itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
So Grem do you know how does one make a series on AO3? I'm thinking about moving one of my tumbler works there and I'd like to make it a series but no idea how to?
Help? Please 🥺🥺.
Your friend Kirstenvld.
It's super simple! You can make the series as you post the first fic on AO3, what you do is:
>Post (right next to your icon/username)
>New Work
This takes you to the post new work screen, which has a lot of stuff to fill out to post your work/first chapter of your work. Scroll down to
>This Work Is Part Of A Series
Click the box. It will give you a drop down where you can choose a series if you already have one, or type in the name of a new series. For the first work you will type in the name you want your series to have, and for every other work you just click the dropdown and choose the series you already created.
Fill out the rest of the page with the tags, rating, language, text, etc, and then hit either "preview" or "post work." Preview lets you see what it will look like on the website, which I use mostly for checking that my italics haven't gone weird. From Preview you can also check that the series has been made, it will be a link in the summary box.
If you have already posted the fic, you can still add it to a series! Instead of going to Post>New Work, you would go to the left sidebar and click "Works" and scroll down to whatever fic you're adding. then click on "edit work". From there you again scroll down to "This work is part of a series" and click the box and fill out the series. Then you hit "Post Work" to save the change!
Once the series exists, it will show in your sidebar under "Series." From there you can go to that series, and you have the option to "Edit Series" which lets you give the series a summary and I believe you can also put the fics in a different order from that screen.
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
How would you do a dystopian historical soulmate AU?
If you’re poc and queer most points in history is a dystopia /j
Oh boy now that’s a fun challenge. First of, since you didn’t give a ship or fandom, I’m just gonna go with Star Wars since that’s the first fandom on your blog :D
Okay, I’m a huge fan of dystopias and alternate histories. Then we’re going to need a point in history so how about the 17th/18th century and the Golden age of piracy?
And, finally, soulmates, so hm how about some platonic disaster lineage?
Let’s pull it together, the premise is this:
Not everyone in the world has a soulmate, platonic, romantic - doesn’t matter - and those that do are destined to live or die at their side. Some odd hundred years ago, the heirs to opposing European nations ended up as soulmates, resulting in a conflict that, eventually, threw the whole continent into war that left it burned and bleeding. Soulmates, as a result, are now deeply scorned on the continent, resulting in children discovered with inked names on their bodies to be abandoned or killed. It’s hard to make a living when people refuse to hire one part of a soulmate bond, and thus many resort to crime. Either on land or, as you will, on the high seas.
America, which got it’s independence early with Europe a mess, has taken in many such refugees, though many are not too keen on soulmates either. Anakin grows up with his soulmarks hidden beneath his clothes, his mother never quite speaking of what might have happened to his father. Sailors, by value of their profession being a dangerous one, are not as picky about whether the writing on your arms might be a tattoo or a mark and thus he decides to work aborad a ship. It feels like freedom, and leaves his mother with one less mouth to feed.
Ahsoka is a stowaway on said ship he is hired on, probably also trying to get away to safer harbors. This is not a good time to be black and even less so with a soulmark.
Things get dangerous when, after a few days, she is discovered, a mark carrying Anakin’s name exposed and, were they not attacked by pirates right in the middle of it, surely they’d have been sunken to the bottom of the sea.
Obi-Wan is not so much pirate as that he values independence and has been raised on ships, long since safe harbors for people with marks and wants to be free and protect people. A raid on a ship sailing to the Caribbean delivers him two soulmates he’s honestly never quite expected to meet.
So, how’s that for dystopian historical soulmates?
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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kirstenvldfan21 · 2 years
Enchanted kyber
a continuation from my magical girls Star Wars AU. https://kirstenvldfan21.tumblr.com/post/679718568701640704/magical-girls-in-star-wars You can find it here
Anakin couldn't breathe. He couldn't BREATHE! Why couldn't he breathe? And I can barely remember walking out of the opera and away from Chancellor Palpatine. All he could hear was what Palpatine had said. He didn't remember how he'd gotten back to the temple or that he told Master Windu and the other council members.
only that they had told him to wait for them here. It didn't matter. he was in no shape to fight. he knew it.
And Palpatine was a sith lord. the sith lord! He'd used and lied to him. He'd never felt like this. it was awful.
He looked out over Coruscant and he hurt. He didn't know what to do. He wanted help. He wished he could do something, anything to make the pain stop.
He wished that the war had never started, wished He could undo all the pain of the past three years because all of it was a lie. He wished that he'd never have met Palpatine, or the Jedi, hell he wished he'd never become a Jedi. (subconsciously he didn't mean any of it)
Anakin started and turned back around into the council chamber and looks down to see a small, tooka like, white and pink, creature. It had white floppy strips coming from its ears that ended in little rings. Its tail looked soft and fluffy. It made Anakin feel safe It made the noise in his head stop and Anakin wondered... if the force had sent him help.
The tooka looked at him with a small smile and Anakin went over to it. At this point, Anakin had thrown all caution to the wind "What are you?"
"I am Kyubey, and I am here because you have called out to me."
"I called out to you? How did I-" Anakin stopped talking and looked up towards the doors of the council chambers, as the sounds of little feet ran into the room.
"Master Skywalker the clones are attacking the temple!"
"There are too many of them for the other masters to take on!"
"What do we do?"
Anakin felt his face drain of color. The clones were, the clones were attacking the temple??! Why? What had caused this? how- the chips, in their heads, oh force Fives. Why hadn't he listened?!
"Master Skywalker?"
He looked up at their little faces, and he took a deep breath. "Head down towards the lift, quickly. I will have R2 take you out through one of the droid tunnels to a Senator friend of mine and Master Kenobi's. R2 call 3-PO, tell him it's an emergency, and have Senator Amidala get the initiates out of Coruscant as fast as she can." He turned back to the children and quickly guided them out of the room to the closest droid hallway. He had to get the children out.
If he failed at saving the galaxy he could at least-
"Anakin! You forget I can grant you a wish that will give you the power to help everyone."
"Make a wish, and except the powers that come with it. And you'll be able to keep everyone safe."
The force was in turmoil and nothing made sense anymore if this was the only way to save his family then so be it.
"Kyubey, I-"
come back and find out more later.
If you would like to join my tag list! Let me know! :)
@yatsukisakura @itstimeforstarwars @where-fantasy-meets-reality
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
With all the new information from the Obi wan Kenobi show, have any of your head cannons changed?
Not yet, but I'm not caught up on Kenobi. Most of what I've seen in the first two episodes either confirms headcanons I already had (Obi-Wan would have spoiled Anakin's kids rotten) or will be ignored completely in anything Imperial-era I do (like the grand Inquisitor's entire thing).
I do love that Inquisitor Sister tho, whose name escapes me atm. Aside from the parkour, her use of the Force combined with her absolute drive for power makes her a wonderfully terrifying opponent and that's really been missing from a lot of recent star wars media.
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itstimeforstarwars · 10 months
Wip Tag Game
Tagged by @phoenixyfriend.
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
From the Galidraan AU:
“Well, shoot him again, maybe he’ll stop,” Anakin said.
No pressure tags: @thefoundationproject, @ranger-jedi-knight, @wanderingjedihistorian, @lbibliophile-sw, @kirstenvldfan21, @petrichorandarson, @kckenobi, @chaos-is-my-lifeblood, @thenegoteator
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
What is your schedule for posting your fics?
Currently it’s PAW every other Friday and oneshots/lightsaber love story whenever they get finished. Once I’ve got enough chapters of either galidraan or prior experience, I’ll be posting PAW one Friday and then whatever other fic the next. Long Fics will always be posted on Fridays unless there is a bonus chapter or a weird circumstance.
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
Where can I find your galidraan au? I went scrolling through your blog and your Ao3 account and I couldn't find where it was?
It's not posted yet! All of the wips and notes I have for it are tagged #galidraan au, but it's going to be just as long as Padawan at War, and I haven't gotten enough of the first fic written yet to start posting them on alternating Fridays.
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