#tickly headcanon
spooky-switch · 8 months
There will be some more FNAF movie spoilers below the cut but I just had an idea that I NEEDED to share!
The moment I saw the springlocks dig into William's torso, my stupid tickle brain immediately thought about how the suit could potentially be repurposed into a tickle trap. Like, just imagine a few adjustments being made to the springlocks, like switching out the sharp pieces on the inside for something duller and adjusting the pressure with which they will dig in if triggered. One minute, William is gloating about how he's won, the next he's trying desperately to claw out of the suit as his ribs and sides are getting dug into in the most terribly ticklish way.
Just a thought, you know?
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creepy-feathers · 10 months
I never thought I’d see a creepy pasta t-word blog :0. Can you maybe do A-Y (unless someone already asked) for Tim/Masky? He really needs to smile more :’)
Yeah, unfortunately there aren't many out there 😞
He certainly does! I love the idea of Masky losing his shit lmao.
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?
If you just got wrecked by Tim, chances are he'll feel enough morality to at least give you a sweet pat on the head in silent commendation for surviving his attack.
Masky, however? You'll be lucky if he even stops before you pass out entirely. He'll utter some snide remark to remind you why you should never screw with him, then he'll walk away to go on about his business.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
Bondage? Uh-uh, absolutely not, no thank you. Tim gets exceedingly anxious when he's unable to move, and Masky is just... He likes being in control of the situation. Which is why neither man will ever ever ever enjoy being restrained in any way.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
Considering both of them are the ones usually doing the chasing, I'd say they'd be naturally inclined to keep that up when they're looking to pounce on someone. They're rather good at it, too—the ler would be doomed.
On the other end of the stick, however? I imagine Tim would be able to find a place to hide without much trouble, due to his history of running from imminent death. Masky would refuse to be chased at all and then proceed to gut-punch whoever was attempting to pursue him in the first place.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
Thighs, no questions asked. A close second would have to be the neck. Either of these areas targeted will have them writhing in 10 seconds or less.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Tim has to be feeling very playful to get the urge to tickle someone, and since he isn't exactly a physical person by heart, chances that he'll actually go through with it are unlikely. The same goes for when he desires to be tickled, which, dare I say, is even rarer than the latter. If he craves it badly enough, he'll probably just outright say it. With reluctance and awkwardness, sure, but he doesn't like beating around the bush.
'Violence' is the one word that goes through his head on repeat throughout the day; it is the solution to every problem he can think of. It really is no surprise that touching someone without intending to cause them intense agony is a foreign concept to him, and an unappealing one at that. Simply put: the only reason on this earth that he would ever consider tickling someone is if he actually cares about them and wants to bring some form of torment that won't result in serious injury. As for the being tickled, aha, never in a million years will this man let his guard down long enough for someone to be successful, nor will he want to be touched in that regard. Try it and he will commit homicide.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Tim is a strong dude, so unless his weakest spots are being honed in on, he will have the upper hand. Thankfully, he practices mercy, so it usually isn't a time to panic—plus, he'll let up every now and then so his opponent feels like they're actively contributing to this 'fight'.
With Masky, there is no fight. There is just plain torture. He will pin you solidly and not relent until he is satisfied. 'Nice' is not in his vocabulary, apparently.
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
This man— He will snort if you brush your fingers against any remotely ticklish spot. He'll also squirm, which is an amusing sight.
Pretty much the same reaction as Tim, but he's much more aggressive with his squirming.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
This only applies if the two of you are romantically involved; if Tim's feeling affectionate or clingy, he'll nuzzle your neck or any sensitive, accessible area with his beard just to hear the giddy sounds you'll emit.
Pure roughness. He's left bruises on every lee he's ever gotten his hands on and lingering pain for sometimes hours, but somehow this violence is equally effective at drawing the rawest shrieks and highest-pitched laughter. It's unbearable in literally every way. This is a talent he doesn't even consider a 'talent'.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Tim would have the capability to last quite a while, even if his worst spots are targeted. But he would break eventually, and quiet, half-stifled giggles would break into full-blown cries for mercy. He tried.
Masky doesn't beg. Like whatsoever. But he also wouldn't put a lot of effort into hiding his raspy laughter, no. Instead, he would writhe relentlessly and spew threats at his progressor while losing every ounce of self-control he formerly possessed. He's a very loud lee.
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
If he had to choose something, it would be the way it bonds him with his loved ones. Before all the Slenderman crap went down he'd always use tickling to connect with his little siblings and cousins, and occasionally for his friends. He and Brian got into it a few times in college; the former won, but Brian was a worthy opponent.
Masky absolutely does not care.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
This isn't really a skill, but he'll start to laugh along with his lee after a few moments and that always seems to heighten the lee's nerves so they laugh even harder.
Like I said previously: stone cold force. He will attack your weakest areas without a bit of remorse, and he'll do it till you're on the brink of passing out.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Normally, it's pretty raspy due to all the smoking, but there's this sweet—extraordinarily rare—kind of giggle you can pull from both of them, but it takes incredible precision and the exact amount of pressure. Go for the side of the ribcage with firm yet tender claw-like scratching and watch them unravel in an instant.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
If you are anyone other than his romantic partner, do not try this or he will straight up bitch slap you. If you are dating him, however, feel free to wake him up with benign pokes to the stomach and/or tickly neck kisses. It will put him in a blissful mood for the rest of the day and he may reciprocate, even in his sleepy haze.
Do not touch Masky. Seriously. The only thing keeping him going right now is a mug full of coffee. If you even threaten to do something he will snap your finger in two.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights? 
At this point in the day, this man is completely exhausted and is looking for some downtime. He would need to be exceedingly close to a person to participate in tickles, and it wouldn't be for long periods.
Masky is done, man. He's so freaking done. He's put up with everyone's shit the whole day and dealt with his own problems and is not in the mood to be all physical and lovey-dovey. You best pray he doesn't strike at this interval because he's probably out for blood.
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
Not...really? Both of these dudes kinda just live in the moment. Tim might shoot a text every once in a while for shits and giggles but that's about it.
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
For Tim, it would probably be his s/o. If he doesn't have one, he'd go solo.
Masky also typically works alone, but if he's feeling vengeful enough he'll get Johnny to join him.
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
"Um, heh... Isn't everyone?"
"You'll never get close enough to find out."
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
Both lers to the core, but if either of them were to be swayed it'd be Tim.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
Tim is the kind of person that has always been very serious about safewords and consent in general. He will deadass go completely still if you say 'stop', not wanting to push boundaries.
Safewords are not a real thing to Masky. He will go for however long he wants to go and there ain't no arguing with him.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Sometimes he'll drum his fingers against their torso with a certain mischievous sparkle in his eyes that drives the lee crazy.
Rapid, harsh scribbling, especially when he figures out what spots make you scream. No mercy.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
Their thighs. Also sorta ticklish on the upper back.
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
His s/o or Sally, but only occasionally.
Masky just targets whoever decided to royally piss him off. Though he must admit, Liu is quite a satisfying victim.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
Tim moreso than Masky, but that only applies when he's asking to be tickled.
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Luna Lovegood and Tim I think would be a blast to watch. Luna would be super sweet yet good with her hands (plus there's the whole 'magic' that would definitely come into play), but she'd play fair too. She would push him out of his comfort zone to the point where he would be comfortable actually fighting back but it would all be in good fun.
Bahloo would be perfect for Masky because he's a literal bear and could just pin him down effortlessly and teach Masky some life lessons.
Y: YOU | Any personal self or reader-insert tickle fantasies/headcanons to share with this character?
Tim hated being tickled as a kid cause it was always a way to "make him feel better". It was nurses and the people keeping him in the hospital that would mostly initiate it.
Then he met Brian years later and realized how much of a playful person he was. His friend was the one that made him okay with receiving that kind of treatment again.
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giggle-bee · 10 months
Helloo, I’m back with more letters, this time for Barbatos from Obey Me ^^ may I request letters E, H, and K (and W & Q if you’re interested and it’s not too much)? As always though, feel free to skip any of them if you’re not interested ^^
Have a wonderous day/night <33
Tickly Alphabet here!
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(Can you tell I’m obsessed with their cards lol this is A Butler’s Private Lesson)
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Tbh I feel like Barbatos doesn’t often express what he wants, which is sad :((
Because he’s a butler, and right hand man to the Demon Prince, most of his time and energy is put into making sure Diavolo has everything he needs. But when he becomes closer with you and the rest of the cast, he does come out of his shell a bit. I don’t think he would ever ask on his own? He likes to plan activities and stuff for you guys to do, but with that specifically he wont do on his own. But, if you provoke him? You are getting wrecked 100%
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
Sort of like Solomon in the way that he points out your reactions or things he notices, but he’s a lot more subtle. He doesn’t talk much, but his eyes do all the teasing. He loves to use his tail if his hands are occupied! Doesn’t use nicknames, only uses your own name.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
“Stay still for me, will you? You’re proving to be a bit difficult. If I have to help you, it will be a lot worse.”
Loves using tools! He has you pick out your favorites before you start, and if you don’t like using them, that’s okay too!
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
“An interesting question. What do you think? I’m curious to know what your thoughts are. It has never been of importance to me. I suppose I’m not sure.”
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He thinks the word itself is odd. He can say it but it feels weird on his tongue, the first time you mentioned it to him, he scrunched up his face and tried pronouncing it several times. He knew what it was, but not the word for it. Diavolo and you had to teach him a little lesson :3
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 4 months
ya know
I'm always assuming that my tickly headcanons for my fav characters are just wishful thinking. Half the ticklefics I read include some sort of apology for being "out-of-character." A lot of us seem to assume that we're stretching suspension-of-disbelief to absurd lengths to imagine certain characters having positive reactions to tickling.
But it just occurred to me... I'm sure people who have only seen me irl would find it absurdly OOC to write me as someone who is into tickling.
I'm quiet and easily overwhelmed. I tend to come off extremely reserved, and people tend to assume I don't like to be touched (which makes me hella sad because I DO DAMMIT, PLEASE CUDDLE ME). I am terribly self-conscious about my laugh, so I actively try to avoid using it.
And I tell no one that I lull myself to sleep each night with imagined tickle scenes, check tumblr daily for new ticklefics, and have several sketchbooks filled almost entirely with sketches of various characters wrecking one another.
Not a single day goes by where I don't end up in a ler or lee mood at some point.... but not even my best friend is aware that tickling occupies a solid 30%-110% of my brain's processing power at any given moment.
Moral of the story: if you think your ticklefics are "silly" because your character is "just not the type!" to get lee/ler moods.... guess what? it doesn't seem like many people irl are the "type" either...
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi I saw you like writing for Blue Lock so I have a headcanon here: Sometimes Gagamaru gets into a severe tickle monster mode and whenever that happens the Rest of Team Z splits up into small groups for better defense and nobody wants Isagi and Chigiri on their team because they would be weak links so they always end up in a Pair but they know they won't be able to defend themselves and start to stab each other in the back so Gagamaru tickles the respective other one ("G-get away from me, look Isagi isn't wearing a shirt so you can get him easily!" "Come on Gagamaru don't you want to make Chigiri snort!")
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
jrkjarjkekjrakjrakjrjke Oh man- RIP Isagi and Chigiri! Poor babes are just too ticklish for their own good! This is hilariously evil and I love it- I've gotcha covered, anon!
Gagamaru was in a mood.
How did Team Z learn this? They found Naruhaya flushed and giggly, lying half dead against his futon.
“Ghahahagamaru…hahas awahahakened.” He got out, clocking his head to the side as he “died.”
“Gentleman, this is a serious matter. We need to plan accordingly for the upcoming battle.” Kuon turned to the remaining boys as Iemon ran a hand over Naruhaya’s face. “What’s our gameplan?”
Some murmurs were made, ideas tossed around, and then a leader rose from the crowd.
“Hey…Isa, Kuni and ChiChi aren’t here.” Bachira pointed out.
Silence. Then;
“Sacrifice the lambs?” Igarashi offered.
“W-Wait! No, hold on! Gagamaru!” Isagi backed up from the older boy, shirt in hand like a bullfighter. “You don’t want me! Go for Chigiri! He’s like a little mouse!”
“Screw you, Isagi! Don’t listen to him, Gagamaru- look; he doesn’t even have a shirt on!” Chigiri, who at the time was stretching his leg out, backed into the corner of the room, voice shaking with nervous giggles. “Go for his ribs, he’ll cry!”
“Huh. Both good options.” Gagamaru considered, looking between the damsel in distress and the armorless knight. “I think I’ll choose…”
“NOW!” Isagi tossed his shirt in perfect aim, watching it smack Gagamaru flat in the face. “Run, Chigiri!”
“Not so fast!” Gagamaru’s arm came around his waist before he could get by, accurate even when blinded. “Gotha, Isagi!” He tossed the brunette over his shoulder, one hand already digging into his bare torso while he made his way over to the giggly redhead. “Now, do you still want to run, Princess?”
“Ah! AHheahahhahahahhaha! Chiihihihihihgiihihihihri hehehehhelp mehehehehehe!” Isagi wailed, feet kicking as he squirmed and laughed. “Noohohoho wahaahait- sahahhahve yooohohohurself!”
“You and I know I can’t run right now.” Chigiri nodded at his leg, acceptance in his voice. “Come on then.”
“Good choice.” Gagamaru nodded, bending to grab him. Chigiri lunged-
“Ha! I knew you’d try to trick me.” Gagamaru snickered at the redhead’s shocked expression, his hand digging into his belly and making him squeak in mirth. “Look at that- now I have two friends to play with.”
“Ghahahahhagahahhahmahhhahhahharu!” Isagi cried, cheeks red and eyes misty.
“Whahahhahait! Pleahhahhahase! *snort* Wehehehhere shahahahhahharry!” Chigiri cried out, sinking to the floor and unintentionally opening up more tickle spots.
“Don’t know why you're apologizing, but I’m not gonna stop.” Gagamaru kneeled so he had both on the ground, attacking their tickle spots with merciless determination. “Not until I get my fill of your laughter.”
“Oof, they’re gonna kill us.” Bachira whispered from the door, eyes wide as he watched Gagamaru tickle his friends to tears.
“Better them than us, though.” Igarashi was quick to remind, pulling Bachira along before they would get caught. “Let’s go. Hurry-”
Hands grabbed their shoulders, making them both freeze.
“Betraying our teammates, huh? And I thought we’ve all got past that.” Kunigmai sounded extra intimidating, the darkness of the hallway adding to the dramatics. “Come here, you two.”
Soon, four voices were laughing throughout Blue Lock.
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randommusicalfluff · 5 months
No one will ever understand Ale‼️‼️tyler tickles like I do ISTG!!
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Omg those Omori tickling Hc’s are so cute! I’d love to see one with Aubrey and Sunny tickling one another, maybe Sunny could find out Aubrey’s love for nicknames and use them to playfully tease her.
Thank youuu! I am so glad that you like them!! ♡ I didn't focus a lot in Sunny being teasy and using nicknames here but I hope you still like it ^w^)s2
It's under the ReadMore because it's longer than I anticipated wgfsdcwgvsgva
○ So, one could think that between Aubrey and Sunny, Aubrey would be the BIGGEST ler ever and win every tickle fight but to be honest they are both pretty equal here
○ Because both of them feast and thrive in unexpected tickle attacks.
○ Aubrey because she LOVES to catch her victims out of guard, especially Sunny because he always let out the CUTEST mix of a snort and a squeal together with a bunch of wiggles and squirms. Like, usually Sunny will just lay there and take the tickles (sometimes even trying to push the offending hands away but never with enough force or energy), but when Aubrey manages to sneak behind him and run her index finger across his entire spine?? His body just takes a screenshot and he wiggles like crazy for a couple of seconds before being subdued by fast giggles
○ Also Aubrey will NEVER admit but there is simply something lovely and amazing in the way that Sunny looks at her after an unexpected scribbling in his neck, a pinching on his sides or a poke on his spine. His eyes is always beaming w joy and his eyes wrinkle at the corners and he smile and suddenly she just *knows* that she will have to tickle him again in the future.
○ Also I like to think that in the future, when Sunny is a bit more confident in himself, he will star to get into the random rough housing that Kel and Aubrey are always up to. And you just know how it is. One day you and your two friends are just rolling on the ground, pushing each other around and then you sense Sunny trying to sneak upon you while Kel is distracting you by shoving a hand on your face and you know, like, you have two hands and no qualms about playing dirty so you just.... ya know start digging on Kel's armpit and not let his crackles distract you from turning around, pulling Sunny's hands so he loses his balance and fall on your lap and then lightly skitter your fingers on the back of his ribs with your other free hand.
○ ♡ Victory ♡
○ She is generally very merciless when it comes to tickle fights but that doesn’t always mean that her attacks are rough and stuff. Especially with Sunny because he always reacts better when it comes to light tickles, full of fast titters and quiet snickers. Besides his stamina was pretty low for some years so any more playful and energetic tickling would have him breathless and tired v easily.
○ Tickling him and Hero (who has a silent laughter) creates what the gang likes to call The Silent Melody. They both blush a lot everytime that title is mentioned
○ Also, well!, light tickles means a laughter quiet enough to hear any and every tease and ooooh boy how Aubrey LOVES to absolutely DESTROY all her victims with teases (because she is a SOFTIE)
○ For Sunny, her teases are usually variations of "Huh? What did you say? Care to repeat that?~" and "Ops, does that tickle? Well, you just need to escape then. Problem solved! But, hey, if you get to escape you better run the fastest you can or otherwise... I will catch you again.~"
○ He is not that flustered by her usual taunting teases but they're fun to say and it's nice to see the way huffs and puffs and wobbly smiles escape from him when she drops a compliment for his laughter or his reactions here and there.
○ So, different from Aubrey, Sunny doesn’t randomly tickle someone because of a strategy of battle or something like that
○ He just get random Ler Moods cvfghjjhgvbn
○ I mean, I mean, they’re not TOTALLY random, his thought process is just kind of complex. Sometimes he will just be hanging out w everyone and then he sees a bean passing by with a shirt with red flowers and he remembers about that one afternoon in Kel’s house where Basil was talking about all the new flowers he wanted to try to dye with this new technique he saw on a magazine the other day and how he could make one with each of their favorite colors and Aubrey said that there was already flowers with her favorite color and that was same magazine they saw that adversiment about that movie and that was a good movie, very fun, full of cute moments and there was a tickle scene there wasn’t it? It’s been a time since he tickled someone. He should tickle Aubrey.
○ While that entire movie happens on his head outside he is just,,, sitting,, and then suddeny his sharp, concentrated eyes locks on Aubrey and then he NYOOM
○ No hesitation. No seconds thoughts. Just silly tickles.
○ His tickles vary from light to rough depending more of his mood, the tickle spot and the person, but generally a word that can describe them is efficient. His fingers are nimble, his teases are rare but very deadly and he can’t deny that there is a part of his heart that gets really, really happy to be the reason of someone’s smile.
○ With Aubrey, he LOVES to use a bit more of light tickles. And she just can’t stand how much maddening that is. Just some fingers scratching her stomach or dancing on the skin behind her knees or a few pinches and prodding on her ribs and then she will be immediately LOST in high pitched giggles that makes her entire face burn with heat and usually she would punch anyone who saw her like this but that is Sunny and she trusts him.
○ It feels especial that she will let him tickle her like this and Sunny is just very content to just hum happily and let out a tiny smile while letting his fingers skitter and dance around while snickers and giggling fills the air
○ When they are around the others tho he will be a bit more playful and energetic which results in a lot of babbling (I am once again defending here my headcanon that Aubrey just talks about whatever when she is tickled) and trashing around.
○ He doesn't say a lot of teases, preferring direct attacks or building a bit of attencipation by wiggling his fingers or pretending to attack one spot and then jumping to the other but, believe me, few things in life makes you feel even more ticklish than hear that boi saying w a low and calm tune: "tickle tickle tickle..." or a "Your yelp was cute" or "You sounded like a squeaky mouse"
○ Aubrey can and will deny forever the loud, hysteric wheeze that left out her mouth at this last tease. Sometimes she remembers about it and automatically die on the spot. Or decide to get revenge. Again.
○ ♡ Friendship ♡
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switchypanic · 4 months
'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Headcanons
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Charlie Morningstar
→ Our charming demon belle is a total switch. She loves the playfulness of tickles and regularly attempts to initiate tickle fights with the others (at the moment, she has a shockingly high success rate). → Vaggie is her favorite target, of course! There have been many mornings where she has awoken her girlfriend with a barrage of soft, tickly kisses, and Vaggie can never bring herself to mind them. → She leans heavily on baby talk, so expect a few "coochie coochie coos" between gushes about how cute you look while laughing. → One of the only ones brave enough to try tickling Alastor. This earned her some huge bragging points with Angel Dust Even Husk had to admit she "had guts" when he found out about her attempts to reduce the feared Radio Demon to a giggling fit. → Her tickles tend to be quick and gentle, her fingers spidering from spot to spot before you even have the chance to grab at her hands, and if she ever decides to bring her tail into the mix, that's just one more thing you'll have to watch out for. → Speaking of her tail, it's one of her worst spots, so it's a good thing she usually keeps it hidden. Other sweet spots include her cheeks, sides and hooves. → While teasing can fluster her to some degree, she isn't embarrased about liking tickling, and will even outright ask for them if her lee mood is bad enough. → If you manage to get her laughing hard enough, she lets out these loud snorts, a trait that she inherited from her father. → Responds best to fast, light pressure. Sure, digging into her spots will get her laughing, but those reactions are nothing compared to the frantic squeals you'll get by spidering your fingers across the spade of her tail. → She is predominantly tickled by Vaggie, though as the other hotel patrons start to warm up to her, they start sneaking in a few tickles here and there as well.
→ Far from the most touchy feely member of the group, Vaggie is only okay with tickling Charlie at first. However, as she starts to warm up to and bond with the others, she slowly starts to become more playful with them as well. → The most skilled ler in terms of precision and technique. However, she still has some learning to do when it comes to teasing (she's kinda bad at it, though not for lack of trying). → Prior to meeting Charlie, Vaggie hadn't really encountered tickles before, as she didn't exactly have the best home life. However, her girlfriend is more than happy to help her make up for lost time and always makes an effort to include Vaggie in the group tickle wars. → When her wings grow back, she loves using them as tickle tools, though this is a technique she reserves for Charlie alone. Showing off one's wings can be a huge show of trust for an angel, and she just doesn't have that level of comfort with the others yet. → Angel Dust is her most prevalent lee after Charlie. The actor just goes out of his way to push her buttons, knowing good and well she's going to retaliate for it, and Vaggie is happy to oblige. → While not as ticklish as some of the other members of the hotel staff, she has a few sweet spots that are guaranteed to get her laughing, those being her armpits, wings, and feet. ONLY Charlie is allowed to touch her wings, though! → Whenever she's being too much of a stick in the mud, Angel will make sure she gets a few good tickles, usually aided by Charlie. While she might act annoyed by it, Vaggie doesn't really mind their affectionate concern. → The only one she actively tries to fight off as Alastor. No matter how much time they spend together, the angel cannot bring herself to trust him (not that I can blame her), and Alastor's teasing tends to be just a little too mean spirited for her to find comfort in. → Angel has made SO MANY JOKES about how "they should just tickle the other Exorcists into submission if they're half as sensitive as Vaggie" and it flusters her to no end. → She is more of a giggle than a cackler, having a higher pitched, sweet sounding laugh that Charlie likes to compare to the sound of a bell ringing.
Angel Dust
→ On the outside, Angel is shameless about his enjoyment of tickling, be it being on the giving or receiving end. However, once you start to break down his bravado, he's shockingly easy to fluster (when Husk found out just how SHY Angel gets about his lee moods, he had a field day with it). → THE KING OF TEASING, I SWEAR. It is one of the many talents he's developed over his time in the "film" industry and he loves to boast about it. → "Aaaw, what's the mattter? Does the wittle kitty have tickwish wittle wings? Can he not handle havin' his wittle feathers ruffled?" → Very big on consent for obvious reasons. If his lee really doesn't want it, he will stop tickling them immediately and profusely apologize. → All of his arms give him a major advantage in tickle fights, allowing him to hold his lee down with ease while the remaining limbs target multiple sweet spots at once. → Speaking of his extra arms, they are actually both a blessing and a curse, as his armpits are his absolute worst spot. As if having one set wasn't bad enough, the poor guy has MULTIPLE to worry about protecting during a tickle fight, a feat he rarely manages to accomplish. → He doesn't like having his feet touched. While they're pretty ticklish, they are a huge source of insecurity for him, so the others make sure to stay clear of them. → Prefers soft, gentle tickles to rougher ones. Sure, getting absolutely destroyed can be fun and all, but sometimes he just needs something sweet and playful to brighten his mood after a particularly hard day of filming. → Cherri Bomb was the one to reveal his sensitivity to the others, leading to the poor spider getting lovingly ganged up on and tickled to pieces (not that he minded, of course). → His laughter is wild and bouncy, ranging from frantic giggles to loud cackling depending on the spot, technique, and ler (responds the best to Cherri and Husk, though Alastor is a close third).
→ Husk prefers being the ler most of the time; it takes a lot for him to let go and allow somebody else to take control (thanks a lot, Alastor). However, as the bartender comes to trust the other hotel patrons more, he starts opening up to the idea of being on the recieving end more often. → Usually only pokes or prods at you in passing; very rarely full-on attacks. If you want to get totally wrecked, you're either gonna have to ask for it or annoy him enough to get him to snap (Angel Dust has become the master of this because there's NO WAY IN HELL he's gonna be able to ask for it). → Husk is a fan of more toned down teasing; he finds baby talk too silly and will actually end up flustering HIMSELF if he attempts it. Instead, he leans more towards little comments, deep chuckles and knowing smirks to get his lee all squirmy. → "Hm, this a good spot? No? Well, I guess you won't mind if I stay here then, will ya?" Cue panicked screeching for Angel. → THIS MAN IS CONFIRMED TO BE CANONICALLY TICKLISH! WE'VE GOT A LIVE ONE, YOU GUYS! → Alastor was the first to find out Husk's ticklish but (shockingly enough) kept it to himself. As such, it was a total shock to Angel when one misplaced scratch behind the ear nearly sent the cat demon into a fit of giggles. Needless to say, the actor had a field day and Husk was MORTIFIED. → Teasing gets to him so bad, you guys! Like, he isn't a fan of teasing that makes him feel weak or small, but if you start complimenting his laugh or cooing about how his tail is wagging, he might actually combust. → HE TOTALLY PURRS WHEN HE LAUGHS! SORRY, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES, PEOPLE!" → His kill spots are his ears, wings and paws (especially the little heart beans, he'll offer you anything you want to get you leave those alone). Under the chin is also a major giggle spot for him.
→ Most people automatically assume Alastor isn't ticklish. I mean, come on, he's the RADIO DEMON! Plus, with how evil of a ler he is, the risks of trying just doesn't seem to outweigh the benefits. However, if you know the right spots and techniques, it is possible to take him down with you. → Behind Charlie, he starts most of the hotel's tickle fights, using his shadow to cause chaos and turn the other patrons against each other (he once had Husk CONVINCED that Angel was squeezing his sides whenever his back was turned). → He is shockingly gentle with Charlie and Nifty, using lighter touches and kinder teases with them than any of the other patrons. Angel claims this is "bullshit and totally unfair," though it's not like Alastor particularly cares about being fair. → If you provoke him enough, he might decide that a regular wrecking isn't enough and bring his powers into the mix, using his tentacles to hold you still as he slowly tickles you to pieces. → "There's that smile! You know, my dear, this look REALLY suits you! Perhaps I'll just have to tickle you more often! Would you enjoy that? Oh, no need to answer, I'm certain you would!" → If you want to get Alastor back, you're gonna have to catch him off guard and go for a kill spot right away to weaken him. The ears, ribs, or tail should do the trick! → Surprisingly enough, he won't usually fight back, so long as you're someone he has a level of trust with. If Charlie, Nifty, or Rosie go after him, for example, he will just collapse into a fit of barely muffled snickers and half-hearted protests. On the flip side, if Vaggie, Angel, Husk, or Pentious were to try it, he'd put up much more of a fight. → While I adore the headcanon that his radio effects and static get stronger the harder he laughs, I would like to propose the OPPOSITE. The more you get him laughing, the more the effects fade away, letting his true voice and laugh start to slip through. → His tail wags when he's tickled, which absolutely mortifies him, as it is a clear show of just how much he is actually enjoying himself. → Just a heads up, he isn't the biggest fan of being teased. Sure, nicer ones and compliments can get him flustered, but anything too mean spirited can sour his good mood in an instant.
→ Canonically not ticklish; sorry fellas! This, mixed with her usual chaotic nature, makes her a force to be reconned with during tickle fights. → Even Alastor will stay clear of her, knowing he won't have the slightest hope in Hell of fighting back against the unhinged tickle monster. → Her tickles are fast and brutal, jumping from place to place at lightning speed, her fingers drilling into any sweet spots she finds mercilessly. The first time she found out about Angel's armpits, the poor guy was left WHEEZING before Vaggie and Charlie could pull her off of him. → She has absolutely attempted to use her feather duster to tickle people before, to varying degrees of success (it worked best on Charlie and Pentious because they're SUPER feather ticklish). → "Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie! Oh my, you're AWFULLY ticklish! How do you get anything done when you're this sensitive?" → Tickle bites are this girl's signature move, though sometimes she can be a little bit rough (they had to bandage up poor Husk once when she bit down a little too hard). → Not much else to say about her, unfortunately! She's just a feral little goblin and I love her so much.
Sir Pentious
→ This man is such a lee, I swear. Like, he tries so hard to be a ler, but he ALWAYS ends up flustering himself in the end. You tried your best, Sir Pentious, but some folks just aren't meant to be tickle monsters. → He has tried to tickle the others on a few occasions, namely Charlie, though he worked up the nerve to try taking Alastor down once. However, his attempts always seem to end with him being reduced to a hissy, giggling puddle on the floor. → He does tickle his minions from time to time, when a ler mood strikes him. In a hotel filled with tickle monsters, it's just the safest option for him, and it's not like the eggs mind the affection. → This dork cannot tease to save his own life. He either messes up the delivery or ends up accidentally sending HIMSELF into a lee mood (sometimes both happen at the same time). → His tail is perfect for holding his lee still, though he has to be careful. If he does not make sure their arms are properly pinned down, it makes it VERY easy for his target to go after one of HIS sweet spots. → The tail is a death spot. Like, he absolutely loses it if you go after it, falling into waves of pleas and shrill cackles. His little hood is also really bad, flaring open and closed in an attempt to cope with ticklish scribbles or kisses. → "NOHOHO, SSSSTAHAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEHEHEASSSING!" Cue more panicked screeches. → Pentious hisses when he laughs, a fact that everyone finds extremely cute and loves to comment on, much to the inventor's dismay. → Once, he accidentally sassed Alastor while being wrecked. The instant he saw the other's smile tighten and antlers grow ever so slightly, he knew that he was royally screwed. → As stated in Charlie's section, he is super feather ticklish. Heaven help him (pun totally intended) if Lucifer ever finds out; he might just be tempted to give Charlie's first real guest a "proper angelic welcoming," as he likes to call it (it's really just a horrific wrecking with all six of his wings).
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
If I Had A Voice, I Would Scream
The Cloak of Dragomir is finally found, and Astarion can walk in the sunlight. But magic comes with a terrible price.
Based on Mute!Tav Headcanon
Tags: f!Tav, disability, post-game, established relationships, nurturing Astarion
Read on AO3
Astarion basks in the sunlight, arms wide open. It feels like cat fur – delightfully tickly and warm.
The world unfolds in vibrant colors – the blue sky, green valleys, and distant mountains. Daylight reveals a beauty he's long forgotten, absolutely breathtaking.
Astarion's black cloak dances in the wind, showing only his palms and a half of his face.
The Cloak of Dragomir. The artifact that allows vampires to stroll in the sunlight, cross running waters, and invade homes without an invite. Astarion doesn't even have to wrap himself entirely. He pulls up the hood and lets the cloak cascade over most of his body.
Walking in the sunlight becomes a reality. Such a thin, delicate fabric opens him to a world of possibilities.
He still can't see himself in the mirror, but even the tadpole couldn't fix it, so Astarion doesn't hold a grudge.
Astarion glances back at the small campsite. Tav is nowhere to be seen; she sleeps in their tent. The protective spells guarding the Dragomir Cloak have taken a toll on her strength. Astarion wishes she could join him in the sunlight. After enduring years confined to darkness and liminal spaces, Tav deserves to bask in the day's warmth alongside him.
She can't.
A piercing screech rends the air, drawing Astarion's gaze skyward. There, high above, a red dragon soars, its massive form appearing no larger than a bird from this distance.
Astarion and Tav had been hunting for the cloak since they departed from Baldur's Gate. Initially, it was just a flicker of hope, a phantom possibility. There may have been something out there to aid Astarion to walk in the sun. A ring, a spell, a blessing, or maybe even a cure – the possibilities were as vast and unpredictable as the wonders of Faerun.
They found the vampire cloak in the Underdark, protected by a dozen spells and traps. However, the items came with a condition – one had to provide something of equal value to obtain it. A fair exchange, a valuable possession for a valuable possession.
Astarion tried to dissuade Tav. The ghostly guardian's demands needed clarification. What exactly did he want in return? Tav's life, perhaps half of it? A potential imprisonment or transformation into a monstrous being? It could be something intangible, like memories, skills, or sanity…
There is nothing worse than making pacts with supernatural entities, whether hags, devils, or vampires. Trust a Baldurian magistrate.
"We can't just walk away!" Tav pleaded.
He objected and attempted to reason with her, searching for alternative solutions. Yet, deep down, they both knew there was none. Tav gestured towards the radiant day outside, the lure of stepping into the sunlight undeniable.
Astarion reluctantly agreed, but he was supposed to make the sacrifice, not her. However, before Astarion could intervene, Tav reached for the cloak. A valuable lifesaving thing in exchange for something equally vital.
Astarion shouted at her. How could she be so reckless? Why did she never ever listen to him? When his tirade ended, he steeled himself for her response.
Tav remained silent. He would never hear a single word from her.
The price was her ability to talk.
… The dragon disappears in the skies, and Astarion returns to the camp.
Tav can't speak to the people they meet. She can't talk to the quest givers. She can't simply say what she wants and needs and even writing skills are little help since most people in Faerun are illiterate.
Astarion wanted to summon the guardian back and return this cursed thing, but it wouldn't improve anything.
The price was paid.
And as with any curse created by a vampire, it was irreversible.
Astarion sometimes wants to burn this cloak, to rip it apart. He wishes they never learned about its existence.
Sure, it could be worse. Blindness or deafness would be much worse than being just mute. A thousand paladins and clerics give an oath of silence. But they have a choice to break it.
Astarion looks inside the tent. Tav is still asleep, curled in her side of the bedroll. Despite the warm temperature, she is wrapped in blankets. Looking at her, he feels warmth in the undead heart as if a small sun pulsates within his ribcage.
He needs to find a solution. To teach Tav to speak Thieves Cant? It's basically sign language, profane and rude, but very practical. Or lip-reading? If Tav "pronounces" everything clearly, he can recognize the words.
There are also telepathy spells…
He hears a sniff.
It happens so unexpectedly that Astarion first can't realize what he has just heard.
Tav tries to cover her head with the blanket, pretending she is still asleep. And not crying uncontrollably.
"Tav, my sweet, I know you are awake," he enters the tent and removes the cloak, kneeling beside his love.
Another sniff. Louder and more desperate.
Astarion hesitates. It's usually Tav consoling him after nightmares and yet another breakdown. It's her hugging him when it's just too much to bear.
And Astarion has never seen her crying like that. He strokes the blanket, hoping she feels his touch through the thick fabric. "I am here."
He almost adds, "Speak to me," but bites his tongue.
As Tav ceases to conceal her silent tears, trembling and shuddering, Astarion grapples with the profound weight of the silence that envelops them.
He has never realized how talkative and loud she used to be.
As Astarion pulls the blanket away, he unveils Tav curled up in a fetal position, her eyes swollen and face red. The upper part of the blanket is damp, soaked in tears.
Astarion feels a desperate urge to run away, and escape the overwhelming responsibility of being a caregiver. He fears that his presence will only exacerbate her pain, that he'll inflict more harm than healing.
No. He can't do this to her. She needs him.
He sighs, wrapping his hands gently around her waist, guiding her to sit on his lap. Cradling her, Astarion kisses her cheek.
"I miss it," he begins, carefully choosing words. "I miss your voice. You used to talk to me, asking if you could touch or kiss me. I miss the way you spoke about my own self-worth. Your laughter."
Tav presses her face against his chest. He kisses her forehead.
"Once, I asked you what in nine hells you'd found in me. Of course, I knew the answer – who else would be so handsome and smart like me? But what I couldn't understand was what attracted you in the first place, considering I had tried to slice your throat. Remember what you told me? You said you had fallen in love with my voice. You said you just wanted to hear me speaking to you".
"The thing is… it was the same for me. There, on that cursed Nauthiloid, I'd heard you before I saw you. I would never admit it, but I liked how you sounded. Not this drunk voice of my victims, not an order from the master. Just you being so stubborn about survival."
Tav silently cries, and Astarion sees her lips moving. He tries to concentrate on them, figuring out what she is saying, but she trembles, and he can't work anything out.
"I wish we never found this thing. If I knew what it would cost, I would accept fate as a creature of the night. I was selfish. I wanted more than I had, but what I had was enough. Freedom and you, it was enough. I didn't need the sun to feel happy. But now… We have to work it out."
Tav nods and finally pulls away from his shirt, looking into Astarion's eyes. He smiles at her, and she, with hesitation, smiles back.
He keeps talking. He talks like a lovestruck drunkard in a tavern who needs the strongest wine to confess their feelings.
About the night he realized he was in love with her.
About tensed days when he tried to cast this feeling away. How he was afraid to hear the rejection. And how he felt when Tav admitted she felt something, too.
Her protecting him from the Drow bitch. Agreeing on helping with the scars. Saving him from the gravest mistake he could make.
A night in the cemetery when he forgot about any decency, if he even had one, pinning Tav down to the ground. How they returned to the inn, all covered in soil as if they were gravedigging.
Tav is his first. She is his first sentient being to feed on. Her blood is addictive, divine – no one tastes like her. He's had thousands of opportunities to understand this.
She is the first person who he made love to. He had no idea what it was supposed to feel like until that night in the graveyard.
Tav sits up and wraps her hands around his neck.
"I will never leave you, you hear me, Tav?" Astarion affirms, and she nods in acknowledgment. "But we need a way to communicate," he says, gently pulling her away. She clings to him like a kitten, reluctant to be separated.
"Okay then," Astarion decides, reaching for the cloak. With Tav cradled in his arms, he steps into the sunlight, carrying her in a bridal embrace. Together, they ascend to the cliff he stood before, where he lingers, allowing her to share in the picturesque view.
The dragon is nowhere to be seen, but Tav finally stops crying, looking at the distant mountains.
Astarion puts her on the ground, and they sit in front of each other.
"I want to be able to lip-reading you. It's easy. I did it before; I must adjust to your pretty mouth."
Tav silently giggles and then leans back with a smile. Now, she looks like her real self – funny, strong, brave. Asatrion melts by simply looking at her.
"I need you to talk to me."
Tav spreads her legs a bit and bites her lower lip. Her head tilts a bit, demonstrating the right side of the neck.
"My pretty darling, if this mouth of yours doesn't do what I asked, I will find another use for it."
She smiles, and her lips form a sentence.
"Well, if you don't stop teasing me, I will make both your lips and tongue work."
He chuckles, studying her face.
"I am surprised you were single when I met you. Lucky me."
"Keep going."
"Yes. It will. Are you upset?"
I. AM.
"I will teach you Thieves Cant. It's easy. I suggest telepathy spells, but I don't know how to learn them.
She keeps talking. Telling different nice things. The more she talks, the more she is her old self. Kind. Funny. Smart. Horny. And by the sunset, he forgets he doesn't hear her voice because they finally properly speak.
When the sun sets, he removes the cloak, letting the moonlight wash his hair and skin.
I.AM. TIRED, Tav pouts. CARRY. ME. BACK.
Astarion obliges and receives a kiss when she is in his hands again.
As the night falls, it gets much colder, and Tav is shivering when they return to the tent. She quickly sneaks under the blanket and makes an inviting gesture.
Astarion lays beside Tav and nuzzles her collarbone. She kisses him goodbye and falls asleep.
He doesn't need to meditate yet, so he lets himself drown in Tav's warmth and steady heartbeat. Astarion presses her tightly and lets his own tears flow.
"I wish it never happened," he whispers in the dark.
Tag list
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @aoirohi @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea @herstxrgirl
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lemonxdaisybby · 3 months
NSFW Headcanons for Yakuza 7/LAD Peeps
I literally had no idea what to title this, but the title is self-explanatory so I suppose it’ll do ✨
Let’s gooooo
Ichiban Kasuga:
Bit of a vanilla guy when it comes to sex, and is more of a sub. Probably doesn’t have a ton of experience too, so would allow you to take the lead.
Enjoys missionary most, or likes to be sat up as you ride him. Basically any position where he can clearly see your lovely face, he likes.
Blowjobs would ruin this guy, he is a sucker for them. First time you gave him one, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Would be super gentle when receiving, and would refrain from shoving your head down. He might involuntarily thrust into your mouth though, but only because your lips around his dick just feels so good. Would hold your hair back for you, if it’s long enough.
Not the best at giving oral at first due to lack of experience, but he is very eager to learn how to please you, and would be very appreciative of you guiding him on what to do.
Overall, he’s just an absolute sweetheart and just wants to do his best to please you.
Yu Nanba:
Another vanilla.
Controversial mayhaps, but he could be a switch. Can take the lead if you want, but does generally prefer it when you’re in charge.
He would most likely be a bit stiff/awkward the first few times you fuck, as he can be a tiny bit shy, but he definitely relaxes and catches on quickly to what you like, and what works best for both of you.
Doesn’t have a huge sex drive, and also another one with not tons of experience.
Enjoys lazy, sleepy morning sex, and he firmly believes that there is no better way to start the day.
Gets rather flustered when giving oral at first, but the little noises and hums he would make are to die for.
Of course he enjoys getting blowjobs, but would almost be a little shy about receiving? Would probably ask if you’re sure you want to do it, and would make a point to reassure you that you don’t have to.
Does love a good handjob though. This man is lazy, and would find it so nice to be able to just sit back and let you do your thing.
Adachi Koichi:
Sex on the brain. This guy is always down to get laid.
He’s definitely more dominant, and would love to just pound into you from behind. Has a surprising amount of stamina for a man of his age.
Would maybe accidentally leave bruises on your hips when taking you from behind. Man’s got a strong grip. Would make it up to you after with lots of big teddy bear cuddles.
His beard is definitely gonna tickle you. Whether he’s kissing you, nuzzling and biting your neck, or has his head in-between your thighs, you’re gonna feel the tickly stubble.
Loves boobs. He’s gonna be biting them, sucking them, kissing them…he just can’t keep his hands off them.
If you ask him nicely, he would lie back and let you take control, if that’s what you wanted. Probably wouldn’t happen too often though.
If you guys were out and about, and he managed to find a nice, secluded spot where you two could fuck without being caught, he would totally be down for a quickie or a blowjob. However, if there’s any chance of you two being caught, then absolutely not.
Saeko Mukoda:
Most likely a switch. Can take the lead no problem, but happy to be more of a light sub if you would prefer to take charge. Nothing extreme, however.
Knows what she likes, and also what she doesn’t like so much. Would probably establish boundaries very early on, which is good.
Respect is so important for her, so she wouldn’t be in to anything remotely degrading. She’s a very proud and independent woman, and it shows in the bedroom too.
More on the gentle, vanilla side, but if she was rather frustrated or in a teasing mood, she would definitely get a couple of bites in. Nothing hard enough to leave a mark though. Wouldn’t leave any hickeys, and probably wouldn’t want to receive any either.
Likely doesn’t have sex that often. She’d want to be in a relationship with someone before fucking them, or would need to at least have quite a strong, intimate bond. For that reason, she’d likely have toys so that she can satisfy herself, but doesn’t use them too often as her sex drive isn’t that high. Would be willing to use toys during sex with her partner, more so with a female partner.
Dom, dom, dom.
Not an extreme dom, but is definitely the one in charge. It just comes naturally to her.
Would have a decent amount of experience. Probably has had a couple of fuck buddies in the past, but with very clearly established boundaries and rules. This woman is very no-nonsense.
Amazing with her fingers, and knows it too. Oozing confidence, and would catch on so quickly to what you like, and what makes you absolutely weak. Would just be so smug at the sound of you moaning as she works her magic.
Wouldn’t give oral often, if it all. Of course, she is happy to receive oral. Would somehow still be in charge, even when receiving, and likely wouldn’t be very loud, but would make a few appreciative noises. The harsh grip she has on her partners hair would be a dead giveaway that she’s enjoying it, however.
A busy woman with a lot on her plate, so her sex drive wouldn’t be majorly high.
Already knows what she likes and doesn’t like, so maybe wouldn’t be that open to trying new things, unless it really appealed to her.
Joon-Gi Han: 
He’s giving bottom vibes, or maybe a switch at a push?
Is a total tease. He knows he looks hot, and when he’s horny he will attempt to seduce you whilst still appearing all coy. Flashes you ‘fuck me’ eyes, and his voice just turns smooooth as butter.
Takes orders well. Order him around like a lil sex butler, although no degrading stuff and no being mean! Order him to strip, command him to eat you out, tell him to fuck your brains out, he will do what he can to please you.
He’s very honest and straightforward. If there’s something he doesn’t like or enjoy, he’ll tell you.
Not massively experienced due to his past, but is open to trying most things at least once.
If you ordered him to choke you or be too physical in any way, he would refuse. He is very protective, and would never want to even risk hurting you. It would just feel wrong. He might tie you up if you ask him though, but he’s not great at being a top so you’d maybe have to lightly guide him still.
His moans are so heavenly, especially when he’s getting his dick sucked. Would definitely have a firm grip of his partners hair whilst they suck him off, but nothing painful.
Likewise, when he’s giving oral, the little appreciative hums and groans he makes are amazing. His hands would be gripping on to your thighs so tightly, and he would literally be eating you out like a starved man.
Overall, his main focus would be pleasing you. He wouldn’t be too focused on his own pleasure.
Tianyou Zhao:
Probably a top. He’s so flirty and playful, and it’s kind of hard to imagine him not being somewhat in control.
Very good with his hands, and would be an absolute pro at fingering. Could make you finish from that alone very easily.
He probably enjoys seeing you flustered, so would definitely be a huge, massive tease. Likely gets a bit of a kick out of seeing you blush.
Loves, loves, loves ass. Any position where he’s taking you from behind with a good view of your ass, he’s there for it. Loves squeezing your ass, grabbing it, slapping it, you get the gist.
Also loves nothing more than burying his head in between your thighs, and sloppily eating you out.
When getting his dick sucked, he’s probably gonna thrust in to your mouth or push your head down. Would praise you and tell you how good it feels if you deepthroat him.
If he can get you somewhere private when out in public, he would be down for a quickie if he was super horny.
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spooky-switch · 7 months
Randy Meeks // Scream (1996) Tickle Headcanons
Requested by the lovely @ticklybing, here's some headcanons for our favorite horror nerd, Randy!
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↬ To be completely honest with you, I don't see Randy as much of a ler. Sure, he is a decent tickler when the mood strikes him, but in most cases he tends to lean more towards the lee side of things. ↬ If he is feeling gutsy, he will poke or prod at Stu or shoot Billy a snarky tease about how sensitive he is. He tries not to push his luck, though, knowing how bad the revenge will be when they get their hands on him. ↬ The only person he will all-out tickle is Sidney. Even then, he will only do so on rare occasions, knowing Sidney prefers being the ler ninety percent of the time. ↬ Randy leans more towards more casual, subtle teasing, as using baby talk usually ends up leaving HIM feeling flustered rather than his lee. ↬ "I'd say this is a pretty good spot. What do you think, Sid? This a bad spot? I'll take that squeal as a yes."
↬ Randy's ticklishness has been public knowledge for years, along with the fact that he absolutely LOVES it, despite his best efforts to hide it. ↬ The poor guy gets so flustered by teasing. It doesn't matter how you do it, you're bound to get at least a blush and some nervous little giggles out of him. That technique where you just wiggle your fingers over a ticklish spot? Absolutely killer for him. ↬ Billy and Stu tickle him the most, taking every chance they have to drive Randy up the wall. Attacks by Sidney or Tatum happen less frequently and tend to be a bit more gentle, though they are just as effective at driving the film buff mad. ↬ He responds to all kinds of tickling. However, if you're looking to absolutely destroy him, raspberries and tickle bites are the way to go (as Stu knows quite well). ↬ Randy's worst spots are his ears, ribs, and knees. He's also got a super sensitive back and his hands are major giggle spots!
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creepy-feathers · 2 years
Hey is it alright if you do the tickly alphabet for Puppeteer? A-Y please and thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?
Aftercare? Psh, yeah right. Chances are, if he wrecks someone that hard, they deserved it, and making sure that person is okay afterward is just not on his mind. He’ll literally just stop suddenly, be like “alright, see ya” and walk away without any further comment.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
No. Goodness, no. Johnny does not vibe with restraints, they make him feel wayyyy too vulnerable and uncomfortable. Probably wouldn’t have many qualms against doing it to someone else though, if he’s in the right mood.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
He won’t let himself be chased. He hates the feeling of running away from something. If someone is after him, he’ll just continuously push them away, since he doesn’t feel threatened unless the person targeting him is as tall - or taller - than him.
When it comes to doing the chasing, though, he has two moods: pursuing, or waiting. When he pursues, he’s super fast, and the lee does not stand a chance. When he waits, he waits a long time, until the lee expects nothing, then he’ll strike.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
His neck, without a single question. He’s pretty much just not ticklish anywhere else, and if he is, he’ll be able to contain any outward reactions, but when it comes to getting that sweet spot? Holy crap, this man will hit the floor like an anvil and lose all ability to defend himself. 
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
His expression is the tickling itself. There are no warnings; if he wants to get you, he’ll get you, and how merciful he is fully depends on what you did to initiate it.
It is very rare that he actually desires to be tickled, however...and when he does, he feels too weird about it to show any signs? Like if the two of you are really close (romantically), he might lay his head on your lap, but that’s pretty much it.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Brutality. Absolute brutality. He revels in the way his lee is so defenseless against him, how practically anyone can be reduced to such a pathetic state from something so simple. If he can help it, he will not let the other person have the upper hand. 
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
He hates them. They feel too light to be considered a full-blown attack, and he can’t laugh to release the tension. It’s pure agony and he could go his whole life without experiencing them again.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
Not really...unless you count the way he’ll tackle his lee to the ground, wrap his legs around their waste, and make sure they stay on top of him. It’s his go-to move when things are beginning to get serious, and nobody has been able to break free yet.
Now, when he tickles Sally (which is a rare occurrence), he’ll switch up his demeanor and be a whole lot gentler, since he used to play with his little siblings way back when and he secretly has a soft spot for children (shh, nobody can know that).
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Stone cold. He would shut off all feelings and put himself in a different state of mind. Greatly unaffected. 
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
That really depends on the relationship, but for most people, it gives him the opportunity to bully them about something, be it their weird laugh or the inability to hide their obvious weakness. No matter who you are though, he will find something to make fun of you for.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
His fingers are insanely fast. As soon as you’ve prepared yourself for an oncoming attack, he’ll switch it up and move them to another spot; good luck trying to catch him.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Kind of snorty, if I’m being honest. It’s either that or he’s cackling like a breathless hyena, maybe a combination of both.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
This is when he’ll be most likely to pounce. It may come as a surprise, because he seems like the kind of person who would hate mornings with a passion, but he actually gets up pretty early without trouble. It’s more likely he’ll be in a playful mood this soon in the day.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
It ain’t happening, not unless you have managed to just piss him off to the max, then it won’t be out of wanting to have fun; it’ll be out of wanting to put you in your place. That is not a situation you want to be in, trust me. By the time night rolls around, he’s way too exhausted and done with life to want anything more than rest. Don’t test his limits.
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
This dude rarely even picks up a phone, much less cares enough to tease anyone through text, social media, etc. As stated previously, he likes to just attack at unexpected intervals - it makes it much more amusing for him.
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
I can definitely imagine him teaming up with Kagekao, because they’re both so chaotic. You’d better hope it’s with Kage and not someone like Zero, because then there’s no chance of mercy whatsoever.
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
He’ll laugh with ridicule. “Why don’t you come over here and try to find out?”
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
If one has to be chosen, it’s 100% a ler. He craves the power to bully someone in a way that doesn’t physically harm them, that way no one will be on his back about it. “What? No, it was just a joke! See, they’re fine!”
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
Honey, anyone is hard-pressed to even get him to listen to their pleas, much less getting him to agree to a safe word. The only one he might consider is ‘uncle’, depending on the situation.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Well...he does quite enjoy pinching a very sensitive area, multiple times, in a way that has his lee jumping and squeaking and begging him to stop tormenting them like this and just get it over with.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
His ears are pretty ticklish...but practically no one knows it, and he plans to keep it that way. If somebody were to flick it with the end of a feather or something, he would jump through the roof.
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
He zones in on Cody more than anyone else, mainly because he’s small and scrawny and can’t defend himself against the giant that is Johnny for his life. Plus, Cody has the wildest reactions to being tickled, so that makes him the easiest - and most amusing - target.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
This man doesn’t get embarrassed for anything. However, if someone lets him know that saying ‘tickle’ bothers them, they will never hear the end of it.
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Michael Myers, probably... I mean they’re both big, violent dudes lol. It would be an epic battle to watch. They’re both stubborn as mules too, so the only way they’d ever stop is if they both passed out from exhaustion simultaneously.
Y: YOU | Any personal self or reader-insert tickle fantasies / headcanons to share with this character?
I feel like if Johnny ever had a kid he would blow raspberries on their belly a lot. Just to watch them giggle and squirm.
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giggle-bee · 10 months
Helloo ^^ I’m writing at the moment (or at least trying to haha), so I thought I’d send in some more tickly alphabet letters if that’s alright? (Tbh the only correlation between the two is that I’m procrastinating LMAO— And so, here I am because literally anything you write is 💕 . Period.)
And so— may I request M for Solomon and H, L, E, and K for Simeon? (As always, feel free to skip any of they don’t particularly speak to you ^^)
And ofcc, have a wonderous day ^^
WEEEE sorry this took so long but I’m finally free also for the obey me requests I’m gonna start putting the names of the cards used for the character photos ( ^∀^)
tickly alphabet here!
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he’s bringing u a coffee (Solomon the Researcher)
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
You cannot convince me that Solomon isn’t an early bird. In my mind he gets up at the crack of dawn, and he will drag you with him and be so annoying until you do! So wake up tickles are a must. Also you might convince him to sleep in if you give him puppy dog eyes
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our smiley angel bb (Everlasting Happiness)
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
In my mind, Simeon is a lee-leaning switch, he is so adorable, everyone who hears his laugh absolutely adores it. They can’t get enough! He tends to hug himself when he’s being tickled, curls into a ball. He’s squirmy but more just rolling around and not really trying to get away, instead of someone like Asmo who is kicking and screaming and flailing everywhere.
As a ler, he loooooves to tease! Everything from shoulder scrunches to dimples on cheeks he loves to tell someone how cute they are. He also likes to tickle with one hand and use his other one to wiggle over spots!
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
As before, his laugh is beloved by everyone. I headcanon his laugh is rather musical and light? Bounces from high and squeaky to more low tones, it literally sounds like a song.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
He doesn’t really have to ask to be tickled, anytime he does something cute, someone is on him in seconds to get him smiling! He will straight up ask if he can tickle you though.
“MC, nothing would make my night more perfect than hearing your sweet laughter. Awww, thank you Angel~”
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Nibbles. He goes CRAZY with them, especially on your neck and collarbones. And he knows just how bad they tickle too, he smiles and laughs the whole time he does it! Just make sure to give him a taste of his own medicine.
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months
Charlie Morningstar TK Headcanons
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Loves tickling as a bonding exercise and is very gentle most of the time
Sometimes, however, she can become the Hotel's most feared tickle monster (After Alastor, of course)
Found out Vaggie was ticklish by accident. During one time where Vaggie was tickling her, Charlie shot her hand out and squeezed the ex-angel's side, causing her to squeal.
She loves drawing, and she love drawing on people even more
She draws on people's stomachs a lot, and draws things she thinks match them (Example: Card suits on Husk, hearts and cute little pig faces on Angel, bows or Xs and Os (hugs and kisses) on Vaggie, etc)
A big tickle game person (having someone try to hold still, or playing tic-tac-toe on someone's stomach)
When in demon form, she uses her tail to tickle people
Will do a 'bubble hug' to people. Basically, hugging them/lifting them so her face is near their stomach, and then raspberrying them to cheer the person up.
"Come on, it's called the 'Happy Hotel' for a reason!"
Canonically ticklish, and not at all shy about it.
Lucifer and Lilith would often tickle her to cheer her up
Worst spots: Hooves, Tail, Hips, Ears, and Neck
Vaggie can't resist giving her so many tickly neck kisses
If you really get her laughing, Charlie will eventually bleat like a goat, much to her own embarrassment
Mainly tickled by Vaggie, Lucifer (when they make up), and Alastor.
She's all for any kinds of tickling: Soft, rough, games, doesn't matter, she'll love it.
Most of the time she asks when she's in a lee mood, but sometimes she likes to play around and annoy people into tickling her.
Absolutely screams when Vaggie tickles her with her wings (Once she gets those back)
Can be a brat sometimes
"Hehehe... is that... all you got?"
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
OMG IM SO EXCITED! I love your headcannon to Drabbles event and it’s super cool you opened them back up! I’ve been replying bdsp lately and have been fixating on (1) rock type gym leader (Roark) who I headcannon absolutely has ticklish hands! With all the work he does, no way his hands aren’t sensitive. I know you said you could do reader inserts, so do you think you could incorporate the reader in some way? Can be platonic or romantic! There’s hardly any Roark content, nonetheless tickle content of him, so I’m super excited you’re open for headcannons to drabbles!! Thank you! -⚡️
Friend- FRIEND. You don't even KNOW- I freaking love Roark so much! He's one of my favorite gyms! This is a treasure trove! (Really- all your messages are treasure troves, so thank you for always popping in and making my day better! :D) I've gotcha covered!
CW: Injury
A hiss of pain made you look up from your fossil, brows furrowing when your gaze landed on your redhead companion. “You okay, Roark?”
“Yeah…I think I just-” he winced again as he undid the glove guarding his hand, dropping it against the tunnel ground. “I caught it between two rocks while I was excavating.”
“Oh no!” You tossed aside your things and shuffled over, gently taking his injured limb between your hands. From first glance, it seemed okay. No swelling, no bleeding, and nothing was discolored. “Can you move it?”
He wiggled his fingers. “Yeah. It just hurts to do so.”
“Mm…” You ran your fingers along the inside of his hand, checking for hidden injuries. “You might have bruised it up pretty badly. We should get back so you can ice it- Roark, stop moving.” You tsked when he squirmed, taking in a few quick breathes. “I’m sorry if it hurts, but I can’t check it if you wiggle around.”
“I’m sorry! It ti-hickles!” He giggled out when you traced the curve of his hand, searching for spiny rock shards. “Cohohohme on, (Y/N)- it’s fihihihne!”
“Who’s the doctor here?” You weren’t a doctor- you just liked seeing him all giggly. Fighting down a grin, you repeated the action on his other side, going extra slow against the skin just to hear him bite down a squeak. When you reached his wrist, you scribbled your nails gently along the pulse point, laughing when he snatched his hand away.
“Okay- that’s enough! It’s not broken!” He huffed quickly, shaking his head at your mischief. Flexing it a few times, he sighed, reaching for his glove. “I’ll ice it when I get home- I’ve had worse.” Standing up, he offered you his good hand, pulling you to your feet. “Ready to head back?”
“After you, fossilman.” You teased, poking his side gently as he led the way. On your way out, you snatched up his good hand once more, letting your palms rest against each other.
It wasn’t long until his fingers interlocked with yours.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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gaybananabread · 4 months
Can we get headcanons for Hawks and Dabi? Is Dabi even ticklish, as a burnt piece of bacon?
🪶🧡Hawks & Dabi Tkl Headcanons🩵🔥
~And I’m back! Sorry for taking so long to get to my inbox, I live in shame (╥ᆺ╥;). I also got a req for some LOV hcs, so those should be out soon! These two doofs will forever hold a special place in my brain and I love it. Thank you for requesting!~
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So the crispy-fried parts of him are ticklish, but to a degree. (continued in Lee)
He gives heavy ler-leaning switch vibes. Like, he’s always ready to wreck a bitch, but he’ll occasionally want some goofy affection.
Is incredibly embarrassed to admit he likes tickling. Will deny it until his last breath unless he’s “forced” to admit it.
Only light tickling works on the scarred areas, maybe feathers or gentle tracing with nails
Even then, scarred bits only get him giggling softly.
It’s adorable and soft, which is exactly why he’ll kill almost anyone that tries.
He’s gotta be in the perfect mood, or so down-in-the-dumps that he doesn’t give a shit about what anyone does.
Main lers are Hawks, Twice and Toga. If anyone else does it, they’d better be wearing some wool and modacrylic suits.
Rough, airy giggles ranging to full-out cackling, depending on where and how you get him.
His worst spots are his belly button and armpits. If you go to town there, he’ll forget his name in no-time.
Melt spot is the area from under his chin and down to his collarbones.
That whole area is burned, but some gentle affection makes him happier than he’ll ever tell. Especially some tickly kisses to let him know they don’t care that he’s a lil’ crispy around the edges.
Good luck and condolences to your diaphram-
He’s got a rough style, preferring to get his lee screeching over mere giggles. (if he cares, though, he’ll do what they prefer)
He’s not picky: he’ll wreck whoever in the main LOV-circle.
Most frequent flyers are Hawks and Twice (see the parallel?). He likes excuses, mainly giving out revenge tickles.
The teasiest bastard to ever walk the Earth. Like, seriously, man has no shame.
“That tickles? Better brace yourself, giggles: it only gets worse from here~” “Huh? Sorry, didn’t hear that over you laughing your ass off.” “Tickle tickle tickle, cutie~”
Would 100% do the Tickle Monster routine, but be genuinely terrifying about it. Long chases, anticipation builders, and raspberries/nibbles when he’s “hungry”
He’ll stop if the lee seriously asks, but other than that, goes until they’re wheezing.
Surprisingly nice aftercare: back rubs, light praise and occasionally cuddles if you’re good with puppy-dog eyes.
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First off, this man has no shame in admitting he enjoys tickling.
He has “can say the t-word at any time” powers and abuses them whenever possible.
Birdy boy gives straight switch vibes. Down for a tickle fight, no matter what direction it goes for him.
A lot more ticklish than most would think. Few actually try it, but those that have are pleasantly surprised.
He gets lee moods frequently, though they’re rarely taken care of. While he can admit he doesn’t mind tickling in general, asking to receive it is a lot harder.
When he is tickled, his laughter is bright and pitchy. That confident voice tends to crack when he’s laughing his feathers off.
Worst spot is his wings for sure, followed by his hips. If you dig into his wingpits, he’s a goner.
Melt spot is his stomach. He loves gentle belly traces, though he can’t handle kisses or nibbles there for too long.
His favorite ler is Dabi. He’s closest with him in the league, and the man knows how to get him laughing.
If the lee mood is really bad, he’ll sit near Dabi with his arms behind his head until he gets the message. If that doesn't work, it's annoying the hell out of the crispy boy.
*Ehem*...the wings.
You know he uses those whenever possible to mess with friends and associates.
A stray feather hear, an accidental bring-brush there. Everyone knows he's doing it on purpose, but few actually try to prove it. After he finds out, even fewer succeed.
Purrs smug, teasy little compliments to his lee. Mans is cruel in the best way.
“Those seem like some adorable giggles. Mind sharing?” “What? You don't want me seeing this cute, squishy tummy? I don't see the problem, giggles~” “Loving these thighs of yours. So fun to squeeze and poke— the snorts are the best part!”
He “attacks” Dabi the most, mainly for mood-checks or just to be an ass.
After him, Twice is a regular. Whether it be for comfort after a “splitting” headache or just because, a few feathers will find their way to the villain.
Hawks doesn't really have a particular style besides “loveable asshole”
Depending on who's getting it, he'll go soft, rough, in the middle, feathers only: whatever the situation calls for.
Mainly cuddly aftercare: hugs, back rubs, a few spare teases, and maybe a snack if you're really drained. Wants to make sure his lee had fun over anything else.
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