matchacowbee · 1 month
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hehe so I realized I never drew monika yet!! so here she is with yuri !!
I hope you guys enjoy this one :3
click for better quality! 💗💗💗
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A Giggle Button and a Game
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Sayori and Monika: Tickling each other and Natsuki
Natsuki: Tickling Yuri
Yuri: Empty handed
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M: Sayori?
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S: How are you doing? You look grumpy.
Protagonist: I'm feeling what I need to do work. Nothing.
S: Hey! Poems aren't work! They are enjoyable! And you like writing.. poems...?
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N: Revenge!
Y: Pttt
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P: Woah!
S: Hey girls~ I think someone wants to join the fun~
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P: Wait, wait, I didn't agree to this.
S: Oh you wanna play with us~
P: I don't want to!! Come on!!
S: Well since you won't admit it normally. I guess I need to use the giggle button~
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M: A giggle button?
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S: Too Late!
P: Wait wait please
S: Time to press the tickle button!
M, Y, N: ooooooo
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N: Can we have a try?
S: Ye-
S: You know if you admit you were jealous and wanted this, we can stop.
P: Never!
S: Then this will last a while.. Get over here, Natsuki.
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N: Hell Yeah!
P: No No No No No HAH!
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N: Wiggle wiggle
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P: HA HA HA HA sigh heh heh ha.. Why ar-are you st-topping?
S: Oh we aren't stopping.
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Y: It's just my turn.
P: Not a feather!!
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Y: Yes a feather!
Y: This is such a fun giggle button!
N: They'll break soon
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M: I think it's my turn girls~
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M: Could you let them go, Sayori?
S: Sur-
P: What are you gonna dooo?
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Y, N, S: What!? Why? Come on!
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M: Hear me out. We are trying to make them say they like tickling. That's the entire point of us doing this. But, their reward for admitting they like tickles is no more tickles. So, if they like tickling, why should they admit anything? The tickling would continue for as long as they stayed shut.
So, I'm going to wait Mc out. Admit it, and I'll give you more tickles.
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[Sat down with each other]
N: Man, you are way too smart to be a part of our team.
M: Thanks. Now. We just got a wait game.
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M: Something you want to say?
P: .... [Muffled Whisper]
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[scoot scoot]
M: Have something to say to me?
P: I'm sorry! Okay?! I was jealous!!
N, Y, S: YES!! She did it! Go Monika! Yeah!
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M: Do you think you can handle any more tickles? You seem exhasted.
P: I-I'd like some more...
M: Ok, Mc.
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S, Y, N: Oh, Go Monika!!!
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
(So sorry I keep picking FNF characters but that's really the only series in the list I'm most familiar with, please bear with me! 🙇‍♀️)
Let's switch this one up a bit, I pick Monika (from the DDTO mod) and Agoti~!
(Odd pairing, I know, but there was a time when I was really into the concept of the two of them hanging out & being buddies after watching D3R3K's covers with them)
Agoti is lee, Monika's the ler and the target of interest will be AG's hair tendrils. The premise: Monika makes an unexpected discovery about the strange physical feature Agoti possesses as a digidevil, and her curiosity and amusement prompts her to examine it further.
Can be purely platonic or romantic, I don't mind either way, whatever you're comfortable with. 👍🏾
Monika's eyebrows furrowed for the third time as her friend flinched away from her hairbrush, she was being extra gentle this time so the student had no idea why he was reacting so strangely, "Are you sure about this?" she asked, concern glossed over her expression.
"I-I'm fine, Monika." Agoti hated making such a cute girl upset but couldn't help it, he stayed hunched over, his hand covered the silly grin stretched over his lips; what she didn't know was that the soft bristles were setting his nerves on fire, the gentle scrubbing over his extremely sensitive tendrils was driving him nuts.
He lowered his guard too quickly and didn't anticipate the tool to touch him so suddenly, he let out a tiny yet still audible giggle; a chill went down his spine, the brush stopped and his heart went with it when Agoti heard Monika softly laugh, "Ticklish?" she mused, sending Agoti into a giggling fit when she resumed her brushing~♡
3 sentence fic by @otomiya-tickles
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kinniebloodbath · 1 year
Light Yagami (Death Note) vs. The Joker (DC) (WINNER: The Joker)
Ashfur (Warriors) vs. Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion) (WINNER: Ashfur)
Spinel (Steven Universe) vs. Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) (WINNER: Bakugo)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) vs. Vriska Serket (Homestuck) (WINNER: Patrick Bateman)
Tord (Eddsworld) vs. Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) (WINNER: Tord)
Jason Dean (Heathers) vs. Harley Quinn (DC) (WINNER: JD)
Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's) vs. Loki (Marvel) (WINNER: Michael Afton)
N (Pokémon) vs. Dave Strider (Homestuck) (WINNER: Dave)
Snufkin (Moomins) vs. Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) (WINNER: Shadow)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs. Wheatley (Portal 2) (WINNER: Wheatley)
ENA (Joel G) vs. Cabinet Man (The Lemon Demon song) (WINNER: Cabinet Man)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) vs. Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) (WINNER: Komaeda)
Jinx (League of Legends/Arcane) vs. Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die) (WINNER: Jinx)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) vs. Goro Akechi (Persona 5) (WINNER: Monika)
The Once-ler (The Lorax) vs. Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) (WINNER: Alastor)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) vs. Varian (Tangled: The Series) (WINNER: Homura)
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Ashfur (Warriors) vs. The Joker (DC) (WINNER: The Joker)
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) (WINNER: Bakugo)
Tord (Eddsworld) vs. Jason Dean/JD (Heathers) (WINNER: JD)
Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's) vs. Dave Strider (Homestuck) (WINNER: Michael Afton)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) vs. Wheatley (Portal 2) (WINNER: Wheatley)
Cabinet Man (The Lemon Demon song) vs. Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) (WINNER: Komaeda)
Jinx (League of Legends/Arcane) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) (WINNER: Monika)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) (WINNER: Alastor)
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Light Yagami (Death Note) vs. Vriska Serket (Homestuck) (WINNER: TIE)
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs. The Joker (DC) (WINNER: The Joker)
Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's) vs. Jason Dean/JD (Heathers) (WINNER: JD)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) vs. Wheatley (Portal 2) (WINNER: Komaeda)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) (WINNER: Alastor)
Someone who kins both Light Yagami and Vriska Serket vs. Any given South Park character (WINNER: South Park)
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The Joker (DC) vs. Jason Dean/JD (Heathers)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
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marshiestars · 1 year
Monika: Wheatley, what’s the situation out there?
Wheatley: *looking out the window* Uhh... they’ve set something on fire. And they’re all dancing around it... Bill, Tony, and Tord have baseball bats... I think the Once-ler and Alastor are holding a box of fireworks— oh, no, wait, that’s glass. They’re smashing glass rods with the baseball bats. Aaaand they set something else on fire. Lovely.
Monika: Good Lord.
Hatsune Miku: *runs in* Oh, thank goodness, you guys are acting normal!
Monika: Oh, hey, Miku.
Hatsune Miku: What the heck is going on?!
Spinel: Your guess is as good as ours.
Monika: I swear they do this every year around Valentine’s Day. It’s so annoying.
Spinel: Tell me about it! They all just go wild! *faint explosion* Well, wilder.
Wheatley: I don’t even know what Jeff is doing, but he’s covered in more blood than usual... Wait, is that propulsion gel?! They took my damn propulsion gel!
Spinel: I mean, come on, there’s no way the fangirls treat all of them that badly!
Monika: No, no, trust me, they do. I just have no idea how acting out like this is supposed to help with that.
Hatsune Miku: Neither do I...
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nanagoeswest · 10 months
leituras de julho
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"breakfast at tiffany's" por Truman Capote
Tenho este livro aqui por casa há coisa de um ano. Por ser pequenito e ter-me sobrado um tempo antes de iniciar a grande leitura deste mês, decidi que estava na hora. Serei o mais honesta possível: este livro ficou aquém das expectativas (que eram elevadas). Já tinha visto a adaptação uns anos antes e as memórias que tinha entre ambos não coincidiram de todo. O livro é mais platónico, mais impessoal. O filme mais aconchegante e romantizado. Por isso, talvez, fiquei com as expectativas abaladas. O que é de louvar são os diálogos, que carregam muita personalidade, principalmente os de Holly (a protagonista). Entre o livro e o filme, a história foi remexida numa outra direcção, o que me causou certa estranheza ao rever o filme mais tarde. Entre o livro e o filme, escolheria o segundo sem pensar duas vezes. Os diálogos essenciais estão lá e a história é mais perceptível. Para não falar de Audrey Hepburn e de George Peppard, que conseguiram adicionar uma magia extra a uma história promissora.
"summer with monika" por Roger McGough
Este livro foi um achado. Literalmente. Fui à Dona Ajuda e no meio das pilhas dos livros recém-chegados lá estava "Summer With Monika" por dois euros. Barato e por despertar curiosidade veio comigo para casa. Este é um livro de poesia. É uma poesia bastante rimada, quase para ser cantada. Retrata a história de um casal que se apaixona e que aos poucos se afasta. Sentimos, quer o calor da fase da "lua de mel", quer a chegada do divórcio. Li-o em dois dias porque gosto de levar o meu tempo com a poesia. Durante, fiquei várias vezes boquiaberta pelas referências e escolha de analogias. Gostei de tal forma do livro que, ao saber da edição dos cinquenta anos, toda ela ilustrada, não descansei até caçá-la e assegurá-la para mim. Este é um incrível exemplar de como é possível contar muito com pouco.
"the exorcist" por William Peter Blatty
Sou fã de terror, no entanto, nunca tinha visto "The Exorcist". Nunca o vi porque sempre o quis ler. Daí ter posto um papelinho com este título no frasco da "book lottery". Este foi o livro que daí saiu para julho. O que posso dizer ao certo sobre este livro? Gostei. Como foi escrito, conduz o leitor numa visão multicâmara, de certa forma omnipresente - coisa que me fez sentido, quando mais tarde, descobri que o autor era também cineasta. Gostei do desenrolar da ação, como as pequenas migalhas vão acumulando e como tudo tem um passo doloroso. É de apontar a perversidade de certos momentos do livro que, necessariamente, adensaram a atmosfera. Para a minha primeira leitura deste género posso dizer que não fiquei assustada, coisa que tinha curiosidade em descobrir. É um livro interessante de ser lido, embora não o recomende a todos.
"a hora da estrela" por Clarice Lispector
Não vos consigo precisar quantas vezes este livro foi mencionado nos diversos workshops de escrita que fui fazendo ao longo deste último ano. A verdade é que é realmente uma referência e agora percebo o porquê. Este é um livro experimental. O narrador é uma personagem bastante ativa, mesmo não pertencendo à história que conta. Toma o seu respectivo lugar, faz os seus comentários e por vezes divaga como quem não sabe bem o que diz. Achei-o extremamente bonito, por isso mesmo. Quero também realçar que muito sublinhei este livro. As personagens são tão inusitadas que fiquei de tal forma arrebatada. A leitura é pequenita e uma vez dentro dela queremos saber mais, o porquê de existir. Ficou livro de referência para mim também. Acredito que todos o deveriam conhecer.
"homens imprudentemente poéticos" por Valter Hugo Mãe
Eis a última leitura do mês. Foi uma semana bem passada a ler esta história situada no Japão. A história em si revelou-se uma alegoria rodeada de significados que merecem pausa para reflexão. Encantaram-me as personalidades simples no ser, mas complexas no agir. Por termos acesso às suas más ações e o porquê delas existirem, compreendemos o carácter tão humano delas. O livro que conta a história de dois vizinhos inimigos carrega muito mais do que a mera rivalidade, pois conjura uma misticidade bastante particular. Esta é a minha primeira leitura deste autor e, se me permitem a sinceridade, a sua escrita causou-me estranheza numa primeira fase. Uma vez ultrapassada tornou-se leve. Recomendo este livro pela experiência única que proporciona.
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purplepanda123 · 4 months
DASI GANTUNG TICKLE HEADCANON (im bored so i made this) this is part 1 (Serena and Monika
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Serena: 80 ler, 20 lee
AS a ler:
-her favorite target is Monika and vany
-would tickle vany because always stole her math paper, and would tickle Monika for fun
-sometimes target Paramitha or cantika because get annoying!
-she would probably tickle people sometime for fun
-she don't like target Raki or ratara because she know they would get Revenge that was more extreme
AS a lee:
-her ler would probably be Monika, her mom or dad or sometimes ratara
-has an adorable laugh but would try to not laugh
-don't like tickle because she think its kinda dumb
-her weak spot is her neck
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Monika: 50 ler, 50 lee
As a ler:
-mostly help Serena tickle vany
-probably would target Serena the most
-sometimes she tickle Serena when she was bored
-like to tease using tickle
-she kinda like target raki because she find it cute
-as a lee
-her ler is probaly Serena for Revenge or cantika
-would laugh loudly because she is kinda sensitive
-she would completely run away if there a tickle fight
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duplaroves · 1 year
Mônica contra Monika do Doki Literature Club ( fanfiction )
Naquela noite a Mônica tava no quarto dela e resolveu jogar Doki Doki Literature Club.
Quando o game começou, surgiu a Monika na tela, com seu uniforme escolar ( camisa branca e saia azul marinho). E ela disse pra Mônica :
_Hi, seja bem vinda ao Clube de Literatura Doki Doki. Eu sou a Monika. Eu, Natsuki, Sayori e Yuri estamos aqui pra lhe dar dicas sobre como escrever. Vamos mostrar nossos poemas e ler os seus poemas. Obrigada por sua presença aqui no clube.
_Eu é que agradeço. Eu gostaria de ler um poema seu.
A Monika do game respondeu :
_Eu posso escrever um poema em sua homenagem, se quiser falar sobre como você é.
_Sim. Meu nome é Mônica, eu sou brasileira, sou universitária, gosto de música e de animes. Gosto da minha família e dos meus amigos.
A Monika escreveu um poema pra Mônica : (Ela é uma garota de personalidade forte e atitude. Ela é linda e é uma amiga verdadeira. Ela agora é minha amiga. Uma admirável garota brasileira.)
_Adorei, Monika. Muito obrigada. Estou com pouco tempo, por isso agora vou conhecer as outras garotas do clube.
_Sim, Mônica. Mas elas tem problemas. A Natsuki  escreve poemas muito infantis. E a Sayori e a Yuri são bastante depressivas. Se eu fosse você, Mônica, eu só ia jogar comigo.
_Talvez eu faça isso, Monika. Mas antes vou falar com as outras garotas. Até amanhã, amiga.
A Mônica transferiu a câmera pro quarto da Yuri.
_Hi. Hoje é a primeira vez que você joga Doki Doki ?
_Sim. Meu nome é Mônica.
_Então seja bem vinda, Mônica. Espero que eu possa ajudá-la.
Elas ficaram falando sobre poemas, e escrevendo. Até que a Yuri disse :
_Eu tenho depressão, Mônica. Eu fico me cortando com facas, o meu corpo tá ficando feio por causa das cicatrizes desses cortes. Eu preciso tanto de uma amiga que me escolha como sua principal amiga. Será que eu posso ser a sua principal amiga nesse jogo ?
_Talvez, Yuri. Eu gostei muito de conhecer você. Espero que supere essa depressão. Mas hoje tô com pouco tempo. Até amanhã.
A Mônica transferiu a câmera pro quarto da Sayori.
_Hi. Acho que você é uma jogadora nova desse game. Espero que eu possa ajudar você a descobrir momentos maravilhosos no mundo da literatura. Você gosta de poesia ?
A Mônica ficou conversando com ela. Até que a Sayori disse :
_A Monika sempre edita a minha personalidade pra eu ficar desagradável. Por isso os jogadores nunca me escolhem pra jogar. Será que eu podia ser a sua melhor amiga nesse jogo?
_Talvez, Sayori. Eu gostei de você. Hoje tô com pouco tempo. Até amanhã. 
A Mônica resolveu falar  com a Magali no whats.
No outro dia, era 9 da noite e a Mônica resolveu jogar Doki Doki Literature Club. E viu que na sala do clube só estavam a Natsuki e a Monika.
_Boa noite, garotas. Hoje a Yuri e a Sayori não estão no clube ?
A Natsuki respondeu :
_Elas tinham problemas familiares graves, e problemas psicológicos muito graves, e uma depressão profunda. Elas acharam que você não queria ser amiga delas. A Yuri esfaqueou tanto o corpo dela que morreu. E a Sayori enforcou-se.
Elas são personagens de game. Mesmo assim, a Mônica ficou muito triste, achando que era culpada pela morte das duas garotas.
A Monika do game disse :
_Agora o clube só tem eu e a Natsuki. Nós precisamos de mais garotas aqui no clube. Mas só vamos poder ter novas garotas se a Natsuki for deletada. Você pode deletar a Natsuki, Mônica ?
A Mônica sabia que a Natsuki precisava de uma amiga, por causa dos problemas familiares dela. E a Mônica sabia que a Monika editava a personalidade das outras personagens, pra elas ficarem piores. Por isso a Mônica deletou a Monika.
Dois minutos depois a Monika surgiu no quarto da Mônica. Ela tem 1 metro e 60 de altura, e tava usando o uniforme escolar. Ela estava com um aspecto meio fantasmagórico.
_Como é que você tá aqui ? Você é uma personagem de game.
A Monika respondeu :
_Quando eu tava viva, eu namorava um garoto da escola. Mas de repente me apaixonei por outro cara. Eu disse pro meu namorado que eu queria terminar o namoro. Então o meu namorado me matou.
_Mas o que você é agora ?
_Eu tornei-me um espírito de vingança. Eu sei que você terminou seu namoro com o Cebola e ele sofreu muito por causa disso. Agora eu vou vingar-me de você porque você prejudicou o Cebola.
A Monika , com as duas mãos, apertou o pescoço da Mônica. Ela tava quase morrendo sufocada.
Mas o coelho de pelúcia Sansão tava ali na cama. A Mônica pegou ele e deu várias coelhadas na Monika. E ela foi embora.
Então a Mônica pensou :
_Como é que meu coelho tem tanto poder que com ele eu consigo afugentar seres sobrenaturais ?
Ela telefonou pra Magali e perguntou :
_Amiga, você estudou bastante sobre ocultismo. Então me diz, como é que o meu coelho tem poder pra afugentar seres sobrenaturais ?
_Eu já pesquisei sobre isso, Mônica. Mas não consegui descobrir nada.
Depois que elas terminaram a conversa, a Magali pensou :
_Aquele coelho faz parte da infância da Mônica. Como é que eu vou contar pra Mônica que o coelho dela tá possuído pelo espírito de um feiticeiro serial killer ?
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The Sansmaeda Wedding
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rIocRaX
by thedragonemperess
The aftermath of the Tumblr Sexyrematch results in Cecil Gershwin Palmer being told that he's to officiate the Sansmaeda Wedding. Here's the build-up to the wedding.
Post-Fighting the End, but you don't need to read that to understand this.
Words: 6439, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Tumblr Sexymen Stuff
Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game), Dangan Ronpa Series, Welcome to Night Vale, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel), Cookie Run (Video Game), モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100, Incredibles (Pixar Movies), Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), The Stanley Parable, The Lorax (2012)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Komaeda Nagito, Sans (Undertale), Time Keeper Cookie, Reigen Arataka, Jack Skellington, Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Edna Mode, Cecil Palmer, Tony the Talking Clock (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared), Paige the Sketchbook (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared), The Once-ler (The Lorax)
Relationships: Komaeda Nagito/Sans (Undertale), Time Keeper Cookie/Sans (Undertale), Reigen Arataka/Sans (Undertale)
Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Weddings, Established Relationship, Inspired by Tumblr, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Crack Crossover, tumblr sexymen, what the fuck do i tag this as, Breaking the Fourth Wall
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rIocRaX
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dumb-and-salty · 6 years
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Art i have been doing for the past two weeks ❤❤
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archive-multimuse · 2 years
Below the cut is my current list of muses vs their current placements on my uh culling list lmao
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Finn adventure time
y-5 adventure time
Kiisu Claes bakarina
Merida brave
Shay broken age
Anastasia cinderella
Charming cinderella
Monika ddlc / yansim
Alistair descendants / ever after high
Darling ever after high
Anna frozen
Hans frozen
Elsa frozen
Hiccup httyd
Ian Malcolm jurassic park
Adrien Ladybug
Jess Ladybug
Marinette Ladybug
Coraline lakia
Discord mlp
Fluttershy mlp
Capper mlp
Mae nitw
Killian ouat
Penn penn zero
Tiger peter pan
facilier princess & the frog
Tiana princess & the frog
Red shoes red shoes
Merlin red shoes
Cindy seuss
Greg su
Marco svtfoe
Eugene tangled
Varian tangled
Jim treasure planet
Archer Trolls
Pidge voltron
Galinda the good witch wicked
Ayano yansim
Taro yansim
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Mavis von Austien Abilities Average
Isabelle ACNH
Freya ACNH
Fionna adventure time
Marshall adventure time
Marceline adventure time
Yakko animaniacs
Sokka atla
Raphael Walt bakarina
Max camp camp
David camp camp
Mal descendants
Ben King descendants
Kevin Barr ee&e
Bruno Encanto
Antonio Encanto
Dolores Encanto
Julieta Encanto
Mirabel Encanto
Felix Encanto
Kristoff frozen
Olaf frozen
Woodman hilda
Twig hilda
Ben jwcc
Bumpy jwcc
Darius jwcc
Kenji jwcc
Sammy jwcc
Yasmina jwcc
Brooklyn jwcc
Chloe Ladybug
Lila ladybug
Aeon Ladybug
Felix Ladybug
Eggs lakia
Zack milo murphy
Moana moana
King owl house
Luz Owl House
Hunter Owl House
Amity Owl house
Ferb p&f
Phineas p&f
Naveen princess & the frog
once-ler seuss
Nedd seuss
Marianne strange magic
Pink Diamond su
Lars su
Spinel su
Steven su
Cass tangled
Red tangled
gothel tangled
Quirin tangled
Feldspar tangled
Branch Trolls
Fiyero wicked
Ryoba yansim
Journalist yansim
Yakuza yansim
Nick zootopia
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Dragonborn skyrim
Kevin su
Buford p&f
Inuzuka Sweetness & lightning
Kotori Sweetness & lightning
Tsumugi Sweetness & lightning
Jack j&tcch
Mile Abilities Average
Pauline Abilities Average
Reina Abilities Average
Anne Sherry bakarina
Aran Stuart bakarina
Catarina Claes bakarina
Jiorudo Stuart bakarina
Gwen camp camp
Sophia Ascart bakarina
Sora bakarina
Maria Campbell bakarina
Mary Hunt bakarina
Nikoru Ascart bakarina
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matchacowbee · 9 months
this is my 3rd DDLC fic i think :3
i wanted to include everyone here so even MC is in it!! theyre nonbinary/genderneutral in this fic
all sfw!! maybe some natsuri shipping a little hehe
cw : mentions of blade at the end
lee natsuki and lee yuri w ler sayori and ler monika
have no idea what 2 name this so its gonna be the last 3 words of this fic lolol
Tea and Cake ☕️🍰
Takes place when they fight abt their poems. Our president and vp are here to save the day!
It’s another ordinary day in the literature club. You had shared your poem with everyone and was now waiting for everyone to wrap up. Looking over, you see two club members discussing each others poems. But a little differently than usual.
Natsuki and Yuri stand over by the window looking over one another’s poems. Natsuki furrows her eyebrows while trying to decipher all of Yuri’s more difficult vocabulary. Meanwhile Yuri looks at Natsuki’s poem with a dissatisfied smile.
Both girls had significantly different styles of writing. As Natsuki was much more simple and more practical, Yuri wrote with dark connotations and used more complex words. They were pretty much opposites when it came to poems.. well that and basically everything else about them.
“As usual, I can never understand what you’re trying to say! Do you ever take my advice?” Natsuki rudely remarked, placing the poem on the desk behind her.
Yuri looked down at the pink haired girl with an unamused expression. “Natsuki.. just because you tell me that my poems are too hard for you to understand, means that I’m going to completely change my writing style.” Yuri said calmly.
“I never said you had to!! Just maybe try to make a few stylistic changes. Not everything about it!” Natsuki said.
“I think you just contradicted yourself..” Yuri replied quietly.
“Huh? See I can’t even understand you when you’re talking! Maybe it’s not your poems and just you instead, Yuri!” The small girl glanced at her with an annoyed face.
“It’s not like you take my advice either. Your poems have no deeper purpose other than to slap the meaning right in your face! They’re simpleminded, like you.” Yuri stammered, turning to the side to avoid looking at Natsuki.
That comment blew Natsuki over the edge, leading to their argument to become louder, which got the attention of the other club members.
Sayori and Monika was used to this happening, but lately their fights were becoming a bit more frequent. Sayori glanced at Monika with a worried look.
Monika walked over to the two girls trying to defuse the situation. “Now girls, let’s all just calm down-“
Monika backed off and stood by you and Sayori. The three of you looked at the pink and purple figures arguing, then looked at eachother, not sure of what to do.
Suddenly, Sayori looked at Monika with a smile, and whispered in her ear. Monika smiled and nodded at her Vice President.
Not knowing their plan, you took a seat and watched from afar.
Both girls walked over to the other two. As Sayori slipped behind Natsuki, and Monika crept behind Yuri. Natsuki and Yuri didn’t even notice, as they were too busy arguing with each other.
Then suddenly, Sayori and Monika made their attack! By scribbling their fingers on the other girls sides.
Natsuki and Yuri quit their bickering and began letting out surprised giggles instead.
“You guysss!! No fighting about poems!” Sayori lectured them with a light tone, while bringing her hands down to Natsuki’s stomach. She gave her pokes in and out of her bellybutton and scritched around the area. Natsuki squeals. Realizing the predicament she was now in, she tried to escape from Sayori’s grasp.
“H-hehehey!! Whaha whahahat’re dohoing!?” She laughed out.
On the other hand, Monika had Yuri wrapped in a tickle hug. She squeezed her from behind, while tickling in her rib spaces. Immediately Yuri switched into a more defensive posture, trying to plant her arms next to her sides, which only trapped Monikas fingers there, increasing the tickles.
“M-monikahah! Oh, maha-my gohohosh!” Yuri managed to say through her giggles, as her face flushed a shade of pink.
“Both of you need to get along better!” Monika stated, running her fingers down to Yuri’s hips, making her squeak.
“Yup! And both of you need to apologize to each other, or else we’ll get MC over here to come tickle you guys too!” Sayori said cheerfully.
“NOHOHOO!! NO NO!” Natsuki yelled frantically. Yuri shook her head many times as she was too busy laughing to respond. The two girls being mercilessly tickled, both blushed much more than before. They glance over in your direction visibly embarrassed.
You perked up once you heard your name. “What!? Don’t involve me in this too..” you say, looking away from the girls. A light blush spread across your cheeks as you sat thinking about tickling either of them.
Yuri began falling into silent laughter as Monika continued to squeeze at her hips. “AhaHahA-ah okahahay!! I aha-apoligizehe!! Your poehems heheh aren’t simplehe mindehed!!
Yuri tried her best to get her full sentence out. Monika became satisfied with her answer, and let go of Yuri. The tall girl took a deep breath and tried to regain control of her breathing.
On the other hand, Sayori had now made her way up to Natsuki’s underarms, scribbling her fingers in the hollows. Which was making the smaller girl shriek. Sayori grinned at her reactions.
“Saha-SAYORIHII!! Stahahap!!” Natsuki shut her eyes and fought a lot harder to get out of her grip. Sayori then pulled her back by her waist, essentially taking her in a tickle hug as well from behind.
Being tired of watching them all make commotion, and having the desire to go home, you decide to intervene. “Cmon Natsuki, stop being so stubborn and just apologize to Yuri already.” You say from the seat of your chair.
Monika walks over and sits in the chair next to you. “She’s way to ticklish for her own good, she’ll give in soon.” She whispers in your ear.
And just like Monika said, Natsuki began to give in from fighting. The poor girl was now too exhausted to try and continue. Sayori slowed her fingers down but continued to tickle her sides gently.
“Ok okahayy… I’m sorrehehy Yuri.. I-ehehe I take it bahack” Natsuki says, letting out breaths of air and little giggles out along with it.
Sayori removes her hands from Natsuki’s waist. She then smiles back at you and Monika with her thumbs up. Yuri and Natsuki both were still a little shy about what had just happened between them and the club.
Sayori then enthusiastically yells, “NOW HUG IT OUT!!” With a giant grin on her face, she gestures for both of them to “hug it out”.
Natsuki then looks down at the floor, but suddenly felt arms wrap around her shoulders. Yuri had went in for the embrace. Natsuki reluctantly put her arms around Yuri’s waist. Both of them blushing while holding eachother.
“Aww they’re so cuteee!!” Monika commented while leaning onto you. Immediately the two girls separate and moved back to where they were beforehand.
“Is club over now?” You ask as everyone began to put away their poems.
“Seems like it. Well I’ll see all of you guys tomorrow!! Have a nice evening.” Monika says cheerfully, as she watched you and Sayori head towards the door.
Natsuki and Yuri had left rather quickly, so you and Sayori had left the school together to walk back home.
Meanwhile Yuri stood by the side of the school building fiddling with one of her switchblades, when suddenly she felt a tug on her blazer. Letting out a surprised yelp, she whipped her head around to see Natsuki looking down at the grass. Frantically putting away her blade in her bag, she then quickly faced Natsuki.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for all the things I said today. You aren’t obligated to take my advice, and I shouldn’t force that upon you.” She said quietly, but with honesty in her voice.
Yuri looked down at Natsuki. She gave her a sigh and a happy smile. “I’m sorry for calling you simple minded. I know you take your poems seriously and you didn’t deserve my harsh comments.”
They both stare at each other for a moment, then gave one another a smile.
“Um, would you like to join me to go to my favorite tea shop? They have many different desserts there too. I’m heading there now if you’d like to accompany me..” Yuri asked bashfully.
Natsuki’s face lit up at the sound of desserts. “Would I!? Let’s go right now!” She said excitedly.
So the two walked off together on their way to have some nice tea and cake.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
2 am and I am once again seething (not actually ahaha) over tumblr sexysim.
no hate to the devs and i don’t actually have a problem with it, it’s just a silly little petty thing with my monika kinnie brain.
it’s actually really hilarious that i’m a background character in that one scene (/maybe in the game in general? i’m not sure if I’m in it or not now that i think about it). i do mean that genuinely
it’s just…that means i don’t…
curse my hell brain for making me jealous of the fucking once-ler
(i think it’s funny that this gets me worked up lol)
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weird-color · 3 years
Oml yes
Kk here ya go shawty 💓/j
Colin (Dhmis) - Sky (My oc and i take her more as a mother) - Garcello (Fnf) - Benzo (Pulentos dON'T ASK.) - Monika (Ddlc) - Teto (Utauloid) - The whole Hatzgang (Spooky month) - Rob (Tawog) - Gf (Fnf) - Once-ler (Not rlly a simp but i take him as a brother figure idk) - Penny (Tawog) - Kevin (Spooky month) - Tuesday (Ugly dolls don't judge me she's funny af) - Lamp (Dhmis) - Red (Dhmis) - Melody (My oc) - Christopher Pierre (Ghost and pals) - Yonaka Kurai (Mogeko castle) - Key (Dhmis) - Flaky (Htf) - Dementia (Villainous) - Etihw (The gray garden) - Carol (Fnf) - Sniffles (Htf as you may see) - Candy dealer (Spooky month) - Annie (Fnf) - Tatsumiya (Watgbs) - (Y/n) (My version) - Shifty and Lifty (Htf idk why but they make me remember of my childhood, i used to steal EVERY little sparkly thingy i found and yknow) - Giggles (Htf i swear i'm tired of people calling her a whore.) - Amethyst (Su)
And that's all, maybe i'll update
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switchyglitch · 6 years
DDLC Tickly Headcanons
So being that I’m a fan of the amazing game, Doki Doki Literature Club, and I of course love tickles, I thought I’d have a little fun and come up with some tickly headcanons! This is the first time I’ve actually really come up with and posted headcanons anywhere for anything, especially tickle related, so if they’re not great then that’s why XD
Either way, I hope you enjoy them! :3
Sayori - Switch
Most Ticklish Spot: Neck     Preferred Tickle Spot: Tummy
Sayori’s an even switch, perfectly 50/50. She loves making people happy, whether that means tickling or being tickled. Her neck is super sensitive, it takes only a little touch there to make her giggle. When she’s feeling depressed and on the verge of actually considering suicide she can’t help but remember how sensitive she is, thinking that rope around her neck might tickle too much to make anything happen. Just the idea that something as dark and depressing as a noose could tickle is often enough to make her smile and get her out of that mindset. She absolutely loves getting tummy rubs and tickles, no matter what mood she’s in. It makes her feel like a cute little puppy getting attention.
Natsuki - Switchy Lee
Most Ticklish Spot: Underarms     Preferred Tickle Spot: Sides
Natsuki wishes she could just be a ler, and of course she does have a ler side to her, but she can’t avoid the undeniable fact that she craves tickles. Despite refusing to accept being cute, all she wants is to be held and played with. Her underarms are horribly ticklish, a fact that the other girls have taken advantage of many times, to her dismay. She’d much rather have her sides tickled, a spot that makes her feel adorably vulnerable in a way she loves(something she’d never admit out loud) without being too intense. And watch out, if you do anything unexpected or take advantage of her ticklishness she’ll get her revenge.
Yuri - Ler
Most Ticklish Spot: Sides     Preferred Tickle Spot: Neck
Yuri enjoys tickling people, but prefers not to be tickled herself. She feels nervous and awkward around most people already, let alone when she’s being touched by someone in a way that makes her lose control of her composure. She’d rather be the one in control and enjoy the pleasurable light tickles she inflicts on her lees. Despite her not preferring being tickled, that doesn’t always stop the girls. They’ll occasionally give her a quick poke now and then, pokes to her sides making her react more than any other spot. If she really had to be tickled she’d want it to be her neck, ticklish enough for a reaction but not so much so that she loses complete control of how she reacts. And it wouldn’t be too distracting during a reading session.
Monika - Switchy Ler
Most Ticklish Spot: Feet     Preferred Tickle Spot: Sides
Monika loves having control over her friends, turning them into giggly messes at her fingertips. There’s little she likes more than a lee to play around with, working her fingers over their ticklish spots like playing piano, but she does like to get some tickles herself from time to time. Her feet are her weak spot, sometimes her lees will even take advantage of that fact to get her to give them a break when she’s being relentless. Though when it comes to her preference she’d much rather have her sides tickled. She likes to imagine her future significant other one day playing with her sides while she tries to practice piano, the imagination only feeling more real when she’s actually playing a song. The girls stare confused about why she occasionally blushes and squirms while she plays.
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switchy-lee-tan · 6 years
hi!!!!! if youre still doing the writing prompt things, can you please do 14 with lee!Sayori and ler!Monika? thank you so much!!!! ;o;
(can I get a HELL YEAH)"But it’s such a lovely word! Tickle tickle tickle!” Monika smirked, leaning closer to Sayori. Sayori let out a squeal and moved away, her face red."Stop it Monika!! It's embarrassing!" she whined.Monika chuckled, putting her arm around Sayori and pulling her close."Why? Does it make you feel ticklish to hear the word tickle?" Monika rested her long fingernails on Sayori's side, gently dragging them up her ribs. Sayori squirmed and yelped through light giggles."Nohohoho! H-hehehelp!""No one can help you now," Monika said with a grin, tackling Sayori to the ground and tickling all over her upper body. "Tickle tickle, Sayori~!""N-NOHOHOHO!"Sayori's face was pink, her smile wide and her hair fussed from lying on the ground. She looked beautiful. And adorable.Monika slowed to a stop, letting Sayori catch her breath."How was that?" Monika smiled. Sayori giggled."G-good."
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