#lil rambley bits
littledigits · 4 months
thoughts on the cut episodes and ppls reactions 'n stuff
Since it was confirmed that a few more episodes of Hilda were written but cut, I do think the reaction of people finding this out is really interesting and not just because its fairly common in the industry and isint a sign of anything bad necessarily. I mean heck, in a weird way being behind the scenes and then seeing how people interpret things, what they take as important, what they think is a thread…all of that is interesting. When your job is basically trying to get people to pick up what you're putting down storywise its kind of a neat topic, because everyone communicates in their own way.
BTW before I keep going this is not a post to say dont crit/vent/complain/whatever about whatever the heck you want in hilda or any media, you do you. I think peoples honest takes are fascinating (said in victoria van gale voice) and even just people speaking their mind shows that they are interested and they care so that matters. Also not one singular post triggered this, its just been on my mind as I surface level read things so no stressies.
When It comes to the cut episodes, I'm seeing some people assume that whatever was cut would have fixed some of the crits they may have had about the season..and who knows, maybe yes? But I'd say ultimately probably not. Not because they dont include things that people want to see, or may have some topics people want expanded on ..but because thats just impossible in the grand scheme of things.
I mean this applies to shows in general, not just hilda. Every person who watches a show has their own idea of what the show represents to them. For some of its more of the surface events or characters where as others connect it with a deeper emotion. A lot of people respond to different tones of the episodes, which there are many. Some people prefer the one off adventures that stand alone as their own stories and others want to see more of a stronger through line. Some may see a new character and expect a new arc and thread, while others wonder why we couldn't've used a previously introduced character. Some may read between the lines more and others may take what is presented as very straight forward and literal …and no one is WRONG, because our big wrinkly brain meats all have their own tastes and ways of imputing information.
Television animation is rife with factors that actually futz with the quality and ability of the team to make a beautiful, amazing product like EVERY DAY. The script process and what goes into production is just one. The team is made up of many creatives all with their own varied experiences and voices just like the audience. In order for people to have their own voices and say, you are going to end up with some things that hit better then others, especially if the team is allowed to grow and experiment and play a little. Hilda has always been a show where we've been able to have a lot of creative say, and i think that sincerity comes through ! but with the sincerity and that humanity, it also means that there are going to be things that arnt going to make sense in the grand scheme of things lol. Even the writers and creators and producers have differing opinions on what to explore and dive into, probably more so then fandoms haha. Having more episodes may scratch some itches but not all, HECK, those episodes being cut could have re-allocated resources to other areas that helped elevate your fav ep of the season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows! Schrodinger's episodes! (also ngl I was having cold sweats over the scope of some of them as cool as they were. The season may have been shorter but it was intense..it takes a long time to do stuff that looks that clean and crisp)
Imperfect art is very human! Do the best you can at the time with the factors you have. I was given so much trust and freedom on my episodes, and I was just happy to do something fun that allowed me and my team to grow and learn. I was fucking STOKED to get a one off story because it was way less pressure for me to take my next step directing cuz just doing the thing is a feat. Any sincerity you feel cant come through if that means we're afraid that we cant make mistakes, or do a story choice ppl wont vibe with. All you can do is do the best you can, see if people are picking up what you're putting down, and grow from it for next time.
Anyway, just a thought ramble. Its not to say do or dont do this or think this way blah blah. I just love that storytelling is messy and complex and everyones gonna take it a lil differently, especially if you have a team where you allow lots of voices to have input. It is all just a big experiment to see if people leave with a particular experience by putting your resources into the things you have that matter, and try you best to distract from burnt edges or patched up holes that happened throughout the process of making the dang thing lol.
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loadinghellsing · 1 year
ok now i wanna know more of your headcanons for vladcard. the fact that you’ve headcanoned him to be the manifestation of alucard’s human trauma makes it really interesting. especially for any ideas where alucard gets turned back into vlad through some magic fuckery
Heheheheh- so, most of my headcanons on Vladcard are based around a character analysis about Vladcard's form that I've have had in progress since… May 4th, 2022 (I keep getting side tracked by Anderson… I'm making it a goal to finish it by the end of the month, hopefully I can add a link to it later-) --- WARNING // LONG RAMBLY POST --- (link to the headcanon post we're referencing for context)
For Vladcard, I don't quite see him as the "manifestation of Alucard's human trauma"? So much as "Alucard's human form that still portrays the marks of his humanity". Visual evidence that Alucard's humanity still impacts him and holds weight over him. Thus the form reflects that. In the muscular build that portrays the built strength to wield the broad sword and the exhaustion to his eyes. His age is shown thus I see no reason his scars wouldn't show aswell.
While "Alucard" I see as more… disocitive. In the words of Anderson if you were to view Alucard as a kingdom- Vlad would be the king. While the rest of the kingdom is run by mindless ghouls that do his bidding. You take out the king? You takeout the kingdom. With Alucard being the personification of all those lives - even if he's not giving them freewill/a sense of self (like Seras with Pip), and he's remaining the sole mind as some cruel tyrant within himself. The statement still stands that all those ghouls provide a sense of distance between Vlad and the waking world. Because it is a level of distance that can make the world seem dream like. You could also compare it to a child playing with a toy army. The child is in complete control and the army acts like one being beneath that control.
And that's why I like the idea that Hellsing's seals don't reach Vlad… Because Vlad is Alucard's core/heart with human vulnerability, shame, and weakness in a way Alucard doesn't know how to cope with. A wound, perhaps old and scared over, but a wound none the less. It's one Alucard doesn't comfortably show for it’s the truth of his weakness and the cause of his fallen humanity that he so heavily resents (humanly terms? "disociation and self loathing"). And if we are to persume Hellsing's expiriments to be inhumane and cruel as they work to break and control the monster? The sole way I am coping is the idea that they didn't reach Vlad. Because never once do they show any achnoledgment to Alucard as anything but a tool to be sharpened, controlled, and used. (I think the closest you get is Arthur referring to monsters as children screaming for death) So I like the idea that the Hellsing seals work to control the kingdom, ghouls, and dream while allowing Vlad to maintain his distancing defenses.
And ohhh~ I absolutely agree- ANYTHING portraying Alucard in his human form strikes me in the feels. It is a form that is so terribly vulnerable when separated from everything else Alucard is. Alucard is a monster, a kingdom, more comparable to a tidal wave of motion. And is by all meanings stunning and intricately marvelous-but Vlad? Vlad is a human, it's raw, it's with wounds and fears and tears. It's something genuine and present and tangible. --- Edit: Just went through and reread prior post to figure out where I was misinterpreted- ("Within Alucard, Vlad is akin to an open wound. An infected wound bleeding memories of his humanity and tales of his damnation." right?) I tend to compare Vlad to a wound in terms of being Alucard's sore spot, the human core/heart that has all the memories and sense of being damned that bleed through the rest of Alucard no matter how heavily he tries to repress it/lock it away. Becoming apparent in the tears he shed and in the way he screeches the importance of humanity
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lesbian-kyoru · 9 months
arata is super interesting because at first he has shifts in disposition that feel almost inconsistent—he can be super sweet and earnest, cold and withdrawn, fiery and competitive, lots of juxtaposed traits etc etc—but all these facets of his personality simply stem from the traumas and experiences he’s been through 1) before the start of chihayafuru and 2) during the story. 
in his first appearance, arata is already established as shy and guarded around new people, which is only reinforced by being bullied by his classmates at his new school. not only has he internalized that karuta is the one thing he is good at in life, and it’s the only thing where his dream (and NEED) is to be the best—but besides the obvious connection to his grandfather’s expectations, a subset of this is that his grandfather tells him that he can make friends playing karuta. unfortunately, as soon as arata moves he’s bullied for literally everything, and excelling at karuta only further alienates him from his peers.
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this pattern continues throughout his adolescence, even after he’s made a life long connection with chihaya and taichi: karuta alienating him from others when it was supposed to bring him friendship and connection. along with the trauma of watching his grandpa die (+ arguably blaming himself for his death) and the following grief, it’s honestly not surprising that arata becomes isolated, emotionally closed-off, and at times cold or insensitive. those experiences would harden anyone, especially a sixteen-year-old. he was treated like an outcast as a child, lost touch with his friends due to distance, and struggled to find community within his passion that’s often incredibly lonely. all of these factors make arata emotionally guarded. he’s quick and impulsive to lash out because he doesn’t feel safe and comfortable until he trusts people. 
even though arata is so kind at heart and really earnest with people he knows well (i.e. chihaya and taichi), just like many characters his experiences and subsequent insecurities/fears haven’t left him unaffected—and i love that we see that thread of his development come up so early on.
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darlinguistics · 4 months
hey guys happy holidayss~ i know a rambley lil impromptu post-festivities inebriated post isnt very studyblrcore of me but i hope you guys see me not just as a studyblr but as a cool older cousin type, or if youre older than me, then as an angel sent to heal your inner child with nonserious-serious vibes and nihilistic optimism <3
speaking of new years i wonder if i might end up making this blog a bit more langblr-y next semesterrr, i think im about decent enough in korean to feel okay making more content about/in it. or if im not then im gonna start aiming for it more lol!!
im hoping to make my korean studying more consistent and almost mundane or like low pressure, so that instead of cramming and hyperfocusing on it a lot and forgetting my other classes i can just make studying habits part of my routine and a constant so i can have better focus when i work on other things, if that makes sense idk if i explained that well. but i also reallyyyy love learning korean so the hyperfocusing will still happen lol
i really wanna write more this year both personal journaling and practice/hobby journaling for korean plus my academic/intellectual thoughts?? i never like really write those down and i wonder why not. i also want to be off line more and i feel like getting better at irl communications helps that a lot even if its just personal journaling no one else reads. its a good to remind myself that i can articulate myself if i try lol
ooh and i want to become really good at pilates idk, somethings been awoken in me this last month about it, and its been too long since i had a hobby that was physically active like that so i am restless lol. so ig it doesnt have to be pilates if i get bored and try smth else thats cool too
hm what else. idk i just kinda wanna be more expressive yknow, in minor and major ways. i have a lot a of thoughts on this idk. or maybe its an unmasking journey im on. oh shit no im def on a trauma-reprocessing journey i forgot thatll be a doozy lol. but! im growing so much~ did u know that avoiding discomfort is actually not the point of life? and that sometimes good things and right things that have to or should happen, are uncomfy? and that doesnt mean theyre bad or wrong? did you know pain ends and believing yourself to be able to survive painful things is actually so fucking important? im trying to learn those things lately. that tragedies are still worth telling.
alright. ill shut up now ty for humoring me. whether or not you celebrate things this time of year i hope you are comfy, i hope you find moments of peace and joy however small or private, i hope you reach out to people or the universe or whatever it is you need. ive been really grateful for my experieces w this blog this year <3 rest well and take care everyone!
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me: publicly calls out my cyberstalker
my CS: apologises and promises to leave me alone
also my CS: sends me a friend request on discord a few days later
like.. i cannot fucking win. i dont need this on top of my depression today 😭.
sorry this is rlly rambley and venty, im just struggling a lil bit and i have no one to turn to lol
I'll fight em. Fists rated E for everyone 😤
I'll fight your depression too 😤 no one hurts my bestie in any way shape or form 😤😤😤😤😤
But no actually, if there's anything I can do to help you, let me know I will always be here for you 💕💕💕💕💕
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architect-lumicent · 11 months
hihihihi it's me again!! had to jump into asks since this woulda been too many words for it to fit into a post reply-
but ty so much for the rating!!!!!<3 Roman IS very friend shaped !!!(and VERY cuddle-able as well!! he can give hugs for days lol) glad he made such high marks!! >w<
also to answer your question he DID get downloaded into Kai's head, it was definitely a very similar situation to AL-AN and Robin!! Kaius was originally on 4546B while working under a 3rd party company to discretely investigate the numerous missing/wrecked ships reported near the planet, though things definitely started to get complicated when he went on the planet and found Roman in the sanctuary cache instead-
after Roman ended up in Kai's head, having to share a headspace was DEFINITELY a big adjustment to get used to for both of them, especially since Roman was down right terrified and disturbed of how danger/accident prone Kaius is, but that just ended up encouraging Roman to always speak up and tell Kai off for being so reckless! It might sound like nagging or sass sometimes, but he really does end up being genuinely worried or concerned!! I mean he can't let the silly little human that saved him from the sanctuary cache get hurt so needlessly!! so of course Roman ends up getting pretty attached to Kaius while they work together to find/build Roman's new body. it even ends up getting to the point that Roman would start giving Kai reminders to drink or eat, or even bugging him to get some rest when he ends up working to hard!! He rlly is just a sweet person once you get past his initial bit of snarkyness, and he will ABSOLUTELY badger you into taking care of yourself (and maybe some snuggles too if he's in an affectionate mood)
(sorry if this is a bit long/rambley- I will NOT shut up about my ocs, ESPECIALLY if asked about em ^^; ty for the lil ramble opportunity tho!!<3)
*rubs my hands together* I love this lore so much. Similar situation to Robin and AL-AN, getting downloaded into ones head, having to rely on them to nOT DIE. I would love to see more of their dynamic, it sounds so fun honestly :)!!
Feel free to drop into my asks whenever you wanna rant about your ocs, I'm always happy to listen!!
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Leona Crossing is THE top tier leoide fic because it fully embraces Idia's eccentricities (he needs to sell the Leona Stan shirt and pouch as merch) and Leona loving them. It's the "this is your man?" tiktok sound as a fic. Less angst more acknowledging Idia and Leona are both weird and thus are soulmates.
HELP HI so sorry I'm answering this a little late!! I read this, got giddy, then exploded out of existence for a hot minute. Wow! I'm here tho now!!!
Thank you so much for this sweet ask, space unicorn! I'm just like, absolutely delighted to hear that you consider Leona Crossing to be THE top tier leoide fic!! Like, wow, my work?? Really??? Got me doing laps fr. It's so nice to hear that, especially considering that there are so many amazing leoide works out there, I'm like, beaming! It definitely brightened my day to read that and it sure has again reading this like, two days later lol
I just love writing Idia and Leona all silly. Like, Idia is a little eccentric fella (Idia totally does need to sell those Leona stan shirts and pouches, I want some so bad in my hands please), and Leona being able to love all of that and more? Peak content. This sure is his man!! That's his eccentric lover fr!!! They're both different in their own ways, but they certainly do love one another through everything, every moment, flaws, quirks, and the likes are another part of the man they love. They embrace and love every bit of one another and honestly like, go them! Gay!
I'm like a lover of fluff if you can't tell already (you probably can if you look at everything I've written). Back when there was like... 33 leoide works on ao3, a majority of it was like. Angst. Very sad. I'm delusional and love leoide tho so now I'm making them have all the fluff and love ever in Leona Crossing, hehe! It's very delightful to give them all the fluff in the world as well as play around with how Leona and Idia are both weird little guys that truly love one another so so much. They're in love, your honor! I just 100% believe they are weird, loving lil soulmates in every universe, they just compliment each other so perfectly that it's insane!
Thank you once again for this lovely ask, I got a bit rambley lol. Please do feel free to send any more (I love talking... and compliments)!! Here's a mango for your journey out 🥭 :3c I hope you enjoy the rest of what Leona Crossing has to offer as well, I have many delightful things planned!
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yesokayiknow · 5 years
jazz zomg HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! today is a special day for me too because my lil sister (I call her baby speedy) was born five years ago on this day so she says happy bday to you toooooo and also you rock and you deserve a fabulous day today.
thank you!!!! and oh!!!!! that's so cool!!!! i hope your lil sis has a good 4th birthday!!!! if she's anything like you then she must be awesome :D
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elementsx · 6 years
I'm off to an audition soooo I probably won't be on till late tomorrow (if I'm on tomorrow at all) and I'm working for like 14 hours Thursday so you'll next see me like Thursday night probably!
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eggedbellies · 2 years
Hey, uh! This is my very first time doing an anon ask for an imagine of this sort! Or an anon ask in general so this might be a bit awkward or rambley but here goes,,
Thoughts on a couple, or being in a couple where one wants to be nonhuman (and by that I mean a monster) REAL badly, like to the point of a lil heartache, and the other is a questionable biology/genetics expert?
Basically, the expert partner is like “ok sweetie I’ll help u achieve ur ideal form ilu :)” and makes. A fucking,, you know one of those test tube things? Those big test tube things people float in in sci fi stuff and kinda just… people jars! Just look it up on tv tropes. People jars. Yeah.
And both are really nervous about this because WHO WOULDN’T BE (I mean it’s a whole new thing and the pre-monsterfication S/O could end up dead or whatever since this hasn’t been tried out before) not to mention that the ‘wants-to-be-monster’ or WTBM one will have to stay in there in an induced coma for SIX MONTHS while the changes go on because let’s face it drastic monster transformation in a tube doesn’t happen overnight.
So basically the day comes where WTBM partner has to go in the tube and take the gamble of possible monsterfication while asleep in there for six months (probably dreaming abt ark survival evolved because I mean a lot of MY dreams are like that so just basing this off of personal experience here)
And expert partner is like “ilu babe we’re both nervous about this but remember this is so you can be you :))”, and WTBM partner is like “Hhh babe I am nervous maybe hug me a little hh :(( I want it but it is a little scary ngl” and then they hug because they are both very supportive and caring partners who love eachother very very much.
Anyways WTBM goes in the tube, the tube fills with the classic human jar green liquid, they go into hibernation and expert partner leaves, closing the door behind them because this is a very stressful situation and they won’t see WTBM for months and who KNOWS how it’s gonna turn out (a little angst!)
Anyways the six months pass and WTBM wakes up in the tube. They are in fact monster. Very cool looking. Probably has alien, bug-like or fish-like qualities (but with a mostly human face maybe? just with a protrusible jaw and the hundreds of teeth and multiple tongues or whatever you get the deal.). Oh there’s definitely a tail too. There’s always gotta be a tail that part is CRUCIAL the tail is too cool to leave out.
Expert partner sees that the vital signs on their phone app are ringing off, so like, really scared they go down to the tube room and open the door to find…
An empty broken tube.
They run over to see what’s going on, and then a familiar voice behind them (but maybe now a bit growlier with a bit of a purr to it) greets them and they turn around and it is the ONE AND ONLY WTSB partner (who will now be called monster partner)
Expert and Monster are both very happy about the results, HOWEVER. A few WEIRD THINGS did happen. Specifically, Monster partner got a few uh. Personality traits cooked into them in there.
For one, they’re way more affectionate than they used to be, though this could just be them being happier in general now. This also comes with the added thing of wanting to care for Expert more, such as cooking meals for them or being protective of them against suspected threats (like the dreaded Weird Bird Outside)
Another thing, they’ve suddenly gotten into the habit of calling Expert partner their ‘queen’ or ‘mate’ or whatever, which Expert is weirded out by but ultimately is okay with.
Oh and uh. The final personality change.
Monster partner now has the urge to absolutely FILL Expert partner with their brood (eggs), which Expert partner is the most weirded out by, but after they talk it out for a bit and come to a mutual agreement… yeah. Expert’s cool with being filled by eggs. (Monster is EXTREMELY EXCITED by their agreement)
Then ofc they have the consensual sex (or seggs I should say), and at the end, post-climax, Monster finds that they’re stuck in their partner by a knot and begin depositing eggs via their ovipositor. Expert gets eggnant. Monster is very excited by this. Lots of compliments. Maybe lots of speeches about protecting Expert or how nice they look with eggs in them (Expert is very. Weirded out by this but still enjoys and accepts the compliments.)
And so all this continues, Expert gets even more filled with eggs over time, but through it all they’re still very affectionate with their Monster partner and they’re in a very happy, albeit weird relationship because Monster partner is kind of like having a sapient, uncanny cat that’ll stare at you and do the. Weirdest things. Maybe crawls on the ceiling a little. But otherwise it is a very good time!
TLDR; What are your thoughts on someone turning their partner into a monster like they’ve always wanted, but now the partner wants to lay eggs in them and is Very Weird but nonetheless it’s a good time?
(I really kinda wanted to do this ask because I’ve barely seen any content in Ovi/Monsterfucking where there’s a good amount of sweet, saccharine fluff and many weird but nonetheless very kind compliments from one’s now bug-fish-alien-thing partner. It’s always ‘GRAHH I AM INHUMAN AND I AM GOING TO AGGRESSIVELY MATE WITH YOU GRAHH’ and other stuff like that in this community, and I wanted to know your thoughts on something that… isn’t that!)
ohohohoho so I was just getting more and more excited as this ask went on because a. this would make an excellent fuckin story like goddamn this is so good and b. y e s to all of this especially under the things i would like to happen to me because honest to GOD anon you are *chefs kis* genius and I would adore readin a story like this
bc I am so fuckin down w consent, consent is so sexy especially when it comes to thingsl ike being egged and being monsterified and you'll notice in a lot of my stories it's usually actually consent, at the very least implied but often outright agreed or spoke and just hmmmmMMMMM yes put me in a jar and turn me into a monster I will Take THe RiSk okay
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Recent dragon art + short story
yeah heres some recent dragon stuff and a lil story piece at the end. Please have mercy on my writing cause I was doing late at night without my glasses haha. I'm really not excited for the week I'm tired and I'm starting to fall into a depression again BUT! I am taking steps to make sure it doesn't get out of hand like past years so don't worry^^ anyways onto the art!
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Babble is a rainwing scientist.
She is absolutely in love with knowledge and will go on and on about all that she knows to anyone who would listen.
Shes not too popular among other rainwings given her rambley chatterbox ways as they find her too be bit annoying at times but Babble trys not to let it get her down.
She is quite popular among dragonets as they are very curious and love to see what invention she is working on next
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This is Discord. Hes an old old nightwing who has a monocle with the ability to switch between dimensions.
Discord is a grumpy stern dragon cause hes seen shit. He has a very dark outlook on life. He pushes others away due to the nagging fear of the balance of this dimension giving out.
Hes seen as a crazed old man by many. No one truly believes in his powers.
Discord is able to tell what dimension he is in by the number of moons on his wings.
2 moons is the most normal dimension he knows so he prefers staying here.
He used to travel through dimensions willy nilly because he found it fun and exciting. Till be saw stuff he shouldn't have and now he lives in a state of fear and dread.
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“What would you do if I died?”
The old nightwing turned his gaze from the moons to the partner next to him.
The two sat on a cliff, in front of the entrance to a cave. The sky glittered with stars and danced with green auroras that seemed to caress the moons in the sky. A light, bitter breeze blew by pushing the patches of grass with a gentle hand.
“That's an odd question my dear.”
The others eyes gazed back; her scales glittered in the moonlight while she lay under the others wing.
“Im serious Discord,” she tilted her gaze to the moons “what would you do?”
Discord face fell from its amused look; he looked back towards the moons as well.
“I suppose I would look for you…. among the stars where you may dance, hiding behind the planets, possibly swimming within a nebula’s colorful hands. Every Night. Id fly to the tops of the mountains, past the clouds, so far up my wings ache and my lungs scream. I'd fly til the atmosphere stops me and whispers softly that I can't keep going. I’d take one final look and smile in hopes you might be looking back.”
Discord could feel the rare prickle of beginning tears.
“Though I rather not think about the day you leave me. Truly that is the day I will surely die myself.”
Discord turned to look at his companion.
She stared back with a silent gaze. Giving a sigh, she nuzzled closer to discord’s side. His wing draped softly over her back.
“I promise,” she started “I promise I won’t leave. Ever.”
Discord chuckled “Sweetheart you know you can’t promise that. Everyone leaves at some point; it's a part of life.”
She looked defiantly at him;
“Yes I will! I will stay out of the nebula's grasp, I will stand in front of the planets, I shall not dance with the stars as my talons will be busy griping to the atmosphere. I shall fight with the atmosphere to let me stay. He shall never be in such a quarrel like the one I will make!”
Discord laughed and leaned his head toward hers “I don’t doubt it.”
She leaned in a well and pressed her forehead against his. Shutting her eyes, she felt the warmth of his scales and the soft membrane of his wing against her side.
“Majesty?” Discord spoke softly “are you ok?”
Majesty’s breath hitched a tad but she continued without pause, “Yes of course.” She pressed closer, “Just...tired is all.”
“Then rest.” Discord slid his head down and wrapped his neck around hers, resting his head on her shoulder.
“You're right..” Majesty spoke softly and laid her head against his shoulder as well.
“I promise I wont leave.” Discord chuckled jokingly.
“Neither shall I.” Majesty smiled gently back as she shut her eyes.
^^Meaning behind the story:
I couldn't resist the thought "if majesty died would discord just hop into another dimension that still has her in it?" Truefully the answer is yes. Discord is a dragon that acts before he thinks. He would immediately send himself into a pickle of hopping dimension to dimension. Majesty doesnt know about his dimension hopping power so when discord answers that he would search for her hes being literal while majesty hears it as figurative
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
Hi, me again. I did a double take when I read the most recent ask and saw Thomas as a dog. I scrolled back a bit and it turns out I had missed the ask where Thomas was introduced so that made a lot more sense. Not related to the blog but I thought you could have a chuckle at the mental image of me frowning in confusion as I try to figure out where Thomas had came from and how I’d somehow forgotten all about him.
Also in the same ask that Thomas was introduced I felt my heart do a happy little squish when Patty refrained from hugging Ghost because she wasn’t sure if he would like hugs. I have sensory issues and having people hug or touch me can send me spiralling unless I’m the one initiating physical contact so even though it wasn’t me that Patty refrained from hugging it made me happy seeing her be respectful of possible boundaries. Not sure if my explanation made sense but it made me happy so I wanted to share.
Also I may or may not have typed up all the Watchers pronouns and descriptions because I am terrible at keeping track of who’s who and I don’t feel like scrolling through all the asks in order to find what someones pronouns are if I need to reference them, because I have a terrible memory and am unable to retain information for more that five seconds unless it’s a random fact that will probably never be useful to me. This is why I have fun facts in some of my asks so that they have some use even if that use is just to entertain random people on the internet and fictional characters that I am far to emotionally invested in.
This was very rambley and random so sorry about that. Remember to take care of yourself, drink water and have a lovely day.
sdkjhdfkj fair. fair. Fun fact that now with Thomas included it's the 3rd time i've made a side into a dog in one of my AUs. the other times is Virgil being Patton's slightly anxious service dog/ babysitter dog for Logan in an au of mine where Remus becomes a parent. And Rowan being a small but very energetic emotional support dog for Remus and the rest of the (DID) system he's part of in a soulmate au of mine. Weird trend.
also yeah :D im glad Patty respecting boundaries made u happy. writing up a list of the pronouns was real smart btw. i got them saved in lil screenshots. i also got a literal name list for people i know in real life bc my memory sucks that much so i def get u dude. your fun facts are very appreciate btw
i will now link y'all to a video of a bernese mountain dog getting washed so everyone is on the same idea of how fucking huge Thomas is (and bc it’s cute ofc):
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farfromtommy · 4 years
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tomholland2013 I wanted to share a few of the shots from our wedding with you all. this one was one y/n’s requests for our photographer. 
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tuwaine my boy looking cleaaannnn 🔥
jakegyllenhaal what a lucky woman y/n is. 
fan1 we need pictures of y/n in her dress!
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y/nholland one of my favorite shots from the best day of my life. love you forever @tomholland2013 and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. 
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tomholland2013 Forever and ever, baby ❤️  
yourbestfriend so happy for you 🥺
robertdowneyjr Congratulations to you, Mrs. Holland! Let us know when you’re over on this side on the pond, we’d love to have you guys over. 
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tomholland2013 I keep getting comments about posting my favorite shot sooo here is my 2nd favorite shot. Hope you all have a great day! 
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hazosterfield his favorite shot is from the garter removal and y/n won’t let him post it anywhere 
y/nholland his favorite shot is actually from the bridal lingerie photoshoot I did a few months ago and surprised him with when we went through all the pictures 😌
zendaya @y/nholland you go, girl! 
harryholland64 hey tom, remember when you forgot those were mixed in with the regular pictures when you were showing me the final versions of the pictures? 
y/nholland @harryholland64 excuse me, what? 
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request: i love your writing! if you’re taking requests, how about a wedding day photoshoot with tommy?
a/n 1: ugh this was so much fun to do and i hope that lil extra text message bit was fun! i’m starting to branch out when doing these. please keep sending in requests! this is so much fun and my ask box is always open! 
to all of my social media au writers and to anyone who is a huge fan of these kind of posts, i have a lil rant kinda thing below the cut and i’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts on it! 
masterlist social media masterlist taglist
a/n 2: so i don’t know if any other social media au writers have run into this problem but anytime im looking for pictures i always try and be as reader inclusive as i can. i try not to be posting pictures of a reader of a certain skin tone, body type, hair color etc etc. i totally understand why its done and i read lots of aus that depict the reader a specific way. 
i guess my concern is with how anyone reading these perceives it. not all of us look the same or see themselves the same way when reading x reader fics. because i know i always see myself as a completely different person and don’t mind when there are descriptions of y/n and are not what i look like. 
i want to make sure im including the readers who don’t do that and prefer to see fics and aus that don’t give a view of y/n so they can picture themselves in it?
is that what i want to say?
i don’t want there to seem like i dont like it when other people do it. idk. this seems rambley and kinda my insecurities about writing showing. 
i guess if someone had a vision they had for a request they would send it in?
i’m totally down for creating these if whoever is requesting has a vision for what the reader looks like and taking requests for certain skin tones or body types. 
and this comes from a place of genuine curiosity and i mean no disrespect to a n y o n e who creates their social media aus with y/n visible and portraying a certain look. 
i try and be as neutral as i can be in my writing and with these but idk i think im overthinking it
thank u for reading if u have read this far and if you are not sure what i’m trying to say and need clarification shoot me a message or an ask! 
~end rant~
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neverinadream · 2 years
Oooh I’ve got another one for you!!
Arlo’s first home game, maybe he’s a couple months old, but still newborn enough for y/n to be in one of the boxes for family instead of pitch side. Kepa has no idea they’re coming and it’s a bit of a surprise, but he finds out from Jorgi before the match because he’s like “I’ve met Arlo, don’t know how something so cute came out of you.” Because hello, they always have banter and he can’t quite contain himself throughout the game. By the end of the match he’s made some good saves and they want to do a post match interview, but all he wants to do is find y/n and the baby. Eventually she comes down from the box after the majority of the fans have left and lil baby Arlo is decked out in a keeper kit with either “daddy” or their surname and he just can’t contain his excitement. Taking Arlo from y/n’s arms and pressing a little kiss to his forehead and tiny lil nose while turning to you and saying that finding out you were both there really pushed him to do the best he could and he does it all for you before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
Long and rambley once again but I really can’t help myself 🥺 -🍑
Hiya @chillyspeach your request can be found here
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
QOTS S5 E1 first thoughts! SPOILERS ABOUND
*********Spoilers for Queen of the South, Season 5 Episode 1*********
ok so! in case anyone cares about my rambley unorganized opinions on the season 5 premiere, i want to put them somewhere so here they are! i actually really liked it for the most part lol and had a fun time watching 
SO. pretty typical of QOTS to not let james & teresa have a meaningful moment alone until episode 2 but not gonna lie i’m still...........a lil salty about it. his talk with kellyanne was sweet tho and her last line of their lil talk....holy shit. like fuck!!! she’s right but..... fuck! i sense foreshadowing and i DO Not care for it
and i’m a bit pissed that so much time was wasted with king george being a dick and ready to shoot james for no discernible reason (i thought they were friends??? what the hell did james do to piss off KG so much? i thought they left on good terms? seems like he took james leaving harder than teresa... lol) when AS USUAL james totally saved the day right in the knick of time for literally....king george and teresa and pote.. like he saved literally EVERYONE’s life. and he was recovering from a gunshot wound and blood loss like????????? why is everyone wasting time distrusting him when they could be taking advantage of his life saving skills?? lol james in a classic King George bright yellow floral hawaiian shirt though!!!! amazing. beautiful. make james wear more color 2021!!
ALSO JAMES CONTINUING TO BE A PERFECT SHOT AND TAKING OUT LIKE 4 GUYS W NO WASTED BULLETS EVEN INJURED WHILE KING GEORGE AND CHICHO SHOT AT THE OTHER GUY LIKE TEN TIMES AND MISSED..... I LAUGHED SO HARD HOLY SHIT like between that scene and george accusing james of shooting himself in the stomach and knowing where to shoot in order to survive b/c he’s a sniper like....they really Really wanted to drive the point home that james is a Good Shot... 
but honestly all of that, on top of teresa kinda making more trouble for herself but ending up sort of accidentally~on purpose doing the smart thing anyways, felt Very OG queen of the south so that was actually really fun. plus we all knew james was gonna redeem himself and save the day anyways. i just lowkey wanted KG to get in trouble w/ teresa for taking a recovering james behind her back to a dangerous location without a gun - right after she got him back!! and before they even talked alone.... but that’s wishful thinking haha (someone gonna write that fic??) 
ALSO that scene with boaz and the judge?? OOF honestly i loved that scene even tho i HATE the judge and honestly i have no idea what to think of boaz after all these years lol, but their acting was so good and it’s just such an intense scene, idk they fuckin killed it!! no pun intended lmaoo
anyways i’m excited for episode 2 and it has definitely renewed a lot of my love for the show and i’m intrigued to see where they’re going with this season! and excited for james and teresa to talk alone!! without everyone around them accusing james of hurting her! or doing anything other than loving and protecting her!! hahaha 
i will say tho. i am a liiiiiiiittle peeved that all the writers came up with for the james/ devon plot was just. devon just let him go? and gave him information that would save teresa??? after constantly threatening to shut down her business, take over her business, kill her, etc.etc.whatever??????? like. i am kinda glad they just wrapped it up and didn’t linger on it but i really thought james would have like. overheard something about the kill order and made another deal w/ devon or fought his way out or just literally anything other than. they just gave him the information and let him go. like am i the only one who thinks that’s kind of lame??? but it’s okay b/c now we can just. move on from that whole mess hopefully. 
ANYWAYS here’s to a good final season y’all! thanks for reading my ramblings :’) i would love to hear other people’s thoughts!!
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
Y’all know the drill
Ok I just read ur Kuroo zombie drabble (which hello... Sinful. Delicious. I would read a whole book abt it), and I think I finally understand what I love abt ur fics? It's that awareness that someone NEEDS YOU. And what they do to get there. To keep you. All the lines they would cross. God, I've never experienced that in real life, only fiction, and you draw it out of these volleyball goons SO WELL it leaves me reeling and with butterflies in all the dirty, wrong, bad places. Just... Thanks. <3
Ahh you’re so sweet!! But yeah, that’s why I love the concept of yanderes so much - it’s that ‘love’ without boundaries, without rules, at the expense of anyone and everyone else which is of course super fucking unhealthy but also hhhhhh
omg going back to that zombie apocalypse au w/ kuroo... how would he react if reader did get bitten or died? let’s say reader shoved someone in their group out of the way from a zombie and ends up getting bitten
Badly. He’d definitely kill the person you were trying to save just out of spite, go on a bit of a rampage, but i also wouldn’t put it past him to keep his bitten darling chained up because he just can’t let you go.
your recent bokuto drabble is fireeeeee 😩😩😩 i love your content so much especially when you talk about the captains
i love my captains sm 🥺
yo yo yo YO THAT ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE KUROO DRABBLE WAS GREAT. I mean, who would ever suspect the charming Kuroo? He'll be nice and easy to get along with, a person in a midst of chaos and madness that everyone grows to trust. And he'd be a great leader, so no one ever doubts what he says, making it so much easy for him to manipulate others into thinking someone has to be sacrificed to get them out of a sticky situation. they'll think he's doing it for them but no, it's all just for you. - @bitterlavenderwritings
Ahh thank you, bby!  It’s one of those things where morals and stuff are already skewed in a post apocalyptic world, but instead of just being selfish for his own sake, he’s selfish for yours as well and there is literally nothing he won’t do to protect you. But yeah, no one would believe he’s actively out to hurt them (and he’s not - until it’s the difference between you getting hurt and you coming home safe) so it’s easier for him to do what he has to - lie, manipulate, outright kick somebody out of the way and into the waiting arms of a walker - whatever. Everyone looks up to him and trusts him, maybe there’s even a few in the group who think he’d made a better leader full stop 👀
i think i just felt my soul ascend from my body. your ushi's sister drabble WAS HOT AND HAD ME SALIVATING YOU'RE SO AMAZING PLS NEVER STOP WRITING- (or if you need a break, pls don't hesitate to do so!! god knows how tiring writing can be so i'd rather you have enough rest🥺🥺) - @bitterlavenderwritings
rest is for the weak (no but seriously thank you you’re very sweet) 💕
ONGMG OMG meet the parents part 2 was everything I needed and MORE! I know the reader will probably not get away free but FINALLY some parents/guardians with some sense!
Three cheers for the one adult I’ve written about who’s not entirely a piece of shit!! 
hey! i’m not sure if anybody asked about this yet, but i just read your blindsided aftermath, and i loved it! i was wondering if you would ever consider continuing that story? if you do, i would love to read it one day! keep up the great writing-i can’t wait to read the slasher bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo fic you’re working on. @glaringlights
Thank you sm!! I’m so glad that you guys like it, it’s on of my fave pieces but as far as continuing it - probably not? I might write some more drabbles at some point but it likely won’t be a full fic.
This is a rambley thought but I love your soul mate au so much.
It obviously all my dubcon noncon kinks but it's so well written but so terrifying too. These are people the universe has decided belong with you, the people you deserve. The fact the mum in the twins one was so eager to accept them in is just horrible. I love that despair aspect of it. That no one is likely to believe you if you tell anyone. (Except dad!)
OK sorry for rambling. I just adore the whole au and i can't find the words to describe how much! The whole au is Kinky and scary. I love it
It’s a fun trope to play around with - I’ve tried to make each one a little different and the next few I’m working on are even more so - I’m probably gonna keep writing them until you guys beg me to stop lmao. But also in all fairness to the mother (actually all of the other parents), if she actually knew what was really going on she wouldn’t be acting the same way. It’s more that they’re willing to look past any kind of sign that things aren’t okay because they want you to be happy, and your soulmates make you happy, right?
That concept is 👌👌👌 but hav u considered the reverse? Oikawa would be a total ass about his lil sis going to Shiratorizawa. He’d have the pettiest sibling rivalry- of course his little sis would capitalize on it
Semi and Tendou would take one look at Oikawa’s sister and just go :D but in the worst possible way lmao. 
can you make a little part 2 of blindsided(that inarizaki fic)🥺 like she ran way with ichiro but they found her somehow? or they found her during finals or some match?? idk i just really liked that fic🥺 literally one of your best !!!!
so my requests aren’t open but I’ve written a drabble about the reader escaping with Ichiro here and an extra snippet with Kita here
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