ask-john-laruens · 2 months
John had gotten up to change Philip the second, due to his crying. It was late but he didn't want Alexander to wake up.
He had no experience changing diapers due to him living a pretty lavish life, but he did what he could for his husband.
He held his breath as he changed his youngest son, and to his surprise he did a pretty decent job, though he had to fix it because he'd put it on backwards.
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ask-chubby-hamilton · 1 month
Okay this is taking forever
*poof Baby time! Water broken!*
Have fun having the baby :)
Alexander's eyes widen as he starts to have contractions and he quickly calls for John, now in a lot of sudden pain.
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John and Alex sat on a bench and ate popcorn at the park. They always did things like this, considering John was one of Alexander's best friends. It was a bit weird that Alex had invited him out here on short notice, but he was having a good time sharing popcorn with him while they watched birds.
Alexander grabbed some popcorn and got a bit closer to John, their legs brushing against each other.
"You're probably wondering why i invited you out here, huh?"
He asks before eating some popcorn.
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ask-hs-john-laurens · 1 month
John was trying to get his school work done, but he just couldn't focus.
His mind was on Alexander.
A small hint of blush covered his cheeks as he day dreamt. Him and Alex riding his skateboard while his arms were wrapped around his waist, going to the pizza place that he knew Alex liked. Maybe they'd even kiss-
He heard the teacher exclaim, snapping him out of his day dream. He hated when the teacher called him by his middle name.
"huh? Oh- sorry.."
John sighed and his blush faded, but the lingering thought of the person that held his affection stayed in the back of his mind as he started doing his work.
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Queer Books for May 2023
🦇 Good morning to my lovely bookish bats, goddess, babes, and dragons! There are so many diverse, entertaining queer books coming out (hehe) this May! I've only listed a few, so feel free to give a shout-out to others you've read this month!
✨ Books Listed: ❤️ Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey 🧡 Chain Gang All Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah 💛 Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli 💚 Dragonfall by Laura Lam 💙 I Like Me Better by Robby Weber 💜 The Unstoppable Bridget Bloom by Allison L. Bitz 🖤 Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown ❤️ Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Sara Waxelbaum and Brianna R. Shrum @sarataylorwoods 🧡 Solitaire by Alice Oseman 💛 Bitterthorn by Kat Dunn 💚 Ander and Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa 💙 Homebodies by Tembe Denton-Hurst 💜 Chasing Pacquiao by Rod A. Pulido 🖤 A Shadow Crown by Melissa Blair ❤️ Only This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian 🧡 You Don't Have a Shot by Racquel Marie 💛 Breakup, Makeup by Stacey Anthony 💚 They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody 💙 If Tomorrow Doesn't Come by Jen St. Jude 💜 The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz 🖤 The Problem With Perfect by Philip William Stover ❤️ Paper Planes by Jennie Wood 🧡 Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee 💛 Transmogrify!: 14 Fantastical Tales of Trans Magic by (Anthology) 💚 The Beautiful Something Else by Ash Van Otterloo 💙 As Long As We’re Together by Brianna Peppins 💜 Venom & Vow by Anna-Marie McLemore and Elliott McLemore 🖤 Always Emilie by Alyson Root ❤️ Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan 🧡 If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So 💛 The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes 💚 City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn 💙 The Girl Next Door by Cecilia Vinesse 💜 Forever Is Now by Mariama J. Lockington 🖤 That Summer Feeling by Bridget Morrissey ❤️ Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
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munson-blurbs · 3 months
Hi! ☺️ I've been meaning to send you an ask for ages to tell you that you're one of my favourite writers on here – your style is so immersive, engaging and easy to lose myself in, and good at making me laugh too (in a good way)! You just have a way of getting inside a character's head and making their voice sound spot on, and that's not easy to do and is a mark of a really skilled writer. Your Eddie stories are brilliant and I'm loving Living After Midnight so far (as I hope my tags have shown 😅) – your love of his character really shines through.
My absolute faves, though, have to be your Argyle one-shots – I just adore the way you *get* him and fulfil the full potential of his character, giving us more glimpses into his personality and inner life, in a way the show sadly (and bafflingly) didn't seem interested in. I'm not ashamed to admit that I think about "Tonight's Special" in particular almost on a daily basis, to the extent that I've got a whole daydream-story going on based on that universe & that reader, which I embellish in my head all the time 😅 Your writing just really stays with me that way.
I'm sorry to see that you've been struggling with doubts about your writing. I know my ask won't fix that completely, but I hope it helps a little to know that your writing makes a big impact on me. I'm so glad you've continued to post LAM here and I hope you continue to find joy in writing. Sorry for not sending this sooner! 🧡
I've been staring at this ask since I got it because it makes me smile every time.
I am so, so curious about your follow-up story to Tonight's Special! Do we fall in love with Argyle? Do we continue to have insanely hot phone sex? If you wanted to write it, I would 100% support that!
Thank you so much for your kind words 💚 I had a bad day yesterday, but after talking to some friends, I'm in a better headspace. Your ask holds more weight than you realize--it had me so happy and is going to be one I reread when I'm feeling down.
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kalembut · 1 year
🕰🎪*Warna Warni Tahsin*🎪🕰
Setelah sekian lama mengajar tahsin bersama anak² yang usianya masih belia,, apa yang sering terpikirkan di kepala....???
🥌 Kenapa bertemu dengan anak² kelas 1 dan kelas 2 banyak sekali ingusnya.... ?? Padahal enggak demam dan enggak pilek......
Sebenarnya apa penyebab anak² cepat kali beringus.....
Hahahahhahahahahha,,, kok bisa sih aku mikirin ituu,, di sela² setoran para ananda....??? 😆😅😅😅😅😅
Adohhh,, adohh,, karinaaa....😆🙈
🥌 Berhadapan dengan anak² tahsin kelas 1 sering membuatku harus "nyebut" Banyak-banyak..... Kenapa...?? Karena diajak diam, dia ketawa ketiwi,, di ajak duduk ia berlari,, di ajak tahsin dia sempat²nya main sembunyi.... 🙈 aduhai, pening kepala bunda..... 💆‍♀️
Yang simalakama adalah berhadapan dengan anak² yang polos tapi percaya dirinya luar biasa,,, bahkan tetap percaya diri hatta salah dalam setiap tingkah dan bacaannya.... Perutku terkocok karena ulahnya,, kemarin duduk di samping anak privatnya bu nisa yang kelas 1... Bagaimana bacaannya ...?? Dengan penuh percaya diri dan suara keras ia baca , huruf kaf, sebagai "kif",,, huruf lam terbaca " Lim",,, huruf nun di bacanya sebagai "nin",,, hanya karena dalam barisan huruf itu di dahului huruf sin,,, aku enggak sanggup tahan tawa di hadapan orang polos dan sebegitu lugunya,,, karena ia percaya diri sekali dengan tingkahnya lucunya,, dan anehnya dia merasa tidak lucu,, dia malah percaya diri dengan hal itu...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mutuuuaahh,, pokoknya mutuahh kalii,, sakit perut menertawai... 🙈🙊🙉
Ke empat
🥌Yang enak itu sebenarnya bersama ananda yang udah jilid Al-Quran,, pun terkadang ananda masih kelas 2 dan 3,, enak gitu di ajak kerja samanya,,, hal itu juga membuatku bertanya²,,, apa itu benar² pengaruh Al-quran yaa...?? Sesulit² nya mengatasi ciliknya anak yg masih dini,, tapi kalo udah masuk ke Al-Quran pokoknya,, terasa lebih mudah, ajaa....
Ke lima
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🥌 sekarang selain tahsin dari pagi sampai siang, beberapa hari ke belakang daku udah mulai les bersama kakak dan abang kelas 6.... Dari dulu sengaja enggak mau ambil jam sore,, kenapa...?? Karena aku merasa aku harus punya waktu dengan diriku sendiri,, maka aku pun membatasi.....
🏕 Tapi ternyata itu bukan pilihan yang baik,, semakin banyak waktu luangku, malah hatiku semakin minta d isi,,, malah hatiku terpenuhi jika aku berkontribusi.... 🧡💚❤
🏕 Dari dulu memang aku enggak betah di rumah ya kan,, kalo enggak jalan², ya makan²,, dan aku berorganisasi,,, dan entah kenapa aku enggak pernah merasa capek.......
🏕 Sejak aku menyediakan waktu untuk drakoran sepanjang hari,, yang ku kira artinya aku sedang menyediakan waktu untuk diri sendiri,, malah semakin lama,, hati ku tetap minta di isi.....
🏕 malah sejak produktif dari pagi sampai sore,, di sela² mengajar tahsin,, aku sempat tilawah sampai 1 juz,, di sela² waktunya aku sempat nambah hafalan,, bakda pulangnya,, aku sempat berolahraga, terkadang sempat zumba,,, sempat tadabbur,, sempat cuci piring,,, dan sempat drakoran 1-2 episode setiap harinya..... 😍
Dan hati ku tetap terisi jugaaa.....
Lohh,, kok bisa......?.?
Tapi dinda,, sebenarnya kamu udah dapat loh,, formulanya..... 😌
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Seperti yang di tulis oleh Aidh Alqarni,, mengusir kepenatan justru dengan harus produktif setiap hari.....
Jika tidak,, sebenarnya hati, pikiran dan perasaan kita akan menjadi lapangan permainan bagi setan.....
Itulah kenapa ia tetap resah,, itulah kenapa ia tetap minta di isi duhai dinda yang harus selalu di nasehati.... ☺
Ya Rabb, aku adalah orang² yang terengah² mengikuti nasehat yang pernah ku tulis, yang pernah ku baca,, dan yang pernah ku ketik sendiri...... 😭😭
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Frecuencias de Solfeggio. ❤1er Chakra (CHAKRA RAÍZ): 396 Hz Nombre: MULADAHRA - Mantra: LAM - Color: Rojo 💎Frecuencia para liberar el miedo y la culpabilidad. 🧡2°Chakra (CHAKRA SEXUAL): 417 Hz Nombre: SVADHISTHANA - Mantra: VAM -Color: Naranja 💎Frecuencia para deshacer las situaciones y crear el cambio. 💛3er Chakra (PLEXO SOLAR): 528 Hz Nombre: MANIPURA - Mantra: RAM -Color: Amarillo. 💎Frecuencia para la transformación y los milagros. Repara el ADN. 💚4°Chakra (CHAKRA DEL CORAZÓN): 639 Hz Nombre: ANAHATA - Mantra: IAM -Color:Verde. 💎Frecuencia para la conexión y relaciones. 💙5°Chakra (CHAKRA DE LA GARGANTA): 741 Hz Nombre: VISHUDHA - Mantra: JAM -Color: Azul. 💎Frecuencia para expansión de conciencia. 💜6°Chakra (CHAKRA DEL TERCER OJO): 852 Hz Nombre: AJNA - Mantra: KSHAM -Color: Violeta. 💎Frecuencia para despertar la intuición. 🤍7°Chakra (CHAKRA CORONA): 963 Hz Nombre: SAHASRARA Mantra: OM - Color: Blanco. 💎Frecuencia para el orden espiritual. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzTWj7A7OH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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parappa-and-lammy · 2 years
Wrote a story about a pre-game Lammy becoming obbsesed with 'you gotta beleive' and trying to make her own version (ultimatly leading her to meeting parappa and maybe crushin on him.) And as your art was giving me a nice dose of 'daaaawwww' while writing it, figured i'd ask you a question. What song of parappa's do you think is Lammy's favorite and which of Lammy's songs is parappa obsesed with?
yo hey there, sorry bout the late response - i have been quite the busy chickenbee lately!! workworkworkwork. also inbetween shifts i read your story and it was epic awesome saucem
OK so that is most excellent question - and one i've had for a while myself! 💖💗💕
One thingy is I think they would both happen to really like the others' version of their own songs remixed :3 i made a reference to it in GRotH, where Lammy set PaRappa's rap version of the Final Song as her ringtone for him. and vice versa, puttin one of the original PaRappa raps into a rock cover
I also think maybee that Lams would like the final song of PaRappa The Rapper 2, since it just sounds so triumphant and happy same with the final song for the 1st game as well, but maybe with changing a couple names around,,,
But i think the song they'd like the most most is Yes, the final song of Um Jammer Lammy - perhaps with the two of em dueting together? >v> it also happens that that stage with both of them playing together has some of my favorite moments in the entire franchise!~ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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ask-john-laruens · 5 months
John grabs the tray of breakfast and walked understairs to Alexnader's shared room. It was Alexnader's favorite breakfast; waffles with powdered sugar, eggs, a tiny bowl of fruit, a cinnamon roll, and some orage juice. He didn't get to eat it often. He knocked on the door before opening it, knowing Alexnader was awake. "Good morning, Lexi. I hope you slept well."
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ask-john-laruens · 2 months
Isn't Alexander pregnant?
John sighs.
"yeah, we're still getting used to it but I've been trying to get Alexander to rest more. He's being difficult, still insisting on going to work, so i have to be extra clingy to get him to stay home. Luckily it works everytime.."
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ask-john-laruens · 2 months
So you're a house husband?
"pretty much, I've been trying to help Alexander with the kids a lot more but he still refuses to take a break.."
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ask-john-laruens · 2 months
Yall must've really went to town in the sheets
Yall got 10 kids lol
John blushes.
"shut up.."
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ask-john-laruens · 2 months
Can we share Alexander? I wanna date him to
"No. Stay away from my husband..!"
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ask-john-laruens · 2 months
Your husbands hot
"Not to you he ain't."
John crosses his arms.
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ask-john-laruens · 5 months
The music started as Alexander walked down the aisle with Washington by his side. His green suit looked clean and bold, and he was smiling as wide as he could.
John's eyes sparkled when he saw Alexander, he looked like a masterpiece in john's eyes, and his suit was stunning.
"wow.." John didn't know his love for Alexnader could grow any further, but it seems like he was wrong.
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