#line of duty flemson
midnight-love-song · 9 days
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They cross each other’s minds.
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My latest offering for you, o mighty tumblr. Will I ever stop painting our lord and saviour Joanne Davidson? I hope not.
For real though, I can see why oldy timey artists often had a ‘muse’ they’d paint over and over again. It’s a lot easier to just focus on your technique when you already know the details of someone’s face. I’m trying really hard to make my portraits less smooth and airbrushed looking at the moment, as it’s a trap I often fall into. Tried to fix that here by only using textured painting brushes on Procreate rather than the airbrushes, esp for big bits of colour that look similar in tone. Tricky for sure, but worth it I think!
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youstupidplonk · 25 days
Thought about flemson. Three dead ten injured
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whoreziers · 2 years
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i am literally never getting over them . ever .
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bibuckaroo · 6 months
i’m very late to the party (as always) because this show ended in 2021, but line of duty absolutely slaps, i just watched 4 seasons of it and got absolutely hooked
also, very aware this is an unpopular opinion, but apparently i’m full of those but i just love flemnott?? platonic or romantic, idc idc, i just love them and they’re the core of the show for me
i know people are obsessed with flemson but i haven’t met jo yet and i learned she only appears in the last season, at first i was very excited about them but now… i know myself and her appearing only at the end won’t allow me to get that attached to her or to them
aaanyway, just wanted to say i’m loving it soooo much, omg
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avengersreassemble · 9 months
i’ve just realised i’ve accidentally recreated jo davidson in dnd and i’m not happy about it
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hazydaaze · 2 years
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kdramamilfs · 6 months
i was tagged by @sapphicscience to list 5 otps from 5 different fandoms, ty <3
person of interest - shoot listen. NO ship has ever made me feel as unwell as they do. i spent literal months crying myself to sleep over youtube amvs, changed my life for better or for worse idk you decide (its both). alsooo ive literally never seen two women flirt in such an unhinged way on tv before <3
warehouse 13 - bering and wells make me almost as insane as shoot does honestly.... the amount of fic i consumed when i first got into them is unreal probably. and ive never been in a fandom with fic as outrageously good as this one. cried myself to sleep over them so often (this is extremely positive) like.... when you just keep losing her and then she dies for you and you need to change the whole timeline just to get her back only to lose her again? 'forever destined to meet at gunpoint'?? okay okay okay
the expanse - draomi i cannot even decide what makes me worse. canon unrequited love or literally anything else. risking everything for the woman you love despite that? 'and i thought you came to check on me'............. kill me
unREAL - kingsgold i love toxicity i love whatever the FUCK those two had going on i love you I LOVE YOU youre fired
line of duty - flemson its so fun when you put an outrageously pitiful sad little lesbian whose entire storyline is a homophobic mess together with a woman who gives her a little hope only to destroy her fully and then try to save her again. isnt it? isnt it?? if youre sensing a theme here its just that i love heartbreak and being in pain
tagging @lonely-night @viharistenno @ladyalayne @deankarolina @natscatorrcio @wistfulwatcher @craintheodora if you feel like it and anyone else who wants to do this <3
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queerofdenial · 2 years
tagged by @sapphicscholar (ty bestie!!)
favorite color: like a mustardy orange yellow
currently reading: last night at the telegraph club when i remember to, mostly catching up on the flemson ao3 tag rn tbqh
last song: spotify says it was you should be dancing but i'm pretty sure it was pink pony club by chappell roan
last series: just finished a very hefty line of duty binge (finally crossed that off my list after a year, thank you @trying-to-get-somewhere-real for the push and putting up with my feral live texting) but i'm currently trying to get thru the sandman, and my background noise has been the netflix docuseries how to build a sex room, which is in fact if marie kondo did bobby berk's job for couples but making sex dungeons and also was an old british lady. they just redesigned a polyfam's 7 person sex room. it was marvelous.
last movie: i just saw tahara last night! 2020 film fest pick about jewish queer teens at a funeral starring rachel sennott in desperate need of deep conditioner and somehow this movie is not Shiva Baby (*insert 'if i had a nickel' joke here), but still was excellent despite the aspect ratio
currently working on: fandom-wise, not losing my shit every time jessica sutton posts some unhinged bait on twitter, and updating my reperatorie of basic ship playlist songs so it's not just 2000's pop ballads (if anyone has any OOTB ship songs drop 'em in the comments). personally, trying to get my landlord to meet w me so i can reapply for my new lease and buy new bedroom furniture before I leave town next week. professionally, prepping data for like, half a dozen congressional and gub campaigns that are running in the next week or two.
tag 9 people: nine is a lot and i can't be bothered to see if you already did this so here are some folks i've been seein in my notifs recently, @softdeb @hackshbo, @houseuponthehills, @stardustcityhag, @naturaliseme, @negativeoedipus, @fallingforfandoms, @hummingbirdswords, @lush-retina
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themidnight-ghost · 3 years
If we had 5 more minutes
Kate Fleming moves in with Jo Davidson under witness protection. Feelings are discovered, they get a dog, host Jo's first (proper) Christmas, and Kate finally realises what it's like to truly love someone. 
“You can live the life you should have lived. Be free to be the person that you really are.”
“Where do you plan on going next?” Steve took another sip of his beer; god knows what was going on in his friend’s mind. Kate Fleming had been confused ever since she met the infamous Jo Davidson, and after the conversation they just had, he knew Kate would be crazy to let her go.
“Home, probably.”
Steve could hear the uncertainty in Kate’s voice, and he placed a reassuring hand atop of hers, “If you want her, go get her, mate.”
“I’m afraid.” Kate ducked her head, “I know she has witness protection, but something tells me it won’t be enough. I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“Follow your heart. If I deserve a shot, so do you.” He gestured to the harsh autumn air drifting through the slit in the doorway. Kate felt like it was calling her. She knew exactly where she wanted to go and who she needed to see, “I’ll text you.”
Steve Arnott smiled as he watched his best friend grab her jacket and flag down a taxi, “I know you will.”
By the time Kate arrived at Jo’s safe house, it was already 3 am. She felt terrible leaving the woman alone after everything that had happened, but who could really blame her. After knocking on the door 6 times, doubt started to rise in the DI’s chest. What if Jo had forgotten about her? What if she was asleep? What if something terrible had happened?
Fleming knocked again, this time with more urgency.
“Jo? It’s me, Kate. Can you open the door?” After no answer, Kate started becoming illogical. She was never a rational person, often acting on impulse and facing the consequences. It never even occurred to her that Jo could’ve been in the shower. Kate automatically presumed the worst and started looking for a way to scale the building.
Using her detective skills, Kate located a web of ivy stretching up the side of the house. She tugged on it gently at first, then with a little more force before pulling herself up, gasping slightly as a branch gave way but continued to climb, unaware of the approaching figure.
“I didn’t know you have a double life.” A tired Scottish accent echoed through their street, and Kate almost lost her footing, “You look like you’re about to rob me.”  
Thankful that the darkness hid her reddening cheeks, Kate began to make her way down to the former DCI who wore matching sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“Then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from the woman who saved my life.” Jo twiddled her fingers as Kate approached, not wanting to cross a line.
“It was nothing, don’t worry about it.”
It wasn’t nothing.
Kate still remembered when Steve pulled over the van, how she froze after seeing Jo in such a dangerous position. The DI wanted to say something when they switched places, caress her hand as a sign of good luck, kiss her goodbye or reassure her that everything would be okay. Instead, she waited in silence as Jo was taken away from her yet again.
Unable to take the stillness, Kate spoke again, “How are you feeling?”
“I can’t sleep,” Jo admitted with a sad smile, “I’m constantly locking my doors, checking behind me and closing curtains. I want it to end, Kate.”
The DI wasn’t ready for such an honest confession, but she presumed it was because Jo had nothing left to lose - everything she had was now lost or a lie.
Kate automatically stepped forward, “It will end. The Gaffer’s picked out a place for you, somewhere in the country but still close to this place. You’ll be under witness protection. It’s like I said: you can live the life you should’ve lived.”
“Alone?” Jo’s accent was unusually weak. Alone was the harsh reality Jo didn’t want to admit true. She wanted nothing more but for Kate to come with her and live out a life together free of AC-12 and the OCG, but both women knew that wouldn’t be possible. Kate had a son and her job. Besides, Jo wasn’t worth loving.
Kate Fleming felt the same way. Every instinct in the DI’s body was begging to run to the smaller woman and hold her tightly in her arms, never letting go. It wouldn’t be practical. No one was supposed to know about Jo’s location, not even Hastings.  
“I’m sorry, Kate. Forget it; I’m the last person you’d want to be stuck with.”
Jo clearly still felt guilty about leading Kate to her death, but all of that was in the past. Kate didn’t care, and driving off into the night regardless of previous events was the best decision Kate had ever made.
“Jo, wait.” The DI instinctively grabbed the smaller woman’s wrist, stopping her from leaving, “Hear me out. I’ve never considered myself as anything other than straight, but that’s changed.”
Jo liked how Kate’s hand felt, securely wrapped around her wrist and never letting go. It felt safe like nothing can hurt her anymore.
“Christ, I’ve never been good at wording things or forming sentences, but I’ve never felt this way before, and I feel like a child.”
It only just occurred to Jo that this could be a confession.
“You’re so perfect. And even with everything you have going on, you’re still perfect even if you don’t think it now. And in the un-weirdest way possible, I want to follow you.” gentle drops of rain fell from the sky, “I want to follow you to the country, to England, to France, to wherever. Just so I can be with you. And I feel guilty that it took me this long to tell you because if something, anything happened in that prison, I don’t know what I’d do.”
At first, Jo thought this was a sick joke set up by AC-12 to get revenge, but the only thing in Kate’s eyes was honesty.
“You mean that?” The former DCI mentally cursed at her answer.
Taking both of Jo’s hands, Kate pulled her close.
“Of course I mean that. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” Something clicked, “I’m going to do everything I can to go home with you.”
And for the first time in ages, Joanne Davidson smiled. Too absorbed in the DI’s presence to consider anything else, she hesitantly cupped Kate’s face, pressing their foreheads together in the rain.
“Come home with me, Kate.”
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
Even though Kate doubted witness protection, she’d pulled a couple of strings that allowed her to move in with Jo. Initially, Kate had used Jo’s history with the OCG to convince AC-12 to let her move in, but as more truths became unearthed, Kate outed herself to Carmichael and was given the nod of approval.
It wasn’t the way Kate wanted it to go, but it still worked, and the DI wasn’t complaining. She still kept her job, her best friend, all whilst getting to live with the woman she... loved? Kate was still wavering about that word.
“I didn’t think it would be this big,” Jo spoke over the radio as the pair pulled into the driveway of a rural cottage.
Kate smirked, “Only the best for the best.”
Matching Kate’s humorous tone, Jo pointed to the ivy snaking up the trellis.
“Just in case you feel like climbing into the house again.”
“I was worried, yeah?” Kate gently nudged the smaller woman in the passenger seat, “Besides, I didn’t feel like waiting around all night.”
“Thank you, Kate.” Jo took the DI’s hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, “For everything.”
“You really need to stop thanking me for everything. Give yourself some credit, Jo.”
“Let’s not go there just yet.” Jo unlocked the car door, becoming Kate to follow.
The DI knew Joanne still had problems with her role in their relationship. She believed that everything she did was selfish and wrong, refusing to see the good aspects like when they got drinks together or walked back to Kate’s drunk and free. Free from AC-12 and the worries of life outside and inside of work. When they walked hand-in-hand, looking at the moon whilst convincing themselves this was a totally platonic thing. Jo was yet to know that she helped Kate discover who she truly was and where she belonged.
Unlocking the little red door, Jo’s mind started to buzz. What colour would the walls be? Where would the kitchen go? Is the wall big enough for a tapestry?
“It’s a tad… plain,” Kate commented.
“That’s the point!” Jo enthusiastically hugged the DI, “We get to choose how to live. For once, we are in control.”
Witnessing Jo so excited made Kate’s heart flutter. Consumed by euphoria, Kate picked up her lover and spun her around in their new living room, their laughter bouncing off the walls and filling the space.
The pair ended by facing each other, breathing heavily through bubbles of laughter.
“What colour should the kitchen be?”
“Green,” Jo tucked a strand of hair behind Kate’s ear, “With a gold tint.”
Kate smiled at Jo’s newfound confidence, “Sound good, boss. Ever thought of getting a dog?”
“Please, Kate,” Jo became solemn, “You don’t need to call me boss anymore.”
Kate took her hand, “But, I thought that was our thing? If you want me to stop, I will.”
Jo inhaled deeply. There are certain things she didn’t want to address, especially after the moment they just experienced. That being said, Joanne Davidson knew the key to any healthy relationship was communication.
“Can we just start again?” Jo fiddled with her fingers, something she always did when anxious, “I don’t want to remember what I put you through or the pain you faced because of my mistakes.”
“I’m sorry, Jo, but I don’t want to start again.” Kate touched the older woman’s shoulder, “Those experiences, they make us who we are; it’s why we’re so close. The universal experience we share with AC-12 and the OCG: it’s us, and I don’t want to forget that.”
Witnessing the walls of Jo’s mental castle crumbling, Kate continued.
“You made mistakes, we all do. It’s what makes us human. We learn from them, adapt, overcome, and that isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Even if forgetting was possible, we can’t pick and choose to get rid of the bad and keep the good. You must find good in the experience. To me, that good is you, Jo.”
Jo buried her head into the crook of Kate’s neck, “I don’t deserve you.”
“I could say the same.”
The pair stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Jo cried it out into Kate’s chest, gripping her shirt as the DI whispered honest words of comfort.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
After adjusting to their new life, the couple decided to take that exciting yet predictable step and get a dog. It was something Kate Fleming had wanted to do for a long time, and Jo was in no place to stop her. The agreement was that if Jo designed the house, Kate could design the dog… or something as such.
After rolling down the windows, taking many wrong turns and singing Taylor Swift at the top of their lungs, the couple eventually reached the pet shelter.
They held hands as they walked through the kennels.
“What are you looking for, Kate?”
The DI hesitated, spoilt for choice, “Something with personality and spirit.”
“Sounds like a tough one-”
“Christ, what the hell is that!” Kate abruptly pulled away, running over to one of the kennels, “It’s some sort of hairless rat.”
Jo tried her best not to laugh at her girlfriend’s antics, “Kate, you can’t just say that. You’ll hurt its feelings!”
The DI kneeled over in a fit of laughter as the hairless rat-dog chirped towards them, and this time it was Jo’s turn to laugh at the little dog as it spun sporadically in circles.
“Look at the tufts of hair poking from its chin!” Kate mocked before focusing her attention elsewhere, “What have you seen?”
Jo wordlessly pointed to the kennel housing a golden labrador. His eyes were kind and gentle, and he greeted them with a waggy tail. Both women crouched by the glass, Kate resting a hand on Jo’s shoulder for support as the former DCI pressed the palm of her hand against the kennel bars. The dog was cautious at first but started licking Jo’s palm delicately.
“He reminds me of myself,” Jo murmured, and Kate wanted her to continue. The DI never expected Jo to relate to a dog. A hawk maybe but never a dog, “In prison, I mean.”
“He reminds me more of Steve; look at his mug.” The quip Kate made to lighten the mood worked, and soon the couple had signed the papers and were driving back home to Taylor Swift, Steve the dog accompanying them in the back seat.
Jo’s first rule was that Steve wasn’t allowed on the bed. The second was that he couldn’t chew anything of value in the house. Unfortunately for Jo, Steve and Kate ignored both of them.
It started when Kate heard Steve crying in his bed, so she naturally felt sorry for the animal and brought him upstairs to sleep with the couple. All was going well until Steve the dog slotted himself between the pair, separating them for the entire night.
“Come on, mate,” Kate whispered as she pulled the dog back, “I’ve spent enough time without her already.”
After about 10 minutes of trying to move the labrador, Joanne Davidson’s tired voice muffled into the pillow: “I told you the dog shouldn’t be allowed on the bed, Kate.” The DI knew Jo was smirking from how she said her name and decided to get her own back. She refused to spend any more nights without Jo wrapped in her arms.
Climbing past Steve the dog and over the blankets, Kate adjusted herself in the darkness, so she was lying comfortably on Jo’s back. Rolling her eyes, Jo shuffled upwards, letting the DI snake her hands around her waist and cushion her head in Jo’s neck. Jo seriously considered letting Steve sleep on the bed every night.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
With no recent actions from the OCG, AC-12 gave Kate the go-ahead to release details of her and Jo’s location to 2 people maximum. It wasn’t a debate. Fleming approved Steve and Ted in a heartbeat, making sure they knew the pans for Christmas eve.
Jo Davidson had never spent Christmas with someone before, never mind someone she loved. Even with Freida, Jo had been alone, never fully able to relax or enjoy the rainbow lights and festive music, but as she sat snuggled in front of the wood burner with Kate, she was entirely able to absorb the atmosphere:
Their Christmas tree in the corner, Steve the dog chewing a candy cane, stockings over the fireplace, the unfinished gingerbread house on the kitchen counter, Christmas music outlining the walls and being curled up in the arms of the love of her life as she breathed gently on her neck whilst reading a book.  
“I know you’re unsure about the L-word….” Jo trailed off, once again twiddling her fingers.
Kate kissed her cheek, “Lesbian?”
The former DCI wanted to be as honest as possible, “You know what word I mean, Kate. And I know it scares you.” A beat, “You are in no position to say it back, but I need to tell you that I love you, Kate.”
Kate reassuringly rubbed Jo’s side.
“You love me?”
At that moment, Jo felt a wave of embarrassment overtake her. She felt like a child in a playground handing their crush a dandelion. The former DCI tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded shyly.
“You mean a lot to me, Jo,” Kate admitted with a smile. She had been brainstorming how to say the L-word without actually having to say it, “More than most people and you need to know, you’re the most important person in my life.”
Content with the answer, Jo snuggled into her lover’s side, drifting away to the sound of carol singers and church bells.
Forgetting to send Steve and Ted a text not to ring the bell, she was thankful to see them (mainly Steve) making ‘lovey dovey’ faces through the window. Kate rolled her eyes at her friends’ antics, cautiously prying herself away from the smaller woman and opening the door, pressing a finger to her lips.
“We didn’t mean to wake you,” Ted said sincerely, placing the bag of Christmas presents on the table.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Kate admitted, “It was mainly Jo anyway, her nightmares are on and off, and last night wasn’t the greatest. But you-” She turned to Steve,
“Finally got the girl I see?” Her best friend greeted her with a witty remark and a hug.
Ted peered into the couple’s living room where Jo slept to admire their tree.
“No star?” He questioned.
Kate assessed Steve’s Christmas eve takeaway, “Jo said her mum had a tradition where they put the star up on Christmas day. I figured we’d keep it alive.”
“You should go wake her, mate. God knows how she’ll react to someone in her house. Nevermind us of all people.” Steve mentioned, not wanting to make a bad impression.
“Just don’t break anything.” Kate quipped.
Steve the dog and Steve the person got along surprisingly well, and when not being interviewed about the OCG, Jo and Ted actually had a lot in common. All four shared Steve’s Christmas eve takeaway whilst watching ‘Love Actually’ and, much to Kate’s dismay, started on her trifle during ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’. The night ended with an excitable game of charades in which Steve and Jo had to act out Scooby and Shaggy - Steve gave Jo a piggyback around the cottage, both adults screaming with glee as they paraded around.
To be honest, Jo didn’t have high hopes of keeping a relationship with Ted and Steve, especially after Operation lighthouse. It was unfortunate because Kate cared so much about them, and despite not knowing them, it automatically made Jo care about them too.
Christmas day passed too quickly. They started by opening presents. Kate got Ted a ‘Worlds Best Dad’ mug, and Steve bought him a customised top saying: ‘Not H’.
As well as last night’s takeaway, Steve bought Kate a sign he stole from AC-12 whilst drunk (don’t ask how he didn’t get caught) and an Alexa. Kate went for a more classy option: a framed photo of them wasted at a karaoke bar.
Finally, it was Jo’s turn. Due to Kate’s last-minute planning, the former DCI had no chance to buy Ted or Steve anything, but they didn’t mind; they hadn’t formed enough of a bond yet. However, Kate insisted she presented her present first. The DI could hear her heart thumping in her ears as she handed Jo the small jewellery box containing 2 necklaces, each with a personalised pendant: a small silver gun, the other a golden car. Jo admired them with adoration; every detail had been etched into the metal, even the make of Steve’s getaway vehicle.
“A matching set?”
“To remind us of how far we’ve come.”
Jo wasn’t sure how her present could top Kate’s but proceeded with the gift-giving. It was a weighted blanket, a set of bond touch bracelets for when Kate went back to work and a cute little photo book personalised with added newspaper clippings, annotations, dates and locations relating to their relationship.
Jo’s act of love deeply touched Kate’s heart. A series of small yet meaningful presents was definitely her speed, and Kate couldn’t stop herself from flicking through the photobook and admiring all the small details like her favourite colour, preferred flowers and location coordinates which Jo had marked in.
“It’s adorable. Thank you, Jo.”
Jo simply nodded as she sat in Kate’s lap, fiddling with the silver gun around her neck. Kate Fleming had the car, of course.
Unable to move after the Christmas dinner, the group spent the rest of Christmas relishing each others company. Jo and Kate started by carelessly putting up the star, the former DCI needing a lift from her girlfriend to reach the top of the tree. Human Steve was with dog Steve, Ted had a cuppa and a newspaper, commenting on various political events, occasionally uttering a ‘mother of god’ making Kate, who was now squashed under Jo Davidson, chuckle.
That was the first Christmas where Jo had properly smiled.
☁️ ------------------- ☁️
Kate Fleming had been married once, and it was a disaster. Let’s just say she wasn’t ready for it. She had too many regrets, doubts and problems in her own head. That marriage put her off love for a while. Not only that, but the universal experience of being heartbroken was enough to make her want to stay single forever. That was the plan until Joanne Davidson arrived. Jo Davidson helped Kate discover who she was and become comfortable with her sexuality. The woman who helped her embrace the demons, who humbled her whilst building her up and never tore her down.
The DI was on the fence about her feelings until she almost lost Jo at the shootout with Ryan Pilkinton. On that night was when Kate decided to take Jo and run, the city wasn’t safe, and the pair wanted out. Unfortunately, the plan didn’t work.
That’s why Kate was standing by the door, ring in pocket, dog lead in hand, ready to propose to the woman she loved.
“Ready to go?” Greeted the Scottish accent she loved so dearly.
“I’m the one waiting for you, boss.” Jo lovingly ruffled the DI’s hair as she stepped out of their cottage, taking a freeing breath of air; she grinned when Steve bounded behind her and Kate linked their arms.
It was autumn again. The couple proceeded to the nearby hill path, through the arching oak trees, across the wooden bridge kate thought how nice it was to see Jo free from all those layers she used to wear at work. The former DCI swished her legs through the sea of leaves, and Kate did the same, both women snickering like toddlers when they flew up in her face.
Kate knew Jo would want something intimate and private rather than exotic and loud, so she planned to propose at the top of the hill which overlooked the city. Kate had timed the walk perfectly so the sun would set, and she could properly see the golden tones reflecting on her lover’s face.
Finally reaching the top of the hill, Kate admired how perfect Davidson looked as she gazed contently at the sunset, contrasting against the flushed sky. Steve the dog sniffing around for squirrels Kate realised they had the perfect family.
“Jo?” Kate looked calm, but inside, she was terrified of rejection, “Forgive me for not saying this earlier; I just didn’t know how to word it.”
Aware that she had Jo’s full attention, she swallowed the nonexistent doubt and continued.
“I love you. I love how sweet you are with kids. I love how you get sleepy when it rains. I love how you fiddle with your fingers when nervous. I love how you’re obsessed with skittles but only the yellow ones. I love how you turn your head into my hand when I play with your hair. I love how insanely ticklish you are. I love how you adore being the little spoon, even if you won’t admit it for anything. I love how you drive so. So carefully when someone else is in the car. I love how you can’t pass a field of cows without saying ‘cows’. I love how you hug every dog you see. I love how you scrunch up your nose when you feel like you’re going to sneeze.”
Kate knelt down on one knee.
“I love your fear of fireworks. I love how cuddly you are when you’re tired. I love all of that and everything else too, and I could keep going all day with listing all the millions of things that make you Jo. I love you, Joanne Davidson, and I am always going to love you.”
She pulled the box from her pocket, presenting it to her lover.
“Joanne Davidson, will you marry me?”
Jo looked starstruck, but after what seemed like hours, she shook her head. Kate went numb, her face fell, and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The DI didn’t even feel Jo take the box from her hands’ nevermind see Jo taking a knee.
“You seem to be giving all the speeches lately.”
The Scottish accent pulled kate out of her daze, and the taller woman tenderly gasped at the sight of Jo Davidson, down on one knee and offering her a ring.
“I don’t think you realise the impact you’ve had on my life, Kate. You saved me. Not just from the OCG but from myself, and I don’t know how to ever thank you for that. Through the time we’ve known each other, you’ve been my knight in shining armour. You stormed the tower-like Flynn Ryder when Rapunzel needed help, risked your job just to get us out of the city. You intercepted the transport vehicle, and without you, I wouldn’t be here today.”
Jo couldn’t contain her grin as she witnessed Kate's reaction.
“The only time is smile is when I’m with you, Kate. I can be myself around you, and I’ve never been more thankful to have someone in my life. When we first arrived, you told me that we shouldn’t start again because our story makes us who we are. I’m ashamed it took me so long to realise this. We’re here today because we made choices we can’t change, and even though it’s broken me and built me back up, there’s no one else I’d rather go on this journey with. You, me and Steve, of course.”
Kate felt like she was on top of the world and the following sentence was everything she wanted to hear and more.
“Please, Kate Fleming. Will you marry me?”
Obviously, Kate said yes.
☁️ that ending honestly makes me feel sick so I wrote my own. I'm glad Jo found happiness - she deserved it. but we all know it should've been with Kate. thank you for reading bestie x 😔 ☁️
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mccoalminer · 2 years
Pretty sure this is a post with a target audience of one (1), however if anybody is compiling a list of Kate Fleming Lesbian Evidence pls consider the following cameo:
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beautyofthend · 3 years
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Jo ‘I’m your senior officer, I should be distant’ Davidson 
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youstupidplonk · 11 months
Honestly for that ask thing I was about to say EVERYTHING! (but then I thought that might be a bit much for you so...if you could answer at least the one's below that would be great) 1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
5. What’s a crackship you love?
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Hi!!! I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to get to this. It’s been haunting me every time I open tumblr 😂
1. I have 26 WIPs 🥲 across six different fandoms (life on mars, ashes to ashes, Chicago fire, line of duty, being human and doctor who)
4. I read a lot of thasmin because they deserved better, same with flemson. Galex is one I don’t actively seek out but is present in a lot of ashes fics so I read that by proxy too.
5. Oooooh good question, I can’t lie, I really like the idea that Kate Fleming had some ✨conflicting ✨ feelings towards Lindsey Denton but I don’t think they’d ever actually work as a couple.
7. The last thing I read that made me cry was actually a WIP I was beta reading for the wonderful @bisexualroger . I won’t spoil the plot but it’s about Alex drake finally getting the closure she deserves.
17. I have several that are still in that stage, one is a fic where both Gene and Alex (who haven’t met each other) can both see emotional auras and the fic follows them meeting the other members of CID and changing their lives. I have an it’s a wonderful life doctor who AU and a thasmin fic where they have one perfect day together before 13 regenerates aaand finally one being human fic following Lia who is killed in the box tunnel massacre
19. Chris Skelton and Annie Cartwright were best friends. They would have been similar ages and started at the same age. If you watch mars they have a lot of background moments together. I won’t hear anything else other than the fact that by the end of Mars they would have died for each other.
20. Any of the writers in the ashes to ashes tag currently, they are all fantastic ❤️
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Well, it has been a MINUTE since I was on here, but I’m still very much on my Flemson bullshit so here are my latest paintings of them. I can’t believe that after a whole /year/, we finally got Vicky confirming that there was ✨tension✨ there 🥺
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The way LoD s6 ended. (Real) (Not Fake)
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sapphichymns · 3 years
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