#labrador retriever training videos
todaygift · 2 years
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Getting Dogs Water In The Field - Gun Dog Training Quick Tips
Subscribe to our channel here: Welcome to Standing Stone Kennels! In this video we share a quick tip on … source
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coffeeghoulie · 3 months
Cumulus and Sunny my not-so-secret beloveds for #7?
#7: to shut them up
sunny's a nerd and cumulus loves that for her, hope you enjoy <3
from this prompt list
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It's a quiet Saturday in the band ghoul den, a rarity, and Cumulus means to take advantage of the temporary respite from the chaos. She curls her legs under her in one of the large armchairs in the common room, turning a skein of yarn over in her hands.
It's impossibly soft, a variegated thing that fades from deep, rich navy to a light silver, and she thinks it would be perfect for a scarf for Rain. The poor thing doesn't fair well in the cold Abbey winters.
She pulls one of her hooks out from where she tucked it behind her ear and pulls up a video on her phone; she'd been meaning to teach herself a new stitch. If it didn't turn out quite right the first time, oh well, she can always frog the thing.
Cumulus chains for a few moments until it's long enough for the short side of a scarf, pausing the video as the woman explains how to form the stitch, how many chains to skip and where to work the next one. She hums, following along slowly until she begins to get the hang of it.
It doesn't take long for the peace she's taking advantage of to be broken. Pounding footsteps echo down the hall, and if Cumulus couldn't pick up the citrus and fresh air smell of one of her packmates, one of her girls, her hackles would have raised, ruffled feathers and pinned back ears.
Instead, Sunshine bursts into the common room, copper curls bouncing as she looks around, eyes alight as she makes eye contact with the air ghoulette.
"Lu! Songbird!" She calls, grinning ear to ear and giving Swiss a run for his money.
"Hi, sparky," Cumulus says, eyes flicking back down to the yarn in her hands, not quite confident enough to do this new stitch blind. "You're done for the day?"
Sunny bounds over, tail wagging like an over enthusiastic labrador retriever. "Yep, just finished session zero, everybody's got their characters made. We start actually playing next week."
Cumulus hums politely. She knows that Sunshine's playing Dungeons and Dragons with some of the other ghouls; Special running the table and Cowbell one of their regular players since before she had been summoned. But in recent years, Sunshine's joined in, as well as two especially brave Siblings, and their newest player, Aeon.
"I'm playing a wild magic sorcerer named Aveline, she's human but that gives me a plus one buff to all of my ability scores-" she rambles, clambering into Cumulus's lap like an excessively needy cat, nudging the top of her head underneath Cumulus's chin.
The air ghoulette laughs, reaching around her lapful of multighoulette to pause the video on her phone as Sunshine keeps talking. "Aeon's got a half-elven rogue named Vox, stereotypical, I know, but it's easy enough for them to keep track of, no spell slots to worry about, just gotta get behind people and rack up that sneak attack damage."
Cumulus hums, grinning as she tucks her hook back behind her feathered ear. She watches for a moment as Sunshine gestures loudly as she keeps talking, rules and stats that she's explained a dozen times over but Cumulus has never been able to keep straight in her mind. Her eyes go soft as Sunny keeps talking, tail wagging so fast the spade thumps against the armchair, nearly knocking Cumulus's phone off of the arm. Something warm swells in her chest, a feeling that's never far off when Sunshine enters the room.
Cumulus can't take it anymore, acting on that warm feeling and grabbing Sunny's cheeks, pulling her down to cut off her ramble with a big kiss. It's worth it to see Sunny's brain shut off, train of thought completely derailed. Her feathers ruffle with a smug grin at the dumbfounded expression on her face.
"What was that for?" Sunny complains, whining. But Cumulus knows better, wrapping her arms around Sunny's waist and pulling her more securely onto her lap.
"I love it when you're passionate, Spark. Tell me more."
Sunny, ever eager, is happy to comply.
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elle-rosewater · 2 months
Ask Game/ Tag Game
tagged by @taralkariel. cheers!
are you named after someone? Not as far as I'm aware, but I share a middle name with my mother, if that counts for anything.
what sports have you played? Of my own volition: I have competed in powerlifting and strongman competitions. They're fun!
do you use sarcasm? I suppose I do.
what is the first thing you notice about people? Their presence? I mean, physically. I notice that they are there to be perceived.
what’s your eyes color? ID says "GRAY" (yeah, with an A)
scary movies or happy endings ? both. together. I'm a big fan of ghost stories, and they don't necessarily have to be scary ghosts.
any talent? No. I consider most things I do well to be skills that I had to practice over time.
what are your hobbies? strength training, reading, walking (w/dog! see below), and I like a good adventure video game I can sink hours into
do you have any pets? Yes! My best friend Moose (dog, Labrador Retriever/Great Dane) and the Kitten Commandos, Jim Meowrita and Timeowthy Dugan (they're 2 already!).
how tall are you? 1.67m/5 ft 6 in
dream job? I'd love to put furniture together for a living. I have a good time with a flat pack delivery. But I'm satisfied with what I currently do as a mechanical engineer in commercial aerospace (not Boeing, I promise). It pays the bills so I can mess about with writing fic and playing games.
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Seven Dog Breeds That I, An Experienced Dog Lover and Owner, Hate With A Burning Passion
Reminder that this is only my opinion and not to be taken seriously. Most of these are owner related problems, not dog problems because I believe there is no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner
Tagging @tessherongraystairs @petalsofaflower-shutupthomas
1. Pomeranians
Number one is the Pomeranian. I really fucking hate these dogs because they are super aggressive for such a tiny dog if you don’t train and socialize them right. They’re the human form of demons from hell and I stand by that opinion. For the love of God, please just socialize your tiny dogs!!!
2. German Shepherds
If you didn’t know, my worst enemy is a German Shepherd named Bella, who bit me while I was hugging my grandfather. She broke through my very expensive leggings and caused puncture wounds to my leg. That’s an extremely personal reason to dislike the breed as a whole but I stand by it.
Btw I grew up around German Shepherds and they are a dog breed that needs heavy training, time, and effort. Which is something a lot of people don’t realize, despite the fact that they are the K-9 dog of choice
3. Labrador Retrievers & Golden Retrievers
Yes, I am aware that these are two different breeds, but my reasoning is the same with both of them. Most people assume because of the retriever breed having such a naturally sweet disposition that they don’t need a lot of training, so they slack on it. Just like any other dog, retrievers need good training and socialization to be good pets.
Speaking from experience, most labs and goldens I’ve met have been severely under trained and are extremely destructive and/or aggressive towards people and dogs. I don’t blame the dogs, I blame the owners. This one is strictly because I feel that people need to stop getting dogs because they seem “easy” and then not putting the work in
4. Bloodhounds
This is another strictly personal one. One of my aunts owns a bloodhound and I can’t stand that dog. She is the loudest thing I have ever met and I live with a chihuahua. You can literally hear her as soon as you pull into my aunt’s neighborhood.
FYI, bloodhounds don’t bark, they bay. They literally have their own word to describe how loud they are. Look up a video of a bloodhound baying, you’ll regret it
5. Doodle Dogs (Any dog that has a name ending in doodle)
I feel like this one will offend a lot of people but I hate doodle dogs. And I have one word to say: hypoallergenic.
Every doodle owner I have met loves to mention that their dog is hypoallergenic, like every single time without fail. It wouldn’t annoy me as much if it was true, but it isn’t. There’s no such thing as hypoallergenic animal. They produce less dander, yes, but you can still be allergic to them
Same thing applies to hairless cats, they have oils in their skin that people can be allergic to
6. Beagle Mixes
And before anyone says “But Riley, don’t you have a beagle mix?”, yes, I do have one, and she’s the reason they’re on this list. Beagles already aren’t that great of a dog breed (in my opinion) and I don’t know why people see the need to mix them with every other breed under the sun, especially since beagles are known for their numerous health problems
I honestly don’t get it. Like who decided to mix a French Bulldog (another dog with health issues) and a Beagle together? Idk but that’s what happened to get my dog
7. Yorkie Mixes (Yorkie = Yorkshire Terrier)
I should preface this one with how much I love yorkies in general. I’ve always wanted one and I would probably get one when I’m older. They do have the same issues as the Pomeranians but this isn’t about that.
People tend to love to mix yorkies with other smalls dogs. Chihuahuas, poodles, dachshunds, Maltese, etc. Let me tell you, mixing two stubborn and feisty dog breeds together doesn’t work out well at all
Like seriously, a chihuahua and a yorkie together? All you get is a tiny little hell-raiser who loves to dig everything. Dirt, the carpet, your couch, everything they can and they will.
Seriously, stop messing around with yorkies
I have a specific hatred for Maltipoos but that is a story for another time
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lost-spoons · 2 years
So I'm thinking about getting a service dog for cardiac alert and a few mobility tasks to help with my POTS and HEDS. However, there are a few things in the way of me being able to get a service dog.
1. My sperm donor will not let me get a dog while I live under his roof. My mother brought up the fact that service dogs can be trained for POTS and my father acknowledged that and said there will be no dogs in his house. So until I move out, which isn't for another 3 years minimum, I can't get a service dog
2. I don't have the money for a program service dog. I don't have a job that can bring in money, because I can't work in most jobs that take high schoolers. Most days I can barely make it through school. I'm apparently a liability in the work field and won't be able to work on anything more then a stay a home online type job. My parental unit has agreed to try and get me on disability as soon as I turn 18.
I will have to owner train my service dog, and I'm slightly worried since I've only ever had cats. My sperm donor is very much a cat person so we've never had dogs. I've seen videos and techniques on how to train certain tasks and how to award a dog to get their desired behavior, but seeing it online and actually doing it is in no way the same thing.
There's also the point of which breed of dog should I get. People will usually say to get one of the fab four, (Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Standard Poodles and Collies), but I was thinking of getting a Doberman. They are an incredibly smart, loyal dog breed who love mental stimuli and are suited for mobility tasks. They are often over looked in favor of other dog breed due to having the Hollywood image of being violent guard dogs.
I've done my research on how to get a service dog prospect through ethical breeders, (find a breeder from the list on the Doverman breed club, what kind of questions to ask them, what are red flags, what kind of questions to expect the breeder to ask, what to look out for, etc. etc.). I'm aware that the first year tends to be the most expensive due to all the initial purchases, and am aware that the dog breed I've chosen can be a handful at time, but I really do think they will be the best fit for me.
If someone who owner trained their service dog could give me some tips for the future, that would be great. And if you guys disagree with my choice in dog breeds for a first time dog owner, please make your case. I would love some feed back before I dive in over my head.
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petnews2day · 3 months
#funnydog#cutedog#dogs#pets cute and funny dog video compilation 2021#4#shorts
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/3Fkku
#funnydog#cutedog#dogs#pets cute and funny dog video compilation 2021#4#shorts
cute and funny dog video compilation 2021#4#shorts Make Your Dog Obey Your Every Command With The Most Powerful Dog Training Tools : https://www.digistore24.com/redir/391111/bestp7/ Smart dog,dogs,puppies,animals,funny pet videos,amazing pets,funny pets,smart dogs,smart puppy,dog escapes,labrador retriever,dog picks up toys,pet collective,funny animal videos,top pets,animal videos,smarty dogs,funny dogs,try not to laugh,smart animals,smart dog,funny videos,lol,comedy,funny,dog,funny dog videos,funny animals,funny videos 2021,dog barking,dogs […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/3Fkku #HilariousDogVideos
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factober · 11 months
Did you know that dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell? With a staggering 300 million olfactory receptors compared to our mere six million, they possess a superpower that can detect diseases and save lives. In this captivating video, we explore how dogs' incredible olfactory prowess has been harnessed in medical research to detect diseases like cancer, diabetes, and even malaria. Discover how dogs can identify unique odor compounds emitted by cancer cells, leading to early detection and potentially life-saving interventions. Learn how they can be trained to alert individuals with diabetes when their blood sugar levels become dangerously low or high, enabling timely action. We'll also delve into how certain breeds, like German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers, serve as service dogs to aid individuals with epilepsy by detecting subtle changes in body odor that precede seizures. Join us on this fascinating journey into the remarkable world of dogs' sense of smell and their invaluable contributions to human health. #DogsDetectDiseases #pets #pet #SuperpowerOfDogs
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largemouthbassnation · 4 months
Hunting With Your Lab - Gun Dog Practice Hunt
Subscribe to our channel here: Welcome to Standing Stone Kennels! In this video we work with Sprig to … source
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wahrewaar · 2 years
Brilliant Brainstorming Ideas for Pet Writing Topics
If you’re anything like me, your social media feeds are full ofpet pictures and videos. And while we can all agree that they’re adorable, at some point you have to wonder: what else is there to say about pet shop near me ? Fortunately, as a pet writer, I’ve got a few ideas. If you’re looking for some brainstorming inspiration for your next pet writing project, look no further! In this blog post, I’ll share with you some of the best ideas I’ve come up with for topics related to pets. From training tips to behavior issues and everything in between, there’s something here for everyone. 
The Benefits of Pet Ownership
Pets offer companionship, love, and support when we need it most. They can also provide important health benefits like reducing stress, boosting immunity, and improving heart health. And let’s not forget the joy they bring to our lives!
If you’re thinking of adding a furry (or scaly) friend to your family, here are a few things to consider:
1. The type of pet that would be best for you and your lifestyle.
2. Whether you have enough space for a pet.
3. How much time you’re willing to spend caring for your pet each day.
4. The financial commitment involved in owning a pet.
The Different Types of Pets
There are a variety of pets that people can choose from when they are looking for a new furry friend. The most popular type of pet is a dog, but there are also many people who have cats, rabbits, hamsters, and even snakes as pets. Each type of pet has its own unique set of needs and personality traits that make it special.
Dogs are one of the most popular pets for a reason. They are loyal companions that can provide endless amounts of love and affection. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, so there is sure to be one that is perfect for every family. From small breeds like Chihuahuas to large breeds like Labrador Retrievers, there is a doggy friend out there for everyone.
Cats are another popular choice for a pet. They are independent creatures that often form strong bonds with their human companions. Cats require less maintenance than dogs, making them ideal for busy families or individuals. While cats can be finicky at times, they offer plenty of cuddles and purrs when they are in the mood.
Rabbits make great pets for those who are looking for something a little different. These cute animals are relatively low-maintenance and can provide hours of entertainment with their playful antics. Rabbits come in many different colors and sizes, so it’s easy to find one that fits into your home perfectly.
Hamsters are another fun option for those who want an active pet without
Choosing the Right Pet for You
The first step to choosing the right pet is to consider what type of animal would fit best into your lifestyle. If you have a busy schedule, you may want to consider a pet that requires less maintenance, such as a goldfish. If you live in an apartment, you may want to consider a small dog or cat that doesn't require much exercise.
Once you've considered what type of animal would fit best into your lifestyle, the next step is to research different breeds or species of that animal. This will help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect pet for you. For example, if you're considering a dog, research different breeds to find one that fits your personality and lifestyle.
Finally, once you've chosen the perfect pet for you, make sure to provide it with everything it needs to thrive. This includes proper nutrition, housing, and exercise. By giving your new pet the care it needs, you'll ensure that it has a long and happy life by your side.
How to Train Your Pet
Assuming you would like tips on brainstorming ideas for pet writing topics:
1. Know your audience: are you writing for dog owners, cat lovers, or reptile enthusiasts? Keep this in mind as you come up with ideas, as it will help you to zero in on topics that will be of interest to your readers.
2. Brainstorm a list of potential topics: Once you know who your audience is, start brainstorming a list of ideas for articles or blog posts. Jot down anything that comes to mind, no matter how silly it may seem at first.
3. Narrow down your list: Once you have a good selection of ideas, start narrowing them down based on what you think would be most popular with your readership, or what you think would be the most helpful. If you're stuck, try asking a friend or family member for their opinion.
4. Do some research: Once you've settled on a few final ideas, it's time to do some research. This step is important whether you're writing an article about training your own pet or about choosing the right type of food for your furry friend. Make sure that you have all the facts before sit down to write so that your finished product is informative and accurate.
Caring for Your Pet
Assuming you are a pet owner, there are certain things you must do to take care of your pet. This includes feeding them, exercising them, grooming them, and providing them with veterinary care. Below is a more detailed explanation of each of these pet care essentials.
Feeding Your Pet
It is important to feed your pet a healthy diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. Depending on the type of animal you have, this will require different kinds of food. For example, cats and dogs need different types of food than reptiles or birds. Make sure to do your research on what kind of food is best for your particular pet.
Exercising Your Pet
Exercise is just as important for pets as it is for humans. It helps to keep them healthy and fit and can prevent obesity and other health problems. Depending on your pet's needs, you may need to take them for walks, runs, or hikes. You may also need to provide them with toys and playtime opportunities so they can burn off energy in a fun way.
Grooming Your Pet
Grooming helps to keep your pet clean and looking their best. It can also be a bonding experience between you and your pet store near me companion. This usually involves brushing their fur (if they have any), trimming their nails, and cleaning their ears. Again, the specifics will depend on the type of animal you have. Some pets also require regular baths - consult your vet or groomer to
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wellnesskilop · 2 years
Mud river valley kennel club
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Another important fact is that there are many training aids available today.
Naturally the more advanced you may decide to take your dog’s education the more important a pro trainer may become. And again, it is fun, and you may surprise yourself with the results. And then follow up with gaining a bit of learning, a bit of dedication and a bit of time. The fact is if you spend the time find the quality pup.
Regarding professional dog trainers there are some good ones, and yes a few of the others. Such as books, videos, and even professional dog trainers. There are any number of sources of learning and help in this process. Side benefit, it is fun, and you may surprise yourself with the results. Owner needs to gain a bit of learning, a bit of dedication and a bit of time. At the basic citizen building level, it is not that hard. At least at a basic level, the goal should be no less than to end up with a good canine citizen.
Similarly, if you are going to become a Lab owner, or for that manner any breed, the owner needs to learn how to train their new responsibility. Buyers need to spend the time to research and research some more in finding a quality pup. That being said, there are an amazing number of quality breeders across the US and in England today. Unfortunately, poorer breeding programs have also, at times negatively affected the breed. The Labrador Breed has benefitted from quality breeding programs over the years, resulting in a refine of abilities, health, looks and more. Even the famous wildlife artist Maynard Reece was asked to provide the artwork. To further illustrate the fame King Buck achieved, in 1959 he was chosen to be on the Federal Duck Stamp. Taking place in the early 50’s none have came close to his accomplishments
Winning 83 of 85 national series entered, King Buck became the winningest Labrador Field Trial dog in history. There have been several famous Labrador Dogs in field trialing, however none as renowned as King Buck. In addition, Service Dogs, search and rescue and sniffing out drugs, explosives, humans and more are all part of the Labs skill set. The list of activities that Labradors excel is very long indeed! Field hunting, field trialing, and water fowling. Or running game that needs located or flushing of game birds needed chances are a Lab will be there. Today if there is game to brought to hand, wounded game to be found. Currently the Labrador retriever breed has been number one in popularity on the AKC list of most registered per year for some time. had grown to the level that the AKC recognized them as a breed. Before 1903, Labradors were acknowledged by the English Kennel Club. The dogs quickly became popular for all shooting sports and they came to be called “Labrador Dogs”, and the name stuck. In 1830, a British Sportsperson, Colonel Hawker declared the dogs as outstanding prospects for any kind of shooting sports, especially with the retrieval of game involved. The Earl of Malmesbury had observed the dogs at work and decided to take them to his home in England. In the early 1800s dogs were imported to England. It allowed them to be warm to do an outstanding job in aiding the fisherman. The fact is these new dogs had webbed paws making them superb swimmers and a double layered coat that repelled water. Mostly acquired by fisherman and trained to endure the frigid waters to bring back fish that had fallen off fishing gear in addition to retrieving fishing nets to the boat. Smaller water dogs were bred to Newfoundlands to develop a breed called the St. Labradors – A Little History, Even though many folks think Labrador Retrievers came from Labrador, Canada, the breed in fact, came from Newfoundland in the 1500s. Labradors – A Little History – There are number of quality breeds of hunting dogs, none more popular than the subject of this article.
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violetsadventure · 4 years
Black Labrador's Spring Training 2020 | E59 VIOLETS ADVENTURES
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chakytron · 3 years
My Dog Picks His Own Collar | Dog Chooses Collar For Himself
My Dog Picks His Own Collar | Dog Chooses Collar For Himself
My Dog Picks His Own Collar | Dog Chooses Collar For Himself Category Main Description: Dog picks his own collar – My Labrador dog selects and chooses his own collar and he loves it. Link for Leather Collar Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2LFrtsU Join … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-20T03:30:01Z   Tags: …
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Alright, we're doing this again. Batfam as Dog Breeds! As before, this is what breed of dog they would be, not what their favorite is. Also go watch Moonkitti's video on Labradoodles, it's great. (Also ignoring the fact that breedwise Damian should be a gen 1 labradoodle, shhh it doesn't matter)
Bruce would be a Labrador Retriever, specifically a black lab. There is a black lab in my neighborhood that's trained as a hunting dog, and that dog is so much like Batman it's uncanny.
Babs would be an American Leopard Hound, one of the smartest dog breeds and fiercely loyal to their family. She's high-energy and needs a job to do, which seems suitable.
Dick would be a border collie. He's energetic and agile, loves to show off, and something tells me he herds his siblings.
Cass is a Rottweiler. She’s strong and fierce and fucking terrifying when she wants to be, but most of the time she's just a sweet, loving girl whose loyalty is matched only by her cleverness.
Jason is a Pitbull. He's a big softie at heart, but time and trauma, along with the prejudices of others, have made him wary and distrustful of everyone. Still, deapute being built like a brick wall, all he really wants is a soft place to sleep and a warm hand on his head.
Steph is a Papillon. She’s small and cute and that means she's normally underestimated, but she's also quick and too smart for her own good, even if other people don't see it.
Tim is a Husky. He's impatient and motivated to the point of working himself ragged, but he also has a lot of love to give, even if he struggles with expressing it.
Duke is an Irish Setter. He's sweet and clever and eager to please, but that doesn’t mean he won't make impulsive decisions or cause problems on purpose.
I went back and forth on what he would be, but ultimately I decided on Chihuahua for Damian. He's fierce and quick to bite, but only because of how he's been handled, and when he's in a safe place he tends to calm down.
Kate would be an Akita. She's proud and strong and will put you in the dirt if you threaten what she loves.
Luke is a German Shepherd. He's intelligent and capable, loyal and hardworking, and while he has his faults he always comes through for his family.
Alfred would be a Doberman. He's skilled and powerful even in old age, and he loves his family but isn't afraid to call them out on their nonsense.
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t-4-pawsident · 7 years
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Three new videos are up on my yt channel, one of which is of Tekla (believe it or not!)
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oneluckydewclaw · 5 years
Our second session of freeze indication training. Any scent detection savvy trainers mind giving us some hints and tips? He's picking it up really well.
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