#literally Edgeworth vibes to a T
tacobellabeanburrito · 5 months
Question for a Good Omens Au for Ace Attorney, who do you think would be the angel and who do you think would be the demon?
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months
What's your opinion of Blackquill/Kay? I recently discovered esdithequeen's artwork and stories about the couple, and I love the dynamic the two have. (Samurai and Ninja, surly and optimistic)
on one hand, i respect esdi's dedication, much like me she's carrying the ship by herself and afaik she really is alone on this one, tiping my hat from underrated ship artist to another
on the other hand, how can you make a ship that sounds so cool and sharp and dynamic and wild and epic into something so dull so overdone so muted so tumblr(derogatory) and flatlined
believe it or not, Simon is optimistic, funny even. For obvious reasons he has a very serious/blunt and depressing demeanor but this man is not serious AT ALLLL!!! this is the guy that requested to prosecute the orca case if i recall correctly THIS MAN IS FRIENDS WITH LITERAL CLOWNS AND COMEDIANS ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? AND YOUR BEST SHOT AT COMEDY IS mommy step on me WHATTT
and yeah, Kay doesnt have a lot of characterization so its free real state when it comes to 7yg BUT PLEASEEEE UNDERSTAND THAT SHE IS FUNNY!! SHE IS VERY FUNNY like imagine
Kay: imma do a crime :3 Simon: no Kay, crime is bad Kay: but... what if its funny? Simon: alright im listening
like- unlike Edgeworth, Simon is very easy to convince him to do shenanigans and tomfloolery and YOURE NOT EXPLOITING THAT?? WHY????
imma tell you why, cause her works reek of the fucking ooze, the NRMT shipper* ooze, which in my opinion is bitter, snarky and you dont end up understanding why the characters got togheter in the first place if they're going to be so unpleasent to each other. and it can get very angsty. and i dont like angst. like at all....... and that shit is very abundant on those places yknow?
*the NRMY shipper ooze also exists i just dont know how unpleasent it could taste to those who dont enjoy it cause yeah i do enjoy it xd (sometimes Kay is like written as Franziska but with Kay traits and less violent, is the vibe that i got from one of the fics lel)
i will say that the wings au fic is looking pretty interesting and i wanna see what happens next. And i hope that includes a faryan arc lolol, yess kay x daryan thatd be so fucking funny like ya feel me??
All in all, i dont think im her target audience and thats ok, not a big fan of girlboss/malewife dynamic either, pls enjoy that very away from me thx
tl;dr: i like it in theory, not very much in esdi's practice in particular. i wish to see faraquill interpreted by other creators but i cant be that change i want to see in this world. i dont know if shes carrying other ships by herself but i certainly am and even then i got v a r i e t y
ok ill stop the bragging heh-
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marshmallowloves · 7 months
don't have the time or energy to chug out halloween drawings so instead I thought of some Halloween stuff for my faves gkshg
Nico: dresses as a generic anime catboy and kinda just hangs out in the living room the whole night
James: dresses as Phantom of the Opera (he uses a golden rose as a prop instead of a red one). He's also the one who opens the door for the trick or treaters
Ghirahim: original idea was a circus ringmaster (someone absolutely insults him about it and says that it fits a clown like him. probably Yuga). However at one point he decided to hide in the bushes in his true form, sitting still like a statue. Proceeded to scare the shit out of kids that walked by, making them drop their candy and bolt, and gave the haul to me afterwards
Midna: You'd think she'd dress sexy but she decided to use her magic to conjure up a perfect cosplay of Thanatos (Hades), giant scythe and all. Hypnos was extremely confused for a little bit
Maxie: suggested both Dexter (Dexter's Lab) and Saiki K to him. He didn't care for either of those ideas and chose to just sit and relax with a cup of hot cocoa. Throughout the evening I keep sneaking tinsel spiders onto him and see how long it takes until he notices
Sousuke: okay slight S/I lore - I planned to draw him as Len Kagamine once when I was like 16 because Len was also around my age (and I had a crush on him) but now that I'm older that would be weird. So Sousuke's going as Kaito now, except he's not as tall as Kaito and the scarf keeps dragging on the floor gkshfj
Pit: INSISTED on the inflatable t-rex costume. runs up and down the streets just having the time of his life. falls over and gets stuck at one point, Palutena laughs from her place in Skyworld for five minutes before finally helping him up with a beam of light. Everyone sees it happen but nobody believes it was real
Yoshimitsu: old-school/classic Mortal Kombat ninja. Regularly performs Friendships.
Fenris: sexy RPG priest/wizard (did not want to, had to be convinced, still hated it)
Sans: t-shirt that says "HALLOWEEN COSTUME" and he hangs out on the porch. People think he's a decorative skeleton but then he says "'sup" and accidentally startles them. Also uses his magic to gently move people out of Ghirahim's jumpscare radius, just to fuck with Ghirahim.
Markus: Put in some fangs and called it a day. He's on standby for when (not if) someone gets hurt (because he knows this house and some dumb shit will probably happen)
Sir Dan: wanted to be Death, so he got the cloak and the scythe. Literally had a "well one of us is gonna have to change" moment with Midna and lost. Ended up staying in his regular armor and absolutely selling it as a classic gallant knight. He may or may not have been the one to "slay the dragon" two blocks down (knocked Pit over in his t-rex suit)
Zen: werewolf (to unleash the beast/big bad wolf thing?)
Abe: does not understand the holiday but had a great time vibing with everyone...till kids started hounding him about his alien costume and he just kinda stayed inside after that fksjf
Link: Lynel (and he insisted on carrying around the Savage Crusher despite it being twice his size)
Kenshi: he heard the obvious suggestions for Daredevil and Keanu Reeves, but ultimately decided to slap on a wizard's hat and hang back doing special effects with Raiden (i.e. making the decor float and almost nailing Ghirahim in the head with one)
Linebeck: Insists on going as himself, because there's no way people wouldn't recognize him - if not for his excellent treasure-hunting escapades, then surely for his bravery during his travels with his Link! Except kids keep asking if he's Jack Sparrow or saying "yar har fiddle dee dee" and he immediately begins helping Ghirahim steal candy from people
Edgeworth: Didn't dress up, but instead is dreading the legal paperwork he'll have to deal with because between Raiden's lightning and Ghirahim's jumpscares, SOMEONE is going to have a heart attack and fucking die
Yuga: insisted he did not need a costume because he was already perfectly showstopping as is. got remarks from kids like "what are you supposed to be, lady?" and "oooh creepy clown guy." had to physically restrain him from turning them into sidewalk chalk
Raiden: Did not want to dress in a full costume, but let me put a wizard hat on him. He was content with providing special effects for extra spooky atmosphere (i.e. lightning that nearly took out Ghirahim). I got to wear his hat 👍🏻
Aizawa: Michelin man (it's his sleeping bag with arms and legs)
Elliott: Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid - he's never really gotten to dress up for Halloween and this is honestly perfectly fitting for him
Chrom: Risen, but like a King Risen. Costume looked terrifying but he couldn't put on a convincing scary act, so he ended up being "that nice zombie king who lives at the lightning house"
Takumi: suggested a sexy pineapple costume. was informed that I would lose fingers if I tried to put him in it. Got him to settle for Robin Hood but he wasn't thrilled about it gkshf
Master Kohga: Garo Master from Majora's Mask. Loved the aesthetic but the cloak kept getting caught on everything. Almost bodyslammed a kid once
Kabbu: the Green Bug Ranger, and you better not ask him who that is because you WILL be stuck there for 15 minutes while he nerds out and explains
Cortex: Generic devil costume with the cape/horns/tail, setting various booby traps just to fuck with the trick or treaters
N. Gin: hastily removing the booby traps that Cortex set behind his back so that we don't get sued
Orbulon: slapped on a witch's hat and called himself the "Nefarious Necromancer of the North." It was his costume last year but he just thought it was so dang great he had to do it again.
Robin: literally just did the sheet-with-eyeholes ghost. He's having a great time gkshfjg
Garry: also a vampire, but specifically how Kouri drew him once for Halloween.
Hypnos: Really vibed with the lazy cat thing Nico had going on, so he was also a cat boy. But he was less lazy and more like "y'know. like, ~nya~"
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
The Miles Dadworth Fic Rec List
List last updated: May 14 2021
Hopefully comprehensive list of fics of Miles Edgeworth Being A Father. This can be heavily implied or him outright adopting a kid. Not filtered through for quality, I just picked all the ones I could find easily.
Here’s how it works: I went through the 29 fics in the platonic Miles&Kay tag on ao3 that weren’t also tagged with the ship (gross), and skimmed through the fics that listed them both in the character tags. I also went through the platonic Sebastian&Miles tag. (Pretty much all the Sebastian fics are under the aai2 spoilers category regardless of how much spoilers are actually in there, just to be on the safe side!) I picked out ones that were either Miles Is A Dad or at least had heavy Dad vibes, and in which that relationship played a major if not were the sole focus of the story.
I didn’t go through Trucy’s tag yet because it’s the largest and also overlaps heavily with narumitsu - and while I love the ship, I wanted to focus on platonic relationships here, and didn’t really want to break down if each fic is more Miles&Trucy focused or narumitsu focused. Maybe later! I also didn’t go through the fics with original child characters for Miles -- though if you have any, lmk and I’ll add in a category for them, it counts as Dadworth too.
In the interest of being transparent as possible, these options are probably going to be biased. I read over or at least skimmed all of the fics submitted here before I put together this list, and therefore, I probably missed some that are tagged under ships that I personally dislike. As long as the ship isn’t something egregious, feel free to recommend it preferably with the Dadworth parts you like pointed out to me, and I’ll add it!
Now that those disclaimers are done… each of the fics below is sorted into one of three categories based on spoilers. There’s the link, followed by the title, author, rating, word count, and completion status (most are complete) along with any notes I thought might be helpful, such as which Dadworth relationship it focuses on but also any content warnings. Check them out and send the authors your love!
If you have any recommendations for the list, whether that’s because it’s on a non-ao3 site, under a ship I avoided, under a Dadworth relationship I didn’t search for, or I just plain missed something… send me a message either here or on twitter @rivalsforlife with a link to the fic! 
Similarly, if one of your fics on this list and you don’t want it to be, let me know and I’ll remove you from it, no hard feelings!
Full list under the “keep reading”.
Relatively Spoiler-Free Recs
… like it’s not going to be totally spoiler-free, but no major spoilers for anything released post-AJ unless stated otherwise.
Surprise Visit, by tellezara. T, 1385 words, complete. Not explicitly Dadworth, but Kay breaks into Miles’s house and meets Phoenix. Background narumitsu.
Means to an End by xtwilightzx. T, 24653 words, complete. Miles + Kay and a little bit of Miles + Trucy, again there’s narumitsu haha oops there’s gonna be a lot of those. It’s a spy+secret agent AU, I kind of just went through the Kay parts when adding it so I didn’t read over a lot of it and it’s been a while since I read it the first time. Not a fluffy piece, so tread carefully!
startling conclusions., by snowweiss. G, 3589 words, complete. Mainly Miles + Trucy and also Kay is there, and again, background narumitsu. 
The Little Things, by TelepathJeneral. G, 1838 words, complete. Miles+Kay, literally tagged “the ‘dad who isn’t a dad’” so. Yeah.
By the Skies, by potatomin. G, 1893 words, complete. Miles + Kay, not outright dad-stuff and can be read as friendship-only but here I am anyways claiming it
Turnabout Road Trip, by AutisticWriter. G, 1032 words, complete. Miles + Kay, not outright dad stuff but there’s a line implying it. Miles and Kay go to the Stonewall Inn, and there’s implied narumitsu.
Dear Kay, by chariset. T, 3790 words, complete. As the name would suggest it’s Miles + Kay. Contains spoilers for Dual Destinies, largely narumitsu focused, and a few lines that are nsfw-ish (for the narumitsu) but nothing graphic.
Jingleheimer Schmidt, by Meowzee. T, 2702 words, complete. It’s an AU where Miles has adopted (younger) Kay, Sebastian, and Ema, running into Phoenix who has adopted Trucy and (younger) Apollo and (human?) Charley. There’s a bit of implied narumitsu in there I think.
The Track Meet, by Auste. G, 2053 words, complete. Kay invites Miles and Gumshoe to her track meet. It’s not outright Dadworth, can be read as friendship only, but it’s implied in a few places.
An Unexpected Embrace, by PaleSkiessss. G, 2493 words, complete. Miles+Kay, there’s a spoiler for the victim of AAI case 4 in there but since I don’t think it’s an outright spoiler it’s here. Warning for kidnapping and hopsitals.
A Real Hero, by agoldengalaxy. G, 1609 words, complete. Miles+Kay, it takes place after aai2 but there aren’t any spoilers for it in here. 
The Single-Dads-In-Law-Enforcement Club, by milesedgeworthy (glassandroses). T, 1063 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. AU where Miles adopts Kay (who is aged down in this). Narumitsu seems to be a future focus, there’s also Gumshoe/Maggey and Mia/Diego. 
Long Known Facts, by Laquilasse. G, 3010 words, complete. Miles+Kay and Miles+Trucy, along with Miles+Gregory (various Dadworth flavours!). Miles turns 36 and reflects on the loss of his father; it’s a little heavy, naturally, but has a hopeful ending. Narumitsu is there as a pairing. Warning for past suicidal thinking.
Looking Past the Blindside, by AuthorForHire. G, 2808 words, complete. Miles+Kay, watching the beginning of Turnabout Succession (hence, AA4 spoilers).
From Borginia, with Love, by Inkblot0Blue. G, 678 words, complete (but reportedly part of an earlier abandoned(?) work). Miles+Kay and Miles+Sebastian, but no spoilers pop up regarding Sebastian.
Found, by BexDaBex. G, 318 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles finds Kay crying in the prosecutor’s office.
To the victor goes the spoils, by Verse. G, 499 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles spends a ridiculous amount of money on Kay. Warning that, while the fic itself is fine and absolutely dadworth, it is based on a prompt and the prompter mentions it as a ship in the prompt. (Again, the fic itself is fine, just brace yourself for that if needed.)
Making the Most, by digitaldreams. G, 2000 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Miles introduces Kay to Phoenix. narumitsu is in this one.
AAI Spoilers
For fics that contain spoilers for the first investigations game, but not the second.
Room 1202, by AquilaMage, G, 2950 words, complete. A bit of Miles + Kay stuff, but mostly Kay and Trucy sister-like bonding fluff!
Late Night, by agoldengalaxy. G, 1270 words, complete. Miles + Kay, post-AAI.
Turnabout Smokescreen, by chariset. T, 61036 words, complete. This is a multi-chapter casefic, it’s not super Dadworth focused but believe me it is in there, Miles + Kay. Some SOJ spoilers, not very fluffy, and I didn’t read over it before adding it to the list since it’s so long, so there may be some warnings or spoilers that I missed!
Promises, by an orphaned account :(. G, 1390 words, complete. Miles + Kay, Miles signs her promise notebook.
Two in the Bush, by Rosage. G, 4568 words, complete. Miles has adopted Kay in this, and some Kay+Trucy interactions plus Protective Dad Phoenix -- it’s not a fluffy fic, though, deals with moral ambiguity + Actual Yatagarasu Kay.
Spreading Her Wings, by Auste. G, 1542 words, complete. Less Dadworth and more Miles as a mentor to Kay, on her first day as a prosecutor, but I’m counting it in this anyways.
Father and daughter, by thewritingchip. G, 370 words, complete. Miles + Kay. Kay misses her father.
Coming out, by Verse. G, 977 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay comes out as trans to Miles. Content warning for an instance of unintentional deadnaming in the fic.
Never Lose You, by Leave_the_cravat. T, 13800 words, incomplete as of the time I’m writing this. Miles+Kay, Miles get shot and his friends/found family wait for him to recover. Evidently, content warning for gun violence and hospitals; more detailed warnings in the chapters.
Here, by lesbiantoddhoward.  G, 1194 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay works through some of her trauma post-AAI with the help of Miles. Not outright dadworth, but can be read as such.
AAI2 Spoilers
For fics that contain any amount of spoilers for the second investigations game.
Childswap, by theacegrace, aka me… sorry for the self-promotion haha but it fits. G, 11781 words, complete, has Miles’ relationships with Trucy + Kay + Sebastian (and also background, heavily implied narumitsu)
“family.”, by snowweiss. G, 2403 words, complete, features Miles’ relationships with Kay and Trucy and also narumitsu. No major plot spoilers but some implied ones through aai2 case 3 and 4.
These Children Are Not Objections, But I Will Raise Them!, by organicgold. G, 12368 words, complete. Has a whole bunch of platonic relationships you can see in the tags and also narumitsu. Some plot spoilers re: Sebastian
Edgeworth Gets Glasses, by Pinkstar14, G, 1516 words, complete. There aren’t any aai2 plot spoilers but Ray and Sebastian do show up in this. A bit of Miles and Sebastian, and Miles and Kay. Also Gregory’s Ever-Looming Presence, because technically he’s a dadworth too.
a great thief has to eat too, by polly_perks. G, 1357 words, complete. Some spoilers for cases 4 and 5 in here, focused on Miles and Kay. Miles gives Kay college advice.
Family Found, by MortisBane. G, 2422 words, complete. Spoilers are just General Sebastian things, but it’s outright dadworth with Kay and Sebastian.
Marked, by AquilaMage. T, 2112 words, complete. Kind of like one of those “soulmate AUs” except skin-to-skin contact with someone who truly loves you, whether that’s platonic, familial, or romantic, results in marks. Has some Miles + Sebastian dad stuff, but Miles also has Sebastian and Kay living with him. There’s also the Klavier/Sebastian ship. Warnings for implied child abuse.
That Warm Familiar Feeling, by ShyAura. G, 3091 words, complete. It’s an AU where Kay and Seb are aged down and Miles adopts them. Again warnings for implied child abuse in this re: Blaise.
Sleeping on Talent, by StrawhatsAndDeliberds. G, 10258 words, complete. Mostly Miles + Sebastian focused, but Miles adopts both him and Kay after the events of aai2 (or at least lets them live in his house.)
With a Chip in his Shoulder, by StrawhatsAndDeliberds. G, 80179 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. Much like the one above, Miles+Sebastian focused but Kay is there too. (I’m not sure if this is supposed to be part of a series or not, but it’s similar with Sebastian working through his issues!)
Surprises and Pride, by agoldengalaxy. G, 2848 words, complete. Miles+Kay but Sebastian is there too, I don’t think there are any aai2 spoilers but since it takes place post-aai2 and Sebastian is there, I put it here just to be safe!
Awfully Quiet, by rainingbluegold. G, 1079 words, complete. Miles+Kay and Miles+Sebastian, Miles cheers them up after the events of aai2.
Home Is Where The Heart Is, by JJsADragon. G, 5887 words, complete. Miles+Kay - Miles tries to figure out Kay’s secret about where she’s been staying throughout the course of the investigations games. 
Birds of a Feather, by theacegrace (oh look it’s me again). G, 8738 words, complete. Miles+Kay (with a little bit of Miles+Gregory). Five times Miles reminds Kay of her father, and one time Miles reminds himself of his own.
Warm Welcome, by debestefarewell. G, 551 words, complete. Miles+Sebastian - Sebastian gets a REAL dad.
Of Revelations and Wedding Bells, by Hotel_Japanifornia. G, 1330 words, complete. Miles+Kay, Kay is getting married (to an ambiguous/unknown partner) and Miles walks her down the aisle.
schön rosmarin, by KiwiKat_Writes. T, 13885 words at the time of writing this, incomplete. Miles+Sebastian and some Miles+Kay. Sebastian gets a dog! Warnings for some child abuse (Blaise being horrible), mentioned animal death at the beginning. (I haven’t had the time to read this one in detail yet, so let me know if I missed something.)
Smile Through the Memories, by VonKarmasWhip. T, 2490 words, complete. Miles+Kay, where Miles adopts Kay and deals with memories and doubts about being a father. There’s Gregbadd in the beginning of this and mentions of narumitsu and faraskye.
A Different Kind of Lullaby, by JJsADragon. T, 4101 words, complete. Miles+Sebastian, Sebastian calls Miles in the middle of the night wondering what happened to his mother. Content warning for Blaise being terrible, so implied/referenced child abuse and neglect.
Photosynthesize, by UtterPandamonium. T, 2140 words, incomplete at the time of writing this. Miles+Kay, with Miles and Phoenix and their accidental child acquisitions. No spoilers yet, but I’m putting it here just in case there is. narumitsu and franmaya are tagged as relationships in here.
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moiloru · 3 years
About the so-called "Third-Case Syndrome"
I've been in the Ace Attorney fandom for a few years now, and there is a story I've heard more times than I can count: the story of the "Third-Case Syndrome." After joining the Danganronpa fandom, I realized - not without surprise - that a similar "Third-Chapter Syndrome" had admittedly cursed the series. However, I do believe that, in both cases, it would be wise to exert caution: things are never as simple as they seem. Now, even if this seems evident to me, I'll say it just to be sure: this is only my opinion. You might disagree, but please do not be toxic about it.
Before we proceed, I'd also like to warn you all: spoilers ahead for the entire Danganronpa and Ace Attorney series (even the Investigations and DGS games). Now, let's begin.
Ace Attorney:
AA1 - Turnabout Samurai:
To start off, we have 1-3. I agree with most of the fandom that it is slightly too long and the investigation segments drag out. Going from Studio One to Studio Two, to the Detention Center, etc. is quickly boring. However, its cast is solid (especially Powers and Oldbag), Dee Vasquez's motive (self-defense) is original, the Steel Samurai's theme slaps, and Edgeworth gets the first bit of his character development! I believe it outweights the negative aspects of the case and make it enjoyable. I believe it is far better than 1-1 and 1-2 (with its obvious twists and rushed ending), although it doesn't compare with 1-4 and 1-5, of course. But it's definitely not the case that people point the finger out when arguing about the "curse."
JfA - Turnabout Big Top:
I'll definitely be playing Devil's advocate on that one, but I like 2-3. Of course, the whole "love triangle" thing was shit, but the rest of the case was fine! Regina sucks, that I can agree with, but Moe was funny (in my opinion), Max got some quality character development in the end, Ben & Trilo were a nice duo, and Acro... Acro is one of the best culprits in the series, hands down. His theme is amazing and he is one of the most tragic characters in the series. Knowing that he unknowingly killed the person who had helped him is just sad, and his motive for trying to kill Regina, while not excusable, is understable. Losing the two people he was closest to, and him explaining that he couldn't "up and leave" (literally, too) before Bat had woken up was just sad. Also, while 2-3 isn't amazing like 2-4 (my favorite case) is, it's miles ahead of 2-1 (which objectively sucks) and 2-2 (which lasts for hours with an annoying and predictable culprit). Besides, the plot twist at the end with Edgeworth appearing sets the tone for the upcoming final case. In my opinion, Turnabout Big Top gets some undeserved hate.
T&T - Recipe for Turnabout:
3-3 is really good, no questions asked. The mere fact that it's better than 3-2 (predictable culprit, forgettable victim...) is obvious to me. But it also features the return of Maggey, and the first (and only) appearance of amazingly comical characters like Furio Tigre and Victor Kudo (who both have amazing theme songs). The victim might be a little forgettable, but he at least gets some development, unlike Bullard in The Stolen Turnabout. Of course, Tigre is obvious as the killer, but he's meant to be this way, and the way you corner him is amazing. The reveal that Godot can't see red on white matters in 3-5, and the case is hilarious. Special mention of Viola Cadaverini, who's underrated by the fandom, in my opinion. 3-3 is probably the strongest third case in the Trilogy, and it is definitely not the worst case in T&T.
AJ - Turnabout Serenade:
Okay, this case sucks. I dislike it very much and I can't find anything that would redeem it. The victim is boring, Daryan is obvious, Valant isn't good enough, the mini-game is tedious, and the "Phoenix saves the day" thing is repetitive. However, 4-3's biggest flaw is the defendant, Machi Tobaye. Lamiroir is an enjoyable character, and the plot twist surrounding her eyesight isn't bad, but it doesn't make Machi good enough not to ruin the case. This case is the weak point of a great game, but fortunately, 4-4 more than makes up for it.
DD - Turnabout Academy:
Dual Destinies is my least favorite game in the main series, but it has some solid cases, 5-3 being one of them. The trio of Juniper, Robin, and Hugh is amazing (even if the twist around Robin was pretty obvious), the WAA trio works very well, and we even get a chance to see Klavier again (his objection clip sucks, though)! It is definitely a strong case, even if Means was a bit obvious, and while it doesn't hold up to the great ending of DD, I do believe that 5-3 is better than 5-1, 5-2, and maybe even 5-4.
SoJ - The Rite of Turnabout:
Maya's comeback makes this case good, albeit not great. It is better than 6-1 for sure (drags on too much for a tutorial case) and probably 6-4 and 6-6, but it pales compared to 6-2 and 6-5, of course. Nayhuta is the weak point of 6-3, but everything else about this case is pretty good! The "new" Maya is a right balance of her former self with some more maturity, Datz is funny, Beh'leeb Inmee was a really emotional character, and while I don't like Tahrust too much, the plot twist around his death was pretty cool. Also, this case also makes it clear why Phoenix did what he did in 6-5 when Inga blackmailed him: he can't lose Maya. It could have been better, but this case is solid, and definitely not part of a "curse" of any kind.
AAI - The Kidnapped Turnabout:
Unfortunately, AAI kinda sucks. The first three cases aren't that good, and while I1-3 is probably better than I1-1, I'll admit it's terrible. It's long, the Amanos sucks, Lauren Paups isn't that great, and if it wasn't for Kay, the case would probably be the worst in the series.
AAI2 - The Inherited Turnabout:
Is there anything bad to say about I2-3? I mean, you play as Gregory freaking Edgeworth, so what more do you want? Ah, yes, it also has DL-6 development, the exceptional Katherine Hall and Jeffrey Masters, plot twists, flashbacks done right (!), and while the villain isn't great, he is satisfying to catch, and he matters in I2-5. Honestly, this case would probably be enough to prove my whole argument.
DGS1 - The Adventure of the Runaway Room:
After a somewhat disappointing second case (in my opinion), DGS1-3 is really good! Megundal (I'll use the names from the fan translation, since I'm used to them and like them better) is quite the interesting character, and the Engarde-like plot twist surrounding him is amazing. His death in the final cutscene is also good and ties in nicely with the final case. Ryunosuke's first trial in England gives him cool development, and damn it, Barok van Zieks! His legslam, glass throw, and objection clip suffice to make him an amazing character, and there's more to him that just that. This case is better than DGS1-2, DGS1-1, and maybe even DGS1-4 if you don't consider its link to DGS2.
DGS2 - The Return of the Great Departed Soul:
While not as good as the two following cases in my opinion, this case is definitely above-average. Gina's comeback is just great, and her new mentor-protégé relationship with Gregson is nothing short of wholesome. Enoch Drebbler is one of the best culprits in the duology, and Courtney Sithe's character is very good, too. She gives a confident vibe that really serves the case. Benjamin Dobinbough (because his canon English name is one I refuse to acknowledge) is a great clueless defendant, and his relationship to Barok is quite nice! It definitely makes the case trickier! Rozaic has a really mysterious and enjoyable atmosphere surrounding her, and finding Herlock standing like statue at the wax museum was amusing. Of course, the best thing about this case is Asogi's return. It is handled well by the game that doesn't try to cover the obvious plot twist.. The final cutscene is just *smooch*. I also can't forget the Joint Reasoning with Herlock when looking for Enoch. Again, this case is definitely not part of a "curse" of any kind.
Overall thoughts:
I don't think the Third-Case Syndrome holds for Ace Attorney. Some third cases weren't good (4-3 and I1-3) but most are either good (1-3, 3-3, 5-3, DGS1-3) or excellent (I2-3 and DGS2-3). I know Turnabout Big Top traumatized most of the fandom, but I don't think it's that bad, and definitely not bad enough to start a curse revolving around third cases.
Trigger Happy Havoc:
Chapter Three of THH is... good enough. The pointless argument between Taka and Hifumi is annoying, to be sure, and Celeste did us a favor by getting rid of them. And her plan wasn't bad, either! It could have worked if Makoto and Kyoko had not been there. However, I do believe that this chapter is too boring before the first murder. The motive is also... meh. The plot twist oh Hifumi waking up and remembering Celeste's true name was enjoyable, though. 1-3 isn't amazing by any means, but I think it's better than 1-5 and 1-6, but it stands no chance against 1-2 and 1-4.
Goodbye Despair:
Well, this one sucks. I think it's the only DR chapter that literally has a plot hole. The "Despair Syndrome" motive is probably the worse in the series and this case pretty much ruined Mikan's character. Her execution is lame, Ibuki shouldn't have been a victim (seriously, why?), the culprit is obvious, and the timeframe to execute her plot doesn't work if you aren't Sonic the Hedgehog. Also... that attempt at fanservice was cringe, and it almost killed Hajime. The only thing that redeems this chapter a bit is the name "Titty Typhoon" but that's it. This one definitely alimented the "curse," and rightfully so. In-between two great cases, 2-3 doesn't make a good impression.
Killing Harmony:
3-3 is a chapter I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, the atmosphere was excellent and fitting of the killer, and Kokichi's prank had us all freak out at first. I don't like neither Angie nor Kiyo (sorry, Kiyo fans), but somehow, it didn't make the chapter worse for me. On the other hand, the Necronomicon motive sucks almost as much as the motive in 2-3. It could have worked in DR2 considering the Killing Game happened virtually, but in V3, the motive was just an outright lie from Monokuma, so it doesn't work. Also, Kiyo was a bit too obvious: the music, the theme, his sudden importance in the plot, the séance... it was just a bit too much not to make him suspicious. Finally, this chapter's major flaw, which I can sum up in one word: sister. That, was traumatizing. Without even going in details, everything that happened after Kiyo's "sister" appeared during the Class Trial ruined it. I'm also curious to know if the writers at Spike Chunsoft are mentally stable, considering Kiyo's relationship with his sister and the fact that they ship Monotaro and his sister Monophanie in the next case. It's not a bad chapter at all, but it has its flaws, unfortunately.
Overall thoughts:
While I wouldn't call it a "curse," it's true that third cases in Danganronpa aren't amazing, especially in DR2. You'll also notice that I didn't mention UDG simply because it's too different a game to be compared to THH, DR2, and V3. If we ever get another Killing Game, I hope that the third chapter will be better, because we've yet to have an awesome Chapter Three so far.
Final thoughts:
I don't believe there are curses revolving around third cases/chapters, neither in Ace Attorney, nor in Danganronpa. However, it's true that in the case of Danganronpa, on average, third cases are the weakest, while Chapters Four and Five are almost always great. Third cases in Ace Attorney definitely get an unfair treatement, though.
Thanks for reading, and I'm open to discussing all of this if you disagree!
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tricoloured-cat · 2 years
Ahh I’ve been listening to AAI’s soundtrack lately, and omg literally all the tracks fit Edgeworth’s vibe so so well. The classiness that the piano adds, the intense calmness and the passionate, steady, confident logic (especially in this one), I just love how different they are from normal AA games’ T^T.
Although I globally like AAI2’s tracks more (for example omg Edgeworth’s objection theme, I absolutely live for that sax solo) that one is an all-time favourite of mine
I decided to listen ALL of them one by one (because why not) and yes I agree they're really different from the usual. They're coolly epic and grand (I guess it's also because they aimed for an orchestral vibe, which suits Edgeworth perfectly HAHA sorry Phoenix you're not posh enough for that lol
Even the pursuit themes have the Edgeworth flair it's so fun! Dissing on people with class indeed ugh I forgot how much I enjoyed the Investigations games (especially 2. That's like, one of the best games in the entire franchise) localize it pls c'mon Capcom you did it with DGS you can do it here too 🥺
I think I'll also have to agree that generally speaking the AAI2 soundtrack is better, imo simply because of how varied the music is and how they really fit the characters much better (ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN THE ORCHESTRAL VERSIONS OF BOTH AAIs they're so glorious!! especially the Great Revival and Bonds <3) The Investigation OST you sent though is my fav investigation theme out of all the AA games ngl there's something about it that's just so interesting to listen to! Absolute banger (my fav non-char specific soundtrack among the AAIs is the Logic of the first game, idk why I just really like it lol or again I have been brainwashed by the orchestral version)
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