#left 4 dead roleplay
landonsrpmemes · 2 years
Left 4 Dead 2 Quote Starters
quotes from left 4 dead 2 (2009) for use as ask prompts / starters. feel free to edit words, phrasing or pronouns to fit better. click here for quotes from left 4 dead 1.
Kill all sons-a-bitches. That’s my official instructions.
This used to be a nice neighborhood!
Thought they were supposed to be saving our asses?!
Looks like there’s been a change of plans.
This is some grim shit we got ourselves into.
Alright, let’s put on our game faces. They’re comin’!
I have not.... come this far...... to die now.
Hahaha! I’m thinking we can take on anything!
Oh, baby, we can’t have you down there. Now get up.
Come on now, what you goin’ on about? You’re gonna make it.
You have to learn to take care of yourself, or you’ll keep ending up down here.
We... I... need you for a little longer.
Ain’t no harm in goin’ down. Let (name) help ya’ up.
I got ‘ya, I got ‘ya... just try not to look down, now.
Hey, I don’t mean to be scarin’ you none, but you go down like that again, and that’s it.
I can’t lie to you, you are messed up. If you don’t get yourself patched up, that’s it.
You gonna be okay.... ah, nah, nah, I can’t lie to ya.
You might wanna make your peace. You hurt bad.
I’m no nurse, but you look pretty messed up.
Do you know what that is? I think it used to be inside of you.
While I am the best-looking girl hanging on a ledge, I wish I wasn’t! Hanging on a ledge, I mean.
I think... we just became longshots.
Well, shit, we’re a twosome from here on out.
We gotta pull our shit together.
Okay, okay, oh God, this was a mistake!
This ain’t that kinda ride, (name). [Whispering] This is where you make out with your girlfriend.
Bringing back any memories, (name)? You, a cheeseburger, romance in the air...
How many tunnel of love memories you got, (name)?
Sometimes it feels like we’re babysitting, doesn’t it?
He is making the best of a bad situation.... I wish I could be that happy.
Gee, my bedroom was painted like this... baby blue... I think maybe my dad wanted a boy...
I have never gone to a Tunnel of Love. In my neighborhood, we just had the underpass of unwanted advances.
Sitting in a big, plastic swan in a half foot of water. That ain’t romantic, that’s just stupid.
When we start this tape, get ready! The music's gonna be incredibly good, but try to focus.
Hey, come on, now! Quarrelin' amongst ourselves ain't solvin' nothing.
It may have escaped y'alls notice but this building's on fire.
Holy shit, zombies are real. [loud whisper] I knew it.
There’s blood on me but it ain’t mine.
Anyone get bit? Isn’t that how this works?
Y'know, I've never done a color tattoo before...
Seriously, is nobody else freaked out right now? We are walking through a sewer.
Man, I'm gonna start crying in a minute.
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roleplayfinder · 6 months
Hello! Looking for an 18+ Nellis/left 4 dead roleplayer!
I use discord to roleplay
I don’t have a plot set in mind but I have plenty of ideas we can choose from!
Everything else can be discussed in discord or tumblr dm!
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sheepkebby · 2 months
Hi guys !!! So my friend has a L4D2 server where a buncha cool ppl post art and roleplay and seek out ppl to game with, and anyone's welcome to join !!! We're a small friend group but we're very friendly and chill
If you wanna hang out with us, shoot me a DM and I'll give u the invite link!
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asksmokeyoveralls · 4 months
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Howdy! My name is Ellis. Nick and I are currently in Arizona after our car broke down...it's been three years since the infection and CEDA is some sorta far off dream.
About a year into the apocalypse Nick and I got separated from Ro and Coach. I hope they're doin okay. Not long after that, we got cornered by a hoard that was way too crazy, and I thought Nick was a goner from a bad fall he got into. Crashed right over the railing of the hotel we were stayin at and fell into a buncha spores. And that's when things got even weirder than fightin zombies...
Nick became infected. But just like I always known him, he's a special guy. When he turned, he was a Smoker. Thought I saw the end of him, but, for reasons that are still crazy to look back on, he ended up protectin me from the hoard and made em totally ignore us.
We traveled West like he always wanted to -- he wanted to make it to Cali, and for months we got real close. Infected don't bother us none anymore. It's like they recognize him as one of em but don't bug me at all. It was hard at first. But we're inseparable now. He used to call me his ace card, but nowadays I feel like the lucky one. And he don't talk no more.
I found this fancy computer room at this abandoned big ole building and I'm glad I found a way to reach out to the world again! Or at least I think it does.
Anyone out there?
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prpfs · 7 months
howdy, dudes! i'm 27 and looking for 18+ writers for mxm storylines from assorted fandoms.
castlenavia tv [ i write as adrian/alucard ]
fullmetal alchemist [ i write as edward elric ]
resident evil [ i write as piers nivans ]
call of duty [ wanting crossovers with my piers ]
left 4 dead [ i write as ellis ]
i do prefer to write all my muses as bottoms, but i'm not opposed to writing them as vers depending on the storyline and dynamics.
🩸 dark and taboo themes are welcomed; i am extremely kink and smut friendly. please write more than a few lines! i'm a multi & novella writer and i like there to be a fair amount of plot and detail among all the smut. if you have or make a blog dedicated just for rp, i will love you forever. i do not write through discord.
fellow male queer writers are preferred but that's not mandatory. give this a like and i'll message you through my rp blog.
like if interested!
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findroleplay · 8 months
a shot in the dark but it's spooky season so why not?
believe it or not, i'm (21) looking for anyone (18+) that'd be interested in writing Left 4 Dead! although i have a preference for doing stuff with OCs, i'd be open to write as or opposite any of the canon survivors from both games!
if this sounds interesting to you, leave a note and i'll message you!
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darkdoverpseeker · 8 months
a shot in the dark but it's spooky season so why not?
believe it or not, i'm (21) looking for anyone (18+) that'd be interested in writing Left 4 Dead! although i have a preference for doing stuff with OCs, i'd be open to write as or opposite any of the canon survivors from both games!
if this sounds interesting to you, leave a note and i'll message you! 🧟
like if interested!
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findyourrp · 8 months
a shot in the dark but it's spooky season so why not?
believe it or not, i'm (21) looking for anyone (18+) that'd be interested in writing Left 4 Dead! although i have a preference for doing stuff with OCs, i'd be open to write as or opposite any of the canon survivors from both games!
if this sounds interesting to you, leave a note and i'll message you! 🧟
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escapedaudios · 2 months
Hello! My name is Grim, and I fancy myself a bit of a researcher. Now, this is not for anything important or extremely serious. Instead, this is mostly for my own pure enjoyment and something I have in the works that is to be posted on Tumblr. You are not obligated to answer any or all of these questions I have posed. I know it’s a bit much. Feel free to add any additional input! Thanks for your consideration!
1. How different do you think your work would be, in terms of getting across a point, in a different medium thats not Audio RP?
2. How do you think your work would be different if it more reflected main stream industry forms of storytelling where you as a creator would be more separate? (ex. movies, tv shows, games, etc.)
3. How important do you find the voice acting in your work?
4. If you had the choice, would you stop voice acting in your work and take a step back to focus on narrative work?
5. Do you believe your ability to voice characters enhances the story overall?
6. Do you enjoy the idea of a “Listener character” or would you better prefer to not have one?
7. As a writer, how does the writing of the Listener take you out of your comfort zone? (ie their effect in relationships, plot movements, etc.)
8. Is Audio RP your favored form of art?
9. How do you believe Audio RP differs from main stream forms of art/entertainment?
How different do you think your work would be, in terms of getting across a point, in a different medium thats not Audio RP? I've toyed around with re-writing some scenes of my work in screenplay or novel format as a creative exercise. I love the immersive nature of audio roleplay, but there are some limitations. I do wish I could reveal things through visuals that are too quiet or subtle to work in audio roleplay. For example, in the alternate version of Matador Gothic, Scythus reveals himself by puppeteering a dead body under the last street light that he left functional, then stepping into the light and revealing his monstrous and blood-soaked face.
How do you think your work would be different if it more reflected main stream industry forms of storytelling where you as a creator would be more separate? (ex. movies, tv shows, games, etc.) I would make longer, more complex projects with longer periods of time between release. If I was working in legacy media for a mainstream studio, and had the backing of traditional advertisement and distribution I wouldn't be dependent on being recommended by an algorithm or on remaining relevant to inherently fickle online audiences. I would love to have the freedom to be able to work on a project for months or years without losing my ability to reach people. I would also indulge far more in controversial and uncomfortable topics. As a content creator you are extremely vulnerable and extremely dependent on the good will of the social media climate in a way that producers of legacy media are not. As a YouTuber I am also subject to the content restrictions of the platform. If I were making movies or shows, I'd be writing scripts for much more R-rated media.
How important do you find the voice acting in your work? Voice acting quality is important, but not the most important thing. I think the acting quality is roughly as important as the production quality, but nothing is more important than the script. A good script can greatly elevate a mediocre performance, but a good performance can't elevate a mediocre script.
If you had the choice, would you stop voice acting in your work and take a step back to focus on narrative work? I technically do have a choice because I can quit whenever I want and focus on something else, so I guess the answer is no. The only thing that would make me take that switch is if I was offered some massive opportunity as part of a professional studio.
Do you believe your ability to voice characters enhances the story overall? You mean me personally, or in general? Because the answer is yes to both.
Do you enjoy the idea of a “Listener character” or would you better prefer to not have one? I love the idea of a Listener character! It's what makes audio roleplay unique and what separates it from audio plays. Besides the element of immersion, I'm always happy to see the different ways that members of the audience interpret the way their listener's speak, look, act, react, and feel throughout the story. It is at times frustrating to write given things like the limitations of implied dialogue, but I have a net positive view on them.
As a writer, how does the writing of the Listener take you out of your comfort zone? (ie their effect in relationships, plot movements, etc.) It's a real challenge to write implied dialogue and make it feel authentic, that's for sure! When revising my scripts, the majority of my edits are changes to make the implied dialogue more fluid, reactive, and less repetitive (ex: removing crutch phrases like "what do you mean by..." or "so you're saying..."). Writing it to convey information while also leaving room for the audience to roleplay and freely interpret the scene is difficult but rewarding!
Is Audio RP your favored form of art? I've never thought about what my favored artistic medium is, but it might just be. I've consumed more audio roleplays in the past three years than movies, books, comics, and tv shows combined. Hard to say! I'm still a big movie buff, and I have an especially strong fascination with movies made by writer-directors.
How do you believe Audio RP differs from main stream forms of art/entertainment? Before I answer this, I'll need to give the caveat that I think the potential of audio roleplay has barely even been scratched at this point. It's such a new medium that it has a ton of room to grow. That said, I feel like audio roleplay is naturally the most effective form of immersive storytelling. Using sound to allow for interpretive, imaginative, and partly interactive storytelling just works. There's a natural fluidity there that doesn't exist in literature written in the second person point of view, and a range of imaginative freedom that can't fit into immersive video games, and a perspective that simply can't exist in visual media like movies, comics, or television. It's also an art form that is entirely amateur-driven and friendly to remote collaboration and low-budget projects. This environment of collaborative, low-overhead, amateur-driven story production opens the path for a lot of unique and fresh plot concepts, new perspectives on old tropes, and new ways of conveying narrative that have never been seen before.
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ozfi · 3 months
A Princess Among Us: Arthur Granvelle is a Trans Girl
First, canon:
The established world of Vollmond is split between humans and wizards. Literally, in more extensive analysis, this is clearly a divide between goyim (mostly Xtians) and Jews, but in this specific case it is used to evoke something else.
The king and queen Granvelle are two humans, but Arthur was born a wizard. This was hidden by the two as well as it could be, but the moment it got out rumors ricocheted around about the queen cheating on the king to birth a wizard (a nonhuman). The queen could not tolerate her child being magical or the rumors about this, and chose to abandon Arthur in the northern wilderness to die. Later, in Arthur's location story, the queen is seen deliriously loving and protecting a small bird as her 'human' son in place of Arthur.
I tend to write/visualize Arthur and the overall setting as though transphobia does not textually exist - I prefer the use of allegory here, personally, along with other canonical hints that transphobia itself just doesn't exist in Vollmond (see this very good post about deltarune that i think about often) - but in this case it is quite literally that the queen wanted a human son, in which case 'human' and 'son' mean the same thing.
This is strengthened by Arthur feeling like she gets to be her "real self" with Oz/oji3 +in the North, where she gets to be a wizard and use magic and act without restraint around people who love and accept her as the little girl Arthur, and not as the failed nonhuman prince of Central.
And then, of course, this is all stripped away from her at the onset of puberty, LITERALLY on the day of her 13th birthday. She is stolen from this sanctuary and taken back to Central to stand straight and tall as prince and boy for a mother that will not even look at her (where her being a wizard is an open secret - where everyone knows that she's a freak and different.)
Something essential to note is that Arthur is the type of person who does not discuss her own suffering in a personal sense, that she is the type of person to ignore her own pain and instead focus on how things must have hurt others. She has only ever brought up how the pre-abandonment period must have hurt her mother, but not how Arthur herself felt or was treated during it. She goes out of her way to not mention the fact she was abandoned. She doesn't even like talking about how much pain she was in being taken from Oz, the person she actually considers to be her guardian, though it is more likely to come up because the feeling is much more raw. We can only assume based on how she is treated now, 17 and with her otherness an open secret, though it's also been mentioned that certain things have gotten a bit less painful over the 4 years she's been back... to put it lightly, even before being left for dead it wasn't great for her in the castle.
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She does not like being a prince, except for the political opportunities it gives her to help others, namely other wizards (people like her). Look at this 4koma. She does not feel like she belongs. She pushes herself to be like her father because she's the 'prince' - but also, let's face it, her mother isn't the best role model (but Arthur still wants her love and acceptance [whole event]). She goes out of her way avoid being angry [ch4] because she's a wizard and people will be scared of her, and perhaps also attribute that anger to other wizards.
And then there's the amount of times she disguises herself as her 'Artie' persona, or transforms into anyone else at all, excited and overly willing to be anyone but the Central prince. (1, 2 [though she feels awkward and disparages herself for not being able to 'roleplay' well], 3, 4, 5: [Arthur Bday 2023 Q&A TLed by oshaberiduo on twt], 6, etc)
She's also been associated with butterflies, a sign of transformation and rebirth, a fair amount of times, and shooting stars, something similarly transient and beautiful (2) just as much. She wants to be a flower yet to be discovered or named.
She wants to be herself without expectations. She wants to be loved for who she is and as she is.
Of course, canonically it's good on some level that she was taken from Oz, as she cannot tie her happiness to him the way she does and continue to have a healthy relationship. She's dependent on him labeling their relationship (one everyone knows to be family), she's terrified of him not loving her (because they're the one who saved her when she was abandoned), and she's willing to die if it lets her continue to be loved/repays her 'debt' (because she thinks Oz is still """mad""" at her for """"leaving""””).
That said, I do think Arthur will remain in a political role in Central, but not as prince. She will be the wizard princess of Central, putting together both families she loves and getting to live as her true self with no pretense while helping the citizens she loves and working to make people like her safer. She will be the master of both worlds and live a much healthier life because of this, confident in taking the necessary steps to get to that point because she will always have people by her side.
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Second, sources:
Every Mahoyaku character has a main source that's reflected in their names, influences their stories, and thus ripples onto the people surrounding them. Figaro is from the Barber of Seville. Oz is from the Wizard of Oz. Arthur is King Arthur. etc etc.
King Arthur’s story has a lot going on in it, as mythology often does, but the gist is that Uther Pendragon (the former king) seduces his enemy's wife with the help of the wizard Merlin, who in return for his services only requests that he be able to raise Arthur for a while. Arthur only finds out he's the king through a lot of winding circumstances; You know them. Read Arthuriana yourself - there's a lot. The point is that Arthur is the True King from a so-called 'disreputable union' raised by a magician.
But they also have secondary sources, sources the characters were not named after but heavily influenced their stories and personalities. Figaro’s is the Little Mermaid (see everything about her but especially June bride 2021 cardsto). Chloe’s is Cinderella (LOOK AT HIM). Shino’s is Robin Hood (Sherwood. Everything else). etc etc. And Arthur? Arthur is Ozma of Oz.
Ozma's story goes like this: the princess of the city of Oz, Ozma, is stolen by Ozpinhead (the titular Wizard of Oz) and given to the northern witch Mombi. Ozma's identity is hidden by transforming her into a boy who goes by Tip. Ozma lives her childhood as the boy Tip, not knowing her true identity, and going through many hardships under the tutelage of the unkind witch Mombi. Though, importantly, there he learns about magic, and uses it to both escape Mombi and go on a great adventure where he makes a lot of friends who love him dearly and has a lot of fun. Through various circumstances, the truth of Ozma's existence comes to light - she is a Girl, a Princess, and the true successor of the throne of Oz. Tip is frightened by this, but only because he doesn't want to change. He fears that if he changes, the people he loves will stop loving him. It's only through the encouragement of his friends and loved ones and the reassurance that they'll love her no matter what that she gains the courage to go through the process of becoming her real self again. She is still herself, just different!
It's hard to explain just how point for point this is to people who haven’t personally read either or both stories. Either the plot point is exactly opposite, or exactly correct, to the point where it’s clear that the story goes beyond simple inspiration for Arthur's own.
Instead of being a princess kidnapped by Ozpinhead (the Wizard of Oz) and given to the northern witch Mombi, Arthur was abandoned by the royal family and taken in by the Northern wizard Oz (...the Wizard of Oz), though it’s clear the general view of the events has twisted itself into Oz themself kidnapping Arthur. This is not something Oz contests for various reasons, most of which consist of the fact that Oz was a cruel wizard before meeting her, and very much doesnt want her to idolize them (because if she ever finds out…). Arthur made Oz softer than even Oz's own friends could comprehend even with thousands of years of experience with him. But, again, Arthur was taken back to the royal castle of Central, away from Oz and oji3 (away from the place where she was accepted and could express herself fully), where she’s forced to posture as a Prince and Boy (though her secret is not much a secret here).
Arthur's biggest fear is of changing. That she’ll grow to be someone Oz doesn't recognize, that politics will change her, that Oz will stop loving her, that she’ll be left behind by the people she loves. The only thing that assuages that fear is Oz telling her that they love her, have always loved her, and no matter what, they just want her to be safe and happy and love the world she's in. That they haven’t abandoned her, and never will. Never could. And having the support system of not only Oz and oji3, then her friendships with the Central wizards, and then indeed the entire manor having her back in their own ways and giving her a space to openly, shamelessly partake in a part of herself she's still struggling to be able to fully express on her own terms.
Knowing she has a way forward to her true self that won't leave her closed off from the ones she loves and allows her to help them in ways only she can - that’s Princess Ozma!
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tl;dr: There's a lot that goes into this: her simultaneous pride and fear of her 'other'ness; her day-to-day performances of her role for her mother (and the other Central officials) which still cant help but burst at the seams with her difference and is only alleviated (briefly) by returning to the place where others are like her (while knowing it's not her 'real home'); her abnormality being an open secret weaponized against her in vulnerable moments and especially for the sake of politics; her bone-crushing fear of being left behind by the ones she loves if she is totally, wholly honest with them about her desires and what she wishes to be (and where). Being literally based on an iconic transfeminine princess certainly doesn’t lend the reading any less credibility.
Basically, this is my little girl.
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
a shot in the dark but it's spooky season so why not?
believe it or not, i'm (21) looking for anyone (18+) that'd be interested in writing Left 4 Dead! although i have a preference for doing stuff with OCs, i'd be open to write as or opposite any of the canon survivors from both games!
if this sounds interesting to you, leave a note and i'll message you!
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sheepkebby · 8 months
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My L4D2 smoker oc Carter, he's kinda cute in like an ugly freak way idk
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sprintingowl · 1 month
Dead Beads (Time's Window Draws Down)
As of the time of this writing, 4/22/24, there's ten days left on the Dead Beats TTRPG kickstarter campaign.
We've hit basic funding so the book is happening! But I'd love to break through a few stretch goals.
Dead Beats is a tabletop roleplaying game centered around stylish action combat, with protagonists who don't have their lives together and don't have the resources they need to change things.
The rules are as no-nonsense as I could make them. Player attacks just hit. Dodging is a choice. You have meters to spend in fights so you're never totally at the mercy of the RNG.
The first stretch goal adds dragons to the game, and we're about $500 off from it.
One of the backer levels includes soup.
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I'm looking for an RPG where you make a setting collaboratively as a group, ideally with a roleplaying element. I know of Dawn of Worlds, A Quiet Year and Microscope but I'm trying to cast a wider net?
Can you help me out?
THEME: Worldbuilding & Roleplaying
Hello friend! I’m first going to direct you to two other posts I’ve made in the past, one about Town Builders, and one about Map-Making! Not all of them focus as much on roleplay, but I love a number of those games dearly. That being said, there are plenty more world building games out there that I’d love to talk about, and these three certainly allow for a lot of roleplay!
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Ech0, by Role Over Play Dead.
Peace. Kids playing in mech wreckage. A ghost. 
One last journey across an ancient battleground to find a pilot's final resting place.
Ech0 is a game about three children and the ghost of a dead mech pilot, travelling through ruins of old battles, looking for the place where the pilot died. The group of you will craft a world shaped by the wreckage of wars past, with mech bodies embedded into a landscape, transformed into memorials, and (possibly) repurposed into something else. You’ll use these landmarks to illustrate a map and craft a history: do the children know what the war was about? Or has it been lost to history? 
I think this is an excellent game for the beginning of a campaign, mech or otherwise. If it’s a mech campaign, it might be set in the far future, after the war that you’ve already fought, or it might be the introduction of a planet that’s enjoyed a few decades of peace before getting launched into yet another conflict. Perhaps the mechs embedded in the soil will be unearthed to fight again and those children you created for Ech0 grow into ambitious and desperate pilots. It’s up to you!
Orichalcum, by Justin Quirit.
To find our way home, we must sift through the ruins and our memories of the Empire. But in our remembering, we must not forget what we have created for ourselves.
Orichalcum is a tabletop roleplaying map game for 1-5 players. Players will lay out a map of the Empire that oppressed their ancestors and drowned in a deluge of its own making. By remembering what was left behind, they will draw a connection from the past to the present. Their people, the Exiles, have evolved past the Empire's ways, and these differences will become features on each player's map of their island home. Orichalcum is a game about drowning empires and imagining utopias.
In this game, players will use printed “tiles” to help determine the kinds of peoples they represent, and the ways they differ from the Empire that has fallen. Each player will draw five tiles and place three; after each player places three tiles, your characters will go home. 
This is a beautiful game to describe a world after a ravenous Empire has finally met its end. I can see this acting as an epilogue after a campaign has watched the world end, or as an introduction to a world post-apocalypse, as different groups rise from the ruins. The pillars give the group inspiration and focus, and by the end of the game, you’ll have a number of different islands, each with unique cultures and peoples, to draw from for rich character backstories.
Lighthouse Keepers, by Chloe Sobel.
The sea was once a city. The sea is still a city: trenches stretch into the deep, dark and teeming with life, mirroring city-nights above.
In the world above the sea, there is a lighthouse. The lighthouse has always been there.
Lighthouse Keepers is a map-drawing game for 1-4 people about a lighthouse and the things that lurk outside it in the deep. You play a collective of lighthouse keepers living in an offshore lighthouse, a tower that stretches from its lantern high above the waves all the way down to the bottom of the sea in the hadal zone.
The game design is based on Avery Alder’s The Quiet Year and Carter Richmond’s Anomaly. Its themes are inspired primarily by Julia Armfield’s Our Wives Under The Sea and, by happy coincidence, it bears several thematic similarities to Robert Eggers' The Lighthouse.
This game has two versions; one with art and one without, in case players feel uncomfortable with some of the sea creatures depicted. This is a horror game - there is something in the water; nobody knows what it is, but everybody fears it. If you want to create a world where a lurking horror grows ever closer, this is absolutely the game for you.
Other games I’ve recommended in the past
Voyage, by Brendan McLeod.
Oldhome: Trip to Turtle City, by Takuma Okada.
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prpfs · 8 months
a shot in the dark but it's spooky season so why not?
believe it or not, i'm (21) looking for anyone (18+) that'd be interested in writing Left 4 Dead! although i have a preference for doing stuff with OCs, i'd be open to write as or opposite any of the canon survivors from both games!
if this sounds interesting to you, leave a note and i'll message you! 🧟
like if you're interested and anon will get back to you
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Chunky!Krogan Lore
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@duoatomica hehe
And @ziggityzigg , my other chunky!Krogan lover lol
Krogan is 27-30 at the current timeline of this au, depends entirely on the story, and in fact the roleplay this takes place in. It means that this au takes place 4-7 years after Race to the Edge, 3-6 years after How to Train Your Dragon 2 and about 2-5 years After THW.
For more Context of the state of the world:
in this AU The dragons never left. Because the third movie’s ending is STUPID AS FUCK and I will die on this rock.
Viggo Grimborn is alive and well.
Drago is fucking dead as hell lmao. (Krogan also does NOT know this.) Grimmel was the person they faced in the time frame of what would have been the second movie as the main villain and ended up falling to his death where he broke most of the bones in his body upon contact with the water.
Night Furies are also not extinct because Grimmel is stupid and definitely did not kill every single one of them because he is LITERALLY JUST A SINGLE GUY.
Anyways! The background:
Krogan managed to escape Drago Bludvist at the age of 23. He spent about a year and a half running around trying to figure out what, exactly to do with himself, considering the fact that he was, for the first time in his life, truly alone. During this time, doubt began to creep into his mind, about the fact that he was worthless by himself. That without someone to aid him or guide him, that he was incapable of being useful or worth anything.
Krogan decided to settle somewhere in a forest. There was a village nearby, however he tended to ignore the village in favor of teaching himself how to build things. It put his mind to work and distracted himself from his… entirely unwanted thoughts. Over the span of a few months (with a bit of struggle and intense anger at initially being unable to figure it out, Krogan was able to get the frame of a house up. It wasn’t much, and it was starting to get cold, but he continued to work on it, collecting mud and bricks and wood to his best ability to build the walls and the roof. When he was finally satisfied, he moved on to building and sculpting doors and everything else he needed.
Getting glass was quite surprisingly… not very hard, at least for Krogan. All he had to do was collect sand and throw it in the kiln he had been using to heat his home. and when he was done, he would simply shape it into panes with his bare hands. For whatever reason, he simply thought his skin was far more heat resistant to fire and high temperatures due to the amount of time he spent around forges and dragons. He has a few burns, mostly from Deadly Nadders, however most fire really did not phase his skin very much. In fact, this was incredibly useful for how he made his windows, and how he began to fire the mud bricks he used for his fireplace, as they are both hand sculpted. In several of the window panes there is a clear imprint of some of his fingerprints, permanently there and lovingly crafted into the very glass itself.
As time goes on and the structure is built, Krogan continues to try and distract himself from everything else that was raging in his head, as well as the… other habits he has began to pick up, because of the fact that simply burying himself into his crafts of painting and building and chopping wood for more projects and crushing up beetles and flowers and other items to make pigments for his paints just was not cutting it anymore. And it hadn’t been, not for a while. They did not stop his thoughts. His thoughts of horrible hatred and terrifying pain and fear. That he was useless. He had no direction. That he needed anything and everything to be perfect otherwise he had to start all over again in ripping everything he just worked on apart, nail by nail. It was probably what lead to his home becoming such a large part of him, a perfect getaway where he could just do whatever he wanted within it. Staining wood, making furniture and building a home for himself. Most every inside wall at some point has been painted over with some sort of mural and then repainted again and again according to Krogan’s whims and trying to “fix” things about himself and his so-called work.
About two and a half years in, Krogan gets into a fight with a man in the middle of the streets of the town and ends up getting a new, deep cut in his face that ends up scarring and damages his right eye enough for a cataract to form. Due to the fact that he does not inherently want to go back to killing people (even though he does end up killing the man), he faints and wakes up being cared for by the town’s healer, a nice woman who he quietly pays for her time and resources, and quickly escapes back home, despite her efforts to try get him to stay and heal because of his injuries and her fear of a concussion.
He ignored the fact that binge eating and alcoholism were beginning to affect him. It really wasn’t a big deal after all. He hid the changes to his body, hid them from the world, despite the fact that on all other accounts, he had become a complete hermit, spending his time toiling away in his garden, and only really coming out of the cove to collect booze or seeds for the garden that was beginning to grow far too sizeable for he himself to use all of the products… at least the ones that were not turned into paint, or the fibers of the plants into more canvases for his work. More books, more journals to stuff even more knowledge into them.
His drunken binges sometimes ended with over thirty pages of sometimes… blatant nonsense or just awkwardly scribbled notes wallowing in his own self pity and hatred. It wasn’t like he went through and re-read any of his own work half the time, anyways, unless it was specifically to study whatever bug or animal he had recently discovered or written about. Exploring the forest surrounding the cove, he came into contact with plants that he noted down, and even if they weren’t entirely important in their usage for medicinal purposes, he’d note down their location if he found them interesting enough to come back for seeds from them.
Around this time, he’d continued to make himself new clothing in between everything else. Hunting, fishing, skinning animals, killing the occasional raven for its feathers to sell to merchants in the town. He was still wary of the faces that would stare at him as he came into town, their voices seeming to multiply and expand into a hoarse sound of racket and laughter at his mere appearance. He had begun to stop ignoring his appearance. He’d changed, of course, he knew that, his hair was growing longer, more unkempt, and his mind was desperately screaming for more release. More time.
The dome was constructed about three years into all this. By this point, the mania is beginning to fade, if albeit slightly, however he still doesn’t understand the manner of his thoughts. His needs, his wants. He is still, for the most part, entirely reclusive, not preferring to appear in town unless he needs to sell something, due to the anxiety that rages on in his body towards his self image. Mirrors are for the most part, removed from his home. He doesn’t need reminders as to what he looks like constantly staring at him in the face. His ability to sew has gotten better, and he has started to make himself increasingly more complex outfits and clothing whenever he can, in between the bouts of being drunk, though the need to binge has been waning. Alcohol does everything the food does, if not more with the extra, happy buzz it gives him. It is not true happiness, of course, but it definitely does the trick to make people think he is okay.
And he is completely fine with that.
(Mainline lore coming up)
Viggo Grimborn arrives at Krogan’s home unexpected. He practically lets himself in, and during this time he has been searching for Krogan. He doesn’t know WHY he wants to see the man considering the fact that last they left off, it wasn’t exactly on the best of terms, and he is entirely 100% not at all shocked at finding out that Krogan is very much 100% not thrilled to see him in any way shape or form.
Of course Krogan has changed since the last he’s seen him, but Viggo finds everything about the changes endearing and alluring. It still looks like His Krogan, but slightly different. And he is fine with that. Of course he really does not understand the turmoil Krogan is going through, especially with the extreme depressive episode he’s in, so the… particularly disheveled state of Krogan’s home is unsettling, considering he knows Krogan to be an incredibly neat individual.
Krogan doesn’t take his jabs to heart of course, he has too many other things already on his metaphorical plate, and Viggo can’t help but wonder what some of the frustrated looking paintings scrawled across the walls on canvases that are scattered in their nature, mean. He is allowed to stay, for the time, Except he really doesn’t get to talk to Krogan about… anything. The man doesn’t talk to him, if only in the way of grunts and moderate insults, which, fair enough, Krogan must seem to think Viggo hates him, based on their last interaction, but it feels so hollow and empty to watch his… friend spiral the way he is.
And Viggo doesn’t mean to snoop. He doesn’t try to, but Krogan is… kind of a mess at this point. It isn’t his fault that he stumbled upon the piles of discarded, unfinished paintings that were depicting Viggo himself, and in quite a few of them, there is another man, of whom he can only know is Krogan. He would have had a more solid idea if the faces of the portraits hadn’t been burned out and smudged with charcoal. Even the seemingly newest one, they all depict Krogan as having the body he used to have, even though… according to Krogan’s notes that have been seemingly drunkenly scrawled across the backs of some of the later portraits, that is not what he looked like. The hatred that bled from the words of a man who had always seemed to hate himself, seemed to bleed and boil over into pure self loathing and disgust at “everything he had become.”
Though Viggo was most concerned about how on the last one it mentioned the fact that Krogan had started to harm himself again. He decides to try and shove these discoveries away, and the keyword is, most certainly the fact that he does, absolutely try to do so, though he had no clue how long Krogan had been looming behind him, watching him from the doorway, because it was really only once he heard the man approaching him, was the time that Viggo had to try stuffing the portraits away into a drawer where they had been haphazardly hidden away from prying eyes.
And it was then that Viggo noticed the bloodied bandages that clung to Krogan’s arms. The ones that were kept hidden under long sleeves for the most part. He knew. Viggo knew Krogan knew.
Viggo didn’t have any sort of problem with Krogan’s odd… obsession, over him, but the way Krogan just… stared at him with eyes that weren’t entirely there, like he was looking through him rather than at him.
He wants to help Krogan. Because the expression fills him with dread. He can understand, slightly, why Krogan has changed now.
But he didn’t want to spook him more.
And at the same time, it is no better if he leaves him to rot all alone, filled with hatred and anger towards himself. Viggo knows what that can feel like. It hurts. And he could never wish it on the man that… he finds he still loves very dearly.
His only uncertainty is if Krogan feels the same as him. And, if he will even let him inside his mind, to begin with.
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