#klaus accepts cami for all that she is even if it challenges him to not be a terrible person without her physically present
catoscloves · 2 years
“I want to see the beast in the beauty. the half smile, half snarl. the unapologetic anger. I would like to see the man forgive the monster. to see her, blood and all, and love her anyway.” is literally about cami's dark vampire side and how klaus loved her unconditionally especially when she couldn't be an idealized version of herself that represented 'goodness' to klaus. i know vampirism for cami was an unpopular choice but it was SO important for klamille's relationship and to prevent klamille from falling into the trap DE did - where the woman loses herself in trying to satisfy the bad man's redemption fantasy. cami was allowed to be flawed and not make good choices (which the same fandom that called her a mary sue seemed to be unhappy with but i digress)
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you and i both know that klamille was obviously amazing but...
do you think it was the right decision to have cami not complete the transition (for her character, the couple, or even the show in general)?
uhm i assume you mean cami's vampire transition? sorry it took me so long to answer i couldn't understand the ask at first lol. i assume you mean would the show have been better without vamp!cami?
and idk how the the show would have declined or been improved if cami had never been turned into a vampire in the first place (or, god forbid, died because she didn't complete the vamp transition), and i certainly wasn't expecting vamp!cami, but i absolutely loved it and i think it was an excellent choice for her character. if they hadn’t gone through with the transition and chose to have her die instead, i feel like that would have been a situation where the bare bones of an interesting direction the plot could have taken were set, and they just didn’t want to go there and killed her off for no reason? simply because of aurora’s jealousy? aka a case of unfulfilled potential. regardless i’m so glad that they did barrel ahead, because it was an absolutely amazing thing for cami as a character and klamille as a relationship.
cami becoming a vampire and straying into a “morally dubious” (aka having discernible imperfections and making bad choices like any three dimensional character would lmao) path was not ooc at all, and a good decision for her character, because it challenged the perception that cami was this beacon of goodness/klaus’s redemption personified, that she existed only to be his angel/guiding light. and i do think she did a wonderful job being that for klaus but i would never have wanted her to be reduced to just that. aurora had the misguided belief that klaus learning about the fact that cami, righteously, assaulted a man, and gave in to her own anger (which is more justifiable than the way klaus chooses to express disapproval and rage, aka becoming totally homicidal, but i digress), would make his feelings for her dim. that if cami messed up in any way, he’d rethink his attachment to her. which, of course, he didn’t, because klaus knew that she was human and she wasn’t going to be a “goody two shoes” all the time, and he’d never want her to put on a performance of constant perfection. however, the narrative really took it one step further and truly put CK to the test. when cami confronted klaus about how he was intrigued by her quote unquote darkness and attracted to the fact that she was human, cami was telling him not to idealize her, not to put her on a pedestal. regardless of any humanity switch (which she didn’t need to use for it to change her actions), cami is still flawed with or without vampirism and she doesn’t need these qualities to be diminished, she doesn’t need to be “fixed” and become a “do-gooder” again. being a vampire would only enhance those flaws, but i think it’s necessary for those to be revealed and to fully challenge the notion that cami serves exclusively the role of klaus’s redemptor.
and on that vein, it reminds me of how obsessed stefan was with the idea of “fixing” e.lena and how d*mon put on a performance of loving elena for who she is regardless of being human or supernatural (when he used the sirebond to influence her actions purposefully and make her turn off her humanity instead of letting her come to that decision on her own), and how klaus didn’t do either of those things. the circumstances were less than ideal and klaus and cami needed some time apart, so cami could grow into herself and explore a new part of her identity/accept being supernatural, and klaus could prioritize whatever threat the mikaelsons were up against at the time - and this temporary break was necessary for them both, so they could reevaluate how drastically they’ve changed individually and what all of this meant for their relationship. ppl love to compare cami and elena’s vampirism arcs but i think those were vastly different situations, especially where the men were concerned. elena and cami’s vampirism were forced on them unwillingly, and they both struggled, but elena wasn’t really willing to give vampirism a chance or consider it her new life path while it really seemed cami was reaching a point where she could thrive as a vampire, and it suited her a lot better.
what’s most important to me about vamp!cami is that while klamille’s slowburn finally reached the point where they were ready to act on their feelings, that’s not where the story ends, because that’s not how real life relationships work. it’s just one of the many conflicts that a strong relationship has - cami asserting her flawed, complex, and nuanced identity, klaus having to grapple with the fact that she isn’t human anymore, and then them both coming back together when they’re finally ready for a long-term relationship. it’s a very real conflict, and it’s how CK don’t just jump into the honeymoon phase, but go through ups and downs and evolve together, making their relationship stronger. and besides, thematically speaking, it’s very interesting to see cami explore her own “”””darkness”””” especially if she was attracted to a man who had darkness in him as well.
there’s also a practical element to vamp!cami, because, if we ignore the fact that lucien killed her anyways, she still would have died of old age while klaus lived forever. and that’s not really the right way to choose to die and live an immortal existence, just for one potential romantic partner, and it would have been gr8 if cami had chosen that path on her own so she and klaus could built a life together with an extended lifespan, but now that cami is immortal anyways that roadblock is out of the way. it’s a new level of commitment that klaus and cami sufficiently prepared for, to spend an eternity together and take time apart from each other when need be. and even without lucien having killed her, and the whole age dilemma, it all just boils down to cami and klaus building a healthy relationship, that isn’t based on obsession like klaus/aurora, klaus/tatia, and yes, even klaus/caroline were, but also cami growing into her own.
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saiilorstars · 3 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 27: If I Betray You
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x OFC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​ @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
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Chapter Summary: The time has come for Maleny to return to her original body once and for all. Dahlia, however, may have other plans to get what she wants and Klaus, without a second support, will be perfect to reach.
Because Maleny has been switched bodies once again, her temporary face claim is Adriana Louvier.
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Maleny silently observed the spell that was supposed to return her to her original body. Her hand instinctively ran fingers over the burn mark on her clavicle. Behind her was Klaus who awaited with an anticipation he couldn't hide very well. He had told her what he managed to do as soon as she had woken up the next morning so they could immediately start preparing the spell for her.
Maleny lowered the paper and turned to him, "You got it…" she breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to hug him, just so excited, "Thank you!"
Klaus relished hearing her soft laugh of joy. He had finally done her one good deed since she arrived back from France. "I thought you would take joy in this," he kissed her head.
Maleny pulled away to look at him, her smile still wide across her lips, her hands finding their way to his face, "Oh I can't wait to be back in my body again. As glamorous as being an enhanced wolf is, it's just not who I am."
"I don't know," Klaus ran a hand down her hair, as if studying her face, "I've come to like this you in a wolf. It's...attractive."
Maleny pursed her lips, feigning offense, "Well, you're not exactly an unbiased party my dear - my original wolf/vampire. You wouldn't find me attractive as a witch anymore?"
"Now I never said that," Klaus chuckled while she deepened her frown, "This is just novelty."
"Yeah? Well," Maleny took on a smirk that spelled trouble, "Just know that you will never be kissed again if I stay in this body," a look of amusement settled on Klaus' face, "And even the big bad hybrid has needs sometimes."
Klaus caught her hand trailing over his chest and used it to pull her up against him, "Do not start something you will not be able to finish later," he warned her, the darkness in his tone portraying for a very different effect than normally.
Maleny took her hand from under his and tilted her head, "Is that a challenge? Seriously?"
"Seriously," Klaus mimicked her tone and made her laugh.
"Ooh, nice one," Maleny rolled her eyes and pushed herself away from him, "but right now I'm going to go get Alton and tell him the good news. I bet he'll be really happy."
"I know I will," Klaus muttered under his breath, of course still perfectly heard by Maleny nonetheless. Seeing her look, he merely shrugged, "I don't like him."
"There's a shocker," she crossed her arms, "You don't like anyone. But the good thing here is he doesn't like you very well either," she chuckled to herself as she started making an exit, only to come bumping into Hayley on the way. Immediately they both saw the hybrid was disheveled and distraught, the fear practically oozing out from her.
"Hayley, what's wrong?" Maleny reached to touch Hayley's arm in concern.
"Dahlia's here," Hayley choked out the terrifying words, she almost in tears after what she and Jackson had went through only mere minutes ago.
~ 0 ~
Once grouped together, all the Mikaelsons' plus Maleny and Hayley began to discuss the events that unfolded between Dahlia (who had managed to control swarms of people including Jackson for a minute) and Hayley out in the Quarter.
"Isn't that the point of a fortress?" Klaus' anger was the first to make an appearance, "It does a better job of protecting you when you stay within its walls?"
For the first time, Hayley accepted he was right but she wasn't going to tell him that anytime soon. "Let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do."
"What I would like to do is take a strong leash…"
"Klaus!" Maleny scolded him, making hard eyes at him for his snide response, "I think we should focus on strategies," she looked around the room, "because I assume up to now there hasn't been a concrete one."
"I know a little about how her magic works," Freya got up from her spot and walked over to a round table with a silver tea kettle and five full tea cups resting over it. After hearing what her aunt had managed to do she resolved to at least make their minds stronger, "This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."
Rebekah reached for a cup as Freya did, and before drinking Rebekah glanced back at the others, "Well, come on! This should work like a charm!"
"You mean we are to drink one of her spells that could very well put us under like it did with Maleny?" Klaus remained across the group, firmly going against the apparent plan.
"Klaus, that was an accident," Freya pointed out, not surprised he would be the only one refusing the tea.
"And I was fully aware of possible side effects," Maleny added when she got up and walked to get herself a cup as well, "That wasn't her fault. So please, just take a drink?"
But this time not even her asking him to would get the job done. Klaus looked to the side instead, "Our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells."
Maleny rolled her eyes, seeing his plain excuses, "Well mine isn't. And since I'm still in charge of this body's safety, I'm doing it for Yamilet," Freya smiled when she downed the tea.
The only thing that kept Klaus calm despite her drinking a possible trick was that she wouldn't be spending much more time in that body. Anything happens to it she would be back in her original one. "So what we experienced was a test," he moved on, "Dahlia is watching to see how we respond to aggression. She's preparing for battle. My guess is sooner, rather than later.
"Well, if she was watching us, she would know that we have our own army," Hayley tried to be reasonable.
"She also knows where we are," Elijah reminded, "and, given the immense nature of her power, we simply have no idea what to expect from her. What we need is to create a new stronghold, something that Dahlia knows nothing about, a sanctuary from any witchcraft."
"That's a fine strategy," Freya praised, "I offer another. We could use Jackson to trace her magic back to its source, find out exactly where she is."
All eyes went to Hayley who quickly felt the pressure on her building and building until she sighed and gave in, "Fine, do it."
"I'm sure Camille can get her friend, Gia to look into the Algiers for a possible sanction," Elijah announced.
"Good! Then it's settled," Klaus, pleased, clapped his hands, "Off you pop to your respective tasks!"
"And where the hell are you going to go if I may ask?" Maleny suspected he had already come up with his own version of a plan that involved none of them. Those were the plans that worried her.
Klaus glanced back, only stopping to briefly explain, "I've always been of the opinion that the best defense is a good offense. So I'm gonna find a way to murder that God-forsaken witch."
Maleny nervously watched him leave the room before glancing back at the others, "See that?" she pointed after him, "That can't end well. Somebody needs to go with him."
She only made it one step towards the doors before Elijah grabbed her arm and stopped her, "Mal, you have to prepare for your spell."
"But I can't let him go like that," Maleny sighed as Elijah released his hold on her.
"It won't matter if you go or not," Rebekah spoke up, "Whatever he plans to do, he's going to do it anyways. It's best if you stay here and get ready to go back to your own body."
Glumly, Maleny resigned to stay back and attend to her own problems. She still had to call Alton and Amarrah to get them to come over and explain to them what would be happening.
~ 0 ~
Later on in the day, after Cami and Gia had done some research, Elijah and Cami met with Josephine at the St. James infirmary of the Algiers. Josephine was in a surprise to see the place being renovated, as it had been left abandoned for years.
"Oh, this was quite the place back in my day, St. James infirmary…" she remarked to the two vampires, "Vulgar, filthy, loud, some of the best nights of my life, but I assume you didn't go through all this trouble on my account."
"Well, my friend and I did some research and we discovered this place served as neutral grounds for both our communities," Cami explained, "A place where all were welcome and safe."
"And, in keeping with that tradition, we'd like to invite you to cast a spell," Elijah suavely got to the point of the visit, "One that would prevent the use of magic within these walls."
Josephine looked horrified at what they were asking of her, "You'd ask me to create a place where my kind would be utterly helpless?"
"My dear Josephine, powerful as you are, surely you must have sensed this grave new threat?"
"And I am not without empathy, but I have a responsibility to the witches. This is not our fight."
Cami arched an eyebrow, not too pleased the woman was willing to leave a baby on her own. "You do realize that's basically declaring yourself an enemy, right?" she innocently asked, "You're willing to stand aside and allow a poor little baby to be killed?" she knew Dahlia's purpose wasn't exactly to kill Hope but Josephine didn't need to know that.
Elijah smirked when Josephine came up with a compromise. Cami sure had ways with words, he thought.
"Perhaps a traditional blessing to dispel unwanted spirits?" Josephine asked them, "A barrier against those who mean to do us harm? Yes, a blessing combined with a disruption spell should do the trick."
"Thank you," Cami nodded with a beaming smile, afterwards taking Elijah by the arm and leading him out.
"Excellent way with words, Camille," Elijah remarked, still mildly impressed she'd acquired results in such a short time.
"Yeah, I'm thinking of leaving the psychology thing for public speeches. I have a way with words that even allowed me to get to Klaus, remember?"
"Well, what ever you decide I will be there to witness it," Elijah promised her, making her chuckle. She had only meant it as a joke but of course he was always 'supporting her' and whatnot.
~ 0 ~
When Amarrah and Alton arrived at the compound, they found Maleny in the room where hers and Rebekah's bodies were being kept. Maleny had the coffin's top raised to view her original body inside.
"I never thought how awkward it could be to stare at yourself," Maleny remarked casually, her arms crossed, "I mean, not a lot of people can say they have viewed themselves from another person's point of view."
"Is this supposed to be like some weird goodbye thing?" Amarrah came to stand beside her while Alton took the other side, "Because if it is, stop it. It's creepy."
Maleny playfully rolled her eyes, "What part of this was ever not creepy? I stole some guy's girlfriend's body," she glanced at Alton, "Sorry…"
"Not your fault," Alton shook his head.
"And then I committed mass murder with the body," Maleny sighed and glanced at Alton again, "Also sorry."
"Still not quite your fault," he assured, "Before this happened Yamilet had done worse things under Esther's and Finn's orders."
"Still, this entire situation has been beyond creepy and uncomfortable," Maleny shivered and closed the coffin once again.
"Well, I think it's about time we get the spell and get to work," Amarrah announced with a delightful smile, "I saw Freya in the living room so we can ask her for it."
Maleny nodded and led the way out of the room. The trio were a little confused to find only Hayley, Jackson and Rebekah inside with all the needed witches' spell ingredients except the very witch herself.
"Where's Freya?" Maleny scanned the room for the missing blonde.
Hayley and Rebekah exchanged uncomfortable glances, apparently having a secret needed to be told.
"We told her to leave," Hayley answered first, and just as Maleny's face went awry Rebekah added in.
"Mal, Dahlia is channeling her to create these powerful spells. We had to make her leave for now."
"Well, that was clearly something from Dahlia to get you going against Freya," Maleny stuttered, unable to believe Freya would willingly work with Dahlia.
"We couldn't risk it," Hayley shook her head, glancing over at Jackson who agreed with a nod, "I know what she did for your son, but I cannot risk my husband."
"You basically condemned your daughter to the same fate my son had," Maleny sourly said before turning away.
~ 0 ~
Distraught, Freya walked down a street in the corner, still shaken from what had occurred at the compound. Suddenly, all the people in the street started turning towards her, intently staring at her. Slowly, Freya came to a stop in the middle of the road, realizing it was another spell from Dahlia.
"No!" she cried and began to run but it was no use when she bumped into Dahlia herself.
The tall, dark-haired woman stood calmly in front of her, "There you are - after all these centuries I've finally managed to find one of you. Hello, my Freya." When she raised her hand Freya could feel her insides churning with terrible fear at what Dahlia was planning. But when she only made the humans return to normal, Freya gave her a look. Dahlia returned it with a small smile, "Hmm, how convenient that I find you here, mere footsteps from that which I shall take because of you and Nicolas."
Although terrified, Freya still argued back, "We did nothing to you but be your slaves. You have no right coming to take a child that is not yours to take."
Dahlia looked less than interested in what Freya had to say, "Are you here on their behalf?" she questioned instead, "Did you make a promise to your wretched siblings... 'Together we'll fight the wicked witch, side-by-side?' Tell me, darling, how did they respond to your overtures? Did they welcome you with open arms and weep tears of joy at your miraculous return? Hmm?"
Freya knew the woman was seeing right through her at the moment with all her pain exposed. "What are you going to do to me?"
"You always were a selfish, ungrateful child," Dahlia remarked, "And you turned Nicolas into one as well. For centuries, I fed both of you, clothed you, and cared for you, granted you powers beyond anything you could have ever dreamed, and still, you yearn for more, always wishing for another life, never satisfied," angry, she thrust her hand toward Freya, producing a severe pain infliction upon her. As the blonde witch fell to her knees, Dahlia remained watching her, "Soon enough, you will beg for me to bring you back into my home," with another spell, she raised Freya up with a tight neck choke, "After all, once I am done with these poor souls, I will be the only family you have left - apart from Nicolas of course."
Freya was released from the spell and fell to the ground again. She coughed violently as the air flooded her lungs.
"You should know better than to defy me, a lesson your father and brother will learn shortly," Dahlia then walked past Freya like nothing had happened. Freya processed her last words and realized Klaus has probably committed some type of plan that would only lead to destruction. She had to stop it, or at least help him so that it would work.
~ 0 ~
When Elijah and Cami returned to the compound, both were very unhappy to hear that Freya had been "asked to leave". Without her, their chances up against Dahlia minimize to a dangerous low. Fearing the worst, they had all of wolves guarding every inch of the compound. In the middle of the courtyard were Maleny and Amarrah discussing the matters of the location of Maleny's spell-breaking would occur. After reading the spell thoroughly, Amarrah discovered the spell had to be broken in the center of a spirit guided place: the cemetery.
"Are you sure it's safe to go out there?" Rebekah was asking Maleny while Alton retrieved the coffin carrying Maleny's original body. Amarrah was already at the cemetery with Davina, who'd graciously volunteered for help.
"In the Quarter, in these times, no where is safe," Maleny answered with a light-hearted smile meant for comfort. She didn't want anyone worrying over her at a time like this.
"But," a different voice added into the conversation, "there is protection we'd like for you to carry." Maleny and Rebekah turned around as Elijah walked in, seconds later Cami coming in with two werewolf guards of the compound.
"Elijah," Maleny sighed, unsurprised Elijah was pulling this over her. It was very like him.
"I don't want to hear any refusals," Elijah warned her, giving her a playful stern look.
"And I'm also coming with," Cami declared and walked across the room to stand beside Maleny.
"I would come with but I figure I'm useless at that," Rebekah looked to the side, "I don't want to ruin something very important."
"You wouldn't," Maleny put a hand over her arm.
Rebekah looked at her, feeling the woman's honesty in her words. Still, she would refuse, "I can't. I think I'm better here."
"Well, alright then," Maleny breathed in and glanced at Elijah, "We should get going. Please, oh please, keep an eye out on your brother."
"When don't I?" Elijah sarcastically replied then gave her a comforting nod, "But rest assure everything will be fine."
"Thank you, Elijah," Maleny beamed as she looked at Cami, the excitement just bursting out from her, "We have to go!" she pulled the blonde vampire out for the doors.
~ 0 ~
When things took a turn for the worst and Freya returned to the compound to tell her siblings Klaus and apparently Mikael had gone to go up against Dahlia, Hayley swayed to accept Jackson's proposal of fleeing the compound and the Mikaelsons altogether. She didn't feel one good bit about it, even when she had packed Hope's clothes and hers into a bag and Jackson came in their room. It wasn't the best the plan, she knew for sure.
"Hayley, are you ready?" Jackson asked, having no need to whisper since the the remaining Mikaelsons had gone out to St. Ann's church to save Klaus and the apparent new team member Mikael.
"Klaus and Elijah are the oldest, most powerful vampires in the world, and Dahlia's got them scared," Hayley's voice shook with fear, "Dahlia took Maleny's son and I can't let the same happen to Hope."
Jackson walked up to her sympathetically, "It will be fine."
"Do you really think that this is the best plan to protect her?"
"I really do," Jackson nodded. Everything was set to go. They would deviate from the planned spot where Marcel would come pick them up and instead wait for Aiden to arrive with another car to head into the bayou.
~ 0 ~
Seeing the creepy, dark crypt covered in a ring of salt along with other witch marks Maleny didn't quite understand was not a setting anyone would ever pick as a first choice for anything. Davina had gone into her family's crypt and set up for the spell, although no one guessed she had also hid many of Kol's dark objects in there, including the very important, now-working, dagger she and Kol finished before his death.
"Set it over there," Davina instructed the two werewolf guards as they carried in Maleny's coffin.
Maleny, Cami, Alton and Amarrah walked in afterwards, Amarrah carrying in a small bag over her shoulder. She went straight to Davina and set the bag over a small table.
"So this is the spell," she pulled out the scribbled paper Esther had drawn up.
Davina took the paper and gave it a glimpse over, "This...requires a lot of power," she blinked, suddenly hesitant to commit to the spell. She didn't want to do a spell that could put Maleny into a pre-depressive state again.
"You can do it," Maleny put a hand on the teen's arm, "You were able to break part of my curse before."
Davina would've replied 'Because your crazy almost mother-in-law helped me' but felt that would be a downer for everyone. She put on a smile for the woman instead and lightly nodded.
"So, you need to stand over here," she pointed Maleny to a spot across the coffin, "and you have to stay completely still."
"How long will the spell last?" Cami curiously asked.
"No more than five minutes."
"And when will we know if...you know...it worked?" Alton asked next, his beaming smile meant for the arrival for his girlfriend, Yamilet.
"It should take a couple or minutes," Amarrah replied, "If I were you I'd stand a little behind Mal."
"Because chances are she's gonna drop to the ground after the spell. I doubt Yamilet wants to wake up covered in dirt."
Alton chuckled and walked around the circle until he stood a couple feet behind Maleny. Amarrah then turned with Davina, both taking hold of their hands. Cami left the coffin top open and moved away from the circle, backing up to where the guards were, nervous to watch it all unfold.
~ 0 ~
After a bad defeat against Dahlia, the Mikaelsons regrouped back inside the compound, save for Hayley and Jackson who (unfortunately had their plan delayed) were now residing in the safe house of Algiers and Maleny who was still attending to her spell. They were catching Rebekah up with the bad unfolding of the fight they had lost.
"Well, that sounds like a bloody fiasco," she sighed, "Where's Dahlia now?"
"She could be anywhere," Elijah replied, "There wasn't a trace of her left in the church.
Freya, being the only one who was more angry than defeated, remarked, "She's done with us for the night. No doubt, she wants us to take some time to wallow in our defeat.
"Defeat? I disagree," Klaus flashed her a devious smile, "We saw her face. We took her measure. If that's the best she's got, quite frankly, I'm unimpressed."
The most unexpected guest of all, Mikael, spoke up from across the room, "Her aim was not to impress us. She wanted us to reveal our sole weapon, and, like fools, we did."
Rebekah looked between her father and brother incredulously, "Am I hearing things, or did Nik just exchange words with our father?"
"Rebekah. I'd know that wicked tongue anywhere," Mikael said back, almost amused, "What mischief have you gotten yourself into now? No doubt the bastard's doing."
That remark reminded everyone of the ongoing tension. Klaus growled, "Enough. My patience, like this farce of a reunion, is at an end."
"Agreed," Elijah made way for his father, "There only is one question here: What exactly are we doing?"
When Freya saw the discreet glance towards her she erupted into angry shouts, "This was not my plan! You," she pointed at Klaus, "rushed it and made but a single weapon!" she still couldn't comprehend why they would show their one weapon, a dagger specially made, to Dahlia in a rushed fight, "Of course she took it from you, and now we've lost what advantage we had and used up the very materials we needed to kill her."
Klaus remained calm against her shouts, seeing the problem less gravely, "It's a bit histrionic. Your materials are easily found. Let's take stock, shall we? There's an ample supply of your blood. Norwegian soil is hardly scarce. What else? Ah, yes... the ashes of Dahlia's viking oppressors."
"Only priceless relics gotten with great difficulty at a museum, lost due to your worthless strategies," Mikael accused.
In one second, Klaus sped the man against a wall, threatening him with the white oak stake. Freya, alarmed, meant to go for them but Rebekah held her back.
"If I feel even the faintest touch of your magic, Freya, I will end him with a flick of my wrist!" Klaus warned Freya before addressing Mikael, "You don't seem surprised."
Mikael only made a noise when he felt the stake brushing over his heart. Other than that, he was not very surprised by the predicament he found himself in. "Betrayal is in your nature, boy."
"No. I wasn't born like this," Klaus snapped, "Her you fight for…" he motioned back to Freya, "Lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know... yet there was a time when you knew me as your son, a time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal. There were moments when all you had to do was be my father, and even then, you despised me, didn't you? I want to know why."
Although Klaus had nearly broken down Mikael upheld his cold tone, "I don't know. I just... did."
Furious of the answer, and partially overwhelmed by such a simple answer, Klaus acted out and plunged the white oak stake into Mikael's heart.
"NOO!" Freya screamed as her father fell to his knees, burning to death.
Klaus turned back to his siblings, feigning indifference, "Viking ash is indeed rare... but all you really need is a burning viking corpse."
As he left, Elijah and Rebekah now held back Freya together. They had her hands pinned behind her back to prevent her from attacking Klaus with magic. Freya uncontrollably sobbed her father's death. And, although Elijah and Rebekah knew Mikael wouldn't have kept living so long, they both agreed Klaus' rash decision hadn't been the best under the circumstances they were in.
~ 0 ~
Davina and Amarrah were in the middle of chanting the spell that was near ending. Cami and Alton, while both strong, were struggling to stay on their feet under the strong wind that resulted from the spell. Maleny had her hands balled into fists and her eyes shut. Only her hair moved in the midst of the wind. She could feel the spell's power pulsating through her blood, and even if it was slightly painful, she would withstand it all to be back in her own body.
But suddenly, a strange force picked up and blasted everyone in the room away from the ring and into harsh landings, all ending up unconscious. Several seconds later the sound of heels clicked closer, revealing Dahlia herself. She hummed at the sight before her, taking it all with ease, but soon her attention laid on the coffin. She walked towards it and peered inside where the familiar blonde rested inside, still empty.
"Hello again, my dear," she tapped her fingers alongside the edge of the coffin, "Last time I saw you, Nicolas said you had jumped bodies. Now I hear you're trying to do the same...only this time, there's going to be a new destination," the wide, sinister smile spreading across her face would've gave anyone a fearsome tremble if they had been awake to see it.
~ 0 ~
Night had turned to day, and after the previous actions, no Mikaelson had peace. Tension brewed once again when Josephine made a rather strange entrance into the compound.
"Josephine," Elijah came out with his two siblings to greet the woman, eyeing the woman suspiciously. It wasn't like her to come into the Quarter, much less into the compound.
"Forgive me for calling so early, Elijah, but, I've come bearing a message from your aunt Dahlia," the woman declared, "She is owed debts, and since they have not been paid she will come for the next third generation."
Klaus stepped towards her, "She can writhe in Hell first," he snapped.
"If you must harbor hatred, isn't it better spent on the ones who are really at fault here?" Josephine went on, surprisingly calm, "Your mother for creating the bargain in the first place or your sister and your son for running away?"
At the mention of Nicolas, Klaus nearly lunged on the woman if Elijah hadn't grabbed him. Even through that, Josephine showed no sign of fear.
"It's Dahlia," Rebekah realized afterwards, receiving a wicked grin from the woman.
"I prefer Aunt Dahlia," Dahlia, speaking through Josephine, corrected her.
"You dare enter my home?" Klaus, furiously, demanded, shaking off Elijah's hold from him.
"I came to warn you if you don't hand over the child I will come for you all," she declared, though the fearsome aura died down when the spell she held over Josephine began weakening and blood oozed out from under the choker she wore. "Though, I do not detect her here. I see you've used a spell to cloak her. No matter- such spells will yield, as will you. Say your farewells. You have 'til nightfall tomorrow, and then the child shall be mine."
Klaus could see the woman serving as a host for the spell was already dead and therefore made no second thought about chopping her in the neck and decapitating her. The headless body dropped to the ground and there laid the end of the awful surprise of Dahlia. Unfortunately, soon after Klaus' cellphone rang, the call being from Cami.
"Where the hell is Maleny?" was his first question upon answering. It had been many hours and although he knew he was severely lacking in patience, this was just too long for a spell.
On the other side, Cami was biting her lip as she looked back to the brunette woman sitting on a chair, Alton at her side, the woman weak.
"I hate that guy, I hate him so much, Alton," the brunette was telling Alton with the fury only the controller of the body could muster.
"It's alright, Yamilet," Alton had his hands on her head, "Everything's going to be okay now, I promise."
"We have a problem…" Cami finally said to Klaus over the phone, expecting an even worse fury from him after he heard what happened.
~ 0 ~
Davina repeatedly looked over the spell she and Amarrah attempted to do earlier, hoping to find the mistake they could've possibly done. By finding a mistake, they would be able to fix it. But nothing. There was nothing that told them what had gone wrong in the spell and and why only Yamilet had woken up.
When Klaus entered the crypt, she quickly cleared her throat to motion the others trouble was coming. Sensing the same, Cami was the first one to meet him.
"You have to listen," she began urgently, "We don't...we don't know…"
"WHERE IS SHE!?" he angrily shouted at the entire room until he saw the awakened brunette, staring at him, and he easily saw Maleny no longer was in control of those eyes.
"It's not her anymore," Alton stepped in front of Yamilet, guessing he hadn't yet figured out.
"Klaus, you have to listen to what happened," Cami insisted, "Look…"
Cami sat upright near the entrance hallway and rubbed her head, her eyes scanning the room for the others' conditions. Maleny seemed unconscious, lying face down on the ground, near Alton who groaning as he used the wall to get up. Amarrah and Davina had landed near the table of ingredients, now turned over from the blast. Both women raised their heads off the ground in terrible confusion.
"What just happened?" Cami finally asked, watching Alton go to Maleny.
"Yamilet?" he gently turned the body over, able to hear a pulse but who was in control of the body he wasn't sure.
Cami then rushed to the coffin of Maleny's original body, hoping to hear the heartbeat as well. Neither she nor Alton saw the looks exchanged by Amarrah and Davina.
"Yamilet? C'mon…" Alton cradled the head of his girlfriend's body, the heartbeat getting stronger as the woman began to stir, "Yamilet? Is it...is it…?" the woman's eyes opened up and stared at him.
"Alton?" the voice of the woman had changed, but to Alton it had only returned to the softer tone of his girlfriend.
His eyes filled with tears as he realized it was her, it was Yamilet. She was back with him now.
Cami began frowning when she couldn't hear anything from Maleny, "Guys, what's going on?" she glanced at the two witches, "I can't hear the heartbeat. Why can't I hear the heartbeat?"
Dangerous glares landed on Amarrah and Davina next, "What the hell happened here? You had the spell written down for you!" and he tried charging on the two witches but Cami, along with the help of the two wolf guards that had accompanied them helped her keep him back, "How easier could it have been for you!"
"We don't know what happened!" Amarrah exclaimed, equally frustrated and angry as he was, "Yes, the spell was written down but the power needed was something beyond us. Something happened and we don't know...we just…."
"We don't really know where Maleny's soul went," Davina said quieter, for once accepting his anger against them.
When Klaus took another forceful lunge at them Amarrah jumped in front of Davina, "We think someone hijacked the spell!" she shouted and made him stop to contemplate the idea, "The spell was going fine, maybe a little bumpy but it was going fine, I promise. Someone...someone did this, I could feel it."
It didn't take long for Klaus to come up with a person who would be interested in hurting Maleny at the moment, "...Freya," he muttered.
~ 0 ~
In the safe house, Hayley was anxiously awaiting the return of her husband, and to hear word from Aiden. She didn't like the plan they had settled on, but she found it was the only possible way to protect Hope. They would be trying to cut Hope's magic off through a spell that hopefully Davina would be gracious enough to do for them. But she hated the only thing she could do at the moment was wait. She didn't feel any better when she saw magical green vines suddenly creeping into the place from the outside. They grew to be so big they completely covered the windows. She snatched Hope up into her arms and slowly moved closer to the windows, along with several other of the guards. The crimson red flowers growing on the vines reminded Hayley of the previous encounter with Dahlia, thus letting her know what was happening.
"They're dahlias. She knows we're here," she told the to others, "We need to spread out, now!" the guards didn't waste a minute in doing so, spanning around the outside to fight against the witch.
After trying an unsuccessful phone call from the cellphone, she tried using the landline, hoping to get one of the Mikaelsons' to pick up. However, she came up with the same results.
"I need you to go get help," she called the nearest wolf from the outside, "Now, please!"
Hayley only had a minute to think before she heard the cursed tune of Dahlia's carrying in from the entrance. She picked up Hope again, the baby obliviously chewing on her favorite teddy bear, and began to pace again. When she saw Dahlia finally make an appearance, she stopped and glared at the woman.
"What a beauty," Dahlia remarked of Hope, meaning to step inside only to realize the thick line of sand spread over the doorway, "I sense by entering, you would have me at a considerable disadvantage."
Although scared beyond belief, Hayley made the menacing threat, "Why don't you come on in? I would love to show you some hybrid hospitality."
Dahlia took the threat with amusement, "I only came to chat."
"Fine: if you lay a finger on her, I swear I will make you suffer in ways even your evil mind can't imagine."
Dahlia laughed, waving a hand in pure calmness, "Hayley, is it? I have no quarrel with you. Frankly, I think your anger should be directed at the Mikaelsons. After all, it is because of them that I'm here for your child. It was their mother who made the bargain, it was their sister and their firstborn nephew who ran from me when they belonged to me."
"Well, if you're as the big bitch they made you out to be I don't fault them for running," Hayley snapped.
"I feel...very sorry for you," Dahlia flashed a light smile, "You and the other one, Maleny. Both of you were flung into this world and have suffered because of this family. Unfortunately, her loss will now be your loss, and if you're not careful your own death as well."
"I am not afraid of you," Hayley declared, her mother fury masking her fear, "You are not taking my daughter."
Dahlia tilted her head, "I admire your ferocity to save your child, certainly not like the last child's mother I took."
"That's because she wasn't there! But I'm sure if she was she would have fought in the same way she is now," Hayley angrily said.
"Perhaps," Dahlia consented and dug a hand into her pocket, "which is why I came to strike a deal with you. Clearly, you are the most level-headed of all these people at the moment."
"I'm not interested in anything you have to say," Hayley turned away, intending on walking away.
"Not even one that could would allow you to keep your daughter?" the question made Hayley freeze in her tracks. Dahlia smirked as the woman slowly turned back, "You are right, I have no right in taking this child, but I must since I need power to break this sleeping spell. But, your child is not the only source I can use. I will let you keep your daughter if, and only if, you turn in either Freya or Nicolas Mikaelson to me."
Hayley's eyes widened in horror, "Are you...out of your mind? I won't turn in anyone to you."
"Now, my suggestion would be to turn in Freya," Dahlia said calmly, acting as if Hayley hadn't yet said anything, "She's the closest, clearly, and she was never truly part of the family. But, if you see her better suited to stay, bring in Nicolas. With enough power you can break his cloaking spell and bring him here. And if it's the mother's rage you wish to avoid, have no fear, it's all taken care of," she pulled out a small red pendant necklace from her pocket, much like Freya's blue pendant where she had Finn's soul inside.
Hayley's eyes narrowed in on the pendant, trying to figure out what it meant, along with Dahlia's words. She clutched Hope closer to her, "What's that?" she finally decided to ask.
"Imagine it as a little container - it holds Maleny's soul for the moment," Dahlia had a wicked smile stretching across her face, like this was all just a game for her.
"What...what does that mean?" Hayley's insides churned at the idea of what Dahlia could've done to her friend.
"It means Maleny will no longer be a problem if you wish to turn in her son."
"What did you do to my friend!?" Hayley snarled and stalked towards Dahlia, "I swear to God you will regret it if you hurt her, and not by me, but by someone else who's a bit stronger and more angry."
Dahlia put away the pendant back into her pocket, and spoke her last words before leaving, "You have until nightfall tomorrow to make a decision and act on it. Goodbye."
~ 0 ~
As the coffin with Maleny's empty body was placed back into the safe room of the compound, Klaus raged outside in the corridor, Elijah and Rebekah listening from beside.
"It was Freya!" he was shouting, making erratic hand gestures, "She's angry I killed Mikael so she sought revenge!"
"I don't think Freya would do that," Rebekah spoke up rather sure of herself. Klaus stopped pacing to give her a dagger glare, "It doesn't add up," Rebekah insisted, "Ever since Freya got here she's said over and over how she wanted to help Mal."
"Rage makes one act out of order, Rebekah," Klaus snapped.
"Speaking from experience then," Elijah remarked afterwards, earning himself a glare as well.
"This isn't funny! Do you know, out of all this, I am most tired with having to deal with Maleny getting caught in our crossfires?" Klaus' question made the other two siblings stay quiet, allowing the guilt to fill up, "Ever since she came back she has only had one purpose, to find the corpse that would break her spell. I haven't been able to help her because I've been doing this! And, yet, somehow, she's gotten the worst of it."
Elijah could see the pain seeping through his brothers hard words and felt sympathy for him, "Then let all this petty paranoid and stand with us. We will get Maleny back and protect Hope."
"If by "us" you mean you and Freya, then I will not be standing with you."
Elijah sighed, "She is the best chance we have to save your child, not to mention the needed power to help Mal."
"We need her, Niklaus - Freya is our family. If you cannot see the greater picture here-"
"You see only around the next curve in the road! I am looking from above. Freya gave herself away when she complained of our single weapon to kill Dahlia. Now, I know there is a way to defeat our hated enemy without her."
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "So enlighten us already and we will do everything in our power to help you!"
"Forsake Freya, and I will let you in!"
Elijah had reached his patience with Klaus and began to rise in volume, "This is insane! Hope is also our family. Now, if you continue to walk this path, you will lead her towards harm. And do not fail to understand me when I say this to you - I will do whatever it takes to prevent this."
"So will I. So, the choice remains yours, brother - Freya, or me," Klaus gestured with open arms before walking past them. He didn't care who stood by him, or who didn't. He would get Maleny back from wherever she was, all in the meanwhile of taking down Dahlia for Hope.
~ 0 ~
After finally seeing Hayley's calls, Elijah made it to the Algiers to hear about the events that had unfolded.
"Of course I tried to call you, Elijah!but Hayley was fuming, "But since Dahlia was able to take down both Klaus and Mikael, I'm guessing that a cell phone tower was a piece of cake."
"And where were the wolves who stood guard?"
"Getting their asses handed to them by Dahlia, just like Klaus did."
And at that moment, Klaus made an entrance as well. Surprised by his presence, Elijah questioningly looked at Hayley.
"I called both of you," she explained, suddenly quieter, "Dahlia is willing to make a deal in order for us to keep Hope."
"Oh, and I imagine the price is extra high," Klaus sarcastically smiled.
"Either we turn in your sister, Freya, or your son, Nicolas or she comes for Hope."
The smile was quickly gone from Klaus' face, and replaced with fury, "And you agreed!?"
"Yes," it was Hayley's turn to be sarcastic, "because if I had agreed then I would definitely be telling you about the deal in the first place," her tone then shifted to a soft, stern one, "I want my daughter safe, Klaus, but the cost of staying here will be too high for your family. Also," she knew her next words would probably bring the tip of the iceberg, "I don't understand how, but...she has Maleny trapped in some type of pendant necklace."
"She took Maleny!?" Klaus roared, only this time there was no one to attack.
Hayley sighed, "Look, with everything that's going on, we have to go," she received the expected alarmed, confused faces of the brotherS so she quickly added in, "Jackson is out getting supplies, and then we're taking the wolves and we're headed to the Bayou."
"The swamp?" Klaus arched an eyebrow, completely unamused with the silly plan, "So my child can be protected by the very wolves Dahlia so easily defeated? Absolutely not!"
Frustrated, Hayley marched up to him, coming face to face, "You know, I am so over taking advice from you, Klaus. All it has done so far is put Hope in danger. From now on, I am going to do what I want to do. We're leaving."
He shoved her back before she could leave the place, "You're not going anywhere unless I tell you to."
"I am not your prisoner, Klaus!"
Elijah sighed, trying to break them apart, "Both of you, please- we're playing into Dahlia's hands."
"Not doing as I say plays into her hands!" Klaus snapped, "While you two have been kow-towing to Freya and devising ways to flee with your tail between your legs, I've been forging a new path. I know what Freya was planning, and I know how to kill Dahlia.
But suddenly, they heard Jackson's booming voice calling out for Klaus. A couple of seconds later, he came in holding Aiden's dead body over his shoulders with a werewolf guard behind.
"Oh, my God," Hayley blinked when Aiden was placed down on a table. The corpse was marred in what looked like claw marks and had his heart taken out.
"Klaus made Aiden spy on us. Instead, he told me everything," Jackson turned to Klaus, fully accusing him, "so you killed him!"
Klaus only had a second to look over the corpse when Hayley was already accusing him as well.
"You killed one of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter?" she frowned.
Seeing all the accusing faces, and thinking it over for a minute, Klaus went with, "So what if I did? This is what happens to anyone who dares cross me!"
The werewolf that had come in with Jackson made a remark, "just give us the word, Jackson."
"Yes! Come and have a go!" Klaus shouted, motioning them to have at it, "But you'll be putting your life on the line for one who is all too willing to betray you. Perhaps this never would have happened if he'd had a real Alpha."
Jackson lost it and lunged for him, punching him across the face. In retaliation, Klaus sent Jackson backwards, into other wolves that had come in from the commotion. Hayley tried getting in to defend Jackson but suffered a blow to the stomach and flung to the side. It wasn't until Elijah put himself between Klaus and Jackson that things froze.
"Do you wish to die?" Elijah darkly inquired from Jackson.
Furious, Hayley got up and shoved Elijah back, "You wanna kill me, too, Elijah?"
Elijah moved back to where Klaus stood, "If you come at him, you come at me."
Klaus smirked with such a pleasant outcome, "You lot should make better use of your time. I suggest burying your dead."
"GET OUT!" Hayley screamed, violently pointing at them to the doors.
Elijah sighed and glanced at his brother, "Niklaus, you mentioned a plan. I recommend you begin. Hayley and Hope are safe for the time being and not going anywhere."
With a fake smile, Klaus nodded, "Shan't be long," he promised and calmly walked off.
~ 0 ~
In Marcel's apartment, he and Rebekah were discussing what apparently had happened to Aiden. And though she knew her brother perfectly, Rebekah was still stunned of the news.
"I can't believe this is happening. My brother's lost his bloody mind!" she exclaimed, slumping back against the couch, "I don't know whether to blame this on what happened to Mal, I mean...did his anger really drive him to do this?"
"You really think those wolves are gonna fight to protect Hope now?" Marcel asked the winning question, one that left Rebekah deeply pondering of the consequences Klaus' action would bring upon them.
"He ruins everything he touches! Turns everyone against us!" Rebekah raged and shook her head. "Honestly, sometimes I don't understand how Maleny can stand him!" But then she got to wondering if Maleny had been around, would he still have done such an outrageous thing?
Suddenly, Davina appeared by the entrance, teary eyed from the catastrophe, "Marcel?"
"We just heard," Marcel went for yer, "Is Josh with you?"
"No," she shook her head, "When Jackson came to get Aiden's body, he just took off."
"D- D, I'm so sorry," Marcel took her into a hug, letting her cry for a little.
Davina pulled herself together and stepped back, "I brought something for you," she dug into her purse and pulled out the gold dagger she and Kol finished.
Rebekah caught sight of the familiar dagger and gaped, "Is that what I think it is?"
Davina nodded, "The dagger Kol and I made. I want you to use it," she looked at Marcel, "Mal's gonna have to forgive me but I want you to put Klaus down."
Without saying a word, Marcel took the dagger from her, glancing at Rebekah to see what she wanted to do with it.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah and Cami had been going through Maleny's room in search of her mother's spell book. The idea was to find to a spell that would either locate Maleny's whereabouts, or bring her back from wherever she was. Amarrah squealed when she found the book in one of the drawers set against a wall.
"Aha! Yes!" she cheered and turned back to Cami, "Got it!"
Cami was relieved to see the book back and motioned for the witch to follow her out. When they did, they caught Klaus heading into his art room. The two women exchanged concerned looks, and after a moment they walked for the art room them selves.
Klaus was lurking through his things when he heard one of them clearing their throat. He was slightly confused to see them both smirking at him. "Can I help you both?" he asked the empty, sarcastic question.
"We've been thinking," Amarrah announced, ignoring the loud scoff he gave in response, "about the whole Aiden thing, and we have something to tell you."
"I believe everyone else has covered the basics of insults and whatnot," Klaus rolled his eyes.
"Why are you lying?" Cami sharply asked, starting him, "No one is here but us. We're trying to help you and you lying does no good."
"I'm not lying," Klaus frowned.
"It doesn't make sense," Amarrah continued, "None of it does. See, Elijah thinks you did it because Aiden betrayed you, but Rebekah thinks it's because of what happened to Mal."
"Yes," Klaus slowly, and darkly, said to the women, meaning on scaring them.
Cami took a step towards him, smirking even wider, "Liar, liar, pants on fire. We don't believe you, so just stop and tell us what it is you're planning."
"You have us, Alton and even Yamilet who's craving for revenge against your family," Amarrah reminded him, "Tell us."
Klaus considered the many things he could tell them, but never the true plan. He did think, however, of one detail they would be perfect in working at.
"Dahlia intercepted the spell you tried earlier," he looked over at Amarrah, "She placed Maleny's soul into a pendant necklace much like the one Freya wears around her neck. Figure a spell to get Maleny back."
Amarrah blinked, her mind racing to process the horrible news. Cami, on the other hand, pulled herself together rather fast in order to think.
"We have to know why she did it first and with what spell."
"She meant it as part of a deal she made with Hayley, which she didn't take clearly," Klaus turned back to his things, "Get Mal back, that's your task. The rest is for me."
But at that moment, Elijah strode into the room, "You put them in the paint," he accused, "Father's ashes, the earth from sacred ground, all hidden in plain sight."
Klaus turned back in anger, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding Hayley."
"She's gone," Elijah declared rather calmly despite what was to come next, "She and Jackson took Hope, and you will not find them, brother."
"You helped Hayley escape? With my daughter?" the anger settled instantaneously over Klaus.
Cami was horrified to hear Elijah had done such a thing, especially without even talking to someone about it, "Elijah…" she whispered.
"Someone had to protect that child," Elijah began but Klaus has fully vamped-out and shoved him back until he was practically holding him over the balcony rail.
Elijah grabbed Klaus' arm and twisted it to turn him around, shoving him back into the room. Klaus ended crashing through his tables.
"Cami…" Amarrah was horrified, and frankly scared, of the sight before them. The blonde gently pushed her out of the room and considered the idea of going in to help, but...she wasn't quite sure which brother to help. Klaus had his reasons, but Elijah was at a disadvantage due to his lack of knowledge about the truth.
Klaus had come back and thrown Elijah across the room then sped over to continue, "I'm a hybrid, Elijah. Why provoke a fight you cannot win?"
Elijah didn't say a word back and instead pulled out the golden dagger and jammed it through Klaus' heart. The hybrid was so caught off guard he didn't have a moment to think and pull the dagger when it already started taking effect.
"Elijah!" Cami screamed in both horror and anger. She didn't think twice before speeding over to take the dagger out herself.
"No, Cami!" Elijah yanked her back but the blonde was willing to fight him for it. She punched him in the face with all her might, sending him a decent amount of distance away.
"Amarrah!" Cami called and motioned her with a nod to get the dagger.
But Amarrah was suddenly grabbed by Rebekah and Freya from behind. She dropped the spell book and struggled against the two women.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Cami meant to go for the two sisters and help Amarrah when Elijah was back on his feet and grabbed her from behind.
All in the meanwhile, the desiccation was taking full effect over Klaus. He had fallen to his knees and could only watch the last of the events in struggle.
"Cami, just stop!" Elijah was in and full struggle against the blonde in his arms.
Cami was jumping and making attempts to punch him from behind. She was beyond furious with the recent decisions that had apparently been taken without a word of consultation with her. After all that Elijah had told her about being part of them, a part of their family, she felt she was owed at least that much.
"NO!" Cami screamed and elbowed Elijah harshly, making him pull back. She sped towards the now desiccated Klaus on the floor, however Elijah got to her first and, with an immense pain in his heart, snapped her neck.
"No!" Amarrah exclaimed, teary eyed, as she watched her friend drop to the floor with a thud.
Elijah didn't look at all pleased with the happenings. His own teary eyes had blurred his vision, and though it hurt him, he stood by his actions with all the consequences that would follow.
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
In your opinion, would Klaus’ve still fallen in love with Caroline if he met Camille first?
I... Don’t know how to answer that? I don’t know if you like Camille, anon, so I have to warn you I don’t have a lot of warm feelings for the way her character was written on the show. If you do like her, my opinion might upset you a little. lol
In my head, the only reason Camille exists at all is because Caroline existed first. She’s a poor man’s Caroline who was obviously written to try and appeal to the people who had been previously captivated by the chemistry between Klaus and Caroline. It’s so awful that they cast an actress who would fit the physical description. Except it was pretty obvious they never really understood their own audience if they thought inserting a character who was a rip-off of another one who had a long history with the show’s universe and was beloved in her own merit, outside of the pairing she was in, and add psycho-analyzing BS to make her seem ~~adult~~ while passing on moral judgement but being totally ready to cut Klaus slacks for being the worst human being ever and even directly abusing her with zero consequences is what people were into. They... Just really didn’t get it. 
So do you see why I can’t answer that? I don’t get Klaus being into Cami at all. lol She’s mortal, she does nothing relevant, she doesn’t challenge him or ever even make him really be a better person because he’s AWFUL almost the whole time (including to her), she’s the go-to character for info dump and after just rewatching season 2, I realized she is in barely any of the episodes, and when she does show up, it’s to baby sit. So I really have to wonder how in hell’s name Klaus would ever be into her. I never bought them as a couple - except for the fact there all these tiny moments when she’ll say something you have a feeling you’ve heard before, or someone will say something about her that’s been previously said of another coincidentally blonde character, and you’ll go ‘Hmm, Caroline’.
For me to actually ship two characters, there has to be some hardships, you know? If it’s too easy, I don’t care at all. And that was never a thing for Klamille. Klaus was straight out refusing her the whole time while she was basically begging him to accept her as though that in itself was the magical cure for everything that was wrong with him. There was no conflict, ever. They could’ve been together at any point, but weren’t probably because reasons. And even though I never liked them as a couple, I felt really sorry for the way she was treated in season 3 and then how she died. That was... Painful.
TO SUM IT ALL UP. lol I can’t see Klaus ever being into Camille if he hadn’t been into Caroline first, so the answer is probably yes? He said it himself, there’s no way he would never not notice her. lol CHEESY AF, KLAUS, BUT WE ATE THAT SHIT UP.
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aeruthien · 5 years
Klaus’ redemption: part 3
As the title implies, this is a continuation of part 1 and part 2.
Now we finally get to the Point!
So how does subjective morality and the narrative of the Hero’s journey/ villain to hero relate to Klaus’ redemption?
In the Vampire Diaries, at least in s2 and s3, Klaus was very much a personification of 'evil'. The first time he is mentioned, it is immediately made clear that he is to be feared and that if he ever comes to Mystic Falls, it won't end well for the protagonists (or at least Elena). Even his own brother is trying to kill him!
And the show makes good on that promise: Klaus' first act is giving a horrible history class (that was in the seventies, Klaus, not the sixties! omg). No wait, I mean, his first bad act is killing one of the protagonists loved ones: Aunt Jenna (but no one cares about the werewolf chick whoops). He then proceeds with compelling Stefan, turns Tyler, etc. He is very self-centered and doesn't give a damn about anyone other than himself and his own plans, not even his own family. Also, he is without remorse. This basically continues until the Originals starts, although we do get to see why is is the way is is in some way through his interactions with Rebekah and Mikael.
Now, as I mentioned, the hero's journey is often kickstarted by the appearance of a mentor. In Klaus' case, this mentor is Elijah (although Cami has some mentor qualities too). He is the one who challenges Klaus to accept his ‘destiny’ (being a father) and keeps pushing him throughout the series.
Interestingly, though, Elijah was also a villain, or at least an antagonist on TVD. His motives for wanting Klaus to accept his destiny are entirely subjective. He doesn't care about the people in Mystic Falls, with the exception maybe being Elena. He cares about Klaus, and about Rebekah. In the first episode, he states that he wants Klaus to experience unconditional love and happiness. Klaus has to change because his actions are self-destructive, and drive those that love him away, not because Elijah thinks that he has necessarily done something morally wrong.(Illustration of this point: When Klaus tells Elijah that he killed Tyler's mom, Elijah is more like, ugh this is a nuisance because we got an angry puppy going after Hayley, instead of oh no, killing moms is morally bad!)
So, I think that from the start of Klaus' redemption arc, his redemption has never been about the greater good. It's not about atoning for past sins, at least not the ones we have experienced through the Mystic Falls gang so far. The sins Elijah wants Klaus to atone for is are those against his (extended) family.
I am not saying that this is a problem in any way. Actually, I think that this much more interesting than the 'greater good' perspective. I also believe that the show was aware of this and actively played with these two notions, at least up until s3 and arguably s4. By juxtaposing Finn's world view to Cami's, for example, they forced the audience to think about these things as well. (And then s5 happened).
Over the course of the first 3 series, I think Klaus does go through the steps I mentioned in part 2, although reluctantly. He kind of realizes that his actions are destructive and hurt the ones he loves, the one of the first most poignant scene being when he lets Rebekah go in s1. Then in s2 he starts to get the message, by trusting Kol and allowing him back into the fold, but then reverts back to old behaviour when pushed to extremes. He realizes the repercussions of his actions at the end of s2. His arc finally accumulates in the sacrifice he makes at the end of s3 to save his family. At this point, I think Klaus has redeemed himself in Elijah's, Rebekah's and Hayley’s eyes (and maybe Kol’s).
Now the final step in his growth should be that Klaus keeps up his intention of good will towards his family. He is ‘redeemed‘ for past sins, now let’s not add any others.
Here it becomes more muddy, because we enter s4 and s5 territory. In s4, I don’t think that Klaus changes that much. He is worried about Hope when she is in danger. He is worried about Elijah when he is in danger. He sacrifices himself along with his family for Hope in the end, looking properly teary eyed (ok to be honest here that moment wrecked me, I was already ripped to shreds due to Haylijah and then that happened and then Elijah lost his memories and like tearsss if anything this show can is capable of emotional punches, THEIR FACES urgh. Anyway, I digress).
Cami is gone, so his world view isn't challenged in any particular way. He doesn't kill Marcel, which is a step forward, but he already argued against sacrificing Davina in the end of s3, so that is consistent. Klaus in s4 suffers from the same problem as Hayley: his beliefs are not challenged, he is not asked to put any of his family members in danger to save Hope, and his character remains stagnant.
Then in s5, Klaus is shown to have gone 'back to his old ways' when he kills 'his enemies'. In the first scenes with Caroline, they seem to question if this is because he has gone crazy or not. However, he does genuinely say: "I'm no good without Elijah".
I don't think murdering all those people are his 'old' ways. In the s4 finale he gladly burns the followers of the Hollow alive, so he isn't opposed to mass murder. Once again, the thing he reverts back on is how he treats his family. Hope sees him kill people and he proceeds by shunning her for five years. Then, when amnesiLijah tells him to sod off, he nearly murders amnesiLijah's new girlfriend (remember Celeste anyone?). He reverts back to lashing out at the people who love him the most, because he is afraid to lose them, and in the progress loses them all over again.
Here, the show could have made this a final point of growth for Klaus. They raise the question: can he be good to his family without Elijah there to help him? Remember the death of the mentor in the Hero’s Journey (for example Obi-Wan, Gandalf)?  In a certain way, that is what happens to Klaus here. His mentor is gone, so can he stand on his own two feet?
The answer the writers give is a big fat NOPE. Klaus refuses to help amnesiLijah in any way, and instead continuously blames him for Hayley's death. He risks the plagues wiping away NOLA to be with his daughter while he refused to talk to her for five years before. He is totally ready to let Antoinette die, as an eye-for-an-eye situation. And then Elijah is back (against his will!! and not that Klaus was any help), and Klaus has his older brother around to kick his ass into gear again, and his previous actions are not questioned at all, except for like two(?) scenes with Hope in which he kind of says sorry?
I already talked about Elijah's ending, and the shift in morality and toxic codependece and how Elijah is narratively blamed for the above situation instead of Klaus. But I do think that this part of the story hurts Klaus’ character as well. He is never allowed to grow beyond his dependency on Elijah. He isn't allowed to be a good father, or a semi-good person in his own right.
But then they do another 180 in the final episode, saying, look! Klaus is such a good guy now he sacrifices himself for his daughter and the greater good! To hammer in the point (or the stake ;) ), they even have Klaus ask Elijah explicitly: do you think me redeemed? Of course, Elijah says yes, but Elijah is kind of biased, isn't he? If Klaus had asked Vincent, he would have laughed in his face.
So to finally get to the point. Basically I call it Klaus’ non-redemption because of two things:
The first is that he is actually redeemed wrt his family, in their very biased and subjective eyes, but then they screw things up in s5, without ever resolving it.
The second is that they want us to believe he is redeemed in the more universal sense, but that is just not the case.
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hellsbellschime · 6 years
“You are still one of us, a Mikaelson. You always will be.” says the fake Rebekah. At this point no one is a real Mikaelson in that freak show. We have entered a parallel fanfiction universe and it is not even the good kind of fanfiction. This show could not be any more unoriginal could it?
They keep calling Hayley queen in every second dialogue and in such a dramatic way and I keep laughing so much. Was this seriously the way of the show to make people accept Hayley’s importance? Because oh dear LMAO…and the actress surely does not help…like at all.
Klaus stands on the balcony and smirks like Machiavelli and acts like the master puppeteer and then what? What was his master plan? To kill Jackson? And then does nothing? Just invites Jackson and Hayley to live in the compound? So what’s the point? Like there is no point. Seriously. There is no point. Like…none. It is not just a let down. It is practically nothing. How can this even be possible. All that hype for nothing. All those scenes and a whole episode and all the preparation for nothing.
I don’t know what to say. This show challenges my critical skills and makes me think I may be missing something or my comprehension skills do not work because this makes no sense and shows normally do make sense even if they are trash shows. At least there is a point and usually you get from point A to point B. This is not the case here. Like they just bring the baby back? THAT’S IT? I sat through all that crap for them to erase everything? Where’s the logic in that? -
- So what was the point of S1? Of the finale of S1? Of this season so far? Of frigging killing Ansel? Of all that drama? All that drivel! Why sent the baby away to begin with? What the actual hell is going on? I have never seen a narrative like this. I am speechless. There is no progress. More than half of S2 has passed and we are at square one as we were at the same point of S1 and it is square where nothing actually happens and it serves no purpose. How is this even possible?
That’s one ugly wedding dress. And poor Phoebe can’t even hold the umbrella and hops up and down in such an awkward way. She can’t even spell the words right. Always with the wooves and in her talk with Jackson for their wedding night she can’t spell the word Hybrid. She says hybird like actually hi and bird. It’s so distracting. She's portraying a hybrid and can’t even spell the word. Same with werewolves and wolves. She can’t even speak and deliver the basic words of her character. I’m amazed.
Not only they have another actor playing Kol and have him saying crap about how he did not like being a vampire but they also progressively turned him to a fairytale prince. I am gonna vomit. At this point and I do not believe I am about to say this it would have been better if they had kept him dead and away from TO.
Happy mom, happy dad, happy baby. Developmental psych? Seriously? LMFAO. Yeah it truly takes a lot of studying and attending a lot of courses in several complicated studies to get to learn that. Who would have thought! You definitely need a therapist for that. I mean…come oooooooon LOL…Cami darling…go out, get some air, eat something. Maybe it will help LOL
Kol dies and Elijah does not shed a tear. Hayley marries and he cries. I have no words. I mean yeah this was fake Kol and this show has no real ties with the Originals but still…like at least keep up the pretenses! This is a mess. I am offending messes here but I can’t find a suitable description for what I am seeing.
Freya is just so melodramatic. It is the role and the dialogue too but also the over the top acting from the actress. Everything in this show is just so hammy.
I am in awe about how offensive this show is. So Rebekah hijacks Eva's body but somehow Rebekah is the victim and Eva is the villain? No matter what Eva has done this is absolutely disgusting. As if Rebekah is not an 1000 year old monster either but even if she wasn't she is possessing another woman's body and the show is trying to justify this because conveniently Eva is evil? Same for Kaleb and Davina. Do these people have the slightest inkling of how aggressively offensive they are?
LMAO I am pretty sure that when witches give vampire aneurysms it is not meant for the actor to act as if they are chocking and more so so ridiculously as Hayley does. Bless her! PT is truly the gift that never stops giving LOL
"If she comes after Hope Rebekah or no Rebekah I will put her down for good" said the swamp Queen. Yay for gratitude. Nice to see that once an asshole always an asshole. At least that's a constant. And everyone is always yammering about that baby and I can't bring myself to care no matter how much I try.
LMAO So Freya kills Esther by turning her into a flock of birds? haha you know when you stop having any expectations from this show and view it for what it is (a trash parody) then weirdly enough it can become quite entertaining LOL
Actually if I am not mistaken the protection spell Sabine had used in TO against dying which could only be used once was something Bonnie also used in TVD in episode 2x18 when she faked her death when she fought Klaus in Alaric's body. They hadn't gone in great detail about it back then but it was essentially the same.
Oh you’re getting towards the end of season 2, just brace yourself because it really kind of gains terrible momentum leading up to the finale. And yeah, the wedding episode was a mess and you’re completely right, they have not moved the situation ahead at all, they’re actually really great at doing something and then immediately negating it afterwards. I actually forgot about the Esther flock of birds thing though and that was hysterical, I remember asking myself WTF was supposed to have just happened because I don’t know what exploding into a flock of birds is supposed to signify. 
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golddaggers · 7 years
My Queen
Reader x Klaus Mikaelson
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Imagine: You went to Camille’s birthday party, where you had a lovely night, but, on the way back to your house, a bad guy gets to you. Lucky for you, you have an Original to your hero.
Word Count: 3K 
The night in New Orleans was pretty darn cold when you left your building to walk towards the Rousseau's in order to celebrate Camille's birthday. She had invited you a week ago and said it would be only a small gathering of friends, which was why you agreed on going. Otherwise, since you hated the idea of huge parties (they were incredibly loud and filled with inconvenient people), it was very likely you would blow this thing off.
A shudder invaded your body and you tried warm yourself by rubbing your hands on the gift you were carrying. It was just a couple of psychology books, nothing special, but the kind your friend would appreciate it. Matter fact, the blonde was so sweet that she would not mind it if you swung by empty handed.
One particular circumstance bothered you, though. Cami became friends, a while ago, with a very... Different man. Klaus Mikaelson, the guy's name, was new in town when he met her. Yet, she soon was converted to his favourite obsession. The man followed her to work and home, completely taking out her privacy. It was an abusive, sick thing. So, one day, the words just slipped, asking why O'Connell would not get a restraining order or so, forbidding him to keep harassing her. The woman softly smiled, padding on your back, and said it was complicated, nearly useless, to do that.
And, for short period of time, you got yourself wondering why would Camille say something like that. However, considering no one eased your doubt, you decided it was time you did your own research, so that you would discover what was his secret, why no one seemed to have the strength to fight him off. It was when Klaus noticed you, a witty tiny human who had the guts to look upon his past. Of course he would develop interest on you. It was so clear now... The man was keen to people who challenged him, who intrigued him, which was exactly what you offered.
Unfortunately, his crush on you was not what concerned you. Oh, no. That was the least of your problems... What really troubled you was your own feelings. Because, ever since he started to fancy you, Klaus Mikaelson had been a true gentleman. Sending lovely gifts alongside breath taking letters, also, any time the man approached you, your heart started to race on your chest. Your cheeks turned red and, heck, you started to stutter. It was ridiculous.
A stupid tune began to play, announcing a call. You swiftly snatched the phone out of your back pocket, answering it right away.
"Hello?" You said, glancing over the pub that was only a few inches far from where you stood.
"Are you running late?" A tender voice asked, gently.
"Oh, hi, Cami. No. Actually, I'm just outside the Rousseau's."
"Ah, then I guess this was one hell of unnecessary call."
"There's no problem." You giggled, happily. "Uh, I should hang up. I'm coming in."
Her voice ceased and you watched yourself pondering before getting inside. What if he was in there? Standing with his cocky smirk and a glass of whiskey in one hand? Or what if today was the day? The day when you would let it all go and just accept the love Klaus said he had for you? So many unresolved issues haunting your mind... You felt like you were about burst.
It was no time to be a coward, though, so you swallowed your fear and took another step towards the place.
"Hey!" The blonde cheered, seeing you standing by the door. "Come on in. Everyone is waiting!"
Camille dragged you to the bar, where a bunch of her friends were. So far, Davina was the only one you recognised. She waved at you and a hint of smile curved her lips. The brown haired girl was such a nice kid, despite all the pain and loss she had to face. You admired her for that.
Your attention was soon stolen by the awesome bartenders who were fixing up cool drinks. Two seconds after that, Cami babbled an excuse and went to back to stock your gift among the others she had received, leaving you all alone.
"May I keep you company?" A deep voice whispered, making you jitter. "It's sad to see a beautiful lady like yourself so alone at a party."
A loud sigh escaped through you lips, which made you roll your eyes and quickly began to chew your lower lip, wondering how could someone be so unfairly intoxicating. Eventually, after a good long breath, you forced the words out, replying the man standing beside you.
"Do I have a choice?" It was an ironic remark, yet, with you being human and everything, sarcasm was your only defence. "Because I have the feeling you won't leave me alone even if I say no to your proposal."
"So young and so bitter!" He muttered, grinning afterwards. "But I guess you're right, love."
"I know I am." You quickly stated, leaving him behind and making your way towards the bar, truthfully considering the thought of drinking a tequila shot. "So, if you’re going to be my date, tell me something… What happened to you?”
"What do you mean?" Klaus answered, furrowing his eyebrows, clearly confused by your sudden question.
"I mean, you're clearly have trust issues! Otherwise you would not attempt to kill me just for trying to figure out some stuff about why people feared you so much."
"Shit, Y/N, you always make the complicated questions! I’m not in the mood to answer that, so just let it go, OK?”
"Fine. But I have the feeling you will tell me anyway."
"Don't be so confident."
You shrugged, swallowing all the alcohol you had on your glass and repeating the process at least twice. With you a little more loose, it was easier to grasp his wrist and drag him to the dance floor. Now, a romantic ballad was playing, if you knew right, it was “Give me Love” by Ed Sheeran, and you glued your body against his, swinging softly to the song. His hands sneaked to your waist and you laid your head against his chest. Yeah, today was definitely the day. And, worse of all, you were enjoying it.
"It's so early!" Cami stated grasping your arm and making you look at her. "You should stay a little bit longer, so we can talk."
"I would, if I didn't have to work tomorrow." You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. "Also, it's near midnight, I'll be lucky if I find a cab."
Both of you stood in an awkward silence for awhile, just staring at each other. Camille had an inquisitive glance and you pictured yourself laughing out loud, for you knew the reason she was acting like that was probably related to the fact you spend the whole evening with Klaus, his hands holding you two close together whilst he tried to seduce you by quoting famous poems. Of course, sometimes he would let a minor information about himself slip, making the night, indeed, surprising. 
"OK, no more."
"Excuse me?"
"What is going on between you and Klaus? Because, if my memory is still working well, you hate him!"
"There is nothing going on." As your voice came out higher than usual, you started to get fidgety, clearly nervous. "And I don't hate him. I just didn't think it was healthy for someone to be a complete stalker."
"Come on!" She crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow, not believing a word you had just said. "Be honest with me."
"I am being honest!"
"So you spent my whole birthday dancing with him for nothing? I just can't believe that."
"I won't insist." The woman stated, pursing her lips. "But I'll be here when you're ready to admit."
"Admit what, exactly?"
"Well, if you really want me to say it..." You stared at her with narrowed eyes. "You like him. Like, a lot!"
The denying answer was stuck on your throat, for you could bring yourself to say it was not true. Actually, anything remotely related to that Mikaelson was foggy and made a complete chaos out of your mind. Now you could confidently say it: he was a lethal weapon against your sanity.
"I'm so not prepared for this."
"It's not like you have to rush yourself, Y/N. Go home, drink tea and forget I ever said something on the subject. But do some serious thinking over what you have going on inside here." Cami muttered, pointing the tip of her index finger to your heart. "Also, be cautious."
"I needed that." Your voice came out as mere whisper, not wanting to spoil the moment. “Thank you.”
The blonde pulled you into a hug, lightly stroking your hair in an attempt to keep you calm, because she understood how much it could hurt, falling for the bad guy. Sometimes you felt so lost... Like something was lacking or had been lost. It was messed up.
Eventually, Cami stopped and lifted your chin, meeting your eyesight with hers. It seemed like she was about to cry. 
"Are you okay?" 
"I'm perfectly fine." Her voice came out strangled. "Now beat it. Oh, and do as I said."
"If it wasn't your birthday..." 
"You wouldn't do anything, wuss." 
A rude reply burst out of your lips as you left through the front door, still able to hear a faint "I love you too" emitted by the blonde woman. Yet, your incredibly good mood was instantaneously crushed when you saw the dark clouds hovering the city and that there was no cab at sight. Fuck! Those things combined meant you would have to walk home and get there totally wet because of the rain. 
A loud thunder roared in the skies, confirming your theory, but nothing could be done except hope that in the way you would find a ride. 
"I'm so damn lucky!" You mumbled, closing your coat so it would ease the awful cold sensation.
After a fair share of minutes walking, a disturbing loud sound made you suddenly stop. It was like someone was scraping a car with a key, plainly terrifying, and when you realised the noise was getting closer, your body froze down. 
That was it, you thought, quivering in fear, I'm going to be brutally murdered by a psychopath in a trashy street. What a way to be killed off. 
Your thoughts started to get confused as a man became visible, under a mild light. He was tall, paleish and astonishingly beautiful, although a maniac smile distorted his face's traits, turning it to something creepy. 
"Hello, little pup." The brown haired guy, who, now seeing closely, looked like he was in mid-twenties, said. "What are you doing here, all alone?"
"Uh... I'm... Argh!" 
"Are you scared of me?" Now his breath was fanning your face, while his intense green eyes stared at you. "Oh, well... You're not wrong to be scared. I am a bad guy."
"W-What are you going to do to me?" You stuttered, barely able to make up the words. 
"Oh, dear Y/N... I have been eager for this moment ever since I first saw you, close to a fountain. Wearing a short dress, a shy smile on your face..." His answer made you shudder. "So beautiful!"
The soft voice did not match with the violence he used when he tore your leather jacket and shirt underneath off. At least, that action served as trigger for you to react, letting a loud squeal slip. Still, it was not exactly ideal, since no one was near to hear your call for help.
Swiftly, the psychopath met your frightened eyesight with his, examining the fear expressions parked on your face. Soon after, his lips curved in a proud smirk, he dragged you to a dark alley, finishing his job and taking the last piece of clothing covering your body. 
The temperature was probably below fifty degrees, meaning it could not be healthy for a human to be bare naked outside its home. 
You chocked on your breathing as he started to touch you, invading your privacy and disrespecting your honour. But again, you had no strength to push him off. it was a dreadful experience, one you rather not have.
"Please... Please!" You pleaded, desperate, grasping his hands and stopping him, momentously. "Don't do this to me."
"Oh darling..." Your lips were numb when he touched them, glancing with desire at you. "It won't hurt." 
It was a lie, though, because the pain was freaking gruesome... Every muscle in your form complained, begged for it all to end. However, you were feeling hopeless. No one would come to rescue you. 
Another scream escaped, sounding like a cat being thrown in boiling water. Yet, it was a huge mistake, for he got angry and hit you hard, knocking you down on the cold street.
"Shut up, kitten. We don’t want people to hear it, do we?"
"I've tried to convince you to let me go." It was merely a whisper that came out through your lips. "To spare your life."
"Uh, a confident human." He giggled. "Tell me, what are you going to do? I am a vampire!"
"Oh, shucks." Slowly, you regained your courage, wiping the blood dripping on the corner of your mouth. "Let me ask you something."
"Ask away, pup."
"Do you happen to know Klaus Mikaelson, the most ruthless vampire in history?"
"Why are you talking about him? In reality, how do you even know about him?"
"Well... He kinda likes me."
“Excuse me?” His eyebrow twitched. “You mean you’re Klaus’ girl?”
“Not exactly.” Klaus himself hummed, appearing from behind him. “She is more like my queen.”
A surprised gasp escaped at the abrupt sight of the Mikaelson and also because he stuck his fist inside your attacker’s chest. It was way too overwhelming for you to swallow it all at once.
“Now, love, what do you want me do with him?”
“Ripping his heart off would be just nice.” You retorted, hugging your legs and watching the anger within the blond’s eyes. “But do it slowly, he deserves to pay for what he did to me.”
Taking a solid deep breath, you screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to testify what was coming next, but still listening as the guy supplicated for his life. You wondered how many women had been in your shoes and which ones managed to get out alive from his grip. No, he did not deserve mercy.
Klaus dropped his corpse on the freezing ground and knelt, quickly cleaning the tears that insisted to keep falling down your face.
“I am sorry, my love. I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“Don’t do that, okay? You’re not the one to blame.”
“No. It’s on me. I trusted that you would stick with Cami and...”
Not thinking straight, you pressed urgently your lips against his plump pink ones, shutting him up. How could that man ever think he was guilty? He was your hero and nothing less, that is why you felt so safe and warm inside his arms.
“Y/N, you’re… Well, without clothes and kissing me… Not exactly convenient for my sanity. And I don’t want to put you through any more traumatic experiences.”
“Aw, don’t spoil the moment, alright?” You pouted and he laughed, helping you to stood up.  
“Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“Thank you.” It was a gentle whisper. “For saving me.”
“No, don’t thank me for that. I’m just glad this is all over and you’re safe.”
Klaus exhaled, shaking his head in denial, and lifted you bridal style, taking you to his car, which was not far from where you were, despite that, with his vampire speed, it did not take long to get there. He carefully placed you inside and started to drive towards your house. No one dared to break the silence and, honestly, you could not care less about that, for his presence alone was enough to keep you satisfied.
“Y/N” The blond called, catching your attention. 
“I want you to move to my place.”
“I beg your pardon?” You frowned, not believing he had actually said that. “No.”
‘You’re not safe in here. And I can’t afford to lose you.”
“That’s not how life works, Klaus. And I’m not ready yet. I-I’m still struggling to understand my feelings, for God’s sake!”
He punched the steering wheel, obviously annoyed by your negative response.
“OK, listen to me.”
“I am, love, and I don’t agree with you. I can’t put your life in risk.”
“Shut up.” You sighed, tired. “First, I need great night of sleep and second, I need to think this through. I don’t want to imagine any of us getting hurt.“
“You don’t how much it hurts not knowing if you’re safe or not.” Klaus retorted, a sadness hint on his eyes. “I just want to protect you.”
“That’s why I wouldn’t mind if you stayed at my place for a couple of nights. Just, you know, to help me feel safe again. Right now, you’re the only who can.”
“Oh, love...”
His hand find its way to your cheek and you simply closed your eyes, enjoying the tender caress. You could easily see that Klaus Mikaelson was just a boy who needed to be loved and taken care of. Nothing else. That was also why the man was so scared to open up and let someone in. He was afraid to lose the mere sight of affection he got.
A couple of minutes later, you two left Klaus’ car, going straight to your home. Doing so, you thought how you truly wanted to give him that: all the love and fondness you had inside. It would not be much of sacrifice, as you could perceive now. Of course it wouldn’t.
Damn it, you had fallen for the monster.
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