#letters to dewdrop
alwaysjustmina · 6 months
Two absolutely amazing things from this weekend already!! Look at the letters that @jazz-bazz sent me for Letters to Dewdrop!!!! Screaming!!
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mutt-sys · 8 days
Fuck it!! Ghost comfort letters!! Here are the rules!!
Anything goes (I cannot draw I'm sorry</3 just be respectful with your request)
Keep it Ghost themed!! It can be nsfw(18+ ONLY) sfw, age regression themed, pregnancy, anything!!
It has to be about the ghouls/papa/sister!! (Sorry I won't write about the actual people sorry)
Have patience!! I tend to get side tracked a lot
I will post them here but if you don't want your posted lemme know!!
Give details of what you want in the writing!! Nicknames, scenery, who's it from ect.
And don't be shy!! I take requests of all ghouls and papa's!!
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everybodyshusband · 8 months
angst is angsting. please tread carefully.
cw. dewdrop angst, self hatred, self harm, suicide.
this ritual has happened many times before. with dewdrop it’s no different. the holy water splashed across his face, his hands, feet. doing its best to cleanse him of his many impurities.
the stone slab is cold against his back. or at least, he thinks it is. he’s not present enough in himself to know what he does or does not feel.
fear is there, he thinks. he’s seen the aftermath of this ritual many times throughout his life, but never seen or experienced the true act of it. he’s come close. almost barging in on ifrit. zephyr. aether too. but on all three of those occasions something had stopped him. he regrets it now. regrets not stopping them. and their executioners.
peace, also. as scared as he thinks he is, there’s certainty somewhere inside him as well. he knows this is what is best. for himself, the abbey, his pack. they’ll thrive without him weighing them down. that’s what sister had said to him. or maybe that conversation had happened in his head. he’s not sure. he’s not sure of anything anymore.
but. that’s not quite true. he’s sure of the sensation of the executioner’s blade dragging over his limbs. teasing him. taunting him. reminding dewdrop just how close his demise truely is. it’s cruel, really. and despite the fact his eyes are open, he can’t see. no matter how badly he longs to understand the hand holding the gilded knife, he can’t. not without his sight.
the blade digs in. someone on his thigh, he thinks. he’s naked on the slab. the executioner has his entire body as a canvas, why not have fun with it. torture the prey a little bit.
dewdrop isn’t tied down. he finds that strange. but then again, he’s not sure he wants to escape. he knows he deserves this. deserves every ounce of pain the cruel hand is about to deal out to him.
the blade of the knife continues taunting him as he thinks. thinks about how much he deserves this. thinks that maybe, he’s not that scared after all. not if his participation in this ritual will be better for the pack. the band. the abbey. everyone.
the knife digs into his arm, running up the entire length of his inner forearm, flaying him open. the pain is agonising. he screams. the executioner doesn’t seem to care. the knife digs in again right as blood starts to rush to the surface. it slices through already broken lines of skin, tearing through muscle and fat like butter.
the executioner repeats the actions on dewdrop’s other arm. then on his thighs. he’s bleeding out. intentionally having his arteries sliced open until he bleeds out and becomes a shrivelled husk of who he once was.
he doesn’t want to be here as he bleeds out. doesn’t want to be conscious. the pain is starting to creep in and it’s horrific. he can’t stop screaming. he thinks he’s sobbing to. crying out apologies to everyone he’s ever impacted throughout his miserable life.
the knife comes to his throat. it shakes against the vulnerable skin. if the executioner is having second thoughts, it’s too late. he’s dying. he can’t be saved. not now.
when the knife finally digs into his throat, silencing his last breath, he realises his own hand holds the blade.
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copiousloverofcopia · 4 months
Another amazing Valentine Letters!
Thank you to everyone who commissioned me for them! Also, I will only be sharing the ones I was given consent for so thank you to those who were ok with the share!
Here is the last letter I am able to publicly post for a great friend @dantesunbreaker featuring our favorite gremlin, Dew!
(see below for clear letter content)
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Hey Babe,
I figured I would have Aeth bring this to you for me, since I know you're caught up with things in the office. I would have brought it, but I know that I won't be able to control myself from being a…what do you call it—-a distraction. That being said, I hope that Paps doesn’t have you working too hard. After all, you promised me that you would take things a bit easier remember?
I don’t wanna see you get too worn out on his account. That's my job. Anyways, I wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you all day. Especially this afternoon while we’re all just hanging out in the den. Swiss has been showing us his new tambourine routine, so naturally I got bored and zoned out. Thinking about how long it's been since you and got some alone time together. 
Last time was after the movie with Luss and Cirrus. Both of us all cuddled up in the nest of blankets. Your head on my chest and my nose buried in your hair. The T.V. going all static and waking us up after we fell asleep in each other's arms. Do you remember that? Those were good times and I can’t wait for things to get back to that again now that the tour is over. 
I know that tonight we have plans with your family for your mom’s birthday and everything…and I am looking forward to it, but it is still Lupercalia. That being said, I was thinking that after some cake, some games—you know the whole family thing. Maybe you and I could sneak away and go make good use of the altar. You know, the one near the south end of Primo’s garden? I am sure the old man won’t mind one bit if something else gets fertilized out there besides the roses.  
But anyway. I picked up the stuff to make the buttercream for the cookies and the stuff for marshmallows treats like you asked me. Oh and I double checked with your dad that he didn’t need us to pick up the cake mix—so we are golden!  I love you Babe and I look forward to seeing you tonight.
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tcustodisart · 3 months
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Connecticut Tav | Wood Half-Elf | Beast Master Ranger
So, this is my sheet for @bareee's @tav-dex. Went a little overboard and made a whole ass character sheet (man the last time I made one of those was so long ago). I want to write something about my cringe boy so. Buckle up because it's going to be long and poorly written (I suck at writing).
One edit because I'm a dummy, his alignment is neutral good not true neutral idk why I did that.
He was born and raised in his mom's and step-dad's tavern called Crow's Perch (not as fancy as Elf Song but in a different category as Blushing Mermaid)(the tavern thing is just for the sake of a joke that the most popular drink they serve is called 'Connecticut Water'). He has an older brother, who's a bard. Despite the description for Urchin background ("After surviving a poor and bleak childhood") he had a happy childhood, filled with love and support. The two brothers treated the whole Lower City as their playground: breaking into places just for fun, pick pocketing nobles, climbing Wyrm's Rock Fortress etc.
His love for beasts and creatures of any kind comes from the stories told by his step-dad (both him and Tav's mom are retired adventurers). Step dad was the one who told Tav about Darkmaw the Wicked *wink wink*.
At one point he got tired of the city life and decided he wanted to become a ranger. After successfully fulfilling some contracts he became so confident of his skills he tried to build a trap all by his own. The trap exploded right into his face (he himself has no idea how it didn't kill him or damaged his eyes). After that he was sulking in his hunting hut for a month. The experience humbled the boy. Most of his adventuring prior to the nautiloid could just be boiled down to hanging around one village and talking local boars out of destroying potato fields, and occasionally getting rid of poachers.
Before the abduction he was on his way to Baldur's Gate to see his family (which he hasn't seen in months).
Trivia (because it's easier to write stuff this way):
His hair started to go grey at the start of Act 3 from the weight of responsibility and stress.
In Act 1 he was corresponding with his family thanks to Faust. After entering The Underdark he stopped sending letters (In Underdark because it would be hard, in Act 2 because he didn't want the bird to be killed by Shadow Curse).
Despite being close to his family in Act 3, he didn't visit them or send any messages in fear that Gortash and/or Orin would hurt them.
He carries with him a razor and some fancy oils for his beard.
His brother wrote one ballad about him, soon after that Tav forbid him from writing more (it was very much not accurate).
His step-dad taught him how to fight with a sword, while his mom taught him archery and the art of stealth.
Tav's biological father died when he was very young so he has barely any memory of him.
Tav's a walking Merlin app, he can identify any bird by just listening to it.
He loves climbing trees. Either to rest on a branch or to scout the surroundings.
He loves picking up herbs and making potions.
Despite growing up in a tavern he's not much of a drinker.
He's very self-conscious about his height and chest-to-belly area. He tries his best not to show it.
At one point he was persona non grata at Sharess' Caress.
He enjoys fishing.
Sir Daisy Dewdrop Fluffington is a name of his childhood plush.
He knows how to play lanceboard (he often plays against Gale and tries to teach it to Wyll).
He draws in his journal. He drew all of his companions at least once.
He almost cried when Jaheira called him 'cub' and almost called her 'mom' in response.
He's scared of Lae'zel. But tries his best to understand and help her.
He had countless heart-to-hearts with Karlach.
In his journal he described Astarion as 'his equal on the battlefield'.
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phantology · 3 months
pet names
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— the pet name that the ghouls call you most often. [swiss, dewdrop, phantom, rain, aether, mountain]
a/n: this is my first time writing for ghost, so apologies for the short length. just wanted to get a feel for it before i started writing longer things :)
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you could hear the half-walk, half-run of your favorite ghoul before you heard his voice. his gate told you he was happy about something, whatever it was.
your theory was confirmed a few beats later as he walked into the room, guitar in tow.
“i take it practice went well?” you smiled.
“tiring, but it went well.” dewdrop set his guitar down, then made a beeline for you. “although, you know that i missed you, doll.”
the word that slips off of phantom’s tongue is… foreign, to say the least. it almost felt heavy. he seemingly said it without realizing it, tagging it on to the end of his sentence as though it was your name. whatever he had said to you doesn’t even register.
“what did you say?” you finally ask.
“i asked what you were up to?” he responds, sounding a little confused.
“no, what did you call me?”
he seems to think about it. after a few brief moments, he finally looks back up at you. “i called you… i guess a translation would be something like ‘my darling?’”
“good morning, darling.” aether’s voice was starkly chipper to how you felt. it was a little too early in the morning for you taste, but sleep evaded you.
despite the tiredness still clouding your mind, you smiled at the ghoul. you plopped yourself down beside him and laid against him, allowing him to maneuver the both of you so that his arm fell across your shoulders. as he began to rub small circles into your skin, sleep finally found you.
RAIN ━━━
it was quiet. not that you minded it, just that most days spent around the ghouls were the very opposite of quiet.
“hey, sweetheart?” the familiar, calming voice of rain caught your attention. you looked from the reading you were engrossed in to the ghoul who offered you a small smile.
“hey,” you responded. “where is everyone else?”
he shrugged absently. “out. doing something or the other. i figured we could do something? stay in, if you want, or we could go find something to do. whatever you wanted.”
“baby..” swiss dragged out the name, purposefully making his voice whiny to get your attention.
you looked up at him. you didn’t say anything, but the look on your face communicated what you meant. in all honesty, you’d forgotten what you were feigning being upset about, but swiss’ attempts at earning your forgiveness were becoming comical.
the mug made a clink noise as mountain set it on the desk. inside of it was coffee, made just the way that you always liked. mountain had a weird way of remembering little things like that: the way you made your coffee, the way you wrote certain letters, the way you organized. it was odd to you sometimes, but other times it was useful.
“hopefully the coffee helps.” mountain started. he paused for a moment before continuing. “but… you need sleep, my love. you’re sure there’s nothing i can do to help you finish your work?”
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astraysimp · 5 months
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𓆩⟡𓆪Hello hello! It’s 9mitm Friday! It’s our dumpling boy’s turn and man…..this one challenged me. My brain was working hard trying to figure out and plan this fic. LMAO, I enjoyed the challenge and hope you guys enjoy this chapter! XOXO
𓆩⟡𓆪Summary: For as long as you could remember–once your cousins and siblings had found partners, got married and had kids- your family always asked when it was going to be your turn. You hated it, seeing as it got brought up at every family function, but when you and Hyunjin announced your ‘relationship’ last year they shut up….but they still asked about kids…..until you and Hyune showed up with your baby in tow
𓆩⟡𓆪Warnings: fake dating(to real dating) trope, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, reader’s family is kinda annoying, you and Hyun have kept your baby a secret(no ill intentions), fem!reader, petnames, if my math of baby’s age doesn’t line actually make sense please pretend it does :D
Ah, Christmas dinner with your family. You loved it….but you also dreaded it. Aunts, uncles, cousins, your siblings, your parents, grandparents all asked when you were going to find a boyfriend, when you were going to get married, when you were going to have kids. It annoyed you to no end. That was until last year when Hyunjin had suggested that you two ‘date’ to shut them up. So, you did, appearing at your family’s Christmas dinner hand in hand.
“Wah, our y/n finally got herself a boyfriend!”
“Finally! She’s not single anymore!”
“A boyfriend?! Oh my god, you brought your boyfriend?!”
“When did you meet?!”
“How long have you been together?!”
“He’s so handsome! Where did you meet him?!”
That was all you heard, until you heard the “so, when are you having kids?” You and Hyunjin hadn’t known what to say, heck your ‘relationship’ was only a show, to shut them up. So, you didn’t answer, telling them, “oh, it’ll be a while.”
It ,in fact, was not a little while. You and Hyunjin had baby Iseul only 9 months later. But, opted not to tell your family, due to wanting to soak up and bask in your new lives as parents.
That brought you to now.
Currently, it was Christmas day and you were getting Iseul ready to go to your family’s Christmas dinner. You were already dressed, wearing a red dress, the skirt sparsely covered in gold sequins, a pair of nylon tights on your legs, a pair of delicate black heels on your feet. You curled your hair, tying half of it up with a bow, your makeup already done– brown and gold eyeshadow accentuated your eyes, blank eyeliner elongating them and ruby red lipstick gracing your plump lips.
Tonight, you and Hyunjin were going to introduce Iseul to your family.
A lot in both yours and Hyunjin’s lives had changed. Your( what started as a fake) relationship had blossomed into a real relationship, you had Iseul 5 months ago, you lived together, he gave you a promise ring, you met his family. Oh, did I mention, you had a baby 5 months ago? Because you did, and her name is Iseul. She is a dream, not fussy, has Hyunjin’s pouty lips, and doesn't cry a lot. You and Hyunjin love her, actually love is too weak a word.
Smiling, you looked down to see Iseul trying to put her foot in her mouth. Laughing, you gently held her legs in your hands, sliding a pair of tights onto her chubby legs. “Hi, my dewdrop. Are you so excited? You get to meet your grandma and grandpa, and your aunts and uncles?” You giggled, as Iseul held her arms and legs up. She giggled as you tickled her belly, high pitched squeals and giggles erupting through the room. Her laugh was one of your favorite things about her, the way she so effortlessly lit up your life with her giggle. Grabbing the dress from beside you, you carefully slid it over her head and put her arms through the sleeves.
My first Christmas
The dress read, across its velvet red fabric, white letters spelling out the words.There was soft fur, along the hem, neckline and sleeves. She looked too cute. Sliding a pair of matching socks over her feet, you smiled and tied her soft baby hair in a ponytail and added a bow. “Oh look at my baby girl! My baby girl is so cute! Should we show appa how cute you are?” You smiled, and gently picked her up, holding her on your hip, as you pointed in the mirror. “There she is! There’s my dewdrop!” You smiled, bouncing her on your hip as she giggled. “Let’s show appa, yeah?!”
Speaking of her appa– Hyunjin– where is he?
You,nor Hyunjin, could exactly remember when your ‘fake’ relationship turned into you actually dating. Was it when the two of you were relaxing on the couch of your shared apartment, his arms around your shoulders and your head on his chest? “We have to make our relationship look real, honey love.” He would tell you.
Was it when he made you heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, for Valentine’s Day? “Happy Valentine’s Day, mumma,” he whispered in your ear. His soft yet calloused hands cradling your cheek, trying to wake you peacefully, where you laid in bed. “Morning, honey oat,” you sleepily grumbled. Your eyes slowly fluttering open to see a tray of breakfast— those exact heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries cut into hearts, a glass of orange juice and a croissant— percheched on your bed, with Hyune sitting against the headrest. “Made you breakfast, for you and the baby.” He blushed, smiling down at your half awake form.
Was it when you were at your 20 week ultrasound, finding out that you would be having a baby girl and the nurse beamed at you, congratulating you with a “congratulations Mr and Mrs Hwang”
Mr and Mrs.Hwang
You couldn’t remember. Your lives bled into one another seamlessly, the line between real dating and your fake show relationship seeming to disappear. It was easy. Easy as breathing. Sure, ever since you had become friends with the tall boy, you had pictured and thought of dating him. Wondered how his pillow soft and ever so plush lips would feel against your own; how it would feel to be held against his chest as he sang you to sleep at night. The thoughts always lingered in your brain, somewhere in the back. But, you never would have imagined for him to suggest putting on a show relationship to quiet your family’s ever persistent questioning.
Sure, you had also seen Hyunjin interact with babies, over your times as friends. And did it make you wonder about what it would be like to have a child with him? Yes, you weren’t going to deny it. Again, you never would have guessed it to become a reality. But, it was your reality. You and Hyunjin… sharing an apartment, welcome home kisses, having a baby shower, him healing you through. Your pregnancy.
He was there through it all, every step, milestone, doctor’s appointment. He was there. He had even picked out her name, Iseul. “I like Iseul, love. It means dewdrop. Our own little dewdrop,” He muttered, his large hand rubbing against your bump, as you two were laying in bed, one night.
Her nursery theme was his idea, as well. Themes of soft powder blue and a crème color flourishing against the walls. Hyunjin picked out each piece of furniture, as long as you approved of it, assembled them and built the nursery, filling it with his love. One of his, and your, favorite things was the mural that Hyunjin has painted. It was a picture of the sky, clouds gracing the ceiling with rain falling down, but in the spaces between the raindrops, was her name…
Grabbing Iseul’s shoes and snow suit(one of those full body padded baby onesies) you headed towards your and Hyunjin’s shared bedroom? “Where’s appa, Iseul? Hm, where did appa go?” You pondered, seeing as he wasn’t in your bedroom, and the master bathroom light was off.
Where could he have gone? You thought to yourself, as you made your way downstairs, your heels clicking against the hardwood floor. “Hyune? Hyunnie? Babe, where’d you go,are you ready?” You called out, entering the living room.
Then, you saw him– and damn, did he look good. His ebony hair was slicked back, a tailored Versace pair of slacks along his legs, a festive yet classy Versace crewneck on his torso, paired with a gold watch and shiny, black sleek dress shoes on his feet.
Damn, I’m lucky
He was preparing Iseul’s stroller, making sure a blanket was safely tucked in it, to make sure she was warm and had the baby bag sitting on the floor nearby. “Look, dew drop, there’s appa!” You smiled, as she giggled and kicked her feet in your hold.
“Oh! There my girls are! Hi my loves, don’t you two look so pretty?” Hyunjin smiled, turning around at your voice and seeing you standing there. Making his way over to you, he planted a kiss on your lips and Isuel’s forehead, before taking her into his arms. “My baby’s first Christmas! Are you excited, pumpkin!?” He smiled, as Iseul squished her small chubby hands on his cheeks, happy squeals and giggles leaving her mouth. “I think she is, huh dewdrop?” You smiled, adjusting her dress, before you adjusted the red bow in her hair.
Turning to you, Hyunjin smiled and kissed the crown of your head. “ I need to load the gifts and stroller into the car. Think you’ll be okay getting her ready while I do that, hon?” He asked, as you smiled with a nod. “I got it, babe. Go get everything settled,” you patted his butt lightly, taking Iseul back into your arms. With a nod of his head, Hyunjin put his long trench coat on, and grabbed the stroller and baby bag, slinging it over his stroller, “I’ll warm up the car, while I’m out there, honey!” He called, making his way into the cold night air, popping the trunk open and setting the stroller and baby bag inside.
Meanwhile, in the house, you had slid your own matching trench coat on and fastened its buttons, before setting Iseul on the couch, humming as you laid the opened baby snow suit on the cushions. “Let’s get my dew drop bundled up,” you cooed, gently booping her nose. Carefully, you laid her against the back portion of the jacket, settling her legs and arms in their respective sleeves. “One foot, and another foot and you’re all in!” You giggled, zipping up the zipper. Hyunjin had since reentered, to grab your load of presents, before leaning down to plant a kiss to yours and Iseul’s heads. “Look at my little dewdrop! You look so warm, did mommy dress you up?” He smiled as she kicked her feet, before he went to load the presents into the car.
Taking one of her shoes into your hands, you gently slid it on her foot, clasping the buckle shut. “One foot,” You smiled as she waved her arms around, looking up at you. “And one more foot,” you giggled, repeating the process with her other shoe. Picking her up, you grabbed your keys, phone and bag and made your way to the door. Turning the lights off, Hyunjin took Iseul to buckle her into her carseat. “Ready to go, my loves?”
The drive was about an hour and a half , to your parents’ house. Iseul had managed to fall asleep, and you couldn’t blame her, traffic causing a 30 minute delay. Cars bumping back to back, you had barely moved an inch. You weren’t shocked when you turned from your spot in the passenger seat, to see a sleeping Iseul on her car seat.
Driving during the holidays sucked.
But, you managed to make it, and once you pulled into the familiar driveway of your parents’ home, you smiled. Unbuckling your seat belt, you went to the trunk, grabbing the gift bags. You, carefully, made your way into the house, to be greeted by smiles and warm hugs. But, outside, Hyunjin was grabbing the stroller, setting a still sleeping baby Iseul in it, and the rest of the gifts.
“Hi,everyone! We’re here!”
Your parents rushed over to you, pulling you into their warm embrace. “Hi, love, so nice to see you! Where is that lovely boyfriend of yours?” Your mom asked, noticing Hyunjin wasn’t by your side. “He’s out bringing the rest of the gifts(and our baby) in,” You laughed, turning to hug your dad. “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” Your dad asked, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m good, how are you, dad?” You smiled, walking to the living room, after shrugging your jacket and shoes off, exchanging them for house slippers.
“Hi, yn!”
“Hey, where’s Hyunjin?!”
“Ynnie! So good to see you!”
Everyone called out their greetings and you smiled, giving them all a hug after you placed the presents under the, already full, tree. “He’s on his way in, we have a lot of presents to bring!” You laughed out.
You heard him before you saw him. Smiling, you could hear the wheels locking on the stroller as he was taking his jacket and shoes off. Any minute now and everyone would be in for a big surprise.
“Hello, hello! I’m here!”
And there he was. But, not only him, he came pushing the stroller in, Iseul still asleep, the soft blanket laid over her body. “And, we have a guest!”
“Is that a-”
“A stroller….a baby?!”
“When did you two have a baby?!”
“A grandbaby, oh my gosh!”
Needless to say, everyone was surprised, shocked, taken aback, confused. You laughed, as Hyunjin took Iseul out of her stroller and sat next to you. “Yep, a baby. Baby Iseul,” you smiled, seeing her stir awake. Gently, you tucked the soft fleece blanket around her body, ensuring her pacifier was shut in her mouth. But, they could also see a ring on your finger.
“How old is she?!”
“What’s her name?!”
“Is that a ring?!”
Laughing, you looked over at Hyunjin, seeing him rocking Iseul in his arms. “Wow, lots of questions. But! I have answers!” You giggled, settling yourself against Hyunjin’s side, as he placed a kiss on your temple. “So, to start, her name is Iseul and she’s 5 months old. Uh, we found out we were having her after last Christmas,” You breathed out, as Hyunjin nodded. Clearing his throat, he looked toward you. “We weren’t expecting or planning on having her. She was like our own Christmas present, he laughed, “but, we really love being parents.”
“Why haven’t we met or seen her yet?” Your mom asked, curious as to what took you and Hyunjin so long to bring your baby around. Nodding your head, you smiled as Iseul was slowly stirring from her sleep. “Honestly, we just wanted to bask in having her to herself, for a while, before we brought her around everyone. Becoming parents was a change, a big one, so we wanted to soak it i, have our own memories built and just get to love on her.” You breathed out, hearing a soft whimper coming from Iseul. Hyunjin smiled and nodded, “there is absolutely no ill intentions. We just wanted to be able to soak in the new parenthood love and enjoy her to ourselves.” You both smiled, before Isuel’s whimpers turned into cries, she was hungry. “Excuse me, I think we have a hungry baby on our hands,”Hyunjin smiled, rising from his seat on the couch to grab a premade bottle from the baby bag and go to the kitchen to warm it.
It was true and you and Hyunjin loved the 5 months you had Iseul to yourselves. From the moment she was born, she had her appa wrapped around her finger. Iseul was born early in the morning,2:23 to be exact. You remember Hyunjin crying, as she was placed on your chest, her head covered in soft black hair. She has his lips, and nose but your eyes. She was—and still is— his greatest accomplishment.
Month 1 brought a lot of changes. A new sleep —if you can even call it that— schedule for you and Hyunjin, lots of waking up at the break of dawn for nightly feeds, lots of diapers and dirty clothes. But, also lots of smiles, smiles shared with each other and smiles shared with Iseul. Lots of baby giggles, gummy smiles and big brown eyes.
With each month, your hearts only grew, watching as her personality developed. She was a daddy’s girl, through and through. Loving to be held and sang to by Hyunjin. He loved to hold her small body to his bare chest. Looking up at him, her big brown eyes blinking, easily growing tired throughout the day. “It must be tiring being so cute,” he cooed to her, kissing her small forehead. Hyunjin had fallen asleep in the rocking chair by the crib many times. “Want to make sure she’s okay, honey love,” he’d tell you, a tired yawn falling from his lips. She was, and always will be safe, but he needed to be sure. But, luckily Iseul always slept through the night, easily.
By month 5, Iseul learned to hold a crayon. Thanks to Hyunjin. You would come home to see them in the kitchen seated at the dining table, coloring. But, your favorite sights were seeing them cuddling. It warmed your heart. You also loved watching Hyunjin feed her. It was such a mundane task, but it was the cutest thing to see. Iseul would be seated in her high chair, Hyunjin sat in front of her, and he’d swirl the spoon in front of her. “Here comes the plane,” he would say with a sing-songy lilt in his voice. Her small pouty lips would enclose the spoon and her face would scrunch up, mimicking the way Hyunjin’s own face would pout when he ate. “She definitely is your daughter, honey bear.” You would giggle out, as he used the spoon to wipe the baby food from around her mouth.
Returning from the kitchen, Hyunjin sat on the couch, a warm bottle of breastmilk nustled between Iseul’s mouth, as she fed. “I’m back, and she is less fussy,” he chuckled, knowing a full tummy would calm her down. It was true. Iseul only became fussy when hungry or tired.But, the drive from your apartment to your parents’s house had her well rested. Your cousin had peeped up. “So, there’s a ring on yn’s finger. When did that happen?” She smiled, pointing to the delicate stoned balanced between prongs and snugly set on a delicate band. “Oh that?” Hyunjin laughed, carefully handing you a now empty bottle, before softly patting Iseul’s back. “It’s a promise ring, a promise to never give up on yn or Iseul, and to always be here, no matter how hard it gets…..It’s also a promise to make her my wife,one day. Almost like a placeholder ring until then.” He smiled, as you carefully took Iseul into your arms.
Cradling her to your chest, you and Hyunjin exchanged soft eyes and loving smiles. “Well, we’re really happy for the both of you.” Your dad chimed in, patting Hyunjin on the shoulder. “Thank you. We’re really happy,too.” Hyunjin smiled, his eyes watching as you rocked your baby in your arms, looking down to her with matching eyes. The world around you,Hyunjin and Iseul, seemed to disappear. It was only the three of you. Looking back up , you saw Hyunjin watching you. Smiling, you gently blew him a kiss. Which he gladly caught and pressed to his heart, before sending two— one for you and one for the baby— your way.
“Time to eat! Dinner is ready!”
Maybe, family Christmas dinners weren’t so bad after all. But maybe that's because you had Hyunjin and Iseul. Or, maybe because you wouldn’t be questioned anymore. Standing up, you hold Iseul in your arms, walking to the dining room, Hyunjin following you.
Dinner time
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spacesurfing · 2 years
Where Jealousy Thrives, Morals Die
Dewdrop x Reader Smut
Summary: Mates are an important thing. Special to one, if not openly shared with another. Especially a ghoul's mate. Keeping them to yourself may cause some.. problems.
Warnings: established relationship, fighting (not with the reader), fingering, p in v, Dewdrop's a bit rough at times, praise kink, possession kink, slight overstimulation, mentions of mutual pinning
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It was mid-day, the sun at the highest point in the sky, though you only could tell by the numbers on your clock. You had finished your duties, quickly finalizing your sentence that you wrote for Sister Mary-Anne, the woman that ran errands for the ministry and supplied you all with food, drinks and various things that allowed you comfortable living.
You set the half-finished letter aside and stood up, your habit falling to your ankles fast before you started moving towards the door, opening it with an eager stomach and an eager mind before stepping through the doorway.
From all directions of the hallway, you heard voices, few moving to the dining area and others simply walking around and greeting friends that have the same lack of appetite around this time.
Usually Dewdrop greeted you near your office, but from the loud, dramatic sighs that you started hearing from the music wing, you figured they had been in a long practice session, one that was tough on them - more tough than they deserved.
You stopped near the turn and looked down to see the ghouls in a clump, the ghoulettes waving to you with the friendliest of smiles. Aether, rain and Mountain all sent you toothy grins as they neared the end of their hall and Swiss only looked at you.
Focusing in on Dewdrop, his face was glowing, balaclava pulled down so you could see his sharp teeth glinting in the light of the hallway. His jacket was on neatly, showing that either he didn't take it off or Mountain helped him put it on after the morning practice.
"Hey beautiful," Sodo greeted, holding your waist as he set a kiss on your forehead. You smiled, closing your eyes as his lips, warm and rough, pressed your skin. You felt your blood warm from that point, spreading all throughout your face with a flush.
Swiss made a gagging noise, "You two are disgusting."
Dewdrop's head whipped around, his lip lifted in a snarl. You felt the air thicken, like you were breathing in a heavy fog. The fingers on your waist sunk into the plush skin harder, pinching you a little bit. It made you want to squirm in his arms but you stayed as still as you could.
"She's my mate, get over it already," the fire ghoul growled out. What did "get over it" mean?
Swiss stepped forward, looking into your eyes in a way that you could feel in your bones without even having to see the way they sharpened under his lenses.
"I thought you didn't wanna talk about your insecurities in front of her - it sure seems like you're bringing up a heavy topic," the multi-ghoul sneered, lips curling into a cruel smirk.
Dew left you, the heat around you increased in temperature, making you pull at your collar, backing away. The group of bandmates behind them had stopped. They know something that you don't. The guilt in the way Cirrus bit her lip and the way Mountain's own lips seemed to purse like he knew what was next. They all knew.
"You have a big mouth, buddy, compensating for something?" Dewdrop spit back with venom coating his words.
Swiss laughed, "I'd have her screaming about the similarities. I don't think I've ever heard her make much of a noise though - what's up with that Dewy boy? Doesn't seem like your mate truly gets what she deserves."
Swiss' cocked head and smug smile all lead up to this point.
Dewdrop reached up, grabbing the taller ghoul by his throat and slamming him into the stone wall. You gasped, stepping even further back as Sodo layed a hit to Swiss' face.
"Dewdrop!" you yelled, snatching the back of his coat in a burst of courage that was soon replaced by panic.
The fire ghoul turned faster than you'd ever seen, claws out to their fullest, grasping around your arm. His human glamour had faded, revealing your ghoul with his face a charcoal dark and his eyes a blaring yellow, his real horns pushing the mask off of his head.
You never had been scared of him before. But with the look on his face, ghoulish features revealed to whoever was in the hallway with you, you felt your heart push it's way to your throat in fear.
Sodo gave no warning of his next motion, only pulling you with him along the ride. You took a sharp breath before following him without hesitation in your steps. You loved Sodo, he wouldn't hurt you or lay a finger on you if you objected to his touches. And through your adrenaline stricken mind, you managed to see that this was still him, still your caring lover.
But he pulled you along with him like he was your enemy, harsh tugs when you couldn't keep up fast enough. He even stopped to a still, arm curling it's way around your waist and keeping you close to him while he walked.
You felt a warmth spread through your body at the way he kept you against him like someone threatened to pull you away, take you from him at any moment.
His horns had grown taller since you'd last seen, knocking against the lining of a doorway that twisted into the ghoul's hallway. It was one you could identify easily, one that you saw pretty often. Most of your nights were spent in the soft glow of Dewdrop's room with it's lights and heavy scents.
But that's not where you were going. When you were being guided further than the first door on the right, you were almost sure his angry haze had fogged his mind.
You sucked in a breath though as he slipped keys out of his pocket, stopping in front of a door. You'd never been in this one, but the name carved into the door professionally made your eyes widen with realization.
Swiss Army Ghoul.
The fire ghoul pushed his lips to your ear, shushing any questions you had brewing in your mind.
The room wasn't entirely what you expected Swiss' to look like, decorated in various instrument charts along with bursts of satanic red in metal posters. His bed was a vibrant purple with small cross-hatches of black and above his bed was a shelf that held very few books on it. Hanging from that shelf on a hook, a little sign that had a knife carved into the wood. He had music sheets scattered across a small desk and pens, open and closed, pushed back out of the way of the sheets.
His personal guitar stood in the corner next to a shelf filled with objects like cleaner, polisher, picks and more picks. A tambourine sat on one of the shelves, a knick in it from wear.
"What are we doing here," you whispered, turning around to your boyfriend like you would alert Swiss if you spoke too loud. If anything, he would have already known, but there was something scratching at the back of your throat to tell you to be quiet.
Dewdrop closed in, taking your face in his hands and watching you with close inspection. His eyes softened when looking you all over. He looked at you with so much love, so much care.
"Do you trust me?"
You squinted your eyes at that question. Do you trust him? You trust him with your whole soul, with your whole heart and whole mind. Where was he getting at?
"Dewdrop, I trust you, of course I do. Why?" you spoke, trying to soften up on him, give him soothing words that could rub his temples for him. But that wasn't why he asked.
He exhaled, leaning forward till his nose was almost touching yours, "Because in a moment, I'm going to bend you over that asshole's bed and fuck the ever-living shit out of you. And I need you to be okay with that."
You felt a lightbulb flick on in the pit of your stomach, your core kindling a lustful fire between your legs. You felt his words grab you by the hair and by god you wanted those words to consume you.
"Yes- Yes please," you spoke back, the whisper still hitched in your voice, playing at your vocal cords.
Dewdrop's hand slipped into your hair, holding the back of your head up as he kissed you with lips coated in sappy passion. You felt like you could suffocate in the power of his mouth, drowned out by the forceful push of it.
They were warm against your own, his lips laying open-mouth kisses on your own two, other hand slipping surely down to your hip, resting a heaviness onto it as he pushed you back against the edge of Swiss' bed. And the air suddenly got heavier again and your heart started to race in something between excitement and guilt. This was Swiss' room. It was already enough that you were making out on his bed at this point.
Dewdrop pulled away from you, taking a whiff of the air before snarling, "It smells too much like him in here," he turned back to you, smirking with mischief, "We'll change that though, right sweet girl?"
You nodded, hands grabbing at his jacket to bring him into a desperate kiss and he complied, pressing his lips against yours with a deep-sated desire. Your fingers tightened against his clothes, keeping him against you as you were laid down on the covers of another man's bed, still being touched by the one you were undeniably loyal to.
The multi-ghoul wasn't stupid, he would know, but he wouldn't dare come near the same hallway Dew was is for the time being, especially when the fire ghoul was this set off and angry. Everyone knew that was a bad idea.
Dew's hands slipped around to the back of your habit, hand grasping at a zipper and pulling it down your back till he felt the clothing noticeably loosen on your figure underneath him. His hands moved to your shoulders, slipping under the fabric on your shoulders and pushing it away.
It pooled to your wrists, but his hands were adroit in removing the habit, pushing it down and pulling back from where his lips locked onto yours. He stripped your body of the holy outfit, leaving it in an easy pile at the side of the bed - quicker for when he was done defiling Swiss' room.
He removed your underclothing in mere seconds, done with seeing you clothed in the slightest only to be left with the sight of your body sprawled out over Swiss' king-sized bed, panties leaving nothing to the imagination and your bra already discarded into the mess of clothes.
And he was still dressed, something you wished to change, but seeing the way he gazed at you with so much hunger, you had a feeling not much would go your way in that field of desire.
Sodo shed his jacket, nearing you with an aura of dominance. His hands reached out to touch over you, hands running down your sides, planting at your hips and pulling your lower-half into him. His bulge pressed against your clothed wetness, forcing your breath to shallow.
"He's gonna be so jealous," Dewdrop said in a sultry voice, grinding his hips against yours, "when he smells you all over his bed. But you're not his. You're mine."
You closed your eyes momentarily at the feeling of the friction he was causing between you two, opening them back up to see his face. He already looked so satisfied with the way you were pressed up against him.
"You like that baby? You like the feeling of my cock rubbing up against your pussy? Yeah, that's a good girl," Dewdrop praised, kissing you on the cheek, a low growl escaping the ghoul.
You held his throat with a featherlight grip, getting his attention nevertheless, "More, please."
His eyes studied your face, pulling back to watch you with a glazed over look.
"Tell me what you want? I'll give you anything you desire."
You felt your cheeks heat with a shyness of hearing your own self beg. So, you instead grabbed his hand with the one once holding his throat and guided it to your mound, applying pressure to your covered clit with his middle finger.
When your hand let his to hold his wrist, the pressure never dulled, making you squirm with a desperate whimper.
"Sodo-" you begged, trying to squirm away from the pressure that had now felt intense against you. He only smiled at your words.
"I told you to tell me."
You sighed, clamping your thighs around his hand like it would stop anything. And it didn't. He only pressed harder.
"Finger me- please! Please Dew-"
He shoved your thighs apart, releasing his finger and pulling your panties off, his claws leaving tiny scratches along your legs through the action.
You saw him take a deep breath, and with it his claws retracted on his dominant hand. You blushed, feeling shy at what was to come.
Your fire ghoul resumed with his middle finger, this time sliding it through your folds, "Lucifer, you're so wet. Fuck-"
Dewdrop teased your hole, coating the tip of his finger in your juices before bringing it to his lips, wrapping them around the tip of his finger. He watched you, spreading the substance over his tongue and smiling as he pulled it out of his mouth only to push it into you.
You felt your stomach clench, between his oral show and the feeling of him settling his finger knuckle deep inside of you, you felt heat spread throughout your body once again. Pulling back his finger, he thrusted it inside of you.
You moaned, tilting your head back against the sheets. As much as you wanted to watch his fingers work their way inside of you, he felt too good to stay still.
Dewdrop changed his stance, his one hand pushing you further back onto the bed, ghoul growling at the way Swiss' scent seemed to rub off on you. But it could never be strong enough to combat Sodo's.
Without warning, another digit was slipped inside of your soaked hole, pulling a whine from your mouth.
Dewdrop looked at his hand, glancing back up to you, "You're dripping onto Swiss' bed, naughty girl. How do you think he's gonna feel when he finds out?"
You whimpered, grinding down against Dewdrop's two fingers, them curling up into you.
"He's wanted you for ages. But you have always been mine. And I told him that the moment I saw you. You were bound to be mine."
With that, he thrusted his fingers into you again, pressing his palm forward to catch your clit. You moaned, clawing at the sheets.
He looked absolutely stunning, over you with his hair flowing down around his face, a wild look in his eyes. His face imprinted itself into your head everytime he touched you. And you don't think you could forget him now. Not when his hair barely tickled your shoulders when he hunched over to get close to you, tongue swiping at his lips when he liked something you said or did.
"It's always been you," you said in a breathy tone, "I have always wanted you."
You saw the cogs inside his head start to turn, through his eyes, watching him process everything you had told him. He then smiled, laughing deeply with his teeth glinting with victory.
He let no sign of his next course of action except for the way his arm tightened for a second. Dewdrop created a steady rhythm with his hand, finger-fucking at a fast pace you.
His fingers curled with every thrust and he pushed and pulled, tugging breaths and sounds from you.
Pink dusted your skin, the noises coming from where his fingers pushed inside of you making you flustered. They sounded so lewd, expressing your body's reaction to your partner. You weren't the only one that heard it though.
Dewdrop smirked, kissing you on your chin, "Fuck, you're so wet for me sweet girl, you love when my fingers fuck you, huh?"
You clenched around his digits with and cried out. You felt a twisting in your stomach, a heat going up your spine, "Close."
His fingers stopped their motions, grinding his palm against your clit slowly, "What was that?"
"I'm close, please, please I need to cum!"
"Then go on girl," he growled, "Cum on my hand, soak it."
You felt his fingers thrust into you a few time, deep grinds accompanied by the rubbing of his hand. You yelped his name, walls locking his fingers in place.
"There you go, good little thing," he cooed.
You sighed, coming down from your high only to feel the sudden panic rush through you. Dew was still moving his hand against your clit, your body not prepared as you shook with overstimulation.
"Dew- Dew! S- Stop!" you begged, pulling his arm away. He complied, faking a pout when you looked up at him, "Don't- Don't give me that."
He lifted his lips into a cute smile, "Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart."
You hummed, watching as he adjusted his pants, pulling down the zipper and snaking his boxers down. He wasn't looking to get undressed, but the thought of leaving wet patches on his clothes turned your annoyance into arousal.
Dewdrop took his length into his hand, gripping it at the base, giving a solid pump before averting his eyes back up to you.
"You ready baby?" Sodo asked, tilting his head.
You nodded.
The fire ghoul scoffed at your reaction to his question. Letting go of his length, he snagged your body, holding you by the hips before pushing you over. He pulled you back harshly, positioning you head down, ass up.
Leaning over you, he got near your ear with gritted teeth, "I said, are you ready?"
"Yes- please Dewy- yes.."
"That's what I like to hear," he snarled, lifting one leg up onto Swiss' bed and slipping the tip of his member between your wet folds.
You twitched at the sensitivity of your clit, but when he pushed himself inside of you, it didn't matter.
The ridges of his cock slid against your walls deliciously, a shaky breath creeping it's way out of your lungs. He was lengthy, reaching deep inside of you, like he was making his way up to your throat the deeper he pushed.
"Holy fuck, you feel so good Dew!" you whined, letting your face shove it's way into the soft sheets.
Dewdrop bottom out in you, coming to a halt. You figured he was letting you adjust, allowing your walls to take his size. But after the pause got unbearable, you wiggled your lower-half. Dewdrop laid a smack down onto your ass cheek, pulling your hips flush to his.
You whined in annoyance, "Ca- Can you move please?"
Your ghoul growled, "Did you forget who's fucking you? You might be in another man's bed, but that doesn't mean you get to be lazy. Head to the side, I wanna hear you taking my cock."
You shifted, your cheek pressed into the blanket in a way that toed the line of being uncomfortable. You tried to catch a glimpse of your lover, but it was too far of a stretch to turn, so you opted for lifting your head up with the help of your planted elbows.
And in reward to your generous action, Dewdrop hummed, pulling his hips back and thrusting into you.
Pleasure spread through your body, shooting tingles through your core and breasts, hands holding onto the sheets on Swiss' bed desperately.
"There you go sweet girl, I could take you on any surface in the ministry and you'd always look like a princess," Sodo purred, speeding up his hips, removing your breath from your lungs.
"And you could take me- anywhere and you'd still fuck me like a war-hardened knight," you teased back, stuttering on some words.
He huffed out a quick laugh, "Is that a challenge?"
"I never said it was- nnhh- Dewdrop!"
The fire ghoul shoved your body into the bed, most of it laying flat except for your ass which was raised in his grip, and you felt the impact of him slamming his heavy cock into you.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head briefly, barely able to close your mouth as your body dripped with honeyed pleasure. You wondered who was making the exasperated moans, till you faded back in to them being your own.
"This war-hardened enough for you?"
You sucked in a breath, not being able to take his railing in a coherent mindset. Everything you thought, everything you wanted to say, it was always forgotten by the next delicious thrust Dewdrop gave.
"Fuck- yes yes yes! Holy fuck-"
You felt it, the impending stroke of heat. You were gonna cum, the way he was fucking you enough of a stimulus. You'd never-
The next moment was like hitting a brick wall full force.
His hips shifted for a second, and the next time you felt him, slipping through your walls hungering for sexual release, he hit a spongey spot you swore you forgot existed.
But he never did.
You only were able to take three thrusts before you clenched tightly around him. You could've sworn it hurt, the way you were clamped around him so hard, stilling every movement he tried to make. Though you heard a grunt from behind you that made you think differently.
Sodo grinded his hips against yours till you felt his seed spill into you, warmth in the pit of your stomach releasing butterflies loose through your bloodstream.
He hunched over you, resting his head carefully against your back, pressing delicate kisses to the skin. His sharp incisors nipped briefly every other delicate touch to your skin. His cock still seemed to throb inside of you, plugging you with his release.
"I think I could go for a round two," he said in a raspy voice, "But we need to go back to my room - it still stinks of him in here."
You hummed, scooting up on the bad as Sodo pulled out of you slowly, trying so desperately not to hurt you. You realized then why he had you on the bed rather than hanging off it when he was railing you.
His spend mixed with yours dripped out of you slowly, leaving tickles across your skin, feeling some of it drip onto Swiss' bed. That was bound to be an awkward conversation one day, and you were already nervous to have it.
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dewsgremlin · 2 months
Hcs - ghouls after an argument (part 2 - first part was during the argument)
Swiss: he hangs around, but doesn't really want to apologize. He also doesn't want to admit if he was wrong in the argument and hopes that the person will forgive him anyway.
Dewdrop: shows up in the middle of the night and snuggles up without saying a word. Only apologizes if he has really overdone it during the argument.
Rain: knocks on the door late night, apologize for everything a thousand times and asks sheepishly whether the person still loves him. Afterwards he needs a lot of cuddles and assurances that he is loved.
Aether: shows up again after a few hours and wants to settle the dispute calmly.
Cumulus: will apologize, but only if the person apologizes first.
Phantom: sulks in his room until the other person comes and apologizes. After that, he immediately forgives and wants to spend a cozy evening cuddling up and watching movies.
Cirrus: As a sign that everything is OK again, after a few hours she gives compliments, praises and cooks some favourite food. (only if Cirrus was wrong in the argument, otherwise the person must apologize.)
Aurora: apologizes with "I'm sorry... that you're so stupid."
Sunshine: hugs and cuddles on the couch while playing video games. (she only apologizes for deleting the highscore)
Mountain: brings flowers and invites the person to look at a particularly beautiful plant in the greenhouse. Meanwhile, carefully starts a conversation about the argument to clear it up.
Copia: sends a rat with a small letter of apology. He hangs around in front of the door and when the person leaves he tries to discreetly ask if they have read the letter yet.
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alwaysjustmina · 6 months
19 but specifically the dew thingy you told me? 😃
19 - snippets of WIPs
As you all know @jazz-bazz has hand written all the letters from my story Letters to Dewdrop and I had said I may have more letters in the future from Dew. While I don't have anything written, my idea is for after Whispers to Rain, is that Dew is trying to heal and he will be away for awhile at a cottage by a lake away from the abbey, either by himself or with others. He will have the letters Rain wrote with him and it will give him the idea to do the same, to get his feelings down on paper for Rain to read at a later date. These will be incredibly hard for him to write as it will explain his thoughts on what he went through, how he feels about Rain and what happened at the end of Whispers. It will be part of the next story arc and will more than likely start after January.
And since I needed clarification on for sure what Jazz wanted, I have also included upon request part of feral Rain/Dew that I'm working on for an anon. It is a follow-up to @papaslittlesunshine
Snippet (not edited yet):
“You look like shit.” Wow. Words from Dew for the first time in weeks.
He just shrugged and went to the counter to serve himself from the serving dishes. Quickly sitting as far from Dew as he could, wishing he could dissolve into the floor.
They both ate, Rain not knowing that Dew kept looking at him with a pensive look on his face. Even though they were far apart at the table the scent of Dew permeated his every pore. He could feel the fire in his gut intensifying as he sat there longer. Rain wasn’t going to let Dew chase him from this last meal though, he need this last bit of normalcy before it all fell apart for a few weeks.
Dew watched him from the other end of the table, Rain was hunched over his plate, not a normal occurrence, he was always so proper. Between the forkfuls of greens and succulent bits of fish, Dew noticed Rain grasping at his stomach, the quiet keens under his breath. It dawned on Dew that Rain was very near his heat cycle. Desire coursed this him at the thought of Rain once more under his body, writhing in pleasure, only brought on by Dew.
“I would think you would be in your room this close to your cycle.”
Rain’s eyes shot up, his brow furrowed, his eyes, the chocolate bottomless pools, sadness flashed across them. All he could mumble was a soft plea, a plea to leave him alone to suffer in his absolute sadness by himself. He would not cry in front of Dew, he promised himself, even as tears flooded his eyes, threatening to spill over. He quickly looked away, back to his plate.
Dew couldn’t stop himself from his questions, he knew what he had said to Rain. He had meant it, but the reasons behind it were his own. Even as he sat there though, his vision filled with Rain, Rain suffering, he wondered how he would make it through this time on his own. He had heard that he was planning to be by himself.
“Did you not find someone to spend it with?” Rain barely heard Dew with how quietly the words were uttered from his mouth.
“Why do you care, Dew, what does it matter to you what I am doing?”
Dew sighed at the response, “Rain, I still care about you.”
“CARE? H-How, Can’t you just, just, fuck, just leave me alone?” He practically shouted, sputtering the words between the tears that cascaded down his face.
“Of course I care about you, how can you even think I don’t.”
Rain pushed his chair back, the legs sliding across the floor with tremendous sound, echoing through the quiet den. No one to hear it except for the two of them. He gripped the table, as the chair fell over behind him, his plate sliding precariously close to the edge of the table. “Fuck you, Dew.”
Rain rushed to put his plate in the sink behind them, stumbling in his hurried frenzy to get back to the safety of his room, away from Dew, away from the hurt. He didn’t hear Dew push back from the table, his chair silent in comparison to Rain’s. He didn’t hear Dew walk behind him to the sink, he didn’t realize Dew had his arms on both sides around him, until he felt the heat of his body.
“D-Dew, please.”
Dew couldn’t stop himself as he crowded into Rain, nuzzling the strong muscles of Rain’s back against his face. “I miss you.” The words just slipping from his mouth.
Dew could feel Rain’s body tremble against his, he brought his hands front he counter to embrace his body, pulling him in close.
“My heart, is fucking, brok-broken,” Rain sobbed, unable to stop himself as Dew encapsulated him in his arms. Why did it feel so good, but break him apart even more.
Dew turned Rain’s body from the sink to face him, holding him close, Rain barely hanging on his, his arms loose at this side, the rejection he felt wracking his body all over.
Never be anything more.
It repeated in his head, over and over again. He went to push away from Dew, but his strong grip kept him between his arms. He brought his arms to pound at his chest, he couldn’t do this again, even through all the hurt he was still fucking in love with him.
“Please, please Dew, you are fucking killing me.” He begged.
Dew brought his right hand up to wipe away Rain’s tears as they flowed down his cheeks. He didn’t want to hurt Rain, he cared for him so much, but when Rain said he loved him, he shut down. He wasn’t worth his love, Rain was beautiful and pure, Dew was a demon, debauched and devious. He couldn’t give him the love he deserved even more after hearing the things his past relationships had said about him after they ended things. He didn’t think he’d survive the aftermath of Rain saying those things. Rain looking at him with hate in his eyes, it was better to end things now rather than face the hurt later that was inevitable.
Standing here though, with Rain in his arms, he questioned his absolute stupidity. The decision to hurt Rain, rather than letting Rain hurt him later, why would he do that to him.
“Rain,” he murmured next to his neck, inhaling him, he was intoxicating. Being this close to Rain was going to throw him headlong into his heat. He could feel both of their arousal despite the pain of the loss of the other.
“Dew, please, I can’t handle you this close, I was just learning to live without you.”
“I don’t want you to live without me.”
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heartbreak-sandwich · 5 months
Red Letters to Nowhere spicy sneak peek ~ (Stepbro!Billy x Mayfield!Reader) Summary: Tension has been building between you and Billy since you and your little sister, Max, moved in. You never know quite where you stand with him, and you could swear he's flirting with you at least half of the time. It's about time he made his intentions clear...
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[No smut, slight NSFW below the cut, 18 +, MDNI as usual ✨]
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You had spent the last few hours studying in your room. A lazy Saturday with Max being out with her new friends, your mom and Neil taking another shopping trip to the city, and Billy having weekend practice for the upcoming tournament gave you the house to yourself. You were enjoying the space and freedom, paying bits of attention to the radio droning in the background and making sure you were up to speed for Mrs. Click’s quiz on Monday.
Hearing the familiar sounds of keys jingling, you checked the clock on your bedside table and knew it was Billy returning home from his practice. Your door was open, but he didn’t seem to notice you there as he stalked to his room.
Your doors faced each other at both ends of the hallway with the bathroom in between, so you had an immaculate view when he peeled off his shirt and tossed it to to the ground, the muscles in his back creasing in symmetry as he stretched, his broad shoulders moving in time with his arms as he brought his hands together, clasping his palms and pushing them forward.
You didn’t even realize you were staring, mouth fully agape, taking in the sheen of sweat sprinkled across his golden skin, the dip in his lower back where his waistband sat just below, and the definition in his strong calves as he went through the motions of stretching out his hamstrings, still facing away from you.
You wanted him.
Wasn’t that wrong on some level? Of course you’re not actually related, but what would he think if he knew? Did he know?
You averted your eyes immediately as he dropped his shorts to the floor, covering your mouth and turning to face the other way in your chair. Your entire body tensed as you tried not to make a single sound for fear that he would notice you and put two and two together.
You didn’t look at him naked, at least. That would’ve been too far, and you didn’t want to disrespect Billy, your new step brother, who had been so kind to you despite the reputation he seemed to have with everyone else.
You heard Billy’s bare footsteps padding up the hallway, so you turned back to face his direction once again. Damp, messy curls framed his face, a green towel secured around his waist, and a knowing smirk resting just above his sharp jawline, he shot you a wink before turning into the bathroom and closing the door. Your cheeks seared with panic as you tried to process what you just experienced.
He had to have known you were looking at him. He obviously knew. Did he do that on purpose? You tried your best to refocus on your studies, but it was no use. You heard the sprinkling of the shower in the next room and couldn’t stop fighting with yourself over confronting Billy about what he had just done.
You had been busying yourself with folding your laundry while your mind turned the idea of Billy wanting you to see him like that over and over. You had resolved not to address anything with him right now, but to wait it out just to make sure you weren’t imagining things.
You had just moved here, and you didn’t want to make things awkward for the family. You especially didn’t want to get Billy in trouble with Neil. You folded another Van Halen t-shirt and added it to the neat pile of folded shirts on your stripped mattress. You heard the buzzer on the dryer go off, signaling that your sheets were ready for pickup, and you turned toward the doorway.
“Jesus, Billy!” You jumped when you saw Billy leaning on your doorframe wordlessly, his hair dripping tiny water droplets onto his shoulders that hung like dewdrops on his chest, smirk still in place with his towel around his waist. “How long have you been standing there?”
He scoffed and looked toward the ceiling. “Long enough,” he said simply. His eyes met yours, dark with something you couldn’t quite identify, and you felt the scarlet heat creeping back up to your cheeks, forcing you to look at anything else in the room.
“Did you need something?” He took his hand down from the doorframe and stepped closer to you, still blocking the exit to your room.
“Did you?” His voice darkened, and as he neared where you stood, you could see that his pupils were blown out. He was close enough for you to touch him at that point, and you ached for him. You wondered what would happen if – 
“Correct me if I’m out of line, Y/N. But I swear you look at me like you want something from me. Am I wrong?” His eyes burned into yours, his gaze never wavering as he asked the most candid question he could without really giving it away. You swallowed hard, unsure of how to answer in a way that wouldn’t get you into trouble if you were somehow misinterpreting things.
“No,” you finally replied sheepishly. “You’re not wrong. But Billy –”
“I thought so,” he murmured, his jaw clenching. You were afraid of his reaction. You couldn’t tell if he was about to fly off the handle, and you could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife. “I notice you watching me, you know,” he continued, his words like suede slathered in melted honey.
“Billy, please. Please don’t tell anyone. I’m not trying to –” He took another step toward you so that your noses were almost touching.
“And you don’t know it, but I watch you, too. I can’t help it. The way you pretend to have your nose in a book on the swing in the front yard, stealing glances at me working on my car. Do you ever wonder why I have my shirt off in October?” He chuckled, looking around the room. You really hadn’t put those pieces together.
“Billy –”
“What if I want something from you, too?” he drawled, his gaze gliding over your lips before meeting your eyes once more. “What if, every night while I’m lying in bed alone in the dark, I’m thinking of your strawberry perfume and the dimples in your cheeks when you try not to smile every time I say some smartass shit? What if I count your curves instead of sheep while I try to sleep?”
His husky voice was barely above a whisper. He looked down and hissed out a small laugh. “You don’t think I notice that you leave your door cracked every time you change your clothes or that I know for a fact you’re wearing a black lace-trimmed bra and matching panties right now?” His tongue trailed over his bottom lip as he eyed you up and down.
You were completely speechless. Your mind was working a million miles a second trying to piece together all of the what-ifs and scenarios that could come of what you two were about to do, and you knew he was waiting for your answer.
“Billy, we can’t –”
“Can’t what?  Have fun?” His devilish grin was torture to your core, and you couldn’t help but echo his expression. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” He ghosted his lips over yours while he spoke, and you were immediately intoxicated by the scent of his honey shampoo and the remnants of mint gum.
“Pinky promise?” You held your pinky out for him to take, confident he wouldn’t buy into your childish game, and you were shocked when he held his hand up, dropping his towel to the floor, and hooked his pinky with yours.
“Pinky promise, babe.” He lit up his blinding smile, knowing there was no turning back, and tugged at the hem of your sweater, helping to lift it over your head. “Good thing you haven’t put those nice, clean sheets back on yet,” he teased before connecting his lips with yours, warm, wet, and insatiable.
You had no idea how this would end, but in that moment, neither of you cared. All you knew was no one else would be home for hours, and you both needed what was coming after the last month of agonizing sexual tension, somehow kept a sweet secret between the two of you.
*This is a republish of my original preview because I CANNOT find the old post no matter how hard I try.
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p0k3m0nz · 1 year
Treating Malleus like the fae he is
“May I have your name child of man?” Malleus asked holding out his hand with the softest smile
“No…but you may call me Y/n” you said softly
“Malleus! The sweet human who lives in ramshackle gave you something!” Lilia yelled coming from the hall to his room and handing him the VDC letter covered is shiny stickers and a jar of honey with a glittering golden bow
“Very… shiny…” he whispered holding up the VCD ticket and honey jar
“Child of man, would you like some of this?”Malleus asked holding up a spoon of strawberry jam made from the strawberrys you left at his door since you weren’t able to say hello last time you came around
“I would love to but I prefer human food” you said trying to be as polite as possible
Malleus saw you sitting around a circle of a few mushrooms, not in it but outside of it he stayed as quiet as possible trying to hear what you were saying to them
you looked up and saw a full moon and stood up walking around the mushrooms clockwise twice then you looked at the grass and saw dewdrops on the grass
“Hm well I can’t go in there now,glad I saw that before hand” you whispered softly
“Why can’t you go in there now child of man?”Malleus appeared right next to you
“Well because there is dewdrops on the grass I know the spell is only for older women but I still want to be careful Vil just got my skin cleared all up” you answered Malleus question
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
this is technically a request fill for a couple of anons but turned into what's basically a vent fic, so i didn't feel comfortable wasting your requests on it. to those anons, your requests will be filled properly at some point, i promise.
cw for self-hatred, and desires of self-harm and suicidal thoughts while regressed. please also be aware that there is one line where rain considers killing an animal because he's so angry. this work is not suitable for regressed kiddos or littles.
but ! without further ado, 2.2k words of rain trying to hide his regression from dew and having a breakdown about it under the cut.
The water ghoul looks up from his bass at the sound of Dewdrop’s voice, carefully schooling his expression into something typical of how he acts when he isn’t regressed; when he’s normal, his brain unhelpfully supplies. He clears his throat, giving himself a little more time to prepare himself for the conversation ahead. “Hey, sundew. What’s up?”
The words come out easier than he expected them to, but it still feels so wrong. He’s not supposed to talk like that, he’s not supposed to direct the conversation. He’s supposed to crawl into Dewdrop’s arms and let himself be held and loved, but he can’t. Can’t, because he has so much to do today. Has so many assigned duties on top of everything else he’s wanted to get done all week. He can’t focus on any of it if he’s regressed, so if he pretends to be fine—to be normal—then maybe he’ll be able to do what he needs to.
He’s jolted out of his head by Dewdrop’s voice. “Want a practice partner? I– I’m kinda struggling with some of the solos…”
The hesitation in the fire ghoul’s tone immediately sets Rain on edge. Dewdrop needs comforting, he thinks, but that’s not something the water ghoul is able to do when he’s regressed; not well, at least. Still, Rain tries. He smiles what he hopes is a regular, reassuring smile and reaches an arm out, ushering Dewdrop to sit down next to him. The gestures come to him easily. It’s a relief, but he can’t help the small voice in the back of his mind telling him the reason he’s able to pretend to be normal is because he pretends to be regressed.
(Which isn’t true. He knows it’s not. It’s proven by night curled up in Swiss’ arms, unable to murmur even a single word because he’s just too small to do anything else. By all the times he hasn’t been able to function without someone holding his hand, guiding him through the day. Alas, it’s never been something he can stop thinking. That he’s a fraud; so desperate for the attention of his packmates that he’s resorted to lying, deceiving them, in order to gain a shred of affection, a kind word here and there.)
The fire ghoul grins happily and sets himself up quickly, eyeing the music on Rain’s stand to gauge where he should flip to in his own music. “Rats, eh?”
“Mhmm, wa– Rats.” He turns away from Dewdrop, cheeks burning as he clears his throat and attempts to brush the slip off as something catching in his throat. “Good bassline. Hard when you haven’t played it in months, though.”
Dewdrop hums in agreement. “Mmm, I can imagine.” He fidgets with the tuning pegs, tilting his head in Rain’s direction, silently asking for a note to match. Rain obliges. “D’you wanna start from the start, or…?”
“Start’s fine,” Rain smiles. He knows the start best, he’ll be able to do it, he’s sure. He can ignore the brain fog. He can pretend. For Dewdrop, he can pretend. The fire ghoul seemed insecure and burdened enough when he asked to run through the solos. He doesn’t need Rain’s regressed headspace making anything more difficult for him. “Uhm…” he begins, unsure; failing already. “B– Backing track?” He stutters on the B and the K is over pronounced in compensation of his difficulty with the letter, but Dewdrop understands—and more importantly, he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I think we’ll be fine, right, Rainy?” He turns to smile at the water ghoul, eyes so soft and gentle, but there’s something underneath his tone that makes Rain fumble his bass.
“W– Why are you calling me ‘Rainy’ like that? You only say it like that when I’m… small.”
Dewdrop’s smile falters slightly, but his eyes remain warm. Kind. “Well, you can tell me if I’m wrong, but I thought you might’ve been feeling a bit small, love. Am I right?”
Rain readjusts his bass on his hip, refusing to meet Dewdrop’s eyes. “N– No… I– I feel fine,” he lies. “Normal. ‘M good. Promise.” He knows Dewdrop doesn’t believe him, but he can’t help but hope that maybe he’s convinced the fire ghoul. After all, Dewdrop has things to do today as well. He can’t blow off a whole day just to help Rain. Rain can’t ask him to do that.
“Are you sure, puddle? You’re not just telling me that because you feel bad about being small?”
“...Oh. Uhm… N– No?” Rain does his best to sound convincing but he knows there’s no persuading Dewdrop now, not when he already knows.
Dewdrop fixes him with a look, still adoring, but stern. “It’s not nice to lie, my love.”
And just like that, Rain’s facade crumbles.
His eyes fill with tears as he curls in on himself, hugging his bass tightly to his body. “I– I’m sorry, Dewy,” he cries. “I– I didn’ mean to! I’m sorry sorry, I’m really, very sorry. I didn’ mean to lie, ‘m sorry!”
He rocks back and forth, doing his best to self-soothe but it’s not working. He doesn’t know how to calm down. Doesn’t really know why his reaction to Dewdrop’s gentle chiding is a breakdown. He knows the fire ghoul was only trying to nudge him out of his pretences but he can’t help but listen to the voice in his head that whispers softly, cruelly.
He hates you for lying to him. He’s never going to talk to you again.
You got too comfortable with him. Shared too much. He doesn’t want to take care of you. He only does it to have an excuse to tell you what you’re doing wrong.
Such a burden to him. To the pack. Why can’t you just stop regressing? Just stop it. Stop being so small. Stop being so fucking weak.
He lets out a panicked yelp when Dewdrop reaches out to comfort him. “Nuh uh! Don’t touch me. I– I don’ deserve it.”
“Wh–” Dewdrop flounders.
That means it’s true; Rain doesn’t deserve it. He curls in on himself even further; he shouldn’t have said anything. Should have kept it to himself. Should have left the room the second Dewdrop entered it. Should have thought about someone other than himself and his own pathetic, useless needs for once.
“What makes you think that, Rainy?”
“Liar get punish,” he parrots as accurately as he can manage. “Only good boy get to be touch.”
“Oh, love…” Dewdrop sounds so disappointed. Rain braces himself for the inevitable. “That’s our rule for when you’re big and we, uhh…” He trails off, clearly unsure of how to phrase what he needs to say. Rain wishes he could rid the fog from his head enough to be able to reassure Dewdrop that he’s okay; it was just a slip of his mouth that made him say that, it’s not what he really thinks. But if he says that, it’s only fuelling the fire, and he’ll be punished more for lying; he’ll punish himself for lying. “Look, Rainy, love,” the fire ghoul tries again. “My point is that those rules don’t apply to you right now. They’re only there for when you’re big and we have our… Our special playtimes, yeah?” Dewdrop cringes at the words special playtimes and Rain knows exactly why; the phrase sounds so forced. He hates that Dewdrop feels the need to mince his words around Rain when he’s like this, as if the water ghoul doesn’t retain his understanding of the world and his own life when he regresses.
“You– You don’ like special playtime?” Rain’s goading Dewdrop into giving him an answer that he’ll hate, that will make him feel worse, he knows he is. But as long as the fire ghoul doesn’t notice, Rain doesn’t care. He deserves to feel bad, he knows that much. But he doesn’t feel bad enough, and it’s going to be hard to sink himself down to the level of bad that he deserves with Dewdrop watching his every move.
“No, no, Rainy,” he disagrees quickly. Too quickly, Rain thinks. “I love our special playtimes. I love them a lot, I promise. But… I don’t think this is something we should be talking about when you’re little, okay? We can talk about it when you’re big again if you want to, though.”
“O– Okay…” Rain’s heart sinks. It’s always like this. The very nature of their ghoul pack results in him being left out of most things when he’s little. Sometimes he doesn’t mind, and he’s more than content to sit with one of his packmates and fill some colouring sheets with bright pencil markings or curl up in their arms and drift off to sleep. But other times? His pack’s refusal to include him in certain activities or conversations feels less like protection and more like a poor disguise of their hatred of him, of their unwillingness to involve him in pack affairs. He understands, really, he does. He knows that when he’s regressed, there are things he shouldn’t be exposed to. Knows that when his pack are frustrated with him, he’s rarely the one at fault, just the one unlucky enough to bear the brunt of their frustration, no matter how much they try to hide it for his sake. But he also knows that the pack’s exclusion of him is because they don’t like him. Don’t enjoy his presence in any of the forms it takes. Don’t care about him enough to hide their annoyance, despite knowing their frustration directed at him can cause him to spiral so intensely that he barely remembers the rest of the day. He knows all of this, but nothing makes it hurt any less.
If he were in a better state of mind, he might reach out to Dewdrop and ask to be held for a while. Might sob and scream and cry until there aren’t any tears left but it would be okay, because he’d be safe in the fire ghoul’s arms. As it is, he can’t. He tells himself he doesn’t want to, which is true, in part. There’s a part of him desperately fighting to run away from Dewdrop, to refuse to ask for comfort, to never be a burden, never show weakness because otherwise he won’t love you anymore and you’ll be all alone all over again. The other part longs for comfort, regardless of the negative impact he knows it will have on his relationship with Dewdrop. He wants to be held, wants to be reassured that it’s okay to cry, that it’s okay because Dewdrop’s got him and he’s never letting go, never leaving. And so, he finds himself at an impasse and so angry at himself that he wants to punch something. Scream. Break his arm. Kill one of Copia’s rats. Kill himself.
The only benefit to being regressed that he can think of right now is that if he screams, no one bats an eye; all too accustomed to toddlers throwing tantrums that they don’t seem to care. And so when Dewdrop tentatively reaches an arm out, testing the waters to see whether Rain is ready for touch, the water ghoul screams. And he does it properly.
He doesn’t know how long he screams for before stopping, but once he stops, his throat is raw and aching in the silence of the room. He’s curled in on himself on the floor—bass discarded somewhere off to the side, hopefully in one piece—surrounded by pleasant warmth and pressure. Slowly, he realises that he’s wrapped up in Dewdrop’s embrace, and he begins to panic all over again, throat refusing to make another sound dispute his frantic attempts.
A warm hand cards through his hair, soft voice shushing him gently. “If you really want me to let go, Rainy, I will,” Dewdrop reassures him. “But I don’t want to let go, love. I want to help you, and I don’t want to leave you alone like this, okay?”
Rain turns his head and buries himself against Dewdrop’s chest, sobbing quietly. His emotional regulation for the day has been used up, and he knows that any and all emotions he feels for the rest of the day—or week, probably—will be on full display for everyone to see, no matter how much he wants to hide them. He finds himself nodding along to the fire ghoul’s words without his own brain’s permission. It’s impossible to deny for any longer that he wants comfort—he needs it so desperately it may as well be oxygen at this point—but he can’t bring himself to ask for it. He knows he doesn’t deserve it, and he knows that he’ll only feel worse later as a result of talking to Dewdrop and receiving his love and affections, but for now, that’s a problem for future Rain. Right now, all he really cares about is curling up in Dewdrop’s arms and soaking in the gentle comfort that the fire ghoul seems to be so good at providing him when he’s like this.
He doesn’t feel better about it, and he knows he’s not going to. To be honest, he doesn’t even want to try to feel better about it. But now that he’s here, he’ll accept the comfort of gentle caresses and chaste forehead kisses that Dewdrop seems intent on gifting to him. He’ll work on not feeling even worse about the fire ghoul’s affections another time.
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layzeal · 2 years
MDZS Audio Drama Listening Guide
AKA Lace has listened to the Audio Drama an unholy amount of times and might as well put her knowledge to good use
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(Suibian Subs) (NanaBeingNana) (Episode Guide by pumpkinpaix) (Purchasing guide for iOS)
NOTE: This is my own, personal opinion on what’s the preferable order to watch the MDZS Audio Drama extras.
The AD is by far the most accurate adaptation we have, and not only it follows the novel 1:1, it adds quite a lot of content that had only been left implied or left off-screen in the original text. However, there are also some events that do happen in the novel, but had to be put aside in an extra episode, either because of time restraints or for the sake of pacing. So, I’ve tried to set up this list to compensate it! The order is either based on at which point we learn such events in the novel, or if this event isn’t in the text, then it’s based on what I believe the best time to listen to the extra would be.
If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of extras and don’t know where to start, hold my hand and i’ll show you the way (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و
(The letters with an * after some episodes names refer to Gacha Episode tiers, collected by SuibianSubs. I’ve just put it there so you can more easily find it on the folders.)
Season 1
Episode 1
Chance Encounter (N*)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Make-up (link)
Good Fortune (SSR*)
Sleeping Together
Episode 5
Instant Success (SR*)
Autumn Wind and Dewdrops (R*)
Female Cultivators
Paper Balls
Invinting Friends (SSR*)
Fear of Dogs
Cultivation Through Meditation (R*)
Episode 6
Taking Responsibility for One’s Actions (R*)
Deciding When It's Time (R*)
Better to Not Make Enemies (N*)
Longing to Speak Yet Unable to (R*)
Keeping Rabbits
Episode 7
Eating Watermelon
Simple Mindedness (N*)
Episode 8
Startled and Shocked (N*)
Gifting a Dog
Be Adaptable to Circumstances (R*)
Episode 9
Lamentations Over Injustice (N*)
Episode 10
Overwhelmed by an Unexpected Favour (SR*)
Episode 11
Combined Efforts (R*)
Glutinous Rice
Episode 12
Preach To Impart Knowledge (R*)
Season 2
Episode 1
Caught Unaware (N*)
Things Remain but People Change (N*)
Articulate (R*)
Episode 2
Parting Ways (N*)
Episode 3
Episode 4
Flower Damsel
To Gain a Sharp Edge (R*)
First Meeting with Wen Ning
Episode 5
The Game of Life (R*)
The Adventures of Paperman Xian
Episode 6
Washing Clothes
Completely Incompatible (R*)
Episode 7
Flower Banquet
Episode 8
Carefree (R*)
Powerless (N*)
Episode 9
Lotus Seeds
Episode 10
Happy to Help Others (SR*)
Founder Story
Episode 11
Dulcet Melody (R*)
Lap Pillow
Episode 12
Yunmeng Youths
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Wavering Heart (R*)
Episode 16
Cutting Melon
Season 3
Episode 1
Filled with Noble Aspirations and Courage
Delivering Soup
Duplicity (N*)
Episode 2
Tossing Flowers
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Planting Radishes
Simple and Naive (R*)
Take Root (R*)
Episode 6
Helping Others (R*)
Mending a Relationship (SR*)
Love Letter
Daydream (R*)
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
A-Yuan and Rabbits
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
A Lost Desire (N*)
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Novel Extras
Family Banquet
Into the dream 1, 2, 3 and 4
Villainous Friends
Lose Money to Do Away with Misfortune (N*)
Leaving a Mark (R*)
From Dawn to Dusk
Iron Hook
Lotus Seed Pod
Dream Come True
Miscellaneous Extras
These are extras that don’t particularly fit into the list, or would feel disruptive and awkward when placed somewhere there, so i’ve decided to set them in a different list. You may watch them after you’re finished with the other episodes, in whatever order you wish!
Bogao Gifting a Swan (SR*)
Out with the Old In with the New (SSR*)
Respect Between Spouses (SR*)
Harmonious as the Lute and Psaltery (SSR*)
Following Heart's Desire (R*)
Flying Thoughts (SR*)
Always Remain Smiling (R*)
Accompanying You to Sleep: Lan Qiren
Accompanying You to Sleep: Wei Wuxian
Accompanying You to Sleep: Lan Wangji
Sound Asleep (SR*) - (The JC version of the ones above)
Chilli Pepper (N*)
Disputes From Gossips (N*)
Oof! I think that’s it! Thank you for your patience haha, and I hope you enjoy the Audio Drama as much as I do! Remember to please purchase it on the official app if you’re able!
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molly-ghuleh · 7 months
molly-ghuleh's masterlist!
Broom Closet - Copia x afab!reader (NSFW - MDNI)
Honeysuckle - Mountain x gn!reader (NSFW - MDNI)
I think I deserve a kiss - Copia x gn!reader
Confession leading to a kiss - Copia x gn!reader
I think this is the part where you kiss me - Secondo x gn!reader
One more kiss? Please - Secondo x gn!reader
Dracopia in love HCs - Dracopia x gn!reader
S/O with stuffed animals - All Papas x gn!reader
How to turn Dewdrop on - Dew x gn!reader (NSFW - MDNI)
Secondo with insecure S/O - Secondo x f!reader (NSFW - MDNI)
Camellia - Copia x f!reader: Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / AO3
You are a translator for the Ministry. You receive a letter summoning you to the Abbey for a project involving an ancient diary with a mysterious author, but you find yourself wishing you were back home. That is, until you meet the charming Papa Emeritus the Fourth.
XXXMas At the Ministry - four steamy holiday smuts with our beloved Papas! (NSFW - MDNI)
Day 1: Naughty Presents by @copias-sewer-rat (Primo x afab!reader) Day 2: Ungrumpify Your Papa by me! (Secondo x afab!reader) Day 3: Mistletoe'd by @ghulehunknown (Terzo x afab!reader) Day 4: Treasure Hunt by @bupia (Copia x afab!reader)
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dewsgremlin · 22 days
Ghoul hc Rain
When he was newly summoned, Rain couldn't read. Instead, he spent a lot of time in the library staring at the letters and trying to copy them with scribbled pencil lines on paper.
When Dewdrop found this out, he started reading all the books in the library to Rain, even though Dewdrop hates reading.
It was Aether who finally taught Rain to read. (Dew tried too, but he was always too impatient and was much more interested in Rain than the books.)
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