#lemme know if i made mistakes
little-pondhead · 2 months
The Folly of Men -
Chapter 2: #78866B
[GENERAL TW: Swearing, lukewarm violence, lots of POV changes, and mild body horror.]
[I sacrificed Damian's POV for more time of Jazz, and everything jumps around a little, but I refuse to feel regret. Notes on the timeline are at the bottom.]
Two hours went by way faster than Jazz thought. Between gathering the emergency bags, counting cash, and raiding the lab, she barely managed to herd her parents out the front door on time. Luckily, the two doctors didn't put up a fight, so she still had ten minutes to lock up. Like she said, Jazz hadn't touched the portal besides locking it down. The portal's power supply had been re-routed to an emergency shield, blocking anything from getting in or out. As long as it was still on, that shield would hold.
Jazz blew a strand of hair out of her face as she sat on the front porch for a moment. The door was locked, she had everything, and her parents were waiting like scared kids for her a few feet away. All she had to do was arm the security system using the bug Tucker had sent her. It was relatively easy; she had to take off the casing to the alarm next to their doorbell and use a connector to plug her phone in. It took her a moment, admittedly. It wasn't easy to mash tiny buttons when her hands shook with adrenaline.
While she waited for the virus to load, Jazz glanced at her parents, watching them. They looked lost. A little guilty, perhaps? They both looked gaunt and had unshed tears in their eyes, looking positively miserable for all the world to see. They hadn't said a peep after she had stormed off. Not even when she came back to clamp 'Shade Shackles' onto their wrists, hissing something to them about behaving. The shackles were heavy and bulky, restricting them from their wrists to their elbows and locking their arms together.
The shackles wouldn't hold Jack for long, she knew. Not if he was actually trying to escape. But honestly, the man was probably worse off than his wife. He just kept staring into space, dissociating.
Jazz thought they deserved it. After a few more seconds of fiddling, her phone finally beeped, indicating the upload was complete. She unplugged her phone, packed the cord into one of her bags, and stood again to close the alarm casing. Shutters slammed shut over every entrance into Fentonworks. Maddie flinched at the loud noise.
"And now," Jazz muttered, picking up her bat. "We can't go back." The redhead swung like a professional, slamming her weapon into the alarm, setting it off like a loud pig. She took her anger out on the plastic, smashing the buttons and hardware to bits, sending wires flying. Even the brick beneath the alarm was chipped in many places. Well, if there was one thing her parents did right, it was make a decent bat. The creep stick didn't have a scratch when she finally stepped back.
Wiping sweat from her brow, Jazz took in her handiwork. Getting some extra aggression out of her system slightly cleared her head, and she smiled at the ruined building. The alarm was going off at max volume, and some of the floodlights her parents had installed a few years ago lit up the whole neighborhood with flashing red. If the Fentons hadn't had people’s attention before, they sure as hell did now.
"What'd you do that for?" Maddie said, horrified. Guess she was breaking her silence.
Jazz scoffed, turning to pick her bags up and sling them over one shoulder. "Because while I'd love to burn this place to the fucking ground-"
"You can't!"
"Shut up. It's not up to you, Maddie." Jazz spat. "And it's not up to me. Danny gets to decide what happens to Fentonworks. Whether you like it or not, this is his final resting place. I'm not going to rob him of closure."
Maddie snapped her mouth shut.
"Final resting place?" Jack finally returned to himself as he cried at his daughter's words. Thick tears dripped down his face. Jazz had never seen her father so distraught, not even when Vlad moved away to Europe last year. He looked heartbroken.
Jazz sneered, poking her father in the chest with her bat. "You heard me. That fucking portal, your goddamn pride and joy, is what got Danny killed in the first place. That lab is where he died in front of his friends because you two are idiots who refuse to follow any sort of rule."
"No, that's not-"
"Not what?" Jazz rounded on her mother, who shrunk back in the face of her fury. "Not right? That's not what happened? Is that what you were going to say?"
They were attracting a crowd. People were being drawn out of their houses by the alarms and shouting, staring at the two Fenton parents with mild distaste. Everyone knew their children put up with a lot, even if the doctors were well-meaning. Did they finally cross the line?
"It was hard for us too!" Maddie insisted. "All those late nights, his avoidance of us, how he looked at us! It was horrible."
"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU KILLED HIM!" Jazz roared. She was as red as her hair now, and the little ectoplasm that ran in her veins made the edges of her form blurry. As if she was a heat mirage. "YOU KILLED HIM, AND NOW YOU'RE KILLING HIM AGAIN BY HANDING HIM TO THE GHOST INVESTIGATION WARD!"
"Th-they just wanted to study him," Jack sobbed. "T-to avoid and prevent any ghost disease breakouts."
"BULLSHIT!" Her voice echoed down the street. It boomed unnaturally, drowning out the sound of sirens that were a few blocks away. A few neighbors were going pale as they realized the severity of the situation. "You two are doctors! You know how science works! You two built and sold weapons to them! Don't pretend to be ignorant and blame it on the fucking ghost flu."
"You disgust me," Jazz continued. She descended the steps and shoved past her parents. Maddie landed on the ground with an oof! "I hope I never have to see you two ever again." She adjusted her bags and started marching toward Nasty Burger, cutting through the crowd like she was fucking Moses. The police were a block away now. She didn't want to be there when they got to the house.
"Where are you going?" Her mother called. Pleaded, really. "We can talk this out!"
Jazz ignored her calls and walked on. When they spotted the murderous look in her eyes, everyone on the sidewalks quickly got out of her way. She had two minutes now, but the others probably wouldn't mind her tardiness. Her phone buzzed, and she snapped it open.
From: TheFuck
4:12pm yo ms evie just blasted ur rant 2 myspace and yt
4:13pm for an old lady she sure has quick fingers
4:13pm dani just showed up at nb we just waitin on u
Rather than replying, Jazz pushed the door to Nasty Burger open and beelined towards the trio's usual table. Tucker was glued to his phone while Sam and Dani mumbled, pouring over several sheets of paper. She tapped Tucker on the head, making him jump.
"I'm already here."
Tucker spun around. "Nocturn's starry underwear, Jazz!" He whined. "You could have just texted me!"
"Didn't feel like it," she shrugged, suddenly feeling very tired. The restaurant was mostly empty, so she threw her stuff into the booth beside them and slid in next to Tucker. The Fenton creep-stick was rested against the edge of the table, acting as a warning. The others had already set aside their bags and weapons in the other booth. Not a single Nasty Burger employee came over to tell them they couldn't have swords at the table, so Jazz didn't bother thinking about it.
Danielle, her free-spirited youngest sister, glanced up at her with a weary smile. She looked rough. The wind had tangled her shorter hair, and her clothes seemed horribly displaced and damp. (She'd passed through a tropical storm half an hour ago.) Dani was swaying where she sat, desperately trying to stay engaged with Sam even though exhaustion was no doubt clawing at her mind.
Jazz felt her mood soften. Sometimes, she had to remind herself that Dani was only a few years old by human and ghost standards. While Danny was also a baby ghost, he had a lot more stamina as a human to make up for it. Flying from New Zealand had taken its toll on the girl.
"Here, Danielle, switch me." Jazz stepped out of the booth, guiding her little sister to sit next to Tucker, who wouldn't mind if the girl fell asleep on his shoulder. Dani didn't protest and conked out almost immediately, soft snores being the only indication she was alive. Sam nodded her greeting and shuffled some papers Jazz's way.
"Here's everything so far," she stated. "We're doing this on paper until Tucker can set up a server."
Jazz flipped through the pages. Each one had a little tab in the corner sticking out so things wouldn't get mixed up. The pages were even color coordinated, just how she liked it. She scanned through sheets of numbers, reports on agent activity, stolen research, manufacturing contracts, and so on. Everything she saw was dated back at least a year, and Sam had taken the time to highlight the discrepancies between all the paperwork. It was the very definition of thorough.
Time for business, I guess, she thought. "To start with, how's the town?"
Tucker got right into it. He turned his PDA around to show her the screen. A tiny map of the town was displayed, with red dots pinned to random spots. "All the monoliths Danny set up are primed and ready. They'll tap into the ley lines in the area to power the ghost shield we set up. I'll set it off when we leave the city borders."
"I called Cujo and Wulf," Sam added. She had a paper version of the town map with more random spots marked in green. "They are rounding up the ghost animals, and I got Grandma Ida to scare a few more human ones into helping. Some of the A-listers are doing a sweep to drive out anyone who stays behind."
"What about the GIW equipment?"
"Dash is getting his football and baseball teams together. Wes is going to load them with a virus before they smash it all to bits."
"Teenage boys are always destructive no matter the species." Jazz remarked dryly. Sam gave her a Look, but she ignored it. Yeah, she was being hypocritical. Who cared? "How's the tracking going?"
Tucker patted the sleeping Danielle on her head. "Thanks to a little miss, I got a lock on his ecto-signature much faster this time. But his aura is big, and we'll still need to raid at least four locations before I can pinpoint him."
Jazz sighed in relief, tilting her head back. Everything was falling into place, and soon, Danny would be safe by her side.
Danny woke up with a knife in his chest.
He choked, breathing in the air for the first time in a while. He couldn't feel a heartbeat, but the knife was too close to his core. It was too close to his fractured core. The weapon twisted, digging itself deeper, and he screamed silently in fear. His limbs spasmed, knocking into whoever was standing over him and throwing them across the room with a thud.
Free of the pressing weight, Danny rolled to the side, dropping to the floor and scrabbling at the knife still in his chest. Fabric was tangled with his legs, making it difficult to stand. Had he been placed in a bed? He jerked the knife out, letting it clatter to the ground.
Danny keened as precious ectoplasm leaked from his chest. From his core. Flaps of skin that hadn't healed yet tore back open, ripping fresh scabs and making him lightheaded. Half-formed organs were trying to slip free of his body, and he could barely scoop them back in. His fingers felt thick, and the task seemed endless. What if his core slipped out? How would he know? Could he catch it?
Was this how Dani felt when she was melting? He briefly wondered. A sob tore its way out of his throat. God, everything hurt so much. He tried to inhale, to breathe through the panic attack, but his lungs were either shriveled from disuse or missing. He couldn't breathe. Oh god, he couldn't breathe. The fabric felt like shackles against his legs, stiffing and trapping him further as ice crept through the room. He couldn't feel his lungs, he couldn't feel his heart, he couldn't feel his core. His core was here; he knew it. Where was it? Where was his soul?
Danny curled in on himself, letting go of his skin in favor of shoving a hand into his chest, searching for his tiny core amongst all the ectoplasm and body parts. It was like trying to find a ping pong ball in a pool of Oobleck. The base of his head felt heavy, and he just wanted to cry even more than he already was.
where is it where is it where is it
His body shuddered as Danny started folding in on himself. The heavy feeling got worse. Bones slipped from his joints and pressed oddly against his skin, making it poke out in strange positions. He screwed his eyes further shut as he kept reaching past his ribs. His fingers were ice cold and sent shocks up his spine, making him spasm again. Flimsy organs were slipping past his arm; he tried not to pierce them as they landed back onto the floor with an ugly splat.
Danny kept crying, even as he felt the tips of his fingers finally brush his core. It was ice cold, colder than his skin. He could feel a deep crack in the surface, and he mourned for himself as he pulled his arm back out of his body. He wanted to scream so bad. To yell. To wail. To call for his family and friends and heal in his haunt surrounded by love.
But he didn't have any of that right now. His parents had given him away to the GIW, saying he just needed help, that he just needed to be fixed. That he needed healing. His haunt wasn't safe anymore, and Sam and Tucker had to stay behind to protect the other ghosts. Jazz wasn't even home the last time he checked. And now he was somewhere new, having a meltdown as he lost more blood than he cared to think about. He felt so goopy.
Danny's ears twitched as footsteps rushed towards his room. Was he underground? Everything was echoing. The person he'd tossed sat patiently against the far wall, probably staring at the mess he'd made. He was still whining in a high-pitched kind of way, which was his version of a ghost sob. The door burst open, making him flinch, but he was too weak to defend himself with ice. Danny could only lay there and try to pull himself back together.
"The boy is awake."
One of Ra's messengers bowed deeply to him, eyes cast to the floor. The papers he'd been going over were forgotten as he shoved them aside and focused on the messenger.
"I heard he was not due to wake until his organs regrew." Ra's commented lightly.
The messenger's frame tightened up a fraction. "The Demon's Thumb has returned," they intoned. "And has decided to greet the new Demon's Heir."
Ra's hummed, standing up. "I suppose I should have expected this. News does travel quite fast these days." He gestured for the messenger to lead the way, and they stood to do so. The walk from his main office to the medical wing was short as more of his retainers gathered around him. Dr. Vanessa, a thin woman with a vicious fire in her eyes, rushed to join his little circle as they passed the research hall.
"I apologize, sir." She seemed harried, if not a little ticked off. "My calculations must have been off. I-"
"It was not your fault, doctor." Ra's cut her off. "My granddaughter seems to have stopped by for a visit and wanted to pay her respects to the new heir, it seems."
"Ah." Dr. Vanessa's anger at herself vanished, and her face was carefully blank. "In that case, I shall adjust the boy's treatment plan accordingly."
They said nothing else as they approached the boy's room, admittedly at a quick pace. The bind around Ra's heart was urging him forward, to be faster and be by the boy's side when he awoke. The mere knowledge that the boy was in danger made his blood boil as his body revolted against this mind. By the heavens, he couldn't wait for this contract to be fulfilled. He hated magic so much.
Turning the final corner, a loud, keening cry assaulted everyone's ears. Dr. Vanessa flinched. A few guards pulled out their weapons, adopting a more defensive position. Ra's could barely stop himself from rushing through the group during the last few steps. He grits his teeth as another opens the door.
They were treated to the sight of a frost-covered room. The boy was on the floor, tangled in his blankets as he tried to shove unfinished organs, which was a gaping hole that led to nothing. Lazarus water was leaking from his body in copious amounts. His skin was practically translucent, and Ra's could spy his bones shifting unnaturally underneath it all, creating strange angles and planes that did not belong to a human. The boy's eyes were screwed shut, and he was crying even more Lazarus water, but Ra's would bet that his eyes were glowing that same bright green. The keening noise seemed to be coming from him, even though his mouth was shut tight.
Ra's glanced around again. A knife was on the floor next to the boy's head, covered in his blood. Mara al Ghul, his granddaughter and leader of the Demon's Fist, was sitting against the far wall with thick sheets of ice covering her from the neck down, trapping her in place. She was still wearing her mask, so Ra's couldn't see her face, but he knew she wasn't happy. Foolish girl.
Dr. Vanessa glanced at him. "May I approach the patient?" She asked. Ra's nodded his approval, and she cautiously stepped forward, trying to avoid the puddles of bodily fluids.
The doctor knelt, and she adopted a soft look to soothe the boy. "Hello, young man." Her voice dripped with honey. She reached out to tap the boy on his shoulder. "My name is Dr. Vanessa, and I'm-" She got cut off as soon as she made contact. A flash of light blinded everyone, and suddenly, Vanessa was encased with ice. She was essentially a statue now, still with a sweet look on her face.
Interesting. Ra's thought. One of his attendants moved the frozen doctor out of the way so he could walk forward, stopping right at the edge of the Lazarus water.
"Boy," he ordered. "Listen."
The boy's cry petered off at the sound of a human voice and he cracked his eyes open, staring straight at Ra's unblinkingly. He warbled something in a language that grated on everyone's minds. Ra's understood him, though, and switched tongues as easily as he would clothes.
"Boy," he repeated. His voice cracked, and Ra's could feel his granddaughter's burning questions engraved into his back. No one had heard him speak like this before. However, the boy finally opened both eyes wide, which he counted as a win. His interest was piqued. "Boy, listen to me."
The boy's mouth didn't move as he replied, "Hurts..."
"I know. But you are hurting others, and hurting yourself. Let us help."
The boy shivered. "Hurts. Can't. Pain."
"My people will not harm you," Ra's promised. The weight of the promise hung in the air like a bird, and the boy's eyes widened. Making promises in the tongue of the dead was a serious thing. "Calm yourself, and let us help you into bed. You are losing lifeblood. We cannot help if you freeze my people."
A humorless laugh was his reply. "Already dead." The boy informed him. "Almost dead again. It hurts. Please?"
Ra's motioned for the assassins to pick the boy up. He squeezed his eyes shut as hands touched his body but relaxed as one of them handed him his liver like it was a stuffed toy. The ice in the room started melting, releasing the two ladies from their bonds. The attending nurse quickly got to work collecting all the extra things that had fallen out of his body and placing them gently back inside the boy's gaping chest like he was playing Operation.
Once he was situated with all his goopy organs back in his body, the boy tried apologizing to Mara and Vanessa. "Sorry for the cold." He rasped.
Mara glanced at her grandfather, who didn't bother to translate. "I will be informing Mother Soul of this development," she said stiffly before turning and marching out of the room, two assassins at her heel. Dr. Vanessa was likewise escorted out to be taken care of.
Ra's stepped closer to the boy's bed. He didn't pay any mind to the blood, Lazarus goop, and now melting ice that stained his robes; they could be replaced. But he needed answers. He needed to figure out how to get out of this deal with the Gardener. And he needed to know how much power one child could offer him.
"Child." The boy looked lazily up at him. The effort of being awake was taking its toll. "I am Ra's al Ghul, the leader here. May I have your name?"
"Mmm." Some of the boy's bones shifted as he wiggled around, trying to relieve the weird pressure pressing against his skin. Ra's reckoned his whole skeleton might be out of place. "Call me Phantom," he eventually hummed.
Ra's knew that wasn't the boy's true name, but he'd work with it for now. He simply inclined his head in acknowledgment, watching as Phantom started nodding back off to sleep. Oh dear. He couldn't let him rest yet; Ra's needed answers.
"Do you know why you are here, Phantom?"
The boy licked his cracked lips, but still couldn't use his voice. His words were just echoing into the air like he was projecting his thoughts for everyone to hear. "No..."
"You were given to me. By a being who called themselves the Gardener. I am to take care of you."
"In exchange for what?" Phantom was struggling to stay awake. But he instantly caught onto the double meaning, which proved he had a brain somewhere.
Ra's considered his words. "Power," he said simply. "I care for you as if you were my own, and in exchange, you would be the key to granting unimaginable power and knowledge."
Phantom wrinkled his nose but seemed to accept that answer. "Undergrowth is so shady sometimes. But I'll acknowledge the deal between you two. Let me take a quick nap, and then you can let me know what you need..." He trailed off as sleep finally claimed him.
The Demon's Head wasn't pleased that the conversation was cut short, but the bind around his heart had loosened its noose, and he felt it was unavoidable. Now that his foolish granddaughter was out of the way, he would leave and return later. Phantom, while boyish in nature, seemed quite mature once he was lucid enough to talk. Perhaps Ra's wouldn't regret making him the Heir.
Jazz was getting antsy. It had been weeks, and they still hadn't found Danny. Raiding GIW bases with just the four of them took a toll on the group, especially since they kept losing supplies (like her beloved creep-stick, RIP). A few times, Danielle had to fly off and keep the peace in other cities, as the ghosts were finding different ways into the mortal realm now that Amity was shut off from the world. She'd taken up Danny's name as Phantom and was exhausted from flying across the country constantly. So, really, it was mostly the three of them.
Luckily, Kitty and Johnny showed up recently, and Dani got them to spread the word about Danny's disappearance and the group's country-wide manhunt. No ghosts had shown up since then.
"We're here," Tucker snapped her out of her thoughts, pulling her to an instant stop. This was one of the four bases Tucker had narrowed their search to. They'd destroyed the other three, gathering evidence and doing what was necessary to defeat the agents inside. And now they were standing in front of the final one, deep inside Yellowstone National Park. It looked like a rest stop with a bathroom, but Jazz knew that the compound was actually underground and most likely ten times the size of the shack.
Sam wrinkled her nose. "This place looks abandoned," She noticed. "At least the others had a front going on. I don't want to ride in a dirty bathroom that's really an elevator. I'd rather go back and fight those creepy clown performers from the pizza place."
"I can just phase us down." Danielle offered.
Jazz shook her head. "Nah, you need to save your energy, kiddo. Who knows how deep this one is."
Tucker crouched, fiddling with his PDA. "This spot does have a front," he told Sam. "It's a rare geocache spot. The only hint for it online that I can find is a shitty riddle that was posted, like, last week."
"Oh, what is it?"
"Uh, here. It says:
Below the keep, just six feet deep, lays a weathered path, born from wrath. A white beast rests, who troubles his guests, so find the key, and beware the banshee."
Danielle snorted. "You're right. That riddle sucks. Who wrote that? Skulker?"
Jazz smiled but considered the words seriously. "I mean, it seems pretty literal if you know the context behind it. Why not search for the cache and see if it has a key?"
"Good idea."
With that plan in mind, the four split up to scan the terrain. None of them had ever been geocaching before, but it was a popular tourist activity around Amity. It shouldn't be that hard, could it?
The answer was yes, it was. The group searched for an hour before Tucker finally gave in and sat on a log to take a break. The log promptly crumbled in half, and Tucker shouted in surprise as he landed ass-first on a hard tackle box.
"Oh, come on!" He groaned. "This log isn't even made of plastic! It's cardboard! Who makes a geocache out of cardboard?? It literally rained last night, my ass is wet now!"
Danielle giggled for the first time in weeks. Jazz ruffled her hair, earning a swat of protest, and then walked over to help Tucker to his feet. Sam swooped in to claim the first dibs on the box as soon as he was clear.
The lock was no issue for her as she simply bashed it open with a sharp rock. Sam seemed eager to find more clues and crowed triumphantly when she dug out a key card still attached to a GIW lanyard. "Fucking finally!"
"Good job, Sam." The four gathered around the tackle box. The card seemed legit, right down to the near-invisible security numbers engraved on the back. Their enhanced eyesight allowed them to spot that detail, which was a blessing when sniffing out fake leads.
Dani shot up excitedly. The fact that they were so close to finding Danny renewed the spark in her eyes. "I'll go look for the entrance!" She sped off, turning invisible to avoid any inside cameras. She found it within minutes, and returned to share the good news.
It was, indeed, in the tiny bathroom.
Sam groaned. "I need to learn to keep my mouth shut."
"I'm fine with that, honestly. You loud-mouthed mother-OW!" Tucker stumbled through the doorway to the bathroom, too slow to avoid the whack Sam had given him.
"That's 'loud-mouthed BITCH' to you," she scolded playfully.
The eldest shook her head and ignored them. The bathroom truly was tiny, and hadn't seen the loving touch of a mop in years. Spiders were making webs in the corners and Jazz was pretty sure something had been using the toilet as a litter box. It looked awful and smelled even worse. A smug look from Danielle told her that the girl had simply stopped breathing, and therefore didn't have to deal with the scent of actual bear shit.
She ignored Danielle, too. Jazz could feel her little sister's smugness radiating as they searched everywhere for the secret card scanner. Jazz couldn't stop her organs at will yet, and the twins always took full advantage of that to mess with her. They eventually figured out that the empty soap dispenser was what they were looking for, and the scanner beeped when they swiped the card. The whole room started to shake as they moved down.
Sam and Tucker stopped their petty back-and-forth as they heard the grinding of the elevator cable. "When was the last time this was used?" Tucker sounded alarmed.
"Probably when they built it." Sam grimaced at the sight of the dirty toilet water moving and pointedly moved to stare at the wall. "I want to set myself on fire right now. This is so gross."
"I'll hand you the match."
"I will douse you in gasoline, Tucker."
"Not the time, guys!" Jazz glanced at the ceiling, where she imagined the cable would connect. It squealed and screeched, but eventually, the world's worst elevator trip came to an end, and the one wall with nothing attached to it split open to reveal the pristine tunnel of a GIW facility. All four of them bolted for the hallway, and not just because they were eager to start trashing the place.
"Danny better fucking be here because I do not want to ride that thing ever again." Gasping, Sam rested her arms on her legs, breathing in stale, underground air. At least it didn't stink.
Danielle giggled again (that was twice now!!) and changed forms. "I'll go scout ahead," she informed them. Jazz bid her good luck before she faded from visibility. She wasn't too worried about the girl. Dani had her radio and knew to avoid GIW sensors as a ghost.
Tucker lay on the ground, staring into nothing while they waited. "My ass is still wet," he commented after a few moments of silence.
"No one needs to know that, Tucker."
"Too bad. I might get a rash from this. Did you know I ran out of underwear last week? I'm on my last pair, and now I'm gonna get a fucking diaper rash from them."
Sam gagged. "That's disgusting. Don't tell me this shit. I'm cursing your bloodline just for that."
"You gotta tell me these things," Jazz chided. "I would have gotten you a new set."
Tucker waved his arm in a 'whatever' motion. "Eh, honestly, it isn't that bad right now. I've done worse. Danny and I once tried to see how long we could go without showering or changing in middle school. I went two weeks before my parents hog-tied me and hosed me down in the front yard. Danny managed to go a full month before you did the same."
Realization struck Jazz and her eyes widened. "That's what that was about? Oh my god, he was yowling like a cat when I caught him, and it took three rounds of shampoo just to wash his hair! He's never forgiven me for it!"
"Sounds about right." Tucker shrugged. "I promised him a ticket to the observatory if he won, but you caught him the day of the showing, and he missed it."
"Why don't I remember this?" Sam demanded.
"It was right before y'all moved to town. It's the incident that caused the 'Fenturd' nickname."
Jazz put her head in her hands and groaned. Sometimes, she really wanted to smack her brother.
Danielle popped back into existence, making all three of them jump. Her mood had drastically changed, and she seemed really uncomfortable. "As interesting as that story is, and I definitely want to hear about it later," she said nervously. "This whole place has already been raided. There's no one here except a couple of soulless bodies. And an open portal. Someone was here before us."
All three shot up. "Lead the way," Jazz demanded. Everyone ran down the still-pristine hallway. Barely any dust had settled, and none of them smelled blood. Who had gotten here first?
They slid to a stop before a big metal door. Dani ducked through it to open it from the other side, and everyone was assaulted with the smell of rotting bodies and days-old blood as soon as it started moving. The door was literally so thick it had trapped everything inside. Including some agents, it seemed. A few bodies were pressed against the door and fell toward them when it opened. Tucker screeched and jumped back.
Sam, a true crime girlie at heart, crouched to examine the closest one. "Their fingers are worn through, almost to the bone," she noticed. "I bet if we closed the door again, we'd find scratch marks."
Dani floated above the corpses. "Yeah, it looks like something cut off all the exits and hunted them one by one."
"But what killed them?"
Sam toed a body until it flipped over. The eyes of the agent had been ripped from their skull, and frostbite warped their skin so bad she couldn't tell what their original features were. Danielle floated closer to Jazz, looking highly uncomfortable. "Danny's ecto is all over the place," she whispered. "He was definitely here."
"Right." Jazz hardened her heart. She was here to find her brother, not feel sorry for brutally mutilated government agents. "Let's get going. Stick to the battle buddy system, and keep your comms on."
They proceeded cautiously, only touching a body if it blocked their path or to find a key card. Tucker remarked that if this was a horror game, he probably would have played it, but living it was so much worse. Every single corpse had its eyes removed, and it was starting to wear on Jazz's mind. Dani mentioned their souls were gone, too.
Eventually, after some detours and backtracking, they reached the labs where Danny would have been held. Rage filled Jazz's chest as she saw ectoplasm mixed in with the bloodstains. A table had been set up to restrain a ghost with specialized handcuffs that had FENTONWORKS printed across them in bright green letters. Shattered glass was scattered across the floor and a few organs were decaying quite rapidly. A scientist was slumped across the table, a small knife still in hand. Jazz kicked the corpse.
Without Danielle telling her, she could feel it. This is where Danny had been tortured. Probably vivisected, too. Those were his organs that were rotting on the floor. His blood stains the ceiling. She was seeing red. She wanted to scream. Her baby brother had been tortured by these horrible people, and she didn't even get to kill them??
Danielle tugged on her arm, quietly bringing her back to herself. "The portal," she reminded Jazz. "It's in the next room."
"Sam, Tucker, see what you can recover from in here." Jazz gritted her teeth and let Dani guide her away from that room. "Dani's gonna show me the portal. Scream if you need us."
"Be careful!" Sam called back.
They left the room, going two doors down to what looked like a near-perfect copy of the Fenton's lab. She stiffened as she spied the portal. It wasn't set into the wall like the original but rather floated a few feet in the air in front of it. It looked like a tear in reality, similar to something Wulf could make, but on a much larger scale. She felt dwarfed by it, and dreaded to think about what could come through a portal this size.
Dani pointed out some blinking computers, the only ones still with power inside the entire compound. "They were working on a new portal," she said. "The Fentons sold their research. I'm not sure how we missed it, but they were really close to getting it figured out."
"This isn't from the GIW?" Jazz asked, gesturing to the behemoth of a disaster still swirling next to them.
"No, I don't think so," Danielle zoned out. Her eyes glowed, and she looked at things Jazz couldn't see. "This was opened from the other side. I think someone broke in, took Danny, and left after killing everyone."
"Someone from the Ghost Zone?" Jazz frowned. She bent over the computer, trying to click around for security footage. "But who do we know that is strong enough to kill everyone so physically? Vlad swore to never interact with us again, even if it was life or death. Undergrowth would have left plants behind, Nocturn doesn't like killing in the mortal realm, and Vortex can't sustain himself underground. None of the normal rogues are strong enough, either. Unless they got Desiree to help?"
"Nah, she may be a bitch, but she refuses to participate in murder of any kind. Plus, she's a neat freak. This isn't her work. It isn't Ghost Writer either; he doesn't like writing horror stories."
"What about Frostbite or Pandora?"
Dani wrinkled her nose. "Maybe? Frostbite is a pacifist who is more likely to rescue Danny without killing anyone. And the portal is too small to let Pandora through. She could've sent her warriors, though."
"It was Danny."
Jazz glanced up from the computer. Sam and Tucker were standing in the door, looking pale.
"We pulled recordings from the labs dating back two months. Danny was the one who killed everyone."
"...Pardon? It's only been a few weeks since he disappeared."
"I don't know." Tucker frantically typed away at his PDA, pulling up the downloaded footage and shoving it in Jazz's face. "But it's definitely him. I pulled their files, too. They were looking into time travel, Jazz. The day Danny showed up in their records, Operative K and Operative O were also logged in, even though they were 100% still in Amity during that time. They suddenly added on the time travel stuff a day later."
Jazz zoned out, numb to Tucker's near-hysterical rant. She just watched the tiny screen blankly as Danny was tortured over and over again but refused to give up the secrets the agents were asking for. Every time he refused, he was punished by having his organs taken away and put into jars for study. Then he'd be pumped full of pure ectoplasm, and just like Prometheus, he was back the next day with fresh organs for harvest. The dates in the recording went back weeks. Way before Danny disappeared.
Dani sobbed and looked away from the screen. Jazz couldn't even blink. The turning point in the experiments was when they brought in a little girl, a human girl, in front of Danny. The girl was about five, probably homeless or kidnapped, with pretty blonde hair done up in pigtails. Jazz noted she had been crying and had the number '27' pinned to her shirt. Danny was wary, sure it was a trick until he spotted something off-screen that they couldn't see. He jerked forward, straining to reach the girl, panic in his eyes.
But he couldn't reach her. Two scientists simply wrote down some observations before nodding in the same direction Danny was looking. Without asking a single question, the agents killed the little girl in front of Danny.
Jazz's hands shook as tears filled her eyes. Danny, her sweet baby brother, looked on in horrified shock as the cameras switched. Agents dumped the girl's body in a barrel of ectoplasm and waited patiently until a blue wisp rose from it. Then, using a Fenton peeler, they zapped the child's soul without mercy. Normally, the peeler stripped the disguise off a ghost to reveal their real form. But to a fresh soul as weak as that?
Her soul was burned into nothing.
Danny started screaming and imploded in on himself like a star.
The camera blacked out for a few moments, flickering between glimpses of her brother and blackness. She barely recognized him. His form had warped into something unrealistic. Something straight out of a movie. He was impossibly large now, barely able to walk on two legs when he stood amongst his broken restraints. His chest was a gaping cavern, and when he turned towards the camera, she could spy his tiny core exposed to the world. It was acting like a black hole, pulling at Danny's own skin and flesh like it was trying to suck him in. It was beautiful and strange in a horrible way.
He was too fast for the camera to really keep up with, but Tucker had doctored it to slow down each frame. Danny's face was splitting in two from a silent scream. His hair was flowing wildly, falling over his body, so it looked like he had a white, shaggy cloak.
His hunt never stopped. He didn't slow or hesitate to pounce on everyone he saw. His body was stained red from the gouging of people's eyes, which was the fastest way to reach a human soul. The group watched in horror as Danny leaned over his victims, opening his splitting maw even wider and devouring every soul he could, ensuring that they wouldn't even get peace in death. The churning of his core was getting worse, and at some point, he was spreading ice with every step he took. It looked like he was really struggling to stay standing by the time a few scientists were the only ones left in the compound. Jazz was afraid of what would happen if he collapsed completely. Would his core devour him?
At some point, the cameras really did die, and the screen went dark. Jazz realized she was crying, and moved to give the PDA back to Tucker.
"There's more," he shook his head. "But we didn't watch that far ahead because an outside force added it when I downloaded everything."
Like he said, the screen crackled back to life after a moment. The group realized it was from Danny's point of view. All the agents were dead, and he was stumbling through the halls in a daze, unable to keep his bigger form. He finally made it to the room they were in now, probably drawn to the familiarity of the lab layout. Before he could reach the unfinished portal, however, the freestanding one opened and out stepped a very familiar figure.
"Clockwork?" Jazz muttered, surprised.
As if hearing his name, Clockwork looked directly through Danny, straight at her. "The flow of time has been disrupted." He said softly. "I'll take our young Guardian here to a safe place. We have much to talk about, Miss Jasmine. You, too, Samantha, Tucker, and Danielle. I'll see you soon."
Then, the older ghost's focus switched back to Danny, and it was like he'd never spoken to them at all.
"Daniel," he coaxed. "It's time to go."
Danny groaned but stumbled forward and passed out in Clockwork's arms, promptly ending the video.
Silence descended over the room. Jazz could hear blood rushing through her body, and her heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She thought over what they'd found in the facility, about the state of Amity Park, her parents, and most importantly, her brother. About how he was tortured to the brink of insanity and how he still found it in his heart to love others. To protect them. To care and grieve for someone he'd never met. He must be feeling so much hurt.
Deciding on the next step was easy.
"We need to find Clockwork."
[I realized the timeline is kinda confusing, and I promise it'll all match up in the next chapter, but here's a chart on what it looks like right now so it's easier to understand.]
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[The top one is the timeline Ra's and the rest of the DC characters are on. The middle is Jazz and the others. Danny is separate from both timelines right now because of the Time Medallion that Dan forced into his core. Right before the start of the story, which is marked in bright colors, Danny and the agents he's traveling with get involved in a time anomaly and are transported two months into the past. The agents still take him to the Yellowstone compound, but the incident makes the GIW speed-run their research on the Ghost Zone and, now, time travel. The timelines sync up again when Tucker finds the video from Clockwork. The total amount of time that has passed since the start of the story to the sync-up is about three weeks.]
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schlippyaxe · 29 days
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human flutter shy design
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cubedmango · 6 months
preview of episode 1 from the anime advanced screening event! ✨ (translated by me) / please do not repost to other social media!
(some stills below the cut)
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yomeamarshmallow · 3 months
Been too lazy to continue much less finish this thing so.... Forever messy sketch
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 729: Everyone's training camp!!
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Pag 1
3: He really was a weird boy
4: Even though he was injured, he was still pushing me away
I wionder if he got back safely
5: That boy was riding a bicycle but... I wonder if he participates in “races”
I didn't ask him
6: Tobirama-kun, I wonder if we'll meet again somewhere
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Pag 2
1: It's Onoda-san!!
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Pag 3
1: Onoda-san!!
The captain entered the course!!
2: Good work!!
3: Are you alright after the car sickness?
Are you alright?
Yes. So- sorry for making you worry....
4: Hahaha you're late
Ah, senpai
Everyone has already ran more than 40km
So- sorry
5: Here's your bottles
6: Ah, thank you very much
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Pag 4
1: Can you catch up now?
2: Yes!!
I plan on it!!
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Pag 5
1: Onoda-san started running!!
He started late.... so he has the lowest rank....!!
Onoda-san has the lowest rank!?
Can he close a gap of 40km by himself!?
After all everyone else has already ran 8 laps
2: Can he do it....!?
4: No
He's not by himself!!
Right, his “buddy”!! Thuis year's training camp's rule is that you have to fight in pairs!!
If he has a “buddy” maybe he can do it!! Onoda-san's “buddy”....
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Pag 6
1: I wonder who will it be!!
2: Onoda-san!!
3: Uhm-
I'm so... uhm-
4: Earlier, at the entrance, I talked with Touji-san
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Pag 7
1: I'm so glad you can run in the training camp!!
3: Yes...!!
4: Thank you for everything!!
For giving me the chance!! I want to achieve good results in this training camp and go to the Inter High!!
5: I'll be confident!!
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Pag 8
1: Hahaha!! We'll go, the two of us
To the Inter High!!
2: Look at this sticker!!
It's our...
3: team's new name, haha!!
That's right, special st.... you've made a mistake, Issa!! 4: Don't be so fussy, Danchiku, haha!!
But you said it yourself, Issa!?
I'm going ahead
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Pag 9
1: This “training camp” will decide the Inter High members
2: I also have to run 1000km in order to become a team member
3: Ohh, Onoda-san
He's so fast even on a climb like this
4: Keep going, Sawada!! High pace!!
And also, in this training camp
5: Owaaaa
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Pag 10
1: I have to become stronger than ever!!
3: Onoda!!
4: It's the first training camp for me
You said 1000km? That's the requirement?
And the top six people go to the Inter High?
6: So basically!!
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Pag 11
1: Is extremely hard, really!! Oi!!
I want to hit the naive me who took this lightly and thought “I want to be one of the six people” before the training camp!!
2: And this.... during first year... and the second year... you climbed over this wall?
3: Head on!!
4: That's so freaking cool!!
5: Ah... b- but it was difficult, I couldn't climb as I wanted, and my pedals broke
6: How did you do it... back then...
7: One of my senpai.... my senpai told me something
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Pag 12
1: You just have to breakthrough, sho”....!!
2: You just have to breakthrough, sho!!
3: And I have to run so that I don't shame Makishima-san!!
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Pag 13
1: Ugh!! That's too cool!!
Damn, whose words were they!!
Breakthrough!! 'lright!!
Do your best, Kawada-kun
2: Sadatoki-kun
On!! Onoda-san!!
5: Sadatoki...
Sorry I made you wait
6: Sorry, you ended up in a team with me
8: No, it's not a problem, Kawada-san
I... maybe...
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Pag 14
1: In that moment I was left out of this training camp.... on
2: “Buddy”!!
They said buddy, on, so let's pair up, Teru-nii-chan!!
3: 1000km together with Teru-nii-chan!! For four days!!
Let's join forces and run!! And at breakfast too, and at lunch, and when we sleep too....
4: I'm sorry, Sadatoki
6: Sorry
7: Run with someone else
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Pag 15
1: Alright, let's pair up!!
2: I'm counting on you!
3: Teru-nii-chan
4: “In order to be the sixth member”
5: The sixth member....!!
Teru-nii-chan... that's right
In this training camp.... you'll run 1000km....
6: You're serious....
7: You're trying to reach the goal among the top six!!
You czn't run with me in this training camp!!
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Pag 16
1: Imaizumi!!
3: Those eyes.... you're serious
It's the eyes of someone who's ready to bet everything
4: Okay!!
If you can follow me
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Pag 17
1: Sugimoto
Buddies established!!
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Pag 18
2: Thank you!! Thank you, Imaizumi
What for?
For pairing up with me!!
It's nothing....
3: The rule was that we could team up with anyone
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Pag 19
1: As long as it's someone who's serious about becoming stronger, anyone is good!!
2: Really, thank you!! Imaizumi!!
3: Alright, let's go Imaizumi!!
First of all, I wnt to put a great gap between us and them
4: Since it's the strongest two!!
6: I finally caught up to you! Sorry
7: There was this guy that had collapsed along the way....
Kakaka so you were helping someone, Onoda-kun!! Now the buddies finally met up...
Well then....
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Pag 20
1: Let's go with explosive speed!! Onoda-kun!!
Okay!! Naruko-kun!!
The buddies Onoda and Naruko!!
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juliansswimmingpool · 5 months
Now that it's over...
Also feel free to leave your season rankings in the tags, very curious to see what people think :)
See below for some Ghost-related stats for nerds (warning: kinda long)
All ratings out of 10, data from the BBC Ghosts IMDB page
Top rated: Three-way tie between The Thomas Thorne Affair (02x04), Part of the Family (03x06), and Carpe Diem (05x05) at 8.6
Top rated episodes for Seasons 1 and 4: Four-way tie for 01x03 - 06 (Happy Death Day, Free Pass, Moonah Ston, & Getting Out respectively) at 7.8 and Gone Gone (04x05) at 8.5
Lowest rated: Who Do You Think You Are? (01x01) at 7.4, Poached Guests (04x05) at 7.5, and Happy Holiday (04x01) & Home (05x02), both at 7.6
Lowest rated episodes for Seasons 2 & 3: The Grey Lady (02x01) at 7.7 and a tie between A Lot to Take In (03x02) & I Love Lucy (03x04) at 7.7
Seasons ranked by mean score (including Christmas specials if applicable): 2 (8.14), 5 (8.11), 3 (8.01), 4 (7.94), 1 (7.71)
Seasons ranked by mean score (excluding Christmas specials): 2 (8.13), 5 (8.10), 3 (8.02), 4 (7.85), 1 (7.71)
Seasons ranked by median score (including Christmas specials if applicable): 2 (8.2) & 5 (8.2), 3 (8.0), 1 (7.8) & 4 (7.8)
Seasons ranked by median score (excluding Christmas specials): 2 (8.15), 5 (8.1), 3 (8.0), 1 (7.8), 4 (7.75)
Mean episode rating: 7.99
Median episode rating: 7.95
Mode episode rating: 7.8
Season with the largest range: Tie between Seasons 4 & 5, (difference of 1.0)
Season with the smallest range: Season 1 (difference of 0.4)
Number of episodes above mean episode rating: 17
Number of episodes at or above median/mode rating: 25
First Quartile: 7.7
Third Quartile: 8.2
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21 notes · View notes
Adding onto the "Hanzo is Ainu" headcanon that an anon sent me earlier
We know that Hanzo had a nickname for Harumi, he called her Kana, which as far as I can find (as always pls correct me if I am wrong) is a name that can mean anything either: perfume, beautiful, summer, flower, vegetable, or increase (vegetable seems to come from the "na" part whereas everything else is from the "ka" part)
but in the Ainu language, as far as I can find (again, correct me if I am wrong, I am in no way an expert) Kanna (two n's) is it's own word meaning: Often, again, or thunder (as a verb) (I also saw it used to mean repeat but that was from a dubiously trustworthy source)
Which, I don't know if this is anything or how nicknames work outside of the US/Canada/UK english speaking community, but it would be really sweet if his nickname for the wife he nearly eded the world to avenge was "Thunder"
Kana name meaning: https://www.behindthename.com/name/kana/submitted
Kanna meaning: http://northeuralex.org/languages/ain
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unsurebisexualcore · 4 months
Why am I like this
Boutta drop some mad maths on u rn so stay with me:
So we learnt in biology a while ago that the human sex cell has 23 chromosomes, right? Half of what a regular cell has (46) which makes sense. Now basically, we can calculate the number of chromosome combinations for humans during meiosis (creation of sex cells) by finding 2^23, or 2^n where n=the number of chromosomes an organism has. 2^23=8388608, so each gamete (sex cell) a person produces has 8388608 genotypes
Now the average pair of ovaries contains approximately 300,000 egg cells by the time whosever’s body reaches puberty, so that means from one half of the pair of whoever birthed you, there was approximately 2516582400000 (300,000•8388608) different possibilities for the genotype of the first half of the cell from which u were created
Similarly, the average testes produces 140 billion sperm cells in its entire lifetime. So using that same math (140,000,000,000•8388608), we get approximately 1174405100000000000 different possibilities for the genotype of the second half of the cell from which u were created
So if we take both halves and put ‘em together, you get 2516582400000+1174405100000000000≈ 1174407600000000000 which is a wild ass number like holy shit
But basically you are like this because of the 1174407600000000000 different possibilities of what you could have been, the you you are is the only you that exists today. Dunno why, dunno how, but it’s what happened. And that’s cool as shit.
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cutecoffee · 5 months
An awkward reunion.
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mooph · 1 year
the koroks in totk are lowkey tormenting link w the way they’re making him find their friends when his whole purpose rn is to find his own friend 😭 honestly i feel like canon link would also totally be torturing those little forest shits too tbh
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I have some thoughts on the “creature with a gaping mouth” imagery and how it seems to constantly circle back to Will but uh, yeah things get very dark
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honeyedlashton · 2 years
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• 💖 • 🤍 • 💙 •
It’s late at night and Luke’s on the couch. He is half-asleep, half-focused on the tv playing The Simpsons quietly into the dark living room. Footsteps pad across the floor from the bedroom, and there Ashton appears at the end of the couch. Immediately, Luke notices the distinct leopard print pattern of their big fuzzy throw blanket normally at the foot of their bed is now draped around his shoulders. Ashton himself is all messy curls and facial hair in the bluish light of the cartoon. Luke doesn’t know if it’s his eye strain or his imagination, but the ambient light from the kitchen gives him a glow. He swears he could see starbeams around Ashton’s figure.
“I’m scared of the dark,” Ashton hums with the corners of his lips turning up ever-so-slightly.
Luke looks up at the handsome man, and without even a second thought he opens his own blanketed arms to allow Ashton inside his bundle of warmth. “C’mere.”
Ashton immediately accepts the invite. Before Luke knows it, the older man is lying on his chest watching the show. Ashton comically shifts around so he’s more comfortable, and the giggle bubbles up from Luke’s chest till he’s grinning and moving Ashton with every little chuckle. When it grows still, he tenderly reaches out to play with Ashton’s hair, no longer concerned with watching the screen.
Instead, Luke is feeling the weight of his boyfriend when he breathes. He’s measuring his skull with his own fingertips as the chosen unit of distance—though he’s lost count several times. He’s imagining kissing the sleepy man with his tousled hair and his prickly beard. He imagines the low hum he’d get from him if they did kiss. The butterflies that would explode right from his core at the longing behind Ashton’s sleepy noises. The slow drowsy way their lips would move together over the low background noise of the show. Luke purses the leftovers of his smile into a fond pout at the idea.
The credits are rolling on the episode before Ashton’s weight shifts. He looks up to Luke with that same trying-not-to-smile smile. Luke can see stars in Ashton’s eyes anytime he spoke to him, but especially in softer light like this. “As much as I love a good Sideshow Bob episode, I’d rather be kissin on you in that big ol’ bed of ours.”
Luke broke into a grin. “You read my mind.”
• 💙 • 🤍 • 💖 •
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oblitum · 1 year
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                                      There's a glass of champagne in her hand, the sound of music and chatter filling the air. She can feel the gazes of her siblings boring into her, but they're far too occupied to confront her— precisely why Bryn had chosen to gatecrash the ball to make her presence known, the guarantee of less a scene. She was sure the screaming matches would come later, didn't expect her siblings to forgive her for taking off but god was it good to see them again; all of them, in one place. Her mother had been a surprise she hadn't been expecting and she's still processing exactly how she feels about that, or perhaps she's ignoring it. . .
The latter is confirmed at the sight of the brunette and she's in front of her in a second, a casual sip being taken from her glass as she appraises the girl. She'd seen her frequently around town when she'd been skulking about trying to find information on the towns goings on before she made an appearance. Eyes glitter, slow smile spreading across her face.
" You must be the infamous doppelganger. I don't think I've seen you without the Salvatores sniffing around you like dogs. " she draws with a small chuckle, indifference returning as she returns to glancing around the party. " How did you escape your chaperones? " she muses, before her gaze finally turns back to her, head tilting. " Bronwyn Mikaelson by the way, you've probably not heard of me. " she shrugs by way of explanation. " It's a pleasure to finally meet the girl causing all this buzz around her. "
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@survivingpierce liked for a starter.
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tarakau · 1 year
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that-punk-adam · 1 year
Sometimes I be reminded that the people in power have convinced members of the 99% that trans people are an issue by just existing. You can’t exist in the public OR the private for any reason. You can’t work a job and mind your business as a trans person bc ‘it’s an issue’, you can’t go out in public with friends to do whatever bc it’s ‘an issue’.
Have people forgotten that we are all literally the same? We work, we have families, we cry and love, we party and celebrate. It’s a cultural difference that those convinced members don’t truly understand. Just as with the cultural differences between white people and black people in America, there is a cultural difference between cis and trans people, and gay and straight people. The culture differs regionally too, which I think is cool.
I think it has to do with the scales of everything. There are a lot of trans people who are simple and just live their lives as human people who laugh and cry and love and have wants/needs/dreams. There are, though still a smaller population of trans people, who make an effort to make (their) gender/identity a prime staple of their life and have near everything revolve around it. They too laugh and cry and have hopes and dreams.Of that tiny population, it separates out to the people who are more the activist type and those who are more into it as a concept. It keeps dividing into more and more micro niche pockets of people, more and more .0000000001% of an already relatively small global population levels of niche. Numbers so small that they could probably get counted on your fingers
I really think that it’s the incessant inclusion of the internet into nearly every single aspect of daily life that’s wrecking the brains of already fragile minds. The alt right platform mentality is growing bc of the relatively innocent minds of people not knowing any better, of not knowing anything else other then what’s directly in front of them because of their life circumstances that they probably have no say in. Maybe they were told it was better for them and others around them, and that’s why they believe what they believe? Maybe it’s the sense if belonging they get because of those taught ideals, because they feel like they don’t belong in other available spaces in the real world..? Because of the heavy inclusion of online activity and spaces*, I think we’re loosing the ability to just… talk to each other. I think people don’t see other people as the same is them anymore… they are just you with a different pair of shoes and a different face, no matter how different they are.
( *- I could go on about all of that but I don’t want to make this post 50 thousand miles longer then it needs to so I’ve condensed this part.)
I’d love to live in a world one day where people as a whole understand more about other people in their own culture who are simply just a little more different then them. ‘Understanding’, in this context, put as plainly as possible, meaning “accepting that there are differences that you cannot control but that this differences aren’t going to kill or harm you in any way”, and not the more ‘universal’ use of the word that I’m hearing/understanding it to mean ‘accept 100% and are on equal levels with and are on board with ideally’. Instead of people attempting to get along and maybe talk things out so there is more understanding between cis and trans people we’re just going to keep fighting. I keep seeing the same exact things being tossed at one another and things gotta change, there really has to be a better way to talk to each other bc we’re going in circles. We are stuck in a rut and no one seems to be going anywhere besides around that corner.
You know what I’d love to do as a queer? Have a safe fair paying job with my lil squishy bf + friends (cis, straight, trans, and queer identities) and live out in a rural area away from the suburbs. We’d all love to have some goats or chickens or some other fowl. We’d love to have cats and a little cuddly socialized n trained chihuahua. If we could ever afford it, we’d have a small animal rescue. As long as you’re not harming anyone with your actions or your words, live and let live. I don’t want to live with anxiety that I’m gonna somehow end up on a hate group’s list because of a few cultural or social differences and be taken away to some strange and scary place (at the best) for who knows how long away from my family n friends because I happen to be different.
Please, for everyone’s health and safety, let’s learn to love each other again. The world is already a big and scary place that doesn’t need any more violence against one another.
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peaches-creek · 5 months
When he walks through the door, you are cooking. Smells like something Italian but maybe not. He hears the bubbling of a pot and a searing of a pan. He crouches as he takes off his boots, caked in dirt and stinking of something foreign. He can’t greet you after a month like this, covered in grease and smelling of gunpowder and sweat. You heard him drop his duffle bag. He hears do drop the spoon you were using and the pitter-patter of your feet coming to greet him. Your smiling face turns the corner.
“You’re home.” You gently say as you walk over to him. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into your arms with his face in your neck. You pull his mask off and give a kiss to his temple.
“I smell.” He says.
“Everyone smells,” she quips, “lemme hold you for a minute.” He lets her do exactly that.
After a minute or so he tells her she needs to finish cooking, and that he needs to shower. They can have a meal together and then take a well deserved nap together.
While he’s in the shower he takes his time decompressing. Trying to become Simon after a month of being Lt. Ghost. He thinks of what you might be cooking instead of the mistake he made that almost costed Price his life. He uses your conditioner and gingerbread body wash, knowing that you wouldn’t mind. You never do. It shocks him, every time, when he thinks of how much you Love him. You know what he does, and you still call him your “cutie-patootie.”
By the time he’s out of the shower, dinner is on the table, warm and on his favorite blue plates. You made him lemon breaded chicken and garlic parmesan pasta, his second favorite dish, first being his mother’s meatloaf.
“You smell familiar.” You laugh.
“This smells great,” he states, “not as good as me though.”
You place a kiss on his lips.
“Okay now that you have kissed the chef, you may eat your meal.” You move to the other side of the table, sitting across from him.
“Catch me up, what did I miss?” He says.
You spend the next half an hour talking his ear off as he shovels food into his face. He prefers that, not only does he like hearing your voice but it also helps him settle in. Hearing all the things that you did around the house, putting up new pictures, the ones that you took when you guys went to see the Eiffel Tower. You also got a few new plants, and told him that you waited for him to get home so you could name them together. You also said how you started watching some new documentary that he had to see.
He spent his whole life moving from one place to another, barely living. Now he has you. You move him and he moves you. Once he was finished with his plate, you took it to the sink and placed it on top of the others, you can do those later, it’s time to put your man to bed. He deserves it.
“Okay now, let’s get you to bed.” You pull him up and drag him to your shared bed. It’s quite a funny thing to see, such a large man getting dragged through the halls just to be tucked into bed.
You reach your destination. You let go of his hand and pull the covers back. You settle yourself in first, waving your hand to tell him to come in. You then maneuver him to put his head on your chest.
“All settled in?” You ask. He nods his head. No words needed. He was exactly where he needed to be. You begin to rub his back as he slowly finds himself falling into a sweet sleep, courtesy of you.
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