#knee surgeons
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rudhrastuff · 1 year
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jupiterhospital · 2 years
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maidofmetal · 7 months
everyday i wake up and wonder which medical professionals i have to contact today
and then i don’t contact them 🫡
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not-poignant · 7 months
I'm late to the party but if you're still doing the fanfic meme...I'd love to know 2 and 14 for Stain!
Woo let's do it! For A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
2: What scene did you first put down?
I feel like I've been saying this a lot, but the first scene I wrote is the first scene everyone reads. I've been writing in chronological order for a while now!
I ran a lot of scenes in my head mentally first. Because my first image of this story was of them as like... the ages they are in the game, and it just wasn't working. They were too young, and not mature enough. Things really kicked off when I was like 'okay, what if Sebastian is a divorcee who leaves and comes back' and then really kicked off when it was like 'what if Alex becomes a cleaner to pay for his grandparent's medical debt.'
All of those things came in stages and I really noodled on this story and its structure for over a month.
By the time I started writing, I was ready to start writing. And I knew I'd start with Alex being like, quite provocative and shocking to set the tone, so the first sentence is literally around him reminiscing on the fact that he used to imagine forcing Sebastian to give him revenge blowjobs lmao.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I don't really like to be didactic with my writing. Like I don't set out to 'teach' moral lessons or anything like that, and I'm maybe even a little selfish in that I'm often not thinking about the reader in that way at all. I'm thinking about writing an entertaining story for myself with entertaining characters. I really want to entertain the people who read the story. I think more about emotional responses than learning. I'm not trying to teach, I'm trying to entertain. But teaching can be a byproduct, it's just not the focus.
BUT, I do think I like exploring themes around classism, small-town dynamics (it's not the first time I've explored this), attitudes of learned helplessness, what real support in a community looks like vs. lip service support, etc.
In a perfect world, I want readers to go away having enjoyed the fic and gotten something meaningful out of it. Even if that meaningful thing is simply that they felt comforted during a tough time, or they got to escape from reality for a while and feel happy for the characters at the end.
I don't know if I need them to learn anything new about something grand or whatever. I'm not out here trying to teach deep lessons, but because my characters are often learning deep lessons, sometimes that happens anyway. Alex for example, devaluing himself the way that he does? A lot of people (including me) relate to that. Giving someone like Alex access to support, means some people (including me) get to vicariously experience that getting support or looking for it can be scary, but often lead to good things.
That's not a bad thing to take away from any story.
But I'm pumped if people enjoy it, and I'm not out here trying to teach big lessons. My goal is always the emotional responses and the emotional engagement and the emotional journey. If people read my stories and feel nothing at all, then I'd be the first to be like 'hey, um, hey, there's better writing out there, you'll enjoy that more, trust me' lol
From the fanfiction / AO3 fiction meme!
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gigantomachylesbian · 3 months
I have my first ever gynecology appointment tomorrow and I'm so nervous I'm going to explode into a million little piece >.< send me good vibes!!!
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Dr Vishwadeep Sharma is Director of Arthroscopy & Sports Injuries, Shoulder & Knee Surgeon Fortis Hospital Vasant Kunj and he is associated with hospital since 2013. He specializes in Shoulder, Knee & Sports Injuries. With more than 15 years of dedicated experience in Arthroscopy of the Shoulder & Knee. Dr Sharma has keen interest in Sports injuries with many years of experience in treating young athletes and players involved in various professional Sports. He is one of the best Orthopedic surgeon in Delhi.
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kneepainsurgeon · 2 months
Best Knee hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | Parekhs Hospital
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Get Best Knee Pain solutions in Ahmedabad at Parekhs Hospital. Our specialized approach ensures your well-being and comfort.
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torcortho · 6 months
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veilkeeper · 6 months
now that roz is partial-illithid i am Thinking about that hc that they will have to eat brains sometimes
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
at this point, i've seen the tv movie dozens of times, but i could not tell you the plot. the credits roll and it instantly deletes itself from my mind, i remember many scenes, no idea what connects them
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cainite-bite · 1 year
i love when dumbasses are like “we should ban transitions because what if/this one person regretted doing it” because like..... I regretted my gallbladder surgery to get it removed- should I advocate to have it banned so no one else can have it done? I have known 7 people who have regretted surgery for a knee, should we just say because those 7 regretted it (and there are plenty more out there) that we shouldnt allow anyone access to it?
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maidofmetal · 7 months
i have a tear in my labrum in my hip 🫠🖤
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dramithshetty · 2 years
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With the experience of more than 11 years treating adolescent, adult, and elderly patients, I guarantee you the best solutions to your problems. To get cure from Knee Replacement Surgery Doctors In Bangalore connect with us today or call us on +91-6366700736
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hadersgf · 1 year
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my favourite man with my favourite type of dog?????? SNL are just playing me at this point 😭🫠
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