#libel i say
patwrites · 1 year
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ooo, let's see how many this facebook commenter got!
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This one's a doozy, Got-Chavi!
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mihrsuri · 7 months
I am so tired. It is so hard, I cannot actually explain how hard it has been to learn in such raw blatant terms how much people hate you for being Jewish. I think especially as a Mizrahi Jewish woman and especially as someone who considers herself progressive/leftist. Like I always knew - I knew going back years that to be Jewish is to be safe nowhere in the world but wow, the extent to which it has hit home and I will never forget it.
(The one thing I ask, the only thing I ask is that you recognise that Jewish people, all of us, are indigenous to the land. You do not have to like Israel. You do not have to not advocate fiercely for Palestinian lives, for Palestinian children and for safety and human rights. You do not even have to include disclaimers in this. I do not ask that. All I ask as a woman whose Jewish family was expelled from Persia and Syria long before the modern state of Israel, who has been grieving, who loathes Netanyahu is that you recognise all this, if you have ever been my friend. And if you don’t, please just unfollow and block me now. I am on the edge of suicide anyway, I have no more to lose, no more pain that I have not inflicted upon myself. I can’t do this. I can’t.
I can’t.
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thewingedwolf · 4 months
i keep seeing “it doesn’t matter if this post about anti semitism was made by a zionist, it’s still relevant” and i think this is a really deranged thing to say, but it’s a deranged thing that happens all the time so i guess it makes sense that people keep saying it. like, this was also a discussion when the crypto terf thing started going off, where people would say “it doesn’t matter if the op is a transmisogynist it’s a good post” but the op is specifically including trans women in their argument about male privilege which means their fundamental argument is incorrect and at odds with any and all feminist discussion!!! the same way that like, it doesn’t actually matter whether jackson hinkle is making a good point about palestine or not, he’s a far right anti semitic pos grifter and we should be blocking him any time he tries to engage because his fundamental argument is not “palestinians deserve a right to life, dignity, self determination, return, and safety” his argument is “the jews are controlling the media” a zionist will follow up their post about anti semitism with some shit like “i mean these leftists get mad when you call it the israel hamas WAR instead of a genocide, bc they’re anti semitic” while pictures of mutilated children’s corpses are being blasted all over my twitter feed. yes objectively anti semitism is on the rise, but that doesn’t mean you start platforming genocide deniers, sorry. there are plenty of people who don’t like, straight up refer to palestinians as rats that you can reference when discussing the rise in hate crimes!!
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thehallstara · 1 year
not to be that bitch but every time the fucking harry potter game gets brought up without a mention of the blatant antisemitism in it i die a little inside
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lizbethborden · 3 months
I honestly am going to try giving up on talking about antisemitism in any context except private convos with other Jewish people. The truth is that virtually no one outside of Jewish communities cares. No one. They didn't care before, they don't care now, and they won't care after. Some of the smartest people I know on here and in life do not care, have never cared, and will only pretend to care the next time there's a "punching Nazis" meme on the dash. They do not care about this deeply embedded bigotry because the truth is that antisemitism is a central pillar of, well, virtually everything everywhere, and to interrogate that is to interrogate a foundational aspect of their culture, religion, and society, which no one is interested in doing, even on a website where the majority of people at least pay lip service to deconstructing societal biases and institutional oppression. It is much simpler and more convenient to not care. So, keep on not caring, I guess. I'm not going to forget it. Neither will the other Jewish people around you.
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experimentalmadness · 2 months
Your Palestinian advocacy has to include combating antisemitism on a global scale. Our liberations are irrevocably yoked to one another. You will not get one without the other or else the Western world will simply be trading genocides forever against the both of us.
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enbycrip · 1 year
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It’s just…not even *subtly* monstrously antisemitic.
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featuresofinterest · 5 months
i'm seeing so much discourse on whether or not what israel is doing can be called a "genocide" and it's transporting me right back to my 11th grade history class. we learned about rwanda and read the un definition of genocide and discussed how reluctant the international community can be to call something a genocide while it's occurring and how the us refused to call the rwanda situation a genocide essentially until it was over and how the un was basically useless and the world did almost nothing to intervene. the situations are different but disturbingly similar and it just goes to show how useless the un and the un genocide convention are.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
It's wild to me that the most I've seen cis people talk about trans people in a good while is in their response to Antisemitism: The Game
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I'm putting this out to vent because I need it laid out, especially since it's pretty obvious from the Naruto opinions blog which side they're on. That blog has had so much Sasuke fandom hate that legit has no basis to it. It feels like legit lies, and it attacks our fanbase, particularly, which I find nefarious. To talk about a fanbase and claim it to he racist without any sort of receipts is a humongous accusation and I have half a mind to want to report if not for the fact that I know Tumblr won't do anything about it...perhaps I will. Idk. But this accusation is not an opinion. It's an accusation and if you clearly have met someone like this, someone who has racist takes then perhaps you should report them instead of putting it on a blog that claims to be an opinions blog and generalize an entire fandom or a portion of them to be like this. We are not racist. I know many POC and black fans of Sasuke, and nobody I know has ever thought, claimed this sort of accusation and opinion on Killer Bee. Hell, this opinion of Bee being an aggressive black man has got no basis in the manga/anime! He is the most chill black man there is! If anyone said this, they would literally laugh!
EDIT: After writing this, I decided to report that post. It's literally a libel post against the Sasuke fandom. There is literally no basis to it and OP wants to pretend it's an opinion about general experience. If you got a bad experience be more specific and what's more report them or call them out. It's really that simple! Everybody's experience is not the same but to make a general statement that bottles almost half the fandom as "racist" just because of one or two bad experience is literally... defaming the fandom! I'm sorry it is!
As a POC, and when you say something like that, do you have any idea how unsafe, hurt, and angry can make some people participating in the fandom? You don't put something like that and call it an opinion because it's not. It's an accusation verging on defamation against a group of people just because you had what one or two bad experiences with people.
I've had some bad experiences with people in other fandoms. You're not gonna hear me claim that a fandom is this or half the fandom is this just because of that one or two experience! I'd be attacking an entire fandom that way with an accusation that had nothing to do with them
This post is NOT the only post that has been accusing and posting lies about the Sasuke fandom. It literally mocks the Sasuke fandom for rightfully being angry. You can check the blog right now. It's the most recent post on its blog.
Right after the moderator of said blog posts that it won't be putting any more replies because it's gotten "heated"
Because God forbid someone is angry at you for posting libel and calling it an "opinion".
I mean, omg, you got pushback for literally stating that there's a group in a certain fandom that is racist and think "oh this is just gossip?"Oh, I'm just saying my opinion or talking about an experience and saying yeah the entire fandom is that way."
And the negative Sasuke posts keep coming because I looked back at it again, and there's clearly an anon there with an agenda against the Sasuke fandom. And nowhere there is a defense against this. The other side apparently has no say on this blog. And by other side, I mean the Sasuke fandom. OP closed replies because it got heated.
and tbh there's rarely a positive post about any of the Naruto characters, certainly not Sasuke, in a blog that is called the " Naruto General Opinions" blog. What is so general about this blog? It seems to side heavily on one opinion over the other. Right after posting a negative Sasuke fandom post that accuses the fandom of racism, anti-blackness, and micro-aggressions of black people with the baseless claim that Sasuke stans say that Killer Bee is an aggressive black man which I have seen that absolutely no where and even the claim of Killer Bee has no support in the manga so why would anyone say that? But right after posting that, they won't be putting any sort of heated replies because, again, people got anger, why? This person posts about Sasuke "bad decisions" as if characters aren't allowed that, and we all gotta stand perfect characters who do pretty much nothing.
Basically, we should all stand Hinata since you don't get a more inoffensive character than that, right?
Also what is anon talking about? You think we're angry at people criticizing Sasuke's decisions. People have been criticizing Sasuke's decision since day on. Hell the post creates another falsehood about why Sasuke stans are angry.
Y'all called us racist and anti-black. As a POC, Idk whether to laugh or be angry at such baseless claims and I'd again rant about why but I've probably repeated myself a number of times on why I feel like that post is nothing more than libel especially since OP wants to pretend that it's an opinion of an experience that a number of times could've been much more clearer but isn't, and defame an entire fanbase as that way.
OP wants to pretend they care about safe-spaces but they do not. Their lack of clarification and the majority of their anon posts of "general Naruto opinions" being basically negative, not just to the Sasuke community but to many character fanbases such as Sakura, Hinata, Naruto etc tells you everything. And it's the fanbases that are generally attacked and mocked. Never anything about the characters.
OP has a post pinning Sakura and Hinata against each other...
Is it any wonder people think the Naruto fandom is so toxic?
In writing this vent, I relooked at the blog and found yeah I agree with some of the takes the blog has but as a Sasuke fan who feels very attacked, especially when a majority of posts about Sasuke are negative in a blog that claims to be about general opinions of Naruto, I can't help but sympathize with Sakura and Hinata fandoms and any other fandom that has been criticized. How ostracized they must feel when there's a blog claiming to be about general opinions of Naruto, but it's about them...
Like opinions are not...general. A majority of us don't share the same opinions. We're all different and we absorb and express content in different way. While annoyance and irritation of how some people absorb and express content is valid, it's quite something else to post these opinions in a blog that claims to represent the general Naruto fanbase.
And even if the majority do feel the same way...is it fair for the minority to be excluded? Is it fair to have one blog be the space of "opinions," especially when the majority are nothing more than toxic angry anti takes
And again, some of these anti takes, I do agree on...but I'm going to be honest, I will never reblog from them because no way do I think my opinion is just a general opinion especially when it excludes a group of people in the fandom who may not agree. I will reblog from blogs that have similar opinions to mine and backs them up with evidence.
If you have these sorts of opinions, post it on your own blog. A general opinion blog is honestly not necessary...it's clear everyone has different opinions about different things... I mean...it's Tumblr. Unless sourced and backed up by proof, it's just an opinion.
But opinions can be hurtful and verge on to seemingly defamatory when opinions feel like falsehoods, especially when it's not backed by proof. I've looked, and many others have looked to see where this claim of Killer Bee being an aggressive black man comes from, and...it's nowhere!? And OP will not ask or show proof because apparently it's an "opinion about an experience.". If you're gonna put baseless accuations of opinions there, I'm gonna tell you what that's called. It's called libel. Spoken, it would be slander. And all of it is just defamation against an entire fanbase who likes a character you don't like.
And as the moderator of that blog, which frankly I find them questionable and toxic in many ways, they have a responsibility to ask for clarification because spreading lies about a certain fandom base is not right. It's not. Clearly, the blog is very biased, but it verges on harassment and abuse and a hate campaign against an entire fanbase of a character they don't like.
Like I don't think I'm over-inflating, this becomes I personally feel like my character has been attacked by this. I don't write metas or analysis. I've been thinking about it... but it almost feels like both OP and Anon want to silence an entire fanbase because they just don't agree, and they do so with this slander!
This isn't just about the Sasuke fanbase. This is also about every fanbase in the Naruto community. Racism is serious so if an accusation is made, we have a responsibility to answer it and separate ourselves from that or at least if we've engaged in such behavior, to better ourselves for other members in the larger Naruto fandom.
This is just a rant I needed to get out, but I'm deciding to take action. I've had some friends that have been hurt and have seen some defamatory statements online about the Sasuke fanbase and I will no longer stand idolly by. It's one thing to insult and criticize my character, you are entitled to your opinion, but when someone is attacking my character for liking a character they don't like, expect some pushback.
I came into the Naruto fandom because I like Naruto, the manga, and anime. I didn't come in to be harassed for liking a character you don't like. Feel free to rant about it on your own blog, but the moment you spread lies, especially on a blog that claims to be a blog about "general naruto opinions"is the moment I can't stay silent about this.
Okay, I'm gonna end my rant here. I've wasted enough time thinking and writing this, but I mean it when I said, I've had enough when lies start coming into the picture.
EDIT 2: I've decided to take out screenshots because I'm unsure if I should put screenshots. It could be wrong or taken wrong.
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"We should be able to commit genocide of the people who lived the land given to us, and I will piss my pants and cry antisemitism if anyone dare question the needless ongoing violence" also anti-zionism will NEVER be antisemitism. Enjoy your shitty game about this bloody war, it just goes to show your lack of empathy and humanity. Abhorrent. Also you misspelled Fascism.
Almost got a BINGO! Try better next time!
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tedtrentconspiracy · 1 year
also i hate to point this out... but a rich white man currently involved in a messy and public custody battle with his ex over where his children should geographically reside penning a weird father's rights fantasy ending to his tv show where a man puts physical proximity to his child above ALL ELSE feels a bit um loaded to say the least
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btvs · 8 months
#m#i hate how the term antisemitism is being thrown around to describe situations that arent antisemitic recently#like being antizionist for example. bc the result of this is just ppl dismissing actual antisemitism entirely#anyone who is calling being antizionist antisemitic you are part of the reason there are antisemites who dont care about antisemitism#ive seen quite a few people recently use the genocide of palestinians to be antisemitic & this does nothing to help any issue#like posts with accusations of blood libel and running the world etc & then valid criticism is met with 'thats irrelevant right now'#as if pointing out antisemitism means you are automatically ignoring the genocide#its very frustrating because its understandable to be annoyed when anything is brought up to detract from the genocide of palestinians#i just dont think that this is one of the things that should be shamed for being brought up - its not detracting from the issue#saying that its a form of looking away from the issue is simply not true and ignoring antisemitism doesnt make you a better antizionist#it doesnt make you a better supporter of palestine#if theres a genocide going on and you use that to get your antisemitic conspiracies out you are part of the problem#im putting this all in the tags cuz its just a personal rant and i dont want anyone to take anything i said out of context#this is the illiterate website after all#i am fighting for a free palestine and a free jewish people separate from israel and zionism
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annihilatius · 4 months
I honestly believe a lot of the pro-Palestine people on the left would be neo-Nazis if they were right wing because the amount of antisemitic propaganda you lot just eat up without an ounce of critical thought because it has the tag "Palestine" on it is genuinely horrifying.
#v.txt#antisemitism#im not saying you have to pick a side you should care about palestinians AND the innocent israelis being caught in crossfire#you can't say all palestinians shouldn't be to blame for hamas's actions (which they shouldn't if that wasn't clear)#and then say it doesn't matter if innocent israelis and israelian children are murdered because their government is bad#i know i said i don't like posting stuff like this but the 'propaganda' superbowl ad people are vagueing about#was a 'stop jewish hate' ad. it was not funded by israel. it was a non-profit organization with no proof it was made by zionists#and seeing people say 'there was something mentioning 'antisemitism' without any context behind it' makes me want to fucking puke.#antisemitism has skyrocketed exponentially since oct 7 with innocent jewish people being blamed for the actions of israel#and after the superbowl ad the entire internet has taken it as an invitation to publically broadcast how much they hate jewish people#you lot would rather literally spread blood libel rhoretic than just LISTEN to jewish people for once and it's so infuriatingly sad to see#all that im asking is just stop staying in your echo chamber that constantly spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories#and learn how antisemitic rhetoric actually spreads from jewish people talking about it instead of ignoring it like it doesn't exist#if you refuse to do that because you think not being antisemitic is contradictory to supporting palestine#then don't even bother saying your blog is safe for jewish people. it never will be until you stop reblogging from neo-nazis
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kazoologist · 6 months
man if i had a nickel for every time some fucking overconfident weirdo decided to position themselves as an authority on a historical topic and then proceeded to not just do bad history but then PEDDLE LITERAL FUCKING CRANK SHIT AND MISINFORMATION i would have like. a quarter.
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