cherrysnax · 11 months
actually one last thing. when I was like 16-20 I thought I was soooo cool for being able to draw faces without guidelines and it’s like. Bud. Buddy. Broski. the characters eyes are so far apart you couldn’t even tell they’re on the same face
#makes since I love code lyoko as a kid and the proportions on that show were wild#but they were pretty much consistent because the artists knew the fundamentals#they were able to have short hands because they did the work#im admittedly a lazy artist mostly because of my chronic fatigue#so shorthand’s r very important to me especially when it comes to comics n deadlines#however. one big thing abt me n my art that’s glaringly bad is#that until like last year I didn’t understand shapes and forms#I still have trouble drawing boxes#you can’t do shorthand’s that mostly require fudging with shapes and form#if u can’t do that 😭#at least for me#everyones art style has an end goal#I wanna draw comic/cartoony art with relatively realistic proportions#all of my main inspo actually comes from animated adaptions of comics#static shock btas jlu etc spiderverse does it the best but I can’t get Bruce timms style outta mine#also naruto. naruto was such a big influence for me#code lyoko for better or worse#x-men evolution probably has one of the biggest besides spiderverse#Fuck that one YouTuber kiwibyrd? I tried so hard to copy their style as a kid it never took#but now after doing fundamentals#my artstyle can kinda resemble theirs when they were the age I was when I started watching them#that was a hard sentence. my fault 😭#hell even Steven universe for its use of shapes and shit inspires mine#idk what I’m rambling abt now#but yeah so many different influences. all of these come from ppl studying and understanding fundamentals in someway#when I was younger my main fear of fundies was because I thought I was gonna lose my style. styles change#styles change. draw the fucking turnaround and consistency gets easier on god 😭
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kiwi · 1 year
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streaming some busts rn come hanggg
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trustypaladin · 1 month
I feel like you should know that your art has singlehandedly inspired me to take up digital art again, do you have any tips for starting out?
Omg thank you so much, that is really wholesome and I am glad to hear I was able to inspire someone! The number one tip I have and it is a very predictable one but IT IS PRATICE! There is no running away from practice! Just keep drawing and YOU WILL SEE AN IMPROVEMENT! However, the way I learned to draw was by looking up a bunch of artists I like online and discovering videos and resources! So I will share here a list of cool and fun youtube channels that helped me over the years and still do to this day! Some of these channels have tutorials, art talk, speedpaints... So hopefully you will find something useful here! ^^ Here's a list: Kienan Lafferty: https://www.youtube.com/@KienanLafferty/videos Sinix Design: https://www.youtube.com/@sinixdesign/videos Marc Brunet: https://www.youtube.com/@YTartschool/videos Atey Ghailan: https://www.youtube.com/@ateyghailan9353/videos Ahmed Aldoori: https://www.youtube.com/@AhmedAldoori/videos Proko: https://www.youtube.com/@ProkoTV/videos Sam Does Arts: https://www.youtube.com/@samdoesarts/videos Kiwi Byrd: https://www.youtube.com/@KiwiByrd/videos ABD Illustrates: https://www.youtube.com/@ABDIllustrates/videos Jenna Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/@JennaDrawing/videos Bluebiscuits: https://www.youtube.com/@bluebiscuits/videos Kaycem: https://www.youtube.com/@KaycemCrew/videos
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Entrapta Speedpaint by @kiwibyrd
There's a full playlist of Kiwi's SPOP Speedpaints
and you can also find Kiwi on Twitter here
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fantrollology · 10 months
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some comms i got from @kiwibyrd during their flash lineart sale !!! TY again <3 they look so good
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tarantula-teeth · 4 months
January Receiptify
I was tagged by @dear-massacre 💖💖
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Kind of embarrassing but also fun! Definitely a sneak peek into my psyche!
Low pressure tags @95post @cw0ffeefandomaddict @unabasheddeerking @teenwerewoofs @kiwibyrd and my bug friend @tarantula-hawk-wasp
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marbleboa · 11 months
is there an artist that inspired the way you draw faces? they're lovely
Thank you so much! :] In terms of formative artists for me the first that come to mind are @/toastyglow and @/kiwibyrd for sure. I discovered the former around middle school and they provided some great examples for drawing expressions and adding realism to features that were dearly needed at the tailend of my anime phase. Kiwibyrd I found through speedpaints around the same time, they provided some awesome inspo for character stylization and also helped me establish an initial painting style!
Obvs quite a bit of time has passed since then, but the inspiration I took from them definitely served as a foundation for my growth there.
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pipcore · 2 years
How'd you get into drawing? Also, in what ways did you practice in order to get so good at it?
ive always kinda drawn? like ever since i could remember ive always loved art esp as my mother and older sibling were talented it just kinda .. happened lol !! i grew up drawing in my notebooks and on printer paper of like dork diaries fanart and mine and my siblings gem girl ocs (we came up with steven universe first js ..) and monster high ocs (I will draw them one day..)
i got more "into" it when i was around 11 bc thats when i got into anime and i used to watch mark crilley art tutorials on youtube :") i then moved onto dragoart if that website is even still up ?? by going on it after school in the library and just using their like stolen anime art tutorials to draw art that looked like the nightcore anime girls lol
getting into digital art when I was 12 and just watching so many undertale speedpaints like my favs at the time were walkingmelonsaaa (i think their user has changed) and kiwibyrd and just using their videos as inspiration on how to paint digitally super helped (2015 undyne was my first ever digital drawing ^_^)
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what really improved my art substantially though was genuinely getting into homestuck like my art has improved so so much like if you scroll down to my 2020 pre-march art my art is so different and having that fixation on media and constantly drawing and being interested and enjoying it really helped me improve
in a more real sense though I did life drawing last year and drawing from real life and anatomy irl really helped when it comes to drawing proportions right and just using references really super helps
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exanimateisacomic · 1 year
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Got my guy Levi Morris drawn by the talented and cool @kiwibyrd @kiwi
Got to tune into a Twitch stream and see this boy get drawn before my eyes!
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voidrots · 1 year
3, 6, 11, and 24 for the artist ask meme!
3: least favorite things to draw?
ough.. i have a love hate relationship w how i draw hair… also backgrounds and objects in general 8/
6: which artists inspire you right now? 
MY FWIENDS <3333 @ all my artist friends…. bangers one right after the OTHER with u guys…… top tier SHIT!!!!! <3 some other ppl i admire include officialspec, gorefemmeart, kiwibyrd, 6u934t3r666, dead-obsith, fantroll, all fantastique artists on here 👌
11: favorite comment you’ve ever received on your work? 
listen i am a guy who can’t remember shit for fuck so i don’t have a Top Favourite but a nice one i recently recall is roe sayin that the way i draw characters makes them feel like they’re in 3d space? n that was really cool i think :] that’s one of the goals! make em feel real yk…
24: how do you deal with artblock?
uhhh good quastion. either i doodle aimlessly til it fucks off or i give myself a break n go do something else LMAO
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kiwi · 1 year
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i have a sad announcement.... i am closing regular commissions for the foreseeable future u_u
BUT you can still catch my artwork in flash sales like THIS ONE
for $70 you can get a portrait like these AND you can watch them drawn live tomorrow (friday june 9) at twitch.tv/kiwibyrd at about 1 pm EST
just email me at [email protected]!
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defiance-of-endless · 2 years
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A little doodle of @kiwibyrd 's Ophelia
I love this vampire girl, she's like a moonbeam shining in the darkness of a dusty crypt💜🦇
If anyone wants this picture in better quality - just tell me, and I will try my best to fix it^^
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othermouthstotell · 4 years
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I had the opportunity to commission some headshots from the fantastic @kiwi and look who turned up: Everett “I hurt girls’ feelings” Sloan & Fay “Stop telling me what to do” Crocker!
Please watch The Vast of Night and come talk to me about these cuties. My sister is tired of hearing about it.
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notstephanders · 4 years
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3D model of Kiwi bird’s art, Danika 
I just saw it and taught it would be a nice challenge tomake a 3D model out of it 
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tarantula-teeth · 30 days
Five Fandoms and Five Ships
Tagged by @dear-massacre 🖤
1. Teen Titans - Beast Boy/ Raven in retrospect, this ship was really foundational in my fandom experience. being a prickly goth teenager, i always wanted someone to see the love i had to offer. Love annoying funny guy/angry guy
2. Teen Wolf - Stiles/Peter my sister asked me why i ship this so hard and i took some time to puzzle over it. i think the idea that someone loves you BECAUSE of all of your shitty bad parts is deeply comforting to me. Steter to me is a celebration of earned trust, loyalty and unconditional love. If you can love me at my insane/possessed/mean/cold/worst, then you must really love me at my best.
3. Detroit: Become Human - Hank/Connor i wanna fuck them both so bad it makes me look stupid
4. It Chapter 2 - Eddie/Richie the idea of losing and then finding yourself again in the eyes of a childhood friend you experienced a horrible trauma with is deeply resonant with me. like at the end of the day, we are both 11 and i am holding your hand as tightly as i can. i will never really let go.
tagging @teenwerewoofs @lucky-bishop @kiwibyrd @sparklytimetraveler @unabasheddeerking @midmorning-bomb
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doodlemeimpressed · 5 years
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everyone gangsta til the @kiwi starts drawing shirtless crowley
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