lawvslegaljobs · 6 months
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Mock Test Facility For AIBE Exams
Lawvs' Mock Test Facility for AIBE exams! Elevate your preparation with our comprehensive practice tests designed to mirror the actual exam environment. Access a vast question bank covering diverse legal topics, sharpen your time-management skills, and identify areas for improvement. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience, helping you boost your confidence and maximize your performance on the big day. Ace the AIBE exams with Lawvs' Mock Test Facility – your key to success in the legal realm! To know more visit here: https://lawvs.com/exam/aibe-registration-syllabus-and-eligibility
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sarahjbutson · 9 years
In case you wondered why I disappeared
I’m in law school. Life is rough. And by that I mean. I have found myself back on Tumblr during mid-terms week because I want to watch the world burn. 
In other news, I made a second blog where you can follow my exploits. Mostly told through gifs and sassy one-liners. 
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