sitting on that throne behind that wall of fire while this scene was happening if this scene really needed to happen in the first place, totally undermines that sort of deification level of status that the Fire Lord is supposed to have. Sozin becomes an Evil Scary Murderer Villain, sure, but what proceeds to be established about his character is. Nothing to set him apart from "a particularly skilled Firebender." Hell not even that, as nothing ever demonstrates that he's substantially more skilled than the firebending soldiers around him!!!!!!!
And it undermines the severity of the threat of the whole Fire Nation to undermine the status of the Fire Lord and hence the Thing That Makes The Next Fire Lord So Scary. hnnnnnnnnnng.
3. Every single character keeps giving extremely stilted monologues about how they're feeling?
It just feels like Bad Writing. And it also kind of feels like incorrect characterizatons? Big "he would NOT say that" mood but also just, like. Aang giving a three minute monologue purely to Appa about how he never asked for the responsibility of being the Avatar, he just wants to be like other kids, that just feels. So Cookie Cutter. So "gotta check off our refusing the call so our protagonist is Relatable!" and also just he would not say that.
This doesn't quite bother me as much as the other ones because it doesn't feel like a fundamental undermining of the narrative and/or the setting but it is Highly Annoying.
anyways defs not worth the watch. 30 minutes of my life Wasted. some of the costumes are kind of nice tho so might go back for the costume refs.
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freakystinky · 5 months
the way tumblr talks about medicine makes me wonder how many of us here actually have critical thinking skills
#stop trying to explain shit you know nothing about so you can frame it negatively for clout!!!! literally knock it off!!!#there are so many valid opinions but i don’t understand this and therefore it’s bad “ is NOT one of them actually#fuck it’s far from perfect but seeing people talk about people I work with every day as if they’re monsters is honestly so tiring#it’s just all over my dash#if you read something and it confuses you and that makes you angry#the solution is NOT to make a tumblr post flaming it with all of your misinformation and undereducated opinions#“it is batshit to base dx criteria on statistics “ NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT ARE YOU STUPID???????#THIS IS STEM LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS MATH WHAT THE HELL DO YOU M E A N ?????#literally like!!! 90% of dx criteria involves statistical probability!!!! doctors prescribe statins because you are statistically likely#to develop heart disease or endure a major cardiac event#like they calculate your disease risk based on averages and so so so much data and math and shit THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!#so why are you complaining about it as if you do!!!!!!!!#sorry. I know it’s in good faith for the most part but. it feels like straight entitlement to constantly complain and dog on doctors#I’m a victim of medical malpractice!!! i still show respect and understand that they’re individuals. people. human beings.#who are largely trying to help others#regardless of my personal experience with others in their field#sorry this is just a vent now#i love research I love science I love medicine please stop hating on every aspect of it and my community ty#delete later#not fandom#stinky speaks
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hardrockshrimp · 10 months
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Happy birthday Bruce!!!!
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angelsdean · 1 year
i miss being a lit major for the digging into texts and latching onto tiny threads and spinning whole theses from them and decoding the symbols and subtext from works but school was actually horrible for me bc deadlines and having to read things fast and adhd do not mix however. i now get to use all those skills to analyze a silly CW show like we're in grad school :)
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lovemails · 2 months
tbh i would say that “muslim women don’t have to fast or pray on their periods” isn’t just misleading but straight up misinformation
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jtownraindancer · 5 months
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Ace's TURИ for Burn Rewatch: False Flag
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chainreh · 8 months
tomori's birthday is 22nd November for context.
put in the tags what you think the event will be if you want
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bonefall · 2 years
I think I finally have words to describe why TNP is such a disappointing arc to me. Tigerstar’s politics don’t actually have a lasting impact on the culture of the clans.
There are individual cats who have reckonings with allowing him to take and exert power (in special editions, years after TNP ended), but ShadowClan as a culture that gleefully supported TWO dictators is not the focus. There are no lingering supporters who saw the ‘value’ in Tigerclan.
Riverclan has no division between cats who built the bonehill, cheered a deputy’s execution, and almost watched Crookedstar’s grandkids die; they just welcome Misty, Storm, and Feather back in.
Tigerstar was a fascist, and fascism is a disease of a society, but everything we saw in TPB is more like an isolated nightmare of individual bad guys in the eyes of TNP onward. He didn’t INVENT hating half-clan cats, xenophobia, and the cult of strength, they were issues present through the whole arc. Issues he had even exploited in Thunderclan, to the clan’s shock and horror, before his failed coup.
We haven’t gotten to ACTUALLY changing and questioning clan culture and the warrior code until this current arc.
And that really sucks because, re-reading TPB, you get to see how much of it WAS about politics, divided clans, and alliances both between whole clans as well as the ones Fireheart personally made. TNP abandons this, in favor of an arc almost entirely constructed to frame Brambleclaw’s ‘growth‘.
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da3drat · 6 months
I think it would be really fun to do an AU where Meri was a Hand but I don't think it would actually change much. Sad.
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roboromantic · 4 months
how do these kids in the gaming program not know Tetra Wind Waker. smh
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bylertruther · 2 years
i’ve posted abt this before but too bad ! it will literally Never stop being weird tht like 99% of the people that make gifs about mike go out of their way to crop out will or exclude any of the scenes tht include him in their gif sets. like girl how the hell are you gonna claim u love mike but not even tolerate will? 🤨 it just doesn’t make any SENSE like that’s literally his home that’s his bestest of best friends that’s his other half that’s the person that makes him feel the most loved, seen, and understood that’s the only person he feels comfortable opening up to that’s the person that makes him the best version of himself that’s his first friend ever that’s his teammate that’s the person he shares half a brain cell with that’s his favorite artist that’s the person whose gifts he keeps in a special binder that’s the person whose gifts he would never throw away that’s . that’s will byers his best friend will byers literally how do u like mike and not will . how!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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loveletterworm · 2 years
for some reason doing a series of actions involving a typo that results in gamemaker having to interpret the function call (not one that’s ever written directly in the code but one that hypothetically exists in the game’s logic because of variables) of “PlayerStateFree()()” (with 2 sets of parentheses in a row, that’s what gets it) results in the runner hanging so bad trying to do the same thing over and over every frame that it cannot even manage to throw an error handler and can only be closed through task manager
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