#lee westwood
calacuspr · 2 years
Calacus Weekly Hit & Miss – Jordan Nobbs & Just Eat &
Every week we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the previous week.
HIT - Jordan Nobbs & Just Eat
The Women’s EURO 2022 has captured the imagination of football fans up and down the country. With record attendances and high viewing figures, the game is finally getting the popularity and exposure it deserves.
Some people might be surprised to discover that at one point in time the women’s game was just as popular as the men’s game, if not more, in this country.
The FA’s ban on women’s football began in 1921 – a kneejerk reaction to its popularity. The then-famous Dick, Kerr’s Ladies – plus a handful of other outfits – had helped to fill the gap left by the Football League’s hiatus during the First World War, and attracted huge attendances to their games as they raised money for charity.
This wasn’t something that was popular within the FA. The game was growing too fast for their liking, which was set to surpass the popularity of the men’s game. The FA didn’t have the power to ban women from playing outright – that was impossible.
So instead, English football’s governing body passed a resolution declaring the sport “quite unsuitable for females,” and informing men’s clubs that they should refuse to let women play at their grounds.
It wasn’t until December 1971 when the ban was finally lifted and it can’t be underestimated how far this set the women’s game back, and how it allowed the men’s game to skyrocket ahead.
Since then, the women’s game has been playing catch up, and only recently been able to reap the benefits of high television audiences and increased revenue streams that the male game enjoys.
However, despite the gap closing between the professional women’s and men’s game, access to grassroots clubs is still an obstacle for young girls.
There are hopes that a home EUROs and an inspirational performance from the in-form Lionesses can turn the tide and the FA have already pledged to continue the legacy of the competition by providing more than 500,000 new football opportunities to engage women and girls across the host cities.
On the 101st anniversary of the women’s ban, food delivery app Just Eat have teamed up with Arsenal star Jordan Nobbs to pilot a campaign to improve grassroots facilities.
In the video launch of the initiative, Nobbs said: “101 years ago women’s football was banned in the UK. Now, it’s bigger and better than ever. This summer the whole nation will be watching.
“But why should we stop there? Grassroots is the foundation of football, let’s make that even stronger. Just Eat are kick-starting 101 women’s teams for everyone inspired by the EUROs to pick up their boots.”
Nobbs, who has 67 England caps, was left out of Sarina Wiegman’s EURO squad due to injury but the dynamic midfielder has been able to make a difference by helping to grow the game organically.
Just Eat is inspiring female sporting talent by providing 101 grassroot teams with the ultimate starter pack; alongside expert advice from industry veterans, including Nobbs, who will personally advise the teams chosen.
The unveiling of the campaign comes as a result of new research from Just Eat which revealed that one fifth of women aged 16-65 want to get involved in the sport but do not know where to start. Additionally, 90% were unaware if they even have a local women’s grassroots team.
This problem of accessibility is the main barrier that Just Eat and Nobbs aim to remove in order to get grassroots football readily available for girls of all backgrounds.
Speaking at the launch of the initiative, Nobbs said: ‘The women’s game has come so far in 101 years but there is still some work to do to break the stigma and provide the next generation with the tools to get involved and thrive in the sport.
“Grassroots football is where many girls start their football journey, so making sure they have access to opportunities is so important. Just Eat’s 101 initiative is great as it’s helping to make this possible.”
Nobbs knows all too well of the lack of opportunities women have faced in trying to find a local club. She added: “I went through a lot of struggles at grassroots, trying to find a club or have access to kit.
“It’s phenomenal what they (Just Eat) are doing. The women’s game is growing so much now and we need people on board like this to carry it on.”
Matt Bushby, the UK Marketing Director at Just Eat added: ‘’While there is a huge stage for women’s football this year, we know that stronger grassroots foundations are needed in the game.
“As a proud sponsor of the tournament, our 101 initiative aims to inspire women and girls to get involved in football.”
The campaign allows for grassroots teams to apply to be part of the initiative. If successful, each club will be given new kits, training equipment, a voucher for a recognised coaching course and more. Skipton Town AFC Ladies are already set up as part of the initiative.
This is just the next phase of what looks like a crafted marketing plan from Just Eat to champion the women’s game further. In March last year, they signed a partnership with UEFA, giving them sponsorship rights for the Women’s Champions League and Women’s EUROs, among other futsal and youth competitions.
The increased eyes on the women’s game, and in turn attracting more sponsors, is only a good thing. Women’s football has certainly come a long way since its ban was lifted in 1971, but there are still obstacles at grassroots level to overcome.
Thanks to this latest Just Eat campaign, grassroots football is getting the attention it deserves, and finally tackling its accessibility problem.
This initiative is another shining example of the monumental impact the home EUROs has had on all levels of women’s football across the nation.
We’ve already discussed the PR disaster that was the inaugural LIV Golf event earlier this summer.
A new golf competition backed by funding from Saudi Arabia that claims that it plans to grow the game, LIV Golf has always seemed like a money-making scheme for its players without the competition or recognition that sporting competition requires.
After the manhandling and ejection of journalists asking justifiable questions about the event and its vision, the organisers of LIV Golf should have taken a pause, re-grouped and shown a greater level of humility and engagement with both fans and stakeholders.
With suitable advisers, they could have gone into greater detail about their plans. and with the wealth of Saudi Arabia behind them, there is no reason why they could not have put together some highly ambitious global community initiatives.
They could have advised their recruited players to show humility too – rather than have them respond aggressively to journalists that they need to work hard to get onside.
The LIV Golf organisers could also have worked hard to engage and negotiate with golf’s governance, particularly in light of suspensions for players by the PGA Tour and DP World Tour.
But instead, they continue to create chasms that are damaging the sport they are proclaiming to support – all while accusations of sportswashing endure.
Golf legend Tiger Woods made his feelings clear ahead of The Open, saying: “I know what the PGA Tour stands for and what we have done and what the Tour has given us, the ability to chase after our careers and to earn what we get and the trophies we have been able to play for and the history that has been a part of this game.
“What is the incentive to go out there and earn it in the dirt? You're just getting paid a lot of money up front and playing a few events and playing 54 holes. They're playing blaring music and have all these atmospheres that are different.”
Speaking ahead of The Open, R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers also raised doubts about LIV Golf’s claims about growing the game when the structure has worked well until now.
He said: "I firmly believe that the existing golf ecosystem has successfully provided stable pathways for golfers to enter the sport and develop and realize their full potential.
"I would also like to say that in my opinion, the continued commentary that this is about growing the game is just not credible and, if anything, is harming the perception of our sport which we are working so hard to improve."
Even during The Open, victor Cameron Smith did not rule out joining LIV Golf which can already name Major winners such as Phil Mickelson, Sergio Garcia, Patrick Reed, Brooks Koepka, Dustin Johnson and Bryson DeChambeau on its roster.
The latest controversy has seen Henrik Stenson, who was only announced as Europe’s Ryder Cup captain in March, being stripped of the honour after links with LIV Golf.
A Ryder Cup statement read: “In light of decisions made by Henrik in relation to his personal circumstances, it has become clear that he will not be able to fulfil certain contractual obligations to Ryder Cup Europe that he had committed to prior to his announcement as Captain on Tuesday March 15, 2022, and it is therefore not possible for him to continue in the role of Captain.”
Stenson was later confirmed along with Charles Howell III and Jason Kokrak and the Swede said in a statement that he believed he should have been permitted to retain his role.
He said: "As many of you will have already seen, unfortunately my decision to play in LIV events has triggered Ryder Cup Europe to communicate that it is not possible for me to continue in my role as Ryder Cup captain.
“This is despite me making specific arrangements with LIV Golf, who has been supportive of my role as captain, to ensure I could fulfill the obligations of the captaincy. While I disagree with this decision for now it is a decision that I accept."
Stenson’s decision could be interpreted as a way of recovering financially after he lost millions in the ponzi scheme conducted by jailed Allen Stanford.
Former European Ryder Cup captain Colin Montgomerie, who guided Europe to victory at Celtic Manor in 2010, said Stenson’s sacking was “a sad day for European golf.
“It is the greatest honour which can be bestowed on any European Tour player, captain of the Ryder Cup team. It is a shame it has even come to this position.”
European Tour pro Rob Lee said on Sky Sports: “Henrik had an agreement with the Tour that he would be their guy all the way through to the Ryder Cup next year, but if he reneges on that then he has decided his own fate.
“As an Open champion and as the Ryder Cup captain he had a great legacy going on, especially with the mixed event he promoted with Annika Sorenstam. But he’s just flushing all that down the toilet by joining LIV. Fortunately the Ryder Cup is bigger than Henrik Stenson.”
Billy Horschel, went further against the LIV players complaining about their bans from PGA and DP World Tour events.
“I’ve been really frustrated by it because there’s a lot of guys that are hypocrites, that aren’t telling the truth, that are lying about some things, and I just can’t stand to sit here anymore and be diplomatic about it as I have been in the past,” he said.
“I don’t fault anyone for going to play the LIV tour. I don’t have any ill will for anyone going to play the LIV tour. I have ill will toward comments that they’ve made, comments saying that Jay Monahan doesn’t listen, the PGA Tour doesn’t listen to us.
“I believe they made their bed. They decided to go play on a tour, and they should go play that tour. They shouldn’t be coming back over here to play the DP World Tour or the PGA Tour. To say that they wanted to also support this tour or the DP or PGA tour going forward, while playing the LIV tour, is completely asinine in my opinion. I have no ill will, but I’m just tired of hearing comments that aren’t truthful.”
Greg Norman, CEO and commissioner of LIV Golf, sees things differently.
Before the Stenson recruitment, he said: "It's been a historic two months for LIV Golf as we've established a new era for the sport that delivers unique energy, camaraderie, and competition.
"In just six rounds of live action, we have created a golf environment that has captured the world's attention and attracted young, passionate fans around the globe.
"We are excited to take another giant leap forward at the beautiful Trump National Golf Club Bedminster where our players are eager to tee off in pursuit of the third individual and team titles of the season."
But Norman, who was photographed watching a journalist being ejected from the first event in England at the same time as he denied knowledge of it, has been more than bullish about criticism coming his way.
Golf Channel analyst, Brandel Chamblee, had previously messaged Chamblee praising his journalism: “Keep being you and call it the way you see it. Refreshing.”
Ironically, once Chamblee was critical of Liv Golf, Norman used an interview with The Palm Beach Post in which he said: “I find it laughable. Has Brandel Chamblee ever been to Saudi Arabia? Has he ever built a golf course in a third world country?
“He's a paid talking bobblehead. That's all he is. He's got my phone number. He's never picked up a phone and asked me a question. Sadly, you're making yourself look like a jerk. It's like water off a duck's back to me."
Given Norman’s aggressive approach to criticism, is it any wonder Chamblee has not approached him and what does it say about Norman that he threw his toys out of the pram when the narrative didn’t suit him?
Woods believes disrupting the status quo has always been part of Norman’s plan and added: “I know Greg tried to do this back in the early '90s. It didn't work then, and he's trying to make it work now. I still don't see how that's in the best interests of the game.
“What the European Tour and what the PGA Tour stands for and what they've done, and also all the professional – all the governing bodies of the game of golf and all the major championships, how they run it. I think they see it differently than what Greg sees it.”
The third event of the series, the LIV Golf Invitational Bedminster, will run from 29-31 July at Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.
That itself has drawn criticism, with Brett Eagleson, whose father died in the 9/11 attacks, condemning Donald Trump’s change of heart when the financial offer became too much.
“The former President correctly speculated in 2016 that Saudi Arabia knocked down the towers and now the FBI has released the documents to prove him right,” Eagleson told CNN, “yet he is choosing money over America. So much for America First. A sad day.”
Trump typically hit back on Truth Social, his social media platform, and said: “All of those golfers that remain ‘loyal’ to the very disloyal PGA, in all of its different forms, will pay a big price when the inevitable MERGER with LIV comes, and you get nothing but a big ‘thank you’ from PGA officials who are making Millions of Dollars a year.
“If you don’t take the money now, you will get nothing after the merger takes place, and only say how smart the original signees were.”
As the BBC’s golf correspondent Iain Carter observed, Stenson is the world's 171st-ranked player who has not posted a top-10 finish in a full field event for almost a year.
But as Ryder Cup captain, he added that “it can only be interpreted as a direct attack on the DP World Tour. It further destabilises the running of elite men's golf.”
Given that, along with Garcia, LIV Golf has also recruited Ryder Cup stars such as Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter and Graeme McDowell, it’s hard to conclude anything else.
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Wie jeder Spieler die BMW PGA 2022 beendete
Wie jeder Spieler die BMW PGA 2022 beendete
Wo wir gerade über die BMW PGA 2022 Championship sprechen Shane Lowry gewinnt Trotz der verspäteten Anschuldigungen von Leuten wie John Ram und Rory McIlroy drehte sich die Diskussion im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung im Wentworth Club in Surrey, England, um das Haben Mehr als zehn Spieler aus der LIV Golf Invitational Series. verbal Schläge von McIlroyTitelverteidiger Billy Horschel und Ian Poulter…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Trump says Saudi-funded tour creates ‘gold rush’ for players
Trump says Saudi-funded tour creates ‘gold rush’ for players
Former President Donald Trump played another round at his home course, this one different from so many others. He was part of the Saudi-funded LIV Golf Invitational pro-am, put on by a breakaway league he says is creating a “gold rush” for players. The third LIV Golf event, which starts Friday at Trump National Bedminster, added four new players to the 48-man field illustrated how the disruption…
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reportwire · 2 years
Controversial LIV Golf Tour tees off
Controversial LIV Golf Tour tees off
Phil Mickelson and other golfers who joined LIV don’t seem to be well coached by PR people.Image: Getty Images With all that money they’ve been throwing around, you’d think that LIV Golf could hire a better PR team for all their new players. I don’t know — maybe they don’t feel like they need it. Maybe the newest additions of Bryson DeChambeau and Patrick Reed demonstrate that the Saudis don’t…
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evaskittens · 5 months
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bella is back!!
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kelpie-writes · 4 months
Okay a quick little intro post before I log off for the night; prob will fix this later
So hi! I'm Kelpie or Kelp and this is my writeblr! (my main blog is @tomatoe-copia so if you get notifications from there, it's me!) my pronouns are they/them!
I write a lot of stuff that tends to be targeted more toward young adult fiction at the moment. There's also a focus on fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopian in a lot of my wips currently.
I'm not great at writing yet since I've only been doing it for roughly 6-ish years but I'm probably going to post some original work anyway. I still have a lot to learn though so this will be mostly fun posting and OC brainrot.
I'll try to tag each piece of media with both the character names and the wip tag I end up choosing for ease of searching for both me and you.
More info about my wips under the cut!
My main two stories (with names) currently are:
The Dark Place
A teen dystopian sci-fi where a government will buy children from poor families to experiment on them for militaristic purposes. Members of their experiments, however, have slowly been breaking out of their testing facilities over the last 8 years and how slowly been building a resistance called The Dark Place.
Main Characters: Pipe (Peter) Braun, Solstice Basara, Jace Ivord, Caroline Darling
This one is a joint work with a friend of mine!
Set far in the future, the entire solar system has been conquered by humanity. Anywhere and everywhere is capable of being traveled to. For triplets Violet, Bell, and Senna Carter, however, they've been stuck on Mars for as long as they can remember. But when their father gets a new job as a biological history professor at the mysterious (and private) Westwood University in New America on Earth, they get the chance to leave just in time for their freshman year of college.
Violet, struggling through the first semester of college, meets Talia Maitra-West, her English tutor, and also the granddaughter of the Dean.
Senna, known for his graffiti murals on Mars, finds himself ostracized in his traditional art classes until he meets the mysterious Corbyn at a party one night, a body modification apprentice in the nearby college town.
Bell, goes missing right after spring break.
The police are convinced everything is fine, but when Azaria, Bell's best friend, turns up at Violet's dorm with her phone, the remaining five's worlds are turned upside down.
Main Characters: Violet Carter, Talia Maitra-West Bell Carter, Azaria Lee, Senna Carter, Corbyn Kassa
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December 8, 1980: Eddie proposes to Valerie Bertinelli with an $8,000 diamond ring.
"I think he [Dave] was jealous that Ed had fallen in love and was happy. I feel Dave tended to keep Ed in a miserable place and liked him there because he could control him that way. But when Ed became happy and more independent, Dave couldn't control him anymore. Dave likes control."
- Valerie Bertinelli
"I think it pissed Dave off, because all of a sudden I got a whole other side of the limelight he wanted. The tabloids and People magazine kind of shit."
- Eddie Van Halen
April 11, 1981: Eddie Van Halen marries Valerie Bertinelli at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Westwood, California.
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npeucnodnyaya · 2 months
While I was standing by the subway, people were looking at me. And they had a variety of emotions on their faces. *_*
Some men scared me with their behavior and too much attention :( I’m very sad that I face this and can’t go out for a walk in what I like, because it’s not safe. 🪦💀
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mfastilda · 3 months
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Die BMW PGA Championship kann stressig werden
Die BMW PGA Championship kann stressig werden
Sexy Rory McIlroy Gewinn der Tour-Meisterschaft Es war ein rasantes Ende der Kampagne in den Vereinigten Staaten, aber die Saison der Golf-Unzufriedenheit ging weiter. Diese Woche steht im Wentworth Club in Surrey, England, das Hauptereignis der DP World Tour – die BMW PGA Championship – im Mittelpunkt und wird 18 Spieler präsentieren, die alle zur LIV Series of Golf übergelaufen sind. Es könnte…
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fashionbooksmilano · 9 months
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100 Days of Active Resistance
Vivienne Westwood
Damiani, Bologna 2011, 184 pagine, 100 illustrazioni, Brossura, 23,10x22,86cm, ISBN 9788862081887, Lingua Inglese
euro 30,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Nel 2010, Vivienne Westwood e Lee Jeans hanno lanciato un manifesto online intitolato 100 Days of Active Resistance. Il sito invitava il pubblico a sottoporre un’opera d’arte, uno slogan o una fotografia legati al tema proposto dalla Westwood di “Active Resistance to Propaganda” (Resistenza attiva alla propaganda), partendo dall’idea che la cultura ha la possibilità di elevare l’uomo e salvarlo dall’autodistruzione. Secondo la stilista, “non basta interessarsi alla politica mondiale, guardare film e leggere bestseller; queste sono tutte cose superficiali, devi andare più a fondo se vuoi comprendere chi sei, dove va il mondo e come si potrebbero migliorare le cose. Ci vuole una cultura che può essere acquisita solo diventando autodidatti: gli esseri umani dovrebbero essere lo specchio del mondo.” A partire dall’8 settembre 2010, per 100 giorni, è stato selezionato e presentato sul sito un lavoro al giorno, e l’iniziativa si è conclusa con una mostra che esponeva i contributi più interessanti. Questo volume riproduce i lavori selezionati e insieme rappresenta una testimonianza del progetto.
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yesterdayscake · 1 year
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fka twigs in westwood from her private collection, shot by roxy lee 2019
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Who: Savannah Lee Smith as Monet de Haan What: Vivienne Westwood Pearl One Raw Pearl Bas Relief Choker - £200.00. And HERE for $179.00 Where: 2x01 “Deb Brawl in a Blue Dress”
Worn with: Ines Di Santo gown and Jennifer Behr headband
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storeroomvintage · 2 months
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DUA LIPA celebrated New Year’s in India and served some fashion inspo for your next vacation!
Vivienne Westwood, Chanel, Prada… what all did Dua Lipa wore for her Indian Trip! #dualipa #happyholidays #newyear #2024 #india #jodhpur #instagram
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npeucnodnyaya · 20 days
Hi, dear! 🤍
I posted a video with makeup, inspired by Alexander McQueen, support me, please, I will be very pleased💋
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