#like spy in makeup yes spy in wigs yes spy in dresses and heels and everything YES! but keep her spindly little legs
Listen ik that what ur saying about a lot of fem merc designs (pyros in particular) is valid but like. As a trans lesbian i like a lot of them, and like idk. What if they were wackjob lady like me?
Like yea i hate how a lot of em make em too conventionally attractive compared to the men but like. I kinda hate how a lot of the criticism i see is less about body type and looks and more about how feminine they are.
The main fem sniper and medic are pretty bad tho ngl, sniper looks too put together (if i cant be able to visibly understand that that sniper throws piss at ppl its not sniper) and medic aint buff enough and i think her hair is lame. The femme fatale spy is by far my fave, most i would do is add 5 o clock shadow.
No yeah I'm actually absolutely pro-a lot of "fem" merc designs (especially trans/gnc hcs which can be really important 2 me) and I've said that multiple times lol (not everyone in my inbox agrees with me! Not every anon I get reflects how I feel!). I've said on here already that I have zero qualms with more feminine presentation in designs and in fact that's really what I push for - I'm all for a lady Medic who does her hair and wears makeup, but I'm not really for the "fem Medic" designs that make her shorter, skinnier, less muscular, and younger-looking than the "original" design - because there are women who look like that, and there are feminine women who look like that, who are like. tall. and old. and have big cartoon chins
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Warriors in Red Armor
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Chapter Five
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Kai II
"Does everyone understand the mission?" Ransom stared hard in Kai's direction.
Kai scoffed. Just because her attention had drifted off a time or four didn't mean that she was going to be totally lost. "Who needs a debriefing? We're going to do the same thing we always do. I'm going to flirt with everyone until they give me information or get distracted. Ark will slice into their systems and get hard copies of the information we need. You'll be here, masterminding the whole thing."
Ransom stared at her hard for a moment, but Kai met her gaze with ease. Eventually, Ransom gave a little sigh and said, "Yeah, that's pretty much it. But be careful. We've got to get this job right. The merchant's guild has paid us a lot of credits for the information we need. Plus we stand to double our profit if we complete the mission on time. Maybe we should go over the plan again."
"Nah, I've got it," Kai assured her.
Ransom's eyes were like a med-scanner as she used her gift. Kai had always said that Ransom could spot a lie from five klicks with strangers and twice that with friends. Eventually, Ransom must have decided that Kai was telling the truth and nodded. "Fine, but be careful. Are you sure these layout schematics are up-to-date?"
"I'm insulted," Kai jokingly scowled. "Are my schematics ever outdated?"
"No," Ransom begrudgingly admitted. "Even I don't know how you find some of that information."
Kai beamed at the rare praise from her boss.
"You know," Ark started. Kai tensed - there was only one subject that could put that tone in Ark's voice. "We could really use you out in the field on this one, Ransom."
In half a heartbeat, Ransom was as on-edge as both of the other women. "You know that's not an option, Ark." She gave a forced-looking smile and shook her head. "Besides, you don't need me. You're both the best in your respective fields. This mission will be a total success."
The drastic change in mission outlook warned Kai that Ransom was ready to snap. All antics should be cut off immediately.
"Ark and I better go get ready, huh?" Kai said. "Sounds like we need to look the part."
"Comm me when you're ready and I'll activate your earpieces," Ransom said. She always could snap back into professionalism as naturally as taking a breath.
"We will," Kai promised, pulling Ark toward the door. "Ark, bring your outfit to my apartment, would you? You're better at doing hair than I am and I could use your help getting mine to look right."
As soon as they were in the turbolift, Kai puffed out a breath, trying to sound as non-judgmental as possible. "I don't know why you bothered asking her. She never reacts well to it."
Ark looked a little embarrassed. "I was going back over some of her old case files and I just- I got carried away. She was a legend. An actual one. There were stories about how good she was, and she didn't need to divide jobs like we do. She could flirt, slice, get everything she needed, and get out before anyone even realized there was a breach."
"I know, I've read the files, too," Kai reminded her friend. Ransom had been incredible back in the day. Granted, she was impressive now, but before she had stopped going out on jobs? She could have easily run Red Squad alone and made ten times what they were earning now... And then she would have no one to split profits with. "But you're starting to be a bit of a legend yourself… Ghost."
Ark's pale cheeks reddened with the compliment. "I don't even know how that one got started. And it's not good that people know about me at all."
Kai huffed out a breath at her friend. Ark was slender, pale in every sense of the word, and silent. She was also one of the fastest slicers Kai had ever seen… the fastest if they weren't counting Ransom. 'Ghost' was a natural nickname for her. Kai was only jealous that the nature of her designated task meant that she could never get notorious enough for a nickname. Being recognized would be the end of Kai's usefulness to Red Squad.
"Enjoy it, Ark!" Kai encouraged, squashing her own jealousy. "It's a compliment. Speaking of compliments, how is your trooper?"
"You mean Thire?" Ark asked, blushing a bit darker.
Kai chuckled. "Do you have another?"
"No!" Ark shook her head, smiling despite her apparent exasperation. "We talk a lot. Thire is a great guy."
"Are you going to see him again?"
"I'd like to," Ark admitted. "What about you and Thorn?"
"Thorn?" Kai asked, a bit taken aback. "No, nothing going on there. I had fun with him - you know, drinking, watching people on the dance floor, so on - but I don't think there's much of a future in it."
"That's disappointing," Ark said with a frown.
"No, 'disappointing' will be when we aren't ready on time and Ransom kills us both."
A little less than two hours later, both women were ready to go. There was a strange sort of line they had to toe in order to do their job well. Ark had to be dressed to blend in while Kai worked to stand out. All the attention had to be on Kai so that Ark could get in and do her job before anyone noticed what was happening. They had to arrive separately as well. Kai called two different speeders to her apartment, scheduling the second to arrive later than the first.
"So, who hired us again?" Kai asked when she was ensconced in a droid-piloted speeder.
Ransom sighed heavily through the earpiece. "Seriously, Kai? This is why you need to pay attention during briefings."
"The Bespin merchant's guild hired us to find out if the Felucian merchant's guild is spying on them," Ark informed her. Judging by the muted background noise from Ark's earpiece, she was just leaving Kai's apartment.
"They hired spies to see if the other guild hired spies?" Kai asked, chuckling.
"Merchants," Ransom said simply, sounding as if the word had been accompanied by a shrug.
"Arriving at location now," Kai reported. "Estimated entrance: two minutes."
"Two minutes, mark," Ransom replied.
Kai straightened her clothes and took a deep breath before she stepped into the guild hall. It was ornate and overdone, but that was fine: it matched everything she had done with her appearance.
There was a noticeable lull in conversation when Kai stepped inside. She wrestled her smirk into a pleasant smile as she accepted a glass of expensive wine from a serving droid. The form-fitting, low-cut dress floated around her, revealing shapely legs and the most delicate high heels she owned. Her versatile hair was done in a flattering updo. While her makeup was bold, it was tasteful enough that it didn't look overdone.
If Kai was honest, the hardest part of every mission was the pretending. She had to avoid all of the things she actually enjoyed in favor of appealing to onlookers as a sexual fantasy. She had to sip delicately at wine rather than guzzle hard spirits, she could only eat small bits of food that would be sure not to stick in her teeth or ruin her lipstick, and the tightness of her dress meant that she couldn't take a full step… or a full breath.
Being the bait was a nice ego boost, but everything else about it was kind of awful.
Even as Kai mentally tallied the negative aspects of her task, an older, orange-skinned Felucian gentleman sidled up to her. Kai vaguely recognized him as Ollo Set, the head of the Felucian merchant's guild. She continued giving her pasted-on smile.
"Good evening." Considering the height of Kai's towering heels, Set only just reached her chest. Undaunted, the Felucian put on a smile he clearly meant to be charming. "How can such a lovely woman be here alone?"
"Oh, I'm here with someone," she said, doing her best to sound both flirtatious and confused. "He was supposed to meet me here, but I haven't seen him yet."
"Well, whoever the lucky man is, he's a fool to miss even a moment of your radiant company," Set oozed. He took her hand so he could bow - very shallowly - and kiss the back of it.
Kai felt a rush of revulsion. She hated when they touched her. Still, she was a rather incredible actress, if she did say so herself, so she pasted a delicate smile on her lips. "Thank you, sir. It is comforting to find such kindness here, even if my date is later than I would have hoped."
Set patted her hand in a way that managed to be both fatherly and lecherous. "If he does not arrive shortly, I shall show you around myself. Your careless date should not cause you to miss meeting these incredible people."
"I may take you up on that offer! I'm Saro," Kai lied.
"Ollo Set," he returned, adjusting the jeweled cuffs of his jacket. "Leader of the Felucian Merchant's Guild. Pleasure to meet you, Saro. I must leave for a moment, but ask anyone to point you in my direction and you'll have no trouble finding me."
"Oh," she murmured, trying to sound impressed as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. Set watched her for a moment, looking stunned, then turned to meet with a group of well-dressed Felucians. The whole gathering shut themselves in a side room, leaving the party raging on without them.
Under the pretence of adjusting an earring, Kai activated her earpiece. "Meeting of the big guys - metaphorically big, anyway. Ark, what's your ETA?"
"Speeder trouble," Ark said, sounding irritated. "ETA: four minutes."
"Four minutes, mark," Ransom confirmed.
Kai circled through the room, chatting and picking at morsels of food while she kept an eye on the entrance. At least she didn't have to be subtle about it - her cover story allowed her to openly watch the new arrivals without looking suspicious.
"I'm right outside," Ark's voice crackled through the earpiece. "Are they still in the meeting?"
"Yes," Kai breathed, managing to work her answer into the conversation she was having with a drunk Felucian female.
Ark made her entrance seconds later. She wore a mousy brown wig and a tan dress tailored to disguise her slender figure. Carefully applied makeup had lent her colorless skin the appearance of more life. As a result, she didn't stand out overly much from the other humans in the room. Ark glanced at Kai, who subtly tilted her head toward the still-closed door.
With that, Ark made her way toward a hallway. According to the detailed schematics Kai had provided, the hall held both the refreshers and several data access points. At the last moment, a serving droid moved into Ark's way, intending to offer her a glass of wine. Ark, busy double-checking the door, tripped on the droid and flailed to recover her balance. Her small bag fell to the floor, spilling her slicing materials onto the carpet as the service droid beeped around frantically, trying to offer help. Kai watched with more than a little horror as the door to the guild meeting swung open. Ollo Set stepped out first, then paused and frowned over at the commotion caused by the serving droid.
Kai rushed over toward him. "Mr. Set!"
His pale orange gaze swung toward her instead, for which Kai was forever thankful. She had seen Ark starting to gather her tools, any one of which was recognizable as being part of a slicing project. Now, Kai simply had to hold the attention of Set and the other guild members, and she knew exactly how to do it.
Tugging at her dress in apparent distress, Kai revealed a bit more of her chest than she had previously been showing and forced tears to well in her eyes. When she reached Set and the accompanying guild members, she leaned down to speak with him. Her posture allowed the best vantage point for Set to see both the tears and the cleavage.
"What's wrong, my dear?" Set asked, looking first at her chest, then the tears, then her chest again.
"I just received word that my date isn't coming after all. He's stood me up!" she told him, letting one of the tears slip down her cheek. "Is there any chance you're still willing to accompany me this evening?"
"Why, Saro," he oozed, "I would be absolutely delighted. May I introduce the other leaders of the Felucian Merchant's Guild?"
Kai chanced a glance backward as she straightened up once more - leaning down in such a tight dress was killing her spine - and was pleased to watch Ark disappear safely down the hallway. Kai relaxed slightly and put a tearful smile on as she turned to be introduced to the other Felucians.
"Wait, I- I recognize you," one of the Felucians, this one a yellow-skinned female, said haltingly.
The smile slipped from Kai's face, but she had rekindled it a moment later. "Are you sure? I don't think we've ever met."
"I've seen your face somewhere before," the female insisted.
"What are you prattling on about, Ethoda?" Set asked, striving for a tone of boredom and achieving one of irritation.
"She's someone I know, and not in a good way," Ethoda insisted. Kai's stomach gave an odd little twist at the thought that someone had finally recognized her. The Felucian female at last said, "I'm fairly certain she's a prostitute!"
Well, that was unexpected. Kai gaped. "What? I'm not a- I am not a prostitute!"
"That's just what a prostitute would say," one of the other males muttered.
"Which is more likely: a beautiful human woman being interested in Ollo or that she's a prostitute?"
"That makes more sense than anything else I've heard tonight."
"I'll notify the Coruscant Guard," Ethoda offered, rushing away.
And that was that. Admittedly, the mission had been to keep attention away from Ark in whatever way was necessary, but Kai had never expected this to be the outcome. It wasn't the proudest moment of her life, but Kai sat quietly and waited for the Coruscant Guard. The only move she made was to 'fix her hair' and activate the earpiece.
"I can't believe I'm getting arrested for prostitution," she muttered. Ark and Ransom's frantic questions and sounds of outrage provided entertainment until the Coruscant Guard arrived.
A clone trooper in red and white armor marched into the room. "Commander Thorn. What's going on here?"
Thorn I
"This woman is a prostitute!"
Thorn was always the first to admit that he wasn't a lighthearted trooper. The laughter and jokes that came easy to his brothers weren't part of his repertoire. Still, even Thorn had gotten a kick out of the accusations that were being thrown Kai's way. It had taken him a minute or so to recognize her - especially with a group of Felucians insisting that her name was Saro - but her look of dread at his entrance had been a solid clue.
He had taken down the eyewitness details of the incident with care. Keeping his voice level was tricky, but no one could hear the mocking he knew was clear in his expression. When the long-winded Felucians finished talking, Thorn closed the document so he could place binders on Kai's wrists and lead her to his cruiser.
"I'll take her to the precinct," he told the Felucians.
He had to shut down the external speakers on his helmet when the leader of the group - an orange-skinned male who had introduced himself as 'Ollo Set', followed them outside. As he fixed Kai with a stern gaze and he said, "Let this be a lesson to you, young lady: there is no substitute for an honest day's work", Thorn laughed aloud.
Rather than risk reactivating his speaking and giving away the game, Thorn had nodded to acknowledge Set's thanks. He steered Kai into the back of the cruiser as soon as he could and settled into the front seat himself. They were in the air waiting to enter traffic when he finally thought it was safe to remove his bucket.
As he reached for the familiar plastoid curves, Kai snapped, "This is ridiculous. You know I'm not a prostitute."
Thorn broke the seal that had formed between his blacks and his helmet before answering. "Of course I know that. Do you think I leave the code to my binders in the backseat with every perp?"
"Oh," she said, ire deflating as she grabbed the scrap of flimsi and awkwardly typed the written code into the binders. "Then why-?"
"If I hadn't brought you in for a false claim like prostitution, they may have come up with something more difficult to fight." He met Kai's eyes in the rearview mirror. "Like industrial espionage."
There was no answer from the backseat and Thorn abruptly found the whole situation less amusing than he had previously. Industrial espionage was a nasty business, and he wasn't thrilled to find that Kai was wrapped up in it.
"Care to explain what you were doing at the headquarters for the Felucian merchant's guild?" he asked.
She sighed, looking conflicted. "What do you want to know?"
"Everything. As long as it's the truth. I don't like listening to lies."
"Hey," she said, leaning forward with an offended look on her face. "I don't lie."
Thorn snorted. "You want to try feeding that line to the crowd of civvies back there who told me all about 'Saro'?"
"I lie at work because it's literally my job," Kai snapped. "I don't have a choice there, but I do everywhere else. I am not a liar."
"So your job is to lie and you wear revealing clothing while you do so," Thorn mused. "Are you sure you're not a prostitute?"
"I'm on an information securities team called Red Squad," she told him irritably. "We were hired to get intelligence from the Felucian merchant's guild."
"And they sent you in alone?" Thorn asked with an unfortunate chuckle.
"No, I wasn't there by myself," Kai admitted. "But I couldn't stay, not after having attracted that much attention. I don't even know if the mission was a success or not."
"Another private sector success, then," he said, sarcasm thick in his voice. "I take it that jobs don't always end this way?"
She snorted. "Believe it or not, this is the first time I've ever been arrested under suspicion of being a prostitute."
"It's a small and glorious club," he said. "It also signals the need for a career change. Ever thought about doing anything else? This espionage thing may not be your strong suit."
She grew quiet and Thorn saw her turn to stare out of the window. His heart skipped a beat. Stars, don't let her start crying... He felt an unusual wave of pity wash over him. Kai's day had clearly gone wrong and here she was being taken away from a formal event in the back of a police cruiser. Plus, Thorn's vode had always told him he could be abrasive, so chances were good that he wasn't helping matters.
"Hey, I'm not going to charge you with anything. Why don't you give me your address and I'll drive you home?"
"You can just drop me off here," she said frostily. "I can find my own way home."
"The kriff you will," he shut down immediately. "It's almost midnight. Coruscant isn't safe for civvies dressed like you are at this time of night."
"Maybe at the next intersection," Kai suggested, pretending she hadn't heard him.
"Maybe I'll take you to the precinct after all," Thorn threatened. "That way, I won't be responsible if you end up attacked or killed for walking through dangerous parts of the planet at night, looking like a-"
He cut himself off and Kai leaned forward, a challenging look on her pretty face. "Like a prostitute?"
Actually, he had been about to say that she looked like royalty, but her tart response knocked some sense back into him. "Yeah," he agreed instead. "Something like that."
"You're impossible," she told him, sounding tired. "Just… take me home."
She gave him the address, but Thorn could hardly hear it over the pounding of his heart. Kai probably hadn't meant for her words to sound inviting - far from it - but they had caused a pang of something long-buried in his memory. The feeling of home hadn't been one emphasized in flash training or any day since, but he had always imagined it would be the way he felt when he had heard Kai's request.
Still, he forced his mind back to his duty and plugged Kai's address into the navicomputer on his cruiser. Shortly afterward, they had arrived at a plain-looking building. Kai still hadn't said another word to him, which frustrated Thorn for some reason. They may not have exchanged comlink info like Thire and his girl had, but Thorn and Kai had gotten along at 79's. He couldn't remember a time he had laughed harder than when she drunkenly told an equally drunken Nikto that he had "scored a perfect 30" on the dance floor.
Deciding to make things right once and for all, Thorn shut off the cruiser and got out to open Kai's door.
"Thank you, Commander," she said stiffly. "Drive safe on your way back to the precinct."
"Hold on, let me walk you inside," he offered, injecting enough suffering into his tone that she would think it was a punishment. She didn't say anything to encourage him, but she didn't say he couldn't accompany her, either.
So Thorn found himself following Kai down two flights of narrow stairs to her housing unit. When they arrived at the door, he noted an odd lock keeping it closed. Still, he thought little of it until Kai also frowned and made a confused little sound.
Every instinct Thorn had demanded that he act. In half a second, he had grasped Kai around the waist, spun to place her behind him, and drawn one of his blaster pistols. He ignored Kai's questions and focused on the area, but his HUD wasn't showing any signs of potentially hostile lifeforms. More importantly, the strange lock wasn't bringing up any warnings.
"What's on your door?" he demanded, still scanning their surroundings.
"It's a lock," Kai explained slowly.
"I figured that," Thorn's response was dry. "What kind of lock and who put it there?"
"How do you know I didn't?"
"Body language, tension, and observation, now focus," Thorn commanded. "Who put that lock on your door?"
"Probably Ark," Kai admitted with a sigh. "It's for me to practice slicing."
The answer was so far beyond anything Thorn had been expecting that he actually let the barrel of his blaster drop toward the floor as he turned to face her. He repeated, "Slicing?"
"Yeah, I'm over-" Kai stopped her sentence halfway through. "You know what? I don't want to explain this to you."
"Do it anyway," Thorn advised. "Because I'm not leaving, otherwise."
She crossed her arms, kicking up her chin. Right as Thorn thought he would have to press her again, Kai said quietly, "I'm sick of being the bait. I want to do something useful, like slicing, but I'm not very good at it. Ark is trying to teach me and she's big on practice. She bought me this lock and said it would give me motivation to learn."
"So, she put a practice slicing lock on the door to your apartment. You would have to use your new skill to get inside," Thorn summarized. It sounded like something that his vode would do. He silently supported the endeavor even as he mentally noted the implication that Kai and Ark worked as some kind of team.
Still, Thorn holstered his blaster and gestured at the door. He took a step to the side so she could access the lock. "Well, go ahead. Slice."
Kai looked at him, eyes severe. "I'm not any good at it and I'm tired. Do you know anything about slicing?"
"Not a thing," said Commander Thorn of the GAR, official head of the department overseeing arrests and difficult extractions that often included slicing.
"I could get a hotel room for tonight…" she mused.
Thorn rolled his eyes. She was as dramatic as Hound. "Or you could just try it. Your friend wouldn't put an unsliceable lock on your door, would she?"
"Probably not," Kai agreed with palpable reluctance. She sighed and pulled a small set of tools out from behind a potted plant in the hallway as Thorn watched with growing amusement.
Kai placed the scramble key on the back of the lock, but it was backwards and wouldn't work. "What are you doing?"
"Unlocking the door? I'm pretty sure," Kai told him, poking at the lock. "I don't know why the key isn't registering, though."
"Explain the process to me," he invited.
She turned to stare at him, seeming shocked. "You want me to teach you how to slice?"
"Why not?" Thorn asked. "Teaching a skill is one of the best ways to see if you've learned it."
"Fine," Kai huffed. "First, you attach the scramble key to the back of the lock… oops. That's definitely backwards. Anyway! Once the system has registered the key, it can start running possible combinations. Then your only job is to keep the security systems from booting you out."
Thorn watched the process, trying not to smile as Kai clumsily shut down security checks and shutdown attempts. Her methods weren't pretty, but they were effective, and the lock dropped from the door after a few minutes of work.
He retrieved the lock and the scramble key for her, taking a moment to study the key close-up. Thorn hadn't seen anything like it before. That was impressive, considering how much of his job revolved around slicing attempts. The key was homemade, like all the best scramble keys were, but on a level that told him how well the maker understood the process of slicing.
"Interesting key," he commented, hiding his interest. "Where did you get it?"
Kai glanced at it, unimpressed. "Ark gave it to me. She said it was trustworthy."
So Ark was a slicer. If she had been the one who made that key, she was kriffing good at it, too. Thorn made a mental note to ask Thire about the woman he had been spending so much time talking to. A moment later, that and all other coherent thoughts left his mind as Kai turned back and asked, "Do you want to come inside?"
He stared at her, dark brows furrowed. "You don't like me."
"I don't like when you mock me," she corrected. "But I like you just fine. Plus, you aren't arresting me when we both know you could. I think that's worth a cup of caf. Maybe even a cookie."
"Maybe even two cookies," he joked, following her into the apartment.
Kai gave a teasing scoff over her shoulder. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
A/N - Poor Kai. That would have to be a pretty hefty blow to your ego! Good thing Thorn was the one to respond - even if he did lie about knowing how to slice. On that note, do you know who knows nothing about slicing? Me. So if anyone is an expert about the process and this reads poorly, I'm sorry! I just started playing Republic Commando and did a lengthy skim on the Wikipedia page about slicing, but that's the extent of my knowledge.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Summary: You were there to get the information required for the mission with whatever means necessary. You weren’t expecting your boss to send Daehyun in as back up or what would happen when you were alone with him either.  
Pairing: Jung Daehyun x reader
Genre: spy au / romance / suggestive
Warnings: suggestive content and mild cursing
Word count: 3087
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Fluffing the ends of your newly cut hair, you smiled at your reflection in the mirror before going into the shower and returning with blue hair, semi-permanent, of course. Mr Hughes was a fan of everything blue and as you stared at the image before you, it made you feel confident that you would catch his attention.
You knew you could have simply used a wig for this client, but there was something intrinsic about the way you could shed your last job away. Smiling, you wondered just how many looks you could truly master in a lifetime with a bit of attention to detail like this. You applied your makeup before heading over to the bed where you had laid out your outfit for the night. Without allowing yourself too much time to think about it, you slipped into the rowdy, blue sequined mini-dress and then returned to the bathroom mirror.
Unlike your hair, you scrunched your nose up at how short it was. It wouldn't be the first thing you had worn this short before, nor would it be your last. And whilst a lot of other women would envy you for being able to pull off such an outfit, it made you entirely uncomfortable.
You would much rather be dressed in sweats and a comfy top.
You snorted at the thought of turning up to gather intel in such an outfit and began final touches to the look. You would be the star jewel of the event and when your job was complete, you could burn the dress.
That gave you the incentive to buckle on the bejewelled heels at the foot of the bed.
As you left the hotel room, you went over your plan. Becoming a secret agent hadn't exactly been your dream career. You had wanted nothing more than to have your own home and become a kindergarten teacher as an adult. Yet life hadn’t handed you such a simple card and whilst you would prefer to not be so busy, you couldn’t help but enjoy the experience of being an anonymity either.
As you neared the double doors of the hotel’s grand ballroom, you nodded gently to the men standing in front of them, stepping inside without so much as being checked for an invitation. It was a given with how you looked that you were meant to be at Mr Hughes birthday bash tonight and you immediately began to scan the room of bustle and colour for your target. He was nowhere to be seen and you sighed, no doubt the man of the hour would appear later to his party.
You disliked being too early for a mission.
“Excuse me, Miss Dixie?” a person called and you turned at the call of your alias name for this job, smiling brightly when you saw Mr Hughes’ personal assistant there. Letting out an obnoxious giggle, you took the flute of champagne she offered you. “Mr Hughes has requested for you to accompany him later to the party in his private parlour. Would you prefer to spend your evening out here mingling or shall I have you escorted somewhere quieter until then?”
“Oh, what a kind offer! I feel all silly dressed up like this with no one to enjoy it with,” you oozed, noting the way the assistant forcibly smiled, her eyes darting around the hoards of people for you to share the night with. Still, she nodded graciously enough at you, gesturing to a man over by a door. You froze momentarily, trying to not widen your eyes in surprise, taking the time to let out another ridiculous giggle to hide your reaction otherwise.
Just what the fuck was Jung Daehyun doing here?!
“Is this the young lady you requested I escort to the private quarters, Sally?” he asked, smiling politely at you despite his eyes lingering on your thighs. You tried not to openly roll your own, smiling and giggling again when the assistant gestured for you to follow Daehyun out the door.
You were both silent until you reached another room, and once the door was shut, you kicked out with your heel into his shin. “Eye me like that again and I will kill you.”
“You look ridiculous. I don’t mind being a man right now. The lengths you’re going to for this job or lack of them…” He trailed off and took in your outfit again, uncaring of the glare you shot him in the process. “You better make it worth it.”
“What are you doing here? I have this whole thing covered.”
“Uh-huh, sure you do. Boss called me in last week to make sure you didn’t blow your cover.”
“Blow it?! That son of a bitch!”
“You and your tongue. Such a quick mouth for someone so beautiful,” Daehyun stated, shaking his head as he clucked his tongue disapprovingly. You snorted loudly and he grinned. “At least use your charms well tonight. We can’t mess up.”
“What do you take me for, a rookie?” you huffed, shifting your dress down as far as it would go. Daehyun watched the action and sighed heavily. You glared at him once more. “Stop oogling me.”
“I would if that damn dress was longer. Since when do you have to go around in something indecent like that?”
“It’s my job to.”
“Don’t let his filthy hands go any higher than that hem,” Daehyun ordered and you folded your arms across your chest. His gaze grew hard. “I mean it, Y/N.”
“Dixie,” you corrected, unsure why your heart fluttered with the agent’s concern. Daehyun was an asshole, though he was also known as the lady killer in the squad. You guessed he was just using his gentlemanlike charms on you much like he did to his targets. For a moment, you scrunched up your nose with the sour taste forming in your mouth. You didn’t want him to treat you like one of them.
Then again, you didn’t know exactly how you wanted him to treat you right now either.
“Did you eat before coming tonight?” he asked randomly and you narrowed your eyes on Daehyun. Glancing in your direction, the man frowned. “I guess not if you wanted to squeeze into something like that.”
“How long will you keep going on about this dress?”
“Probably until you take it off,” he replied honestly and you reached out to hit him with your hand, the agent’s reflexes this time catching you midway. Daehyun smirked at you. “Stop lashing out, it’s not becoming of a lady.”
“Amazing that you view me as one,” you glowered and Daehyun merely stared down at you, not letting go of the wrist he held as you wriggled in his grasp. “Let me go.”
“Is it a wig?”
“You know I don’t like using them.”
“You really coloured your hair blue for this?!”
“It’ll wash out over the next week, settle.”
“I don’t know, it kind of suits you. I like your hair this short.”
You didn’t know why he was complimenting you so much, nor did you realise you had stopped fussing, looking up into his warm brown eyes. You would never admit to him that he was handsome; it would go to his head if you did. Still, you could appreciate the agent was not only exceptionally good at his job, but he had looks to kill.
Daehyun was far too dangerous to be looking up at like this.
He didn’t let go, rather he backed you up slowly, your body now pressed into the wall. You stared up at him, waiting for what he’d do next. You could take him out easily. You were trained in combat and there was a dagger tucked up under the hem of your dress that you could reach for if you were in any trouble. But your heart was thumping too much to truly consider that this might be a bad place to be trapped within.
“I hate this dress,” he murmured and you let out an impatient sigh, watching as he leaned in closer. “It’s far too short.”
“Seems to have affected you enough,” you breathed and he let you go, only to place his hands on either side of your head, bracing against the wall. You moistened your lips as he let out a groan.
“Boss was stupid to let you go into something so dangerous.”
“Right now I’m more concerned about you than the target. I can’t understand your thoughts.”
“Want to feel them?” he wondered and his mouth crashed down upon yours, a flame igniting in your stomach as you kissed him back. You knew this was playing with fire and as much as you wanted to get burned, right now you needed to focus on your job at hand. With Daehyun’s avid caressing of your lips, his tongue now dipping into your mouth, you couldn’t help but think this moment between you was long overdue. However, you didn’t embrace him, and apart from your mouths, his own hands didn’t reach out for you either. Both attempting to grip at the wall behind you, your fingers clawing around for something to hold onto. It was much too smooth to find anything to simmer the urge to reach out for the man before you. You moaned out of frustration, though Daehyun took this as acceptance for more, his body now pressing into yours and sending your fever higher.
You craved air.
You needed an escape.
Ripping away from the kiss, you ducked under his arm, only for Daehyun to entrap you again. God, must he look at you like that with his swollen lips? You almost caved right away. Turning your head swiftly, you let out a whine. “Dammit, you ruined my makeup.”
“You didn’t seem to be complaining whilst it was happening,” he murmured, allowing you to move over to the mirror on the other wall to reapply your lipstick. Leaning against the wall he had entrapped you upon, Daehyun watched as you made yourself presentable again.
It unnerved you. “Must you watch me?”
“Shouldn’t you be used to it? You’re about to go spend time with one of the biggest drug dealers in this country. You’ll be his little pet the whole time he’s alone with you.”
“Don’t sound so bitter,” you remarked and Daehyun scoffed noisily. “It’s not like I enjoy this part of my job.”
Before Daehyun could reply there was a knock at the door and you perked up immediately, smiling brightly as you approached it. Somehow, Daehyun had managed to wipe the evidence of your kiss away and greeted the personal assistant with ease. “Sally, is he ready for her?”
“Yes. Come this way, Miss Dixie,” she replied gesturing for you to step out with her. You shot Daehyun a final look before following the woman down a maze of hallways, being delivered in front of a grand door. Taking a deep breath, you smiled as you pushed them open.
It was game time.
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 You were exhausted, walking along the hallway to your apartment in this city with your heels in your hands. All you craved was a shower to remove the stickiness on your thighs from one too many of the target’s hands placed upon them and the stench of the alcohol from that room. It was not your finest hour after dealing with pigs such as him, and yet you were smiling.
You had gathered more than enough information for your team to take him down.
Unlocking your door, you slipped inside, letting your heels drop to the floor and you placed your clutch down so you could reach for the zipper on the back of the dress. You almost had it when you were suddenly enveloped, hands running the zipper down for you.
If you hadn’t smelt his cologne upon arrival, you would have Daehyun now in a grip hold on the ground. You almost contemplated it with the way his fingers brushed over the exposed skin on your back.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you asked softly as Daehyun continued with undoing the garment. It pooled at your feet and the man cursed loudly when he noticed you weren’t wearing a bra.
“You didn’t have anything on under this?!”
“Did you see any room for one?” you grumbled, stepping out of the fabric and heading for your shower. You wanted to say you were bothered by his actions but the simmering fire from earlier was growing hotter in your stomach. You needed a shower, preferably a cold one.
Daehyun wasn’t prepared to let that fire burn out. “Don’t dress like that again.”
“Since when do you get a say in how I look? I got the intel we needed, job well done.”
“Did he touch you?”
“Don’t go getting jealous now, Daehyun. Might I remind you just how far you go with targets as well?”
“How far do I go, Y/N?” he asked, moving in behind you as you removed both your earrings and necklace. Glancing at him through the mirror, you noticed how he didn’t take in the opportunity to eye your breasts; rather his gaze was firmly upon yours. “Do you think I sleep with them all to get the information we need? Do you sleep with anyone for that reason?”
You cocked your head to the side, glaring at his assumption. His eyes were just as hard, and he shook his head, looking down intentionally slow. You weren’t normally so bold with how little coverage you had, yet with the way Daehyun used the mirror to soak you in, you felt beautiful. His mouth moved to your shoulder, kissing along it slowly. “Your body is the one I’ve wanted to see the most.”
“I’m sticky, let me wash up first.”
He shook his head whilst still kissing you, an arm wrapping around your waist, his palm reaching for the soft skin just under your chest. “I waited four hours for you. Don’t make me wait any longer.”
“Only four hours? I’ve thought about this for two years now,” you confessed with a moan, throwing your head over his shoulder as he continued to suck at the skin on your neck. “Let me wash away the target from my skin. I want to be free from him before I go near you.”
With a groan, Daehyun let you go, backing out of the bathroom slowly. You hurried to wash your body, multiple thoughts fuelling you on. This was crazy, probably the most dangerous stunt both you and Daehyun would pull off. Whilst there was no rule forbidding relationships between agents, it wasn’t ideal either. It gave you a weakness, someone who you would do anything for. Working alone was part of your job description and having a lover just because you were lonely should only ever be fleeting. Perhaps this would be. Even if the tension between you both indicated a longing that had existed more than from tonight, this night of passion may be all you ever have with Daehyun. A moment in time where you both connected, both fulfilled the internal cravings of being with someone familiar in this world of multiple identities and new faces. Someone to call your own, even for just one night.
You weren’t sure if you could only leave it at just once if his kisses were anything to go by, however.
After drying your body off, you slipped into some comfortable clothing, walking back out into the living area of your apartment. Daehyun looked up from the pile of fabric he had taken a pair of scissors to and laughed awkwardly. You grinned; he wasn’t always full of sexual charm and finding him disposing of your dress made you feel like there was more to Daehyun. You knew you wanted to learn more. No, tonight couldn’t be all that you both had.
You feigned annoyance. “What if I planned to wear that again?!”
“If you did, I’d cut you out of it,” he refuted, holding up a chunk of the tattered dress. “You’re lucky I didn’t find any matches.”
“There will always be other dresses, Daehyun.”
“And other targets too.”
You nodded, walking over to him and climbing into his lap, slinging your arms around his neck. He inhaled before laughing. “You smell good but what’s with the clothes?”
“I thought you might like taking me out of something I actually enjoy wearing.”
“I think you look the best like this. You don’t need fancy clothes to be beautiful to me.”
“Good thing, I’m not trying to impress you,” you teased and Daehyun chuckled kissing along your jawline before pressing his lips to yours.
When he pulled away, he brushed your damp hair away from your face. “You have though.”
“Want to keep being impressed then?” you asked as you took his hand, getting up and pulling him to his feet. “I’m pretty good at falling asleep after work if I don’t need to be awake.”
“Well then, I better give you enough reason to stay awake with me another time.”
“Didn’t you want to take me earlier?” you wondered and Daehyun nodded, leaning in to kiss you. You were confused; your lips puckering up a moment after his met yours. “But?”
“If I get all of you now, you might choose that once is enough. I’ve decided to drag this out for as long as we can.”
“What about our jobs?”
“I don’t sleep with others, Y/N. I might want the information badly, but intimacy like this…” He stopped to run a hand down the curve of your body. “I want to keep special.”
Leaping up into his arms, you kissed him before combing a hand through his hair. Daehyun groaned as he held you to his body, looking around for the bedroom until he found the door. “Actually on second thought, maybe we could…”
“Oh no, you just said the fire was out for you,” you replied with a cheeky pout, the man holding you soon playfully placing you down on the bed, reaching for the buttons on his shirt to remove it. You giggled at his change in emotions.
“When it comes to you, Y/N, is there a way to put of the fire? I think you’ll have me burning with thoughts of you for the rest of my life.”
You laughed right before being captured in another one of his addictive kisses, hoping that this fire would remain lit through all that life would ask of you.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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someplanetelse · 6 years
Not a true story.
Okay, this has been going around in my head, for weeks or so. maybe put it here to make it sit down...
Living on Mars sounds a lot more romantic and adventourus than it actually is. Working for immigration & personal-details office sounds like the most boring thing to do on Mars. No matter how fancy communitaristic and open-minded we are, somebody has to write everything down and tell the new folks how we run stuff. And that somebody is Lyra, for a year, until it´s someone elses turn. That´s the good news, the bad news is that a Marsyear is longer than the original.
The morning had been agonizing slow, the usual tourists, wanting to watch the “crazy anachist Martians”, with their usual stupid questions.
“Do you have any personal stuff or do you share everything like clothes and beds?” “Yes, no, only if we like someone.” (Yuck)
“Do you have men and women or is everyone just an It?” “YES, nobody, really No Human Being Ever is an It!” (Stupid people)
“Do you lock the door when you pee?” (What?)
Then, finaly an end to the idiocy in large groups. Behind the loud hordes, there was a tiny woman, kind of hiding.
Not so tiny after all, she just apears smaller than she is. Bend head, shoulders pulled up, trying her hardest not to be seen. As she came nearer Lyra got a better look. The woman was tall, for an earthling, was dressed in illfitting clothes, last years fashion, wrong sizes, skirt to short, pulled down to often, but held up with a tight belt. Loose, loose shirt as if to hide something. And way to high heels, she had trouble walking. Odd wasn´t it? High heels, but trying to make herself smaller? Really why? Lyra sat straighter, the lady had a secret, agent on the run, spy on a mission?
When the tall woman stopped in front of her desk, Lyra noticed she wore a cheap wig and her makeup was to heavy and the wrong skintone and still couldn´t hide that beardshadow, as was obviously intended. Her voice matched the beard, dark and soft, but shy. “Ahem, I need, uh, where is the immigration service, please?”
tbc. kids want attention
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overwatch-x-reader · 7 years
omg your last head cannons was bae! Amazing! So is it okay if I request something? Imagine being a new overwatch agent and a spy who dresses like handsome males and sexy females for missions and your lover falls in love with you? Headcanons for that with Sombra, Soldier 76 and McCree? Sorry if its too much love
Wow, thank you lovely! That really means a lot since I’m new to this. I hope I’ve understood this ask right, I think its a reader who is a master-of-disguise-sexy-spy? If not, let me know, I’d hate to disappoint! Head canons coming your way, hope this is just as good for you! :)
You meet whilst you’re in still in disguise
You had just got back from a mission, walking to your room to change
Bumped into her in the hallway as she was running to wherever she was headed, as per usual
You fell over, since you were, at the time, wearing heels and she felt pretty terrible
“Damn it!”
She was a bit startled by your looks at first and you took this as an opportunity to get away and change as quickly as you could
When you meet again, she, like most people, doesn’t recognise you
It was in a team meeting and you sat next to her, nudging her with a smile
She looked at you quizzically
“Do I know you?”
Once you explained she looked closer and her eyes widened
“That’s cool.”
Slowly, she meets you in all your disguises
You can’t tell if you’re the one making sure you see her or its the other way round
As long as you meet and have your usual flirtatious banter, you don’t really mind
She takes great interest in your disguises and how they work
Once or twice, you even let her watch as you transform and smile smugly  when her eyes light up
You’re quick; you can tell the woman is smitten
She starts following you around like a lost pup
It would be annoying if you hadn’t fallen for her too
One day when she ‘boops’ your nose as she does every morning, you just pull her in for a kiss
“We’re doing this again, right?”
“Yes, Sombra, we’re definitely doing this again.”
Soldier 76
Met on the battlefield
You were in costume, having infiltrated the base to get the team where they were now, in the heat of battle
This costume however, was slightly skewed, wig messy and makeup smudged
Jack saw you at this point, whilst shooting and momentarily stopped
He had never been so enamoured so quickly in his life
But he was a soldier, and as such, he returned to focus and filed the topic into his mind to revisit later
After the battle, you were both in the medical bay with Mercy and you, of course, spoke to him first
He was much too nervous, mind in total overdrive
When you spoke to him, he took a few moments to calm himself down
Then he was super-smooth Commander Jack Morrison again
You were pretty interested in him yourself though he seemed so cool that you played it down as much as you could
This caused him to get a bit disheartened (I mean, he was out of practice) and you both left disappointed
Next time you met, you were out of disguise
Really, someone like him, you expected him to ignore you and not really know who you were
But, unbeknownst to you, he had fallen for you eyes and recognised them instantly
You struck up conversation once again, this time, it flowed easier and neither of you held back
He asked you to dinner that night
“Why don’t we just go right now?”
“Sounds like a plan, honey.”
You were in your room, about to take off your disguise, when McCree burst in without knocking
You saw him visibly look you up and down before his eyes came to rest on your face and you rolled your eyes
He introduced himself and somehow managed to make it the sexiest thing you’d ever heard in your entire life
And he knew it
You knew men like this though and quickly shut down his invitation for dinner to “show you around the place, darlin’”
He left looking as if he’d never been rejected before
Over the next few weeks, he sought you out more and more
He wasn’t one to give up on anything or anyone
Seriously someone give this guy a medal for ‘best effort’
He tries all his best lines, signature gestures, subtle touches
You make sure to seem like none of them are affecting you which strikes up some banter each time you meet
Inside, however, you’re melting
During that time, he’s falling for you
Of course, at first, it was just physical
And he wouldn’t ever say that he didn’t enjoy your different costumes each day
But it grew to something much deeper than that, which both scared and excited him at the same time
He prepared a little speech to ask you out properly, explain his new feelings toward you
You saw the change in him as soon as he walked up to you
Less cocky and much more anxious
You knew it was time to put him out of his misery
You closed the distance and kissed him passionately, him returning it wholeheartedly
“I’m falling’ for y’ darlin’”
“It’s a good job I’m falling for you too then, ain’t it cowboy?”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
A Head, A Heart, & A Crown {Biadore} Chapter 14 -C*NT
A/N: I’m going to say this in the beginning so that I don’t forget AGAIN, THANK YOU to my wonderful beta trixies-padding for beta'ing this incredibly long chapter for me! This was by far the hardest chapter i’ve written so far, I really struggled with this one because I wanted to get everything just right and I got severely blocked. This is 13,000+ words of the finale, and some stuff afterwards. Witney makes an appearance as well as the tiniest slice of Shalaska. We are nearing the end of this story which is making me so sad. TW: Alcohol consumption, drunk antics. I hope that’s it. Enjoy!
Adore stepped out onto the red carpet for the first time after spending all day getting ready. Amidst the screams and cameras violently flashing bright white lights, she felt excited for the first time in awhile. She posed solo in a short black cocktail dress with silver glitter fireworks decorating the sheer fabric. It had sheer long sleeves and was incredibly flattering on her newly toned body. She didn’t need to wear a breast plate with this dress because it was more chic looking without it, thank god for that. She had decided she would stick with black for the red carpet, and do another more elaborate dress for the actual finale.
“Adore!” Katya called from the end of the red carpet. Adore looked to her left and saw that Katya and Alyssa were waving their hands. Oh right, they needed to take pictures together as the top 3.
Adore smiled and rushed over to them quickly. She grabbed Katya’s hand and she pulled her into a hug. Katya was wearing a short black dress with red rose details, very Katya-esque but still pretty.
“We did it, you fucking patchuli smelling bitch!” Katya exclaimed as she pushed inbetween her and Alyssa. Adore laughed and hugged Alyssa as she admired her short champagne colored sequin cocktail dress.
“I know your gagged bitch.” Alyssa laughed as she saw Adore eyeing the dress.
“Top 3! Over here please!” The photographers yelled. Adore put her arms around the two queens and smiled as the flashes from the cameras became more frequent. The queens posed for a few minutes until they heard someone calling for Alyssa. They turned to the source of the calls and realized it was Laganja and Shangela.
“Damnit LaGanja, this is MY moment!” Alyssa exclaimed as she walked off the red carpet. “I’ll see y'all later!”
Katya looked around awkwardly as she stood next to Adore, looking for someone else to take pictures with. It’s not that Adore and Katya weren’t close, it was that Katya was usually with Tatianna or a group of queens. She eventually spotted Kim Chi and Trixie at the end of the line and gave Adore an air kiss goodbye as she skipped over to her friends.
Adore couldn’t help but feel upset as she watched her sisters pose with their friends, as she was left alone. Phi Phi should’ve been there with her, they would’ve been the main attraction for sure since they were engaged. She continued to blow kisses at the camera as she tried to keep her face neutral. She didn’t want people to know how she was really feeling in this moment. She was feeling like shit, and completley out of place.
“Now it just wouldn’t be a reunion without the top 3 getting a picture together!”
Adore turned and saw Courtney Act and Bianca behind her, grinning like fools.
Adore’s face lit up as she saw her original top 3 sisters waiting for her. Even at her reunion, they were there to save her from embarassment. She ran back towards the beginning of the red carpet, and squeezed her best friends into a group hug.
“We would never let you be alone.” Bianca whispered as she squeezed Adore close to her. Adore smiled and they walked together towards the middle of the red carpet. They could hear the clicking of the shutters again, and the photographers were yelling at them to pose.
Bianca looked amazing as always with a vibrant purple orchid colored dress.
The gown was a one shoulder style, with a purple lace sleeve on the opposite arm and chiffon flowing down her body beautifully. She had paired it with a dirty blonde wig, which she had styled in a sleek half up half down style. She had worn chandelier style amethyst earrings, a more bold look for Bianca.
Courtney was decked out in a typical dress for her shape. She had chosen a roman style yellow and black dress with black cutouts all along her abs and back, accentuating her muscle tone. She had worn a small breast plate, and contoured them beautifully. Her long blonde hair was styled in long sleek curls cascading down her back, a similar style that she had worn at the season 6 reunion. Courtneys drag had always been a mind fuck for Adore. She had always envied Courtney for the beautiful dresses and hair, but now that she had made it big off of drag race she was able to afford the same things.
“Didn’t want to risk tripping in the opening number?” Bianca nodded at Adore’s short black dress. The dress hugged Adore’s thin body beautifully, the long sheer sleeves elongated her thin pale arms. This lucky bitch didn’t even have to wear breasts to look like a woman, her face being painted was all she needed to give a womanly illusion, Bianca thought.
“Oh fuck you bitch!” Adore laughed as she moved a long piece of dark hair away from her eye. Bianca smiled at how polished she looked with her expensive wig and designer dress.
“Give her a kiss!” One of the photographers shouted as the queens regained composure and smiled. Courtney and Bianca squeezed Adore closer inbetween them and pressed their lips to Adore’s cheeks. Adore smiled widely as she felt their lips. This was a recreation of one of her favorite pictures from their season’s finale and couldn’t be more comfortable with her sisters recreating it. She felt Bianca pull her closer by the waist. Adore smiled as she then repositioned herself son that she was closer to her. Courtney raised an eyebrow at Bianca before she realized what she was doing.
“Oh, uh-I think I spy Willam! I’ll see you guys later. Good luck Adore!” Courtney called as she skipped off in her heels.
Bianca gulped anxiously as they posed for a few more photos together, and then walked off the red carpet together when they had enough of the blinding lights.
“I should probably go get ready-” Adore started to walk off nervously as they entered the theatre again. Bianca grabbed her wrist gently and felt electricity at their touch. Adore felt her heart racing. She turned to meet Bianca’s warm brown eyes, surprised yet again by the lack of blue contact lenses.
“Wait. I have something for you.” Bianca pulled her off to the side as some of the queens were returning from the red carpet.
Adore raised an eyebrow.
“A gift?” Adore asked wearily.
Bianca blushed and opened up the clutch of her bright purple purse. She withdrew what looked like a necklace and held it behind her back. Adore tried to look behind her back to see what it actually was, but Bianca shook her head.
“You have to promise me something though queen.” Bianca murmurred as she gripped the necklace.
“What is it?” Adore asked. She was starting to feel nervous at how serious Bianca was getting.
Bianca closed the distance between the two of them, and cupped Adore’s chin. She lifted it gently and stared into her hazel eyes. She could tell that she was hiding pain behind them as she got lost in the brown and gold flecks.
“Don’t let that fucking idiot ruin your night.” Bianca murmurred.
Bianca’s lips were so close, Adore could feel her warm breath on her face. She gazed at the newly plumped lips, coated with a shiny glaze of magenta lipstick. She looked up and fixated on her dark brown eyes that she remembered so well, that she missed so much hoping they would take away the want to kiss her. Adore could see that Bianca still cared so much about her, even after such a long period of them not speaking.
“I wont.” Adore whispered. She gulped as she felt her heart racing faster and faster. She wasn’t suppossed to be feeling this way! She was engaged now. But she just couldn’t help it. Bianca smiled, exposing one of her dimples and pulled her hand away from Adore’s jaw.
“Good. This is for you.” Bianca pulled the item from behind her back, revealing a large diamond encrusted necklace. It had large teardrop shaped diamonds encrusted with smaller diamonds around them. It was held by a silver chain and the cut of the stones caught the light in a way Adore had never seen before.
This necklace must’ve cost her a fortune, she had never even seen Bianca herself wear something so elaborate. It was the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen, and definitley not fake. Real diamonds, all for Adore.
Bianca had rushed her makeup so she could run out to the nearest jewelry store before the finale began. She had a feeling Adore was going to win tonight, so she went to L.A.’s most exclusive jewelry store to find her something that would go perfect with her dress.
“How can I help you miss?” A man in a crisp black suit asked as he strode over to her. He smiled politley as Bianca looked at all of the necklaces on display.
“Yes, hi. I’m looking for something fit for a queen.” Bianca smiled politley at the man who, rose an eyebrow in return.
“What’s your budget?” The man scanned Bianca’s floor length black gown and poinsetta hair piece.
Bianca smiled and tilted her head.
“I have none. Get me the most beautiful exquisite piece you have.”
The man scoffed and shook his head.
“My most expensive piece is $30,000. Are you sure your finances are alligned for that sort of a purchase?” He sneered.
If the tie that they were supposedly filming was the end result, well after taxes that would be perfect..
“Well, I was expecting a heftier bill then that. In comparison to some of the pieces I own, that’s rather-oh god how should I put this: cheap. So yes, i suppose my finances are in order.” Bianca shrugged.
The rather estute man was visibly shaken as he looked at Bianca bewildered.
“M-my apologies miss. I’ll be right back with the piece I have in mind.” He stumbled to the back room and closed the door behind him.
Bianca smirked in triumph. How dare he profile her for being a drag queen and not a “normal” looking person. Not all drag queens were poor men in wigs.
The man finally emerged from the back after a few minutes, no doubt recovering from his encounter with her. Bianca smiled tauntingly as he walked over meekly with a rectangular black velvet box. He smiled as he opened it.
“This is the most exclusive piece we carry here. You will never find another one like it in the world. It was made for well, Americas version of a queen, but Kanye decided to go with a different design. Apparently canary diamonds are more of Kim’s thing.” He laughed as he pushed the box forward.
The necklace had 9 large pear cut diamonds on it, surrounded by small diamonds. There was a big diamond at the center of it, hanging low off of the chain.
It was the most beautiful necklace Bianca had ever seen. She held one of the diamonds in her hand and admired it.
“The clarity is top of the line, the most flawless in the world. You will not get a higher quality diamond, and there are 9 large ones here, surrounded by small- just as a bright diamonds.” He gushed.
“I’ll take it.” Bianca responded. It was perfect, especially since it was meant for the trashiest family that Adore loved to watch. She gave the man her credit card and was glad she had transfered her savings over to her checking account. It would drain everything she had. But for Adore, it was worth it. Even if Adore was the solo winner, Bianca didn’t care that she spent her last dime on her.
Bianca walked out of the jewelry store with a stupid grin on her face. She had grown very close to Adore after their season of drag race, and after all of the tours promoting season six on the road. They were set to go overseas for the first time this summer, which Bianca was super excited about.
She had decided that she would tell Adore how she felt tonight, as soon as she got back.
She skipped back into the theatre, smiling as she saw Adore and Courtney sitting in the dressing room sipping on some water.
“Hey, where have you been? You just missed the news!” Courtney exclaimed as she got up and hugged Bianca. Bianca gripped her bag with the necklace in it and smiled.
“What news?” Bianca asked grinning.
Adore shifted nervously and got up from her seat.
“I have a boyfriend.” Adore said.
“It’s beautiful. But Bianca I can’t accept this…” Adore trailed off. Her eyes were filling with tears. No one had ever thought to buy her something so beautiful and expensive. A lot of people didn’t see Adore as that, not even her own family did.
Bianca grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
“Adore, this is for you. I’m not taking no for an answer.” Bianca ordered. “Turn around.”
Adore stared at Bianca for a moment in disbelief and then did what she was told. She felt Bianca’s hands brush against her neck as she laid the necklace on her chest. The metal was cold on her exposed skin, causing goosebumps to form.
Bianca clasped the necklace shut, and Adore felt the weight of the diamonds on her chest for the first time. She had never felt so expensive and luxurious in her life.
“Do you like it?” Bianca asked worridely. She had never seen Adore wear a necklace like this, so she wasn’t sure if it was her style.
Adore clutched the diamonds close to her as she opened up her iphone camera to look at it. It amazingly, went with the dress she was wearing, adding a more sophisticated element to the look.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Adore’s voice shook as she turned to Bianca, still holding the diamonds in her hand.
“You’re welcome queen. You’re a star, you deserve the best.” Bianca flashed her brilliant white smile and rubbed Adore’s shoulder. “I’ll let you go, you probably have to change in a few minutes.”
Adore looked at Bianca feeling a swell in her heart that she hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“Thank you. I’ll see you out there B.” Adore winked.
She turned around and started walking towards the backstage area. She was feeling butterflies in her stomach as she left. Bianca had made her feel like she was worth a million dollars, which is something she had never felt in her life.
Adore never thought she would feel this way, she had kept to the grungy dirty aesthetic because she had never felt like she was worth it to wear expensive gowns and jewels. She always felt like she was trying too hard when she had tried being a pageant queen. She gave up, and just decided to go with what she thought best described her.
What was she going to do? Phi Phi was gone, she had no idea where she had went and now she was feeling confused about her feelings. Bianca just made her feel the happiest she’d felt in awhile, something Phi Phi hadn’t been doing. But she was engaged now, what if breaking it off caused a huge scandal? What if she did go back to Bianca? It wouldn’t be the best publicity for her eiether.
She sighed as she entered the dressing room to go change into her second outfit. She would just have to push these feelings aside for now.
“What dress are you wearing girl?” Alyssa asked Adore and Katya as she pulled her gown off of the rack. She had her blonde wig piled to one side and teased incredibly high. It was a beautiful gold dress, with a sheer panel on the side with gold flowers embroidered into it. A soft gold grecien neckline completed the look.
“Shit, that is beautiful.” Adore breathed as she touched the liquid gold fabric. It was a soft satin from what it appeared.
“Bitch this is some Zuhair M- something that I can’t pronounce. But are you gagging bitch?!” Alyssa yelled as she jumped up and down in place. Adore and Katya laughed at her as Alyssa unzipped her dress and started putting it on.
“My other dress was that brand! Here, let me get mine out of the garment bag, I’ll show you.” Adore ran to the other rack that was placed on the other side of the room, where her gown was concealed in a white opaque bag. Katya started fumbling with her garment bag as Adore came back to the other side of the room.
“This one is mine, I kinda wanted to match my dress from the season 7 finale.” Katya grinned, as she pulled out an all black and gold chevron printed dress. It was a fitted gown, completley decked out in sequins that shimmered beautifully in the light. The neckline had a loose fringe of fabric draped over the breast area, accentuating the shoulders. It reminded Adore of a Bianca dress but with Katya’s style.
“I love that too!” Adore exclaimed holding her garment bag close to her chest. It was starting to get heavy in her arms as she kept shifting the dress from side to side.
“Bitch, I still wanna see yours!” Alyssa yelled impatiently as she smoohed out the fabric on her gold gown.
Adore unzipped the bag, revealing a powder blue satin empire gown. The shoulder straps were the same as her season 6 finale dress, resting low on her shoulders with a sweetheart neckline and fitted bodice. The fabric was all satin and fell down beautifully, with lace panels with darker blue glitter sewn in strategically to the skirt to make it appear fuller. It was the most beautiful dress that she had ever owned, let alone wore. She felt like a princess in it, and now the necklace that Bianca had given her went perfectly with it.
She heard Alyssa sharply inhale as she witnessed the dress out of the garment bag. Katya gasped and walked over, touching the lace panels.
“This is fucking incredible.” Katya breathed as she studied the full length gown.
“Girl, you gonna outshine us. I’m not even joking bitch!” Alyssa exclaimed as she gasped at the dress. She walked up and touched the satin bodice and felt the fabric.
“And that necklace that you’re wearing right now will go perfectly with it!” Katya said excitedly.
Well that was a change. Usually Adore was the odd one out, looking like a grunge mess at the club. This time she felt like she fit in wth the crowd, and might even stand out in a good way. She smiled at the dress happily and twirled around holding it. Classy wasn’t usually her thing, but maybe tonight she could make it work. She gripped the diamond necklace and smiled at herself in the mirror.
“Please welcome to the stage, the cast of Ru Paul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 2!” Michelle exclaimed, her voice booming throughout the theatre.
The curtains opened and revealed the queens, all but one since Phi Phi did not show up.
“First up, we have Coco Montrese!”
Coco smiled and waved at the crowd, wearing a short gold sequined dress and long wavy caramel colour wig.
She strutted and posed, letting the audience drink her in, and walked back to her place on stage.
“Next up, our own thick and juicy Roxy Andrews!”
Roxxxy was wearing a long gold dress, complete with thousands of Swarovski crystals. It was blinding under the stage lights but reminded Adore of Rihanna’s infamous crystal dress that exposed her breasts.
Roxxxy blew an air kiss to the crowd before she exited the runway.
“Her basements have flooded, here’s Ginger Minj!”
Ginger was wearing a long red satin dress with platinum blonde hair styled in an up do. Very classy, southern style: a typical look for Ginger but still beautiful.
“She’s had it, officially: Detox!”
Detox was wearing a beautiful short curly purple wig and a long black mermaid dress. She was cinched to the gods and looked oh so right.
“To see you with them hands, Tatianna!”
The crowd roared as Tatianna appeared in a long pale blonde wig, paired with a long purple latex dress. Tatianna was definitley the fan favorite of this season, the crowd was the loudest so far for her.
“Next we have our favorite state: Alaska!”
Alaska was wearing a nude tumpet style dress that was fitted to her curves and padding. Her platinum blonde hair reached the sky in a sleek half up half down style. She looked great and also had a large applause.
“And finally we have our top 3! Adore Delano, Alyssa Edwards, & Katya Zamolodchikova!”
The crowd went crazy as the three of them stepped on the runway. Adore smiled in awe as she held the skirt of her dress as she walked.
That’s when Bianca saw her from backstage, on the flat screen tv in the dressing room.
Adore grinning and waving at her fans in a beautiful expensive looking floor length gown. The light blue satin brought out the cool tone in her skin and accentuated the dirty blonde waves that rested over her collarbone and along her back. The necklace glittered in the stage lights with every move she made. Bianca was hopelessly fixated on her, she took her breath away time and time again.
“You’re gawking, you know.”
Bianca turned around and saw Jinkx, standing there with a drink, smirking.
“Shut up. You didn’t see anything.” Bianca muttered, sipping out of her own drink not taking her eyes off of the tv.
“She’s engaged…” Jinkx warned.
“I’m well aware.” Bianca grumbled. She really wished it wasn’t the case. She rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink before setting it down on her station.’
“Do I sense jealousy?” Jinkx asked curious.
“Jealous of that idiot? Please. They aren’t going to last.” Bianca scoffed.
“Are you sure about that?” Jinkx asked wearily.
Bianca sighed as Adore and the other two queens walked back to their place on the stage. The camera was loving Adore, which was always a good sign. Ru was set to make his dramatic appearance any second now.
“I’m not.” Bianca confessed.
What if Adore really did end up marrying that asshole? I mean, would she really after Jaremi abandoned her like this? It was one of the biggest moments of her life, especially if she won.
“Between you and me, I don’t see it lasting. Don’t lose hope.” Jinkx murmurred.
Bianca smiled as her red headed sister tried to comfort her. It very well could last though, especially if Adore was madly in love with him. But based off of everything that had happened today, it didn’t seem like she was happy with him. Maybe Bianca would finally have a second chance.
The two watched in silence as Ru appeared on stage and greeted the queens and the audience.
“Are you nervous about crowning her?” Jinkx asked.
Bianca shrugged.
“I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not. I’m more nervous about dropping that crown though, its worth a fortune.”
Jinkx rolled her eyes, displeased with the generic comedic answer Bianca had given her. Bianca always built up a wall if she was starting to feel uncomfortable, old habits die hard.
“Tonight, one of the queens could not make it. To that I say ‘choices’!” Ru smiled at the camera as the audience gasped. Of course, the next frame showed Adore, who’s face was surprisingly composed despite the embarassment.
“I can’t believe he would fucking embarass her like this.” Bianca growled as she clenched her fists.
Jinkx shook her head in agreement.
“I know, it’s not right. Our girl is holding it together though at least.” Jinkx smiled optimistically.
Our girl? No she’s my girl, Bianca thought.
“You know, she really was in love with you.” Jinkx whispered.
“If that were the case we would be together.” Bianca said sadly.
“Not necessarily. She was in love with you for two years; one of which you were with Jason. She wasn’t going to overstep that boundary. She loved you Bianca. She wanted to work things out with you.”
“Then why didn’t she?!” Bianca raised her voice, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Okay, take it down a notch honey. Because you let her go. She thought this was what you wanted.”
“There’s an old saying that goes: ‘If you love someone you let them go, if they come back they were always yours, if they don’t they never were.’” Bianca shrugged.
“So you thought she would come back.” Jinkx realized wide eyed. Her heart was breaking for the older queen. Adore was engaged, which basically meant that it wasn’t likely that she would ever come back to her.
But Bianca had seen the emptiness in Adore’s eyes when she stared at Jaremi. The hollows of her cheeks more prominent then ever from all of the stess. Love wasn’t suppossed to suck everything out of you, it was suppossed to nourish you and your soul. Adore was never like that when they were together, granted they were only together less then a week but still. Bianca would’ve made sure she never would’ve gotten that hollow look in her eyes.
Maybe there was still a chance, even if it was small it was what Bianca would hold on to.
“Yeah. It’s pathetic, I know.” Bianca muttered as she switched her bracelet to her other wrist. An old habit of hers when she became anxious.
Jinkx stroked her back soothingly as she gave her a hug.
“Adore has always had a thing for you. She probably always will. Don’t forget that.” Jinkx squeezed her and then left Bianca to be engulfed in her own thoughts.
“Here we are kittens. The final three. Who will we be crowning tonight for Ru Pauls Drag Race: All Stars 2? Will it be Adore Delano, Alyssa Edwards, or Katya Zamolodchikova?” Ru said with anticipation. The crown rested on a powder blue pillow atop a pedastol on the side of the stage.
“The winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 2, is…”
The queens held hands and pretended to wait in anticipation. They knew Alyssa Edwards would be the first one to be crowned, they were crowning chronoligically by season.
“Alyssa Edwards!”
The crowd clapped and cheered but instead of Ru taking the crown, he smiled as Chad Micheals and Jinkx Monsoon appeared from backstage. They smiled widely at Alyssa as she wiped a tear from her eye.
“Oh my god, you’re crowning me?” Alyssa exclaimed.
“Yes, we thought it’d be fitting for both of us to pass on the Crown to you. You’re representing season 5.” Jinkx smiled.
“And baby, you’re an All Star.” Chad added.
Both of them crowned Alyssa who was overcome with emotion. What a sweet moment, Adore thought.
“Alyssa do you have anything you would like to say?” Ru asked sweetly.
Alyssa was smiling gripping the sceptre in one hand, and trying to balance the crown in her hair with the other.
“My name is Alyssa Edwards, and I am the winner mama!” Alyssa exclaimed.
She smiled as Alyssa pranced down the runway for what might be the first time as the second All Star in herstory.
They finished filming the scene, and then gathered everyone back again to do Adore’s
“Now the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 2, is..”
“Adore Delano!” Ru exclaimed.
The crowd applauded loudly as Adore’s heart beat fast. She turned and mouthed thank you to Ru as she walked forward. She waited for Ru to come up behind her, assuming that it would he her and Chad to crown her, but realized she was wrong when she heard the crowd roar.
That could only mean one thing, Adore realized.
Adore turned around and saw Bianca holding the beautiful crystal encrusted crown in her hands. She put a hand over her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut to stop herself from crying; but it was too late. She heard the crowd go “awww” as she gripped her diamond necklace with her other hand.
“Oh my god!” Adore exclaimed as she felt her body shake. The tears were flowing now, having Bianca crown her was probably one of the most emotional things to happen to her. That truly meant that she would no longer be the only one representing season 6 if she won. Adore would be the new era. That and she knew Bianca always wanted to share the crown with her.
Bianca was shaking as she held the crown in her hands. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, crowning who she believed should have won their season. It was one of the proudest moments of Bianca’s life, being able to give Adore what she deserved. She deserved not just the crown, but everything right in the world as well.
“Well I’m not exactly a god…” Bianca cracked a smile. The audience laughed and Adore cracked a smile through the tears. Bianca stepped forward as Adore smiled nervously waiting for the crown.
“Adore, there is…” Bianca began, but stopped as she started to feel her eyes burn.
Ru looked at Bianca, bewildered as she saw that the usually quick witted queen was at a loss for words for the first time in her career.
This was so emotional for Bianca. She had seen Adore at 23 years old, an inexperienced, poor drag queen from the suburbs of Los Angeles. She hadn’t even had enough money to bring a whole wardrobe with her to their season of drag race.
She had seen Adore doubt herself in some of the challenges, almost have a breakdown multiple times. But everytime she won a challenge or walked a runway, or even lipsynced or sang live, she brought magic to that stage. A kind of magic that Bianca had never seen before in her many years of drag. Not in New York, not in New Orleans, and not even on any season of Drag Race. She had traveled the world, many times over now-and not one queen could match what Adore has.
Now here she was, in an expensive gown, with real hair and gorgeous accessories. Adore had evolved in the most beautiful way possible and Bianca was witness to all of it.
Bianca gulped and looked up at the ceiling to prevent any tears from falling. The stage lights were blinding, but it still worked enough for the moment. She felt Chad rub her shoulder as she sighed and continued.
“Adore, there is not one person that I could ever imagine crowning over you. I am one of the only queens that has seen your growth, your work ethic, and your passion evolve over the last few years. You are the most talented, wonderful queen on this planet. There is no one that will do a better job at carrying on my legacy, and I truly believe that. I really do.” Bianca’s voice shook as she finished. She wiped a tear from her eyelash as she felt the warmth spill over onto her cheeks. Good thing she had sprayed a lot of setting spray tonight.
Adore was sobbing at this point, Bianca had really thought she was a true queen. The only other time she had heard Bianca give a speech this serious was on their season. The fact that she meant so much to Bianca made her heart fill with joy- and confusion all at the same time. Phi Phi had never made her feel this way, never made her feel expensive, or royal, or any of the things that she had felt tonight.
“Damnit, if you win tonight you’re going to ruin my reputation of being a hard-ass.” Bianca laughed as she wiped another tear. Adore giggled as the crowd laughed with them. She mouthed sorry to her and Bianca winked.
“Adore, you are a true All Star. You really are, and you’ve come such a long way.” Chad said as he smiled at the exchange.
Adore thanked Chad and bent down so that him and Bianca could crown her. Bianca and Chad rested the crown on her head, securing it into the lace front wig. Bianca stepped back and watched Ru hand her the sceptre.
“Now, Adore do you have anything you would like to say?” Ru asked.
Adore looked out into the crowd, as she felt the heavy weight of the crown on her head. She stared down at the beautiful matching crystal sceptre as the stage lights beat down on her face. All of the cameras were fixated on her, waiting for her acceptance speech.
“This is for all of the men, women, and everyone in between that feel like they can’t love themselves or make it in life. You can no matter what your background is, as long as you work hard. I’ll do what I can to be that role model for you all. Thank you so much.” Adore said as her voice was cracking.
“My queen, I bow to thee.Now prance darling.” Ru bowed as she held her arm out.
Adore bowed in return and walked slowly down the runway. The crown was incredibly heavy but she knew with the necklace, the elaborate dress, and the sceptre she looked incredible. She went to the end where the crowd was roaring and she twirled. She walked back and caught eyes with Bianca, who was smiling as tears streamed down her face. Adore felt her upper lip tremble, threatening more tears as she saw her so emotional.
Adore looked like the true All Star tonight. The necklace gleamed beautifully in the stage lights as Bianca admired how elegant she looked with the crown and sceptre. Adore was made to win this competition, and if she didn’t end up winning the crown- she still won no matter what.
“Now if you can’t love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else, can I get an amen up in here?” Ru boomed for the second time.
The crowd answered in unison and the music boomed on the giant speakers. The queens crowded around Adore but she went straight to Bianca. She pulled her close to her and squeezed her tight, smelling her spicy powdery perfume in the process.
“Please don’t cry.” Adore whispered as she held her close to her. Bianca sniffled as she rubbed her eye.
“I’m not crying, I just have something i my eye.” Bianca mutterred. They both chuckled, knowing what the real truth was.
“Thank you.” Adore said as she pulled away.
“For what queen? You got yourself this far, it wasn’t me.” Bianca smiled.
“No Bianca, thank you. Thank you for making me believe that I’m-that I’m worth something.” Adore stuttered.
“You are worth more then the universe.” Bianca said. She pulled Adore close and kissed her cheek, holding her waist close to her for an extra few seconds.
Adore felt butterflies invade her stomach as she felt Bianca’s lips brush her cheek. They were so delicate resting on her, she wanted so bad to feel them on her in other places but she pulled away.
Bianca had given her the thing she never knew she was looking for in life, in the matter of a couple of hours: Self esteem. A belief in herself that she didnt know was even possible.
“Come over tomorrow.” Adore said.
“What?” Bianca asked bewildered.
“You said you wanted to catch up with me right? Well come over, we’ll smoke a bowl and order a vegetarian pizza-it’ll be a fucking party!” Adore exclaimed as she started hugging the other queens.
“But what about-”
“He’s going out of town tomorrow.” Adore responded quickly.
Bianca’s eyes widened.
“Well I mean, sure then queen.”
This was not a good idea, she knew it. But Bianca pushed that thought aside.
“Great! Just text me!” Adore called as she was engulfed in hugs from the other queens.
“Wait! Why don’t we just go out tonight?” Bianca called. She was feeling daring. Maybe it was what Adore needed after Jaremi fucked her over.
“Oh fuck yeah! I’m so down. Let’s invite Court too!” Adore yelled back.
The queens finished talking on stage, and they helped Adore remove the crown to re stage it for Katya’s crowning. She handed the sceptre hack to Ru, and the three of them got back into line.
“I think it’s safe to say that Violet will be crowning me.” Katya muttered as she repositioned herself.
Ru went through the speech for the third time, and Violet and Chad appeared on stage for the final crowning of the night.
“Come through Katya!” Violet exclaimed as she saw her friend awaiting the crown.
“Katya, do you have anything you would like to say?” Ru asked.
“I don’t. I’d really just like to stand here awkwardly.” Katya said, lips twitching upwards.
“Oh okay, well in that case I’ll just hold onto this.” Ru answered. The crowd erupted in laughter as Adore watched Bianca from across the stage. What was up with her tonight and being so sentimental? First the necklace, then keeping the fact that she was crowning her from her? She wanted to pick her brain desperatley, but obviously couldn’t do that here. She would just have to do it later.
“No, I’d really like to say thank you for believing in me and giving me a second chance to proove myself. I am a star forever.” Katya said as she smiled.
“My queen, I bow to thee. Now prance darling!”
Katya strutted down the runway and got a fairly decent amount of attention from the audience. The fans loved her, so much that Adore sometimes wondered if she was the new fan favorite. Adore smiled and clapped as her sister worked the runway. Katya was unique and a special talent, very much like Alyssa and now that she was starting to realize it; herself too. The crown would be fit for any one of them in the end.
“God queen you really are a fucking mess.” Bianca huffed as she tried grabbing Adore off of the bar. Adore shook her off and laughed as she took another shot. After they had finished filming the reunion, her, Courtney, Adore, Alaska, Sharon and Willam had all decided to go out and celebrate. Adore had changed into a budweiser tank top and ripped jeans, much more comfortable then a satin gown.
Adore was having the time of her life, dancing on the bar with Courtney. She had already had way too much to drink, which usually happened when all 3 of them hung out again. When you add Willam to the mix, you basically have a rager.
“Where’s Jaremi?” Willam asked as he got up on the bar inbetween Adore and Courtney. Courtney grabbed Willams thighs as they swung back and forth to the beat of the music. He grinded his ass on her as he took another swig of his beer.
“Fuck him, he’s off doin’ who knows what being a fuckin’ loooooser.” Adore slurred as she grabbed another shot glass and let the alcohol burn her throat.
Willam’s lips curled up amused and Bianca raised an eyebrow as she stood with Sharon and Alaska, who were both dancing nearby.
“Are you doing damage control tonight?” Sharon asked wearily as Adore started to dance messily with Willam. Willam was laughing, taking pictures and videos with Courtney and Adore. Well this would be all over Twitter later, Bianca thought.
Bianca took another sip of her cocktail and set it down on a nearby table.
“Maybe. This is pretty mild for her actually.” Bianca commented. Usually Adore couldn’t even speak by this point in the night.
Alaska nodded in agreement and grabbed Sharon’s hand.
“Well, we should probably get going. Thanks for keeping us company, but i’ll let you go be the knight in shining armor.” Sharon winked.
“Believe me I’m no knight in shining armor-”
“Bianca come dance with us!”
The group whipped their head around to see Adore, Courtney and Willam now off of the bar and making their way onto the dancefloor.
Sharon raised an eyebrow at Bianca, who now had a paniced look on her face.
“Thanks Sharon. Bye Alaska.” Bianca muttered as she started making her way towards the middle of the club.
“Bee! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Alaska called as her and Sharon left the club.
“Tonight we’re going to put a throwback song in the mix!” The DJ yelled as he started scratching the records on his spinning machine.
Wild Ones by Flo Rida started playing, a song Bianca had heard a few summers ago and had fell in love with.
She was looking frantically around the dancefloor for any sign of Willam, Adore, or Courtney but couldn’t find them. How did they disappear so fucking fast?!
“I fuckin’ love this song!”
Bianca whipped around as Adore practically yelled that in her ear. She grabbed onto Bianca’s back and hugged her, still bobbing back and forth to the beat.
“Jesus there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where’s Willam and Courtney?” Bianca asked.
Adore moved her head to the side motioning towards the edge of the dance floor where they were jumping up and down to the beat of the song. They sure knew how to have fun together, that was one of the things Bianca had envied about Willam and Courtney’s relationship.
“Wanna dance?” Adore asked as she started to whip her long blonde hair back and forth.
“Sure, why the fuck not.” Bianca shrugged. She was feeling pretty good, pretty buzzed but not nearly at Adore’s level.
Almost as if she was reading her mind, Adore passed Bianca her drink.
“Here, I can’t finish this you should have it.” Adore pushed the drink into her hand.
Bianca studied the teal blue drink. It looked as if it had a piece of pineapple in it. She had never seen anything like it before, and she had been to a lot of clubs in her lifetime.
“What the fuck is this?” Bianca questioned.
“The hurricane. Bet you can’t chug it!” Adore laughed as she spun around, clearly way past her limit now.
“Try me bitch.” Bianca growled. She grabbed the drink, pressed her lips to the cup and kept eye contact with Adore as she drained the contents into her body. Adore’s face went from smug to complete shock as Bianca finished the drink and slammed the cup into the trash.
“Holy fuck!” Adore gasped.
“It wasn’t even bad. It didn’t even taste like alcohol!” Bianca exclaimed.
“B, that was literally ALL alcohol. You’re fucking crazy bitch!” Adore yelled excitedly as she grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards the center of the dance floor.
Bianca laughed giddily as she let the younger queen drag her to the center of the dance floor. She could feel the pulsing bass from the music as they neared the edge of the club.
“Let me show you how to dance!” Adore jumped excitedly as she started shaking her ass to the song.
“Bitch, you’ve tried to show me before and it doesn’t work. It’s a lost cause.” Bianca joked. Her vision was starting to get blurry as that drink kicked in. Holy shit, it had been awhile since she had gotten this drunk. That drink sure kicked in fast too. She supposed the 5 beers were catching up with her all at once now.
“Here, just put your hand here and-” Adore had placed Bianca’s hand on her lower back, but she had pulled her close to her.
“I’m goanna need you a lot closer then tha’ queen.” Bianca slurred as they rocked back and forth to the song. She was feeling daring, all inhabitions lost.
Adore smiled big, letting herself feel the warmth of Bianca against her. She looked so good under all of the club lights, hair falling with all of the humidity of the club. Even a drunk mess she was beautiful.
Bianca felt the energy change as she contiuned to dance with Adore. She was feeling more comfortable, allowing her hands to linger on her back, pulling her closer and closer to her. Adore lifted her arms above her head as she shook her head back and forth, flipping her long blonde hair around with it. Bianca could smell the perfume from the hairspray as her hair moved in the club.
Adore winked at Bianca, turned around, and burrowed her ass into her groin. Bianca clenched her fist to her side as she felt blood rush to her dick for the first time in hours. This was so wrong, but she didn’t want to stop her. She continued to dance back and forth trying to keep herself in control as Adore grinded her ass harder into her. Bianca finally gave in, grabbing her long black hair snapping her neck forward.
“What’s wrong?” Adore asked innocently as she spun back around, pulling Bianca back into her.
“You know exactly whats wrong.” Bianca mumbled into her ear. She grabbed Adore’s ass and pulled her further into her chest not breaking eye contact. Bianca was really drunk now, not giving a shit who saw them or about what she did to her. She could barely focus on Adore’s eyes, the room was spinning and her mouth was getting numb.
“I don’t man. Tell me.” Adore laughed as she put her hands on Bianca’s hips. Bianca let out a gasp at the contact and saw Adore smirk. Bianca pulled her close to her chest and kept dancing with her, eyes never leaving the younger queens. They were dark with lust, she could tell even with the shitty club lighting and the room spinning.
“There you are!”
A voice snapped Adore and Bianca out of their little bubble that they had created. Bianca stepped back, almost losing her balance as she grinned at Willam and Courtney.
“Subtle.” Willam dryly commented before he busted out laughing. Adore started laughing hysterically.
“Your laugh sounds like a fucking dying seal!” Adore exclaimed.
“The laugh has to match the mug.” Bianca added, laughing with Adore.
Willam looked between them annoyed, before flipping them off. He took another swig of his beer, raising his eyebrow at Bianca.
“You guys should go before you get yourselves into trouble!” Courtney exclaimed, arm slung over Willam’s shoulder.
“Come on queen, the Australian police is here to take us home.” Bianca slurred as she staggered towards Courtney. Adore laughed as she started following Bianca out of the club. She grabbed Adore’s arm and started dragging her towards the door.
“I’m calling you guys a Lyft!” Courtney said, already opening the app.
“Send it to my house, my baby girl will come crash on the couch.” Bianca wrapped her arm around Adore as she grinned.
“Adore you aren’t going home?” Willam asked confused.
“Well I mean…my house is hella far away. Bianca’s is a lot closer.” Adore slurred.
“Leave my babygirl alone, I’ll kick your ass queen!” Bianca pointed her finger at Willam, who was now looking amused at the two of them.
“Jesus Court, for once you’re the most sober one in the room.” Willam laughed.
“Guys, your Lyft is outside! Tonight was so fun I’ll see you later!” Courtney exclaimed.
“You fucking idiot they’re drunk, Bianca can’t even see! Take them out there and put them in the car!” Willam roared with laughter.
Bianca saw Courtney roll her eyes at Willam and then felt her grab her arm. She led them towards a mercedes that was waiting for them in the front of the club, and helped them get into the car.
“Thanks angel.” Bianca said as she waved goodbye to Courtney.
“Bianca?” Courtney said worridley.
“Yes angel?”
“Watch yourself.” Courtney warned.
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