rahmaulia27 · 1 year
Bookshelves #2
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Book Title : How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes "Tip Menyelesaikan Masalah Sehari-hari & Berfikir Kreatif ala Sherlock Holmes" Author : Peter Hollins Publisher : Buana Ilmu Populer Kelompok Gramedia Genre : Self Improvement/Self Help My Rating : 3 #BukuTerjemahan
Saat bertemu dengan masalah, apa yang akan kita lakukan?
Untuk menyelesaikannya kita membutuhkan sebanyak mungkin perangkat untuk memutar kunci dan membuka otak dengan solusi-solusi kreatif. Buku ini membekali kita dengan perangkat-perangkat yang akan membantu kita memperluas wawasan untuk memecahkan masalah.
Seringkali kegagalan dalam menghasilkan solusi bukan disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan atau keterampilan berfikir logis, tapi karena secara tidak sadar kita telah membatasi diri untuk melihat dan mencari jawaban
Metode SCAMPER Substitute (menggantikan) Combine (menggabungkan) Adapt (menyesuaikan) Minimize/Magnifiy (memperkecil/memperbesar) Put to Another Use (menggunakan untuk kebutuhan lain) Eliminate (menghilangkan) Reverse (membalik)
Metode SCAMPER memaksa fikiran kita untuk berfikir dalam ritme yang baru dan tepat sehungga membuat kita mampu menjangjau solusi yang sesuai
Metode CPS (Creative Problem Solving) Mess finding : menemukan ketidak beresan Fact finding : mencari fakta Problem finding : mencari masalah Idea finding : mencari ide Solution finding : mencari solusi Action/Acceptance finding : mencari tindakan/pengakuan
Tidak selamanya kita harus berfikir kritis hanya ketika kita menemukan masalah dan membutuhkan solusi, tapi saat kondisi sesuai pun kita juga perlu berfikir kritis apakah ada sesuaty yang jurang pas atau tidak beres dan perlu disesuaikan?
Isi nya banyak teoritis, aku rekomendasiin buku ini untuk temen-temen yang suka buku terjemahan-self improvement, personally im not really into it but im trying
Happy reading everyone!
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life Rolph Gobits Photography - Photo Content Experience the beauty of life captured through Rolph Gobits' breathtaking photography on our English Pinterest network.
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loreleisyren · 4 months
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life is but a vapor Life is but a vapor, so let's embrace every moment with love and joy.
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simoleonsinkhole · 5 months
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Threw pillows like confetti 🎉 in our sanctuary of an apartment 🏠, finding joy 😊 in the simplest moments with Sophia. Later, caught in a moment of reflection 🤔, phone 📱 in hand, as the world outside our bubble 🌍 sent its calls 📞. Sometimes, the hardest texts to answer are the ones that know us too well. 🤐 🌆
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leepae · 6 months
life Rolph Gobits Photography - Photo Content
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Indulge in the elegance of Rolph Gobits' Photography, a captivating portrayal of life's wonders. Explore our Pinterest network in English to witness the artistry firsthand.
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documentinghumanity · 6 months
Embracing a Life Unapologetically Lived
Fifty-two years into this wild ride called life, and here’s a truth I’ve come to own: the first half was dedicated to learning how to do it – navigating the twists, savoring the highs, and weathering the storms. Now, as I stand at this juncture, the second half is all about doing it, living it, and quite frankly, not giving a damn about what anyone else thinks.
Life is too short to be held hostage by the opinions of others. It’s too fleeting to be shaped by someone else’s expectations. So, here’s my manifesto: I’m seizing the rest of my years with an unapologetic spirit. I’m diving into adventures, pursuing passions, and embracing every messy, imperfect moment.
It’s not about being reckless; it’s about being real. Real with myself, my dreams, and the unfiltered essence of who I am. I’ve spent enough time dancing to the tunes of societal expectations, and now, it’s my turn to choreograph the steps of my own journey.
Maybe some will nod approvingly, and others might raise an eyebrow. But you know what? I’m past the point of letting that dictate the rhythm of my life. I’ve earned these wrinkles, scars, and stories, and I’m damn proud of each one.
The second half isn’t about reaching some imagined summit; it’s about relishing the climb. It’s about savoring the flavors, both bitter and sweet, that life serves up. It’s about turning the page, not because of age but because there’s always a new chapter waiting to be written.
To those who’ve journeyed with me so far, thank you. Your footsteps have etched a beautiful mosaic into the canvas of my life. To those who might question or disapprove, I say this with a smile: re-read the last sentence of the first paragraph, then feel free to watch, join the journey,or hop off at the next port, but I’m steering this ship. And as the First Admiral of the US Navy, David Farragut is quoted, “Damn the torpedoes, Full speed ahead!”
So here’s to the next chapters, the unwritten stories, and the adventures waiting on the horizon. Here’s to doing it, living it, and relishing every precious moment. Because, at the end of the day, the only validation that truly matters is the one that echoes within.
Cheers to embracing life unapologetically!
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punksirius · 7 months
life Rolph Gobits Photography - Photo Content
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Indulge in the elegance of Rolph Gobits' Photography, a captivating portrayal of life's wonders. Explore our Pinterest network in English to witness the artistry firsthand.
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dooeypig · 8 months
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life is but a vapor In this fleeting existence, let's create memories that make us feel alive and embrace the beauty of each passing moment.
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damagedparents · 9 months
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Consider a beautiful, ancient tree standing tall in a lush forest. One day, a powerful storm sweeps through, damaging its branches and leaving it with a newfound disability - a broken limb. At first glance, the tree may appear different, its once perfect form altered. However, upon closer inspection, its core essence remains the same. The tree still serves as a shelter for countless creatures, provides oxygen to the environment, and embodies the strength and resilience that has been a part of its nature since its inception. The disability may have changed its physical appearance, but its fundamental purpose and value remain unchanged. #DisabilityJourney #BeforeAndAfter #AdaptingLife #FindingMeaning #StrengthAndStruggles #NewPerspectives #GrowingThroughChallenges #LifeUnfiltered #InspiringStories #OvercomingObstacles #DisabilityIsNotLimitation #RedefiningPossible #EmbracingChange #LivingFully #Resilience #DisabledButNotStopped #MyStory #LifeAfterDisability #ThrivingNotSurviving #AdaptiveLiving
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podcastwithsheila · 9 months
"I am Deathless" says the woman who died 2X and still living (Nicole Ker...
Did Nicole Kerr Deserve this?
Podcast with Sheila
He crushed the car in anger 😠 😡 because she refused to make out with him. Now she is a 100% disabled veteran and her parents blame her for what happened to her. She has not spoken to them for nearly 38 years, she says "they are toxic to me".
After so many years, she is married and living her life to the fullest making impact in the world. She's been on many TV & Radio shows making a difference in the world.
Listen to full story on YouTube, Spotify or Apple podcast.
#fridaymorning #thursdayvibes #storytelling
#LifeStories #PersonalNarratives #TrueStories
#MyLifeJourney #LifeExperiences #LifeLessons
#RealLifeStories #LifeAdventures #LifeReflections #LifeMemoirs #LifeChallenges
#LifeMoments #LifeExploration
#LifeTransformations #LifeInsights
#LifeReflections #LifeAchievements
#LifeMilestones #LifeDiscovery #LifeUnfiltered
#LifeWisdom #LifePerspective
#LifeNarratives #MyStory #PersonalJourney
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elskamo · 3 years
Next in the queue is a short film called '#Lifeunfiltered'. It was part of a mass effort from many different organisations to produce a video for young people highlighting mental health. Myself and the others involved got to take part in all of the planning for the video as well as the performance itself. It launched on World Mental Health Day and was shown in schools.
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rahmaulia27 · 1 year
Bookshelves #1
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Book Title : Wanita Berkarir Surga Author : Felix Y. Siauw & Tim @hijabalila Publisher : Al Fatih Press Genre : Religion & Spirituality My Rating : 3,5
Di zaman kaya sekarang kata feminisme jadi hal yang ngga asing. Feminisme muncul dan mulai dikampanyekan karena ada diskriminasi pada wanita hingga menuntut adanya kesetaraan hak seperti kaum pria
Tapi banyak wanita yang kebablasan menuntut kesetaraan ini, padahal secara fitrah antara wanita dan pria itu berbeda
Buku ini terbagi jadi 5 bab dengan tema yang berbeda tapi berkaitan
Bab 1. Menjelaskan tentang sejarah kelam kaum wanita di peradaban Yunani, Romawi, India, Cina, Arab, Eropa dan pandangan Nasrani dan Yahudi tentang wanita
Bab 2. Membahas latar belakang munculnya feminisme
Bab 3. Menjelaskan tentang dampak feminisme yang ternyata tidak selalu membawa kebahagiaan
Bab 4. Menjelaskan tentang wanita dan pria dalam berbagai aspek dan menjelaskan tentang fitrah wanita dan pria yang sesungguhnya
Bab 5. Menjelaskan tentang pandangan Islam terhadap  wanita dan kemuliaan wanita dalam Islam
Aku rekomendasiin buku ini sebagai bacaan ringan karena banyak ilustrasi nya dan full ilmu
"Tinggalkan kenikmatan semu, raih mahkota kemuliaanmu."
Happy reading everyone!
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missindependentkc · 4 years
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This is one of my favorite memories from our family trip to Hilton Head Island last year; waking early to watch the sun rise on a new day 🧡
Where will your story take you? Added bonus day in this leap year..that’s one more day to shine ✨
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ladygetslit · 5 years
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I’ve been so stressed out lately, and even my reading has started to reflect it... 😬 YOU ASKED FOR PERFECT is the best depiction of high school stress I’ve ever read, but it definitely gave me some flashbacks to my academic life (which might be making a resurgence in 2020...) 😬 I borrowed DARING GREATLY from my dear friend @stormandthesquat. But I’ve been putting off reading it because Brené’s words are too freaking real!! 😬 CHASING HILLARY was one I expected to like more than I actually did. It was interesting to learn more about the life of a political journalist, but I don’t feel like I understand the 2016 election on a deeper level or anything. 😬 Meanwhile, I’m working 6 days a week and just trying to stay sane. Anybody got self-care tips? 😬 #bookstagram #lifeunfiltered #myreadinglife #baristaproblems #notenoughcoffee #bookstack #books #booktography #yalit #nonfiction #brenebrown #nastywomen #nastywomenread #readersofig #iforgothowtoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mX6JEAwYi/?igshid=5obaaju0q61l
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I don’t have a life and it’s not because I’m antisocial or not have friend it’s because my parents don’t let me do anything or go anywhere. Everyday I spend my afternoons at home doing nothing alone. I’ve asked for freedom but they don’t give me any. Sometimes when I get lonely I wish I had a normal teenage life. Honestly I’m not asking them to let me go to parties and stay out till 2am. I just wish I could be led out to go walk around with my friends, go shopping alone, go driving with them, sleepover their houses,etc. But no that’s not allowed for me. Does anyone else have it this bad? *sigh*
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therobwilliams · 3 years
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Lunch with the family. #nofilter #lifeunfiltered #familytime (at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVYasqplkD_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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