#let me spoon him
yuwuta · 28 days
you ask yuuta if he wants a bite of your food and when he says yes you offer your plate to him, but he’s just sat there looking at you with his dumb big bambi boy eyes and his mouth slightly open and he will not look away or blink or close his mouth until you lift your fork to his lips to feed him and then he grins like shit’s sweet and hums about how good the food is like nothing happened like he’s not ridiculously attractive. gonna chew on steel
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coolnonsenseworld · 4 months
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Lance is extremely protective and gives it all he's got when he has someone he loves (even if said person is the strongest, most resilient guy in the Universe) and you can pry that out of my dead cold hands
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4x13 | A Beautiful Darkness
Two of Gotham’s most infamous rogues, everybody.
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
No, see, because, like, you fucked up. Now you have to write that. I need that. I need the Star Park AU.
Below I will present my case:
1) That name is so freaking cute and I love it
2) Your tags made me fall in love with it
3) I know you have more ideas in that beautiful brain of yours
4) I really want it.
Please see points 1 - 4 if you have any questions.
Aafjdjakak Dude?! I'm cackling!
Fuck it we ball. Please look forward to it I guess.
I'll throw more in the tags!
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hinderr · 8 months
Anyway haha. Me when eating imagery am i right? Right? Right? Right-
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sallymew4 · 3 months
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ritsu time
but only for a few minutes
then its back to the cage
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ohitslen · 11 months
OHMYFUCKINGGOD ON THE TOPIC OF VASHWOOD IMMM OKAY UH HOW THeY uuUH cooking meals for each other,?,, mhmbqnd yeA h DOMESTIC? ?? Yes but UM UH, more like, sharing a simple moment doing such a simple thing, yet in spite of how simple the thing is they rarely get to enjoy it, and now that they do it’s togETHER— I WILL,, OHGOD….
What if. Wait a minute. I’m an artist what the fuck.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
i bet you think about me is so regulily fr
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
just put my snake in his newly refurbished enclosure and he's doing laps <333
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aromanticasterisms · 2 days
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Sleep Token fans (of which I am included)!
Let's look at something interesting today! No new pictures, but we'll probably get those tomorrow and Saturday!
No, no, let's look at something really, really interesting that I'm sure we can allllll relate to!
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I am sure we all saw this and still all see it.
Now, we have five (5) days left in July! Five! This hasn't changed, nor have I received an email about any updates on this! But what I have received is a lot of, really, nothing from them!
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Now, I know what you're thinking. Well, isn't Trustpilot open to all? There's no moderation, so maybe, oh, not trustworthy (there's a pun there, but I'm too sleepy) or something. But, with consistent reviews, like these...(and many more in the link above to look through on your own)
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You can't help but wonder!
So, yeah, maybe a shit company for consumers. Especially with policies like this: "We hold NO RESPONSIBILITY for MAGAZINES that may be damaged, confiscated, or not delivered. All sales are final, if shipped."
Because isn't THAT fun. But the keywords there are "IF shipped".
Oh, and Terms of Service, silly me, why didn't I just read the "We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk. [...] We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site."
You know, gosh, I should have expected that! Why not just lie then and say "Coming Soon" like new movies on DVDs! At least then I'd have lower expectations than I have now, which are, in fact, at the bottom of the ocean!
"We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that your use of our service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free."
I mean, wow, no shit, I would have never guessed!
So, anyway, do I have a solution? Nope, I'm still at the level of creative violence that we all know and love! Their customer service is known to be shit, but below, I've listed it along with their Twitter and Instagram.
Revolver Shop Customer Service
Revolver Magazine Twitter
Revolver Magazine Instagram
Overall, shitty company! I hope this isn't just a scam or the wait is over a year. I hope we get our magazine and the other variant or whatever you purchased without it being of terrible quality or actually torn up in transit within the next month or at least recieve some form of update, especially if you or a loved one spent money on those bundles, you may be entitled to a little bit of anger!
But, anyway, I'm angry, it's 7 in the morning, and my crow brain kind of just, ya know, realized it's almost the end of July.
Fuck Revolver Magazine.
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babygirlthor · 1 year
thor sitting in loki’s lap and stealing his food
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darlingfella · 5 months
I think I have a cold :(( I want someone to take care of me and cuddle with me so bad.
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lenievi · 2 years
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MCCOY: Look, Jim. I know what it means to you to lose a crewman. KIRK: That's only one down, Doctor. 
love how apart from seeing that Kirk is angry with McCoy in this moment, you can also tell by him calling McCoy “Doctor” three times in like one minute
and then he has time to cool down (and honestly the few seconds where he kind of awkwardly walks toward McCoy and prepares himself for an apology are so funny, but also so true and real) and he stops being the captain for those few seconds and
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and switches back to “Bones”
but now McCoy is like
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“Yes, Captain?” because he doesn’t know what to expect
and Kirk smiles and tells him “I shouldn't have chewed you out. I'm sorry.”
and all’s well~
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softfuzzyships · 3 months
I was thinking abt dragon lio n him courting me. Like bringing me flowers or books or food, idk stuff humans like. I know I'd like him so much rly quickly cause he's just so sweet....he's a nice boy he takes such good care of me
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