#lauren kin
shroomedits · 11 months
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꒰𑁬 : // anonymous requested: lauren (scary girl) gif icons like / rb if saving ! please credit if using ♡
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hazyaltcare · 8 months
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A drawing for a Lauren/Scary Girl (Total Drama) kin with micro bangs.
Mod Vintage (🔬)
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charlidrawz · 2 months
Give me a Genshin or MLP character, place, item, etc... & I will assign you one from the other.
Ex: Oceanid, Seaquestria
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tumberkin · 5 months
Hello , I have taken great interest in your blog . . . Hope this is not odd of me but would you be okay with creating a John Laurens (Hamilton Musical) 'moodboard' ? Perhaps with a sheep-related theme . . . I had a very vague memory with a sheep involved and I feel as if this would help . Thank you , kindest regards . - Laur 🌸
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John Laurens Moodboard W/ Sheep !
i hope you enjoy ! :3
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1984pdf · 9 months
trying to explain my thoughts on in the flesh and how it genuinely altered my brain chemistry to people i know is actually impossible
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thehearteccentric · 1 month
I can't take having my mother anymore. She's so horrible. I need to have Soul, I need to have him. He'd be so cold, and often times distant, but I know when I'd have a breakdown he wouldn't intentionally make me feel worse and threaten me and call me having a trigger word "wordtracking" and using her enabler probation officer (that she's lying to about not drinking) to defend her. He would pat the sofa next to me and I'd come over, and he'd pull me to his side with one arm, tell me to take deep breaths, and promise that we'll work through it, and I'm allowed to have bad days just as he does. And the day will be slow and calm after that, just watching whatever came on on the television, wordlessly sitting there in his arms with dim lights, soft rain pouring from the sky, only in each other's company; and he'd make sure I was happy and warm as I slept, even if he didn't show his compassion.
What you have learned from reading this:
-I have parental trauma
-Soul is my comfort character
-I probably need help but it's ok because I can maladaptive daydream real good and when it comes to psychology I'm all natural remedies
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wonder-worker · 7 months
“Although (Elizabeth of York) was presented as the ultimate Tudor trophy wife, her position and popularity were potential threats to her husband’s authority.” - Lauren Rose Browne
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When are we going to move past this dismissive, simplistic and frankly rather problematic image of Elizabeth of York? Derek Neal encapsulates what exactly is so troubling about it far better than I could, which I'm quoting below:
“The first Tudor consort is mainly remembered as a dynastic symbol, one element of an equation: York plus Tudor equals peace. In this interpretation, handed down to us by the Tudor chroniclers via Shakespeare, Elizabeth accomplished her most important work, if not without lifting a finger, merely by proffering a finger for a wedding ring.”
We need to stop defining Elizabeth of York by the basic purpose of her marriage and queenship and begin understanding her through the actual practice of her queenship.*
Because the fact of the matter is, Elizabeth of York was a tremendously successful queen. She was an able intercessor, an active administrator of her lands, and a patroness in her own right. We have evidence that Henry listened to her on matters that people often assume he acted alone or only through his mother's advice. She contributed culturally to the court, including festivities and building projects, and played an active and positive role in queenly diplomacy, including but not limited to her involvement in her sisters’ and children’s marriages, her correspondence with the Pope and foreign rulers, and receiving important ambassadors in her husband’s absence**. She may have some discreet influence in some appointments in the Crown Prince's household. In short, Elizabeth of York excelled in spheres of queenship that were both conventional and powerful, because the two could and did co-exist, because medieval queenship was inherently political and the lines between public and private were blurred to the point of non-existence for queens just as they were for kings. As we can clearly see, Elizabeth was not presented as a “trophy wife” any more than literally any queen consort before or after her; she was, in fact, an evidently active and influential queen who greatly inspired both her daughter and her daughter-in-law's queenships respectively.
Furthermore, Elizabeth of York’s position was not a "threat" to her husband. Why would it be? As J.L. Laynesmith (whose reading of Elizabeth I don't agree with either) says, "Identification with Elizabeth of York's kin aided Henry VII in gaining an entire kingdom." The Croyland Chronicle, a contemporary source, likewise emphasizes her importance in cementing Henry VII's position: in Elizabeth "there could be found whatever appeared to be missing in the king's title elsewhere." Elizabeth of York's position, in fact, bolstered Henry VII's kingship, and this extended far beyond his marriage to her. We must remember that while Henry Tudor was Lancastrian in blood and allegiance, his fight for the throne was very much as a Yorkist claimant - specifically, a claimant for Edwardian Yorkists against Richard III's rule (The events of 1483 were a violent conflict within the Yorkist dynasty, not an external threat against the Yorkist dynasty). You could argue that Henry VII's road to the throne was, effectively, as Edward IV's symbolic heir rather than Henry VI's (who was quite irrelevent to the current conflict, tbh): Henry Tudor was the prospective husband of the Yorkist heiress and the 'avenger' of the dead Yorkist Princes. This was the widely recognized interpretation of contemporaries like Croyland and William Caxton*** and was also how he gained the majority of his new support in England which (without discounting his own initiative, actions and clear competence) were essential to both make him a credible threat and ultimately win Bosworth. He relied on several of her father's former councilors as well, ensuring a great deal of continuity between their reigns. In this context, Elizabeth of York's "position" as the Yorkist heiress, cemented by her formal proclamation as Duchess of York, was not a disadvantage to Henry VII but an indispensable advantage to him. Elizabeth herself was aware of this and played an important role in image politics for the new Tudor dynasty: "Her role as a daughter of the house of York was a major aspect of her identity. Whereas her mother and Margaret of Anjou had adopted emblems personal to them...Elizabeth of York used her father's white rose. Other Yorkist emblems such as the sun in splendour and the falcon and fetterlock were also used in Tudor iconography." As you can see, Elizabeth's contribution went far beyond merely standing at Henry's side with a wedding ring; she was actively involved in cementing the image of the Tudor dynasty in her own right, and was equally invested in doing so. In short: Elizabeth of York's "position" was not a threat to her husband’s rule; it was vital to her husband’s rule. In fact, her unique position was so important that, even years later, post-contemporary Tudor depictions gave her a uniquely equal footing to her husband: for example, in the first pageant of the coronation procession for her granddaughter Elizabeth I, Elizabeth of York was depicted as "a stabilising and legitimising force of the dynasty, and, incredibly, as the equal to her husband" - as Lauren Rose Browne herself writes.
You cannot claim that Henry VII needed Elizabeth of York to bolster his kingship and also claim that he shunted her aside because her position was a threat to his kingship. You cannot claim that Henry VII used Elizabeth of York’s Yorkist heritage to his benefit but also claim that he tried to avoid any implication of her royal inheritance. Those are fundamentally contradictory and make very little sense. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Even more baffling is the idea that Elizabeth of York's "popularity" would have somehow been a threat to her husband's authority. She and Henry lived in a world where queens were meant to embody "the feminine element necessary to legitimate sovereignty", to perform their role as Marian-like intercessors on behalf of their subjects, to engage in appropriate charity and almsgiving, and to provide "models of womanhood for the realms' female subjects"****. If Elizabeth of York was "popular" due to the reaction of crowds gathered to watch her coronation, or because of the gifts she was frequently given by her subjects, or because she was hailed as the "most gracious and best beloved Princesses in the world" after her death, her popularity means that Elizabeth was successful as queen and is an indication of how much her queenship supported and endorsed Henry VII's kingship. A popular queen benefitted the King, not the other way around.*****
(What's especially funny about this traditional interpretation is that the only actual way Elizabeth of York's position and popularity could potentially worry Henry and become a genuine "threat" to his authority is if Elizabeth herself was actively opposed to Henry and was using them against him to undermine his rule (for whatever hypothetical reason). Which would automatically indicate agency on her part and ALSO end up contradicting the "trophy wife" image. So....?)
Enough with the traditional patronizing dismissal of Elizabeth of York. Give her the credit she's due.
*What's particularly silly about hyper-focusing on the point/purpose of Elizabeth of York's marriage (a political alliance and dynastic unification) is that fundamentally, its purpose was ultimately no different from the vast majority of other English royal marriage since the Norman conquest (sans, say, her parents'). Most of them were politically arranged and/or politically motivated, just like Henry and Elizabeth's. It would be ridiculous to judge Isabella of France or Philippa of Hainault's lives and queenships solely based on how politically important their marriages were, right? They obviously had an impact apart from that and beyond that. What exactly is different about Elizabeth of York? Admittedly, her and Henry's situation wasn't exactly the same: he needed her as a potential bride to cement his position as a threat to Richard III and as a King of England; and an English princess becoming an English queen consort was unprecedented at that juncture. But ultimately, there's no reason for why Elizabeth of York's entire life and queenship should be defined and decided on the basis of how and why she married Henry VII. She lived for almost two decades after that. It's more than a little frustrating.
**From what I can make out, so much more evidence has luckily survived for Elizabeth of York's diplomatic activities compared to many of her predecessors, and with far more details. I would literally kill to get similarly detailed evidence for Elizabeth Woodville. So it's certainly strange when Elizabeth of York's role in diplomacy is not emphasized more when it comes to her queenship - especially because it is, ultimately, an expected element of queenship which queens were traditionally meant to excel at. My guess is that it's not highlighted as much because it actually gives Elizabeth agency, which historians often refuse to do.
***Edward IV definitely wasn't the first or only one to claim the red dragon (it was used for/used by many others, and some poets used it for Henry himself in the early 1460s). However, at that point in time in England specifically, it would have very much been Edward IV who was most commonly and universally associated with it; after all, he was the one who won the throne and ruled for more than two decades. Its association with Edward IV is also what would have been the most familiar to Caxton, who established himself in England only in the 1470s, and who was a supporter of Edward IV's family (aka: the Woodvilles) during that time. His support of Henry (who he did not know) during this time would have been through that context as well, rather than loyalty to Henry in his own right.
****Obviously, we can recognize how problematic such inherently gendered expectations are now, but contextualization is important.
*****Elizabeth of York's popularity as queen, at least in the beginning, may have been partly due to the fact that she was English princess who grew up in the public eye, was the daughter of a fairly well-liked king, and the fact that her marriage played a vital role in "uniting" the two rival dynasties. So her circumstances probably played a role in her popularity as well. But we shouldn't discount Elizabeth's own affability and charm, nor her evident generosity, nor the fact that however this popularity emerged, it was Elizabeth who maintained it, and it ultimately signified the success of Elizabeth's queenship and bolstered her husband's kingship.
Lauren Rose Browne, "Elizabeth of York: Tudor Trophy Wife", "Tudor and Stuart Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty
Derek Neal, "The Queen's Grace: English Queenship 1464-1503"
J.L. Laynesmith, "The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1545-1503"
Retha M. Warnicke, "Elizabeth of York and her six daughters-in-law: Fashioning Tudor Queenship
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roleplayfinder · 15 days
🪤 || ello ello!
I’m 18 myself and the age range of partners in looking for is around 18+ no younger than so :) i’m honestly pretty desperate for some age regression (SFW!!) roleplays, found family roleplays, and honestly anything with comfort in them, I have a list of plots! (i pref to be the younger one/child/regressor in these plots! but I’m willing to switch it up or take turns with roles like these for it to be fair!)
what I like and pref in rps!!
— please talk to me ooc, head-canons and just talking in general are a must but not too consuming, I like to befriend my roleplay partners and really get to know them! it helps out with the roleplay!
— since I’m mainly looking for comfort roleplays and platonic rps please no sexual 18+ content, (kissing on the cheek cuddling and all that cute stuff is fine, just nothing sexual nor romantic!)
— I have a pref for irl fcs :)
— even though I’m looking for a hurt comfort/agere/platonic roleplay, i like action, super hero’s, slice of life, adoption plots are nice too!
— i like original characters it helps us explore! (SPIDERSONA’S MAYHAPZ??)
— Ms.Marvel + The Marvels (I will jump up and down for this one, as I love Kamala khan (biggest kin guys.)
— Frozenn!! (I’m mainly looking for Elsa and Anna cause their relationship warms my heart and I recently got deep into the fandom.)
— Stranger things, I muse max, el, will, Robin, Nancy, and Lucas!!
— Percy Jackson, I muse Percy, Annabeth, and Grover!
— New Amsterdam, I muse Lauren bloom and Elizabeth Wilder :)
— Steven universe, Any!!
If you're interested please interact/like and I'll get back to you!
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focsle · 2 years
Things I was thinking of last night.
It’s hard to visit the grave of a whaleman. One whose bones rest beside the countless old leviathans he and his kin sunk, where now-rotted whale lines connect them in a twin tragedy.
It’s hard to visit the grave of a whaleman buried on a desolate stretch of sand. It didn’t feel right to sew him up in canvas and sink him in the Pacific with a bag of brick round his ankles. Not when there’s proper land on the horizon…no matter how thin and empty that bit of land may be, where he’ll be attended only by the wheeling birds who never needed to fear the unknown that was ‘man’. Gouge his name on a wooden board that will bleach into oblivion as the sea rolls on. Sometimes another whaleship will lay off here, sending a boat’s crew ashore for water, for eggs, for those all-too-fearless birds as a brief respite from salt junk. Maybe one of those men—a stranger on one hand and a whaler on the other—will pause at that somber plank before it’s taken by the sand. He’ll wonder if there was anyone who mourned him, and if there’s anyone who will mourn them all. But over the years those ships stop coming too. The fleet will be filled with stone and sunk to choke the mouth of Charleston Harbor. It’ll be crushed in pack ice and each freezing crew will strike their flags and give the endeavor up to the Arctic. This hungry American industry will burn through itself, and find a new one sixty-nine feet below ground in Titusville. One that’s even hungrier, bloodier, and will come to set the world on fire.
Cenotaphs raised at the Seamen’s Bethel try to make it easier to visit the graves of whalemen. Their last moments are carved into something real and solid to make sense of what happened in a distant ocean. He fell from aloft, he drowned, he died of his wounds, he was taken by consumption. Captains, mates, entire crews, boys in their 18th year of age. The dark letters try to offer closure and certainty for a death that was anything but. Did he truly drown, are they sure it was him, are they sure?
In Paita there is a whaler’s cemetery where a part of the cliffside once fell into the sea. Longboats come to deposit the dead. The consul calls it Cabo Tranquilo, but no one knows or remembers that name now. And the graves are too shallow, the sand is too soft, and the wind sometimes comes to bare them to the sea and the animals. Five miles south the life they departed carries on, too far away for reflection or remembrance and too caught up in the continuation of the voyage. Ships loll in the harbor. Recruits of both provisions and men come aboard. Public houses open their doors to a transient but constant clientele and serve sensations to those still lucky enough to be living that day.
It’s hard to visit the grave of a whaleman when it’s not a grave at all, but a small clipping in a Honolulu newspaper. There are letters waiting for him with the chaplain, delivered there on the off chance his ship comes to this harbor. How long does the chaplain or post hold onto those letters as they warp and yellow, as it becomes clear that their intended party is no longer here to receive them?
“Late twenties, twenty-eight?” I say, half dreaming. “I think I was twenty-eight. I was…older.”
“That’s still quite young,” the facilitator says.
I laugh, and I’m not sure how much of that laugh is mine: wry and one hundred seventy years old, threaded with that fine-honed gallows humor you had to have in order to keep existing in that world. That world that was inseparably your hardship and—more importantly—your home.
“No such thing as an old whaleman,” I say. “You either leave it young or die in it young.”
I find their graves in the coffin of a whaleboat angled beneath the curated bones of a sperm whale that died on a beach in 1998. They’re presided over by casual onlookers following the flow of the exhibit in the twenty minutes they choose to spare between ice cream and the Ralph Lauren store, not really seeing it. Not stopping to think of the pull of the long oars. Of the burning hiss of the line running past one’s side fast enough to tear flesh from bone if given the chance. Of a sea churned purple.
I find their graves in the careful diamonds and hearts and stars they punch out of a strip of bone to make a busk or needle case, a craft they turn in their hands during the doldrums, made for some far sweet memory living ashore.
I find it in the delicate drawings of ships and seabirds and islands observed from the bulwarks. He leans his elbows there and sketches what’s before him. He catches the living sweep of a wave or the bend of a tree pushed by a wind those two centuries before.
I find them in every note left in the margins of a battered journal. They ask its quiet pages ‘do they spare a thought for me, does anyone spare a thought for me today?’
I spare a hundred thoughts for all those lonely places, all those ink smeared pages. I find a memorial in the words of lost men that ring against my own bones and fill my chest like seawater as I sit safe and dry on land, as I weep at whalesong and the ruin we wrought on something so beautiful just trying to come up for air, and I think on every fellow on board who tried to find a way towards some kind of home.
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hazyaltcare · 6 months
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A moodboard for a Scary Girl/Lauren (Total Drama Island) kin who was in a mutually toxic relationship with Ripper; with themes of fluffy things, bunnies and enjoying their dynamic.
Mod Haze (❤️Alice❤️)
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boy i hope these links work OK so. everyone has probably already been made aware of how luciocoded this little adorable bastard is
Lucifer being my favorite character for 4 minutes and 16 seconds
like i can just see with mine minds eye the Lucio Deadbeat Dad AU and it is. so exactly this vibe hmvghgdf fruCKINNNN 2:25 IMAGINE HIM AND HIS LIL "mercy; melchior! ✨rootututudoo✨" GODDAMNIT STOP BEING CUTE
and then i remembered who else is fully unapologetically luciocoded in my head
The very best of Draco Malfoy (Lauren Lopez) - AVPS (youtube.com)
"My name is count Lucio. I am.... a pain in the ass. i despise peasants, and witches. im a catastrophic threat to the balance between the arcana realm and our world, a direct cause of a plague that killed thousands, and me and my kin are root sources of all of ur & your friends problems pretty much. wanna make out?"
also jvhdzjh 6:05 with morga MOMMYYY!!!! MUMMYYY YOU CAME TO LOVE MEEEEE (ノ◕,ヮ◕,)ノ
Lucius Malfoy Being Fabulous for 4 Minutes - YouTube
also behold the ultimate icon of grace and styleuh jgvhb i wasnt sure if hes all that luciolike but then i remembered valerius simps exist so i guess you can have this one guys ur welcome 2:14 ugh SLAYYYYY😫💦🙌💅
@tetsuooooooooooo good lord you're so right!!!
...... does this mean Nadia is Hermione now???
(I've never watched the Harry Potter movies, and I've only read the first two books or so, but based off of memes it feels oddly accurate ...)
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anotherrpfinder · 12 days
🪤 || ello ello!
the age range of partners in looking for is around 18+ no younger than so :) i’m honestly pretty desperate for some age regression roleplays, found family roleplays, and honestly anything with comfort in them, I have a list of plots! (i pref to be the younger one/child/regressor in these plots! but I’m willing to switch it up or take turns with roles like these for it to be fair!)
what I like and pref in rps!!
— please talk to me ooc, head-canons and just talking in general are a must but not too consuming, I like to befriend my roleplay partners and really get to know them! it helps out with the roleplay!
— since I’m mainly looking for comfort roleplays and platonic rps please no sexual 18+ content, (kissing on the cheek cuddling and all that cute stuff is fine, just nothing sexual nor romantic!)
— I have a pref for irl fcs :)
— even though I’m looking for a hurt comfort/agere/platonic roleplay, i like action, super hero’s, slice of life, adoption plots are nice too!
— i like original characters it helps us explore! (SPIDERSONA’S MAYHAPZ??)
— Ms.Marvel + The Marvels (I will jump up and down for this one, as I love Kamala khan (biggest kin guys.)
— Frozenn!! (I’m mainly looking for Elsa and Anna cause their relationship warms my heart and I recently got deep into the fandom.)
— Stranger things, I muse max, el, will, Robin, Nancy, and Lucas!!
— Percy Jackson, I muse Percy, Annabeth, and Grover!
— New Amsterdam, I muse Lauren bloom and Elizabeth Wilder :)
— Steven universe, Any!!
If you're interested please interact/like and I'll get back to you!
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
Do you have any info on John's French ancestry? His grand or great grandparents were French and I am fascinated by what influence they could have had on him/his relationship with being French, especially during his """diplomacy""" trip
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Laurens had any major influence by his heritage in general.
Laurens was French Huguenot on his father's side. The immigration of French Huguenots moving to Charleston was actually quite common and predated Laurens's ancestors. A colony of Huguenots arrived in South Carolina, Charleston, having been sent out by the English Government to enltivate oil, wine and silk. But the larger immigration came in 1685-6, when French Protestants flocked to the State in great numbers. They formed four settlements, one in the City of Charleston, and the other three in the country, where they erected Churches in each settlement. [x]
There appears to be no ground for the late 20th century claim that the family descended from André du Laurens, the physician of both Henry IV. and his queen, Marie de' Medici, Chancellor of the University of Montpellier, the author of extensive medical works and belonging to the lower nobility. Henry Laurens knew nothing of such a connection, and never supported it. But while it is also highly improbable, there is also to consider that someone like Henry - descended far too down the line to properly recollect such an account - would have known or not known of it with any sincerity. The theory mostly stems from John Laurens's similarly named great-grandfather, André Laurens, who left France only seventy-three years after the death of André du Laurens. But hypothetically, he would also have been quite likely to keep his name Du Laurens, as that of the physician, like all the other descents had. And there would be no reason to doubt he would have cherished this relation from one of the most distinguished savants of his time.
It's hard to trace the Laurenses with the little record surviving of them, the name was common in the west and southeast of France and was borne by many families having no known connection at all, so much so, that many years before John Laurens's family left France there were numbers of Laurenses in New York, sometimes with the same Christian names as the ones from JL's folks. But it is known André was native of the Catholic France—And his family hailed from Annonay, Vivaris Province. André's father, Jean Laurent (Laurens), was a merchant in Rochelle, and died before 1681, leaving his widow, Elizabeth Menigaut (Manigault) and their son André. They resided in the parish of Saint Sauveur. Among the closest and oldest friends of the Laurenses was the family of Daniel Lucas, also a merchant of Rochelle, who owned a small farm nearby Périgny. Like other Huguenots, the Laurenses left France for the hope of religious freedom—In the wake of Louis XIV's efforts to stamp out Protestantism, when the pressure of persecution was becoming heavier; André, his mother, and Daniel alongside his wife, Jeanne Marchand, with their four children, fled to England in 1682. Jeanne Lucas soon died in her new home, but the friendship between the families grew into a closer bond when her daughter, Marie Lucas, and André were married in the French church in Threadneedle Street, February 22, 1688. [x]
The Laurenses tried their fortunes in Ireland, and then later, Marie and André settled first in New Jersey, then in New York City. [x] Where many of their kin had immigrated to priorly, some of the family fled from the persecution in France to Holland. The new-comers in New York were not among strangers, for the numerous colonies whose interests centered around the French church were a sympathetic community, living very much its own distinct life, and there are several reasons for supposing that they had Laurens relatives in the town. In the Collections Huguenot Society of America there is plenty of correspondence from André and his family to others, and even an account of a mother and son in 1700 as witnesses at the marriage of a Jean Laurens and Marie Benereau.
It was there on the 30th of March, 1697, Marie gave birth to the third of their five children, Jean Samuel Laurens (Possible namesake of their new friend, Samuel Grasset). While in New York, the Laurenses befriended another family of Huguenot refugees, the Grassets, who fled from France about the same time as the Laurenses and Lucases. Jean - age nineteen - married Esther Grasset - age fifteen or sixteen - shortly before André decided to uproot his family again. Finally, they sailed and moved to Carolina around 1715, where many Huguenots had already settled. Charleston served as the provincial capital as well as the economic heart of the low country.
André died soonly after arriving in Charleston. David Duncan Wallace describes him as; “as a man of piety, shrewdness and force. At the time when the humble foundations were being laid for the great fortunes and family careers which the next two generations were to witness, he did his part in giving his children their start in the race.” [x] His grandson, Henry Laurens, later recalled that he; “had Saved So much Money as enabled him” to provide his five children “with Such portions as put them above low dependance.” [x]
But after André's death, little cultural preservation is noticable in the family. Henry says “Some of them retained the French pride of Family, & were content to die poor. My Father [Jean S. Laurens] was of different Sentiments, he learned a Trade, & by great Industry acquired an Estate with a good Character & Reestablished the Name of his Family.” [x] After the family moved to Charleston, Jean chose to anglicanize his name, and he became known as John, whom John Laurens was named after. Both Jean and his wife were born Americans, ‘the French pride of family’ died out in a generation or two with little resemblance left. Instead to keep his family afloat; like most Huguenots, Jean immersed himself in the South Carolinaian traditions and culture. He learned the trade of saddler at the bench and followed it with such industry as to make himself a much-respected citizen. Over time he prospered in his trade and invested in real estate. He also joined the established Anglican church, where he served as warden of St. Philip’s Parish, and he owned at least five slaves. Yet he remained ambivalent toward the institution that formed the basis of South Carolina's prosperity. On one occasion, he made a cryptic prediction that slavery would eventually collapse. [x]
It was said that Jean; “gave his children the best education which (Charleston) afforded.” [x] Jean seems to have had solid expectations for Henry, as his education was directed into merchantry. Henry journeyed overseas to receive further training, in 1744 Jean sent Henry to London to work in the counting house of the respected merchant James Crokatt. In 1747 Henry finished his apprenticeship and returned to South Carolina. He didn't learn Latin or Greek, and barely knew French himself—As he only seems to have had fluently spoken a few expressions, which might indicate that as a man he picked up a small amount of French. But later he requested a friend to translate his letter of 1774 to the Poictiers Laurences into French, stating that he could not write in the language. [x]
And it seems that Henry wasn't interested in reconnecting his family to their French heritage either, as JL did not learn French at a very young age. He only eventually took up the language at age thirteen, on December 28, 1767, which was basic schooling for the wealthy class at the time period;
My Jack has made an Amazing progress in French from the 28th December when he enter'd upon that branch, I say so because those who are good Judges & can't flatter tell me so, & I know a little of the Matter too.
Source — Henry Laurens to John Moultrie, [January 28, 1768]
Laurens's conduct in France was also quite grounded on his identity as an American Patriot (A headstrong one) and cultural unfamiliarity that he broke their etiquette. So, it is quite apparent JL's generation of the family were not tightly knit to their heritage. As it was commonly accustomed - similarly to this day - that immigrants convert their traditions and cultural aspects to match their new country of residence, especially those who traveled to the colonies.
John Laurens and the American Revolution, by Gregory D. Massey
Huguenot Church in Charleston, by Margaret Middleton Rivers Eastman, Richard Donohoe & Maurice Eugenie Horne Thompson, with Robert P. Stockton
The Life of Henry Laurens: With a Sketch of the Life of Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, by David Duncan Wallace
Collections of the Huguenot Society of America, Volume 1
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canonically47 · 9 months
i watched the entirety of total drama 2023 today, and here's how it went (spoilers below!) (no duh...):
got very, very, VERY emotionally attached to zee, laughed my ass off at most of his lines, absolutely adored every minute of him being on screen, and cringed when he announced he had joined both alliances, then got SUPER MAD at chris allowing the players to vote again. what bullshit
found bowie and raj's romance absolutely adorable, although cut a bit short, but they made up for it by bringing everyone back in the finale and having raj cheer for bowie so intensely! also, ADORED wayne and how supportive he was! he was absolutely adorable!!! and after being so into the many queer ships of the fandom, actually hearing the words 'gay' and 'bi' on total drama made me kind of tear up. that was adorable.
also, loved everyone, from wayne to chris and sharks being supportive of bowie and raj, but how much chris emphasized his hatred of emma and chase's relationship. i also hate them, by the way. emma was cool until folding all the way back for chase.
very mixed on ripper. on one side, he is annoying and one big fart joke, but on the other side, he seems like he could genuinely be sweet if he tried hard enough - or not at all! he didn't even want to help millie, but she still found him helpful when giving her advice on how to win priya over again!
weirdly enough, found no new ships except for rajbow. saw some people shipping priya and millie, as well as wayne and raj, but honestly - and this is VERY unusual for me to say - i think those two duos are way better off as platonic! of course, massive respect for those who ship them, they have some cute moments that i guess you could take for romantic if you wanted to, but they're not my style.
the whole goat thing was hilarious. the goats going >:O at bowie saying he has eaten and will eat goat again was just so good.
the pretty boys need to try to make it further, man. justice for caleb. a lot of eliminations were kind of unfair to me, actually, especially axel's, and for ripper i really felt like he could've gone another time. i've already mentioned zee. *sobs* zee............... he is the winner in my eyes. (is it obvious i have a favorite?) (i think it's bowie but zee is tying with him. zee <333)
i kind of disliked millie at the start but hearing her mini-speech about her own insecurities and thinking she's above everyone else...argh i kin her so hard stop she deserves the world.
chef? was actually interested?? in their safety??? up until the finale of course but i found that so weird
i screamed in shock and disappointment when bowie didn't win, but i kind of knew deep down inside they were bold enough to add an openly gay contestant, and although i was certain he would make it to the finale, i was expecting the win to go to priya because they wouldn't go much further than that. next season, though :')
i was very surprised with how major some of the roles were, and how insignificant others were! i feel like lauren, mk and nichelle were hyped up a lot, but i barely got attached to them, while i just saw one or two posts of priya and millie, and assumed they would not even make it to the final ten. i also thought some ships would have more interactions due to some fandom posts - nichelle and axel... the potential was THERE... but they barely got a WORD........
what i'm thinking for next season:
chase and emma break up all over again, but (HOPEFULLY.) this time it's for good, and emma and bowie get a chance to properly reunite and become friends again.
bowie and raj will also be an official couple, but because of that, i doubt chris would let them on the same team.
it would also be fun to see wayne on the same team as bowie, and not raj! bowie talks his ears off about how great raj is, and then wayne does the same (but platonically) and it's great. everyone hates them because all they hear about is raj, raj, raj.
caleb - please, please, god - makes it a bit further this time, and damien makes it to the final five! everyone is shocked, including him.
my ideal final five would be raj, wayne, bowie, zee, and damien, but i seriously doubt that would happen because they always keep things equal between the genders, so, for the sake of the next point, let's say it's raj, axel, zee, nichelle, and bowie.
my ideal elimination order would be:
mk ("we don't want you spying on us again, that's gross")
lauren (costs them the challenge because she got carried away being creepy)
caleb (the votes are rigged against him yet again, this time by julia! goddamn it julia)
ripper (his pride got in the way and cost them the challenge, but he managed to get a bit of redemption in the episodes he was in),
millie (too injured from a challenge to continue, urges priya to keep pushing forward)
julia (people get tired of her bullshit much quicker this time and vote her off before she can cause any more unwanted drama, but spoiler alert, bowie's still here, so you did nothing, guys)
chase (right after emma's major breakup with him! ouch.)
priya (takes it VERY. HARD.)
emma (the votes are rigged against her)
damien (he put up a good fight)
nichelle (it is found out that she rigged the votes)
the final three are raj, axel, and zee. raj has an alliance with wayne, bowie, emma and zee - zee joined because he wanted to make up for the last failed alliances - and so, raj and zee team up to get axel out (because they literally couldn't otherwise).
side note, bowie still got voted out because nichelle helped by rigging the votes from afar for axel. what the fuck.
so, for the first time in total drama history, the final two are of the same gender! lots of angry letters for that one.
it seems that zee has the win for a while - against all odds! - but, to make up for his boyfriend losing completely last time, raj takes the win, and splits the money between himself, wayne, and bowie! there's a remaining dollar in there somewhere, and zee's mad happy to get it. (raj actually gives him more, but that's between you and me.)
and that's it! i'm obviously very biased because i have favorites, other opinions are welcome if you wanna discuss :D
here is a list of my ranking of the characters (for which this tierlist was used) to finish this post off strong:
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moondust-bard · 7 months
Songs For Writing Playlists: Fire
• Light A Fire - Rachel Taylor
• Lanterns - Passenger
• Fire Breather - LAUREL
• Circles - Greta Svabo Bech
• Up in Flames - Ruelle
• Darkest Hour - Tate McRae
• Fire - Majozi
• Hellfire - Barns Courtney
• Young Fighter - Nate Fenwick
• Burning Heart - SVRCINA
• Ember - Katherine
• McNamara
• Ashes - Radical Face
• Stop This Fire - Louise Wendorff
• Breathe - Fleurie
• Burn It Down - Daughter
• Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney
• Illuminate - WILDES
• Burning Pile - mother mother
• Pyrokinesis - 7Chariot
• Taking a Hold - Wildwood Kin
• Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz
• Bonfire - Woodes
• Flares - The Script
• Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
• Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier
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Find the full Spotify playlist here
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Masterpost of every character who has already competed
If you want to request a character be included in a future bracket, check this list first to make sure they haven't already competed
Lena Adams Foster (The Fosters) Elida Al-Feyr (Vagrant Queen) Nyssa Al Ghul (Arrow) Cassie Ainsworth (Skins) Luisa Alver (Jane the Virgin) Winter Anderson (American Horror Story: Cult) Miss Audrey (Snowpiercer) Babs (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Saanvi Bahl (Manifest) Bambi (Minx) Josephine Barry (Anne with an E) Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Bilquis (American Gods) Maya Bishop (Station 19) Sarah Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) Alana Bloom (Hannibal) Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale) Anne Bonny (Black Sails) Kelly Booth (Black Mirror) Nova Bordelon (Queen Sugar) Nancy Botwin (Weeds) Dana Bryant (Mythic Quest) Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) Lena Burnham (Ray Donovan) Calliope Burns (First Kill) Delia Busby (Call the Midwife) Amanita Caplan (Sense8) Wendy Carr (Mindhunter) Chanel #3 (Scream Queens) Max Chapman (A League of their Own) Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black) Denise Christopher (Timeless) Grace Choi (Black Lightning) Cassandra Cillian (The Librarians) Jade Claymore (Willow) Dani Clayton (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Raelle Collar (Motherland: Fort Salem) Dulcie Collins (Deadloch) Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black) Theo Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) Frannie Crowne (Brave New World) Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
Alex Danvers (Supergirl) Ashley Davies (South of Nowhere) Carina DeLuca (Station 19) Jo Deluca (A League of Their own) Bo Dennis (Lost Girl) Clare Devlin (Derry Girls) Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Franky Doyle (Wentworth) Camina Drummer (The Expanse) Waverly Earp (Wynona Earp) Kat Edison (The Bold Type) Philippa Eilhart (The Witcher) Mabel Elmsworth (The Buccaneers) Camile Engelson (Stitchers) Eretria (The Shannara Chronicals) Isobel Evans (Roswell New Mexico) Dana Fairbanks (The L Word) Juliette Fairmont (First Kill) Emily Fields (Pretty Little Liars) Veronica Fisher (Shameless) Fleabag (Fleabag) Flower (Ghosts) Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) Lupe Garcia (A League of Their Own) Bibi Garvey (Bad Sisters) Mirror Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek: Discovery) Gigi Ghorbani (The L Word: Gen Q) Stella Gibson (The Fall) Sue Gilbert (Dickinson) Emily Grace (Murdoch Mysteries) Yara Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) Monet de Haan (Gossip Girl) Judy Hale (Dead to Me) Yuri Han (XO, Kitty) Millie Harcourt (The Bletchley Circle) Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp) Lauren Heller (Younger) Emma Hernandez (Vida) Pamela Isley (Batwoman) Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5) Bradley Jackson (The Morning Show) Alice Jones (Once Upon a Time) Tara Jones (Heartstopper) Quinn Joseph (Harlem) Kate (One Mississippi) Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder) Tina Kennard (The L Word) Kennedy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who)
Aneela Kin Rit (Killjoys) Camille L'Espanaye (The Fall of the House of Usher) Victorine LaFourcade (The Fall of the House of Usher) Lagertha (Vikings) Shelly Lambert (Minx) Sara Lance (Arrowverse) Lauren Lewis (Lost Girl) Lexa (The 100) Maggie Lin (Saving Hope) Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack) Veronica Lodge (Riverdale) Santana Lopez (Glee) Lucretia (Spartacus) Lyria (The Shannara Chronicals) Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Elizabeth Macmillan (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) Queen Maeve (The Boys) Maggie (Good Omens) Sofia Marchetti (Sex Education) Margot (Once Upon a Time) Bess Marvin (Nancy Drew) Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker) Max (Black Sails) Katherine Mayfair (Desperate Housewives) Ally Mayfair-Richards (American Horror Story) Mazikeen (Lucifer) Shane McCutcheon (The L Word) Betty McRae (Bomb Girls) Lake Meriwether (Love, Victor) Freya Mikaelson (The Originals) Sandy Milkovich (Shameless) Mabel Mora (Only Murders in the Building) Ellen Morgan (Ellen) Rory Morningstar (Lucifer) Aleesha Morrison (Upload) Hayes Morrison (Conviction) Blanche Mottershead (Upstairs Downstairs)
Mulan (Once Upon a Time) Leighton Murray (Sex Lives of College Girls) Raffi Musiker (Star Trek: Picard) Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Nicky Nichols (Orange is the New Black) Nico (Vida) Nina (Good Omens) Allie Novak (Wentworth) Dani Núñez (The L Word: Gen Q) Ola Nyman (Sex Education) Shona O'Keefe (This Way Up) Kelly Olsen (Supergirl) Van Palmer (Yellowjackets) Marjorie Palmiotti (Veep) Gail Peck (Rookie Blue) Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters) Valencia Perez (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Laura Peterson (The Morning Show) Lindsay Peterson (Queer as Folk) Anissa Pierce (Black Lightning) Brittany S. Pierce (Glee) Naomi Pierce (Succession) Alice Pieszecki (The L Word) Eve Polastri (Killing Eve) Bette Porter (The L Word) Bill Potts (Doctor Who) Arthie Premkumar (GLOW) Amae Rali (Vagrant Queen)
Scylla Ramshorn (Motherland: Fort Salem) Amy Raudenfeld (Faking It) Logan Rawlings (Young & Hungry) Maia Rindell (The Good Fight) Arizona Robins (Grey's Anatomy) Eve Rothlo (How to Get Away with Murder) Root (Person of Interest) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Kenya Rosewater (Defiance) Susan Ross (Seinfeld) Siuan Sanche (WoT) Ellaria Sand (Game of Thrones) Jenny Schecter (The L Word) Jinju Seong (Snowpiercer) Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager & Star Trek: Picard) Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds) Kalinda Sharma (The Good Wife) Carson Shaw (A League of Their Own) Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest) Leslie Shay (Chicago Fire) Amy Silva (Vigil) Bea Smith (Wentworth) Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) Rose Solano (Jane the Virgin) River Song (Doctor Who) Kitty Song Covey (XO, Kitty) Serena Southerlyn (Law & Order) Zelda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Maya St. Germain (Pretty Little Liars) Moira Strand (The Handmaid’s Tale) Della Street (Perry Mason) Tamsin (Lost Girl) Kit Tanthalos (Willow) Stahma Tarr (Defiance) Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Thirteen (House, MD) Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Tara Thornton (True Blood) Bess Till (Snowpiercer)
Tituba (Salem) Toni Topaz (Riverdale) Callie Torres (Grey’s Anatomy) Fabiola Torres (Never Have I Ever) Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets) Two / Portia Lin (Dark Matter) Alex Vause (OITNB) Mel Vera (Charmed) Villanelle (Killing Eve) Karen Walker (Will & Grace) Martha Walker (Silo) Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black) Ellen Waverly (For All Mankind) Kerry Weaver (ER) HG Wells (Warehouse 13) Sterling Wesley (Teenage Bounty Hunters) Nora West-Allen (The Flash) Jayne Wetherby (Dracula) Lucy Westenra (Dracula) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Ryan Wilder (Batwoman) Carol Willick (Friends) Lana Winters (American Horror Story) Bernie Wolfe (Holby City) Camile Wray (Stargate Universe) Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess) Meh Yewll (Defiance) Yorkie (Black Mirror - San Junipero)
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