#like. they got the scarecrow's character to a t!!
skz-streamer · 10 months
Newest Member of Cultracha
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Pairing: ot8 (skz) x fem!reader (9th member)
Genre: Fluff, Crack? Idol Au
Warnings: cult members, slight mention of religion, being in a van? idk?
Notes: Ok at first I was like let me wait until I post the full master list of everything...but I kinda feel bad that I'm not feeding y'all anything so here you go.... Basically Y/n is part of Cultracha w Hyunjin and Jeongin, this is the backstory of it. YAYYYY FIRST FIC PART OF THE Y/N MASTERLIST!!!
Summary: Stopping on a road trip to take a bathroom break becomes a little more memorable than you thought it would be.
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately face claims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count ~700 ;)
The van hums along the scenic coastal road, and the atmosphere inside is electric with excitement. You're nestled between Felix and Changbin, enjoying the animated chatter and laughter of your fellow members.
Bang Chan, your designated driver, glances over his shoulder and grins, "Alright, who's ready for some awesome tunes?" He cranks up the music, and the van erupts with cheers and claps.
Seungmin, riding shotgun, adds with a mischievous grin, "As long as you don't play any of those old-school songs, Chan."
Chan rolls his eyes, pretending to be offended. "Hey, my playlist is diverse!"
A chorus of playful laughter fills the air, and you join in. Seungmin leans toward you, teasing, "Don't worry, Y/n, I'm sure he's got at least one song from this decade on there."
You giggle, feeling the friendly vibes flowing through the van. The snacks you packed are making the rounds, and there's an ongoing competition between Hyunjin and Jeongin to see who can finish their bag of chips first.
As you navigate through the twists and turns, the conversation shifts to jokes. Han clears his throat dramatically. "Alright, guys, get ready for the funniest joke you'll ever hear."
"Let's hear it," Minho urges, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Han smirks, "Why did the scarecrow win an award?"
The van falls into a brief silence before Jeongin's deadpan response, "Because he was outstanding in his field?"
Han bursts into laughter, clapping his hands. "Yes! You got it!"
The rest of you burst into laughter as well, teasing Han for his choice of joke. "Wow, Han, you're really raising the bar for comedy," Seungmin jokes, earning more laughter.
Felix chimes in with his Australian accent, "Alright, I've got one. Why don't scientists trust atoms?"
Your curiosity piqued, you lean in. "Why?"
"Because they make up everything!" Felix delivers the punchline with a grin, and the van erupts into laughter once again.
Hyunjin claps him on the shoulder. "Guys I might actually jump out of the van if I hear one more joke."
As the jokes and laughter continue, Bang Chan suggests a bathroom break. You spot a small convenience store and point it out. The van comes to a stop, and you all pile out, stretching your legs and enjoying the fresh air.
The restrooms are a bit off the beaten path, nestled between tall trees. The small store looks like something straight out of a movie. After using the restroom, you exit and notice two individuals standing near the entrance. You hear snippets of their conversation about spirituality as you pass by.
"Excuse me, miss," one of them begins, stepping toward you. "Have you ever considered the path to true enlightenment?"
Caught off guard, you stutter, "Well, I..."
Before you can finish, the other person joins in, their eyes intense. "Our journey has led us to discover profound answers. Are you on a journey of your own?"
Feeling a bit overwhelmed, you mumble, "I'm sorry, I have to go," and quicken your pace to the van.
Once inside, the memory of the encounter lingers, and your wide eyes don't go unnoticed by your members. As they return, laughter and smiles in tow, Hyunjin notices your demeanor.
"Hey, Y/n, everything okay?" he asks, genuine concern in his voice.
You take a deep breath and share the bizarre encounter with the strangers. The van goes quiet as everyone absorbs the story, but soon enough, a burst of laughter fills the space.
Jeongin chuckles, "Cult members? Seriously?"
Minho grins, "Only you could attract that kind of attention, Y/n."
You let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, tell me about it."
Changbin shakes his head with a smirk, "Well, you're back with us now, safe and sound."
Felix pats your shoulder, "Don't worry, Y/n, we won't let any cults recruit you."
As the van continues down the coastal road, you feel the warmth of your friends' comfort. Bang Chan offers a reassuring smile through the rearview mirror. "We've got your back, always."
Minho adds with a chuckle, "Yeah, and if they ever ask you to join, just tell them you're already part of the most exclusive cult – Stray Kids."
Permanent tag list: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @ot8skz-wifey @ren0325 @felixvsp
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jaybirdswriting · 7 months
Halloween Themed OTP Prompts
A: We'll start with the classic: Character A and Character B wear matching couples costumes.
B: Character A and B were supposed to wear matching costumes, but there was a miscommunication somewhere along the way and one of them has grossly misunderstood the theme.
C: Character A and B carve pumpkins together. One of them is working very hard to make it scary, the other one could not be taking things less seriously.
D: Character A decides to introduce everyone to their partner on Halloween. The fact that their partner is a supernatural entity who hides their identity by claiming to wear a costume has everything to do with it.
E: Character A and B take their child trick or treating for the first time. Or if they don't have kids, Character A and B decide to hand out candy to the neighborhood.
F: Character A gets a supernatural related curse placed on them after deciding it was a good idea to hang out in a graveyard on Halloween. Cue Character B trying to help them lift it.
More Undercut
G: Character A and B decide to go through a corn maze...and they get horrifically lost.
H: Character A always wants to dress up as a pop culture reference and Character B never understands it.
I: Character A and B waltz to "Monster Mash."
J: Character A decides to dress as Character B for Halloween.
K: Character A and Character B make up scary stories to tell each other. The scariest one wins.
L: Character A and Character B decide to announce their relationship status at their friends costume party.
M: Character A decides to make a scarecrow that resembles Character B as a joke. Then they end up finding the scarecrow enduring, so they leave it up year round.
N: Character A and Character B learn it's very hard to kiss with fake vampire teeth in.
O: Character A and B have a very serious conversation about what they would do if supernatural creatures became real and they had to fight them.
P: Character A goes on a wild goose chase looking for a very specific type of candy. Character B thinks the entire thing is a little ridiculous, but they love Character A so they're going along with it.
Q: Character A is really adamant that they dress up like Gomez and Morticia Addams because they're that in love with Character B.
R: Character A wears a costume, and Character B learns they have a "thing" for whatever Character A is dressed up as.
S: Character A is a supernatural being who doesn't find it nearly as funny when Character B dresses up as their kind for Halloween. (EX: Character A is a vampire and Character B dresses up like a vampire.)
T: Character A wants to watch a horror move so they have an excuse to cuddle up to Character B. Unfortunately, the movie was so scary they both ended up clinging to each other.
U: Character A doesn't really celebrate Halloween. Character B has been preparing since April.
V: Character A insists that the entire inside and outside of their home needs to be decked out in Halloween decertations. Character B ends up getting even more into it than Character A.
W: Everyone assumes that Character A is the skittish one while Character B is brave. However, Character A is the one who has to carry Character B out of the haunted house after they got to scared to walk on their own.
X: Character A is woken up by the smell of pumpkin in the air. Character B decided to start he Halloween festivities with homemade pumpkin bread cooked with extra love for Character A.
Y: Character A finds a ritual that can bring Character B back to life...but it can only work on Halloween night.
Z: Character A and Character B meet for the first time on Halloween night.
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bittersweetstargazer · 8 months
ppl who've seen howl's moving castle and not read the book would be stunned to know that
A. The real world exists in that universe and Howl is from Wales- his real name is Howell Jenkins
B. Sophie is a witch; she speaks life into things like hats, sticks, scarecrows, etc.
C. The scarecrow wasn't just some prince who got cursed and left on the side of the road, he's a prince who was taken apart by the Witch, who used pieces of his body to create the perfect man. He's wondering around looking for the missing pieces of his body
D. Howl has a human skull in his castle that belonged to the prince. When the scarecrow puts it on it can speak
E. In the book, it doesn't show howl & Sophie's relationship change like in the movie. They hold hands at the end of the book while ignoring everyone talking to them
F. Markl's name is Michael, and he's dating Sophie's youngest sister Martha, who runs the bakery that Lettie ran in the movie
G. Sophie has two younger sisters, Martha & Lettie, who switched places because Martha wanted to work at a bakery and Lettie wanted to learn magic, so they used a spell to disguise themselves
H. Howl courted Lettie for a period of time
I. Howl has a sister, Megan, who doesn't think too highly of him
J. Howl went to college
K. The black section leads to the real world, not the war scene you saw in the movie. There's no color for that in the book
L. There are more than 4 colors on the door selection
M. Heen is supposed to be a human cursed to be a dog, and he doesn't work for madame suliman
N. The person who taught howl was actually Mrs. Pentstemmon, who is killed by the Witch of the Waste
O. Madame suliman isn't a character in the book. She (might) be based off of wizard suliman, also named Ben sullivan (who is from wales), who went off to go kill the Witch and ended getting killed himself, and whose body parts were also used by the witch to make the perfect man
P. The witch of the waste was killed very quickly. Her demon, a woman from the human world named Mrs. Angorian, set out to find Howl and kill him.
Q. In the book, Howl spends a very long time in the bathroom preparing himself to go out and get another girl to fall in love him with him :/
R. Howl gets a cold and he basically convinces Michael that he's gonna die and gets him to do everything for him
S. Sophie's not allowed to mess with the spiders :/
T. Sophie doesn't get Calcifer to like her by telling him she likes his spark. She just bullies him into listening to her.
U. Sophie and Calcifer still have the deal, but Calcifer is trying to give her hints throughout the story so she can figure out what's up w Howl & Calcifer
V. Howl gets drunk. Very drunk. He says he is "cone sold stober" when he is, in fact not
W. Sophie gets mad at him and cuts up one of his suits.
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riddle-me-ri · 10 months
a/n: so umm…is it weird that I’ve given myself my own like brain rot for my general-partially biased take on a character? I just couldn’t get a Southern Jonathan out of my mind lmao. Plus as much as I’m absolutely suffering in this Texas heat…I do recall a time when summer was decent, especially at night out at my papa’s house…so it’s also a wee little love letter to those days…cause I do miss them. 
Trigger Warning: alludes to sexual activity but nothing explicit, some angst if you squint, heavy touching, and kissing. Also perhaps some wee OOC-ness maybe? This is a bit before he dives deep into his Scarecrow alias and my Jonny is a bit more confident when he’s with someone he cares for…and is in his neck of the woods so to speak.
Word Count: 1.2 k
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General Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader - Summer Nights
Tiny blades of fresh grass bit slightly at your bare feet as you ran through the open field. Your smile was wide to the point it almost hurt your cheeks. 
Your long-time boyfriend, Jonathan Crane held your hand tightly as he lead you across the field to a little “watering hole” he called it. 
Your legs are just about to go numb from the long exertion of running to match up with Jonny’s pace, but you finally made it to a tiny lake that laid out just before some dense woods. 
The water glittered as it reflected the bright twinkling stars on a cloudless summer night. The moment is calm, just a few chirps of crickers or the grunts of toads filled the silence. 
Then you realize that Jonathan isn’t beside you anymore. 
“Jon?” You asked out loud, softly at first. “Ugh, Jonny! Where are you?” 
“Right here, darlin’.” He was behind a tall and wide tree. 
You walked over to the tree. “What’re you doing?” 
“Well, wouldn’t want to get my workin’ clothes wet, now would I?” He stepped out from behind the tree and he wore nothing but his boxer shorts. 
“Jonathan!” You squealed as you instinctively covered your eyes and turned away. 
“What? It’s not like you ain’t seen me in my skivvies before-”
“Not out here…i-in the open!” You hissed, you quickly glance around, hoping no one would show up to prove your point. 
“Honey, I can assure you we’re the only ones out here. You ain’t got nothin’ to be afraid of.” 
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “That’s rich coming from you.” 
Jonathan chuckled deviously. “Point taken. But I promise nothin’ will getcha…especially with me around.” 
He walked up towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You placed your hands on his chest. You could feel the pounding rhythmic beating of his heart past his pale skin. 
“Well what?” 
Jonathan grinned. “Aren’tcha gonna join me?” 
“Wha–?” Before you could finish asking, Jonathan broke from the embrace and dashed toward the short wooden pier. 
“Jonny!” You shouted, astonished. 
The only response was the sound of splashing water. 
You rushed out to the edge of the pier and watched your lanky boyfriend breakthrough the water. 
“What’re you waiting for? It’s awfully lonely out here!” He chuckled, swimming closer to you just below the edge of the pier. 
You were silent for a beat as your eyes shifted left to right. 
“Is the water cold?”
“Do I need to take off my clothes?” 
“Unless you wanna be cold when you get out, darlin’.”
Another beat. You sighed before slowly deciding to take off your clothes. You were still hesitant to get in until you were down to your underwear and heard Jon let out a wolf whistle. Pulled by the urge to smack him, you dove in after him. 
Jonathan’s laugh echoed as he tried to fend off your hands, restraining them in his hands by your wrists. 
“Was that so hard?” He teased. 
“No…but you lied. The water is a little cold.” You huffed.
Jonathan chuckled warmly, he placed your wrists around his neck and his hands went under water to wrap around your waist. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll help warm ya up.” 
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You deadpanned before he leaned in to kiss you. 
His lips were wet from the water, making it all the more easier to get your tongue to slide past his lips and into his mouth. Your skin began sticking to his and his grip around your waist got stronger and tighter as if he was trying to keep you afloat for as long as he can. 
You slowly, although reluctantly pulled back. You rested the tip of your nose against the tip of his crooked one. You remember how it got so crooked in the first place. It was already adorably long…but it wasn’t always crooked. 
A couple of classmates from your college have always harassed you and one day Jonny saw it, needless to say he wasn’t going to let them pick on you, like they did him, without a fight. The fight eventually got broken up by the dean and Jonathan and the other party was suspended for a time. 
When you went to check on him the following day, his nose was inflamed and constantly bleeding. You remember kissing it that day…and the next day the bleeding stopped and the swelling went down. 
Back in the present, Jonathan began kissing and lightly suckling on the water droplets that fell down your neck. 
“J-Jonny…” You mumbled out, breathlessly. “I gotta ask you something.” 
Jonathan didn’t hesitate to raise his head up to look at you. “What is it, darlin’?” 
“I just…I’m worried about this whole…fear tactic thing…I don’t want you to get in trouble or get hurt! Billy isn’t worth the risk…just to get back at him?” 
Jonathan sighed. “Honey, we’ve been over this…men…or, better yet, boys like him need a taste of their own medicine. They need to know what it’s like to be afraid…submissive…powerless…if they don’t they’re just gonna keep picking on those weakest.” 
“But does it have to be you? Why do you got to do it?” 
Jonathan perked up an eyebrow, his eyes wandered off into the water as he thought about why. “Because I know…I know fear better than most anyone. Who better to rear it’s ugly head?” 
Your shoulders sloched as you sighed in defeat. You suppose there truly was no getting to him. To back out of this plan of his. 
You brought your hands up from around his neck to frame his jaw on both sides. Your thumb caressing just below his cheeks. 
“Just…please be careful, sweetheart.” You pleaded.
Jonathan leaned his face into your touch before softly kissing along the inside of your palm. “I will, honey. I always am.” 
“I’m looking at a crooked nose that says otherwise.” You giggled. 
Jonathan chuckled. “It didn’t get crooked under the best of circumstances, but I know you love it.” He brought his face down towards yours and rubbed his nose side to side against yours. 
Your smile grew as you pulled him in closer so his lips can meet yours again. 
After sucking on each other’s lips for awhile, Jonathan resumed his task from before with suckling along your skin. Finishing where he left off on one side of your neck and then going to the other side. Your fingers were dug deep in his wet mop of sandy brown hair, doing all that you can to keep his attention there. 
Jonathan pulled you closer to him once more, as the water tries to pull you apart. When your body was up against his, you felt a certain bulge below the surface. Your audible gasp, clued Jonathan to know you knew. 
“I think it’s time for us to take this back to dry land, whataya say, darlin’?” Jonathan whispered in your ear. 
You gulped, nodding your head against his. “Please.” 
Jonathan chuckled deviously. “You better shake a leg, or I’ma just have to drag you to the bottom with me.” 
You dramatically shrieked at the threat as you began swimming back to shore, with Jonathan quickly following you in your wake.
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captainhysunstuff · 11 months
Got any fic recs where Lawlight lives happily ever after the end? All the longer fics I've been reading lately have had life and death high stakes conflict and I just want a medium conflict story. Or maybe I don't which is the purgatory that is reading.
Death is Not the End - SilchasRuin (Rated T for violence and suggestive off-screen shenanigans)
They're already dead, but their ending is happy enough (kind of a spoiler that I have it listed here, but the journey is fun). There's a sequel, but it's unfinished, but I assume they'll remain relatively happy~.
The Way it Could Have Been - MoonSword1994 (Rated M for a couple smutty parts, but there are warnings beforehand, and reading them is optional)
I will never not recommend this one if you want a happy post-Kira case Lawlight story where they act like a family. There are still post-Kira mental consequences and heart wrenching family moments, but it's still very sweet and fun overall.
Not His Biggest Fans - MadelynneBlume (Rated PG-13 for off-screen stuff and teen pettiness)
-L's successors do not like Light, lol.
The Angel and the Scarecrow - uberneko_zero (Rated PG for some supernatural self-harm)
-Fairytale tone with a hopeful ending~.
A Conversation in the Rain - sashocirrione (Rated T for sexual references, but only making out is shown~)
-Pretty short one-shot that follows canon events, but the characters become self-aware and spin it into a positive thing, lol~.
Heaven's Hotline - sleepyvampira (Rated T for post-capture angst)
-Angsty earn-your-happy-ending and talking-with-the-dead lengthy one-shot fic that almost borders on wish fulfillment, but I don't care~.
Dealing with Shinigami - TwilightMaster15 (Rated G. Nothing that explicit happens onscreen from what I recall)
-A magical fantasy setting where Light is a prince who runs away and doesn't want to be rescued, and L is king of a magical forest who needs to get married and stop some wizards from screwing everything up. That's what I remember, and it's so fun~.
I'm sure I've recommended some of these before, but I can't help it. I like them, too much! I tried to steer away from smut-filled ones because I don't know how old you are, Anonymous. Ehehe. I suppose if asked, I might be able to provide some of those, too.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 4 months
Natural Disasters, CoD Ghosts HC’s
What natural disaster are the Ghosts?
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A/N🪶: Please keep in mind that these are just my opinions! I’d love to hear(or I guess read?) your thoughts. These are for all the Ghosts, former, deceased and current within the Ghosts game. This means I will be including Rorke, Ajax and Elias Walker. Canon character information is taken from the CoD: Ghosts Wiki page. Please correct me if I’ve got anything canon wrong!
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker, Earthquake
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Not because he’s a Californian at heart.
I imagine that Elias had a very large impact on many people's lives.
He can’t be solely defined as a “killer”, he still has so much humanity left, shown by the way he comforted his son even when he knew he wasn’t going to survive Rorke’s torturing.
There are some lines from wikipedia used to describe earthquakes that I think are fitting for him.
“Earthquakes can range in intensity, from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt, to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air…” - Wikipedia, Earthquake, paragraph 1.
“Earthquakes by themselves rarely kill people or wildlife - it is usually the secondary events that they trigger…” - Wikipedia, Natural Disaster, Earthquakes
Elias is definitely a hardened person but not so much so that he’s emotionless or stone cold. However, keep in mind that he and Hesh said that Elias has put his sons through multiple “tests”.
I imagine these tests were done to teach his sons to survive and defend themselves, probably after the death of their mom/his wife.
Elias is strong but still emotional, loves his sons more than anything but also understands that the world needs someone to defend it.
“Listen, you boys… you’re the only thing I’ve got left in this world… But you’re also the only ones I can trust.” - Elias Walker to Hesh and Logan.
David “Hesh” Walker, Wildfire
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I almost wanted to say flood but I think wildfire is fitting for David.
Like with Elias, this is not because he’s a California native(?). Mostly because I don’t see anything that exactly says he was born in California. Just that he was raised there.
I’ve seen multiple definitions of Hesh. Urban Dictionary says it comes from the word “hessian” and means “cool, courageous, reckless”. Wikipedia says that HESH(UK) or HEP(US) is a type of “explosive projectile… that conforms to the surface of a target before detonating”.
David is a very emotional person as we’ve seen. He gets angry and worried easily, as seen in the entire game.
The biggest examples that come to mind are when the brothers are picked up with Merrick and Keegan and David is arguing with them about getting their dad, and when Keegan, David and Logan are trying to get coordinates on Rorke and Rorke appears in the monitor, taunting them. David yelling at Rorke and calling the dude a piece of shit, as he should. Keegan attempting to calm him down.
David can be stealthy when he wants to be but that doesn’t mean he won’t get out of control or reckless. He’s ready to put himself on the line, especially for Logan.
You don’t see his rage at first but you’ll see it when it gets bigger.
I think David uses his emotions to help him get the job done, powered by spite as shown by him telling Merrick to hit the very train him and Logan were on so they could avenge their father.
His emotions aren’t a bad thing, of course. He cares a lot about those around him and wants to protect them. Maybe I just love him too much but I can’t help it!
Logan Walker, Drought
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I had a hard time picking one for him but I settled on drought.
I wanted to pick something that wasn’t an exact opposite to Hesh, but still different.
“A drought is a period of drier-than-normal conditions.”. - Wikipedia, Drought, Paragraph 1.
Logan is described as a “quiet-man, a cold-blooded killer and an excellent soldier…” - CoD Ghosts: Wiki Logan Walker, Personality
According to rescue.org, a drought happen gradually but are still deadly.
You don’t hear it happening but you can see the effects it has on the ecosystem around it.
Logan is described by Elias as being more like his mother, who we know nothing about aside from her status as deceased and Elias saying the tremors used to scare the shit out of her.
Let’s also mention how droughts can increase the likelihood of wildfires. David and Logan are always supporting each other and working together whenever possible. I think Logan(and Elias too) has given David a lot of inspiration to become the man he is and vice versa.
As different as the two are, they go hand in hand, different skill sets that can fit like a puzzle.
Thomas A. Merrick, Avalanche
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Big scary man (he’s labelled as stocky on his wiki page)
But for real, Merrick is a very strong person. I wouldn’t call him emotional like Hesh, but he is loud and a very visible presence.
He’s unique and has a history that I imagine has influenced him a lot.
He’s respectful but I think he reserves his respect for very specific people.
Keep in mind, he went from yelling in David’s face at the beginning to just accepting his order to hit the train at the end of the game. Not to mention the way he was able to emotionally connect with the brothers after Elias’s death.
When Rorke was his Captain, we saw the amount of respect Merrick holds. “Permission to speak freely?.. No, Sir”. But we also see Merrick punching Rorke as soon as he has the opportunity and telling him to shut up.
Also, I feel like he prefers colder climates, which fits because avalanches are basically snow slides.
Please keep in mind that while Hesh being a loud, emotional person could be used to say that his loudness would cause a Merrick avalanche, avalanches actually can’t be caused by sound. The more ya know :)
Keegan P. Russ, Sinkhole
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Sinkholes actually do have warning signs if you look closely.
But they might as well be sudden when you don’t pay attention.
Keegan, while not completely silent like Logan, is still a very quiet, controlled person.
We see him sneak around, leaving bodies in his wake.
He’s described in the wiki as “known to complete combat operations under extreme conditions”.
Sinkholes (or the conditions for them I guess?) can form over the course of hundreds of years. Keegan has a lot of experience and was part of the original 15 Ghosts.
Keegan knows how to hide himself, seen when Rorke is interrogating the Walkers and Merrick trying to get information on him.
He’s there when you least expect it, hiding under the surface.
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson
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Because we see so little of Ajax, it was difficult to find something fitting.
Ajax was also one of the original fifteen Ghosts.
He’s strong, stubborn and I’d say a powerful force, in his last moments, he was giving direction to Keegan, Logan, David and Merrick. “Rorke. It was Rorke. He’s targeting… look.. the wall…” - Ajax in Struck Down.
Because of this, I think a cyclone was the best fit.
A cyclone is basically like a storm of winds I guess?
“A large air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure… the largest low-pressure systems are polar vortices and extratropical cyclones of the largest scale (the synoptic scale).” - Wikipedia, Cyclone, Paragraph 1.
He did everything he could in his last moments, staying strong as long as he could to protect the remaining Ghosts, giving them all the information he could as his last words.
Remember, the air itself can be just as dangerous as anything else.
Rest in Peace, Ajax, you deserved better my guy <3
Gabriel T. Rorke, Flood
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Yes, I’m choosing this partially because this was a major part of his character arc within his lore.
But there are more reasons.
“Human changes to the environment often increase the intensity and frequency of flooding… ” - Wikipedia, Flood, Paragraph 1.
^ This can connect to the impact the Federation had on him, before and after Rorke being dropped.
The thing about floods is that they can sweep you off your feet, not in a good way, obviously.
The flood is going one way and it’s not afraid to take you with it.
It hits you where you’re actually the weakest, making you stumble and appearing when you least expect it.
The flood in the game occurred due to the dam breaking.
Rorke seems to be a “go with the flow” type of person. Something goes wrong, all he can do is keep trying to reach his goal (assuming he hasn’t already made a Plan B).
Floods can cause a lot of damage and take more lives than one may expect. He’s made his impact within the game, the way he killed Elias, making the Ghosts(especially David and Logan) want to avenge their former captain which led to even more shit happening.
Kick, Tornado
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This one I can’t explain but it just feels right.
Maybe because he flies a helicopter?
Also when I was looking at wikipedia about cyclones I found something interesting.
“Mesocyclones, tornadoes, and dust devils lie within the smaller mesoscale.” - Wikipedia, Cyclone, Paragraph 1
If you recall from Ajax’s HC above, basically ajax is a big cyclone and Kick can be like a smaller scale cyclone I guess. I just like the idea of that (plus Kick is the shortest of the Ghosts)
Neptune, Storm
I’m just gonna leave this here for inclusion’s sake.
Neptune has next to nothing on his wiki page so I’m just gonna give him something more basic.
I almost gave him volcano but that felt like too much.
We appreciate all the Ghosts here <3
Riley… Riley
He’s a natural disaster of his own, special type.
Have you seen the way he rips peoples throats out?
We stan Riley, the sweet bloody boi <3
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
I know nothing about the DmD trio other than from your blog... But you already know how in love with the Tinman I am XD I had to send an ask for my random few thoughts.
- please- indulge me for a moment. You know that ship dynamic of the gentle giant and the overprotective short stack? That's what I've been imagining with Tinny. Him getting an S/O who is smaller than him (though that wouldn't be hard, I guess XD), but I will absolutely throw hands on his behalf. If he could without hurting them, he could pick them up and set them aside before dealing with the danger himself. Because he'll fight for them too ^^ (Also made me think; If Scarcrow got a Tinman's second in command!S/O and Lion has a Scarecrows assistant!S/O, what if Tinny got a Lions best warriors!S/O? Assuming he has his own army. Or someone associated with Lion?)
- In general; Tinny knowing what it's like to be loved through you ^^ and just- realizing he's no longer in an abusive relationship the longer you two are together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you don't yell and insult him, you don't order anything from him, and you never expect him to commit terrible crimes for you. You just want your lovely tin man <3
- Imagine taking in interest in his crafting hobby and sitting with him, or even asking him to teach you! Even if you just want to enjoy his company and have no desire for metal bending, Tinny will be so so so happy and elated to have you here with him ^^
- KISSING TIN!!!!! Holding his cold, metal face delicately while rubbing a thumb along his cheek, maybe brushing against his sharp overbite, your guys' eyes filled with love for each other before you lean in and carefully press your lips against his needle like teeth and lips??? SIGN ME UP! 📃📃📃📃📃
(.... Uh... *cough* I'm not sure if Tinny still has the ~equipment~ or the ~desire~, but you can try to grind on a smooth part of him, or convince him to get extensions. I'm certain he'll want to make happy in bed as well 😏 ok bye-)
- hm... Ngl I'm already wondering what a Yan!DmD!Tinny would be like... I have no self control 😅 of course you know his character more than me, but I like the idea that if he truly went full yandere mode, completely love struck with someone more hopelessly than with Dorothy, he would be more persistent in gaining their affections. It feels like with Dorothy that he'll try something with her, she'll hurt him, and he'll give her some space before trying again. And was slowly realizing that she didn't love him, before Glinda stepped in. But he still hasn't given up. Can you imagine how amplified that'd be if he were yandere?? Maybe even fully deluded that you'll love him instead of just listening to what others tell him? 🤔 what do you think? If you want to comment.
All I've got for now XD as you can see, in my mind, we're already married, live in a cottage in the woods, and are raising three robot children that we built togetger XD (omg this is another example of us falling in love with partner characters(?) You have Scarecrow, and I have Tin... It sounds like we might share Lion though XD) I hope these make you smile! ^^
Okay first of all OMG YES!! It is another Norman/Wayne / Psycho/Greasy / Granny/Big Bad kinda situation!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this, I love that we do this XD YESS Lion is like Wheezy, we both love him and need to appreciate him more XD
Okay okay okay now onto your actual points- I must take a deep breath first XD
... hoo, okay. Let go.
Gentle Giant/Over Protective Short Stack: Yessss 🥺🥺🥺 Oh boy, does he need it. He needs someone who will CROSS the throne room the millisecond that Dorothy crosses the line and curse at her like a sailor like how DARE you!?- And that second part?? Tin picking his crazy small S/O up (Very carefully, with those fingers of his) and placing them somewhere to the side (Maybe into the arms of one of his tin soldiers- yes, he has entire army fully at his command. They're tin/biology hybrids frankensteined together by Scare) before Dealing with the situation himself. I can see it so clearly it is making my heart ache. Tin scooping you up, saying 'thank you, spring blossom (he'd use all sortsa cringy cute names like that genuinely XD ), but please, please let me handle this for you. The last thing we want is for you to be hurt', and carefully passing you off to another soldier he trusts. He carefully pushes some of your hair behind your ear, then turns back to the threat; straightens up to his f u l l building-like height, and takes care of shit. And the whole time, he wouldn't let even one piece of whoever he's Taking Care Of to hit you (The man is THOROUGH).
Tin Accidentally Hurting S/O:
He was on his knees, again. You told him a million times he doesn't need to do that, but the sweet, dramatic man just cant help himself. And honestly? You don't mind it, actually- You can kiss him and fluster him a lot easier this way. But this time?? This time he was on his knees profusely apologising. And you couldn't take it!! There was no need!! He just accidentally sliced you across the cheek with one of his fingers- he didn't mean to, and you both know it! You hear Dorothy give a snigger from her throne nearby, baring witness to this. You also see the Scarecrow drops his head backwards and sigh heavily at the display- but you don't care about Tin's so-called friends. You care about Tin. You take Tin's big metal head in your hands. " -so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I can do better. I would never, ever fetter your perfect skin on purpose- " "I know, I know." Instead of insisting he don't be silly and he cant help it sometimes!!, which is what you want to do!, you focus on calming him. Because everyone is watching, and he's probably mortified. You just want him to be okay. "Please Tin, its fine. Everyone knows you wouldn't hurt me on purpose." There's a hint of panic in his voice when he speaks next, a little quieter; following your lead and acting as if its just you two, here. Just him, and you. Safe. "Someone might think they could care for you better then me." "Doesn't matter." You whisper. "I know, they couldn't."
Having a Healthy Relationship with Tin: My heart <3 Yes! I can see him struggling with that- even before Dorothy went bad he was willing to give her anything. But imagine any time he offers you something, you're like 'oh that sounds nice! good idea Tin! lets do it together ^^' and leading him off before he can protest. And he s l o w l y starts to feel so so comfortable with you <3<3
"Moon flower, could I get you a drink?" "Oh yeah, I'd love one! Thank you! ^^ Lets go, and we'll get you some oil as well, love." *connecting arms and towing him towards the kitchens* *Eyes wide* "Oh- but I'm fin- " "I can hear you squeaking. Lets go!~ " *gentle voice* "You don't need to worry about me, my love." "No, I don't need to, but I don't mind." *pats his arm gently*
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Kissing, Affection & Sex: Yes yes yes kissing Tin <3<3<3 Oh my goodness. Cupping his large face and stroking his cheeks, leaving feather-light kisses all over his smooth metal cheeks and underbite, gently scraping your nails down his chest or any other smooth part of him and he SHUDDERS (I don't know how physical feeling works for him, especially since Scare was able to pop open his chest and enhance his heart without Tin feeling a thing but when Amy sliced it open it hurt him, but I don't care. It works. It is all in working order because I say so XD), curling your fingers between tangled springs and wires and hearing him gasp, kissing the side of his pointy nose, absentmindedly and gently sliding your finger along the dull side of each of his fingers, etc. Him stroking the dull side of his pointer fingers under your chin when he wants you to look up so he can see your pretty face, him being afraid to touch you or kiss you himself but asking you to touch/kiss him, him raising his hips or his leg (Or wherever you've deemed it safe to rub yourself) in an effort to make it feel better for you- aghhhhh XD I'm not okay XD
And- EXTENSIONS?? Omg yes he would absolutely do that for his S/O XD You wouldn't even have to ask man!! He'd anticipate it, once you two actually got together!! XDD But like, the thing thats getting me here?? SCARECROW IS THE ONE WHO'LL HAVE TO MAKE THOSE ADJUSTMENTS XDD
"I'm sorry, uh, old friend, let me just... let me see if I fully understand. You want to...? " "I want to make some necessary improvements to my body for the sake of my human love's pleasure. At night." "... uhuh. And that means?" "I would like to be fitted with the tool's a human man has, or something better, for- " *impatient with Tin's awkward pussy footing* "Are you asking me to attach a Dick to you, Tin Woodman!???" "... Yes. Will you do it?" "... Fine... For Science."
Yandere Tin Woodman!!!!!: Oooooookay. I'm struggling to gather my thoughts here XD To an extent, I think Woody is actually already kindof Yandere XD I mean, before Dorothy even shows her 'true colours' herself, he's doing some not-so-above-board things for her. Like forcing his people (The Winky's) to walk for days non stop to the Emerald palace to be her army. And then, when she seems displeased, letting Scarecrow do what he wants with them (He's shocked when he finds out WHAT Scare did with them, which was Frankenstein them of course (which killed a good portion of them before he got the procedure Right), but he was miraculously easy to convince that it was a good idea when Scare and Glinda said Dorothy would like it). As well as letting Scarecrow adjust Tin's own heart with magic For Dorothy. So... yeah, to an extent, Tin is already obsessed with getting her to like him. But if he was All The Way Yandere like you're thinking... oh boy.
There would be no getting away. Remember how he's got a whole army at his disposal?? And d u n g e o n s??? 👀 Yeah. He'd be like 'I know you don't love me yet, and it is painful my sunlit dandelion, but you will eventually. You'll fall for me, eventually'.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!! Aghhhh, you're really enabling me here XD
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makuta5200 · 9 days
TAGGED: 10 Characters You Identify With!
Tagged by good pal @gordhanx with this one!
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Jack Skellington - Probably my number 1 when it comes to self-identifying characters. Aside from being tall, lanky, and loving Halloween, I tend to get curious pretty easily about things and like to, like many, hyperfixate on things for a good long while. Friendly and good to his people, with maybe bit of weirdness for good measure - me to a T, always!
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Hideki Motosuwa - the actual crown prince of anime protagonists, you can fight me on this. Hideki is just a good lad, I've always admired how the most normal of dudes is out there just doing his best for the robo-girl he picked up off the streets. Bit of a goober, kinda gets hit with "The Horny" from time to time, but means and does well at the end of the day.
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Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - if Jack is my heroic side, Scarecrow is the villainous counterpart. Equally as gangly and spooky, but with an even greater desire for the creepy and the macabre. Was also bullied a wee bit as a kid, so seeing a supervillain take his revenge on his former aggressors really hit when I started getting into comics.
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Honda-San - anyone who's worked retail can relate to Honda, imo. The day-to-day stress of the 9-to-5 grind can really get to you, but you also gotta appreciate the few good instances like cool coworkers and respectable patrons - however few and far between they may be.
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Ruler - With every passing year, I kind of get more snippity, more annoyed, just all around more crabby. I have a low tolerance for ignorance, failure, and unkindness, and most ESPECIALLY not being given the respect and dues I feel I've deserved, especially when it came to working retail in the funny haha 2020 era. Ruler embodies what happens when a hard-working individual is pushed down and the resulting animosity that arises from that kind of treatment.
(Oops got a bit too real there)
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Scanty - Kind of a stickler for rules, can let little things build up and annoy me, and I won't lie, kind of developed a bit of a temper over the years. Is why I find her so pretty though ooooooo
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Youka Naze - Youka represents a lot of what high school me used to be like. An overworking studier who put their all in their work but would get frustrated when it didn't amount to the results that I wanted. Just a lot of pent of angst and nihilism that, while I don't feel any more, DID exist in me a long time ago, and I related to it a lot so it'd be foolish not to include her as someone I DID once relate to strongly in the past.
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Patchouli Knowledge - Mostly in regards to her status as a librarian, which is what I am! I like chill, relaxing, quiet atmospheres, and so long as you abide by the rules and keep it down, we can be chill. I'll get snippy if you don't.
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Kobayashi - Again, usually pretty chill but do very much care for those close to me. I can be reserved and professional but the moment you get some drinkie-drinks in me I can be a bit of a goofball, all the ready yap your ear off with an interest or 12 of mine.
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Harvey Bullock - I swear I'm usually not so angy, but... you know the world just kinda makes me mad lol. Harvey's sarcastic, drop-of-a-hat temper flows into me whenever I get behind the wheel of a car. I BECOME Bullock. Also a bit of a foodie, always hungry.
And that's it for me! Not tagging anyone, but do it yourself if you feel so inclined!
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sakurachan7734 · 6 months
Where are you?
Chapter 1: where did you go?
Writer note: before we start the story, I like to say that my version of SCP 096 was a female to male trans person before they turn into a monster

Jackson:* walks into the house* I’m home!
Sarah:* Grabs Jackson’s arm* story story!!
Jackson: whoa, whoa Sarah slow down are mom and dad home
Sarah: no
Jackson: ok ok I will read you a story but you don’t need to drag me by my arm
Sarah: sorry
Jackson:* picks up Sarah and start walking up the stairs* do you want me to read something from scary stories or something different?
Sarah: scary stories!!
Jackson:* puts Sarah in her bed and sits down in a chair next to the bed* which store do you want me to read? 
Sarah: scarecrow!!
Jackson:* picks up the book* you like that character
Sarah: yes!!
Jackson: ok I will read you that chapter
Meanwhile, with agent nea and Jane 
Agent nea: are you sure if it’s the right place? It looks abandoned.
Agent Jane: yes everybody at the bottom of the mountain has been saying that anyone that goes up there they never come back
Agent nea: let’s just go check it out and get out of here
Jane and nea enter of the cabin
Jane: oh my this place is a disaster
Nea: yeah, let’s just go find these guys
Meanwhile, with Jackson
Jackson:* mind* sh!t I think those guys are here that mom and dad keep talking about
Sarah: Jakson?
Jackson:* picks up Sarah and starts running around to find a place to hide* we have to leave right now
Sarah: why?
Jackson:* trying to break a window* so bad people are here to hurt us
Nea:* from downstairs* they are upstairs!!
Jackson:*breaks the window and jumps out* no time to explain
Jackson starts running and agent Jane notices it 
Jane: the entity is getting away!!
Nea:* talking to the walkie-talkie* we need more MTF
Jackson:* Starts running* it looks like we may not be able to come back home 
Sarah; why?
Jackson: I don’t think most people are gonna leave until they catch us 
Sarah:* starts crying* I want mama and dada!
Jackson: I know but mom and dad are busy somewhere else
Nea and Jane start chasing Jackson. Jackson finds a river and it got a idea
Jackson: Sarah, we’re gonna go for a little swim
Jackson pov 
I jumped into the river, took off my jacket and take Sarah‘s helmet off I was trying to make it look like we both drowned and hopefully they will leave us alone. I jumped out of the water and started running again hopefully they didn’t see us 
Nea continues chasing Jackson and shoots it in the leg Jackson goes falling to the snow bleeding
Nea: get the truck agent Jake
Jake: on it
Jackson:* hugging Sarah close* what…… what do you want from us? 
Nea:* points her gun at Jackson* you too, of course
Jackson: why?
Nea: you are two dangerous for this world you need to be contained both of you, your brother, and your parents
Jackson: how….. how did you know I have a brother?
Nea:* pulls out a family photo* because of this, of course you know the tall pale man and the dead man covered In ink?
Jackson: oh course those are my parents
agent. Jake: I told you!!
Nea: shut it Jake!
Jane: just get them in the car 
Jake and Dwight put Sarah and Jackson into the car
Dwight: now we have to find the other three
Claudette: we’ve tried our best. We can’t find them
Jane: we will just keep trying and talk to the 05 about this
Claudette starts driving the truck to the foundation
Sarah:* crying* jakson where are you?!
Jackson:* picks up Sarah and hugs her* I’m right here
A few hours later they arrive at the foundation and Jackson gets put in a cell and agent, Jane goes to the 05
05-1: did you capture SCP 096 and SCP 106?
Jane: no but we found out something interesting
05-3: which is what?
Jane: well we found out that SCP 096 and SCP 106 reproduced three times
05-2: SCP 096 and SCP 106?
Jane: yes
05-5: how are both confirmed to be male?
Jane: yes
05-4: they had three kids?
Jane: yes we have now clue how that happened but we only caught two of them we don’t know where the third one is 
05-1: which ones did we get?
Jane: we got the oldest son who appears to be about 16 or 17 years old and they youngest daughter who appears to be 2 years old and we found a family photo of all of them the third child appears to be a 12 year old boy 
05-7: well we got to figure out what to do with the first two 
Jane: very well 
Meanwhile with Jackson and Sarah
Sarah:* crying* I wat go home
Jackson:* hugs Sarah* I know i will figure out a plan to get out
Meanwhile, with Max, lanky and Larry
Larry: max have you seen Jackson and Sarah anywhere?
Max: no why?
Larry: because it looks at the house is broken into and Jackson and sister are nowhere to be found
Max: no maybe it ran away, and took Sarah with it
Lanky: no I don’t think Jackson would run away
Larry: Well let’s just go out and look for them
Max: hopefully everything bad happened to them
End of chapter
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cowardlysimon · 1 year
but here is how I think ,Batman, villains taste.
Scarecrow, / Johnathan, Crane,
rotting flesh
he was mauled half to death by Killer, Croc, nothing good is left 😭
Jervis, T,etch, / Ma,d Hatt,er
or anything sweet really
he's 4ft 11 go get him 😈
Edward Nygm,a / The Riddler,
motor oil grease and sweat
kiwi on special occasions what are those special occasions who knows (what did I mean by this)
Oswald Cobblep,ot / The Penguin,,
rasberries he just I dunno he looks like it
Harve,y De,nt / Two-Fa,ce
Whatever scabs tasted like
he used to taste like vanilla but yeah. Got half his face burnt off.
Maybe stick to one side.
Drury, Wal,ker / Kill,er ,Moth,
like a stuffed animal
the fur gets all stuck in your mouth and shit that's not fun
he's too big anyway
Garfie,ld Lynn,s / Firefl,y
She tasted like oranges at some point
Now he tastes like burnt flesh cuz she fucked up and now he has 3rd degree burns
Victor, Zsasz,
that's it
Victor, Fries,/ Mr. Freez,e (fries is pronounced freeze I got it wrong at first too)
Those fucking popsicles that are red white and blue
Y'all know them right
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Pamela, Isle y/ Poison, Ivy,
Idk spinach?? Or cauliflower.
Selina Kyl,e / Catwom,,an
Licorice. I hate Licorice
uhahhsh can't think of anymore if you think of someone just ask I guess I'll do other DC, characters too since this old draft was just ,Batman,, :p
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Mental images I'd like to share
Hi hellow these are usually the thoughts that are left marinading in my brain after consuming media, mostly music videos, certain prompts, reflection of real life and etc.
And they are about certain Gotham rogues, because I have no life yet until college will inevitably suck the soul out of my body okay enjoy--
💜 Music Meister
Now in honour of Enchanted and after I've watched the new trailer for its sequel Disenchanted, I went straight to listening to its songs because augh my childhood and of course, True Love's kiss is always a fucking banger and something I'd love to waltz to and want to sing if it weren't for my ratchet alto voice but anyways;
Ah yes, in every chores he plays music as one always do and of course he is always singing along. So it's him in the backyard hanging clothes and sheets.
Gosh imagine Dennis roping you into singing with him-- as he's doing chores some movie soundtrack is playing by the background and what in the middle of hanging laundry with you. His typical theatrical self re-enacts the song True Love's kiss with him being Gisselle, twirling and spinning around the lawn with a laundry basket and clothes to hang and of course you'd cave in when he knowingly looks over you when the part of Prince Edward comes on, you lazily pull him and go along with his gimmicks.
"Giselle! We shall be married in the morning!" You sarcastically recited, before breaking into a song with him, which he finds himself smiling like a dork.
Then after that he is washed by the overwhelming urge to rewatch the movie with you and so after chores, he pulls you with him to squeal about the whole movie and sing along. Sighhhh, oh to have that one day.
🖤 Gotham Oswald Cobblepot
I'm thinking what if he has a child and this child has followed their Father's advice to a T. Like, Oswald and this child are intensely alike... My shipper brain says to include Edward in this relationship because I am a degenerate so this child is a scary mix of Edward's intelligence and friendliness and Oswald's cunning nature and tendancies to do anything to get what they want.
Okay now that's out of the way, imagine this child running for president in their school council just as how her Father Oswald ran for mayor and this child, is sabotaging the opposing candidate and their partylist. One time a student had tried to heckle Oswald and Edward's baby during their speech, and after that the heckler's scholarship is revoked.
Uhhh, gosh my brain is also saying "Hey... What if Barbara Gordon and this child are the same age and they're friends" 👀
So yeah, definitely needs more character expansion, and not to mention, a name.
🧡 Masters of Fear Jonathan Crane
Idk about you, let's give him a bimbo bestie because that's always fun 😚
Big cliché of an extrovert bestie, popular, a part of the cheer leading team, feminine, catty, sweet, nice, confused but she's got the spirit, will throw hands if one dares to throw either literal or metaphorical rocks at Jonathan.
Anyways so they adopt Jonathan, maybe he thinks he fell for them because he can't distinguish platonic feels from romantic ones, but then he finally knows what friendship feels like and so he is just content about their friendship.
He is a touch scared of them because they threw verbal rocks at Sherry Squires during cheerleading practice and went off because Sherry only attends practice to skip classes.
Bimbo bff wards him away from Sherry, so maybe the prank from the Halloween party wouldn't occur at all. So anyways, maybe Jonathan doesn't become the Scarecrow and instead becomes a somewhat well-adjusted individual as an adult, though still a touch stern of a professor who scowls at everyone, save for his bimbo bff, whom he scowls at too, but less irked at them.
💚 Edward Nygma
Okay this is self-indulgent, but I recently got glasses and had this thought brewing about--
So it's Edward teasing a friend of his whenever they squint at objects from afar, telling them it's finally time to become a member of the four-eyed freaks, but friend is adamant about not getting glasses, claiming that they don't need it at all (even if they do)
But one day, the friend being spiteful wants to prove Edward that they don't need glasses, so they stop by a glasses store and got their eyes tested... The autorefractor results states that you need glasses and Edward was smirking with an 'I told you so' look, so he helps you around with picking a pair of frames and after that got sorted with the correct grade of lenses, you were met with a whole new world and billboards and signs were no longer blurry.
"Welcome to the four-eyed freaks." Nudges Edward.
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argentumcor · 2 months
Reasons I Think Gotham Knights Started Out as an Arkham Knight Sequel at Some Point
It clearly isn't an Arkhamverse game. For one, the tone is that of a contemporary Young Adult novel...or a CW show, like one maybe called Gotham Knights. The Arkhamverse is BTAS with a higher rating. But there's a lot of reason to think the concept started out as a sequel to Arkham Knight game somewhere.
I'm not watching any of the marketing stuff about this because games marketing is full of it and cannot be trusted. This is stuff about the game itself. Spoilers ahead.
I'll get to the list, but I'll start by pointing out that the Batfam is niche while Batman has much broader recognition and, yes, appeal (not the 'brainwash son with fear toxin for his own good' comics Batman, I mean the movie, cartoon, and game Batman). Triple-A titles are very expensive endeavors and there is no reason to pour that cash into a title about a niche set of side characters instead of the very popular main character...unless that title is a part of a very successful and popular game series. We know that Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is only part of the Arkhamverse as a marketing tactic, the same reason all the characterizations line up more with the Suicide Squad movies than with the Arkham ones. Selling the Gotham Knights concept as a follow-on to the Arkham games was probably a viable way to get the project off the ground. What happened from there? I have guesses and I'll get to them.
After that, there is:
The cast. We've got Dick, Jason, Tim, and Barbara. That's the Batfam from the end of Arkham Knight, but not the Batfam that makes the most sense necessarily; Orphan instead of one of the boys (Jason, probably, grumble) would even out the sex ratio and she'd fit in with the story. But if this started as a sequel to AK, this would be your cast.
The way Jason feels like everyone treats him like he's a bomb about go off despite the fact they don't. It seems like Jason's recently back, but everyone seems to be trying hard to include him and there's no sign of what he complains about. A post-AK Jason, though, would be very much treated like that because of the whole...alliance with Scarecrow, fear toxin, invasion thing.
Freeze seems to have lost Nora and is on a nihilistic rampage. We know that Nora is dying after In From the Cold. While I prefer to assume Freeze left his suit and they died in each other's arms, because I'm a sap, her dying and him not could feasibly result in him doing what he does in GK. It's cynical as hell, but it's a not terrible way to bring him back as a villain. Normally, Nora is his main motivation and GK is the first time in a long time where she isn't, he just hates everything.
No Joker, no Two-Face, no Black Mask. Joker seems to be dead in GK as he is in Arkham. Tim fought Two-face in a DLC after he broke out of jail and committed quite a bit more crime, so he's probably still in, plus if they didn't want to revisit villains, he'd be written out. Jason killed Black Mask in his DLC and the name Sionis isn't even mentioned in GK.
Penguin is now an ex-con out and about. Penguin wasn't a direct fight in AK or a DLC, but Dick kept him from breaking out in another DLC, which meant he went to prison and could have served his time in total as he did in GK. He's also characterized as a crime lord instead of a kook like he was in the Arkham games.
Harley is around, starts out in jail, and is a villain. Harley was a monster in the Arkhamverse, a child-murderer and torturer. In GK, she's still terrible, if a temporary asset (not even ally) to the Batfam, and later tormenting and killing civilians for fun. It isn't very popular these days to have Harley just be evil even without the Joker, but GK did, just as the Arkhamverse did. At most she was to be pitied, but she was definitely a villain. You'd assume given GK's tone it would not go that way but it does without hesitation- one of the things I really like about it. She was very probably taken to jail after AK where she was originally captive in one of Batman's hideouts.
Batman is dead but not really/permanently. AS far as the Arkham Batfam knows at the end of AK, Bruce is dead. He isn't- if they ever found out, they would be so mad, because his plan is clearly not doing much for stopping crime in Gotham, as Tim and Barb have to leave their honeymoon to do that- but they think he is. If you were to do an Arkham GK, finding out Bruce isn't dead would be a rather major plot point...and in the GK we got, finding Bruce brought back to life is a rather major plot point.
Talia as major villain. AK hinted at Talia having been resurrected by the League and given the way the Pits are in that game- both in their mentally debilitating effects especially if impure and in the fact that Bruce destroys the last pure one in AK- her coming back crazy and evil would make total sense and be good setup for an Arkham GK main villain- especially if you wanted to have Damian as a plot point. Low and behold, Talia is the real big bad of GK, though it doesn't seem like she necessarily got resurrected.
I have no way of knowing if GK started out as an Arkham sequel and probably never will. I know Rocksteady did at least concept art of a Batman Beyond Arkham sequel that would use Damian in place of Terry, but obviously that didn't happen. I am assuming Rocksteady never touch GK at any point, but so many things line up that I feel like there was some outline or treatment for a Batfam Arkham game that got used to Gotham Knights.
It may have been that WB wanted this game to be used to market that ridiculous CW show of the same name, or vice versa, but that seems insane. The demographics for the two don't have that much crossover. The content is only alike in tone and that Batman dies at the start. But it is a boneheaded ivory tower executive sort of decision to make.
Honesty, looking at GK and at its marketing and at the way its budget seemed to be allocated- I think Jason's model rig is just Bruce's, kind of cheap to do for two major characters you see a lot of- it's almost like it got a pity greenlight. It's so odd to have two games, Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, both about Batman adjacent characters, with the same basic gameplay loop even, come out within a year or so of each other.
I don't like Gotham Knights, I don't like the art style, I don't like the way most everyone interacts and how...sanitized and therapy talk and 'relevant issues' much of the writing is... but it has all these little disconnects between that kind of writing and other parts that line up more with the Arkham games that it's bizarre, like someone took the superstructure of an Arkham Batfam game and stuck this brightly colored marshmallow thing around it to make the Gotham Knights we got. It's cool if you like it, it's not my kind of thing, no hard feelings, etc.- I come from the days of the old internet, when you could do say stuff like that and then admire that awesome Mora Jason Todd cover together. I do find the weird links between Gotham Knights and the Arkhamverse fascinatingly bizarre though.
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mainswatch · 2 years
3 minutes to midnight game
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#3 minutes to midnight game how to#
#3 minutes to midnight game code#
#3 minutes to midnight game series#
#3 minutes to midnight game code#
Boxed items are listed as "code/code" where the first code represents the box, and the second code describes the contents.On the other hand, I am an idiot, and this isn’t how puzzles are supposed to be solved, and there’s nothing more excruciating than the developers of a puzzle game asking if you need help! 3 Minutes to Midnight is out some time in 2019, so luckily I have time to figure out how good my tolerance for feeling stupid is. On the one hand, I like that this feels almost more like real life puzzle solving, and that the game both gives you logical solutions to find, but also treats you like you’re not an idiot. Instead of “Boy, I’ll need a lever to open this valve!” you get something more “I can’t get a grip on this with my hands.” There were a couple of instances like this in the demo, where I was encouraged because I was on the right track, but not given an overt clue as to where to go next - because 3 Minutes to Midnight also eschews the character saying something out loud to help you, like “Hm, the citronella is sort of working… If only I had a way to do with it!”. I kept thinking that I was basically doing the right thing, and couldn’t figure out what was missing. Partially because I am an idiot, but also because I have this learned behaviour that I can’t do a thing in a game unless it’s the right thing to do, I got stuck in a loop. I picked some up and tried to use it on the mosquitoes, and Betty rubbed it over her arms and noted that the mosquitoes didn’t bite her that time - but she still couldn’t walk past. So then I had a big pool of citronella-y sludge. I’d found some lemongrass, and there was a mangle right by said insects, and I know what citronella is. In 3 Minutes to Midnight, y’have to get past a big cloud of mosquitoes. 3 Minutes to Midnight is one of a very few games that lets you try stuff that sort of works, but isn’t quite right. If it’s neither of those, you’ll get an “I don’t want to do that,” or some other verbal clue telling you that tieing a harpoon to a bottle or whatever won’t work. Most puzzle games won’t let you do a meaningful interaction unless it’s a) funny or b) part of a puzzle solution. 3 Minutes to Midnight does this too, but takes it a little further. Recent point and click games, from your Thimbleweed Parks to your Unavoweds, have figured out that puzzles actually following some kind of logical thread make for ultimately more satisfying solves for the player. In one of the Legend of Kyrandia games you have to USE Teddy Bear WITH T-Rex to escape a lava cave.
#3 minutes to midnight game how to#
See, while DotT and the like taught me how to solve puzzles in games, that lesson boiled down to “trial and error”, because often the solution to a puzzle would be so obscure that it wouldn’t even make sense if you squinted. The game has a cool Saturday morning cartoon vibe to it that I was really into.īut the crux of a puzzle game are the puzzles of course, and Scarecrow have taken a slightly different approach. I was also a fan of what developers Scarecrow Studio describe as “high-def cartoon art”. She had a strong Laverne from Day of the Tentacle vibe. The cast of characters was suitably wacky: a raccoon, a man in a diving suit hunting a lake monster, and a girl playing host to three different personalities. I got to play as her in a short segment of B plot, so as not to spoil any of the puzzles in the main story. That’s, like, two retros for the price of one.īetty Anderson, a plucky amnesiac teen, is one of two playable protagonists. In this case the game is set in the ‘40s, and the character I played is wearing a poodle skirt and a letterman jacket. Point and click puzzle adventures have had a bit of a resurgence over the last few years, and it seems like every one of them kind of markets itself like it’s the first one to bring back the genre (3 Minutes to Midnight’s Steam page says “Yeah, puzzles - remember those?”, as if there hasn’t been a single puzzle in a game since 1989).
#3 minutes to midnight game series#
Those old Lucasfilm/LucasArts ones like Day of the Tentacle and the Monkey Island series were some of the first games I ever played, and they taught me how puzzles in games are supposed to be solved. I played it at EGX last weekend, because I really like PnCs, as we purists definitely call them (do not check that). 3 Minutes to Midnight is not, as my brain keeps suggesting, a sequel to a classic Maiden track, but a point and click adventure game.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
ÆÜGH UR MAKING ME MELT AHHHH- ILY TOO, like the SpongeBob to my Patrick in the most positive sense 💆‍♀️ also DAMN YOU TIME ZONES (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ tmw u wanna send ur asks at a reasonable time but the blog owner is only active when you have to got to sleep or during school hours- *sigh* at least there's the weekends. Go get that sleep brother(gender neutral) the sheer insanity of some of my lore are best digested after a full nights sleep
And honestly you can go nuts with the headcanons if you want, considering that I've got nothing except for the core personality traits developed anyways lol. Mans was a screeching Minecraft kid fr in his youth 😔 | Me @ Nonny: No bitches?
Main characters aside and back to the extras, because I think the ayato rip-off was part of the 3 characters we made during German period actually O_O whoops onto the character descriptions (not all too detailed because I'm at school and still need to find the actual character sheets at home and oof)
-So like, the Koreaboo was also like a vsco "girl" so to say (save da turtles!) and also an e-boy, I think there was a linkin park reference written somewhere next to his character like "CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIN" except it read crawling in my crawl because it was an inside joke between me and my friends. He wore a fuck ton of scrunchies around both of his arms and had AirPods, he also has a common Korean name, but it's written with a lot of éèêîõñåū if yknow what I mean, I think he was also a tsundere?
-the koreaboos boyfriend, uhhh he's Swedish, his name was like Björn or smth, we made a Cousin for him at some point, he was never finished, I think he vapes??
-Ayato rip-off, so like, he's an actual chill guy iirc (he was doing the finger gun pose in his sheet) he was a prince of a neighbouring kingdom in our story and marries,,,, the character I'm gonna present next I think. Not sure if we still made him a vampire or if we made him a werewolf just for funnsies 🤔 I'll check once I find the character sheets I guess, also he's a himbo with no braincells, I think his name was Eduard XXVII (it was a twilight reference, Edward -> Eduard)
-Princess #1 (insert world is mine reference) I think her name was smth along the lines of Trudy Lasagna and she was homeless. In the story I think she was crowned homeless Queen at the end. She has a sister whom I'm gonna present next. She has a purple patchwork dress and a burgerking crown, I forgot what her whole personality was, I think it was the stereotypical Disney Princess one??
-Princess #2, i think her name was Pisa Margreta (yes it's a Play on Pizza Margarita) and she was theeeee older(?) sister of Trudy. In the story I think she tried to poison Trudy, but was caught and I'm not sure if she just got exiled or actually sentenced to death but oh well. So like, the thing about her is, she was inspired by Cinderella, e x c e p t, she has a pumpkin head and spaghetti hair, her limbs are also made out of one wooden stick per limb, like she's the worst scarecrow ever. Actually, maybe she was cursed to look like that but idek anymore.
So the thought process for their names were "Ayo what if we gave them the worst possible names possible? Like, what's the ugliest old lady names we can give these princesses?" And then we slapped a pasta theme onto their names too lmao and the rest was history
-Ren'py anon
The timezone thing is sooooo sad! I wanna be able to answer you asks in a timely manner, but I also wanna catch some Z's-
Anyway, you know, that's crazy bc me and anon nonny played minecraft a lot as kids 😱😱😱 We have something in common!!!1!1!1
Jokes aside though, me and my sister did grow up going on creative mode and building houses out of the good shit like diamond, emerald, gold, and whatnot. They'd be like, as tall as the fucking empire state building, and then we would blow it up with dynamite after all that hard work.
So Koreaboo boy was a mix of vsco and e boy? Esco boy ig (Thank you Izzy from Total drama Action for your persona Escope <3)
He would be out with a million scrunchies on his wrists while having a middle part (He left his uneven bangs out and the rest is tied up) and a Thrasher shirt on with a stripped long sleeve under (Can't forget the hydroflask glued to his hand!) And I oop! Sksksk
"What are u looking at? You think my style is weird??? Well I don't care! At least I'm saving the turtles sksksksk!!!"
His Sweedish bf would either cuss me out in Sweedish and say FUCK YOU at the end for insulting his Koreaboo bf (AND IMMA DO IT AGAIN IDGAF)
Tbh I think they got together bc the Sweedish dude found it interesting how 'different' the Koreaboo boy was from general society and wanted to learn more about his style and 'koreanness'/his love for East Asian cultures (Probably just Japan and Korea tbh) God I hate them so much already.
Honestly, his style would look stupid as hell 😥
Homeless princess x Eduard vampire...
Sounds like if Wattpad and Fanfiction.net had a baby. Also, how does homeless crownings officiate?? And ay, that design is pretty solid if I do say so myself. Burger King crowns are the GOAT to any character design 😎 patchwork dresses can be cute too tf
Eduard sounds actually pretty nice. Instead of Ayato I was thinking of Valentine from Monster high bc I remembered Toralies and Clawdeens little sister and their debate on who's the better looking vampire.
"NO, obviously it's is Edweird~" - quoted from Toralie
Pasta Cinderella sister tries poisoning her other sister gone wrong 4k 1080p high quality HD
on blue ray never!
That design sounds scary just thinking about it 😭 Pumpkin head spaghetti hair but also a bad scarecrow? Man these streets be ratchet asf. Also, are they Italian? All this wordplay with pasta and pizza makes me go, "Yep that's Italian. Italian is when remarked worldwide foods." /hj
And you know, I start to love royal characters more when the have ridiculous names instead of actual ones. Ask Me For Directions Arnold from Genshin's summer event was SOOOO funny and lovable (He was a crow statue that had a crush on Mona and it was the cutest thing ever!)
When they have actual names, its boring and I don't wanna suck up to the monarchy so 😑
Thanks for giving me insight on all of you characters renpy anon! It was so fun analyzing their summaries and how they came to be! Lots of reading for literally just waking up, but it kept me busy and I thoroughly enjoyed doing so.
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kuiperror · 4 years
yo the tin-man miniseries kinda slaps
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fishing-for-blood · 5 years
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people. (Tagged by @joyandeggs asdfghjkl THANKS FRIEN❤ )
1. Edward Nigma/Nygma/Nashton The Riddler my husband my love (DC Comics)
2. Solf J Kimblee (FMA)
3. Loki (marvel comics)
4. Zombieman (OPM)
5. Dr. Facilier (Disney)
6. Gin Ichimaru (Bleach)
7. Portgas D Ace (One Piece)
8. Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto)
9. Napstablook (undertale)
10. Audrey 2 (Little Shop of Horrors)
Sorry this took... So long to answer cause... how am I only supposed to pick one?? How ahahaha I maxed out the tag limit with honorable mentions I had more I couldn't fit help me there's too many good luck getting through them all asdfghjkl I don't wanna tag anyone tho so like?? If you wanna do it then ta-da ur tagged I tag you
#asdfghjkl ive got 30 from dc alone like um scarecrow and musicmeister how can i not mention them#plus billy batson my son my child#the entirety of the espada from bleach tbh#all of the akatsuki from naruto plus??? shino aburame i love him#every? one piece ? villain? ever??? the cp9 and enel specifically? and law ofc and kidd and sanji duhhhh#every disney villain too while were at it huh#just... every character ... from opm how can i exclude anyone asdfghjkl#clint barton hawkeye my dude ❤❤❤#l from deathnote??? hello#rip van winkle from hellsing honestly my very first wife shes just perfection whew#while were at it steven universe has so many wives like how can i be completely straight when blue diamond exists the answer is i cant#every pokemin villain ever plz let me join team aqua please le t m e#starwars?? yeah general hux boba fett and general grievous#hhhhhh bill cipher from gravity falls... i actually shook his hand in real life... well the statues hand#toffee from svtfoe#every undertale character is goat tbh#beast from otgw#death the kid and stein from soul eater#joy look what you have unleashed#morpheus/dream/the sandman#seance fro. unbrella academy#senketsu and gamagori from kill la kill#kamina from gurren lagan#honestly rolo lamperouge from code geass was my baby boy i never even finished code geass i couldnt#medic from tf2 duh were basically the same person probably#while were talking about video games beyonetta is my wife#wheatley from portal is my robot baby#JACK SKELLINGTON GOES WITHOUT SAYING P MUCH#theres so many more and majority of them are dead too asdfghjkl my love is a curse#plz @ me i will talk forever abt any one of these
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