#liam and ophelia
yanmaresu · 1 year
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A colored sketch of @yandere-heaven 's OC's, Liam and Ophelia. Yandere-Heaven was kind enough to let me draw them <3
Being honest drawing Ophelia is so much fun, everything about her is very caricatured and jumpy.
Liam was a challenge because no matter how much I drew his eyes and brows I wasn't able to get them right dasjfhbjshfa but I like to think he came out looking pretty handsome
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The Royals was great, it's sad they have cancelled it without a proper ending... 😉😔🖤👏🙌
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bweoo · 7 months
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Ophelia is too scared to block Liam, poor girl.
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lgwifey · 1 year
masterlist 🤍
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damon albarn
★ jealousy / part two
★ distractions
★ friable
★ the little sister
★ parties and pyjamas
★ fourty eight
★ run
graham coxon
★ the extra
★ pinky promise
alex james
★ council estate
★ lifestyle
noel gallagher
★ capture / part two
★ the unwanted visitor
★ parties and pyjamas
★ traumatised
★ metanoia
★ the green room
★ bestfriend's brother
★ quick kisses
liam gallagher
★ playing happy families
★ happiness
★ council estate
★ metanoia
★ bestfriend's brother
★ toxic one / part two / part three / part four
★ toxic (seperate oneshot)
nepotism babies
lennon gallagher
★ getting older part one / part two / part three / part four / part five
gene gallagher
★ getting older part one / part two / part three / part four / part five
★ home time
★ photoshoot
★ sunlight
robert keating
★ delusions / part two
elijah hewson
★ perks of the job
edward cullen
★ homesick / part two / part three
caius volturi
★ constant complications
derry girls
david donnelley
★ teenage kicks (wattpad link)
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reshramlove1ob · 7 months
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Yay more royal au ideas!!?
No idea if Pirate Valeria would wear a pirates hat or not so...
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The Royals Series Review
So I’ve kind of gotten into this habit of watching random stuff on Netflix and some of it is at least a few years old which is fun because now I am becoming obsessed with shows where the fandom isn’t as active anymore. Anyway I just spent the last couple of days binge watching all 4 seasons of The Royals and here is what I thought of it, warning there are spoilers.
 Boy was this series a wild ride. I mean it was comically absurd at times but in a good way. There were times when it was dark and suspenseful but other times where I was just laughing at how absurdly funny it was. I do think season 1 and 2 were the better seasons although all of the seasons had good things and moments in them. The characters were also great, I even came to love some of the characters I disliked in the first season like Helena and Cyrus. I think all the characters were complex and interesting and their journey’s are mostly well written. But I am going to just talk about the few negative things really quickly. 
I do feel like when Ophelia was written out in the beginning of season 2 her absence did hurt the show a bit. It didn’t make it unwatchable necessarily but her absence was felt. And huge spoilers here but it was felt more than ever after her father was revealed to be the one who killed King Simon. I remember when that reveal came and the resulting death of Ted I just kept wondering about Ophelia because now she had lost both her parents, she must have felt so many emotions, shock at what her father had done, guilt that it was her father that had killed Liam’s, someone who she cared and loved deeply. Grief at losing her father. But we never see any of it we just get told that she had disconnected her phone and social media and moved house. So I just felt kind of unsatisfied and like something was missing. After watching the whole series I did do some research into the show and learnt that the actress left because she wanted to go to college and didn’t have time to do both, which is fair enough, but it was still a shame because I do think it had a jarring effect on the show. I also find out that the show was based on, or inspired by, the book Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray which is a modern retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the book Ophelia is the main character and the story is told from her pov. I think this is part of why Ophelia’s absence is felt so much, because in season 1 it felt like she was the protagonist. Obviously there were many main characters with the royal family and the show was also largely about the royal family, but I also feel like she was like our narrator leading us through the story, we were learning about the world through her. So when she left there was this shift that I do think was noticeable.  Also complete side note but the show being inspired by Hamlet does explain why many of the characters talk to the ‘ghost’ of Simon. As it kept happening when the characters seemed to be under alot of emotional stress I did think they were losing it a bit, now I understand that its that link to Hamlet so it makes a whole lot more sense once you know that. The other negative is most likely just me, but in the beginning of the series I struggled with the fact that it was the UK monarchy, I think that definitely pulled me out of the emersion alot and I would have rathered they be the royal family of a fictional place. But as the seasons went on I did get over it so it wasn’t  a deal breaker. 
The Ships
So every show has those ships you love and those you hate. So here are some of my thoughts on the romantic relationships within the show. I do think the show switched between these relationships a bit too much. Like you think there is something going on between a particular pair and then suddenly out of the blue some other character will show up and its like oh actually this person is like the love of this person’s life and they have a really deep bond, but then that person will suddenly disappear out the plot again. But lets go through the relationships and I’ll hopefully explain that better.
Liam's Love Interests
Ok I really, really brought into the romance between Liam and Ophelia. To me I think it was intended to be the main romance of the series before the actress left. I loved their first meeting and there was something very wholesome and pure about their romance. I thought their scenes were downright adorable but they also had that passion and I think it was all very believable. I think the actors had great chemistry too. It was that classic tale of the ordinary girl who falls for the prince and gets swept up in the whirlwind of Royal life and has to question what she really wants and whether she can take being a part of such a high profile life. The prince also wonders what he wants, does he want to be the King and do his duty to his family or does he want to run away from it all and live a normal life with the girl he loves. But I think the show did a good job of not making it too cheesy. Unfortunately it did feel very unfinished. Especially when you had Liam saying things along the line of  ‘we’ll have our someday.’ When they part. It very much had an air of we are only parting for now but at some point we’ll be together. But that never happens. I don’t know if the show had continued whether they would have eventually brought Ophelia back or not but I do admit I wish that they had brought her back as I don’t think I ever really got over their love story. I think it didn’t help that I never really bought into any of Liam’s other love interests. For me personally I just thought they were lacking. With Willow it felt kind of one sided where Willow definitely had feelings Liam, and whilst for a moment it looked like Liam might have feelings for Willow the show instead suddenly introduces Kathryn as his love interest. Which is what I meant about how they suddenly do switcheroos on you. Because it seemed like they were setting up Willow and Liam but then it was suddenly all about Liam and this girl we had never seen before. When it came to Liam and Kathryn though I do feel like they were trying to recapture the story that Liam and Ophelia had. Its again that ordinary girl who falls for a prince and has to decide if she wants to be part of his world on not. Only with Kathryn they also added in that plot that she was the ex girlfriend of his brother. The other thing is that Kathryn does initially choose Robert over Liam and it very much felt like she only went back to Liam because Robert turned out to be a dick and threw her aside in a very disgusting way that did make me feel bad for Kathryn and made me hate Robert. Don’t get me wrong the relationship between Kathryn and Liam wasn’t terrible, I just didn’t buy into it like I did Liam and Ophelia. I think part of this was again because Ophelia and Liam were presented as being this epic love story and Liam would say these heartfelt very loving things about someday being together, so when Liam starts to say these similar things to Kathryn it, I don’t know, they kind of lose their punch a bit and seem a little more disingenuous because they’ve been said to another girl before, if that makes sense? Also I think part of the problem is I don’t think Kathryn’s character was fleshed out enough. It felt more like she was just there to cause drama between the two brothers and be a love interest for Liam. We don’t really learn much about her as a person. Like with Ophelia we learn things about her past, we learn about her losing her mother, we see her relationship with her father and how he is protective of her and she works through challenges she has with him, we learn that she wants to be a dancer and has a dream of going to new york to audition for a dance school. With Willow too we learn things about her past, like how her mother gave up aristocracy to marry for love, there is the whole social media storyline too and how she comes to work at the palace, we learn about the, I think it was her grandfather, who gave her the music box with the fairytale castle that played Fur Elise. But I don’t feel like we really learn anything about Kathryn outside of her relationship with the brothers. Even her scenes with her family members are centred around her relationship with the princes. We seem to know very little about her life outside of Robert and Liam, unless I am forgetting some information. But yeah when it comes to Liam I definitely liked him the most with Ophelia. 
Eleanor’s Love interests. 
So with Eleanor they also sometimes did that whole sudden switcheroo with the love interests, though it wasn’t quite as bad as with Liam. Obviously her main love interest was Jasper. Here’s the thing with these guys though, their start was so toxic when you think about it, I mean he drugged her then blackmailed her whilst trying to steal from her in some big con he had thought up with his then girlfriend. He even slept with her mother. Yet despite that I couldn’t help but love them together and route for them. I mean I do think it helps that it was hardly the craziest, wackiest thing to happen on this show. I know its a controversial subject but I see this, I think fairly new, opinion that you shouldn’t ship anything that is toxic, like even a little bit toxic, but I don’t agree with that, one because its fiction and so you give more leeway to fictional characters than you would real people but also because I recognise that most of the time these toxic actions are there to create drama which was definitely the case here. So even though they did not have the best start they did grow into a very loving and healthy couple who learnt to be honest and trust each other and that was a fun but also often painful journey to watch. I really did find myself rooting for them and to be honest after Ophelia left, ending Opheliam, I mostly kept watching for Jaspenor. But like I said they also did randomly introduce new love interests for Eleanor as well, namely Beck. I didn’t mind Beck at first I even thought they had good chemistry, I did find his introduction very sudden because it was right when they seemed to still be developing Jasper and Eleanor. Like with Kathryn and Liam I think it was a bit mind twisting because they seem to have very deep feelings for each other but we are meeting this new character well into the relationship so its like playing catch up. But its established that Beck was Eleanor’s first love. I think I started to turn off Beck a bit because whilst he was a good person I do feel like he judged Eleanor in a way that Jasper didn’t when it came to the drugs and alcohol. At times it did feel a bit like Beck wanted to change her. I do think he wanted the best for her but he just didn’t go about it the best way. But I did come to really dislike him when he turned up in I think season 3 when Jasper and Eleanor were together and just started saying Jasper was below him and that kind of attitude of you are common and I am noble so I am better than you. The other kind of love interest was Mandy/Samantha who was Jasper’s girlfriend who he planned the con with in the first place. But she was the literal worse who really used Eleanor. Unlike Jasper she didn’t seem to have any remorse for what she did and it left Eleanor crushed and mistrustful of everyone after. But definitely her best love interest was with Jasper. I just loved that they both grew together and they were two people who I think were really struggling in the beginning of the series but who developed as individuals as well as together as a couple. The whole writing love letters to each other and leaving them in the book was the cutest too. 
Robert, Kathryn and Willow
So with Robert at first I kind of felt bad for everyone involved in the love triangle. I mean Robert seemed to genuinely love Kathryn and he talks about how he only got off that Island because he kept seeing her and that gave him the strength to keep going. He was very convincing. I also felt bad for Kathryn and Liam because they were in this impossible situation where they thought he was dead now he has shown back up and they have mixed feelings because on one hand they are overjoyed he’s alive but on the other hand they feel guilty about having feelings for each other. It did remind me a little bit of the love triangle in Pearl Harbour. That being said Robert really does act like a total dick when he sleeps with and then discards Kathryn, especially as she had chosen him. Also I wasn’t all that thrilled with the whole love triangle thing as bad as I felt for everyone involved at first. Which brings me to Willow. Because of the nature of Robert’s character it is very difficult to figure out if he had genuine feelings for Willow at all. There were times when it did feel genuine and where it seemed like he really did love her but then there were times where I was sure he was just using and playing with her. Maybe some of that was because he seemed to really love Kathryn and seemed genuine with her until he just threw her away to mess with his brother and hurt her. I also didn’t like how he seemed unwillingly to share things with her and this idea of her being seen and not heard. He clearly didn’t want a partnership when it came to the monarchy he wanted her to look pretty and make them look good and kind. But one of the things I really disliked about the kind of love square of Liam, Willow, Kathryn and Robert was how it pitted the two women against each other. Like there are a couple of moments where they have this antagonism and tension between them. Like when Willow confronts Kathryn about showing up at the dinner and then at the tribute to Simon because both events had a connection to Willow and Robert’s engagement and it seemed like Willow felt insecure and threatened by Kathryn. I also felt like Willow judged Kathryn alot for having feelings for both brothers when she herself also at some point had romantic feelings for both brothers. I just didn’t like the pitting of the two women against each other at all. But ultimately we’ll never know if Robert genuinely has feelings for Willow or not because it seemed like Willow was going to help with the dethroning of Robert but then he asked to speak with her and she decided to marry him instead. We don’t know what he said to her that changed her mind or how genuine it was, like I said there were times when it seemed like he had real feelings but the character is so shady its hard to trust him.  
Helena’s Love Interests
So Helena actually has a kind of beautiful yet tragic backstory that involves her falling in love with a stable boy but then giving him up to do her duty by her family and marry the king. I must admit it did make me feel bad for her and a part of me was really rooting for them. But it was complicated because Simon was a nice and genuine man and it was clear that he was hurt by her affair with Alistair. But it also did get to me when Helena told her story to Eleanor and said she would have been happy to marry a man with a pebble as an engagement ring. I think it was kind of sad that they never got their happy ever after, Helena really did screw that one up. But there was another of Helena’s relationships I did really like and that was the one she had with her new Lord Chamberlain Spencer. I think he seemed to really care about her and wanted her to be happy and she did seem happy when he was there, until Robert clearly got rid of him. The other one of note is when she starts sleeping with Prince Sebastian but we later find out he was giving information to Robert. Helena just seemed really unlucky when it came to love and I will admit that as the seasons went on I did hope to see her happy but it just never worked out for her. 
Cyrus and Violet
Cyrus only really has one meaningful and honest relationship and that is with Violet. I did love these two together and I do think that she really helped him grow and change. I think it was obvious that they did love each other, she was really there for him when he had the cancer. It was a new side of Cyrus’ character that we had never seen before. I felt so bad and sad for him when she goes missing. I was so excited that she showed up again in the last episode but it made the cancellation of the show even worse because we’ll never know where she was or why her car was found abandoned with blood in it. 
Character thoughts
Ok so I have talked about the ships and liked and didn’t like so now I figured I would do a quick run down of my thoughts on the characters. 
Ophelia- I loved her when she was on the show and was so disappointed when she left. As I said before I do think it left me unsatisfied that we never really got to see the rest of her story and never got to see her get a happy ever after with Liam. But she was a really sweet and quirky, she often got herself into awkward situations but that just made her endearing, I also think that despite her having a few mishaps like throwing up and falling into flower bushes in front of her princely crush, she had a fire about her. She wasn’t a push over and she stood her ground when the Queen told her to discourage the relationship with her son, she also stood her ground with Cyrus and Gemma. It was nice to see a character that could be both really sweet and dorky, sometimes insecure but who also could stand up for herself.  
Liam- This is another character that I loved. I liked that he started out as just this playboy prince how liked to party and have fun but then as he grows in confidence actually does inspire a nation. He had some darker moments but I think he would have made a truly amazing King because he really did care about his country and people and he wanted to help others. Again its another thing that sucked about the show being cancelled because I’ve just spent the entirety of the show waiting to see Liam as King. I feel like that had to be the natural part of his journey, it really did feel like that was where his journey was heading. So it was disappointing not to get to see him reach the throne and his true potential. 
Eleanor- I think Eleanor had one of the best character arcs on the show. She starts out as the rebellious princess who feels like she has no place in the royal family and who copes with it all by going out and doing drugs and getting herself into the tabloids. But as time goes on you see her grow in confidence and find her place, she becomes someone who is an integral part of the family and she does alot for the monarchy’s image and also helps with alot of charities because she realises the influence she has can really help people, we also watch her go from being very mistrustful of people and pushing them away to being open and honest with them and it was a beautiful journey to watch.    
Jasper- This is another character that had a great arc. I think it complimented Eleanor’s arc really well too. He starts out as a con man and ends up as a knighted hero. He’s also someone who really comes to learn to trust others instead of lone wolfing it. He is the kind of character that you really do come to love and root for because he not only wants to change and overcome his past but he does. 
Helena- So she is one of those characters where there were times I really hated her, mostly when she lied about the twins’ paternity test, I mean that’s a despicable thing to do to your children. But over time she grew and changed and it became obvious that she loved her children and did want what was best for them. I think she was very damaged by her own mother and being forced into marrying Simon instead of the man she loved. Her backstory and the fact that she does change makes her the sympathetic character, even if at times she can be a bit of train wreck. 
Cyrus- I hated Cyrus in the beginning of the show, like really hated him. But I will admit as the series went on I did develop a strange affection for him and he became the character that I loved to hate. I mean he was diabolical at times but I can’t lie that he was also absolutely hilarious whilst being diabolical. There were also moments were he did show true emotion that made me see a softer and more  sympathetic side to him. 
Simon- For the short time we had him I really did like Simon. It was obvious that he really cared about his family and that they were more important to him than anything else. It was their happiness that he wanted and he really did want the best for his country too. I was so sad when he died but I am happy that they kept his memory and spirit alive throughout the rest of the series. 
Robert- This is probably harsh but I liked Robert alot more when he was dead. When he was dead he was this kind of hero, he was the loving brother that his siblings looked up to and the dutiful son that his parents loved. He was the prince that the nation loved. Then they brought him back from the dead and he was a power hungry dick who may or may not have had a hand in his father’s murder, I’m still a bit unclear on that. But he is someone who was willing to put his people at risk to gain power and when he disbanded the parliament he pretty much became a dictator. He seems to have a lot of hubris and a old fashioned way of looking at things, I didn’t like his opinion about how there should only be one voice allowed, the king’s/his. I think Simon was right when he said that Robert would never make a good king.
Ted- I really liked Ted in the start. He seemed to be a decent guy who took his job seriously and loved his daughter. I was so shocked when I found out he was the one who killed Simon. To be honest I do think it could have been better written because I am still a little unclear on what his motive was. I think it was because his wife got killed but I felt like that had happened a while ago so why did he wait as long as he did? But then he also seemed to be becoming a bit unhinged as he kept seeing her ghost everywhere. I think what made it so shocking was that he did seem to care about Liam and was really there for him in the aftermath of Simon’s death. I think that really messed with Liam’s head alot because they did have a good bond so it just added to the betrayal. 
So yeah those are my random thoughts on The Royals. To finish off I would just like to mention some things in particular that I found really embraced the show’s comedic wackiness. I loved the FML running gag, I also really liked how the characters would go ‘this place is so weird’ whenever things got particularly wacky. Speaking of I did really love how wacky it got at times, like it really was bizarre in a good way. A few stand out moments from the top of my head was when Ophelia shot Ashok in the leg with the ceremonial bow, Helena stealing Cyrus’ testicle, Jasper’s dad showing up disguised as the Italian count and then admitting to shooting Jasper to ‘help him get the girl back’. When they put on In the Air Tonight whilst planning their coup and then all stop to do the drum solo. After Liam attacks Beck falling into the throne room full of people and then Robert says they are going to be incredibly British and act like that didn’t just happen, as a Brit I really relate to this and I adopt this practice often. Willow tripping on LSD and running about the Palace pretending to be a ghost and trying to drown Helena in a vat of chocolatey goodness. I definitely enjoyed this series and thought it was a good watch. I do think it was worth the watch even if it does end on a cliff-hanger and very suddenly. Boy I hope there is some good fanfiction I can go read now.              
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xixisin · 2 years
Xixisin! You're back!! I missed you and your art <3
I hope you're doing well n_n
Aw thank you so much bestfriend, im hugging you to death rn IM DOING WELL I HOPE YOU TOO AS WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i MISS SEEING YOU AROUND AS WWLL WAH !!!!
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goddessofeternity · 2 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
“Honora! Do you have your bouquet!?”
“I found it! Princess don’t run! You’ll trip on your dress!” Althea slowed down and took the chance to catch her breath. Honora jogged up to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. “The wedding is in two hours. You can relax a bit.”
“I know…but this is the first wedding I’ve ever been a part of…” She ran her over the silk fabric of her dress. “The clothing from the Chowa empire is so beautiful and unique. I can’t wait to visit it soon.”
“Have you seen the empress yet? She looks amazing.”
“Oh she’s ready?! Well come on!” Althea gathered her skirts as Honora followed her to the dressing room for the empress. Knocking gently, she waited until she heard the shaky voice of the empress giving her permission to enter. “Oh! You look beautiful!”
The empress smiled nervously at her, as queen Hestia and Ophelia fixed the final pieces of her gown. Empress Yvette was sitting and eating some grapes as she looked over final preparations. “Xiaoli…relax, you're so nervous. Your tail is as stiff as a board.” The empress relaxed at her friend's words, but she was still a bit tense.
“Althea…have you…have you seen Liling?” The empress whispered to her, and Althea smiled brightly. “I-I mean is she alright?”
“She is very excited and happy. She is an absolute vision and you’ll be stunned when you see her.” The empress sighed deeply as she tried to calm herself. The other married women in the room chuckled at her nerves, remembering their own weddings.
“If it makes you feel better…an hour before my wedding…I thought taking a jog in my dress would calm me…” Queen Ophelia sighed at the memory. “I ended up tripping and landing in dragon dung. I spent two hours getting ready again. My king was highly amused by the whole thing.”
“Oh I was too,” Queen Hestia chuckled as her friend pouted. “I had no idea why you suddenly wanted to run laps around the palace. I never thought the smell would leave you.”
“Running keeps my mind clear and calm, you know that.” Empress Yvette chuckled from her spot and queen Ophelia rounded on her. “Oh and you were just so graceful huh?”
“Ahem…I have no idea what you mean…” The empress looked away as she petted her lioness. “I think my wedding went quite well.”
“Yes of course…if you count hiding in a tree for three hours well.” Queen Hestia smirked over the pins in her mouth. Fixing the hem of Xiaoli’s dress she looked her friend in the eyes. “You were really channeling the big cats. You were like a little kitten, shaking and mewling about how you wouldn’t come down no matter what. I thought we’d have the wedding in the trees.”
“Oh yes! How could I forget that…you finally came down after we got some food into your stomach. You were very content and happy after that.” Queen Ophelia laughed at the pout on her friend's face. “You can be quite the glutton.”
“Oh you hush Hestia,” Yvette huffed as she rubbed her growing stomach. “How about you tell us about your time, Hestia?” Althea looked at her mother excitedly as a blush took over her face. 
“Oh well…I don’t think there is much to say…”
“Oh mother please! I’ve never heard this story before and I would love to hear about it.” The queen finished the hem on the empress's dress and sighed deeply.
“I do think it would help with my own nerves, Hestia.” Queen Hestia glared at the empress who snickered to herself, already keen to her ploy. 
“Oh alright then.”
The queen coughed as she sat down in an armchair as she thought about her wedding day. Twirling a loose strand of hair, she sighed deeply as she looked over the other ladies in the room. “I…I was violently ill…”
“You were sick?” Althea tilted her head at her mothers statement.
“The council at the time thought I was pregnant and it took some time for it to blow over.” She sighed at the memory, before continuing. “I threw up over everything, including my wedding dress. Thankfully not the second one. Although my maids had to drag me to the altar, that was embarrassing, but I was trying to back out at the last minute.”
 “Is getting married really that scary?” Althea was starting to fear the day of her own nuptials.
 “Oh no…I was just being dramatic, but I was very nervous.” The queen gave her daughter a reassuring smile. “After our vows, your father spent the next hour dealing with me throwing up and crying. Tears of worry about being queen and happiness. It didn’t help that I was quite clumsy too. I think I tripped and stumbled over my words several times that day. I think that is where you got my clumsiness, my sweet rose.”
Althea puffed up her cheeks as the others chuckled at her. Honora bumped shoulders with her and she continued her pouting. It was not long before a maid came to tell them that it was time to start. The empress wasn’t shaking anymore, but she was still nervous. Althea was just excited to be a part of something so beautiful and meaningful. The empress was talking with her uncle who looked proud and seemed to be getting emotional. Althea and Honora went to get ready, but she noticed Duran looking over the garden. Honora smirked at her before she left to nibble on something really quickly. Althea fixed her hair quickly, before she went to join him.
 “H-Hello Duran.”
 “Oh! Princess…you look beautiful.” She smiled as he looked her up and down. Hearing him call her beautiful always brightened her up. “Are you excited for the wedding?”
“Oh yes! They both look amazing and I’m so honored to be a part of it. I didn’t know you were on duty today. I thought you had taken the day off to be with your family?”
“I did…but I was…I missed you…” Both teenagers' faces grew very red as they looked away from each other. It was such a bold statement, but it was not an unwelcome one all the same. “Sorry if that was um…”
“No no…I…I missed you as well.” He rubbed his head in embarrassment and she tugged gently at the sleeves of her gown. 
“Ahem.” Both teens jumped at the voice behind them, and Althea smiled at Marina who looked between the two of them for a split second before she spoke up. “It’s beginning Althea, your mother was looking for you.”
“R-Right of course!” Looking at Duran one final time, she quickly left from his side. “I hope that I didn’t delay anything?”
“No, of course not. Your mother just wants everything to be perfect.” Althea looked at Marina as they went down the stairs to the garden. She could not remember the last time she had admired her, but she was still as beautiful as ever. There was a time that Althea thought she had her heart, but now someone else did. Althea wondered if she had never met Duran, would she still hold such feelings for her? Regardless, she sparked the first flame in her heart and she would always be grateful for that.
The gardens were done immaculately and so many more people than expected showed up for the nuptials. Empress Xiaoli was pacing and king Kyros was busy trying to talk her down. Althea didn’t see Liling but she was sure she was excited. Althea went to stand with Honora who gave her a teasing smile.
“Have a nice chat?”
“Oh hush…” She laughed and Althea looked away from her with a frown. It soon disappeared though as the wedding march began. Both girls went to their places and watched happily as the empress and Liling were united again. Both women could not take their eyes off the other as king Kyros and queen Hestia officiated the union. The ceremony tugged at Althea’s heart as the pair spoke their vows to the other. Althea and some others laughed as her parents barely made it official as Liling launched herself at the empress, sharing a deep and loving kiss. Everyone in attendance cheered and clapped for the newly wedded couple. 
The rest of the day and later into the evening was a whirlwind of happiness and bliss. The empress never wanted to be parted from her wife for long. All the royals danced with each other and Althea danced until her feet started to hurt. She was a bit sad that she didn’t see Duran that much, but Honora kept her occupied. The two girls danced well into the evening and finally both fell asleep against the other on a couch. It wasn’t until the next morning that Althea woke up in her bed.
“Mmm…” The young princess rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked out her window. It seemed that they were still cleaning up the decorations. “I wonder how long it lasted after I fell asleep…”
“Oh it was quite a long time.” Althea jumped and looked over her shoulder as her mother walked in with a tray of food. “It was well into the morning before things started to wind down. Did you have a good sleep?”
“Oh yes. It was such a beautiful ceremony. You and father did an amazing job on such short notice.”
“It comes with years of practice.” She gestured for her daughter to come and eat and once she sat down, she started to gently brush her daughter's hair. “Althea…”
“Hmm? Yes mother?”
“You know that I love you very much right? So does your father.”
“Of course! I love you both very much too!” Queen Hestia smiled a bit as her daughter smiled back at her before resuming her meal. Spring was here in the kingdom, but the thought of winter had her on edge. The vision she painted haunted her dreams and she often woke from the nightmares. She had to be prescribed medicine just to help with the terrors. The thoughts were even more worrying now that talks of war were becoming more common. The enemy could strike whenever it wanted, and war was the last thing she wanted for her family and people. “Mother?”
“Hmm? Yes, Althea?”
“Ever since the summit…you and father have been so on guard for the last two months. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh no, my love. You just keep being you and having fun with your friends.” She hugged her daughter tightly and kissed the top of her head. “Being a queen can get stressful at times. I just want you to enjoy yourself, ok?”
“Yes mother.” Althea was getting worried as her parents had not talked about the creatures since the summit. She was confident that her parents had the situation handled, but she realized that a conversation with Duran was needed. It was obvious that strong feelings were there, but she was still betrothed to a prince. It would also be nice to hear him affirm those feelings though. 
After speaking with her mother for a little while, the pair went their separate ways for the day. Althea wanted to speak with Duran and spend some time alone with him. Liam and Honora both had some time away for a few days, and they could really be alone. Althea smiled to herself as she roamed the halls of the palace in search of him. His rotation around should have crossed paths with her, but she still hadn’t seen him yet.
“Where could he be-” Althea gasped as she was tugged into a small room. Conjuring a ball of fire, she was ready to set her target ablaze.
“Woah woah! Althea it’s me!”
“Duran!?” Althea put her hand down as her eyes adjusted in the darkness of the room. Duran chuckled and she felt her heart pick up in frustration. She swatted at his chest angrily.
“Hey hey! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you!”
“You can’t do that! I thought you were another kidnapper!” She huffed and crossed her arms to look away from him. “I almost set you on fire!”
“I know and I’m sorry about that…but at least your reflexes are better now.” She glared at him and he held his arms out to her, and despite her annoyance, she sank against him. She buried her face into his chest and he rubbed her hair and back affectionately. “I won’t do it again…forgive me?”
“I promise, Thea.”
“Huh?” She pulled away from him and looked at him curiously, not sure if she had heard him right. “What did you call me?”
“Oh…Thea? If you don’t like that I can-”
“No no! No one has ever called me that before, not even Evelyn.” She smiled at him, a small giggle escaping her lips. “I love it.”
 “Yeah?” Althea blushed as his voice grew low and he stepped into her space once more. Her fingers tightened on her dress as he brushed a strand of her hair away. Tilting her face up, she only wished that she could see him better. To see the brilliant blue of his eyes as he gazed upon her own. If what she thought was happening was indeed happening…she longed to see herself reflected in his ocean eyes. Although she wanted to see where this was going, she wanted a more appropriate setting for such a thing. 
“D-Duran…why have you pulled us into this room? Surely it…surely we could be alone somewhere else?” She fluttered her lashes at him and he chuckled as he stepped away from. She pouted at his movement away from her. Although she wanted the setting to be more romantic, it didn’t mean she didn’t want to be in his presence. 
“It has been harder and harder to see you. I want to capture as much time with you as possible. You see…”
“Is something the matter?” She was not as naïve as many thought she was. The past few months everything seemed to be changing. Her parents brushed away her thoughts, but she knew something was wrong. More and more knights seemed to be training and looking through a window at night, she saw many knights patrolling. Times were changing and it didn’t look like it was more anything good. The thoughts of meeting her betrothed were even washed from her mind as she watched the castle transform before her eyes. “Something terrible is going to happen again…isn’t it?”
The look he gave her was all the confirmation that she needed. Terrible things just seemed to be befalling the kingdom over the last year. It just wouldn’t stop and she was starting to feel afraid. The tournament, Lord Derrick, the creatures in the forest, when would it end? Her shoulders shook and Duran held her close as she tried not to cry.
“Tell me…what is happening?”
“....” He released a deep breath as he rubbed her back. “Talks of war have spread amongst the knights. The king has not given an official word as of yet, but it seems very likely. Some of our troops have been training with the other allied nations in preparation. Your father has been recruiting so many new recruits. Please don’t worry Althea…”
“Oh can I not worry? You…you're talking about a potential war coming to our kingdom. So many lives are always lost during times of war. I…what if I lose you in all of this?”
“Hey…” He pulled back to hold her face in his hands. “You will never lose me. I will fight tooth and nail to be by your side. Nothing will keep us apart.” 
“Do you promise?”
“I promise. On my life.” It was a bit irresponsible to hold such words to heart, but it was the only thing keeping her grounded at the moment. She had to hope that things would change for the better. Relaxing against his chest, Althea worried about the following months. They had not spoken about her fiancé at all. It was not like he was going to go away, just like their feelings for each other. Her heart felt ready to burst just thinking about it, so she didn’t. She pushed it to the back of her mind as Duran whispered sweet things into her ears. She would hold onto this peace and joy as long as possible. She would think about everything else later.
Althea was surprised how fast the months seemed to flow by. So much had happened, but it also felt as if nothing did as well. Her parents said nothing about a war, but the number of soldiers had increased over the months. It was only a matter of time before something happened. Althea made it a point of the months to just…pretend it wasn’t happening. She would simply enjoy her time with her friends and family instead. Honora had finally fallen into her role of being a noble, and she was even warming up to wearing dresses! Althea often made visits to her family's new home and the girls enjoyed many nights of fun. Honora often bemoaned to Althea how she hated the attention that some of the nobles gave her. Their sons were eager to mingle and gain her favor. Honora thought the whole thing was embarrassing and often ran away from them. Liam thought the whole thing was quite hilarious.
Speaking of Liam, he had found himself in a bit of trouble with some ladies. Althea and Honora had warned him many times about bringing women into his bed. He didn’t learn his lessons as some of his ladies had found out about each other, and the whole thing became quite the scandal. He barely walked the streets of Melodia anymore, fearful of angry fathers and his ex-lovers. Althea did miss seeing him often though, her father had put together a special scouting and task force some months ago. She was surprised to see Liam volunteer for it. He had mentioned that he needed some extra pay, but she said she would talk to her parents. He brushed it away and thought it would be exciting. She missed him, but when he had free time, he would always come back to join her for tea or take a shift guarding her. 
Marina took some time away to help out her parents and Althea missed her too. The triplets were nice but they were too nosy. They tried too hard to be her friend and frankly, they just made her feel uncomfortable. Marina was due to come back soon enough though. Althea sighed as she sat at her desk. Her birthday was in a few days and her stomach had not settled for the last week. Her…her fiancé was coming and the thought made her want to vomit. She put on a brave face, but her heart ached whenever her parents talked about him. Especially when Duran was in the room. She tried not to look at his expressions, but she couldn’t help it. He was very good at hiding his feelings around her parents, but she could read him quite well now. 
The clenched jaw, the tight grip on his sword hilt, the slightly creased brow, and every so often his nostrils would flare and his eye would twitch. Her knight was ready to burst at any second and she could do nothing to placate him. It didn’t help that lately he had been distant towards her. She figured he was upset, but so was she. They needed to be there for each other and he was just being difficult. She hated to admit it, but she was curious about this fiancé of hers. She also wondered if he would accept not marrying her. It was a childish thought, but she could hope.
“Oh yes mother?” Althea stood from her desk as her mother walked in with several maids, all of them holding various dresses. Althea forced her practiced smile onto her face as they laid them out. “Oh…I forgot that my dress fitting was today.”
“Althea…” Her mother sighed as she placed her hands on her hips. “You have to be more aware of things that are happening around you. I’ve told you several times about this.”
“I’m sorry mother,” Althea looked over the dresses with a furrowed brow. They were all stunning and beautiful dresses, but she was a bit put off by the color. “Why are they all white?”
“Well…it is also something like an engagement dinner.” Althea flinched hearing that from her mother. Why did it seem everything was moving too quickly? “It is customary to wear white. Now…which one would you like to wear and we can get it fitted.”
Althea spent the rest of the morning trying on various dresses and making preparations for her birthday. It was a rather boring morning and she would rather ride Stardust or visit Honora. Although, she could visit her father instead. He wasn’t as busy at the moment, so once her mother left, Althea went to see him. Knocking on the door of his study, she waited for his confirmation before she stepped in. 
“Hmm? Oh rosebud…what can I do for you? Come sit with me.” Althea smiled as her father poured her some tea. Sitting beside him, she smiled as he gently kissed her head. “Have you spoken to your mother this morning?”
“Yes, but father, that was hours ago. It’s the middle of the afternoon now.” He looked at her surprised before he leaned back against his chair with a heavy sigh. Althea giggled at him as he rubbed his face. She gently tugged on his dark hair and he glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. “Your hair is starting to get long. What does mother think about this?”
“Your mother happens to love it. Do you not like it?”
“I think you look rather dashing.” He smiled cheekily before he stood up and held his hand out to her. “Hmm?”
“I just thought it would be nice to get out of this stuffy office. Care to take a walk with your father princess?”
“I would love to.” Althea smiled as she walked the halls with her father. It had been too long since they spent any time together. Her upcoming birthday and how busy the kingdom was lately attributing to that. She longed for the days when they would take their horses for rides again. It felt as if time wasn’t on their side for anything anymore. Times were changing in the kingdom and frankly? She hated every last second of it. 
“So may I have this dance?” Althea blinked away from her thoughts as her father bowed his head at her. She had failed to notice they were now in the ballroom. 
“Oh of course, but we have no music.”
“It is a good thing that I have a daughter with the voice of an angel, huh?” Althea blushed at his compliment but took his hand as he swept her across the room. She sang the song her mother used to sing for her at her bedtimes. It wasn’t long before her father joined in and she giggled at him. She leaned her head against his chest as they waltzed around. She missed dancing with her father and she never wanted to stop either. Although she would not have to be married until she was 21, it didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous about having these moments stripped away from her. 
“Kyros I…oh…” Althea and her father stopped as her mother walked into the room. “Oh no…please continue.”
“Join us, mother.”
“Oh you both seemed to be having a moment. I would feel awful for intruding on it.”
“Nonsense Hestia.” He walked over to his wife and led her to the center of the ballroom. Althea smiled as they all joined hands and danced across the large room. The family laughed and danced for what felt like hours. Althea was glad to have these moments with her parents again and she intended to cherish them for as long as she was able. The fear of the future left her mind during these moments and she could finally just relax. Now, if only she could get Duran to stop avoiding her and they could have a real conversation again.
It would seem she wouldn’t get the chance to talk with Duran after all. Althea gripped her hands together tightly as she stood in front of her mirror. Her birthday ball was finally here and they had not spoken to each other in over a week and it made her more than a little upset. Marina and the triplets had been working on her hair and makeup for hours now. She was glad for it though, because it meant stalling for as long as possible. Her parents could entertain her guests and maybe she could sneak out a window. Her flying had gotten better, surely she could hide away somewhere for a time. Her parents would be angry, but she could handle some high emotions for a bit. 
“Althea…your hands are so sweaty…” Marina stepped in her line of visions and grasped her hands. “Oh…one of you start fanning her and another one of you get something to dry her hands. Althea, I know you are nervous, but I promise the night will go beautifully. Just mingle with your fiancé for a few hours and get to know him. You have all the time in the world before you’re of age to marry him.”
Althea just smiled weakly as Marina knelt down to fix her dress some more. The triplets were hovering around her like annoying bees and she so badly wanted to swat them away. She glanced at Marina to distract herself and once again found herself entranced by her beauty. Her hair was pulled into a beautiful bun with a few curled strands framing her face. Her gown was a beautiful shade of green and it made her dazzle. Althea couldn’t help but stare at her first crush as she fixed her dress. It was a nice distraction, but she did feel bad for looking at her in such a way. It felt like she was being unfaithful to Duran, even though he wasn’t even courting her.
It wouldn’t matter anyway, it seemed that time had ran out for the pair anyway.
“Oh wow…you look so beautiful.” Althea looked at the doorway and felt her spirits rise just a bit as Honora walked into the room. “You make me wish I never even got dressed for this.”
“Oh nonsense…you look stunning Honora!” Althea laughed as Honora blushed, but did a small twirl in her dress. Honora had a gorgeous blue and gold dress that sparkled in the candlelight. Her long hair was curled beautifully and pinned to the side with a blue rose. She also heard the distinct click of heels and she couldn’t help the surprised gasp that escaped her lips. “Are you wearing heels under your dress?”
“Oh…yes I am…” Honora blushed as she lifted her skirts to show off her sparkling heels. “I’ve been practicing for the last few months. I thought it would come in handy.”
“I hope you can dance in them than, because you own me some dances.” Honora groaned and Althea giggled as she did. It was at that moment that her parents peered into her room. The others quickly excused themselves and Althea watched as her parents took in her appearance. She fully faced them so they could really look at her and their reactions told her a lot.
Her mother held her hand against her heart as she smiled at her and quickly wiped away tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She quickly strolled into the room and grasped her hands. “Oh Althea…you look so beautiful! Absolutely stunning…you look like an angel. I can’t wait to see you dancing across the ballroom. You’re going to stun everyone into silence, my love.”
Althea held back her tears before she looked at her father still standing at the door. He had not fully moved into the room yet, and was merely just staring at her. His fist was so tightly clenched that Althea didn’t think his knuckles could get any whiter. “Father?”
He blinked rapidly at her, pulling himself from his stupor. He sighed deeply before he slowly walked into the room. He took her hand gently before he kissed it. “My rosebud…the most beautiful flower to ever grace this kingdom since her mother.” Her mother smirked at him as he continued on. “As your father, it brings me joy to see how splendidly you have grown. It also pains me to see you grow into such a fine young woman. Soon, you will have no need for your mother and I, and the thought does bring me great pain. I often worried that I didn’t do my best at times, but seeing you now…I know that we both did a splendid job.”
Althea really had to hold her tears back as her parents smiled warmly at her. Despite having to meet her fiancé, Althea felt a strong sense of joy. Her parents were proud of her, despite how she often felt about herself. She wanted to keep making them proud, but her heart was pulling her so far away from her duties. It made her wonder if her duty was more important than her heart? Could she really let this go on? Even if it meant hurting her parents and possibly her kingdom? 
“Our little bird has grown and is finally going to spread her wings.” Althea smiled at her mother as she caressed her cheek. “Now…let’s finally get to seeing your guests.” Althea walked between her parents as they made their way to the ballroom. She could hear the many people conversing and enjoying themselves as they grew closer. Her heart thundered as she grew closer and closer to the large doors. She could only hope that Duran had chosen to stay home, she could not bear to see him tonight. His gaze would be enough to make her lose her composure and ruin the entire night. The royal family stopped before the doors as the royal crier began his address. 
“Introducing…His and Her Royal Majesties, King Kyros and Queen Hestia of Melodia. Also presenting, Her Royal Highness Princess Althea of Melodia, for her 16th birthday ball!” As the doors opened, Althea was met with excited cheers and clapping and thousands of rose petals rained from the ceiling around her. Althea looked up in awe as the delicate petals brushed against her face. Her parents smiled at her before they quickly gained her attention again.
“Althea…your fiancé would like to greet you.” Althea sharpened up as her mother whispered to her. Already?! It was far too soon in the evening to meet him now! Althea’s hands trembled as she quickly folded her hands together to hide their shaking. She had not prepared for this at all and she felt ready to vomit. Swallowing her nerves back, she watched as the crowd parted and a young man in white suit approached her. Althea smiled as he held a bouquet of roses against his chest. He bowed before her parents before he looked at her.
“Princess Althea…it is so great to finally meet you,” he kissed her hand gently and she flushed deeply. “Your beauty is nothing short of extraordinary. I hope that you will enjoy our time together.”
“I-I’m sure that I will…Prince Ezra. Thank you for the flowers.” Althea felt incredibly exposed as everyone was watching their interaction. Her parents were also watching expectantly with prince Ezra’s family. She spotted Honora sipping a drink with Evelyn in the crowd and they were giving her encouraging smiles. She even spotted Liam, but he was flirting with someone in the corner. She didn’t see Duran and she was glad for it. She supposed that he really did take the night off, but he could have at least wished her a happy birthday. 
“Shall we dance?” 
“Oh! Yes of course…” Althea took his offered hand and he led them to the center of the ballroom. The pair began their slow dance and Althea took the time to admire his features. He was handsome and had beautiful green eyes and dark brown hair. He had a charming smile, but she was far from impressed. She was far more entranced by eyes as clear as the sky. 
“You know…I had heard you liked to dance.” Althea looked at the prince as he spoke up. “I am not the best dancer in the world, but I can try for you. Perhaps you can show me some things?”
“Oh? It’s not too hard. I would be glad to show you some things.” He chuckled as she took notice of his sweet smile. He seemed to be quite nice and she was glad for that. “Will you…will you be visiting often?”
“Oh? Do you not want to see me as much?”
“No no! I just wanted to know. I could give you your dance lessons if I see you more often.”
“Well…I will be sure to visit. I mean…how could I not? To not see such a pretty face more would truly be a travesty.”
Althea couldn’t help but giggle at him. He was quite charming and as they danced he proved to be funny as well. It was not long before they were joined by others on the dancefloor. He continued to make her laugh and as they continued their waltz, her heart suddenly was in her throat. Duran had just entered the ballroom, his family had come with him. He looked so handsome in a dark blue suit and he was smiling at his younger sister. Althea had wanted to meet his sister and they talked about setting up a tea date. Althea felt sick as he glanced up and caught her smiling face with the prince.
The frown that crossed his handsome face made her feel even worse. He broke away from his family immediately and she was going to go after him, but her parents entered her line of sight. “You both look so perfect on the dancefloor!” Althea smiled weakly at her parents and the princes’ mother and father. They were very excited to meet her, but she was only thinking about Duran and wanting to comfort him. She was looking for a chance to slip away, but it seemed she would not get her chance.
“Ah…could you excuse me and the princess? I think a break is needed…she looks a bit pale.” Prince Ezra led her out to the garden and she sat down with a heavy sigh. It was a cool night and the fresh air did make her feel a bit better. 
“Thank you…I really needed-”
“Yes yes I know. I am quite thoughtful.” He waved her thanks away as he stretched and rolled his neck. Althea blinked and tilted her head at his interruption. That…was a bit rude. “I wish you had wore something more in line with my attire.”
“Oh…I thought that-”
“Now now I’m not done talking. You really shouldn’t think about anything…women should be seen, not heard. Although, you really don’t talk much anyway. My parents sure did find me a suitable wife.” Althea felt her face burn up as she gripped her dress tightly. He was so rude! Duran…Duran would never say such things to her. He loved to listen to her talk and he was always so sweet.
“It’s really a shame that we have to wait until you are of age. I think 16 is a perfect age to marry and rule over a kingdom.” He looked her over for a bit before shaking his head. “Although, I heard that you weren’t too bright and rather clumsy. At least you are attractive in the face, that is all I really care about. All I really need in our heirs soon…how many would be the optimal number…”
“Children aren’t-”
“You really must learn to keep silent. I was not asking you how many you want. I was merely speaking to myself. I suspect that five children would be enough…” Althea frowned as he cut her off again. He smirked as his eyes traveled up and down her body slowly. He stood from his seat and sat closer to her, before he touched her arm. She flinched at the contact, but he just tightened his grip on her. “You know…we could really strengthen our relationship much quicker. We are meant to be man and wife soon it will be beneficial to know you on a more personal level.”
“Please don’t touch me-” He placed a finger against her lips and moved closer into her space. Her body tensed up as her encounter with Lord Derrick raced through her mind. She just felt herself go numb and all of Honora’s teachings about self defense left her mind. She couldn’t even bring herself to conjure up a fire ball. It also didn’t help how badly this would look on her and the kingdom. This could start an incident that could lead to war. She didn’t want him to touch her though. She only wanted Duran to touch her in such a way. This was not fair! She hated this! She hated herself for not being strong enough to stop it. She hated that she didn’t speak up for herself and her feelings for Duran. Why? Why could she not be better?
“Prince Ezra…your parents are looking for you.”
Althea released the breath she was holding as Duran stood by the now open door of the ballroom. He didn’t even look at her, his emotionless glare set on the prince. Prince Ezra huffed and glared at Duran, who didn’t even look fazed at that. “Who are you? What could my parents possibly want?”
“They want you to mingle with the nobles of Melodia, to better establish relations for when you…marry the princess. I am just a simple knight of my kingdom, my prince.” Prince Ezra scoffed before he looked back at Althea with a smile.
“We will continue our conversation later. Try not to go anywhere.” The prince left without another word and that left the pair alone for the first time in days. Althea looked down at her hands, while Duran just looked at her. She still felt shaken up, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak to him. There was so much to say, but her voice was failing her. She had managed to catch her breath again, but she was still trembling. 
“Princess…you need to take some deep breaths.” Althea gasped as she looked up at Duran. He wasn’t looking at her, but his presence was enough for her. Taking his advice, she took several deep breaths before she smiled up at him.
“Duran…thank you…”
Althea frowned as he didn’t respond to her at all. She knew they had not spoken for some time, but she figured he would be eager to finally talk to her again. Although, she guesses that seeing her with the prince was not a pleasant sight. The prince was vile, but that did not change anything about how he felt.
“Duran please…talk to me…”
“I know…I know that you are upset, but I-”
“Upset? You think I’m upset?” He finally looked down at her and the hurt in his eyes made her want to hide away. His fists tightened as he shook his head and started to pace. He glanced at the closed ballroom doors for a second before he finally spoke back up. ”I’m frustrated Althea! I’m so damn frustrated! All of this is pissing me off! You! Me! I’m pissed!”
Althea watched on in shock as Duran paced and yelled. He had never raised his voice at her, but she felt like she needed to hear this. She wanted to reach out and touch him, but he just kept pacing angrily in front of her. She waited with baited breath as he finally stopped to look at her. “I…I’m sorry.”
“You…I hate that I have to just stand around and take this! The way that prince looks at you is disgusting…and to see you smiling and laughing with him?! My heart can’t take this! I’m mad at myself for just…just not being good enough. Knowing that I can’t even entertain the thought of being with you…marrying you. I’m just a knight…even if everything between us were allowed…you would lose your status. I am only a knight, our life would not be as glamorous.”
“You think I want glamor and status?” Duran looked at her finally as his shoulders dropped. She had no idea he thought of himself so poorly…or her for that matter. “I know back when Honora and I had that fight I was…privileged and rude. Being amongst my people I saw how they live and what they do, and I…I don’t care about any of this.”
Althea stood and took his trembling hands, even was still angry, but he was hurt above all else. She stepped into his space and held his hands against her rapidly beating heart. He looked tired and weary, as she brushed the smalls bags under his eyes, he sighed deeply and leaned into her hand. With a gentle kiss to her palm, he closed his eyes as she stepped into his embrace. He held her tight as he buried his face in her hair. “I don’t want to lose you…”
“You never will, Duran.” 
“I…will you marry him…for the kingdom?”
“No!” Althea leaned back and looked into his eyes, her eyes watering slightly.  The thought of it made her sick. He was disgusting and nothing like what she ever dreamed of. She had a new dream, and he was standing right in front of her. “Nothing will keep us apart, nothing…” 
“Althea…my princess…I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about. You will never have to question my feelings for you. If I have to fight with even my parents for you I will. You are the most important person in my life.”
Duran’s eyes widened before he pulled her back into his arms. His shoulders shook before he straightened up and brushed her hair behind her ear. “You…you are perfect. I know you said I have nothing to be sorry, but I still feel that I should. I should have never doubted you for a second…my jealously got in the way.”
“Duran…” He held her cheek as he brought his other hand up to kiss it. He said nothing as they stared into his each others eyes. Althea wondered what was on his mind as the world seemed to disappear around them. 
“I love you.” 
“!!!” Althea felt her breath leave her body as he finally said what she could only dream about. Tears sprang to her eyes and he quickly wiped them away. “I-I…I love you too Duran! So much!” 
“Hehe…I love you more, my princess. From now to the end of my days. My love for you will never waver, never…”
He tilted her face up and her eyes widened realizing what was about to happen. Their moment was finally here. Despite dreading her birthday and her fiancé, the night was going to end perfectly nonetheless. 
Althea and Duran both felt their blood run cold hearing a very familiar voice. Althea and Duran both looked to their left…as Queen Hestia stood by the rose bushes, arms crossed and narrowed eyes. The pair separated immediately and Duran reacted instantly. “Your Majesty, please I-”
“Come with me.” She turned without another word and they followed her quickly. Althea was trembling as they went to her mothers drawing room. They sat down as she paced around the room, mumbling to herself. Finally, with a heavy sigh, she sat down and crossed her legs. She said nothing as she looked them over. “Do you both realize what would have happened if anyone saw you?”
“My queen-”
“Silence,” she hissed with a dismissive wave and glare. “If someone saw you both…it would be the scandal of all scandals. Your marriage would fall apart and you’d break up an important alliance! The council would think you were pregnant! You would lose so much Althea! You realize what people would say about you?! Not even your father and I can protect you from such words. You are the princess! Act like it!”
Althea looked down at her hands as tears streamed down her face. She was right though, it would cause so much trouble for everyone. She was reckless, but she would not be sorry for being in love. The people could say what they want, she was happy and her feelings were reciprocated by the man she loved. 
“Duran, your family would lose everything that your father did for you all. His honor would be gone, his riches, status, everything…gone! All because the two of you are sneaking around and being reckless! You are a knight! She is the princess! I will not allow my only daughter to face ridicule from the people of this kingdom! You both are…just…just plain foolish!” She took a deep breath before pulling out her fan and cooling herself down. The silence between them lasted for some time, before Duran spoke up.
“My queen, I can’t apologize for the way I feel about Althea. I will admit that we should have been more careful, or maybe we shouldn’t have been doing this at all. I…well I don’t give a damn if anyone approves of this. I would do it all again in a heartbeat, my queen.”
“D-Duran!” Althea gasped as she looked at her love.  He held her hand as he stared her mother down, his eyes blazing with confidence. Her mother glared right back at him, before she sighed again and snapped her fan shut.
“I know…I know that both of you won’t. I know that you both will continue to love each other despite it all. I have known about your feelings for each other for months.” 
“Huh?” Althea blinked as her mother smiled at them. “How did you know?”
“My daughter…you aren’t very subtle. Duran is better at hiding his feelings.”
“My queen…why have you never done anything?”
“It is because I support the both of you, and I want my daughter to be happy. She deserves to be with someone who will love her unconditionally.” She smiles at the surprised pair. “I’ve been trying to figure out what to do to end the engagement peacefully. Your father does not know about this, but he will have to be told about this soon enough.”
“...” Althea was at a lost for words. She could not believe how the night turned out. It was beyond anything she could have thought of. Her mother approved of her relationship with Duran! Everything would be alright! If what her mother was doing worked…that would mean that they could love each other without any worries.
“My queen…thank you!” Duran stood and knelt in front of the queen. “I promise to always love and protect her! Thank you for allowing us the chance to be together.”
“Y-Yes! Thank you mother!” Her mother smiled before she stood up and stepped in front of the two teenagers.
“Now…Althea…I need you to still talk to prince Ezra. You must play this part only for the rest of the night. I need you both to be more careful…and I mean it. This is very very important. Now…Althea return to the party. Duran…I have to speak to you alone.”
The pair looked confused but did not question her. With a small kiss to her hand, Duran watched Althea head back to the party. His heart felt ready to jump from his chest, the happiness was overflowing from him. Looking back at the queen, his smile sank, her face serious, but riddled in concern.
“We have to discuss her future going forward.”
Althea was on cloud nine as she danced with the various nobles, her godparents, friends, even her insufferable fiancé. Her father was tired from her twirling him around! Althea even got a chance to dance with Duran and she dragged Honora and Liam to join them. She was excited to talk with Honora and Liam about what had happened. This was the best birthday that she had ever had, and even better ones were sure to follow. Eventually, she would be able to love Duran freely and perhaps get married someday! The prospect filled her stomach with butterflies and she wanted to dance until the sun rose the next day. 
Life could not be any better.
Life was perfect and she wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Shout about her newfound happiness and love. She wanted to play her piano and sing, and for the knights, no sound was sweeter than the voice of their princess. So, to hear her cry was like knives driving deep into their hearts. For it did nothing but tear them apart inside, and crush their spirits.
For it was not only but a week after her birthday, that war was announced throughout the kingdom of roses.
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/702289436194619392/love-amidst-the-darkness
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/675978516847804416/love-amidst-the-darkness
Thanks for reading!
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Gettin ready for my first artfight!! Here are some refs I made for the kids ever (part 1/???)
Cries in I have at least 28 refs to get done til july
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hannahbellinger · 1 year
⠀⠀🌺⠀ 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒔: relationship tags!⠀
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princeliamb · 1 year
me going through willow's tag and being sad about the lack of willow and liam posts... but i agree the show liam didn't deserve willow and that robert did treat her better. it's just... with the changes i've made to my portrayal of liam, i hope that he would deserve her a little bit more, because i love their interactions in season 2 so much :(
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angstywaifu · 25 days
The Lost Sister - Part 20
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: In this part I have used some Gaelic phrases to represent Tyrrish, as both Garrick and Ophelia can speak it. Mo grádh will translate to My Love. And on that note. Enjoy. Also poor Xaden. Warnings: 18+, Smut
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Xaden had remained true to his word. For me at least. Liam was still assigned to Violet wherever she went. Which for the most part also meant me, but if I walked off elsewhere he stuck to her. I was glad Xaden had let me have the freedom I requested. Not that I wouldn’t have had freedom. But it would have meant Liam following me around.
But in his absence Garrick had fallen into place. Not as over bearing as Liam was with Violet. But outside of classes Garrick was always there with me. Which I couldn’t deny I liked. I liked it a lot. The night of me finding out about Aretia we had spent in Garrick’s room. And it had reminded me so much of our down time in Aretia. Us lying in his bed or mine. His head in my lap as I read a book or played with his hair as he slept. It had taken me back to a time where we didn’t have any cares or worries. It was something we both needed. And was something we had planned to do tonight, till Garrick had decided to move some of my stuff to his room. His argument was I would be spending most of my nights here unless he was away on a supply run. It just made things easier in his mind. So now I sat on his bed, sketch book in hand as I watched him try to rearrange his armoire and desk to accommodate some of my things. The man was too excited of the prospect of me essentially sharing a room with him from here on out. But it kept Xaden happy that someone was watching over me at night, and meant Liam could have more focus on protecting Violet who was still yet to manifest a signet. And has also received another threat from Barlowe today in sparring that had caused Liam to shove him out of the room entirely. Garrick’s mumbling pulls me from my drawing of my dragon Mealladh. I look up to see him looking in the armoire, scratching the back of his head. I place my sketch book on the bedside table and walk up behind him, my arms wrapping around him as I rest my head against his bare back. My fingers tracing lightly over the defined muscles of his stomach. His hands coming to rest over mine as he looks over his shoulder at me.
”You seem stressed.” I tell him.
He sighs. “It’s because I am.”
I can’t help but laugh at him. “It’s just some space in the armoire, space you don’t even need to find. I can keep my stuff in my room.” I tell him.
I feel Garrick stiffen in my arms, turning to face me as his hands find their place on my waist. “I do need to find it. I want to find the space. I’ll make it work.” He tells me sternly.
This man was way too intent on making this a space for both of us. But it wasn’t something new for us. Back before the rebellion, we had started to leave things at each others places. It had been frequent that we would stay at each others places, Xaden included. But this was on a more serious level than that. We hadn’t defined what we were yet. But we were more than friends now. We had taken that leap. But we hadn’t put a label on it. We didn’t need to. I was his, and he was mine.
”Well I’m sure it can wait till tomorrow I tell him.” With a smirk on my lips as my hands travel from his back to rest on his chest, one of them travelling down to toy with the band of the grey linen pants he had on. The only thing he had on.
I watch as his eyes darken, clearly picking up on the intent in my actions and words. Besides that night of threshing, we hadn’t had another chance. Mainly due to Garrick being away with supply runs. Which at the time I didn’t know about. And I knew Garrick was wanting this as much as I did. His lingering touches had hinted otherwise. I was surprised he hadn’t jumped on it earlier when I had stripped down to my underwear, and slipped on one of his black cotton shirts that was huge on me. His hands now find their way under that very shirt, gripping and massaging my sides as he kissed his way down my neck, lightly biting as he went. Leaving marks I definitely wouldn’t be able to hide. Bastard. Garrick’s hands slowly move down my sides as he kneels in front of me, his fingers hooking into the band of my underwear, quickly sliding them down my legs. I step out of them and he throws them to the other side of the room. His hands wander up my legs, so slow its almost torture. Especially as he moves them to my inner thighs, lightly ghosting over the sensitive flesh. I go to tell him to hurry up and stop teasing, but one of his strong hands grips my left knee, throwing the leg over his shoulder. I don’t have time to ask what he’s doing before his fingers slide up and down, coating them in my arousal. One of my hands reaching down and tugging on his curls as my head rolls back as a moan rolls off my lips. The bastard was taking his time, but I couldn’t deny I enjoyed it. And I knew what eventually would follow would be worth the wait. Each stroke sending a shiver through my body, that I knew would have him smirking. Finally his fingers slide lower, slowly pushing two of them in, followed my his mouth latching on to the bundle of nerves. My eyes fly open at the sensation, getting the full view of a very blissed out Garrick kneeling before me, taking pride in the pleasure he was giving me. Slowly he adds a third finger, stretching me out more. I nearly come undone then as he curls all three fingers inside me, hitting the perfect spot. My leg gives out, but Garrick’s arms keep me upright as he continues his assault. Just as I’m about to tip over the edge, the bastard stops. And I have no shame in not stopping the growl that leaves my mouth. Garrick smirks, bloody smirks up at me as he kisses the inside of the leg still hooked over his shoulder.
”Don’t worry mo ghrádh, I’m just getting started.” He tells me in a low tone as he stands, pulling the shirt over my head as he does so.
His fingers make quick work of my bra as it soon follows the rest of what I had been wearing to somewhere else in his room. His lips are quickly and roughly on mine as he walks me backwards to the bed. He goes to push me down but I quickly manoeuvre us, pushing him down onto the bed as I crawl up him and straddle his hips. Garrick’s eyes darken and widen as I slowly grind back and forth on him, a growl rumbling through him. I can tell it is taking everything in him not to completely take over and flip me onto the bed and take me. I can tell he is curious as to what I will do. I watch some of that control slip as he goes to grab my hips, but I move faster and line us up and slowly sink down to him. Garrick’s head falls back onto the bed. A loud moan echoing around the room.
“F-fucking hell.” Garrick stutters out as I start to move up and down.
His hands grip onto my hips, helping me up and down, his hips meeting my movement, hitting the almost perfect spot every time. Garrick must notice my legs shaking from the effort and flips my back onto the bed as he hooks one of my legs over his shoulder again as he leans forward. It was now my turn for profanities to fall from my lips at the new angle and pace. My pace had been fast, but Garrick’s was harder and faster. My nails dragging down his back, leaving marks yet again. Marks I knew last time had gotten him a few comments. Garrick reaches down with his fingers, and as soon as they meet that sensitive spot I’m done. My back arching off the bed, my eyes shutting as I moan his name. I swear I heard thunder or something similar in the back ground as I finish. As I come down from the high, Garrick picks up his pace again. Not faltering once. The bastard not even close to finishing or being done. He pushes my leg from his shoulder as he scoops me up into his arms and stands, walking over to the desk. He lifts me off him and places me on the ground before spinning me around to face the desk.
”Hands on the desk mo ghrádh.” He tells me as I feel him press against my hips.
I do as he says and lean forward, my hands bracing on the desk as I lean forward. As soon as he’s satisfied I’m comfortable Garrick pushes in slowly. And I know he’s doing it on purpose when I go to lean into it and his firm hands on my hips stop me. As he fully sheaths himself in me, he slowly moves back and forth at a pace that has soft moans escaping my lips. But clearly slowly is not what Garrick has planned, quickly picking up the pace again, forcing me to grip onto the side of the desk to stop me from falling forward. Garrick leans over me, his arms resting on the desk next to me. The new angle having me arching into him as we both moan at the sensation. The desk slams into the wall, and I pray Xaden isn’t in his room or Garrick put up the silencing wards. Seconds later Garrick and I finish almost at the same time, our names falling from each others lips. Garrick lowers himself to rest his elbows on the desk as he catches his breath. He places a soft kiss on my shoulder, before we both freeze at the voice yelling at us from the other side of the wall.
”What did I say about the silencing wards!” Part 21
Taglist: @riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko
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reilora-borealis · 9 months
We’re all familiar with Liam’s love of Shakespearean tragedy so here’s a thing I just thought of
Vax as Macbeth: man encounters a dark witch who tells him he’s fated to become an incredibly powerful harbinger of death, and even though he doesn’t really want it and doesn’t know what he’s doing, he has no choice but to march toward that fate, losing everything he holds dear in the process
Caleb as Hamlet: man begins to uncover the corruption under which he lives and spends the rest of his life scheming to get revenge on the people who killed his family, but he questions his own mind so much that he retreats into self-doubt and cowardice (bonus points if Astrid and Eadwulf are both Rosencrantz and Gildenstern AND Ophelia and Laertes)
Orym as Othello (?): man trained to be a loyal soldier slowly descends into madness and cruelty, turning against those he loves as his humanity is stripped away and he becomes nothing but a pawn in a villain’s game (this is making me wonder if/when Dorian comes back, Orym might be so broken by betrayal and distrust that he’s gone completely cold or lashes out at him)
Obviously Orym’s story arc is incomplete so this is purely conjecture, and ofc there’s a lil flavor of many different influences in all these characters. But I woke up at 7am on a Sunday bolt upright with this in my head and I needed to write it down
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skeelly · 4 months
"when im fat and old and my kids think im a joke"
"who cares if im pretty if i fail my finals??"
"who's your daddy?" (IYKYK ;))
"im tired and it's winter"
"i wish i could block me out"
"wanna die"
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hi!! welcome. i suggest putting a seatbelt on and i will pay for your therapy, dont worry. :)
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☘ "hi, it's me. im the problem it's me.": im kristen! you can call me kristen or kris. minor (im 14 if you really wanna know). she/her. intp-t. ambivert. 🇵🇭. reader (sort of). notes app writer (sometimes). i could not care less about my dumb typos so deal with it. i suck at math. biiiiiggg ophelia wilde fan. delulu swiftie no.9273737277. rodrigoxpartidge's biggest supporter. claire rosinkranz is the reason for my existence. gracie abrams ily. "how long can we be a sad song?". im married to grayson hawthorne. mirrorball//tolerate it girlie 4 life. stromboli fan until the day i die. nick girlie by heart. pjo stan at this point. harry potter simp. hermione granger is my mother. sherlock and enola holmes stan. "no body, no crime". haylor (sorry not sorry). one direction is my life. FREE PALESTINE. kenji, my spirit animal. jude is so ughhhhh perfect. javery shipper cause jameson for avery, grayson for me :3. massive k!nye west hater so if you like him, please leave. but i love rap. certified professional procrastinator. capricorn (not a believer in those things though). i love reading poetry. correct grammar = non existent. i can (technically) fluently speak 3 languages. i can speak (basic, not much) about 5 languages?. piano enthusiast. very big sport girly (football *soccer. america football can kiss my toes. that sport sucks*, f1, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis and hockey fan). walker scobell is perfect and i love him. c²>>>>. sharl leclerc. max the axe. oscar paistry. ankara messi. sewy. leah is my bestie. dior is the best artist no cap. pookie nation frfr. charlie's luke is best luke. andrew is underrated. olivea is jusssttt.
☘ rappers i like//listen to: eminem, lil skies, ysbtril (does he count?), nicki minaj, doja cat (:3), cardi b (rarely), dominic fike (does he count? yk, melodic rap). tbh idk who else lol.
☘ all around favorite artists: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, gracie abrams, the weeknd, doja cat, lil skies, ysbtril, selena gomez (?), harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn, liam payne, one direction, clairo, conan gray, lana del rey, one republic, why don't we, the neighborhood, billie elish, ariana grande, abba, michael jackson.
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☘ navigation?:
rambles: #kristenstedtalk
anything i don't proof read: #i didn't proof read this lmao
grayson hawthorne: #loml
cringe posts that idk why i posted: #/j or #post to delete?
asks: #askaroo or #ty for answering <3
sturniolo triplets: #stombolis
☘ follower count (as of march 20): 313 (im actually not sure lol)
☘ DNI: racists, homophobes, sexists and anyone that's ok with any form of discrimination
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☘ safe space for: everyone lol
☘ my other accounts: @crysten my writing and other stuff @skeellymellows book rants (AAAH I CANT TAG)
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☘ books/movies/series: harry potter, pjo, aggtm, tig, sherlock/enola holmes, little women, black beauty, tsitp, better than the movies. hp, pjo, enola holmes, tsitp, gilmore girls, gossip girl, mean girls, legally blonde, little women, hunger games (haven't read the books), marvel (barely lol), secretariat (my favorite :>>). tbh idk what else lol
☘ my people:
@stvrgirl111//@stvrlighhttt (mare) #maree
@urbanflorals (em) #walkers wife
@gergthecat (scouty) #evil batman sourdough guy #bread man #george
@mqstermindswift (quason) #nickyy
@nqds (NADS) #nads! or was it #NADS! ??
@reminiscentreader (JAS) #theworldneedsmorepeoplelikejas
@sophiesonlinediary (fifi) #fifi <3
@myster3y (kiaraah) #kiaraah
@regisdvmb(reggggg) ✶ @coco6420 (cocoo) ✶ @eddiethebanished (finn :)) ✶ @themidnightarcher ✶ @starchasers-stuff ✶ @what-about-wendy (wendy <3) ✶ @lucinda-008 ✶ @foaming-sea ✶ @lonelycatsblog ✶ @good-old-fashioned-lover ✶ @my-mind-is-frozen ✶ @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies ✶ @baboland ✶ @blocked-zombieartist ✶ @sturn-wrld ✶ @swiftieannah ✶ @weeping-in-the-willows ✶ @s1xseasonsandamov1e ✶ @the-red-archer ✶ @svnflowermoon ✶ @helpimhopelesslyinlove ✶ @doyoujustnotwantto ✶ @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpsss ✶ @oh-whale13 ✶ @bonesofnixie ✶ @art-of-fools (stephanieee) ✶ @percabeths-blue-cookies ✶ @imthatweirdratinthecorner (a rat <3) ✶ @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity ✶ @that-multi-fandom-hijabi (novaaa) ✶ @rachellelizabethhdare ✶ @sluttypoetsdepartment ✶ @kimu-dem ✶
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lgwifey · 1 year
My Spotify Wrapped
because it's the thing i value most in life 💕✨
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
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Harry wrote Olivia for One Direction's Made on the AM which was written and recorded between March - September 2015. Several months after 1989 was completed. Taylor has said she played 1989 for Harry and it's highly likely he was also aware of the Vault Tracks.
From Rolling Stone:
Bunetta and Ryan cite “Olivia” as a defining track, one that captures just how far One Direction had come as songwriters: They’d written it in 45 minutes, after wasting a whole day trying to write something far worse. “When you start as a songwriter, you write a bunch of shitty songs, you get better and you keep getting better,” Ryan says. “But then you can get finicky, and you’re like, ‘Maybe I have to get smart with this lyric.’ By Made in the A.M. … they were coming into their own in the sense of picking up a guitar, messing around, and feeling something, rather than being like, ‘How do I put this puzzle together?’”
Harry also said Olivia 'fell out' when they were trying to write something else to GMA and avoided answering what he was trying to write which may have been Perfect as it took a long time.
Who is Olivia?
Harry famously answered this "Is Olivia even a person? Is Olivia an emotion? Is she a place? We don't know" Oliva sounds like 'I love ya'
Harry later referenced Olivia in the leaked Ophelia (I feel ya). Harry wrote Ophelia, in Tokyo when she was there for the last Reputation show in November 2018, he also wrote Little Freak at the same time. Ophelia and Olivia are Taylor Swift.
Taylor also has a cat Olivia Bensen, adopted June 2014, Harry can be heard laughing in her adoption video.
[Spoken Intro] [Verse 1: Niall] Remember the day we were giving up When you told me I didn't give you enough And all of your friends were saying I'd be leaving ya? She's lyin' in bed with my t-shirt on Just thinking how I went about it wrong This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love
Harry has referenced Taylor wearing his shirts in a number of songs. She's also wore a few of his shirts.
The Red wine is also a reference to 1989, so we know who he is singing to:
Clean - "You're still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore"
Maroon "The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me" and
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[Pre-Chorus: Niall] Please, believe me, don't you see the things you mean to me? Oh, I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Olivia
I think this is a reference to "Say don't go" a 1989 Vault Track. As Harry and Taylor were dating again through the production, and she has said she played it for him it is likely he knew the lyrics "Make me love you (Make me love you)? / I said, "I love you" (I said, "I love you")/ You say nothing back"
[Chorus: Harry] I live for you, I long for you, Olivia (Ayy, ayy) I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia (Ayy, ayy) I live for you, I long for you, Olivia Don't let me go, don't let me go
This is almost a direct response to Say don't go's: "Say, "Don't go" / I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go""
[Verse 2: Liam] Say what you're feelin' and say it now 'Cause I got the feelin' you're walkin' out And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing ya The consequences of falling out That's something I'm having nightmares about And these are the reasons I'm cryin' out to be with ya
Say don't go was asking him to ask her to not leave, In Olivia he did.
[Bridge: Harry] When you go and I'm alone You live in my imagination The summertime, butterflies All belong to your creation I love you, it's all I do, I love you
Harry continued to refer to Taylor as sunshine, butterfly's and all things good:
Golden: "golden as I open my eyes / Hold it, focus, hoping, take me back to the light / I know you were way too bright for me / I'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky”
Sunflower Vol 6: "Sunflower / My eyes, want you more than a melody"
Sweet Creature: "Wherever I go, you bring me home / Sweet creature, sweet creature / When I run out of road, you bring me home"
Fine line: “You sunshine, you temptress / My hand's at risk, I fold"
Daylight "If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you / You'd be the spoon / Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you / Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh)"
Grapejuice: "Give me something old and Red."
Little Freak "I disrespected you / Jumped in feet first, and I landed too hard / A broken ankle, karma rules"
Happily "I don't care what people say when we're together / You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep / I just want it to be you and I forever"
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