#hero of warriors
mischefous · 28 days
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sooo, I read A LOT of whumpy LU fics, and I finally had the motivation to draw up my favorite part from one of my fave fics where poor Legend gets drugged and Warriors is the first to get to him.
(Also i sowwy i didnt get every detail exactly how it was in the fic, dis was the best i could do)
I would love to do more of these. But fudge knuckles my motivation is dogshit. that's also why this is super messy T3T
but anyways, i do hope yall enjoy, AND GO READ THE ORIGINAL FIC ITS AAAAH, AMAZING!!!! Give it sum big lov'n!
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hiimgin · 4 months
The first three
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(Edited: Warriors with corrected facial proportions)
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battlefield flirting
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snailtaco · 5 months
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Got a lil pretty boy for y’all.
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turbofanatic · 2 months
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Bunch of Link doodles because I want to practice faces and character design.
Also I made them all hardcore because that's how I roll.
Upper Left: Hyrule Warriors Link. Led an army against Cia and Ganondorf and then had to lead Hyrule through the Era Collapse. Took and ax to the face but that just slowed him down for a bit.
Upper Right: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask Link. Also played a role in the Era Collapse. He broke it, he had to help fix it. Spent time in too many bodies and now he's Weird.
Middle: Twilight Princess/Link's Crossbow Training Link. He's a cowboy werewolf. And that's delightful.
Lower Left: Legend of Zelda/Adventures of Link Link. I will fully admit I know very little about him but I do know he sets things on fire with the power of the bible and wow that paints an image.
Lower Right: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link. Sometimes dead is better! Please give them a hug. They forgot what a heartbeat feels like.
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sapphic-loser16 · 1 year
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Alright lads, here’s my yearly redraw of the first piece of digital art I ever made! Seeing how my art has improved just over two years makes my head explode :)
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soup-guts · 6 months
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I was so ecstatic to receive a commission from someone interested in my links meet au! Behold, my boys!
This is my take on Hyrule Warriors Link and ALTTP Link! An unlikely duo!
HW link covers just the Hyrule Warriors game, but I have some conecelts that branch out his journey more for this au.
ALTTP Link covers A Link to the Past, Links Awakening, Triforce Heroes, and ALBW
HW link has finished his adventure and has pretty much retired, hence his common attire.
He was whisked on this new journey with little prompting, hence his common attire in the first image.
Despite the trials of his adventure, HW Link appears optimistic, enjoying the small things in life.
ALTTP Link was more than happy to retire from adventuring, but you really can’t say ‘no’ to a goddess. That said, ALTTP Link fought tooth and nail to bring as much gear with him as he could.
This preparation resulted in ALTTP Link wearing 3-4 tunics at all times. He does what I wish I could’ve done in every game Ive played: overlap.
ALTTP Link is more than a little pessimistic and cautious. He’s snarky, and blunt, but he cares deeply for others.
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dragonnightart · 2 months
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I am soooo happy with this art. Screaming internally. Happy wiggling. Just all of it. So good. I got in the zone and did an 8 hour art session to finish. Definitely forgot to eat while drawing, but also don't care. It just makes me so happy. I made this. eeee.
Also I have my last WiP saved from the day before. I just think it's interesting to compare. I'll drop it below the cut.
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I really wanna do another pic in this style. Thinking I might yoink some official game art to redraw. I wanna practice colored lighting. Gotta figure out how that works.
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shade-pup-cub · 2 months
Febuwhump 2024, Day 14: Mask(FD) & Link - Blood-Stained Tiles
Fandom: LOZ/Linked Universe
Summary: Mask seems to be the only one that can see what is going on with his big brother and he refuses to stand to the side when he could try to change it. Unlike his own Zelda, this era's doesn't show the same care. Their hero is only a tool.
CW: blood, injury, mild language
Link’s limp wasn’t hard to miss if you looked. His slight hitch in breath when he gave a slight laugh, drew in breath or spoke too much could be seen, if someone would look for it. His posture was guarded, arms stiff and hardly moved away from his sides. His smile was fake, pained and his eyes wanted to shut from the lack of sleep. All of this could be seen if someone just looked.
Mask watched from afar after the battle was over and had slipped the Fierce Deity mask back onto his belt. He saw Link get hit a few too many times and knew he would be kicking for not doing better.
A meeting had been called for in the castle to discuss the next move against Cia and Ganondorf the second the battle ended and Link was off the field. Mask cursed aloud when he lost sight of Link, crowds of people pushing and shoving. Being hip height had its disadvantages, but Mask was not above hitting kneecaps to get through.
It was the rare occasion that the eleven year old hero wished he had his sixteen year old body back. He could easily get through if he was taller, but he wasn’t. He scaled the nearest wall somehow undetected. He balanced his way across beams, careful not to fall into the swarm of bodies below. Living as a Kokiri was like living in one big playground, making this easy.
It still took much longer than he wanted it to to get across the castle, run down the halls to where Link’s personal chambers were. Mask jiggled the locked handle to the door. Link never locked it…
“Link! Open this fucking door!”
There was no answer outside of the shuffling of feet, something being tossed around and something breaking.
“Don’t make me blow this door off its hinges!”
When Link still did nothing outside of continuing on, Mask grew more worried. Link knew that Mask wouldn’t give idle threats, especially ones that included blowing things up.
“Cap, you’re worrying me… Please open the door.”
A few moments later, the door creaked open. “Worried? Now that’s a word I haven’t heard come from you before.”
Mask looked up at him, eyeing him curiously and cautiously. Something wasn’t right. Link had less dust and dirt on his tunic, meaning he had taken it off. He wouldn’t do that for any other meeting, especially with how urgent the Queen made it sound.
“Did you take a potion?” Mask went right to the point.
“No, I didn’t need one.”
“Did you wrap your wounds?”
Link furrowed his brow, “I didn’t have any.”
“Bullshit, I saw you take some hits today. There is no way you went unharmed.” Mask went to push on the Captain’s ribs, but his wrist was caught by Link. “If you don’t have any, why stop me from checking?”
To Mask’s surprise, Link’s expression cracked for a split second before he straightened up. “Because I do not have time right now. There is a meeting being held to strategize our next move. Even if I were injured, our supplies took a great hit today. We are short of most things. Small cuts are not worth my time worrying.” He let go of the younger’s wrist. “Stay here if you want, but I have somewhere to be.”
Mask flinched slightly back at his big brother’s became uncharacteristically angry with him.
Link deflated. “I’m sorry. I have no right to take my frustration out on you.” He took off his scarf, wrapping it around Mask snuggly. “Get some rest.”
Watching Link walk away hurt, but Mask had a job to do. He needed to figure out a way to get the good Captain to rest some. It had been three days since he slept anything more than two hours, a week since he slept five hours at one time.
He sighed with a groan as he walked into the somewhat large room. He went and sat on the bed, kicking his feet while his brain raced. He couldn’t think of a way to help his big brother and even if he did, no one would take him seriously due to his age. Well… he was just going to have to make them listen.
Looking around the room again, something caught his eye. Something white and red. ‘That bastard.’ He knew what it was before he reached it. It was old bandages that someone had tried to hide. That meant that Link had been hurt some time before and hid it from everyone.
Mask pushed open the bathroom door, wanting to take all the bandages out of there and hide them so Link would be forced to seek out proper help. What he wasn’t prepared to see was blood smeared across the marbled tiled floor. Several towels had been used hopelessly to clean up the mess and there were still small pools of blood that hadn’t been touched.
Mask’s breathing picked up as he took a few steps back. Horror gripped him like an icy hand around his middle. That was too much blood. How much was Link hiding? How much worse was he than Mask had originally assumed?
His anger roared back like a grease poured on an open flame. He folded Link’s scarf in a hurry, tossing it on the bed. He was on a warpath to where this so-called meeting was being held. He ran through people, not caring who it was. Many times he collided with the wrong people, all agitated warriors or nobles. A few pushed him away hard enough that he landed on the ground and nearly trampled. The others only spoke harshly towards him.
None of this stopped him from reaching the guarded doors that held the highest ranking officials in this Hyrule. He thought about blowing the door off the hinges, but that would cause too much destruction and bring too much attention from outside people. Direct approach it was…
Mask kicked and screamed as the guards tried to pick him up and throw him out of the castle for intruding. ‘This shit again, really?’ He managed to get a few good kicks to the door, calling for Link. With no one responding from behind the doors, Mask bit one of the guards and pulled the Fierce Deity mask from his belt threatening to put it on, backing up slowly, then literally kicked the door open.
“What is the meaning of this interruption?!” one of the nobles asked as everyone jumped to their feet.
Mask eyed Link as he tried to stand up fully without wincing. Link tried to keep eye contact, but sat down first with a hand holding his ribs.
Two more men went to snatch Mask, but he raced over to the way too oversized round table and climbed onto it. The Queen waved her hand for them to stop.
“Mask, what brings you here?” Zelda asked, calmly.
“Him!” Mask pointed at Link as he tried to catch his breath.
Link huffed, “Mask, go back to the room and get some rest, please. There is no concern here for you to be worrying over.”
“You don’t get to speak, Cap! Not after what I saw!”
Losing patience, Zelda also sat back down, prompting the others to do the same. “If something was wrong with our Captain, he would say something.”
“Are you blind? Are all of you blind to what is in front of you? He is injured, still injured from the battle before today, hasn’t slept in gods know how long, eating is a rare thing and he is refusing any medical treatment because he thinks it would be wasted on him when he should be the first person to receive it!”
“We are at war, child. There has to be sacrifices even if it comes to oneself.” A random nobleman said.
Swiftly turning, Mask gritted his teeth as he spat out. “No one was talking to you.” Looking at the Queen again, he asked, “How well do you sleep in your ivory tower, knowing that this war is all on Link? He has saved you, Impa, Lana, everyone in this room, this whole kingdom, but who is saving him as he drowns in his own thoughts of doubt and self worth? Who does he get to lean on when it becomes too much to carry alone on his shoulders? He isn’t some plaything from the goddess, he is a real person who deserves better than this. Heroes deserve better than this!”
The same nobleman decided to speak up again. “What would you know of a Hero’s job? You call yourself a hero, but how could an eleven year old understand the complexity of war and what Link is to uphold his part as the hero?”
Rage boiled in Mask’s veins, slowly turning back to the old man. “I took up the role of the hero at age nine, where I was sent to the future by sleeping until I was sixteen. I fought Ganondorf and his bloodthirsty monsters and I defeated him. When I was sent back to my original time as a nine year old, I did it all over again. I earned the title Hero of Time, though it came with many steep costs. I went to an unknown land called Termina, ridding it of one of the most powerful demons ever known to the world, Majora. I did both adventures alone outside of my fairy and the few that I could trust to point me in the right direction, but I walked alone.
“The work of a hero is damning and lonely, even if we aren’t alone. No one truly understands what we need or what we go through. I refuse to let another hero go through the hell I went through for the sake of his country. I don’t care if I have to do it from my grave, heroes from now on will never have to walk alone.”
The silence was interrupted by a puzzled Queen. “This still has nothing to do with you. Leave, Mask, we have work to do and every second that you waste by badgering us with things that are irrelevant, Ganondorf gets stronger. If Link has a problem or an issue, he knows how to deal with it. He is an adult, capable of taking care of himself.”
“Clearly not by the state of his bathroom! The tiled floor is stained in blood, fresh blood has pooled on top of it from where he tried to take care of himself and I’m surprised he’s even standing by how much was there! Do you not care for your Hero?”
“He is not my responsibility!” The Queen stood, matching Mask’s height where he stood.
“Mask, that is enough. This only makes matters worse. It doesn’t matter what happens as long as we win the war.” Link rubbed his face, elbows on the edge of the table. The lack of self preservation was overwhelming. Mask knew what it was like, but his big brother was being thrown to the wolves with no hope.
“See, boy, if our good Captain Link says he is fine, then why should we be listening to you? Now, run along and let the adults handle things.”
If Mask could have gotten away with it, he would have skewered that old bastard. Instead, he took the Fierce Deity mask, sighing, “Since you won’t listen to me, maybe you will listen to him.” He pressed the mask to his face with a scream. The scream wasn’t because of the pain like others thought, but because of the amount of emotion trapped inside with no way to release it except when Mask used them. Fierce Deity's hurt the worst.
“Mask no!!” Link hollered and scrambled to get to the youngest in the room.
The wooden table groaned under the weight of the god that now stood where the young Link was. The Deity knew why he had been called on, afterall he could go through the mask’s wielder's thoughts. His glowing eyes took in the room, landing on Link who was now doubled over and clutching his side, blood coming through the green tunic.
The Deity growled in disgust, “It takes a child to make you see what you already know, yet you call yourselves the responsible adults. I would have never treated my own men with such disregard.”
Much like Mask, his eyes locked on Zelda’s, lips pulled back to show all his teeth. “You, Queen Zelda, I would expect so much more from my sister’s blood than what you have become. You disgrace the goddess’s bloodline and all she believed in.”
Link took in a wheezing breath. “D-Deity…” He collapsed to the ground, head nearly slamming into the stone floor if it weren’t for the Deity’s quickness.
Large gloved fingers inspected the head in his hands, feeling for damage. He sighed when he felt the bump below the crown of the young man’s head. If he remembered correctly, Link got his with a shield there. Placing the man’s head on the ground softly, the Deity pulled the tunics and chainmail up, showing bandages soaked and hardly wrapped around him properly.
Almost like she cared, Zelda was at their side. “I had no idea… truly. We need to get him to the infirmary right away.”
“You will do nothing. You do not get the right to suddenly step up for him and care about his well being. I will take him to his quarters and watch over him. He needs rest, not people hovering over him. Besides, friends and foe are wearing the same colors nowadays.”
With Link in his arms, he made his way to the door, but stopped short to say one last thing. “If his body gives way and we lose him, my host will not fight in this war, I will make sure of it. You will do this on your own and you will lose.”
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jinmukangwrites · 10 months
For the prompts, 16 with Legend?
16: what a jerk
Hey don't cry, Ao3 is no longer down drabble prompts
It started innocent enough. Warriors had been around the others long enough to know their tells. Habits. The way they moved and talked. He didn't become a Captain, and a damn good one too, if he hadn't known how to figure out his comrades. When Legend started poking fun at Four, nobody batted an eye. Four had that look on his face that made it clear he was annoyed, but not offended. He didn't need defending, he was taking the verbal strikes with dignity and a spark of humor in his eye.
Legend, Warriors knew, everyone in their group knew, wasn't poking fun to be mean. That was was just how he talked. He said things bluntly, and exactly how it was on his mind, not often realizing how harsh or cruel his words and actions are until he got called out on it.
Four could defend himself. All it would take was a simple "Vet, back off," and Legend would immediately begin apologizing genuinely.
So no one was batting an eye. No one was rising to Four's defence. No one was calling Legend a bully, not anymore. Not after getting to know him and the kindness he held under layers of trauma; all of them hid things under layers of trauma after all. For Legend, it was softness. Asking Legend to be naturally soft would be like asking a fire to not naturally burn.
However, everyone heard it when a young hylian woman walking with her friends in the busy market street turned to her friends, a glare in her eyes, and said a bit too loudly, "what a jerk."
Legend immediately went stiff. His face going pale and his ears red.
He shut his mouth with a click, and rushed up ahead of the group before anyone could react.
Four glared at the woman. "Hey! Mind your business!"
Her face opened in shock, her friends rushing to defend her while Hyrule looked ready to tear throats out. Warriors trusted Time and Twilight to handle the group and make sure any... unheroic scuffles... didn't happen, so he picked up his own stride to catch up with Legend. Poor guy tried to pick up his pace but Warriors had the longer legs.
"Tell smithy I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it," Legend said the moment it became apparent that he wasn't going to lose Warriors simply by walking fast.
"You don't have to talk about it," Warriors replied. "But you also don't have to be sorry."
Legend gave something between a scoff and a growl. "Don't have to be sorry..." he muttered like the words were dirt. "I was insulting him for no reason. Goddesses Warriors, why was I insulting him? I know he doesn't like being poked at for his height or treated like a child and yet I was doing just that and I-" he finished with a snarl, bringing his hands to the roots of his hair and pulling at it. "Why the fuck am I like this? I didn't even realize until that woman..."
"Vet," Warriors said, grabbing Legend by the shoulder and stopping them both mid step. Legend made a half-hearted attempt to pull himself out of the grasp, but ultimately surrendered with a glare. "If you were offending any of us, we would have told you. Smithy would have told you. You know this."
Ugly confliction screwed up Legend's expression until he looked down at his boots, refusing to look at Warriors. "I know. Doesn't change anything. Just because you all have gotten used to me doesn't change that I'm... a jerk. A stick in the mud. Debby downer. A bully... all those fun words." His voice was barely above a whisper. "You all are kind, but other people, normal people, don't see me the way you do."
"Um, excuse me, sir," a feminine voice cut in. Legend stiffened while Warriors turned with a raised eyebrow. The woman, the one who had spoken up, stood a good few steps away, looking properly reprimanded with Four standing smugly behind her. "I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."
"It's fine," Legend said tensely.
She nodded, cleared her throat, then retreated back to her friends who were looking at Hyrule like he was about to jump out at them.
Warriors laughed and clapped Legend on the back. "The world doesn't have to see you the way we do all the time," he said, "we know you, and we'll stick up for you until it more parts of it does. We got your back, Vet."
Legend released a sigh, bringing the back of his hand up to the bottom of his eye and wiping. He sniffed, and kicked his boot in the dirt. "Stop getting sappy on me, Captain, it's gross... but thanks." He bit his lip.
Warriors bagan leading him back to the rest of the group. "Anytime, brother. Anytime."
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aufi-creative-mind · 1 year
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[Legend of Zelda] Three Golden Boys. ft. Wild, Twilight and Warriors.
For an ask/prompt. Their outfits are slightly upgraded versions of the LU Fashion - Game Appearance I did for the LU Zine some time ago.
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mischefous · 11 days
im so sorry if this sends twice tumblr has acted strange for me ;~; but for the whump request can we have Sky waking up from a prophetic nightmare? or super injured?(near death maybe?)
Don't worry Anon! I got your other one hehe. And thank you for the requesttt!💙 you have a splendid day!
HYLIA how many times have I drawn Warriors?! make it 5 times MWAHAHA! he felt like a good fit for this situation. As a Captain, he is well-equipped to handle this. Sky definitely needed that hug T3T
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I didn't know how to describe crying i sowwy if it looks stoopid ahhhhh
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hiimgin · 12 days
You turn off your brain, with the urge to just doodle, and your hands draw Warrior-
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what if i made him REALLY tiny
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snailtaco · 4 months
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bottom text
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masterkreo · 3 months
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fan asked if i could make this so i did here you goooo
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