musashi · 10 months
theyre about to make the homophobic server invite only so get in quick if you want to laugh at the shitshow with me
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blogfuturepress · 1 year
5 razões para usar microlearning nos treinamentos da sua empresa
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Existem muitas mais, mas aqui você vai conhecer 5 razões para usar microlearning em seus treinamentos. Vejam pouca coisa mudou na forma como as empresas treinam empregados para atividades do dia a dia. Ou mesmo treinamento estratégicos.
Em muitos casos, o colaborador que está saindo da empresa treina o que está chegando. Isso é um risco tremendo, pois não sabemos o estado emocional do profissional que deixa a empresa. Sorrisos e gentilezas escondem tanta coisa. Você entende, não?
Treinamentos presenciais são maçantes e, olha, as pessoas ficam no celular o tempo todo, tá? Você sabe disso. Já os treinamentos online, pelo menos a maioria deles, são mais maçantes ainda e as pessoas botam o vídeo para rodar e continuam no celular. Sabe disso, não?
Por isso, a resposta é o microlearning on demand. Como funciona o microlearning? São treinamentos online curtos, oferecidos nos momentos em que os empregados precisam daquela informação. A pessoa não é obrigada a ver o treinamento até o momento em que precisa daquela informação. E isso muda tudo!
Uma das razões do sucesso do YouTube, Rumble, Vimeo, COS TV, que são usados para aprendizados pontuais, é justamente essa: as pessoas buscam informações que querem usar naquele momento. Não antes. Não depois.
O LinkEDU é o primeiro portal de treinamento online com microlearning. Produzimos seus treinamento nesse formato e o colocamos a disposição de seus colaboradores. E ainda acompanhamos as atividades desses colaboradores no portal, informando a empresa por meio de relatório mensal.
Assim você pode conferir se o empregado fez o treinamento e, mais importante, se está colocando o treinamento em prática em suas atividades diárias.
O LinkEDU não é uma plataforma que exige que você crie seu conteúdo, como Facebook, Twitter e YouTube. Pelo contrário! Somos profissionais de comunicação, educação, educação corporativa, treinamento e microlearning que fazem o trabalho todo para você e sua empresa. Você só tem que avaliar os resultados.
Quer saber mais? Visite o site do LinkEDU, veja alguns exemplos de microlearning e entre em contato. Não vai custar nada pedir mais informação ou mesmo um projeto de treinamento com microlearning on demand.Quer saber mais? Visite o site do LinkEDU, conheça alguns microteinamentos e peça mais informações sem nenhum compromisso.
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milesfagworth · 3 years
Sky 🤝Twi
pumpkin soup
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destinywillowleaf · 2 years
i can't even words. it's so emotions. i'm having such a good time right now, so SO glad i let myself get pulled into this fandom :D
...this is gonna be the thing that finally pushes me over the edge into getting the additional links in order, isn't it.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
"If requests are still open for LinkedU fanfics I'd love to read smth like this: The links adventuring and all and suddenly Twilight turning into a wolf without knowing why and transforms back being in terrible (like TERRIBLE pain) and its all because the twilight realm reopens and monsters are there for a fight. And if you could include Midna that would be AMAZING ... Thanks" @awesomeunicat
(also in answer to LU discord's prompt: Taken/Loss)
The group walks along the forest path in a companionable silence. They had changed worlds again and none of them knew where they were. The trees are large and full of green leaves and the sounds of the animals chatter around them. Not much help with distinguishing a location when every Hyrule had these traits.
Twilight yawns and looks around him, trying to spot some kind of landmark or anything that could clue in the group as to where they are. Yet there is nothing; only the endless expanse of forest.
The small path below them suddenly narrows and turns off in a seemingly random direction. They must be following an animal path, one trodden down by rabbits or deer over a long period of time. They'll never find civilization this way.
"We'll have to make camp soon," Times says, his voice cuts through the silence. Twilight looks up to the sky and sees that the sun is indeed beginning to sink through the leaves of the trees, casting dark shadows over the forest ground.
If they knew what Hyrule they were in, they would be able to probably travel further, yet because they don't know, there is no telling what kind of creatures are lurking behind the corner, waiting for the cover of dark to pounce.
The group answers Time with various grunts of acknowledgement and continue onwards until they stumble upon a clearing in the trees that's wide enough to set up their bed rolls and a fire.
Wild sits in front of the campfire, cutting up rabbit meat, as Time sits down with Legend, Hyrule, and Sky to look at each other's maps, pointing out different areas, theorizing where they could be. Twilight sighs and is about to join then before the world pulses.
Twilight stumbles and something horrible tears at his very bones, bringing out a strangled gasp of pain through his throat.
"Twilight?!" Wind calls, but it's echoing and far away.
Twilights whole body radiates with a stinging agony, one that he hasn't felt in a very long time. Fear claws its way through his chest and latches onto his heart as another pulse of sheer pain streams throughout his entire being. He feels himself falling but he can also feel his bones and muscles shifting unnaturally. Through his blurry gaze, he catches a very familiar design on the back of his hand glowing golden.
Strong hands wrap around his shoulders, attempting to steady him or something alike. The dark blue of Warrior's scarf envelopes his vision and then blurs with the darkness creeping in at the corners of his eyes. He feels his fingers snap and his jaw shatter, shaping and morphing into something else. Something not human.
It's not supposed to be painful, he thinks, and Twilight wants to scream that as Warrior lowers him gently to the ground. He hears worried voices as he loses feeling in his thumbs, shocked gasps as tufts of dark grey fur sprouts from his skin, but he's in too much pain, too busy writhing as his body is shifting against his will, to try and search through the pain clouding his mind to understand what they're saying or trying to do.
Another pulse of fire vibrates his very bones and he howls.
Everything goes so silent as his body shakes from it's attack of pain. It's taking all his strength to keep his eyes half lidded as hands gently grab through his fur, attempting to shake his canine shoulders and check if he's okay. He smells Wild. He smells fear.
His ear flicks at the voice trying to speak to him. It's different than the other panicked voices above him, this one seems to be directly speaking to him from inside his very skull.
His eyes close, a wine leaving his throat as well as any feeling or any sense of reality. Black fog coveres his vision and ice seems to replace his blood as his whole body goes numb with the coming unconsciousness.
Link… answer… it's… me….
His lungs let out a puff of air as sleep takes him with a wash of calm. He must be hallucinating, yet it was still nice to hear her voice.
Black takes him as he thinks of her name.
He blinks and looks up to the blackness above him. For a second, he thinks his eyes are still closed until he brings his hands up to his face. He rubs his eyes and groans as he forces himself up so he's sitting.
"How many times do I have to call your name, idiot?"
He startles and jumps to his feet. All around him is black, the space surrounding and the ground beneath almost seems like it just doesn't exist. However, he can see himself just fine as he grabs the sword on his back and brings it out, searching for whatever had called out to him.
Something shifts in the darkness and it approaches him slowly yet elegantly. It's dark like the space around him, and tall like a giant. "Where am I?" He demands, stepping backwards as the figure continues to approach.
Something catches his eyes, something orange like a sunset and red like pure determination. His breaths leaves his lungs. "W-who are you?"
"You're such an idiot," Midna says, smiling as she finally comes into view.
Link drops his sword and stumbles back like he had been stabbed. It certainly feels like it. The sight of her, standing tall, in front of him hurts like someone dug a dagger straight through his heart.
"A dream," he whispers.
She steps closer and he wants to back away, but he can't, his feet are stuck in place. He can't do anything but stare with wide eyes at her as she shakes her head and reaches up to caress his jaw. The touch vibrates through his entire body, tingling down his spine and numbing his toes.
"You're not here," he says, because she can't be. She shattered the mirror and left. There is no way for her to be standing in front of him.
She smirks at him and lowers her hand. "I'm here, but… not for long."
Before Link can say anything her face falls and she steps back. "The Twilight," she says, "something has happened. A monster, it came and… and used evil magic to break the barriers again."
"A monster?" Link finds himself asking even though it has to be a dream.
She looks at him in the eyes. "It was you… or it looked like you."
His blood goes cold and a chill shivers up his spine.
"But... It was black with glowing eyes full of malice. It attacked my tribe, my people, it turned them into dark creatures. With a simple spell, it tore open the barrier."
Memories come flying back at him of his forced transformation and he almost loses his balance completely as he realizes what has happened. Midna continues on, studying him with her ever sharp eyes.
"The Twilight is reopened," she says, confirming his biggest dream and his worst fears.
The darkness around him begins to brighten to gray and Midna fades with it. Panic flares inside his chest because this is too early, she can't go yet, what is he supposed to do?!
"You're so stupid," she says, smirking at what must be his scared face, "I'll find you. Until then, you have people you need to protect, Hero of Twilight."
The world flashes white.
His eyes open to the sound of battle. There's the running of feet and the gluttal growls of dark monsters he hasn't encountered for such a long time. There is yelling and clashing of swords but there is also… panic.
He pushes himself up to his paws and shakes his head, fighting off waves dizziness. It's night, made so much more impossibly darker by the other world leaking into his own. He's alone, he notices with a start. He turns his head around, breathing deeply and searching with sharp animal eyes for any signs of his friends. His ears twitching and his nose is flaring with his deep breaths of air.
There's noises all around him, he can't tell which direction to go, but thankfully a scent stands out to him.
It's dirty, yet full of life. It smells like like fresh air and stormy weather mixed in with the smell of grass and wildflowers.
He sprints off in the direction.
Leaves and bushes whack at his flank as he runs, but his thick fur and skin keep him protected as he pushes himself harder. He can hear heavy breathing, panicked breaths coming out in short bursts. The smell of blood mixes with Wild's scent.
He bursts through the trees and snarls at the black creature that's crawling forward. Wild in in front of it, holding a sword in front of him with one hand while the other lays limp at his side, dripping blood from his fingertips. He's breathing hard and his eyes are wide as he snaps his neck towards Twilight. Red is running down the side of his face.
The monster screeches and Wild flinches, Twilight growls and runs towards the creature with an animalistic fury before it could attack. He jumps on its body and buries his teeth deep in it's throat. He can feel it's high pitched scream run past his teeth but he digs further until it still and falls down to the ground: dead.
Growling, he unlocks his jaw and backs up and spits black ooze from his mouth. He memorizes the scent, the scent he had long past forgotten, and then turns back towards Wild who is tying a strip of cloth from his garments around a gruesome gash in his arm.
Twilight steps up towards him and he tries to return to his human form, but just like so long ago he's stuck in the wolf form until he leaves the Twilight. Instead, he nudges his head against Wild's leg. Wild looks down at him.
"Can't fight them," he says, breathing hard. His hand goes down and combs through Twilight's muzzle, seeking comfort. "Goes right through."
Twilight understands instantly. Beings of the Light cannot interact with the Twili, but the Twili can definitely interact with them.
His heart beats fearfully at the thought of the others all facing the same creatures, not able to make a scratch but vulnerable to take damage. Not even Time would last long.
He lifts his snout into the air and sucks in a deep lungful. He can instantly tell there are four other creatures of Twilight hiding around. The world around him goes dark as black smoking trails seem to appear out of thin air, heading out in multiple, random directions.
He nods his head at Wild and begins to pad forward. Wild follows. Twilight keeps his eyes on the black smoke and begins to speed up when noises of battle hits his sensitive ears. He breaks into a sprint with Wild expertly chasing behind him, like he's chased after a wolf before.
He crashes through the undergrowth and comes across Four and Sky attempting to fight their own monster. Sky swings the Master Sword, but even that does nothing more but pass right through the monster. Before Sky could back away, the creature swings out it's clawed arm and scratches Sky right across his chest. Twilight howls in anger and kicks his hind legs back, snarling as his jaws locks around the jugular of the creature.
An evil may have reopened the Twilight, released a chaos upon the world, but there is no way he will let it win. He's not going to let it take his family, his world, away from him.
Not again.
He won't lose.
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10yrsyart · 5 years
yo, um Jojo and LinkedU are the same person... just sayin
yeah i gathered as much later. but judging back the fact that i’d only seen a little of LinkedU and basically none of Jojo, it’s pretty normal i wouldn’t know they’re the same person. 
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musashi · 2 years
i have been thinking about sky carving? whittling? all night. i dont know what exactly its called that he does (feel free to tell me if theres a specific name!) but i enjoy it Alot. its really nice to watch and listen to that ive seen in videos n such, so i was wondering if you think sky would actually mind someone watching him carve? i know some people are on the fence about people watching them do their craft but im just thinkin about how nice it would be to like... just sit and watch sky carve :) seems like a good time imo? peak quality time
his specific style in game is just general woodcarving (sometimes it ventures into flat-plane but i can't tell if that's intentional or because he's young and still learning so his sculptures are a little polygonal? haha) but in LU specifically he also whittles!!! he maek wild a spoon...
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i feel like sky probably wouldn't care haha. maybe if it was a LOT of eyes on him he'd get antsy but all the links strike me as folks who are very fond of parallel play? like its very easy for me to picture the chain specifically all just at camp, not saying a word to one another, all engrossed in their own hobbies. i also feel like sky is adhd king (in his canon he's constantly described as spacey/ditzy/etc) so i feel like when he's carving he's usually full on hyperfocus and 100% forgets the outside world exists so he probably wouldn't even really notice if someone was watching him fgfghgf
it is very soothing to watch i love the idea of sky just minding his own business making art and all the boys are like hh. human stimboard. actually now that i think about it EVERYTHING about sky is kind of a human stimboard gffgh
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musashi · 3 years
[everyone vibes while Wild lays dead on the floor]
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musashi · 3 years
i bet half the time warriors gets his hair caught on his chainmail when he’s putting it on and just cries like a little bitch
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musashi · 3 years
Which three of the chain are most likely to start an advice podcast called my reincarnation my reincarnation and me
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musashi · 3 years
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this panel, my hand in marriage.
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musashi · 3 years
twilight, warriors, legend
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musashi · 3 years
oh shit happy birthday to the hero of warriors i am going to bully you
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milesfagworth · 3 years
very much enjoy the nigh univeral love of cats among the chains. best part of any loz game id picking up Smol Creatures
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milesfagworth · 3 years
Howdy friend!! Just wanted to pop in here and say that you're super cool! If you don't mind the ask, I wanted to know which LU Link is your favorite and why?
oooooooo thats so hard
i think i have to say time. his design, his personality, everything with malon and dadding twi and the whole group, its so good
i want that man to be my father ;-;
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