#like genuinely you need help šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
jude5bellingham Ā· 1 month
saw some unhinged posts about trent and the pap pictures on my feed... šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦
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batbabydamian Ā· 5 months
Hey, I started reading Robin son of Batman because of your recommendation (I literally have a print of your post on my phone to not forget lol). Honestly? One of the best things I ever read!!!
Thank you for opening my eyes! Damian has been one of my favorite characters for over a year, but I didn't read/watch much of him because of school, life (and probably an executive dysfunction in the mix).
Maya is incredible. I loved her.
I haven't finished all the issues yet, but do you have any other recommendations?
WAH this makes me so happy, i'm glad you still gave it a shot even with how busy life is!! ;v;
iā€™d love to give reccs, and iā€™ll try to go a beginner friendly route! tbh you can pick up whatever here, but since you've read R:SOB iā€™d immediately follow up with Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8! this first arc is whatā€™s referred to in Mayaā€™s introduction, and it's just. so good.
Main Books
Batman and Robin (2009)
Dick as Batman with Damian as his Robin!
#20-22 Tree of Blood: Dark Knight vs White Knight arc is done by Tomasi and Gleason, the team for the next Batman and Robin series
*Batman and Robin (2011)
Bruce and Damian figuring out their relationship as both Batman & Robin and father & son
imo you can enjoy the ride and read straight through this but iā€™ll add context to avoid as much confusion as possible since thereā€™s the occasional tie-in or offscreen events, like Damianā€™s death nbd
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-10
events leading to Damian's death - affects Batman and Robin (2011) from issue #18
kind of a tough read especially with how Talia's written, but a lot of iconic bits like Batcow, Damian's vegetarian declaration, Alfred the cat, "We Were the Best, Richard."
Robin (2021)
another self-discovery adventure, particularly after Alfredā€™s death and a fallout with Bruce (and questionable writing choices from his last Teen Titans run)
Batman and Robin (2023)
currently ongoing! after a number of events, Bruce and Damian are back as a duo
Damian Dynamics!
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #7, 10-12
arc where Damian meets one of his first Gotham friends, Colin Wilkes
Batgirl (2009) #5-7, #17
Steph and Damian dynamic! "the bad cop, worse cop" dysfunctional duo
Red Robin (2009) #13-14
early Tim and Damian dynamic that of course includes fighting haha. funny enough, accidentally my first intro to Damian LOL
Teen Titans (2003) #89-92
Dick!Batman has Damian join the Teen Titans. Start of Damian and Rose Wilson dynamic thatā€™s extended in Robin (2021)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Damian meets Cass and has a brief team up
Gotham Academy (2015) #7
Damian meets Maps Mizoguchi! they have a few other meetings, but outside of that the series itself is a great read!
Robin War Event (2015)
Robin War (2015) #1, Grayson (2014) #15, Detective Comics (2011) #47, We Are Robin (2015) #7, Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7, Robin War (2015) #2
Duke and Damian dynamic! not exactly beginner friendly but these are the main issues in order for the event! you can also read the TPB version for everything including Tie-Ins
Nightwing (2016) #16-20, #42, #43
#16-20 Nightwing and Robin arc!
#42 Dick on a mission to save Damian! the one appearance of "Wiggles" the dragon
#43 Dick, Roy, and Damian team-up
New Talent Showcase 2018 "Catwoman: Pedigree"
Selina, Damian, and Alfred the cat
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2018)
Selina, Damian, and Cheese Viking - Damian's fav game shown in Nightwing: Rebirth (2016)
Monkey Prince (2022) #1-4
Marcus Sun Shugel-Shen's main comic, but Damian features as a fun dynamic here before they're in more serious circumstances in Batman VS Robin (2022)/Lazarus Planet event
Superman (2016) #10 - 11
the beginning of the Super Sons! featuring Maya!
Super Sons (2017)
solitary arcs but thereā€™s a few event tie-in issues later
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
literally more Super Sons adventures lol galactic shenanigans yeehaw
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020)Ā 
Super Sons time shenanigans feat. the Justice League
Robin 80th Anniversary (2020)
"Boy Wonders" - brief Damian feature as Tim considers his next step in life
"My Best Friend" - Jon's thoughts on Damian and their dynamic
"Bat and Mouse" - refers to Damian's unfortunate Teen Titans (2016) run at the time of release which follows up with Teen Titans Annual #2 where Damian briefly gives up Robin
Extra Comics!
Superman/Batman (2003) #77
Kara and Damian in a Halloween team-up! also the appearance of "Li'l Matches" lol
DCU Halloween Special '09 "Cavity Search"
Damian out on a solo mission for Halloween night. Immediately after is Tim's Red Robin story "Then and Now: Our Father's Sins" which is more somber in contrast but also a good read!
DCU Halloween Special 2010 "Robin the Vampire Slayer"
a Dick!Batman and Robin story featuring the vampire Andrew Bennett
Cursed Comics Cavalcade (2018) "The Devil You Know"
Halloween themed comic with a sweet short story of Damian alongside Solomon Grundy
DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
"Trick or Treat" a Super Sons Halloween story
"The Haunting of Wayne Manor" Damian and Deadman story - in the end, Boston kinda refers to Nezha's possession of Damian in Batman VS Robin (2022) which was happening at the time of this release
Batman: Li'l Gotham (2013)
lighthearted series that instantly makes me smile with the silliness and Dustin Nguyenā€™s art i love this dearly
Secret Origins (2014) #4 "A Boy's Life"
a retelling of Damian's origin story
Detective Comics (2016) #1001-1005
Batman and Robin vs the Arkham Knight (unrelated to the game)
Truth & Justice (2021) #6/#16 - 18 Digital First version
cute story of Damianā€™s birthday! Juni Baā€™s art is so fun!!
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration (2021) ā€œSpecial Deliveryā€
short story about Damian! and poisoned pizzas. completely forgot the artist Sami Basri drew Rebirth Damian here before catboy Damian lol Cassā€™s story ā€œSoundsā€ is also cute! Marcus makes his first appearance in "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes"
DC VS Vampires (2021)
Damian makes appearances throughout this elseworlds book, but the one-shot DC VS Vampires: Hunters (2022) is vampire Damian-centric!
Batman: Black and White (2021) #5
ā€œFather & Son Outingā€ short story written and drawn by Jorge Jimenez!
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20-23
#20 ā€œMy Sonā€ Talia and Bruce focus
#20 - 23 ā€œThe Murder Clubā€ 4 Parts
Tiny Titans (2008) #33, #39, #45, #47
a few appearances but SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM
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*Batman and Robin (2011) reading guide
i'm mostly trying to avoid the "what did i just walk in on?" kinda feeling when i first started reading comics LOL i'll list the comics where events take place, but you don't necessarily have to read them to go through this book since things are usually explained as quickly as possible in the first page or so
#0 Someday Never Comes
Talia and baby Damian before he grows up to meet Bruce
#1-8 Born to Kill
just an incredibly solid arc for Bruce and Damian!
#9 Court of Owls Tie-In Issue
Damian VS a Court of Owls Talon. While Bruce is occupied with a home invasion of Talons, Alfred makes a call for allies to protect targeted Gotham public figures from Talons. During Batman (2011) #1-11
#10-12 Terminus
Damian challenges the previous Robins sans Steph
Batman Incorporated (2012) is occurring at this time where Talia has placed a bounty on Damian and there's small mentions of that
#13-14 Eclipsed/Devoured
mostly solitary arc! end of it leads into the Death of the Family event
#15-16 Death of the Family Tie-In Issues
Damian and Joker face-off... Alfred's been kidnapped by the Joker, and Damian goes looking for him. During Batman (2011) #13-17
#17 Life is but a Dream - Death of the Family Epilogue
a sort of subconscious check-in through the dreams of Damian, Alfred, and Bruce. Nightwing (2011) #17 features Damian encouraging Dick after Death of the Family events
#18 Undone "Requiem"
Bruce dealing with Damian's death from Batman Incorporated #8
other reactions to Damian's death: Dick in Nightwing (2011) #18, Tim in Teen Titans (2011) #18
#19-23 Denial, Rage, The Bargain, Despair, Acceptance
Bruce through the stages of grief with some batfam appearances in each. also introduces Carrie Kelley into continuity as Damian's acting tutor.
Batman (2011) #19-20 also addresses Bruce's loss
these could be skipped - villain stories, also related to Forever Evil event.
#24-28 The Big Burn
optional Batman and Two-Face/Harvey Dent arc, #23.1 is part of this story!
Damian's resurrection and return
#29-32 The Hunt for Robin
Ras took Talia and Damian's bodies from their graves, and Bruce goes after him.
-> Robin Rises: Omega
continues events from #32. if you don't want to jump to this, basically, Glorious Godfrey and a bunch of parademons from Apokolips are here for a chaos shard which Ra's put in Damian's sarcophagus. at some point, Bruce gets a hold of the shard where he sees a vision that leads him to believe Damian can be resurrected. Godfrey ends up taking the shard, along with Damian's body since it was emitting the same energy.
#33-37 Robin Rises
Bruce hellbent on retrieving Damian from Apokolips and reviving him
-> Robin Rises: Alpha
necessary to read and continues events from #37! Damian's back with a bang lol
#38-40 Superpower
Damian adjusting to having superpowers and being alive again
Annual #1 2013 Batman Impossible
sweet (and funny) one-shot of Damian sending Bruce on a meaningful scavenger hunt around the world while Damian gets to be the cutest Batman for a bit
Annual #2 2014 Batman and Robin: Week One
one-shot takes place during Damian's absence. after Bruce and Alfred find a mystery gift left for Dick, Dick recounts a story he had told Damian from his Robin days.
Annual #3 2015 Moonshot
one-shot Batman and Robin adventure on the moon!
...and of course after Batman and Robin (2011), Damian's story continues in his first solo Robin: Son of Batman (2015)!
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toddtakefive Ā· 11 days
thinking about todd and his resolve towardā€¦ not quite isolation, but being alone in a room full of people again. he goes along to the study room to sit on his own and do his homework, he sits at the poets table and follows along with whatā€™s being said while keeping quiet, he goes to the meetings at all but doesnā€™t necessarily contribute (in fact, if you watch him when cameron is telling the story ā€˜from camp in sixth gradeā€™, you can see that he recognizes it before any of the other poets but doesnā€™t voice it until they all have). heā€™s not alone, necessarily, if you want to get technical about it, heā€™s just lonely, and heā€™s generally okay with that. he doesnā€™t have friends and thatā€™s fine, he doesnā€™t participate in class and thatā€™s fine, he doesnā€™t have a relationship with his family and thatā€™s fineā€”he could live without any real connection and heā€™d have been, more or less, fine.
the thing about when he says ā€œi can take care of myself just fine!ā€ is that he isnā€™t really wrong, you can infer that heā€™s been doing it his entire life anyway, itā€™s that ā€˜taking care of yourselfā€™ isnā€™t the same thing as really living or being happy. toddā€™s an introvert, certainly, and even as he gets closer to the group he defaults to sitting quietly in the background, but heā€™s also denying himself community out of fear not introversion. todd isnā€™t friendless because heā€™s an introvert, although that definitely plays a part, heā€™s friendless because he pushes anyone that might want his company away. if anyone has every wanted for his attention in the first place. (neilā€™s unwavering interest in him is unique (even when it comes to the rest of the poets, who are fine with todd coming along and joining the group, but arenā€™t really hellbent on him being there in the beginning) and his refusal to accept it is a direct result of being so lonely growing up.)
thereā€™s obviously something to be said about the implications of his parents neglect, and the more than likely fact that he grew up friendless, and how those both play a part in in him being so skilled at dodging social interaction/being so avoidant of it, but by the time we see him in the movie heā€™s all but accepted his fate as being alone his entire life. heā€™s already accepted being the family disappointment, and heā€™s already accepted heā€™ll never amount to anything, and he obviously doesnā€™t like it, but heā€™d have managed living with that knowledge without the confirmation that it was all wrong. would he have been miserable? almost certainly. but heā€™d have managed. heā€™d done it for that long already, anyhow.
#and like obviously itā€™s BAD in the long run and his isolation IS only making his life worse butā€¦ genuinely heā€™d have been alright#all things considered#itā€™s super interesting to me how itā€™s neil who starts the domino effect of toddā€™s life becoming Less Shit#both by beliving in him and putting faith in him that heā€™s never seen before and refusing to let him hide away#but it isnā€™t a savior moment on neilā€™s part#and i find it so odd when people frame it as one#todd is likeā€¦ actively irritated at him in that scene šŸ˜­#neil is right that todd needs to get out of his shell and put himself out there and Believe in himself#but todd canā€™t accept it yet because he canā€™t see what neil sees in him yet and doesnā€™t believe it exists at all#and it frustrates him because unlike everyone else neil REFUSES to give up on him#and as far as todds concerned itā€™ll be for nothing#as far as toddā€™s concerned ā€‹neil isnā€™t a savior or a hero in that scene heā€™s an annoyance#a necessary one in the grand scheme of things but an annoyance all the same#i think people forget that just because todd DOES want to break out of his shell (ā€˜donā€™t you think you could be?ā€™ / ā€˜no! iā€¦ i donā€™t know!ā€™ +#ā€˜come on you heard keating donā€™t you want to *do* something about it?ā€™ / ā€˜*yes* butā€¦ā€™) doesnā€™t mean he knows how or believes he actually CAN#todds autonomy can be taken away from him a lot (ironic) and he can be twisted into someone with no opinions or thoughts or whims +#outside of neil but that isnā€™t really the case#and a part of that blame lands on the movie because todd doesnā€™t get explored a lot but thereā€™s still evidence of him being his own person#heā€™s not a yesman and he tells neil when his ideas are stupid (keeping the audition from his father) or he just doesnā€™t personally agree +#(the entire ā€˜noā€™ scene) and he functions perfectly well when neil isnā€™t around and while they arenā€™t focuses +#there are short scenes where todds alone or scenes that start eith them apart that make it clear they arenā€™t attatched to each other +#in the way people can often write them to be (that is in the trenches if the other is missing)#this post and all these tags are my long winded way of saying FUCK the codependent anderperry thing some people subscribe to it makes me#mad#neilā€™s goal is to help todd grow into himself and become his own person and find his identity more than anything#and todd doesnā€™t need neil to hold his hand to do literally anything and everything heā€™s a normal guy with anxiety#come on guys#dps#dead poets society#todd anderson
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archersartcorner Ā· 1 year
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Was thinking about the fact that Zacā€™s last two (main campaign) characters have been Rogues (or the SW5E rogue equivalent) That Are Creatures. And what if they met :) bop slug
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goofyjelly Ā· 7 months
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He is. Quite literally me
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roseofcards90 Ā· 6 months
The Shidou hate Iā€™ve been seeing recently is so fucking funny omg LMAO HUMBLE THAT MAN RN BEFORE HE THINKS HE CAN CHOOSE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES JUST BECAUSE HEā€™S A DOCTOR šŸ˜­šŸ’€
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fatmaclover Ā· 1 month
going through loops and loops of "i got sick thinking about macdennis. i wanna write joymac" and then "thinking about joymac is making me so sad. i wanna go back to writing macden" and then it keeps repeating and i never actually write anything because i think about the characters too much and feel like a fuckin grouper with all my babys in my mouth. like oh my God dude. holy shit. can this show stop being so tragic
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atopvisenyashill Ā· 13 days
that scene where tywin calls a meeting to emotionally abuse tyrion & cersei about how upset they are at his sexual abuse & control of them is so darkly funny to me and i finally realized I keep linking it to the scene in the umbrella academy where they all want to talk to the future version of their dad and five is like ā€œwhy. why do we think this is a good ideaā€ and SURE ENOUGH. terrible british dads is the same.
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remylong Ā· 26 days
tatimaxxing (something big just happened to me but i can't talk about it on this blog because ive posted face)
#my friend's in the hospital again so i spent 20 on an uber with my other friend to go see her#but by the time we got there visiting hours were over šŸ˜­#so we just had dinner at the park#and i told her about The Big Terrible Thing for the first time#straight through without embellishment! yay! i think at least#because ive retold the story in so many different ways that im not actually sure what happened anymore#she was like super chill about it though!! and was like im really impressed that you actively made an effort to not be [REDACTED]#not really what she said more like Making An Effort to No Longer [Redacted]#redacted as an action not as a noun blah blah you know#and she told me about how shes faced discrimination at our super homogeneously chinese church which i feel REALLY BAD ABOUT BUT I DON'T KNOW#HOW TO EXPRESS IT TO HER OR WHAT TO SAY ABOUT IT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ GIRL HELP#im being so useless and chinese about it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i don't know how to talk to people about things that matter#and idk like ok v non-tatimaxxing of me to say but ive been so self centered and going Wahhh these normies will never experience my#Deep Secret Emotions unlockable only by spending too much time on tumblr as a child#on the other hand i feel like once this has gotten out of the way i don't really have an excuse for not connecting with my church friends#yknow. like i don't have to hide this from them any more#they're great people!! and they're going through so much and I need to be there for them but I couldn't even get tothe stupidhospital on tim#not cry typing just ran out of space#anyway I wish I could care more about them I wish I could make genuine connections without having to lie to feel some sort of weird#rush of power over them because I know the truth and they don't when I lie so much I don't even know what the truth is#I've been putting my face on here more lately because I want to be genuine and I want to not hide things#but idk if it'll work I think it might just make me unemployable šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#cc diary
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iholli Ā· 10 months
Can we talk about Justice Lord J'onn for a moment? Because I feel like I was robbed. A Better World could've showcased how J'onn had changed due to loosing yet another person he cares for, and I frequently think about what the conversation between him and his Justice League counterpart would've been like.
Like Justice League J'onn would be so critical of him but he'd be like, "You'll be like me eventually." And that would've scared Justice League J'onn so badly IMO.
I also wish we could've seen more of how people's freedoms were taken in the Justice Lords' universe. Because something tells me Justice Lord J'onn no longer has an issue with using telepathy on those who don't accept the new regime.
YES PLEASSEEEEEEEEE. I can talk about J'onn all day and I can DEFINITELY talk about Lord J'onn omg.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT. He really didn't get enough screentime in the episode. I love love love what he got though and it says a LOT to me about his character tbh. He's very close and even kind of casual with the other Lords and he honestly seems like he doesn't want them to be on the ground [away from the Watchtower where they're protected ??? take it as you will] at least until they convince him it's necessary. He's got no problem lying to outsiders and taking advantage of their trust, and just generally going along with whatever the group decides. He reads kinda "I survived the loss of one family and I won't fail my new one [again]." to me. [this has me thinking like, what if Lord J'onn has this immense guilt bc his morals didn't allow him to read Luthor's mind without permission and that would've prevented Wally's death. SO HE DOESN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE. fellas he makes me so sad. I make myself sad thinking about it. ow]
OH I TOTALLY AGREE, and to add, I think the conversation in Divided We Fall would be "You're already like me." [ALSO I'M STILL MAD HE'S THE ONLY ONE WE DIDN'T SEE FIGHT IN THAT SCENE.] I've got a little on this coming up in my J'onn ramble part 2 but we can see in JLU that he's already going down that road, however he knows and regrets it, he doesn't WANT to get to that point. So having that version of him that he KNOWS exists, that he's trying so desperately to keep himself from becoming, telling him he's already past that point would be a horrifying wakeup call. And I could easily believe this was a big driving force in why he ends up leaving four episodes later [he DID try to leave at the end of A Knight of Shadows sooooo šŸ‘€]. That's not going to go away especially for someone who's so intensely empathetic.
GOOOOOODDDDDDDD, I could genuinely just watch an entire DCAU series about the Justice Lords, they scratch such a specific itch in my brain and I'm so fascinated by them. I 10000000% agree with you. J'onn with no holds barred, J'onn who has lost too much, J'onn who genuinely believes it's him and his family against the world for better or for worse, he's not going to lose anyone else. LOOK AT STARCROSSED. When everything was at stake he didn't just invade Kragger's mind, he DESTROYED it. And J'onn is already incredibly impulsive as is, so if it's going to come down to the safety of his League family or the world ?? Game over. He's not even going to think twice. I actually talked about the telepathy issue in my long analysis and you are 1000% correct. In JLU J'onn already has less and less issue just taking whatever he wants from others' minds, it would genuinely only take a slight push for him to start using his powers to force people into line, so it's easy to assume this is the case for Lord J'onn. And honestly ??? League J'onn is angrier, he's more involved, he's kind of ruthless doing whatever it takes to protect his family [and only stops short because he constantly, consciously knows he has to keep himself in check. even that holds him back less and less as JLU goes on]. I think he'd be even scarier than Lord J'onn had Divided We Fall ended differently. Hell, he nearly sacrificed the world once, and that was way before he really saw the worst humanity had to offer.
or perhaps Lord J'onn was the same way at the same point in his timeline, and we just saw him after the world was already secured and he could sit back a little ?? that could explain a lot tbh. like I said, I could talk circles about him šŸ˜‚
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odetolovers Ā· 5 months
it is absolutely wild the way iā€™ve allowed people to treat me
#every year i write an end of year recap iā€™ve been doing it since 2019#this year So much happened but one of the big things was breaking up with my ex#and it genuinely blows my mind how badly i was treated and the fact i stayed as long as i did#year and a half of clownery when i knew after 4 months iā€™d been sold a lie šŸ˜­#i feel so bad for past me because girlie you didnt deserve that!! nobody does!!!#itā€™s helped me sm in my current relationship because i know what itā€™s like to be the collateral for someoneā€™s self hatred#itā€™s motivated me to heal and develop self esteem so i dont do that to my wonderful partner#they have really shown me what love is and let me tell you! itā€™s nothing i experienced with my ex!#mind blowing mind boggling i am never letting Anyone treat me that appallingly ever again#literally crazy i wish her a lot of healing and growth cos goddamn how are you terrified of being a bad person yet treat people like you#treated me. no wayyyy no way#i so believe in that thing of what people are most scared of theyā€™re most likely to do#goddamn! 2023 man. wild time#valentina talks#i definitely made many a mistake which is why im not really like. Angry at her because i understand and iā€™ve had to change a lot and grow a#lot too. i think everyone just is perpetually making mistakes and growing and thatā€™s okay. but it doesnā€™t mean the people you hurt need to#forgive you or think your actions were okay#just yeesh. iā€™m glad itā€™s over and i moved on
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rainofthetwilight Ā· 6 months
how do people have ideas. I wanna draw or write but have absolutely 0 ideas. and I am too lazy to work on wips. how do you get ideas
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iiep-wop Ā· 9 months
Guys help, how the fuck does romance work in real life, I only know of fluffy fanfic relationships
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onedirecton Ā· 4 months
Day 3! Give it up for day 3 of crying over something!
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i-demand-a-good-username Ā· 4 months
Been playing a TON of palworld and I am so autistic over it šŸ˜­ it's literally just me and my little goober animal friends that go around and explore just a beautiful open world map and build and try to survive šŸ«¶ what more could I really ask for
#hope i can just see little art of the goobers in the tags one day#and not a bunch of arguing#its so pretty too like im in love with the red area that looks like fall#and my giant chillet boss i caught šŸ«¶#i honestly thought it was going to be exactly like pokemon but its genuinely a lot more like rust but with little guys šŸ«¶#i would say its like minecraft but minecraft is too far off in its own wag#i only say rust because ive seen my brither play it and that looks about right#i saw people say that they make basically slave farms and like ??? HOW??#if they dont live in the most comfortable and happy environment they will NOT work šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#i dodnt know that they liked higher quality meals so i was only feeding them berries and everyone was just angry sleeping or slacking šŸ˜­#i was so distraught too because i thought i did everything perfect šŸ˜­#THEY HAVE THREE HOT TUB/SPA THINGS!!#WHY ARE YOU MAD ABOUT THE WORK ENVIRONMENT šŸ˜­#anyway now they get great meals and i make sure to pet them whenever they help me with something šŸ«¶#tried making a base for only farming materials and i literally spent more mats just making the bare minimum šŸ˜­#which still needs at least one hottub šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#anyway ramble over#just having a lot of fun and im glad i gave it a shot#if youre on the fence- its a lot more than just pokemon and guns#if you just really like survival overworld games with cute creatures that are reminicent of pokemon#i think youll love it#oh yeah you can capture humans LMAO#useless tho šŸ˜’ id rather have a cute little sheep that has the same stats#palworld#ramble#autistic ramblings
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agnimybeloved Ā· 1 year
the tonal whiplash between ā€œthe sun and the starā€ and ā€œa nico di angelo adventure šŸ˜‹ā€ is kind of insufferable... it just sounds so goofy for lack of a better word. like the least nico di angelo thing you could do to a title. but also i think its really funny for that reason like i donā€™t know what the necessity is for that additional tagline but iā€™m glad rick riordan continues to not take nico completely seriously LOLĀ 
#i had no idea mark oshiro was nonbinary btw RGAHHHH im so excited.... so excited to hear theyre a more introspective emotional writer#i love will and nico as being silly amplifiers to each other but im so excited to see more from both of them....#also hearing that rick riordan's wife was crucial in establishing will's character and voice and alignments is so fascinating#i would love to hear her character analysis wtf#rrv#also im really excited for the plot but i cant help but see this as another percy jackson fail šŸ˜­#good for him for leaving the questing realm and going to college but like.#nico was already the one who kept up with bob after percy forgot about him#leo was the one who went back to help calypso after percy forgot about her#now nicos going back to tartarus to help bob again#i dont hate percy or anything i just think he is definitely a bit of a flake and jerk#but in a very human way. like sometimes people just kind of suck a little bit. especially when they're 16#and sometimes you have to look out for yourself and the ones you love at the expense of being a jerk to others. yk#im not trying to be overly critical of him at all LOL i think he's fine. but there is a pattern here#i also think its a failing on rick riordan's part for not giving percy and nico's relationship the resolution it deserved....#like the end of TBOO was a silly 'gotcha' and like. dunking on percy sort of thing#which i think it was good for nico to tell percy about his crush on his own terms. but the whole scene is so.... weird.#like. silly. like annabeth high fiving nico (???) that felt so strange for all parties#like percy and nico really needed like a serious conversation about their history šŸ˜­ and the genuinely mean ways percy treated nico
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