#like I’m a diehard Loki fangirl
There is a Loki fangirl to SoC superfan pipeline and I WILL investigate this
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The fieldtrip (chapter 2): Sorrow and happiness in her eyes
I did my best :D I hope you like where I’m going. It may be going a bit fast, but to hell with it. It’s my fic and I am too excited about this :D
 It took me a while to find my room, but when I saw the door I ran towards it and after I was in my room I slammed it shut. How could I let all of these girls affect me so much? I learned to live with it. But I guess being on an unknown planet, did make me feel a bit more insecure that usually. And let’s be honest. No god would like to see someone like me cry in public, neither did I want to cry in front of them.
I let myself slide down the wall to sit on the ground, I started to cry. Not too loud, I didn’t want anyone to hear me crying that loud. But I did need to let it go a bit.
I curled myself up and let the tears flow. After a few minutes I felt something sit next to me, which wasn’t real of course (since I’ve locked the door) and after that I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Everything okay?” I did scare a little bit, but this person was obviously not going to do me any harm.
“It’s alright. It’s just me. Loki. I don’t know whether that’ll make you feel any better. But here I am none the less.” My heart skipped a beat. The way he looked at me in the Library was very “evil” or “wanting”. But this time he was very kind and caring. I stopped crying.
“Yeah, I am now. I just didn’t want to tear up in front of all you gods and stuff you know?”
“That’s the reason for walking away. But I am asking why these tears came in the first place.” Great, now I have to talk about my feeling with both a man and a god over whom I’ve been diehard fangirling about since 2011.
“My classmates aren’t the kindest people on earth. I just have good grades and they’re jealous of that I guess.” Loki looked at me like he was trying to figure out one of the hardest puzzles ever. Which made me even more insecure, which made me start crying again.
“Oh no darling, don’t cry. I don’t really know what to say. I’d kill them, but I guess that’s not you.”
“I don’t know! All I want for them is to just leave me alone and let me be myself.”
“So just be yourself and fuck them. Don’t let them ruin your trip. My brother said you were having a great time already, don't let those mewling quims take that away from you.” Loki winked at me and I couldn’t help but smile at him.
“That’s more like it.”
“Yeah.” I was still a bit shy about looking him in the eyes. God stop it Y/N!
“So, I’ve been picking up that Thor likes you a lot….” Now Loki was the insecure one?! Did he honestly think Thor was crushing on me? We spoke like 2 times.
“He’s nice. Just as I imagined really.” Loki looked up at me with a questioning look.
“So that’s all?”
“Yep. Why?”
“Nothing! I should be going back, before they think we’re doing more.” Loki hurried himself out of my room. But he forgot that my door was locked. So… he ran into the door, bumped his head and fell on the ground.
“FUCK!” Was what Loki said.
“How did you get in here in the first place? Are you okay?”
“I used my Seidr.” Loki stood up and rubbed his head.
“Your what?”
“Seidr. Oh I assume you’d be used with the term magic?”
“Yeah that term I know. Are you sure you’re okay? It looks like you’re bleeding.”
“Pfff, no I’m not.” Loki unlocked my door and walked out of it as quickly as he could. I’d say he was nervous.
After a while a servant stopped by with some food. She placed it on the table and left without saying anything the whole time.
“Okay. Thanks to you too.” I said with a small voice. There was a little card lying next to the plate with food
 Hey Y/N, I hope you’re feeling better. Sorry I rushed of in a hurry, my father strictly said that we were to communicate as little as possible with the humans. Didn’t want to break the rule on day 1. I hope you’re okay. I’m not. I was really bleeding and needed stitches. It was nice to see the healers again after a long time, but I just hate the healing hall. -Loki
I couldn’t feel better! The person whom I only wanted to see for one time, has been speaking to me and sending me notes if I’m doing okay! It does all feel very rushed, but to hell with it. This trip will only be one month, and I plan on making the best out of it.
I grabbed my phone and opened Spotify. I was so glad I downloaded all these songs to be listened to in offline mode, because there was no WIFI or whatsoever here. I also brought a big powerbank that was charged by the sunlight, so I was not going to be left alone without any music. I put on some soft music and fell asleep.
I woke up the next day with loud banging on the door by the one and only Steve.
“OMG Y/N wake up! We’re late for breakfast!” I opened the door and Steve basically fell into the room. When I laughed and closed the door I noticed a bump in the door with a little bit of blood on it. Steve did too.
“Y/N, what happened! Are you okay?” I explained him everything.
“Holy shit, you lucky bitch.” We laughed
“I just hope he’s okay, he wrote me this later in the evening.” I also showed him the not.
“When is the wedding hun?”
“Oh my god Steve stop!”
“What?! This is so cute? And I thought he was like the murdering Loki from the movies.”
“I don’t know. He’s definitely not that, but he does have some similarities. I just view him as a regular person, even if he does looks and sounds like Tom’s Loki.”
“Good Idea. Now hurry up! We need to eat and I’m starving as well.” Steve was right, we had strict timeframes when it came to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I put on the same clothes as yesterday, but with a royal blue shirt this time. It looked great with my Y/H/C hair.
When I seated myself at the table again everyone was deadly quiet. A few of those annoying classmates only looked at me but quickly looked away. I was a bit shocked. I quickly poked Steve and whispered:
“What’s going on? Yesterday everyone was loudly offending me and now they won’t even look me in the eyes?”
“Thor gave them a little talk. I quickly told him that I was your best friend and not enemy, or he would’ve taken me down as well.”
“Oh my god did he punch people or something?!” “No just threatened, miss Avery was almost going to cancel the trip, but she did agree that no student should insult another student like that.” Okay, so now Thor threatened my classmates to stop bothering me OR ELSE!? I did feel very special, since two princes of Asgard did not take shit from nobody and definitely did not like them insulting me. I did want to figure out what was behind is exactly.  I searched the room for Thor and I spotted him, he was laughing and eating (like it was 9 PM if you know what I mean). When he noticed I smiled at him and mouthed thank you. He smiled and nodded his head and mouthed your welcome. Whom I didn’t see was Loki. I was afraid something bad might have happened with his head.
After everyone was done with breakfast we had until lunch to roam around on our own. After that we had to be in the healing halls. I giggled when they said that but stopped after someone was about to ask why I was giggling. I immediately went to the library, to find Loki and to have a better look at the books. I was at the library, but I couldn’t find any Loki. So, I decided to stop looking (for I had no idea where he could otherwise be). I roamed around the library until it was time for lunch, I ate, still no Loki, and after that we went to the healing halls. The healing halls were amazing. I myself was doing the medical studies, so this was amazing to see how the Asgardians did it. I was too late to help Loki since he basically ran away yesterday, but I would’ve actually liked to show him I can “heal” too.  The healers showed us everything and how it “kind of” worked. They had these automatic machines that could tell what was wrong and they fixed it. No doctors needed, just nurses/healers. After a while they showed us the ward where they DID the healing and where the ill would stay. And guess who I saw there. LOKI. I quickly walked away from the group to walk up to him. He looked a bit shy and awkward when he saw I was walking towards him.
“Hey, how are you. Again, I’m very sorry for that little wound on your head.”
“I’m okay. And it wasn’t your fault. I was the one to run into the door with most of my strength.” We both laughed.
“I could’ve healed that as well” I pointed at his wound.
“You could?” Loki had an amazed look on his face.
“Yeah, I’m doing a medical study, I know how to “heal” people as well.”
“Should’ve known that earlier to prevent this from happening. I hate the healers, they’re not very friendly and everyone is now gossiping that the prince of Asgard is laying in the healing halls. Not my favorite activity.”
“Your wound is not that bad, they should’ve sent you away the minute they put a Band-Aid on it.” It really wasn’t bad, it didn’t even need stitches. The wound couldn’t have been too bad since the reason that caused it wasn’t that lethal either.
“Well, in that case…..” Loki jumped out of the bed and took my hand.
“What are you….?”
“Come on, let ME show you around, and not those sulky servants.” We walked to the opposite side of where my group was going. I knew I was going to be in trouble for this later, but it felt too good!
Loki did show me around properly. He even showed me some forbidden places.
“I can’t be here, they said this place is forbidden.”
“It is. It’s were my, Thor’s and Hela’s chambers are. We don’t really like mortals peeking around in our private things.��� I could tell Loki didn’t mean anything bad by it, he just talked like that. A bit looking down at others but being very sarcastic and confident about it.
“Oh…” I said a bit offended.
“But I do want to show you, See. The red door is for Thor, the black one for Hela and the green one.. Well, that’s me.”
“Yeah, you’re the reason I can’t wear any green. And since it’s my favorite color, I had to have a whole new wardrobe since none of my green clothes that I packed were allowed.” I plagued. Loki laughed and told me the whole REAL reason behind it.
After that he showed me more forbidden areas: the kitchen, armory, the throne room etc. We ended up in the royal gardens. It was beyond beautiful here.
“It looks amazing here!” I was uncontrollably excited.
“Well, I went to another amazing place.” Loki laughed
“Your house.”
“You went where?!” Loki smirked.
“YOUR house. The one where you usually stay right? I just saw your room though, and what I found there……
OMG he went to my house?! What did he find?!
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