#like ofc are you kidding me sksk
hausofmamadas · 1 year
I have no idea why tf, or for what tf, or who tf I even wrote this for besides it came to me and I don’t know what else to do with it but share bc like I think it’s kinda funny and like gifs. So, yeah, here’s a thing sksksksks a drabble? as the real fanfic writers say??
| Only good for a good time |
Character/Pairing: Isabella Bautista (heavily implied Isabella Bautista x Enedina Arellano Félix)
Word count: smol ~850
✷ TWs: the general stupidity of men none ✷
Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right? If Isabella Bautista had like a lifestyle guru blog or a Wordpress diary or was like some kind of YouTube vlogger and/or Instagram influencer or god forbid, had a Tumblr, I feel like this would be an entry?? Regardless of the exact avenue, she is out here, screaming into the void of the internet about how her almost bestie and the rest of the world did her so beyond dirty and questioning what it means to be so damn sexy all the time. (You think I'm joking ... I promise you, this might actually be that shallow.)
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It was almost like every breakup I’d ever had. A pat on the ass, a “thanks for your time” and “be on your way.” Actually it was worse, because none of the dirtbags I ever dated had left a check to add insult to injury. Another thing this one had that those breakups didn’t? The worst part? The absolute and complete cherry on top of this shit sundae?
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I didn’t. fucking. see it. coming.
In hindsight, I probably should have. I’d never worked with another woman before, so I kinda just chalked it up to that. Less dicks and egos to dance around and deal with. But if I think about it now, there were always three operating in the background, after hours, and things were going too well, working too smoothly, had too few headaches, too few fires to put out. That should’ve tipped me off. Because life is never so kind. I mean, they say you can’t have it all, right? I never used to believe that but I’m beginning to. Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right?
And yeah, I do like to have a good time, if your idea of a good time is watching endless reruns of El Derecho de Nacer with a seventy pound German shepherd, drooling, half-asleep in your lap. I guess I don't mind dancing either, but that always depends on the company you're with. (If you're ever in Colombia, I've got a number for este chulito viejito who ruined dancing for me because it's just not the same without him ...
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... he made that much of an impression.) But people are always projecting things onto me based on my looks. Which isn’t actually my problem … but is still somehow my problem.
So, it’s a question I ask myself often. Is it worth it to be beautiful? And now, don’t even start because I already know what you’re thinking like qué debo ser tan loca, sí? Oh poor linda, bonita, chulita, fresita. How life must be so terrible and hard for you. Cry me a river, pendeja. Ya cállate alashingada pues and smile.
And look, I get it. It sounds nuts to be asking that question porque por supuesto que sí, que ser linda, lo vale la pena.
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And you’re right. The answer to that question is "yes" ... in some ways. I mean, sure, it may have gotten me out of a ticket, paying a fine or two. And well, yeah, actually come to think of it, I’ve never paid for a drink in my life.
It’s also part of, but definitely not all (not even close) of what got me out of Sinaloa and onto bigger things. Tijuana, Colombia, beyond.
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Because people are nicer to you if you’re pretty. They tend to give you things when you ask (for the right ones) nicely.
But (and there’s always one of those) when I replay every single leer, every joke some sleazeball cracked about how “Colombians love a girl with a fat ass,” every pair of hungry, beady eyes behind sunglasses slid down the bridges of their noses. When I replay all of that? Yeah. I wish wasn’t. Or at least, not in the way I am.
See, because as much as I admire and respect her, the most annoying thing about Di— scratch that. One of the most annoying things about Dina is that she’s beautiful too. Noticeably so. I mean hey, I certainly noticed. Hell, I wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity had we not been in business together. He probably thinks he taught me so much, but Miguel was right about one thing: business in lust or love is a Bad Idea. (Well that, aaaand had she not been so busy making eyes at that Snack of a sicario working for them, whose name I can never remember.)
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(And really …. I can't blame her.)
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(… Or him, for that matter.)
So yeah, she’s beautiful. And yet, still, somehow people always seem to take her seriously. And okay yes, she’s someone who does naturally command respect, sure. But hey! Newsflash! We’re not that fucking different!
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How do you think we worked together so well in the first place?
I guess, maybe it’s that she’s beautiful in a way that’s honest and doesn’t make too much noise. Frankly, for the longest time, I always thought it was because of how she dressed, like in those unflattering, oversized tiger sweaters. And good god, that 80-year-old librarian’s polka-dotted suit jacket, the one that made her look like a kooky preschool teacher …
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If preschool teachers came customized with a mouth that savage. (I don’t think they do.)
But that theory went right out the window. Because when I did that, no matter how hard I tried to make myself look hard, they still all saw the same thing. One Thing. (Except the One Person I might’ve actually wanted to see the One Thing. Then again, what’s that saying? Don’t shit where you eat? As I said, bad for business. Although, now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve thrown caution to the wind since the whole thing went to shit anyway. Oh well. Así es la vida.)
Oh, I’m not even gonna bother spelling it out for you. Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. And you do already know what it is. Because it’s the One Thing you see too, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t it what you all came for in the first place?
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bwoahtastic · 8 months
oooh oscar would be the sweetest momma tho! totally in tune with his tiny pup and he stays calm and level headed throughout it all! but that also being the reason people don‘t take him serious enough when he asks for help because he doesn‘t look like he‘s in dire need although he‘s perhaps a little roughened up himself, but his pup is perfectly fine and swaddled in a clean blanket. :(
pack alpha max finding him thooo!!
thinking out loud here but oscar just having sat himself down in some parking lot of a supermarket because he is exhausted and his pup is whining and his legs hurt, and at least the asphalt of the parking lot is warm from the sun. and he watches this alpha packing up his car while talking to someone on the phone before he runs back inside just to grab one single thing that the person on the phone wanted to have lol and he‘s like yeah this alpha seems nice enough but he doesn‘t dare to walk up to max out of fear of not being taken serious again. but max glancing at oscar and he‘s a bit of an unusual sight, sitting there with a bundled up blanket against his chest and smelling sad. he realizes the bundle is actually a pup only through the scent. so max goes over, carefully being like hey kid, are your parents or pack coming to pick you and your sibling up? and oscar thinks about lying for a moment but then shakes his head, saying no one is picking him up…and that‘s his pup, not sibling. max being shocked,,oscar looks (and is) so young and that pup is still so tiny!
in his head max is like,,,i can‘t just take a young omega and their pup with me, that‘s like kidnapping. but i can‘t just leave them here either. well damn, the pack will just have two more members!
oscar being desperate enough to agree to go with max who offers to take him to his pack and give him and the pup a safe space and something to eat although oscar knows it‘s dangerous to just trust a random alpha like this. max seems and smells genuine but you never know. max offering oscar all kinds of possible snacks he just bought when they‘re in the car, but sheepishly saying that the chocolate is off limits, those are for his omega who won‘t be happy to not have chocolate sksk
said omega being charles who eagerly hops over to max once they‘re back, tryna get his chocolate pack that max extra went back for, and freezing when there‘s suddenly a very young omega with a resting bitch face and a pup stand in their kitchen. he‘s like uuuuh that was not the kind lf surprise i meant but sure yeah okay
Oh plss! Oscar sitting in the parking lot withvhis little pup purring away on his chest. He has just been rejected by another pack and is getting desperate, but no one seems to believe it as je looks so calm and his little pup is so happy and perfect!
Oscar watches a strong Alpha carry loads of groceries to a car, phone pressed between his shoulder and cheek as he chuckles at whatever the other person says. Oscar being a little surprised seeing the Alpha run back inside to grab some chocolate. Oscar thinks he looks nice but doesn't dare ask foe help, he can't handle more.rejection, but then the Alpha suddenly notices him!
Pls Max being worried seeing Oscar all alone and smelling sad, especially when he realises the bundle in Oscar's arms is a wiggly little pup. He goes over to ask if he can wait with Oscar until his parents or pack come back for him and his sibling. Oscar shyly explaining the pup is his and he is all alone...
Max being torn but still inviting Oscar to come with him and Oscar is.desperate enough to accept, a little shy and quiet as he sits next to Max in the car, smiling slightly when Max offers him snacks but says the chocolate is for his Omega!
Said omega ofc comes to bound out to greet Max and he is a little confused seeing Oscar! He tells Max he asked for chocolate, not for pups lol! But he is happy enough to welcome someone else in their pack, as are the others!
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sakamaki-richter · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. . . || richter.
summary. the little, easily missable & hard to decode behaviours.
notes. something short and simple. don’t be fooled all of these aren’t happy. i love to think of richter’s body language. also these could very much just not make sense bc i’m projecting ! (richter is just like me fr though so its fine 🙄)
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sleeve ruiner. he’s honestly been doing this since he was a kid. and ofc in the more recent years he doesnt have a sleeve to ruin but thats neither here nor there. he doesn’t know how to give verbal cues (or why they’re important) but if you catch this man getting too overwhelmed prepare for him to grip your sleeve. <3 (also doesn’t help that sometimes his change in expression is minuscule sksks).
knuckle cracking. there’s a specific way to crack knuckles that i’m thinking of but idk how to describe it in words. think kaneki from tokyo ghoul though. that ‘form’ of it. anyways— whether his knuckles need to be popped or not, in conversations especially he’ll sometimes crack them/make the motion of cracking them to fill in space. becomes easy to tell he really doesn’t want to be doing
finger tapping. this is hyper specific bear with me; i’ve no doubt that this man just taps his fingers normally if he needs something to do with his hands, however specifically tapping only his middle finger when troubled/distressed and in thought. he doesnt have a stead train of tapping with all of his fingers, instead almost anxiously tapping only the middle one.
eye twitches (?). this one may be more obvious it may not. tbh i could probably go on for a good minute about how important eye contact is for richter however this specific one is eye contact with someone taller than/above him. makes him feel a bit on edge, so he’ll squint/twitch & relax his eyes a few times in an attempt to compose himself. (not having eye contact makes him anxious but then actively meeting someone’s gaze like that is not better ‼️ poor baby.)
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poohwhin · 2 years
𝐌𝐲 (𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬) 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥. 𝟒 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
I’m putting them under the cut not only because they might be long but also so those who don’t care abt this can scroll. SKSK. (and also because I’ll be using images)
also if you wanna see my “real time” reactions i have a thought dump post.
anyways i’m not a theorist or someone smart enough to analyse anything i just have a lotta thoughts.
To start, I really enjoy the inclusion of the creation story from the bible— and how it confirms that Gabriel’s been here from the START. Man honestly said “if you want something done, hit it at the source.” And ofc we have the signature forbidden fruit event, and Eve becoming painfully aware of “the man in the sky.” Tbh I just love any edition with Gabriel because he’s literally the root of everyone’s problems so I want more of him.
I also really love the background that we get for Thatcher, and the BPS crew. Thatcher’s life after Ruth’s death, the melancholy and SADNESS he’s feeling— all the while alternates are invading his home as well as impersonating him. As for the BPS crew, i love how they were just a couple of high school kids who formed a club, yet were not prepared for the actual demons adam was exposing them to. (and come to find out that Adam may be an alternate himself? or SOME OTHER ENTITY? ever since the age of 4?? man)
let me spin back to thatcher real quick because his letter to ruth had me SOBBING. and CRYING. he was so scared, and that got her killed. and even his alternate is taunting him (with his face i might add) like “alive or dead you serve no purpose.” god.
Adam’s memorial video for Jonah was so goofy but also the edited in(?) scenes were pretty inch resting. I’m intrigued about the drawing of the preacher?? the messenger?? im a fake fan i barely know these alternate names. but i wanna know who drew that and what they wrote beside it. Also Adam my sweet boy adding “rate 5 stars and subscribe” was FOUL.
Anyways on to my most jarring experience from this video because I am. FLOORED. Face studio. Face Studio 2. Where the hell is the first one, and how the hell did alternates learn to code.
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they’re sitting at their little desktops kicking their feet and twirling their stolen hair as pick which face mask to put on.
but then it transitions to footage of lynn’s home with an alternates face speaking on screen. and if i heard everything correctly, it was like:
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour. his entangled (?) limbs danced around my bedroom. i held my breath. and waited for it to stop. i was too scared.”
but it glitched out after that, plus i could barely make anything out. anyways i think this is cryptic is cool.
then the moment that everyone and their MOTHER was talking about is dave’s encounter with gabriel 🫶this entity literally SPLIT THE HEAVEN’S AND DAVE’S MENTAL STABILITY IN HALF. (rip dave. i’ll box alex logan paul style and avenge you /j )
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he just wants to talk about his car’s extended warranty <3
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i hate the fact that this mf is stanley. why couldnt stanley have just been a silly little rubber band man. nah but i love how, even though the previous images were just a photoshop choice alex made for scare factor; i love the thought that his face looks different each time you see him being a result of his “contorted flesh and broken bones.” but please somebody get this man a friend so he stops stealing people’s children.
also his conversation with Adam really has me thinking more than i’d like to admit. and has me wondering if adam is already an alternate, and if he is: how long has he been one? it’d be interesting if a drastic change like that was happening to the children the intruder abducts (unless its an adam specific thing). but then his images being shown at the end make me question that. SKSKS.
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i dont even KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS. HGGGGGGG. and adam’s photos presumably to be uploaded onto Face Studio being shown right afterwards? man.
an already cataclysmic situation is about to become an intergalactic problem 🫶
remembrance. the action of remembering something. the action of remembering the dead, especially in a ceremony. a memory or recollection.
correspondence. a close similarity, connection, or equivalence. communication by exchanging letters with
malignance. the quality of being malign. (evil in nature or effect; malevolent.)
these three words appeared in pretty distinct spots so i think thats cool. i love alex’s usages of SAT words SKSKSSK
ANYWAYS. THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. i really enjoyed Vol. 4, and was glad to get some more information on the world Alex’s creating <3 (as well as the buildup to the climax?) anyways ty for coming to my rambling. 🫶
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ghostbeam · 1 year
OMG how stinking cute y’all are precious. Follow up question(s) because I gotta 👀👀 (also guilty of falling back asleep in the morning sksks)
Is touya a big cuddler? Is he the space heater or are you?
And big movie watchers I def figured BUT!! Have you guys seen Seven 👀 because if you’re coming over to our house we’re gonna watch it for sure
PLSSSS I LOVE U OMG okay bye u asked abt the movies u know I could talk abt this forever!!!!
First of all yes he is a big cuddler he is my little spoon most of the time also loves to lay on my chest or my stomach ahwjwjwkshsjsj and tbh I think I maybe run hotter than him I’ve always thought he wouldn’t run hot cause his body is like meant for the cold u know idk but yeah maybe it’s meeeee
As for movies hehehe okay yes ofc I’ve seen seven that movie is insane!!!! I love it we will come over to rewatch it with u🫡🫡 right now I am back on a John waters kick (a summer thing i think idk I remember watching his movies a lot in summer as a kid but anyways) we’re definitely marathoning his movies rn (touya is a big multiple maniacs fan but also loves pecker sjjsjdjdjd) I think obviously we watch a lot of horror the newest evil dead comes to mind but we would have gone to the theater for that ummmmm I think we’re also in our tv era he really likes Yellowjackets (saw nat and was like she’s just like me fr) and watches succession w me but doesn’t get it and is like why are u calling this rich guy babygirl (he’s on his phone the whole time) but yeah that’s wikwuwksjskdj that’s it for us rn I think<3333
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cultleaderyoongi · 1 year
oKAY I KNOWWWW its been OHHH SO LONG BUT HIE🥺🥺 im niika and i hope u havent forgotten me kjdsk🥺🥺🥺JASMIN MY FAV BLOGGER HOW ARE U MY FREN🥰🥰
life been hectic lately BUTTTT my sem gon get over in 2 weeks and imma read all ya stories and all then sksksk IM EXCITED <3
aLSO YOONGI HAS BEEN DRIVING ME SO CRAZY LIKE THE MAN HE IS OH GOD hes amazing kjsdhjd<3 whats ur fav song on the album? mine has to be haegum (girl the way he says haegum ISTG🥵), people pt 2 for a bunch of rzns, snooze and life goes on wooo
fav liquor? tEQUILA (u remember that song tequila that i saw u listening to on spotify and then i went crazy over ur music taste and all sksks)
imagine if we get to meet at a yoongi/bts concert some day WOW LOL
anyways itll be really sad if u cant remember me but itsokay ofc.. but if u do remember me HSJKSJ HEEHEE
(btw im forever and a day's biggest fan if that jocks ur memory ehehhe)
love you take care <3
w love, niika💕
OMG NIIKA HI!! It's been ages! Of course I remember you! Why would I forget about you? I missed you, girly 🥺 So happy to hear from you. Hope life's treating you well despite all the stress (go get that education, girl 💪🏼) ik it's been a fricking roller coaster for me for sure, but there will be better days as well.
My man's been F E E D I N G us recently, ik 🥵 I love love LOVE the album sm, it's hard for me to pick favorites, but I gotta say I'm a sucker for the hard bangers a.k.a. Haegeum, HUH?! and D-Day. Also Amygdala and Snooze 💔
Tequila is such a tune still. You can always hit me up for more music recommendations lol yk I always got some new stuff up my sleeve.
Imagine us at a concert together. How iconic would that be?! I'd love that 🥰 We'd have so much fun like are you kidding?!
And listen, Forever And A Day is basically your story at this point lmao it's your hubby after all 💖
Always take care and again, I'm so happy to hear from you 💫💕
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sugawarassoulmate · 3 years
I read all your loser! kuroo posts (or at least the ones this broken site lets me see 🥲) and I love it so much!!! Then I had a thought like what if a new kid comes to town and reader is bullying them cause ofc she is. This isnt anything new but this time, the new kid likes it too! And kuroo is just??? Wtf bro?? There is only room for 1 loser and its me??? Extra drama when it seems like reader is ignoring kuroo for this new toy but really its a coincidence and reader is just a dumbass
the idea of kuroo only getting jealous when you’re mean to someone else is sending me
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words: 602
cw: fem!reader, bullying, name-calling, jealousy, bully!reader, college au, like one line of smut but youngsters stay tf away, minors dni
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the two of you are doing work in one of the study rooms in the library and you’re complaining about this kid that your professor partnered you with for a project
“he’s so snively and whiney, it’s annoying” you bemoan, feet stretched across kuroo’s lap while he’s writing notes
kuroo doesn’t think anything of it, you’re always complaining about someone: your classmates, the people who live on your floor, the barista at the coffee shop who messed up your order. kuroo doesn’t mind listening to all of it, he loves hearing your voice 🥺
but when you say “i swear this kid is worse than you,” kuroo gets all 🤨 but he chooses to ignore it. you must have been really annoyed and needed to vent
the thing we love about kuroo is how perceptive he is, yeah?
he notices something’s up when you’re suddenly not texting him
you’re always bombarding kuroo with text messages, telling him that you’re bored and want his attention but now it’s the middle of the day and you’ve barely sent him anything
at first he thinks maybe you’re busy with work but you do all your studying with him. then he remembers that you’re partnered up with that boy you’ve been complaining about
after that kuroo finds himself laughing. what’s he so worried about? you’re just out with some kid doing classwork
but then…..
he’s not hearing from you for days and when he finally sees you, that kid is shuffling beside you. holding your books....
that’s my job… kuroo thinks, now noticing how the boy is staring at you—wide eyed with a pleasing smile, one that kuroo knows all too well
the boy begins to ask you multiple questions at once and kuroo can see the fire behind your eyes. rookie mistake, he thinks before you’re shoulder checking the poor kid, knocking him to the ground
“do you ever stop babbling, you fucking dork?”
and god kuroo wishes that were him
kuroo’s fine, everything’s fine… *narrator voice* everything was, in fact, not fine.
you haven’t forgotten about him, have you? he hasn’t outlived his usefulness? no, he means more to you than that. but this shiny new toy is occupying all your attention… you haven’t even talked to him other than a good morning text (if he’s lucky)
poor boy doesn’t realize that you’re not really trying to ignore him. you really have been busy working on this stupid project. thankfully you have this stupid freshman at your beck and call.
you probably don’t even notice that this child (yes, college freshman are children to me sksks) has a fat crush on you. you’ve never really interested in anyone beside kuroo (but you’d rather die than admit that you’re in love with him again)
after nearly two weeks, kuroo can’t take it anymore and corners the little shit @ god help this poor lil freshie who’s got the captain of the volleyball team towering over him on some abandoned part of campus
kuroo’s always a sweetheart—he helps old ladies cross the street and saves stray kittens from the rain :( he’d never hurt a fly but the thought of you spending time with this boy when he’s got feelings for you doesn’t sit right with him
he doesn’t threaten him….kuroo just kindly tells him that you’re already with someone and to keep your time together spent strictly working on the project 😌
this poor kid is shitting bricks and you don’t even notice it the next day sksksks
soon enough the project is done and kuroo’s celebrating your perfect grade by eating his smart girl out :(
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©sugawarassoulmate 2021 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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hhhecates · 3 years
Imagine maneater!reader meeting Junpei, she would scare the hell out of him and Junpei stumbling to say hello while reader thinking "Another one, I must protect" later he has the biggest crush on her and everyone just "you too?!" and welcome him to the fanclub.
No, because you don't understand how much I LOVE THIS. Thank you so much for sending this ask!
Okay, so, out of everyone in Jujutsu High, I feel like maneater!reader is the most protective over Itadori and Junpei. Don't get me wrong, they are protective towards all of their friends, reader is quite literally the definition of "I hate everyone but them" with them being everyone at Jujutsu High lol. But with Itadori and Junpei it's a little different.
Imagine reader is the first one of the second years to meet Itadori, and the only student to be there with him when everyone thought he was still dead, they just barge in when Shoko is about to perform his autopsy but instead find this naked kid sitting on the desk and they go like "Gojo sensei, as always you got some explaining to do..." and so they get assigned to keep an eye on Itadori and follow him along on missions.
This makes maneater!reader also the first one to meet Junpei along with Itadori.
And while Itadori is a sunshine child and literally asks Junpei one question and then he's like good to go, reader is a little more cautious, a little more prying and almost condescending and provocating because fuck, they don't know this kid and experience has taught them not to go trust anyone if they want to keep those important to them safe (and maneater!reader will die before they let something happen to Itadori).
So yeah, Junpei's first impression of reader is prob very negative sksks, he's fucking scared shitless and 100% ready to make a run for it cause who the fuck is this?? But like the moment he gathers enough courage to just get up and s p r i n t, everything changes.
"Oh, one last important question, are you okay?" reader asks in the most genuine and concerned tones, and the complete change of behaviour quite literally gives Junpei a whiplash, so he just stares at them with eyes wide in complete disbelief. And reader chuckles, fucking chuckles at him (yes, they had already decided Junpei was their new child as soon as they saw how uncomfortable he was with his professor, but they needed to carry on the mission too).
So reader just shrugs at him and goes "Well, everyone is rightfully preoccupied with the three guys that died, but well, they're dead-" "that's cold senpai!" "I'm serious Itadori- Just because they had it worse, it doesn't mean that you didn't have it bad too. Even though you said you can see curses, even if maybe you don't know those three guys, but hell, even if you hated them and you thought they got what they deserved-" "SENPAI!" "I'm still talking Itadori- even if you're luckily still here, how are you doing? Are you okay? Oh, and also, do you have any questions? Would you like to come with us to our school-"
And yeah, reader just goes on full parental mode, and that, that is the moment when dear Junpei knew he was done for.
Literally you can see him short-circuit.
It just gets worse when that evening reader and itadori are over for dinner and reader just jokes around with his mother and then offers to wash the dishes and reprimands itadori when he's too loud while Junpei's mom is sleeping.
Also because we love to see OP reader in god-mode, I think they'd be the one to run after itadori as soon as he goes out to find Junpei and they would save him while Itadori was battling Mahito (cause again, the world will burn before reader lets the people they care about get hurt).
And please, for comedic purposes (and because I shed too many tears over Junpei), just imagine reader bringing him to meet all the others during the second day of the Goodwill event like "Don't worry, come, they don't bite. And well, if they do, I bite too." And Junpei shyly trails behind them all decked in the school's uniform. Itadori is just so fucking shocked and gets all teary eyed and hugs the both of them and reader laughs, full blown laughs because they are so happy too.
So yeah, Junpei and Itadori are definitely the ones reader is the most protective over and they will 100% shout at Junpei as soon as he gets the smallest injuries and always asks to be partnered only with him during missions (even though they would usually partner a bit with everyone, both with first years to keep an eye on them and all the second years too cause they make the best team, cue everyone getting lowkey whiney because they can't go on missions with reader).
Also I love it, you're so right, it would legitimately take o n e interaction between Junpei and reader for Maki to witness and go like "shit, not him too" cause admittedly everyone has a more or less platonic crush on maneater!reader, so ofc maki has to phone yuuta about it. "Yuuta, reader did it again" cue shouting from the other end "WHAT DO YOU MEAN-- Again? Last time it was Fushiguro and it's like less than 3 months ago!" "I KNOW" "*sigh* tell the kid that meetings of the fanclub are on Saturdays in Toge's room" "*nods understandingly* Will do".
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petersasteria · 4 years
Oh then how about 'a whole new world' for Harry? So sorry I didn't see the list before..
It’s alright! No harm done. But if you’ll request again, please please please check the list xx
Also, I hope you don’t mind that this is a headcanon sksks
A Whole New World - Harry Holland
"𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"
Traveling with Harry would include...
- a lot of pictures which means photo shoots every 5 minutes
- a lot of candid shots
- random Instagram lives at your hotel or at any public place you’re at
- going to different shops
- going to different restaurants
- mingling with the locals bc why not?
- cultural appreciation
- trying different delicacies 
- him being an Instagram boyfriend sksksksk
- always trying different activities (scuba diving, jet skiing, hiking, etc.)
- PDA <3
- takes you to shops that he likes because he just wanted to check it out
- you would protest but ofc you were only kidding... after all, seeing him happy makes you happy
- do a little dancing and singing while getting ready for the day
- treats you right bc you deserve it!!!
- sexy times iykwim ;)
- takes you to your dream destination and actually proposes to you there sksksksks and ofc you say ‘yes’ <3
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @sufwubi​ @abrielleholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @purplepizza-summerrain​ @euphorichxlland​ @marshxx​ @lizzyosterfield​ @itstaskeen​ @ilarbu​ @justanamesstuff
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ @perspectiveparker​ @hollands-weasley​ @itstaskeen​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @holland-styles​ @halfblood-princess-505​ @spidey-reids-2003​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
i very love the way, how you draw ducks! Daisy and Donald especially! You have hc for these ducks?
Thank you! You're so sweet! And Yes I do have some Hcs :). More so for Donald than Daisy tbh but sksks
Donald: Basic hcs for him is that he started doing stuff as PK/The Duck Avenger when he was 16/17 and continued to do so up until a few months prior to the Spear of Selene. He got a BA in accounting and went to spend 4 yrs in the Navy immediately after as an officer. Donald is Bisexual and dated a lot of people prior to the events of the show (many of which didn't pan out for obvious reasons but not all of them were bad lmao). His best relationship prior to Daisy was with José and Panchito as they dated during college but broke it off around the same time Donald got out of the Navy. He also dated Mickey for a bit don't @ me sksks. Since he took part in some good ol' vigilantism from time to time, I think he and the cousins were local trouble makers. A lot of the time Della or Gladstone would spearhead some idea to mess with something to piss off local law enforcement but Donald was probably just as enthusiastic to join in half the time, even if he would call whatever idea they first came up with stupid. He'd make excuses like "I'm only coming along to make sure you guys don't get killed" but they know he loves it. Donald does find it inconvenient that he knows Officer M'ma Cabrera as both PK and regular Donald as she sees PK as a pseudo son and constantly worries for him as time goes on and sees Donald Duck as complete menace. Gyro also had a unrequited crush on PK since he spent a lot of time with him, it was the beginning of his soft spots for overly confident superheros.
Daisy: she came from a town close to the Los Angeles metropolitan area but her and her sister moved to Spoonerville to go to the colleges there; she ofc got a BA in fashion design which is where she meets Minnie as she transfered over to Daisy college during Donald and Della's Junior year. Daisy and Minnie also meet Mickey during this time as hes hoping between cities to do some amateur acting until he eventually gets a big role and moves to Los Angeles where Minnie also follows him (even though they are just friends at this point). At the beginning of senior year, she meets Goofy who had recently moved to Spoonerville w/ Max, she and Donna occasionally babysit for him until Donna herself gets pregnant and has kids around the time Max is 3. Daisy finally decided to move to Duckburg to seek better job opportunities 2 years after the Spear incident happened where she eventually gets hired by Emma Glamour as an intern. During this time, Daisy dates a bit and was in some relationships with a few notable people. Namely Selene, Don Karnage, Steelbeak, Zan, and lastly Pepper. She probably had her longest relationship with Zan.
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
txt as high school au tropes
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⇒ summary: txt in a high school au setting.
⇒ [ high school! au ]
⇒ pairing: txt x reader
⇒ word count: 2.5k words
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting, parties, making out
⇒ note: hello,, yeonjun’s cover got me so emo last night that i knew i just HAD to finish this so i can finish the bad boy au i had started writing for him sksks. Also i only had a bad boy fic planned for yeonjun, but if you guys think i should write for the other members too, please send me an ask! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
choi yeonjun:
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↳ the bad boy
C’mon guys, this is badboy!!!! Yeonjun!!!!
okay, so yeonjun’s definitely the leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding kind of badboy
the one that gets into all the fights (ง’̀-‘́)ง
the one that smokes and drinks and punches his way around bc he cannot, for the life of him, control his emotions and feelings ‾͟͟͞(((ꎤˋ⁻̫ˊ)—̳͟͞͞o
he’s also hardly at school
but on the rare days that he’s actually at school, he’s always punching someone or he’s all bloodied and bruised
like,,, dude do you wanna die N O W???
the first time you met was at the nurse’s office
oh wow i wasn’t expecting that
the nurse wasn’t around but you volunteered there frequently, so you were the only one there
the door opens and you’re surprised to see someone you’re not familiar with??
he wasn’t wearing your school’s uniform,,,
who is this dude and why is he heRE
but he looked like shit and like he was gonna die
so even if he may be part of some sketchy gang
you had no choice but to patch him up pspspsps
he was covered in scratches and bruises and his lip and eyebrow were bleeding
ffs man
you told him to go sit on a bed while you went around looking for all the supplies you needed
yeonjun was being a lil shit too, bc he wouldn’t cooperate right away but eventually after threatening him that he might die if he was being choosy about who’s gonna patch him he gave in
so you started to patch him up and he was just
s t a r i n g 
he’s really attractive if he just wasn’t into fighting all the time y’know
girls still occasionally wanna try “breaking his badboy rep” 
all that cliché stuff
you get really conscious under his gaze and then he asks for your name and you ask him what happened instead psksks
he goes (◕︵◕)
so you give him your name fAM AND HE SAYS, “I’m Choi Yeonjun”
and then he tells you that he’s friends with two other choi dudes who are also really well known in your school
and then it hits you
damn y/n you’re so lost fam 
lmao so he does go to your school but you’ve never seen him before????
you finally finish patching him up and you wrap his knuckles in a gauze and his arm as well
“what kind of fight did you even get into?” (´・(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・д・`) ・`)・`)・`)・`)・`)
“the kind where I almost die???” ( ̄ω ̄;)
after getting him all patched up, you take a good look at him and whew he’s all better now
he doesn’t look like he’d die any minute 
then you smile at him like (✿◠‿◠)
“I like your smile, can I call you sunshine?”
yeonjun’s about to leave when you’re still bothered by the large cut on his eyebrow
you pull out a cute rubber ducky cartoon band-aid from your pocket and place it on top of the cut sKSKSKKS
after he finally leaves and says goodbye, yeonjun suddenly can’t stop thinking about you
and maybe, just maybe, you can’t stop thinking about him too.
choi soobin:
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↳ the rich kid
okAY so remember how badboy! yeonjun was friends with 2 other chois
Well duh who would those other two be (●´ω`●)
so soobin’s the riCH KID!!
like, he be drippin in finesse yo
(okay that was bad)
he wears gucci, channel, louis vuitton, armani, all that shit
jk you guys had uniforms
but there’s always something expensive on him
whether it be his shoes, or his bag, or maybe a ring
but he isn’t exactly the friendly type (๑◕︵◕๑)
he’s the quiet one out of the three of them and he always keeps a straight face
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
Like that ^^^^
despite having literally no emotion on his face whatsoever, his lips always seem to be upturned in a pout ksskskksks
and despite his cold personality, that doesn’t stop the girls from swooning over him lol
so,, y/n you’re a pretty clumsy simpleton
and you somehow,,, idk 
the world hates u
you accidentally bump into him like really hard when he was adjusting his precious Rolex on his wrist and the collision caused his Rolex...to...fly…
basically you broke his watch.
and everyone that was there was like :000
And soobin is just ( •̀ω•́ )σ
And you’re ಥ_ಥ
but he just sighs, picks up his broken watch and slips it into his pocket and walks away as if nothing happened
HNGGGGG o(╥﹏╥)o
you’re so guilty that you started to come up to him everyday asking how you could repay him and if you could,,, you know,, pay for it in six months time or some shit
and after a few days soobin’s had enough of you following him around
and ( ̄ー ̄)ノ
“can you stop annoying me? It’s an expensive watch, you can’t possibly pay for it”
wOW OKAY :///
“But i feel really bad for breaking it...( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )”
so soobin decides to make you his “servant”
and you know it’s stupid ,,, just bc he’s rich as hell doesn’t mean he can treat you like that
but he wasn’t giving you any options so you had no choice
you followed him around now and well, somehow
you got to know the real choi soobin hiding under all that expensive clothing and jewelry
the choi soobin that built his walls up so high that no one saw except his other two friends
and now, you.
choi beomgyu:
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↳ the heartbreaker
steals hearts left and right
or: also known as the fuckboy
he slept around and girls always fell victim to his charms
aside from the fact that he was just really really good looking and handsome and gorgeous and-
he was also really friendly and funny
you’d see him at parties all the time, and sometimes with soobin and yeonjun too 
there’s always a random girl on his arm too lmao
beomgyu’s never brought a girl to bed more than once before
it’s always just making out for like hours and one night stands here n there
and flings here and there
never had a serious relationship ever
and all the girls at school are fighting to be the one he decides to “do” more than once
i mean,, who wouldn’t want to be the first girl choi beomgyu ever fucks more than ONCE 
but you just can’t seem to share the same sentiment with the other girls at school
shouldn’t they be fighting over who gets to be his first serious girlfriend or sumth? the girls in your school r weird tbh
besides,, you’re too busy looking for new memes or something and aren’t fuckboys supposed to be the type to do one night stands anyway???
but you know, you’re the mc in this world y/n
and you caught beomgyu’s eye bc he’s always noticed you on your phone laughing at something or bopping your head to some cool new song
he can’t stop smiling every time he sees you do that
and get this,,, beomgyu’s never been the type to be all shy and flustered bc that’s just so not him
but then you get partnered up for a project and suddenly you’re approaching his desk with a bright smile on your face and 
“hi! I’m y/n!” you extend your hand out for him and he just
seeing beomgyu all flustered makes you giggle and he breaks out of his trance and goes back to his old self
“Hey, y/n. Let’s have a great time together(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ”
so that’s how you and beomgyu become friends
even after the project ended you still hung out and you even became somewhat friends with yeonjun and soobin
you sometimes went to parties with him too
and whilst beomgyu fell deeper for you
you remained clueless as ever
you just thought it was him being friendly and stuff bc that’s what he does
what you did notice though
beomgyu hardly made out or slept with anyone at parties now
he hung out with you and played games with you and with soobin and yeonjun
and he didn’t usually go to parties now if you couldn’t make it!!!
and everyone can clearly see how much he LIKES?? LOVES?? you 
so yeah, maybe beomgyu’s gotten rid of his fuckboy ways bc of you.
kang taehyun:
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↳ the valedictorian
name a smarter guy in your school than kang taehyun. Go
jk never gonna happen HE’S the smartest
literally breezes through his subjects like it’s nothing
idk how it works for you guys but in my school, we don’t have GPAs and stuff but anyway
he has like, an average grade of 99 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ (and that’s a 4.0 GPA right????) 
and all the teachers love him ofc
he doesn’t have to sit in front to be THIS smart
he can sit at the back row and be all emo with choi yeonjun if he wanted to and he’d still ace a test
h o w ⊂•⊃_⊂•⊃
and not only that
he’s got a really good voice?? he’s in choir omg
he has the voice of an angel ★~(◡‿◡✿)
he hits high notes like how he breezes through his subjects
he’s the type of guy you bring home to meet your parents after one (1) date bc they’ll love him anyway
aND if he could get any more perfect,,,, he’s captain of your football team AND class president
kang taehyun best boy _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
and you?
you guys are a match made in heaven
you’re his vice president, and while he’s in choir, you’re part of your school’s journalism club
plus, you’re smart enough to go against him but you like slacking off lmao
“you have all the glory in high school tae, i’ll kick your ass in college” PSSPPS
And if taehyun’s the captain of the football team, you’re captain of the volleyball team just bc
goals? I think so too (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
but sigh,,, yunno
as smart as taehyun is, he’s a bit dumb when it comes to matters of the heart
you’ve always loved him, but you realized it only when you guys won the science quiz bee the year before ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
basically, you’ve loved him for more than a year now,, sigh
and you’re just trying to find the right opportunity to confess
wHEN BOOM you suddenly remembered you’re on the school paper!!!! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
v-day is right around the corner and since you’re editor in chief, you decided that it would be nice to have a lil fun in preparation for the event
so you got the whole school dropping anonymous love notes for their crush!!
and the club went around pasting them on lockers for the students so they don’t risk the chance of getting caught pspsps
totally smart idea huh !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
all for the sake of confessing your feelings for your best friend.
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↳ the popular guy 
this boi
loved by everybody
and i mean everybody
even yeonjun and soobin who seem like they don’t give two flying fucks about anything
like literally everybody wants to be his friend !!!
there’s nothing people have to hate him for honestly
he’s in choir with taehyun 
he follows no crowd bC THE CROWD FOLLOWS HIM SKSKS
“hey, kai!”
“ey, wassup! I like your top!”
he’s a cute babie too oomf
the girls that aren’t swooning over yeonjun or beomgyu or soobin are definitely swooning over him
(with taehyun they’ve lost all hope bc they know his best friend’s the only one that’s supposed!! to!! stand!! next!! to!! him!!)
kai’s also really sweet and nice to everybody,, and i mean everybody
he talks to everyone, even those emo kids who sit at the back row
and even they can’t resist smiling :) 
he’s that kind of popular guy that’s really preppy and fun to be around
he’s the type to help girls carry their books, or help guys plan on how to ask their crushes out
everyone knows a lot about him bc he doesn’t hesitate to share and talk about his life bc he literally has no trust issues whatsoever
not in a bad way, tho!! he’s just really honest n stuff
the one thing that everyone doesn’t know about him is that he can play piano sksk ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱
they know he can sing, but they didn’t know he played piano like???
he’s never brought it up before
but one time you find him playing the piano in the music room
you’re in the art club and you guys usually stayed behind after school to work on your paintings and stuff when you were feeling like it
and it just so happened that you were staying behind bc you entered into an art competition and you had only two weeks left to complete your painting
but lately you’ve been running out of inspiration and decided to clear your thoughts first before going back to your painting
what’s that beautiful melody??? 
and it led you to him and you were surprised to see mr. popular in the room
and you didn’t mean to, but the door was ajar and you push it open even further to hear the song better
a chair was resting behind the door and it screeched on the floor spsps
Kai turned around and saw you
“oh! Hey y/n”
he stopped playing and you could see a faint blush on his cheeks ≧◡≦
“you play piano? i never knew” you decided to just step inside bc he wouldn’t mind right? rIGHT???
yeah,, if he didn't have such a big PHAT CRUSH ON YOU
“uh yeah, it helps me to clear my mind sometimes”
“i was taking a break too, i couldn’t finish my painting”
he’s always liked you, ever since you were lab partners for an entire year,,
you occasionally talked, but since he was on the more popular side and you had a smaller group of friends it was hard for him to find proper alone time with you
but life’s good to this baby and he finally got to spend his time with you.
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tw possibly?
i was the anon who asked if i could ask something earlier! feel free to validate or call me out if needed
so im 18, born in '02. im a csa survivor so i am very aggressively anti-ship bc i think its super gross and contributed to the normalization of sexualizing minors. since im 18, i feel like really really gross and ashamed of myself when i like anime characters :( a big one is bnha, i watched it when i was 16 and so i crushed on the characters and it was okay cos we were the same age. i grew up, they didnt ofc since theyre anime characters. i just feel so gross bc theyre minors and im an adult i should know better!! sometimes i forget my age (ig due to trauma id forget my age and become whatever, older than i was, younger 😭😭) so like still liking the same characters that are now younger than me feels so off and idk what to do. i feel gross for participating in anything w teen characters. even if its pure and wholesome like im a monster im basically the same as the gross pro ship ppl :(
again! feel free to call me out on this! (and take ur time ik this is kinda a lot. ive been thinking abt this after it kind of hit that Im an Adult now. im like 18???? i forget my age so often but i have to like ground myself now ykno. and this does not and will never effect how i treat irl minors. i make sure to tag and keep minors seperate from anything i deem as nsfw, if i ever interact w them. i dont rlly like interacting w ppl who r younger than me sksk :0 its basically just like,, only this anime thing which sounds kinda dumb but its not to me :( ) and feel free to ask other questions ig :0 ik im not really great at explaining things in a coherent manner
Oh I feel that. When I turned 18 (almost two years ago because I turn 20 in like 2 weeks) it took a while to really come to terms with the fact that I was technically an adult because I was still in high school at the time. I guess the question is if you like the characters romantically or not? Because I also like BNHA and love the child characters but like in a big siblings/mentor kind of way. If you are still in high school (which it sounds like you are but totally correct me if I’m wrong) it will take a while to actually feel like an adult because like. You are still a teenager and interacting with kids the same age as the ones in BNHA, and especially because you realize that looking at them romantically/sexually is wrong because of their age relative to yours. There’s nothing wrong with just... enjoying a thing like BNHA and as long as you aren’t thinking of the kids in romantic or sexual ways then I don’t really see a problem with enjoying it critically (again, I’m almost 20 and read BNHA too but I definitely am more there for characters closer to my age but that’s just me). 
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babiedeku · 4 years
help me pls i dont get the thing with hawks and dabi and dabi with the black bubble thingy in manga bcos i dont read it. ive only watched the anime sksksksk pls enlighten me
hello my sweet summer child! im going to put my answers under the cut so ppl who dont want to see it yet can just happily scroll past this
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while fighting with dabi hawks had a flashback to the time when he was still a kid and asked by government officials if he was up to the challenge to be put under a program to become a ‘special hero’ and in that flashback he was holding an endeavor toy and he basically said “ayt fam im in as long as it makes me cool and strong like endeavor”
so when hawks asked dabi who he was (and gIVING US A WHOLE ASS BLACK SPEECH BUBBLE SKSK) we’re all here assuming and bEGGING that he admitted that he is touya, the son that endeavor deadass has a shrine for.
and anon omg i promise that if you read the manga (only if you wanna ofc im not forcing you!!) you wont be disappointed! also, i hope this kinda helped you!
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poohwhin · 2 years
mandela catalogue volume 4 LONG thought dump. (for my dialovers followers i apologise for clogging your dash)
also big massive tw for this series.
OKAY SO. SOME THINGS! i’m a little bitch and pause the video every 15 seconds, so excuse me. but this also means that i can give you my rambling thoughts for various timestamps SKSKS. i’m not a theorist. i’m just a guy with some thoughts. you can actually skip all this bs if you want since i did an ACTUAL post abt my thoughts HERE.
[ 𝟎:𝟎𝟎 — 𝟐:𝟑𝟗 ]
we’re started with an explanation on the earth’s creation (in relation to christianity). which i always find it very interesting when we’re able to see the connections to religion, even if older bible cartoons and vhs style stories are a little unsettling to me.
but then seeing (what i’m assuming to be) gabriel’s statue just. standing there with his face obscured, after the text “awaken my son” appears is. wow. (definitely had me pausing my video every 3 seconds and hiding behind my phone.) i’m not gonna lie, i never expected alt! gabriel’s influence to go back that far into the christian lore. man’s been here from the jump i guess. (and ofc we get the infamous forbidden fruit scene, and eve becoming painfully aware and scared of the man looking down at them)
[ 𝟐:𝟓𝟎 — 𝟑:𝟏𝟐 ]
i have no real thoughts i just find the idea of someone names O’Brien calling to say hello to Dave to be incredibly endearing for some reason. SKSK. LIL DAVE HAS A FRIENDDDD. (also the windmill cgi(?) i’m diggin it.) also dave’s friend is religious which is. making me anxious for the both of them. SKSKS but O’Brien’s a band member which i find cool as hell.
[ 𝟑:𝟐𝟖 — 𝟒:𝟎𝟔 ]
also local businesses havent been doing so hot? man i wonder why. could it be the population dropping by the thousands (/j)
AYO ONE OF THE EMPLOYEES WHO WORKS WITH DAVE FOUND A TAPE FROM THATCHER? AHHHHH??? “same old procedure” , oh dear. i can only fear for what this tape holds.
also found out that Dave himself isn’t religious. which now makes me wonder about the position he’d be in when encountering an alternate. (O’Brien is also so nice though omg. understanding man.)
[ 𝟒:𝟏𝟑 — 𝟒:𝟑𝟔 ]
i just wanna say that alex’s cinematography has gotten SO MUCH BETTER? HELLO? these long black screens have really got me on edge, even though not really any of them have been leading to anything particularly scary. also the employee stealing the tape thatcher sent to, presumably, go watch it 👁️. oh dear oh dear.
BACK TO HIS FILMING SKILLS FOR A SECOND— everything being in black and white as well as him focusing on large silhouettes is just. UGHHHH 😩😩😩. what im assuming right now is some sort of tv has such an intimidating silhouette my goodness. (also “property of dave!! hands off!!!” i love him SKSKS)
[ 𝟒:𝟒𝟐 — 𝟓:𝟏𝟒 ]
ooooo static on da big screeeeeeeen. if its the intruder im literally gonna shit myself omg. he scares me sm.
( at 4:58) nvm it was a drawing.
eugh i paused on the drawing.
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ngl if that’s a child’s drawing i am. very concerned? because why is a child drawing something that realistic and morbid, i am. CONCERNED. but also the intruder is actively stealing children en mass so maybe we have other issues.
[ 𝟓:𝟏𝟐 — 𝟓:𝟓𝟓 ]
i’m ngl i thought that was a face instead of the back of someone’s head.
youtube closed captions the audio is not “foreign.” pls.
(at 5:21) bro why did thatcher do a tiktok trend with his delayed ass walk.
wait why are we seeing thatcher’s day to day from this perspective?? is this significant? if it is i think its odd. us just chillin in his cabinet.
[ 𝟓:𝟓𝟔 — 𝟕:𝟓𝟏 ]
omg kid named lola. (also i feel like i’ve seen that last name before but im too lazy to check sksksks). also they’re in art club??? are they the kid who drew the drawing before?? (i mean they’re on the NEWS, SO—)
AYO MISS SARAHHHHHHHH. MISS SARAH HEATHCLIFF HELLOOOOO. (and omg she’s the founder of the paranormal club at BHS??)
omg we’re seeing how sarah and adam met. so neat 😩 (also i cant make out the name of the hs adam goes to but it starts with a W. youtube closed captions also arent doing me any favours SKSKS?
adam grew up in mandela?? noice.
bro this silence is kinda freakin me out but that has nothing to do with the video SKSK
[ 𝟕:𝟓𝟕 — 𝟗:𝟒𝟓]
omg more live action i love it 🫶
(8:26) “look at it and don’t look away” WHATRE WE LOOKIK AT BOYS?? mentally preparing for a jumpscare rn.
the night vision lens scared the fuck outta me my god.
(8:50) oh you got me fucked ALLLLLLLLLLL the way up. I’M WITH SARAH TBH I’D BE SCARED AS HELL.
ngl if this was the sort of ‘norm’ that adam was dragging them to, then i kinda get it. but also i’m an adam apologist so i’ll defend him for the rest of my days.
[ 𝟗:𝟒𝟔 — 𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟔]
i’d be scared as hell too so its okay sarah 🫂🫂 like imagine you think you’re starting this quirky paranormal club then right outta the gate its like “DEMONS 👹”
omg :( sarah’s dialogue reminds me a lot of jonah’s from vol 2 with how she’s starting to think twice. but at least she’ll still do everything else 🫂
“two years later” so are they both 19?? 17?? idk the timeline here but they started bps in high school, so.
[ 𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟕 — 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟓 ]
omg new characters in here. ofc we got sarah, jonah, and evelin but we got a tyler and amanda too? 👁️ damn what happened with amanda 😞 (also jonah and adam stoners confirmed?? tf y’all getting 25mg of? SHARE BITCH?) i also made a note to pay attention to the dates even though my ass will forget.
(jotting them down here: eve: just now | sara: friday | jonah : jan 7 | tyler : jan 2 | amanda : dec 19 ) idk if these are important but i got ‘em.
(10:45) SHAWTY REMOVED JONATHAN AS A CONTACT? MANNNNNNNNNNN. also omg we got a noah?? does he have an arc? (ik i’m so hilarious)
also adam fr give my girl eveline some closure 🙄
[ 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟏𝟑:𝟐𝟏 ]
adam my boy ily but pls learn your “there’s”. c’mon.
idk how i feel about adam’s picture being in black & white while sarah’s is in colour. that’s either important or adam is just emo as hell. (also theyre both grainy as hell. ik its 2009 but c’mon SKSK)
“ and idk what happened to him” changed to “pretty sure he’s dead or something” MY BOY BAHSHSHSHS. “idk he might be dead or smth. rip” LIKE ADAM. SHAWTY. THEN HE JUST MOVES ON LIKE “NAHNAH LEMME GIVE YOU THE GOOD NEWS!!!” BAHSHSHSHS
(12:32) oh. sarah’s pfp change. OH NOOOOOOO. SARAH NOOOOO. okay its back to normal nvm.
“i didnt think it would be that big of a deal” adam. bby. your friend is DEAD? shawty looking out for himself, so power move i guess SKSK.
(13:21) “i dont have friends” okay emo ass.
[ 𝟏𝟒:𝟎𝟐 — 𝟏𝟒:𝟏𝟒 ]
sarah just been going OFF. POP OFF. also adam hanging up like a lil baby 🙄
“no wonder evelin left you” DAMNNNNNNNNNNN
[ 𝟏𝟒:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟏𝟔:𝟏𝟒]
damn mandela county went from 19,867 to 1,075 in just 19 years. also, thatcher :( he sounds SO BROKEN and SO TIRED. his actor did so good :(.
HIS MONOLOGUE ABOUT RUTH. IM GONNA SOB SO FUCKING HARD. “i’ll make you proud ruth” IIIII HATE IT HERE. SO MUCH. also “the darkness followed me home” i will cry so hard dont play with me
[ 𝟏𝟔:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟏𝟕:𝟑𝟎]
Thatcher’s room is just like mine for real.
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JESUS I FORGOT THIS SERIES WAS AN ANALOG HORROR FOR A SECOND. GOD I HATE IT. the idea of something being in your house but not DOING ANYTHING. GOD. LIKE NOT MOVING SHIT AROUND OR PROWLING. JUST STARING AT YOU. FUCK. AND ITS JUST THERE LIKE “🧍 lemme talk to you about your car’s extended warranty”
the fact that thatcher and his alternate are having a staring contest has me cracking tf up. they like: “LOL HELLO??”
[ 𝟏𝟕:𝟑𝟐 — 𝟏𝟖:𝟐𝟗 ]
OH THE LADY WHO WORKED WITH DAVE WAS EVELIN IM AN IDIOT BAHSHSH. but omg dave is in SHOCK. THE GLASSES CAME OFF. him finding out evelin went through the shit >>>> but him firing her :(
[ 𝟏𝟖:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟏𝟗:𝟒𝟒]
“remembrance”. oh dear.
OH MY GOD THATCHERS ALTERNATE? MOVING IN REAL TIME? HHHHHH. AND HE CALLED OFF ALL UNITS? EUGHHHHH. god alex is so talented with his cgi i stg. and the emphasis on how INHUMAN those face movements are. eghhhhhhh. that was some chameleon shit i stg.
“dead or alive you’re no use to these people” i will cry. thatcher :(
“a scared boy with a gun” AHHHHHHHH
[ 𝟐𝟎:𝟎𝟎 — 𝟐𝟏:𝟑𝟐]
oh no he’s crying :( . THE ACTING IS SO GOOD IM GONNA CRY OML. thatcher is so sad dude. :((( “now your dead ‘cause i was so fucking scared” HNNNNNNNNNNNN.
so i’m gonna assume that thatcher is dead now? :( i hate it here.
[ 𝟐𝟐:𝟐𝟖 — 𝟐𝟑:𝟓𝟕 ]
youtube closed captions this is not applause.
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ADAM THIS ISNT ANY BETTER BAHSHSHHSHS. this man is READING A SCRIPT, BRUH. “jonah passed away peacefully” now you know damn well.
[ 𝟐𝟑:𝟓𝟖 — 𝟐𝟔:𝟏𝟓]
oh shit we got home footage now. ALSO CAN I JUST SAY? NIGHT VISION CAMERA’S ARE FREAKY AS HELL. i cant tell if its just normal motion blur/it tryna refocus or if theres ACTUALLY SMTH THERE.
omg its the preacher’s (or was it the messenger? idk) image. heyyyyyyyyy
OH WAIT ITS A DRAWING. i cant make out the words on it though. 😞 but the sentence itself looks like it was cut off, so even if i could read it it’d be incomplete.
BRO WHO’S HOUSE IS THIS? WHY ARE THE DOORS SO FUCKING TALL?? WHY IS EVERYTHING STRETCHED OUT?? is it just the lens or is this house ACTUALLY just wonky as hell.
ooo what’re we covering up??
DAMN JONAH WAS 21? and the mf’s middle name was edmund.
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oh no.
this funky ass text is really gettin me. also adam really just spitting some hot philosophy to evelin 🤨 damn. tbh if i was told even HALF the shit he was told i’d be mad too.
(25:20) bro this video. oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. also had me thinking that my youtube was buffering but nah thats just the video sksksk.
[ 𝟐𝟔:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟐𝟔:𝟐𝟐]
ooooo correspondence. alex is really THRIVING with words ending in “ence/ance” 😩😩
[ 𝟐𝟔:𝟐𝟑 — 𝟐𝟖:𝟎𝟎 ]
i have. no words. absolutely NO WORDS BAHAHSH. this post really just. sums up my thoughts SKKSS. nah but?? face studio 2 ??? where tf is the first one? anyways that demonstration video was freaky but i find it hilarious that alternates are sittin at their lil desktops customising their face <3 BAHSHHSS.
[ 𝟐𝟖:𝟎𝟏 — 𝟐𝟖:𝟐𝟖 ]
oh dear it transitioned to home footage. oh my.
i’m assuming thats the intruder’s face in the corner. but the phrase ‘a thriving society’ with this image is. eugh.
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour(?)” is that what was said? there was a lot more after that but after the word ‘true’ i could hardly make anything out.
okay everyone hold tf on because i’m about to try and make out what he’s saying at 28:03
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour. his entangled (?) limbs danced around my bedroom. i held my breath. and waited for it to stop. i was too scared.” then it glitched out from there, but i assume it repeated some of the stuff already said???
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hey stinky.
[ 𝟐𝟖:𝟐𝟗 — 𝟑𝟏:𝟐𝟗 ]
omg wait she’s looking for thatcher. 😰😰😰 oh dear oh me oh my.
(29:48–30:00) GOD these long pauses are unsettling as hell SKSKSK.
(30:06) thatcher?? hello sir. i guess my earlier thought about him being dead was wrong SKSKSK. BUT IM GLAD(?) AT LEAST? i’d miss him for real. ALSO HEY DAVES BACKKKKKKKK.
dave sounds like he’s been crying. i mean i could be completely wrong and it’s probably just the audio editing but man.
“how much of that was really worth it though” i mean he got a point.
“find a new meaning in life” the fact that he’s saying that to THATCHER hits.
[ 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟒 ]
malignance. alex here again with the SAT words 😩😩
[ 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟓 — 𝟑𝟐:𝟏𝟒]
Evelin’s sitting at Thatcher’s desk, oooooooooo
[ 𝟑𝟐:𝟏𝟓 — 𝟑𝟑:𝟒𝟕 ]
i love the cgi and backgrounds and shit. gives me early black and white movie vibes. or even some later films and edward scissorhands beats.
OMG DAVE. IS AT THE CHURCH?? oh shit that means i’ve gotten to the moment everyone’s RAVING about.
O’Brien’s become an alternate hasn’t he. the inflection in his voice is off.
[ 𝟑𝟑:𝟓𝟎 — 𝟑𝟓:𝟏𝟓 ]
FUCKING GABRIEL IS BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHH. idk how to feel about this disney villain ass voice though.
(33:56) ew i hate featureless figures so much HHHHHHH THE SCARE FACTORS ARE STILL HERE
bro gabriel really is the joker rn good lord SKSKS. but him impersonating O’Brien’s(?) voice. AHHHHHH
omg wait, ive been seeing things say that dave offed himself (which is likely true) but im gonna assume that the dark substance running from his eyes is blood?? in my head that IMMEDIATELY makes me thing of how you should never look an angel(?) in the eye (i think thats the thing), because you won’t be able to comprehend it. even though he 99% offed himself i think to thing he died from looking gabriel in the eyes.
okay i take that back there’s blood pooling from his head. he likely threw himself off a ledge or smth.
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also hi gabey wabey would you be interested in maybe. NOT? DOING THIS?
[ 𝟑𝟓:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟑𝟕:𝟎𝟗 ]
oooo we got evelin lookin through some filessssss. and theyre ADAM’S FILES, OOOOOOOOOO.
okay so adam is also 21. gotcha gotcha. so adam was 4 when he was yoinked through the TV.
OH! adam didn’t react to anything on the toddler stress assessment? oh jeez. this kid’s got some guts ig idk. SKSKS.
oh shit oh shit.
(whoever) SET OFF THE ALARM?? MANNNNNNNNNNNNNN. alarm systems are scary as hell dude my god. got me thinking of purge sirens.
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OH HELLLLLLL NO. i really like the use of the spinning siren lights to create atmosphere though. vv nice <3
[ 𝟑𝟕:𝟏𝟎 — 𝟑𝟗:𝟎𝟗 ]
omg the messaging sequences are back. and SOMEONE’S BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT HIM? HELLO?
“Hello! We have been trying to contact ADAM MURRAY. Is this you? Please confirm YES or NO” “Hello! We have been trying to contact ADAM MURRAY. Is this you? Please confirm YES ”
unsettling as hell.
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“with contorted flesh and broken bones i made myself known” aw he just wants a friend SKSKSK.
“your skin is not your own” UM!!!! also ngl i never expected him to be so gentle with the children he takes.
“you are not the real you.” SIR?!?!?! SIRRRRRR??
[ 𝟑𝟗:𝟏𝟑 — 𝟒𝟎:𝟓𝟑 ] ; 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
uh. wow okay. SKSKS. THERE WAS SO MUCH IN HERE AND I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. which i will try to compile in an actual post that isn’t my own brain dumb. <3. but uhh
“I deceived them. the mandela prophet. it begins today” wow thats cryptic. then pictures of ADAMS FACE? HHHHHH. okay anyways if you made this far ily. <3
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
HEY SARAH ILY do 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, aaaaaand 2 ;3
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with
ruth... you madman how could you ask me this,,, there are so many!! i’ll just do a handful so that this doesn’t get mad long. ;w; first ofc is jjba- we’ve talked about this, you know kak is THE go to for this lmao. however, i also vibe with koichi. he’s just babey ; J ; i’m not currently IN to too many other things, beyond my eternal love for fma- for that, i’d say alphonse is a character i really feel! i’ve also been into yuri on ice (yuuri, the mad lad himself)/ haikyuu (tadashi yamaguchi
4. do you like your name? is there another name you think would fit you better?
so like. I don’t like the name Sarah, but i do like it as my name, if that makes any sense? i wouldn’t name my kid sarah, but it fits me- p chill, p average yk? sometimes when i’m a weenie + i don’t wanna tell people online my actual name, i go by sriracha, but otherwise...idk! I’m like alright w my name, she’s jus chillin
8. what musical artists have you felt most connected to over your lifetime?
oh WORM, this is a fun question. kimbra, khalid, clairo, fka twigs, and unironically britney spears.. (i am DEADASS the leave britney alone guy) also, steam powered giraffe and the legend shakira... 
9. are you an artist?
this question is like.. sitting there w the hol horse gun oh my God. sksks i used to be super into making art, singing, and stage managing, but I haven’t actually done any of those things since i graduated, So. i like to imagine that i am, and that one day i’ll have time for everything again, but for now i am just Sales Associate (who should Really be Assistant Manager ):
11. describe your ideal day
ohh, this one is tough- I would love to spend a whole day sleeping and doing nothing else.. However, I think an ideal day would consist of like.. class in the morning? just to get me up and out. and then lunch w friends that makes us all a little late to our next engagement lmao. From there!! If i could spend the day Locked in choir/theater rehearsals.. *chef kiss* Rehearsing is one of my favorite things, ahh. ofc to top the day off, I’d come back home + take a Mad bubble bath while sipping on Sparkling Grape Juice (one day i will be 21...today is not that day 3) and catching up w everyone here! then i’d promptly knock tf out and do it all over again :3
12. dog person or cat person?
i REFUSE to categorize myself like this. they are both phenomenal ;w; if i was not allergic, I’d have both!!! 3
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
off the top of my head, I can’t say that i have? (which.. smh i worked at a library for a YEAR) however, i have found a good handful of musical composers who just Get It- esenvalds, jake runestad, daniel elder, don macdonald, + andrea ramsey are tru legends (it does make me sad that there’s only 1 woman in this list... we need for lady composers 3)
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fairyskz · 5 years
get to know me !!
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NAME: peaches is actually my nickname sksks
HEIGHT: idk why anyone would wanna know this but i’m 5′5 aka 165 cm
STARSIGN: i’m a pisces! my birthday is next month actually!!
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: sunrise by gfriend!!
GROUPS I STAN: uhhhh i stan alot actually!! stray kids and gfriend are uts BUT i also stan: nct, twice, exo, elris, got7, blackpink, seveteen, red velvet, astro, clc, fromis_9, ateez, the boyz, wjsn, iz*one, and the two new yg boy groups!!
SKZ BIAS: its,,,,HYUNJIN  (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) (me ‘n him)
ACCOUNTS: yes but i’m not spilling the beans ( `ε´ )
WORST TRAITS: i bite my nails and i procrastinate A LOT
BEST TRAIT: i’m funny (⁀ᗢ⁀)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single but kinda complicated
REASON FOR STARTING THIS BLOG: well,,,i made it to express my,,rather,,naughty feelings and practice writing smut
HOPES: well i hope for this blog to expand more and to make some more friends!! i got out a vv unhealthy friendship awhile ago and just someone saying hi to me makes me happy now.
PERSONALITY: uh well, im a soft girl! but,,,as you can see from this blog,,i have a secret hard life (`ー´) i’m also kinda funny,,,
KINKS: UHHHH, i’m not a top,,,like at all so someone could come at me with ANY pet name and i’d be likeヽ(°〇°)ノ but like choking is fun,,,
FINAL THOUGHTS: thank you all for 200 followers!! i honestly didn’t this this dinky account could hit 200 followers??? especially in 5 days?? it’s just wild and i have you guys to thank !! so for my next big milestone (like 500 idk) i’ll do smth even cooler!! thank you guys so much, truly σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡OH  ALSO FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANNA BE FRIENDS OR OFC LEAVE ASKS BCI NEVER INTERACT WITH YALL SKSSK, MWAH
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