#league of legnds
gebo4482 · 2 years
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League of Legnds by Oussama Agazzoum / v kkkkki / Mr. Guaidou / Jing zhang123
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
2022/11/07 05:48
Yesterday I did something unusual, at least for me; I pre-ordered a physical copy of Pokemon Violet, which is scheduled to be delivered to my apartment on the day of release on November 18th, 2022.
The last time I pre-ordered anything video game related was back in January 2017 in anticipation of the March release of Nintendo Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Since I was attending the launch event at the Nintendo NYC store, it was the kind of situation where camping out for both the pre-order and the actual launch were mandatory.
Seldom do I purchase more than two or three "retail level" video games a year, and since I mainly use my Nintendo Switch at home, I've set aside my digital-centric habits from the 3DS era and buy all my major Switch releases on cartridge.
In 2021, my entire haul of retail Nintendo Switch games, and modern video games in general, was limited only to Metroid Dread, and Mario Party Superstars.
In 2022, the only games I've purchased are Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and Pokemon Legends: Arceus, and my experience in having to drop by three different stores before finding a copy of Pokemon Legnds: Arceus is what made me decide to pre-order Pokemon Violet.
Pokemon Violet will be my first physical purchase of a Pokemon game since Pokemon Black Version 2 on the tail end of the Nintendo DS's lifespan.
The fact that I carried my Nintendo 3DS nearly everyplace I went without exception during the lifepsan of that system made carrying around a bunch of cartridges a tiresome prospect, so I took to downloading most major releases once that option became available.
But playing my Switch at home the overwhelming majority of the time prevented the inconvenience of carrying around cartridges from being an issue, and concerns over the long term robustness of digital game delivery systems has lead me to purchase physical games whenever I have the chance to do so.
Digital games also made it easy to forget the uncertainty of having to go on pilgrimage from store to store the day a new game releases, checking to see which locations have sold out of a hot new title already, presuming they even received their shipments in the first place.
My quest to obtain Pokemon Legends: Arceus in physical form on launch day was a real edge-of-my-seat affair, as I had already announced plans to stream the game on my Twitch channel that evening on the day of release.
So for the first time since 2017, I actually paid in advance to reserve my copy, and in a first time ever for me, rush delivery to my home the day of release is assured, pending any unforeseen complications.
So I'm interested to see how this goes. Hopefully Pokemon Violet shows up early on the 18th and I have plenty of time to get it ready for the stream.
If not, I'll just have to stream Pokemon Puzzle League while I sweat nervously waiting for the game to arrive!
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renxamamiya · 4 years
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Ace/Aro + Rainbow Yasuo wallpapers.
Rquested by Anonymous.
Reblog/like if saving.
More here.
Please see my request status in my blog description.
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Gnar - 椛子
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getjinxed-lol-blog · 6 years
🎄ritoopoint giveway 🎄
hi tysm for 3k i luv u all so much 
 im doing either 2 $15 dollar gift cards or a 1 $30 giftcard depending on how many notes this gets. 
the winner will be chosen randomly 
1.you MUST be following this account (getjnxed-lol.tumblr.com)
2.1 like= 1 entry 1 repost=2 entries 
3. follow my instagram account for another 2 entries (instagram: patiencefrickingrant)
ill chose the winner on the 25 of December  🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄
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You've already watched the Netflix Arcane series (League of Legends), there are so many good characters to make some yanderes versions of them, but I don't see anyone writing... (example: Viktor, Jayce)
Oh god yes, Arcane. There is just so much good material for yandere characters in it! Here are a few headcanons for the "main characters" aka Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Silco, Viktor, and Jayce. Naturally, this will contain some minor spoilers for Arcane -- especially in Jinx’s section. Is it obvious that I had a LOT of fun with this?  You can choose to read Jinx’ as either platonic or romantic depending on your preference. Content Warnings: “Mild” yandere content, mentions of violence, slight descriptions of wounds and gore/blood, kidnapping, threats of bodily harm/amputation, drugging, mentions of a syringe being used, mentions of smoking, and threats of strangulation. “The usual yandere stuff” but nothing too graphic or heavy.
This is a yandere work. Proceed at your own risk and please be mindful of your triggers. :✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚:・゚✧:・゚*:・゚✧*:
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Vi would be the textbook definition of a protective yandere.
She wouldn’t hesitate to make things ugly when people try to hit on you or get too close to you.
And the best part is if you worry when she comes home all bloody and with a few cuts and bruised knuckles.
She would try to keep her “dealings” hidden from you at first because you shouldn’t need to see it.
So coming back home to you and you patching her up and begging her to be careful makes it all even more worth it.
To you, she’s just a friend who keeps getting herself in trouble.
Trouble in the lanes is very common, but you beg her to stay safe.
And Vi does her best to keep you from worrying.
She really does, but...
Of course, eventually, someone will make an advance too bold, like lay a hand on you while flirting and Vi will see red and won’t be able to wait and punch this guy to death or hold back, brutally mutilating him in front of your eyes.
And everything she’s done will be revealed.
She will yell at you, blood splattered on her face and covering her fists, about all the people she’s hurt.
All the people she has killed.
All for you!
But don’t be scared, sweetheart.
She’d never hurt you!
... Unless you try to leave her, but that won’t happen, right?
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Born and raised as a Noble Kiramann, Cait is used to getting whatever she wants (even though she’s had to fight for some things like getting to be an enforcer).
You are not an exception to this.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from -- if it’s Piltover or the Lanes, or somewhere else entirely and it doesn’t matter what status you have.
You’re just a breath of fresh air for Cait with your ideas and ways of thinking and oh, she just needs you.
Cait joined the Enforcers to do good and help fight the injustice of the system, but if she needs to, she will not hesitate to abandon some of those morals.
You see, she needs to keep you with her no matter what...
It feels like you’re a part of her she’s been missing, that she needs to be complete.
Such a shame you had plans to leave -- be it back to the lanes, your home region, or even just your house in Piltover
And such a shame your handkerchief that had mysteriously vanished even though you swore you had it in your pocket had been found at the scene of a crime.
Seems like Caitlyn Kiramann, the promising Enforcer will have to keep an extra eye on you while in lockup.
Ever the hard worker, she will personally keep watch of you -- maybe even in her own house while she questions you for the crime.
No one would question the motives of such a hard worker!
And you just keep denying the crime...
Well, dearest, she has all the time in the world to get you to “confess”.
But don’t think that means that you’ll be let go!
Oh no, you’ll be staying with her regardless.
In time, you’ll realize that this is the best place for you!
By her side.
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Broken, abandoned, cast aside, crazy... The world has not been kind to Jinx.
Except you.
It’s a coincidence, your meeting.
You find her on the bridge after her duel with Ekko before Silco arrives, having run over there once the commotion died down.
Immediately, you see Jinx hurt and bleeding on the ground
You run over, stumbling on debris, and cradle her head gently.
Softly, you keep talking to her half-fainted form, telling her that everything is going to be alright. You've got her!
You tear your clothes, wrap fabric around wounds and try to put pressure on her deepest wounds.
When you see the shape of a man in the distance, you're quick to yell for help, saying that you have a wounded girl here.
Silco runs over as fast as he can, and any and all thoughts of you potentially having been the one to hurt Jinx are gone when he sees the crudely wrapped wounds, your own torn clothing, and how your hands are bloodied and desperately pressing down on a weeping wound. 
Jinx’s head rests in your lap and she mumbles something incoherent.
Silco thanks you profusely for your help and grabs Jinx, explaining that she’s his daughter and that he’ll get her to a doctor immediately.
You try to ask him to let you follow, but he shakes his head and thanks you for your help, promising to repay you later.
And then he disappears down the other end of the bridge with Jinx in a firm hold.
Jinx, while being treated by Singed has a lot of memories being distorted in her mind of her sister and her new “partner”, but also you...
The person who cared about her and helped her.
She remembers your calming voice, the soft way you held her and let her rest in your lap while you tried to patch her up.
Her delusions and the drugs passing through her system rewire these memories, however.
Instead of just feeling gratitude, she starts to feel more.
You must care about her!
Love her, even!
It’s clear from the way you helped her!
The realization that she needs you something so desperately is what finally makes her open her crazed eyes.
And she wastes no time making up a plan with Silco, who quickly understands how important this is for Jinx and turning her into his masterpiece.
You don’t see either of them for a long time, but one day, you see a pair of familiar blue braids next to a tall man in the market.
Then, the girl disappears in the blink of an eye, and the next second, you feel a pain in the back of your head before everything goes dark.
When you wake up, you find yourself on an unfamiliar cot, the sounds of someone tinkering with something mechanical filling your ears.
With a groan you open your eyes, hearing tools clatter onto the floor.
“You’re finally awake!” Jinx’s bright, enthusiastic smile is the first thing you see, and she throws her arms around you.
“I thought I was a goner on that bridge, but you saved me!” She cheers, nuzzling into your tired body.
“And I know why you did it too! You love me! Unlike that awful sister...” she hissed the last part, grip around you tightening. 
Vaguely, you see Silco in a corner of the room, with a pleased smile. 
“And you won’t ever leave me because you love me, right!” Jinx says, clearly filled with her delusions.
She grabs your cheeks tightly squishing your face together as her crazed pink eyes stare into yours. 
“And if you do, I’ll cut off your legs so you can’t try to leave me ever again.”
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The Eye of Zaun, Lord of the Underground, the Industrialist. A man afraid of using nothing to get what he wants.
No matter the cost, the deaths, or how dirty he has to get his hands, he will get what he wants.
And there are only two things on his mind after getting his revenge on Vander. A free nation of Zaun -- completely independent from Piltover’s unjust influence.
And you.
I like the idea of you being someone who shares similar ideals to him about how people in the Lanes are discriminated against -- whether you’re from the Lanes yourself, Piltover, or somewhere else entirely.
At first, Silco will merely want another pawn or recruit to further his cause, but after learning more and more about you through reports from underlings he’s sent out to follow you -- and sometimes even his own observations -- he realizes that he wants more than just another ally from you.
He wants you.
Sevika, who is his most trusted ally, realizes this pretty quickly as well. As we know, her alliance lies with the strongest person with the best chance of helping Zaun -- not to Silco himself, but she can see clear as day that when Silco gets his hands on you, he will be near unstoppable at liberating Zaun.
So she actually takes it into her own two hands to bring you to him.
It’s too risky to properly try anything up Top, so she creates an excuse for you to come down if you’re in Piltover. If you’re already in the Lanes, it just makes it easier for her.
Sevika had Singed make a potent tranquilizer that she injects into your neck at the first, best opportunity.
Imagine Silco’s surprise when he gets back to his office after checking on the production of Shimmer in one of his warehouses to see you asleep in his chair.
Sevika steps out from the shadows in the corner and lights a cigar, blowing out a puff of smoke.
“I sped up your plans,” she said. “Have fun with her.” Then, she leaves.
Silco can’t believe his eyes as he runs a hand down your cheek
You’re here.
You’re his.
And he has no intention of letting you go now...
You’d wake up in a sitting position, feeling warmth against your back.
Out of all the weird places to fall asleep and wake up, you never thought you’d wake up sitting in the lap of Silco, who had his arms around you, writing something on the sheets of paper spread out in front of him on the desk.
Immediately, you’d try to stand up, but his grip would merely tighten, and the remnants of the tranquilizer would definitely make you too weak to properly struggle.
“Finally awake, I see,” Silco would muse, letting go of the pen.
Terrified, you’d ask where you were and what he was going to do with you.
He would chuckle and nuzzle his face into the side of your neck, lips moving against your skin when he spoke.
“You’re with me now, and will stay with me forever,” he simply said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He reached into the second drawer of his desk with one of his hands and pulled out a gun, very similar to the injection gun with the purple Shimmer he used on his eye, but with an opaque liquid loaded.
“I am not going to pull out any stops at all to make you stay here. If I need to use this to drug you again, I will. If you try to run, I’ll chain you down, and if you repeatedly try to run, I will break your legs and ever so slowly inject you with Shimmer until you stop resisting. Am I making myself clear?”
Shaking in terror, all you could do was nod and try to hold back your tears as Silco set the gun down and picked up the pen, resuming his work, holding you close.
Getting the Eye of Zaun to have his eye on you was the worst thing that could have happened to you.
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An inventor devoted to his work over anything else -- Viktor isn’t a person people expect to gain romantic feelings for anyone, believing him too absorbed in his work to even consider anything else.
Yet, inexplicably, he does catch feelings. Something he didn’t quite know how to
And how these feelings bother him. They keep interfering with his work!
He can't get you out of his mind even when working on the hextech core.
And Viktor can’t see why you out of all people made such an impact on him.
You’d been one of many people coming up to talk to Jayce during the Progress Day celebrations and even managed to snag a hold of him for a moment before he had time to withdraw, not being a huge fan of crowds.
He thought he could just be a bit polite and get the interaction done with, as he’d done with everyone else who’d tried to talk to him -- thank them for their kind words and interest in him and his work, and then say that he must get back to the lab.
But you were different.
You asked questions about his research -- but not in the way all greedy journalists and investors did, wanting to get the next big scoop and a hint of the next inventions, or in the way of a researcher trying to steal their work.
But as someone with a genuine interest in the specifics of how it worked.
You even offered him some ideas of your own inventions and stabilizations, showing him diagrams, calculations, and notes, and quickly, what Viktor thought would be a quick meeting ended with him bringing you along to the lab, spending hours talking about his work.
You had a completely new angle to look at Hextech from that neither Viktor nor Jayce had considered, and after a few rapid calculations scrawled on the board, Viktor solved one of the problems he’d had with the Core.
“How do you know this? How did you think of this?” he asked, blown away.
You, feeling your cheeks heat up at the praise answered that you didn’t really know, but you’d decided to try out a completely different angle looking at hextech and it worked.
Which is why you’d approached him, wanting to help.
You didn’t care about the glory or prestige of being an inventor, this had just been something you’d decided to do for fun, and the fact that it had helped made you more than happy.
Even after you’d left the lab, leaving your notes behind, Viktor couldn’t stop thinking about you and how different you were from any other inventor or scientist he’d met. Maybe it was because you weren’t a scientist.
With the help of your workings and perspective, he was able to make more progress on all the inventions he and Jayce had been struggling with progressing on in a week than they had in three months.
And all the time he worked, his mind was plagued with thoughts of you.
It had long since surpassed just the interest in the way your mind worked, and the interest had spread to everything else about you as well.
Your smell, the soft skin of your hands when you’d shaken his or moved his hand to add to an equation, your bashfulness.
You displayed so many wonderful emotions and Viktor wanted, no, needed to see more of them.
Late at night after Jayce had gone home, his private research was no longer focused on the Hextech Core, but on you.
Things he needed to keep you, study you.
Have you.
To anyone else, this was clearly an unhealthy obsession, but no one knew enough about what Viktor was doing to be able to know anything, much less put a stop to it.
And to Viktor, these emotions must be natural. He’s had trouble with emotions before, but this; the feelings he has for you, just feel so right.
He felt the same thing when he first started inventing.
Pulling a few strings with Jayce and his connections in the Council, finding your address is no problem, and when you finally reveal yourself after he knocks, he swears that his heart skips a beat.
In a flash, he’s stuck a pair of Hextech cuffs on you that before you even have the chance to ask what’s happening have teleported you away back to his private lab into a large container.
Viktor is back at the lab fast, relishing in the look of panic and sheer terror on your face as you pound on the glass of the cylinder, begging him to let you out.
Victor taps his glove, and a force draws your wrists up toward the roof of the cylinder, making you unable to move your arms. Another tap and the glass around the cylinder lowers so that he can reach you.
Hushing, he places a hand on your trembling cheek, wet with tears.
“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.
In a panic, you try to lash out with your legs, but he attaches cuffs to those too and renders your legs immobile.
“W-what are you going to do with me?” you whimper as a final hextech object attaches around your neck -- a collar.
Viktor hushes you again, brushing a few stray tears off your cheeks and sliding your hair behind your ear.
“You’re the first person to make me feel like this. Make me feel anything at all. I need to study you, make sure I know what’s causing this. I can’t get you out of my head,” he whispers, placing a quick kiss on your cheek before stepping out of the cylinder and using the controller on his glove to raise the glass again as well as release the force keeping your arms and legs frozen in place.
You collapse onto the floor and sob, vaguely, through your tears seeing his distorted grin as he picks up a notebook.
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Jayce would definitely be possessive and manipulative, having honed that craft in the Council.
He’s very quick to decide that you’re the person he wants as a partner, and he tries to court you, sending gifts and privileges, and asking you on date after date.
Only for you to constantly decline.
You refuse his date offers, try to send the gifts back, and leave the flowers he’s sent you on your doorstep.
This only motivates Jayce to try harder and harder to earn your affection, becoming increasingly desperate.
Then one day, it happens.
He sees you on a date with a man he’s never seen before, talking and laughing at a café.
He’d been on his way with a new bouquet of flowers to leave at your house, and those flowers now fall from his hands as he feels... empty.
All the hard work, time spent, and all devotion to you and courting you are meaningless he realizes, feeling bits of his heart and mental stability crack.
And it’s all that man’s fault.
Jayce turns on his heel, rushing back to the Council chambers to contact Caitlyn to get an update on recent crimes, as well as look through files to find who this man who thought stealing the heart of a Councilman was an acceptable thing to do.
It doesn’t take long before his plan is at work, your “boyfriend” being framed for a particularly gruesome crime.
When you come home that evening after having witnessed him being taken away by the Enforcers, Jayce is sitting at your dining table, waiting for you.
He’s pressed you to a wall before you have time to turn around and run out of the door.
Shaking with fear, you manage to stutter our “w-what are you doing here?” to which he only sighs, a look of mock sympathy on his face.
“It hurts my feelings, you know?” He trailed a hand that wasn’t keeping you pinned to the wall across your cheek.
“Playing with my feelings like this. Constantly denying me, not accepting my gifts.”
“Even going as far as to date someone else to make me jealous,” he hisses, letting his hand rest wrapped around your neck. He isn’t applying any pressure, but the threat is there.
Realization dawns on your face.
“What did you do?” you ask, starting to tremble.
Jayce chuckles. “They have enough evidence for the crimes he’s committed to execute him, you know.”
Tears roll down your cheeks. “Please no! He didn’t do anything!”
“Oh, I know angel. At least nothing to do with those crimes, but the crime of stealing you away from me warrant the punishment he’s going to get, don’t you think?”
Jayce pauses for a second, admiring how pretty you look shoved up against a wall, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Unless... some evidence might mysteriously vanish, and his life will be spared to be lived out in prison,” he says, putting a contemplating look on his face.
“Please,” you sob. “I’ll do anything.”
Jayce grins. A horrifying, crazed grin that sends shivers down your spine.
All playful wordplay is gone now, and his voice drops.
“Be mine. No one else’s. Don’t talk to anyone else or look at anyone besides me, and I’ll make sure he lives.”
You force yourself to nod. You get the feeling that Jayce isn’t going to let you go even if you don’t agree, and you would be right about that.
As he leans forward to finally meet your lips in a kiss, you can only pray that he will keep his word.
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matymatsu · 3 years
I can't access the rules sooo
Could you do some Sylas x Sejuani headcanons?
It's so FUNNY that despite Sylas joining the tribe she leads, there is neither canon nor fanon stories of them.
All good! You didn’t request anything that was against the rules.
Honestly, I’m all for this pairing. Sylas needs a lady to dom the shit out of him LMAO
When Vryanna and Thorva brought Sylas back to the tribe, Sejuani wasn't pleased. She demanded to know why an outsider was brought here. The two explained to her that he had proven himself in their raid and that he wished to join the Winter's Claw. Sejuani was immediately skeptical, of course. She didn't want to risk any parasites in her tribe that could carry them down the path of starvation. She wanted to see his strength for herself. ( I really wanna to see them fight LOL )
Sylas is strong, and the magic he gained made him even stronger, but he was still no match for a true iceborn. Sejuani had fought few mages in her life, that much was more than enough to learn their tricks. Even so, she couldn't deny– She had misjudged him. She allowed Sylas a place in their tribe, but would not call him kin just yet. As an outsider, he had much to do before earning such an honor.
Honestly, after their fight, Sylas interests were peaked, it's not often he meets someone that could best him in combat. Perhaps he could use her to his advantage...
As annoying as it was, Sylas knew he had to play their games, earn his keep, etc. The Winter's claw was a force that could break the oppressive system of Demacia. It's a tall order, he'd have to earn their trust. He wonders if it's even worth it– can his fellow mages, his brothers and sisters survive for that long while he plays kiss ass? He can only hope.
Sejuani isn't too picky when it comes to finding someone attractive, if you have raw strength and can hold yourself in a fight, you've already peaked her interest. However, she wasn't the type of woman to fall victim to one's charms. For Sylas, someone who's known to have a silver tongue of sorts, doesn't mind a challenge.
While two have similar principals and morals– believing that the strong will always overcome, Sylas does find Sejuani's methods to be problematic, to put it lightly. There are mages out there who cannot take care of themselves for whatever reason, and he will put her down if she threatens any of them if he has to.
Speaking of mages, Sejuani is not against mages or magic. As long as they can carry themselves through the harsh winters without dragging others down with them– then they are welcomed in the warmother's embrace. However, if Sylas truly wants a mage rebellion, it will be under her terms. So, essentially the two butt heads quite often.
Sylas playfully flirts with the warmother quite often. Many warriors of the claw find it as an insult, but Sejuani doesn't seem to mind. It never phases her. She does find it quite adorable that he think he can court her.
Their relationship could best be summarized as respectable frenemies.
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rookiebe · 4 years
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coinup-shop · 4 years
Cuentas para LEAGUE OF LEGNDS‼
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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League of Legnds by Jennifer Wuestling / Deiv Calviz / Marie Magny
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Your player ... i'm begging hole ... a
taric leagu of legnd
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rookiebe · 5 years
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Why i quit league of legends - By LeosNightmare
League of Legends is the most popular game on the market. It has millions of active players and can also be credited for making e-sports a world wide thing. But despite all of the success that League has brought with it, it struggles with attracting the veteran players. Recently a lot of these veteran players who have been playing since beta, started quitting. Why is that? I can't answer that question, I didn't do nearly enough research. I can however tell you why I quit. Now I haven't been playing since beta I started in season 2 but I still consider myself a veteran. One thing that should also be noted is that I'm not that good. My highest rank was silver 1 ore something like that. But despite the fact that i didn't play ranked all day I still enjoyed my time playing very much. I used to have a blast logging in, calling up my friends, picking a random champion and just dick around the entire game. You could do that in the old days. You would pick Nunu and just counterjungled for days or annoy your team-mates by "taxing" their lane when you didn't do jack shit. And you still won the game. Because there was another player on the other team doing stupid shit. League wasn't so competitively driven. Most people just wanted to have fun. And the items supported this fact. For example you could buy as much potions as you wanted as long as you had the money for them. You could do the same thing with wards. People used to place like 20 wards in the base when they got mad or some shit. And thats just scratching the surface. But now you can only but 5 health pots, and place only 3 words. There are other fun items that also got removed but I really don't feel like ranting about that for too long. The other thing that also bothers me about the current game is that it's just so damn toxic. Dont get me wrong. People were toxic in beta too. The only difference was that back then it was funny and since no 12 year old boys played the game noone got too offended. You just said a bunch of mean words and that was that. But now when you start arguing with someone they instantly get offended, strat troling, feeding some might even go so far to leave the game. People don't know how to take critisism anymore. They just start crying like the twelve year old glue eating reatrded little fuck they are - @leosnightmare
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porosnax · 9 years
so happy for KaSing to be on TSM, repping the UK <3
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miaisapsycho · 9 years
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autumn is fucking beautiful!
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