#komanami angst
Komanami Week Day 3: Angst
Summary | Nagito couldn't ever forget Chiaki Nanami. Even after the terror of the Ultimate Despair has ended, it's still hard for him to cope with everything that happened. He still can't believe that she's really gone. He doesn't want to accept it. But, he's forced to. She's not ever coming back to him.
❥ Pairing | Nagito Komaeda x Chiaki Nanami (Ft. Hajime Hinata)
◆ Warnings | Implications of hurting oneself, implications of su1c1de, murder, death, bl00d, and grief
★ Words | 3,315 words
*This is a repost of my previous entry because it kinda flopped, and I want to repost it. This is also a chance to say that Day 4 is going to be late. I wasn’t happy with the result of it cause I messed up with the prompt, and school is kicking my ass. So this is a way to say that I did post something. Sorry for the inconvenience!*
The night felt colder than it usually did. Like all the usual warmth of the nights of Jabberwock island have been sucked out of the air, leaving a freezing, hopeless wind instead. That very biting wind howled against the starless sky as Nagito sat outside on the beach, sinking into the sand. He was lucky that he was wearing a jacket because it felt like it was winter instead of a beautiful summer night. Then again…if it were a warm night, it might’ve made things even more difficult for him.
The ocean's water felt cold as ice as it crashed against Nagito's shoes, soaking his feet. Combined with the cold air, the icy water made him shiver. Multiple specks of sand were poured over his long dark green jacket, dirtying it with its grainy substance. However, despite all of the uncomfortable circumstances of the beach, he found it hard to focus on anything. Besides...despair-full trash like him didn't deserve to complain about inconveniences like this.
Instead, Nagito was focusing on an item that rested in between the fingers of his right hand. A small familiar-looking white hair clip. It was shaped like a pixelated spaceship from a video game. What was it called again?
"Galaga!" Her voice rang in his head as he found the answer. "It's from Galaga! It's a fixed shooter arcade game where you're controlling a spaceship and you have to shoot down the Galaga forces while trying to avoid enemies and projectiles. I actually got this hair clip from a competition that I won in middle school. I was up against a lot of adults and guys, and everyone thought that I was going to lose the first round. But, I proved them wrong! I got the highest score and broke a new record. Ever since then, people began to call me the Ultimate Gamer."
Nagito could still remember the way she sounded so excited as she described the game and explained how she earned her Ultimate title to him. Her pale pink eyes seemed to shin with so much nostalgia and joy. So much so that it was almost contagious. He remembered her turning to him, an embarrassed smile on her face as she played with a strand of her hair. "Oh...sorry, Komaeda. I was rambling a bit there. It's just...it's so rare for me to actually talk about this to anyone. It made me a little excited!"
Her giggle, sweet-sounding as little bells, still played in Nagito's head as he stared off into the ocean. He held his knees close to his chest as he stared at the hair clip in his hand. How he longed to hear her gentle voice again.
"Come on, Komaeda. Please come with me to the arcade. I promise it'll be fun." He recalled her hands resting on his desk as she tried to convince him to hang out with her.
"I really couldn't, Nanami. I doubt you'll have fun with lowly scum like me. You should ask one of the other Ultimates If they want to come. I'm sure Mioda or Tsumiki or Soda or even Kuzuryu would be happy to come and play video games with you."
She shook her head stubbornly. "If I wanted to invite them to the arcade, I would've asked them. But, right now, I'm asking you, Komaeda."
"Which, I think, is practically insane of you," he countered, laughing. "I mean, come on, Nanami. They're Ultimates! They're super talented with colorful personalities, and they're truly worthy of becoming Symbols of Hope. Meanwhile...I'm just lucky. I'm not at the same level as them. It's insulting that you want to play with lucky scum like me instead of symbols of hope that are just like you."
Her expression shifted into a small pout as she reached over to the table and grabbed his hand. "Don't say that about yourself! I think being the Ultimate Lucky Student is still a great talent even if you don't think so. Besides, you're still a classmate of ours and you are attending Hope's Peak after all. So...surely, you must be just as amazing as everyone else here. At least, that's what I think."
"But...even in some insane logic that your luck isn't considered a talent," she continued. "That doesn't matter. I know that you're still a great guy, Komaeda, even if everyone else doesn't really agree. And, I want to go to the arcade with you. Not with Soda. Not with Mioda. With you. So...please! Would you come with me?"
She leaned in close to him, still having a hold on his hand. Nagito didn't understand it at the time, but he could feel his cheeks heating up as he stared into those beautiful blossom-pink eyes that now held a rare determined spark. Suddenly, as if realizing how close she was, she leaned back and let go of his hand. Her cheeks were flushed with a pale pink.
"Um...sorry. I didn't realize I was getting so close." She sighed in defeat, finally deciding to give up in her attempts. "Well, I guess if you don't want to go, I won't force you. So...I'll just go now..."
She was about to leave before Nagito grabbed her arm. "Wait!"
As she turned around, she was met with a gentle smile on his face. "I changed my mind. Going to the arcade with you will be my greatest pleasure, Nanami. After all, spending time with the Ultimate Gamer is truly an honor!"
Her cheeks were still a rosy pink as she flashed him her signature gentle smile. "I'm glad."
Nagito could never forget that smile. It was always full of a gentle kindness that was directed to everyone she was able to talk to. It was always beaming with such great hope and joy once she had started opening up to everyone in their class. That smile...she directed it at him with so much affection. Love that made him feel like he was actually worth something. That he was worthy of being called an Ultimate. That he was worthy of her...
It was probably the only recognizable feature of her bloodied corpse...
The memory of Chiaki Nanami is always playing in his mind. Everything about her still haunts him to this day. Her gentle pink eyes. Her bouncy mauve hair. Her kindness. Her tranquility. Her passion for video games. Her awkwardness. Her bluntness. Her aloofness. Everything! Every time he looks at her former hair clip, or remembers a trait of hers, or sees something that reminded him of her...he felt a hot stabbing pain in his heart. Like a knife that was dipped in fire was attempting to push through it, desperate to kill him. It was torture!
Sometimes, Nagito would find himself laying awake at night, being reminded of that day. One of the worst days of his life. Blood would paint his dreams as he remembered the cursed video that he was forced to watch and the bitch who made him watch it.
That day won’t leave his mind as if it was refusing to. The day that the embodiment of despair took away the only person who ever smiled at him. The she-devil herself. The representation of everything he despised. Nagito could never forget the gorgeous yet punchable face of Junko Enoshima. Chiaki Nanami’s murderer.
He felt hot tears filling his eyes as remembered Chiaki’s fate. He…still couldn’t believe it was real. He didn’t want to believe it was real. That Chiaki…the girl who was always kind to everyone. Who always saw the best in people. Who often slept during Ms. Yukizome’s lectures. The girl who stole his heart and made him fall in love with her. He didn’t want to believe that she was really gone.
‘Love….’ He thought back to that word. It felt so…foreign to him. Like he was on a different planet than that concept. Love. When was the last time he was given that? Possibly when his parents were alive, but it was difficult to remember. But, aside from that, he can’t really say that he had ever felt someone truly give him affection or comfort.
Until she arrived. Nagito had always remembered feeling special around her. He supposed it was because she had that effect on people. Even though she could bluntly say the wrong thing at the wrong time, she still treated everyone with compassion. And for some reason, he was never the exception. He still found her kind of weird for not making him an exception.
But, it never bothered him. He had gotten addicted to the affection, comfort, and love that she gave him, even if it was only platonic. Whenever she grabbed his hand, it always felt so gentle and soft against his, and it made him so glad that she actually wanted to touch him. Whenever she hugged him, he felt like nothing could ever hurt him anymore. There was a sense of safety and a comforting aura that she gave whenever he was in her arms. He remembered a time where she fell asleep on his shoulder after staying up the night before gaming. It drove him practically crazy when he felt her head on his shoulder.
It had taken him a while to realize how much he craved her. He craved her touch, her hugs, her warmth. It felt so freeing to realize that he was capable of feeling that way towards another person, and it filled him with so much hope. Of course, he was never intending on revealing those feelings, but, at least, he had someone who felt some sort of affection towards him.
And now…she’s gone. And he’s alone again. The one person who liked him…was pierced by multiple spears that claimed her life. And he couldn’t do anything but watch it all happen. For once, his luck didn’t save him. It couldn’t save her. It didn’t grant him what he wanted. No hope had come out of the despair that filled his eyes. And after that…it was a blur. All he knew was that he was another servant of Junko Enoshima, the twisted murderer who had brainwashed him and his whole class into falling into despair.
He still wanted to throw up every time he was reminded of the disgustingly vile feelings that she implanted into him. He still couldn’t believe that his heart, that was so devoted to hope, would love someone as full of despair as Junko. No, calling those feelings “love”….comparing them with his feelings for Chiaki….was an insult. It deserved to be called a word that was as sinful as those feelings, like obsession. He could never love Junko Enoshima. In fact, he despises her with every miserable part of his body. He still wishes she was alive so he could finally kill her himself!
Nagito took his eyes off the white hair clip in his hand and glared at the robotic hand that replaced the red-clawed hand that he previously had placed on his own arm. At least he finally got red of her awful hand, but the scars were still there. This metal hand that Kazuichi made him was a souvenir of what he had done and of the dead feelings he had towards Junko.
The tears that were swelling in his eyes began to slowly flow down his cheeks as he recalled everything that happened. Even though it was years ago, it still felt like it was only yesterday. “Forgive me, Nanami…please forgive me for giving into despair. Please…”
“Komaeda?” A voice called out from behind him. Nagito gasped as he lifted up his head and turned around. And there she was. Standing right there as if she’d never left. The same short mauve hair, the same gentle pink eyes, the same warm smile. It was her! She was alive! And standing right behind him!
“NANAMI!” He quickly got up and ran towards her, pulling her into an embrace. He shut his eyes tightly as tears fell onto her chest. “I’m so glad that you’re still alive! You’re still here! She didn’t kill you. Nanami, I never-”
“Komaeda…open your eyes…” The voice that interrupted him was different now. The soft voice of Chiaki Nanami had left.
Nagito followed the voice’s instructions and his heart was shattered as soon as he looked up at the heterochromic-eyed face of Hajime Hinata.
“W-what? B-but…she was right there! I saw her! She was…” Nagito’s voice faded away into nothingness as he realized what happened. That his protests were just as useless as his mind.
Hajime couldn’t look Nagito in the face as he snapped him back to reality, a sad expression on his face. “It was just your imagination, Komaeda…”
Nagito was silent for a moment, running a hand through his hair. Then…he let out a small hiccup-like laugh. “I…I really thought that Nanami was standing there. How delusional can I be? There’s…no way she’s alive. I saw her body…I went back to see it. And…”
Images of her corpse erupted in his mind. The multiple deep wounds that were scattered across her body, indicating where the spears had pierced her. The pool of blood that rested below her and painted the floor. Her glassy eyes…no longer having the usual warmth that they had always had.
Nagito fell to his knees, his expression unreadable. “Heh…forgive me, Hinata. I guess my useless mind was attempting to trick me with illusions of what I wanted to see. I apologize. Please, go back to what you were doing beforehand.”
“Actually, I came to check on you,” Hajime said, sitting right besides him. “Koizumi said that she saw you out there in the cold, and I was worried that you were…going to hurt yourself…”
Nagito let out a sour chuckle as he stared out into the ocean. “That’s not a bad idea, actually.” He got on his knees and began to crawl towards the freezing waters. As soon as his hands touched the water, he felt like ice was traveling across his whole body, trying to freeze him to death. “Maybe then…I can die peacefully and repay for everything that I’ve done….”
Hajime grabbed Nagito’s waist and pulled him away from the water. “Komaeda! Don’t do anything reckless! Please…she wouldn’t want you to do this. She wouldn’t want you to take your own life because of her. She…would want you to continue moving forward and try to be happy-”
“How can I do that, Hinata?!” Hajime immediately let go of Nagito the moment that he suddenly raised his voice at him. His eyes were widened as he saw Nagito glaring daggers at him, his usual carefree smile replaced with a desperate and mournful expression.
“You don’t understand how important she was to me! She knew how much of a lowly, talentless, worthless person I was! And yet…s-she still always smiled at me. She always was kind to me and gave me affection. I’ve never felt as strongly about anyone as I did with her! I’ve…never had someone love me like she did…”
Nagito looked down at the hairpin in between his pale fingers, more tears filling his sorrow-filled gray eyes. “And now…she’s gone. Enoshima killed her. And…I still feel like it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left her side down there. I shouldn’t have let her get killed. It…should’ve been me.”
Hajime placed two comforting hand on his shoulders, moving Nagito’s body to face him. “Komaeda, if you had died instead, she would’ve been heartbroken. She would’ve became a Remnant of Despair in your place. No good would’ve came out of it. Besides…you can’t blame yourself for what what Enoshima….what I…did.”
Nagito looked up at Hajime, who was looking at the sea. That’s right…before Chiaki had died, Hajime had been transformed into Izuru Kamukura. He was assisting Junko when she was carrying out her plan to bring the world to despair. He supposed that Hajime must’ve been feeling just as guilty-no, even more guilty- for Chiaki’s death.
“I don’t know how exactly you’re feeling right now, Komaeda,” Hajime admitted. “I’m not you. I don’t process things the same way you do, so there’s no way for me to know how exactly you’re feeling. But…she was important to me, too.” He smiled slightly. “She gave me her kindness as well. Even though I was just a Reserve Course Student. I…still don’t know why she did…”
Nagito let out a hiccup of laughter. “I’ve always thought that it was because she was just weird like that. I even said that to her once. She was so offended by that and gave me a whole five minutes of silent treatment.”
Hajime chuckled slightly at that, and for a moment, things felt lighthearted for a brief moment. But then, Hajime’s face fell into a saddened expression, tears filling his eyes. “She didn’t deserve to die…”
“Of course she didn’t…” Nagito agreed, looking down at the sand. “It feels like the world always takes the kindest or most hopeful people like her. I wish that my luck could do something about it. Turn back time or something, I dunno. I just…want her back…”
Tears rolled down Hajime’s cheeks. “Me too…”
“Actually…” Nagito held the hair clip up and traced it with his thumb, a sad smile resting on his face. “I never actually got a chance to tell her how I felt about her…I always told myself that I should keep it a secret. That trash like me didn’t deserve to confess my love to her and that she would never feel the same way. And before…I was okay with that. But, now…I regret it…so much. I should've just told her and taken a chance for our relationship to become something more. It’s one of the main things that I would’ve changed.”
For a while, there was nothing but silence. Though, Nagito didn’t mind, or even notice. He just stared at the white hairclip in his hand, reminiscing on his past mistakes. He didn’t mind the silence. It allowed for him to think. He was so focused on his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice the torn expression that Hajime worn.
“Actually, Komaeda…about that…” Hajime finally said, hesitating slightly. Nagito looked up from the hairclip to look at his friend, but he avoided his eyes as he stared up at the night sky. “Before Nanami died, she told me something while we were hanging out. She told me that…she had a crush on you.”
Nagito’s eyes widened as he tried to process what Hajime told him. “...what?”
Hajime nodded. “She felt the same way. She was planning on confessing soon, but…she never got the chance.”
Nagito didn’t know what to think. He didn’t even know how to feel about this. Chiaki shared the same feelings for him…he normally would’ve felt happy about this. But…she was gone. Nothing could ever be done about this.
And knowing that damning fact…finally broke the dam. Nagito buried his head in Hajime’s shoulder and broke down, sobbing heavily. Rivers and rivers of tears flowed down his cheek and soaked Hajime’s shirt. He couldn’t hold it back anymore. He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t even think. All he could do was cry in his grief, gripping Hajime’s shirt tightly as he sobbed.
Hajime listened to Nagito’s desperate gasps of breath as he cried, surprised at how he took it. It was the first time that he had ever seen Nagito cry before, let alone full-on sob. Instead of saying anything, he took the hair clip that Chiaki always wore out of Nagito’s hand and placed it in his white hair. He then hugged Nagito tightly, joining in his grief as he recalled the memory. Of how Chiaki’s cheeks were a pale pink and her voice seemed sort of dreamy as she talked about her crush on Nagito. She looked so happy…and now…she was gone. Multiple tears dropped onto the sand as both of them wept through the night. 
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austajunk · 2 years
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Komanami Week ❤️❤️❤️
Day 3: Hurt/Angst/Comfort
When you meet new people, make sure to leave the past in the past, okay?
244 notes · View notes
lilypadding · 1 year
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The Fifth Trial > 2
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
AO3 Link
Chapter Summary: Nanami's recollection of her last night with Komaeda. ~4k Words
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Komaeda opens his cottage's door before Nanami knocks.
“Nanami-san,” A casual smile already. He’s not wearing his jacket. He leans against the door frame, the sleeve of his loose shirt bunching up against it. His hair is tousled, more than usual, messy white bangs nearly dipping into brightened eyes. 
Nanami wonders how he can do that. How he can terrorize his classmates one morning, yet gaze at her like this that same evening. 
“Komaeda-kun. I…”
She opens her mouth to continue, but finds that she can’t figure out how to voice her thoughts. There are too many. 
“Hm? What is it?” Komaeda tilts his head curiously, like a puppy would. 
She stares.
“Surely you didn’t want to spend time with me,” Komaeda laughs after saying this, covering his mouth. “In fact, it is getting late, Nanami-san. I can walk you back to your cottage, if you can stand my presence enough for it.”
“ No ,” Nanami says, nearly interrupting him. His face drops into something of surprise before he recuperates himself, feigning indifference. 
“I want to talk to you,” Nanami’s eyes are trained on his, “I need to talk to you.”
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrows, “What is it? Do you have something to confess ?”
The traitor. If she was the traitor. 
“No, it’s not that…” She dismisses, “You… You confuse me. You do that a lot. But what you’re doing right now, to the group, it’s a bit much.”
She frowns while connecting her gaze with his, voice strengthening with assertion: 
“I want you to tell me why.”
Komaeda’s expression does not shift as he stares back. As if he’d frozen entirely. The quiet chirping of crickets outside replace his potential response for a few seconds. 
Nanami fights the urge to move before he does. 
“ Why ?” He repeats, his voice dropping like he’s adding to a secret. The corner of his lips quirk up. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other, leaning off the door frame. “I’m not sure if I understand your question…”
“You received that file from the Final Dead Room,” Nanami feels nervous bringing it up, “And ever since, you’ve been acting differently. You keep insulting the group. And making comments about whether we actually embody hope… It’s unlike you.”
His expression remains the same. She wonders if he’s somehow zoned out in the middle of their conversation, but the idea is disproved when he begins talking.
“You’re rather observant, Nanami-san,” Komaeda mumbles, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you solved my mystery quickly.”
“Your mystery?”
“Ah, did I confuse you further?” Komaeda scratches the back of his neck, “My sincerest apologies. You know, it is getting rather dark. I can still walk you back to your cottage if you—”
“Komaeda-kun,” His name is more of a threat than anything. “I’m not leaving.”
She hopes the remark sounds sincere and forceful enough. Komaeda stills, taken aback. 
His jaw shifts as he glances over her shoulder, eyeing the cottages with a troubled look. His eyes latch onto something in the distance and go still. He squints— it’s enough for Nanami to turn her head and try to catch what he’d seen, but his voice interrupts it. 
“Would you care to come in for a moment?” 
“Hm? Into your cottage?”
“Yes,” Komaeda’s eager, “It’s warmer, and I wouldn’t want you getting cold. Seeing as you don’t want to leave, that is…”
“Okay,” Nanami nods, and without a second thought, she pushes past him and enters. 
It is substantially warmer inside. She slips her shoes off near the door, moving to the center of the space as she rubs her arms quickly, recuperating from the cold air as she surveys the interior, the door clicking closed behind her. It’s the same as always, save for… 
“Is that a fridge?” Nanami questions without turning to face him.
She stares at the appliance settled beside Komaeda’s bookshelf. The light of the cottage clicks on before his quaint footsteps join her at the center. 
“Ah, yes, that’s a fridge. I got it from the Octagon. Quite the collection of items, that place has. Would you like a cold drink? Water?” 
“Um, no, thank you,” Nanami turns in her place to face him. He smiles while turning away, rushing over to the windows and drawing the blinds closed on each one. 
Nanami returns to gazing around. She’d always been relatively comfortable in his cottage before this, when she’d spend her free time here, but the context has shifted so drastically that she can’t relax her shoulders. She’s nervous for her own questions, for how Komaeda’s going to receive them. The silence isn’t tense, at least. 
“I’m terribly sorry,” Komaeda already starts. Nanami looks at him. 
He approaches from the front window, leaning against the post of his bed as he gazes at her. 
“There’s nowhere to sit here…” His eyes turn to the side, “Well, other than that couch provided, but it’s quite stiff.” 
“I didn’t come here for small talk.” 
Komaeda’s gaze snaps back to her. He begins to grin. 
“Of course,” He shrugs and crosses his arms. “What would you like to ask me?” 
A million questions surge through Nanami. She’d considered how to start this confrontation countless times throughout the day, trying to predict how Komaeda would react to every word, how he’d recede back into himself at certain phrases, or blow into a different topic altogether. 
How should she tread these waters, and which questions would get her actual answers and not an empty, back-handed remark? How should she approach him, or look at him, or phrase any of this in a way that intertwines both genuine care and reproach ? What would get him to co-operate with at least some information, if not all? She’s not a perfect program, not by any means, and she wasn’t in any way designed to interrogate mentally unstable teenagers for why they’re being self-destructive. Even so… 
“Where did you find the explosives?” 
The bombs are a decent start. Maybe. 
Komaeda raises an eyebrow before fixing his expression. “The military base.” 
Nanami’s body tenses. There’s a lot of ways to approach this. But there’s no time to consider her options thoroughly, and she needs to make it clear that she won’t be standing for any of his lies. Only Komaeda would catch her real curiosity here.  
“Are they really enough to blow up the entire island? To kill us all?” 
He stares in silence. 
Nanami refuses to look away. She holds her breath, afraid to let herself move. She hasn’t been able to piece together his plan, or what exactly it is that he’s planning— Or how a bomb scare ties any of it together. 
Komaeda glances at the floor. 
She doesn’t miss the somber tone of his voice. Part of her wants to reply, but the moment is crucial. Anything else could divert the question, and repeating it would only be redundant. Her only option is to succumb to the silence and let it apply pressure. 
Komaeda looks up again, eyeing her. He inhales slowly, like he might sigh, but begins speaking instead.
“There are more than enough to eradicate us. The sheer amount of them is truly alarming. You wouldn’t think anything like it would be at our disposal...”
He’s lying to her face. Monomi had told her— There were no bombs of that magnitude at the military base, no such deathly explosive was provided in the Neo World to begin with. It was a relief to learn there was no threat, but it had left more questions on Komaeda’s intent than ever. What did he gain from threatening to blow the island up? 
“... You know. Komaeda-kun…”
He gazes at her patiently. 
 “... Exploding the island. Leaving it in shambles…” She presses the tips of her fingers to her sweater sleeve, seeking comfort in the cloth, “Leaving no survivors… It isn’t very hopeful of you.” 
Komaeda’s expression relaxes. He breaks into a smile, and she’s spent enough time with him to know this one is genuine— 
“ Oh , Nanami-san,” He lightens up, his voice going airy, “Are you concerned with such a despair-inducing outcome? Or…” 
He presses backwards into the post with a self-satisfied grin. “Perhaps you fear the loss of your life?” 
“That’s not it.”
“Oh? Then what?”
“Well… You wouldn’t be alive to see it. You wouldn’t survive the explosives, either. There’d be no witness for despair, so… There would be no room to grow hope.” 
Komaeda’s eyes widen as his hand moving to cover his mouth. His fingers shake against his lips. He seems to fight off a laugh. 
“You raise valuable points,” His hand slips, “But…”
He pushes off the post, walking up to her. The quiet sound of the floor creaking beneath him is the only sound in the cottage as he moves, looking down at her with only about a hand’s width of distance between them. Their height difference has never felt as dramatized— it forces Nanami to crane her neck up to look at him. His smile drops as he leans into her, almost as if taunting her. 
“I have the inclination that you’re implying something here.” 
His voice is a whisper, but their proximity makes the syllables ring loud. She tries to feign indifference, like she’s seen him do countless times by now. Maybe she can get out of this. Maybe he’s not saying what she thinks he’s saying, and maybe— 
Maybe this would be so much easier without these stupid mind games.
She doesn’t want to walk around eggshells. Honesty is good, right? Would it scare him away, to hear it outright? He already knows, from what it seems like. It shouldn’t scare him away, if she called him out— Or maybe he likes the feeling of an unspoken understanding between them, maybe he’s provoking her and enjoying it all the same, and that’s no good, is it? So—
“Why are you lying about the bombs?” Nanami whispers back. 
And it’s a mockery, the way Komaeda’s smile widens. She thought he’d at least have the decency to act clueless about the accusation, but he must know it’s no use. Or he must know that if she were to tell anyone, she’d be incriminated for having the knowledge at all.
“My, my, Nanami-san,” Komaeda leans down further, “You’re accusing me of being a liar? I would never lie to symbols of hope such as yourself, right?” He tilts his head and laughs, breathy and caught up in his own teasing. She clenches her teeth. 
“Right, isn’t that right ?” He drawls sarcastically, “ I’m not lying about the bombs…”
His face turns sour in half a second, bitterly muttering, “Why would I ever lie to a worthy Ultimate?” 
Nanami shakily parts her lips and breathes evenly. His harsh words as of recently don’t do much to sour her mood, but it’s incredibly demeaning when he’s towering over her like this. 
“You know…” Komaeda’s voice returns, his expression pensive as he stares into her face. His tone is so low that his words are even raspier than usual, “In such unfortunate circumstances, desperate motives call for desperate measures. Our dear traitor needs a little push in the right direction.” 
“Is that the only reason?” Nanami tries, her voice steady at least, “Is that the only reason why you’re terrorizing us?” 
“Well, if I’m being honest. Having such control over all your fears certainly is a little entertaining,” He giggles, “Don’t you hate me yet? Aren’t I vermin? To enjoy all of you panic like this…” 
His hand trembles against his skin, eyes going hazy, riding some high Nanami doesn’t care to label. 
She looks down. Enjoying the tormenting is one thing, but what he’s trying to accomplish is something else entirely.
“Would you kill them? For the traitor?” 
Komaeda perks up.
“Would you kill the rest of your classmates if it meant the traitor would be revealed?” Nanami tries bracing for the worst possible reply. If he were willing to commit mass murder like that, if he were truly honest about wanting to hurt them all as such… 
She wouldn’t know what to do. 
Komaeda is slow to processing the question. The cottage is silent as both wait. 
“... To massacre a group such as you all would be quite hopeless, don’t you think?”
The negation that he’d actually do it, that he'd actually pull the trigger on all their lives, rushes to her heart in relief. She wishes the tone were lighter, so she could relax, but the threats of his words all day still hang in the air. The dread and weight of his eyes sinks her encouragement, it keeps her arms glued to her sides. 
Komaeda watches the hope flicker in her eyes with a worried face.
“Nanami-san,” He’s whispering again, like this next part is truly a secret, “I think you’re mistaking my motives here. I only wish for the traitor to be a bit honest with me.” 
“... And when they’re honest with you,” She struggles to get the words out, “What will you do?” 
“That’s business I would only want to discuss with them, right?” He backs away from her, granting them some space. “I wouldn’t want to taint you with the burden of my ideas.”
“Am I safe in assuming that all of this, your behavior, and whatever it is you’re planning… Is because of the file you read?” 
“… That would be a safe assumption.” 
“So… the information it has is what made you think this was appropriate?”
He nods slowly.
Nanami has never hated her programming as much. Future Foundation had the heart to tell her to take care of everyone, yet they failed at providing clear context. It wasn’t an issue that always bothered her, not when her only priority was maintaining calm and comforting people— she was glad just to brighten their days, provide some hope. She didn’t need the full story.  But when trying to maintain someone like Komaeda now, who now seems to carry more information than even her , it’s more than bothersome. 
“Tell me what is says.”
“... I’m not sure if I should tell you,” Komaeda’s voice lilts, dropping again, “Can you keep a secret?” 
It’s obvious he won’t tell her, with the way he looks off and sighs. 
“It really is late,” He starts again, glancing at the door, “I wouldn’t want to keep you long.” 
A dismissal. Nanami frowns.
“Hold on. You read the file, and you decided we aren’t worth your time, right? Can you at least confirm that?” 
“Would you like an apology? I could grant you one, but I’m afraid the words would ring hollow.” 
“You trust the traitor over us?” 
“I never said I trusted them.” 
“You’re willing to find them while you’ve been mocking your classmates. What other conclusion can someone really draw?”
“You try too hard to make sense of me,” Impossibly, his eyes soften. He looks away, “Even while everyone else disregards me so easily… But you—” 
He presses his lips together, shutting himself up. “You… You’ve always been rather thoughtful of me. Even as insufferable as I am.” He crosses his arms, his fingers digging into his skin, tightening. 
Despite herself, Nanami leans into the impulse to approach him. She rests her hand atop his softly, searching for his reaction. Komaeda’s eyes dart up, initially reclining from the touch. She grazes her thumb over his skin quickly, meaning to reassure him. 
Nanami had always hesitated before making contact with him. The few times she’d tried it while they spoke or accompanied each other, he’d freeze up, looking like a deer in headlights— as if he couldn’t discern the meaning behind the gesture, or it was so unfamiliar that he couldn’t possibly enjoy it. He wears the same face, even now. 
“Komaeda-kun,” She focuses on his face. 
The hand beneath hers trembles slightly. 
“Tell me the truth. Are you doing all of this… The bomb threats… Just for the sake of finding a traitor?” 
Komaeda’s wide eyes seem fully frightened now. He harshly pulls back, stepping away. Nanami’s hand slips off of him, left hanging in the air in his absence. 
“Nanami-san. It's about time you should leave.”
She gazes at him until he looks at her. When he does, her face falls, shoulders sinking. Her hand is still in the air, hovering as she pulls her fingers into her palm, sadly staring at him. 
“You are quite determined,” Komaeda looks at the ground again, his face flushing slightly, “I always liked that about you. You always face things head-on, you know? It’s such an admirable quality.” He reaches up to the back of his neck, digging his nails into the skin there too. “To come into my cottage and insist I answer to you, when everyone else is too fearful of me to do so. It’s quite bold of you. You’ve always been far too considerate with me. We’ve spent a lot of time together on these islands. And…”
He visibly gulps. “I do appreciate that. Completely. I even… Well, it’s quite embarrassing to say, but I’ve always wanted to consider you a… a—”
“Friend?” Nanami supplies, her voice quiet, “We are friends.” 
Komaeda’s shell shocked. He stares at her, waiting , like he’s expecting her to elaborate, or maybe even retract her words. She doesn’t.
“Ah… Aha… Right. Of course.” 
“And,” Nanami doesn’t wish to ruin the moment, but she had a goal here. “I wish you wouldn’t lie to me, while being my friend.” 
Komaeda’s expression sinks. Nanami inhales shakily and continues,
“Be honest with me. The bombs are fake.” 
“... It seems there’s no convincing you otherwise,” He’s disappointed. 
“When the bombs don’t destroy the island, what’re you planning to do?” 
“You don’t need to worry about it. You won’t have to.” 
“Is anyone going to be hurt?” 
“You’re worrying.” 
“You refuse to tell me anything. That makes me worry.” 
“I’d rather you trust me about something like this. My apologies, really. You came all this way to find answers and had to deal with my lack of compliance.” 
Nanami tightens her jaw.
“Tell me that everyone’s going to be safe tomorrow.”
Komaeda sighs. 
“You’ll all be safe tomorrow. My faith is in you. All of you. Because of that, this will all work out.” 
Nanami watches his eyes carefully, waiting for any kind of indication that he’s lying. It doesn’t come. His gaze is fixed on her feet, mind faraway as a lull settles between them. With no words exchanged in this peace, Nanami lets her eyes drift from him to contemplate what on earth to say next .  What can she say? Her options are remarkably limited, if he insists on the air of secrecy, and there’s no way to force him to talk from a rational standpoint. She’d need something drastic… 
Her eyes fall to the bookshelf. Komaeda had gathered a few books from the library throughout their time on the islands— it seemed to be the only place that interested him the most, and it was often that her best bet was to find him there when no one else knew his whereabouts.
She eyes the fridge beside the shelf. 
“I can walk you back to your cottage now,” Komaeda says suddenly, his voice numb. He walks away from her, heading for the door.
Nanami’s gaze remains still. 
Cold drinks…
The inkling of an idea crawls into her mind. 
Komaeda never seemed like the type to keep snacks on hand. And as much as she wished he were so self-serving, he would not keep a refrigerator in his room just to stay hydrated… Would he? 
The warmth of Komaeda’s hand finds her shoulder, the touch almost not present entirely.
A fridge. In Komaeda’s cottage. From the Octagon . A place full of weaponry. To keep cold drinks? 
She has to hold her breath so as not to spoil her conclusion, her eyes skimming down the appliance and settle for the handle. She’s not too far from it. 
Her resolve comes in a burst— in an abrupt movement, her legs kick into a run, closing the distance to the fridge in a second. Her hand locks around the handle, yanks it back—
She’s pulled forward by her wrist, the parted fridge door slamming shut with the motion. Nanami stumbles, her feet quickly finding balance. Her eyes bolt up. 
Komaeda is before her, his hand tightly gripping her wrist, standing tall between her and the appliance. His eyes are empty as he stares down at her. 
“It’s late , Nanami-san,” His voice is clipped and hollow. The grip on her wrist doesn’t relax. He raises her arm with it, almost threateningly. “You should get some rest.” 
Her lips part in surprise, intently watching his face. “K-Komaeda-kun.”
“I did offer to walk you, but I’m getting quite tired,” He says flatly. His eyes bore into her, like he’s about to snap. 
“ Komaeda-kun— ” Nanami tries, louder this time, deciding to stand her ground, regain her arm. 
“I really don’t think it’s appropriate for you to stay any longer,” He looks her up and down, “A boy and a girl spending time together at such a late hour is—” 
He begins to walk to the door, forcibly dragging her along by his hold.
“Komaeda—!” She tries yanking back at her hand, but it’s no use. His grip is stronger than she thought in this desperate moment. 
He reaches the entrance and ducks to grab her shoes before swinging the door open, yanking her out of his cottage despite her protests. 
“Stop it—!” 
With a harsh motion, he shoves her shoes into her arms and retreats inside. He slams the door against her voice. 
A small click sounds out. Locked.
“Komeda-kun!” Her voice rings out into the night, boiling with frustration.
The lights in the cottage go out, and she loudly groans, quickly securing her shoes beneath one arm and banging on the door with her fists. The wood wobbles beneath each hit, accompanied by her voiced pleads. 
“You— Let me—!” At this point, she’s taking her anger out on it. “You’re so—!”
She feels the urge to curse, but can’t quite bring herself to. Instead, her throat sounds something between a scream and groan. 
… It would’ve been a lot smarter if I tricked him into opening it…
With a disheartening sinking feeling that’s undeniably defeat, she buries her face in her hands, her shoes clattering to the creaking dock beneath her feet. She glowers at the ground, puffing out her cheeks, completely dissatisfied. With the edge of her toes, she upturns her shoes, still frowning while slipping them on.  Should’ve just asked for a bottle of water…
Her head jerks up. She twirls around. 
She’d been way too loud. 
“ Ah— Hinata-kun?” 
It’s certainly him. 
He’s on the main dock, straight ahead, his shoulders hunched nervously as he practically glares between her and the cottage nameplate. There are dark circles framing his eyes, his brown hair in disarray, like he’d been struggling to sleep. Which is more than likely. 
“Nanami…” Hinata’s voice is soft and cautious. “What’re you…”
Nanami’s back straightens. 
Her lips press together, expression forcibly drawing a blank. 
“Did… did he hurt you?” Hinata inches closer, silently, as if approaching a wounded animal. “I heard you yelling. No one else seems to have heard it. I’m guessing they’re asleep, since everyone’s exhausted. Did he—”
“No,” Nanami maintains steady eye contact, “He didn’t hurt me.”
Not much , she thinks. The pain in her wrist hasn’t exactly let up. 
Hinata’s shoulders don’t relax. He squares his eyes. “You were yelling . And banging on his door… What the hell did he do?”
Nanami doesn’t answer. Her face remains set. 
“God, why were you even in his cottage in the first place? What, did you guys decide to have some tea together the night before this island goes under—”
Hinata’s expression shifts abruptly— His eyes widen considerably. 
He stares , “... Did you... tell him something?”
“That I’m the traitor?” Nanami asks calmly. Hinata flinches. 
“No,” Nanami’s voice remains steady, “Because I’m not.”
“Why the hell did you spend time with him, then?”
“I’ve always spent time with him,” Nanami replies without hesitating.
“Yeah, back when he wasn’t threatening to kill us all ,” Hinata snaps back, “Seriously, what the hell are you doing?”
“I’m…” Nanami wants to explain herself, but the thought of trying to dive into everything drains her. 
“I’m going to bed,” A wave of drowsiness hits her as she rubs her eyes. She begins her walk, sluggishly moving to pass by Hinata, but he grabs her arm. 
“Nanami.” He’s desperate. 
Nanami turns around. She stares him down. The pleading look in his eyes screams out at her. 
It would be nice, really nice, if this topic were the kind she could divulge with him. But she has to bite her tongue, whether she likes it or not. 
“Hinata-kun,” Nanami replies, her voice level, “Let me go. Please.”
Hinata stares up at her, clearly hurt. He grimaces, his nose scrunching up, a long silence falling between them. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, but seems to lose merit halfway through. 
He lets his grip fall. 
“Good night,” She says without looking at him, before twirling back around and beginning to walk to her cottage. 
She tried clearing her mind as she prepared herself for bed, but it was impossible. Her mind couldn’t stop racing, and it was tethered at the thought of Komaeda plotting something with whatever it was he was hiding in the fridge. 
Komaeda, who was usually painfully honest with her, concealing something. She’d try greeting him in the morning. She’d wake up early, and rush to his cottage, say her good morning to him, and hope that he’d pretend last night didn’t happen as well. And proceed to prod him with questions nonetheless. It would be fine. 
It’s not like he’d die in his sleep. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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livviem-009 · 2 years
In my rewrite au, Chisa was chosen as the avatar for the observer as Class 77-b needed an authority figure.
I also added her here in this is AU because good god, Nagito needs a mother figure who actively tries to understand him and reprimands him for calling himself trash. So my au has Chisa as the basically mother to Chiaki and Nagito.
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tsukasa-writes · 1 month
Kuzuhina angst haha (kinda apart of the parent au)
Fuyuhiko wouldn't mind being in love with a boy as long as it wasn't hajime
Hajime was okay...no absolutely In love with fuyuhiko
If his parents let him
Hajime was In love with fuyuhiko his voice his eyes,his personality,everything,hanging out with him,his body under the moonshine it felt like his heart was going to explode
Hajime is bi with a heavy lean on guys he told his parents they didn't like what they heard they didn't approve of that action...
When are you going to leave that girl?
Fuyuhiko asked himself when seeing Chiaki playing games with hajime, who doesn't like chiaki actually? She's everything that fuyuhiko isn't,nagito thinks the same as well he didn't like the way hajime looked at chiaki,
Chiaki my dear...
Nagito said
When will you leave him?
Fuyuhiko has been asking hajime to invite him over to hajime's house....
I love him I must do anything to avoid hurting him my sweet...
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c0rrupted-mov · 6 months
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Komanami week day 3: Hurt/Comfort/Angst
I’m not really proud of this but ok ig. Also another redraw from me! The last one this time I promise 😭
Last year’s version:
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kreideprinz69 · 9 months
DR3 really did rob us of some comfy friendship moments between Nagito and the others in Class 77-B. The writers played so much into the fan perception of him that it ended up making the others look absurdly unreasonable with how they treated him. Making him the class outcast BEFORE he actually did anything bad with that gym incident. When compared to the sexual antics Teruteru was getting up to and Hiyoko's bratty behavior, Nagito making cringey hope speeches is pretty inoffensive. Me personally, I choose to headcanon that he actually did start to form some bonds during his time at Hope's Peak. Not just with pre-Kamukura Hajime and human Chiaki. But I think there's some good potential between him and Sonia, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Imposter, Nekomaru, Ibuki, and Gundham. Maybe they don't become full-on friends before the Tragedy hit. But they start to see him as more than just the class weirdo and recognize some of his more likable qualities. And he in turn develops a fondness that goes beyond idolization of them as Ultimates. Oh, and I like the idea of him being Matsuda's only real friend too...Possibly with a little romantic flame. I mean I love Komahina just fine, but the boy deserves some romantic alts too. Komanami, Matsukoma, Komazumi, Kuzukoma, and Nekomaeda are all very fun to me.
i definitely have things i like and dislike about dr3, but one big gripe was how much nagito was outcasted before he even did anything bad. it doesn't even bother me on a personal level, its more of just from a writing standpoint because i really dont understand it, like it's inconsistent with the characters. because there are definitely some weirdos (lovingly! unless you're teruteru) in that class besides nagito, yet he got the most shit for it.
the most he did was just be offputting and go on some weird hope speeches (nagito did make a comment about how he got intense on a speech and apologized, which shows he had SOME self awareness at least then) and everyone really disliked him, hardly any concern when he was gone for a lot of the school year. but then when he have characters in the class that i think could be comparable to nagito at least before the gym bombing issue, in terms of being an outcast or oddball. people such as; gundam, teruteru, hiyoko, mikan, and even fuyuhiko who is literally the heir to the yakuza. but the class still cared about all of them and were good friends with them, but nagito is where they drew the line.
it just, doesn't really make sense? it would have made much more sense if they had all disliked nagito AFTER the bombing incident. there could have been some angst about how they WERE friends with him, but felt uncomfortable around him after he planted a bomb in their gym. it just would have made a lot more sense. it just felt inconsistent to me and like lazy writing.
i also like to headcannon that he was at least friends with some of them too though! i've always felt like he could have an interesting friendship with fuyuhiko, sonia, and even ibuki just for the chaos lol. i can't say much about matsuda because i have yet to read danganronpa zero, but yeah, give nagito some friends smh.
i do think nagito might have a difficult time learning to like the ultimates as people though, because he's only really loved them for being symbols of hope. he knows nothing about them just as people, because of how warped his perception is. which again, could have been an interesting plot point so see developed. but, oh well! i do like to think after they all woke up, he did start learning to see them just as people and even make some friendships, since they're not really symbols of hope considering yknow... destroying the world lol. he did look to be on better terms with everyone in the brief moments of the cast we saw during hope arc. it's just a little thought i like to indulge myself in!
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sparkymalone · 1 month
I'm sobbing my friend showed me their fanfic their creating on Tumblr (it's not finished) it's pretty simple it's literally a kuzuhina(and kinda komanami) angst post which was kinda simple and short the first line went "fuyuhiko was okay with falling inlove with a boy as long it wasn't hajime" "hajime was fine falling inlove with fuyuhiko "
"if his parents let him" I'm crying brb (their name is tsukasa-writes btw)
Ooh, I'm going to check it out! I love reading other people's fanfiction, so if anyone wants to plug their stuff, go ahead 💖
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theamityelf · 2 months
So a friend and I started with a small premise that I hadn't seen covered in any fanfics, and it quickly exploded into this big AU. And I just feel the need to share it. The premise was "What if Ryota didn't escape and get Chisa's help after Nagito got shot". And it ended up becoming a Civil War AU.
See it starts with the premise of Junko subjecting Chiaki to the brainwashing procedure, who then in turn helps put Nagito through it (the memory of her restraining his wounded body haunts them both after rehabilitation). And they along with Mikan go back to Class 77 to make sure everyone thinks things are okay, while Junko reconditions Ryota.
Except...there's a snag. Peko's injuries from her fight with Mukuro, combined with Nagito seemingly no longer being concerned with the Ultimate Soldier, makes Peko and Fuyuhiko think "Something screwy is going on here". And it leads to a schism when Chiaki tries swaying the class to go along with her (into a trap).
On one side are Fyuyhiko, Peko, and Chisa, who are joined by the suspicious Imposter, Hiyoko, and Gundham. Who also manage to sway Ibuki and (just barely Kazuichi). Meanwhile Chiaki manages to win over Sonia, Nekomaru, Akane, and Teruteru through their faith in her. And with a bit of pressure from Mikan they convince Mahiru to go along with them. Exploiting the suspicion that Fuyuhiko was responsible for Sato's murder.
So the AU is heading towards a Tragedy with half of Class 77 brainwashed, and the others trying to capture and save them. With a lot more high emotions this time, especially in regards to Imposter with Ryota and Mikan, as well as the four Twilight Syndrome girls (Hiyoko and Mahiru most of all)...But then we went even more off the rails with the idea that Chiaki thinks to herself "Wouldn't it be so despairing if after all of this, the mastermind was killed by their own thralls before she got to see the fruits of her work?"
Which leads to Chiaki conspiring a coup de tat of Ultimate Despair, and convincing Izuru to side with her. Making incapacitating Mukuro and killing Junko trivial. With Chiaki deciding that actually it'd be far more fun to make Junko's class like the rest of them than go through all that Killing Game silliness. Leading to them going after members of Class 78 to make into more Ultimate Despairs.
Mukuro manages to escape and forms a VERY uneasy alliance with Team Chisa. Peko and Fuyuhiko making it clear that they consider her responsible for what's happened to their classmates, and that they won't hesitate to slaughter her if she gives them one reason.
In the end on Team Chiaki's side we have Chiaki herself, Nagito, Mikan, Ryota, Sonia, Mahiru, Nekomaru, Akane, and Teruteru from Class 77. And Makoto, Kyoko, Sakura, Aoi, Taka, Chihiro, Leon, and Toko joining them from Class 78. Meanwhile on Team Chisa we have Chisa herself, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Imposter, Hiyoko, Gundham, Ibuki, and Kazuichi. And Mukuro, Byakuya, Sayaka, Mondo, Celeste, Hifumi, and Yasuhiro joining them from Class 78. With Syo as Team Chisa's double agent within Team Chiaki. With Izuru kind of low-key supporting the Despairs if he feels in the mood for it.
Just imagine all the character interactions that could go on. Fuyuhiko having to deal with the ramifications of his murdering Sato outside of the Neo World Program. Imposter working alongside the real Byakuya. A whole lot of angst about people close to them being on the opposing side (Imposter vs Ryota and Mikan, Hiyoko vs Mahiru, Gundham vs Sonia, Mukuro and Sayaka vs Makoto, Mondo vs Taka and Chihiro).
And the shipping! Plenty of Ikuzono potential here, with Sayaka being Mukuro's biggest advocate after everyone else feels betrayed by her. Aoi and Sakura being Despair girlfriends. A very twisted dysfunctional Komanami where Chiaki hurts Nagito and he sometimes hurts her back. Which leads to a whole lot of angst after deprogramming, with both struggling to look each other in the eye. And also...Despair Makoto x Servant/Despair Komaegi!
Is this the same person who started the Vampire Chiaki AU? Because if so, I think I'm getting a sense of your narrative tastes, lol! I love how intricate this is.
The first thing that jumped out to me here was the idea of Despair Mahiru and Non-Despair Hiyoko, mainly because I'm so curious as to whether their friendship could survive that.
Like, if the dust settles and Mahiru eventually isn't despair anymore, Hiyoko's trust was still violated by someone she really cared about, and that's a pretty big deal for her.
Also, Toxic Despair Komanami sounds like it could be very fun. They both like to play games, after all! They would be ruinous. I think I prefer shipping both of them with Non-Despair Makoto than Despair Makoto, but that's because I like to whump the luckster, lol.
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Written Words are Easier Than Verbal Ones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ADfXrP4
by delhiadelights, Sustilicious
Saionji Hiyoko really knows how to hit people in their bleeding wounds. Komaeda faces the brunt of this as the class begins to settle down on the island.
Words: 5, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Saionji Hiyoko, Super Dangan Ronpa 2 Ensemble
Relationships: Komaeda Nagito/Nanami Chiaki, Class 77 & Hinata Hajime
Additional Tags: Komaeda Nagito-centric, Nanami Chiaki-centric, Neo World Program (Dangan Ronpa), Pre-Killing School Life (Dangan Ronpa), Artificial Intelligence Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito's Luck Cycle, Angst, Romance, Mutual Pining, Hurt No Comfort, komanami is underrated, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ADfXrP4
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komanami-lovecircle · 2 years
Imagine Komaeda waking up after an awful nightmare about Chiaki’s death, only to realise it’s not a nightmare
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lulady030 · 3 years
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Komanami commission for @hoepunkausta. My friend asked for angst, and so I shall deliver ^_^ 
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austajunk · 6 months
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Komanami Week 2023
Day Three
The played a good game, didn't they?
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gremedits · 4 years
Nagito Komaeda! He’s a huge comfort character for me! <33
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ah yes, the boy™//this ask game
1. favorite thing : his entire CHARACTER man, i love how he's so morally grey, he really does think he's doing well to others by causing them despair and I'd be lying if this ideology didn't cheer me up a few times. 10/10 well written character of contradictions
2. least favorite thing : he's gay 😠😠 um jk, i don't know i just dislike his whole mentally about people being born with talent, i do somewhat like it since he's someone who hates talentless people yet fell in love with someone talentless. it adds to thr many contradictions in his character as a whole
3. favorite line : "i am truly in love with y- the hope that sleeps inside of you.." LISTEN IM SORRY BUT COMFORT SHIP GO BRR- also "leave, i cant stand looking at your face anymore" forever haunts my brain because ”stay.. i want to keep looking at you“ is such a sweet and romantic gesture hnnnggggkk
4. brOTP : platonic👏komanami. komaeda with his usual self deprecative remarks and chiaki with her 10/10 support and care for him. he probably never got to play many games as a kid so chiaki teaches him about the og's™
5. OTP : y'all already know,,, it's ᵏᵒᵐᵃʰⁱⁿᵃ· every single remark from "hey.. can you hear me?" to "lets set off." is just uuugghh peak ROMANCE. ever think about how they spent their FIRST AND LAST appearance in the franchise together?? i do. i do a lot.
6. nOTP : komaeda x girls... sorry girls this man likes ᵐᵉⁿ· also koma//miki,, cause of the first reason and also cause komaeda hated her in chapter 3, since she killed for despair instead of hope. man i thought gay ppl were supposed to stick together 😔
7. random headcanon : he likes salad.. n healthy fresh fruits, probably exotic ones too like dragonfruit and rambutan, those watery sweet foods.. on a more serious note i think hajime (being the ultimate everything) would find a way to cure komaeda, i mean this man is literal DEATH REPELLENT after avoiding death way too many times. cancer can't kill him, surely
8. unpopular opinion : uhhmmm idk man i opinions are him are p vanilla 😔
9. song i associate w them : cracks knuckles ohboy where do we start, have i mentioned im a whore for "I'm in love with my best friend but he doesn't like me back" dynamics??? yeah that seeps into my MUSIC aswell. today i present you heather by conan gray, hidden in the sand by tally hall, and best friend by rex orange county. hidden in the sand specifically is the most fitting imo, sand bc komahina met on the beach floor, the "band" is chiaki (i only ship hinanami when its for komahina angst 😌) he "bid adieu" since he liked chiaki more than komaeda, komaeda wanted to love too. a band to fall in love with maybe a pony? "you told me to buy a pony but all i wanted was you"
10. favorite picture :
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(komaeda w no jacket got me 😳) (komaeda with no brim)
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agnesmontague · 7 years
i started thinking about the song leia with komanami again and i can’t stop literally shaking
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ao3feed-komahina · 3 years
by Rainy_Day_Lemonade
"Look, hear me out ok?" He murmured, conspirator-like, as though the sea would listen in. "I think Nagito is up to something." Chiaki gave a snort, muscle memory pausing the game as she twisted her head around. Her boyfriend looked so solemn, it was a struggle to keep a straight face. "... Hajime... Nagito is always up to something." "Exactly!"
 In which Nagito is "up to something", and Chiaki is roped in with little resistance.
Words: 3846, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Hinata Hajime, Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito, Tanaka Gundham, Ibuki Mioda (mentioned), Sonia Nevermind (mentioned), Usami | Monomi (mentioned)
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito/Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito/Nanami Chiaki, Komahinanami- relationship, Komahina- relationship, Hinanami- relationship, Komanami- relationship
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Island Mode (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Hajime Needs To Chill, soft, Komahinanami Triad, Established Relationship, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Human Nanami Chiaki, Nanami Chiaki Lives, Bisexual Male Character, Pansexual Character, Chiaki Is Having Too Much Fun, Nagito Thinks He's Real Smooth, Hajime Is In Perpetual Need Of A Holiday, Nanami Chiaki-centric, they are in love, This is 2 percent angst, And like, 98 percent sugary sweetness, Nagito Makes Things More Complicated Than They Need To Be, Nothing's Simple With Nagito, Why am I crying this is so goshdarn fluffy, One Shot, please be kind, Don't copy to another site
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