#lay down your arms
musicandgallery · 25 days
Die Waffen nieder! -- Lay down your arms!
Die Waffen nieder!
Gebor’n in einer Stadt, vom Krieg verwüstet und zerstört, Habe ich, seit ich hören kann, „nie wieder Krieg!“ gehört. Ich hab’ meine Lektion so gut gelernt, hab’ von so nah Den Krieg gesehn, daß auch das Kind begriff, was da geschah. Manch Ängste, weiß ich, werd ich nie verlieren Und Bilder nicht aus meinem Kopf radieren. Und Krieg ist ein Verbrechen, kein Krieg ist je gerecht Und ihr, die ihn uns schönredet und das Gelübde brecht, Euch fromme Beter hör ich nun eifrig die Trommel rühr’n, Um andrer Leute Kinder in eure Schlachten zu führ’n. Erinnert ihr euch, ihr wolltet nie wieder, nie wieder Krieg – Die Waffen nieder!
Es heißt, sie machen ihren Job, sie tun nur ihre Pflicht. Wie ihr es auch verharmlost, so täuscht ihr uns doch nicht: Der Job heißt Minen legen, die Pflicht heißt bombardier’n, Vernichten und verstümmeln, auslöschen und liquidier’n, Heißt brandschatzen, Menschen zu Tode hetzen, Die eigne Seele für immer verletzen. Manchmal seh ich unter dem großen Helm ein Kindsgesicht, Aus dem blankes Entsetzen, die schiere Verzweiflung spricht, Wenn es erschüttert sehen muß, für welch schändliche Tat, Für welch schmutz’ges Verbrechen es sich hergegeben hat Und ahnt: Die Schuld wirst du nicht los, nie wieder. Nie wieder Krieg, Die Waffen nieder!
Glaubst du, in deinem gottverlaßnen Loch im Wüstensand Verteidigst du deine Kinder, dein Dorf oder dein Land? Glaubst du, wenn du mit deinen großen High-Tech-Stiefeln kommst, Das Land aus hellem Himmel zurück in die Steinzeit bombst, Du könntest es befrei’n durch Blutvergießen, Frieden in die Herzen der Menschen schießen? Nein, wieder wirst du für eine schlechte Sache mißbraucht: Für Macht, für Öl, für Stahl, damit der Rüstungsmotor faucht, Für diese große Kumpanei, die dich, wie’s ihr gefällt, Am Ende der Welt als lebende Zielscheibe hinstellt. Verwehr’ ihr den Gehorsam, sag: Nie wieder! Nie wieder Krieg, Die Waffen nieder!
Lay down your arms!
Born in a city devastated and destroyed by war, I've heard "never again war!" for as long as I can remember. I've learned my lesson so well, I've seen war from so close The war that even the child understood what was happening. Some fears, I know, I will never lose And never erase images from my mind. And war is a crime, no war is ever just And you who sugarcoat it and break your vows, I can hear you pious prayers beating the drum, To lead other people's children into your battles. Remember, you never wanted war again, never again - Lay down your arms!
They say they are doing their job, just doing their duty. However you play it down, you're not fooling us: The job is called laying mines, the duty is called bombing, Destroy and mutilate, wipe out and liquidate, It's called plundering, rushing people to death, Hurt your own soul forever. Sometimes I see a child's face under the big helmet, From which sheer horror, sheer despair speaks, When it must see, shaken, for what a shameful deed, For what a filthy crime he has given himself up to And suspects: You won't get rid of the guilt, never again. Never again war, Lay down your arms!
Do you think in your godforsaken hole in the desert sand Are you defending your children, your village or your country? Do you think when you come with your big high-tech boots Bomb the country back to the Stone Age out of the clear sky, You could liberate it by shedding blood, Shoot peace into the hearts of the people? No, again you are being misused for a bad cause: For power, for oil, for steel, so that the armament engine hisses, For this great cronyism that wants you as it pleases, At the end of the world as a living target. Refuse to obey them, say: Never again! Never again war, Lay down your arms!
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) from the source:
Nie wieder Krieg von Reinhard Mey
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thevitalportal · 5 months
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ozskob · 8 months
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30 years of Belinda Carlisle Real album. Fav are Big Scary Animal, Lay Down Your Arms, Too Much Water and One with You [which should've been single 3!]
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sntoot · 2 months
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youve hardly changed to my eyes
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gctchell · 4 months
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This post acts as both an interest check point and a tag dump for Lilith. Please leave a 🔮 in the replies (and for multis, the muses you're interested in having her interact with), or like this post if you have interest in interacting with her!
[ lilith; visage. ]
[ lilith; ic. ]
[ lilith; musings. ]
[ lilith; aesthetics. ]
[ lilith; headcanons. ]
[ lilith; voice claim. ]
[ lilith; interests. ]
[ lilith; style. ]
[ lilith; bonds. ]
[ lilith; eden. ]
[ lilith; from now on ; home again. ]
[ lilith; &lucifer. come into these arms again ; and lay your body down. ] // punchedpentagram
[ lilith; &lucifer. you're in my blood like holy wine. ] // sinnerswinners
[ lilith; &morningstars. oh ; a million dreams for the world we're gonna make. ]
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"Best Female Pop Vocal Performance" category at the 31st Annual Grammy Awards, February 22, 1989.
In a full circle type of moment, at the 1989 Grammy awards Joni Mitchell was nominated alongside Tracy Chapman, who won for "Fast Car."
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Pearl Jam - Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms)
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altruistic-meme · 22 days
i don't think there's a better feeling in the world than being trusted by a cat
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oatbugs · 2 months
i am presented with two ppl + one option. one appears to like me very much and we have great chemistry and they're witty and ambitious and studious and have similar goals in life and they write beautiful poetry about politics and people and they seem very kind and want to make a difference in the world. they text me to make sure i've had a good day. the other one is none of those things but they are so hot and evil and also they don't like me even a little bit and i've told them that i genuinely wanted to kill them, a lot. i'd give everything and anything for one of them and not the other
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Doped-up eight year olds are funniest people on the planet. I'm sad they injured themselves so badly they need to get zonked out to get whatever it is fixed but seeing a child come out from anesthesia for the first time and telling a nurse they can taste colors and drunkenly telling their parents how much they love them helps me not hate my job
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Some of the Greens are crazy. Oh Rhaenyra doesn't deserve the throne because she was a spoiled little girl that always hid behind daddy. She didn't 'earn' her position as heir. Like due, it is a medieval world and Aegon (the teenage drunk rapist) only is considered a king because he has a dick. Like even if Rhaenyra dutifully 'suffered', it still wouldn't affect her right to the throne one way or the other.
yeah, i mean i definitely have joked (i hope everyone realizes i'm joking, i do Not believe in the divine right of kings and generally i think most rich people should be [redacted]) about being ~deserving of power or whatever, but that's more in a narrative context (ie, Bran is on a Hero's Journey and He Will Earn His Ending Narratively, not that I actually believe he is divinely chosen - because he is but as we see in the cave in the true north, being divinely chosen isn't a good thing because the gods do not give a shit about you they want to eat you.
and definitely the most insane thing about hotd discourse (or one of the most insane things) is that people will really genuinely talk about rhaenyra not deserving the throne because she's ~spoiled~ and aegon has the right because he's the boy. and before someone argues "well actually we're saying-" no, i'm saying there are some crazy ass people who will genuinely sit there and argue with you that male primogeniture should be respected it is mind boggling.
but even beyond that, i find the "rhaenyra is spoiled she doesn't deserve it" thing to be a really disingenuous way of framing the whole conflict. first of all, No One Deserves To Be King Or Queen, nor, as you say, is something like that earned it's inherited. She doesn't need to earn it, she was chosen by her father and that's the end of the conversation because that's how shit like that works. and if you want to contrast that with the other people who are in the line of succession - whomst exactly "deserves" power? Aemond??? Daeron?????? "oh well Helaena" cool so you're saying women should in fact be included in the line of succession???? like, what a stupid way of framing this whole thing lmao, the only character who even marginally "deserves" power is like, jacaerys and rhaenys and corlys (and helaena) because when given power they don't immediately use it to brutally torment other people but when you say "jace would be a good ruler" people just focus in on the bastard thing and then I just kinda stop paying attention lajdsf. and beyond that, like, the heir isn't "hiding behind daddy" she is attempting to turn to her own damn father for help and that should be fine, actually??? to ask your goddamn dad who put you in this position to go "hey i need backup."
anyways yeah, every time someone is like "well the war is right rhaenyra doesn't deserve to be queen" neither did jaehaerys' bitch ass but he was the next oldest and got the throne because, ya know, deserve has very little to do with legal authority!
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steelycunt · 1 year
regulus fans getting sooo bugged out over that quote in the books about how he was less handsome than sirius n trying to deny it…why girls embrace your fav being nothing special embrace them being a little wonky looking. my best little baby princess looks like a parsnip and i go awooga awooga over him every single day i am having the time of my life. i am free
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Consider ... FL's hair doesn't get fluffy only when he's angry, but mayhaps when he's freezing or frightened? 👀 if he gets startled it's an immediate floof!
The urge to just hug him while he's laying or kneeling down and trying to comfort or keep him warm, while petting his hair is just :,D
ehe today's all about poofy Foul Legacy fluff!!!!
the frightened part especially you've seen several times- mostly when you had just taken him in and he was recovering because at the time, everything scared him. if people's footsteps were too loud, if someone he didn't know came into the house, if it was raining outside- really, it seems that everything except you made Foul Legacy screech and try to hide himself in a corner, shivering with hair floofed up in fear. it would take you hours to coax him somewhere more comfortable at first, and even then he would only calm down if you were beside him. there was one time early on when Zhongli came to visit and Childe had freaked out, refusing to move from his place behind you and pressing his forehead against your back. it was only after Zhongli had left that Childe moved to curl up with you with his head in your lap, trembling violently :(( he's much better now, after living with you for a while, but there are still things that scare him (like thunderstorms) and he clings to you with his fur all poofed up
luckily Liyue doesn't get NEARLY as cold as Snezhnaya, but there are still winter nights where the house can get pretty chilly!!! sometimes in the morning before everything has warmed up you'll wake up to a VERY fluffy Foul Legacy in your arms as he whines and tries to keep warm. you've learned that keeping several blankets on standby is key, so you can slip off to work and also make sure Childe stays warm all day- it's so cute because you'll get home and go to your room and see two horns poking out under a mound of blankets, only to turn into a happy, toasty Childe trilling to welcome you home!!! he also will tug you under the covers with him so you can give him scritches and pet his poofed up fur :)))
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daily-spg-songs · 7 months
Laying Down in Your Arms
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Propaganda under the cut
Laying Down in Your Arms:
No propaganda submitted :(
Un-Break My Heart:
No propaganda submitted :(
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gctchell · 3 months
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ykw. fk it. latest drawing I did of lucifer & lilith be upon the blog.
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